
2023.12 更新
万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
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套牌检查表 更新至依夏兰迷窟



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1.3 Randomizing a Library 随机化牌库

The remedy for some infractions in this document includes shuffling the randomized portion of the library. This requires first determining whether any portion of the library is non-random, such as cards that have been manipulated on the top or bottom of the library, and separating those. Check with both players to verify this, and check the graveyard, exile, and battlefield for library manipulation cards, such as Brainstorm and cards with the scry mechanic. Once the library has been shuffled, any manipulated cards are returned to their correct locations.
本文档中某些违规的修正方式包含将牌库已随机化的部分洗牌。 利用此种方式进行修正时,首先需要确定牌库中是否包含非随机的部分,例如牌库顶部或底部已被调整过顺序的牌张,然后将这部分放在一边。询问双方牌手来确认此事,然后检查他们的坟墓场、放逐区和战场,看看是否有可以操作牌库的牌,像是脑力激荡/Brainstorm和拥有占卜机制的牌。 在完成牌库的洗牌之后,将已调整过顺序的牌张放回原本的位置。

Shuffles performed by a judge as part of a remedy are not considered shuffles for game purposes.