
2023.12 更新
万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
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套牌检查表 更新至依夏兰迷窟



4.2. 举止违背运动道德~严重 | 返回IPG目录 | 4.4. 举止违背运动道德~贿赂与赌博

4.3 Improperly Determining a Winner 不当决定胜方

Penalty 处罚

Match Loss 一局负


A player uses or offers to use a method that is not part of the current game (including actions not legal in the current game) to determine the outcome of a game or match, or uses language designed to trick someone who may not know it’s against the rules to make such an offer.

If the player was aware that what they were doing was against the rules, the infraction is Unsporting Conduct — Cheating.


A. As time is called, two players about to draw roll a die to determine the winner.
A. 比赛时间结束时,本该平手的两位牌手以掷骰来决定胜负。
B. A player offers to flip a coin to determine the winner of a match.
B. 牌手提议以掷铜板来决定对局的胜方。
C. Two players arm wrestle to determine the winner of the match.
C. 两位牌手比腕力来决定对局的胜方。
D. Two players play rock-paper-scissors to decide if they should play the match or draw.
D. 两位牌手猜拳决定是否要进行对局或者约和。
E. Two players compare the converted mana costs of the top cards of their libraries to determine the winner of a game at the end of extra turns.
E. 在延长回合结束时,双方牌手比较各自牌库顶牌的总法术力费用来决定游戏的胜方。
F. Two players reveal cards from the top of their libraries to see “who would win” after extra turns.
F. 两位牌手展示各自牌库顶牌,决定延长回合之后“谁会赢”。
G. A player says “Oh no, we’re going to draw, that’s terrible for us. If only there were something we could do about it.”
G. 牌手说“平了大家都遭殃,要是咱们能用‘某种办法’来分出胜负就好了。”


Using an outside-the-game method to determine a winner compromises the integrity of the tournament.

Matches that result in a draw due to time are expected to be reported as such and are not excluded from this penalty if the players use an illegal method to determine the outcome.