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万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
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ipg:3.2 [2017/09/26 10:46]
ipg:3.2 [2019/05/22 18:32]
行 1: 行 1:
-[[:​IPG:​3.1|3.1. 比赛失误~迟到]] | [[:​IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:​IPG:​3.3|3.3. 比赛失误~游戏进行过慢]] 
-====== 3.2 Outside Assistance 外来协助 ====== 
-<box 20% left>​Penalty 处罚</​box|Match Loss 一局负>​ 
-===== DEFINITION 定义 ===== 
-**A player, spectator, or other tournament participant does any of the following:​**\\ ​ 
-++牌手、旁观者或是其他参与比赛的人出现下述行为:|\\ ++ 
-**• Seeks play advice or hidden information about his or her match from others once he or she has sat for his or her match.**\\ ​ 
-++• 牌手在已经入座准备开始对局之后,寻求关于自己对局之游戏建议或未公开信息。|\\ ​ 
-As soon as a player has sat for a match, he or she is not allowed to get instructions or information about the match from other people. Casual chat is not forbidden, unless such chats include information which may benefit the player’s match. This does not include asking for advice at the pairings board or dealer booth, or outside while smoking a cigarette. Players are going to chat about decks they played against or think they have to play against. We cannot control what they talk about in the restroom.\\ ​ 
-当一位牌手在对局中就座之后,从其他人那里获取有关对局的额外信息或指导便是不允许的。并不禁止闲聊,除非闲聊中包括有可能让这位牌手在对局中获益的信息。外来协助这一条并不包括在配对表前,摊位前以及走廊里抽烟时向其他人寻求建议。牌手们总是会讨论他的套牌以及他们可能即将对抗的套牌。我们控制不了牌手在厕所里聊什么。\\ ++\\  
-**• Gives play advice or reveals hidden information to players who have sat for their match.**\\ ​ 
-++• 在牌手已经入座准备开始对局之后,给予牌手游戏建议或未公开信息。|\\ ​ 
-This scenario often happens to a spectator or a player who is watching a friend playing after just finishing his or her own match. Especially for players who are still in the tournament, such behavior should be punished and the Match Loss should be issued. Keep in mind we are talking about “play advice.” “Don’t forget to attack” is play advice; “Quit, so we can go get food” is not play advice - although both may result in the game ending.\\ ​ 
-这种情况多出现在一位牌手打完之后来围观朋友的时候。特别是这两位牌手都还在比赛中的时候,这种行为属于外来协助而且将获得一盘负的处罚。注意我们在讨论的是“游戏建议”,“别忘了踹”——这个是游戏建议;“你赶快投了,咱们吃饭去吧!”——这个不是,虽然这两句话可能都会导致游戏结束。\\ ++\\  
-**• During a game, refers to notes (other than Oracle™ pages) made before the official beginning of the current match.**\\ ​ 
-++• 在游戏之中,参阅在此对局开始之前所记录的笔记(Oracle牌张内文叙述页面除外)。|\\ ​ 
-The form notes take can be varied, but is typically on paper. While looking at these notes between games is OK, during a game it is not permitted. As an exception, official Oracle text is allowed to be checked at any time during the match. Typically players will just call a judge, but if someone has a printout of all the oracle text of all the cards in the set, they can use it as long as they are quick.\\ ​ 
-笔记有很多种形式,不过一般都是记在纸上的。在两盘之间看这些笔记是被允许的,然而在一盘之中不行。但是有个例外,牌手可以在盘中查看官方的牌张Oracle。一般来说牌手会叫裁判来问Oracle,但是如果真的有人把环境内的所有牌的Oracle打印出来带着,也是可以使用的,只要他能保证查阅速度够快。\\ ++ 
-**These criteria also apply to any deck construction and draft portions of a limited tournament. Additionally,​ no notes of any kind may be made during a draft. Some team formats have additional communication rules that may modify the definition of this infraction.**\\ ​ 
-++这些准则也适用于限制赛中构组套牌及轮抽的部份。此外,轮抽当中不能做任何种类的笔记。某些团队赛制的比赛中包含了额外的交流规则;这可能会修改此违规的定义。|\\ ​ 
-During a Limited Format event, either sealed events or drafts, players in the deck construction or draft portions shall be treated as though they were “in a match”, and any behavior which fits the definition above is regarded as “Outside Assistance.” Asking what to draft, or how many Forests should be played, or “Did you force White?” are examples. For some formats, such as Two-Headed Giant and Team Tournaments,​ team members can discuss decks and strategies between themselves, and Outside Assistance does not apply.\\ ​ 
-在限制赛事中,包括轮抽和现开,牌手在组牌或者轮抽过程中都将被视为在“对局中”,所有符合上面所述的违规的行为都将被视为“外来协助”。比如:询问抓什么,应该加多少树林,或者“你要强行抓白么?”。在某些赛制中,比如双头巨人或者团队现开,队伍成员之间可以讨论组牌和战术,这时“外来协助”就不再适用。\\ ++ 
-**Notes made outside the current match may only be referenced between games, and must have been in the player’s possession since the beginning of the match.**\\ ​ 
-++在当前对局以外时间记录的笔记,只能在两盘游戏之间参阅,并且此牌手开始对局时便应该已持有该笔记。|\\ ​ 
-These notes may be things like strategies for sideboarding for different matchups. A note taken in game one can be checked during game two. The “beginning of the match” is the line because there has to be one, and there makes the most sense. Players can’t go online between games and look up sideboard strategy.\\ ​ 
-这些笔记可能是换备指导等战术信息。在第一盘记录的笔记在第二盘进行中可以查阅。因为必须要有一条分割线,我们把这条线划在“开始对局时”,因为这个时间点最为合适。牌手不能在两盘游戏之间上网查阅换备指导。\\ ++ 
-===== EXAMPLES 范例 ===== 
-**A. During a game, a player references play notes that were created before the tournament.**\\ ​ 
-**A. 牌手在游戏中参阅他在比赛之前作好的游戏笔记。**\\ ​ 
-**B. A spectator points out the correct play to a player who had not solicited the information.**\\ ​ 
-**B. 旁观者在某牌手没有要求的情况下为他指出正确的行动。**\\ ​ 
-===== PHILOSOPHY 原则 ===== 
-**Tournaments test the skill of a player, not his or her ability to follow external advice or directions. Any strategy advice, play advice, or construction advice from an external source is considered outside assistance.**\\ ​ 
-++比赛测试的是牌手的技术,而非接收外来建议或指导的能力。任何来自外部来源的策略建议、行动建议或是构组建议都视为是外来协助。|\\ ​ 
->>>>​ A game is between two players. Not a player vs. another and his buddy, or Google, or the Twitterverse. Outside Assistance can be a word, a piece of paper or a gesture; it can be a request for information. If it can be seen to have offered the player strategic, play or construction advice then it should be regarded as outside assistance. Keep in mind though (and this is controversial in some circles) that asking or telling a player the results of another match is not Outside Assistance, even if that information is used to end the game. 
- >>>>​ 对局是两个牌手之间的,而不是牌手A vs 牌手B和他愉快的小伙伴们,或百度/​营地。外来协助可以是一个词,一张纸,甚至一个手势;也可以是对信息的请求。任何向牌手提供战术、游戏动作及套牌构组方面建议的行为都应被视为外来协助。需要注意,询问或告诉对局中的牌手比赛中其他对局的结果并不属于外来协助(并且这点现在仍有争议),即使这个信息会使得这盘游戏直接结束。++ 
-**Visual modifications to cards, including brief text, that provide minor strategic information or hints are acceptable and not considered notes. Detailed instructions or complex strategic advice may not be written on cards. The Head Judge is the final arbiter on what cards and notes are acceptable for a tournament. Spectators who commit this infraction may be asked to leave the venue if they are not enrolled in the tournament.**\\ ​ 
-++牌上面的图样加工,包括间接地提供轻微策略信息的简短文字,均可以接受且不会认定为笔记。详细指示或复杂的策略建议不能写在牌上。在比赛中,主审是判定哪些牌与笔记可以接受的最终仲裁者。|\\ ​ 
-Some players write notes on cards, which may contain some strategic information. Several words, a mark, or a picture are tolerable, but sentences may be beyond the line. Examples include dots on the face of sideboard cards, or “attack with me” on a Ball lightning, or a Trinket Mage altered to be examining a specific artifact (the intended target). If you are not sure whether such visual modification is acceptable, ask the Head Judge.\\ ​ 
-一些牌手会在牌上写一些字,这有可能包括战术信息。牌面上的几个词,标记或者画是可以接受的,但是在牌上写上句话可能就不行了。例如在备牌的牌面上画几个点、写着“用我踹”的暴雷链球、或者写着某个神器名字的琐物法师。如果你不确定一张牌上的图样加工是否可以接受,请去问主审。\\ ++ 
-++没有参与比赛的旁观者若是犯下此违规,可以要求他离开会场。|\\ ​ 
-For the players who are still in the tournament, Outside Assistance may be the Sword of Damocles which prevents them offering advice or seeking suggestions from others. However, spectators do not need to worry about the potential punishment because they do not have a “next match" for a Match Loss to apply to. In these case, judges should ask the spectators to leave the venue politely; this provides a warning to other spectators who can’t help talking about the current match when they are watching others. \\  
-对于比赛中的牌手来说,“外来协助”这项就像悬在头顶的达克摩斯之剑一样提醒着他们不要寻求其他人的建议。然而,旁观者显然没有这种顾虑,因为对于他们来说并没有比赛可以“一局负”。这种情况下,裁判应该礼貌的请他离开会场。这对于其他旁观者来说是一种警示,让他们不会犯下同样的错误。\\ ​ 
-Not being enrolled in the tournament doesn'​t protect you from this infraction. If a spectator commits this infraction and is not enrolled in the tournament, enroll them, assign the infraction, then drop them from the event.\\ ​ 
-没有参加比赛并不能防止自己受到此判罚。如果一位旁观者犯下了外来协助,将他加入比赛,录入判罚,再将他退赛。\\ ++ 
-**Downgrade:​ If the information acquired is information that the player would have access to between games, the penalty is a Game Loss.**\\ ​ 
-<WRAP center round box 60%> 
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