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万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
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[[:完整规则|返回完整规则目录]] ====== 词汇表(按英文首字母排序) ====== <WRAP centeralign> [[cr:glossary#a|A]] - [[cr:glossary#b|B]] - [[cr:glossary#c|C]] - [[cr:glossary#d|D]] - [[cr:glossary#e|E]] - [[cr:glossary#f|F]] - [[cr:glossary#g|G]] - [[cr:glossary#h|H]] - [[cr:glossary#i|I]] - [[cr:glossary#k|K]] - [[cr:glossary#l|L]] - [[cr:glossary#m|M]] - [[cr:glossary#n|N]] - [[cr:glossary#o|O]] - [[cr:glossary#p|P]] - [[cr:glossary#r|R]] - [[cr:glossary#s|S]] - [[cr:glossary#t|T]] - [[cr:glossary#u|U]] - [[cr:glossary#v|V]] - [[cr:glossary#w|W]] - [[cr:glossary#x|X]] - [[cr:glossary#y|Y]] - [[cr:glossary#z|Z]]</WRAP> ---- === A === APNAP Order\\ APNAP顺序 See Active Player, Nonactive Player Order.\\ 参见主动牌手先决定的顺序。 ---- Abandon\\ 撤废 To turn a face-up ongoing scheme card face down and put it on the bottom of its owner’s scheme deck. See rule 701.26, “Abandon.”\\ 将一张牌面朝上的长效邪计牌翻为牌面朝下并置于其拥有者的邪计套牌牌库底。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-26|701.26]],“撤废”。 ---- Ability\\ 异能 1. Text on an object that explains what that object does or can do.\\ 1. 一个物件上解释这个物件作什么或可以作什么的叙述。 2. An activated or triggered ability on the stack. This kind of ability is an object.\\ 2. 一个堆叠上的起动式或触发式异能。这类的异能是物件。 See rule 113, “Abilities,” and section 6, “Spells, Abilities, and Effects.”\\ 参见规则[[cr:1#cr113|113]],“异能”,和[[cr:6|第6章]],“咒语、异能和效应”。 ---- Ability Word\\ 异能提示 An italicized word with no rules meaning that ties together abilities on different cards that have similar functionality. See rule 207.2c.\\ 一个斜体的词,没有规则上的意义,将不同牌上类似作用的异能联系起来。参见规则[[cr:2#cr207-2c|207.2c]]。 ---- Absorb\\ 抵受 A keyword ability that prevents damage. See rule 702.64, “Absorb.”\\ 一个防止伤害的关键字异能。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-64|702.64]],“抵受”。 ---- Activate\\ 起动 To put an activated ability onto the stack and pay its costs, so that it will eventually resolve and have its effect. See rule 602, “Activating Activated Abilities.”\\ 将一个起动式异能放进堆叠并支付其费用,使它最终能够结算并产生效应。参见规则[[cr:6#cr602|602]],“起动起动式异能”。 ---- Activated Ability\\ 起动式异能 A kind of ability. Activated abilities are written as “[Cost]: [Effect.] [Activation instructions (if any).]” See rule 113, “Abilities,” and rule 602, “Activating Activated Abilities.”\\ 一种异能。起动式异能的格式为“[费用]:[效应]。[起动限制(如果有的话)]”。参见规则[[cr:1#cr113|113]],“异能”,以及规则[[cr:6#cr602|602]],“起动起动式异能”。 ---- Activation Cost\\ 起动费用 Everything that appears before the colon in an activated ability’s text. It must be paid to activate the ability. See rule 118, “Costs,” and rule 602, “Activating Activated Abilities.”\\ 一个起动式异能叙述中冒号之前的部分。必须支付它来起动该异能。参见规则[[cr:1#cr118|118]],“费用”,以及规则[[cr:6#cr602|602]],“起动起动式异能”。 ---- Active Player\\ 主动牌手 The player whose turn it is. See rule 102.1.\\ 主动牌手指轮到该回合的牌手。参见规则[[cr:1#cr102-1|102.1]]。 ---- Active Player, Nonactive Player Order\\ 主动牌手先决定的顺序 A system that determines the order by which players make choices if multiple players are instructed to make choices at the same time. See rule 101.4. This rule is modified for games using the shared team turns option; see rule 805.6.\\ 一个在多人同时需要作出选择时,用来决定牌手作出选择顺序的系统。参见规则[[cr:1#cr101-4|101.4]]。本规则在队伍共享回合模式中有变更;参见规则[[cr:8#cr805-6|805.6]]。 ---- Active Team\\ 主动队伍 The team whose turn it is in a game using the shared team turns option. See rule 805.4a.\\ 主动队伍指在队伍共享回合模式下,轮到该回合的队伍。参见规则[[cr:8#cr805-4a|805.4a]]。 ---- Adapt\\ 演化 A keyword action that puts +1/+1 counters on a creature that doesn’t have any yet. See rule 701.43, “Adapt.”\\ 一个关键字动作,在牌手没有+1/+1指示物的生物上放置+1/+1指示物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-43|701.43]],“演化”。 ---- Additional Cost\\ 额外费用 A cost a spell may have that its controller may pay (or, in some cases, must pay) in addition to its mana cost to cast that spell. See rule 118, “Costs,” and rule 601, “Casting Spells.”\\ 一个咒语在其法术力费用的基础上,可能具有让它的操控者可以支付(或在一些情况下必须支付)的额外费用,来施放一个咒语。参见规则[[cr:1#cr118|118]],“费用”,以及规则[[cr:6#cr601|601]],“施放咒语”。 ---- Adventurer Card\\ 历险者牌 Cards with a two-part card frame (one part of which is inset on the left) on a single card. See rule 715, “Adventurer Cards.”\\ 一张分为两部分(且其中一部分是嵌在文字栏左面)的牌。参见规则[[cr:7#cr715|715]],“历险者牌”。 ---- Affinity\\ 共鸣 A keyword ability that reduces how much mana you need to spend to cast a spell. See rule 702.41, “Affinity.”\\ 一个关键字异能,减少施放一个咒语所需要支付的法术力数量。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-41|702.41]],“共鸣”。 ---- Afflict\\ 折磨 A keyword ability that makes the defending player lose life for blocking. See rule 702.130, “Afflict.”\\ 一个关键字异能,使防御牌手阻挡时失去生命。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-130|702.130]],“折磨”。 ---- Afterlife\\ 往生 A keyword ability that leaves behind Spirit creature tokens when certain creatures die. See rule 702.135, “Afterlife.”\\ 一个关键字异能,使某些生物死去时留下精怪衍生生物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-135|702.135]],“往生”。 ---- Aftermath\\ 余响 A keyword ability that lets a player cast one half of a split card only from their graveyard. See rule 702.127, “Aftermath.”\\ 一个关键字异能,使牌手能且仅能从其坟墓场中施放一张连体牌的其中一边。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-127|702.127]],“余响”。 ---- Alternate Name\\ 别名 A different name used on promotional or alternate-art versions of some cards. This name has no rules meaning. See rule 201.6.\\ 一些牌在其推广版本或异画版本上使用的不同名称。此名称没有规则含义。参见规则[[cr:2#cr201-6|201.6]]。 ---- Alternating Teams Variant\\ 隔位分队玩法 A multiplayer variant played among two or more teams of equal size. See rule 811, “Alternating Teams Variant.”\\ 一种多人游戏玩法,可在两个或更多位牌手数量相同的队伍之间使用。参见规则[[cr:8#cr811|811]],“隔位分队玩法”。 ---- Alternative Cost\\ 替代性费用 A cost a spell may have that its controller can pay rather than paying its mana cost. See rule 118, “Costs,” and rule 601, “Casting Spells.”\\ 咒语可能具有的费用,其操控者可以选择支付该费用而不是其法术力费用。参见规则[[cr:1#cr118|118]],“费用”,以及规则[[cr:6#cr601|601]],“施放咒语”。 ---- Amass\\ 囤兵 A keyword action that gives you a Zombie Army creature token or grows an Army you already have. See rule 701.44, “Amass.”\\ 一个关键字动作,给你一个灵俑/军队衍生生物或是壮大一个你已经拥有的军队。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-44|701.44]],“囤兵”。(译注:词汇表中囤兵此词条尚未更新到LTR版本。) ---- Amplify\\ 增强 A keyword ability than can have a creature enter the battlefield with +1/+1 counters on it. See rule 702.38, “Amplify.”\\ 一个关键字异能,可以令生物于进入战场时具有+1/+1指示物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-38|702.38]],“增强”。 ---- Anchor Word\\ 锚定词 A word that precedes one of two abilities a permanent may enter the battlefield with. See rule 614.12b.\\ 于永久物进战场时可能选择的两个词语之一,出现在异能的开头。参见规则[[cr:6#cr614-12b|614.12b]]。 ---- Annihilator\\ 歼灭 A keyword ability that can make a creature particularly brutal when it attacks. See rule 702.86, “Annihilator.”\\ 一个关键字异能,可以让一个生物在进行攻击时极为残酷。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-86|702.86]],“歼灭”。 ---- Ante\\ 赌注 1. A zone used only when playing “for keeps.”\\ 1. 一个只有在“有所输赢”的情况下才使用的区域。 2. To put a card into the ante zone.\\ 2. 将一张牌放进赌注区。 See rule 407, “Ante.”\\ 参见规则[[cr:4#cr407|407]],“赌注”。 ---- Any Target\\ 任意一个目标 A spell or ability may require “any target.” “Any target” is the same as “target creature, player, or planeswalker.” See rule 115.4.\\ 一个咒语或异能可能需要“任意一个目标”。“任意一个目标”等同于“目标生物、牌手或鹏洛客”。参见规则[[cr:1#cr115-4|115.4]]。 ---- Archenemy\\ 魔王 1. A casual variant in which a team of players faces off against a single opponent strengthened with powerful scheme cards. See rule 904, “Archenemy.”\\ 1. 一种休闲式玩法,一队牌手齐心协力,共同面对有强力邪计牌加持的强大对手。参见规则[[cr:9#cr904|904]],“魔王”。 2. A player in an Archenemy game who is playing with a scheme deck.\\ 2. 魔王游戏中使用邪计套牌进行游戏的牌手。 ---- Archenemy Commander\\ 魔王指挥官 A Commander game that follows a modified version of the Archenemy rules. See rule 903, “Commander,” and rule 904, “Archenemy.”\\ 一种使用魔王规则修订的指挥官游戏。参见规则[[cr:9#cr903|903]],“指挥官”,以及规则[[cr:9#cr904|904]],“魔王”。 ---- Artifact\\ 神器 A card type. An artifact is a permanent. See rule 301, “Artifacts.”\\ 一种牌张类别。神器是永久物。参见规则[[cr:3#cr301|301]],“神器”。 ---- Artifact Creature\\ 神器生物 A combination of artifact and creature that’s subject to the rules for both. See rule 301, “Artifacts,” and rule 302, “Creatures.”\\ 一个既是神器又是生物的组合,两者的规则对它都有效。参见规则[[cr:3#cr301|301]],“神器”,以及规则[[cr:3#cr302|302]],“生物”。 ---- Artifact Land\\ 神器地 A combination of artifact and land that’s subject to the rules for both. Artifact lands can only be played as lands, not cast as spells. See rule 301, “Artifacts,” and rule 305, “Lands.”\\ 一个既是神器又是地的组合,两者的规则对它都有效。神器地只能作为地来使用,而不能作为咒语施放。参见规则[[cr:3#cr301|301]],“神器”,以及规则[[cr:3#cr305|305]],“地”。 ---- Artifact Type\\ 神器类别 A subtype that’s correlated to the artifact card type. See rule 301, “Artifacts.” See rule 205.3g for the list of artifact types.\\ 与神器牌张类别对应的副类别。参见规则[[cr:3#cr301|301]],“神器”。参见规则[[cr:2#cr205-3g|205.3g]]的神器类别列表。 ---- As Though\\ 视同 Text used to indicate that the game, for some specific purpose, treats a condition as true even though it’s not. See rule 609.4.\\ 一个叙述,用来表示游戏由于一些特殊的原因,即使在某条件不符合的情况下按照符合的情况对待。参见规则[[cr:6#cr609-4|609.4]]。 ---- Ascend\\ 登殿 A keyword causing a player to get the designation of the city’s blessing once they control ten permanents. See rule 702.131, “Ascend.”\\ 一个关键字,在牌手操控十个永久物后使牌手得到“黄金城祝福”之称号。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-131|702.131]],“登殿”。 ---- Assemble\\ 组装 Assemble is a keyword action in the Unstable set that puts Contraptions onto the battlefield. Cards and mechanics from the Unstable set aren’t included in these rules.\\ 组装是出现在Unstable系列中的关键字动作,会将机巧放进战场。本文件中的规则并未涵盖Unstable系列中的牌张和机制。 ---- Assign Combat Damage\\ 分配战斗伤害 To determine how an attacking or blocking creature will deal its combat damage. See rule 510, “Combat Damage Step.”\\ 决定一个攻击或阻挡生物如何造成其战斗伤害。参见规则[[cr:5#cr510|510]],“战斗伤害步骤”。 ---- Assist\\ 助力 A keyword ability that lets another player help you pay for a spell. See rule 702.132, “Assist.”\\ 一个关键字异能,允许另一位牌手帮助你支付咒语的费用。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-132|702.132]],“助力”。 ---- At End of Turn (Obsolete)\\ 在回合结束时(已废止) A trigger condition printed on abilities that triggered at the beginning of the end step (which is not the last thing to happen in the turn). Cards that were printed with that text have received errata in the Oracle card reference to say “at the beginning of the end step” or “at the beginning of the next end step.” See rule 513, “End Step.”\\ 一个印在异能上的触发条件,在结束步骤开始时触发(而不是一个回合最后发生的事)。印有此叙述的牌已经在Oracle牌张参考文献中得到了勘误,新叙述为“在结束步骤开始时”或“在下一个结束步骤开始时”。参见规则[[cr:5#cr513|513]],“结束步骤”。 ---- Attach\\ 贴附 To take an Aura, Equipment, or Fortification from where it currently is and put it onto a specified object or player. See rule 701.3, “Attach.”\\ 将一个灵气、武具或工事从其当前所在位置拿开,并将其放置到一个指定物件或牌手上。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-3|701.3]],“贴附”。 ---- Attack\\ 攻击 To send a creature into combat offensively. A creature can attack a player or a planeswalker. See rule 508, “Declare Attackers Step.”\\ 将一个生物以攻击的形态送进战斗。一个生物可以攻击牌手或鹏洛客。参见规则[[cr:5#cr508|508]],“宣告攻击者步骤”。 ---- Attack Alone\\ 单独攻击 A creature “attacks alone” if it’s the only creature declared as an attacker during the declare attackers step. A creature “is attacking alone” if it’s attacking but no other creatures are. See rule 506.5.\\ 如果在宣告攻击者步骤中只有一个生物被宣告为攻击者,该生物“单独攻击”。如果只有一个生物正在攻击且没有其他生物正在攻击,该生物“正在单独攻击”。参见规则[[cr:5#cr506-5|506.5]]。 ---- Attack Left Option\\ 攻击左边模式 An option that may be used in certain multiplayer variants. See rule 803, “Attack Left and Attack Right Options.”\\ 一些多人玩法中可以采用的一种模式。参见规则[[cr:8#cr803|803]],“攻击左边或右边模式”。 ---- Attack Multiple Players Option\\ 攻击复数牌手模式 An option that may be used in certain multiplayer variants. See rule 802, “Attack Multiple Players Option.”\\ 一些多人玩法中可以采用的一种模式。参见规则[[cr:8#cr802|802]],“攻击复数牌手模式”。 ---- Attack Right Option\\ 攻击右边模式 An option that may be used in certain multiplayer variants. See rule 803, “Attack Left and Attack Right Options.”\\ 一些多人玩法中可以采用的一种模式。参见规则[[cr:8#cr803|803]],“攻击左边或右边模式”。 ---- Attacking Creature\\ 进行攻击的生物 A creature that has either been declared as part of a legal attack during the combat phase (once all costs to attack, if any, have been paid), or a creature that has been put onto the battlefield attacking. It remains an attacking creature until it’s removed from combat or the combat phase ends, whichever comes first. See rule 508, “Declare Attackers Step.”\\ 一个生物在战斗阶段中被合法宣告为攻击的一部分(如果有攻击的费用,则在支付之后),或一个生物被放进战场且进行攻击。它在被移出战斗或战斗阶段结束两者中最先发生的之前,都保持为进行攻击的生物。参见规则[[cr:5#cr508|508]],“宣告攻击者步骤”。 ---- Attacking Team\\ 攻击队伍 The team who can attack during the combat phase of a multiplayer game using the shared team turns option. See rule 805, “Shared Team Turns Option.”\\ 使用队伍共享回合模式的多人游戏中,在战斗阶段中能够攻击的队伍。参见规则[[cr:8#cr805|805]],“队伍共享回合模式”。 ---- Attacks and Isn’t Blocked\\ 攻击且未被阻挡 An ability that triggers when a creature “attacks and isn’t blocked” triggers when the creature becomes an unblocked attacking creature. See rule 509.1h.\\ 一个当生物“攻击且未被阻挡”的异能在该生物成为未被阻挡的攻击生物时触发。参见规则[[cr:5#cr509-1h|509.1h]]。 ---- Attraction\\ 景点 An artifact type seen only on nontraditional Magic cards in the Unfinity expansion. See rule 717, “Attraction Cards,” rule 701.48, “Open an Attraction,” and rule 701.49, “Roll to Visit Your Attractions.”\\ 一种神器类别,只在Unfinity系列的非传统万智牌上出现。参见规则[[cr:7#cr717|717]],“景点牌”、规则[[cr:7#cr701-48|701.48]],“打开景点”,以及规则[[cr:7#cr701-49|701.49]],“掷骰造访景点”。 ---- Attraction Deck\\ 景点套牌 An optional deck of at least three (in limited play) or ten (in constructed play) Attraction cards that can be used to support play with some cards from the Unfinity expansion. See rule 717.2.\\ 一副可选套牌,包含至少三张(在限制赛中)或十张(在构组赛中)景点牌,在用到Unfinity系列中某些卡牌的游戏中使用。参见规则[[cr:7#cr717-2|717.2]]。 ---- Aura\\ 灵气 An enchantment subtype. Aura spells target objects or players, and Aura permanents are attached to objects or players. See rule 303, “Enchantments,” and rule 702.5, “Enchant.”\\ 一个结界的副类别。灵气咒语以物件或牌手为目标,且灵气永久物贴附于物件或牌手上。参见规则[[cr:3#cr303|303]],“结界”,以及规则[[cr:7#cr702-5|702.5]],“结附”。 ---- Aura Swap\\ 灵气转换 A keyword ability that lets you exchange an Aura on the battlefield with one in your hand. See rule 702.65, “Aura Swap.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让你将一个手上的灵气与战场上的交换。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-65|702.65]],“灵气转换”。 ---- Awaken\\ 醒转 A keyword ability that lets you turn a land you control into a creature. See rule 702.113, “Awaken.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让你将一个由你操控的地变成生物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-113|702.113]],“醒转”。 ---- === B === Background\\ 身世 An enchantment type that, in combination with the “choose a Background” ability, may allow a legendary enchantment card to be your commander. See rule 702.124, “Partner,” and rule 903, “Commander.”\\ 一种结界类别,与“选择身世”异能合用时,可以允许将一张传奇结界牌用作指挥官。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-124|702.124]],“拍档”,和规则[[cr:9#cr903|903]],“指挥官”。 ---- Backup\\ 后援 A keyword ability that lets a creature give +1/+1 counters to itself or another when it enters the battlefield. If a different creature is chosen, that creature also temporarily gains one or more abilities. See rule 702.165, “Backup.”\\ 一个关键字异能,使生物进战场时能在它自己或另一个生物上放置+1/+1指示物。如果选择了另一个生物,该生物还会暂时获得异能。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-165|702.165]],“后援”。 ---- Banding, “Bands with Other”\\ 结合,“与…结合” Banding is a keyword ability that modifies the rules for declaring attackers and assigning combat damage. “Bands with other” is a specialized version of the ability. See rule 702.22, “Banding.”\\ 结合是一个关键字异能,影响宣告攻击者和分配战斗伤害的规则。“与…结合”是该异能的一个特殊版本。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-22|702.22]],“结合”。 ---- Bargain\\ 加码 Bargain is a keyword ability that represents an optional additional cost of sacrificing an artifact, enchantment, or token. A spell has been bargained if its controller declared the intention to pay that cost. See rule 702.166, “Bargain.”\\ 加码是一个关键字异能,表示一个牺牲一个神器、结界或衍生物的可选额外费用。如果一个咒语的操控者宣告将支付其加码费用,则该咒语已加码。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-166|702.166]],“加码”。 ---- Base Power, Base Toughness\\ 基础力量,基础防御力 Effects that change the base power and/or base toughness of a creature set one or both of those values to a specific number. See rule 613, “Interaction of Continuous Effects.”\\ 更改生物的基础力量和/或基础防御力的效应将这些值设定为一个特定的数字。参见规则[[cr:6#cr613|613]],“持续性效应的互动”。 ---- Basic\\ 基本 A supertype that’s normally relevant on lands. Any land with this supertype is a basic land. See rule 205.4, “Supertypes.”\\ 一种超类别,一般情况下与地有关。任何具有此超类别的地是基本地。参见规则[[cr:2#cr205-4|205.4]],“超类别”。 ---- Basic Land Type\\ 基本地类别 There are five “basic land types”: Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain, and Forest. Each one has a mana ability associated with it. See rule 305, “Lands.”\\ 总共有五种“基本地类别”:平原、海岛、沼泽、山脉、和树林。每种类别对应一个法术力异能。参见规则[[cr:3#cr305|305]],“地”。 ---- Basic Landcycling\\ 循环基本地 See Typecycling.\\ 参见类别循环。 ---- Battle\\ 战役 A card type. A battle is a permanent. See rule 310, “Battles.”\\ 一种牌张类别。战役是永久物。参见规则[[cr:3#cr310|310]],“战役”。 ---- Battle Cry\\ 战嚎 A keyword ability that makes other attacking creatures better in combat. See rule 702.91, “Battle Cry.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让其他攻击生物在战斗中更强。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-91|702.91]],“战嚎”。 ---- Battlefield\\ 战场 A zone. The battlefield is the zone in which permanents exist. It used to be known as the “in-play” zone. See rule 403, “Battlefield.”\\ 一个区域。战场是永久物存在的区域。此区域过去被称为“场上”区域。参见规则[[cr:4#cr403|403]],“战场”。 ---- Becomes\\ 成为 A word used in some trigger events to indicate a change in status or characteristics. See rule 603.2f.\\ 在一些触发事件中表示状态或特征变动的词。参见规则[[cr:6#cr603-2e|603.2e]]。 ---- Beginning Phase\\ 开始阶段 Part of the turn. This phase is the first phase of the turn. See rule 501, “Beginning Phase.”\\ 回合的一部分。这是回合的第一个阶段。参见规则[[cr:5#cr501|501]],“开始阶段”。 ---- Beginning of Combat Step\\ 战斗开始步骤 Part of the turn. This step is the first step of the combat phase. See rule 507, “Beginning of Combat Step.”\\ 回合的一部分。这是战斗阶段的第一个步骤。参见规则[[cr:5#cr507|507]],“战斗开始步骤”。 ---- Bestow\\ 神授 A keyword ability that lets a creature card be cast as an Aura. See rule 702.103, “Bestow.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让生物牌可以作为灵气施放。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-103|702.103]],“神授”。 ---- Blitz\\ 急袭 A keyword ability found on creature cards that allows them to be cast for an alternative cost. See rule 702.152, “Blitz.”\\ 一个见于生物牌上的关键字异能,允许其使用替代性费用来施放。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-152|702.152]],“急袭”。 ---- Block\\ 阻挡 To send a creature into combat defensively. A creature can block an attacking creature. See rule 509, “Declare Blockers Step.”\\ 将一个生物以防守的形态送进战斗。生物可以阻挡攻击生物。参见规则[[cr:5#cr509|509]],“宣告阻挡者步骤”。 ---- Block Alone\\ 单独阻挡 A creature “blocks alone” if it’s the only creature declared as a blocker during the declare blockers step. A creature “is blocking alone” if it’s blocking but no other creatures are. See rule 506.5.\\ 如果在宣告阻挡者步骤中只有一个生物被宣告为阻挡者,该生物“单独阻挡”。如果只有一个生物正在阻挡且没有其他生物正在阻挡,该生物“正在单独阻挡”。参见规则[[cr:5#cr506-5|506.5]]。 ---- Blocked Creature\\ 被阻挡的生物 An attacking creature that another creature blocks or that an effect causes to become blocked. It remains a blocked creature until it’s removed from combat, an effect says that it becomes unblocked, or the combat phase ends, whichever comes first. See rule 509, “Declare Blockers Step.”\\ 一个被其他生物阻挡或因为某效应而成为被阻挡的攻击生物。它在它在被移出战斗、一个效应让它成为未被阻挡、或战斗阶段结束三者中最先发生的之前,都保持为被阻挡的生物。参见规则[[cr:5#cr509|509]],“宣告阻挡者步骤”。 ---- Blocking Creature\\ 进行阻挡的生物 A creature that has either been declared as part of a legal block during the combat phase (once all costs to block, if any, have been paid), or a creature that has been put onto the battlefield blocking. It remains a blocking creature until it’s removed from combat or the combat phase ends, whichever comes first. See rule 509, “Declare Blockers Step.”\\ 一个生物在战斗阶段中被合法宣告为阻挡的一部分(如果有阻挡的费用,则在支付之后),或一个生物被放进战场且进行阻挡。它在被移出战斗或战斗阶段结束两者中最先发生的之前,都保持为进行阻挡的生物。参见规则[[cr:5#cr509|509]],“宣告阻挡者步骤”。 ---- Blood Token\\ 血滴衍生物 A Blood token is a colorless artifact token with “{1}, {T}, Discard a card, Sacrifice this artifact: Draw a card.” For more information about predefined tokens, see rule 111.10.\\ 血滴衍生物是具有“{1},{T},弃一张牌,牺牲此神器:抓一张牌”的无色衍生神器。欲知关于预定义衍生物的更多信息,参见规则[[cr:1#cr111-10|111.10]]。 ---- Bloodthirst\\ 嗜血 A keyword ability that can have a creature enter the battlefield with +1/+1 counters on it. See rule 702.54, “Bloodthirst.”\\ 一个关键字异能,可以让生物进入战场时带有+1/+1指示物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-54|702.54]],“嗜血”。 ---- Boast\\ 炫威 A special kind of activated ability that can be activated only once each turn if the creature with the boast ability attacked that turn. See rule 702.142, “Boast.”\\ 一类特殊的起动式异能,如果具炫威异能的生物攻击过便可起动,且每回合只能起动一次。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-142|702.142]],“炫威”。 ---- Bolster\\ 振励 A keyword action that puts +1/+1 counters on the weakest creature a player controls. See rule 701.33, “Bolster.”\\ 一个关键字动作,在牌手操控的最弱的生物上放置+1/+1指示物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-33|701.33]],“振励”。 ---- Booster Pack\\ 补充包 A group of unopened Magic cards from a particular expansion. Booster packs are used in Limited formats. See rule 100.2b.\\ 一组未打开的来自特定系列的万智牌卡牌。补充包在限制赛中使用。参见规则[[cr:1#cr100-2b|100.2b]]。 ---- Brawl\\ 争锋 An option for the Commander casual variant. See rule 903.12, “Brawl Option.”\\ 指挥官休闲玩法的一种模式。参见规则[[cr:9#cr903-12|903.12]],“争锋模式”。 ---- Bury (Obsolete)\\ 埋葬(已废止) A term that meant “put [a permanent] into its owner’s graveyard.” In general, cards that were printed with the term “bury” have received errata in the Oracle card reference to read, “Destroy [a permanent]. It can’t be regenerated,” or “Sacrifice [a permanent].”\\ 曾经表示“将[永久物]放进其拥有着的坟墓场”的用词。一般情况下,印有“埋葬”一词的牌在Oracle牌张参考文献中得到了勘误,改为“消灭[某永久物]。它不能重生”,或“牺牲[某永久物]”。 ---- Bushido\\ 武士道 A keyword ability that can make a creature better in combat. See rule 702.45, “Bushido.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让生物在战斗中更强。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-45|702.45]],“武士道”。 ---- Buyback\\ 购回 A keyword ability of instants and sorceries that can let the spell return to its owner’s hand as it resolves. See rule 702.27, “Buyback.”\\ 一个瞬间和法术的关键字异能,让该咒语于结算时回到拥有者的手上。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-27|702.27]],“购回”。 ---- === C === Card\\ 牌 The standard component of the game. Magic cards may be traditional or nontraditional. Tokens aren’t considered cards. In the text of spells or abilities, the term “card” is used only to refer to a card that’s not on the battlefield or on the stack, such as a creature card in a player’s hand. See rule 108, “Cards.”\\ 游戏的标准组成部分。万智牌可以是传统或非传统。衍生物不被视为牌。在咒语或异能的叙述中,“牌”一词只被用来表示不在战场或堆叠中的牌,比如牌手手上的生物牌。参见规则[[cr:1#cr108|108]],“牌”。 ---- Card Pool\\ 牌池 In a Limited format, the cards a player may use, in addition to basic land cards, to build their deck.\\ 在限制赛中,牌手可以用来与基本地牌一起组成套牌的牌。 ---- Card Type\\ 牌张类别 A characteristic. Except for abilities on the stack, each object has a card type, even if that object isn’t a card. Each card type has its own rules. See rule 205, “Type Line,” and section 3, “Card Types.”\\ 一个特征。除了堆叠上的异能之外,每个物件都有牌张类别,即使该物件不是牌。每种牌张类别都有自己的规则。参见规则[[cr:2#cr205|205]],“类别栏”,以及[[cr:3|第3章]],“牌张类别”。 ---- Cascade\\ 倾曳 A keyword ability that may let a player cast a random extra spell for no cost. See rule 702.85, “Cascade.”\\ 一个关键字异能,可能让牌手不付费用施放一个随机的额外咒语。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-85|702.85]],“倾曳”。 ---- Case\\ 案件 An enchantment subtype. Cases have a “to solve” ability that set a condition its controller must meet in order for the “solved” ability to take effect. See rule 719, “Case Cards.”\\ 一个结界的副类别。案件具有一个“侦办”异能作为条件,其操控者需要达成此条件以使其“侦结”异能生效。参见规则[[cr:7#cr719|719]],“案件牌”。 ---- Cast\\ 施放 To take a card from where it is (usually the hand), put it on the stack, and pay its costs, so that it will eventually resolve and have its effect. See rule 601, “Casting Spells.”\\ 将一张牌从当前的位置(一般在手上)放进堆叠,并支付其费用,让它最终可以结算并产生效果。参见规则[[cr:6#cr601|601]],“施放咒语”。 ---- Caster (Obsolete)\\ 施放者(已废止) An obsolete term that referred to the player who cast a spell. In general, cards that were printed with the term “caster” have received errata in the Oracle card reference to say “controller.”\\ 一个已废止的用语,表示施放一个咒语的牌手。一般情况下,印有“释放者”的牌已经在Oracle牌张参考文献中得到了勘误,改用“操控者”。 ---- Casting Cost (Obsolete)\\ 施放费用(已废止) An obsolete term for mana cost. Cards printed with this text have received errata in the Oracle card reference.\\ 一个已废止的用语,表示法术力费用。印有此叙述的牌已经在Oracle牌张参考文献中得到了勘误。 ---- Casualty\\ 催命 A keyword ability that allows you to sacrifice a creature to create a copy of a spell. See 702.153, “Casualty.”\\ 一个关键字异能,允许你牺牲生物来创造咒语的复制品。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-153|702.153]],“催命”。 ---- Champion, Championed\\ 夺冠,被夺冠 “Champion” is a keyword ability that lets one creature temporarily replace another. A permanent is “championed” by another permanent if the latter exiles the former as the direct result of a champion ability. See rule 702.72, “Champion.”\\ “夺冠”是一个关键字异能,让一个生物暂时替代另一个。如果一个永久物直接因为另一个永久物的夺冠异能的结果被放逐,则该永久物“被(另一个永久物)夺冠”。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-72|702.72]],“夺冠”。 ---- Change a Target\\ 改变目标 To choose a new, legal target for a spell or ability. See rule 115.7.\\ 为咒语或异能选择一个新的合法目标。参见规则[[cr:1#cr115-7|115.7]]。 ---- Changeling\\ 化形 A characteristic-defining ability that grants the object it’s on every creature type. See rule 702.73, “Changeling.”\\ 一个特征定义异能,让具有它的物件得到所有生物类别。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-73|702.73]],“化形”。 ---- Chaos Ability\\ 混沌异能 An ability of a plane card that triggers “Whenever chaos ensues” in the Planechase casual variant. See rule 311.7.\\ 在竞逐时空休闲式玩法中,时空牌具有的一种触发式异能,“每当引发混沌”时触发。参见规则[[cr:3#cr311-7|311.7]]。 ---- Chaos Symbol\\ 混沌符号 The chaos symbol appears on the planar die and near some triggered abilities of plane cards in the Planechase casual variant. See rule 107.12.\\ 在竞逐时空休闲式玩法中,混沌符号出现在时空骰以及一些时空牌的触发式异能旁边。参见规则[[cr:1#cr107-12|107.12]]。 ---- Characteristic-Defining Ability\\ 特征定义异能 A kind of static ability that conveys information about an object’s characteristics that would normally be found elsewhere on that object (such as in its mana cost, type line, or power/toughness box). See rule 604.3.\\ 一种静止式异能,包含物件一般情况下在该物件其他部分才能找到的特征信息(比如法术力费用,类别栏,或力量/防御力框)。参见规则[[cr:6#cr604-3|604.3]]。 ---- Characteristics\\ 特征 Information that defines an object. See rule 109.3.\\ 定义一个物件的信息。参见规则[[cr:1#cr109-3|109.3]]。 ---- Choose a Background\\ 选择身世 A variant of the partner ability that lets two legendary permanent cards be your commander in the Commander variant rather than one if one of them has the “choose a Background” ability and the other is a Background enchantment card. See rule 702.124, “Partner,” and rule 903, “Commander.”\\ 拍档异能的一种变化形式。在指挥官玩法中,如果两张传奇永久物牌其中之一具有“选择身世”异能,另一张是身世结界牌,则可将这两个传奇永久物用作你的指挥官,而非只使用一个。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-124|702.124]],“拍档”,及规则[[cr:9#cr903|903]],“指挥官”。 ---- Cipher\\ 暗码 A keyword ability that allows you to encode a card on a creature and cast that card whenever that creature deals combat damage to a player. See rule 702.99, “Cipher.”\\ 一个关键字异能,允许你将一张牌赋码到一个生物上,并在每当该生物对牌手造成战斗伤害时施放该牌。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-99|702.99]],“暗码”。 ---- City’s Blessing\\ 黄金城祝福 A designation a player can have. The ascend keyword causes a player to get this designation once they control ten permanents. See rule 702.131, “Ascend.”\\ 一个牌手可得到的称号。登殿此关键字使牌手一旦操控十个永久物便得到此称号。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-131|702.131]],“登殿”。 ---- Clash\\ 比点 To have a mini-contest involving the top cards of players’ libraries. See rule 701.23, “Clash.”\\ 用牌手牌库顶牌来决定的迷你对决。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-23|701.23]],“比点”。 ---- Class\\ 职业 An enchantment subtype. Classes have a number of class level abilities that increase their level and grant them new abilities. See rule 716, “Class Cards.”\\ 一种结界的副类别。职业具有数个职业等级异能,可以提升其等级并赋予其新异能。参见规则[[cr:7#cr716|716]],“职业牌”。 ---- Cleanup Step\\ 清除步骤 Part of the turn. This step is the second and final step of the ending phase. See rule 514, “Cleanup Step.”\\ 回合的一部分。此步骤是终结阶段的第二个也是最后一个步骤。参见规则[[cr:5#cr514|514]],“清除步骤”。 ---- Cleave\\ 贯通 A keyword ability that allows you to pay an alternative cost to remove some of a spell’s text. See rule 702.148, “Cleave.”\\ 一个关键字异能,允许你支付替代性费用来删去咒语的部分规则叙述。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-148|702.148]],“贯通”。 ---- Cloak\\ 匿伏 A keyword action that puts a card onto the battlefield face down as a 2/2 creature with ward {2}. See rule 701.56, “Cloak,” and rule 708, “Face-Down Spells and Permanents.”\\ 一个关键字动作,将牌以牌面朝下的方式作为2/2、具守护{2}的生物放进战场。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-56|701.56]],“匿伏”,和规则[[cr:7#cr708|708]],“牌面朝下的咒语和永久物”。 ---- Clue Token\\ 线索衍生物 A Clue token is a colorless artifact token with “{2}, Sacrifice this artifact: Draw a card.” For more information about predefined tokens, see rule 111.10.\\ 线索衍生物是具有“{2},牺牲此神器:抓一张牌。”的无色衍生神器。欲知关于预定义衍生物的更多信息,参见规则[[cr:1#cr111-10|111.10]]。 ---- Collect Evidence\\ 搜证 A keyword action. To “collect evidence N” means to exile any number of cards from your graveyard with total mana value N or greater. See rule 701.57, “Collect Evidence.”\\ 一个关键字动作。“搜证N”意指,从你的坟墓场放逐任意数量的牌,且其法术力值加总须达到N或更多。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-57|701.57]],“搜证”。 ---- Collector Number\\ 收集编号 A number printed on most cards that has no effect on game play. See rule 213, “Information Below the Text Box.”\\ 印在绝大多数牌上对游戏没有影响的编号。参见规则[[cr:2#cr213|213]],“文字栏下方信息”。 ---- Color\\ 颜色 1. A characteristic of an object. See rule 105, “Colors,” and rule 202, “Mana Cost and Color.”\\ 1. 物件的一个特征。参见规则[[cr:1#cr105|105]],“颜色”,以及规则[[cr:2#cr202|202]],“法术力费用和颜色”。 2. An attribute mana may have. See rule 106, “Mana.”\\ 2. 一个法术力可能具有的特征。参见规则[[cr:1#cr106|106]],“法术力”。 ---- Color Identity\\ 标识色 A set of colors that determines what cards may be included in a deck for the Commander casual variant. See rule 903.4.\\ 一系列颜色,在指挥官休闲玩法中决定哪些牌可以加入套牌。参见规则[[cr:9#cr903-4|903.4]]。 ---- Color Indicator\\ 颜色标志 A characteristic of an object. See rule 105, “Colors,” and rule 204, “Color Indicator.”\\ 物件的一个特征。参见规则[[cr:1#cr105|105]],“颜色”,以及规则[[cr:2#cr204|204]],“颜色标志”。 ---- Colorless\\ 无色 1. An object with no color is colorless. Colorless is not a color. See rule 105, “Colors,” and rule 202, “Mana Cost and Color.”\\ 1. 一个没有颜色的物件为无色。无色不是颜色。参见规则[[cr:1#cr105|105]],“颜色”,以及规则[[cr:2#cr202|202]],“法术力费用和颜色”。 2. A type of mana. See rule 106, “Mana,” and rule 107.4c.\\ 2. 一种法术力。参见规则[[cr:1#cr106|106]],“法术力”,以及规则[[cr:1#cr107-4c|107.4c]]。 ---- Combat Damage\\ 战斗伤害 Damage dealt during the combat damage step by attacking creatures and blocking creatures as a consequence of combat. See rule 510, “Combat Damage Step.”\\ 在战斗伤害步骤中由攻击生物和阻挡生物作为战斗结果所造成的伤害。参见规则[[cr:5#cr510|510]],“战斗伤害步骤”。 ---- Combat Damage Step\\ 战斗伤害步骤 Part of the turn. This step is the fourth step of the combat phase. See rule 510, “Combat Damage Step.”\\ 回合的一部分。此步骤是战斗阶段的第四个步骤。参见规则[[cr:5#cr510|510]],“战斗伤害步骤”。 ---- Combat Phase\\ 战斗阶段 Part of the turn. This phase is the third phase of the turn. See rule 506, “Combat Phase.”\\ 回合的一部分。此阶段是回合的第三个阶段。参见规则[[cr:5#cr506|506]],“战斗阶段”。 ---- Command\\ 统帅区 A zone for certain specialized objects that have an overarching effect on the game, yet are not permanents and cannot be destroyed. See rule 408, “Command.”\\ 一些对游戏有总体影响且当前不是永久物也不能被消灭的特殊物件所在的区域。参见规则[[cr:4#cr408|408]],“统帅区”。 ---- Commander\\ 指挥官 1. A casual variant in which each deck is led by a legendary creature. See rule 903, “Commander.”\\ 1. 一种休闲式玩法,套牌由一个传奇生物来领导。参见规则[[cr:9#cr903|903]],“指挥官”。 2. A designation given to one legendary creature card in each player’s deck in the Commander casual variant.\\ 2. 在指挥官休闲式玩法中,给予每位牌手的套牌中一张传奇生物牌的称号。 ---- Commander Draft\\ 指挥官轮抽 A casual variant in which players participate in a booster draft and then play multiplayer games. See rule 903.13, “Commander Draft.”\\ 一种休闲玩法,牌手参加补充包轮抽,然后进行多人游戏。参见规则[[cr:9#cr903-13|903.13]],“指挥官轮抽”。 ---- Commander Ninjutsu\\ 指挥官忍术 A variant of the ninjutsu ability. See rule 702.49, “Ninjutsu.”\\ 忍术异能的一种变化。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-49|702.49]],“忍术”。 ---- Commander Tax\\ 指挥官税 Informal term for the additional cost to cast a commander based on the number of times a player has cast it previously this game. See rule 903.8.\\ 一个非正式用词,意指施放指挥官的额外费用,此费用会根据牌手于这盘游戏先前的时段中施放过指挥官的次数决定。参见规则[[cr:9#cr903-8|903.8]]。 ---- Companion\\ 行侣 A keyword ability that allows a player to choose one creature card from outside the game as a companion if the restriction of that card’s companion ability is met. Once a player has chosen a companion, that player may pay {3} to put it into their hand once during the game. See rule 702.139, “Companion.”\\ 一个关键字异能,允许牌手从游戏外选择一张生物牌作为行侣(如果能满足该牌的行侣异能限制的话)。一旦牌手选定行侣,该牌手可以在游戏中支付一次{3},将其置于手上。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-139|702.139]],“行侣”。 ---- Compleated\\ 完化 A keyword ability that causes a planeswalker to enter the battlefield with fewer loyalty counters if a player chose to pay life for Phyrexian mana symbols in its cost. See rule 702.150, “Compleated.”\\ 一个关键字异能,若牌手施放鹏洛客时选择为其费用中的非瑞克西亚法术力符号支付生命,则使其进战场时带有较少的忠诚指示物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-150|702.150]],“完化”。 ---- Complete a Dungeon\\ 完成地城 To remove a dungeon card from the game after reaching that dungeon card’s bottommost room. See rule 309, “Dungeons.”\\ 在达到地城牌的最底下的房间之后,将该地城牌移出游戏。参见规则[[cr:3#cr309|309]],“地城”。 ---- Concede\\ 认输 To quit the game. Conceding a game immediately causes that player to leave that game and lose that game. See rule 104, “Ending the Game.”\\ 离开游戏。认输游戏让牌手立刻离开游戏并输去游戏。参见规则[[cr:1#cr104|104]],“结束游戏”。 ---- Connive\\ 筹谋 A keyword action that causes a player to draw a card, discard a card, and then to put a +1/+1 counter on a creature if a nonland card was discarded this way. See rule 701.47, “Connive.”\\ 一个关键字动作,使牌手抓一张牌,弃一张牌,然后如果以此法弃掉一张非地牌,在一个生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-47|701.47]],“筹谋”。 ---- Conspiracy\\ 诡局 A card type used in Limited formats such as Conspiracy Draft. A conspiracy card is not a permanent. See rule 315, “Conspiracies.”\\ 一种在限制赛,例如诡局轮抽中使用的牌张类别。诡局牌不是永久物。参见规则[[cr:3#cr315|315]],“诡局”。 ---- Conspiracy Draft\\ 诡局轮抽 A casual variant in which players participate in a booster draft and then play multiplayer games. See rule 905, “Conspiracy Draft.”\\ 一种休闲玩法,牌手参加补充包轮抽,然后进行多人游戏。参见规则[[cr:9#cr905|905]],“诡局轮抽”。 ---- Conspire\\ 协力 A keyword ability that creates a copy of a spell. See rule 702.78, “Conspire.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让生物可以复制咒语。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-78|702.78]],“协力”。 ---- Constructed\\ 构组赛 A way of playing in which each player creates their own deck ahead of time. See rule 100.2a.\\ 牌手在赛前自己创造套牌的游戏方式。参见规则[[cr:1#cr100-2a|100.2a]]。 ---- Continuous Artifact (Obsolete)\\ 持续神器(已废止) An obsolete term that appeared on the type line of artifacts without activated abilities. Cards printed with this text have received errata in the Oracle card reference to simply say “Artifact.”\\ 一个已废止的用语,出现在不具有起动式异能的神器类别栏。印有此叙述的牌已经在Oracle牌张参考文献中得到了勘误,改为只是“神器”。 ---- Continuous Effect\\ 持续性效应 An effect that modifies characteristics of objects, modifies control of objects, or affects players or the rules of the game, for a fixed or indefinite period. See rule 611, “Continuous Effects.”\\ 影响物件特征、物件操控权、或影响牌手或游戏规则的效应,具有固定时限或一直有效。参见规则[[cr:6#cr611|611]],“持续性效应”。 ---- Control Another Player\\ 操控其他牌手 To make all choices and decisions that player is allowed to make, or is told to make, by rules or by any objects. See rule 720, “Controlling Another Player.”\\ 为在该牌手作出由规则或物件允许或要求的所有选择和决定。参见规则[[cr:7#cr720|720]],“操控其他牌手”。 ---- Control, Controller\\ 操控,操控者 “Control” is the system that determines who gets to use an object in the game. An object’s “controller” is the player who currently controls it. See rule 108.4.\\ “操控”是一个系统,决定谁在游戏中可以用一个物件。一个物件的“操控者”是当前操控它的牌手。参见规则[[cr:1#cr108-4|108.4]]。 ---- Convert\\ 转换 To turn a double-faced card so its other face is up. See rule 701.50, “Convert.”\\ 将一张双面牌翻转从而让其另一面朝上。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-50|701.50]],“转换”。 ---- Converted Mana Cost (Obsolete)\\ 总法术力费用(已废止) An obsolete term for mana value. Cards printed with this term have received errata in the Oracle card reference.\\ 法术力值的已废止用词。印有此叙述的牌已经在Oracle牌张参考文献中得到了勘误。 ---- Convoke\\ 召集 A keyword ability that lets you tap creatures rather than pay mana to cast a spell. See rule 702.51, “Convoke.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让你横置生物来施放咒语而不是支付法术力。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-51|702.51]],“召集”。 ---- Copiable Values\\ 可复制特征值 Values of an object’s characteristics that are checked by copy effects. See rules 613.2, 707.2, and 707.3.\\ 物件由复制效应所检查的特征值。参见规则[[cr:6#cr613-2|613.2]]、[[cr:7#cr707-2|707.2]]以及[[cr:7#cr707-3|707.3]]。 ---- Copy\\ 复制/复制品 1. To create a new object whose copiable values have been set to those of another object.\\ 1. 创造一个新的物件,其可复制特征值设为与另一个物件相同。 2. An object whose copiable values have been set to those of another object.\\ 2. 一个可复制特征值被设为与另一个物件相同的物件。 See rule 707, “Copying Objects.”\\ 参见规则[[cr:7#cr707|707]],“复制物件”。 ---- Cost\\ 费用 An action or payment necessary to take another action or to stop another action from taking place. See rule 118, “Costs.”\\ 一个动作或为另一个动作所支付必须的费用或阻止另一个动作发生。参见规则[[cr:1#cr118|118]],“费用”。 ---- Counter\\ 反击/指示物(译注:在英文中这两个词是相同的。) 1. To cancel a spell or ability so it doesn’t resolve and none of its effects occur. See rule 701.5, “Counter.”\\ 1. 取消一个咒语或异能,让它不能结算且它的效应都不发生。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-5|701.5]],“反击”。 2. A marker placed on an object or player that modifies its characteristics or interacts with a rule or ability. See rule 122, “Counters.”\\ 2. 一个放置在物件或牌手上的标示物,影响其特征或与规则或异能互动。参见规则[[cr:1#cr122|122]],“指示物”。 ---- Counts As (Obsolete)\\ 视为(已废止) Some older cards were printed with text stating that the card “counts as” something. Cards printed with this text have received errata in the Oracle card reference to state that the card actually is that thing.\\ 一些老牌印有叙述该牌“视为”其他东西。印有此叙述的牌已经在Oracle牌张参考文献中得到了勘误,它们现在正式为该东西。 ---- Craft\\ 化炼 Craft is an activated ability that allows a player to exile cards from their graveyard and/or permanents they control to exile the permanent with the craft ability and return it onto the battlefield transformed. See rule 702.167, “Craft.”\\ 化炼是起动式异能,允许牌手从坟墓场和/或战场上放逐牌,以放逐具化炼异能的永久物并将其移回战场且已转化。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-167|702.167]],“化炼”。 ---- Create\\ 派出 To create a token is to put a token onto the battlefield. See rule 701.6, “Create.”\\ 派出一个衍生物指,将一个衍生物放进战场。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-6|701.6]],“派出”。 ---- Creature\\ 生物 A card type. A creature is a permanent. See rule 302, “Creatures.”\\ 一种牌张类别。生物是永久物。参见规则[[cr:3#cr302|302]],“生物”。 ---- Creature Type\\ 生物类别 A subtype that’s correlated to the creature card type and the kindred card type. See rule 302, “Creatures,” and rule 308, “Kindreds.” See rule 205.3m for the list of creature types.\\ 一种副类别,对应生物牌张类别和亲缘牌张类别。参见规则[[cr:3#cr302|302]],“生物”,以及规则[[cr:3#cr308|308]],“亲缘”。生物类别的列表参见规则[[cr:2#cr205-3m|205.3m]]。 ---- Crew\\ 搭载 A keyword ability that lets you tap creatures to turn a Vehicle into an artifact creature. See rule 301, “Artifacts,” and rule 702.122, “Crew.”\\ 一个关键字异能,使你可以横置生物将一个载具变成神器生物。参见规则[[cr:3#cr301|301]],“神器”,及规则[[cr:7#cr702-122|702.122]],“搭载”。 ---- Crime\\ 罪行 Targeting an opponent, anything that opponent controls, and/or any cards in an opponent’s graveyard is a crime. See rule 700.13.\\ 将对手,任何由其操控的东西和/或其坟墓场中的牌指定为目标,即属罪行。参见规则[[cr:7#cr700-13|700.13]]。 ---- Cumulative Upkeep\\ 累积维持 A keyword ability that imposes an increasing cost to keep a permanent on the battlefield. See rule 702.24, “Cumulative Upkeep.”\\ 一个关键字异能,为保留永久物在战场上规定了一个不断提升的费用。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-24|702.24]],“累积维持”。 ---- Cycling\\ 循环(异能) A keyword ability that lets a card be discarded and replaced with a new card. See rule 702.29, “Cycling.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让牌可以被弃掉并用新牌代替。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-29|702.29]],“循环”。 ---- === D === Damage\\ 伤害 Objects can deal “damage” to creatures, planeswalkers, and players. This is generally detrimental to the object or player that receives that damage. See rule 120, “Damage.”\\ 物件可以对生物、鹏洛客、以及牌手造成“伤害”。一般情况下这对受到伤害的物件或牌手来说是不利的。参见规则[[cr:1#cr120|120]],“伤害”。 ---- Damage Assignment Order (Obsolete)\\ 伤害分配顺序(已废止) Previously, if a creature blocks or becomes blocked by multiple creatures, the creature’s controller would be required to choose an order in which it would assign combat damage to the creatures blocking or blocked by it. Now, its controller no longer needs to assign an order, and simply divides its combat damage as they choose among all creatures it’s blocking or blocked by. See rules 510.1c-d.\\ 先前,如果一个生物被多个生物阻挡,或阻挡了多个生物,它的操控者需要选择一个顺序来给阻挡它或被它阻挡的生物分配战斗伤害。现在,它的操控者不再需要选择顺序,只需将其战斗伤害在所有阻挡它或被它阻挡的生物之间分配。参见规则[[cr:5#cr510-1c|510.1c-d]]。 ---- Dash\\ 掩袭 A keyword ability found on creature cards that allows them to be cast for an alternative cost. See rule 702.109, “Dash.”\\ 一个见于生物牌上的关键字异能,允许其使用替代性费用来施放。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-109|702.109]],“掩袭”。 ---- Day\\ 白昼 Along with night, a designation the game can have. See rule 728, “Day and Night,” and rule 702.145, “Daybound and Nightbound.”\\ 与黑夜一起,均是游戏可以具有的称号。参见规则[[cr:7#cr728|728]],“白昼与黑夜”,与规则[[cr:7#cr702-145|702.145]],“昼形与夜形”。 ---- Daybound\\ 昼形 An ability found on the front faces of some double-faced cards. Cards with daybound and nightbound are face up when it’s day and face down when it’s night. See rule 702.145, “Daybound and Nightbound,” and rule 728, “Day and Night.”\\ 一种异能,见于一些双面牌的正面上。具昼形与夜形异能的牌,在白昼时正面朝上,在黑夜时背面朝上。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-145|702.145]],“昼形与夜形”,与规则[[cr:7#cr728|728]],“白昼与黑夜”。 ---- Deal\\ 造成 See Damage.\\ 参见伤害。 ---- Deathtouch\\ 死触 A keyword ability that causes damage dealt by an object to be especially effective. See rule 702.2, “Deathtouch.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让物件造成的伤害特别有效。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-2|702.2]],“死触”。 ---- Decayed\\ 败朽 A keyword ability that means “This creature can’t block” and “When this creature attacks, sacrifice it at end of combat. See rule 702.147, “Decayed.”\\ 一个关键字异能,意指“此生物不能进行阻挡”和“当此生物攻击时,在战斗结束时将它牺牲。”参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-147|702.147]],“败朽”。 ---- Deck\\ 套牌 The collection of cards a player starts the game with; it becomes that player’s library. See rule 100, “General,” and rule 103, “Starting the Game.”\\ 牌手开始游戏时所使用牌的集合;它将成为该牌手的牌库。参见规则[[cr:1#cr100|100]],“总则”,以及规则[[cr:1#cr103|103]],“开始游戏”。 ---- Declare Attackers\\ 宣告攻击者 To choose a set of creatures that will attack, declare whether each creature is attacking the defending player or a planeswalker that player controls, and pay any costs required to allow those creatures to attack. See rule 508.1.\\ 选择将进行攻击的一组生物,宣告每个生物攻击防御牌手或该牌手操控的一个鹏洛客,并且支付允许这些生物攻击所要求的任何费用。参见规则[[cr:5#cr508-1|508.1]]。 ---- Declare Attackers Step\\ 宣告攻击者步骤 Part of the turn. This step is the second step of the combat phase. See rule 508, “Declare Attackers Step.”\\ 回合的一部分。该步骤是战斗阶段的第二个步骤。参见规则[[cr:5#cr508|508]],“宣告攻击者步骤”。 ---- Declare Blockers\\ 宣告阻挡者 To choose a set of creatures that will block, declare which attacking creature each creature is blocking, and pay any costs required to allow those creatures to block. See rule 509.1.\\ 选择将进行阻挡的一组生物,为每个生物宣告将阻挡那个攻击生物,并支付允许这些生物阻挡所要求的任何费用。参见规则[[cr:5#cr509-1|509.1]]。 ---- Declare Blockers Step\\ 宣告阻挡者步骤 Part of the turn. This step is the third step of the combat phase. See rule 509, “Declare Blockers Step.”\\ 回合的一部分。该步骤是战斗阶段的第三个步骤。参见规则[[cr:5#cr509|509]],“宣告阻挡者步骤”。 ---- Defender\\ 守军 A keyword ability that prohibits a creature from attacking. See rule 702.3, “Defender.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让某个生物不能进行攻击。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-3|702.3]],“守军”。 ---- Defending Player\\ 防御牌手 The player who can be attacked, and whose planeswalkers can be attacked, during the combat phase. See rule 506.2. In certain multiplayer games, there may be more than one defending player; see rule 802, “Attack Multiple Players Option,” and rule 805.10.\\ 在战斗阶段中,可以被攻击的牌手,且其鹏洛客可以被攻击。参见规则[[cr:5#cr506-2|506.2]]。在某些多人玩法中,可能会有多于一个防御牌手;参见规则[[cr:8#cr802|802]],“攻击复数牌手模式”,以及规则[[cr:8#cr805-10|805.10]]。 ---- Defending Team\\ 防御队伍 The team who can be attacked, and whose planeswalkers can be attacked, during the combat phase of a multiplayer game using the shared team turns option. See rule 805, “Shared Team Turns Option.”\\ 在使用队伍共享回合模式的多人游戏的战斗阶段中,可以被攻击、且其鹏洛客可以被攻击的队伍。参见规则[[cr:8#cr805|805]],“队伍共享回合模式”。 ---- Defense\\ 布防 1. Part of a card that only battle cards have. A battle card’s defense is printed in its lower right corner. See rule 210, “Defense.”\\ 1. 只有战役牌具有的牌的一部分。战役的布防印在其右下角。参见规则[[cr:2#cr210|210]],“布防”。 2. A characteristic that only battles can have. See rule 310, “Battles.”\\ 2. 只有战役具有的特征。参见规则[[cr:3#cr310|310]],“战役”。 ---- Delayed Triggered Ability\\ 延迟触发式异能 An ability created by effects generated when some spells or abilities resolve, or when some replacement effects are applied, that does something later on rather than at that time. See rule 603.7.\\ 当一些咒语或异能结算时所创造的效应所创造的异能,或当一些替代性效应生效时,不是在当时而是在之后作某些事情。参见规则[[cr:6#cr603-7|603.7]]。 ---- Delve\\ 掘穴 A keyword ability that lets you exile cards from your graveyard rather than pay generic mana to cast a spell. See rule 702.66, “Delve.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让你从你的坟墓场中放逐牌来施放咒语,而不是支付一般法术力。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-66|702.66]],“掘穴”。 ---- Demonstrate\\ 示范 A triggered ability found on some spells that let its controller copy it and choose an opponent to also copy it. See rule 702.144, “Demonstrate.”\\ 一些咒语上的触发式异能,使其操控者复制之,并选择一个对手亦复制之。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-144|702.144]],“示范”。 ---- Dependency\\ 从属关系 A system that may be used to determine in which order continuous effects in the same layer or sublayer are applied. See rule 613.8. See also Timestamp Order.\\ 一个对决定在同一层或副层中,持续性效应生效顺序所使用的系统。参见规则[[cr:6#cr613-8|613.8]]。另参见时间印记顺序。 ---- Deploy Creatures Option\\ 调动生物模式 An option that may be used in certain multiplayer variants to pass control of creatures between teammates. See rule 804, “Deploy Creatures Option.”\\ 一些多人玩法中可以采用的一种模式,队友之间可以互相给予生物的操控权。参见规则[[cr:8#cr804|804]],“调动生物模式”。 ---- Destroy\\ 消灭 To move a permanent from the battlefield to its owner’s graveyard. See rule 701.7, “Destroy.”\\ 将一个永久物从战场移动到其拥有者的坟墓场。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-7|701.7]],“消灭”。 ---- Detain\\ 拘留 A keyword action that temporarily stops a permanent from attacking, blocking, or having its activated abilities activated. See rule 701.29, “Detain.”\\ 一个关键字异能,临时阻止一个永久物攻击、阻挡,或起动其具有的起动式异能。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-29|701.29]],“拘留”。 ---- Dethrone\\ 义勇 A keyword ability that puts a +1/+1 counter on a creature when it attacks the player with the most life. See rule 702.105, “Dethrone.”\\ 一个关键字异能,具有该异能的生物在攻击生命值最多的牌手时,会在生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-105|702.105]],“义勇”。 ---- Devoid\\ 虚色 A characteristic-defining ability that makes an object colorless. See rule 702.114, “Devoid.”\\ 一个特征定义异能,使物件成为无色。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-114|702.114]],“虚色”。 ---- Devotion\\ 献力 A numerical value a player has, equal to the number of mana symbols of a certain color among the mana costs of permanents that player controls. See rule 700.5.\\ 一个牌手具有的数字,等同于该牌手操控的永久物之法术力费用中,某种特别颜色的法术力符号数量。参见规则[[cr:7#cr700-5|700.5]]。 ---- Devour\\ 吞噬 A keyword ability that can have a creature enter the battlefield with +1/+1 counters on it. See rule 702.82, “Devour.”\\ 一个关键字异能,可以让生物进入战场带有+1/+1指示物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-82|702.82]],“吞噬”。 ---- Dies\\ 死去 A creature or planeswalker “dies” if it is put into a graveyard from the battlefield. See rule 700.4.\\ 如果一个生物或鹏洛客从战场进入坟墓场,该生物或鹏洛客“死去”。参见规则[[cr:7#cr700-4|700.4]]。 ---- Discard\\ 弃牌 To move a card from its owner’s hand to that player’s graveyard. See rule 701.8, “Discard.”\\ 从拥有者的手上将牌移入该牌手的坟墓场。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-8|701.8]],“弃牌”。 ---- Discover\\ 倾探 A keyword ability that may allow a player to cast a random spell for free. See rule 701.55, “Discover.”\\ 一个关键字异能,允许牌手不付费用施放一个随机咒语。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-55|701.55]],“倾探”。(译注:我确信这是一个关键字动作。) ---- Disguise\\ 伪装 A keyword ability that lets a card be cast face down as a 2/2 creature with ward {2}. See rule 702.168, “Disguise,” and rule 708, “Face-Down Spells and Permanents.”\\ 一个关键字异能,允许该牌以牌面朝下的方式,且视为2/2、具守护{2}的生物一般施放。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-168|702.168]],“伪装”,和规则[[cr:7#cr708|708]],“牌面朝下的咒语和永久物”。 ---- Disturb\\ 惊扰 A keyword ability that allows a player to cast a double-faced card transformed from the graveyard. See rule 702.146, “Disturb.”\\ 一个关键字异能,允许牌手从坟墓场以已转化的方式施放双面牌。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-146|702.146]],“惊扰”。 ---- Doctor’s Companion\\ 博士伙伴 A partner ability that allows a player to play with two legendary creature cards as their commander if one of them has Doctor’s companion and the other is a Time Lord Doctor with no other creature types.\\ 拍档异能的一种变化形式。在指挥官玩法中,如果两张传奇永久物牌其中之一具有“博士伙伴”异能,另一张是时间领主/医生且不具其他生物类别,则可将这两个传奇永久物用作你的指挥官,而非只使用一个。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-124|702.124]],“拍档”,和规则[[cr:9#cr903|903]],“指挥官”。 ---- Door\\ 偏门 A door is one half of a Room permanent. See rule 709, “Split Cards.”\\ 一扇偏门是隔间永久物的一边。参见规则[[cr:7#cr709|709]],“连体牌”。 ---- Double\\ 加倍 A keyword action used in a variety of contexts. See rule 701.9, “Double.”\\ 一个关键字动作,在各种情境下使用。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-9|701.9]],“加倍”。 ---- Double Agenda\\ 双重秘案 A variant of the hidden agenda ability. See rule 702.106, “Hidden Agenda.”\\ 秘案异能的一种变化。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-106|702.106]],“秘案”。 ---- Double Strike\\ 连击 A keyword ability that lets a creature deal its combat damage twice. See rule 702.4, “Double Strike.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让生物造成两次战斗伤害。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-4|702.4]],“连击”。 ---- Double-Faced Cards\\ 双面牌 Cards with two faces, one on each side of the card, and no Magic card back. See rule 712, “Double-Faced Cards.”\\ 两面都具有牌面的牌,并且没有万智牌牌背。参见规则[[cr:7#cr712|712]],“双面牌”。 ---- Draft\\ 轮抽/抽选(译者注:在英文中这两个词是相同的。) 1. A Limited format in which players choose cards one at a time from booster packs, then construct a deck solely from the chosen cards and basic land cards.\\ 1. 一种限制赛,牌手依次从补充包中抽选牌,然后只使用所抽选的牌和基本地牌来构组套牌。 2. To choose a card during a draft and put it into your card pool.\\ 2. 在轮抽过程中选择一张牌来加入你的牌池。 ---- Draft Round\\ 轮抽轮次 Part of a draft in which each player opens an unopened booster pack and the cards in those booster packs are drafted. See rules 905.1a and 905.1b.\\ 轮抽过程的一部分,在此过程中每位牌手打开一个未打开的补充包,然后牌手们抽选这些牌。参见规则[[cr:9#cr905-1a|905.1a]]和[[cr:9#cr905-1b|905.1b]]。 ---- Draw\\ 抓/平手(译者注:在英文中这两个词是相同的。) 1. To put the top card of a player’s library into their hand as a turn-based action or as the result of an effect that uses the word “draw.” See rule 121, “Drawing a Card.”\\ 1. 作为回合动作或一个效应的结果,将牌手的牌库顶牌放进其手上,使用“抓”一词。参见规则[[cr:1#cr121|121]],“抓牌”。 2. The result of a game in which neither player wins or loses. See rule 104.4.\\ 2. 没有牌手输或赢的游戏结局。参见规则[[cr:1#cr104-4|104.4]]。 ---- Draw Step\\ 抓牌步骤 Part of the turn. This step is the third and final step of the beginning phase. See rule 504, “Draw Step.”\\ 回合的一部分。该步骤是开始阶段的第三个也是最后一个步骤。参见规则[[cr:5#cr504|504]],“抓牌步骤”。 ---- Dredge\\ 发掘 A keyword ability that lets a player return a card from their graveyard to their hand. See rule 702.52, “Dredge.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让牌手将牌从其坟墓场中移回其手上。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-52|702.52]],“发掘”。 ---- Dungeon\\ 地城 A card type found on nontraditional Magic cards. A dungeon card is not a permanent. See rule 309, “Dungeons.”\\ 一种在非传统万智牌牌张上出现的牌张类别。地城牌不是永久物。参见规则[[cr:3#cr309|309]],“地城”。 ---- During (Obsolete)\\ 于...之中(已废止) Some older cards used the phrase “during [phase], [action].” These abilities were called “phase abilities.” In general, cards that were printed with phase abilities have received errata in the Oracle card reference so they have abilities that trigger at the beginning of a step or phase. “During” still appears in current card text, but only in its normal English sense and not as game terminology.\\ 一些老牌使用“于[阶段]之中,[动作]”。这些异能曾经被称为“阶段异能”。一般情况下,印有阶段异能的牌在Oracle牌张参考文献中得到了勘误,它们的异能现在于步骤或阶段开始时触发。“于...之中”依然在当前卡牌的叙述中出现,但只是作为一般语言理解而不是游戏用语。 ---- === E === EDH (Obsolete)\\ EDH(已废止) An older name for the Commander casual variant. See rule 903, “Commander.”\\ 指挥官玩法的旧名称。参见规则[[cr:9#cr903|903]],“指挥官”。 ---- Echo\\ 返响 A keyword ability that imposes a cost to keep a permanent on the battlefield. See rule 702.30, “Echo.”\\ 一个关键字异能,要求支付一个费用让永久物保留在战场上。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-30|702.30]],“返响”。 ---- Effect\\ 效应 Something that happens in the game as a result of a spell or ability. See rule 609, “Effects.”\\ 作为咒语或异能的结论在游戏中发生。参见规则[[cr:6#cr609|609]],“效应”。 ---- Embalm\\ 遗存 A keyword ability that lets a player exile a creature card from their graveyard to create a mummified token version of that card. See rule 702.128, “Embalm.”\\ 一个关键字异能,使牌手从其坟墓场中放逐一张生物牌,来派出该牌化身为木乃伊的衍生物版本。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-128|702.128]],“遗存”。 ---- Emblem\\ 徽记 An emblem is a marker used to represent an object that has one or more abilities, but no other characteristics. See rule 114, “Emblems.”\\ 徽记是一个标记,用来表示具有一个或数个异能的物件,但是没有其他特征。参见规则[[cr:1#cr114|114]],“徽记”。 ---- Emerge\\ 化生 A keyword ability that lets a player cast a spell for less by sacrificing a creature. See rule 702.119, “Emerge.”\\ 一个关键字异能,使得牌手可以牺牲一个生物来减费施放咒语。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-119|702.119]],“化生”。 ---- Emperor\\ 皇帝 The middle player on each team in an Emperor game. See rule 809, “Emperor Variant.”\\ 皇帝游戏中一个队伍坐在中间的牌手。参见规则[[cr:8#cr809|809]],“皇帝玩法”。 ---- Emperor Variant\\ 皇帝玩法 A multiplayer variant played among three-player teams. See rule 809, “Emperor Variant.”\\ 一个多人玩法,在三人队伍间进行。参见规则[[cr:8#cr809|809]],“皇帝玩法”。 ---- Enchant\\ 结附 A keyword ability that defines what an Aura spell can target and what an Aura permanent can be attached to. See rule 303, “Enchantments,” and rule 702.5, “Enchant.”\\ 一个关键字异能,定义灵气咒语可以指定的目标以及一个灵气永久物可以贴附的对象。参见规则[[cr:3#cr303|303]],“结界”以及规则[[cr:7#cr702-5|702.5]],“结附”。 ---- Enchantment\\ 结界 A card type. An enchantment is a permanent. See rule 303, “Enchantments.” See also Aura.\\ 一种牌张类别。结界是永久物。参见规则[[cr:3#cr303|303]],“结界”。另参见灵气。 ---- Enchantment Type\\ 结界类别 A subtype that’s correlated to the enchantment card type. See rule 303, “Enchantments.” See rule 205.3h for the list of enchantment types.\\ 与结界牌张类别对应的副类别。参见规则[[cr:3#cr303|303]],“结界”。参见规则[[cr:2#cr205-3h|205.3h]]的结界类别列表。 ---- Encoded\\ 赋码 A term that describes the relationship between a permanent and a card exiled by a cipher ability. See rule 702.99, “Cipher.”\\ 一个用于描述永久物和被暗码异能放逐的牌之间联系的用词。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-99|702.99]],“暗码”。 ---- Encore\\ 返场 A keyword ability that lets a player exile a creature card from their graveyard to, for each opponent, create a token that’s a copy of that card to attack that opponent. See rule 702.141, “Encore”\\ 一个关键字异能,使牌手从其坟墓场放逐一张生物牌,然后每有一位对手,便派出一个该牌的复制品衍生物来攻击该对手。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-141|702.141]],“返场”。 ---- Encounter\\ 遭遇 To move a phenomenon card off the top of a planar deck and turn it face up. See rule 312, “Phenomena.”\\ 将一张异象牌从时空套牌顶移离并翻回正面。参见规则[[cr:3#cr312|312]],“异象”。 ---- End Step\\ 结束步骤 Part of the turn. This step is the first step of the ending phase. See rule 513, “End Step.”\\ 回合的一部分。此步骤是终结阶段的第一个步骤。参见规则[[cr:5#cr513|513]],“结束步骤”。 ---- End of Combat Step\\ 战斗结束步骤 Part of the turn. This step is the fifth and final step of the combat phase. See rule 511, “End of Combat Step.”\\ 回合的一部分。此步骤是战斗阶段的第五个步骤也是最后一个步骤。参见规则[[cr:5#cr511|511]],“战斗结束步骤”。 ---- End the Combat Phase\\ 结束战斗阶段 To “end the combat phase” as the result of an effect is to perform an expedited process that skips everything else that would happen that phase. See rule 721, “Ending Turns and Phases.”\\ 作为一个效应的结果来“结束战斗阶段”指,进行一个快速的流程来略过该阶段将发生的所有其他事情。参见规则[[cr:7#cr721|721]],“结束回合和阶段”。 ---- End the Turn\\ 结束回合 To “end the turn” as the result of an effect is to perform an expedited process that skips nearly everything else that would happen that turn. See rule 721, “Ending Turns and Phases.”\\ 作为一个效应的结果来“结束回合”指,进行一个快速的流程来略过该回合将发生的所有其他事情。参见规则[[cr:7#cr721|721]],“结束回合和阶段”。 ---- Ending Phase\\ 终结阶段 Part of the turn. This phase is the fifth and final phase of the turn. See rule 512, “Ending Phase.”\\ 回合的一部分。此阶段是回合的第五个也是最后一个阶段。参见规则[[cr:5#cr512|512]],“终结阶段”。 ---- Energy Symbol\\ 能量符号 The energy symbol {E} represents one energy counter. To pay {E}, a player removes one energy counter from themselves.\\ 能量符号{E}代表一个能量指示物。要支付{E},牌手从其自身移除一个能量指示物。 ---- Enlist\\ 征列 A keyword ability that allows a creature that could have attacked to support another creature. See rule 702.154, “Enlist.”\\ 一个关键字异能,允许一个能够攻击的生物协助另一个生物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-154|702.154]],“征列”。 ---- Enter\\ 进场 In rules text, to enter the battlefield. See “Enters the Battlefield.”\\ 在规则叙述中指进入战场。另参见进入战场。(译注:中文版中“进场”一词曾用于对译“come into play”这一废止用词,现重新用于对译“enter”。) ---- Enters the Battlefield\\ 进入战场 A nontoken permanent enters the battlefield when it’s moved onto the battlefield from another zone. A token enters the battlefield as it’s created. See rules 403.3, 603.6a, 603.6d, and 614.12. This phrase has been shortened to simply “enters” in rules text on cards in most contexts.\\ 一个非衍生物永久物当从其他区域转移到战场时进入战场。一个衍生物于其被派出时进入战场。参见规则[[cr:4#cr403-3|403.3]],[[cr:6#cr603-6a|603.6a]],[[cr:6#cr603-6d|603.6d]]以及[[cr:6#cr614-12|614.12]]。此用词在大多数规则叙述中被简写为“进场”。 ---- Entwine\\ 打包 A keyword ability that lets a player choose all modes for a spell rather than just the number specified. See rule 702.42, “Entwine.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让牌手为一个咒语选择所有的模式,而不仅仅是指定数量的模式。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-42|702.42]],“打包”。 ---- Epic\\ 历传 A keyword ability that lets a player copy a spell at the beginning of each of their upkeeps at the expense of casting any other spells for the rest of the game. See rule 702.50, “Epic.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让牌手在他的每个维持开始时都复制该咒语,但要付出该盘游戏余下的部分不能施放其他咒语的代价。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-50|702.50]],“历传”。 ---- Equip\\ 佩带 A keyword ability that lets a player attach an Equipment to a creature they control. See rule 301, “Artifacts,” and rule 702.6, “Equip.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让牌手将武具贴附于他所操控的生物上。参见规则[[cr:3#cr301|301]],“神器”以及规则[[cr:7#cr702-6|702.6]],“佩带”。 ---- Equipment\\ 武具 An artifact subtype. Equipment can be attached to creatures. See rule 301, “Artifacts,” and rule 702.6, “Equip.”\\ 一个神器副类别。武具可以贴附于生物上。参见规则[[cr:3#cr301|301]],“神器”以及规则[[cr:7#cr702-6|702.6]],“佩带”。 ---- Escalate\\ 增效 A keyword ability on some modal spells that adds a cost for choosing additional modes. See rule 702.120, “Escalate.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让一些具有模式的咒语可以付费选择额外的模式。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-120|702.120]],“增效”。 ---- Escape\\ 逸脱 A keyword ability that lets a player cast a card from their graveyard. See rule 702.138, “Escape.”\\ 一个关键字异能,使牌手能从其坟墓场施放一张牌。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-138|702.138]],“逸脱”。 ---- Eternalize\\ 永生 A keyword ability that lets a player exile a creature card from their graveyard to create an eternalized token version of that card. See rule 702.129, “Eternalize.”\\ 一个关键字异能,使牌手从其坟墓场中放逐一张生物牌,并派出一个该牌的永生衍生物版本。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-129|702.129]],“永生”。 ---- Evasion Ability\\ 躲避式异能 An ability that restricts what creatures can block an attacking creature. See rules 509.1b–c.\\ 限制哪些生物可以阻挡攻击生物的异能。参见规则[[cr:5#cr509-1b|509.1b]]至c。 ---- Event\\ 事件 Anything that happens in a game. See rule 700.1.\\ 游戏中发生的任何事。参见规则[[cr:7#cr700-1|700.1]]。 ---- Evoke\\ 呼魂 A keyword ability that causes a permanent to be sacrificed when it enters the battlefield. See rule 702.74, “Evoke.”\\ 一个关键字异能,当永久物进入战场时令其被牺牲。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-74|702.74]],“呼魂”。 ---- Evolve\\ 进化 A keyword ability that lets you put a +1/+1 counter on a creature when a larger creature enters the battlefield under your control. See rule 702.100, “Evolve.”\\ 一个关键字异能,每当一个更大的生物在你的操控下进入战场时,让你将+1/+1指示物放在生物上。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-100|702.100]],“进化”。 ---- Exalted\\ 颂威 A keyword ability that can make a creature better in combat. See rule 702.83, “Exalted.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让生物在战斗中更好。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-83|702.83]],“颂威”。 ---- Excess Damage\\ 过量伤害 Damage dealt to a creature greater than what would be lethal damage or damage dealt to a planeswalker greater than its loyalty. See rule 120.4a.\\ 对生物造成之大于其致命伤害的部分伤害,或是对鹏洛客造成之大于其忠诚的部分伤害。参见规则[[cr:1#cr120-4a|120.4a]]。 ---- Exchange\\ 交换 To swap two things, such as objects, sets of objects, or life totals. See rule 701.10, “Exchange.”\\ 交换两个东西,例如物件、一组物件,或生命总值。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-10|701.10]],“交换”。 ---- Exert\\ 耗竭 A keyword action that stops a permanent from untapping during the next untap step of the player who exerted it. See rule 701.39, “Exert.”\\ 一个关键字动作,阻止一个永久物于耗竭之的牌手之下一个重置步骤中重置。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-39|701.39]],“耗竭”。 ---- Exhaust\\ 竭绝 A special kind of activated ability that may be activated only once. See rule 702.177, “Exhaust.”\\ 一类特殊的起动式异能,只能起动一次。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-177|702.177]],“竭绝”。 ---- Exile\\ 放逐 1. A zone. Exile is essentially a holding area for cards. It used to be known as the “removed-from-the-game” zone.\\ 1. 一个区域。放逐区本质上是保留牌的区域。它之前被称为“移出游戏”区。 2. To put an object into the exile zone from whatever zone it’s currently in. An “exiled” card is one that’s been put into the exile zone.\\ 2. 从一个物件当前的区域中放到放逐区。一张“被放逐”的牌指被放进放逐区的牌。 See rule 406, “Exile.”\\ 参见规则[[cr:4#cr406|406]],“放逐”。 ---- Expansion Symbol\\ 版本符号 A card’s expansion symbol is a small icon normally printed below the right edge of the illustration that has no effect on game play. See rule 206, “Expansion Symbol.”\\ 牌的版本符号是印在图片右下角对游戏没有任何效应的小符号。参见规则[[cr:2#cr206|206]],“版本符号”。 ---- Expend\\ 花销 A word found on some abilities that care how much mana a player has spent to cast spells this turn. See rule 700.14.\\ 一个出现在某些异能中的用词,在乎牌手本回合中用于施放咒语的法术力数量。参见规则[[cr:7#cr700-14|700.14]]。 ---- Exploit\\ 榨取 A keyword ability that lets you sacrifice a creature for a benefit. See rule 702.110, “Exploit.”\\ 一个关键字异能,使你通过牺牲生物来获得优势。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-110|702.110]],“榨取”。 ---- Explore\\ 勘察 A keyword action that causes a player to reveal the top card of their library and then to take different actions depending on whether a land card is revealed this way. See rule 701.40, “Explore.”\\ 一个关键字动作,使牌手展示其牌库顶牌,然后根据展示的牌是否是地牌采取不同的动作。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-40|701.40]],“勘察”。 ---- Extort\\ 敲诈 A keyword ability that lets you gain life and have opponents lose life whenever you cast a spell. See rule 702.101, “Extort.”\\ 一个关键字异能,每当你施放咒语时让你得到生命并且让对手失去生命。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-101|702.101]],“敲诈”。 ---- Extra Turn\\ 额外回合 A turn created by an effect of a spell or ability. See rule 500.7. For rules about extra turns in a multiplayer game using the shared team turns option, see 805.8. For rules about extra turns in a Grand Melee game, see rule 807.4.\\ 由咒语或异能的效应所创造的回合。参见规则[[cr:5#cr500-7|500.7]]。对于使用队伍共享回合模式的多人游戏的额外回合规则,参见规则[[cr:8#cr805-8|805.8]]。对于大型混战玩法游戏的额外回合规则,参见规则[[cr:8#cr807-4|807.4]]。 ---- === F === Fabricate\\ 装配 A keyword ability that lets you choose whether to create Servo tokens or put +1/+1 counters on a creature. See rule 702.123, “Fabricate.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让你选择派出自动机衍生物或者在生物上放置+1/+1指示物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-123|702.123]],“装配”。 ---- Face Down\\ 牌面朝下 1. A card is “face down” if it’s physically positioned so the card back is showing. Cards in some zones are normally kept face down. See section 4, “Zones.”\\ 1. 如果一张牌被放置在牌背朝上的位置,该牌“牌面朝下”。牌在一些区域中一般情况下都保持牌面朝下的状态。参见[[cr:4|第4章]],“区域”。 2. A status a permanent may have. See rule 110.5 and rule 702.37, “Morph.”\\ 2. 永久物可能拥有的一个状态。参见规则[[cr:1#cr110-5|110.5]]以及[[cr:7#cr702-37|702.37]],“变身”。 3. Face-down spells have additional rules. See rule 708, “Face-Down Spells and Permanents,” and rule 702.37, “Morph.”\\ 3. 牌面朝下的咒语具有额外规则。参见规则[[cr:7#cr708|708]],“牌面朝下的咒语和永久物”,以及规则[[cr:7#cr702-37|702.37]],“变身”。 ---- Face Up\\ 牌面朝上 1. A card is “face up” if it’s physically positioned so the card front is showing. Cards in some zones are normally kept face up. See section 4, “Zones.”\\ 1. 如果一张牌被放置在牌面朝上的位置,该牌“牌面朝上”。牌在一些区域中一般情况下都保持牌面朝上的状态。参见[[cr:4|第4章]],“区域”。 2. A default status a permanent may have. See rule 110.5 and rule 702.37, “Morph.”\\ 2. 永久物可能拥有的一个状态。参见规则[[cr:1#cr110-5|110.5]]以及[[cr:7#cr702-37|702.37]],“变身”。 ---- Face a Villainous Choice\\ 面临邪恶抉择 A keyword action that causes a player to choose one of two listed choices. See rule 701.53, “Face a Villainous Choice.”\\ 一个关键字动作,使牌手在两个列出的选项中选择一项。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-53|701.53]],“面临邪恶抉择”。 ---- Fading\\ 消退 A keyword ability that limits how long a permanent remains on the battlefield. See rule 702.32, “Fading.”\\ 一个关键字异能,限制一个永久物能够留在战场上的时间。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-32|702.32]],“消退”。 ---- Fateseal\\ 论命 To manipulate some of the cards on top of an opponent’s library. See rule 701.22, “Fateseal.”\\ 操纵对手牌库顶的一些牌。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-22|701.22]],“论命”。 ---- Fear\\ 恐惧 A keyword ability that restricts how a creature may be blocked. See rule 702.36, “Fear.”\\ 一个关键字异能,限制一个生物能如何被阻挡。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-36|702.36]],“恐惧”。 ---- Fight\\ 互斗 When two creatures fight, each deals damage equal to its power to the other. See rule 701.12, “Fight.”\\ 当两个生物互斗时,它们对彼此造成等同于它们力量的伤害。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-12|701.12]],“互斗”。 ---- Finality Counter\\ 终命指示物 A counter that exiles the permanent it is on if that permanent would go to the graveyard from the battlefield. See rule 122.1h.\\ 一种指示物,在永久物将从战场进入坟墓场时改为放逐之。参见规则[[cr:1#cr122-1h|122.1h]]。 ---- First Strike\\ 先攻 A keyword ability that lets a creature deal its combat damage before other creatures. See rule 702.7, “First Strike.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让生物在其他生物之前造成其战斗伤害。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-7|702.7]],“先攻”。 ---- Flanking\\ 侧面攻击 A keyword ability that can make a creature better in combat. See rule 702.25, “Flanking.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让生物在战斗中更好。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-25|702.25]],“侧面攻击”。 ---- Flash\\ 闪现 A keyword ability that lets a player play a card any time they could cast an instant. See rule 702.8, “Flash.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让牌手在任何其可以施放瞬间的时候使用一张牌。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-8|702.8]],“闪现”。 ---- Flashback\\ 返照 A keyword ability that lets a player cast a card from their graveyard. See rule 702.34, “Flashback.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让牌手从其坟墓场中施放一张牌。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-34|702.34]],“返照”。 ---- Flavor Text\\ 背景叙述 Text in italics (but not in parentheses) in the text box of a card that has no effect on play. See rule 207.2.\\ 牌的文字栏中用斜体(但不在括号中)且对游戏没有任何影响的叙述。参见规则[[cr:2#cr207-2|207.2]]。 ---- Flavor Word\\ 风味提示 An italicized word with no rules meaning that provides a flavorful description of an ability. See rule 207.2d.\\ 一个斜体印刷的词,使得异能的叙述更显鲜活,但没有规则含义。参见规则[[cr:2#cr207-2d|207.2d]]。 ---- Flip Cards\\ 倒转牌 Cards with a two-part card frame (one part of which is printed upside down) on a single card. See rule 710, “Flip Cards.”\\ 在一张牌上具有两部分牌边框(其中之一上下颠倒)的牌。参见规则[[cr:7#cr710|710]],“倒转牌”。 ---- Flipped\\ 已倒转 A status a permanent may have. See rule 110.5 and rule 710, “Flip Cards.” See also Unflipped.\\ 一个永久物可能具有的状态。参见规则[[cr:1#cr110-5|110.5]]以及规则[[cr:7#cr710|710]],“倒转牌”。另参见未倒转。 ---- Flipping a Coin\\ 掷硬币 A method of randomization with two possible outcomes of equal likelihood. See rule 705, “Flipping a Coin.”\\ 一个随机决定两个相同可能性结果的方法。参见规则[[cr:7#cr705|705]],“掷硬币”。 ---- Flying\\ 飞行 A keyword ability that restricts how a creature may be blocked. See rule 702.9, “Flying.”\\ 一个关键字异能,限制一个生物如何被阻挡。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-9|702.9]],“飞行”。 ---- Food Token\\ 食品衍生物 A Food token is a colorless artifact token with “{2}, {T}, Sacrifice this artifact: You gain 3 life.” For more information about predefined tokens, see rule 111.10.\\ 食品衍生物是具有“{2},{T},牺牲此神器:你获得3点生命”的无色衍生神器。欲知关于预定义衍生物的更多信息,参见规则[[cr:1#cr111-10|111.10]]。 ---- For Mirrodin!\\ 秘罗万岁! A keyword ability that creates a 2/2 red Rebel creature token and then attaches the Equipment with the ability to that token. See rule 702.163, “For Mirrodin!”\\ 一个关键字异能,派出一个2/2红色反抗军衍生生物,并将具有该异能的武具贴附于该衍生物上。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-163|702.163]],“秘罗万岁!”。 ---- Forage\\ 觅粮 To pay a cost of exiling three cards from your graveyard or sacrificing a Food. See rule 701.59, “Forage.”\\ 从你的坟墓场放逐三张牌或牺牲一个食品用于支付费用。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-59|701.59]],“觅粮”。 ---- Forecast\\ 预报 A keyword ability that allows an activated ability to be activated from a player’s hand. See rule 702.57, “Forecast.”\\ 一个关键字异能,允许从牌手手上起动一个起动式异能。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-57|702.57]],“预报”。 ---- Forest\\ 树林 One of the five basic land types. Any land with this subtype has the ability “{T}: Add {G}.” See rule 305.6.\\ 五种基本地类别中的一种。任何具有此副类别的地具有异能“{T}:加{G}。”参见规则[[cr:3#cr305-6|305.6]]。 ---- Forestcycling\\ 循环树林 See Typecycling.\\ 参见类别循环。 ---- Forestwalk\\ 树林行者 See Landwalk.\\ 参见地行者。 ---- Foretell\\ 预示 A keyword ability that lets a player exile cards from their hand and cast them for an alternative cost on future turns. See rule 702.143, “Foretell.”\\ 一个关键字异能,使牌手从其手上放逐牌,并在将来的回合中使用替代性费用施放之。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-143|702.143]],“预示”。 ---- Foretold\\ 已预示 A card exiled using the foretell special action becomes foretold. Other effects can also make an exiled card foretold. A spell was foretold if it was a foretold card in exile before it was cast.\\ 使用预示此特殊动作被放逐的牌成为已预示。其他效应也可以使一张被放逐的牌成为已预示。如果一个咒语在被施放之前是一张放逐区中已预示的牌,则该咒语为已预示。 ---- Fortification\\ 工事 An artifact subtype. Fortifications can be attached to lands. See rule 301, “Artifacts,” and rule 702.67, “Fortify.”\\ 一个神器副类别。工事可以贴附于地上。参见规则[[cr:3#cr301|301]],“神器”,以及规则[[cr:7#cr702-67|702.67]],“构工”。 ---- Fortify\\ 构工 A keyword ability that lets a player attach a Fortification to a land they control. See rule 301, “Artifacts,” and rule 702.67, “Fortify.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让牌手将工事牌贴附于其操控的地上。参见规则[[cr:3#cr301|301]],“神器”,以及规则[[cr:7#cr702-67|702.67]],“构工”。 ---- Free-for-All\\ 自由竞赛玩法 A multiplayer variant in which a group of players compete as individuals against each other. See rule 806, “Free-for-All Variant.”\\ 一个多人玩法,牌手们会以个人方式来互相展开对抗。参见规则[[cr:8#cr806|806]],“自由竞赛玩法”。 ---- Freerunning\\ 自由奔跑 A keyword ability that allows certain spells to be cast for an alternative cost. See rule 702.173, “Freerunning.”\\ 一个关键字异能,允许特定咒语以替代性费用施放。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-173|702.173]],“自由奔跑”。 ---- Frenzy\\ 狂热 A keyword ability that can make a creature better in combat. See rule 702.68, “Frenzy.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让生物在战斗中更好。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-68|702.68]],“狂热”。 ---- Friends Forever\\ 友谊永恒 A variant of the partner ability that lets two legendary creature cardss be your commander in the Commander variant rather than one if both have the “friends forever” ability. See rule 702.124, “Partner,” and rule 903, “Commander.”\\ 拍档异能的一种变化形式。在指挥官玩法中,如果两张传奇生物牌均具有友谊永恒异能,则可将这两张牌用作你的指挥官,而非只使用一个。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-124|702.124]],“拍档”,及规则[[cr:9#cr903|903]],“指挥官”。 ---- Full Party\\ 冒险团满编 A player has a full party if the number of creatures in their party is four. See rule 700.8.\\ 当牌手冒险团中的生物数量为四时,其冒险团满编。参见规则[[cr:7#cr700-8|700.8]]。 ---- Fuse\\ 融咒 A keyword ability that allows a player to cast both halves of a split card. See rule 702.102, “Fuse.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让牌手可以施放连体牌的两边。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-102|702.102]],“融咒”。 ---- Fused Split Spell\\ 融咒连体咒语 A split card on the stack that has been cast using the fuse ability or a copy of such a card. See rule 702.102, “Fuse.”\\ 一张堆叠中的连体牌,使用融咒异能施放,或该种牌的复制品。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-102|702.102]],“融咒”。 ---- === G === General\\ 将军 Any player in the Emperor multiplayer variant who isn’t an emperor. See rule 809, “Emperor Variant.”\\ 皇帝多人玩法中,任何不是皇帝的牌手。参见规则[[cr:8#cr809|809]],“皇帝玩法”。 ---- Generic Mana\\ 一般法术力 Mana in a cost represented by numerical symbols (such as {1}) or variable symbols (such as {X}) that can be paid with mana of any type. See rule 107.4.\\ 一般法术力指没有被有色法术力符号表示的费用;它可以被任何类别的法术力支付。参见规则[[cr:1#cr107-4|107.4]]。 ---- Gift\\ 礼赠 A keyword ability that allows a spell’s caster to choose an opponent as to receive a benefit as the spell resolves or when the permanent with the ability enters. See rule 702.174, “Gift.”\\ 一个关键字异能,允许咒语的施放者选择一位对手,令该牌手在该咒语结算或具有该异能的永久物进场时得到好处。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-174|702.174]],“礼赠”。 ---- Global Enchantment (Obsolete)\\ 广域结界(已废止) An obsolete term for a non-Aura enchantment. Cards printed with this text have received errata in the Oracle card reference.\\ 一个非灵气结界的废止用语。印有此叙述的牌在Oracle牌张参考文献中已经得到勘误。 ---- Goad\\ 煽惑 A keyword action that causes a creature to be goaded until a player’s next turn. See rule 701.38, “Goad.”\\ 一一个关键字动作,使一个生物直到某牌手的下一个回合以前成为被煽惑。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-38|701.38]],“煽惑”。 ---- Goaded\\ 被煽惑 A designation a permanent can have. Goaded creatures are forced to attack and to attack a player other than the player that caused it to be goaded. See rule 701.38, “Goad.”\\ 永久物可拥有的一种称号。被煽惑的生物会被强制攻击,且若能攻击使其成为被煽惑的牌手以外的牌手,则须如此作。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-38|701.38]],“煽惑”。 ---- Gold Token\\ 黄金衍生物 A Gold token is a colorless artifact token with “Sacrifice this artifact: Add one mana of any color.” For more information on predefined tokens, see rule 111.10.\\ 黄金衍生物是具有“牺牲此神器:加一点任意颜色的法术力。”的无色衍生神器。欲知关于预定义衍生物的更多信息,参见规则[[cr:1#cr111-10|111.10]]。 ---- Graft\\ 接殖 A keyword ability that has a permanent enter the battlefield with +1/+1 counters on it and can move those counters to other creatures. See rule 702.58, “Graft.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让一个永久物进入战场带有+1/+1指示物,以及这些指示物可以移动到其他生物上。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-58|702.58]],“接殖”。 ---- Grand Melee\\ 大型混战玩法 A multiplayer variant in which a large group of players (usually ten or more) compete as individuals against each other. See rule 807, “Grand Melee Variant.”\\ 一种多人玩法,很多牌手(通常是十位以上)以个人方式展开对抗。参见规则[[cr:8#cr807|807]],“大型混战玩法”。 ---- Gravestorm\\ 坟场风暴 A keyword ability that creates copies of a spell. See rule 702.69, “Gravestorm.”\\ 一个关键字异能,创造咒语的复制品。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-69|702.69]],“坟场风暴”。 ---- Graveyard\\ 坟墓场 1. A zone. A player’s graveyard is their discard pile.\\ 1. 一个区域。牌手的坟墓场是他的弃牌堆。 2. All the cards in a player’s graveyard.\\ 2. 所有处于一位牌手坟墓场中的牌。 See rule 404, “Graveyard.”\\ 参见规则[[cr:4#cr404|404]],“坟墓场”。 ---- === H === Hand\\ 手牌 1. A zone. A player’s hand is where that player holds cards they have drawn but not played yet.\\ 1. 一个游戏区域。牌手的手牌为牌手拿自己抓起且尚未使用的牌的地方。 2. All the cards in a player’s hand.\\ 2. 牌手手上的所有牌。 See rule 402, “Hand.”\\ 参见规则[[cr:4#cr402|402]],“手牌”。 ---- Hand Modifier\\ 手牌修正 A characteristic that only vanguards have. See rule 211, “Hand Modifier.”\\ 一个只有先锋牌才有的特征。参见规则[[cr:2#cr211|211]],“手牌修正”。 ---- Haste\\ 敏捷 A keyword ability that lets a creature ignore the “summoning sickness” rule. See rule 702.10, “Haste,” and rule 302.6.\\ 一个关键字异能,让生物可以忽略“召唤失调”规则。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-10|702.10]],“敏捷”,以及规则[[cr:3#cr302-6|302.6]]。 ---- Haunt\\ 缠身 A keyword ability that exiles cards. A card exiled this way “haunts” a creature targeted by the haunt ability. See rule 702.55, “Haunt.”\\ 一个关键字异能,放逐牌。以此法放逐的牌“缠身”到由缠身异能所指定的目标生物上。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-55|702.55]],“缠身”。 ---- Hexproof\\ 辟邪 A keyword ability that precludes a permanent or player from being targeted by an opponent. See rule 702.11, “Hexproof.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让永久物或牌手避免成为对手的目标。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-11|702.11]],“辟邪”。 ---- Hidden Agenda\\ 秘案 A keyword ability that allows a conspiracy card to be put into the command zone face down. See rule 702.106, “Hidden Agenda.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让诡局牌以牌面朝下的方式置于统帅区。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-106|702.106]],“秘案”。 ---- Hidden Zone\\ 隐藏区域 A zone in which not all players can be expected to see the cards’ faces. See rule 400.2. See also Public Zone.\\ 不是所有牌手都应该可以看到牌面的区域。参见规则[[cr:4#cr400-2|400.2]]。另参见公开区域。 ---- Hideaway\\ 掩蔽 A keyword ability that lets a player store a secret card. See rule 702.75, “Hideaway.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让牌手藏起一张秘密的牌。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-75|702.75]],“掩蔽”。 ---- Historic\\ 史迹 An object is historic if it has the legendary supertype, the artifact card type, or the Saga subtype. See rule 700.6.\\ 如果一个物件具有传奇此超类别、或具有神器此牌张类别、或具有传纪此副类别,它便是史迹。参见规则[[cr:7#cr700-6|700.6]]。 ---- Horsemanship\\ 马术 A keyword ability that restricts how a creature may be blocked. See rule 702.31, “Horsemanship.”\\ 一个关键字异能,限制生物如何阻挡。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-31|702.31]],“马术”。 ---- Hybrid Card\\ 混血牌 A card with one or more hybrid mana symbols in its mana cost. See rule 202.2f.\\ 在法术力费用中具有一个或数个混血法术力符号的牌。参见规则[[cr:2#cr202-2f|202.2f]]。 ---- Hybrid Mana Symbols\\ 混血法术力符号 A mana symbol that represents a cost that can be paid in one of two ways. See rule 107.4.\\ 一个法术力符号,表示费用可以用两种中的一种支付。参见规则[[cr:1#cr107-4|107.4]]。 ---- Hybrid Phyrexian Mana Symbols\\ 混血非瑞克西亚法术力符号 A mana symbol that represents a cost that can be paid in one of three ways. See rule 107.4.\\ 一个法术力符号,表示费用可以用三种中的一种支付。参见规则[[cr:1#cr107-4|107.4]]。 ---- === I === If\\ 如果 See Intervening “If” Clause.\\ 参见以“若”开头的子句。 ---- Illegal Action\\ 非法动作 An action that violates the rules of the game and/or requirements or restrictions created by effects. See rule 730, “Handling Illegal Actions.”\\ 一个违反游戏规则和/或效应所创造的要求或限制的动作。参见规则[[cr:7#cr730|730]],“处理非法动作”。 ---- Illegal Target\\ 非法目标 A target that no longer exists or no longer meets the specifications stated by the spell or ability that’s targeting it. See rule 608.2b.\\ 一个目标不再存在或不在符合目标它的该咒语或异能所列出的特别要求。参见规则[[cr:6#cr608-2b|608.2b]]。 ---- Illustration\\ 图片 A picture printed on the upper half of a card that has no effect on game play. See rule 203, “Illustration.”\\ 印在牌上面一半的图片,对游戏没有效应。参见规则[[cr:2#cr203|203]],“图片”。 ---- Illustration Credit\\ 图片画家的名字 Information printed directly below the text box that has no effect on game play. See rule 213, “Information Below the Text Box.”\\ 在文字栏下方印的信息,对游戏没有效应。参见规则[[cr:2#cr213|213]],“文字栏下方信息”。 ---- Impending\\ 隐现 An ability on some creatures that allows them to be cast for an alternative cost. If cast for its impending cost, it isn’t a creature for some period of time. See rule 702.176, “Impending.”\\ 一个出现在生物上的异能,允许它们以替代性费用施放。如果以其隐现费用施放,它在一段时间内不是生物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-176|702.176]],“隐现”。 ---- Imprint\\ 压印 “Imprint” used to be a keyword ability. It is now an ability word and has no rules meaning. All cards printed with the imprint keyword have received errata in the Oracle card reference.\\ “压印”曾经是关键字异能。现在为没有规则意义的异能提示。所有印有关键字压印的牌在Oracle牌张参考文献中得到了勘误。 ---- Improvise\\ 拼造 A keyword ability that lets you tap artifacts rather than pay mana to cast a spell. See rule 702.126, “Improvise.”\\ 一个关键字异能,使你可以在施放咒语时横置神器代替法术力来支付费用。 ---- In Play (Obsolete)\\ 场上(已废止) An obsolete term for the battlefield. Cards that were printed with text that contain the phrases “in play,” “from play,” “into play,” or the like are referring to the battlefield and have received errata in the Oracle card reference. See Battlefield.\\ 战场的已废止用词。印有叙述中包含“场上”、“从场上”、或其他类似引用战场用词的牌在Oracle牌张参考文献中得到了勘误。参见战场。 ---- In Response To\\ 作出响应 An instant spell that’s been cast, or an activated ability that’s been activated, while another spell or ability is on the stack has been cast or activated “in response to” the earlier spell or ability. See rule 117.7.\\ 于另一个堆叠上的咒语或异能被施放或起动时,施放一个咒语或起动一个异能,指对前一个咒语或异能“作出响应”。参见规则[[cr:1#cr117-7|117.7]]。 ---- Incubate\\ 抚育 A keyword action that creates an Incubator token with a specified number of +1/+1 counters on it. See rule 701.51, “Incubate.”\\ 一个关键字动作,派出一个上面有若干+1/+1指示物的抚育器衍生物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-51|701.51]],“抚育”。 ---- Incubator Token\\ 抚育器衍生物 An Incubator token is a transforming double-faced token. Its front face is a colorless Incubator artifact with “{2}: Transform this artifact.” Its back face is a 0/0 colorless Phyrexian artifact creature named “Phyrexian Token.” For more information about predefined tokens, see rule 111.10.\\ 抚育器衍生物是转化式双面衍生物。其正面是无色抚育器神器,且具有“{2}:转化此神器。”其背面是名为非瑞人衍生物的0/0无色非瑞人神器生物。欲知关于预定义衍生物的更多信息,参见规则[[cr:1#cr111-10|111.10]]。 ---- Independent\\ 不从属于 See Dependency.\\ 参见从属关系。 ---- Indestructible\\ 不灭 A keyword ability that precludes a permanent from being destroyed. See rule 702.12.\\ 一个关键字异能,让永久物不会被消灭。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-12|702.12]]。 ---- Infect\\ 侵染 A keyword ability that affects how an object deals damage to creatures and players. See rule 702.90, “Infect.”\\ 一个关键字异能,影响一个物件如何对生物或牌手造成伤害。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-90|702.90]],“侵染”。 ---- Ingest\\ 摄食 A keyword ability that can exile the top card of a player’s library. See rule 702.115, “Ingest.”\\ 一个关键字异能,可以放逐牌手的牌库顶牌。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-115|702.115]],“摄食”。 ---- Initiative\\ 先制 A designation a player can have. Some effects instruct a player to take the initiative. The player with the initiative ventures into Undercity whenever they take the initiative and at the beginning of their upkeep. See rule 723, “The Initiative.”\\ 牌手能获得的一种称号。一些效应使牌手掌握先制。握有先制的牌手在其掌握先制、及在其维持开始时深入地底城。参见规则[[cr:7#cr723|723]],“先制”。 ---- Instant\\ 瞬间 A card type. An instant is not a permanent. See rule 304, “Instants.”\\ 一种牌张类别。瞬间不是永久物。参见规则[[cr:3#cr304|304]],“瞬间”。 ---- Instead\\ 改为 Effects that use the word “instead” are replacement effects. The word “instead” indicates what an event will be replaced with. See rule 614, “Replacement Effects.”\\ 使用“改为”一词的效应为替代性效应。“改为”一词指明将要被替代的事件。参见规则[[cr:6#cr614|614]],“替代性效应”。 ---- Interrupt (Obsolete)\\ 干涉(已废止) An obsolete card type. All cards printed with this card type are now instants. All abilities that, as printed, said a player could “play as an interrupt” can now be activated like any other activated abilities (unless they’re mana abilities, in which case they follow those rules instead). All relevant cards have been given errata in the Oracle card reference.\\ 一个已废止的牌张类别。所有印有此类别的牌现在都是瞬间。所有印有牌手可以“视为干涉般使用”的异能现在都可以和任何其他起动式异能一样被起动(除非是法术力异能,它们改为遵循对应规则)。所有相关的牌在Oracle牌张参考文献中得到了勘误。 ---- Intervening “If” Clause\\ 以“若”开头的子句 A specially worded condition checked as a triggered ability would trigger and again as it would resolve. See rule 603.4.\\ 一个特别用词的条件,检查一个触发式异能是否会触发,并且在将结算时再次检查。参见规则[[cr:6#cr603-4|603.4]]。 ---- Intimidate\\ 威吓 A keyword ability that restricts how a creature may be blocked. See rule 702.13, “Intimidate.”\\ 一个关键字异能,限制一个生物可以怎样被阻挡。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-13|702.13]],“威吓”。 ---- Investigate\\ 探查 A keyword action that creates a Clue artifact token. See rule 701.36, “Investigate.”\\ 一个关键字动作,派出一个线索衍生神器。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-36|701.36]],“探查”。 ---- Island\\ 海岛 One of the five basic land types. Any land with this subtype has the ability “{T}: Add {U}.” See rule 305.6.\\ 五种基本地类别中的一种。任何具有此副类别的地都具有异能“{T}:加{U}。”参见规则[[cr:3#cr305-6|305.6]]。 ---- Islandcycling\\ 循环海岛 See Typecycling.\\ 参见类别循环。 ---- Islandhome (Obsolete)\\ 潜居海岛(已废止) An obsolete keyword ability that meant “This creature can’t attack unless defending player controls an Island” and “When you control no Islands, sacrifice this creature.” Cards printed with this ability have been given errata in the Oracle card reference.\\ 一个已废止的关键字异能,指“除非防御牌手操控海岛,否则此生物不能攻击”和“当你不操控海岛时,牺牲此生物”。印有此异能的牌在Oracle牌张参考文献中得到了勘误。 ---- Islandwalk\\ 海岛行者 See Landwalk.\\ 参见地行者。 ---- === J === Jump-Start\\ 再起 A keyword ability that lets a player cast a card from their graveyard by discarding a card. See rule 702.133, “Jump-Start.”\\ 一个关键字异能,允许牌手弃一张牌来从坟场施放一张牌。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-133|702.133]],“再起”。 ---- Junk Token\\ 废料衍生物 A Junk token is a colorless artifact token with {T}, Sacrifice this artifact: Exile the top card of your library. You may play that card this turn. Activate only as a sorcery.” For more information about predefined tokens, see rule 111.10.\\ 废料衍生物是具有“{T},牺牲此神器:放逐你的牌库顶牌。本回合中,你可以使用该牌。只能于法术时机起动。”的无色衍生神器。欲知关于预定义衍生物的更多信息,参见规则[[cr:1#cr111-10|111.10]]。 ---- === K === Keyword Ability\\ 关键字异能 A game term, such as “flying” or “haste,” used as shorthand for a longer ability or group of abilities. See rule 702, “Keyword Abilities.”\\ 一个游戏用语,例如“飞行”或“敏捷”,用来简述一个很长的异能或一组异能。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702|702]],“关键字异能”。 ---- Keyword Action\\ 关键字指示物 A verb, such as “destroy” or “cast,” used as a game term rather than as its normal English meaning. See rule 701, “Keyword Actions.”\\ 一个放置在物件上的标示物,赋予其一个关键字异能以影响其特征。参见规则[[cr:1#cr122|122]],“指示物”。 ---- Keyword Counter\\ 关键字动作 A marker placed on an object that modifies its characteristics by granting it a keyword. See rule 122, “Counters.”\\ 一个动词,例如“消灭”或“施放”,用来作为游戏用语而不是其正常的词意。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701|701]],“关键字动作”。 ---- Kicker, Kicked\\ 增幅,已增幅 Kicker is a keyword ability that represents an optional additional cost. A spell has been kicked if its controller declared the intention to pay any or all of its kicker costs. See rule 702.33, “Kicker.”\\ 增幅是一个关键字异能,表示一个选择性的额外费用。如果一个咒语的操控者宣告将支付其任何或所有的增幅费用,则该咒语已增幅。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-33|702.33]],“增幅”。 ---- Kindred\\ 亲缘 A card type. Whether or not a kindred is a permanent depends on its other card type. See rule 308, “Kindreds.”\\ 一种牌张类别。亲缘是否为永久物取决于它的其他牌张类别。参见规则[[cr:3#cr308|308]],“亲缘”。 ---- === L === Land\\ 地 A card type. A land is a permanent. See rule 305, “Lands.”\\ 一种牌张类别。地是永久物。参见规则[[cr:3#cr305|305]],“地”。 ---- Land Type\\ 地类别 A subtype that’s correlated to the land card type. See rule 305, “Lands.” See rule 205.3i for the list of land types.\\ 一种副类别,对应地牌张类别。参见规则[[cr:3#cr305|305]],“地”。地类别的列表参见规则[[cr:2#cr205-3i|205.3i]]。 ---- Landwalk\\ 地行者 A generic term for a group of keyword abilities that restrict whether a creature may be blocked. See rule 702.14, “Landwalk.”\\ 一组关键字异能的集合,限制生物如何可以被阻挡。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-14|702.14]],“地行者”。 ---- Last Known Information\\ 最后已知信息 Information about an object that’s no longer in the zone it’s expected to be in, or information about a player who’s no longer in the game. This information captures that object’s last existence in that zone or that player’s last existence in the game. See rules 113.7a, 608.2b, 608.2h, and 800.4h.\\ 有关一个不再存在于它应在区域的物件,或有关一个不再在游戏中的牌手的信息。信息将抓住该物件在该区域中存在最后一刻的信息,或牌手在离开游戏前最后一刻的信息。参见规则[[cr:1#cr113-7a|113.7a]]、[[cr:6#cr608-2b|608.2b]]、[[cr:6#cr608-2g|608.2g]]以及[[cr:8#cr800-4h|800.4h]]。 ---- Layer\\ 层 A system used to determine in which order continuous effects are applied. See rule 613, “Interaction of Continuous Effects.” See also Dependency, Timestamp Order.\\ 一个用来决定持续性效应生效顺序的系统。参见规则[[cr:6#cr613|613]],“持续性效应的互动”。另参见从属关系、时间印记顺序。 ---- Learn\\ 温习 A keyword action that lets a player add a Lesson card to their hand from outside the game or discard a card to draw a card. See rule 701.45, “Learn.”\\ 一个关键字异能,使牌手可以从游戏外将一张课程牌置于其手上,或弃一张牌然后抓一张牌。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-45|701.45]],“温习”。 ---- Leaves the Battlefield\\ 离开战场 A permanent “leaves the battlefield” when it’s moved from the battlefield to another zone, or (if it’s phased in) when it leaves the game because its owner leaves the game. See rules 603.6c and 603.10.\\ 当一个永久物从战场移到另一个区域时,或(如果它跃回的话)当它因为其拥有者离开游戏而离开游戏时,它“离开战场”。参见规则[[cr:6#cr603-6c|603.6c]]以及[[cr:6#cr603-10|603.10]]。 ---- Legal Text\\ 版权文字 Information printed directly below the text box that has no effect on game play. See rule 213, “Information Below the Text Box.”\\ 在文字栏下印刷的信息,对游戏本身没有任何影响。参见规则[[cr:2#cr213|213]],“文字栏下方信息”。 ---- Legend (Obsolete)\\ 传奇(已废止) An obsolete creature type. Cards printed with this subtype have been given errata in the Oracle card reference so they have the legendary supertype instead. See Legendary.\\ 一个被废止的生物类别。印有此副类别的牌在Oracle牌张参考文献中得到了勘误,改为具有传奇超类别。参见传奇。 ---- Legend Rule\\ 传奇规则 A state-based action that causes a player who controls two or more legendary permanents with the same name to put all but one into their owners’ graveyards. See rule 704.5j.\\ 一个状态动作,令操控两个或更多具有相同名称的传奇永久物的操控者,将其中一个以外的都放进它们拥有者的坟墓场。参见规则[[cr:7#cr704-5j|704.5j]]。 ---- Legendary\\ 传奇 A supertype that’s normally relevant on permanents. See rule 205.4, “Supertypes.” See also Legend Rule.\\ 一种超类别,一般情况下与永久物有关。参见规则[[cr:2#cr205-4|205.4]],“超类别”。另参见传奇规则。 ---- Lethal Damage\\ 致命伤害 An amount of damage greater than or equal to a creature’s toughness. See rules 120.4a, 120.6, 510.1, and 704.5g.\\ 伤害的数量大于或等于生物的防御力。参见规则[[cr:1#cr120-4a|120.4a]]、[[cr:1#cr120-6|120.6]]、[[cr:5#cr510-1|510.1]]以及[[cr:7#cr704-5g|704.5g]]。 ---- Level\\ 等级 A numerical designation a permanent may have. A Class enchantment’s level determines what other abilities it has. See rule 716, “Class Cards.”\\ 永久物可具有的一种数字形式的称号。职业结界的等级决定其具有哪些其他异能。参见规则[[cr:7#cr716|716]],“职业牌”。 ---- Level Symbol\\ 等级符号 A symbol that represents a keyword ability indicating abilities, power, and toughness a leveler card may have. See rule 107.8 and rule 711, “Leveler Cards.”\\ 该符号表示了一个关键字异能,列出升级牌可能具有的异能、力量以及防御力。参见规则[[cr:1#cr107-8|107.8]]以及规则[[cr:7#cr711|711]],“升级牌”。 ---- Level Up\\ 升级 A keyword ability that can put level counters on a creature. See rule 702.87, “Level Up.” For class level abilities of Class cards, see rule 716, “Class Cards.”\\ 一个关键字异能,在生物上放置等级指示物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-87|702.87]],“升级”。关于职业牌的职业等级异能,参见规则[[cr:7#cr716|716]],“职业牌”。 ---- Leveler Cards\\ 升级牌 Cards with striated text boxes and three power/toughness boxes. See rule 711, “Leveler Cards.”\\ 具有条状文字栏以及三个力量/防御力方格的牌。参见规则[[cr:7#cr711|711]],“升级牌”。 ---- Library\\ 牌库 1. A zone. A player’s library is where that player draws cards from.\\ 1. 一个区域。牌库是牌手抓牌的地方。 2. All the cards in a player’s library.\\ 2. 牌手牌库中的所有牌。 See rule 401, “Library.”\\ 参见规则[[cr:4#cr401|401]],“牌库”。 ---- Life Modifier\\ 生命修正 A characteristic that only vanguards have. See rule 212, “Life Modifier.”\\ 一个只有先锋牌才有的特征。参见规则[[cr:2#cr212|212]],“生命修正”。 ---- Life, Life Total\\ 生命,总生命 Each player has an amount of “life,” represented by that player’s “life total.” Life may be gained or lost. See rule 119, “Life.”\\ 每位牌手都具有一定数量的“生命”,表示该牌手的“总生命”。生命可以得到或失去。参见规则[[cr:1#cr119|119]],“生命”。 ---- Lifelink\\ 系命 A keyword ability that causes a player to gain life. See rule 702.15, “Lifelink.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让牌手得到生命。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-15|702.15]],“系命”。 ---- Limited\\ 限制赛 A way of playing in which each player gets a quantity of unopened Magic product and creates their own deck on the spot. See rule 100.2.\\ 一种玩法,每位牌手得到一定数量的未开封万智牌产品,并用它们创造自己的套牌。参见规则[[cr:1#cr100-2|100.2]]。 ---- Limited Range of Influence\\ 限制影响范围模式 An optional rule used in some multiplayer games that limits what a player can affect. See rule 801, “Limited Range of Influence Option.”\\ 在一些多人游戏中使用的可选规则,限制牌手能够影响的事物。参见规则[[cr:8#cr801|801]],“限制影响范围模式”。 ---- Linked Abilities\\ 关联异能 Two abilities printed on the same object such that one of them causes actions to be taken or objects to be affected and the other one directly refers to those actions or objects. See rule 607, “Linked Abilities.”\\ 在同一个物件上印的两个异能,其中一个将直接影响另一个提到的将进行的动作或受影响的物件。参见规则[[cr:6#cr607|607]],“关联异能”。 ---- Living Metal\\ 金属生命体 A keyword ability found on some Vehicles that turns them into a creature during your turn. See rule 702.161, “Living Metal.”\\ 一个见于载具上的关键字异能,能够令其在你的回合中变为生物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-161|702.161]],“金属生命体”。 ---- Living Weapon\\ 活化武器 A keyword ability that creates a 0/0 black Phyrexian Germ creature token and then attaches the Equipment with the ability to that token. See rule 702.92, “Living Weapon.”\\ 一个关键字异能,派出一个0/0黑色非瑞人/病菌衍生生物,并将具有该异能的武具贴附于该衍生物上。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-92|702.92]],“活化武器”。 ---- Local Enchantment (Obsolete)\\ 本地结界(已废止) An obsolete term for an Aura. Cards printed with this text have received errata in the Oracle card reference.\\ 灵气已废止的用词。印有此叙述的牌在Oracle牌张参考文献中得到了勘误。 ---- Lock\\ 上锁 To remove an unlocked designation from a permanent that has one or more unlocked halves. See rule 709.5g.\\ 令一边或数边已解锁的永久物失去一个解锁称号。参见规则[[cr:7#cr709-5g|709.5g]]。 ---- Locked\\ 已上锁 One half of a split permanent is “locked” if it doesn’t have the appropriate unlocked designation. See rule 709.5.\\ 如果一个连体永久物不具有特定的解锁称号,则其相应的一边为“已上锁”。参见规则[[cr:7#cr709-5|709.5]]。 ---- London Mulligan\\ 伦敦再调度 Informal term for the current system of mulligan rules. See rule 103.5.\\ 指代当前的再调度规则的非正式用词。参见规则[[cr:1#cr103-5|103.5]]。 ---- Loop\\ 循环(动作) A set of actions that could be repeated indefinitely. See rule 729, “Taking Shortcuts.”\\ 一系列可以重复无数次的动作。参见规则[[cr:7#cr729|729]],“进行简化”。 ---- Lose the Game\\ 输去游戏 There are several ways to lose the game. See rule 104, “Ending the Game,” rule 810.8 (for additional rules for Two-Headed Giant games), rule 809.5 (for additional rules for Emperor games), and rule 903.10 (for an additional rule for Commander games).\\ 有多种方式输去游戏。参见规则[[cr:1#cr104|104]],“结束游戏”、规则[[cr:8#cr810-8|810.8]](双头巨人玩法的额外规则)、规则[[cr:8#cr809-5|809.5]](皇帝玩法的额外规则)以及规则[[cr:9#cr903-10|903.10]](指挥官玩法的额外规则)。 ---- Loyalty\\ 忠诚 1. Part of a card that only planeswalker cards have. A planeswalker card’s loyalty is printed in its lower right corner. See rule 209, “Loyalty.”\\ 1. 只有鹏洛客牌具有的牌的一部分。鹏洛客牌的忠诚印在其右下角。参见规则[[cr:2#cr209|209]],“忠诚”。 2. A characteristic that only planeswalkers have. See rule 306.5.\\ 2. 只有鹏洛客具有的特征。参见规则[[cr:3#cr306-5|306.5]]。 ---- Loyalty Ability\\ 忠诚异能 An activated ability with a loyalty symbol in its cost. See rule 606, “Loyalty Abilities.”\\ 费用中具有忠诚符号的起动式异能。参见规则[[cr:6#cr606|606]],“忠诚异能”。 ---- === M === Madness\\ 疯魔 A keyword ability that lets a player cast a card they discard. See rule 702.35, “Madness.”\\ 一个关键字异能,允许牌手施放他所弃掉的牌。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-35|702.35]],“疯魔”。 ---- Main Game\\ 主游戏 The game in which a spell (or ability) that created a subgame was cast (or activated). See rule 726, “Subgames.”\\ 施放(或起动)了创造一个子游戏之咒语(或异能)所在的游戏。参见规则[[cr:7#cr726|726]],“子游戏”。 ---- Main Phase\\ 行动阶段 Part of the turn. The first, or precombat, main phase is the second phase of the turn. The second, or postcombat, main phase is the fourth phase of the turn. See rule 505, “Main Phase.”\\ 回合的一部分。第一个行动阶段,或战斗前行动阶段,是回合中的第二个阶段。第二个行动阶段,或战斗后行动阶段,是回合中的第四个阶段。参见规则[[cr:5#cr505|505]],“行动阶段”。 ---- Mana\\ 法术力 The primary resource in the game. It is spent to pay costs, usually when casting spells and activating abilities. See rule 106, “Mana,” rule 107.4, and rule 202, “Mana Cost and Color.”\\ 游戏中的主要资源。法术力用来支付费用,这通常发生在施放咒语或起动异能时。参见规则[[cr:1#cr106|106]],“法术力”,规则[[cr:1#cr107-4|107.4]],和规则[[cr:2#cr202|202]],“法术力费用和颜色”。 ---- Mana Ability\\ 法术力异能 An activated or triggered ability that could create mana and doesn’t use the stack. See rule 605, “Mana Abilities.”\\ 一类起动式或触发式异能,它们可以产生法术力,且不使用堆叠。参见规则[[cr:6#cr605|605]],“法术力异能”。 ---- Mana Burn (Obsolete)\\ 法术力灼烧(已废止) Older versions of the rules stated that unspent mana caused a player to lose life; this was called “mana burn.” That rule no longer exists.\\ 较老版本的规则中叙述未用完的法术力会导致牌手失去生命;这称为“法术力灼烧”。这条规则已不复存在。 ---- Mana Cost\\ 法术力费用 A characteristic, and part of a card. A card’s mana cost is indicated by the mana symbols printed in its upper right corner. See rule 107.4 and rule 202, “Mana Cost and Color.”\\ 牌的一部分,且是一种特征。一张牌的法术力费用由印在该牌右上角的法术力符号所指示。参见规则[[cr:1#cr107-4|107.4]]和规则[[cr:2#cr202|202]],“法术力费用和颜色”。 ---- Mana Pool\\ 法术力池 Where mana created by an effect is temporarily stored. See rule 106.4.\\ 由效应产生的法术力临时存储的地方。参见规则[[cr:1#cr106-4|106.4]]。 ---- Mana Source (Obsolete)\\ 法术力源(已废止) An obsolete card type. All cards printed with this card type are now instants. All abilities that, as printed, said a player could “play as a mana source” are now mana abilities. All relevant cards have been given errata in the Oracle card reference.\\ 一种已废止的牌张类别。所有印制为此类别的牌现在都是瞬间。所有印制为叙述牌手可以“视同法术力源一般使用”的异能现在都是法术力异能。与此相关的牌在Oracle牌张参考文献中已经获得勘误。 ---- Mana Symbol\\ 法术力符号 An icon that represents mana or a mana cost. See rule 107.4.\\ 表示法术力或法术力费用的符号。参见规则[[cr:1#cr107-4|107.4]]。 ---- Mana Value\\ 法术力值 The total amount of mana in a mana cost, regardless of color. See rule 202.3.\\ 一个法术力费用中法术力的总数,不计较颜色。参见规则[[cr:2#cr202-3|202.3]]。 ---- Manifest\\ 显化 A keyword action that puts a card onto the battlefield face down as a 2/2 creature. See rule 701.34, “Manifest,” and rule 708, “Face-Down Spells and Permanents.”\\ 一个关键字动作,将牌以牌面朝下的方式作为2/2生物放进战场。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-34|701.34]],“显化”,和规则[[cr:7#cr708|708]],“牌面朝下的咒语和永久物”。 ---- Manifest Dread\\ 显化惧象 A keyword action that puts one of the top two cards of your library onto the battlefield face down as a 2/2 creature. See rule 701.60, “Manifest Dread,” rule 701.34, “Manifest,” and rule 708, “Face-Down Spells and Permanents.”\\ 一个关键字动作,将你牌库顶两张牌中的一张以牌面朝下的方式作为2/2生物放进战场。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-60|701.60]],“显化惧象”,规则[[cr:7#cr701-34|701.34]],“显化”,和规则[[cr:7#cr708|708]],“牌面朝下的咒语和永久物”。 ---- Map\\ 地图 A Map token is a colorless Map artifact token with “{1}, {T}, Sacrifice this artifact: Target creature you control explores. Activate only as a sorcery.” See rule 701.40, “Explore.” For more information about predefined tokens, see rule 110.10.\\ 地图衍生物是具有“{1},{T},牺牲此神器:令目标由你操控的生物勘察。只能于法术时机起动。”的无色衍生神器。欲知关于预先定义的衍生物的更多信息,参见规则[[cr:1#cr111-10|111.10]]。 ---- Match\\ 局 A multiplayer game or a two-player series of games (usually best-two-of-three) played in a tournament. See rule 100.6.\\ 在比赛中进行的一盘多人游戏或一系列双人游戏(通常是三局两胜制)。参见规则[[cr:1#cr100-6|100.6]]。 ---- Max Speed\\ 速度极限 1. A player has max speed if their speed is 4. See rule 702.179, “Start Your Engines!”\\ 1. 如果某牌手的速度达到4,则其便达到速度极限。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-179|702.179]],“发动引擎!”。 2. A keyword ability that grants an ability to the permanent or card it’s on only if that permanent’s controller (or that card’s owner, if it isn’t on the battlefield) has a speed of 4. See rule 702.178, “Max Speed.”\\ 2. 一个关键字异能,赋予永久物或牌一个异能,该异能仅在该永久物的操控者(或该牌的拥有者,如果它不在战场上)的速度4时生效。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-178|702.178]],“速度极限”。 ---- Maximum Hand Size\\ 手牌上限 The number of cards in hand a player must discard down to during their cleanup step. See rule 402.2 and 514.1.\\ 牌手必须于清除阶段中将多余的牌弃掉,直到手牌的数量少于或等于该数字。参见规则[[cr:4#cr402-2|402.2]]和[[cr:5#cr514-1|514.1]]。 ---- Megamorph\\ 威力变身 A variant of the morph ability that puts a +1/+1 counter on the creature as it turns face up. See rule 702.37, “Morph.”\\ 变身异能的一种变化,于生物翻回正面时在其上放置一个+1/+1指示物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-37|702.37]],“变身”。 ---- Meld\\ 融合 To turn two members of a meld pair so their back faces are up and combined into one oversized Magic card. See rule 701.37, “Meld.”\\ 将一个融合牌组中的两张牌翻过来使其背面朝上并组合成一张大号万智牌卡牌。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-37|701.37]],“融合”。 ---- Meld Cards\\ 融合牌 Cards with a Magic card face on one side and half of an oversized Magic card face on the other. See rule 712, “Double-Faced Cards.”\\ 一种牌,一面具有万智牌的牌面,另一面是一张大号万智牌卡牌的一半。参见规则[[cr:7#cr712|712]],“双面牌”。 ---- Melee\\ 乱斗 A keyword ability that improves an attacking creature based on the number of opponents you attacked. See rule 702.121, “Melee.”\\ 一个关键字异能,根据你攻击的对手数量来强化一个进攻生物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-121|702.121]],“乱斗”。 ---- Menace\\ 威慑 An evasion ability that makes creatures unblockable by a single creature. See rule 702.111, “Menace.”\\ 一种躲避式异能,可以让生物不能被单一生物阻挡。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-111|702.111]],“威慑”。 ---- Mentor\\ 训导 A keyword ability that lets your bigger creatures power up your smaller creatures when they attack together. See rule 702.134, “Mentor.”\\ 一个关键字异能,使你的较大生物在与较小生物一同攻击时强化后者。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-134|702.134]],“训导”。 ---- Merged Permanent\\ 结聚永久物 A card or token may merge with a permanent to form a merged permanent. This merged permanent is represented by more than one card and/or token. See rule 727, “Merging with Permanents.”\\ 牌或衍生物可能会与永久物结聚,组合成结聚永久物。这个结聚永久物会由多于一张的牌或衍生物所代表。参见规则[[cr:7#cr727|727]],“与永久物结聚”。 ---- Mill\\ 磨 To mill a number of cards, a player puts that many cards from the top of their library into their graveyard. See rule 701.13.\\ 磨数张牌指,牌手将该数量的牌从牌库顶置于其坟墓场。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-13|701.13]]。 ---- Minimum Deck Size\\ 套牌数量下限 If a rule or effect states that a player’s deck must contain at least a specific number of cards, that number is the player’s minimum deck size.\\ 如果一个规则或效应叙述牌手的套牌必须至少包含一定数量的牌,该数量即为套牌数量下限。 ---- Miracle\\ 奇迹 A keyword ability that lets you cast a spell for a reduced cost if it’s the first card you draw in a turn. See rule 702.94, “Miracle.”\\ 一个关键字异能,如果该牌是回合中你所抓的第一张牌,便允许你用较低的费用施放它。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-94|702.94]],“奇迹”。 ---- Modal Double-Faced Cards\\ 模式双面牌 One of two kinds of double-faced cards. Modal double-faced cards can be played with either of their two faces up and can’t transform. See rule 712, “Double-Faced Cards.”\\ 两种双面牌中的一种。模式双面牌的两面可以任选一面朝上使用,但它不能转化。参见规则[[cr:7#cr712|712]],“双面牌”。 ---- Modal, Mode\\ 具有模式的,模式 A spell or ability is “modal” if it has two or more options in a bulleted list preceded by instructions for a player to choose a number of those options, such as “Choose one —.” See rule 700.2.\\ 如果某咒语或异能以项目列表的格式提供了两种或以上的选择,且以指示牌手从这些选项中选择数项的字样开头,例如“选择一项~”,此咒语或异能便具有模式。参见规则[[cr:7#cr700-2|700.2]]。 ---- Modified\\ 有饰装的 A modified creature is a creature that has a counter on it, is equipped, or is enchanted by an Aura its controller also controls. See rule 700.9.\\ 有饰装的生物是指其上有指示物、或佩带有武具、或被一个由其操控者操控的灵气所结附的生物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr700-9|700.9]]。 ---- Modular\\ 套件 A keyword ability that has a permanent enter the battlefield with +1/+1 counters on it and can move those counters to other artifact creatures. See rule 702.43, “Modular.”\\ 一个关键字异能,使得永久物进战场时带有+1/+1指示物,且能将这些指示物移动到其他神器生物上。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-43|702.43]],“套件”。 ---- Monarch\\ 君主 A designation a player can have. Some effects instruct a player to become the monarch. The monarch draws a card at the beginning of their end step. Dealing combat damage to the monarch steals the title from that player. See rule 722, “The Monarch.”\\ 牌手能获得的一种称号。一些效应使牌手成为君主。君主在其结束步骤开始时抓一张牌。对君主造成战斗伤害可以从该牌手上夺取该称号。参见规则[[cr:7#cr722|722]],“君主”。 ---- Mono Artifact (Obsolete)\\ 单一神器(已废止) An obsolete term that appeared on the type line of artifacts with activated abilities that caused the artifact to become tapped as a cost. Cards printed with this text have received errata in the Oracle card reference to simply say “Artifact,” and those abilities now include the tap symbol in their costs.\\ 一个已废止的用词,出现在神器的类别栏中。它代表神器具有起动式异能,且起动式异能的费用是将其横置。具有此用词的牌在Oracle牌张参考文献中得到勘误,现在它们的类别仅为“神器”,且其异能的费用中包含横置符号。 ---- Monocolored\\ 单色 An object with exactly one color is monocolored. Colorless objects aren’t monocolored. See rule 105, “Colors,” and rule 202, “Mana Cost and Color.”\\ 有且只有一种颜色的物件是单色。无色物件不是单色。参见规则[[cr:1#cr105|105]],“颜色”,和规则[[cr:2#cr202|202]],“法术力费用和颜色”。 ---- Monocolored Hybrid Mana Symbols\\ 单色混血法术力符号 See Hybrid Mana Symbols.\\ 参见混血法术力符号。 ---- Monstrosity\\ 蛮化(动作) A keyword action that puts +1/+1 counters on a creature and makes it become monstrous. See rule 701.31, “Monstrosity.”\\ 一个关键字动作,在生物上放置+1/+1指示物,并使其成为蛮化。(译注:中文版翻译中,“当...成为蛮化时”简略译为“当...蛮化时”,有可能引起混淆。)参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-31|701.31]],“蛮化”。 ---- Monstrous\\ 蛮化(状况)/已蛮化 A designation given to a creature whose ability including a monstrosity instruction has resolved. See rule 701.31, “Monstrosity.”\\ 因一个生物的蛮化起动式异能已经结算,而赋予它的一种称号。(译注:中文版翻译中,“当...成为蛮化时”简略译为“当...蛮化时”,有可能引起混淆。)参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-31|701.31]],“蛮化”。 ---- More Than Meets the Eye\\ 远超所见 A keyword ability that allows some cards to be cast converted. See rule 702.162, “More Than Meets the Eye,” and rule 701.50, “Convert.”\\ 一个关键字异能,使你可以已转换地施放某些牌。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-162|702.162]],“远超所见”,及规则[[cr:7#cr701-50|701.50]],“转换”。 ---- Morph\\ 变身 A keyword ability that lets a card be cast face down as a 2/2 creature. See rule 702.37, “Morph,” and rule 708, “Face-Down Spells and Permanents.”\\ 一个关键字异能,允许该牌以牌面朝下的方式,且视为2/2生物一般施放。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-37|702.37]],“变身”,和规则[[cr:7#cr708|708]],“牌面朝下的咒语和永久物”。 ---- Mountain\\ 山脉 One of the five basic land types. Any land with this subtype has the ability “{T}: Add {R}.” See rule 305.6.\\ 五种基本地类别中的一种。任何具有此副类别的地都具有异能“{T}:加{R}。”参见规则[[cr:3#cr305-6|305.6]]。 ---- Mountaincycling\\ 循环山脉 See Typecycling.\\ 参见类别循环。 ---- Mountainwalk\\ 山脉行者 See Landwalk.\\ 参见地行者。 ---- Move\\ 移动 To remove a counter from one object and put it on a different object. See rule 122.5.\\ 从一个物件上移除指示物,并将其放置在另一个物件上。参见规则[[cr:1#cr122-5|122.5]]。 Some older cards used “move” with respect to Auras; those cards have received errata in the Oracle card reference and now use the word “attach.”\\ 一些较老的牌使用“移动”一词提及灵气;这些牌在Oracle牌张参考文献中已获得勘误,现在使用“贴附”一词。 ---- Mulligan\\ 再调度 To take a mulligan is to reject a prospective opening hand in favor of a new one. See rule 103.5.\\ 执行“再调度”是指不接受一副可能的起手牌,并用一副新的起手牌代替之。参见规则[[cr:1#cr103-5|103.5]]。 ---- Multicolored\\ 多色 An object with two or more colors is multicolored. Multicolored is not a color. See rule 105, “Colors,” and rule 202, “Mana Cost and Color.”\\ 具有两个或更多颜色的物件便是多色。多色并不是一种颜色。参见规则[[cr:1#cr105|105]],“颜色”,和规则[[cr:2#cr202|202]],“法术力费用和颜色”。 ---- Multikicker\\ 多重增幅 Multikicker is a variant of the kicker keyword ability. It represents an optional additional cost that may be paid any number of times. See rule 702.33, “Kicker.” See also Kicker.\\ 多重增幅是增幅关键字异能的变化形式。它代表一种可以支付任意次的可选额外费用。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-33|702.33]],“增幅”。另参见增幅。 ---- Multiplayer Game\\ 多人游戏 A game that begins with more than two players. See section 8, “Multiplayer Rules.”\\ 开始时多于两人参与的游戏。参见[[cr:8|第8章]],“多人游戏规则”。 ---- Mutate\\ 合变 A keyword that lets a creature card be cast as a mutating creature spell. See rule 702.140, “Mutate.”\\ 一个关键字,使得生物可以作为合变式生物咒语施放。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-140|702.140]],“合变”。 ---- Mutating Creature Spell\\ 合变式生物咒语 A creature spell cast using the mutate keyword ability. As it resolves, if its target creature is legal, it merges with the target creature. The resulting creature has all characteristics of the topmost component and has the abilities of each component. See rule 702.140, “Mutate,” and rule 727, “Merging with Permanents.”\\ 一个使用合变关键字异能施放的生物咒语。于其结算时,如果其目标的生物合法,其与该目标生物结聚。所成的生物具有最顶上组件的所有特征以及每个组件的异能。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-140|702.140]],“合变”,以及规则[[cr:7#cr727|727]],“与永久物结聚”。 ---- Myriad\\ 繁影 Myriad is a triggered ability that effectively lets a creature attack in all possible directions. See rule 702.116, “Myriad.”\\ 一个触发式异能,能使生物向所有可能的方向攻击。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-116|702.116]],“繁影”。 ---- === N === Name\\ 名称 A characteristic, and part of a card. A card’s name is printed in its upper left corner. See rule 201, “Name.”\\ 一个特征,也是牌的一部分。牌的名称印在它的左上角。参见规则[[cr:2#cr201|201]],“名称”。 ---- Night\\ 黑夜 Along with day, a designation the game can have. See rule 728, “Day and Night,” and rule 702.145, “Daybound and Nightbound.”\\ 与白昼一起,均是游戏可以具有的称号。参见规则[[cr:7#cr728|728]],“白昼与黑夜”,与规则[[cr:7#cr702-145|702.145]],“昼形与夜形”。 ---- Nightbound\\ 夜形 An ability found on the back faces of some double-faced cards. Cards with daybound and nightbound are face up when it’s day and face down when it’s night. See rule 702.145, “Daybound and Nightbound,” and rule 728, “Day and Night.”\\ 一种异能,见于一些双面牌的背面上。具昼形与夜形异能的牌,在白昼时正面朝上,在黑夜时背面朝上。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-145|702.145]],“昼形与夜形”,与规则[[cr:7#cr728|728]],“白昼与黑夜”。 ---- Ninjutsu\\ 忍术 A keyword ability that lets a creature suddenly enter combat. See rule 702.49, “Ninjutsu.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让生物突然加入战斗。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-49|702.49]],“忍术”。 ---- Nonbasic Land\\ 非基本地 Any land that doesn’t have the supertype “basic.” See rule 205.4, “Supertypes.”\\ 任何不具有超类别“基本”的地。参见规则[[cr:2#cr205-4|205.4]],“超类别”。 ---- Nontraditional Magic Card\\ 非传统万智牌 A card not included in players’ decks. It may be oversized or have a card back other than a “Deckmaster” back. See rule 108.2.\\ 不包含在牌手套牌中的一种牌。它们可能是大号尺寸,或具有不为“Deckmaster”的背面。参见规则[[cr:1#cr108-2|108.2]]。 ---- === O === Object\\ 物件 An ability on the stack, a card, a copy of a card, an emblem, a token, a spell, or a permanent. See rule 109, “Objects.”\\ 堆叠上的异能、牌、牌的复制品、衍生物、咒语或永久物。参见规则[[cr:1#cr109|109]],“物件”。 ---- Offering\\ 献祭 A keyword ability that modifies when you can cast a spell and how much mana you need to spend to do it. See rule 702.48, “Offering.”\\ 一个关键字异能,影响你何时施放咒语以及所需要花费的法术力数量。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-48|702.48]],“献祭”。 ---- Offspring\\ 繁生 A keyword ability that allows you to pay an additional cost as you cast a creature spell to create a 1/1 token that’s a copy of that permanent when it enters the battlefield. See rule 702.175, “Offspring.”\\ 一个关键字异能,允许你施放生物咒语时支付额外费用,在该永久物进战场时派出为其复制品的1/1衍生物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-175|702.175]],“繁生”。 ---- One-Shot Effect\\ 一次性效应 An effect that does something just once and doesn’t have a duration. See rule 610, “One-Shot Effects.” See also Continuous Effects.\\ 只作一件事且没有持续的效应。参见规则[[cr:6#cr610|610]],“一次性效应”。另参见持续性效应。 ---- Ongoing\\ 长效 A supertype that appears only on scheme cards. See rule 205.4, “Supertypes.”\\ 只出现在邪计牌上的超类别。参见规则[[cr:2#cr205-4|205.4]],“超类别”。 ---- Opening Hand\\ 起手 The hand of cards a player starts the game with, once the player has decided not to take any further mulligans. See rule 103.5.\\ 在牌手决定不再调度之后,其开始游戏时手上的牌。参见规则[[cr:1#cr103-5|103.5]]。 ---- Opponent\\ 对手 Someone a player is playing against. See rules 102.2 and 102.3.\\ 牌手正在对局的人。参见规则[[cr:1#cr102-2|102.2]]和[[cr:1#cr102-3|102.3]]。 ---- Option\\ 模式(多人游戏) An additional rule or set of rules that can be used in a multiplayer game. See rule 800.2.\\ 多人游戏中可以使用的一些额外规则。参见规则[[cr:8#cr800-2|800.2]]。 ---- Oracle\\ Oracle The reference that contains the up-to-date wordings (in English) for all tournament-legal cards. A card’s Oracle text can be found using the Gatherer card database at Gatherer.Wizards.com. See rule 108.1.\\ 牌张参考文献,包括所有比赛中合法使用牌的最新叙述(英文)。牌的Oracle叙述可以在Gatherer牌张数据库中找到:[url]http://Gatherer.Wizards.com[/url]。参见规则[[cr:1#cr108-1|108.1]]。 ---- Outlast\\ 延生 A keyword ability that allows a creature to grow larger over time. See rule 702.107, “Outlast.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让生物能够持续变大。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-107|702.107]],“延生”。 ---- Outside the Game\\ 游戏之外 An object is “outside the game” if it isn’t in any of the game’s zones. See rule 400.11.\\ 如果一个物件不在任何游戏区域中,该物件在“游戏之外”。参见规则[[cr:4#cr400-11|400.11]]。 ---- Overload\\ 超载 A keyword ability that allows a spell to affect either a single target or many objects. See rule 702.96, “Overload.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让一个咒语影响一个目标或多个物件。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-96|702.96]],“超载”。 ---- Owner\\ 拥有者 The player who (for purposes of the game) a card, permanent, token, or spell belongs to. See rules 108.3, 110.2, 111.2, and 112.2.\\ (作为游戏的一部分)拥有一张牌、永久物、衍生物或咒语的牌手。参见规则[[cr:1#cr108-3|108.3]]、[[cr:1#cr110-2|110.2]]、[[cr:1#cr111-2|111.2]]和[[cr:1#cr112-2|112.2]]。 ---- === P === Paired\\ 搭档 A term that describes a creature that’s been affected by a soulbond ability. See rule 702.95, “Soulbond.”\\ 一个描述受魂系异能影响之生物的用词。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-95|702.95]],“魂系”。 ---- Paris Mulligan\\ 巴黎再调度 Informal term for a previous system of taking a mulligan. Using the Paris mulligan, a player who took a mulligan shuffled their hand into their library and drew one fewer card. For current mulligan rules, see rule 103.5.\\ 指代一种曾经的再调度方式的非正式用词。使用巴黎再调度方式时,牌手再调度时将其手牌洗入其牌库,然后少抓一张牌。要查看当前的再调度规则,参见规则[[cr:1#cr103-5|103.5]]。 ---- Partner, “Partner with [name]”\\ 拍档,与[名称]拍档 A keyword ability that lets two legendary creatures or planeswalkers be your commander in the Commander variant rather than one. “Partner with [name]” is a specialized version of the ability that works even outside of the Commander variant to help two cards reach the battlefield together. See rule 702.124, “Partner,” and rule 903, “Commander.”\\ 一个关键字异能,在指挥官玩法中使两个传奇生物(而不是一个)成为你的指挥官。“与[名称]拍档”是此异能的特别形式,它即使在指挥官玩法之外也能起作用,能帮助两张牌同时抵达战场。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-124|702.124]],“拍档”以及规则[[cr:9#cr903|903]],“指挥官”。 ---- Party\\ 冒险团 Some cards refer to the number of creatures in your party. A player’s party includes up to one each of Cleric, Rogue, Warrior, and Wizard. See rule 700.8.\\ 一些牌提及你冒险团中的生物数量。牌手的冒险团由僧侣、浪客、战士和法术师组成,每种类别至多只计入一个。参见规则[[cr:7#cr700-8|700.8]]。 ---- Pass\\ 让过 To decline to take any action (such as casting a spell or activating an ability) when you have priority. See rule 117, “Timing and Priority.”\\ 在拥有优先权时不执行动作(例如施放咒语或起动异能)。参见规则[[cr:1#cr117|117]],“时机和优先权”。 ---- Pass in Succession\\ 依次让过 All players “pass in succession” if each player in the game (starting with any one of them) opts not to take an action upon receiving priority. See rule 117, “Timing and Priority.”\\ 如果游戏中的每位牌手(从任意一人开始)在得到优先权时都不执行动作,所有牌手便“依次让过”。参见规则[[cr:1#cr117|117]],“时机和优先权”。 ---- Pawprint Symbol\\ 爪印符号 A symbol shaped like a pawprint that is used to indicate the modes on some modal spells. See rule 700.2i.\\ 一个形状像爪印的符号,在某些具有模式的咒语中用于指示模式。参见规则[[cr:7#cr700-2i|700.2i]]。 ---- Pay\\ 支付 To perform the actions required by a cost. This often means, but is not restricted to, spending resources such as mana or life. See rule 118, “Costs.”\\ 当游戏产生费用要求时,执行满足要求的动作。这通常意味着,但不限于,花费法术力或生命等资源。参见规则[[cr:1#cr118|118]],“费用”。 ---- Permanent\\ 永久物 A card or token on the battlefield. See rule 110, “Permanents.”\\ 战场上的牌或衍生物。参见规则[[cr:1#cr110|110]],“永久物”。 ---- Permanent Card\\ 永久物牌 A card that could be put onto the battlefield. See rule 110.4a.\\ 可以放进战场的牌。参见规则[[cr:1#cr110-4a|110.4a]]。 ---- Permanent Spell\\ 永久物咒语 A spell that will enter the battlefield as a permanent as part of its resolution. See rule 110.4b.\\ 结算时会作为永久物进入战场的咒语。参见规则[[cr:1#cr110-4b|110.4b]]。 ---- Permanently (Obsolete)\\ 永久地(已废止) An obsolete term used to indicate that a continuous effect has no duration and thus lasts until the end of the game. Cards printed with this term have received errata in the Oracle card reference to delete it.\\ 一个已废止的用词,指示一个持续性效应没有时限,并延续直到此盘游戏结束。具有此用词的牌在Oracle牌张参考文献中已获得勘误,并删去此用词。 ---- Persist\\ 留存 A keyword ability that can return a creature from the graveyard to the battlefield. See rule 702.79, “Persist.”\\ 一个关键字异能,可以将生物从坟场返回战场。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-79|702.79]],“留存”。 ---- Phase\\ 阶段/时间跳跃(译者注:这两个词在英文原文中相同) 1. A subsection of a turn. See section 5, “Turn Structure.”\\ 1. 组成回合的一部分。参见[[cr:5|第5章]],“回合结构”。 2. A permanent “phases in” when its status changes from phased out to phased in. A permanent “phases out” when its status changes from phased in to phased out. See rule 702.26, “Phasing.”\\ 2. 当永久物的状态从已跃离变为已跃回时,该永久物“跃回”。当永久物的状态从已跃回变为已跃离时,该永久物“跃离”。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-26|702.26]],“时间跳跃”。 ---- Phased In, Phased Out\\ 已跃回,已跃离 A status a permanent may have. Phased-in is the default status. Phased-out permanents are treated as though they do not exist. See rule 110.5 and rule 702.26, “Phasing.” (“Phased-out” was a zone in older versions of the rules.)\\ 永久物可能具有的状态。默认状态下,永久物都是已跃回。已跃离的永久物被视为其不存在。参见规则[[cr:1#cr110-5|110.5]]和规则[[cr:7#cr702-26|702.26]],“时间跳跃”。(“跃离区”在较老版本的规则中是一个游戏区域。) ---- Phasing\\ 时间跳跃 A keyword ability that causes a permanent to sometimes be treated as though it does not exist. See rule 702.26, “Phasing.”\\ 一个关键字异能,使得永久物有时被视为其不存在。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-26|702.26]],“时间跳跃”。 ---- Phenomenon\\ 异象 A card type seen only on nontraditional Magic cards in the Planechase casual variant. A phenomenon card is not a permanent. See rule 312, “Phenomena.”\\ 只出现在非传统万智牌上的一种牌张类别,在竞逐时空休闲式玩法中使用。参见规则[[cr:3#cr312|312]],“异象”。 ---- Phyrexian Mana Symbol\\ 非瑞克西亚法术力符号 A mana symbol that represents a cost that can be paid either by spending colored mana or by paying life. See rule 107.4.\\ 一种法术力符号,表示其既可以使用有色法术力支付,也可以使用生命支付。参见规则[[cr:1#cr107-4|107.4]]。 ---- Phyrexian Symbol\\ 非瑞克西亚符号 A symbol used in rules text to represent any of the five Phyrexian mana symbols. See rule 107.4g.\\ 规则叙述中使用的一种符号,代表五种非瑞克西亚法术力符号中的任何一种。参见规则[[cr:1#cr107-4g|107.4g]]。 ---- Pile\\ 堆 A temporary grouping of cards. See rule 700.3.\\ 牌的临时分组方式。参见规则[[cr:7#cr700-3|700.3]]。 ---- Placed\\ 放置(译注:place和put中文都译为放置,此词已废止仅因为英文统一了词汇。) (Obsolete) Some spells and abilities previously referred to a counter being “placed” on a permanent. These cards have received errata in the Oracle card reference to use the term “put” instead. Due to a rules change, these cards continue to function as they did before. See rule 122, “Counters.”\\ (已废止)一些咒语和异能先前提及指示物“被放置(placed)”在永久物上。这些牌张在Oracle牌张参考文献中得到勘误,现使用“放置(put)”一词。由于规则变动,这些牌张仍能如往常一般地正常运作。参见规则[[cr:1#cr122|122]],“指示物”。 ---- Plains\\ 平原 One of the five basic land types. Any land with this subtype has the ability “{T}: Add {W}.” See rule 305.6.\\ 五种基本地类别中的一种。任何具有此副类别的地都具有异能“{T}:加{W}。”参见规则[[cr:3#cr305-6|305.6]]。 ---- Plainscycling\\ 平原行者 See Typecycling.\\ 参见类别循环。 ---- Plainswalk\\ 平原行者 See Landwalk.\\ 参见地行者。 ---- Planar Deck\\ 时空套牌 A deck of at least ten plane cards needed to play the Planechase casual variant. See rule 901.3.\\ 竞逐时空休闲式玩法需要的至少十张时空牌组成的套牌。参见规则[[cr:9#cr901-3|901.3]]。 ---- Planar Die\\ 时空骰 A specialized six-sided die needed to play the Planechase casual variant. See rule 901.3.\\ 竞逐时空休闲式玩法需要的特制六面骰。参见规则[[cr:9#cr901-3|901.3]]。 ---- Plane\\ 时空 A card type seen only on nontraditional Magic cards in the Planechase casual variant. A plane card is not a permanent. See rule 311, “Planes.”\\ 一种牌张类别,只在竞逐时空休闲式玩法中使用的非传统万智牌上出现。时空牌不是永久物。参见规则[[cr:3#cr311|311]],“时空”。 ---- Planechase\\ 竞逐时空 A casual variant in which plane cards and phenomenon cards add additional abilities and randomness to the game. See rule 901, “Planechase.”\\ 一种休闲式玩法,时空牌和异象牌为游戏带来额外的异能和随机性。参见规则[[cr:9#cr901|901]],“竞逐时空”。 ---- Planeswalk\\ 时空换境 To put each face-up plane card or phenomenon card on the bottom of its owner’s planar deck face down, then move the top card of your planar deck off that planar deck and turn it face up in a Planechase game. See rule 701.24, “Planeswalk.”\\ 在竞逐时空游戏中,将每张面朝上的时空牌或异象牌面朝下置于其拥有者的时空套牌底,然后将你的时空套牌顶牌移离该时空套牌并将其翻回正面。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-24|701.24]],“时空换境”。 ---- Planeswalker\\ 鹏洛客(旧译旅法师) A card type. A planeswalker is a permanent. See rule 306, “Planeswalkers.”\\ 一种牌张类别。鹏洛客是永久物。参见规则[[cr:3#cr306|306]],“鹏洛客”。 ---- Planeswalker Symbol\\ 鹏洛客符号 The Planeswalker symbol appears on the planar die in the Planechase casual variant. See rule 107.11.\\ 鹏洛客符号出现在竞逐时空休闲式玩法中使用的时空骰上。参见规则[[cr:1#cr107-11|107.11]]。 ---- Planeswalker Type\\ 鹏洛客类别 A subtype that’s correlated to the planeswalker card type. See rule 306, “Planeswalkers.” See rule 205.3j for the list of planeswalker types.\\ 与鹏洛客牌张类别相关的副类别。参见规则[[cr:3#cr306|306]],“鹏洛客”。参见规则[[cr:2#cr205-3j|205.3j]]查看鹏洛客类别的列表。 ---- Planeswalker Uniqueness Rule (Obsolete)\\ 鹏洛客唯一规则(已废止) Older versions of the rules stated that a player who controlled two or more planeswalkers with the same planeswalker type would put all but one of those planeswalkers into their owners’ graveyards. This rule was called the “planeswalker uniqueness rule” and no longer exists.\\ 先前版本的规则叙述牌手操控两个或更多具有相同鹏洛客类别的鹏洛客时,除留下其中之一外,其余均置于其拥有者的坟墓场。此规则曾称为“鹏洛客唯一规则”,现已不复存在。 ---- Play\\ 使用/场上(译者注:这两个词在英文原文中相同) 1. To play a land is to put a land onto the battlefield as a special action. See rule 116, “Special Actions,” and rule 305, “Lands.”\\ 1. 使用一张地是指将一张地作为特殊动作放进战场。参见规则[[cr:1#cr116|116]],“特殊动作”,和规则[[cr:3#cr305|305]],“地”。 2. To play a card is to play that card as a land or cast that card as a spell, whichever is appropriate. See rule 601, “Casting Spells.”\\ 2. 使用一张牌是指使用地或施放咒语,依该牌的牌张类别而定。参见规则[[cr:6#cr601|601]],“施放咒语”。 3. (Obsolete) Casting a spell used to be known as playing a spell. Cards with that text have received errata in the Oracle card reference. See Cast.\\ 3. (已废止)施放咒语曾经称为使用咒语。具有该用词的牌在Oracle牌张参考文献中已获得勘误。参见施放。 4. (Obsolete) Activating an activated ability used to be known as playing an activated ability. Cards with that text have received errata in the Oracle card reference. See Activate.\\ 4. (已废止)起动起动式异能曾经称为使用起动式异能。具有该用词的牌在Oracle牌张参考文献中已获得勘误。参见起动。 5. (Obsolete) The battlefield used to be known as the in-play zone. Cards that were printed with text that contains the phrases “in play,” “from play,” “into play,” or the like are referring to the battlefield and have received errata in the Oracle card reference. See Battlefield.\\ 5. (已废止)战场曾经称为场上区。具有用词“场上”、“从场上”等提及战场的牌在Oracle牌张参考文献中已获得勘误。参见战场。(译注:中文版中“进场”一词曾用于对译“come into play”这一废止用词,现重新用于对译“enter”。) ---- Player\\ 牌手 One of the people in the game. See rule 102, “Players.”\\ 游戏中的人之一。参见规则[[cr:1#cr102|102]],“牌手”。 ---- Plot\\ 设谋 A keyword ability that lets a player exile cards from their hand and cast them without paying their mana cost on future turns. See rule 702.170, “Plot.”\\ 一个关键字异能,允许牌手从手上放逐牌并在之后的回合中施放,且不需支付其法术力费用。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-170|702.170]],“设谋”。 ---- Plotted\\ 已设谋 A card exiled using the plot special action becomes plotted. Other effects can also make an exiled card plotted. See rule 702.170, “Plot.”\\ 以设谋特殊动作放逐的牌成为已设谋。其他效应亦能令一张已放逐的牌成为已设谋。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-170|702.170]],“设谋”。 ---- Poison Counter\\ 中毒指示物 A counter that may be given to a player. See rule 122, “Counters,” and rule 704.5c.\\ 可以给予牌手的一种指示物。参见规则[[cr:1#cr122|122]],“指示物”,和规则[[cr:7#cr704-5c|704.5c]]。 ---- Poisoned\\ 已中毒 Having one or more poison counters. See rule 122, “Counters.”\\ 具有一个或数个中毒指示物。参见规则[[cr:1#cr122|122]],“指示物”。 ---- Poisonous\\ 剧毒 A keyword ability that causes a player to get poison counters. See rule 702.70, “Poisonous.”\\ 一个关键字异能,使牌手获得中毒指示物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-70|702.70]],“剧毒”。 ---- Poly Artifact (Obsolete)\\ 多重神器(已废止) An obsolete term that appeared on the type line of artifacts with activated abilities that didn’t cause the artifact to be tapped as a cost. Cards printed with this text have received errata in the Oracle card reference to simply say “Artifact.”\\ 一个已废止的用词,出现在神器的类别栏中。它代表神器具有起动式异能,且起动式异能的费用不包含将其横置。具有此用词的牌在Oracle牌张参考文献中得到勘误,现在它们的类别仅为“神器”。 ---- Populate\\ 殖民 A keyword action that creates a copy of a creature token you control. See rule 701.30, “Populate.”\\ 一个关键字动作,派出由你操控的衍生生物之复制品。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-30|701.30]],“殖民”。 ---- Postcombat Main Phase\\ 战斗后行动阶段 A main phase that occurs after a combat phase. See Main Phase.\\ 战斗阶段之后的行动阶段。参见行动阶段。 ---- Power\\ 力量 1. Part of a card that only creature cards have. A creature card’s power is printed before the slash in its lower right corner. See rule 208, “Power/Toughness.”\\ 1. 只有生物牌具有的牌的一部分。生物牌的力量印在其右下角斜线之前。参见规则[[cr:2#cr208|208]],“力量/防御力”。 2. A characteristic that only creatures have. See rule 302.4.\\ 2. 一个只有生物才具有的特征。参见规则[[cr:3#cr302-4|302.4]]。 ---- Powerstone Token\\ 魔力石衍生物 A Powerstone token is a colorless artifact token with “{T}: Add {C}. This mana can’t be spent to cast a nonartifact spell.” For more information about predefined tokens, see rule 111.10.\\ 魔力石衍生物是具有“{T}:加{C}。此法术力不能用来施放非神器咒语。”的无色魔力石衍生神器。欲知关于预定义衍生物的更多信息,参见规则[[cr:1#cr111-10|111.10]]。 ---- Precombat Main Phase\\ 战斗前行动阶段 The first main phase of a turn. See Main Phase.\\ 回合中的第一个行动阶段。参见行动阶段。 ---- Prevent\\ 防止 A word used by prevention effects to indicate what damage will not be dealt. See rule 615, “Prevention Effects.”\\ 一个出现在防止性效应中的用词,指示哪些伤害不会造成。参见规则[[cr:6#cr615|615]],“防止性效应”。 ---- Prevention Effect\\ 防止性效应 A kind of continuous effect that watches for a damage event that would happen and completely or partially prevents the damage that would be dealt. See rule 615, “Prevention Effects.”\\ 一类持续性效应,等待将要发生的伤害事件,并完全或部分地防止将要造成的伤害。参见规则[[cr:6#cr615|615]],“防止性效应”。 ---- Priority\\ 优先权 Which player can take actions at any given time is determined by a system of “priority.” See rule 117, “Timing and Priority.”\\ 使用“优先权”系统来决定任一时刻哪位牌手可以执行动作。参见规则[[cr:1#cr117|117]],“时机和优先权”。 ---- Prize\\ 奖励 An additional reward for visiting some Attractions. See rule 702.159, “Visit.”\\ 造访一些景点带来的额外好处。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-159|702.159]],“造访”。 ---- Proliferate\\ 增殖 To give an additional counter to any number of players and/or permanents of each kind they already have. See rule 701.27, “Proliferate.”\\ 对于任意数量的已有指示物的牌手和/或永久物,其上每种指示物都给予一个额外的指示物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-27|701.27]],“增殖”。 ---- Protect, Protector\\ 防卫,防卫者 Each battle has a player designated as its protector, and that player protects that battle. See rule 310.8.\\ 每个战役都需要指定一位牌手作为防卫者,该牌手防卫该战役。参见规则[[cr:3#cr310-8|310.8]]。 ---- Protection\\ 保护 A keyword ability that provides a range of benefits against objects with a specific quality. See rule 702.16, “Protection.”\\ 一个关键字异能,具此异能者免受具指定特性之物件的一系列影响。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-16|702.16]],“保护”。 ---- Prototype\\ 试作 An ability which allows a prototype card to be cast with a secondary set of characteristics. See rule 718, “Prototype Cards,” and rule 702.160, “Prototype.”\\ 一个异能,允许一张试作牌使用其第二组特征来施放。参见规则[[cr:7#cr718|718]],“试作牌”,及规则[[cr:7#cr702-160|702.160]],“试作”。 ---- Prototype Card\\ 试作牌 Cards with a two-part card frame (one part of which is inset under the type line) on a single card. See rule 718, “Prototype Cards.”\\ 一张分为两部分(且其中一部分是嵌在类别栏下方)的牌。参见规则[[cr:7#cr718|718]],“试作牌”。 ---- Provoke\\ 挑拨 A keyword ability that can force a creature to block. See rule 702.39, “Provoke.”\\ 一个关键字异能,可以迫使生物进行阻挡。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-39|702.39]],“挑拨”。 ---- Prowess\\ 灵技 A keyword ability that causes a creature to get +1/+1 whenever its controller casts a noncreature spell. See rule 702.108, “Prowess.”\\ 一个关键字异能,当生物的操控者施放非生物咒语时,使该生物得+1/+1。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-108|702.108]],“灵技”。 ---- Prowl\\ 伺机 A keyword ability that may allow a spell to be cast for an alternative cost. See rule 702.76, “Prowl.”\\ 一个关键字异能,有时允许咒语以替代性费用施放。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-76|702.76]],“伺机”。 ---- Public Zone\\ 公开区域 A zone in which all players can be expected to see the cards’ faces. See rule 400.2. See also Hidden Zone.\\ 所有牌手都可以看到其中牌面的区域。参见规则[[cr:4#cr400-2|400.2]]。另参见隐藏区域。 ---- === R === Rad Counter\\ 拉德指示物 A type of counter a player can have that causes that player to mill cards at the beginning of their precombat main phase, then lose 1 life and remove one rad counter for each nonland card milled this way. See rule 122, “Counters,” and rule 725, “Rad Counters.”\\ 牌手可以具有的一种指示物,会导致牌手在其战斗前的行动阶段磨牌,然后每以此法磨掉一张非地牌,便失去1点生命并移去一个拉德指示物。参见规则[[cr:1#cr122|122]],“指示物”,及规则[[cr:7#cr725|725]],“拉德指示物”。 ---- Rampage\\ 狂暴 A keyword ability that can make a creature better in combat. See rule 702.23, “Rampage.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让生物在战斗中更强。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-23|702.23]],“狂暴”。 ---- Range of Influence\\ 影响范围 See Limited Range of Influence.\\ 参见限制影响范围。 ---- Ravenous\\ 贪食 A keyword ability found on some creature cards with {X} in their mana cost. The creature enters the battlefield with X +1/+1 counters on it, and you draw a card if X is 5 or more. See rule 702.156, “Ravenous.”\\ 一个关键字异能,见于一些法术力费用中含有{X}的生物牌上。该生物进战场时上面有X个+1/+1指示物,且如果X等于或大于5,你抓一张牌。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-156|702.156]],“贪食”。 ---- Reach\\ 延势 A keyword ability that allows a creature to block an attacking creature with flying. See rule 702.17, “Reach.” See also Flying.\\ 一个关键字异能,让生物可以阻挡具有飞行的攻击生物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-17|702.17]],“延势”。另参见飞行。 ---- Read Ahead\\ 跳读 A keyword ability found on some Sagas that allows their controller to choose which chapter it starts on. See rule 702.155, “Read Ahead.”\\ 一个见于传纪上的关键字异能,允许其操控者选择从哪个章节开始。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-155|702.155]],“跳读”。 ---- Rebound\\ 弹回 A keyword ability that allows an instant or sorcery spell to be cast a second time. See rule 702.88, “Rebound.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让瞬间或法术咒语可以被第二次施放。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-88|702.88]],“弹回”。 ---- Reconfigure\\ 重配 A keyword ability that allows an Equipment creature to temporarily stop being a creature and become attached to another creature. See rule 702.151, “Reconfigure.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让武具生物暂时不再是生物,且贴附于另一个生物上。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-151|702.151]],“重配”。 ---- Recover\\ 复还 A keyword ability that lets a player return a card from their graveyard to their hand. See rule 702.59, “Recover.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让牌手将某牌从其坟墓场中移回其手上。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-59|702.59]],“复还”。 ---- Redirect (Obsolete)\\ 转移(已废止) Some older cards were printed with the term “redirect” to indicate a redirection effect. Such cards have received errata in the Oracle card reference so they explicitly state that damage that would be dealt to one object or player is dealt “instead” to another. See Redirection Effect.\\ 一些老牌印有“转移”一词,表示一个转移性效应。这些牌在Oracle牌张参考文献中得到了勘误,从而它们明确的说明对一个物件或牌手将造成的伤害“改为”对另一个造成。参见转移性效应。 ---- Redirection Effect\\ 转移性效应 A kind of replacement effect that causes damage that would be dealt to one creature, planeswalker, or player to be dealt instead to another creature, planeswalker, or player. See rule 614.9.\\ 一种替代性效应,让对一个生物、鹏洛客、或牌手造成的伤害改为对另一个生物、鹏洛客、或牌手造成。参见规则[[cr:6#cr614-9|614.9]]。 ---- Reflexive Triggered Ability\\ 自身触发式异能 An ability that triggers based on actions taken earlier during a spell or ability’s resolution. See rule 603.12.\\ 一种异能,根据先前咒语或异能结算过程中所作的动作而决定是否触发。参见规则[[cr:6#cr603-12|603.12]]。 ---- Regenerate\\ 重生 To replace a permanent’s destruction with an alternate sequence of events. See rule 701.15, “Regenerate.”\\ 将一个永久物的消灭用另一系列事件进行替代。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-15|701.15]],“重生”。 ---- Reinforce\\ 补强 A keyword ability that lets a player put +1/+1 counters on a creature. See rule 702.77, “Reinforce.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让牌手在生物上放置+1/+1指示物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-77|702.77]],“补强”。 ---- Reminder Text\\ 提示文字 Parenthetical text in italics in the text box of a card that summarizes a rule that applies to that card, but is not actually rules text and has no effect on play. See rule 207.2.\\ 牌的文字栏内括号中的斜体字,总结对该牌生效的一条规则,但不是正式规则叙述且对游戏没有效应。参见规则[[cr:2#cr207-2|207.2]]。 ---- Remove from the Game, Removed, Removed-from-the-Game Zone (Obsolete)\\ 移出游戏,移除,移出游戏区(已废止) “Remove [something] from the game” is an obsolete term for “exile [something].” “The removed card” is an obsolete term for “the exiled card.” The removed-from-the-game zone is an obsolete term for the exile zone. Cards with that text have received errata in the Oracle card reference. See Exile.\\ “将[某物]移出游戏”是对“放逐[某物]”已废止的用词。“被移除的牌”是对“被放逐的牌”已废止的用词。移出游戏区是对放逐区已废止的用词。具有这些叙述的牌在Oracle牌张参考文献中得到了勘误。参见放逐。 ---- Removed from Combat\\ 移出战斗 Certain events can cause an attacking or blocking creature, or a planeswalker that’s being attacked, to be “removed from combat.” A permanent that’s removed from combat has no further involvement in that combat phase. See rule 506.4.\\ 一些特定的事件将造成攻击或阻挡生物,或正被被攻击的鹏洛客,被“移出战斗”。一个被移出战斗的永久物对该战斗阶段没有更多的参与。参见规则[[cr:5#cr506-4|506.4]]。 ---- Renown\\ 铭勇 A keyword ability that makes a creature stronger after it deals combat damage to a player. See rule 702.112, “Renown.”\\ 一个关键字异能,使生物对牌手造成过战斗伤害之后变得更强。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-112|702.112]],“铭勇”。 ---- Renowned\\ 已铭勇 A designation given to a permanent as a result of the renown ability. See rule 702.112, “Renown.”\\ 因永久物的铭勇异能,而赋予它的一种称号。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-112|702.112]],“铭勇”。 ---- Replacement Effect\\ 替代性效应 A kind of continuous effect that watches for a particular event that would happen and completely or partially replaces that event with a different event. See rule 614, “Replacement Effects.”\\ 持续性效应的一种,注意某特定事件将发生,并且将该事件完全或部分的用不同的事件替代。参见规则[[cr:6#cr614|614]],“替代性效应”。 ---- Replicate\\ 覆诵 A keyword ability that creates copies of a spell. See rule 702.56, “Replicate.”\\ 一个关键字异能,创造咒语的复制品。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-56|702.56]],“覆诵”。 ---- Requirement\\ 要求 An effect that forces one or more creatures to attack or block. See rules 508.1d and 509.1c.\\ 一个强制一个或数个生物攻击或阻挡的效应。参见规则[[cr:5#cr508-1d|508.1d]]以及[[cr:5#cr509-1c|509.1c]]。 ---- Resolve\\ 结算 When the spell or ability on top of the stack “resolves,” its instructions are followed and it has its effect. See rule 608, “Resolving Spells and Abilities.”\\ 当堆叠顶端的咒语或异能“结算”时,它的叙述被执行且它具有其效应。参见规则[[cr:6#cr608|608]],“结算咒语和异能”。 ---- Respond\\ 响应 To cast an instant spell or activate an ability while another spell or ability is already on the stack. See rule 117.7.\\ 另一个咒语或异能已经在堆叠上时,施放一个瞬间咒语或起动一个异能。参见规则[[cr:1#cr117-7|117.7]]。 ---- Restart the Game\\ 重新开始游戏 To immediately end the current game and restart it. See rule 104, “Ending the Game.”\\ 当前游戏马上结束并且重新开始。参见规则[[cr:1#cr104|104]],“结束游戏”。 ---- Restriction\\ 限制 An effect that precludes one or more creatures from attacking or blocking. See rules 508.1c and 509.1b.\\ 一个阻止一个或数个生物攻击或阻挡的效应。参见规则[[cr:5#cr508-1c|508.1c]]以及[[cr:5#cr509-1b|509.1b]]。 ---- Retrace\\ 追溯 A keyword ability that lets a player cast a card from their graveyard. See rule 702.81, “Retrace.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让牌手从其坟墓场中施放牌。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-81|702.81]],“追溯”。 ---- Reveal\\ 展示 To show a card to all players for a brief time. See rule 701.16, “Reveal.”\\ 将一张牌在简短的事件内给所有牌手看。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-16|701.16]],“展示”。 ---- Ring-bearer\\ 持戒人 A designation that a creature can be given as the Ring tempts you. See rule 701.52, “The Ring Tempts You.”\\ 一个永久物可在魔戒引诱你时得到的称号。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-52|701.52]],“魔戒引诱你”。 ---- Riot\\ 起事 A keyword ability that lets a player choose whether certain creatures enter the battlefield with haste or with a +1/+1 counter. See rule 702.136, “Riot.”\\ 一个关键字异能,使牌手在某些生物进战场时选择其具有敏捷或是带有一个+1/+1指示物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-136|702.136]],“起事”。 ---- Ripple\\ 涟动 A keyword ability that may let a player cast extra cards from their library for no cost. See rule 702.60, “Ripple.”\\ 一个关键字异能,可以让牌手从其牌库中施放额外的牌且不需支付费用。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-60|702.60]],“涟动”。 ---- Role\\ 角色 Roles are colorless enchantment tokens. Each one has the Aura and Role subtypes and the enchant creature ability. If a permanent has more than one Role attached to it controlled by the same player, each of those Roles except the one with the most recent timestamp is put into its owner’s graveyard. See rule 303.7 and rules 111.10j–r.\\ 角色是无色结界衍生物。每一种角色都具有灵气/角色的副类别,以及“结附于生物”的异能。如果某个永久物其上结附有由同一位牌手操控的数个角色,则除了具最近之时间印记者外,所有其他这类角色都会被置入其拥有者的坟墓场。参见规则[[cr:3#cr303-7|303.7]]及规则[[cr:1#cr111-10j|111.10j-r]]。 ---- Roll a d20\\ 掷一颗d20 To roll a twenty-sided die. Similarly, a d4 is a four-sided die, a d6 is a six-sided die, and so on. See rule 706, “Rolling a Die.”\\ 掷一颗二十面的骰子。类似地,d4是四面的骰子,d6是六面的骰子,依此类推。参见规则[[cr:7#cr706|706]],“掷骰”。 ---- Room\\ 房间/隔间 1. A subsection of a dungeon card. See rule 309, “Dungeons.”\\ 1. 地城牌的一个分区。参见规则[[cr:3#cr309|309]],“地城”。 2. An enchantment subtype found on some split cards. See rule 709, “Split Cards.”\\ 2. 一种结界的副类别,见于一些连体牌上。参见规则[[cr:7#cr709|709]],“连体牌”。 ---- Room Ability\\ 房间异能 A triggered ability that triggers whenever a player moves their venture marker into a room of a dungeon card. See rule 309, “Dungeons.”\\ 一个触发式异能,每当牌手将其进度标记移动到地城牌的一个房间中时触发。参见规则[[cr:3#cr309|309]],“地城”。 ---- Rules Text\\ 规则叙述 A characteristic that defines a card’s abilities. See rule 207.1.\\ 定义牌异能的特征。参见规则[[cr:2#cr207-1|207.1]]。 ---- === S === Sacrifice\\ 牺牲 To move a permanent you control to its owner’s graveyard. See rule 701.17, “Sacrifice.”\\ 将一个你操控的永久物移到其拥有者的坟墓场。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-17|701.17]],“牺牲”。 ---- Saddle\\ 乘驾 A keyword ability that lets you tap creatures to make another creature “saddled” until end of turn. See rule 702.171, “Saddle.”\\ 一个关键字异能,使你可以横置生物将另一个生物成为“已乘驾”直到回合结束。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-171|702.171]],“乘驾”。 ---- Saddled\\ 已乘驾 A designation given to a creature whose saddle ability has resolved. See rule 702.171, “Saddle.”\\ 一个生物可在其乘驾异能结算时得到的称号。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-171|702.171]],“乘驾”。 ---- Saga\\ 传纪 An enchantment subtype. Sagas have a number of chapter abilities that take effect over a number of turns to tell a story. See rule 714, “Saga Cards.”\\ 一种结界的副类别。传纪具有一系列章节异能,以在数个回合的过程中生效的方式来讲述一段故事。参见规则[[cr:7#cr714|714]],“传纪牌”。 ---- Scavenge\\ 食腐 A keyword ability that allows you to exile a creature card from your graveyard to put +1/+1 counters on a creature. See rule 702.97, “Scavenge.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让你可以从你的坟墓场中放逐一张生物牌来在一个生物上放置+1/+1指示物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-97|702.97]],“食腐”。 ---- Scheme\\ 邪计 A card type seen only on nontraditional Magic cards in the Archenemy casual variant. A scheme card is not a permanent. See rule 314, “Schemes.”\\ 一种牌张类别,只在魔王休闲式玩法中使用的非传统万智牌上出现。邪计牌不是永久物。参见规则[[cr:3#cr314|314]],“邪计”。 ---- Scheme Deck\\ 邪计套牌 A deck of at least twenty scheme cards needed to play the Archenemy casual variant. See rule 904.3.\\ 魔王休闲式玩法需要的至少二十张邪计牌组成的套牌。参见规则[[cr:9#cr904-3|904.3]]。 ---- Scry\\ 占卜 To manipulate some of the cards on top of your library. See rule 701.18, “Scry.”\\ 操纵你牌库顶的一些牌。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-18|701.18]],“占卜”。 ---- Search\\ 搜寻 To look at all cards in a stated zone and possibly find a card that matches a given description. See rule 701.19, “Search.”\\ 查看所描述区域中的所有牌,可能找到符合所述情况的牌。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-19|701.19]],“搜寻”。 ---- Secondary Title Bar\\ 副标题栏 A smaller name line with the Oracle reference name of a card which has an alternate name in its upper left corner. See rule 201.6.\\ 出现在左上角印有别名的牌上的一个较小的名称栏,包含其Oracle牌张参考文献中的名称。参见规则[[cr:2#cr201-6|201.6]]。 ---- Set Aside (Obsolete)\\ 放在一边(已废止) “Set [something] aside” is an obsolete term for “exile [something].” Cards with that text have received errata in the Oracle card reference. See Exile.\\ “将[物品]放在一边”是“放逐[物品]”的已废止用词。具有该叙述的牌在Oracle牌张参考文献中已得到勘误。参见放逐。 ---- Set in Motion\\ 发动 To move a scheme card off the top of your scheme deck and turn it face up. See rule 701.25, “Set in Motion.”\\ 将你的邪计套牌顶牌移离并将其翻回正面。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-25|701.25]],“发动”。 ---- Shadow\\ 次元幽影 A keyword ability that restricts how a creature may be blocked and which creatures it can block. See rule 702.28, “Shadow.”\\ 一个关键字异能,限制生物可以如何被阻挡和可以如何阻挡。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-28|702.28]],“次元幽影”。 ---- Shard Token\\ 碎片衍生物 A Shard token is a colorless enchantment token with “{2}, Sacrifice this enchantment: Scry 1, then draw a card.” For more information on predefined tokens, see rule 111.10.\\ 碎片衍生物是具有“{2},牺牲此结界:占卜1,然后抓一张牌”的无色衍生结界。欲知关于预定义衍生物的更多信息,参见规则[[cr:1#cr111-10|111.10]]。 ---- Shared Life Total\\ 共享总生命 In the Two-Headed Giant multiplayer variant, each team has a “shared life total” rather than each player having an individual life total. See rule 810, “Two-Headed Giant Variant.”\\ 在双头巨人多人玩法中,每个队伍具有“共享总生命”而不是每位牌手有单独的总生命。参见规则[[cr:8#cr810|810]],“双头巨人玩法”。 ---- Shared Team Turns Option\\ 队伍共享回合模式 An option that may be used in certain multiplayer variants, such as Two-Headed Giant and Archenemy. See rule 805, “Shared Team Turns Option.”\\ 在某些特殊多人玩法中可以使用的模式,比如双头巨人和魔王。参见规则[[cr:8#cr805|805]],“队伍共享回合模式”。 ---- Shield Counter\\ 后盾指示物 A counter that protects a permanent from being damaged or destroyed. See rule 122.1c.\\ 一种指示物,保护永久物不受伤害、不被消灭。参见规则[[cr:1#cr122-1c|122.1c]]。 ---- Shortcut\\ 简化 A mutually understood way for the game to advance forward a number of game choices (either taking an action or passing priority) without players needing to explicitly identify each such choice. See rule 729, “Taking Shortcuts.”\\ 在无须双方牌手特别指出每个选择的情况下,让大家自然可以理解并让游戏自然通过这些游戏选择(作出动作或让过优先权)。参见规则[[cr:7#cr729|729]],“进行简化”。 ---- Shroud\\ 帷幕 A keyword ability that precludes a permanent or player from being targeted. See rule 702.18, “Shroud.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让永久物或牌手避免成为目标。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-18|702.18]],“帷幕”。 ---- Shuffle\\ 洗牌 To randomize the cards in a deck (before a game) or library (during a game). See rule 103.3 and rule 701.20.\\ 将套牌(游戏开始前)或牌库(游戏过程中)中的牌随机化。参见规则[[cr:1#cr103-3|103.3]]及规则[[cr:7#cr701-20|701.20]]。 ---- Sideboard\\ 备牌 Extra cards that may be used to modify a deck between games of a match. See rules 100.4.\\ 在一局比赛的两盘之间可以更改套牌的额外的牌。参见规则[[cr:1#cr100-4|100.4]]。 ---- Siege\\ 围攻 A battle subtype. Only an opponent of a Siege’s controller can be its protector. When the last defense counter is removed, its controller exiles the Siege, then they may cast it transformed without paying its mana cost. See rule 310.11.\\ 一种战役类别。只有围攻的操控者之对手可以作为其防卫者。当移去最后一个布防指示物时,其操控者将它放逐,然后可以施放已转化的此牌,且不需支付其法术力费用。参见规则[[cr:3#cr310-11|310.11]]。 ---- Silver-Bordered\\ 银边 Cards in certain sets and certain promotional cards are printed with a silver border. Silver-bordered cards are intended for casual play and may have features and text that aren’t covered by these rules.\\ 一些系列中的卡牌和一些赠卡以银色边框印刷。银边牌张用于休闲游戏,可能具有本文件中之规则未涵盖的特性及叙述。 ---- Skip\\ 略过 Effects that use the word “skip” are replacement effects. The word “skip” indicates what events, steps, phases, or turns will be replaced with nothing. See rule 614, “Replacement Effects.”\\ 使用“略过”一词的效应为替代性效应。“略过”一词表示哪个事件、步骤、阶段或回合将被什么都不发生替代。参见规则[[cr:6#cr614|614]],“替代性效应”。 ---- Skulk\\ 潜匿 A keyword ability that restricts how a creature may be blocked. See rule 702.118, “Skulk.”\\ 一个关键字异能,限制一个生物能够如何被阻挡。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-118|702.118]],“潜匿”。 ---- Slivercycling\\ 循环裂片妖 See Typecycling.\\ 参见类别循环。 ---- Snow\\ 雪境 A supertype that’s normally relevant on permanents. See rule 205.4, “Supertypes.”\\ 一般只对永久物有关的超类别。参见规则[[cr:2#cr205-4|205.4]],“超类别”。 ---- Snow Mana Symbol\\ 雪境法术力符号 The snow mana symbol {S} represents a cost that can be paid with one mana produced by a snow source. It can also represent mana from a snow source that was spent to pay a cost. See rule 107.4h.\\ 雪境法术力符号{S}表示一点可以由雪境来源所产生的法术力所支付的费用。它也可以表示用于支付费用的、由雪境来源所产生的法术力。参见规则[[cr:1#cr107-4h|107.4h]]。 ---- Snow-Covered (Obsolete)\\ 冰雪覆盖(已废止) Some older cards were printed with the term “snow-covered” in their rules text. Except when referencing card names, such cards have received errata in the Oracle card reference to reference the supertype “snow” instead. See Snow.\\ 一些老牌在规则叙述中印有“冰雪覆盖”一词。除非特指牌名,否则这些牌在Oracle牌张参考文献中已得到勘误改为特指具有超类别“雪境”。参见雪境。 ---- Solved\\ 已侦结/侦结 1. A designation a Case may have, allowing its last ability to affect the game. See rule 719, “Case Cards.”\\ 1. 一个案件可以获得的称号,允许案件的最后一个异能影响游戏。参见规则[[cr:7#cr719|719]],“案件牌”。 2. A keyword ability of Case cards that affects the game only if the Case has the solved designation. See rule 702.169, “Solved.”\\ 2. 一个案件的关键字异能,在案件具有已侦结此称号时影响游戏。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-169|702.169]],“侦结”。 ---- Sorcery\\ 法术 A card type. A sorcery is not a permanent. See rule 307, “Sorceries.”\\ 一种牌张类别。法术不是永久物。参见规则[[cr:3#cr307|307]],“法术”。 ---- Soulbond\\ 魂系 A keyword ability that makes creatures better by pairing them together. See rule 702.95, “Soulbond.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让生物组成搭档时更强。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-95|702.95]],“魂系”。 ---- Soulshift\\ 转生 A keyword ability that lets a player return a card from their graveyard to their hand. See rule 702.46, “Soulshift.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让牌手将其坟墓场中的牌移回其手上。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-46|702.46]],“转生”。 ---- Source of Damage\\ 伤害的来源 The object that dealt that damage. See rule 609.7.\\ 造成伤害的物件。参见规则[[cr:6#cr609-7|609.7]]。 ---- Source of Mana\\ 法术力的来源 The spell that produced mana or the source of the ability that produced mana. See rule 106.3.\\ 产生该法术力的咒语,或产生该法术力的异能之来源。参见规则[[cr:1#cr106-3|106.3]]。 ---- Source of an Ability\\ 异能的来源 The object that generated that ability. See rule 113.7.\\ 创造该异能的物件。参见规则[[cr:1#cr113-7|113.7]]。 ---- Space Sculptor\\ 太空塑师 A keyword ability that splits creatures on the battlefield into sectors. See rule 702.158, “Space Sculptor.”\\ 一个关键字异能,将战场上的生物分为不同星区。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-158|702.158]],“太空塑师”。 ---- Special Action\\ 特殊动作 An action a player may take that doesn’t use the stack. See rule 116, “Special Actions.”\\ 牌手可以进行且不使用堆叠的动作。参见规则[[cr:1#cr116|116]],“特殊动作”。 ---- Spectacle\\ 揭幕 A keyword ability that allows certain spells to be cast for an alternative cost if an opponent has lost life. See rule 702.137, “Spectacle.”\\ 一个关键字异能,在对手失去生命后允许一些咒语以替代性费用施放。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-137|702.137]],“揭幕”。 ---- Speed\\ 速度 Speed is a value that a player can have. See rule 702.179, “Start Your Engines!”\\ 速度是牌手可具有的数值。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-179|702.179]],“发动引擎!”。 ---- Spell\\ 咒语 A card on the stack. Also a copy (of either a card or another spell) on the stack. See rule 112, “Spells.”\\ 堆叠上的牌。以及堆叠上(无论是牌还是另一个咒语)的复制品。参见规则[[cr:1#cr112|112]],“咒语”。 ---- Spell Ability\\ 咒语异能 A kind of ability. Spell abilities are abilities that are followed as instructions while an instant or sorcery spell is resolving. See rule 113.3a.\\ 异能的一种。咒语异能为在瞬间或法术咒语结算时其叙述所表达的异能。参见规则[[cr:1#cr113-3a|113.3a]]。 ---- Spell Type\\ 咒语类别 A subtype that’s correlated to the instant card type and the sorcery card type. See rule 304, “Instants,” and rule 307, “Sorceries.” See rule 205.3k for the list of spell types.\\ 和瞬间牌张类别和法术牌张类别对应的副类别。参见规则[[cr:3#cr304|304]],“瞬间”,以及规则[[cr:3#cr307|307]],“法术”。参见规则[[cr:2#cr205-3k|205.3k]]的咒语类别列表。 ---- Splice\\ 通联 A keyword ability that lets a player add a card’s rules text onto another spell. See rule 702.47, “Splice.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让牌手将牌的规则叙述附加到另一个咒语上。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-47|702.47]],“通联”。 ---- Split Cards\\ 连体牌 Cards with two card faces on a single card. See rule 709, “Split Cards.”\\ 在一张牌上有两张牌面。参见规则[[cr:7#cr709|709]],“连体牌”。 ---- Split Second\\ 转瞬 A keyword ability that makes it nearly impossible for a player to respond to a spell. See rule 702.61, “Split Second.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让牌手几乎无法响应一个咒语。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-61|702.61]],“转瞬”。 ---- Spree\\ 追欢 An ability found on some modal spells that allows you to choose one or more modes and requires you to pay additional costs for those modes. See rule 702.172, “Spree.”\\ 一个见于某些具有模式之咒语上的关键字,允许你选择一个或数个模式,并需要为这些模式支付额外费用。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-172|702.172]],“追欢”。 ---- Squad\\ 小队 A keyword ability that creates copies of a creature when it enters the battlefield. See rule 702.157, “Squad.”\\ 一个关键字异能,使生物进战场时派出其复制品。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-157|702.157]],“小队”。 ---- Stack\\ 堆叠 A zone. The stack is the zone in which spells, activated abilities, and triggered abilities wait to resolve. See rule 405, “Stack.”\\ 一个区域。堆叠是让咒语、起动式异能、和触发式异能等待结算的区域。参见规则[[cr:4#cr405|405]],“堆叠”。 ---- Start Your Engines!\\ 发动引擎! A keyword ability that gives a player a speed of 1 if they have no speed. Once a player has speed, their speed increases once on each of their turns when an opponent loses life. See rule 702.179, “Start Your Engines!”\\ 一个关键字异能,在牌手没有速度时使其速度成为1。一旦牌手具有速度,于其自己的每个回合中且限一次,当有对手失去生命时,其速度便会增加1。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-179|702.179]],“发动引擎!”。 ---- Starting Deck\\ 起始套牌 After a player has set aside their sideboard, their remaining deck becomes their starting deck. See rule 103.2a.\\ 在牌手将其备牌放在一边之后,其余的套牌便成为其起始套牌。参见规则[[cr:1#cr103-2a|103.2a]]。 ---- Starting Hand Size\\ 起手牌数量 The number of cards a player draws as a game begins. In most games, each player’s starting hand size is seven. See rule 103.5.\\ 牌手在游戏开始时抓牌的数量。在大多数游戏中,每位牌手的起手牌数量为七。参见规则[[cr:1#cr103-5|103.5]]。 ---- Starting Life Total\\ 起始总生命 The amount of life a player has as a game begins. In most games, each player’s starting life total is 20. See rule 103.4.\\ 牌手在游戏开始时的生命总值。在大多数游戏中,每位牌手的起始总生命为20。参见规则[[cr:1#cr103-4|103.4]]。 ---- Starting Player\\ 先手牌手 The player chosen to take the first turn of a game. See rule 103.1.\\ 选择进行游戏第一个回合的牌手。参见规则[[cr:1#cr103-1|103.1]]。 ---- Starting Team\\ 先手队伍 The team chosen to take the first turn of a game using the shared team turns option. See rule 103.1.\\ 在使用队伍共享回合模式中,选择进行游戏第一个回合的队伍。参见规则[[cr:1#cr103-1|103.1]]。 ---- State Trigger\\ 状态触发 A triggered ability that triggers when a game state is true rather than triggering when an event occurs. See rule 603.8.\\ 一个当游戏状态符合而不是触发事件发生时触发的触发式异能。参见规则[[cr:6#cr603-8|603.8]]。 ---- State-Based Actions\\ 状态动作 Game actions that happen automatically whenever certain conditions are met. See rule 704, “State-Based Actions.”\\ 每当特定条件符合时自动发生的游戏动作。参见规则[[cr:7#cr704|704]],“状态动作”。 ---- Static Ability\\ 静止式异能 A kind of ability. Static abilities do something all the time rather than being activated or triggered. See rule 113, “Abilities,” and rule 604, “Handling Static Abilities.”\\ 一种异能。静止式异能时刻都生效而不是被起动或触发。参见规则[[cr:1#cr113|113]],“异能”,以及规则[[cr:6#cr604|604]],“处理静止式异能”。 ---- Status\\ 状态 The physical state of a permanent. See rule 110.5.\\ 一个永久物的物理状态。参见规则[[cr:1#cr110-5|110.5]]。 ---- Step\\ 步骤 A subsection of a phase. See section 5, “Turn Structure.”\\ 一个阶段的一部分。参见[[cr:5|第5章]],“回合结构”。 ---- Sticker\\ 贴纸 A marker placed on an object that modifies its characteristics or interacts with a rule or effect. See rule 123, “Stickers.”\\ 一个置于物件或牌手上的标示物,影响其特征或与规则或效应互动。参见规则[[cr:1#cr123|123]],“贴纸”。 ---- Sticker Kicker\\ 贴纸增幅 A kicker variant that can add a sticker to the spell with the ability and give a player a ticket counter. See rule 702.33h.\\ 增幅异能的一种变化,可以在咒语上贴上贴纸并给予牌手门票指示物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-33h|702.33h]]。 ---- Sticker Sheet\\ 贴纸卡 The collection of stickers found on an insert in Unfinity booster packs. See rule 123, “Stickers.”\\ 贴纸的集合,能够在Unfinity系列补充包的贴纸页上找到。参见规则[[cr:1#cr123|123]],“贴纸”。 ---- Storm\\ 风暴 A keyword ability that creates copies of a spell. See rule 702.40, “Storm.”\\ 一个关键字异能,创造咒语的复制品。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-40|702.40]],“风暴”。 ---- Stun Counter\\ 晕眩指示物 A counter that stops a permanent from untapping. See rule 122.1d.\\ 一种指示物,阻止永久物重置。参见规则[[cr:1#cr122-1d|122.1d]]。 ---- Subgame\\ 子游戏 A completely separate Magic game created by an effect. See rule 726, “Subgames.”\\ 由一个效应创造出的完全分开的万智牌游戏。参见规则[[cr:7#cr726|726]],“子游戏”。 ---- Substitute Card\\ 辅助牌 A game supplement with a Magic card back that can be used to represent a double-faced card or meld card. See rule 713, “Substitute Cards.”\\ 一种游戏辅助用品,具有万智牌牌背,可用于代表一张双面牌或融合牌。参见规则[[cr:7#cr713|713]],“辅助牌”。 ---- Subtype\\ 副类别 A characteristic that appears after the card type and a long dash on a card’s type line. See rule 205.3, “Subtypes.”\\ 一个特征,在类别栏中牌张类别和长横线(中文版使用“~”)后面。参见规则[[cr:2#cr205-3|205.3]],“副类别”。 ---- Successfully Cast (Obsolete)\\ 成功施放(已废止) A term that was printed on some older cards. In general, cards that referred to a spell being “successfully cast” have received errata in the Oracle card reference to simply refer to a spell being “cast.”\\ 一些老牌上印的用词。一般情况下指咒语被“成功施放”的牌在Oracle牌张参考文献中已得到勘误,改为该咒语被“施放”。 ---- Summon (Obsolete)\\ 召唤(已废止) Older creature cards were printed with “Summon [creature type]” on their type lines. All such cards have received errata in the Oracle card reference to say “Creature — [creature type].” (Many of these cards’ creature types have also been updated.) See Creature.\\ 老生物牌的类别栏上印有“召唤[生物类别]”。这些牌在Oracle牌张参考文献中已得到勘误,改为“生物~[生物类别]”。(这其中很多牌的生物类别也已经更新。)另参见生物。 ---- Summoning Sickness Rule\\ 召唤失调规则 Informal term for a player’s inability to attack with a creature or to activate its abilities that include the tap symbol or the untap symbol unless the creature has been under that player’s control since the beginning of that player’s most recent turn. See rule 302.6. See also Haste.\\ 非正式用语,指除非一个生物在牌手最近的一个回合开始时便已经操控它,否则该牌手不能用该生物进行攻击或起动它包含横置符号或重置符号的起动式异能。参见规则[[cr:3#cr302-6|302.6]]。另参见敏捷。 ---- Sunburst\\ 辉映 A keyword ability that can have a permanent enter the battlefield with +1/+1 counters or charge counters on it. See rule 702.44, “Sunburst.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让永久物进入战场时具有+1/+1指示物或充电指示物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-44|702.44]],“辉映”。 ---- Supertype\\ 超类别 A characteristic that appears before the card type on a card’s type line. Most cards don’t have a supertype. See rule 205.4, “Supertypes.”\\ 一个特征,出现在牌类别栏的牌张类别之前。大多数牌没有超类别。参见规则[[cr:2#cr205-4|205.4]],“超类别”。 ---- Supervillain Rumble\\ 群魔乱斗 A Free-for-All game in which each player is an archenemy. See rule 806, “Free-for-All,” and rule 904, “Archenemy.”\\ 每位牌手都是魔王的自由竞赛游戏。参见规则[[cr:8#cr806|806]],“自由竞赛模式”和规则[[cr:9#cr904|904]],“魔王”。 ---- Support\\ 支援 A keyword action that lets you put +1/+1 counters on creatures. See rule 701.35, “Support.”\\ 一个关键字动作,让你在生物上放置+1/+1指示物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-35|701.35]],“支援”。 ---- Surge\\ 潮涌 A keyword ability that provides an alternative cost to cast a card if you or one of your teammates has cast another spell in the same turn. See rule 702.117, “Surge.”\\ 一个关键字异能,提供一种施放牌的替代性费用,可以在你或队友在同一回合中施放过其他咒语后使用。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-117|702.117]],“潮涌”。 ---- Surveil\\ 刺探 To manipulate some of the cards on top of your library, sending some of them to your graveyard and rearranging the rest. See rule 701.42, “Surveil.”\\ 操纵你牌库顶的一些牌,将其中一些牌放进你的坟墓场,并重新排列剩余的牌。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-42|701.42]],“刺探”。 ---- Suspend\\ 延缓 A keyword ability that provides an alternative way to play a card. See rule 702.62, “Suspend.” A card is “suspended” if it’s in the exile zone, has suspend, and has a time counter on it.\\ 一个关键字异能,提供使用一张牌的其他途径。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-62|702.62]],“延缓”。如果一张牌在放逐区、具有延缓、并且具有计时指示物,则该牌“已延缓”。 ---- Swamp\\ 沼泽 One of the five basic land types. Any land with this subtype has the ability “{T}: Add {B}.” See rule 305.6.\\ 五种基本地类别中的一种。任何具有此副类别的地都具有异能“{T}:加{B}。”参见规则[[cr:3#cr305-6|305.6]]。 ---- Swampcycling\\ 循环沼泽 See Typecycling.\\ 参见类别循环。 ---- Swampwalk\\ 沼泽行者 See Landwalk.\\ 参见地行者。 ---- === T === Tap\\ 横置 To turn a permanent sideways from an upright position. See rule 701.21, “Tap and Untap.”\\ 将一个永久物从正常位置转到横向位置。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-21|701.21]],“横置和重置”。 ---- Tap Symbol\\ 横置符号 The tap symbol {T} in an activation cost means “Tap this permanent.” See rule 107.5.\\ 在起动费用中的横置符号{T}指“横置此永久物”。参见规则[[cr:1#cr107-5|107.5]]。 ---- Tapped\\ 已横置 A status a permanent may have. See rule 110.5 and rule 701.21, “Tap and Untap.” See also Untapped.\\ 一个永久物可能具有的状态。参见规则[[cr:1#cr110-5|110.5]]和规则[[cr:7#cr701-21|701.21]],“横置和重置”。另参见未横置。 ---- Target\\ 目标 A preselected object or player a spell or ability will affect. See rule 115, “Targets.”\\ 事先对一个咒语或异能将影响的物件或牌手作出的选择。参见规则[[cr:1#cr115|115]],“目标”。 ---- Team\\ 队伍 A group of players who share a common victory condition in a multiplayer game. See rule 808, “Team vs. Team Variant,” rule 809, “Emperor Variant,” rule 810, “Two-Headed Giant Variant,” and rule 811, “Alternating Teams Variant.”\\ 在多人游戏中共享相同胜利条件的一组牌手。参见规则[[cr:8#cr808|808]],“队伍对队伍玩法”、规则[[cr:8#cr809|809]],“皇帝玩法”、规则[[cr:8#cr810|810]],“双头巨人玩法”、和规则[[cr:8#cr811|811]],“隔位分队玩法”。 ---- Team vs. Team Variant\\ 队伍对队伍玩法 A multiplayer variant played among two or more teams, each of which sits together. See rule 808, “Team vs. Team Variant.”\\ 两个或以上队伍间的多人玩法,每个队伍坐在一起。参见规则[[cr:8#cr808|808]],“队伍对队伍玩法”。 ---- Teammate\\ 队友 In a multiplayer game between teams, a player’s teammates are the other players on their team. See rule 102.3.\\ 在队伍间的多人游戏中,牌手的队友是其队伍中的其他牌手。参见规则[[cr:1#cr102-3|102.3]]。 ---- Text Box\\ 文字栏 Part of a card. The text box is printed on the lower half of the card and contains the card’s rules text, reminder text, and flavor text. See rule 207, “Text Box.”\\ 牌的一部分。文字栏印在牌的下面一半,包括该牌的规则叙述、提示文字、和背景叙述。参见规则[[cr:2#cr207|207]],“文字栏”。 ---- Text-Changing Effect\\ 改变叙述的效应 A continuous effect that changes the text that appears in an object’s text box and/or type line. See rule 612, “Text-Changing Effects.”\\ 改变物件文字栏内和/或类别栏内文字叙述的持续性效应。参见规则[[cr:6#cr612|612]],“改变叙述的效应”。 ---- The Ring\\ 魔戒 An emblem that may be created at the time the Ring tempts you. See rule 701.52, “The Ring Tempts You.”\\ 一个徽记,在魔戒引诱你时被创造。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-52|701.52]],“魔戒引诱你”。 ---- The Ring Tempts You\\ 魔戒引诱你 A keyword action that causes a player to choose a creature they control to be their legendary Ring-bearer and may cause them to create an emblem called The Ring. See rule 701.52, “The Ring Tempts You.”\\ 一个关键字动作,使牌手选择一个其操控的生物作为传奇持戒人,并创造一个名为魔戒的徽记。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-52|701.52]],“魔戒引诱你”。 ---- Threshold\\ 门槛 “Threshold” used to be a keyword ability. It is now an ability word and has no rules meaning. All cards printed with the threshold keyword have received errata in the Oracle card reference.\\ “门槛”曾经是关键字异能。现在是异能提示且没有规则意义。所有印有门槛的牌都在Oracle牌张参考文献中得到了勘误。 ---- Ticket Symbol\\ 门票符号 The ticket symbol {TK} with no numbers in it represents one ticket counter. The ticket symbol with a number in it represents a ticket cost. To pay a ticket cost, a player removes that many ticket counters from themselves.\\ 内部没有数字的门票符号{TK}代表一个门票指示物。内部有数字的门票符号代表门票费用。要支付门票费用,牌手从其自身移除相应数量的门票指示物。 ---- Time Travel\\ 时间旅行 To add a time counter to or remove a time counter from any number of permanents you control with a time counter on them or suspended cards you own in exile with time counters on them. See rule 701.54, “Time Travel.”\\ 从任意数量由你操控且其上有计时指示物的永久物和/或放逐区内由你拥有且其上有计时指示物之已延缓的牌上放置或移去一个计时指示物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-54|701.54]],“时间旅行”。 ---- Timestamp Order\\ 时间印记顺序 A system used to determine in which order continuous effects in the same layer or sublayer are applied. See rule 613.7. See also Dependency.\\ 用来决定同一层或副层中持续性效应生效顺序的系统。参见规则[[cr:6#cr613-7|613.7]]。另参见从属关系。 ---- Token\\ 衍生物 A marker used to represent any permanent that isn’t represented by a card. See rule 111, “Tokens.”\\ 一个标记,用来表示任何不用牌来表示的永久物。参见规则[[cr:1#cr111|111]],“衍生物”。 ---- Tombstone Icon\\ 墓碑标志 An icon that appears in the upper left of some Odyssey block cards that has no effect on game play. See rule 107.9.\\ 在一些奥德赛环境牌的左上角有墓碑符号,它对游戏没有影响。参见规则[[cr:1#cr107-9|107.9]]。 ---- Total Casting Cost (Obsolete)\\ 总施放费用(已废止) An obsolete term for mana value. Cards printed with this term have received errata in the Oracle card reference.\\ 法术力值的已废止用词。印有此叙述的牌已经在Oracle牌张参考文献中得到了勘误。 ---- Total Cost\\ 总费用 What a player actually has to pay, in practical terms, to cast a spell or activated ability: the mana cost, activation cost, or alternative cost, plus all cost increases (including additional costs) and minus all cost reductions. See rule 601.2f.\\ 牌手实际需要为施放咒语或起动异能所支付的费用;法术力费用、起动费用、或替代性费用,加上所有增加的费用(包括额外费用)并减去所有减少的费用。参见规则[[cr:6#cr601-2f|601.2f]]。 ---- Totem Armor (Obsolete)\\ 替身甲(已废止) An obsolete keyword ability that has been renamed. See rule 702.89, “Umbra Armor.”\\ 一个已废止的关键字异能,已被重新命名。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-89|702.89]],“本影甲”。 ---- Toughness\\ 防御力 1. Part of a card that only creature cards have. A creature card’s toughness is printed after the slash in its lower right corner. See rule 208, “Power/Toughness.”\\ 1. 只有生物牌具有的牌的一部分。生物牌的防御力印在其右下角斜线之后。参见规则[[cr:2#cr208|208]],“力量/防御力”。 2. A characteristic that only creatures have. See rule 302.4.\\ 2. 一个只有生物才具有的特征。参见规则[[cr:3#cr302-4|302.4]]。 ---- Tournament\\ 比赛 An organized play activity where players compete against other players. See rule 100.6.\\ 一个牌手与其他牌手竞技的组织化赛事活动。参见规则[[cr:1#cr100-6|100.6]]。 ---- Tournament Rules\\ 比赛规则 Additional rules that apply to games played in a sanctioned tournament. See rule 100.6.\\ 对认证比赛生效的额外规则。参见规则[[cr:1#cr100-6|100.6]]。 ---- Toxic\\ 下毒 A keyword ability that causes a player to get poison counters due to combat damage from creatures with the ability. See rule 702.164, “Toxic.”\\ 一个关键字异能,使牌手因具有此异能的生物造成的战斗伤害获得中毒指示物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-164|702.164]],“下毒”。 ---- Traditional Magic Card\\ 传统万智牌 A Magic card that measures approximately 2.5 inches (6.3 centimeters) by 3.5 inches (8.8 centimeters) and is included in players’ decks. See rule 108.2.\\ 传统的万智牌大约2.5英寸(6.3厘米)宽3.5英寸(8.8厘米)长,它们用于牌手的套牌中。参见规则[[cr:1#cr108-2|108.2]]。 ---- Training\\ 见习 A keyword ability that means “Whenever this creature and at least one other creature with power greater that this creature’s power attack, put a +1/+1 counter on this creature.” See rule 702.149, “Training.”\\ 一个关键字异能,意指“每当此生物与至少一个力量较之为大的其他生物一起攻击时,在此生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。”参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-149|702.149]],“见习”。 ---- Trample\\ 践踏 A keyword ability that modifies how a creature assigns combat damage. See rule 702.19, “Trample.”\\ 一个关键字异能,影响生物如何分配战斗伤害。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-19|702.19]],“践踏”。 ---- Trample Over Planeswalkers\\ 践踏鹏洛客 A variant of trample that modifies how a creature assigns combat damage if it’s attacking a planeswalker. See rule 702.19, “Trample”\\ 践踏异能的一种变化,影响生物在攻击鹏洛客时分配战斗伤害的方式。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-19|702.19]],“践踏”。 ---- Transfigure\\ 易形 A keyword ability that lets a player search their library for a replacement creature card. See rule 702.71, “Transfigure.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让牌手可以从其牌库中搜寻一张代替的生物牌。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-71|702.71]],“易形”。 ---- Transform\\ 转化 To turn a double-faced card so its other face is up. See rule 701.28, “Transform.”\\ 将一张双面牌翻转从而让其另一面朝上。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-28|701.28]],“转化”。 ---- Transforming Double-Faced Cards\\ 转化式双面牌 One of two kinds of double-faced cards. Transforming double-faced cards default to their front faces but can transform to their back faces in some way. See rule 712, “Double-Faced Cards.”\\ 两种双面牌中的一种。转化式双面牌的默认使用其正面,但能以某种方式转化到其背面。参见规则[[cr:7#cr712|712]],“双面牌”。 ---- Transmute\\ 易质 A keyword ability that lets a player search their library for a replacement card. See rule 702.53, “Transmute.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让牌手从其牌库中搜寻一张代替的牌。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-53|702.53]],“易质”。 ---- Treasure Token\\ 珍宝衍生物 A Treasure token is a colorless artifact token with “{T}, Sacrifice this artifact: Add one mana of any color.” For more information about predefined tokens, see rule 111.10.\\ 珍宝衍生物是具有“{T},牺牲此神器:加一点任意颜色的法术力。”的无色衍生神器。欲知关于预定义衍生物的更多信息,参见规则[[cr:1#cr111-10|111.10]]。 ---- Tribal (Obsolete)\\ 部族 An obsolete card type that has been renamed. See rule 308, “Kindreds.”\\ 一个已废止的牌张类别,已被重新命名。参见规则[[cr:3#cr308|308]],“亲缘”。 ---- Tribute\\ 致敬 A keyword ability that allows an opponent to choose between a creature entering the battlefield with +1/+1 counters or an additional ability. See rule 702.104, “Tribute.”\\ 一个关键字异能,允许对手选择让生物进战场时具有+1/+1指示物或一个额外异能。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-104|702.104]],“致敬”。 ---- Trigger\\ 触发 Whenever a game event or game state matches a triggered ability’s trigger event, that ability automatically “triggers.” That means its controller puts it on the stack the next time a player would receive priority. See rule 603, “Handling Triggered Abilities.”\\ 每当游戏事件或游戏状态符合一个触发式异能的触发事件时,该异能自动“触发”。这表示其操控者在下一词有牌手将得到优先权时将它放进堆叠。参见规则[[cr:6#cr603|603]],“处理触发式异能”。 ---- Trigger Condition\\ 触发条件 The first part of a triggered ability, consisting of “when,” “whenever,” or “at” followed by a trigger event. See rule 603, “Handling Triggered Abilities.”\\ 触发式异能的第一部分,包含“当”、“每当”、或“在”以及之后的触发事件。参见规则[[cr:6#cr603|603]],“处理触发式异能”。 ---- Trigger Event\\ 触发事件 The event that a triggered ability looks for. Whenever the trigger event occurs, the triggered ability triggers. See rule 603, “Handling Triggered Abilities.”\\ 触发式异能所注意的事件。每当触发事件发生时,该触发式异能触发。参见规则[[cr:6#cr603|603]],“处理触发式异能”。 ---- Triggered Ability\\ 触发式异能 A kind of ability. Triggered abilities begin with the word “when,” “whenever,” or “at.” They’re written as “[Trigger condition], [effect].” See rule 113, “Abilities,” and rule 603, “Handling Triggered Abilities.”\\ 一种异能。触发式异能以词语“当”、“每当”、或“在”开头。它们的格式为“[触发条件],[效应]”。参见规则[[cr:1#cr113|113]],“异能”、以及规则[[cr:6#cr603|603]],“处理触发式异能”。 ---- Turn Markers\\ 回合标记 Markers used to keep track of which players are taking turns in a Grand Melee game. See rule 807.4.\\ 大型混战游戏中,用于记录正在进行其回合之牌手的标记物。参见规则[[cr:8#cr807-4|807.4]]。 ---- Turn-Based Actions\\ 回合动作 Game actions that happen automatically when certain steps or phases begin, or when each step or phase ends. See rule 703, “Turn-Based Actions.”\\ 当特定的步骤或阶段开始时或当每个步骤或阶段结束时,自动发生的游戏动作。参见规则[[cr:7#cr703|703]],“回合动作”。 ---- Two-Headed Giant Variant\\ 双头巨人玩法 A multiplayer variant played among two-player teams that each have a shared life total and take a simultaneous turn. See rule 810, “Two-Headed Giant Variant.”\\ 一个多人玩法,在两人共享总生命且同时进行回合的队伍之间展开。参见规则[[cr:8#cr801|801]],“双头巨人玩法”。 ---- Type\\ 类别 1. An object’s card type or, more broadly, its card type, subtype, and/or supertype. See rule 205, “Type Line,” and section 3, “Card Types.”\\ 1. 一个物件的牌张类别,或更笼统的,它的牌张类别、超类别、和/或副类别。参见规则[[cr:2#cr205|205]],“类别栏”、以及[[cr:3|第3章]],“牌张类别”。 2. An attribute mana has. See rule 106, “Mana.”\\ 2. 一个法术力的属性。参见规则[[cr:1#cr106|106]],“法术力”。 ---- Type Icon\\ 类别符号 An icon that appears in the upper left of some Future Sight cards that has no effect on game play. See rule 107.10.\\ 在一些预知将来版本的卡牌左上角有类别符号,它们对游戏没有影响。参见规则[[cr:1#cr107-10|107.10]]。 ---- Type Line\\ 类别栏 Part of a card. The type line is printed directly below the illustration and contains the card’s card type(s), subtype(s), and/or supertype(s). See rule 205, “Type Line.”\\ 牌的一部分。类别栏印在图片的下方,包括该牌的牌张类别、副类别、和/或超类别。参见规则[[cr:2#cr205|205]],“类别栏”。 ---- Type-Changing Effect\\ 改变类别的效应 An effect that changes an object’s card type, subtype, and/or supertype. See rules 205.1a–b, 305.7, and 613.1d.\\ 一个改变物件的牌张类别、副类别、和/或超类别的效应。参见规则[[cr:2#cr205-1a|205.1a-b]]、[[cr:3#cr305-7|305.7]]、以及[[cr:6#cr613-1d|613.1d]]。 ---- Typecycling\\ 类别循环 A variant of the cycling ability. See rule 702.29, “Cycling.”\\ 一种循环异能。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-29|702.29]],“循环”。 ---- === U === Umbra Armor\\ 本影甲 A keyword ability that allows an Aura to protect the permanent it’s enchanting. See rule 702.89, “Umbra Armor.”\\ 一个关键字异能,允许灵气保护其所结附的永久物。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-89|702.89]],“本影甲”。 ---- Unattach\\ 卸装 To move an Equipment away from the creature it’s attached to so that the Equipment is on the battlefield but is not equipping anything. See rule 701.3d.\\ 将一个武具从其所贴附的生物上移走,从而让武具留在战场上但不装备在任何生物上。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-3d|701.3d]]。 ---- Unblockable (Obsolete)\\ 不可被阻挡(已废止) A term that meant “can’t be blocked.” Cards that used this term have received errata in the Oracle card reference.\\ 一个曾经表示“不可被阻挡”的用词。印有此叙述的牌已经在Oracle牌张参考文献中得到了勘误。 ---- Unblocked Creature\\ 未被阻挡的生物 An attacking creature once no creature has been declared as a blocker for it, unless an effect has caused it to become blocked. It remains an unblocked creature until it’s removed from combat or the combat phase ends, whichever comes first. See rule 509, “Declare Blockers Step.”\\ 一旦一个攻击生物没有被宣告任何阻挡者,除非一个效应导致它被阻挡。它在从战斗中被移除或战斗阶段结束两者中先发生的情况未知,一直保持是未被阻挡的生物。参见规则[[cr:5#cr509|509]],“宣告阻挡者步骤”。 ---- Undaunted\\ 不屈 A keyword ability that reduces the cost of a spell based on the number of opponents you have. See rule 702.125, “Undaunted.”\\ 一个关键字异能,根据你的对手数量减少一个咒语的费用。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-125|702.125]],“不屈”。 ---- Undying\\ 不息 A keyword ability that can return a creature from the graveyard to the battlefield. See rule 702.93, “Undying.”\\ 一个关键字异能,将生物从坟墓场中移回战场上。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-93|702.93]],“不息”。 ---- Unearth\\ 破坟 A keyword ability that lets a player return a creature card from their graveyard to the battlefield. See rule 702.84, “Unearth.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让牌手将生物牌从坟墓场中移回战场上。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-84|702.84]],“破坟”。 ---- Unflipped\\ 未倒转 A default status a permanent may have. See rule 110.5 and rule 710, “Flip Cards.” See also Flipped.\\ 一个永久物可能具有的默认状态。参见规则[[cr:1#cr110-5|110.5]]和规则[[cr:7#cr710|710]],“倒转牌”。另参见倒转。 ---- Unleash\\ 脱缰 A keyword ability that allows a creature to enter the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter on it and stops it from blocking if it has a +1/+1 counter on it. See rule 702.98, “Unleash.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让生物进入战场时具有+1/+1指示物,并且如果它具有+1/+1指示物则防止其阻挡。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-98|702.98]],“脱缰”。 ---- Unless\\ 除非 A word used to indicate a certain style of cost. See rule 118.12a.\\ 一个词,用来确定特殊样式的费用。参见规则[[cr:1#cr118-12a|118.12a]]。 ---- Unlock\\ 解锁 To give an unlocked designation to a permanent that has one or more locked halves. See rule 709.5f.\\ 令一边或数边已上锁的永久物得到一个解锁称号。参见规则[[cr:7#cr709-5g|709.5g]]。 ---- Unlocked\\ 已解锁 One half of a split permanent is “unlocked” if it has the appropriate unlocked designation. See rule 709.5.\\ 如果一个连体永久物具有特定的解锁称号,则其相应的一边为“已解锁”。参见规则[[cr:7#cr709-5|709.5]]。 ---- Untap\\ 重置 To rotate a permanent back to the upright position from a sideways position. See rule 701.21, “Tap and Untap.”\\ 将永久物从横向位置转回到正常位置。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-21|701.21]],“横置和重置”。 ---- Untap Step\\ 重置步骤 Part of the turn. This step is the first step of the beginning phase. See rule 502, “Untap Step.”\\ 回合的一部分。该步骤是开始阶段的第一个步骤。参见规则[[cr:5#cr502|502]],“重置步骤”。 ---- Untap Symbol\\ 重置符号 The untap symbol {Q} in an activation cost means “Untap this permanent.” See rule 107.6.\\ 在起动费用中的重置符号{Q}指“重置此永久物”。参见规则[[cr:1#cr107-6|107.6]]。 ---- Untapped\\ 未横置 A default status a permanent may have. See rule 110.5 and rule 701.21, “Tap and Untap.” See also Tapped.\\ 一个永久物可能具有的默认状态。参见规则[[cr:1#cr110-5|110.5]]和规则[[cr:7#cr701-21|701.21]],“横置和重置”。另参见已横置。 ---- Upkeep Step\\ 维持步骤 Part of the turn. This step is the second step of the beginning phase. See rule 503, “Upkeep Step.”\\ 回合的一部分。该步骤是开始阶段的第二个步骤。参见规则[[cr:5#cr503|503]],“维持步骤”。 ---- === V === Vancouver Mulligan\\ 温哥华再调度 Informal term for a previous system of taking a mulligan. Using the Vancouver mulligan, a player who took a mulligan shuffled their hand into their library and drew one fewer card. After choosing to not mulligan, a player who took a mulligan looked at the top card of their library and could put it on the bottom of their library. For current mulligan rules, see rule 103.5.\\ 指代一种曾经的再调度方式的非正式用词。使用温哥华再调度方式时,牌手再调度时将其手牌洗入其牌库,然后少抓一张牌。在决定不再次再调度之后,已执行过再调度的牌手查看其牌库顶牌,并能够选择将其置于牌库底。要查看当前的再调度规则,参见规则[[cr:1#cr103-5|103.5]]。 ---- Vanguard\\ 先锋 1. A casual variant in which each player plays the role of a famous character. See rule 902, “Vanguard.”\\ 1. 一种休闲式玩法,牌手可以扮演一位著名的角色。参见规则[[cr:9#cr902|902]],“先锋”。 2. A card type seen only on nontraditional Magic cards in the Vanguard casual variant. A vanguard card is not a permanent. See rule 313, “Vanguards.”\\ 2. 一种牌张类别,只在先锋休闲式玩法中使用的非传统万智牌上出现。先锋牌不是永久物。参见规则[[cr:3#cr313|313]],“先锋”。 ---- Vanishing\\ 消逝 A keyword ability that limits how long a permanent remains on the battlefield. See rule 702.63, “Vanishing.”\\ 一个关键字异能,限制一个永久物在战场上的时间。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-63|702.63]],“消逝”。 ---- Variant\\ 玩法 An additional set of rules that determines the style of a multiplayer game. See rule 800.2.\\ 决定一盘多人游戏风格的一组规则集合。参见规则[[cr:8#cr800-2|800.2]]。 ---- Vehicle\\ 载具 An artifact subtype. Vehicles can become artifact creatures. See rule 301, “Artifacts,” and rule 702.122, “Crew.”\\ 一个神器副类别。载具可以变成神器生物。参见规则[[cr:3#cr301|301]],“神器”,以及规则[[cr:7#cr702-122|702.122]],“搭载”。 ---- Venture Marker\\ 进度标记 A marker used to track which room of a dungeon card a player is currently in. See rule 309, “Dungeons.”\\ 一种标记,用来记录牌手当前在地城牌的哪个房间中。参见规则[[cr:3#cr309|309]],“地城”。 ---- Venture into [Quality]\\ 深入[特性] A variant of the venture into the dungeon ability that allows a player to bring a dungeon card with [quality] into the game or move a player’s venture marker. See rule 701.46, “Venture into the Dungeon.”\\ 深入地城异能的一种变化形式,使牌手将具[特性]的地城牌带入游戏,或移动牌手的进度标记。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-46|701.46]],“深入地城”。 ---- Venture into the Dungeon\\ 深入地城 A keyword action that can bring dungeon cards into the game from outside the game or move a player’s venture marker. See rule 701.46, “Venture into the Dungeon.”\\ 一个关键字动作,可以将地城牌从游戏外带入游戏,或移动牌手的进度标记。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-46|701.46]],“深入地城”。 ---- Vigilance\\ 警戒 A keyword ability that lets a creature attack without tapping. See rule 702.20, “Vigilance.”\\ 一个关键字异能,让生物进行攻击不需横置。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-20|702.20]],“警戒”。 ---- Visit\\ 造访 A keyword ability found on Attraction cards. It provides an effect whenever you roll to visit your attractions and get certain results. See rule 702.159, “Visit.”\\ 一个见于景点牌上的关键字异能。它在你掷骰造访景点并获得特定结果时提供效应。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-159|702.159]],“造访”。 ---- Vote\\ 投票 Some cards instruct players to vote from among given options. See rule 701.32, “Vote.”\\ 一些牌会指示牌手对给定的选项进行投票。参见规则[[cr:7#cr701-32|701.32]],“投票”。 ---- === W === Walker Token\\ 尸行者衍生物 A Walker token is a 2/2 black Zombie creature token named Walker. For more information on predefined tokens, see rule 111.10.\\ 尸行者衍生物是名为尸行者的2/2黑色灵俑衍生生物。欲知关于预定义衍生物的更多信息,参见规则[[cr:1#cr111-10|111.10]]。 ---- Wall\\ 墙 A creature type with no particular rules meaning. Older cards with the Wall creature type but without defender had an unwritten ability that precluded them from attacking. Those cards have received errata in the Oracle card reference to have defender. Some older cards that referenced the Wall creature type have also received errata. See Defender.\\ 一种生物类别,不具有特别的规则意义。旧系列具有墙生物类别但没有守军的牌具有未写明的异能,阻止它们进行攻击。这些牌在Oracle牌张参考文献中已经得到勘误具有守军。一些旧系列的牌有提及墙生物类别也得到了勘误。参见守军。 ---- Ward\\ 守护 A triggered ability that can counter spells or abilities that target the permanent with ward. See rule 702.21, “Ward.”\\ 一个触发式异能,可以反击指定具守护异能之永久物的咒语或异能。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-21|702.21]],“守护”。 ---- Win the Game\\ 游戏胜利 There are several ways to win the game. See rule 104, “Ending the Game,” and rules 810.8 (for additional rules for Two-Headed Giant games) and rule 809.5 (for additional rules for Emperor games).\\ 有多种方法可以取得游戏的胜利。参见规则[[cr:1#cr104|104]],“结束游戏”,以及规则[[cr:8#cr810-8|810.8]](双头巨人游戏的额外规则)和规则[[cr:8#cr809-5|809.5]](皇帝玩法的额外规则)。 ---- Wither\\ 干枯 A keyword ability that affects how an object deals damage to a creature. See rule 702.80, “Wither.”\\ 一个关键字异能,影响物件如何对生物造成伤害。参见规则[[cr:7#cr702-80|702.80]],“干枯”。 ---- Wizardcycling\\ 循环法术师 See Typecycling.\\ 参见类别循环。 ---- World\\ 普世 A supertype that’s normally relevant on enchantments. See rule 205.4, “Supertypes.” See also World Rule.\\ 一种超类别,一般情况下与结界有关。参见规则[[cr:2#cr205-4|205.4]],“超类别”。另参见普世规则。 ---- World Rule\\ 普世规则 A state-based action that causes all permanents with the world supertype except the one that has had the world supertype for the shortest amount of time are put into their owners’ graveyards. See rule 704.5k.\\ 一个状态动作,让所有具有普世超类别的永久物,除了拥有普世超类别时间最短的一个以外,皆置入其拥有者的坟墓场。参见规则[[cr:7#cr704-5k|704.5k]]。 ---- === X === X\\ X A placeholder for a number that needs to be determined. See rule 107.3.\\ 一个需要被确定数字的占位符。参见规则[[cr:1#cr107-3|107.3]]。 ---- === Y === Y\\ Y See X.\\ 参见X。 ---- You, Your\\ 你,你的 Words that refer to an object’s controller, its would-be controller (if a player is attempting to cast or activate it), or its owner (if it has no controller). See rule 109.5.\\ 指一个物件的操控者、它即将的操控者(如果牌手正准备施放或起动它),或它的拥有者(如果没有操控者)。参见规则[[cr:1#cr109-5|109.5]]。 ---- === Z === Zone\\ 区域 A place where objects can be during a game. See section 4, “Zones.”\\ 在游戏过程中物件所处于的位置。参见[[cr:4|第4章]],“区域”。 ---- Zone-Change Triggers\\ 改变区域触发 Trigger events that involve objects changing zones. See rule 603.6.\\ 与物件改变区域相关的触发事件。参见规则[[cr:6#cr603-6|603.6]]。 ---- ---- {{page>:规则和文档索引&nofooter}}