
2023.12 更新
万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
发布释疑 更新至依夏兰迷窟
套牌检查表 更新至依夏兰迷窟




1. 一般原则 | 返回IPG目录 | 1.2. 应用处罚

1.1 Definition of Penalties 各式处罚之定义


Warnings are used in situations of incorrect play when a small amount of time is needed to implement the corrective procedure. The purpose of a Warning is to alert judges and players involved that a problem has occurred and to keep a permanent record of the infraction. A time extension should be issued if the ruling has taken more than a minute.
警告使用于不正确的行动,且需要些许时间来执行修正的流程。 其目的是用来针对已产生的问题,警示相关裁判和牌手,并将此违规永久记录。 如果解释规则花费超过一分钟的时间,则要给予延长时间。


A Game Loss ends the current game immediately and the player who committed the infraction is considered to have lost the game for the purpose of match reporting. The player receiving a Game Loss chooses whether to play or draw in the next game of that match, if applicable. If a Game Loss is issued before the match begins, neither player in that match may use sideboards (if the tournament uses them) for the first game they play.

Game Losses are applied immediately if the game is still ongoing, or to the player’s next game if it is not, unless otherwise specified. If a player would receive multiple Game Losses at the same time, they only receive one. If simultaneous Game Loss penalties are issued to each player, they are recorded, but do not affect the match score.
一盘负处罚在游戏仍在继续的情况下立刻生效,否则对该牌手的下一盘游戏生效,除非特别说明。 如果牌手会在同一时间受到多个“一盘负”判罚,则其只会受到一个一盘负。 如果游戏中所有牌手同时受到一盘负之处罚,则此些“一盘负”处罚会记录在案,但不会影响当前对局的成绩。


A Match Loss is a severe penalty that is usually issued when the match itself has been compromised.

Match Losses are applied to the match during which the offense occurred unless the offender’s match has already ended, in which case the penalty will be applied to that player’s next match.


A Disqualification is issued for activity that damages the integrity of a tournament as a whole or for severe unsporting conduct.

The recipient of a Disqualification does not need to be a player in the tournament. They may be a spectator or other bystander. If this happens, they must be entered into the tournament in Wizards Event Reporter (“WER”) so that they may be disqualified and reported to the DCI.
并不是只有参与比赛的牌手才会得到取消资格的处罚。旁观者和其他观众都有可能。如果发生这种情况,则必须使用威世智比赛回报程序(Wizards Event Reporter, “WER”)将他们输入至此比赛,使之可以被取消资格并回报给DCI。

Disqualification can occur without proof of action so long as the Head Judge determines sufficient information exists to believe the tournament’s integrity may have been compromised. It is recommended that the Head Judge’s report reflect this fact.

When this penalty is applied, the player loses their current match and is dropped from the tournament. If a player has already received prizes at the time they are disqualified, that player may keep those prizes but does not receive any additional prizes or awards they may be due. A player that is disqualified from a tournament does not receive Planeswalker Points or Professional Points for that tournament.

When a player is disqualified during a tournament, they are removed from the tournament and do not take up a place in the standings. This means that all players in the tournament will advance one spot in the standings and are entitled to any prizes the new standing would offer. If the Disqualification takes place after a cut is made, no additional players advance in place of the disqualified player although they do move up a spot in the standings. For example, if a player is disqualified during the quarterfinal round of a Magic Tabletop Mythic Qualifier, the former 9th place finisher does not advance into the single elimination top 8, but they do move into 8th place in the standings.

More information about the Disqualification process may be found at http://blogs.magicjudges.org/o/disqualification-process/.