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en:judgeacademy:faq [2019/07/29 18:53]
Hao Du 创建
en:judgeacademy:faq [2019/07/30 04:13]
Hao Du
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 ====== Frequently Asked Questions ====== ====== Frequently Asked Questions ======
-[[https://​judgeacademy.com/​faq/​|原文]]+[[https://​judgeacademy.com/​faq/​|原文]] ​| [[:​judgeacademy:​portal|返回裁判学院信息集合]] 
 ==== What is Judge Academy? ==== ==== What is Judge Academy? ====
 Judge Academy is a new company which has formed to train and certify event staff for organized play. Our initial client is the Wizards of the Coast and the Magic community. We are in talks with many other companies, both in the table top and esports realms, and are excited to add on partners and opportunities. Judge Academy is a new company which has formed to train and certify event staff for organized play. Our initial client is the Wizards of the Coast and the Magic community. We are in talks with many other companies, both in the table top and esports realms, and are excited to add on partners and opportunities.
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 Our Advisory Board is: Our Advisory Board is:
-Alfonso Bueno – Level 3, Spain +  * **Alfonso Bueno – Level 3**, Spain 
-Jon Goud – Level 3, Canada +  * **Jon Goud – Level 3**, Canada 
-Damián Hiller – Level 3, Argentina +  * **Damián Hiller – Level 3**, Argentina 
-Bryan Prillaman – Level 3, USA +  * **Bryan Prillaman – Level 3**, USA 
-Rob McKenzie – Level 3, USA +  * **Rob McKenzie – Level 3**, USA 
-Johanna Virtanen – Level 3, Finland+  * **Johanna Virtanen – Level 3**, Finland
 ==== What do the advisors do? ==== ==== What do the advisors do? ====
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 Community Managers for each area are listed below. They will start their roles as CM when the company goes live on October 1st. If you need anything before then, your current Regional Coordinators are your contact point. Community Managers for each area are listed below. They will start their roles as CM when the company goes live on October 1st. If you need anything before then, your current Regional Coordinators are your contact point.
-Canada – Kaitlin McLachlan, Level 2 +  * **Canada – Kaitlin McLachlan**, Level 2 
-Japan – Ron Foster +  * **Japan – Ron Foster** 
-USA-West – Chris Higashi, Level 2, (USA-Northwest/​Southwest)  +  * **USA-West – Chris Higashi**, Level 2, (USA-Northwest/​Southwest)  
-USA-South – Nicholas Zitomer, Level 3 (USA-South/​Southeast)  +  * **USA-South – Nicholas Zitomer**, Level 3 (USA-South/​Southeast)  
-USA-East – Eric Dustin Brown, Level 3 (USA-Northeast/​MidAtlantic) +  * **USA-East – Eric Dustin Brown**, Level 3 (USA-Northeast/​MidAtlantic) 
-USA-Midwest – Eric Levine, Level 3 (USA-North/​Central/​Great Lakes) +  * **USA-Midwest – Eric Levine**, Level 3 (USA-North/​Central/​Great Lakes) 
-Europe-South – Cristiana Dionisio, Level 3 (PT, ES, IT, MT, GR) +  * **Europe-South – Cristiana Dionisio**, Level 3 (PT, ES, IT, MT, GR) 
-Europe-North – Jack Doyle, Level 3 (UK, IE, DK, EE, FI, IS, LV, LT, NO, SE)  +  * **Europe-North – Jack Doyle**, Level 3 (UK, IE, DK, EE, FI, IS, LV, LT, NO, SE)  
-Europe-Central – Stefan Ladstätter,​ Level 3 (AT, DE, CH, CZ, HU, PL, SK, SI) +  * **Europe-Central – Stefan Ladstätter**, Level 3 (AT, DE, CH, CZ, HU, PL, SK, SI) 
-Europe-West – Sophie Pagès, Level 3 (FR, BE, LU, NL)+  * **Europe-West – Sophie Pagès**, Level 3 (FR, BE, LU, NL)
 ==== What do the Community Managers do? ==== ==== What do the Community Managers do? ====
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 At launch we will have – Rules Advisor (RA), Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. These levels were created with the idea that each member of the community should be able to be a part of the program in whatever way makes the most sense for them personally. At launch we will have – Rules Advisor (RA), Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. These levels were created with the idea that each member of the community should be able to be a part of the program in whatever way makes the most sense for them personally.
-Rules Advisors can be used as a stepping stone to L1, or simply as a note for other players and TOs that someone has been tested on the Magic Comprehensive Rules. This certification is strictly rules based, since not everyone has the time and bandwidth to become versed in the intricacies of running events.+**Rules Advisors** can be used as a stepping stone to L1, or simply as a note for other players and TOs that someone has been tested on the Magic Comprehensive Rules. This certification is strictly rules based, since not everyone has the time and bandwidth to become versed in the intricacies of running events.
-Level 1 Judges can of course also answer all the rules questions that the RA can, and more. They also have knowledge of how to run events, and what to do per the Judging at Regular document when issues come up or mistakes are made. The big thing that differentiates an L1 from an RA is their additional training in the soft skills that help create an excellent event. The L1 has been trained in conflict resolution, how to demo, service mindset, organizational skills, and more. L1 is intended to be the go-to person at an FLGS (Friendly Local Game Store) that can put together a fun, inclusive, memorable event.+**Level 1** Judges can of course also answer all the rules questions that the RA can, and more. They also have knowledge of how to run events, and what to do per the Judging at Regular document when issues come up or mistakes are made. The big thing that differentiates an L1 from an RA is their additional training in the soft skills that help create an excellent event. The L1 has been trained in conflict resolution, how to demo, service mindset, organizational skills, and more. L1 is intended to be the go-to person at an FLGS (Friendly Local Game Store) that can put together a fun, inclusive, memorable event.
-Level 2 builds on the skills and traits of the L1 and expands their reach beyond the FLGS, and up to Competitive REL. L2s are expected to be mentors and leaders in their area. They will enjoy continuing refinement of their customer service skills as well as training in how to Judge at larger events. They will help with the creation and fostering of L1s. They represent the bulk of Judges on the floor of a Magic Fest and other large tournaments.+**Level 2** builds on the skills and traits of the L1 and expands their reach beyond the FLGS, and up to Competitive REL. L2s are expected to be mentors and leaders in their area. They will enjoy continuing refinement of their customer service skills as well as training in how to Judge at larger events. They will help with the creation and fostering of L1s. They represent the bulk of Judges on the floor of a Magic Fest and other large tournaments.
-Level 3 Judges are the experts of Premier Organized Play and the Judge communities in their regions. They generally operate in large areas, provinces, and countries. They mentor Judges by Team Leading at or Head Judging major events, and provide feedback to help improve other Judges, regardless of level.+**Level 3** Judges are the experts of Premier Organized Play and the Judge communities in their regions. They generally operate in large areas, provinces, and countries. They mentor Judges by Team Leading at or Head Judging major events, and provide feedback to help improve other Judges, regardless of level.
 ==== Do I get to keep my current level? ==== ==== Do I get to keep my current level? ====
 Yes! Current Judges in good standing in the served regions will be transferred into Judge Academy with their level intact when they join. Due to the increase in focus on customer service, Level 1 Judges will be required to participate in some additional education modules to keep their level. Levels 2 and 3 will port straight over. Successful transfer of one’s level will be contingent on payment of their yearly membership fee. We have spoken with the current Level Sphere, and for ease of transition and scope we have decided not to change any Levels 2 and 3 prerequisites at this time, although all levels will need to take update exams throughout the year, starting in 2020. We are working to iron out pre-test requirements and continuing education for L2+ Judges, but want to make sure we have time to properly evaluate and incorporate changes that Program Coordinators and the Level Sphere have been researching over the last year or so. Yes! Current Judges in good standing in the served regions will be transferred into Judge Academy with their level intact when they join. Due to the increase in focus on customer service, Level 1 Judges will be required to participate in some additional education modules to keep their level. Levels 2 and 3 will port straight over. Successful transfer of one’s level will be contingent on payment of their yearly membership fee. We have spoken with the current Level Sphere, and for ease of transition and scope we have decided not to change any Levels 2 and 3 prerequisites at this time, although all levels will need to take update exams throughout the year, starting in 2020. We are working to iron out pre-test requirements and continuing education for L2+ Judges, but want to make sure we have time to properly evaluate and incorporate changes that Program Coordinators and the Level Sphere have been researching over the last year or so.
-A note for current and former Level 3s: We understand the immense amount of work that goes into the Level 3 Process. Level 3 Judges in Judge Academy who step down voluntarily or due to inactivity will be granted “Emeritus” status. Emeritus Judges can recertify for Level 3 within five years of lapsing with a modified checklist/​process. This will also extend to former Level 3 Judges in those same circumstances,​ who choose to join Judge Academy.+**A note for current and former Level 3s:** We understand the immense amount of work that goes into the Level 3 Process. Level 3 Judges in Judge Academy who step down voluntarily or due to inactivity will be granted “Emeritus” status. Emeritus Judges can recertify for Level 3 within five years of lapsing with a modified checklist/​process. This will also extend to former Level 3 Judges in those same circumstances,​ who choose to join Judge Academy.
 ==== You mentioned membership fees? ==== ==== You mentioned membership fees? ====
 Judges will pay a yearly fee based on their level (all values are in USD) – Judges will pay a yearly fee based on their level (all values are in USD) –
-RA – Free or $50  +  * **RA** – Free or $50  
-Level 1 – $100  +  * **Level 1** – $100  
-Level 2 – $200  +  * **Level 2** – $200  
-Level 3 – $400+  * **Level 3** – $400
 Rules Advisors with paying memberships will receive Judge Academy gaming accessories. Possibilities include sleeves, playmats, deck boxes, and more. Rules Advisors with paying memberships will receive Judge Academy gaming accessories. Possibilities include sleeves, playmats, deck boxes, and more.
-Level 1 Judges will receive Judge Foils and other considerations. +  * Level 1 Judges will receive Judge Foils and other considerations. 
-Level 2 Judges will receive additional Judge Foils and other considerations.  +  ​* ​Level 2 Judges will receive additional Judge Foils and other considerations.  
-Level 3 Judges will receive additional Judge Foils and other considerations.+  ​* ​Level 3 Judges will receive additional Judge Foils and other considerations.
 Judges are considered members in good standing when they complete their coursework and their membership fee. This membership lasts 1 calendar year from that date. Judges will be required to complete the upkeep requirements and renew their membership fee each year to remain in good standing. Judges are considered members in good standing when they complete their coursework and their membership fee. This membership lasts 1 calendar year from that date. Judges will be required to complete the upkeep requirements and renew their membership fee each year to remain in good standing.
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 Each Judge in good standing at the time of a wave will receive foils commensurate with their level. Each Judge in good standing at the time of a wave will receive foils commensurate with their level.
-Level 1 – 1 of each card in each wave. 4 cards per wave. 8 total cards per membership year. +  * **Level 1** – 1 of each card in each wave. 4 cards per wave. 8 total cards per membership year. 
-Level 2 – 2 of each card in each wave. 8 cards per wave. 16 total cards per membership year.  +  * **Level 2** – 2 of each card in each wave. 8 cards per wave. 16 total cards per membership year.  
-Level 3 – 4 of each card in each wave. 16 cards per wave. 32 total cards per membership year.+  * **Level 3** – 4 of each card in each wave. 16 cards per wave. 32 total cards per membership year.
 Judge memberships last one year, therefore each Judge will receive two mailings during their 1-year membership. Judge memberships last one year, therefore each Judge will receive two mailings during their 1-year membership.
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 As mentioned, we are working hard to ensure that the transition period is as short and seamless as possible. However, any gap is too long of a gap, and we want to make sure we continue to foster the judge community in those areas as best we can in the meantime. This means finding answers to questions in a few main areas: Event Staffing Technology, Certifications,​ and Conferences. As mentioned, we are working hard to ensure that the transition period is as short and seamless as possible. However, any gap is too long of a gap, and we want to make sure we continue to foster the judge community in those areas as best we can in the meantime. This means finding answers to questions in a few main areas: Event Staffing Technology, Certifications,​ and Conferences.
-Technology: Since we have no ownership over JudgeApps, this isn’t really our question to answer, but we know JudgeApps is important to many people. Technology is important to us as well, and we are working hard to ensure JudgeAcademy.com has all the necessary features it needs to be the hub for all Judge activity in incorporated regions starting Oct 1. As the PCs have stated, out of service areas will not lose access to JudgeApps during this transition.+**Technology:** Since we have no ownership over JudgeApps, this isn’t really our question to answer, but we know JudgeApps is important to many people. Technology is important to us as well, and we are working hard to ensure JudgeAcademy.com has all the necessary features it needs to be the hub for all Judge activity in incorporated regions starting Oct 1. As the PCs have stated, out of service areas will not lose access to JudgeApps during this transition.
-Certifications:​ When Judge Academy launches, we will certify judges in the areas where we do business. We are committed to respecting Magic Judges’ certifications that exist as we launch in each area. +**Certifications:​** When Judge Academy launches, we will certify judges in the areas where we do business. We are committed to respecting Magic Judges’ certifications that exist as we launch in each area. 
 Currently, JudgeApps is the system that keeps Judges’ certification level and creates the opportunity to test for new levels. We’ve spoken to the PCs and the Technology Sphere Lead (Paul Baranay), who plan on maintaining judges level records in JudgeApps and are looking into ways to continue supporting new level testing in all areas not yet served by Judge Academy. So if you are mentoring someone right now, don’t stop! Once we have expanded globally, all certifications will go through JudgeAcademy.com. Currently, JudgeApps is the system that keeps Judges’ certification level and creates the opportunity to test for new levels. We’ve spoken to the PCs and the Technology Sphere Lead (Paul Baranay), who plan on maintaining judges level records in JudgeApps and are looking into ways to continue supporting new level testing in all areas not yet served by Judge Academy. So if you are mentoring someone right now, don’t stop! Once we have expanded globally, all certifications will go through JudgeAcademy.com.
-Conferences:​ We will be working with a separate non-profit in order to ensure that educational conferences continue in out-of-service areas. These conferences will be foil supported through Judge Academy until we can expand into that area.+**Conferences:​** We will be working with a separate non-profit in order to ensure that educational conferences continue in out-of-service areas. These conferences will be foil supported through Judge Academy until we can expand into that area.
 Realistically,​ we know there’s still more to figure out regarding out-of-service areas, and we will share additional information as soon as we can so that you can prepare for Oct 1. Realistically,​ we know there’s still more to figure out regarding out-of-service areas, and we will share additional information as soon as we can so that you can prepare for Oct 1.
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 ==== What’s happening with Exemplar? ==== ==== What’s happening with Exemplar? ====
-The Exemplar Program will be taking a hiatus after Wave 18 to do some introspection and data aggregation. You can read Bryan’s announcement here. We understand the importance of Peer-to-Peer recognitions,​ and want to figure out how to incorporate a way to highlight excellent behaviors in the program. More details to follow!+The Exemplar Program will be taking a hiatus after Wave 18 to do some introspection and data aggregation. You can read Bryan’s announcement ​[[https://​blogs.magicjudges.org/​exemplar/​exemplar-wave-18-and-beyond/​|here]]. We understand the importance of Peer-to-Peer recognitions,​ and want to figure out how to incorporate a way to highlight excellent behaviors in the program. More details to follow!
 ==== Who will shape future tournament policy (MTR, IPG)? ==== ==== Who will shape future tournament policy (MTR, IPG)? ====
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 ==== Do I have to do anything right now? ==== ==== Do I have to do anything right now? ====
 Not really! You can click ‘back’ and sign up for our mailing list, and follow us on the various social platforms. ​ If you have any questions that we didn’t answer here, please send them to your program manager at Nicolette@JudgeAcademy.com,​ so that we can get those answered as soon as possible. Thank you for taking the time to read all this, and for your patience as we work to answer all of your questions and concerns. Not really! You can click ‘back’ and sign up for our mailing list, and follow us on the various social platforms. ​ If you have any questions that we didn’t answer here, please send them to your program manager at Nicolette@JudgeAcademy.com,​ so that we can get those answered as soon as possible. Thank you for taking the time to read all this, and for your patience as we work to answer all of your questions and concerns.