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万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
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ipg:2.5 [2017/07/19 05:39] 外部编辑
ipg:2.5 [2018/02/23 10:16]
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 一致性是IPG的核心原则。以同样的标准执法世界各地的比赛是很重要的事,即使这些比赛由数以千计的不同裁判来执法。因此,我们致力于处理处罚的中立性。从根本上来说,双方牌手都有责任保持正确的游戏状态。作为裁判,我们的核心作用不是改正或者修复牌手的错误,而是冷静地解释并应用IPG中规定的修正。\\ ++ 一致性是IPG的核心原则。以同样的标准执法世界各地的比赛是很重要的事,即使这些比赛由数以千计的不同裁判来执法。因此,我们致力于处理处罚的中立性。从根本上来说,双方牌手都有责任保持正确的游戏状态。作为裁判,我们的核心作用不是改正或者修复牌手的错误,而是冷静地解释并应用IPG中规定的修正。\\ ++
 ===== ADDITIONAL REMEDY 进一步的修正 ===== ===== ADDITIONAL REMEDY 进一步的修正 =====
-**If the infraction falls into one of the following categories, and only into that category, perform the fix specified unless a simple backup is possible:**\\  +**First, consider a simple backup (see section 1.4).**\\  
-++如果该违规属于下列情形之一,且不属于其他情形,便使用对应的方式进行修正,若能进行简易倒回,则简易倒回:|\\  +**首先,考虑是否简单倒回(参见1.4章节)。** 
-So right here we are going to have a list of partial fixes. ​You do them firstIf you can't, then you evaluate if you need to do a back up or leave alone. ​However, if the backup is trivially simple, (ex. a single action) and makes for a more organic fix, the Head Judge may authorize the back up. See 1.4 Backing Up for more information about back ups.\\  + 
-以下是部分修正的列表。首先按照列表进行对照,看是否能应用其中的一条。若无法应用,那么你可以考虑倒回或者保留当前状态不修正。但是,如果倒回非常简单(例如,只有一个动作)且能非常好地修复游戏状态,主审可以授权倒回。关于倒回,参见IPG 1.4节。\\  +**If a simple backup is not sufficient and the infraction falls into one of the following categories, and only into that category, perform the appropriate partial ​fix:**\\  
-A recent change here is that you cant mix partial fixes. If the error fits more than one of these categories, youll need to move ahead to the next part of the fix. If there are multiple fixes within the same bullet point, youre still fine to use that partial fix.\\  +++如果简单倒回不够且该违规属于下列情形之一,且不属于其他情形,进行部分修正:|\\  
-一个最近的改动是,你不能混用部分修正。如果失误属于一种类别以上,你必须使用下一部分的修正方式(即倒回或不做修正)。如果在同一类别中满足了多个修正条件,你仍然可以使用这种部分修正。\\ +++So right here we are going to have a list of partial fixes. ​Try to do a simple backup (see Backing Up 1.4 for more information about back ups) then, if you cant, you can try to do a partial fix. If you cannot apply a simple backup or a partial fix  ​you evaluate if you need to do a back up or leave alone. ​ A recent change here is that you can't mix partial fixes. ​ If the error fits more than one of these categories, you'll need to move ahead to the next part of the fix.  If there are multiple fixes within the same bullet point, you're still fine to use that partial fix.\\  
 +以下是部分修正的列表。首先试着进行简单倒回(关于倒回,详见[[:​ipg:​1.4|1.4 倒回]]一节);如果简单倒回不够,你可以试着执行部分修正。如果你既不能进行简单倒回、也不能执行部分修正,那么你可以考虑倒回或者保留当前状态不修正。一个最近的改动是,你不能混用部分修正。如果失误属于一种类别以上,你必须使用下一部分的修正方式(即倒回或不做修正)。如果在同一类别中满足了多个修正条件,你仍然可以使用这种部分修正。\\ ++
 **• If a player made an illegal choice (including no choice where required) for a static ability generating a continuous effect still on the battlefield,​ that player makes a legal choice.**\\ ​ **• If a player made an illegal choice (including no choice where required) for a static ability generating a continuous effect still on the battlefield,​ that player makes a legal choice.**\\ ​
行 58: 行 59:
 通常来说攻击者或阻挡者的次序都没什么用。绝大多数时候,有多个阻挡者时,牌手的意图都很明确,也没有实际互动。但是,这些次序有时可能会产生影响,因此也就有了这部分提及的修正方式。如果主动牌手Abe可以在结算咒语的过程中宣告阻挡者的次序,Ned可能会很不高兴;但通常来说,正是因为Ned施放了某些咒语,阻挡者的次序才会突然对游戏有所影响。如果Ned想要做一些可能会让阻挡者次序产生影响的事情,他不能假设对手采用的就是对他最有利的那种次序。他有责任在做事情导致阻挡者次序产生影响之前首先厘清次序是什么。\\ ++ 通常来说攻击者或阻挡者的次序都没什么用。绝大多数时候,有多个阻挡者时,牌手的意图都很明确,也没有实际互动。但是,这些次序有时可能会产生影响,因此也就有了这部分提及的修正方式。如果主动牌手Abe可以在结算咒语的过程中宣告阻挡者的次序,Ned可能会很不高兴;但通常来说,正是因为Ned施放了某些咒语,阻挡者的次序才会突然对游戏有所影响。如果Ned想要做一些可能会让阻挡者次序产生影响的事情,他不能假设对手采用的就是对他最有利的那种次序。他有责任在做事情导致阻挡者次序产生影响之前首先厘清次序是什么。\\ ++
-**For each of these fixes, a simple backup may be performed beforehand if it makes applying the fix smoother.**\\  +**For each of these fixes, a simple backup may be performed beforehand if it makes applying the fix smoother. Triggered abilities are generated from these partial fixes only if they would have occurred had the action been taken at the correct time.**\\  
-++对于以上各修正而言,如果能让修正更平滑,可以在此之前进行一次简易倒回。|\\  +++对于以上各修正而言,如果能让修正更平滑,可以在此之前进行一次简易倒回。对于在部分修正中产生的触发式异能,只有在这些动作在正确的时间进行也会触发的情况下,才会在这些部分修正中产生。|\\  
-A simple backup is backing up the last action completed (or one currently in progress) and is sometimes used to make another portion of the prescribed remedy smoother. A simple backup should not involve any random elements.\\  +A simple backup is backing up the last action completed (or one currently in progress) and is sometimes used to make another portion of the prescribed remedy smoother. A simple backup should not involve any random elements. Also while applying a partial fix consider the triggered abilities if they would have occurred while taking the action at the correct time.\\  
-简易倒回意指倒回上一个已完成的(或正在进行的)游戏动作,有时可用来使前述之修正的某一部分更加平滑。简易倒回不应涉及任何随机元素。\\ +++简易倒回意指倒回上一个已完成的(或正在进行的)游戏动作,有时可用来使前述之修正的某一部分更加平滑。简易倒回不应涉及任何随机元素。另外,在执行部分修正时,应将在正确的时点作该动作时本应发生的触发式异能考虑在内。\\ ++
-**Otherwise,​ a backup may be considered or the game state may be left as is.**\\  +**Otherwise,​ a full backup may be considered or the game state may be left as is.**\\  
-++若属于其他情况,则可以考虑进行倒回,或保留当前游戏状态不做修正。|\\  +++若属于其他情况,则可以考虑进行完整倒回,或保留当前游戏状态不做修正。|\\  
-So, we look to see if any of the partial fixes apply, and if not, we either rewind or dont. Please see 1.4 Backing Up for information on if it‘s appropriate to back up.\\  +So, first we try to apply a simple back up; if not we look to see if any of the partial fixes apply, and if not, we either rewind or dont. Please see 1.4 Backing Up for information on if it‘s appropriate to back up.\\  
-所以,我们先看看是否有任何一个部分修正能够适用,如果没有,我们可以选择是否倒回。关于如何确定倒回是否恰当的信息,请参阅IPG 1.4节。\\ +++所以,我们先试图执行简易倒回;如果简易倒回不能适用,再看看是否有任何一个部分修正能够适用,如果没有,我们可以选择是否倒回。关于如何确定倒回是否恰当的信息,请参阅IPG 1.4节。\\ ++
 **For most Game Play Errors not caught within a time that a player could reasonably be expected to notice, opponents receive a Game Play Error — Failure to Maintain Game State penalty. If the judge believes that both players were responsible for a Game Rule Violation, such as due to the existence of replacement effects or a player taking action based on another players instruction,​ both players receive a Game Play Error — Game Rule Violation. For example, if a player casts Path to Exile on an opponent’s creature and the opponent puts the creature into the graveyard, both players have committed this infraction.**\\ ​ **For most Game Play Errors not caught within a time that a player could reasonably be expected to notice, opponents receive a Game Play Error — Failure to Maintain Game State penalty. If the judge believes that both players were responsible for a Game Rule Violation, such as due to the existence of replacement effects or a player taking action based on another players instruction,​ both players receive a Game Play Error — Game Rule Violation. For example, if a player casts Path to Exile on an opponent’s creature and the opponent puts the creature into the graveyard, both players have committed this infraction.**\\ ​