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万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
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3.3 Slow Play 游戏进行过慢

Penalty 处罚

Warning 警告


A player takes longer than is reasonably required to complete game actions. If a judge believes a player is intentionally playing slowly to take advantage of a time limit, the infraction is Unsporting Conduct — Stalling.
牌手在完成游戏中动作所需时间超过了合理的时长。 如果裁判相信牌手是蓄意进行过慢,来取得时间限制上的优势,则此违规应为“举止违背运动道德~拖延”。

It is also slow play if a player continues to execute a loop without being able to provide an exact number of iterations and the expected resulting game state.


A. A player repeatedly reviews their opponent’s graveyard without any significant change in game state.
A. 牌手在游戏状态没有大幅改变的情况下,不停地检视对手的坟墓场。
B. A player spends time writing down the contents of an opponent’s library while resolving Thought Hemorrhage.
B. 牌手在思想溢血/Thought Hemorrhage结算时,花时间将对手牌库的内容全部写下来。
C. A player takes an excessive amount of time to shuffle their deck between games.
C. 在两盘游戏之间,牌手花费了过多的时间来洗牌。
D. A player gets up from their seat to look at standings or goes to the bathroom without permission of an official.
D. 牌手离开座位去检视排名,或是没有工作人员的允许而前往洗手间。


All players have the responsibility to play quickly enough so that their opponents are not at a significant disadvantage because of the time limit. A player may be playing slowly without realizing it. A comment of “I need you to play faster” is often appropriate and all that is needed. Further slow play should be penalized.
所有牌手都有迅速进行游戏的责任,以让对手不会因为时间限制而有明显的不利。 牌手可能会无意间进行游戏过慢。对牌手说 “我希望你能进行的快速一点”通常就够了,而也只需要如此处理。再进一步的进行过慢就必须给予处罚。 再进一步的进行过慢就必须给予处罚。


In the event that the match exceeds the time limit, two additional turns are added to the number of additional turns played. This turn extension occurs before any end-of-match procedure can begin and after any time extensions that may have been issued.
若对局超出时间限制,则游戏将进行的延长回合数增加两个。 此延长回合会先于对局结束流程发生,且会在已有的任何补时结束之后才开始计算。

No additional turns are awarded if the match is already in additional turns, though the Warning still applies.