
2023.12 更新
万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
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套牌检查表 更新至依夏兰迷窟
















如果您计划参加万智牌世界杯资格赛,您应首先验证您归属的国家是否正确。要进行验证,您只需登录鹏洛客分数网站,输入您的DCI号码和密码。您当前归属国家会列在您的名字右边。 如果您需要修正您的归属国家,请立即使用此处提供的表单提交申诉(您需要用您的DCI号码和密码登录鹏洛客分数网站之后才能访问此表单)。与归属国家相关的申述在WMCQ赛季会依照高优先度请求进行处理。

万智牌世界杯资格赛预选赛 万智牌世界杯资格赛预选赛将会在大多数万智牌世界杯资格赛前日举办!每场预选赛的胜者将会获得于同一周末举办之万智牌世界杯资格赛的参赛邀请和一局轮空。万智牌世界杯资格赛的赛制均为标准赛。 每场万智牌世界杯资格赛前日均将举办WMCQ预选赛。有WMCQ参赛邀请但没有轮空?欢迎参加预选赛! 请联系您计划参加之万智牌世界杯资格赛的主办方,了解具体日期、时间和万智牌世界杯资格赛预选赛的报名费用。 关于万智牌世界杯预选赛资格赛的完整详情,请参阅《万智牌重要赛事邀请方针》。

比赛轮空 牌手的专业赛牌手俱乐部级别(截至该场万智牌世界杯举办之日),是否专业赛名人堂成员,是否赢过万智牌世界杯资格赛预选赛等情形,将决定牌手在万智牌世界杯资格赛中获得的轮空数量: 两局轮空: 专业赛牌手俱乐部等级为白金的牌手 一局轮空: 2013-14专业赛牌手俱乐部等级为金的牌手 专业赛名人堂成员 为该场万智牌世界杯资格赛提供邀请资格之万智牌世界杯资格赛预选赛的胜者。


赛制 标准构组赛 需要套牌列表 比赛长度 每局瑞士式对局长度为50分钟 单淘汰决赛阶段的比赛没有时间限制 瑞士式对局的局数将根据参赛人数依照下表决定: 参赛人数 瑞士式对局局数 决赛 8 3局(单淘汰) 无 9-16 5局 四强 17 - 32 5局 八强 33 - 64 6局 八强 65 - 128 7局 八强 129 - 226 8局 八强 227 - 409 9局 八强 410以上 10局 八强

晋级规则 所有牌手均可以参加所有瑞士式对局阶段的比赛。 在最后一局瑞士式对局结束之后,积分靠前的牌手将会晋级单淘汰决赛阶段的比赛。晋级决赛的牌手数量根据参加比赛的牌手总数确定(请参见上表) 决赛 决赛阶段的比赛将采用三盘两胜 决赛阶段的比赛将采用单淘汰赛程 虽然决赛阶段的对局没有时间限制,牌手应以合理的速度进行对局,并在60分钟之内完成比赛 将依据瑞士式对局之后的排名决定四分之一决赛和半决赛对局中落败牌手的名次。 决赛阶段每局对局的第一盘比赛由瑞士式对局阶段最终排名较高的牌手决定先后手。之后的比赛采用通常的先后手规则(前一盘游戏落败的一方决定下盘游戏的先后手)。 其他信息 鹏洛客分数倍率:5x;执法严格度(REL):竞争 《万智牌比赛规则》和《万智牌违规处理指南》适用本比赛,但若本赛事说明中有与前述方针明确抵触的部分,以本赛事说明为准。 牌手应自备记录生命的器具、牌套和相应的指示物或衍生物。 报名费 各地比赛的报名费不同。请与当地比赛主办人联系获取详细信息。 奖品 每位参赛者获得一张全新插画的圣沙弗的游魂赠卡(赠完为止)。 八强决赛阶段的参赛者获得一张特制万智牌世界杯资格赛八强牌垫。 每场比赛的胜者将获得2014年万智牌世界杯的参赛邀请和机票*,代表自己国家参加该赛事。 其他奖品由各场赛事的主办人确定。请联系主办人获取详细信息。

Top 8 competitors earn this exclusive playmat. REGISTRATION INFORMATION

Players who want more specific local tournament or registration information should call their local contact phone number. Players who have general questions about the Magic: The Gathering trading card game, Wizards of the Coast LLC, the Wizards Play Network, or any Magic: The Gathering Organized Play program should contact Wizards of the Coast as follows:

In North and South America, access the Knowledge Base. In all other areas, go to the Global Contact Information Page

2014 World Magic Cup Qualifier Country List

The following is a list of countries that will have national teams competing at the 2014 World Magic Cup and the minimum number Yearly Award Points at the conclusion of the 2014 Yearly Award Season needed to be qualified to compete in that country’s 2014 World Magic Cup Qualifiers.

Country Points Required Argentina 300 Australia 300 Austria 300 Belarus 100 Belgium 300 Bolivia 100 Brazil 300 Bulgaria 100 Canada 500 Chile 200 China 300 Chinese Taipei 200 Colombia 100 Costa Rica 100 Croatia 100 Cyprus 100 Czech Republic 300 Denmark 200 Dominican Republic 100 Ecuador 100 El Salvador 100 England 300 Estonia 100 Finland 200 France 500 Germany 500 Greece 300 Guatemala 100 Hong Kong 200 Hungary 200 Iceland 100 Indonesia 100 Ireland 100 Israel 100 Italy 500 Japan 500 Latvia 100 Lithuania 100 Luxembourg 100 Macedonia 100 Malaysia 200 Mexico 300 Netherlands 300 New Zealand 200 Northern Ireland 100 Norway 200 Panama 100 Paraguay 100 Peru 100 Philippines 300 Poland 300 Portugal 300 Puerto Rico 100 Romania 100 Russian Federation 300 Scotland 100 Serbia 100 Singapore 200 Slovak Republic 200 Slovenia 100 South Africa 200 South Korea 200 Spain 500 Sweden 300 Switzerland 200 Thailand 200 Turkey 100 Ukraine 200 United States 500 Uruguay 100 Venezuela 100 Wales 100

* Travel

The players eligible to receive a travel award will receive instructions from Wizards of the Coast regarding whom they must contact and the deadline by which they must arrange their travel awards. Wizards of the Coast will not refund travel made outside this service. Wizards of the Coast reserves the right to award a cash equivalent award in lieu of any travel award in its sole discretion.

All travel itineraries must be from the international airport nearest the player's home and to the host city of the Pro Tour, and must include all the dates of that event. No award will be substituted if member is unable to participate. All other expenses are the responsibility of the member and may include, without limitation, accommodations, ground transportation, taxes, itinerary change fees, passport and visa fees.

This award must be redeemed through member's arrangement of travel itinerary no later than (30) days before departure. Failure to complete travel arrangements as directed by Wizards of the Coast prior to this deadline will result in forfeiture of the award. Every member receiving a travel award must provide to Wizards of the Coast an executed liability release, the appropriate US taxation form (W9 or W8) (or have one on file), current contact information (https://webapp.wizards.com/login.aspx), http://webapp.wizards.com/dcimember/), proof of ID and passport (when required by international destination). In all cases, all such documentation must be provided to Wizards of the Coast, or previously on file, at least thirty (30) days before departure. Failure to timely provide such documentation will result in forfeiture of the award.

Players under the age of eighteen (18) at the time of the Pro Tour will receive a cash equivalent award in lieu of expenses, paid air ticket, and/or hotel accommodations. Such player must still attend, compete, and be listed in the finish of the tournament or forfeit this award.