
2023.12 更新
万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
发布释疑 更新至依夏兰迷窟
套牌检查表 更新至依夏兰迷窟



Players in video feature matches (live-stream or replay) at Pro Tour, World Championship, World Magic Cup, and Grand Prix events must arrange their cards, tokens, and other accessories on the battlefield using the following layout:

• From the player’s perspective, nonlands must be kept closer to the player’s opponent than lands, and no cards should be between the land area and the edge of the table closest to the player.
• 从牌手的视角来看,非地永久物应比地永久物更靠近对手,且在地牌摆放的区域与该牌手所坐一侧的桌边之间不得摆放任何卡牌。
• Non-creature permanents whose use may reasonably be associated with either the land or nonland area (e.g. an artifact whose only ability is a mana ability) may be located in either area, provided the overall layout is, in the judgment of tournament officials, clear. However, permanents that are also creatures (e.g. artifacts with March of the Machines on the battlefield, Dryad Arbor, or a Treetop Village that is currently a creature) must be placed in the nonland area. Players may not use other cards to intentionally obscure the presence of a permanent in any area of the battlefield.
• 对于非生物永久物而言,若其用途与地区域或非地区域有合理联系(例如仅有法术力异能的神器),则此永久物便可放在对应区域,但此摆放以比赛工作人员判断确属清晰为限。然而,若该永久物同时也为生物(例如战场上有器械进击/Match of the Machines时的神器,树灵乔木/Dryad Arbor,或当前是生物的树顶村落/Treetop Village),则其必须摆放在非地区域。牌手不得使用其他牌来故意遮挡战场上任何区域的永久物。
• Each card should remain clearly associated with any permanents attached to it. For example, an Aura enchanting a land should be in the land area in contact with that land.
• 在牌张和与之贴附的永久物之间需始终展现清晰的关联关系。举例来说,结附于某张地的灵气,便需置于地区域,与所结附的地保持接触。
• The player’s library, graveyard, and exiled cards should be kept all to the left of the battlefield or all to the right of the battlefield at the player’s discretion.
• 牌手放置牌库、坟墓场和所放逐之牌此三个区域需一致放在战场的左侧或右侧。牌手可自行决定是要将此三个区域一致放在左侧还是右侧。
• The player’s graveyard and exiled cards should be adjacent to the player’s library. All three should be distinct at all times.
• 牌手放置坟墓场和所放逐之牌此两个区域须与牌手放置牌库的区域相邻。且这三个区域之间须始终具有明显区隔。
• If a card is exiled by a permanent and that permanent includes a way to perform additional actions with the exiled card, that card should remain in contact with that permanent such that the association is clear.
• 如果某张牌遭某个永久物放逐,且该永久物有方法利用所放逐的牌执行额外动作,则所放逐的牌应与该永久物保持接触,以清晰展示此两者之间的这类联系。
• Each untapped permanent should face its controller. Players are permitted to briefly turn a card upside-down as a memory aid.
• 所有的未横置永久物都应朝向其操控者。允许牌手暂时倒转牌张协助记忆。

Tournament officials may make exceptions or additions to these guidelines at their sole discretion in order to keep each player’s game layout clear. Players in exceptional situations (e.g. a player playing a deck with no lands or a deck that makes significant use of the graveyard) should consult with tournament officials to determine what allowances, if any, will be made.

MTR 2.14 Tracked Totals 数值记录

The following values have higher requirements for how they are recorded and conveyed over the course of a game:

  • Life totals 总生命值
  • Poison Counters 中毒指示物数量
  • Energy Counters 能量指示物数量

Once they need to be tracked, each player must indicate how he or she will keep track of these totals. This method must be visible to both players during the match. A shared method is acceptable as long as all players in the match have access to it. At Competitive and Professional Rules Enforcement Level, methods that can easily be accidentally changed (such as dice) may not be used.
在需要追踪此类数值变化时,每位牌手均须明确告知自己的记录方式。牌手记录总生命值的方式在进行对局的整个过程当中均须处于对双方牌手可见的状态。 在保证参与对局的各方牌手均能方便使用的前提下,也可以采用共同操作进行记录的方式来记录各方的生命值。 在执法严格度为竞争及专业级别的比赛中,不得采用记录内容易被意外更改的方式来记录(例如骰子)。

A change in any of these totals should be accompanied by a verbal announcement by the affected player of the new total.

If a player notices a discrepancy in a recorded or announced tracked total, he or she is expected to point it out as soon as the discrepancy is noticed.

• A player who chooses an opponent’s planeswalker as the target of a spell or ability that cannot normally target a planeswalker is assumed to be targeting that opponent and redirecting the damage on resolution. The player must adhere to that choice unless an opponent responds.
• 对于通常无法将鹏洛客指定为目标的咒语或异能而言,如果牌手将对手的鹏洛客选为此类咒语或异能的目标,则认为其是以对手目标,并在结算时选择将伤害转移到鹏洛客之上。若其对手未就此响应,则该牌手不得改变此选择。
