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万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
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本文翻译自Jeff Morrow发表在2016年薪传赛制的千叶GP论坛

1. AP casts Ponder, but when it resolves, he draws 3 cards. NAP calls for a judge. AP explains that he made a mistake and thought he was resolving Brainstorm. You believe that it was an accident. What do you do?
1. AP施放沉思,但当其结算时,他抓了3张牌。NAP叫了裁判。AP解释他把沉思错当做脑力激荡结算了。你相信他只是无意弄错了,如何修正?

A: This is a Hidden Card Error. AP receives a Warning and reveals his hand. NAP chooses 3 cards from it, then AP correctly resolves Ponder using those 3 cards.
答: 这是非公开牌张失误。AP吃到一个警告,展示其手牌,NAP选择其中的3张牌,然后AP使用这三张牌正确结算沉思。

2. AP casts Ponder. When it resolves, he looks at the top 3 cards of his library, puts them back, shuffles his library, then draws 3 cards. NAP calls for a judge.
2. AP施放沉思。当其结算时,他检视了牌库顶3张牌,将其放回,洗了牌库,然后抓了3张牌。NAP叫了裁判。

A: In this case, AP was instructed to draw 1 card, but drew 3. This is also a Hidden Card Error. AP receives a Warning and reveals his hand. NAP chooses 2 cards from it. Those cards are shuffled back into the random portion of the library. (Note that this situation is much less likely to happen than the previous one. I included it here to show the difference between the two situations. In the first one, the player put the “Ponder set” into their hand while resolving Ponder, so we restore that set and let the player continue with Ponder. In the second case, they are simply drawing too many cards.)

3. AP controls a Chalice of the Void set to 2. He casts Umezawa’s Jitte, then equips it to a creature and attacks. NAP then notices the error and calls for a judge.
3. AP操控虚空圣杯,上面有2个指示物。他施放了梅泽的十手,然后将其佩带到生物上攻击。NAP发现了错误然后叫了裁判。

A: First, please investigate! For example, is gaining life from the Jitte the only way AP can survive? If so, you should be suspicious. Maybe AP knew about the Chalice but was hoping that NAP wouldn’t notice. If you believe that the error was accidental, then the infraction is Missed Trigger. Since this is a detrimental trigger, AP will receive a warning. Technically, NAP can choose whether to put the trigger on the stack, but even if he does, the trigger will do nothing, since the Jitte has already resolved. The IPG does not allow for a backup when the infraction is Missed Trigger.

4. AP controls a Thought-Knot Seer that dies in combat. Both players forget about the leaves-the-battlefield trigger. AP plays a land, casts another creature, then passes the turn. NAP then notices the error.
4. AP操控结念预知体,且它在战斗中死去。两位牌手都忘了它的离场触发异能。AP下了一个地,施放了另一个生物,然后让过回合。NAP随后发现了失误。

A: This is another example of a detrimental Missed Trigger. Please ask a question or two to help you decide whether the player missed his own trigger on purpose. If you believe that it was an accident, then AP gets a Warning. NAP chooses whether to put the trigger on the stack.

5. AP controls a Thought-Knot Seer that dies in combat. Both players forget about the leaves-the-battlefield trigger. Two turns later, they realize the error.
5. AP操控结念预知体,且它在战斗中死去。两位牌手都忘了它的离场触发异能。两回合之后,他们才发现错误。

A: AP gets a Warning for a detrimental Missed Trigger, but since it has been more than a turn, NAP does not get the option of putting the trigger on the stack.

6. NAP controls Thalia, Guardian of Thraben. AP plays Shardless Agent and Cascades into Abrupt Decay. He casts Abrupt Decay, targeting Thalia, without paying any additional mana. Thalia is destroyed, then AP attacks, plays a land, then passes the turn. At this point, NAP notices the error. You investigate and decide that the error was accidental.
6. NAP操控瑟班守护者莎利雅。AP施放无断片密探,倾曳出了突发衰败。AP施放了突发衰败,目标指定莎利雅,但并未支付任何额外法术力。莎利雅被消灭,然后AP攻击,下了一个地,然后让过回合。此时NAP发现了失误。你调查以后认为失误是无意的。

A: This is a Game Rule Violation, so AP will get a Warning. The error was not caught immediately, so NAP will get a Warning for Failure to Maintain Game State. You may consult with an L3 judge if you believe that a backup is appropriate. (Examples: if AP attacked into NAP’s empty board and no other spells were played, I would definitely back up to the point of the error. If, on the other hand, combat involved lots of creatures and some tricks, I would probably not back up.)
A: 这是一个违反游戏规则,AP会吃到一个警告。错误没有当场被发现,因此NAP也会因为未维护游戏状态吃到一个警告。如果你认为倒回更为适合,你可以咨询一位3级裁判(译注:因为这是为GP写的文章,所以是咨询3级裁判。在其他赛事你应该向当场比赛的主审咨询。)。例如:如果AP攻击时NAP场上并无生物,也没有其他咒语施放,我当然会倒回到错误发生的时点。但如果这次战斗涉及了多个生物,甚至还有一些战斗诡计,那我可能不会倒回。

7. AP resolves Show and Tell and chooses his Containment Priest. NAP chooses Thought-Knot Seer. Does TKS enter the battlefield?
7. AP结算了谆谆教诲,然后选择了他的围护僧侣,NAP选择了结念预知体。结念预知体能进入战场吗?

A: Yes. Players choose cards for Show and Tell, then those cards enter the battlefield at the same time. Containment Priest does not see the game event of TKS entering the battlefield. It just sees a TKS that is already on the battlefield.

8. AP resolves Show and Tell and chooses Oblivion Ring. NAP chooses a creature. Can AP exile NAP’s new creature with Oblivion Ring?
8. AP结算了谆谆教诲,然后选择了遗忘轮。NAP选择了一个生物。AP能用遗忘轮放逐NAP新放进来的生物吗?

A: Yes. Oblivion Ring’s effect is a triggered ability that goes onto the stack after O-Ring and NAP’s creature are on the battlefield.

9. At the end of his opponent’s turn, a player taps his Sensei’s Divining Top to use its second ability. The player draws a card, but forgets to put the Top back on top of his library. He then untaps, draws for his turn, then realizes his mistake, because he should have drawn the Top. He calls for a judge.
9. 在对手的回合结束时,牌手横置了他的师范占卜陀螺,使用它的第二个异能。该牌手抓了一张牌,但忘记了将陀螺放回牌库顶。然后他重置,抓了本回合的牌,才发现他的失误,因为他本应抓到的是陀螺。他叫了裁判。(译注:师范占卜陀螺已经在2017年在薪传赛制被禁用。。。)

A: The Top player gets a Warning for a Game Rule Violation and the opponent gets a Warning for Failure to Maintain Game State. Since a required zone change was missed, the identity of the Top is known to all players, and it can be moved with only minor disruption to the game state, we put the Top back on top of the library. We do not back up in this case, because one of the partial fixes listed in the IPG clearly applies. (And, of course, be sure to investigate to make sure that you believe that the mistake was an accident!)

10. A player previously controlled Sensei’s Divining Top, but it was destroyed last turn. That player taps a land and quickly looks at the top 3 cards of his library. His opponent says “wait, you don’t have a Top anymore!” They call for a judge.
10. 牌手曾经操控师范占卜陀螺,但上回合它被消灭了。该牌手横置了一个地,然后快速地看了牌库顶的3张牌。对手说:”等一下,你已经不操控陀螺了!“然后两人叫了裁判。

A: The Top player gets a Warning for Looking at Extra Cards. Shuffle any previously unknown cards back into the random portion of the library, then put the known cards back in their correct locations.

Finally, you will probably see some decks with Sylvan Library. Please remember that it is always a player’s own responsibility to keep track of which cards he or she drew this turn. This article will help you make correct rulings in situations involving this card:



Omniscience and Trinisphere. Yes you still have to pay 3 even if you use Omniscience to cast the spell. 全知全能和三定法球的互动:即使你使用全知全能施放咒语,你仍然需要支付3。

Oblivion Sower's ability will not trigger City of Traitors. 夺忆恶体的异能不会使叛徒之都/City of Traitors的异能触发。