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万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
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mtr:6 [2017/07/12 19:16]
mtr:6 [2019/09/05 12:05]
Hao Du [MTR 6.5 Vintage Format Deck Construction 特选赛制套牌构组]
行 1: 行 1:
 [[:​MTR:​5|第五章 - 比赛违规]] | [[:​MTR|返回MTR目录]] | [[:​MTR:​7|第七章 - 限制赛制规则]] [[:​MTR:​5|第五章 - 比赛违规]] | [[:​MTR|返回MTR目录]] | [[:​MTR:​7|第七章 - 限制赛制规则]]
 ====== MTR 6. 构组赛制规则 ====== ====== MTR 6. 构组赛制规则 ======
 ===== MTR 6.1 Deck Construction Restrictions 套牌构组限制 ===== ===== MTR 6.1 Deck Construction Restrictions 套牌构组限制 =====
 **Constructed decks must contain a minimum of sixty cards. There is no maximum deck size. If a player chooses to use a sideboard, it may not contain more than fifteen cards.**\\ ​ **Constructed decks must contain a minimum of sixty cards. There is no maximum deck size. If a player chooses to use a sideboard, it may not contain more than fifteen cards.**\\ ​
行 8: 行 9:
 **Except for cards with the basic supertype or cards with text that specifies otherwise, a player’s combined deck and sideboard may not contain more than four of any individual card, based on its English card title.**\\ ​ **Except for cards with the basic supertype or cards with text that specifies otherwise, a player’s combined deck and sideboard may not contain more than four of any individual card, based on its English card title.**\\ ​
-++除了带有基本此超类别的牌及牌面文字叙述有其他规定的牌之外,​牌手的套牌及备牌里合起来同一张牌不得超过四张,​此规定以英文牌的名称为准。|\\ ​+++除了带有基本此超类别的牌及牌面文字叙述有其他规定的牌之外,​牌手的套牌及备牌里合起来同一张牌不得超过四张,​此规定以英文牌的名称为准。|\\ ​
 For most cards, a player may only play a maximum of four copies of a given card across his entire seventy-five. There are currently twelve exceptions to this rule: Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain, Forest, the five Snow-Covered variants, Relentless Rats, and Shadowborn Apostle. Note that you cannot get around this rule by using foreign or misprinted cards; the count is based on the English name of the card.\\ ​ For most cards, a player may only play a maximum of four copies of a given card across his entire seventy-five. There are currently twelve exceptions to this rule: Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain, Forest, the five Snow-Covered variants, Relentless Rats, and Shadowborn Apostle. Note that you cannot get around this rule by using foreign or misprinted cards; the count is based on the English name of the card.\\ ​
 对于整个75张的套牌来说,同一张牌不得超过四张。但有12个例外:平原,海岛,沼泽,山脉,树林,五种覆雪基本地,无情鼠群,以及影裔宗徒。当然,你不能借助外文牌或者错版牌来滥用此规则;牌张的计数以英文版为标准。\\ ++ 对于整个75张的套牌来说,同一张牌不得超过四张。但有12个例外:平原,海岛,沼泽,山脉,树林,五种覆雪基本地,无情鼠群,以及影裔宗徒。当然,你不能借助外文牌或者错版牌来滥用此规则;牌张的计数以英文版为标准。\\ ++
 ===== MTR 6.2 Card Legality 牌张可用情况 ===== ===== MTR 6.2 Card Legality 牌张可用情况 =====
 **A card may only be used in a particular format if the card is from a set that is legal in that format or has the same name as a card from a set that is legal in that format. Zendikar Expeditions and Masterpiece Series cards may only be played in formats where the card is already legal.**\\ ​ **A card may only be used in a particular format if the card is from a set that is legal in that format or has the same name as a card from a set that is legal in that format. Zendikar Expeditions and Masterpiece Series cards may only be played in formats where the card is already legal.**\\ ​
行 21: 行 23:
 If a card is banned, it cannot be used. If a card is restricted, it doesn’t follow the “four-of” rule above; rather than having up to four copies in a given seventy-five,​ a player may have at most one copy. As explained in section 6.5, Vintage is the only format with a restricted list.\\ ​ If a card is banned, it cannot be used. If a card is restricted, it doesn’t follow the “four-of” rule above; rather than having up to four copies in a given seventy-five,​ a player may have at most one copy. As explained in section 6.5, Vintage is the only format with a restricted list.\\ ​
 如果某张牌被禁用,则该牌不能使用。如果某张牌被限用,则牌手最多只能使用一张,而不遵循上述的“四张上限”的原则。根据章节6.5的说明,特选赛是唯一具有限用牌的赛制。\\ ++ 如果某张牌被禁用,则该牌不能使用。如果某张牌被限用,则牌手最多只能使用一张,而不遵循上述的“四张上限”的原则。根据章节6.5的说明,特选赛是唯一具有限用牌的赛制。\\ ++
 ===== MTR 6.3 Standard Format Deck Construction 标准赛制套牌构组 ===== ===== MTR 6.3 Standard Format Deck Construction 标准赛制套牌构组 =====
 ++...|\\ ​ ++...|\\ ​
行 29: 行 32:
 **下述各系列可在标准赛制比赛中使用:**\\ ​ **下述各系列可在标准赛制比赛中使用:**\\ ​
-  * Battle for Zendikar™ (until September 29, 2017) 再战赞迪卡(直到2017年9月29日) +  * Ixalan™ 依夏兰 
-  * Oath of the Gatewatch™ (until September 29, 2017) 守护者誓约(直到2017年9月29日) +  * Rivals ​of Ixalan™ 决胜依夏兰 
-  * Shadows over Innistrad™ (until September 29, 2017) 依尼翠暗影(直到2017年9月29日) +  * Dominaria™ 多明纳里亚 
-  * Eldritch Moon™ (until September 29, 2017) 异月传(直到2017年9月29日) +  * Global Deck Series: Jiang Yanggu & Mu Yanling* 幻境谭* 
-  * Kaladesh™ 德许 +  * Core 2019™ 2019核心系列 
-  * Aether Revolt™ 乙太之乱 +  * Guilds of Ravnica™ 烽会尼卡 
-  * Amonkhet (effective April 28, 2017) 阿芒凯(2017年4月28日起) +  * Ravnica Allegiance™ 效忠拉尼卡 
-  * Hour of Devastation ​(effective July 142017幻灭时刻2017年7月14) +  * War of the Spark 火花之战 
-  * Ixalan (effective September 29, 2017) 依夏兰(2017年9月29日+  * Core Set 2020 (effective July 1220192020核心系列2019年7月12生效) 
 +  ​ 
 +*** Global Deck Series: Jiang Yanggu & Mu Yanling will be legal in the Standard format in China only. It will leave the Standard format concurrent with Dominaria.**\\  
 +***幻境奇谭系列仅能在中国大陆境内的标准赛中使用。该系列会随着多明纳里亚系列一离开标准赛制。**\\ ​
-**In addition, cards from Welcome Decks (and other ancillary products) with the “W16” set identification code are also permitted ​in Standard ​Tournaments. These cards will rotate out of the Standard format at the same time as the Shadows over Innistrad expansion.**\\  +**Cards from Core 2019 Welcome Decks have a Core 2019 expansion symbol ​and are considered part of the Core 2019 expansion. All cards in Core 2019 Welcome Decks are legal for play in the Standard ​format and rotate out of the Standard format at the same time as Core 2019.**\\  
-**此外,出自欢迎套牌(及其他辅助产品)中带“W16”系列标识符号牌张允许在标准赛制比赛中使用。这些牌将依尼翠暗影系列同时轮替出标准赛制。**\\ ​+**出自2019核心系列欢迎套牌的牌张上面2019核心系列的系列符号,这些牌也视为属于2019核心系列。所有出自2019核心系列欢迎套牌的牌张均可以在标准赛制比赛中使用,且会2019核心系列同时轮替出标准赛制。**\\ ​
-**Cards from Welcome Decks (and other ancillary products) with the “W17” set identification code are also permitted ​in Standard ​Tournaments. These cards will rotate out of the Standard format at the same time as the Amonkhet expansion.**\\  +**Cards from Core 2020 Welcome Decks, Spellslinger Starter Kits, and Theme boosters have a Core 2020 expansion symbol and are considered part of the Core 2020 expansion. All cards in Core 2020 Welcome Decks are legal for play in the Standard ​format and rotate out of the Standard format at the same time as Core 2020.**\\  
-**出自欢迎套牌(及其他辅助产品)中带“W17”系列标识符号允许在标准赛制比赛中使用。这些牌将阿芒凯系列同时轮替出标准赛制。**\\ ​+**出自2020核心系列欢迎套牌、Spellslinger Starter Kit和主题补充包的牌张上面2020核心系列的系列符号,这些牌也视为属于2020核心系列。所有出自2020核心系列欢迎套牌的牌张均可以在标准赛制比赛中使用,且会2020核心系列同时轮替出标准赛制。**\\ ​
 **Planeswalker Decks contain ten (10) cards that, while not appearing in expansion Booster Packs, are considered part of the expansion released concurrent with those Planeswalker Decks. These cards contain the same expansion symbol as cards from that expansion, are legal for play in the Standard format, and rotate out of the Standard format at the same time as the expansion.**\\ ​ **Planeswalker Decks contain ten (10) cards that, while not appearing in expansion Booster Packs, are considered part of the expansion released concurrent with those Planeswalker Decks. These cards contain the same expansion symbol as cards from that expansion, are legal for play in the Standard format, and rotate out of the Standard format at the same time as the expansion.**\\ ​
-**鹏洛客套牌中含有十(10)张不会在补充包中出现的牌,这些牌也视为属于与鹏洛客套牌一同发售之延伸系列。这些牌上的系列符号与前述延伸系列之系列符号一致,可以在标准赛制比赛中使用,且会与该系列同时轮替出标准赛制。**\\ +++鹏洛客套牌中含有十(10)张不会在补充包中出现的牌,这些牌也视为属于与鹏洛客套牌一同发售之延伸系列。这些牌上的系列符号与前述延伸系列之系列符号一致,可以在标准赛制比赛中使用,且会与该系列同时轮替出标准赛制。|\\  
 +While cards in a Welcome Deck may not be opened in booster packs, they are still currently legal in standard. ​ Take extra care when verifying legality of cards such as these!\\  
 +即使补充包中无法开到一些欢迎套牌中的牌,这些牌仍然在标准赛中合法。在确认牌张的合法性时要特别注意这一点!\\ ++
-**The following ​cards are banned in Standard tournaments:​**\\ ​+**“Buy-a-Box” promotional ​cards, while not appearing in expansion Booster Packs, ​are considered part of the expansion released concurrent with those promotional cards. These cards have the same expansion symbol as cards from that expansion, are legal for play in the Standard format, and rotate out of the Standard format at the same time as the expansion.**\\  
 +**When Snow-Covered Lands are not legal in Standard, they are treated as the equivalent basic lands. Players must replace them when discovered, but no infraction is committed.**\\  
 +**The following card is banned in Standard tournaments:​**\\ ​
 **下列牌在标准赛制比赛中禁用:**\\ ​ **下列牌在标准赛制比赛中禁用:**\\ ​
-  * 乙太厂奇械/Aetherworks Marvel ​(effective ​June 192017)(2017619 +  * 莽闯暴猛龙/Rampaging Ferocidon ​(unbanned ​effective ​August 302019)(解禁,2019830生效
-  * 绝望终局伊莫库/​Emrakul,​ the Promised End +
-  * 护卫晶角兽/​Felidar Guardian (effective April 28, 2017)(2017年4月28日起) +
-  * 反射法师/​Reflector Mage +
-  * 走私直升机/​Smuggler’s Copter+
-++...|\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​mtr6-4>​
-While cards in a Welcome Deck may not be opened in booster packs, they are still currently legal in standard. ​ Take extra care when verifying legality of cards such as these!\\  +
-即使补充包中无法开到一些欢迎套牌中的牌,这些牌仍然在标准赛中合法。在确认牌张的合法性时要特别注意这一点!\\ +++
 ===== MTR 6.4 Modern Format Deck Construction 近代赛制套牌构组 ===== ===== MTR 6.4 Modern Format Deck Construction 近代赛制套牌构组 =====
 ++...|\\ ​ ++...|\\ ​
行 89: 行 97:
   * Conflux 聚流   * Conflux 聚流
   * Alara Reborn 阿拉若新生   * Alara Reborn 阿拉若新生
-  * Magic 2010 core set 万智牌2010+  * Magic 2010 core set 万智牌2010核心系列
   * Zendikar 赞迪卡   * Zendikar 赞迪卡
   * Worldwake 天地醒转   * Worldwake 天地醒转
   * Rise of the Eldrazi 奥札奇再起   * Rise of the Eldrazi 奥札奇再起
-  * Magic 2011 core set 万智牌2011+  * Magic 2011 core set 万智牌2011核心系列
   * Scars of Mirrodin 秘罗地创痕   * Scars of Mirrodin 秘罗地创痕
   * Mirrodin Besieged 围攻秘罗地   * Mirrodin Besieged 围攻秘罗地
   * New Phyrexia 新非瑞克西亚   * New Phyrexia 新非瑞克西亚
-  * Magic 2012 core set 万智牌2012+  * Magic 2012 core set 万智牌2012核心系列
   * Innistrad 依尼翠   * Innistrad 依尼翠
   * Dark Ascension 黑影笼罩   * Dark Ascension 黑影笼罩
   * Avacyn Restored 艾维欣重临   * Avacyn Restored 艾维欣重临
-  * Magic 2013 core set 万智牌2013+  * Magic 2013 core set 万智牌2013核心系列
   * Return to Ravnica 再访拉尼卡   * Return to Ravnica 再访拉尼卡
   * Gatecrash 兵临古城   * Gatecrash 兵临古城
   * Dragon’s Maze 巨龙迷城   * Dragon’s Maze 巨龙迷城
-  * Magic 2014 core set 万智牌2014+  * Magic 2014 core set 万智牌2014核心系列
   * Theros™ 塞洛斯   * Theros™ 塞洛斯
   * Born of the Gods™ 天神创生   * Born of the Gods™ 天神创生
   * Journey Into Nyx™ 尼兹之旅   * Journey Into Nyx™ 尼兹之旅
-  * Magic 2015 core set 万智牌2015+  * Magic 2015 core set 万智牌2015核心系列
   * Khans of Tarkir™ 鞑契可汗   * Khans of Tarkir™ 鞑契可汗
   * Fate Reforged™ 龙命殊途   * Fate Reforged™ 龙命殊途
-  * Dragons of Tarkir 鞑契龙王 +  * Dragons of Tarkir™ 鞑契龙王 
-  * Magic Origins 万智牌:起源 +  * Magic Origins™ 万智牌:起源 
-  * Battle for Zendikar 再战赞迪卡 +  * Battle for Zendikar™ 再战赞迪卡 
-  * Oath of the Gatewatch 守护者誓约 +  * Oath of the Gatewatch™ 守护者誓约 
-  * Shadows over Innistrad 依尼翠暗影 +  * Shadows over Innistrad™ 依尼翠暗影 
-  * Eldritch Moon 异月传奇 +  * Eldritch Moon™ 异月传奇 
-  * Kaladesh 卡拉德许 +  * Kaladesh™ 卡拉德许 
-  * Aether Revolt 乙太之乱 +  * Aether Revolt™ 乙太之乱 
-  * Amonkhet ​(effective April 28, 2017) 阿芒凯(2017年4月28日起) +  * Amonkhet™ 阿芒凯 
-  * Hour of Devastation ​(effective July 14, 2017) 幻灭时刻(2017年7月14日起) +  * Hour of Devastation™ 幻灭时刻 
-  * Ixalan (effective ​September 292017依夏兰2017929+  * Ixalan ​依夏兰 
 +  * Rivals of Ixalan 决胜依夏兰 
 +  * Dominaria 多明纳里亚 
 +  * Core 2019 2019核心系列 
 +  * Guilds of Ravnica 烽会拉尼卡 
 +  * Ravnica Allegiance 效忠拉尼卡 
 +  * War of the Spark 火花之战 
 +  * Modern Horizons 摩登新篇 
 +  * Core Set 2020 (effective ​July 1220192020核心系列2019712生效
 **The following cards are banned in Modern tournaments:​**\\ ​ **The following cards are banned in Modern tournaments:​**\\ ​
 **下列牌在近代赛制比赛中禁用:**\\ ​ **下列牌在近代赛制比赛中禁用:**\\ ​
-  * 先人的预视/​Ancestral Vision 
   * 远古狮穴/​Ancient Den   * 远古狮穴/​Ancient Den
   * 诞生荚/​Birthing Pod   * 诞生荚/​Birthing Pod
   * 煌炎群列/​Blazing Shoal   * 煌炎群列/​Blazing Shoal
-  * 血辫妖精/Bloodbraid Elf+  * 阴界渡桥/Bridge from Below
   * 五彩玛珂/​Chrome Mox   * 五彩玛珂/​Chrome Mox
   * 云际哨站/​Cloudpost   * 云际哨站/​Cloudpost
行 138: 行 153:
   * 颤栗再现/​Dread Return   * 颤栗再现/​Dread Return
   * 乌金之眼/​Eye of Ugin   * 乌金之眼/​Eye of Ugin
 +  * 丧信掠夺/​Faithless Looting (effective August 30, 2019)(2019年8月 30日生效)
   * 吉塔夏探刺/​Gitaxian Probe   * 吉塔夏探刺/​Gitaxian Probe
   * 瞥视自然/​Glimpse of Nature   * 瞥视自然/​Glimpse of Nature
行 143: 行 159:
   * 大熔炉/​Great Furnace   * 大熔炉/​Great Furnace
   * 绿阳当空/​Green Sun’s Zenith   * 绿阳当空/​Green Sun’s Zenith
 +  * 醒转古陵寝霍佳葛/​Hogaak,​ Arisen Necropolis (effective August 30, 2019)(2019年8月30日生效)
   * 多重创生/​Hypergenesis   * 多重创生/​Hypergenesis
-  * 心灵塑师杰斯/Jace, the Mind Sculptor+  * 喀勒克族制铁厂/Krark-Clan Ironworks
   * 心灵失足/​Mental Misstep   * 心灵失足/​Mental Misstep
   * 沉思/​Ponder   * 沉思/​Ponder
行 156: 行 173:
   * 备忘夹/​Skullclamp   * 备忘夹/​Skullclamp
   * 分裂双身/​Splinter Twin   * 分裂双身/​Splinter Twin
-  * 锻石秘教徒/​Stoneforge Mystic+  * 锻石秘教徒/​Stoneforge Mystic ​(unbanned effective August 30, 2019)(解禁,2019年8月30日生效)
   * 仲夏之花/​Summer Bloom   * 仲夏之花/​Summer Bloom
   * 驯良之剑/​Sword of the Meek   * 驯良之剑/​Sword of the Meek
行 163: 行 180:
   * 梅泽的十手/​Umezawa’s Jitte   * 梅泽的十手/​Umezawa’s Jitte
   * 细语暗窖/​Vault of Whispers   * 细语暗窖/​Vault of Whispers
 ===== MTR 6.5 Vintage Format Deck Construction 特选赛制套牌构组 ===== ===== MTR 6.5 Vintage Format Deck Construction 特选赛制套牌构组 =====
 **Vintage decks may consist of cards from all Magic card sets, plus the following cards: Sewers of Estark, **Vintage decks may consist of cards from all Magic card sets, plus the following cards: Sewers of Estark,
行 179: 行 196:
 **The following cards are banned in Vintage tournaments:​**\\ ​ **The following cards are banned in Vintage tournaments:​**\\ ​
 **下列牌在特选赛制比赛中禁用:**\\ ​ **下列牌在特选赛制比赛中禁用:**\\ ​
-  * All cards with the card type “Conspiracy” (25 cards) 所有牌张类别为诡局的牌(共25张) +  * All cards with the card type “Conspiracy” (25 cards) 所有牌张类别为诡局的牌(共25张) 
-  * All cards that reference “playing for ante” (9 cards) 所有提及赌注的牌(共9张)+  * All cards that reference “playing for ante” (9 cards) 所有提及赌注的牌(共9张)
   * Chaos Orb   * Chaos Orb
   * Falling Star   * Falling Star
行 196: 行 213:
   * Demonic Tutor   * Demonic Tutor
   * 历时挖掘/​Dig Through Time   * 历时挖掘/​Dig Through Time
-  * Fastbond+  * Fastbond ​(unrestricted effective August 30, 2019)(解限,2019年8月30日生效)
   * 闪现/​Flash   * 闪现/​Flash
-  * 吉塔夏探刺/​Gitaxian Probe (effective ​April 282017)(2017428) +  * 吉塔夏探刺/​Gitaxian Probe 
-  * 宣泄/​Gush ​(effective April 28, 2017)(2017年4月28日起)+  * 葛加理墓地巨魔/​Golgari Grave-Troll ​(effective ​August 302019)(2019830生效) 
 +  * 宣泄/Gush
   * 玉玺/​Imperial Seal   * 玉玺/​Imperial Seal
 +  * 万创卡恩/​Karnr,​ the Great Creator (effective August 30, 2019)(2019年8月30日生效)
   * Library of Alexandria   * Library of Alexandria
   * Lion’s Eye Diamond   * Lion’s Eye Diamond
行 208: 行 227:
   * 魔法力库/​Mana Vault   * 魔法力库/​Mana Vault
   * 记忆瓶/​Memory Jar   * 记忆瓶/​Memory Jar
 +  * 心灵失足/​Mental Misstep (effective August 30, 2019)(2019年8月30日生效)
   * 行商卷轴/​Merchant Scroll ​   * 行商卷轴/​Merchant Scroll ​
   * 心之所欲/​Mind’s Desire   * 心之所欲/​Mind’s Desire
 +  * 寺院明师/​Monastery Mentor
   * Mox Emerald ​   * Mox Emerald ​
   * Mox Jet   * Mox Jet
行 216: 行 237:
   * Mox Sapphire ​   * Mox Sapphire ​
   * 神秘导师/​Mystical Tutor   * 神秘导师/​Mystical Tutor
 +  * 神秘熔炉/​Mystic Forge (effective August 30, 2019)(2019年8月30日生效)
   * 死冥权能/​Necropotence   * 死冥权能/​Necropotence
   * 沉思/​Ponder ​   * 沉思/​Ponder ​
   * 阳光戒/​Sol Ring   * 阳光戒/​Sol Ring
   * 废矿/​Strip Mine   * 废矿/​Strip Mine
 +  * 紫水晶刺/​Thorn of Amethyst
   * Time Vault   * Time Vault
   * Time Walk   * Time Walk
行 236: 行 259:
 This is the only restricted list in Magic. These cards are generally the most powerful allowed in Vintage, and only one of each card can be played in a player’s library or sideboard (but not in both).\\ ​ This is the only restricted list in Magic. These cards are generally the most powerful allowed in Vintage, and only one of each card can be played in a player’s library or sideboard (but not in both).\\ ​
 这是万智牌中唯一一份限牌表。这些牌在特选赛中过于强大,牌手只能在主牌或备牌中至多使用一张(不能在主牌和备牌中都使用)。\\ ++ 这是万智牌中唯一一份限牌表。这些牌在特选赛中过于强大,牌手只能在主牌或备牌中至多使用一张(不能在主牌和备牌中都使用)。\\ ++
 ===== MTR 6.6 Legacy Format Deck Construction 薪传赛制套牌构组 ===== ===== MTR 6.6 Legacy Format Deck Construction 薪传赛制套牌构组 =====
 **Legacy decks may consist of cards from all Magic card sets, plus the following cards: Sewers of Estark, **Legacy decks may consist of cards from all Magic card sets, plus the following cards: Sewers of Estark,
行 248: 行 272:
 **The following cards are banned in Legacy tournaments:​**\\ ​ **The following cards are banned in Legacy tournaments:​**\\ ​
 **下列牌在薪传赛制比赛中禁用:**\\ ​ **下列牌在薪传赛制比赛中禁用:**\\ ​
-  * All cards with the card type “Conspiracy” (25 cards) 所有牌张类别为诡局的牌(共25张) +  * All cards with the card type “Conspiracy” (25 cards) 所有牌张类别为诡局的牌(共25张) 
-  * All cards that reference “playing for ante” (9 cards) 所有提及赌注的牌(共9张)+  * All cards that reference “playing for ante” (9 cards) 所有提及赌注的牌(共9张)
   * Ancestral Recall   * Ancestral Recall
   * 均势/​Balance   * 均势/​Balance
行 256: 行 280:
   * 魔力通道/​Channel   * 魔力通道/​Channel
   * Chaos Orb   * Chaos Orb
 +  * 丧仪祭师/​Deathrite Shaman
   * Demonic Consultation   * Demonic Consultation
   * Demonic Tutor   * Demonic Tutor
行 264: 行 289:
   * 闪现/​Flash   * 闪现/​Flash
   * 狂搜乱寻/​Frantic Search   * 狂搜乱寻/​Frantic Search
 +  * 吉塔夏探刺/​Gitaxian Probe
   * 鬼怪征兵员/​Goblin Recruiter   * 鬼怪征兵员/​Goblin Recruiter
   * 宣泄/Gush   * 宣泄/Gush
行 285: 行 311:
   * 死冥权能/​Necropotence   * 死冥权能/​Necropotence
   * 德鲁依之誓约/​Oath of Druids   * 德鲁依之誓约/​Oath of Druids
-  * 师范占卜陀螺/​Sensei’s Divining Top (effective April 28, 2017)(2017年4月28日起)+  * 师范占卜陀螺/​Sensei’s Divining Top
   * Shahrazad   * Shahrazad
   * 备忘夹/​Skullclamp   * 备忘夹/​Skullclamp
行 303: 行 329:
   * 约格莫夫式交易/​Yawgmoth’s Bargain   * 约格莫夫式交易/​Yawgmoth’s Bargain
   * 约格莫夫的意志/​Yawgmoth’s Will   * 约格莫夫的意志/​Yawgmoth’s Will
-===== MTR 6.7 Block Constructed Format Deck Construction 环境构组赛制套牌构组 ===== 
-**Block Constructed decks consist of cards taken from a restricted set of expansions.**\\ ​ 
-**环境构组赛制套牌的牌必须由出自于所限定之同一组延伸系列的牌构成。**\\ ​ 
-**The DCI sanctions the following Block Constructed formats:​**\\ ​ 
-**DCI认证下列的环境构组赛制:**\\ ​ 
-  * Amonkhet Block (Amonkhet [effective April 28, 2017], Hour of Devastation [effective July 14, 2017]) //​阿芒凯//​环境(阿芒凯[2017年4月28日起]、幻灭时刻[2017年7月14日起]) 
-  * Kaladesh Block (Kaladesh, Aether Revolt) //​卡拉德许//​环境(卡拉德许、乙太之乱) 
-  * Shadows over Innistrad Block (Shadows over Innistrad, Eldritch Moon) //​依尼翠暗影//​环境(依尼翠暗影、异月传奇) 
-  * Battle for Zendikar Block (Battle for Zendikar, Oath of the Gatewatch) //​再战赞迪卡//​环境(再战赞迪卡、守护者誓约) 
-  * Khans of Tarkir Block (Khans of Tarkir, Fate Reforged, Dragons of Tarkir) //​鞑契可汗//​环境(鞑契可汗、龙命殊途、鞑契龙王) 
-  * Theros Block (Theros, Born of the Gods, Journey Into Nyx) //​塞洛斯//​环境(塞洛斯、天神创生、尼兹之旅) 
-  * Return to Ravnica Block (Return to Ravnica, Gatecrash, Dragon’s Maze) //​再访拉尼卡//​环境(再访拉尼卡、兵临古城、巨龙迷城) 
-  * Innistrad-Avacyn Restored Block (Innistrad, Dark Ascension, Avacyn Restored) //​依尼翠-艾维欣重临//​环境(依尼翠、黑影笼罩、艾维欣重临) 
-  * Scars of Mirrodin Block (Scars of Mirrodin, Mirrodin Besieged, New Phyrexia) //​秘罗地创痕//​环境(秘罗地创痕、围攻秘罗地、新非瑞克西亚) 
-  * Zendikar™-Rise of the Eldrazi™ block (Zendikar, Worldwake™,​ Rise of the Eldrazi) //​赞迪卡-奥札奇再起//​环境(赞迪卡、天地醒转、奥札奇再起) 
-  * Shards of Alara block (Shards of Alara, Conflux, Alara Reborn) //​阿拉若断片//​环境(阿拉若断片、聚流、阿拉若新生) 
-  * Lorwyn®-Shadowmoor® block (Lorwyn, Morningtide®,​ Shadowmoor, Eventide®) //​洛温-暗影荒原//​环境(洛温、晨光、暗影荒原、暮光) 
-  * Time Spiral block (Time Spiral, Planar Chaos, Future Sight) //​时间漩涡//​环境(时间漩涡、时空混沌、预知将来) 
-  * Ravnica block (Ravnica: City of Guilds, Guildpact, Dissension) //​拉尼卡//​环境(公会城拉尼卡、十会盟、纷争) 
-  * Kamigawa block (Champions of Kamigawa, Betrayers of Kamigawa, Saviors of Kamigawa) //​神河//​环境(神河群英录、神河叛将谱、神河任侠传) 
-  * Mirrodin block (Mirrodin, Darksteel, Fifth Dawn) //​秘罗地//​环境(秘罗地、玄铁、五色曙光) 
-  * Onslaught™ block (Onslaught, Legions™, Scourge™) //​石破天惊//​环境(石破天惊、万马千军、劫运降临) 
-  * Odyssey™ block (Odyssey, Torment™, Judgment™) //​奥德赛//​环境(奥德赛、绝境、神谴) 
-  * Invasion™ block (Invasion, Planeshift™,​ Apocalypse™) //​大战役//​环境(大战役、时空转移、启示录) 
-  * Masques block (Mercadian Masques™, Nemesis™, Prophecy™) //​玛凯迪亚//​环境(玛凯迪亚、宿敌、预言) 
-  * Urza block (Urza’s Saga, Urza’s Legacy™, Urza’s Destiny™) //​克撒//​环境(克撒传、远古遗产、天命之战) 
-  * Tempest™ block (Tempest, Stronghold™,​ Exodus™) //​暴风雨//​环境(暴风雨、天罗城塞、出瑞斯记) 
-  * Mirage™ block (Mirage, Visions™, Weatherlight™) //​海市蜃楼//​环境(海市蜃楼、憧憬、晴空号传说) 
-  * Ice Age™ block (Ice Age, Alliances™,​ Coldsnap) //​冰雪时代//​环境(冰雪时代、同盟、骤霜) 
-++...|\\ ​ 
-Even in Block Constructed formats, there are occasionally cards that warp the format. These cards are banned from those formats, and are listed below.\\ ​ 
-即使在环境构组赛中,仍会有一些对赛制造成很大影响的单卡,因而被赛制禁用。以下是禁牌表。\\ ++ 
-**The following cards are banned in Block Constructed tournaments:​**\\ ​ 
-**下列牌在环境构组赛制中禁用:**\\ ​ 
-  * 无形美善/​Intangible Virtue(//​依尼翠-艾维欣重临//​环境) 
-  * 徘徊灵魂/​Lingering Souls(//​依尼翠-艾维欣重临//​环境) 
-  * 乙太精瓶/​Aether Vial(//​秘罗地//​环境) 
-  * 远古狮穴/​Ancient Den(//​秘罗地//​环境) 
-  * 能缰吞噬兽/​Arcbound Ravager(//​秘罗地//​环境) 
-  * 玄铁殿堂/​Darksteel Citadel(//​秘罗地//​环境) 
-  * 暗窖门徒/​Disciple of the Vault(//​秘罗地//​环境) 
-  * 大熔炉/​Great Furnace(//​秘罗地//​环境) 
-  * 悉诺议会宅邸/​Seat of the Synod(//​秘罗地//​环境) 
-  * 传说之树/​Tree of Tales(//​秘罗地//​环境) 
-  * 细语暗窖/​Vault of Whispers(//​秘罗地//​环境) 
-  * 备忘夹/​Skullclamp(//​秘罗地//​环境) 
-  * 无畏勇士琳西薇/​Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero(//​玛凯//​环境) 
-  * 力夏达港/​Rishadan Port(//​玛凯//​环境) 
-  * 盖亚的育苗地/​Gaea’s Cradle(//​克撒//​环境) 
-  * 记忆瓶/​Memory Jar(//​克撒//​环境) 
-  * 撒拉的圣域/​Serra’s Sanctum(//​克撒//​环境) 
-  * 时间漩涡/​Time Spiral(//​克撒//​环境) 
-  * 陶拉里亚大学院/​Tolarian Academy (//​克撒//​环境) 
-  * 电压钥匙/​Voltaic Key(//​克撒//​环境) 
-  * 横财/​Windfall(//​克撒//​环境) 
-  * 诅咒卷轴/​Cursed Scroll(//​暴风雨//​环境) 
-  * 糟蹋资源/​Squandered Resources(//​海市蜃楼//​环境) 
-  * Amulet of Quoz(//​冰雪时代//​环境) 
-  * Thawing Glaciers(//​冰雪时代//​环境) 
-  * Zuran Orb(//​冰雪时代//​环境) 
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