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万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
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后一修订版 两侧同时换到之后的修订记录
ipg:1.1 [2017/07/03 19:01] 外部编辑
ipg:1.1 [2018/01/26 04:48]
mtgjudge [MATCH LOSS 一局负]
行 12: 行 12:
 如果现在不是额外回合,且修正问题的时候用了一分钟以上的时间时,你需要为这桌补时。你在走向叫裁判的桌子的时候会看一眼时间,对吧?\\ ++ 如果现在不是额外回合,且修正问题的时候用了一分钟以上的时间时,你需要为这桌补时。你在走向叫裁判的桌子的时候会看一眼时间,对吧?\\ ++
 ===== GAME LOSS 一盘负 ===== ===== GAME LOSS 一盘负 =====
-**A Game Loss is issued in situations where the procedure to correct the offense takes a significant amount of time that may slow the entire tournament or causes significant disruption to the tournament, or in which it is impossible to continue the game due to physical disruption. It is also used for some infractions that have a higher probability for a player to gain advantage.**\\ ​ 
-++当发生此类情形时,应给予一盘负的判罚:对犯规的修正需花费大量的时间,可能拖延整个比赛进行,或对比赛产生显著的影响;因实质干扰之故导致游戏无法继续进行。此判罚也适用于让牌手因此获利之可能性较高的情况。|\\ ​ 
-Penalties are assigned based on how disruptive the infractions are to the event. Game Losses are assigned to things that take a long time to fix or have a high potential for advantage. Keep in mind this doesn'​t mean you get to just decide something is a Game Loss because of the potential advantage. This consideration has already been incorporated into the infraction and its upgrade/​downgrade paths.\\ ​ 
-一项违规使用什么处罚取决于它对比赛造成的破坏性后果。一盘负适用于需要长时间来修正或有很高的获利可能性的违规。需要注意的是,这并不是说你可以自己来判断哪个违规因为有获利可能性所以可以给一盘负。这些因素已经写入了各种违规的适用的情况以及可用的处罚升/​降级中。\\ ++ 
 **A Game Loss ends the current game immediately and the player who committed the infraction is considered to have lost the game for the purpose of match reporting. The player receiving a Game Loss chooses whether to play or draw in the next game of that match, if applicable. If a Game Loss is issued before the match begins, neither player in that match may use sideboards (if the tournament uses them) for the first game they play.**\\ ​ **A Game Loss ends the current game immediately and the player who committed the infraction is considered to have lost the game for the purpose of match reporting. The player receiving a Game Loss chooses whether to play or draw in the next game of that match, if applicable. If a Game Loss is issued before the match begins, neither player in that match may use sideboards (if the tournament uses them) for the first game they play.**\\ ​
 ++一盘负处罚会立刻结束目前这一盘游戏,犯下此违规的牌手在对局纪录上会视为是输掉一盘。如果还有下一盘,则得到一盘负处罚的牌手选择下一盘是否要先手。如果在对局开始之前就得到一盘负处罚,则本盘游戏之所有牌手在第一盘开始之前都不能使用备牌(如果该比赛使用备牌的话)。|\\ ​ ++一盘负处罚会立刻结束目前这一盘游戏,犯下此违规的牌手在对局纪录上会视为是输掉一盘。如果还有下一盘,则得到一盘负处罚的牌手选择下一盘是否要先手。如果在对局开始之前就得到一盘负处罚,则本盘游戏之所有牌手在第一盘开始之前都不能使用备牌(如果该比赛使用备牌的话)。|\\ ​
行 22: 行 17:
 当一位牌手受到一盘负的处罚时,当前的游戏立刻结束。局面的情况或“反正他也要输了”的因素并不在考虑范围内。这段的剩下内容将告诉我们在该牌手接下来的盘中应该怎么做。那位牌手输了一盘,所以下一盘由他来决定先后手。然而如果在对局开始之前牌手得到了一盘负的判罚,牌手们都没有开始对局,所以他们不能在开始对局之前换备。\\ ++ 当一位牌手受到一盘负的处罚时,当前的游戏立刻结束。局面的情况或“反正他也要输了”的因素并不在考虑范围内。这段的剩下内容将告诉我们在该牌手接下来的盘中应该怎么做。那位牌手输了一盘,所以下一盘由他来决定先后手。然而如果在对局开始之前牌手得到了一盘负的判罚,牌手们都没有开始对局,所以他们不能在开始对局之前换备。\\ ++
-**Game Losses are applied to the game in which the offense occurred unless the players have begun a new game or the tournament is between rounds, in which case the loss is applied to the player’s next game. If simultaneous Game Loss penalties are issued to each player, they are recorded, but do not affect the match score. If a player receives a Game Loss at the same time his or her opponent receives a Match Loss, the Game Loss is carried over into the next round.**\\ +**Game Losses are applied to the game in which the offense occurred unless the players have begun a new game or the tournament is between rounds, in which case the loss is applied to the player’s next game. If simultaneous Game Loss penalties are issued to each player, they are recorded, but do not affect the match score.**\\ ​
 ++一盘负处罚适用于发生犯规的该盘游戏,倘若牌手已经结束该盘游戏,或是比赛正进行到两局之间,则一盘负适用于该牌手的下一盘游戏。|\\ ​ ++一盘负处罚适用于发生犯规的该盘游戏,倘若牌手已经结束该盘游戏,或是比赛正进行到两局之间,则一盘负适用于该牌手的下一盘游戏。|\\ ​
 Game Losses typically apply to the games the infraction takes place in. However, some errors, most notably Deck/​Decklist Problems for an improper list, can be assessed between rounds, and have the penalty apply to the next game.\\ ​ Game Losses typically apply to the games the infraction takes place in. However, some errors, most notably Deck/​Decklist Problems for an improper list, can be assessed between rounds, and have the penalty apply to the next game.\\ ​
行 28: 行 23:
 ++如果游戏中所有牌手同时受到一盘负之处罚,则此些“一盘负”处罚会记录在案,但不会影响当前对局的成绩。|\\ ​ ++如果游戏中所有牌手同时受到一盘负之处罚,则此些“一盘负”处罚会记录在案,但不会影响当前对局的成绩。|\\ ​
 This covers situations where both players have an illegal deck, or when both players forget to reveal a morph at the end of the game, or other similar circumstances. If we assess both players the Game Loss penalty, only one game in the match will determine the winner. When this occurs it's rather awkward to assess these penalties as only one player is effectively penalized while the other is not, for the same behavior. To remedy this, you record both penalties, end the current game (if it is still being played) and both players continue to the next game. For the purpose of reporting the score, that specific game didn't happen.\\ ​ This covers situations where both players have an illegal deck, or when both players forget to reveal a morph at the end of the game, or other similar circumstances. If we assess both players the Game Loss penalty, only one game in the match will determine the winner. When this occurs it's rather awkward to assess these penalties as only one player is effectively penalized while the other is not, for the same behavior. To remedy this, you record both penalties, end the current game (if it is still being played) and both players continue to the next game. For the purpose of reporting the score, that specific game didn't happen.\\ ​
-这适用于两位牌手套牌都不合法、双方都忘了展示变身的生物牌等等其他的情况。如果我们直接给出一人一个一盘负,那么一盘游戏就会决定这一盘的胜负。这样的话,看上去这个处罚给了最后输的那个人,而不是双方都受到了一样的处罚。为不让这种事情发生,你需要记录这两个判罚,结束当前这一盘游戏(如果问题出现的时候游戏还在进行的话),然后这两位牌手继续进行下一局。在录入成绩时,刚才那特殊的一盘视同不存在。\\ ++ +这适用于两位牌手套牌都不合法、双方都忘了展示变身的生物牌等等其他的情况。如果我们直接给出一人一个一盘负,那么一盘游戏就会决定这一盘的胜负。这样的话,看上去这个处罚给了最后输的那个人,而不是双方都受到了一样的处罚。为不让这种事情发生,你需要记录这两个判罚,结束当前这一盘游戏(如果问题出现的时候游戏还在进行的话),然后这两位牌手继续进行下一局。在录入成绩时,刚才那一盘视同不存在。\\ ++ 
-++如果某牌手在受到一盘负处罚的同时,他的对手被判以一局负,则此一盘负的处罚将顺延到下一局。|\\  + 
-Sentences like this are the result of judges constructing corner case scenarios. But what if Abe is up a game when he gets a Match Loss at the same time Ned gets a Game Loss? Now you know. Abe loses the match, and Ned starts next round with a Game Loss.\\  +·===== MATCH LOSS 一局负 ===== 
-诸如此类的句子是裁判们考虑了各种案例之后写出的。如果在一局开始时Abe得到了一局负,Ned得到了一盘负怎么办?现在你知道了,Abe输掉这一局,Ned在下一轮开始的时候得到一盘负。\\ ++ +**A Match Loss is a severe penalty that is usually issued when the match itself has been compromised.**\\  
-===== MATCH LOSS 一局负 ===== +++一局负是严厉的处罚,通常用于对局本身被干扰无法完成的情况。|\\  
-**A Match Loss is a severe penalty that is usually issued when the match cannot be completed due to timing restrictions or because ​the match itself has been compromised.**\\  +There are three infractions ​that result ​in a Match Loss penalty. Upgrading Tardiness; Outside Assistance and Unsporting Conduct – Major.\\  
-++一局负是严厉的处罚,通常用于对局无法于时限内完成或时对局本身被干扰无法完成的情况。|\\  +有三种违规导致一局负:迟到(升级)、外协助和举止违背运动道德~严重。\\  
-Match Losses for anything other than Tardiness are pretty rare. If you are that late, then we will not give you that time back. ‘Timing Restrictions’,​ however, don't really apply to extensions given as a result ​of call/​investigation,​ i.e. you don'​t ​Match Loss someone because an investigation took a long time. \\  +Note that it is possible ​for a match to become ​compromised ​but still continue ​such as if a spectator ​commits Outside Assistance.\\  
-除了迟到之外,一局负是很少见的。如果牌手超过时间限制太多,那么我们并不其补足这些时间。但是,不要因为裁判呼叫或调查等事务超过“时限”而使用一局负来惩罚牌手。比如:你并不会因为对一个牌手的调查时间过长而给他一局负。\\  +注意,对局可能受到干扰但仍然继续例如位旁观者犯下来协助的情形。\\ ++
-The other situation ​for Match Losses is in the case of Outside Assistance. The match has been compromised. However, the person committing the Outside Assistance gets the Match Loss. This means that a match can be compromised ​by Outside Assistance, yet still continueif the infraction is committed by a spectator.\\  +
-另外一个给出一局负的情况是场外援助。比赛已经被干扰但是是犯下场外援助的牌手得到局负。这意味着即使是围观者违规,被场干扰比赛仍将继续。\\ +++
 **Match Losses are applied to the match during which the offense occurred unless the match has already ended, in which case the penalty will be applied to the player’s next match.**\\ ​ **Match Losses are applied to the match during which the offense occurred unless the match has already ended, in which case the penalty will be applied to the player’s next match.**\\ ​