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万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
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两侧同时换到之前的修订记录 前一修订版
mtr:4 [2019/09/05 11:56]
Hao Du [MTR 4.2 Tournament Shortcuts 比赛中的行事简化]
mtr:4 [2019/09/05 11:58]
Hao Du [MTR 4.7 Game Layout 游戏用具摆放]
行 313: 行 313:
 **• Each untapped permanent should face its controller. Players are permitted to briefly turn a card upside-down as a memory aid.**\\ ​ **• Each untapped permanent should face its controller. Players are permitted to briefly turn a card upside-down as a memory aid.**\\ ​
 **• 所有的未横置永久物都应朝向其操控者。允许牌手暂时倒转牌张协助记忆。**\\ ​ **• 所有的未横置永久物都应朝向其操控者。允许牌手暂时倒转牌张协助记忆。**\\ ​
 +**Physical objects used to represent permanents must have a way of clearly representing any in-game status, such as whether a permanent is tapped. Sleeves or card backs that appear similar to any player’s sleeves or card backs may not be used. The Head Judge is the final authority on what may be used to represent permanents.**\\ ​
 +++使用标记物来表示游戏中组件(例如永久物)的牌手必须使该标记物能清楚表示一切游戏中的状态,如该永久物是否已横置。|\\ ​
 +Players will often use dice, beads, coins, or other such items to represent tokens. This is perfectly fine, but they have to be able to show whether or not they are tapped.\\ ​
 +牌手会使用骰子,玻璃珠,硬币或者其他物件来表示衍生物。这很好,但是同时也得分清他们是否横置。\\ ++
 +++外观类似于参与对局之牌手的牌套或牌背不得用作标记物。|\\ ​
 +We try to keep the game state from getting unnecessarily confusing, so having something represent a token and not making it obvious that it’s a token is a bit of a problem. Since sleeves and card backs can be mistaken for actual cards or for morph creatures, they’re not allowed if such a confusion could arise.\\ ​
 +我们必须确保游戏状态不至于造成混乱,必须让衍生物的存在看起来明显。由于牌套或者牌背会让牌手误以为是实际的牌或是变身生物,那么在有可能造成混淆的情况下,这是不允许的。\\ ++
 +++主审对能用何种物品来表示永久物有最终裁定权。|\\ ​
 +We’re always aiming to create a welcoming environment at Magic events, and just like with behavior, alters, and shirts, sometimes a player’s custom tokens can cross the line. If a judge believe something a player is using caused some disruption or discomfort, the judge could also accompany this with an Unsporting Conduct — Minor penalty. Additionally,​ if it’s unclear what exactly a token represents, a judge may request they use some other method to make it more clear. There’s no clear-cut line here, so the use of judgement from Tournament Officials is needed.\\ ​
 +我们旨在创造一个友好的万智牌比赛环境,但如同一些牌手的行为、牌张加工、穿着等,有时候衍生物也会越过红线。如果裁判认为牌手的用品或行为会对其他人造成不适,那么给出举止违背运动精神——轻微的判罚是合乎情理的。此外,如果不清楚当前的衍生物所表示的内容为何,裁判可以要求用更清楚的方式在做出表示。这里不提出界定条件,请比赛工作人员自行判断。\\ ++
 **Tournament officials may make exceptions or additions to these guidelines at their sole discretion in order to keep each player’s game layout clear. Players in exceptional situations (e.g. a player playing a deck with no lands or a deck that makes significant use of the graveyard) should consult with tournament officials to determine what allowances, if any, will be made.**\\ ​ **Tournament officials may make exceptions or additions to these guidelines at their sole discretion in order to keep each player’s game layout clear. Players in exceptional situations (e.g. a player playing a deck with no lands or a deck that makes significant use of the graveyard) should consult with tournament officials to determine what allowances, if any, will be made.**\\ ​