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万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
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两侧同时换到之前的修订记录 前一修订版
mtr:3 [2024/08/22 08:06]
Siyang Li [MTR 3.5 Checklist Cards 列表牌]
mtr:3 [2024/09/01 10:47] (当前版本)
Siyang Li [MTR 3.7 New Releases 新发售]
行 79: 行 79:
 尽管主审有权利允许或禁止一些带有加工的牌,但是仍需遵守上述的指导原则。如果对于牌张的艺术加工并未遮挡名称以及法术力费用,且该牌张不能在隐藏区域中被区分,那么这样的加工是应当认可的。而关于加工图案是否有可能冒犯他人则是较为主观的,裁判应当在这个问题上更加保守。\\ ++ 尽管主审有权利允许或禁止一些带有加工的牌,但是仍需遵守上述的指导原则。如果对于牌张的艺术加工并未遮挡名称以及法术力费用,且该牌张不能在隐藏区域中被区分,那么这样的加工是应当认可的。而关于加工图案是否有可能冒犯他人则是较为主观的,裁判应当在这个问题上更加保守。\\ ++
-**The Head Judge is the final authority on acceptable cards for a tournament. If a player is required to replace a card in his or her deck and is unable to find a replacement,​ the player may replace the card with a card named Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain, or Forest of their choice. This also applies to cards that are lost and must be replaced to have a legal deck.**\\ ​+**The Head Judge is the final authority on acceptable cards for a tournament. If a player is required to replace a card in their deck and is unable to find a replacement,​ the player may replace the card with a card named Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain, or Forest of their choice. This also applies to cards that are lost and must be replaced to have a legal deck.**\\ ​
 ++主审拥有最终决定确定何种牌能在比赛中使用的权利。|\\ ​ ++主审拥有最终决定确定何种牌能在比赛中使用的权利。|\\ ​
 To ensure consistency within any given tournament, the Head Judge is the sole arbiter of the legality of a card. It is good practice for players using altered cards to get approval from the Head Judge prior to the start of the tournament.\\ ​ To ensure consistency within any given tournament, the Head Judge is the sole arbiter of the legality of a card. It is good practice for players using altered cards to get approval from the Head Judge prior to the start of the tournament.\\ ​
行 120: 行 120:
 牌手必须选择使用列表牌或者使用合适的牌套。除非原列表牌在当前比赛中被意外损毁,裁判不得为列表牌制作代牌。\\ ++ 牌手必须选择使用列表牌或者使用合适的牌套。除非原列表牌在当前比赛中被意外损毁,裁判不得为列表牌制作代牌。\\ ++
-**The use of substitute cards is required if a player has double-faced cards in his or her deck and is not using completely opaque sleeves.**\\ ​+**The use of substitute cards is required if a player has double-faced cards in their deck and is not using completely opaque sleeves.**\\ ​
 ++如果牌手在其套牌中使用了双面牌,且并未使用完全不透明的牌套,则该牌手必须使用辅助牌。|\\ ​ ++如果牌手在其套牌中使用了双面牌,且并未使用完全不透明的牌套,则该牌手必须使用辅助牌。|\\ ​
 The easiest way to check for a sleeves opaqueness is to look for the white mana symbol on the back of a non-double-faced card.\\ ​ The easiest way to check for a sleeves opaqueness is to look for the white mana symbol on the back of a non-double-faced card.\\ ​
 检查牌套是否透明最简单的方法,是从牌套背面观察是否能透过白色法术力符号。\\ ++ 检查牌套是否透明最简单的方法,是从牌套背面观察是否能透过白色法术力符号。\\ ++
-**If a player uses a substitute card to represent a double-faced card in his or her deck, then all copies of that double- faced card in the deck must be represented by substitute cards, and any copies of that double-faced card in a hidden zone are considered to not exist for purposes of determining deck legality.**\\ ​+**If a player uses a substitute card to represent a double-faced card in their deck, then all copies of that double- faced card in the deck must be represented by substitute cards, and any copies of that double-faced card in a hidden zone are considered to not exist for purposes of determining deck legality.**\\ ​
 ++如果牌手决定使用辅助牌来代表其套牌中的某张双面牌,则其套牌中所有与该牌同名的其他牌张都必须用辅助牌来代表。此时,在判定套牌是否合乎规则时,所有处于非公开区域中具该名称的双面牌均视作不存在。|\\ ​ ++如果牌手决定使用辅助牌来代表其套牌中的某张双面牌,则其套牌中所有与该牌同名的其他牌张都必须用辅助牌来代表。此时,在判定套牌是否合乎规则时,所有处于非公开区域中具该名称的双面牌均视作不存在。|\\ ​
 If a player accidentally shuffles their double-faced card into their deck with checklist cards, we treat them the same way we would a token shuffled in and remove them without issuing an infraction. Note that this also means you **may now** mix and match. If a player has Archangel Avacyn checklist cards in their deck, then they may also have Duskwatch Recruiter cards.\\ ​ If a player accidentally shuffles their double-faced card into their deck with checklist cards, we treat them the same way we would a token shuffled in and remove them without issuing an infraction. Note that this also means you **may now** mix and match. If a player has Archangel Avacyn checklist cards in their deck, then they may also have Duskwatch Recruiter cards.\\ ​
行 146: 行 146:
 每当牌手说出一张牌的名称时,须以所有人都能知晓该名称所指为哪张牌的方式作出。如果有任何人认为他没有作到,应当要求该牌手作出进一步厘清。\\ ++ 每当牌手说出一张牌的名称时,须以所有人都能知晓该名称所指为哪张牌的方式作出。如果有任何人认为他没有作到,应当要求该牌手作出进一步厘清。\\ ++
-**Players have the right to request access to the official wording of a card they can describe. That request will be honored if logistically possible. The official text of any card is the Oracle text corresponding to the name of the card. Players may not use errors or omissions in Oracle to abuse the rules. The Head Judge is the final authority for card interpretations,​ and he or she may overrule Oracle if an error is discovered.**\\  ​+**Players have the right to request access to the official wording of a card they can describe. That request will be honored if logistically possible. The official text of any card is the Oracle text corresponding to the name of the card. Players may not use errors or omissions in Oracle to abuse the rules. The Head Judge is the final authority for card interpretations,​ and they may overrule Oracle if an error is discovered.**\\  ​
 ++牌手拥有要求查阅牌张标准叙述之权利,只是该牌手须能描述出该牌。如实际可行,便可准予牌手查阅。|\\ ​ ++牌手拥有要求查阅牌张标准叙述之权利,只是该牌手须能描述出该牌。如实际可行,便可准予牌手查阅。|\\ ​
 The fact that most card-searching apps include Oracle text is made very relevant by this bit. Players will often request oracle text for cards they or their opponents are using in tournaments,​ and judges should be prepared to provide it. Several phone apps include complete, downloaded, searchable databases of every single card’s Oracle text, and these are by far the easiest way to quickly find and display it. As a general rule, if you can punch the info they give you into the search function and find a precise card, they’ve described it well enough. Saying “the green three drop that people play a lot in standard” or “The one-drop red burn spell” isn’t uniquely identifying a card, but saying “The white planeswalker from Magic: Origins” or “The take an extra turn card with Delve” is. If a card is revealed to a player, they do not need to know anything about the card to request Oracle text for it.\\  The fact that most card-searching apps include Oracle text is made very relevant by this bit. Players will often request oracle text for cards they or their opponents are using in tournaments,​ and judges should be prepared to provide it. Several phone apps include complete, downloaded, searchable databases of every single card’s Oracle text, and these are by far the easiest way to quickly find and display it. As a general rule, if you can punch the info they give you into the search function and find a precise card, they’ve described it well enough. Saying “the green three drop that people play a lot in standard” or “The one-drop red burn spell” isn’t uniquely identifying a card, but saying “The white planeswalker from Magic: Origins” or “The take an extra turn card with Delve” is. If a card is revealed to a player, they do not need to know anything about the card to request Oracle text for it.\\ 
行 156: 行 156:
 This may look like a clause that’s included just in case a card has a typo, but there have been cases where a Head Judge has overruled an oracle to prevent abuse. Wizards of the Coast is much more careful about the cards they print and the errata they make these days, but there have been high profile cases of a Head Judge overruling Oracle, notably the 1999 French Nationals and the Oracle text for Yawgmoth’s Will.\\ ​ This may look like a clause that’s included just in case a card has a typo, but there have been cases where a Head Judge has overruled an oracle to prevent abuse. Wizards of the Coast is much more careful about the cards they print and the errata they make these days, but there have been high profile cases of a Head Judge overruling Oracle, notably the 1999 French Nationals and the Oracle text for Yawgmoth’s Will.\\ ​
 虽然看起来这一条只是为了防止牌张印刷错误导致的问题,但过去确实曾有主审为防止滥用Oracle中的错误而做出高于Oracle判决的案例。如今,威世智也在设计牌张以及做出勘误方面做出了十分细致的工作,但确实有过主审做出高于Oracle判罚的著名案例,例如1999年法国国冠赛中关于约格莫夫的意志Oracle叙述的案例。\\ ++ 虽然看起来这一条只是为了防止牌张印刷错误导致的问题,但过去确实曾有主审为防止滥用Oracle中的错误而做出高于Oracle判决的案例。如今,威世智也在设计牌张以及做出勘误方面做出了十分细致的工作,但确实有过主审做出高于Oracle判罚的著名案例,例如1999年法国国冠赛中关于约格莫夫的意志Oracle叙述的案例。\\ ++
 +**Some cards with a Universes Beyond treatment have different names for the Universes Beyond and Universes Within versions. These cards are considered to be the same card. Other special treatments of cards may alter the name in ways that are clear references to the original card (e.g. Swords2Plowshares);​ these are also considered to be the same card.**\\
 +++一些联动宇宙牌张会具有和原宇宙不同的牌名,它们被视为同一张牌。牌张的一些特殊处理也可能会在清晰引用原牌名的前提下使用改动后的牌名(例如Swords2Plowshares 化剑为犁),它们也被视为同一张牌。|\\
 +\\ ++
 +**Some nontraditional cards (i.e., attractions) may share a name across multiple versions of the card. The name is considered to refer to all versions and does not need further disambiguation,​ including during deck registration.**\\
 +\\ ++
 <​BOOKMARK:​mtr3-7>​ <​BOOKMARK:​mtr3-7>​
 ===== MTR 3.7 New Releases 新发售 ===== ===== MTR 3.7 New Releases 新发售 =====
行 161: 行 169:
 **自下述日期起,新发售的系列便可以在认证比赛中使用:**\\ ​ **自下述日期起,新发售的系列便可以在认证比赛中使用:**\\ ​
-++• Core Set 2020™ 2020核心系列 July 122019 2019712日|\\ ​+**• Duskmourn: House of Horror™ September 20, 2024 - 暮悲邸:鬼屋惊魂 2024年9月20日**\\ 
 +++• Magic: The Gathering Foundations™ November 82024 - 万智牌 Foundations ​ 2024118日|\\
 Cards from Prerelease tournaments,​ spoiler cards, and cards stolen from Wizards of the Coast headquarters in grand heists are not legal for use in tournaments until the set they are from is officially released. This list is constantly updating, and we’d be surprised if the MTR is the first place you go to look for these dates.\\ ​ Cards from Prerelease tournaments,​ spoiler cards, and cards stolen from Wizards of the Coast headquarters in grand heists are not legal for use in tournaments until the set they are from is officially released. This list is constantly updating, and we’d be surprised if the MTR is the first place you go to look for these dates.\\ ​
 售前赛用牌,预览牌,从威世智总部盗取的牌张不能在官方发售日前的比赛中使用。新发售的列表经常会更新,我相信你不会只通过MTR来知晓这些日期。\\ ++ 售前赛用牌,预览牌,从威世智总部盗取的牌张不能在官方发售日前的比赛中使用。新发售的列表经常会更新,我相信你不会只通过MTR来知晓这些日期。\\ ++
 **For official Prerelease tournaments only, new sets are legal for use before the official format legal date. In these cases, any announced rules updates shall be in effect at these tournaments,​ including informal explanations of new rules and mechanics. Judges may apply additional rules that they believe will be updated.** **For official Prerelease tournaments only, new sets are legal for use before the official format legal date. In these cases, any announced rules updates shall be in effect at these tournaments,​ including informal explanations of new rules and mechanics. Judges may apply additional rules that they believe will be updated.**
行 182: 行 192:
 <​BOOKMARK:​mtr3-9>​ <​BOOKMARK:​mtr3-9>​
-===== MTR 3.9 Card Shuffling 洗牌 =====+===== MTR 3.9 Die Rolling 掷骰 ​ ===== 
 +**Some game actions use a die roll to determine their outcome. Any method may be used to simulate this as long as all results have an equal chance of occurring. For example, using a 20-sided die to simulate a 6-sided die by dividing by 3 and rounding up (rerolling on 19 or 20) is acceptable. Dice with similar numbers clumped together (such as a spindown life tracker) may not be used for these actions.**\\ 
 +\\ ++ 
 +**Dice must have clear and easy to read values, and not be so large as to be disruptive when rolled. They must be rolled from a discernable height. Dice that leave the playing surface after landing, become mixed with similar dice, or do not land flat are ignored and rerolled.**\\ 
 +\\ ++ 
 +**Players are expected to be clear about why they are rolling a die. A player who wishes to respond to a die roll is expected to prevent the rolling player from taking action, but the rolling player cannot rush through to preempt responses. A die roll is complete once the result is visible to the opponent.**\\ 
 +\\ ++ 
 +**Some actions may require multiple dice to be rolled. If additional rolls would have no impact on the game, the player skips them. If a player rolls too many dice at once, all those dice are ignored and the correct number of dice are rolled.**\\ 
 +\\ ++ 
 +===== MTR 3.10 Card Shuffling 洗牌 =====
 **Decks must be randomized at the start of every game and whenever an instruction requires it. Randomization is defined as bringing the deck to a state where no player can have any information regarding the order or position of cards in any portion of the deck. Pile shuffling may not be performed other than once each at the beginning of a game to count the cards in the deck.**\\ ​ **Decks must be randomized at the start of every game and whenever an instruction requires it. Randomization is defined as bringing the deck to a state where no player can have any information regarding the order or position of cards in any portion of the deck. Pile shuffling may not be performed other than once each at the beginning of a game to count the cards in the deck.**\\ ​
 ++在每盘游戏开始时,或是在有指示要求的情况下,牌手必须将自己的套牌随机化。「随机化」的定义为:「将套牌调整为随机状态的过程;调整过后的套牌内任意部分牌张的排列次序,或是其中某张牌具体位置这类的信息无从为任何牌手所知晓」。|\\ ​ ++在每盘游戏开始时,或是在有指示要求的情况下,牌手必须将自己的套牌随机化。「随机化」的定义为:「将套牌调整为随机状态的过程;调整过后的套牌内任意部分牌张的排列次序,或是其中某张牌具体位置这类的信息无从为任何牌手所知晓」。|\\ ​
-The phrase “order or position” is key. A deck that is “mana-weaved” is not random; even though the player may have no information about the location of a specific card, he or she has information about the cards’ order (that is, land-spell-spell,​ land-spell-spell). Also key is that a player shouldn’t know any information on where a card is, not even which half of the deck it is in.\\ +The phrase “order or position” is key. A deck that is “mana-weaved” is not random; even though the player may have no information about the location of a specific card, they have information about the cards’ order (that is, land-spell-spell,​ land-spell-spell). Also key is that a player shouldn’t know any information on where a card is, not even which half of the deck it is in.\\ 
 “排列次序与具体位置“是关键。经过“法术力编织”的套牌并不是随机化的:即使牌手不知道特定牌的位置,但是他却知道牌张的大致顺序(类似地-咒语-地)。牌手也不应知道某张牌的任何信息,包括知道该牌在牌库中的哪一部分也不行。\\ ++ “排列次序与具体位置“是关键。经过“法术力编织”的套牌并不是随机化的:即使牌手不知道特定牌的位置,但是他却知道牌张的大致顺序(类似地-咒语-地)。牌手也不应知道某张牌的任何信息,包括知道该牌在牌库中的哪一部分也不行。\\ ++
 ++分堆洗法属于清点套牌张数的方法,每位牌手只能在每盘游戏开始时为此目的使用一次。|\\ ​ ++分堆洗法属于清点套牌张数的方法,每位牌手只能在每盘游戏开始时为此目的使用一次。|\\ ​
行 191: 行 218:
 分堆洗牌完全不是随机过程,因为单张卡牌可以根据洗牌的顺序来充分推定。一次分堆洗牌可以帮助牌手清点牌张数量、避免让牌张粘在一起,但多次分堆洗牌并不能帮助套牌更加随机化,并可视为游戏行动过慢来处理。请在应用IPG时注意,牌手的习惯是很难打破的,在第一次发生时可以先予口头注意。\\ ++ 分堆洗牌完全不是随机过程,因为单张卡牌可以根据洗牌的顺序来充分推定。一次分堆洗牌可以帮助牌手清点牌张数量、避免让牌张粘在一起,但多次分堆洗牌并不能帮助套牌更加随机化,并可视为游戏行动过慢来处理。请在应用IPG时注意,牌手的习惯是很难打破的,在第一次发生时可以先予口头注意。\\ ++
-**Once the deck is randomized, it must be presented to an opponent. By this action, players state that their decks are legal and randomized. The opponent may then shuffle it additionally. Cards and sleeves must not be in danger of being damaged during this process. If the opponent does not believe the player made a reasonable effort to randomize ​his or her deck, the opponent must notify a judge. Players may request to have a judge shuffle their cards rather than the opponent; this request will be honored only at a judge’s discretion.**\\ ​+**Once the deck is randomized, it must be presented to an opponent. By this action, players state that their decks are legal and randomized. The opponent may then shuffle it additionally. Cards and sleeves must not be in danger of being damaged during this process. If the opponent does not believe the player made a reasonable effort to randomize ​their deck, the opponent must notify a judge. Players may request to have a judge shuffle their cards rather than the opponent; this request will be honored only at a judge’s discretion.**\\ ​
 ++一旦牌手将自己的套牌随机化后,必须将自己的套牌呈交给对手。通过这一动作,牌手便表明自己的套牌是合乎规定,且已随机化。对手可以对其进行额外的洗牌。在此过程中,不得对牌张和牌套做出有可能将之损毁的举动。|\\ ​ ++一旦牌手将自己的套牌随机化后,必须将自己的套牌呈交给对手。通过这一动作,牌手便表明自己的套牌是合乎规定,且已随机化。对手可以对其进行额外的洗牌。在此过程中,不得对牌张和牌套做出有可能将之损毁的举动。|\\ ​
 The deck should be fully randomized when presented to the opponent, and the opponents’ shuffles are not meant to make the deck “more random.” The purpose the second shuffle is to discourage deck-stacking and cheating.\\ ​ The deck should be fully randomized when presented to the opponent, and the opponents’ shuffles are not meant to make the deck “more random.” The purpose the second shuffle is to discourage deck-stacking and cheating.\\ ​
行 204: 行 231:
 **If a player has had the opportunity to see any of the card faces of the deck being shuffled, the deck is no longer considered randomized and must be randomized again.**\\ ​ **If a player has had the opportunity to see any of the card faces of the deck being shuffled, the deck is no longer considered randomized and must be randomized again.**\\ ​
 ++在洗牌过程中,若牌手得以看到套牌中任意牌张的牌面,便不会认为该套牌「已随机化」,牌手必须将之重新随机化。|\\ ​ ++在洗牌过程中,若牌手得以看到套牌中任意牌张的牌面,便不会认为该套牌「已随机化」,牌手必须将之重新随机化。|\\ ​
-At Competitive and Professional Rules Enforcement Level, a player who does not re-randomize ​his or her deck after seeing cards has committed Looking at Extra Cards and may need to be investigated for cheating.\\ ​+At Competitive and Professional Rules Enforcement Level, a player who does not re-randomize ​their deck after seeing cards has committed Looking at Extra Cards and may need to be investigated for cheating.\\ ​
 在竞争级别以及专业级别的比赛中,如果牌手在洗牌时看到牌库后没有重新随机化套牌,那么他会得到额外看牌的警告,并需进行进一步的调查判断该牌手是否作弊。\\ ++ 在竞争级别以及专业级别的比赛中,如果牌手在洗牌时看到牌库后没有重新随机化套牌,那么他会得到额外看牌的警告,并需进行进一步的调查判断该牌手是否作弊。\\ ++
 **At Competitive and Professional Rules Enforcement Level tournaments,​ players are required to shuffle their opponents’ decks after their owners have shuffled them. The Head Judge can require this at Regular Rules Enforcement Level tournaments as well.**\\ ​ **At Competitive and Professional Rules Enforcement Level tournaments,​ players are required to shuffle their opponents’ decks after their owners have shuffled them. The Head Judge can require this at Regular Rules Enforcement Level tournaments as well.**\\ ​
-++在「竞争」和「专业」级别的比赛中,每盘游戏开始之前,牌手必须在对手洗完牌之后,为对手的套牌进行洗牌。主审也可以在「一般」级别的比赛中规定必须洗对手的套牌。|\\ ​+++在「竞争」和「专业」级别的比赛中,牌手必须在对手洗完牌之后,为对手的套牌进行洗牌。主审也可以在「一般」级别的比赛中规定必须洗对手的套牌。|\\ ​
 In some cultures, asking to shuffle an opponent’s deck would be considered an insult. The requirement to shuffle an opponent’s deck is intended to prevent cheaters from taking advantage of these cultural norms.\\ ​ In some cultures, asking to shuffle an opponent’s deck would be considered an insult. The requirement to shuffle an opponent’s deck is intended to prevent cheaters from taking advantage of these cultural norms.\\ ​
 在一些文化中,要求洗对手的牌库会被认为是一种侮辱。明确要求洗对手的牌库是为了避免作弊者通过特定的文化规范得利。\\ ​ 在一些文化中,要求洗对手的牌库会被认为是一种侮辱。明确要求洗对手的牌库是为了避免作弊者通过特定的文化规范得利。\\ ​
 Because a deck presented to an opponent should be random, this additional shuffle does not need to be thorough. However, simply cutting the deck is often not sufficient to meet this requirement.\\ ​ Because a deck presented to an opponent should be random, this additional shuffle does not need to be thorough. However, simply cutting the deck is often not sufficient to meet this requirement.\\ ​
 由于呈给对手的套牌已经经过随机化,那么不必重新做彻底的随机化。然而,仅仅简单地切一下牌库也通常是不足以达到此要求的。\\ ++ 由于呈给对手的套牌已经经过随机化,那么不必重新做彻底的随机化。然而,仅仅简单地切一下牌库也通常是不足以达到此要求的。\\ ++
-===== MTR 3.10 Sleeves 牌套 ===== +===== MTR 3.11 Sleeves 牌套 ===== 
-**Players may use plastic card sleeves or other protective devices on cards. If a player chooses to use card sleeves, all sleeves must be identical and all cards in his or her deck must be placed in the sleeves in an identical manner. If the sleeves feature holograms or other similar markings, cards must be inserted into the sleeves so these markings appear only on the faces of the cards.**\\ ​+**Players may use plastic card sleeves or other protective devices on cards. If a player chooses to use card sleeves, all sleeves must be identical and all cards in their deck must be placed in the sleeves in an identical manner. If the sleeves feature holograms or other similar markings, cards must be inserted into the sleeves so these markings appear only on the faces of the cards.**\\ ​
 ++牌手可以在牌上使用塑料制的牌套或其他保护用设施来保护牌。|\\ ​ ++牌手可以在牌上使用塑料制的牌套或其他保护用设施来保护牌。|\\ ​
 Often players will be using card sleeves to protect their cards from the dirt and friction they would otherwise be exposed to through repeated usage. Provided that they do not interfere with shuffling, or could be considered offensive, they will be allowed with the following conditions.\\ ​ Often players will be using card sleeves to protect their cards from the dirt and friction they would otherwise be exposed to through repeated usage. Provided that they do not interfere with shuffling, or could be considered offensive, they will be allowed with the following conditions.\\ ​
行 226: 行 253:
 为了避免镭射标示反射牌张信息,所有的镭射标示都应出现在牌面一侧。\\ ++ 为了避免镭射标示反射牌张信息,所有的镭射标示都应出现在牌面一侧。\\ ++
-**During a match, a player may request that a judge inspect an opponent’s card sleeves. The judge may disallow the card sleeves if he or she believes ​they are marked, worn, or otherwise in a condition or of a design that interferes with shuffling or game play. In the interest of efficiency, the judge may choose to delay any change of sleeves until the end of the match.**\\ ​+**During a match, a player may request that a judge inspect an opponent’s card sleeves. The judge may disallow the card sleeves if they believe ​they are marked, worn, or otherwise in a condition or of a design that interferes with shuffling or game play. In the interest of efficiency, the judge may choose to delay any change of sleeves until the end of the match.**\\ ​
 ++在对局进行过程中,牌手可以要求裁判检查对手的牌套。|\\ ​ ++在对局进行过程中,牌手可以要求裁判检查对手的牌套。|\\ ​
 If a player finds something suspicious they may request a judge to check opponents sleeves for Marked Cards. The process for this is similar to that of a deck check, where the cards are briefly examined for dissimilarity or problems. It should be noted that all sleeves could be considered marked if examined closely enough, and this ought be considered when evaluating sleeves.\\ ​ If a player finds something suspicious they may request a judge to check opponents sleeves for Marked Cards. The process for this is similar to that of a deck check, where the cards are briefly examined for dissimilarity or problems. It should be noted that all sleeves could be considered marked if examined closely enough, and this ought be considered when evaluating sleeves.\\ ​
行 257: 行 284:
 **The Head Judge is the final authority on what sleeves are allowed.**\\ ​ **The Head Judge is the final authority on what sleeves are allowed.**\\ ​
 **主审在确定何种牌套可用方面具有最终决定权。**\\ ​ **主审在确定何种牌套可用方面具有最终决定权。**\\ ​
-===== MTR 3.11 Marked Cards 有记号的牌 =====+===== MTR 3.12 Marked Cards 有记号的牌 =====
 **Players are responsible for ensuring that their cards and/or card sleeves are not marked during the tournament. A card or sleeve is considered marked if it bears something that makes it possible to identify the card without seeing its face, including (but not limited to) scratches, discoloration,​ and bends.**\\ ​ **Players are responsible for ensuring that their cards and/or card sleeves are not marked during the tournament. A card or sleeve is considered marked if it bears something that makes it possible to identify the card without seeing its face, including (but not limited to) scratches, discoloration,​ and bends.**\\ ​
 ++在比赛过程中,牌手有责任确保自己所使用的牌张和/或牌套上没有记号。如果某张牌或牌套上有任何可以无需检视正面即能认出该牌的东西,就会被算作「有记号」,这包括刮痕、变色,以及折痕。|\\ ​ ++在比赛过程中,牌手有责任确保自己所使用的牌张和/或牌套上没有记号。如果某张牌或牌套上有任何可以无需检视正面即能认出该牌的东西,就会被算作「有记号」,这包括刮痕、变色,以及折痕。|\\ ​
行 269: 行 296:
 不少品牌的牌套会在颜色和切割上有细微的不一致。我们建议牌手在套牌套前能够打乱套牌以及牌套的顺序,来避免套牌显现出一些模式。\\ ++ 不少品牌的牌套会在颜色和切割上有细微的不一致。我们建议牌手在套牌套前能够打乱套牌以及牌套的顺序,来避免套牌显现出一些模式。\\ ++
-**The Head Judge has the authority to determine if a card in a player’s deck is marked. Judges may request that a player remove ​his or her current sleeves or replace any of the deck’s current sleeves immediately,​ or before the next round.**\\ ​+**The Head Judge has the authority to determine if a card in a player’s deck is marked. Judges may request that a player remove ​their current sleeves or replace any of the deck’s current sleeves immediately,​ or before the next round.**\\ ​
 ++主审有权判定牌手的套牌中是否含有具记号的牌张。裁判可以要求牌手取下当前所用牌套,或是更换套牌当前所使用的牌套的一部分,并决定该牌手须立即更换还是在下局开始之前更换完毕。|\\ ​ ++主审有权判定牌手的套牌中是否含有具记号的牌张。裁判可以要求牌手取下当前所用牌套,或是更换套牌当前所使用的牌套的一部分,并决定该牌手须立即更换还是在下局开始之前更换完毕。|\\ ​
 If the sleeves are marked enough that you are giving a Warning at Competitive Rules Enforcement Level, instruct the player to replace them between rounds. If their round runs late, give them a reasonable time extension in the following round to facilitate re-sleeving. If the penalty is being upgraded to a Game Loss, the player needs to replace the sleeves immediately. Judges are often tasked with assisting the player to expedite the process. Make sure to follow-up with players after instructing them to replace sleeves to ensure that they have done so.\\  If the sleeves are marked enough that you are giving a Warning at Competitive Rules Enforcement Level, instruct the player to replace them between rounds. If their round runs late, give them a reasonable time extension in the following round to facilitate re-sleeving. If the penalty is being upgraded to a Game Loss, the player needs to replace the sleeves immediately. Judges are often tasked with assisting the player to expedite the process. Make sure to follow-up with players after instructing them to replace sleeves to ensure that they have done so.\\ 
 如果你因牌套上的标记在竞争级别的比赛中给出了警告的判罚,那么就让牌手在局间更换牌套。如果该牌手这一局结束得晚,那么给他在下一局一些补时来确保牌套更换完毕。如果判罚被升级为一盘负,那么牌手需立即更换牌套。裁判可以帮助牌手更高效地完成牌套更换。跟进此事确保牌手完成牌套更换。\\ ++ 如果你因牌套上的标记在竞争级别的比赛中给出了警告的判罚,那么就让牌手在局间更换牌套。如果该牌手这一局结束得晚,那么给他在下一局一些补时来确保牌套更换完毕。如果判罚被升级为一盘负,那么牌手需立即更换牌套。裁判可以帮助牌手更高效地完成牌套更换。跟进此事确保牌手完成牌套更换。\\ ++
-===== MTR 3.12 Hidden Information 非公开信息 =====+===== MTR 3.13 Hidden Information 非公开信息 =====
 **Hidden information refers to the faces of cards and other objects at which the rules of the game and format do not allow you to look.**\\ ​ **Hidden information refers to the faces of cards and other objects at which the rules of the game and format do not allow you to look.**\\ ​
 ++非公开信息指的是游戏规则及赛制禁止牌手窥视之信息,如牌张及其他物件的正面。|\\ ​ ++非公开信息指的是游戏规则及赛制禁止牌手窥视之信息,如牌张及其他物件的正面。|\\ ​
行 284: 行 311:
 Players can show their opponent any information that that player is allowed to see. This means they cannot show the opponent the contents of their deck unless they are currently allowed to see it (i.e. searching). Players cannot try to look at the opponent’s hand, but if the opponent has it revealed they don’t need to inform them.\\ ​ Players can show their opponent any information that that player is allowed to see. This means they cannot show the opponent the contents of their deck unless they are currently allowed to see it (i.e. searching). Players cannot try to look at the opponent’s hand, but if the opponent has it revealed they don’t need to inform them.\\ ​
 牌手可以向对手展示自己允许查看的信息。例如,他不能向对手展示牌库的内容(除非他允许查看牌库内容,比如他在搜寻牌库)。牌手不能试图查看对手的手牌,但是对手不小心展示了手牌,也不需要提醒他。\\ ++ 牌手可以向对手展示自己允许查看的信息。例如,他不能向对手展示牌库的内容(除非他允许查看牌库内容,比如他在搜寻牌库)。牌手不能试图查看对手的手牌,但是对手不小心展示了手牌,也不需要提醒他。\\ ++
-===== MTR 3.13 Tapped/​Flipped Cards 已横置/已倒转的牌 =====+===== MTR 3.14 Tapped/​Flipped Cards 已横置/已倒转的牌 =====
 **If a card must be tapped or flipped, it must be turned approximately 90 degrees (tapped) or 180 degrees (flipped), whichever is appropriate.**\\ ​ **If a card must be tapped or flipped, it must be turned approximately 90 degrees (tapped) or 180 degrees (flipped), whichever is appropriate.**\\ ​
 ++若必须横置或倒转一张牌,则牌手须根据相应动作将牌转动大约90度(横置)或180度(倒转)。|\\ ​ ++若必须横置或倒转一张牌,则牌手须根据相应动作将牌转动大约90度(横置)或180度(倒转)。|\\ ​
行 292: 行 319:
 Whether a card is tapped or flipped is a status of the game, and needs to be clearly communicated with the opponent, and visual standards are very helpful in this regard.\\ ​ Whether a card is tapped or flipped is a status of the game, and needs to be clearly communicated with the opponent, and visual standards are very helpful in this regard.\\ ​
 牌张的横置以及倒转属于游戏状态,必须清楚地与对手进行沟通。因此转动牌的方式在展现游戏状态时非常重要。\\ ++ 牌张的横置以及倒转属于游戏状态,必须清楚地与对手进行沟通。因此转动牌的方式在展现游戏状态时非常重要。\\ ++
-===== MTR 3.14 Graveyard Order 坟墓场的顺序 =====+===== MTR 3.15 Graveyard Order 坟墓场的顺序 =====
 **In formats involving only cards from Urza’s Saga™ and later, players may change the order of their graveyard at any time. A player may not change the order of an opponent’s graveyard.**\\ ​ **In formats involving only cards from Urza’s Saga™ and later, players may change the order of their graveyard at any time. A player may not change the order of an opponent’s graveyard.**\\ ​
 ++在只使用克撒传及于其后发行的系列之赛制中,牌手可调整其坟墓场中牌的顺序。|\\ ​ ++在只使用克撒传及于其后发行的系列之赛制中,牌手可调整其坟墓场中牌的顺序。|\\ ​
行 303: 行 330:
 A player may look through an opponent’s graveyard whenever they like. Players should always ask for the owner’s permission before touching cards that do not belong to them, as a courtesy. If a player is looking through a graveyard extra care should be taken to not mix any of the cards with their hand.\\ ​ A player may look through an opponent’s graveyard whenever they like. Players should always ask for the owner’s permission before touching cards that do not belong to them, as a courtesy. If a player is looking through a graveyard extra care should be taken to not mix any of the cards with their hand.\\ ​
 牌手可以在任意时刻查看对手的坟墓场。由于查看的不是自己的牌,出于礼貌,他必须经得对手的同意。在牌手查看坟墓场时,应时刻注意不要将牌与自己的手牌混淆。\\ ++ 牌手可以在任意时刻查看对手的坟墓场。由于查看的不是自己的牌,出于礼貌,他必须经得对手的同意。在牌手查看坟墓场时,应时刻注意不要将牌与自己的手牌混淆。\\ ++
-===== MTR 3.15 Sideboard 备牌 ===== +===== MTR 3.16 Sideboard 备牌 ===== 
-**A sideboard is a group of additional cards the player may use to modify ​his or her deck between games of a match. The player may use these cards in his or her main deck during all games after the first one in a match.**\\ ​+**A sideboard is a group of additional cards the player may use to modify ​their deck between games of a match. The player may use these cards in their main deck during all games after the first one in a match.**\\ ​
 ++备牌是一组不属于牌手套牌之内的额外牌张。在一局对局中两盘游戏之间,牌手可利用其备牌里的牌来变更其套牌的组成。牌手可在一局对局中的第一盘游戏之后在自己的主牌中使用这些牌。|\\ ​ ++备牌是一组不属于牌手套牌之内的额外牌张。在一局对局中两盘游戏之间,牌手可利用其备牌里的牌来变更其套牌的组成。牌手可在一局对局中的第一盘游戏之后在自己的主牌中使用这些牌。|\\ ​
 It is advisable for a player to have their sideboard sleeved in the same manner as their main deck in order to quickly swap cards.\\ ​ It is advisable for a player to have their sideboard sleeved in the same manner as their main deck in order to quickly swap cards.\\ ​
 强烈建议牌手将备牌套上与主牌同样的牌套(或都不使用牌套)来节约换备牌的时间。\\ ++ 强烈建议牌手将备牌套上与主牌同样的牌套(或都不使用牌套)来节约换备牌的时间。\\ ++
-**Before each game begins, players must present their sideboard (if any) face down. Opponents may count the number of cards in their opponent’s sideboard at any time. Players are not required to reveal how many cards they have swapped from their main deck to their sideboard and do not have to swap one for one. Other items (token cards, double-faced card represented in the deck by a checklist ​card, etc.) should be kept separate from the sideboard during game play.**\\ ​+**Before each game begins, players must present their sideboard (if any) face down. Opponents may count the number of cards in their opponent’s sideboard at any time. Players are not required to reveal how many cards they have swapped from their main deck to their sideboard and do not have to swap one for one. Other items (token cards, double-faced card represented in the deck by a substitute ​card, etc.) should be kept separate from the sideboard during game play.**\\ ​
 ++在每盘游戏开始之前,牌手必须将自己的备牌(若有)以面朝下的方式呈示于对手。牌手可随时清点其对手备牌的张数。牌手不需告知对手自己在套牌和备牌之间交换了几张牌,且不需一一对应交换。|\\ ​ ++在每盘游戏开始之前,牌手必须将自己的备牌(若有)以面朝下的方式呈示于对手。牌手可随时清点其对手备牌的张数。牌手不需告知对手自己在套牌和备牌之间交换了几张牌,且不需一一对应交换。|\\ ​
 In the U.S. most players do not present their sideboard, instead leave it in their deck box, separate from their mainboard. This, like requiring opponents to shuffle as opposed to cutting a deck, is required but not strictly enforced. Deck/​Decklist Problem in the IPG also tells us that any other cards kept with the sideboard are considered part of the sideboard. This is one of the common occurrences of Deck/​Decklist Problems and why it is important for players to keep their deck separate from any other cards, for example last night’s draft rares. To avoid a penalty players can present the sideboard, which is common in some countries.\\ ​ In the U.S. most players do not present their sideboard, instead leave it in their deck box, separate from their mainboard. This, like requiring opponents to shuffle as opposed to cutting a deck, is required but not strictly enforced. Deck/​Decklist Problem in the IPG also tells us that any other cards kept with the sideboard are considered part of the sideboard. This is one of the common occurrences of Deck/​Decklist Problems and why it is important for players to keep their deck separate from any other cards, for example last night’s draft rares. To avoid a penalty players can present the sideboard, which is common in some countries.\\ ​
 在美国,许多牌手没有呈现备牌的习惯,而是让它留在牌盒里与主牌做好区分。这和让对手认真洗牌而仅仅简单切一下牌库类似,即使我们要求牌手这样做,却没有强制执行。IPG中关于套牌/​套牌登记表问题的内容说明:与备牌在一起的其他牌会被视作备牌的一部分。这种问题屡见不鲜:牌手将之前轮抽得到的金牌和今天比赛用的备牌放在了一起。为了避免这种判罚,呈现备牌是一种好方法,一些国家的牌手也会习惯这么做。\\ ++ 在美国,许多牌手没有呈现备牌的习惯,而是让它留在牌盒里与主牌做好区分。这和让对手认真洗牌而仅仅简单切一下牌库类似,即使我们要求牌手这样做,却没有强制执行。IPG中关于套牌/​套牌登记表问题的内容说明:与备牌在一起的其他牌会被视作备牌的一部分。这种问题屡见不鲜:牌手将之前轮抽得到的金牌和今天比赛用的备牌放在了一起。为了避免这种判罚,呈现备牌是一种好方法,一些国家的牌手也会习惯这么做。\\ ++
-++在游戏过程中,应保证其他物品(衍生物牌、套牌中使用列表牌代表的双面牌等等)与备牌之间有显著区隔。|\\ ​+++在游戏过程中,应保证其他物品(衍生物牌、套牌中使用辅助牌代表的双面牌等等)与备牌之间有显著区隔。|\\ ​
 The Deck/​Decklist portion of the IPG instructs that these “other items” must be sleeved differently than the main deck/​sideboard.\\ ​ The Deck/​Decklist portion of the IPG instructs that these “other items” must be sleeved differently than the main deck/​sideboard.\\ ​
 IPG中有关套牌/​套牌登记表的内容要求“其他物品”需与主牌/​备牌有所区分。\\ ++ IPG中有关套牌/​套牌登记表的内容要求“其他物品”需与主牌/​备牌有所区分。\\ ++
-**During a game, players may look at their own sideboard, keeping it clearly distinguishable from other cards at all times. If a player gains control of another player, ​he or she may not look at that player’s sideboard, nor may he or she have that player access ​his or her sideboard.**\\ ​+**During a game, players may look at their own sideboard, keeping it clearly distinguishable from other cards at all times. If a player gains control of another player, ​they may not look at that player’s sideboard, nor may they have that player access ​their sideboard.**\\ ​
 ++于游戏进行的过程当中,牌手可检视自己的备牌,但须保证属于备牌的牌与其他的卡牌之间有明显区隔。如果某牌手获得了其他牌手的操控权,他不得检视后者的备牌,也不得要求后者查看其备牌。|\\ ​ ++于游戏进行的过程当中,牌手可检视自己的备牌,但须保证属于备牌的牌与其他的卡牌之间有明显区隔。如果某牌手获得了其他牌手的操控权,他不得检视后者的备牌,也不得要求后者查看其备牌。|\\ ​
 It is very important that players keep the cards separate from their main deck. If at some point the sideboard becomes intermingled with the main deck there is no way to verify the legality of the deck and penalties may apply. Please note the new change! ​ We no longer allow a player to look at another player’s sideboard while they control them.  Players may still look at their own sideboard at any time however.\\ ​ It is very important that players keep the cards separate from their main deck. If at some point the sideboard becomes intermingled with the main deck there is no way to verify the legality of the deck and penalties may apply. Please note the new change! ​ We no longer allow a player to look at another player’s sideboard while they control them.  Players may still look at their own sideboard at any time however.\\ ​
行 334: 行 361:
 绝大多数的构组赛使用最多15张备牌。在限制赛中,牌池中不在主牌中使用的牌都算作备牌,另外还包括任意数量的基本地。\\ ++ 绝大多数的构组赛使用最多15张备牌。在限制赛中,牌池中不在主牌中使用的牌都算作备牌,另外还包括任意数量的基本地。\\ ++
-**If a penalty causes a player to lose the first game in a match before that game has begun, or the first game is intentionally drawn before any cards are played, neither player may use cards from his or her sideboard for the next game in the match. If players restart a game due to an in-game effect, the composition of their decks must remain the same for the restarted game.**\\ ​+**If a penalty causes a player to lose the first game in a match before that game has begun, or the first game is intentionally drawn before any cards are played, neither player may use cards from their sideboard for the next game in the match. If players restart a game due to an in-game effect, the composition of their decks must remain the same for the restarted game.**\\ ​
 ++若出现了以下两种情况之一,双方牌手均不得在该局对局的次盘游戏中使用备牌:(1)在游戏开始之前,便有牌手因处罚而输掉了该局中的第一盘游戏;或(2)双方牌手未使用任何牌就已约和第一盘游戏。|\\ ​ ++若出现了以下两种情况之一,双方牌手均不得在该局对局的次盘游戏中使用备牌:(1)在游戏开始之前,便有牌手因处罚而输掉了该局中的第一盘游戏;或(2)双方牌手未使用任何牌就已约和第一盘游戏。|\\ ​
 In this case there has not been a “first game” for this match so there is no sideboarding as the next game will be the “first game”. Note that this exception applies when a game loss penalty is given before the first game has started, not the second or any subsequent games. A Deck/​Decklist Problem or Marked Cards upgraded Game Loss penalty discovered during a deck check are the common ways this can happen.\\ ​ In this case there has not been a “first game” for this match so there is no sideboarding as the next game will be the “first game”. Note that this exception applies when a game loss penalty is given before the first game has started, not the second or any subsequent games. A Deck/​Decklist Problem or Marked Cards upgraded Game Loss penalty discovered during a deck check are the common ways this can happen.\\ ​