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万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
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1.5. 牌叠 | 返回IPG目录 | 2.1. 游戏行动失误~遗漏触发

2.0 Game Play Errors 游戏行动失误

Game Play Errors are caused by incorrect or inaccurate play of the game such that it results in violations of the Magic Comprehensive Rules. Many offenses fit into this category and it would be impossible to list them all. The guide below is designed to give judges a framework for assessing how to handle a Game Play Error.
游戏行动失误是以不正确或是不精准的行动来进行游戏,而导致违反《万智牌完整规则》的结果。 许多违规都属于此类情况,但不可能全数详列。 以下的方针是设计给裁判参考的构架,用来决定如何处理游戏行动失误。

Most Game Play Error infractions are assumed to have been committed unintentionally. If the judge believes that the error was intentional, they should first consider whether an Unsporting Conduct — Cheating infraction has occurred.
大部分游戏行动失误的违规都假设该违规是无意间发生的。 假如裁判认为系蓄意造成该失误,则应该先考虑此违规是否属于“举止违背运动道德~作弊”。

With the exception of Failure to Maintain Game State, which is never upgraded, the third or subsequent Warning for a Game Play Error offense in the same category is upgraded to a Game Loss. For multi-day tournaments, the penalty count for these infractions resets between days.
除了始终不会升级的“未维护游戏状态”之外,第三次或更多次犯下同类型游戏行动失误而得到的警告,均应升级为一盘负。 对于历时多日的比赛而言,牌手当天的此类违规处罚累犯计数会在次日清零。