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万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
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两侧同时换到之前的修订记录 前一修订版
ipg:2.1 [2019/05/22 18:32] 外部编辑
ipg:2.1 [2024/09/29 06:39] (当前版本)
Siyang Li [PHILOSOPHY 原则]
行 66: 行 66:
 For example, suppose Alex attacks Nat with an unblocked Arbor Elf equipped with Sword of Feast and Famine. During the combat damage step, Alex untaps their lands but both players forget about Nat discarding. Even if this is noticed during the post combat main phase, this must be treated as a Game Rules Violation by either rewinding the game or applying the appropriate partial fix, and not by simply asking Nat whether to place the trigger on the stack. It is also a Game Rule Violation if you acknowledge a trigger at the proper time or earlier, and then, because of multiple things on the stack, you forget to resolve it.\\  For example, suppose Alex attacks Nat with an unblocked Arbor Elf equipped with Sword of Feast and Famine. During the combat damage step, Alex untaps their lands but both players forget about Nat discarding. Even if this is noticed during the post combat main phase, this must be treated as a Game Rules Violation by either rewinding the game or applying the appropriate partial fix, and not by simply asking Nat whether to place the trigger on the stack. It is also a Game Rule Violation if you acknowledge a trigger at the proper time or earlier, and then, because of multiple things on the stack, you forget to resolve it.\\ 
 例如,Alex使用佩带了丰馑剑的乔木妖精攻击Nat,且没有被阻挡。在战斗伤害步骤,Alex重置了自己的地,但两位牌手都忘了Nat没有弃牌。即使这件事在战斗后行动阶段才被发现,这也必须以违反游戏规则(GRV)进行处理,要么进行倒回,要么适用合适的部分修正,而不能询问Nat是否将弃牌异能放进堆叠。如果你在合适的时间(或更早)表明了触发式异能的存在,但因为堆叠上的东西太多而忘记了结算该异能,这也属于GRV。\\ ++ 例如,Alex使用佩带了丰馑剑的乔木妖精攻击Nat,且没有被阻挡。在战斗伤害步骤,Alex重置了自己的地,但两位牌手都忘了Nat没有弃牌。即使这件事在战斗后行动阶段才被发现,这也必须以违反游戏规则(GRV)进行处理,要么进行倒回,要么适用合适的部分修正,而不能询问Nat是否将弃牌异能放进堆叠。如果你在合适的时间(或更早)表明了触发式异能的存在,但因为堆叠上的东西太多而忘记了结算该异能,这也属于GRV。\\ ++
 +**If the turn-based action of putting a lore counter on a Saga is missed, it should be handled as though it was a missed trigger.**\\
 **Triggered abilities that do nothing except create delayed triggered abilities automatically resolve without requiring acknowledgment. Awareness of the resulting delayed trigger must be demonstrated at the appropriate point. Triggered abilities that do nothing except create one or more copies of a spell or ability (such as storm or cipher) automatically resolve, but awareness of the resulting objects must be demonstrated using the same requirements as described above (even though the objects may not be triggered abilities).**\\ ​ **Triggered abilities that do nothing except create delayed triggered abilities automatically resolve without requiring acknowledgment. Awareness of the resulting delayed trigger must be demonstrated at the appropriate point. Triggered abilities that do nothing except create one or more copies of a spell or ability (such as storm or cipher) automatically resolve, but awareness of the resulting objects must be demonstrated using the same requirements as described above (even though the objects may not be triggered abilities).**\\ ​
行 184: 行 187:
 A player could not, however, remove the last counter from a Rift Bolt, then draw for the turn, and then say “I’ll Rift Bolt your creature.” Even if the player performs these actions in quick succession and without the opponent saying anything, they would still have gained the knowledge of the card drawn for the turn before choosing their Rift Bolt target. This should usually be ruled a Missed Trigger.\\ ​ A player could not, however, remove the last counter from a Rift Bolt, then draw for the turn, and then say “I’ll Rift Bolt your creature.” Even if the player performs these actions in quick succession and without the opponent saying anything, they would still have gained the knowledge of the card drawn for the turn before choosing their Rift Bolt target. This should usually be ruled a Missed Trigger.\\ ​
 但是,牌手不能从时缝之雷(延缓1,对目标生物或牌手造成3点伤害)上移除最后一个指示物,然后抓本回合的牌,再说“我要用时缝之雷打你的生物”。即使牌手快速连续地执行这些动作,对手也还来不及说话,他仍然还是从本回合抓的牌中获得额外信息之后,再选择时缝之雷的目标。这通常在判决时被视为遗漏触发。\\ ++ 但是,牌手不能从时缝之雷(延缓1,对目标生物或牌手造成3点伤害)上移除最后一个指示物,然后抓本回合的牌,再说“我要用时缝之雷打你的生物”。即使牌手快速连续地执行这些动作,对手也还来不及说话,他仍然还是从本回合抓的牌中获得额外信息之后,再选择时缝之雷的目标。这通常在判决时被视为遗漏触发。\\ ++
 +**A triggered ability is considered to have triggered even if it was subsequently missed. Effects that count or restrict the number of times a triggered ability can trigger will count the missed one.**\\
 ===== ADDITIONAL REMEDY 进一步的修正 ===== ===== ADDITIONAL REMEDY 进一步的修正 =====
 **If the triggered ability is an enters-the-battlefield trigger of an Aura that affects only the enchanted permanent and causes a visible change to that permanent, resolve the ability immediately.**\\ ​ **If the triggered ability is an enters-the-battlefield trigger of an Aura that affects only the enchanted permanent and causes a visible change to that permanent, resolve the ability immediately.**\\ ​
-++若该触发式异能系由进战场之灵气触发,仅影响其所结附的永久物并对其产生可见变化,则立即结算之。|\\ ​+++若该触发式异能系由进战场之灵气触发,仅影响其所结附的永久物并对其产生可见变化,则立即结算之。|\\ ​
 Mostly these will be Auras that tap the permanent such as Malfunction,​ once the missed trigger has been noticed the trigger will be resolved tapping the permanent immediately.\\ ​ Mostly these will be Auras that tap the permanent such as Malfunction,​ once the missed trigger has been noticed the trigger will be resolved tapping the permanent immediately.\\ ​
 这类异能绝大多数是横置其结附之永久物的异能。一旦注意到了遗漏触发,该异能将结算,立即横置该永久物。\\ ++\\  这类异能绝大多数是横置其结附之永久物的异能。一旦注意到了遗漏触发,该异能将结算,立即横置该永久物。\\ ++\\ 
-**If the triggered ability is a delayed triggered ability that undoes a zone change (including token creation) caused by the spell or ability ​that created the delayed triggered ability, the opponent chooses whether to resolve the ability the next time a player would get priority or when a player would get priority at the start of the next phase.**\\  +**If the triggered ability is a delayed triggered ability that undoes a zone change (including token creation) caused by the effect ​that created the delayed triggered ability, the opponent chooses whether to resolve the ability the next time a player would get priority or when a player would get priority at the start of the next phase.The new zone does not need to be the same as the one the card was originally moved from.**\\  
-++若该触发式异能系由改变某物件区域(包括派出衍生物)之咒语或异能产生、用于复原前述区域改变的延迟式触发异能,则由对手选择是令其在下一次将有牌手获得优先权时结算,还是在下一个阶段开始、有牌手将获得优先权时结算。|\\ ​+++若该触发式异能系由改变某物件区域(包括派出衍生物)之效应产生、用于复原前述区域改变的延迟式触发异能,则由对手选择是令其在下一次将有牌手获得优先权时结算,还是在下一个阶段开始、有牌手将获得优先权时结算。|\\ ​
 This type of triggered ability, known as delayed zone-change triggers, frequently exist in order to “clean things up.” While this type of trigger includes a lot of delayed sacrifices of tokens (Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, Thatcher Revolt, Geist of Saint Traft, etc.), it also includes many abilities that are utterly vital to the continued use of the associated object or objects.\\ ​ This type of triggered ability, known as delayed zone-change triggers, frequently exist in order to “clean things up.” While this type of trigger includes a lot of delayed sacrifices of tokens (Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, Thatcher Revolt, Geist of Saint Traft, etc.), it also includes many abilities that are utterly vital to the continued use of the associated object or objects.\\ ​
 这类触发式异能通常称作改变区域的延迟触发,经常在做“清理性工作”的异能中出现。这类异能不仅包括牺牲衍生物的延迟触发(例如裂镜奇奇几奇、屋匠起义、圣沙弗的游魂等),还包括一些为了使相关的一个或多个物件能够持续使用而至关重要的异能。\\ ​ 这类触发式异能通常称作改变区域的延迟触发,经常在做“清理性工作”的异能中出现。这类异能不仅包括牺牲衍生物的延迟触发(例如裂镜奇奇几奇、屋匠起义、圣沙弗的游魂等),还包括一些为了使相关的一个或多个物件能够持续使用而至关重要的异能。\\ ​
行 205: 行 211:
 注意,对手能选择的是“何时”而非“是否”结算。这样处理的一个原因是很多改变区域的触发式异能对于持续使用相关物件是至关重要的。如果对手可以选择这些触发是否发生,对于那些忘了上回合把乙太精怪移回场,结果发现乙太精怪因此被永远放逐的牌手而言,这个判罚会显得过重了。上一段中说:“触发式异能属于常见异能,且其机制较为隐蔽,因此不应在牌手忘记处理该类异能时即对其采取严厉的惩罚措施。”因此,方针不得不作出一些特殊的考虑。\\ ​ 注意,对手能选择的是“何时”而非“是否”结算。这样处理的一个原因是很多改变区域的触发式异能对于持续使用相关物件是至关重要的。如果对手可以选择这些触发是否发生,对于那些忘了上回合把乙太精怪移回场,结果发现乙太精怪因此被永远放逐的牌手而言,这个判罚会显得过重了。上一段中说:“触发式异能属于常见异能,且其机制较为隐蔽,因此不应在牌手忘记处理该类异能时即对其采取严厉的惩罚措施。”因此,方针不得不作出一些特殊的考虑。\\ ​
 Also of interest is that even though these abilities don’t expire, players are still under no obligation to remind the opponent of their existence. A player is perfectly within policy by remaining quiet for several turns despite having noticed that his opponent’s Obzedat, Ghost Council never returned from exile.\\ ​ Also of interest is that even though these abilities don’t expire, players are still under no obligation to remind the opponent of their existence. A player is perfectly within policy by remaining quiet for several turns despite having noticed that his opponent’s Obzedat, Ghost Council never returned from exile.\\ ​
-有意思的是,即使这些异能的持续时限不会结束,牌手仍然没有义务提醒对手这些异能的存在。牌手对于对手的欧节达鬼影议会呆在放逐区好几个回合没回来保持沉默是完全符合方针的。\\ ++\\ +有意思的是,即使这些异能的持续时限不会结束,牌手仍然没有义务提醒对手这些异能的存在。牌手对于对手的欧节达鬼影议会呆在放逐区好几个回合没回来保持沉默是完全符合方针的。\\ ++ 
 +++新的区域不需要与牌原本来自的区域相同。|\\ ++
 **For all other triggered abilities, if the ability was missed prior to the current phase in the previous turn, instruct the players to continue playing. If the triggered ability created an effect whose duration has already expired, instruct the players to continue playing.**\\ ​ **For all other triggered abilities, if the ability was missed prior to the current phase in the previous turn, instruct the players to continue playing. If the triggered ability created an effect whose duration has already expired, instruct the players to continue playing.**\\ ​
行 217: 行 224:
 范例:战华天使、超巨鲸、尼米斯独眼巨人\\ ++ 范例:战华天使、超巨鲸、尼米斯独眼巨人\\ ++
-**If the triggered ability isn’t covered by the previous paragraphs, the opponent chooses whether the triggered ability is added to the stack. If it is, it’s inserted at the appropriate place on the stack if possible or on the bottom of the stack. No player may make choices involving objects that would not have been legal choices when the ability should have triggered. For example, if the ability instructs a player to sacrifice a creature, that player can't sacrifice a creature that wasn't on the battlefield when the ability should have triggered.**\\ ​+**If the triggered ability isn’t covered by the previous paragraphs, the opponent chooses whether the triggered ability is added to the stack. If it is, it’s inserted at the appropriate place on the stack if possible or on the bottom of the stack. No player may make choices ​for the triggered ability ​involving objects that would not have been legal choices when the ability should have triggered. For example, if the ability instructs a player to sacrifice a creature, that player can't sacrifice a creature that wasn't on the battlefield when the ability should have triggered.**\\ ​
 ++如果该触发式异能不属于前面段落所述之情况,则由对手选择是否要将该触发式异能加入堆叠。|\\ ​ ++如果该触发式异能不属于前面段落所述之情况,则由对手选择是否要将该触发式异能加入堆叠。|\\ ​
 So, run through the checks above. If none of them fit, this is our default.\\ ​ So, run through the checks above. If none of them fit, this is our default.\\ ​
行 226: 行 233:
 One case in which it might not be possible to insert the trigger in the appropriate place on the stack is if some of the other abilities that triggered at the same time as the Missed Trigger have since resolved and are no longer there.\\ ​ One case in which it might not be possible to insert the trigger in the appropriate place on the stack is if some of the other abilities that triggered at the same time as the Missed Trigger have since resolved and are no longer there.\\ ​
 有一种不能将异能插入原本应处的位置的情况是,另一些与其同时触发的异能已经结算并不在堆叠里。\\ ++ 有一种不能将异能插入原本应处的位置的情况是,另一些与其同时触发的异能已经结算并不在堆叠里。\\ ++
-++牌手在为该异能作选择时,不得涉及于此异能原本应触发的时点尚不在相应区域当中的物件。|\\ ​+++牌手在为该触发式异能作选择时,不得涉及于此异能原本应触发的时点尚不在相应区域当中的物件。|\\ ​
 When placing missed triggers on the stack, players may make choices only about objects that could have been chosen had the trigger not been missed. Because there is one-turn expiration on placing missed triggers on the stack, it’s unlikely that many permanents have moved around in the interim. For this reason, remembering which objects were in which zones shouldn’t be too taxing to either player’s memory.\\ ​ When placing missed triggers on the stack, players may make choices only about objects that could have been chosen had the trigger not been missed. Because there is one-turn expiration on placing missed triggers on the stack, it’s unlikely that many permanents have moved around in the interim. For this reason, remembering which objects were in which zones shouldn’t be too taxing to either player’s memory.\\ ​
 在将遗漏的触发放进堆叠时,牌手只能做出如果该堆叠没有遗漏的情况下可以做出的选择。因为将异能放回堆叠只有一回合的时效,通常不太可能在这段时间内有很多永久物改变区域。因此,记住哪个物件在哪个区域应该不会耗费双方牌手过多的记忆。\\ ++ 在将遗漏的触发放进堆叠时,牌手只能做出如果该堆叠没有遗漏的情况下可以做出的选择。因为将异能放回堆叠只有一回合的时效,通常不太可能在这段时间内有很多永久物改变区域。因此,记住哪个物件在哪个区域应该不会耗费双方牌手过多的记忆。\\ ++
行 232: 行 239:
 If a player unintentionally misses their own Smokestack trigger (At the beginning of each player'​s upkeep, that player sacrifices a permanent for each soot counter on Smokestack),​ but this is not noticed until after the player has moved into their first main phase and played a land, the player should receive a Warning and the opponent should be asked if they would like the trigger to go on the stack. If the trigger is placed on the stack, then the player may not choose the land they just played for the turn as one of the permanents to sacrifice.\\ ​ If a player unintentionally misses their own Smokestack trigger (At the beginning of each player'​s upkeep, that player sacrifices a permanent for each soot counter on Smokestack),​ but this is not noticed until after the player has moved into their first main phase and played a land, the player should receive a Warning and the opponent should be asked if they would like the trigger to go on the stack. If the trigger is placed on the stack, then the player may not choose the land they just played for the turn as one of the permanents to sacrifice.\\ ​
 如果牌手无意中忘记了他自己的烟囱的触发(在每位牌手的维持开始时,烟囱上每有一个油烟指示物,该牌手便牺牲一个永久物。),但直到该牌手的战斗前行动阶段下了一块地以后才注意到,该牌手应当获得一个警告,并且裁判应当询问对手是否想让该触发进入堆叠。如果该触发被放进堆叠,该牌手不得在结算烟囱的异能时选择牺牲他这回合刚下的这块地。\\ ++ 如果牌手无意中忘记了他自己的烟囱的触发(在每位牌手的维持开始时,烟囱上每有一个油烟指示物,该牌手便牺牲一个永久物。),但直到该牌手的战斗前行动阶段下了一块地以后才注意到,该牌手应当获得一个警告,并且裁判应当询问对手是否想让该触发进入堆叠。如果该触发被放进堆叠,该牌手不得在结算烟囱的异能时选择牺牲他这回合刚下的这块地。\\ ++
 +**If the player is in the process of, or has just completed, an action that indicates the trigger has been missed, and completing that action would change the effect of the trigger, a simple backup may be performed on that action.**\\
 +++如果牌手正在进行或刚刚完成一个动作表明其遗漏了触发,并且完成该动作会改变该触发式异能的效应,则可以对该动作进行简易倒回。|\\ ++
 **Upgrade: If the triggered ability is usually considered detrimental for the controlling player and they own the card responsible for the existence of the trigger, the penalty is a Warning. The current game state is not a factor in determining this, though symmetrical abilities (such as Howling Mine) may be considered usually detrimental or not depending on who is being affected.**\\ ​ **Upgrade: If the triggered ability is usually considered detrimental for the controlling player and they own the card responsible for the existence of the trigger, the penalty is a Warning. The current game state is not a factor in determining this, though symmetrical abilities (such as Howling Mine) may be considered usually detrimental or not depending on who is being affected.**\\ ​