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mtr:1 [2017/07/12 12:02]
mtr:1 [2018/06/20 10:33]
Hao Du [MTR 1.12 Rules Enforcement Levels 执法严格度]
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-[[:​MTR|返回MTR精解]] | [[:​MTR:​2|第二章 - 比赛的各项机制]] +[[:​MTR|返回MTR目录]] | [[:​MTR:​2|第二章 - 比赛的各项机制]] 
-====== MTR 1. 比赛基本要素 ======+====== MTR 1. 比赛基本要素 ​Tournament Fundamentals ​====== 
 ===== MTR 1.1 Tournament Types 比赛种类 ===== ===== MTR 1.1 Tournament Types 比赛种类 =====
 **Sanctioned,​ rated tournaments are divided into two types: Premier and non-Premier. Premier tournaments are run by Wizards of the Coast or select Tournament Organizers. They have unique names and features. Non-Premier tournaments are tournaments that are not explicitly Premier.**\\ ​ **Sanctioned,​ rated tournaments are divided into two types: Premier and non-Premier. Premier tournaments are run by Wizards of the Coast or select Tournament Organizers. They have unique names and features. Non-Premier tournaments are tournaments that are not explicitly Premier.**\\ ​
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 Limited formats include any format in which a player constructs a deck during the event — e.g., draft, sealed deck, and mini masters. Constructed formats include any format in which a player constructs his or her deck before the event. The most popular constructed formats are Standard, Modern, and Legacy.\\ ​ Limited formats include any format in which a player constructs a deck during the event — e.g., draft, sealed deck, and mini masters. Constructed formats include any format in which a player constructs his or her deck before the event. The most popular constructed formats are Standard, Modern, and Legacy.\\ ​
 限制赛包括任何需要牌手在比赛过程中构筑套牌的赛制——例如轮抽赛,现开赛以及单包赛。构组赛包括任何需要牌手在比赛前构组套牌的赛制。最流行的构组赛制有标准赛,近代赛以及薪传赛。\\ ++ 限制赛包括任何需要牌手在比赛过程中构筑套牌的赛制——例如轮抽赛,现开赛以及单包赛。构组赛包括任何需要牌手在比赛前构组套牌的赛制。最流行的构组赛制有标准赛,近代赛以及薪传赛。\\ ++
 ===== MTR 1.2 Publishing Tournament Information 比赛信息的发布 ===== ===== MTR 1.2 Publishing Tournament Information 比赛信息的发布 =====
 **Wizards of the Coast reserves the right to publish DCI-sanctioned tournament information at any time (including during the tournament). Tournament information includes, but is not limited to, the contents of one or more players'​ decks, descriptions of strategies or play, transcripts,​ and video reproductions. Tournament Organizers are also allowed to publish this information once their tournament is complete.**\\ ​ **Wizards of the Coast reserves the right to publish DCI-sanctioned tournament information at any time (including during the tournament). Tournament information includes, but is not limited to, the contents of one or more players'​ decks, descriptions of strategies or play, transcripts,​ and video reproductions. Tournament Organizers are also allowed to publish this information once their tournament is complete.**\\ ​
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 Wizards of the Coast also regularly publishes a list of people who are suspended from the game. They sometimes write articles about more controversial suspensions,​ but most of the time just update the [[http://​magic.wizards.com/​en/​content/​suspended-dci-memberships|list of suspended players]].\\ ​ Wizards of the Coast also regularly publishes a list of people who are suspended from the game. They sometimes write articles about more controversial suspensions,​ but most of the time just update the [[http://​magic.wizards.com/​en/​content/​suspended-dci-memberships|list of suspended players]].\\ ​
 威世智会定期更新被停权的牌手的名单,有时会伴随一些对于有争议停权的说明文章。但是多数情况下仅会更新[[http://​magic.wizards.com/​en/​content/​suspended-dci-memberships|停权牌手名单]]。\\ ++ 威世智会定期更新被停权的牌手的名单,有时会伴随一些对于有争议停权的说明文章。但是多数情况下仅会更新[[http://​magic.wizards.com/​en/​content/​suspended-dci-memberships|停权牌手名单]]。\\ ++
 ===== MTR 1.3 Tournament Roles 比赛职责 ===== ===== MTR 1.3 Tournament Roles 比赛职责 =====
 **The following roles are defined for tournament purposes:​**\\ ​ **The following roles are defined for tournament purposes:​**\\ ​
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 Players are expected to follow all instruction given by Tournament Officials, therefore it’s important to know who that title applies to. It’s also important to define each of these roles in detail, which luckily the MTR does for us in Sections 1.6-1.11, in the order listed above.\\ ​ Players are expected to follow all instruction given by Tournament Officials, therefore it’s important to know who that title applies to. It’s also important to define each of these roles in detail, which luckily the MTR does for us in Sections 1.6-1.11, in the order listed above.\\ ​
 牌手需遵从比赛工作人员给出的指示,因此需要明确认识每个角色的职责。上述的角色也应当被明确定义,这在MTR的1.6~1.11中有详细的说明。\\ ++ 牌手需遵从比赛工作人员给出的指示,因此需要明确认识每个角色的职责。上述的角色也应当被明确定义,这在MTR的1.6~1.11中有详细的说明。\\ ++
 ===== MTR 1.4 Participation Eligibility 参赛资格 ===== ===== MTR 1.4 Participation Eligibility 参赛资格 =====
 **Anyone is eligible to participate as a player in a DCI-sanctioned tournament except for:​**\\ ​ **Anyone is eligible to participate as a player in a DCI-sanctioned tournament except for:​**\\ ​
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 **• Friday Night Magic 周五认证赛**\\ ​ **• Friday Night Magic 周五认证赛**\\ ​
 **• Prerelease 售前赛**\\ ​ **• Prerelease 售前赛**\\ ​
-**• Launch Party 发售纪念赛**\\  +**• Standard Showdown/标准对决**\\  
-**• Magic Game Day 万智牌欢乐日**\\ +**• Store Championship/店家冠军赛**\\ 
 **• Other non-Premier Magic Tournaments 其他的万智牌非重要比赛**\\ ​ **• Other non-Premier Magic Tournaments 其他的万智牌非重要比赛**\\ ​
 **• Tournaments in which the official Wizards of the Coast tournament fact sheet specifically permits officials of that tournament to play 在正式的威世智比赛说明文档上特别注明该场比赛之工作人员亦可参赛的比赛**\\ ​ **• Tournaments in which the official Wizards of the Coast tournament fact sheet specifically permits officials of that tournament to play 在正式的威世智比赛说明文档上特别注明该场比赛之工作人员亦可参赛的比赛**\\ ​
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 **Individuals with questions regarding their tournament eligibility should contact the DCI policy manager (Scott.Larabee@wizards.com).**\\ ​ **Individuals with questions regarding their tournament eligibility should contact the DCI policy manager (Scott.Larabee@wizards.com).**\\ ​
 ++对自己的参赛资格有疑义者,请与DCI政策经理联系(Scott.Larabee@wizards.com)。|\\ ​ ++对自己的参赛资格有疑义者,请与DCI政策经理联系(Scott.Larabee@wizards.com)。|\\ ​
-All Competitive and Professional ​REL events require players and judges to be separate people, because of the potential problems it could cause. If someone were playing against the person judging the event at a large cash prize event, it might make them less confident in the judge’s ability to remain impartial, especially if they need to ask a question about a card in their hand.\\ ​+All Competitive and Professional ​Rules Enforcement Level events require players and judges to be separate people, because of the potential problems it could cause. If someone were playing against the person judging the event at a large cash prize event, it might make them less confident in the judge’s ability to remain impartial, especially if they need to ask a question about a card in their hand.\\ ​
 所有的竞争级别以及专业级别的比赛要求区分牌手和裁判,这是为了避免造成一些潜在问题。如果某牌手正在和执法该比赛的裁判对局,且比赛的奖池又很大,那么这位牌手很可能会质疑裁判的公正性,尤其是在他想询问关于手中的牌的相关信息时。\\ ​ 所有的竞争级别以及专业级别的比赛要求区分牌手和裁判,这是为了避免造成一些潜在问题。如果某牌手正在和执法该比赛的裁判对局,且比赛的奖池又很大,那么这位牌手很可能会质疑裁判的公正性,尤其是在他想询问关于手中的牌的相关信息时。\\ ​
-Several years ago, even Regular ​REL required judges and players to be separate, which caused many people to not want to become judges at all, as it then meant they could only rarely play. For a while there was also a “3 Judge Rule” which meant if there were 3 judges, they could play and judge since there would always be a judge not involved in the match that could be called.\\ ​+Several years ago, even Regular ​Rules Enforcement Level required judges and players to be separate, which caused many people to not want to become judges at all, as it then meant they could only rarely play. For a while there was also a “3 Judge Rule” which meant if there were 3 judges, they could play and judge since there would always be a judge not involved in the match that could be called.\\ ​
 若干年前,一般级别的比赛也需要区分裁判和牌手,这让很多人拒绝执法,因为这意味着他们能玩牌的机会变得非常少。有一段时间也推行了“三裁原则”,说的是如果有三位裁判,那么他们可以同时执法并参加比赛,这确保了在有问题发生时一定能有裁判不在对局中且可以被呼叫。\\ ​ 若干年前,一般级别的比赛也需要区分裁判和牌手,这让很多人拒绝执法,因为这意味着他们能玩牌的机会变得非常少。有一段时间也推行了“三裁原则”,说的是如果有三位裁判,那么他们可以同时执法并参加比赛,这确保了在有问题发生时一定能有裁判不在对局中且可以被呼叫。\\ ​
-The “tournaments in which the official Wizards of the Coast tournament fact sheet specifically permits officials of that tournament to play” does not have anything under that category, but is an option for the future. The general policy is that all Regular ​REL events someone can both play and act as a Tournament Official, for Competitive and Professional they cannot.\\ ​+The “tournaments in which the official Wizards of the Coast tournament fact sheet specifically permits officials of that tournament to play” does not have anything under that category, but is an option for the future. The general policy is that all Regular ​Rules Enforcement Level events someone can both play and act as a Tournament Official, for Competitive and Professional they cannot.\\ ​
 暂时没有“在正式的威世智比赛说明文档上特别注明该场比赛之工作人员亦可参赛的比赛”这样的分类,这里的标注仅为了给将来带来方便。目前的一般政策是,一般级别的比赛工作人员也可以参加,但是竞争级别和专业级别则不行。\\ ++ 暂时没有“在正式的威世智比赛说明文档上特别注明该场比赛之工作人员亦可参赛的比赛”这样的分类,这里的标注仅为了给将来带来方便。目前的一般政策是,一般级别的比赛工作人员也可以参加,但是竞争级别和专业级别则不行。\\ ++
 ===== MTR 1.5 DCI Membership Number DCI会员编号 ===== ===== MTR 1.5 DCI Membership Number DCI会员编号 =====
 **Tournament participants must provide their DCI number to the Scorekeeper during registration. Players without a DCI number should obtain one from https://​accounts.wizards.com/​ before attending an event. If a player does not obtain a DCI number before the event, the Tournament Organizer of the event can provide one. Players are only allowed one DCI membership number, and players with multiple DCI numbers should contact Wizards of the Coast to have the information for two or more DCI numbers combined. Results containing temporary player numbers, temporary player names, or placeholders should not be reported to the DCI.**\\ ​ **Tournament participants must provide their DCI number to the Scorekeeper during registration. Players without a DCI number should obtain one from https://​accounts.wizards.com/​ before attending an event. If a player does not obtain a DCI number before the event, the Tournament Organizer of the event can provide one. Players are only allowed one DCI membership number, and players with multiple DCI numbers should contact Wizards of the Coast to have the information for two or more DCI numbers combined. Results containing temporary player numbers, temporary player names, or placeholders should not be reported to the DCI.**\\ ​
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 DCI编号会记录牌手参与了什么比赛并记录鹏洛客积分,帮助唯一辨识每一位牌手,确保同名的牌手可以被清晰区分。\\ ++ DCI编号会记录牌手参与了什么比赛并记录鹏洛客积分,帮助唯一辨识每一位牌手,确保同名的牌手可以被清晰区分。\\ ++
 ++没有DCI号码的牌手应在参赛前访问 https://​accounts.wizards.com/​申请。如果牌手未在赛事前获得DCI号码,赛事的比赛主办人也可为该牌手提供。每位牌手只允许拥有一个DCI号码,拥有多个DCI号码的牌手应联系威世智了解如何合并号码。|\\ ​ ++没有DCI号码的牌手应在参赛前访问 https://​accounts.wizards.com/​申请。如果牌手未在赛事前获得DCI号码,赛事的比赛主办人也可为该牌手提供。每位牌手只允许拥有一个DCI号码,拥有多个DCI号码的牌手应联系威世智了解如何合并号码。|\\ ​
-Players without a DCI number ​are required to have one in order to be able to participate in a sanctioned Magic tournamentPlayers may not have more than one DCI number ​that they use when participating in sanctioned Magic tournaments.\\  +Players without a DCI membership ​number ​must request ​one from the Tournament OrganizerThere is no cost associated with joining the DCI, but members are only allowed ​one DCI membership ​number.\\  
-在万智认证比赛中,牌手需要拥有一个DCI号才能参加。但是牌手不应用一个以上的DCI号参加万智牌认证比赛。\\  +没有DCI号码的手必须从比赛主办人处获取一个。虽然加入DCI无需缴纳会费,但是DCI会员只允许拥有一个DCI号。\\  
-If a player ends up with more than one DCI number, they can merge memberships online. Nevertheless,​ players may not intentionally maintain multiple memberships (e.g., in order to play while their main number is suspended). Players are also required to use their real names, that they use in real life. Their registered names don’t have to be their full legal names; a player may register as “Mike” instead of Michael or under his or her middle name, but can’t register as “Roflcopter McGee.”\\  +If a player ends up with more than one DCI number, they can merge memberships online. Nevertheless,​ players may not intentionally maintain multiple memberships (e.g., in order to play while their main number is suspended). Players are also required to use their real names, that they use in real life. Their registered names don’t have to be their full legal names; a player may register as “Mike” instead of Michael or under his or her middle name, but can’t register as “Roflcopter McGee.” ​The registered name should be what the player identifies as their name.\\  
-如果某牌手拥有多个DCI号,他们可以在网上进行合并。然而,牌手不能故意拥有多个DCI身份(例如在他们的主号被停权时使用另一个号参加比赛)。牌手需要使用他们生活中的真实姓名。牌手注册时可以不使用全名,例如可以用“Alex Yeung”替代“杨一宁”但是不能使用“污狸基基”来注册。\\ +++如果某牌手拥有多个DCI号,他们可以在网上进行合并。然而,牌手不能故意拥有多个DCI身份(例如在他们的主号被停权时使用另一个号参加比赛)。牌手需要使用他们生活中的真实姓名。牌手注册时可以不使用全名,例如可以用“Alex Yeung”替代“杨一宁”但是不能使用“污狸基基”来注册。牌手注册的应当经其自身确认是其名字。\\ ++
 ++若比赛结果中包含有临时牌手编号,临时牌手姓名,或占位符号,则此类比赛结果不得上报给DCI。|\\ ​ ++若比赛结果中包含有临时牌手编号,临时牌手姓名,或占位符号,则此类比赛结果不得上报给DCI。|\\ ​
 Fake player accounts and incorrect names cannot exist in the results sent to the DCI. An example of this would be Grand Prix events with “Sleep in special” offers made to players with Byes. Since the players won’t be at the player meeting, scorekeepers often change their name to “zzzzzLastName,​ FirstNamezzzz” so that person is sat at the end of the list for the player meeting, so there are no gaps in the players actually there.\\ ​ Fake player accounts and incorrect names cannot exist in the results sent to the DCI. An example of this would be Grand Prix events with “Sleep in special” offers made to players with Byes. Since the players won’t be at the player meeting, scorekeepers often change their name to “zzzzzLastName,​ FirstNamezzzz” so that person is sat at the end of the list for the player meeting, so there are no gaps in the players actually there.\\ ​
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 Some Tournament Organizers may add a fake player in order to sanction an event with 7 players. This is strictly prohibited. If only 7 people show up for an event, players can still play, but the event must be run as an unsanctioned event. See MTR 10.1 for more information on participation minimums.\\ ​ Some Tournament Organizers may add a fake player in order to sanction an event with 7 players. This is strictly prohibited. If only 7 people show up for an event, players can still play, but the event must be run as an unsanctioned event. See MTR 10.1 for more information on participation minimums.\\ ​
 一些比赛主办人会加入虚构的牌手以满足8人认证的条件,这是严格禁止的。如果一场比赛只有7位牌手,比赛仍可以进行,但是必须作为非认证比赛进行。具体参考MTR10.1来获取更多关于最低参赛者数量的信息。\\ ++ 一些比赛主办人会加入虚构的牌手以满足8人认证的条件,这是严格禁止的。如果一场比赛只有7位牌手,比赛仍可以进行,但是必须作为非认证比赛进行。具体参考MTR10.1来获取更多关于最低参赛者数量的信息。\\ ++
 ===== MTR 1.6 Tournament Organizer 比赛主办人 ===== ===== MTR 1.6 Tournament Organizer 比赛主办人 =====
 **The Tournament Organizer of a tournament is responsible for all tournament logistics including:​**\\ ​ **The Tournament Organizer of a tournament is responsible for all tournament logistics including:​**\\ ​
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 ++• 为比赛提供满足需求的场所。|\\ ​ ++• 为比赛提供满足需求的场所。|\\ ​
 To ensure a smooth running event, the tournament organizer must provide a play space that will allow the event to have space required for the expected number of players. This may range from the store they run having enough room for their FNM, or renting out a room in a hotel or convention center to make adequate space.\\ ​ To ensure a smooth running event, the tournament organizer must provide a play space that will allow the event to have space required for the expected number of players. This may range from the store they run having enough room for their FNM, or renting out a room in a hotel or convention center to make adequate space.\\ ​
-为了确保比赛顺利进行,比赛主办人必须提供一个能够容纳预期牌手数量的场地。这包括在足够大的店铺中举办FNM,或者租借酒店会议室或会展中心来确保足够大的空间。\\ +++为了确保比赛顺利进行,比赛主办人必须提供一个能够容纳预期牌手数量的场地。这包括在足够大的店铺中举办FNM,或者租借酒店会议室或会展中心来确保足够大的空间。\\ ++\\ 
 **• Advertising the tournament in advance of the tournament date.**\\ ​ **• Advertising the tournament in advance of the tournament date.**\\ ​
 ++• 在比赛日前宣传本次比赛。|\\ ​ ++• 在比赛日前宣传本次比赛。|\\ ​
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 ++• 为比赛找到合适的工作人员。|\\ ​ ++• 为比赛找到合适的工作人员。|\\ ​
 Tournament Organizers need to ensure that they have properly qualified tournament officials to staff the event. For example, Grand Prix Trials require at least one Level 1 judge staffing the event, and Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifiers require at least one Level 2 judge. Additional staff may be needed for the event to run efficiently and at a reasonable pace.\\ ​ Tournament Organizers need to ensure that they have properly qualified tournament officials to staff the event. For example, Grand Prix Trials require at least one Level 1 judge staffing the event, and Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifiers require at least one Level 2 judge. Additional staff may be needed for the event to run efficiently and at a reasonable pace.\\ ​
-比赛主办人需确保拥有足够的具有资质的比赛工作人员来为比赛进行分工。例如,大奖预选赛需要至少一位一级裁判,初选专业资格赛需要至少一位二级裁判。为了比赛能够更加顺利地进行,可能还需要一些额外的工作人员。\\ +++比赛主办人需确保拥有足够的具有资质的比赛工作人员来为比赛进行分工。例如,大奖预选赛需要至少一位一级裁判,初选专业资格赛需要至少一位二级裁判。为了比赛能够更加顺利地进行,可能还需要一些额外的工作人员。\\ ++\\ 
 **• Providing all materials necessary to operate the tournament (e.g. product for Limited format tournaments).**\\ ​ **• Providing all materials necessary to operate the tournament (e.g. product for Limited format tournaments).**\\ ​
 ++• 提供所有用来举办该比赛的道具(如:用于限制赛的产品)。|\\ ​ ++• 提供所有用来举办该比赛的道具(如:用于限制赛的产品)。|\\ ​
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 **• Saving match result slips from each tournament for a period of 6 months (to aid in match appeals).**\\ ​ **• Saving match result slips from each tournament for a period of 6 months (to aid in match appeals).**\\ ​
 **• 将每场比赛的记分条保留6个月的时间(以协助处理比赛申述)。**\\ ​ **• 将每场比赛的记分条保留6个月的时间(以协助处理比赛申述)。**\\ ​
 ===== MTR 1.7 Head Judge 主审 ===== ===== MTR 1.7 Head Judge 主审 =====
 **Sanctioned tournaments require the physical presence of a Head Judge during play to adjudicate disputes, interpret rules, and make other official decisions. The Head Judge is the final judicial authority at any DCI-sanctioned tournament and all tournament participants are expected to follow his or her interpretations. Although it is beneficial, the Head Judge does not have to be certified.**\\ ​ **Sanctioned tournaments require the physical presence of a Head Judge during play to adjudicate disputes, interpret rules, and make other official decisions. The Head Judge is the final judicial authority at any DCI-sanctioned tournament and all tournament participants are expected to follow his or her interpretations. Although it is beneficial, the Head Judge does not have to be certified.**\\ ​
 ++认证的比赛在进行时需要一位主审在场裁决争议、解释规则,及做出其他正式的决定。在所有的DCI认证赛中,主审都拥有最终裁判权,所有的参赛者都应当遵从主审的指示。虽然由认证裁判担任主审为佳,但担任主审者不需具备认证资格。|\\ ​ ++认证的比赛在进行时需要一位主审在场裁决争议、解释规则,及做出其他正式的决定。在所有的DCI认证赛中,主审都拥有最终裁判权,所有的参赛者都应当遵从主审的指示。虽然由认证裁判担任主审为佳,但担任主审者不需具备认证资格。|\\ ​
-The Head Judge of a tournament is not necessarily a certified Judge. Often the Head Judge of an event will simply be a store employee or the Tournament Organizer themselves. Most Competitive ​REL events will have a certified Head Judge but this is not necessarily required. Note that some events require Head Judges of particular levels. See the [[http://​wpn.wizards.com/​en/​landing-page/​events|WPN site]] for judge level requirements.\\ ​+The Head Judge of a tournament is not necessarily a certified Judge. Often the Head Judge of an event will simply be a store employee or the Tournament Organizer themselves. Most Competitive ​Rules Enforcement Level events will have a certified Head Judge but this is not necessarily required. Note that some events require Head Judges of particular levels. See the [[http://​wpn.wizards.com/​en/​landing-page/​events|WPN site]] for judge level requirements.\\ ​
 比赛的主审并非一定是认证裁判。一般来说,比赛的主审可能就是店里的员工或者比赛主办人自己。大多数的竞争级别比赛会有一位认证裁判作为主审,但这不一定是必要的。请注意,一些比赛要求有特定级别的主审。参见WPN网站上关于裁判级别的要求。\\ ++ 比赛的主审并非一定是认证裁判。一般来说,比赛的主审可能就是店里的员工或者比赛主办人自己。大多数的竞争级别比赛会有一位认证裁判作为主审,但这不一定是必要的。请注意,一些比赛要求有特定级别的主审。参见WPN网站上关于裁判级别的要求。\\ ++
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 **• Ensuring that all necessary steps are taken to deal with game or policy rule violations that he or she notices or are brought to his or her attention.**\\ ​ **• Ensuring that all necessary steps are taken to deal with game or policy rule violations that he or she notices or are brought to his or her attention.**\\ ​
 ++• 确保在处理他所知或被告知的违规举动(无论是游戏规则还是方针方面的规定)时采用了所有必要的处理步骤。|\\ ​ ++• 确保在处理他所知或被告知的违规举动(无论是游戏规则还是方针方面的规定)时采用了所有必要的处理步骤。|\\ ​
-In larger events the Head Judge may not be the primary individual fielding judge calls. The Head Judge should be a ready resource for Floor Judges. One of the more important things a Head Judge can do here is discussing a missed call with a player. If a Floor Judge incorrectly answers a call, or an appeal is handled incorrectly the Head Judge should absolutely address that with the players involved.\\  +In larger events the Head Judge may not be the primary individual fielding judge calls. ​Sometimes the Head Judge will handling other tournament aspects and be unable to take calls, or the Head Judge will be trying to let an available Floor Judge answer the call. One reason for the latter is to maintain a chain of appeals, allowing players to receive an initial ruling from a Floor Judge and have the option to appeal to the Head Judge to either confirm the initial ruling or reverse the ruling the player objected to.\\  
-在大型比赛中,主审的主要职责并不是第一时间去处理裁判呼叫。主审应当成为巡场裁判的后备资源。主审的一个重要的工作是与牌手解决被忽略掉的或者错误的裁判呼叫。如果巡场裁判错误地回应了裁判呼叫,或者上诉没有被正确处理,那么此时主审应当直接介入并解决问题。\\ ++\\ +在大型比赛中,主审的主要职责并不是第一时间去处理裁判呼叫。有时主审会因为处理比赛的其他事物而无法处理呼叫、或者试图让一个有空的巡场裁判来处理呼叫。后者的原因之一是维持上诉路径,让牌手先获得巡场裁判的初始裁定之后,可以选择上诉主审来确认初始裁定的正确性或是在有异议的情形下推翻该裁定。\\  
 +The Head Judge should be a ready resource for Floor Judges. One of the more important things a Head Judge can do here is discussing a missed call with a player. If a Floor Judge incorrectly answers a call, or an appeal is handled incorrectly the Head Judge should absolutely address that with the players involved.\\  
 +主审应当成为巡场裁判的后备资源。主审的一个重要的工作是与牌手解决被忽略掉的或者错误的裁判呼叫。如果巡场裁判错误地回应了裁判呼叫,或者上诉没有被正确处理,那么此时主审应当直接介入并解决问题。\\ ++\\ 
 **• Issuing the final ruling in all appeals, potentially overturning the ruling of a floor judge.**\\ ​ **• Issuing the final ruling in all appeals, potentially overturning the ruling of a floor judge.**\\ ​
 ++• 做出申述的最终裁定,主审可推翻巡场裁判所做出的裁定。|\\ ​ ++• 做出申述的最终裁定,主审可推翻巡场裁判所做出的裁定。|\\ ​
 Players are allowed to appeal the decision of any Floor Judge to the Head Judge. The Head Judge is the final arbiter of all rulings and sometimes that will mean reversing the decision of a Floor Judge. If a decision is reversed, it is vital that the Head Judge explain the reasoning behind the reversal to both the players and the judge.\\ ​ Players are allowed to appeal the decision of any Floor Judge to the Head Judge. The Head Judge is the final arbiter of all rulings and sometimes that will mean reversing the decision of a Floor Judge. If a decision is reversed, it is vital that the Head Judge explain the reasoning behind the reversal to both the players and the judge.\\ ​
-牌手可以不满巡场裁判的判罚并上诉至主审。主审是判罚的最终裁决者,有时甚至可以推翻巡场裁判的判罚。如果后者的判罚被推翻,主审需同时向该巡场裁判和牌手解释其中的原因。\\  +牌手可以不满巡场裁判的判罚并上诉至主审。主审是判罚的最终裁决者,有时甚至可以推翻巡场裁判的判罚。如果后者的判罚被推翻,主审需同时向该巡场裁判和牌手解释其中的原因。\\ ++\\ 
-Also, in events with multiple judges, the Head Judge will avoid being the first responder to a judge call, if a Floor Judge is available. This isn’t the Head Judge being lazy, it is because they want all players to have the right to an appeal. If the Head Judge answers the initial ruling, it is final. Allowing player to appeal an initial ruling often makes them more certain that they received the correct one, as they either have a second opinion confirming the first ruling or a reversal of the ruling they objected to.\\  +
-同样地,在一场有多名裁判的比赛中,如果有巡场裁判在的情况下,主审需避免第一个回应裁判呼叫。这不是说主审在偷懒,这是因为这能让牌手能有上诉的权利。如果主审做出了最先的判罚,那么这就是最终判罚了。给牌手上诉的权利让他们能够更加确信自己得到的是正确的判罚,因为他们在反对初次判罚之后,能有一次确认判罚的机会。\\ ++\\ +
 **• Coordinating and delegating tasks to floor judges as needed.**\\ ​ **• Coordinating and delegating tasks to floor judges as needed.**\\ ​
 ++• 协调巡场裁判之工作,并可以在需要时委之以相应的任务。|\\ ​ ++• 协调巡场裁判之工作,并可以在需要时委之以相应的任务。|\\ ​
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 Large events will often have several judges acting as Head Judges (usually noted by wearing burgundy judge shirts at Premier events or red at Star City Games events). It is also possible that a tournament may be organized into multiple flights, each with its own Head Judge. No Head Judge is more ‘ahead’ of another and each of their rulings is final. Each of the Head Judges can take appeals, run investigations,​ and satisfy all of the other duties that the Head Judge of record is afforded.\\ ​ Large events will often have several judges acting as Head Judges (usually noted by wearing burgundy judge shirts at Premier events or red at Star City Games events). It is also possible that a tournament may be organized into multiple flights, each with its own Head Judge. No Head Judge is more ‘ahead’ of another and each of their rulings is final. Each of the Head Judges can take appeals, run investigations,​ and satisfy all of the other duties that the Head Judge of record is afforded.\\ ​
 大型比赛中通常会有若干名裁判来充当主审的职责(他们通常在重要比赛中穿着酒红色裁判制服、或在星城公开赛中穿着红色制服)。也有可能一场比赛会分成若干个部分,每个部分都有各自的主审。这些主审没有相对的级别“高低”,他们作出的判罚均是最终判罚。每位这样的主审都能处理上诉,展开调查,以及开展主审所需要执行的工作。\\ ++ 大型比赛中通常会有若干名裁判来充当主审的职责(他们通常在重要比赛中穿着酒红色裁判制服、或在星城公开赛中穿着红色制服)。也有可能一场比赛会分成若干个部分,每个部分都有各自的主审。这些主审没有相对的级别“高低”,他们作出的判罚均是最终判罚。每位这样的主审都能处理上诉,展开调查,以及开展主审所需要执行的工作。\\ ++
 ===== MTR 1.8 Floor Judges 巡场裁判 ===== ===== MTR 1.8 Floor Judges 巡场裁判 =====
 **Floor judges are available to players and spectators to answer questions, deal with illegal plays, or assist with reasonable requests. They do not have to be certified.**\\ ​ **Floor judges are available to players and spectators to answer questions, deal with illegal plays, or assist with reasonable requests. They do not have to be certified.**\\ ​
 ++对牌手和旁观者而言,他们可向巡场裁判获取自身疑问的解答,召唤巡场裁判来处理非法动作,或请求巡场裁判协助自己完成合理的请求。此类裁判并不需要经过DCI之认证。|\\ ​ ++对牌手和旁观者而言,他们可向巡场裁判获取自身疑问的解答,召唤巡场裁判来处理非法动作,或请求巡场裁判协助自己完成合理的请求。此类裁判并不需要经过DCI之认证。|\\ ​
-When it comes down to it, the biggest responsibility of Floor Judges is to be there to answer questions, fix play errors, and providing other assistance to help the event to run. They are the lifeblood of the event. Floor Judges at events, both at Competitive and Regular ​REL, do not need to be certified in order to judge at an event, however it is recommended that the judges at higher level events be certified or be working toward certification.\\ ​+When it comes down to it, the biggest responsibility of Floor Judges is to be there to answer questions, fix play errors, and providing other assistance to help the event to run. They are the lifeblood of the event. Floor Judges at events, both at Competitive and Regular ​Rules Enforcement Level, do not need to be certified in order to judge at an event, however it is recommended that the judges at higher level events be certified or be working toward certification.\\ ​
 关于巡场裁判,他们最大的职责是回答问题,修正游戏错误,以及提供其他资源来帮助比赛进行。他们是比赛的血脉。巡场裁判,无论是在竞争级别还是一般级别的比赛中,都不一定要是认证裁判。然而,在高级别的比赛中,强烈建议裁判是认证的或正在往认证方向努力。\\ ++ 关于巡场裁判,他们最大的职责是回答问题,修正游戏错误,以及提供其他资源来帮助比赛进行。他们是比赛的血脉。巡场裁判,无论是在竞争级别还是一般级别的比赛中,都不一定要是认证裁判。然而,在高级别的比赛中,强烈建议裁判是认证的或正在往认证方向努力。\\ ++
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 裁判们可以回答关于规则以及牌张互动的问题,只要他们不对牌手做出策略建议。Oracle叙述是牌张的权威规则解释。Oracle叙述能在[[http://​gatherer.wizards.com/​|gatherer.wizards.com]]上找到,但是许多其他资源(例如手机app)中也可以查询到最新的Oracle叙述。关于裁判可以协助取得何种类型的信息可以参考章节4.1。\\ ++ 裁判们可以回答关于规则以及牌张互动的问题,只要他们不对牌手做出策略建议。Oracle叙述是牌张的权威规则解释。Oracle叙述能在[[http://​gatherer.wizards.com/​|gatherer.wizards.com]]上找到,但是许多其他资源(例如手机app)中也可以查询到最新的Oracle叙述。关于裁判可以协助取得何种类型的信息可以参考章节4.1。\\ ++
 ++在“一般”级别的执法严格度下,为了进行教学推广,裁判也可协助牌手对当前的游戏局面做出判断。|\\ ​ ++在“一般”级别的执法严格度下,为了进行教学推广,裁判也可协助牌手对当前的游戏局面做出判断。|\\ ​
-Regular ​REL events provides an entry into the game for players. As a result floor, players may ask judges what the game state is and why something is the way it is. The emphasis is on education and helping new players, and there are likely smaller prizes on the line. This doesn’t mean the judge can tell the player what he or she should do, but the judge may assist a player in understanding a more complex interaction or game state in a less formal way than at Competitive ​REL.\\ +Regular ​Rules Enforcement Level events provides an entry into the game for players. As a result floor, players may ask judges what the game state is and why something is the way it is. The emphasis is on education and helping new players, and there are likely smaller prizes on the line. This doesn’t mean the judge can tell the player what he or she should do, but the judge may assist a player in understanding a more complex interaction or game state in a less formal way than at Competitive ​Rules Enforcement Level.\\ 
 一般级别的比赛是让牌手入门万智牌的好机会。在巡场时,牌手可能会询问裁判有关当前游戏状态和为什么会导致这种情况的问题。这里的重点侧重于教导并帮助新牌手,这些比赛的奖池也相对较小。这不意味着裁判可以告诉牌手后者应当怎么做,但是裁判可以帮助牌手理解复杂的牌张互动和游戏状态,且不需要使用像在竞争级别中那么严肃的方式。\\ ++ 一般级别的比赛是让牌手入门万智牌的好机会。在巡场时,牌手可能会询问裁判有关当前游戏状态和为什么会导致这种情况的问题。这里的重点侧重于教导并帮助新牌手,这些比赛的奖池也相对较小。这不意味着裁判可以告诉牌手后者应当怎么做,但是裁判可以帮助牌手理解复杂的牌张互动和游戏状态,且不需要使用像在竞争级别中那么严肃的方式。\\ ++
 ++牌手可请求在远离游戏的场所对裁判进行提问,此类请求通常会予以执行。|\\ ​ ++牌手可请求在远离游戏的场所对裁判进行提问,此类请求通常会予以执行。|\\ ​
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 Like in other sports, judges aren’t there to prevent mistakes. However, as soon as a game infraction happens, judges step in and apply the necessary corrections and penalties. Judges may step in if they believe a tense situation would otherwise escalate to unsportsmanlike conduct.\\ ​ Like in other sports, judges aren’t there to prevent mistakes. However, as soon as a game infraction happens, judges step in and apply the necessary corrections and penalties. Judges may step in if they believe a tense situation would otherwise escalate to unsportsmanlike conduct.\\ ​
 与其他运动一样,裁判不是为了阻止错误发生而存在的。然而一旦游戏中产生了违规情况,裁判就应当介入并且适用必要的修正,做出相应的判罚。裁判也可以在他们确信当前紧张的事态会导致违背运动精神的举止的情况下介入。\\ ++ 与其他运动一样,裁判不是为了阻止错误发生而存在的。然而一旦游戏中产生了违规情况,裁判就应当介入并且适用必要的修正,做出相应的判罚。裁判也可以在他们确信当前紧张的事态会导致违背运动精神的举止的情况下介入。\\ ++
 ===== MTR 1.9 Scorekeeper 记分员 ===== ===== MTR 1.9 Scorekeeper 记分员 =====
 **The Scorekeeper ensures the correct generation of pairings and all other tournament records throughout the tournament. The Scorekeeper’s responsibilities include:​**\\ ​ **The Scorekeeper ensures the correct generation of pairings and all other tournament records throughout the tournament. The Scorekeeper’s responsibilities include:​**\\ ​
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 In the event of any issue with the pairings at any given round, the Head Judge may dictate a solution he or she sees fit. In the end, the Head Judge is the final decision maker when it comes to the running of the event.\\ ​ In the event of any issue with the pairings at any given round, the Head Judge may dictate a solution he or she sees fit. In the end, the Head Judge is the final decision maker when it comes to the running of the event.\\ ​
 如果在比赛中出现任何与配对相关的情况,主审将确定一个他认为最合适的解决方案。说到底,与比赛运行相关问题的最终决定权在于主审。\\ ++ 如果在比赛中出现任何与配对相关的情况,主审将确定一个他认为最合适的解决方案。说到底,与比赛运行相关问题的最终决定权在于主审。\\ ++
 ===== MTR 1.10 Players 牌手 ===== ===== MTR 1.10 Players 牌手 =====
 **Players are responsible for:​**\\ ​ **Players are responsible for:​**\\ ​
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 ++• 遵守宣告的开始时间以及时间限制。|\\ ​ ++• 遵守宣告的开始时间以及时间限制。|\\ ​
 Tournaments are always organized to run in a timely fashion, and Tournament Officials (judges and organizers) look to keep them running smoothly and quickly. If no extenuating situations appear, players are expected to follow every time limit to keep the tournament flowing. There is a specific section about [[:​ipg:​3.1|Tardiness in the IPG]].\\ ​ Tournaments are always organized to run in a timely fashion, and Tournament Officials (judges and organizers) look to keep them running smoothly and quickly. If no extenuating situations appear, players are expected to follow every time limit to keep the tournament flowing. There is a specific section about [[:​ipg:​3.1|Tardiness in the IPG]].\\ ​
-一般来说,比赛需要尽可能快地运行,比赛工作人员(裁判和主办人)会尽可能确保比赛快速并流畅地进行。如果没有特殊情况发生,我们希望牌手能够注意时间节点,确保比赛能够正常进行。在IPG中专门有一节是关于[[:​ipg:​3.1|迟到]]。\\ ++\\ +一般来说,比赛需要尽可能快地运行,比赛工作人员(裁判和主办人)会尽可能确保比赛快速并流畅地进行。如果没有特殊情况发生,我们希望牌手能够注意时间节点,确保比赛能够正常进行。在IPG中专门有一节是关于[[:​ipg:​3.1|迟到]]。\\ ++\\ 
 **• Calling attention to any rules or policy infraction they notice in their matches.**\\ ​ **• Calling attention to any rules or policy infraction they notice in their matches.**\\ ​
 ++• 将在其对局中发现的违规举动(不论是游戏规则还是方针方面的规定)时提请他人注意。|\\ ​ ++• 将在其对局中发现的违规举动(不论是游戏规则还是方针方面的规定)时提请他人注意。|\\ ​
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 This is the big ultimatum. Not complying with a required responsibility consciously may end in a penalty and also a review or an investigation conducted by the judges at the event and/or the DCI itself. No player may interfere with the integrity of a tournament under any circumstances.\\ ​ This is the big ultimatum. Not complying with a required responsibility consciously may end in a penalty and also a review or an investigation conducted by the judges at the event and/or the DCI itself. No player may interfere with the integrity of a tournament under any circumstances.\\ ​
 这是最后通牒。明知却不履行职责的牌手会得到处罚并受到裁判和DCI的后续调查和跟进。任何情况下,牌手都不能干扰比赛的公正。\\ ++ 这是最后通牒。明知却不履行职责的牌手会得到处罚并受到裁判和DCI的后续调查和跟进。任何情况下,牌手都不能干扰比赛的公正。\\ ++
 ===== MTR 1.11 Spectators 旁观者 ===== ===== MTR 1.11 Spectators 旁观者 =====
 **Any person physically present at a tournament and not in any other category above is a spectator. Spectators are responsible for remaining silent and passive during matches and other official tournament sections in which players are also required to be silent. If spectators believe they have observed a rules or policy violation, they are encouraged to alert a judge as soon as possible. At Regular or Competitive Rules Enforcement Level, spectators are permitted to ask the players to pause the match while they alert a judge. At Professional Rules Enforcement Level, spectators must not interfere with the match directly.**\\ ​ **Any person physically present at a tournament and not in any other category above is a spectator. Spectators are responsible for remaining silent and passive during matches and other official tournament sections in which players are also required to be silent. If spectators believe they have observed a rules or policy violation, they are encouraged to alert a judge as soon as possible. At Regular or Competitive Rules Enforcement Level, spectators are permitted to ask the players to pause the match while they alert a judge. At Professional Rules Enforcement Level, spectators must not interfere with the match directly.**\\ ​
行 309: 行 320:
 这是为了维护赛场环境,并尽可能让牌手在比赛中处于舒适的氛围。同时也防止了由旁观者的评论造成的外来援助以及避免牌手在嘈杂的环境中失去注意力。\\ ++ 这是为了维护赛场环境,并尽可能让牌手在比赛中处于舒适的氛围。同时也防止了由旁观者的评论造成的外来援助以及避免牌手在嘈杂的环境中失去注意力。\\ ++
 ++若旁观者认为自己发现了违反游戏规则或比赛方针的举动,鼓励其尽快提请裁判注意。在“一般”或“竞争”级别的比赛中,允许旁观者请求牌手在其寻找裁判期间暂停对局的进行。在“专业”级别的比赛中,旁观者不得直接干预对局。|\\ ​ ++若旁观者认为自己发现了违反游戏规则或比赛方针的举动,鼓励其尽快提请裁判注意。在“一般”或“竞争”级别的比赛中,允许旁观者请求牌手在其寻找裁判期间暂停对局的进行。在“专业”级别的比赛中,旁观者不得直接干预对局。|\\ ​
-Judges are people, and sometimes errors or even suspicious events are missed. Spectators may pause the match at Regular and Competitive ​REL. Spectators may often mistakenly identify an action or board state as illegal (often with missed triggers), so it’s important that a judge gets involved as soon as possible and that spectators give no information to the players during their match. For more information on different ​RELs, see MTR 1.12.\\ ​+Judges are people, and sometimes errors or even suspicious events are missed. Spectators may pause the match at Regular and Competitive ​Rules Enforcement LevelL. Spectators may often mistakenly identify an action or board state as illegal (often with missed triggers), so it’s important that a judge gets involved as soon as possible and that spectators give no information to the players during their match. For more information on different ​Rules Enforcement Levels, see MTR 1.12.\\ ​
 裁判也是人,也有可能犯错甚至忽视一些可疑情况。旁观者可以叫停一般级别和竞争级别的比赛。旁观者也有可能错误地认识当前正确的游戏状态(通常和遗漏触发有关),所以裁判应当立即介入,旁观者也不应向比赛中的牌手透露太多信息。关于不同的执法严格度,参见MTR1.12。\\ ++ 裁判也是人,也有可能犯错甚至忽视一些可疑情况。旁观者可以叫停一般级别和竞争级别的比赛。旁观者也有可能错误地认识当前正确的游戏状态(通常和遗漏触发有关),所以裁判应当立即介入,旁观者也不应向比赛中的牌手透露太多信息。关于不同的执法严格度,参见MTR1.12。\\ ++
行 316: 行 327:
 Some spectators might be scouting other players or even talking too much. Players can request a judge to keep spectators away from their matches. Judges typically will try to honor a request, but we reserve the right to refuse if the request is unreasonable.\\ ​ Some spectators might be scouting other players or even talking too much. Players can request a judge to keep spectators away from their matches. Judges typically will try to honor a request, but we reserve the right to refuse if the request is unreasonable.\\ ​
 一些旁观者可能会侦查其他牌手的情况,或者在一旁说太多的话。牌手可以请求裁判将这样的牌手驱离他的比赛。裁判一般会同意这样的请求,但是同样也会保留拒绝不合理请求的权利。\\ ++ 一些旁观者可能会侦查其他牌手的情况,或者在一旁说太多的话。牌手可以请求裁判将这样的牌手驱离他的比赛。裁判一般会同意这样的请求,但是同样也会保留拒绝不合理请求的权利。\\ ++
 ===== MTR 1.12 Rules Enforcement Levels 执法严格度 ===== ===== MTR 1.12 Rules Enforcement Levels 执法严格度 =====
 **Rules Enforcement Levels (REL) are a means to communicate to the players and judges what expectations they can have of the tournament in terms of rigidity of rules enforcement,​ technically correct play, and procedures used.**\\ ​ **Rules Enforcement Levels (REL) are a means to communicate to the players and judges what expectations they can have of the tournament in terms of rigidity of rules enforcement,​ technically correct play, and procedures used.**\\ ​
 ++执法严格度的用途,是让牌手和裁判对于此比赛的规则执法严厉与否、正确进行游戏的水准以及使用的程序,能够先有所预期。|\\ ​ ++执法严格度的用途,是让牌手和裁判对于此比赛的规则执法严厉与否、正确进行游戏的水准以及使用的程序,能够先有所预期。|\\ ​
-The mindset and attitude of the average player and the standard of behavior judges and other players can expect are different at each REL. From the most casual to most stringent the RELs are: Regular ​REL, Competitive ​REL, and Professional ​REL.\\ +The mindset and attitude of the average player and the standard of behavior judges and other players can expect are different at each Rules Enforcement Level. From the most casual to most stringent the Rules Enforcement Levels ​are: Regular ​Rules Enforcement Level, Competitive ​Rules Enforcement Level, and Professional ​Rules Enforcement Level.\\ 
 牌手的态度和心态,以及裁判的行为标准会随着执法严格度的不同而有所改变。执法严格度从休闲轻松,到严格严肃分为以下级别:一般级别,竞争级别,以及专业级别。\\ ++ 牌手的态度和心态,以及裁判的行为标准会随着执法严格度的不同而有所改变。执法严格度从休闲轻松,到严格严肃分为以下级别:一般级别,竞争级别,以及专业级别。\\ ++
 **The Rules Enforcement Level of a tournament generally reflects the prizes awarded and the distance a player may be expected to travel.**\\ ​ **The Rules Enforcement Level of a tournament generally reflects the prizes awarded and the distance a player may be expected to travel.**\\ ​
 ++比赛的执法严格度通常应该配合所提供的奖品,以及牌手为参赛所可能花费的路程来增加。|\\ ​ ++比赛的执法严格度通常应该配合所提供的奖品,以及牌手为参赛所可能花费的路程来增加。|\\ ​
-For example, FNM is run at Regular ​REL, draws from the store’s local player community, and often offers one or two booster packs per player as the prize pool. Preliminary PTQs, on the other hand, are run at Competitive ​REL, can draw players from up to a few hours away, and often have cash prizes as well as an invitation to a Regional PTQ. Day two of Grand Prix and the Pro Tour are run at Professional ​REL, draw players from around the world, and offer substantial cash prizes.\\ ​+For example, FNM is run at Regular ​Rules Enforcement Level, draws from the store’s local player community, and often offers one or two booster packs per player as the prize pool. Preliminary PTQs, on the other hand, are run at Competitive ​Rules Enforcement Level, can draw players from up to a few hours away, and often have cash prizes as well as an invitation to a Regional PTQ. Day two of Grand Prix and the Pro Tour are run at Professional ​Rules Enforcement Level, draw players from around the world, and offer substantial cash prizes.\\ ​
 例如,FNM的执法严格度是一般级别,大多数参赛牌手都来自牌店的本地牌手社群,一般会提供平均每位牌手1到2包补充包作为奖品池。然而,初选PTQ(PPTQ)的执法严格度为竞争级别,一些牌手可能会花费几小时的时间来参加,通常也会有RPTQ的邀请资格以及现金奖励作为奖品。大奖赛的第二天以及专业赛的执法严格度为专业级别,牌手可能会从世界各地前来参加,同时也会提供丰厚的现金奖励。\\ ++ 例如,FNM的执法严格度是一般级别,大多数参赛牌手都来自牌店的本地牌手社群,一般会提供平均每位牌手1到2包补充包作为奖品池。然而,初选PTQ(PPTQ)的执法严格度为竞争级别,一些牌手可能会花费几小时的时间来参加,通常也会有RPTQ的邀请资格以及现金奖励作为奖品。大奖赛的第二天以及专业赛的执法严格度为专业级别,牌手可能会从世界各地前来参加,同时也会提供丰厚的现金奖励。\\ ++
行 331: 行 343:
 === Regular 一般级别 === === Regular 一般级别 ===
 **Regular tournaments are focused on fun and social aspects, not enforcement. Most tournaments are run at this level unless they offer sizeable prizes or invitations. Players are expected to know most of the game rules, may have heard of policy and what is “really bad,” but generally play in a fashion similar to the way they do casually. Players are still responsible for following the rules, but the focus is on education and sportsmanship over technically precise play. Infractions in these tournaments are covered by the Judging at Regular Rules Enforcement Level document, located at http://​wpn.wizards.com/​document/​magic-gathering-judging-regular-rel.**\\ ​ **Regular tournaments are focused on fun and social aspects, not enforcement. Most tournaments are run at this level unless they offer sizeable prizes or invitations. Players are expected to know most of the game rules, may have heard of policy and what is “really bad,” but generally play in a fashion similar to the way they do casually. Players are still responsible for following the rules, but the focus is on education and sportsmanship over technically precise play. Infractions in these tournaments are covered by the Judging at Regular Rules Enforcement Level document, located at http://​wpn.wizards.com/​document/​magic-gathering-judging-regular-rel.**\\ ​
-++一般的比赛主要是为了娱乐和社交,而非铁面无私。大部分的比赛都是采用这个等级,除非比赛提供了一定程度的奖品或是邀请资格。对牌手的期待是应该知道大部分的游戏规则,可能听过一些比赛政策或知道哪些事情“很不好”,但通常是以类似休闲娱乐的方式来比赛。牌手还是有责任去遵循规则,但所强调的主要在于教育性和运动道德,而不是技术上的精确无误。在此类比赛中处理牌手违规行为的细则,由《[[:一般执法严格度下执法指南|一般严格度下执法指南]]》此份文档详述,该文档可于此处获取:http://​wpn.wizards.com/​document/​magic-gathering-judging-regular-rel。|\\  +++一般的比赛主要是为了娱乐和社交,而非铁面无私。大部分的比赛都是采用这个等级,除非比赛提供了一定程度的奖品或是邀请资格。对牌手的期待是应该知道大部分的游戏规则,可能听过一些比赛政策或知道哪些事情“很不好”,但通常是以类似休闲娱乐的方式来比赛。牌手还是有责任去遵循规则,但所强调的主要在于教育性和运动道德,而不是技术上的精确无误。在此类比赛中处理牌手违规行为的细则,由《一般执法严格度下执法指南》此份文档详述,该文档可于此处获取:http://​wpn.wizards.com/​document/​magic-gathering-judging-regular-rel。|\\  
-This is one step above kitchen-table Magic. Note that the IPG does not apply at Regular ​REL. Instead, we use the Judging at Regular ​REL (JAR) document, which lays the groundwork for a fun, casual atmosphere where only repeat offenders and serious problems —like cheating, aggressive behavior, bribery, and theft— are punished. Instead of punishing players for innocent tournament and play errors, it’s our job as judges at Regular ​REL to help them learn the right way to play so that they can succeed at higher ​REL events.\\ ​+This is one step above kitchen-table Magic. Note that the IPG does not apply at Regular ​Rules Enforcement Level. Instead, we use the Judging at Regular ​Rules Enforcement Level (JAR) document, which lays the groundwork for a fun, casual atmosphere where only repeat offenders and serious problems —like cheating, aggressive behavior, bribery, and theft— are punished. Instead of punishing players for innocent tournament and play errors, it’s our job as judges at Regular ​Rules Enforcement Level to help them learn the right way to play so that they can succeed at higher ​Rules Enforcement Level events.\\ ​
 一般级比赛是从餐桌万智走向比赛的第一步。请注意,IPG不适用于一般级别的比赛。取而代之的,我们会使用JAR来替代,这份文件基于创造快乐、休闲的游戏氛围而制定,只有重复犯错和触犯严重问题(例如作弊,进攻性举止,贿赂,偷窃)的牌手才会受到惩罚。比起惩罚犯错的牌手,在一般级别的比赛中我们裁判更应该帮助牌手懂得怎么做才是正确的,这样他们才能在未来更高级别的比赛中取得成功。\\ ++ 一般级比赛是从餐桌万智走向比赛的第一步。请注意,IPG不适用于一般级别的比赛。取而代之的,我们会使用JAR来替代,这份文件基于创造快乐、休闲的游戏氛围而制定,只有重复犯错和触犯严重问题(例如作弊,进攻性举止,贿赂,偷窃)的牌手才会受到惩罚。比起惩罚犯错的牌手,在一般级别的比赛中我们裁判更应该帮助牌手懂得怎么做才是正确的,这样他们才能在未来更高级别的比赛中取得成功。\\ ++
 === Competitive 竞争级别 === === Competitive 竞争级别 ===
 **Competitive tournaments are usually those with significant cash prizes or invitations awarded to Professional tournaments. Players are expected to know the game’s rules and be familiar with the policies and procedures, but unintentional errors are not punished severely. These are tournaments that protect the interests of all players by providing tournament integrity while also recognizing that not all players are intimately familiar with Professional-level tournament structure, proper procedures, and rules. Infractions in these tournaments are covered by the Magic Infraction Procedure Guide, located at http://​wpn.wizards.com/​document/​magic-infraction-procedure-guide.**\\ ​ **Competitive tournaments are usually those with significant cash prizes or invitations awarded to Professional tournaments. Players are expected to know the game’s rules and be familiar with the policies and procedures, but unintentional errors are not punished severely. These are tournaments that protect the interests of all players by providing tournament integrity while also recognizing that not all players are intimately familiar with Professional-level tournament structure, proper procedures, and rules. Infractions in these tournaments are covered by the Magic Infraction Procedure Guide, located at http://​wpn.wizards.com/​document/​magic-infraction-procedure-guide.**\\ ​
-++竞争等级的比赛通常指有着高额奖金,或有专业比赛邀请资格的比赛。对牌手的要求是了解游戏规则并熟悉竞赛政策和流程,但是无意的失误不会导致严厉的处罚。为了保护所有牌手的乐趣,这类比赛要尽力维持一致性,也要了解并非所有牌手都十分清楚专业级比赛的架构、适当的流程,以及规则。在此类比赛中处理牌手违规行为的细则,由《[[:​万智牌违规处理方针|万智牌违规处理方针]]》此份文档详述,该文档可于此处获取:http://​wpn.wizards.com/​document/​magic-infraction-procedure-guide。|\\  +++竞争等级的比赛通常指有着高额奖金,或有专业比赛邀请资格的比赛。对牌手的要求是了解游戏规则并熟悉竞赛政策和流程,但是无意的失误不会导致严厉的处罚。为了保护所有牌手的乐趣,这类比赛要尽力维持一致性,也要了解并非所有牌手都十分清楚专业级比赛的架构、适当的流程,以及规则。在此类比赛中处理牌手违规行为的细则,由《万智牌违规处理方针》此份文档详述,该文档可于此处获取:http://​wpn.wizards.com/​document/​magic-infraction-procedure-guide。|\\  
-This is the REL at which most competitive magic tournaments are run. Grand Prix Trials, Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifiers, Regional Pro Tour Qualifiers, and the first day of Grand Prix are all run at Competitive ​REL. Tighter technical play and clearer communication are both important at this level, and tournament and game play infractions are penalized according to the IPG.\\ ​+This is the Rules Enforcement Level at which most competitive magic tournaments are run. Grand Prix Trials, Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifiers, Regional Pro Tour Qualifiers, and the first day of Grand Prix are all run at Competitive ​Rules Enforcement Level. Tighter technical play and clearer communication are both important at this level, and tournament and game play infractions are penalized according to the IPG.\\ ​
 大多数竞争性较强的万智牌比赛都会使用这个执法严格度。大奖赛预选赛,初选专业资格赛,区域专业资格赛,大奖赛第一天都是以竞争级别的执法严格度进行的。这个级别的比赛要求更严谨的游戏技巧以及更清晰的交流,并且会根据IPG对违规进行相应的处理。\\ ​ 大多数竞争性较强的万智牌比赛都会使用这个执法严格度。大奖赛预选赛,初选专业资格赛,区域专业资格赛,大奖赛第一天都是以竞争级别的执法严格度进行的。这个级别的比赛要求更严谨的游戏技巧以及更清晰的交流,并且会根据IPG对违规进行相应的处理。\\ ​
 Deck registration is required (MTR 2.7), and judges must perform deck checks during the tournament (MTR 2.8). Players are required to shuffle their opponents’ decks after their owners have shuffled them (MTR 3.9), and certain types of sleeves are prohibited (MTR 3.10).\\ ​ Deck registration is required (MTR 2.7), and judges must perform deck checks during the tournament (MTR 2.8). Players are required to shuffle their opponents’ decks after their owners have shuffled them (MTR 3.9), and certain types of sleeves are prohibited (MTR 3.10).\\ ​
行 345: 行 357:
 === Professional 专业级别 === === Professional 专业级别 ===
 **Professional level tournaments offer large cash awards, prestige, and other benefits that draw players from great distances. These tournaments hold players to a higher standard of behavior and technically-correct play than Competitive tournaments. Infractions in these tournaments are covered by the Magic Infraction Procedure Guide, located at http://​wpn.wizards.com/​document/​magic-infraction-procedure-guide.**\\ ​ **Professional level tournaments offer large cash awards, prestige, and other benefits that draw players from great distances. These tournaments hold players to a higher standard of behavior and technically-correct play than Competitive tournaments. Infractions in these tournaments are covered by the Magic Infraction Procedure Guide, located at http://​wpn.wizards.com/​document/​magic-infraction-procedure-guide.**\\ ​
-++专业级别的比赛会提供高额的奖金、声望和其他福利,吸引牌手不远千里而来。这些比赛和竞争等级的比赛比起来,更要求牌手具备高水准的行为和精确的游戏动作。在此类比赛中处理牌手违规行为的细则,由《[[:​万智牌违规处理方针|万智牌违规处理方针]]》此份文档详述,该文档可于此处获取:http://​wpn.wizards.com/​document/​magic-infraction-procedure-guide|\\  +++专业级别的比赛会提供高额的奖金、声望和其他福利,吸引牌手不远千里而来。这些比赛和竞争等级的比赛比起来,更要求牌手具备高水准的行为和精确的游戏动作。在此类比赛中处理牌手违规行为的细则,由《万智牌违规处理方针》此份文档详述,该文档可于此处获取:http://​wpn.wizards.com/​document/​magic-infraction-procedure-guide|\\  
-This is the strictest ​REL and is correspondingly rare. Day two of Grand Prix and the Pro Tour are both run at Professional ​REL.\\ +This is the strictest ​Rules Enforcement Level and is correspondingly rare. Day two of Grand Prix and the Pro Tour are both run at Professional ​Rules Enforcement Level.\\ 
 这是最严格的执法严格度,但相对也使用得最少。大奖赛第二天以及专业赛都是用这个执法严格度进行的。\\ ​ 这是最严格的执法严格度,但相对也使用得最少。大奖赛第二天以及专业赛都是用这个执法严格度进行的。\\ ​
 Deck registration is required (MTR 2.7), and judges must perform deck checks during the tournament (MTR 2.8). Players are required to shuffle their opponents’ decks after their owners have shuffled them (MTR 3.9), and certain types of sleeves are prohibited (MTR 3.10).\\ ​ Deck registration is required (MTR 2.7), and judges must perform deck checks during the tournament (MTR 2.8). Players are required to shuffle their opponents’ decks after their owners have shuffled them (MTR 3.9), and certain types of sleeves are prohibited (MTR 3.10).\\ ​
行 352: 行 364:
 With certain exceptions players may not use electronic devices capable of taking and storing notes, communicating with other people, or accessing the internet during the drafting, deck construction,​ or playing of matches (MTR 2.12).\\ ​ With certain exceptions players may not use electronic devices capable of taking and storing notes, communicating with other people, or accessing the internet during the drafting, deck construction,​ or playing of matches (MTR 2.12).\\ ​
 除去特殊情况,牌手不能使用电子设备来记录或储存笔记、与他人交流。也不能在轮抽过程中,套牌构组中以及比赛进行中使用网络(MTR2.12)。\\ ​ 除去特殊情况,牌手不能使用电子设备来记录或储存笔记、与他人交流。也不能在轮抽过程中,套牌构组中以及比赛进行中使用网络(MTR2.12)。\\ ​
-Players playing matches in the feature match area of Professional ​REL tournaments must arrange their cards according to the layout prescribed in MTR 2.13.\\ ​+Players playing matches in the feature match area of Professional ​Rules Enforcement Level tournaments must arrange their cards according to the layout prescribed in MTR 2.13.\\ ​
 专业级别的比赛中,在焦点桌进行对局的牌手必须按照MTR2.13的布局规定来摆放自己的牌张。\\ ++ 专业级别的比赛中,在焦点桌进行对局的牌手必须按照MTR2.13的布局规定来摆放自己的牌张。\\ ++
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