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万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
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两侧同时换到之前的修订记录 前一修订版
mtr:8 [2014/07/20 18:48]
mtgjudge [8.5团队罗彻斯特轮抽赛]
mtr:8 [2019/09/05 12:05]
Hao Du [MTR 8.3 Team Communication Rules 团队交流规则]
行 1: 行 1:
-[[:万智牌比赛规则|返回万智牌比赛规则目录]] +[[:MTR:​7|第七章 - 限制规则]] | [[:MTR|返回MTR目录]] | [[:​MTR:​9|第九章 - 双头巨人赛规则]] 
-====== 8.  团队赛规则 ======+====== ​MTR 8. 团队赛规则 ====== 
 +===== MTR 8.1 Team Names 团队名称 ===== 
 +**Wizards of the Coast reserves the right to disallow any team name it deems offensive and/or obscene. Tournament officials may disallow teams from registering team names that may be considered offensive and/or obscene.**\\  
 +It is important to remember that Wizards of the Coast is the ultimate arbiter in what may be deemed offensive. While certain names (come on, you know what they are) are directly offensive, others may also be deemed unacceptable. Do not be surprised if a name that subtly insults players or officials is not allowed. Similarly a name that touts another game or competitor may also be viewed as poor.\\  
 +威世智对于行为是否具有攻击性具有最终裁定权。侮辱牌手以及工作人员的名称会被禁止,即使这种冒犯很隐晦也是不行的。鼓吹另一款游戏或竞争对手的名称也会被认为不适当。\\ ++ 
 +===== MTR 8.2 Team Composition and Identification 团队组成与识别 ===== 
 +**A valid team consists of two or three members, as appropriate to the format. A team is identified by the individual DCI membership numbers of its respective members and all teams must provide the Tournament Organizer with the full information when registering for the tournament. Individuals may be members of more than one team, though not during the same tournament. If a player drops from the tournament, the entire team is dropped from the tournament. If a player is disqualified from the tournament, the entire team is disqualified from the tournament.**\\  
 +**合法的团队包含两名或三名成员,​视具体的团队赛制而定。团队系以其成员的个别 DCI 会员编号来作识别,​所有参赛团队在报名参加比赛时,​必须向比赛主办人提供各自团队的完整信息。同一人可以在不同的比赛中分属不同的团队。如果团队中某位牌手自比赛中退出,则整支队伍都须退出比赛。如果某位牌手被取消比赛资格,则整支队伍都会被取消资格。**\\ ​
 +**Teams must designate player positions during tournament registration. For example, in a three-player team tournament, each team must designate who is player A, player B, and player C. Players retain these designations throughout the entire tournament.**\\ ​
 +**在进行比赛报名登记的时候,团队必须指派牌手称号。举例来说,在三人团队赛中,每支队伍都必须指派谁是牌手A、牌手B,及牌手C。在比赛的整个过程期间,牌手的称号保持不变。**\\ ​
-===== 8.1 团队名称 ​=====+**When two teams are paired against each other during the course of a tournament, the team members designated as “player A” play against each other, the team members designated as “player B” play against each other, and so on.**\\  
 +Teams being identified by their individual DCI numbers mean that even if a team should change names, as long as the same three people are members of the team they will still be counted in the same event history. Teams of course may not compete with only two members, and are not allowed to “start down a match” a common question.\\  
 +Team seating is less important than making sure they play the correct opponent from the opposing team. If team member C would like to sit in the middle then that is fine, as long as both teams’ Cs are in the center. Teams should never intentionally scramble their orders mid tournament.\\  
 +队伍的座位不是太重要,但要确保牌手能够与正确的对手进行对局。如果队员C想要坐在中间,那OK。但是要确保两队的队员C都坐在中间。不允许在比赛中途随意打乱牌手的顺序。\\ ++ 
 +===== MTR 8.3 Team Communication Rules 团队交流规则 ​===== 
 +**The rules for team communication are the same as those for Two-Headed Giant. See section 4.6 for more details on team communication.**\\  
 +===== MTR 8.4 Unified Deck Construction Rules 套牌联合构组规则 ===== 
 +**Team Constructed tournaments use Unified Deck Construction rules: Except for cards with the basic supertype, no two decks on a team may contain the same card, based on its English card title. (For example, if one player is using Naturalize in a Team Constructed tournament, no other player on that team may use Naturalize in his or her deck.) No players may use cards that are banned in a particular format. Cards that override deck construction rules (i.e. Relentless Rats) may only override them for one deck on a team.**\\  
 +**Unified Deck Construction rules are only applied when all members of a team have decks of the same format.**\\ ​
 +++套牌联合构组规则仅在团队中所有队员所使用之套牌属于同一赛制的情况下适用。|\\ ​
 +Note the change here!  Prior to this update we had the “four of” rule, that simply applied across the team instead of across a deck.  Now we only allow one player on a team to use any copies of a card.  This makes checking legality considerably easier, both for teams and judges.\\ ​
 +注意这里的更动!在这次更新前,联合构组使用的是“四张”规则,只是应用于整个团队而非个人。更改后,对于任何一张牌而言,队伍中都只能有一位牌手使用该牌。这个改动对于参赛队伍和裁判而言都使得验证套牌合法性更加简单。\\ ++
 +===== MTR 8.5 Team Rochester Draft Tournaments 团队罗彻斯特轮抽赛 =====
 +**Team Rochester Draft tournaments require teams of three players each. Two teams are seated at each table for the draft. Team members sit clockwise in A-B-C order around the table. (For example, in a three-person team tournament, players sit around the table clockwise in this order: 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B, 2C.)**\\ ​
 +**团队罗彻斯特轮抽赛中,​每支队伍需要三名成员,​轮抽时两支队伍分别坐在轮抽桌的两侧。团队的成员按 A-B-C 的顺序,​按顺时针方向围着桌子就坐。(举例来说,​在三人团队赛中,​牌手以 1A、1B、1C、2A、2B、2C 的顺序,​顺时针坐在桌旁。)**\\ ​
-威世智公司保留禁止使用任何视为有攻击性/猥亵名称之权利比赛工作人员可禁止团使用可能被认为攻击性/猥亵团队名称来报名+**A team determined at random chooses either to pick first or to allow the other team to pick first. Player B of the team that picks first lays out the first pack.**\\  
 +**以随机方式决定的队伍选择是要先选牌,​还是要让对手队伍先选牌由先选伍的 B 牌手展开第一包补充包中所有的**\\ 
-===== 8.2 团队组成识别 =====+**The draft begins with the first player opening his or her first booster pack and laying out the entire contents of the pack face up on the table as directed by tournament officials, with the cards facing him or herAfter reviewing the cards, drafting proceeds with each player selecting a single card in turn. Once a player has selected a card and placed it with his or her other drafted cards, he or she may not select a different card. If a player fails to select a card in the time given, a tournament official selects for that player the “oldest” card remaining from the booster pack (the card on the table the longest).**\\  
 +**随着第一位牌手听从比赛工作人员的指示,​打开自己手头上第一包补充包,​并将补充包内的所有牌以面朝上、对向自己的方式展开在桌面上,​轮抽正式开始。在检视完该些牌之后,​每位牌手轮流从中选择一张牌,​使得轮抽进行下去。一旦某牌手选择了某张牌并将其自己其它已抽选的牌放在一起,​他便不得再去选择其它的牌。如果牌手没能在给定的时间内选好牌,​则由比赛工作人员代替该位牌手选择该包牌中「最老」的那张牌(在桌面上停留时间最长的牌)。**\\ ​
 +**The player drafting first from the cards presented on the table is called the active player. The first active player is the participant who opened the first booster of the draft, as designated by a tournament official. All players in each drafting pod serve as the active player once for each group of booster packs. The identity of the active player moves in a horseshoe pattern, clockwise for the first and third boosters and counter-clockwise for the second. The player who was last to open a booster pack from a group is the first to open the booster pack from the next group.**\\ ​
 +**从展示在桌面上的牌中第一个进行轮抽的牌手称为「主动牌手」。该次轮抽中第一名打开包补充包的牌手便是第一位主动牌手。第一位主动牌手由比赛工作人员指定。在同一组补充包中,​同桌的每一位牌手都会轮流担任一次主动牌手。主动牌手一职依照 U 形顺序轮换:​第一和第三包补充包时轮换方向为顺时针,​第二包时方向为逆时针。某一组中最后一位打开补充包的牌手,​将会是下一组第一位打开补充包的牌手。**\\ ​
-合法的团队包含两名或名成员,视具体的团队赛制而定。团队系以其成员的个别DCI会员编号来作识别,所有参赛团队在报名参加比赛,必须比赛办人提供自团队的完整信息一位DCI会员可以是多于一支队伍成员。如果团队中某位牌手自比赛中退出或被取消资格,则整支队伍都须退出比赛+**The draft order also begins moving in a horseshoe pattern, clockwise for the first and third boosters and counter-clockwise for the second, beginning with the active player, continuing around the table to the last player in the group to draft a card. The last player in the group selects two cards sequentially,​ and then drafting continues in reverse order, moving back to the player who began the drafting. If there are still cards remaining, the player who began the drafting selects two cards, and drafting continues again in the opposite direction.**\\  
 +**轮抽顺序同样依照 U 字形进行移动:​第一和第移动方为顺时针,​第二包时方向为逆时针,​从动牌手开始,​绕桌让位牌手依次抽选一张牌本组的最后一位牌手连续选择两张牌,​之后轮抽继续,​方向倒转,​向开始轮抽之牌手方向移动。如果桌面上还有牌,​则第一轮抽的牌手选择两张牌,​且轮抽方向再次倒转,​轮抽继续进行**\\ 
-在进行比赛报名登记的时候,团必须指派牌手号。举例来说,在三人团赛中,每支伍都必须指派谁是手A、牌手B,及牌手C。在比赛过程期间,牌手的称号保持不变+**Example: Team 1 and Team 2 are seated around a table. They are numbered 1A-1B-1C-2A-2B-2C in a clockwise order. Team 2 wins the coin toss, and the members of Team 2 choose to let Team 1 pick first. The active player for the first pack is Player 1B. The first booster pack for Player 1B is opened and placed face up in front of Player 1B. After the 20-second review period has expired, the draft order is as follows:​**\\  
 +**示例:​甲和乙队围着桌子就座,​依顺时针顺序,​牌手的编依次为 1A-1B-1C-2A-2B-2C赢得了掷硬币,​并且乙的队员决定让甲队先来选。第一包的主动牌手是 1B。牌手 ​1B 打开了他第一补充包并把牌面朝上地放在了牌手 ​1B 面前经过了 20 秒的检视时间之后,​轮抽的顺序如下所示:​**\\ ​
-当两个团队在比赛中被配对在一起时,被指派为牌手A的团队成员互相游戏,被指派为牌手B的团队成员互相游戏,依次类推。+|Player 1B—card 1 牌手1B—第1张|Player 1A—card 6 牌手1A—第6张|Player 1C—card 11 牌手1C—第11张| 
 +|Player 1C—card 2 牌手1C—第2张|Player 1A—card 7 牌手1A—第7张|Player 1B—card 12 牌手1B—第12张| 
 +|Player 2A—card 3 牌手2A—第3张|Player 2C—card 8 牌手2C—第8张|Player 1B—card 13 牌手1B—第13张| 
 +|Player 2B—card 4 牌手2B—第4张|Player 2B—card 9 牌手2B—第9张|Player 1C—card 14 牌手1C—第14张| 
 +|Player 2C—card 5 牌手2C—第5张|Player 2A—card 10 牌手2A—第10张|Player 2A—card 15 牌手2A—第15张|
-===== 8.3 团队交流规则 ​=====+**During card selection, players must display the most recent card they drafted from the current pack. At all other times, players may leave one of their drafted cards face up on their draft pile, or may leave all cards face down. Players may not review their draft picks while drafting proceeds or at any other time specifically indicated by tournament officials.**\\  
 +===== MTR 8.6 Team Sealed Deck Tournaments ​团队现开赛 ​===== 
 +**All the rules for individual Limited tournaments (Section 7) apply to Team Sealed Deck tournaments except as follows.**\\  
 +**为个人限制赛制订的所有规则(第 7 节),​均适用于团队现开赛,​但下列事项除外。|\\ **\\  
 +**Each team must receive the same product mix. For example, if one team receives twelve Magic Origins boosters, every team must receive twelve Magic Origins boosters.**\\  
 +**Eight boosters per team are recommended for two-person team tournaments,​ and twelve boosters per team for three-person team tournaments. For the recommended product mix for the current block, refer to Appendix D.**\\  
 +**在此建议,​双人团队赛中,​发给每支队伍八包补充包;​三人团队赛中,​发给每支队伍十二包补充包。关于当前环境下所推荐的产品构成,​请参见附录 D。**\\  
 +**All cards must be assigned to a player’s deck or sideboard during deck construction and cannot be transferred to another player during that tournament. (Players do not share main deck or sideboard cards.) Players may exchange cards in their pool in Regular Rules Enforcement Level tournaments that do not use decklists, but only between rounds.**\\  
 +For competitive tournaments the recommended product mix in the appendix is highly preferred to allow players to have a reasonable expectation of the format, though technically any product may be used within the rules above. Outside of team Grand Prix events competitive team events are rare, though when they do occur each match is still expected to follow the same guidelines as individual tournaments.\\  
 +即使理论上在符合规则的条件下可以使用任何产品,对于竞争级别的比赛而言,强烈建议使用附录中推荐的产品构成,这能让牌手有更好的准备。除了团队限制大奖赛外,团队现开赛制的比赛很少。在这些比赛中,对局参考个人赛的处理方式进行处理即可。\\ ++
- +<WRAP center round box 60%> 
-处于游戏区域之中的团队成员互相之间可以随时进行交流。若有队员离开了游戏区域,则他必须等到当前此局对局结束之后,才能回来。 +[[:​MTR:​7|第七章 - 限制赛制规则]] | [[:​MTR|返回MTR目录]] | [[:​MTR:​9|第九章 ​人赛规则]] 
- +</WRAP>
-===== 8.4 套牌联合构组规则 ===== +
- +
- +
-团队构组赛中使用“套牌联合构组规则”:除了带有“基本”此超类别的牌及牌面文字叙述有其他规定的牌之外,同名的牌在一个队伍的所有套牌和备牌中,最多只能使用四张;以英文牌名为判别标准。(例如,在团队构组赛中,某一位牌手的套牌里使用了四张回归自然/​Naturalize,则同队伍的其他牌手就不能使用回归自然/​Naturalize这张牌。)如果某张牌在某个特定赛中被限用,则一个队伍里面就只能使用一张该牌。如果某张牌在该赛制中被禁用,便没有任何牌手可以使用之。 +
- +
-套牌联合构组规则仅在团队中所有队员所使用之套牌属于同一赛制的情况下适用。 +
- +
-===== 8.5 团队罗彻斯特轮抽赛 ===== +
- +
- +
-团队罗彻斯特轮抽赛中,每支队伍需要三名成员,轮抽时两支队伍分别坐在轮抽桌的两侧。团队的成员按A-B-C的顺序,按顺时针方向围着桌子就坐。(举例来说,在三人团队赛中,牌手以1A、1B、1C、2A、2B、2C的顺序,顺时针坐在桌旁。) +
- +
-以随机方式决定的队伍选择是要先选牌,还是要让对手队伍先选牌。由先选队伍的B牌手展开第一包补充包中所有的牌。 +
- +
-随着第一位牌手听从比赛工作人员的指示,打开自己手上第一包补充包,并将补充包内的所有牌以面朝上、对向自己的方式展开在桌面上,轮抽正式开始。在检视完该些牌之后,每位牌手轮流从中选择一张牌,使得轮抽进行下去。一旦某牌手选择了某张牌并将其与自己其它已抽选的牌放在一起,他便不得再去选择其它的牌。如果牌手没能在给定的时间内选好牌,则由比赛工作员代替该位牌手选择该包牌中“最老”的那张牌(在桌面上停留时间最长的牌) +
- +
-从展示在桌面上的牌中第一个进行轮抽的牌手称为“主动牌手”。该次轮抽中第一名打开包补充包的牌手便是第一位主动牌手。第一位主动牌手由比工作人员指定。在同一组补充包中,同桌的每一位牌手都会轮流担任一次主动牌手。主动牌手一职依照U形顺序轮换:第一和第三包补充包时轮换方向为顺时针,第二包时方向为逆时针。某一组中最后一位打开补充包的牌手,将会是下一组第一位打开补充包的牌手。 +
- +
-轮抽顺序同样依照U字形进行移动:第一和第三包时移动方向为顺时针,第二包时方向为逆时针,从主动牌手开始,绕桌让各位牌手依次抽选一张牌。本组的最后一位牌手连续选择两张牌,之后轮抽继续,方向倒转,向开始轮抽之牌手的方向移动。如果桌面上还有牌,则第一位轮抽的牌手选择两张牌,且轮抽方向再次倒转,轮抽继续进行。 +
- +
-示例:甲队和乙队围着桌子就座,依顺时针顺序,牌手的编号依次为1A-1B-1C-2A-2B-2C。乙队赢得了掷硬币,并且乙队的队员决定让甲队先来选牌。第一包的主动牌手是1B。牌手1B打开了他的第一个补充包并把牌面朝上地放在了牌手1B面前。经过了20秒的检视时间之后,轮抽的顺序如下所示: +
- +
-  * 牌手 1B—第1张 牌手 1A—第6张 牌手 1C—第11张 +
-  * 牌手 1C—第2张 牌手 1A—第7张 牌手 1B—第12张 +
-  * 牌手 2A—第3张 牌手 2C—第8张 牌手 1B—第13张 +
-  * 牌手 2B—第4张 牌手 2B—第9张 牌手 1C—第14张 +
-  * 牌手 2C—第5张 牌手 2A—第10张 牌手 2A—第15张 +
- +
-在进行选牌的过程中,每位牌手都必须展示他自当前包中最近抽到的那张牌。在其余时间里,牌手可以选择让自己已选牌堆中顶上那张牌以面朝上的方式放着,或是让所有牌都面朝下的方式放着。在轮抽进行的过程中,以及比赛工作人员指明的时间内,牌手不得检视自己在轮抽中所选的牌。 +
-===== 8.6 团队现开赛 ===== +
- +
- +
-为个人限制赛制订的所有规则(第7节),均适用于团队现开赛,但下列事项除外。 +
- +
-每一支队伍所得到的产品组合必须一样。例如,如果某支队伍得到了十二包//​塞洛斯//​的补充包,那么其他的队伍一定也是得到十二包//​塞洛斯//​的补充包。 +
- +
-DCI建议,在双人团队赛中,发给每支队伍八包补充包;在三人团队赛中,发给每支队伍十二包补充包。关于当前环境下所推荐的产品构成,请参见附录D。 +
- +
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