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万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
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2.3. 游戏行动失误~额外抓牌 | 返回IPG目录 | 2.5. 游戏行动失误~违反游戏规则

2.4 Game Play Error — Mulligan Procedure Error 再调度失误

Penalty 处罚

Warning 警告


A player makes an error as part of the mulligan process. This infraction does not apply to errors made once pre-game procedures are complete. “Scrying” for more than one card after taking a mulligan is treated as a Hidden Card Error.
牌手再调度流程的部分出现失误。游戏前程序已完成后再发生的失误便不再适用此违规。 于再调度之后“占卜”多张牌属于“非公开牌张失误”。

Trivial process errors that provide no advantage, such as declaring an intent to mulligan early, are not an infraction.


A. A player draws eight cards at the start of the game (instead of seven).
A. 牌手在游戏开始的时候抓了八张牌(应为七张)。
B. A player draws seven cards at the start of the game (instead of six) after taking a mulligan.
B. 牌手在游戏开始时再调度之后抓了七张牌(应为六张)。
C. A player keeps her hand, scries, then mulligans again.
C. 牌手保留起手,却在占卜之后又进行再调度。
D. A player chooses to not take a mulligan then takes a mulligan after seeing his opponent choose to take a mulligan.
D. 牌手先选择不进行再调度,后在看见对手再调度后也进行再调度。


Errors prior to the beginning of the game have a less disruptive option—a forced mulligan—that is not available at any other point during the game. However, players should not be incentivized to sit on the infraction until mulligan procedures are completed so that they can ‘discover’ the error at a point where it becomes a Hidden Card Error if they believe that is to their advantage. To encourage the offending player to report their error as early as possible, they are given their choice of remedy before the game begins.

If a player looks at the top card of his or her library after taking a mulligan, it is assumed that they have chosen to keep their hand unless they make it very clear that they intend to mulligan again, either verbally before looking or by picking up multiple cards from the top of their library.


If the player has too many cards in hand, he or she may choose to reveal his or her hand, and his or her opponent chooses a card from it to be shuffled back into the library. If more than one excess card was drawn (for example, eight cards drawn during a mulligan to 6) his or her opponent continues removing cards until the correct number has been reached.

If cards are not removed from the hand this way (either due to an error that didn't lead to too many cards, or by the player choosing not to reveal), that player takes an additional mulligan.

Players may continue taking mulligans after the remedy has been completed.