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万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
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两侧同时换到之前的修订记录 前一修订版
mtr:1 [2018/04/20 11:32] 外部编辑
mtr:1 [2018/06/20 10:33]
Hao Du [MTR 1.12 Rules Enforcement Levels 执法严格度]
行 343: 行 343:
 === Regular 一般级别 === === Regular 一般级别 ===
 **Regular tournaments are focused on fun and social aspects, not enforcement. Most tournaments are run at this level unless they offer sizeable prizes or invitations. Players are expected to know most of the game rules, may have heard of policy and what is “really bad,” but generally play in a fashion similar to the way they do casually. Players are still responsible for following the rules, but the focus is on education and sportsmanship over technically precise play. Infractions in these tournaments are covered by the Judging at Regular Rules Enforcement Level document, located at http://​wpn.wizards.com/​document/​magic-gathering-judging-regular-rel.**\\ ​ **Regular tournaments are focused on fun and social aspects, not enforcement. Most tournaments are run at this level unless they offer sizeable prizes or invitations. Players are expected to know most of the game rules, may have heard of policy and what is “really bad,” but generally play in a fashion similar to the way they do casually. Players are still responsible for following the rules, but the focus is on education and sportsmanship over technically precise play. Infractions in these tournaments are covered by the Judging at Regular Rules Enforcement Level document, located at http://​wpn.wizards.com/​document/​magic-gathering-judging-regular-rel.**\\ ​
-++一般的比赛主要是为了娱乐和社交,而非铁面无私。大部分的比赛都是采用这个等级,除非比赛提供了一定程度的奖品或是邀请资格。对牌手的期待是应该知道大部分的游戏规则,可能听过一些比赛政策或知道哪些事情“很不好”,但通常是以类似休闲娱乐的方式来比赛。牌手还是有责任去遵循规则,但所强调的主要在于教育性和运动道德,而不是技术上的精确无误。在此类比赛中处理牌手违规行为的细则,由《[[:一般执法严格度下执法指南|一般严格度下执法指南]]》此份文档详述,该文档可于此处获取:http://​wpn.wizards.com/​document/​magic-gathering-judging-regular-rel。|\\ ​+++一般的比赛主要是为了娱乐和社交,而非铁面无私。大部分的比赛都是采用这个等级,除非比赛提供了一定程度的奖品或是邀请资格。对牌手的期待是应该知道大部分的游戏规则,可能听过一些比赛政策或知道哪些事情“很不好”,但通常是以类似休闲娱乐的方式来比赛。牌手还是有责任去遵循规则,但所强调的主要在于教育性和运动道德,而不是技术上的精确无误。在此类比赛中处理牌手违规行为的细则,由《一般执法严格度下执法指南》此份文档详述,该文档可于此处获取:http://​wpn.wizards.com/​document/​magic-gathering-judging-regular-rel。|\\ ​
 This is one step above kitchen-table Magic. Note that the IPG does not apply at Regular Rules Enforcement Level. Instead, we use the Judging at Regular Rules Enforcement Level (JAR) document, which lays the groundwork for a fun, casual atmosphere where only repeat offenders and serious problems —like cheating, aggressive behavior, bribery, and theft— are punished. Instead of punishing players for innocent tournament and play errors, it’s our job as judges at Regular Rules Enforcement Level to help them learn the right way to play so that they can succeed at higher Rules Enforcement Level events.\\ ​ This is one step above kitchen-table Magic. Note that the IPG does not apply at Regular Rules Enforcement Level. Instead, we use the Judging at Regular Rules Enforcement Level (JAR) document, which lays the groundwork for a fun, casual atmosphere where only repeat offenders and serious problems —like cheating, aggressive behavior, bribery, and theft— are punished. Instead of punishing players for innocent tournament and play errors, it’s our job as judges at Regular Rules Enforcement Level to help them learn the right way to play so that they can succeed at higher Rules Enforcement Level events.\\ ​
 一般级比赛是从餐桌万智走向比赛的第一步。请注意,IPG不适用于一般级别的比赛。取而代之的,我们会使用JAR来替代,这份文件基于创造快乐、休闲的游戏氛围而制定,只有重复犯错和触犯严重问题(例如作弊,进攻性举止,贿赂,偷窃)的牌手才会受到惩罚。比起惩罚犯错的牌手,在一般级别的比赛中我们裁判更应该帮助牌手懂得怎么做才是正确的,这样他们才能在未来更高级别的比赛中取得成功。\\ ++ 一般级比赛是从餐桌万智走向比赛的第一步。请注意,IPG不适用于一般级别的比赛。取而代之的,我们会使用JAR来替代,这份文件基于创造快乐、休闲的游戏氛围而制定,只有重复犯错和触犯严重问题(例如作弊,进攻性举止,贿赂,偷窃)的牌手才会受到惩罚。比起惩罚犯错的牌手,在一般级别的比赛中我们裁判更应该帮助牌手懂得怎么做才是正确的,这样他们才能在未来更高级别的比赛中取得成功。\\ ++