
2023.12 更新
万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
发布释疑 更新至依夏兰迷窟
套牌检查表 更新至依夏兰迷窟



1.1. 各式处罚之定义 | 返回IPG目录 | 1.3. 随机化牌库

1.2 Applying Penalties 应用处罚

Any penalty of Game Loss or higher should be reported to the Head Judge, and it is recommended that only the Head Judge issue penalties of this nature (with the exception of Tardiness (3.1) and Decklist Problems (3.4)).

Being enrolled in the tournament is not a requirement to receive a penalty. Although these guidelines refer to players, other people in the venue, such as spectators, staff, or judges may be enrolled into (and dropped from) the tournament in order to receive a penalty. Penalties are still issued even if a player drops from the tournament before it would take effect.

Any time a penalty is issued, the judge must explain the infraction, the procedure for fixing the situation, and the penalty to all players involved. If the Head Judge chooses to deviate from the Infraction Procedure Guide, the Head Judge is expected to explain the standard penalty and the reason for deviation.
作出任何处罚时,裁判都必须对涉及该违规的牌手们解释修正状况的流程,以及其处罚。 如果主审选择不遵循违规处理方针,则主审应解释标准的罚则,以及不遵循的理由。

Some infractions include remedies to handle the offense beyond the base penalty. These procedures exist to protect officials from accusations of unfairness, bias, or favoritism. If a judge makes a ruling that is consistent with quoted text, then the complaints of a player shift from accusation of unfairness by the judge to accusations of unfair policy. Deviations from these procedures may raise accusations against the judge from the player(s) involved, or from those who hear about it. These procedures do not, and should not, take into account the game being played, the current situation that the game is in, or who will benefit strategically from the procedure associated with a penalty. While it is tempting to try to “fix” game situations, the danger of missing a subtle detail or showing favoritism to a player (even unintentionally) makes it a bad idea.
有些罚则会在基本的处罚之外,包括额外叙述修正此犯规的流程的叙述。这些流程是用以保护工作人员免于不公正、偏见或是偏袒的指控。如果裁判的规则解释和引用的内容一致,而牌手还有所抱怨,则“指控该裁判不公”此事会转变成“指控方针不公”。裁判若不遵循这些流程,可能会引来相关牌手或是旁观者对裁判的指控。 这些流程不会也不该考虑游戏进行过的部份、游戏目前的状况,或是谁会因此流程与所连带的处罚而得到策略上的好处。 此流程只是试图要“修复”游戏的状况,遗漏一个小细节或是表现出对某牌手的偏袒(即使不是有意的),都不是好主意。

If an error leads to multiple related infractions, only issue one with the most severe penalty.