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万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
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两侧同时换到之前的修订记录 前一修订版
后一修订版 两侧同时换到之后的修订记录
cr:9 [2015/10/03 21:15]
mtgjudge [903. 指挥官 Commander]
cr:9 [2016/01/19 05:09]
mtgjudge [903. 指挥官 Commander]
行 1: 行 1:
-[[:​完整规则|返回完整规则目录]] +[[:​完整规则|返回完整规则目录]] ​[[cr:​8|第八章 - 多人游戏规则 Multiplayer Rules]]
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-[[cr:​8|第八章 - 多人游戏规则 Multiplayer Rules]] +
 ====== 9. 休闲式玩法 Casual Variants ====== ====== 9. 休闲式玩法 Casual Variants ======
 9. Casual Variants\\ ​ 9. Casual Variants\\ ​
行 142: 行 139:
 902.5. Each player’s starting hand size is seven cards, as modified by the hand modifier of his or her vanguard card.\\ ​ 902.5. Each player’s starting hand size is seven cards, as modified by the hand modifier of his or her vanguard card.\\ ​
-902.5. 每位牌手的起手牌数量为七张,且会受其先锋牌之手牌修正值影响。+902.5. 每位牌手的起手牌数量为七张,且会受其先锋牌之手牌修正值影响。
 902.5a If a player takes a mulligan in a Vanguard game, just like in a normal game, that player shuffles his or her hand back into his or her library, then draws a new hand of one fewer cards than he or she had before. (In a multiplayer game, a player’s first mulligan is for the same number of cards as he or she had before.) See rule 103.4.\\ ​ 902.5a If a player takes a mulligan in a Vanguard game, just like in a normal game, that player shuffles his or her hand back into his or her library, then draws a new hand of one fewer cards than he or she had before. (In a multiplayer game, a player’s first mulligan is for the same number of cards as he or she had before.) See rule 103.4.\\ ​
行 225: 行 222:
 903.7. 在确定先手牌手之后,每位牌手将生命值设为40,并抓一份七张牌的手牌。 903.7. 在确定先手牌手之后,每位牌手将生命值设为40,并抓一份七张牌的手牌。
-903.8. ​The Commander variant uses an alternate mulligan rule. Each time a player takes a mulligan, rather than shuffling his or her entire hand of cards into his or her library, that player exiles any number of cards from his or her hand face down. Then the player draws a number of cards equal to one less than the number of cards he or she exiled this way. That player may look at all cards exiled this way while taking mulligans. Once player keeps an opening hand, that player shuffles all cards he or she exiled this way into his or her libraryAfter all players have kept an opening hand, each player ​in turn order whose hand contains fewer cards than that player’s starting hand size may look at the top card of his or her library. If a player does, that player may put that card on the bottom of his or her library.\\  +903.8. ​player may cast commander ​he or she owns from the command zoneA commander cast from the command zone costs an additional {2} for each previous time the player ​casting it has cast it from the command zone that game.\\  
-903.8. ​指挥官玩法使用的再调度规则有所不同。每次牌手进行再调度时,该牌手牌面朝下地逐任意数量的手牌,而不是将全部手牌都洗入牌库。然后该牌手抓牌,但须比以此法放逐牌数少一张牌手在进行再调度期间可以检视所有以此法逐的牌张。在牌手保留起手之后,他将所有以此法放逐牌洗回其牌库。在所有牌手均决定保留其起始手牌后,位手牌张数较其起始手牌数量为少的牌手依照回合顺序,可以检视其牌库顶牌。若某位牌手如此做,该牌手可以将该牌置于其牌库底+903.8. 牌手可从统帅区施拥有指挥官。牌手在从统帅区施指挥官时,他于这盘游戏先前时段中从统帅区施放过一次该指挥官便须额外支付{2}
-903.9. If mana would be added to a player’s mana pool of a color that isn’t in the color identity of that player’s commander, that amount of colorless mana is added to that player’s mana pool instead.\\  +903.9. If a commander ​would be exiled from anywhere or put into its owner’s hand, graveyard, or library from anywhere, its owner may put it into the command zone instead. This replacement effect may apply more than once to the same event. This is an exception ​to rule 614.5.\\  
-903.9. 如果有不属于某牌手指挥官标识色之颜色的法术力入该牌手的法术力池,则改为将等量的无色法术力加该牌手法术力池+903.9. 如果指挥官将从任何区域放逐,或从任何区域置其拥有者的手牌、坟墓场或牌库,该牌手可以改为将其置统帅区。此替代式效应可以对同一事件生效多于一次。这是规则614.5例外
-903.10. ​A player may cast commander he or she owns from the command ​zone. commander ​cast from the command zone costs an additional {2} for each previous time the player ​casting ​it has cast it from the command zone that game.\\  +903.10. ​If card is put into the exile zone face down from anywhere, and a player is allowed to look at that card in exile, the player must immediately do soIf it’s a commander ​owned by another player, ​the player ​that looked at it turns it face up and puts it into the command zone.\\  
-903.10. 牌手可从统帅放由他拥有的指挥官牌手在从统帅区施放指挥官时,他于这盘游戏先前的时段中每从统帅区施放过一次该指挥官,便须额外支付{2}+903.10. ​如果某以牌面朝下的方式置入放逐,且有牌手能够检视该张在逐区内的牌,则该牌手须立即检视之。如果该牌为牌手拥有的指挥官,则进行检视的牌手便将其翻回正面并置入统帅区。
-903.11. ​If a commander would be exiled from anywhere or put into its owner’s hand, graveyard, or library from anywhere, its owner may put it into the command zone insteadThis replacement effect may apply more than once to the same eventThis is an exception to rule 614.5.\\  +903.11. ​The Commander variant includes ​the following specification for winning and losing the gameAll other rules for ending the game also apply. ​(See rule 104.)\\  
-903.11. ​如果指挥官将从任何区域放逐,或从任何区域置入拥有者手牌、坟墓场或牌库,该牌手可以改为将其置入统帅区。此替代式效应可以对同一事件生效多一次这是规则614.5的例外+903.11. 指挥官玩法包含下列游戏输赢条件。他结束游戏规则均适用本玩法(请参见规则104
-903.12. If a card is put into the exile zone face down from anywhere, and a player is allowed to look at that card in exile, the player must immediately do so. If it’s a commander owned by another player, the player that looked at it turns it face up and puts it into the command zone.\\  +903.11a A player that’s been dealt 21 or more combat damage by the same commander over the course of the game loses the game. (This is a state-based action. See rule 704.)\\  
-903.12. 如果某牌以牌面朝下的方式置入放逐区,且有牌手能够检视该张在放逐区内的牌,则该牌手须立即检视之。如果该牌为由其他牌手拥有的指挥官,则进行检视的牌手便将其翻回正面并置入统帅区。 +903.11a 在整盘游戏过程中,受到由同一位指挥官造成之战斗伤害达到或超过21点的牌手输掉此盘游戏。(此为状态动作。参见规则704。)
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-903.13. The Commander variant includes the following specification for winning and losing the game. All other rules for ending the game also apply. (See rule 104.)\\  +
-903.13. 指挥官玩法包含下列游戏输赢条件。其他结束游戏的规则均适用于本玩法。(请参见规则104。) +
- +
-903.13a ​A player that’s been dealt 21 or more combat damage by the same commander over the course of the game loses the game. (This is a state-based action. See rule 704.)\\  +
-903.13a 在整盘游戏过程中,受到由同一位指挥官造成之战斗伤害达到或超过21点的牌手输掉此盘游戏。(此为状态动作。参见规则704。)+
 ===== 904. 魔王 Archenemy ===== ===== 904. 魔王 Archenemy =====
 904. Archenemy\\ ​ 904. Archenemy\\ ​
行 344: 行 335:
 905.6. Once the starting player has been determined, each player sets his or her life total to 20 and draws a hand of seven cards.\\ ​ 905.6. Once the starting player has been determined, each player sets his or her life total to 20 and draws a hand of seven cards.\\ ​
-905.6. 一旦先手牌手被确定,每位牌手将总生命设为20,然后抓七张起手牌。 +905.6. 一旦先手牌手被确定,每位牌手将总生命设为20,然后抓七张起手牌。
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