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万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
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返回完整规则目录 | 第六章 - 咒语、异能和效应 Spells, Abilities, and Effects | 第八章 - 多人游戏规则 Multiplayer Rules

7. 附加规则 Additional Rules

7. Additional Rules
7. 附加规则

700. 总则 General

700. General
700. 总则

700.1. Anything that happens in a game is an event. Multiple events may take place during the resolution of a spell or ability. The text of triggered abilities and replacement effects defines the event they’re looking for. One “happening” may be treated as a single event by one ability and as multiple events by another.
700.1. 游戏中发生的任何事情,都称为事件。咒语或异能结算过程中,可能会发生数个事件。触发式异能或替代性效应的文字叙述中,会定义它们所注意的事件。对不同的异能来说,一次的“发生”有可能被作为单一事件,也可能被作为数个事件。

Example: If an attacking creature is blocked by two creatures, this is one event for a triggered ability that reads “Whenever [this creature] becomes blocked” but two events for a triggered ability that reads “Whenever [this creature] becomes blocked by a creature.”

700.2. A spell or ability is modal if it has two or more options in a bulleted list preceded by instructions for a player to choose a number of those options, such as “Choose one —.” Each of those options is a mode. Modal cards printed prior to the Khans of Tarkir™ set didn’t use bulleted lists for the modes; these cards have received errata in the Oracle card reference so the modes do appear in a bulleted list.
700.2. 如果某咒语或异能以项目列表的格式提供了两种或以上的选择,且以指示牌手从这些选项中选择数项的字样开头,例如“选择一项~”,此咒语或异能便具有模式。其中的每一个选项都称为一种模式。在鞑契可汗™系列之前印制的具有模式的牌并未使用项目列表格式;这些牌具有Oracle牌张参考文献勘误,使其选项以项目列表的形式呈现。

700.2a The controller of a modal spell or activated ability chooses the mode(s) as part of casting that spell or activating that ability. If one of the modes would be illegal (due to an inability to choose legal targets, for example), that mode can’t be chosen. (See rule 601.2b.)
700.2a 牌手作为施放具有模式的咒语或起动具有模式的起动式异能的一部分,必须选择其模式。如果所选的模式之一将不合法(例如,因无法为其选择合法的目标),则不能选择该模式。(参见规则601.2b。)

700.2b The controller of a modal triggered ability chooses the mode(s) as part of putting that ability on the stack. If one of the modes would be illegal (due to an inability to choose legal targets, for example), that mode can’t be chosen. If no mode is chosen, the ability is removed from the stack. (See rule 603.3c.)
700.2b 具有模式的触发式异能由其操控者,作为该异能进入堆叠的一部分选择模式。如果所选的模式之一不合法(例如,因无法为其选择合法的目标),则不能选择该模式。如果未选择此异能上的任何模式,则此异能会被移出堆叠。(参见规则603.3c。)

700.2c If a spell or ability targets one or more targets only if a particular mode is chosen for it, its controller will need to choose those targets only if they chose that mode. Otherwise, the spell or ability is treated as though it did not have those targets. (See rule 601.2c.)
700.2c 如果某咒语或异能仅在选择了特定的模式时才需要指定目标,则该咒语或异能的操控者只有在选择了该模式的情况下才需要指定目标。否则,该咒语或异能视同不具有这些目标。(参见规则601.2c。)

700.2d If a player is allowed to choose more than one mode for a modal spell or ability, that player normally can’t choose the same mode more than once. However, some modal spells include the instruction “You may choose the same mode more than once.” If a particular mode is chosen multiple times, the spell is treated as if that mode appeared that many times in sequence. If that mode requires a target, the same player or object may be chosen as the target for each of those modes, or different targets may be chosen.
700.2d 如果某个具有模式的咒语或异能允许牌手选择多于一个模式,该牌手通常不能选择同一个模式多于一次。但是,一些具有模式的咒语指示“你可以多次选择同一项”。如果某个模式被选择了多于一次,视为该咒语上该模式以等量的次数依序出现。如果该模式需要目标,则既可以选择同一位牌手或物件作为每一次选择该模式的目标,亦可以选择不同的目标。

700.2e Some spells and abilities specify that a player other than their controller chooses a mode for it. In that case, the other player does so when the spell or ability’s controller normally would do so. If there is more than one other player who could make such a choice, the spell or ability’s controller decides which of those players will make the choice.
700.2e 一些咒语和异能会指定一位牌手,而非其操控者,来为它选择模式。在此情况下,该牌手选择模式的时机与该咒语操控者在通常情况下作出选择的时机相同。如果有多于一位的牌手可以作出选择,该咒语的操控者选择由哪一位牌手来作出选择。

700.2f Modal spells and abilities may have different targeting requirements for each mode. Changing a spell or ability’s target can’t change its mode.
700.2f 具有模式的咒语或异能,其不同模式需要的目标可能各自不同。改变咒语或异能的目标并不改变其模式。

700.2g A copy of a modal spell or ability copies the mode(s) chosen for it. The controller of the copy can’t choose a different mode. (See rule 707.10.)
700.2g 具有模式的咒语或异能之复制品,会复制为该咒语或异能所选择的模式。该复制品的操控者不能选择其他模式。(参见规则707.10。)

700.2h Some modal spells use plus signs (+) rather than bullet points, with each plus sign followed by a cost. This indicates that each mode has an additional cost that must be paid as the spell is cast if that mode is chosen. If more than one such mode is chosen, all additional costs must be paid to cast that spell. Paying these costs follows the rules for paying additional costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
700.2h 一些具有模式的咒语使用加号(+)而不是圆点,且加号后面带有费用。它表示每个模式具有一个额外费用,如果选择了该模式,则在施放咒语时必须支付之。如果选择了多于一个此类模式,则在施放该咒语时必须支付所有额外费用。支付这些费用时,需依照规则601.2b与规则601.2f-h的规定来支付额外费用。

700.2i Some modal spells have one or more pawprint symbols ({P}) rather than bullet points, as well as an instruction to choose up to a specified number of {P} “worth of modes.” While casting such a spell, its controller can choose any number of modes such that the total number of pawprint symbols listed for the chosen modes is not greater than the specified number.
700.2i 一些具有模式的咒语上有一个或数个爪印符号({P})而不是圆点,并指示选择数量加总不超过若干{P}的模式。在施放此类咒语时,其操控者可以选择任意数量的模式,只要所选模式中列出的爪印符号总数不超过指定的数量。

700.3. Some effects cause objects to be temporarily grouped into piles.
700.3. 某些效应会临时将物件分堆。

700.3a Each of the affected objects must be put into exactly one of those piles, unless the effect specifies otherwise.
700.3a 每个受影响的物件都必须且只能放进一堆中,除非效应特别说明。

700.3b Each object in a pile is still an individual object. The pile is not an object.
700.3b 在堆中的每个物件依然是单独的个体。堆本身并不是一个物件。

700.3c Objects grouped into piles don’t leave the zone they’re currently in. If cards in a graveyard are split into piles, the order of the graveyard must be maintained.
700.3c 被分在堆里的物件并不因此离开当前所在的区域。如果在坟墓场中的牌被分堆,则必须保持坟墓场的顺序。

Example: Fact or Fiction reads, “Reveal the top five cards of your library. An opponent separates those cards into two piles. Put one pile into your hand and the other into your graveyard.” While an opponent is separating the revealed cards into piles, they’re still in their owner’s library. They don’t leave the library until they’re put into their owner’s hand or graveyard.

700.3d A pile can contain zero or more objects.
700.3d 一堆之中可以包括零个或数个物件。

700.4. The term dies means “is put into a graveyard from the battlefield.”
700.4. 死去一词表示“从战场进入坟墓场”。

700.5. A player’s devotion to [color] is equal to the number of mana symbols of that color among the mana costs of permanents that player controls. A player’s devotion to [color 1] and [color 2] is equal to the number of mana symbols among the mana costs of permanents that player controls that are [color 1], [color 2], or both colors.
700.5. 牌手的[颜色]献力等同于由该牌手操控的永久物之法术力费用中该色法术力符号的数量。牌手的[颜色1][颜色2]两色献力等同于该牌手操控的永久物之法术力费用中为[颜色1]、[颜色2]或两者都是。

700.5a A player’s devotion to each color and combination of colors, taking into account any effects that modify devotion, is calculated after considering any copy, control, or text-changing effects but before any other effects that modify the characteristics of permanents. This is an exception to 613.10. See also rule 613, “Interaction of Continuous Effects.”
700.5a 牌手每种颜色和颜色组合的献力,在考虑任何复制、操控权或改变叙述的效应(并算上任何修正献力的效应)之后计算,但在任何其他影响永久物特征的效应生效之前。这是613.10的例外。亦参见规则613,“持续性效应的互动”。

Example: Altar of the Pantheon is an artifact with no colored mana in its cost and an ability that says “Your devotion to each color and each combination of colors is increased by one.” Purphoros, God of the Forge is a permanent mana cost {3}{R} and an ability that says “As long as your devotion to red is less than five, Purphoros isn’t a creature.” If a player controls both of these permanents and another permanent that costs {R}{R}{R}, that player’s devotion to red is calculated to be five before Purphoros’s type-changing effect is applied, and Purphoros is a creature.

700.6. The term historic refers to an object that has the legendary supertype, the artifact card type, or the Saga subtype.
700.6. 史迹一词表示一个具有传奇此超类别、或具有神器此牌张类别、或具有传纪此副类别的物件。

700.7. If an ability uses a phrase such as “this [something]” to identify an object, where [something] is a characteristic, it is referring to that particular object, even if it isn’t the appropriate characteristic at the time.
700.7. 如果异能使用“此[对象]”来表示一个物件,[对象]为某个特征,则仅指该物件本身,即使该物件的[对象]特征当时已经改变。

Example: An ability reads “Target creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn. Destroy that creature at the beginning of the next end step.” The ability will destroy the object it gave +2/+2 to even if that object isn’t a creature at the beginning of the next end step.

700.8. Some cards refer to a player’s party. A player’s party consists of up to one Cleric creature that player controls, up to one Rogue creature they control, up to one Warrior creature they control, and up to one Wizard creature they control.
700.8. 一些牌提及牌手的冒险团。牌手的冒险团由至多一个由该牌手操控的僧侣生物、至多一个由该牌手操控的浪客生物、至多一个由该牌手操控的战士生物,以及至多一个由该牌手操控的法术师生物组成。

700.8a If a spell, ability, or effect needs to determine the number of creatures in a player’s party, the calculation of that number is performed automatically by the game and results in a number between zero and four. Players don’t declare which specific creatures they control are in their party for such an effect.
700.8a 如果咒语、异能或效应需要确定牌手冒险团中的生物数量,该数量会由游戏自动计算,其结果是一个介于零至四之间的数字。牌手无需为此类效应宣告哪个特定生物在该牌手的冒险团中。

700.8b If a creature has multiple creature types for which it could be the party member, it is counted as the party member for only one of those types. If there are different ways to count such a creature that results in different numbers of creatures in a player’s party, it is counted in such a way to get the highest result.
700.8b 如果某个生物具有数个可算作冒险团成员的生物类别,在点算冒险团成员时,该生物只能按这些类别其中之一计算。如果采用多种不同方式点算此类生物,导致牌手冒险团中的生物数量之结果有差异,则会采用其中得到数值最大者的方式来计算。

700.8c A player has a full party if there are four creatures in that player’s party.
700.8c 如果牌手冒险团中的生物数量为四,该牌手的冒险团满编。

700.8d One card, Stick Together, instructs players to choose a party from among creatures they control. To do so, for each of the creature types listed in rule 700.8, each player chooses up to one creature they control of that type.
700.8d 一张牌(集体行动)指示牌手从由其操控的生物中选出一个冒险团。其意指,对于规则700.8中列出的每一种生物类别,每位牌手选择至多一个由其操控的具有该生物类别的生物。

700.9. Some cards refer to modified permanents. A permanent is modified if it has one or more counters on it (see rule 122), if it is equipped (see rule 301.5), or if it is enchanted by an Aura that is controlled by that permanent’s controller (see rule 303.4).
700.9. 一些牌提及有饰装的永久物。如果一个永久物上面有一个或数个指示物(参见规则122)、佩带有武具(参见规则301.5),或被一个由该永久物的操控者操控的灵气所结附(参见规则303.4),则该永久物有饰装。

700.10. Some cards refer to a permanent “that was activated this turn.” This means that the permanent was the source of an ability that was activated this turn, regardless of whether that permanent still has that activated ability or the player who activated it is still in the game.
700.10. 一些牌提及“本回合中已起动”的永久物。其意指,该永久物是某个本回合中已起动的异能之来源,无论该永久物是否仍拥有此已起动的异能,或是起动此异能的牌手是否仍在游戏中。

700.11. Some cards refer to whether a player has “descended this turn.” This means that a permanent card has been put into that player’s graveyard from anywhere this turn. “The number of times [a player] descended this turn” means “the number of permanent cards put into [that player’s] graveyard from anywhere this turn.” In both cases, no permanent cards put into the player’s graveyard that turn are required to still be in that graveyard.
700.11. 一些牌提及牌手是否“本回合中有落坟”。其意指,本回合中有永久物牌从任何区域进入该牌手的坟墓场。“[牌手]本回合落坟的次数”意指“本回合中从任何区域进入[该牌手]的坟墓场的永久物牌的数量”。在这两种情况下,该回合中进入牌手坟墓场的牌都不需要仍然留在坟墓场中。

700.12. The term outlaw refers to an object that has the Assassin, Mercenary, Pirate, Rogue, and/or Warlock creature types.
700.12. 狂徒一词表示一个具有杀手、佣兵、海盗、浪客和/或邪术师生物类别的物件。

700.12a Some cards refer to outlaws that a player controls. Only outlaw permanents are considered for these effects unless otherwise specified.
700.12a 一些牌提及牌手操控的狂徒。除非另有指定,否则这些效应只考虑狂徒永久物。

700.13. Some cards refer to committing a crime. A player commits a crime as that player casts a spell, activates an ability, or puts a triggered ability on the stack and that spell or ability targets at least one opponent; at least one permanent, spell, or ability an opponent controls; and/or at least one card in an opponent’s graveyard.
700.13. 一些牌提及犯下罪行。于一位牌手施放咒语、起动异能或将触发式异能放进堆叠,且该咒语或异能将至少一位对手,至少一个由对手操控的永久物、咒语或异能,和/或至少一张在对手坟墓场中的牌指定为目标时,该牌手犯下罪行。

700.14. Some abilities trigger “Whenever you expend N.” A player expends N if they pay a cost to cast a spell and the amount of mana that player spent this turn to cast spells prior to paying that cost was less than N and became at least N after paying that cost.
700.14. 一些异能于“每当你花销N”时触发。如果牌手支付费用施放咒语,且于本回合中,该牌手支付该费用之前用于施放咒语的法术力数量小于N,且支付该费用后成为至少N,则该牌手花销N。

Example: A player casts Bark-Knuckle Boxer, which costs {1}{G} and reads “Whenever you expend 4, Bark-Knuckle Boxer gains indestructible until end of turn.” After it resolves, that play casts Divination, a spell that costs {2}{U}. Prior to paying the cost to cast Divination, that player has spent two mana to cast spells this turn. After paying the cost, they have spent five mana to cast spells this turn. Since they have now spent at least four mana to cast spells this turn, Bark-Knuckle Boxer’s ability triggers.
例如:某牌手施放树结拳手[Bark-Knuckle Boxer],其费用为{1}{G}且具有“每当你花销4时,树结拳手获得不灭异能直到回合结束。”它结算后,该牌手施放卜卦,一个费用为{2}{U}的咒语。在支付卜卦的费用之前,该牌手本回合中已经将两点法术力用于施放咒语。在支付费用之后,其本回合中已经将五点法术力用于施放咒语。由于其本回合中已经将至少四点法术力用于施放咒语,因此树结拳手的异能触发。

700.15. The term enter[s] is short for “enter[s] the battlefield.”
700.15. “进场”一词是“进入战场”的简写。

701. 关键字动作 Keyword Actions

701. Keyword Actions
701. 关键字动作

701.1. Most actions described in a card’s rules text use the standard English definitions of the verbs within, but some specialized verbs are used whose meanings may not be clear. These “keywords” are game terms; sometimes reminder text summarizes their meanings.
701.1. 在牌张规则叙述文字中所描述的大多数动作,使用的是相关动词单词的标准中文含义,但仍有部分用到的特殊动词含义可能不甚明了。这些“关键字”都是游戏术语;有时,规则提示文字内会有其含义的简略说明。

701.2. Activate
701.2. 起动

701.2a To activate an activated ability is to put it onto the stack and pay its costs, so that it will eventually resolve and have its effect. Only an object’s controller (or its owner, if it doesn’t have a controller) can activate its activated ability unless the object specifically says otherwise. A player may activate an ability if they have priority. See rule 602, “Activating Activated Abilities.”
701.2a 起动一个起动式异能指,支付该异能的费用并将其放进堆叠,使得它最终得以结算并产生效应。在某物件没有其他特别说明的情况下,只有其操控者(若其没有操控者,则为其拥有者)才可以起动物件上的起动式异能。牌手在其拥有优先权的时候可以起动异能。参见规则602,“起动起动式异能”。

701.3. Attach
701.3. 贴附

701.3a To attach an Aura, Equipment, or Fortification to an object or player means to take it from where it currently is and put it onto that object or player. If something is attached to a permanent on the battlefield, it’s customary to place it so that it’s physically touching the permanent. An Aura, Equipment, or Fortification can’t be attached to an object or player it couldn’t enchant, equip, or fortify, respectively.
701.3a 将灵气、武具、工事贴附于某物件或或牌手上指,将其从当前所在的区域放到该物件或牌手之上。如果有东西正贴附于战场上的一个永久物,则在放置时习惯上将它与该永久物之间有切实接触。灵气、武具或工事不能贴附于其无法结附、佩带或构工的物件或牌手之上。

701.3b If an effect tries to attach an Aura, Equipment, or Fortification to an object or player it can’t be attached to, the Aura, Equipment, or Fortification doesn’t move. If an effect tries to attach an Aura, Equipment, or Fortification to the object or player it’s already attached to, the effect does nothing. If an effect tries to attach an object that isn’t an Aura, Equipment, or Fortification to another object or player, the effect does nothing and the first object doesn’t move.
701.3b 如果有效应试图将某灵气、武具或工事贴附于其不能贴附的物件或牌手之上,则该灵气、武具或工事不会移动。如果有效应试图将某灵气、武具或工事贴附于其已贴附的物件或牌手之上,则该效应没有效果。如果一个效应试图将一个不是灵气、武具或工事的物件贴附于另一个物件或牌手上,该效应没有任何效果且第一个物件没有移动。

701.3c Attaching an Aura, Equipment, or Fortification on the battlefield to a different object or player causes the Aura, Equipment, or Fortification to receive a new timestamp.
701.3c 将已在战场上的某灵气、武具或工事贴附于其他物件或牌手之上,会使得该灵气、武具或工事获得新的时间印记。

701.3d To “unattach” an Equipment from a creature means to move it away from that creature so the Equipment is on the battlefield but is not equipping anything. It should no longer be physically touching any creature. If an Aura, Equipment, or Fortification that was attached to an object or player ceases to be attached to it, that counts as “becoming unattached [from that object or player]”; this includes if that Aura, Equipment, or Fortification leaves the battlefield, the object leaves the zone it was in, or that player leaves the game.
701.3d 将武具从生物上“卸装”意指,将其从生物上移开,使得此武具仍在战场,但并未装备在任何生物上。放置时不应再将它与其他生物接触。如果曾贴附于某物的灵气、武具或工事不再贴附于该物件或牌手之上,便视作“[从该物件或牌手上]不再贴附/卸装”;此灵气、武具或工事离开战场、该物件离开之前所在的区域、或该牌手离开游戏的状况,也包括在此描述之内。

701.4. Cast
701.4. 施放

701.4a To cast a spell is to take it from the zone it’s in (usually the hand), put it on the stack, and pay its costs, so that it will eventually resolve and have its effect. A player may cast a spell if they have priority. See rule 601, “Casting Spells.”
701.4a 施放咒语指,将该咒语从其所在区域(通常为手上)放入堆叠,并支付费用,使得它最终得以结算并产生效应。牌手在其拥有优先权的时候可以施放咒语。参见规则601,“施放咒语”。

701.4b To cast a card is to cast it as a spell.
701.4b 施放某牌指将其作为咒语来施放。

701.5. Counter
701.5. 反击

701.5a To counter a spell or ability means to cancel it, removing it from the stack. It doesn’t resolve and none of its effects occur. A countered spell is put into its owner’s graveyard.
701.5a 反击一个咒语或异能指,取消它并将其移出堆叠。它不会结算,并且其效应完全不会发生。将被反击的咒语置于其拥有者的坟墓场。

701.5b The player who cast a countered spell or activated a countered ability doesn’t get a “refund” of any costs that were paid.
701.5b 咒语或异能被反击后,已支付的费用均不会“退费”给施放该咒语或起动该异能的牌手。

701.6. Create
701.6. 派出

701.6a To create one or more tokens with certain characteristics, put the specified number of tokens with the specified characteristics onto the battlefield.
701.6a 派出一个或数个具有特定特征的衍生物指,将该数量的、具有该特征的衍生物放进战场。

701.6b If a replacement effect applies to a token being created, that effect applies before considering any continuous effects that will modify the characteristics of that token. If a replacement effect applies to a token entering the battlefield, that effect applies after considering any continuous effects that will modify the characteristics of that token.
701.6b 如果一个替代性效应将要对如何派出衍生物生效,则该效应在适用任何影响该衍生物特征的持续性效应之前生效。如果一个替代性效应将要对衍生物如何进入战场生效,则该效应在适用任何影响该衍生物特征的持续性效应之后生效。

701.6c Previously, an effect that created tokens instructed a player to “put [those tokens] onto the battlefield.” Cards that were printed with that text have received errata in the Oracle card reference so they now “create” those tokens.
701.6c 多年以来,派出衍生物的效应指示牌手“将[衍生物]放进战场”。以这些用词印刷的卡牌均已经在Oracle牌张参考文献中勘误为“派出”这些衍生物。

701.7. Destroy
701.7. 消灭

701.7a To destroy a permanent, move it from the battlefield to its owner’s graveyard.
701.7a 消灭一个永久物指,将其从战场移至其拥有者的坟墓场。

701.7b The only ways a permanent can be destroyed are as a result of an effect that uses the word “destroy” or as a result of the state-based actions that check for lethal damage (see rule 704.5g) or damage from a source with deathtouch (see rule 704.5h). If a permanent is put into its owner’s graveyard for any other reason, it hasn’t been “destroyed.”
701.7b 永久物只可能是由于以下数种效应的结果而被消灭:受到了注记着“消灭”的效应;因检查状态动作中的致命伤害(参见规则704.5g);或是受到了具死触异能的来源造成伤害(参见704.5h)。若某永久物是因其他原因而被置入其拥有者的坟墓场,它并不是被“消灭”的。

701.7c A regeneration effect replaces a destruction event. See rule 701.15, “Regenerate.”
701.7c 一个重生效应可替代一次消灭事件。参见规则701.15,“重生”。

701.8. Discard
701.8. 弃牌

701.8a To discard a card, move it from its owner’s hand to that player’s graveyard.
701.8a 弃掉一张牌指,将它从其拥有者的手上移到该牌手的坟墓场中。

701.8b By default, effects that cause a player to discard a card allow the affected player to choose which card to discard. Some effects, however, require a random discard or allow another player to choose which card is discarded.
701.8b 在默认情况下,使某位牌手弃掉一张牌的效应允许由受影响的牌手来选择弃掉哪一张牌。然而有些效应会要求牌手随机弃牌,或允许其他牌手来选弃掉哪张牌。

701.8c If a card is discarded, but an effect causes it to be put into a hidden zone instead of into its owner’s graveyard without being revealed, all values of that card’s characteristics are considered to be undefined. If a card is discarded this way to pay a cost that specifies a characteristic about the discarded card, that cost payment is illegal; the game returns to the moment before the cost was paid (see rule 730, “Handling Illegal Actions”).
701.8c 若一张牌被弃掉,但某效应使其改为以未被展示的方式放置于一个隐藏区域而非其拥有者的坟墓场中,该牌的任何特征值皆视为是未定义的。若以此法弃掉牌来支付某费用,且该费用指定了所弃之牌的某种特征,该费用的支付非法;游戏将倒回至该费用被支付之前的时刻(参见规则730,“处理非法动作”)。

701.9. Double
701.9. 加倍

701.9a Doubling a creature’s power and/or toughness creates a continuous effect. This effect modifies that creature’s power and/or toughness but doesn’t set those characteristics to a specific value. See rule 613.4c.
701.9a 加倍生物的力量和/或防御力会创造一个持续性效应。该效应影响该生物的力量或防御力,但并非将这些特征设定为特定值。参见规则613.4c

701.9b To double a creature’s power, that creature gets +X/+0, where X is that creature’s power as the spell or ability that doubles its power resolves. Similarly, an effect that doubles a creature’s toughness gives it +0/+X, where X is that creature’s toughness. Doubling a creature’s power and toughness gives it +X/+Y, where X is its power and Y is its toughness.
701.9b 加倍生物的力量指,其得+X/+0,X为于加倍其力量的该咒语或异能结算时该生物的力量。类似地,加倍生物的防御力之效应使其得+0/+X,X为该生物的防御力。加倍生物的力量和防御力使其得+X/+Y,X为其力量且Y为其防御力。

701.9c If a creature’s power is less than 0 when it’s doubled, doubling that creature’s power instead means that the creature gets -X/-0, where X is the difference between 0 and its power. Similarly, if its toughness is less than 0 when doubled, it gets -0/-X. If one characteristic’s value is negative but the other isn’t when both are doubled, it gets -X/+Y or +X/-Y, as appropriate.
701.9c 如果生物的力量于被加倍时小于0,加倍该生物的力量改为意指该生物得-X/-0,X为该生物的力量与0之差值。类似地,如果其防御力于被加倍时小于0,其得-0/-X。如果两者都被加倍,且其中一个特征为负但另一个不为负时,视情况其得-X/+Y或+X/-Y。

701.9d To double a player’s life total, the player gains or loses an amount of life such that their new life total is twice its current value.
701.9d 加倍牌手的总生命指,该牌手获得或失去若干生命,使得其新的总生命等同于其当前值的两倍。

701.9e To double the number of a kind of counters on a player or permanent, give that player or permanent as many of those counters as that player or permanent already has.
701.9e 加倍牌手或永久物上某种指示物的数量指,给予该牌手或永久物若干该种指示物,其数量等同于其已有该种指示物之数量。

701.9f To double the amount of a type of mana in a player’s mana pool, that player adds an amount of mana of that type equal to the amount they already have.
701.9f 加倍牌手法术力池中某种类别的法术力的数量指,该牌手加若干该类别的法术力,其数量等同于其已有该类别法术力之数量。

701.10. Exchange
701.10. 交换

701.10a A spell or ability may instruct players to exchange something (for example, life totals or control of two permanents) as part of its resolution. When such a spell or ability resolves, if the entire exchange can’t be completed, no part of the exchange occurs.
701.10a 作为咒语或异能结算的一部分,可能会指示双方交换某物(例如,总生命或两个永久物的操控权)。当此类咒语或异能结算时,若无法完成整个交换,则此交换的任何部分均不会发生。

Example: If a spell attempts to exchange control of two target creatures but one of those creatures is destroyed before the spell resolves, the spell does nothing to the other creature.

701.10b When control of two permanents is exchanged, if those permanents are controlled by different players, each of those players simultaneously gains control of the permanent that was controlled by the other player. If, on the other hand, those permanents are controlled by the same player, the exchange effect does nothing.
701.10b 当两个永久物的操控权被交换时,若这些永久物由不同的牌手操控,则每位牌手同时获得由另一位牌手所操控之该永久物的操控权。另一方面,若这些永久物都由同一位牌手操控,则此交换效应没有效果。

701.10c When life totals are exchanged, each player gains or loses the amount of life necessary to equal the other player’s previous life total. Replacement effects may modify these gains and losses, and triggered abilities may trigger on them. A player who can’t gain life can’t be given a higher life total this way, and a player who can’t lose life can’t be given a lower life total this way (see rules 119.7–8).
701.10c 当总生命被交换时,每位牌手获得或失去必要数量的生命,以使得自己的总生命与另一位牌手之前的总生命相同。替代性效应可能改变因此得到或失去的数量,触发式异能也可能因生命的得失而触发。不能获得生命的牌手不能以此法得到较高的总生命,不能失去生命的牌手不能以此法得到较低的总生命(参见规则119.7-8)。

701.10d Some spells or abilities may instruct a player to exchange cards in one zone with cards in a different zone (for example, exiled cards and cards in a player’s hand). These spells and abilities work the same as other “exchange” spells and abilities, except they can exchange the cards only if all the cards are owned by the same player, and they can exchange the cards even if one zone is empty.
701.10d 某些咒语或异能可能会指示牌手将处于两个不同区域的牌交换(例如,被放逐的牌和牌手手上的牌)。这些咒语及异能的运作方式与其他“交换”咒语或异能相同,不同之处在于,交换只有在所交换的牌都由同一位牌手所拥有的情况下才能进行,且即使其中一个区域为空,牌手也能交换这些牌。

701.10e If a card in one zone is exchanged with a card in a different zone, and either of them is attached to an object, that card stops being attached to that object and the other card becomes attached to that object.
701.10e 如果在交换处于两个不同区域的牌时,其中之一正贴附于某物件之上,则交换时,原本贴附于物件之上的牌不再贴附于该物件,改为由另一张牌贴附于该物件。

701.10f If a spell or ability instructs a player to simply exchange two zones, and one of the zones is empty, the cards in the zones are still exchanged.
701.10f 如果某咒语或异能指示牌手将两个区域交换,则即使其中一个区域空着,也依然会交换这两个区域中的牌。

701.10g A spell or ability may instruct a player to exchange two numerical values. In such an exchange, each value becomes equal to the previous value of the other. If either of those values is a life total, the affected player gains or loses the amount of life necessary to equal the other value. Replacement effects may modify this gain or loss, and triggered abilities may trigger on it. A player who can’t gain life can’t be given a higher life total this way, and a player who can’t lose life can’t be given a lower life total this way (see rules 119.7–8). If either of those values is a power or toughness, a continuous effect is created setting that power or toughness to the other value (see rule 613.4b). This rule does not apply to spells and abilities that switch a creature’s power and toughness.
701.10g 咒语或异能可能会指示牌手交换两个数值。在此类交换中,每个数值成为另一个数值交换之前的值。若其中之一为总生命,受影响的牌手获得或失去必要数量的生命,以使其生命等同于另一个数值。替代性效应可能改变因此得到或失去的数量,触发式异能也可能因生命的得失而触发。不能获得生命的牌手不能以此法得到较高的总生命,不能失去生命的牌手不能以此法得到较低的总生命(参见规则119.7-8)。如果这些数值之一是力量或防御力,一个持续性效应被创造,以设置该力量或防御力成为另一个值(参见规则613.4b)。此规则不适用于交换某生物的力量和防御力之咒语或异能。

701.10h One card (Exchange of Words) instructs a player to exchange the text boxes of two creatures. This creates a text-changing effect (see rule 612, “Text-Changing Effects”). In such an exchange, the rules text of each permanent becomes the previous rules text of the other.
701.10h 一张牌(Exchange of Words)指示牌手交换两个生物的文字栏。这会创造一个改变叙述的效应(参见规则612,“改变叙述的效应”)。在这此交换中,每个永久物的规则叙述成为另一个永久物之前的规则叙述。

701.11. Exile
701.11. 放逐

701.11a To exile an object, move it to the exile zone from wherever it is. See rule 406, “Exile.”
701.11a 放逐一个物件指,将它从原本所在区域移到放逐区中。参见规则406,“放逐”。

701.12. Fight
701.12. 互斗

701.12a A spell or ability may instruct a creature to fight another creature or it may instruct two creatures to fight each other. Each of those creatures deals damage equal to its power to the other creature.
701.12a 一个咒语或异能可能会要求一个生物与另一个生物互斗。这两个生物互相向对方造成等同于自身力量的伤害。

701.12b If one or both creatures instructed to fight are no longer on the battlefield or are no longer creatures, neither of them fights or deals damage. If one or both creatures are illegal targets for a resolving spell or ability that instructs them to fight, neither of them fights or deals damage.
701.12b 如果一个被要求互斗的生物已不在战场上或不再是生物(或两者皆如此),没有生物互斗,也没有伤害造成。如果一个生物在一个要求它互斗的咒语或异能结算时不是合法目标(或两者皆如此),没有生物互斗,也没有伤害造成。

701.12c If a creature fights itself, it deals damage to itself equal to twice its power.
701.12c 如果某生物与本身互斗,则它会对本身造成其力量值两倍的伤害。

701.12d The damage dealt when a creature fights isn’t combat damage.
701.12d 生物互斗所造成的伤害并非战斗伤害。

701.13. Mill
701.13. 磨

701.13a For a player to mill a number of cards, that player puts that many cards from the top of their library into their graveyard.
701.13a 牌手磨数张牌指,该牌手将该数量的牌从牌库顶置于其坟墓场。

701.13b A player can’t mill a number of cards greater than the number of cards in their library. If given the choice to do so, they can’t choose to take that action. If instructed to do so, they mill as many as possible. Similarly, the player can’t pay a cost that includes milling a number of cards greater than the number of cards in their library.
701.13b 牌手不能磨大于其牌库中牌之数量的牌。如果该牌手获得如此作的选项,其不能选择执行该动作。如果该牌手被指示如此作,该牌手磨尽可能多的牌。相似地,该牌手不能支付包含磨大于其牌库中牌之数量的牌的费用。

701.13c An effect that refers to a milled card can find that card in the zone it moved to from the library, as long as that zone is a public zone.
701.13c 提及所磨的牌的效应可以在其从牌库移动到的区域找到该牌,只要该区域是公开区域。

701.13d If an ability checks information about a single milled card but more than one card was milled, that ability refers to each of the milled cards. If that ability asks for any information about the milled card, such as a characteristic or mana value, it gets multiple answers. If these answers are used to determine the value of a variable, the sum of the answers is used. If that ability performs any actions on “the” card, it performs that action on each milled card. If that ability performs any actions on “a” card, the controller of the ability chooses which card is affected.
701.13d 如果一个异能检查一张所磨的牌的信息,但多于一张牌被磨掉,该异能提及所磨的每张牌。如果该异能询问所磨的牌的任何信息,诸如特征或法术力值,它将得到复数个答案。如果这些答案用于确定一个可变数值的值,使用这些答案之加总。如果该异能对“该”牌执行任何动作,它将对每张所磨的牌执行该动作。如果该异能对“一张”牌执行任何动作,该异能的操控者选择哪张牌会受其影响。

701.14. Play
701.14. 使用

701.14a To play a land means to put it onto the battlefield from the zone it’s in (usually the hand). A player may play a land if they have priority, it’s the main phase of their turn, the stack is empty, and they haven’t played a land this turn. Playing a land is a special action (see rule 116), so it doesn’t use the stack; it simply happens. Putting a land onto the battlefield as the result of a spell or ability isn’t the same as playing a land. See rule 305, “Lands.”
701.14a 使用地牌指,将其从原本所在区域(通常为手上)放进战场。在同时符合下列所有情况的时候,牌手可以使用地牌:具有优先权、在其回合的行动阶段、堆叠为空、且本回合尚未使用过地牌。使用地牌是一个特殊动作(参见规则116),因此并不使用堆叠;此动作直接发生。因咒语或异能的效果而将地牌放进战场并不是使用地牌。参见规则305,“地”。

701.14b To play a card means to play that card as a land or to cast that card as a spell, whichever is appropriate.
701.14b 使用某张牌指将该牌作为地来使用或作为咒语来施放,依状况而定。

701.14c Some effects instruct a player to “play” with a certain aspect of the game changed, such as “Play with the top card of your library revealed.” “Play” in this sense means to play the Magic game.
701.14c 有些效应会指示牌手在游戏的某些条件有所改变的情况下“进行游戏”,例如“以展示牌库顶牌的方式进行游戏”。在此语境中的“进行游戏”意指进行万智牌的游戏。(译注:“进行游戏”英文原文亦为“Play”,故在此说明,中文翻译的用词上有显著不同。)

701.14d Previously, the action of casting a spell, or casting a card as a spell, was referred to on cards as “playing” that spell or that card. Cards that were printed with that text have received errata in the Oracle card reference so they now refer to “casting” that spell or that card.
701.14d 多年以来,施放咒语或作为咒语施放一张牌这个动作,在牌上被称为“使用”该咒语或该牌。以这些用词印刷的卡牌均已经在Oracle牌张参考文献中勘误为“施放”该咒语或该牌。

701.14e Previously, the action of using an activated ability was referred to on cards as “playing” that ability. Cards that were printed with that text have received errata in the Oracle card reference so they now refer to “activating” that ability.
701.14e 多年以来,起动一个起动式异能的动作,在牌上被称为“使用”该异能。以这些用词印刷的卡牌均已经在Oracle牌张参考文献中勘误为“起动”该异能。

701.15. Regenerate
701.15. 重生

701.15a If the effect of a resolving spell or ability regenerates a permanent, it creates a replacement effect that protects the permanent the next time it would be destroyed this turn. In this case, “Regenerate [permanent]” means “The next time [permanent] would be destroyed this turn, instead remove all damage marked on it and its controller taps it. If it’s an attacking or blocking creature, remove it from combat.”
701.15a 如果正在结算的咒语或异能之效应重生永久物,则它会创造出一个替代性效应,以在下一次该永久物将要被消灭时保护之。此时,“重生[永久物]”意指,“本回合中,当[永久物]下一次将要被消灭时,改为移除其上标记的所有伤害,然后其操控者将它横置。如果它为进行攻击或阻挡的生物,则将其移出战斗。”

701.15b If the effect of a static ability regenerates a permanent, it replaces destruction with an alternate effect each time that permanent would be destroyed. In this case, “Regenerate [permanent]” means “Instead remove all damage marked on [permanent] and its controller taps it. If it’s an attacking or blocking creature, remove it from combat.”
701.15b 如果静止式异能之效应重生永久物,则每次该永久物要被消灭时,该效应均会以其他效应来替代之。此时,“重生[永久物]”意指,“改为移除标记在[永久物]上的所有伤害,然后其操控者将它横置。如果它为进行攻击或阻挡的生物,则将其移出战斗。”

701.15c Neither activating an ability that creates a regeneration shield nor casting a spell that creates a regeneration shield is the same as regenerating a permanent. Effects that say that a permanent can’t be regenerated don’t preclude such abilities from being activated or such spells from being cast; rather, they cause regeneration shields to not be applied.
701.15c 起动能创造重生护盾的异能,或施放创造重生护盾的咒语,均与重生某永久物并不相同。叙述为某永久物不能重生的效应不会阻止此类异能的起动或咒语的施放;相反地,该类效应只是使得重生护盾没有效果。

701.16. Reveal
701.16. 展示

701.16a To reveal a card, show that card to all players for a brief time. If an effect causes a card to be revealed, it remains revealed for as long as necessary to complete the parts of the effect that card is relevant to. If the cost to cast a spell or activate an ability includes revealing a card, or if a card is revealed because an ability is activated from a hidden zone (see rule 602.2a), the card remains revealed from the time the spell or ability is announced until the time it leaves the stack. If revealing a card causes a triggered ability to trigger, the card remains revealed until that triggered ability leaves the stack. If that ability isn’t put onto the stack the next time a player would receive priority, the card ceases to be revealed.
701.16a 展示一张牌指,将该牌给所有牌手各看上一段适当的时间。如果有效应要展示某张牌,则只要在完成此效应中与之相关的部分之过程中,尚有展示该牌的需要,便需一直展示之。如果施放咒语或起动异能的费用中包含展示牌,或因从隐藏区域中起动异能而展示牌(参见规则602.2a),则从宣告该咒语或异能起,直至其离开堆叠为止,都需要一直展示该牌。如果展示一张牌导致一个触发式异能触发,则直至该触发式异能离开堆叠为止,都需要一直展示该牌。如果该异能在下一次牌手将获得优先权时没有进入堆叠,则该牌不再被展示。

701.16b Revealing a card doesn’t cause it to leave the zone it’s in.
701.16b 展示一张牌并不会使得它因此离开当前所在区域。

701.16c If cards in a player’s library are shuffled or otherwise reordered, any revealed cards that are reordered stop being revealed and become new objects.
701.16c 如果牌手牌库中的牌被洗牌或因其他原因被重新排序,任何被重新排序的、且被展示的牌停止被展示,且成为新物件。

701.16d Some effects instruct a player to look at one or more cards. Looking at a card follows the same rules as revealing a card, except that the card is shown only to the specified player.
701.16d 一些效应指示牌手检视一张或数张牌。检视一张牌与展示一张牌之规则大致相同,区别在于被检视的牌只会给指定的牌手看。

701.17. Sacrifice
701.17. 牺牲

701.17a To sacrifice a permanent, its controller moves it from the battlefield directly to its owner’s graveyard. A player can’t sacrifice something that isn’t a permanent, or something that’s a permanent they don’t control. Sacrificing a permanent doesn’t destroy it, so regeneration or other effects that replace destruction can’t affect this action.
701.17a 牺牲一个永久物指,其操控者将它从战场直接移到其拥有者的坟墓场。牌手不能牺牲不是永久物的东西,也不能牺牲不由其操控的永久物。牺牲一个永久物并非将其消灭,所以重生或其他替代消灭的替代性效应不能影响此动作。

701.18. Scry
701.18. 占卜

701.18a To “scry N” means to look at the top N cards of your library, then put any number of them on the bottom of your library in any order and the rest on top of your library in any order.
701.18a “占卜N”意指,检视你牌库顶的N张牌,然后将其中任意数量的牌以任意顺序置于你的牌库底,其余则以任意顺序置于你的牌库顶。

701.18b If a player is instructed to scry 0, no scry event occurs. Abilities that trigger whenever a player scries won’t trigger.
701.18b 如果牌手被指示占卜0,占卜事件不会发生。因牌手占卜而触发的异能不会触发。

701.18c If multiple players scry at once, each of those players looks at the top cards of their library at the same time. Those players decide in APNAP order (see rule 101.4) where to put those cards, then those cards move at the same time.
701.18c 如果多位牌手同时占卜,这些牌手中的每一位同时检视各自牌库顶的牌。这些牌手按主动牌手先决定(APNAP)顺序(参见规则101.4)决定这些牌放置的位置,然后这些牌同时移动到该位置。

701.18d An ability that triggers whenever a player scries triggers after the process described in rule 701.18a is complete, even if some or all of those actions were impossible.
701.18d 每当牌手占卜时触发的异能会在完成规则701.18a所述之流程后触发,即使该流程之部分或全部动作无法完成也是一样。

701.19. Search
701.19. 搜寻

701.19a To search for a card in a zone, look at all cards in that zone (even if it’s a hidden zone) and find a card that matches the given description.
701.19a 在一个区域中搜寻一张牌指,检视在该区域中(即便是隐藏区域)的所有牌,并找到一张符合所赋予描述的牌。

701.19b If a player is searching a hidden zone for cards with a stated quality, such as a card with a certain card type or color, that player isn’t required to find some or all of those cards even if they’re present in that zone.
701.19b 如果牌手需要在隐藏区域中搜寻符合某个标准的牌,例如特定的牌张类别或颜色,则即使该类牌在该区域中确实存在,该牌手也不一定要找出来。

Example: Splinter says “Exile target artifact. Search its controller’s graveyard, hand, and library for all cards with the same name as that artifact and exile them. Then that player shuffles their library.” A player casts Splinter targeting Howling Mine (an artifact). Howling Mine’s controller has another Howling Mine in her graveyard and two more in her library. Splinter’s controller must find the Howling Mine in the graveyard, but may choose to find zero, one, or two of the Howling Mines in the library.

701.19c If a player is instructed to search a hidden zone for cards that match an undefined quality, that player may still search that zone but can’t find any cards.
701.19c 如果一位牌手被指示搜寻隐藏区域,但搜寻的标准没有定义,该牌手仍然可以搜寻该区域但无法找到任何牌。

Example: Lobotomy says “Target player reveals their hand, then you choose a card other than a basic land card from it. Search that player’s graveyard, hand, and library for all cards with the same name as the chosen card and exile them. Then that player shuffles their library.” If the target player has no cards in their hand when Lobotomy resolves, the player who cast Lobotomy searches the specified zones but doesn’t exile any cards.

701.19d If a player is searching a hidden zone simply for a quantity of cards, such as “a card” or “three cards,” that player must find that many cards (or as many as possible, if the zone doesn’t contain enough cards).
701.19d 如果牌手在隐藏区域中搜寻的是一定数量的牌,例如“一张牌”或“三张牌”,则该牌手必须找出相应数量的牌(如果该区域内没有足够的牌,则需尽量接近该数量)。

701.19e If the effect that contains the search instruction doesn’t also contain instructions to reveal the found card(s), then they’re not revealed.
701.19e 如果含有指示牌手搜寻的效应中,没有指示牌手展示所找到的牌,则不需要展示这些牌。

701.19f If searching a zone is replaced with searching a portion of that zone, any other instructions that refer to searching the zone still apply. Any abilities that trigger on a library being searched will trigger.
701.19f 如果牌手搜寻一个区域被替代为搜寻该区域的一部分,任何对该牌手搜寻该区域的要求依然生效。任何因牌库被搜寻而触发的异能仍然会触发。

Example: Aven Mindcensor says, in part, “If an opponent would search a library, that player searches the top four cards of that library instead.” Veteran Explorer says “When Veteran Explorer dies, each player may search their library for up to two basic land cards and put them onto the battlefield. Then each player who searched their library this way shuffles it.” An opponent who searched the top four cards of their library because of Veteran Explorer’s ability would shuffle the entire library.

701.19g If an effect offers a player a choice to search a zone and take additional actions with the cards found, that player may choose to search even if the additional actions are illegal or impossible.
701.19g 如果效应使牌手选择搜寻某区域并对找到的牌作额外动作,即使该额外动作非法或不可能作到,该牌手依然可以选择搜寻。

701.19h An effect may instruct a player to search a library for one or more cards more than once before instructing a player to shuffle that library. This is the same as a single instruction for that player to search that library for all those cards. The player searches that library only once.
701.19h 某些效应可能会指示牌手从牌库中搜寻一张或数张牌多于一次,再指示牌手洗该牌库。这与令该牌手一次性从该牌库中搜寻所有这些牌的单一指示并无区别。该牌手只会搜寻该牌库一次。

701.19i If multiple players search at once, each of those players looks at the appropriate cards at the same time, then those players decide in APNAP order (see rule 101.4) which card to find.
701.19i 如果多位牌手同时搜寻,这些牌手同时检视其搜寻的适用范围,然后这些牌手以“主动牌手先决定”的顺序(参见规则101.4)决定要找到哪张牌。

701.19j If an effect instructs a player to search outside the game for a card, that player may choose an appropriate card they own from outside the game.
701.19j 如果一个效应指示牌手从游戏外搜寻一张卡牌,该牌手可以从游戏外选择一张由其拥有的适当卡牌。

701.20. Shuffle
701.20. 洗牌

701.20a To shuffle a library or a face-down pile of cards, randomize the cards within it so that no player knows their order.
701.20a 将牌库或一堆面朝下的牌洗牌指,将这些牌随机化,并使得没有牌手知晓其顺序。

701.20b Some effects cause a player to search a library for a card or cards, shuffle that library, then put some or all of the found cards into a different zone or in a certain position in that library. In such cases, the found cards aren’t included in the shuffle, even though they remain in the library at that time. Rather, all the cards in that library except those are shuffled. Abilities that trigger when a library is shuffled will still trigger. See also rule 401, “Library.”
701.20b 一些效应使牌手从牌库中搜寻一张或数张牌,将该牌库洗牌,并将搜寻到的一些或全部牌置入其他区域,或置于该牌库中的特定位置。这种情况下,即使这些搜寻到的牌此时仍在牌库中,它们并不会参与洗牌。该牌库中除了这些牌以外的所有牌都会被洗牌。因该牌库洗牌而触发的异能仍然会触发。参见规则401,“牌库”。

701.20c If an effect would cause a player to shuffle one or more specific objects into a library, that library is shuffled even if none of those objects are in the zone they’re expected to be in or an effect causes all of those objects to be moved to another zone or remain in their current zone.
701.20c 如果某效应将使得牌手将一个或数个特定的物件洗入牌库,而这些物件并不在它们所应在的区域,或者某效应使得所有这些物件都移至其他区域或留在当前区域,该牌库仍然会洗牌。

Example: Guile says, in part, “When Guile is put into a graveyard from anywhere, shuffle it into its owner’s library.” It’s put into a graveyard and its ability triggers, then a player exiles it from that graveyard in response. When the ability resolves, the library is shuffled.

Example: Black Sun’s Zenith says, in part, “Shuffle Black Sun’s Zenith into its owner’s library.” Black Sun’s Zenith is in a graveyard, has gained flashback (due to Recoup, perhaps), and is cast from that graveyard. Black Sun’s Zenith will be exiled, and its owner’s library will be shuffled.

701.20d If an effect would cause a player to shuffle a set of objects into a library, that library is shuffled even if there are no objects in that set.
701.20d 如果某效应将使得牌手将一组物件洗入牌库,即使该组中没有物件,该牌库仍然会洗牌。

Example: Loaming Shaman says “When Loaming Shaman enters, target player shuffles any number of target cards from their graveyard into their library.” It enters the battlefield, its ability triggers, and no cards are targeted. When the ability resolves, the targeted player will still have to shuffle their library.

701.20e If an effect causes a player to shuffle a library containing zero or one cards, abilities that trigger when a library is shuffled will still trigger.
701.20e 如果某效应使得牌手洗一个包含零或一张牌的牌库,因该牌库洗牌而触发的异能仍然会触发。

701.20f If two or more effects cause a library to be shuffled multiple times simultaneously, abilities that trigger when that library is shuffled will trigger that many times.
701.20f 如果两个或更多效应使得某牌库同时洗牌数次,因该牌库洗牌而触发的异能将触发等量的次数。

701.20g If an effect would cause a player to shuffle a library at the same time that an object would be put into a certain position in that library, the result is a shuffled library that’s randomized except that the object is in the specified position.
701.20g 如果某效应将使得牌手洗牌库的同时某物件将被置于该牌库的指定位置,其结果是一个被洗牌的牌库,除了该物件在指定位置之外,其余部分被随机化。

Example: Darksteel Colossus and Gravebane Zombie are put into a player’s graveyard from the battlefield at the same time. Darksteel Colossus says in part “If Darksteel Colossus would be put into a graveyard from anywhere, reveal Darksteel Colossus and shuffle it into its owner’s library instead.” Gravebane Zombie says “If Gravebane Zombie would die, put Gravebane Zombie on top of its owner’s library instead.” The player shuffles Darksteel Colossus into their library and puts Gravebane Zombie on top of that library.

701.21. Tap and Untap
701.21. 横置和重置

701.21a To tap a permanent, turn it sideways from an upright position. Only untapped permanents can be tapped.
701.21a 横置一个永久物指,将它由直向转成横向。只有未横置的永久物可以被横置。

701.21b To untap a permanent, rotate it back to the upright position from a sideways position. Only tapped permanents can be untapped.
701.21b 重置一个永久物指,将它由横向转回直向。只有已横置的永久物可以被重置。

701.22. Fateseal
701.22. 论命

701.22a To “fateseal N” means to look at the top N cards of an opponent’s library, then put any number of them on the bottom of that library in any order and the rest on top of that library in any order.
701.22a “论命N”意指,检视任一对手牌库顶的N张牌,然后将其中任意数量的牌以任意顺序置于该牌库底,其余则以任意顺序置于该牌库顶。

701.23. Clash
701.23. 比点

701.23a To clash, a player reveals the top card of their library. That player may then put that card on the bottom of their library.
701.23a 比点指,牌手展示其牌库顶牌。该牌手可以把该牌置于其牌库底。

701.23b “Clash with an opponent” means “Choose an opponent. You and that opponent each clash.”
701.23b “与一位对手比点”意指,“选择一位对手。你与该对手分别比点。”

701.23c Each clashing player reveals the top card of their library at the same time. Then those players decide in APNAP order (see rule 101.4) where to put those cards, then those cards move at the same time.
701.23c 每位比点的牌手同时展示其牌库顶牌。然后这些牌手按主动牌手先决定(APNAP)顺序(参见规则101.4)决定这些牌放置的位置,然后这些牌同时移动到该位置。

701.23d A player wins a clash if that player revealed a card with a higher mana value than all other cards revealed in that clash.
701.23d 如果某位牌手所展示的牌之法术力值比所有参与比点者所展示的牌都高,其赢得这次比点。

701.24. Planeswalk
701.24. 时空换境

701.24a A player may planeswalk only during a Planechase game. Only the planar controller may planeswalk. See rule 901, “Planechase.”
701.24a 牌手只能在竞逐时空游戏中时空换境。只有时空操控者可以时空换境。参见规则901,“竞逐时空”。

701.24b To planeswalk is to put each face-up plane card and phenomenon card on the bottom of its owner’s planar deck face down, then move the top card of your planar deck off that planar deck and turn it face up.
701.24b 时空换境指,将每张牌面朝上时空牌和异象牌面朝下置于其拥有者的时空套牌牌库底,然后将你时空套牌的牌库顶牌移离时空套牌并翻回正面。

701.24c A player may planeswalk as the result of the “planeswalking ability” (see rule 901.8), because the owner of a face-up plane card or phenomenon card leaves the game (see rule 901.10), or because a phenomenon’s triggered ability leaves the stack (see rule 704.6f). Abilities may also instruct a player to planeswalk.
701.24c 牌手可以因“时空换境异能”的结果(参见规则901.8),因牌面朝上的时空牌或异象牌的操控者离开游戏(参见规则901.10),或因异象的触发式异能离开堆叠(参见规则704.6f)而时空换境。异能也可能指示牌手时空换境。

701.24d The plane card that’s turned face up is the plane the player planeswalks to. The plane card that’s turned face down or that leaves the game is the plane the player planeswalks away from. The same is true with respect to phenomena.
701.24d 翻回正面的时空牌即为牌手时空换入的时空。翻为牌面朝下的、或离开游戏的时空牌即为牌手时空换出的时空。异象也同样适用此规则。

701.25. Set in Motion
701.25. 发动

701.25a Only a scheme card may be set in motion, and only during an Archenemy game. Only the archenemy may set a scheme card in motion. See rule 314, “Schemes,” and rule 904, “Archenemy.”
701.25a 只有邪计牌可以发动,并且只可以在魔王游戏中如此作。只有魔王可以发动邪计。参见规则314,“邪计”,及规则904,“魔王”。

701.25b To set a scheme in motion, move it off the top of your scheme deck if it’s on top of your scheme deck and turn it face up if it isn’t face up. That scheme is considered to have been set in motion even if neither of these actions was performed on it.
701.25b 发动邪计指,如果它在你的邪计套牌牌库顶,将其从邪计套牌牌库顶移离,且如果它不是牌面朝上,将其翻回正面。即使以上动作之一或两者均未在其上实行,该邪计仍视同为被发动。

701.25c Schemes may only be set in motion one at a time. If a player is instructed to set multiple schemes in motion, that player sets a scheme in motion that many times.
701.25c 每次只能发动一个邪计。如果牌手被指示发动多个邪计,其发动等量次数的邪计。

701.26. Abandon
701.26. 撤废

701.26a Only a face-up ongoing scheme card may be abandoned, and only during an Archenemy game. See rule 314, “Schemes,” and rule 904, “Archenemy.”
701.26a 只有面朝上的长效邪计牌可以被撤废,并且只可以在魔王游戏中如此作。参见规则314,“邪计”,及规则904,“魔王”。

701.26b To abandon a scheme, turn it face down and put it on the bottom of its owner’s scheme deck.
701.26b 撤废邪计指,将其翻为牌面朝下,并置于其拥有者的邪计套牌牌库底。

701.27. Proliferate
701.27. 增殖

701.27a To proliferate means to choose any number of permanents and/or players that have a counter, then give each one additional counter of each kind that permanent or player already has.
701.27a 增殖表示,选择任意数量其上有指示物的永久物和/或牌手,然后对于其上已经有的每种指示物而言,给该永久物或牌手一个额外的此种指示物。

701.27b In a Two-Headed Giant game, poison counters are shared by the team. If more than one player on a team is chosen this way, only one of those players can be given an additional poison counter. The player who proliferates chooses which player that is. See rule 810, “Two-Headed Giant Variant.”
701.27b 在双头巨人游戏中,队伍中的牌手共享中毒指示物。如果以此法选择多于一个在同一队伍中的牌手,只有这些牌手其中之一可以被给予一个额外的中毒指示物。由执行增殖的牌手来选择是哪位牌手获得该指示物。参见规则810,“双头巨人玩法”。

701.28. Transform
701.28. 转化

701.28a To transform a permanent, turn it over so that its other face is up. Only transforming tokens and permanents represented by transforming double-faced cards can transform. (See rule 712, “Double-Faced Cards.”)
701.28a 转化一个永久物指,将它翻到另一面牌面朝上。只有转化式衍生物和以转化式双面牌代表的永久物才能转化。(参见规则712,“双面牌”。)

701.28b Although transforming a permanent uses the same physical action as turning a permanent face up or face down, they are different game actions. Abilities that trigger when a permanent is turned face down won’t trigger when that permanent transforms, and so on.
701.28b 虽然转化某永久物与将某永久物翻为牌面朝下或翻回正面所执行的具体动作完全相同,但此两者是完全不同的游戏动作。会因某永久物翻为牌面朝下而触发的异能,并不会在该永久物转化时触发,其他依此类推。

701.28c If a spell or ability instructs a player to transform a permanent that isn’t represented by a transforming token or a transforming double-faced card, nothing happens.
701.28c 如果某咒语或异能要求牌手转化某个既不是转化式衍生物也不是转化式双面牌代表的永久物,则什么都不会发生。

701.28d If a spell or ability instructs a player to transform a permanent, and the face that permanent would transform into is represented by an instant or sorcery card face, or is a transforming token that was created with an instant or sorcery face, nothing happens.
701.28d 如果某咒语或异能要求牌手转化某个永久物,且该永久物将要转化成的牌面是以瞬间或法术牌面代表,或牌面是以瞬间或法术牌面派出的转化式衍生物,则什么都不会发生。

701.28e Some triggered abilities trigger when an object “transforms into” an object with a specified characteristic. Such an ability triggers if the object either transforms or converts (see rule 701.50) and has the specified characteristic immediately after it does so.
701.28e 一些触发式异能在一个物件“转化为”一个具有特定特征的物件时触发。此类触发式异能只会在该物件转化或转换(参见规则701.50),且在这之后的时刻立即具有该特征时触发。

701.28f If an activated or triggered ability of a permanent that isn’t a delayed triggered ability of that permanent tries to transform it, the permanent does so only if it hasn’t transformed or converted since the ability was put onto the stack. If a delayed triggered ability of a permanent tries to transform that permanent, the permanent does so only if it hasn’t transformed or converted since that delayed triggered ability was created. In both cases, if the permanent has already transformed or converted, an instruction to do either is ignored.
701.28f 如果一个永久物的起动式或触发式异能(且并非是该永久物的延迟触发式异能)试图转化之,该永久物仅在自该异能放进堆叠之后还没有被转化或转换过时才会如此作。如果一个永久物的延迟触发式异能试图转化该永久物,该永久物仅在自该延迟触发式异能被创造之后还没有被转化或转换过时才会如此作。在这两种情况下,如果该永久物已被转化或转换过,这类指示将被忽略。这是对先前规则的更改。

701.28g Some spells and abilities refer to a “transformed permanent.” This phrase refers to a permanent on the battlefield with its back face up that’s also a transforming double-faced card or a transforming token. A permanent with its front face up is never considered a transformed permanent, even if it had its back face up previously.
701.28g 一些咒语和异能提及一个“已转化的永久物”。此用词意指一个在战场上且背面朝上的永久物,且此面同样为转化式双面牌或转化式衍生物。正面朝上的永久物不会被视为已转化的永久物,即使它们之前是背面朝上的。

701.29. Detain
701.29. 拘留

701.29a Certain spells and abilities can detain a permanent. Until the next turn of the controller of that spell or ability, that permanent can’t attack or block and its activated abilities can’t be activated.
701.29a 某些咒语和异能可以拘留永久物。直到该咒语或异能之操控者的下一个回合,该永久物不能进行攻击或阻挡,其起动式异能也不能起动。

701.30. Populate
701.30. 殖民

701.30a To populate means to choose a creature token you control and create a token that’s a copy of that creature token.
701.30a 殖民意指选择一个由你操控的衍生生物并派出一个衍生物,且其为前者衍生生物之复制品。

701.30b If you control no creature tokens when instructed to populate, you won’t create a token.
701.30b 当有效应指示你进行殖民时,如果你并未操控任何衍生生物,则你不会派出衍生物。

701.31. Monstrosity
701.31. 蛮化

701.31a “Monstrosity N” means “If this permanent isn’t monstrous, put N +1/+1 counters on it and it becomes monstrous.”
701.31a “蛮化N”意指,如果此永久物未蛮化,则在其上放置N个+1/+1指示物且它蛮化。

701.31b Monstrous is a designation that has no rules meaning other than to act as a marker that the monstrosity action and other spells and abilities can identify. Only permanents can be or become monstrous. Once a permanent becomes monstrous, it stays monstrous until it leaves the battlefield. Monstrous is neither an ability nor part of the permanent’s copiable values.
701.31b “已蛮化”此称号并无规则含义。它仅用作标记,供蛮化异能及其他咒语和异能辨识之用。只有永久物能够蛮化。一旦某永久物已蛮化后,它便会一直保持已蛮化,直到它离开战场为止。“已蛮化”既不是异能,也不是该永久物可复制特征值的一部分。

701.31c If a permanent’s ability instructs a player to “monstrosity X,” other abilities of that permanent may also refer to X. The value of X in those abilities is equal to the value of X as that permanent became monstrous.
701.31c 如果某永久物的异能指示牌手“蛮化X”,则该永久物的其他异能也可能会提及X。后者异能中的X值等同于该永久物蛮化时的X值。

701.32. Vote
701.32. 投票

701.32a Some spells and abilities instruct players to vote for one choice from a list of options to determine some aspect of the effect of that spell or ability. To vote, each player, starting with a specified player and proceeding in turn order, chooses one of those choices.
701.32a 某些咒语和异能要求牌手在所列的多个选项中投票选择其中一个,以决定该咒语或异能会产生哪部分的效应。投票选择的流程为:由某位指定牌手开始,每位牌手依照回合顺序依次选择其中一个选项。如果某效应允许牌手多次投票,则牌手于其原本应进行投票的时候同时完成多次投票。

701.32b The listed choices may be objects, words with no rules meaning that are each connected to a different effect, or other variables relevant to the resolution of the spell or ability.
701.32b 所列之选项可包括物件,与不同的效应相关但无规则含义的字词,或与咒语或异能之结算相关的其他变数。

701.32c If the text of a spell or ability refers to “voting,” it refers only to an actual vote, not to any spell or ability that involves the players making choices or decisions without using the word “vote.”
701.32c 如果某咒语或异能之规则叙述中提及“投票”,则其指的是“牌手以投票作出选择”;而非未在规则叙述中注明“投票”字样,且让牌手进行选择或作出决定的其他咒语或异能。

701.32d If an effect gives a player multiple votes, those votes all happen at the same time the player would otherwise have voted.
701.32d 如果一个效应使牌手可以额外多投票,这些投票选择于牌手本应作出投票选择之时一同发生。

701.33. Bolster
701.33. 振励

701.33a “Bolster N” means “Choose a creature you control with the least toughness or tied for least toughness among creatures you control. Put N +1/+1 counters on that creature.”
701.33a “振励N”意指“选择一个由你操控的生物,且需是由你操控的生物中防御力最小或同为防御力最小者。在其上放置N个+1/+1指示物。”

701.34. Manifest
701.34. 显化

701.34a To manifest a card, turn it face down. It becomes a 2/2 face-down creature card with no text, no name, no subtypes, and no mana cost. Put that card onto the battlefield face down. That permanent is a manifested permanent for as long as it remains face down. The effect defining its characteristics works while the card is face down and ends when it’s turned face up.
701.34a 显化一张牌指,将其翻为牌面朝下。它成为2/2生物牌,没有规则文字,没有名称,没有副类别,没有法术力费用。将其牌面朝下地放进战场。只要该永久物牌面朝下,它便是已显化的永久物。此设定特征之效应会持续影响此牌面朝下的牌张,直到其被翻回正面为止。

701.34b Any time you have priority, you may turn a manifested permanent you control face up. This is a special action that doesn’t use the stack (see rule 116.2b). To do this, show all players that the card representing that permanent is a creature card and what that card’s mana cost is, pay that cost, then turn the permanent face up. The effect defining its characteristics while it was face down ends, and it regains its normal characteristics. (If the card representing that permanent isn’t a creature card or it doesn’t have a mana cost, it can’t be turned face up this way.)
701.34b 在你拥有优先权的时机下,你可以把由你操控之已显化的永久物翻回正面。这属于特殊动作;它不用到堆叠(参见规则116.2b)。具体方法如下:将代表该永久物的牌张展示给所有牌手,以示此牌确为生物牌,并展示其法术力费用,支付此费用,然后将该永久物翻回正面。于此牌处于牌面朝下状态时设定其特征的效应随之结束,其重新获得在正常状况下的特征。(如果代表该永久物的牌不是生物牌,或是没有法术力费用,则它不能以此法翻回正面。)

701.34c If a card with morph is manifested, its controller may turn that card face up using either the procedure described in rule 702.37e to turn a face-down permanent with morph face up or the procedure described above to turn a manifested permanent face up.
701.34c 如果显化的是一张具变身异能的牌,则其操控者可将其当作具变身异能的牌面朝下生物,并按照规则702.37e中所述之流程来将其翻回正面;亦可比照本条前述之流程,将其当作已显化的永久物来翻回正面。

701.34d If a card with disguise is manifested, its controller may turn that card face up using either the procedure described in rule 702.168d to turn a face-down permanent with disguise face up or the procedure described above to turn a manifested permanent face up.
701.34d 如果显化的是一张具伪装异能的牌,则其操控者可将其当作具伪装异能的牌面朝下生物,并按照规则702.168d中所述之流程来将其翻回正面;亦可比照本条前述之流程,将其当作已显化的永久物来翻回正面。

701.34e If an effect instructs a player to manifest multiple cards from their library, those cards are manifested one at a time.
701.34e 如果某效应指示牌手从其牌库显化数张牌,则逐张显化该些牌。

701.34f If an effect instructs a player to manifest a card and a rule or effect prohibits the face-down object from entering the battlefield, that card isn’t manifested. Its characteristics remain unmodified and it remains in its previous zone. If it was face up, it remains face up.
701.34f 如果某效应指示牌手显化一张牌,且有另一个规则或效应阻止该面朝下的物件进入战场,该牌不会被显化。其特征不会被改变,并留在原来的区域。如果它原本是面朝上的,它仍然是面朝上。

701.34g If a manifested permanent that’s represented by an instant or sorcery card would turn face up, its controller reveals it and leaves it face down. Abilities that trigger whenever a permanent is turned face up won’t trigger.
701.34g 如果一个由瞬间和法术牌代表之已显化的永久物将要翻回正面,则其操控者展示该牌,然后将其保持牌面朝下。因永久物翻回正面时触发的异能不会触发。

701.34h See rule 708, “Face-Down Spells and Permanents,” for more information.
701.34h 欲了解更多信息,参见规则708,“牌面朝下的咒语和永久物”。

701.35. Support
701.35. 支援

701.35a “Support N” on a permanent means “Put a +1/+1 counter on each of up to N other target creatures.” “Support N” on an instant or sorcery spell means “Put a +1/+1 counter on each of up to N target creatures.”
701.35a 永久物上的“支援N”意指“在至多N个其他目标生物上各放置一个+1/+1指示物。”瞬间或法术咒语上的“支援N”意指“在至多N个目标生物上各放置一个+1/+1指示物。”

701.36. Investigate
701.36. 探查

701.36a “Investigate” means “Create a Clue token.” See rule 111.10f.
701.36a “探查”意指“派出一个线索衍生物。”参见规则111.10f

701.37. Meld
701.37. 融合

701.37a Meld is a keyword action that appears in an ability on one card in a meld pair. To meld the two cards in a meld pair, put them onto the battlefield with their back faces up and combined. The resulting permanent is a single object represented by two cards. See rule 712, “Double-Faced Cards.”
701.37a 融合属于关键字动作,每个融合牌组当中会有一张牌的异能用到这个关键字动作。融合同一融合牌组的两张牌,意指将它们以背面朝上且已组合的方式放进战场。所得之永久物为由两张牌代表的单一物件。参见规则712,“双面牌”。

701.37b Only two cards belonging to the same meld pair can be melded. Tokens, cards that aren’t meld cards, or meld cards that don’t form a meld pair can’t be melded.
701.37b 只有属于同一融合牌组的两张牌才能融合。衍生物,不是融合牌之牌张,以及不属于同一融合牌组的融合牌不能融合。

701.37c If an effect instructs a player to meld objects that can’t be melded, they stay in their current zone.
701.37c 如果某效应要求牌手融合不能融合的物件,则这些物件会留在当前区域。

Example: A player owns and controls Midnight Scavengers and a token that’s a copy of Graf Rats. At the beginning of combat, both are exiled but can’t be melded. Midnight Scavengers remains exiled and the exiled token ceases to exist.

701.38. Goad
701.38. 煽惑

701.38a Certain spells and abilities can goad a creature. Until the next turn of the controller of that spell or ability, that creature is goaded.
701.38a 某些咒语和异能可以煽惑生物。直到此类咒语或异能之操控者的下一个回合,该生物被煽惑。

701.38b Goaded is a designation a permanent can have. A goaded creature attacks each combat if able and attacks a player other than the controller of the permanent, spell, or ability that caused it to be goaded if able. Goaded is neither an ability nor part of the permanent’s copiable values.
701.38b “被煽惑”是永久物能够具有的称号。被煽惑的生物每次战斗若能攻击,则必须攻击,且若能攻击使其被煽惑之永久物、咒语或异能的操控者以外的牌手,则必须如此作。被煽惑既不是异能,也不是该永久物可复制特征值的一部分。

701.38c A creature can be goaded by multiple players. Doing so creates additional combat requirements.
701.38c 一个生物可以被多位牌手煽惑。这会创造额外的战斗需求。

701.38d Once a player has goaded a creature, the same player goading it again has no effect. Doing so doesn’t create additional combat requirements.
701.38d 一旦牌手煽惑了某个生物,同一位牌手再次煽惑它没有效果。这不会创造额外的战斗需求。

701.39. Exert
701.39. 耗竭

701.39a To exert a permanent, you choose to have it not untap during your next untap step.
701.39a 耗竭一个永久物,意指你选择在你的下一个重置步骤中不重置它。

701.39b A permanent can be exerted even if it’s not tapped or has already been exerted in a turn. If you exert a permanent more than once before your next untap step, each effect causing it not to untap expires during the same untap step.
701.39b 就算某个永久物尚未被横置,或已在某回合中被耗竭,也能耗竭之。如果你在你的下一个重置步骤到来之前,多次耗竭了同一个永久物,则所有令该永久物不能重置的效应都会在同一个重置步骤中失效。

701.39c An object that isn’t on the battlefield can’t be exerted.
701.39c 不在战场上的物件不能被耗竭。

701.39d “You may exert [this creature] as it attacks” is an optional cost to attack (see rule 508.1g). Some objects with this static ability have a triggered ability that triggers “when you do” printed in the same paragraph. These abilities are linked. (See rule 607.2h.)
701.39d “你可以于[此生物]攻击时耗竭之”是攻击的可选费用(参见规则508.1g)。一些具有此静止式异能的物件在同一段落中印有一个触发式异能,于“当你如此作”时触发。这些异能相互关联。(参见规则607.2h。)

701.40. Explore
701.40. 勘察

701.40a Certain abilities instruct a permanent to explore. To do so, that permanent’s controller reveals the top card of their library. If a land card is revealed this way, that player puts that card into their hand. Otherwise, that player puts a +1/+1 counter on the exploring permanent and may put the revealed card into their graveyard.
701.40a 某些异能会令永久物进行勘察。其意指,该永久物的操控者展示其牌库顶牌。如果以此法展示出地牌,则该牌手将该牌置于其手上。若否,则该牌手在该进行勘察的永久物上放置一个+1/+1指示物,且可以将所展示的牌置入其坟墓场。

701.40b A permanent “explores” after the process described in rule 701.40a is complete, even if some or all of those actions were impossible.
701.40b 在完成规则701.40a所述之流程后,该永久物便已“勘察”,就算该流程之部分或全部动作无法完成也是一样。

701.40c If a permanent changes zones before an effect causes it to explore, its last known information is used to determine which object explored and who controlled it.
701.40c 如果某永久物在有效应令其勘察之前就已改变区域,则利用其最后已知信息来确定进行勘察的物件及其操控者。

701.41. Assemble
701.41. 组装

701.41a Assemble is a keyword action in the Unstable set that puts Contraptions onto the battlefield. Outside of silver-bordered cards, only one card (Steamflogger Boss) refers to assembling a Contraption. Cards and mechanics from the Unstable set aren’t included in these rules. See the Unstable FAQ for more information.
701.41a 组装是出现在Unstable系列中的关键字动作,会将机巧放进战场。除银边牌以外,只有一张牌(汽鞭上司)提及组装机巧。本文件中的规则并未涵盖Unstable系列中的牌张和机制。欲知更多信息,请参见Unstable常见问题集。

701.42. Surveil
701.42. 刺探

701.42a To “surveil N” means to look at the top N cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on top of your library in any order.
701.42a “刺探N”意指,检视你牌库顶的N张牌,然后将其中任意数量的牌以任意顺序置入你的坟墓场,其余则以任意顺序置于你牌库顶。

701.42b If an effect allows you to look at additional cards while you surveil, those cards are included among the cards you may put into your graveyard and on top of your library in any order.
701.42b 如果某效应允许你在刺探时检视额外的牌,那么这些牌包括在你置入坟墓场或以任意顺序置于你牌库顶的牌之中。

701.42c If a player is instructed to surveil 0, no surveil event occurs. Abilities that trigger whenever a player surveils won’t trigger.
701.42c 如果牌手被指示刺探0,刺探事件不会发生。因牌手刺探而触发的异能不会触发。

701.42d An ability that triggers whenever a player surveils triggers after the process described in rule 701.42a is complete, even if some or all of those actions were impossible.
701.42d 每当牌手刺探时触发的异能会在完成规则701.42a所述之流程后触发,即使该流程之部分或全部动作无法完成也是一样。

701.43. Adapt
701.43. 演化

701.43a “Adapt N” means “If this permanent has no +1/+1 counters on it, put N +1/+1 counters on it.”
701.43a “演化N”意指“如果此永久物上没有+1/+1指示物,则在其上放置N个+1/+1指示物。”

701.44. Amass
701.44. 囤兵

701.44a To amass [subtype] N means “If you don’t control an Army creature, create a 0/0 black [subtype] Army creature token. Choose an Army creature you control. Put N +1/+1 counters on that creature. If it isn’t a [subtype], it becomes a [subtype] in addition to its other types.”
701.44a “囤兵[副类别]N”意指,“如果你未操控军队生物,则派出一个0/0黑色[副类别]/军队衍生生物。选择一个由你操控的军队生物。在该生物上放置N个+1/+1指示物。如果它不是[副类别],它额外具有[副类别]此类别。”

701.44b A player “amassed” after the process described in rule 701.44a is complete, even if some or all of those actions were impossible.
701.44b 在完成规则701.44a中所述之流程后,牌手便已“囤兵”,就算该流程之部分或全部动作无法完成也是一样。

701.44c The phrases “the Army you amassed” and “the amassed Army” refer to the creature you chose, whether or not it received counters.
701.44c “受囤兵的军队”、“受囤兵军队”字样指的是你选择的生物,它是否确实得到指示物并不重要。

701.44d Some older cards were printed with amass N without including a subtype. Those cards have received errata in the Oracle card reference so that they read “amass Zombies N.”
701.44d 一些老牌印有不包括副类别的“囤兵N”。这些牌在Oracle牌张参考文献中勘误为“囤兵灵俑N”。

701.45. Learn
701.45. 温习

701.45a “Learn” means “You may discard a card. If you do, draw a card. If you didn’t discard a card, you may reveal a Lesson card you own from outside the game and put it into your hand.”
701.45a “温习”意指“你可以弃一张牌。如果你如此作,则抓一张牌。如果你未弃牌,则你可以从游戏外展示一张由你拥有的课程牌,并将它置于你手上。”

701.46. Venture into the Dungeon
701.46. 深入地城

701.46a If a player is instructed to venture into the dungeon while they don’t own a dungeon card in the command zone, they choose a dungeon card they own from outside the game and put it into the command zone. They put their venture marker on the topmost room. See rule 309, “Dungeons.”
701.46a 如果牌手未在统帅区拥有一张地城牌时被指示深入地城,该牌手从游戏外选择一张由其拥有的地城牌并将其置入统帅区。该牌手将其进度标记置于最上方的房间上。参见规则309,“地城”。

701.46b If a player is instructed to venture into the dungeon while their venture marker is in any room except a dungeon card’s bottommost room, they choose an adjacent room, following the direction of an arrow pointing away from their current room. If there are multiple arrows pointing away from the room the player’s venture marker is in, they choose one of them to follow. They move their venture marker to that adjacent room.
701.46b 如果牌手在统帅区拥有一张地城牌、且其进度标记不在该地城的最底下的房间上时被指示深入地城,该牌手按照某个从当前房间出发的箭头指示,选择一个相邻的房间。如果从该牌手的进度标记所在的房间出发的箭头有多个,该牌手选择其中一个。该牌手将其进度标记移动到该相邻的房间。

701.46c If a player is instructed to venture into the dungeon while their venture marker is in the bottommost room of a dungeon card, they remove that dungeon card from the game. Doing so causes the player to complete that dungeon (see rule 309.7). They then choose an appropriate dungeon card they own from outside the game, put it into the command zone, and put their venture marker on the topmost room of that dungeon.
701.46c 如果牌手在统帅区拥有一张地城牌、且其进度标记在该地城的最底下的房间上时被指示深入地城,该牌手将该地城牌移出游戏。然后该牌手从游戏外选择一张由其拥有的、且适用的地城牌,将其置入统帅区,然后将其进度标记置于该地城最上方的房间上。

701.46d Venture into [quality] is a variant of venture into the dungeon. If a player is instructed to “venture into [quality]” while they don’t own a dungeon card in the command zone, they choose a dungeon card they own from outside the game with the indicated quality and put it into the command zone. They put their venture marker on the topmost room of that dungeon. If they already own a dungeon card in the command zone, they follow the normal procedure for venturing into the dungeon outlined in 701.46b–c.
701.46d “深入[特性]”是深入地城的变化形式。于指示牌手“深入[特性]”时,如果统帅区中没有由该牌手拥有的地城牌,则该牌手从游戏外选择一张由其拥有的、具有所述特性的地城牌,并将其置入统帅区。该牌手将其进度标记置于该地城最上方的房间上。如果统帅区中有由该牌手拥有的地城牌,则该牌手按照规则701.46b-c所述的一般流程深入地城。

701.47. Connive
701.47. 筹谋

701.47a Certain abilities instruct a permanent to connive. To do so, that permanent’s controller draws a card, then discards a card. If a nonland card is discarded this way, that player puts a +1/+1 counter on the conniving permanent.
701.47a 某些异能会令永久物筹谋。其意指,该永久物的操控者抓一张牌,然后弃一张牌。若以此法弃掉了一张非地牌,则该牌手在正筹谋的永久物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。

701.47b A permanent “connives” after the process described in rule 701.47a is complete, even if some or all of those actions were impossible.
701.47b 在规则701.47a中描述的过程完成后,某永久物便“筹谋”,即使该过程中的一些或全部动作无法完成也是如此。

701.47c If a permanent changes zones before an effect causes it to connive, its last known information is used to determine which object connived and who controlled it.
701.47c 如果一个永久物在有效应令其筹谋之前就已改变区域,则利用其最后已知信息来确定筹谋的物件及其操控者。

701.47d If multiple permanents are instructed to connive at the same time, the first player in APNAP order who controls one or more of those permanents chooses one of them and it connives. Then if any permanents remain on the battlefield which have been instructed to connive and have not done so, this process is repeated.
701.47d 如果同时令多个永久物筹谋,则在操控了一个或数个此类永久物的牌手中,依主动牌手先决定(APNAP)顺序的第一位牌手选择其中一个由其操控的永久物,令该永久物筹谋。然后如果有任何被指示令其筹谋的永久物仍在战场且还未如此作,重复此流程。

701.47e Connive N is a variant of connive. The permanent’s controller draws N cards, discards N cards, then puts a number of +1/+1 counters on the permanent equal to the number of nonland cards discarded this way.
701.47e “筹谋N”是筹谋的变化形式。该永久物的操控者抓N张牌,弃N张牌,然后在该永久物上放置若干+1/+1指示物,其数量等同于以此法弃掉的非地牌数量。

701.48. Open an Attraction
701.48. 打开景点

701.48a A player may open an Attraction only during a game in which that player is playing with an Attraction deck (see rule 717, “Attraction Cards”).
701.48a 牌手只可以在使用景点套牌进行的游戏中打开景点(参见规则717,“景点牌”)。

701.48b To open an Attraction, move the top card of your Attraction deck off the Attraction deck, turn it face up, and put it onto the battlefield under your control.
701.48b 打开景点意指,将你的景点套牌牌库顶牌移离景点套牌,将其翻回正面,然后将其在你的操控下放进战场。

701.48c An ability which triggers whenever a player opens an Attraction triggers when that player puts an Attraction card onto the battlefield while performing the instruction in the above rule. If an effect prevents that Attraction from entering the battlefield or replaces entering the battlefield with another event, that ability doesn’t trigger.
701.48c 一个当牌手“打开一个景点”时触发的异能在牌手因执行上述规则的指示而将一张景点牌放进战场时触发。如果一个效应防止该景点牌进战场,或以其他事件替代其进战场,该异能不会触发。

701.49. Roll to Visit Your Attractions
701.49. 掷骰造访景点

701.49a To roll to visit your Attractions, roll a six-sided die. Then if you control one or more Attractions with a number lit up that is equal to that result, each of those Attractions has been “visited” and its visit ability triggers. See rule 717, “Attraction Cards,” and rule 702.159, “Visit.”
701.49a 掷骰造访景点意指,掷一个六面骰,然后若掷骰结果等同于由你操控之一个或数个景点上的一个亮起的数字,这些景点均被“造访”,且其造访异能被触发。参见规则717,“景点牌”,及规则702.159,“造访”。

701.50. Convert
701.50. 转换

701.50a To convert a permanent, turn it so that its other face is up. This follows rules 701.28a–f, 712.9–10, and 712.18. Those rules apply to converting a permanent just as they apply to transforming a permanent.
701.50a 转换一个永久物指,将它翻到另一面牌面朝上。这遵循规则701.28a-f712.9-10、及712.18。这些规则如同适用于转化永久物一般适用于转换永久物。

701.50b Although converting a permanent uses the same physical action as turning a permanent face up or face down, they are different game actions. Abilities that trigger when a permanent is turned face down won’t trigger when that permanent converts, and so on.
701.50b 虽然转换某永久物与将某永久物翻为牌面朝下或翻回正面所执行的具体动作完全相同,但此两者是完全不同的游戏动作。会因某永久物翻为牌面朝下而触发的异能,并不会在该永久物转换时触发,其他依此类推。

701.50c If a spell or ability instructs a player to convert a permanent that isn’t represented by a transforming token or a transforming double-faced card, nothing happens.
701.50c 如果某咒语或异能要求牌手转换某个不是转化式双面牌的永久物,则什么都不会发生。

701.50d If a spell or ability instructs a player to convert a permanent, and the face that permanent would convert into is represented by an instant or sorcery card face, or is a transforming token that was created with an instant or sorcery face, nothing happens.
701.50d 如果某咒语或异能要求牌手转换某个永久物,且该永久物将要转换成的牌面是以瞬间或法术牌面代表,或牌面是以瞬间或法术牌面派出的转化式衍生物,则什么都不会发生。

701.50e If an activated or triggered ability of a permanent that isn’t a delayed triggered ability of that permanent tries to convert it, the permanent does so only if it hasn’t converted or transformed since the ability was put onto the stack. If a delayed triggered ability of a permanent tries to convert that permanent, the permanent does so only if it hasn’t converted or transformed since that delayed triggered ability was created. In both cases, if the permanent has already transformed or converted, an instruction to do either is ignored.
701.50e 如果一个永久物的起动式或触发式异能(且并非是该永久物的延迟触发式异能)试图转换之,该永久物仅在自该异能放进堆叠之后还没有被转化或转换过时才会如此作。如果一个永久物的延迟触发式异能试图转换该永久物,该永久物仅在自该延迟触发式异能被创造之后还没有被转化或转换过时才会如此作。在这两种情况下,如果该永久物已被转化或转换过,这类指示将被忽略。

701.50f If a spell or ability states that a permanent can’t transform, that permanent also can’t convert.
701.50f 如果一个效应叙述一个永久物不能转化,则该永久物也不能转换。

701.51. Incubate
701.51. 抚育

701.51a To incubate N, create an Incubator token that enters the battlefield with N +1/+1 counters on it. See rule 111.10i.
701.51a “抚育N”意指,派出一个进战场时上面有N个+1/+1指示物的抚育器衍生物。参见规则111.10i

701.51b An Incubator token is a transforming double-faced token. Its front face is a colorless Incubator artifact with “{2}: Transform this artifact.” Its back face is a 0/0 colorless Phyrexian artifact creature named “Phyrexian Token.”
701.51b 抚育器衍生物是转化式双面衍生物。其正面是无色抚育器神器,且具有“{2}:转化此神器。”其背面是名为非瑞人衍生物的0/0无色非瑞人神器生物。

701.52. The Ring Tempts You
701.52. 魔戒引诱你

701.52a Certain spells and abilities have the text “the Ring tempts you.” Each time the Ring tempts you, choose a creature you control. That creature becomes your Ring-bearer until another creature becomes your Ring-bearer or another player gains control of it.
701.52a 某些咒语和异能具有叙述“魔戒引诱你”。于魔戒引诱你时,选择一个由你操控的生物。该生物成为你的持戒人,直到另一个生物成为你的持戒人或另一位牌手获得它的操控权为止。

701.52b Ring-bearer is a designation a permanent can have. Being a Ring-bearer is not a copiable value.
701.52b 持戒人是永久物能够具有的称号,且并非该永久物的可复制特征值。

701.52c If a player doesn’t have an emblem named The Ring at the time the Ring tempts them, they get an emblem named The Ring before choosing a creature to be their Ring-bearer. The Ring has “Your Ring-bearer is legendary and can’t be blocked by creatures with greater power.” As long as the Ring has tempted that player two or more times, it has “Whenever your Ring-bearer attacks, draw a card, then discard a card.” As long as the Ring has tempted that player three or more times, it has “Whenever your Ring-bearer becomes blocked by a creature, the blocking creature’s controller sacrifices it at end of combat.” As long as the Ring has tempted that player four or more times, it has “Whenever your Ring-bearer deals combat damage to a player, each opponent loses 3 life.”
701.52c 于魔戒引诱一位牌手时,如果其没有名称为魔戒的徽记,则其在选择持戒人之前获得一个该徽记。魔戒具有“你的持戒人是传奇且不能被力量比它大的生物阻挡。”只要魔戒已引诱该牌手两次及以上,它便具有“每当你的持戒人攻击时,抓一张牌,然后弃一张牌。”只要魔戒已引诱该牌手三次及以上,它便具有“每当你的持戒人被一个生物阻挡,在战斗结束时该生物的操控者将它牺牲。”只要魔戒已引诱该牌手四次及以上,它便具有“每当你的持戒人对任一牌手造成战斗伤害时,每位对手各失去3点生命。”

701.52d Some abilities trigger “Whenever the Ring tempts you.” The Ring tempts a player whenever they complete the actions in 701.52a, even if some or all of those actions were impossible.
701.52d 一些异能于“魔戒引诱你”时触发。每当一位牌手完成701.52a中所述动作时,魔戒便引诱该牌手,即使其中部分或全部动作无法完成也是一样。

701.52e Some abilities check to see if a creature “is your Ring-bearer.” For the purposes of those abilities, that condition is true if that creature is on the battlefield under your control and has the Ring-bearer designation.
701.52e 一些异能检查一个生物是否“是你的持戒人”。对于这些异能而言,若该生物在战场上由你操控且具有持戒人此称号,即符合该条件。

701.53. Face a Villainous Choice
701.53. 面临邪恶抉择

701.53a “[A player] faces a villainous choice — [option A], or [option B]” means “[A player] chooses [option A] or [option B]. Then all actions in the chosen option are performed.”
701.53a “[牌手]面临邪恶抉择~[选项A];或[选项B]”意指“[牌手]选择[选项A]或[选项B]。然后执行所选项中的所有动作。”

701.53b While facing a villainous choice, a player may choose an option that is illegal or impossible. In that case, they perform as much of the action as is possible. This is an exception to rule 608.2d.
701.53b 当面临邪恶抉择时,牌手可以选择非法或无法完成的选项。在这种情况下,该牌手执行其中尽可能多的动作。这是规则608.2d的例外。

701.53c A replacement effect may replace an instruction to face a villainous choice with an instruction to face that choice some number of additional times. In that case, the entire process described in rule 701.53a is performed for that player the appropriate number of times one at a time.
701.53c 一个替代性效应可能将指示牌手面临一次邪恶抉择替代为指示牌手面临若干次额外的邪恶抉择。在这种情况下,牌手需要逐次执行相应次数的规则701.53a中所述之整个流程。

701.53d If more than one player is instructed to face a villainous choice, the entire process described in rule 701.53a is performed for each of those players one at a time in APNAP order. This is an exception to rule 608.2e.
701.53d 如果多位牌手被指示面临邪恶抉择,这些牌手按照“主动牌手先决定”的顺序逐个执行规则701.53a中所述之整个流程。这是规则608.2e的例外。

701.54. Time Travel
701.54. 时间旅行

701.54a To time travel means to choose any number of permanents you control with one or more time counters on them and/or suspended cards you own in exile with one or more time counters on them and, for each of those objects, put a time counter on it or remove a time counter from it. See rule 702.62, “Suspend.”
701.54a “时间旅行”意指,选择任意数量由你操控且其上有计时指示物的永久物和/或放逐区内由你拥有且其上有计时指示物之已延缓的牌。对每个这类物件而言,在其上放置一个计时指示物,或从其上移去一个计时指示物。参见规则702.62,“延缓”。

701.55. Discover
701.55. 倾探

701.55a “Discover N” means “Exile cards from the top of your library until you exile a nonland card with mana value N or less. You may cast that card without paying its mana cost if the resulting spell’s mana value is less than or equal to N. If you don’t cast it, put that card into your hand. Put the remaining exiled cards on the bottom of your library in a random order.”
701.55a “倾探N”意指“从你的牌库顶开始放逐牌,直到放逐一张法术力值等于或小于N的非地牌为止。你可以施放该牌,且不需支付其法术力费用,只要该牌所成为的咒语之法术力值等于或小于N。如果你未施放此牌,则将它置于你手上。然后将所有以此法放逐的其他牌以随机顺序置于你的牌库底。”

701.55b A player has “discovered” after the process described in 701.55a is complete, even if some or all of those actions were impossible.
701.55b 在完成规则701.55a中所述之流程后,牌手便已“倾探”,就算该流程之部分或全部动作无法完成也是一样。

701.55c If the final card exiled during the process described in rule 701.55a has mana value N or less, it is the “discovered card,” regardless of whether it was cast or put into a player’s hand.
701.55c 如果以规则701.55a中所述之流程放逐的最后一张牌之法术力值等于或小于N,则该牌为“所倾探之牌”,无论该牌是被施放还是置于手上。

701.56. Cloak
701.56. 匿伏

701.56a To cloak a card, turn it face down. It becomes a 2/2 face-down creature card with ward {2}, no name, no subtypes, and no mana cost. Put that card onto the battlefield face down. That permanent is a cloaked permanent for as long as it remains face down. The effect defining its characteristics works while the card is face down and ends when it’s turned face up.
701.56a 匿伏一张牌指,将其翻为牌面朝下。它成为2/2、具守护{2}的生物牌,没有规则文字,没有名称,没有副类别,没有法术力费用。将其牌面朝下地放进战场。只要该永久物牌面朝下,它便是已匿伏的永久物。此设定特征之效应会持续影响此牌面朝下的牌张,直到其被翻回正面为止。

701.56b Any time you have priority, you may turn a cloaked permanent you control face up. This is a special action that doesn’t use the stack (see rule 116.2b). To do this, show all players that the card representing that permanent is a creature card and what that card’s mana cost is, pay that cost, then turn the permanent face up. The effect defining its characteristics while it was face down ends, and it regains its normal characteristics. (If the card representing that permanent isn’t a creature card or it doesn’t have a mana cost, it can’t be turned face up this way.)
701.56b 在你拥有优先权的时机下,你可以把由你操控之已匿伏的永久物翻回正面。这属于特殊动作;它不用到堆叠(参见规则116.2b)。具体方法如下:将代表该永久物的牌张展示给所有牌手,以示此牌确为生物牌,并展示其法术力费用,支付此费用,然后将该永久物翻回正面。于此牌处于牌面朝下状态时设定其特征的效应随之结束,其重新获得在正常状况下的特征。(如果代表该永久物的牌不是生物牌,或是没有法术力费用,则它不能以此法翻回正面。)

701.56c If a card with morph is cloaked, its controller may turn that card face up using either the procedure described in rule 702.37e to turn a face-down permanent with morph face up or the procedure described above to turn a cloaked permanent face up.
701.56c 如果匿伏的是一张具变身异能的牌,则其操控者可将其当作具变身异能的牌面朝下生物,并按照规则702.37e中所述之流程来将其翻回正面;亦可比照本条前述之流程,将其当作已匿伏的永久物来翻回正面。

701.56d If a card with disguise is cloaked, its controller may turn that card face up using either the procedure described in rule 702.168d to turn a face-down permanent with disguise face up or the procedure described above to turn a cloaked permanent face up.
701.56d 如果匿伏的是一张具伪装异能的牌,则其操控者可将其当作具伪装异能的牌面朝下生物,并按照规则702.168d中所述之流程来将其翻回正面;亦可比照本条前述之流程,将其当作已匿伏的永久物来翻回正面。

701.56e If an effect instructs a player to cloak multiple cards from a single library, those cards are cloaked one at a time.
701.56e 如果某效应指示牌手从其牌库匿伏数张牌,则逐张匿伏该些牌。

701.56f If an effect instructs a player to cloak a card and a rule or effect prohibits the face-down object from entering the battlefield, that card isn’t cloaked. Its characteristics remain unmodified and it remains in its previous zone. If it was face up, it remains face up.
701.56f 如果某效应指示牌手匿伏一张牌,且有另一个规则或效应阻止该面朝下的物件进入战场,该牌不会被匿伏。其特征不会被改变,并留在原来的区域。如果它原本是面朝上的,它仍然是面朝上。

701.56g If a cloaked permanent that’s represented by an instant or sorcery card would turn face up, its controller reveals it and leaves it face down. Abilities that trigger whenever a permanent is turned face up won’t trigger.
701.56g 如果一个由瞬间和法术牌代表之已匿伏的永久物将要翻回正面,则其操控者展示该牌,然后将其保持牌面朝下。因永久物翻回正面时触发的异能不会触发。

701.56h See rule 708, “Face-Down Spells and Permanents,” for more information.
701.56h 欲了解更多信息,参见规则708,“牌面朝下的咒语和永久物”。

701.57. Collect Evidence
701.57. 搜证

701.57a To “collect evidence N” means to exile any number of cards from your graveyard with total mana value N or greater.
701.57a “搜证N”意指,从你的坟墓场放逐任意数量的牌,且其法术力值加总须达到N或更多。

701.57b If a player is given the choice to collect evidence but is unable to exile cards with total mana value N or greater from their graveyard (usually because there aren’t enough cards to do so) they can’t choose to collect evidence.
701.57b 如果牌手于其无法放逐法术力值加总达到N或更多的牌时得到搜证的选项(通常是由于其坟墓场中没有足够的牌),则其不能选择进行搜证。

701.57c A spell that has an ability that allows a player to collect evidence as an additional cost to cast it may have another ability that refers to whether evidence was collected. These abilities are linked. See rule 607, “Linked Abilities.”
701.57c 如果一个咒语具有允许牌手搜证以作为施放此咒语的额外费用的异能,则其可能还具有另一个提及是否搜证的异能。这些异能相互关联。参见规则607,“关联异能”。

701.58. Suspect
701.58. 怀疑

701.58a Certain spells and abilities instruct a player to suspect a creature. That creature becomes suspected until it leaves the battlefield or until a spell or ability causes it to no longer be suspected.
701.58a 某些咒语和异能指示牌手怀疑一个生物。该生物成为已遭疑,直到它离开战场或是有咒语或异能使其不再遭疑为止。

701.58b Suspected is a designation a permanent can have. Only permanents can have the suspected designation. Suspected is neither an ability nor part of the permanent’s copiable values.
701.58b 已遭疑是永久物能够具有的称号。只有永久物能够具有已遭疑此称号。已遭疑既不是异能,也不是该永久物可复制特征值的一部分。

701.58c A suspected permanent has menace and “This creature can’t block” for as long as it’s suspected.
701.58c 已遭疑的永久物于已遭疑期间具有威慑异能与“此生物不能进行阻挡”。

701.58d A suspected permanent can’t become suspected again.
701.58d 已遭疑的永久物不能再次成为已遭疑。

701.59. Forage
701.59. 觅粮

701.59a To forage means “Exile three cards from your graveyard or sacrifice a Food.”
701.59a 觅粮意指“从你的坟墓场放逐三张牌,或牺牲一个食品”。

701.60. Manifest Dread
701.60. 显化惧象

701.60a “Manifest dread” means “Look at the top two cards of your library. Manifest one of them, then put the rest into your graveyard.” See rule 701.34, “Manifest.”
701.60a “显化惧象”意指“检视你牌库顶的两张牌。将其中一张显化,另一张则置入你的坟墓场。”参见规则701.34,“显化”。

701.60b An ability that triggers whenever a player manifests dread triggers after the process described in rule 701.60a is complete, even if some or all of those actions were impossible.
701.60b 每当牌手显化惧象时触发的异能会在完成规则701.60a所述之流程后触发,即使该流程之部分或全部动作无法完成也是一样。

702. 关键字异能 Keyword Abilities

702. Keyword Abilities
702. 关键字异能

702.1. Most abilities describe exactly what they do in the card’s rules text. Some, though, are very common or would require too much space to define on the card. In these cases, the object lists only the name of the ability as a “keyword”; sometimes reminder text summarizes the game rule.
702.1. 绝大多数的异能都在牌张的规则叙述中清楚地描述出了自己的作用。然而,有些异能极为常见,或是其定义会占去牌上太多的空间。在这些情况下,该物件上便只会列出该异能的名称,作为“关键字”;有时会以规则提示来简略说明该异能相对应的游戏规则。

702.1a If an effect refers to a “[keyword ability] cost,” it refers only to the variable costs for that keyword.
702.1a 如果一个效应提及“[关键字异能]费用”,它只指该关键字异能的可变数值费用。

Example: Varolz, the Scar-Striped has an ability that says “Each creature card in your graveyard has scavenge. The scavenge cost is equal to its mana cost.” A creature card’s scavenge cost is an amount of mana equal to its mana cost, and the activation cost of the scavenge ability is that amount of mana plus “Exile this card from your graveyard.”

702.1b An effect that grants an object a keyword ability may define a variable in that ability based on characteristics of that object or other information about the game state. For these abilities, the value of that variable is constantly reevaluated.
702.1b 赋予某物件关键字异能的效应可能根据该物件或关于游戏状态的其他信息定义该异能中的可变数值。对于此类异能,该可变数值的数值会持续更新。

Example: Volcano Hellion has the ability “Volcano Hellion has echo {X}, where X is your life total.” If your life total is 10 when Volcano Hellion’s echo ability triggers but 5 when it resolves, the echo cost to pay is {5}.

Example: FireIce is a split card whose halves have the mana costs {1}{R} and {1}{U}. Past in Flames reads “Each instant and sorcery card in your graveyard gains flashback until end of turn. The flashback cost is equal to its mana cost.” FireIce has “Flashback {2}{U}{R}” while it is in your graveyard, but if you choose to cast Fire, the resulting spell has “Flashback {1}{R}.”

702.1c An effect may state that “the same is true for” a list of keyword abilities or similar. If one of those keyword abilities has variants or variables and the effect grants that keyword or counters of that keyword to one or more objects and/or players, it grants each appropriate variant and variable of that keyword.
702.1c 一个效应可能会叙述一系列关键字异能或类似情形“亦比照办理”。如果这些关键字异能其中之一具有变化形式或变量,且该效应赋予一个或数个物件和/或牌手该关键字异能或指示物,则它赋予该关键字异能或指示物的每一种适用的变化形式或变量。

Example: Concerted Effort is an enchantment that reads “At the beginning of each upkeep, creatures you control gain flying until end of turn if a creature you control has flying. The same is true for fear, first strike, double strike, landwalk, protection, trample, and vigilance.” As that triggered ability resolves, each landwalk and protection ability from among creatures you control is granted to each creature you control.

702.1d An effect may refer to an object “with [keyword ability]” or “that has [keyword ability].” This means the same thing as an object “with a [keyword ability] ability” or an object “that has a [keyword ability] ability.”
702.1d 一个效应可能会提及“具[关键字异能]”或“具有[关键字异能]”的物件。这与提及“具[关键字异能]异能”或“具有[关键字异能]异能”的物件意义相同。

702.2. Deathtouch
702.2. 死触

702.2a Deathtouch is a static ability.
702.2a 死触属于静止式异能。

702.2b A creature with toughness greater than 0 that’s been dealt damage by a source with deathtouch since the last time state-based actions were checked is destroyed as a state-based action. See rule 704.
702.2b 如果在上一次检查状态动作后,一个生物受到具死触之来源的伤害,它便作为状态动作被消灭。参见规则704

702.2c Any nonzero amount of combat damage assigned to a creature by a source with deathtouch is considered to be lethal damage for the purposes of determining if a proposed combat damage assignment is valid, regardless of that creature’s toughness. See rules 510.1c–d.
702.2c 在检查被宣告的战斗伤害分配是否合法时,任何具有死触的来源对生物分配的非零战斗伤害均认为是致命伤害,而不考虑该生物的防御力。参见规则510.1c-d

702.2d The deathtouch rules function no matter what zone an object with deathtouch deals damage from.
702.2d 无论具有死触之物件是从哪个区域造成的伤害,死触异能规则都会生效。

702.2e If an object changes zones before an effect causes it to deal damage, its last known information is used to determine whether it had deathtouch.
702.2e 如果一个永久物在使其造成伤害的效应生效前便离开战场,则会使用其最后已知信息来判断该永久物是否具有死触异能。

702.2f Multiple instances of deathtouch on the same object are redundant.
702.2f 同一个物件上的多个死触异能并无意义。

702.3. Defender
702.3. 守军

702.3a Defender is a static ability.
702.3a 守军属于静止式异能。

702.3b A creature with defender can’t attack.
702.3b 具有守军的生物不能进行攻击。

702.3c Multiple instances of defender on the same creature are redundant.
702.3c 同一个生物上的多个守军异能并无意义。

702.4. Double Strike
702.4. 连击

702.4a Double strike is a static ability that modifies the rules for the combat damage step. (See rule 510, “Combat Damage Step.”)
702.4a 连击属于静止式异能,它会影响战斗伤害步骤的规则。(参见规则510,“战斗伤害步骤”。)

702.4b If at least one attacking or blocking creature has first strike (see rule 702.7) or double strike as the combat damage step begins, the only creatures that assign combat damage in that step are those with first strike or double strike. After that step, instead of proceeding to the end of combat step, the phase gets a second combat damage step. The only creatures that assign combat damage in that step are the remaining attackers and blockers that had neither first strike nor double strike as the first combat damage step began, as well as the remaining attackers and blockers that currently have double strike. After that step, the phase proceeds to the end of combat step.
702.4b 如果于战斗伤害步骤开始时,至少有一个攻击或阻挡生物具有先攻(参见规则702.7)或连击,则只有具有先攻或连击的生物在该战斗伤害步骤中分配伤害。在该步骤之后,该阶段得到第二个战斗伤害步骤,而不是直接进入战斗结束步骤。只有其余在第一个战斗伤害步骤开始时不具有先攻或连击的攻击或阻挡生物,以及其余当前具有连击的生物,在第二个战斗伤害步骤中分配伤害。在此步骤之后,此阶段进入战斗结束步骤。

702.4c Removing double strike from a creature during the first combat damage step will stop it from assigning combat damage in the second combat damage step.
702.4c 如果在第一个战斗伤害步骤中移除一个生物的连击异能,则此生物将无法在第二个战斗伤害步骤中分配战斗伤害。

702.4d Giving double strike to a creature with first strike after it has already dealt combat damage in the first combat damage step will allow the creature to assign combat damage in the second combat damage step.
702.4d 如果在一个具有先攻异能的生物在第一个战斗伤害步骤造成过战斗伤害后赋予其连击异能,将使该生物继续在第二个战斗伤害步骤中分配战斗伤害。

702.4e Multiple instances of double strike on the same creature are redundant.
702.4e 同一个生物上的多个连击异能并无意义。

702.5. Enchant
702.5. 结附

702.5a Enchant is a static ability, written “Enchant [object or player].” The enchant ability restricts what an Aura spell can target and what an Aura can enchant.
702.5a 结附属于静止式异能,写作“结附于[物件或牌手]”。结附异能会限制灵气咒语的目标,以及灵气能够结附的对象。

702.5b For more information about Auras, see rule 303, “Enchantments.”
702.5b 关于灵气的更多信息,参见规则303,“结界”。

702.5c If an Aura has multiple instances of enchant, all of them apply. The Aura’s target must follow the restrictions from all the instances of enchant. The Aura can enchant only objects or players that match all of its enchant abilities.
702.5c 如果一个灵气上有多个结附异能,则它们均会生效。该灵气的目标必须遵循所有结附异能的限制。此灵气只能结附于符合其所有结附异能限制的物件或牌手。

702.5d Auras that can enchant a player can target and be attached to players. Such Auras can’t target permanents and can’t be attached to permanents.
702.5d 能结附于牌手的灵气能以牌手为目标,并贴附于其上。此类灵气不能指定永久物为目标,也不能贴附于永久物之上。

702.6. Equip
702.6. 佩带

702.6a Equip is an activated ability of Equipment cards. “Equip [cost]” means “[Cost]: Attach this permanent to target creature you control. Activate only as a sorcery.”
702.6a 佩带属于武具牌特有的起动式异能。“佩带[费用]”意指,“[费用]:将此武具贴附于目标由你操控的生物上。只能于法术时机起动。”

702.6b For more information about Equipment, see rule 301, “Artifacts.”
702.6b 关于武具的更多信息,参见规则301,“神器”。

702.6c Equip abilities may further restrict what creatures may be chosen as legal targets. Such restrictions usually appear in the form “Equip [quality]” or “Equip [quality] creature.” These equip abilities may legally target only a creature that’s controlled by the player activating the ability and that has the chosen quality. Additional restrictions for an equip ability don’t restrict what the Equipment may be attached to.
702.6c 佩带异能可能会进一步限制哪些生物可以选作合法目标。此类限制通常以“佩带[特性]”或“佩带[特性]生物”的形式出现。这些佩带异能只能合法指定由起动该异能之牌手所操控的、且具有该特性的生物。佩带异能的额外限制并不限制该武具能贴附于什么生物上面。

702.6d If a permanent has multiple equip abilities, any of its equip abilities may be activated.
702.6d 如果同一个武具上有多个佩带异能,其上的任意一个佩带异能都可以被起动。

702.6e “Equip planeswalker” is a variant of the equip ability. “Equip planeswalker [cost]” means “[Cost]: Attach this permanent to target planeswalker you control as though that planeswalker were a creature. Activate only as a sorcery.”
702.6e “佩带鹏洛客”是佩带异能的一种变化形式。“佩带鹏洛客[费用]”意指“[费用]:将目标由你操控的鹏洛客视同生物地来把此永久物贴附于其上。只能于法术时机起动。”

702.7. First Strike
702.7. 先攻

702.7a First strike is a static ability that modifies the rules for the combat damage step. (See rule 510, “Combat Damage Step.”)
702.7a 先攻属于静止式异能,它会影响战斗伤害步骤的规则。(参见规则510,“战斗伤害步骤”。)

702.7b If at least one attacking or blocking creature has first strike or double strike (see rule 702.4) as the combat damage step begins, the only creatures that assign combat damage in that step are those with first strike or double strike. After that step, instead of proceeding to the end of combat step, the phase gets a second combat damage step. The only creatures that assign combat damage in that step are the remaining attackers and blockers that had neither first strike nor double strike as the first combat damage step began, as well as the remaining attackers and blockers that currently have double strike. After that step, the phase proceeds to the end of combat step.
702.7b 如果于战斗伤害步骤开始时,至少有一个攻击或阻挡生物具有先攻或连击(参见规则702.4),则只有具有先攻或连击的生物在该战斗伤害步骤中分配伤害。在该步骤之后,该阶段得到第二个战斗伤害步骤,而不是直接进入战斗结束步骤。只有其余在第一个战斗伤害步骤开始时不具有先攻或连击的攻击或阻挡生物,以及其余当前具有连击的生物,在第二个战斗伤害步骤中分配伤害。在此步骤之后,此阶段进入战斗结束步骤。

702.7c Giving first strike to a creature without it after combat damage has already been dealt in the first combat damage step won’t preclude that creature from assigning combat damage in the second combat damage step. Removing first strike from a creature after it has already dealt combat damage in the first combat damage step won’t allow it to also assign combat damage in the second combat damage step (unless the creature has double strike).
702.7c 如果在第一个战斗伤害步骤当中,造成了战斗伤害之后再赋予一个不具有先攻异能的生物该异能,并不会使此生物在第二个战斗伤害步骤中无法分配战斗伤害。如果在一个具有先攻异能的生物于第一个战斗伤害步骤中造成伤害后,移除该生物上的先攻异能,也不会使它在第二个战斗伤害步骤中再次分配战斗伤害(除非该生物具有连击异能)。

702.7d Multiple instances of first strike on the same creature are redundant.
702.7d 同一个生物上的多个先攻异能并无意义。

702.8. Flash
702.8. 闪现

702.8a Flash is a static ability that functions in any zone from which you could play the card it’s on. “Flash” means “You may play this card any time you could cast an instant.”
702.8a 闪现属于静止式异能,具有此异能的牌在位于你可以使用它的区域中生效。“闪现”意指,“你可以于你能够施放瞬间的时机下使用此牌。”

702.8b Multiple instances of flash on the same object are redundant.
702.8b 同一个物件上的多个闪现异能并无意义。

702.9. Flying
702.9. 飞行

702.9a Flying is an evasion ability.
702.9a 飞行属于躲避式异能。

702.9b A creature with flying can’t be blocked except by creatures with flying and/or reach. A creature with flying can block a creature with or without flying. (See rule 509, “Declare Blockers Step,” and rule 702.17, “Reach.”)
702.9b 具有飞行的生物只能被具有飞行和/或延势的生物阻挡。无论一个生物是否具有飞行,具有飞行的生物都可以阻挡它。(参见规则509,“宣告阻挡者步骤”和规则702.17,“延势”。)

702.9c Multiple instances of flying on the same creature are redundant.
702.9c 同一个生物上的多个飞行异能并无意义。

702.10. Haste
702.10. 敏捷

702.10a Haste is a static ability.
702.10a 敏捷属于静止式异能。

702.10b If a creature has haste, it can attack even if it hasn’t been controlled by its controller continuously since their most recent turn began. (See rule 302.6.)
702.10b 如果一个生物具有敏捷,则即使它的操控者在其最近的一回合开始时并未持续操控它,它依然能够攻击。(参见规则302.6。)

702.10c If a creature has haste, its controller can activate its activated abilities whose cost includes the tap symbol or the untap symbol even if that creature hasn’t been controlled by that player continuously since their most recent turn began. (See rule 302.6.)
702.10c 如果一个生物具有敏捷,则即使它的操控者在其最近的一回合开始时并未持续操控它,也能够起动费用中包括横置或重置符号的起动式异能。(参见规则302.6。)

702.10d Multiple instances of haste on the same creature are redundant.
702.10d 同一个生物上的多个敏捷异能并无意义。

702.11. Hexproof
702.11. 辟邪

702.11a Hexproof is a static ability.
702.11a 辟邪是静止式异能。

702.11b “Hexproof” on a permanent means “This permanent can’t be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control.”
702.11b 在永久物上的“辟邪”意指“此永久物不能成为你对手所操控的咒语或异能的目标。”

702.11c “Hexproof” on a player means “You can’t be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control.”
702.11c 在牌手上的“辟邪”意指“你不能成为你对手所操控的咒语或异能的目标。”

702.11d “Hexproof from [quality]” is a variant of the hexproof ability. “Hexproof from [quality]” on a permanent means “This permanent can’t be the target of [quality] spells your opponents control or abilities your opponents control from [quality] sources.” A “hexproof from [quality]” ability is a hexproof ability.
702.11d “反[特性]辟邪”是辟邪异能的一种变化形式。永久物上的“反[特性]辟邪”意指“此永久物不能成为由对手操控之[特性]咒语,或由对手操控之[特性]来源异能的目标。”“反[特性]辟邪”异能是一种辟邪异能。

702.11e Any effect that causes an object to lose hexproof will cause an object to lose all “hexproof from [quality]” abilities. Any effect that allows a player to choose a creature with hexproof as a target as though it didn’t have hexproof will allow a player to choose a creature with a “hexproof from [quality]” ability. Any effect that looks for a card with hexproof will find a card with a “hexproof from [quality]” ability.
702.11e 使物件失去辟邪异能之效应亦会使其失去所有“反[特性]辟邪”异能。允许牌手将具辟邪异能的生物视同不具辟邪异能地选择为目标之效应亦会允许牌手选择具“反[特性]辟邪”异能的生物为目标。寻找具辟邪异能的牌之效应亦会找到具“反[特性]辟邪”异能的牌。

702.11f “Hexproof from [quality A] and from [quality B]” is shorthand for “hexproof from [quality A]” and “hexproof from [quality B]”; it behaves as two separate hexproof abilities.
702.11f “反[特性A]与反[特性B]辟邪”是“反[特性A]辟邪”及“反[特性B]辟邪”的简写形式;此类叙述与分别列出两个辟邪异能相同。

702.11g “Hexproof from each [characteristic]” is shorthand for “hexproof from [quality A],” “hexproof from [quality B],” and so on for each possible quality the listed characteristic could have; it behaves as multiple separate hexproof abilities.
702.11g “反每个[特征]辟邪”是为该特征所有可能出现的每个特性单独列出“反[特性A]辟邪”,“反[特性B]辟邪”等等的缩略形式;此类叙述与分别列出数个辟邪异能相同。(译注:中文牌上的Hexproof from all [characteristic]不一定会译作“反每个[特征]辟邪”,而是可能根据特征中含有的特性数值进行相应的调整,如“反五色辟邪”。)

702.11h Multiple instances of the same hexproof ability on the same permanent or player are redundant.
702.11h 同一个永久物或牌手上的多个同种辟邪异能并无意义。

702.12. Indestructible
702.12. 不灭

702.12a Indestructible is a static ability.
702.12a 不灭是一个静止式异能。

702.12b A permanent with indestructible can’t be destroyed. Such permanents aren’t destroyed by lethal damage, and they ignore the state-based action that checks for lethal damage (see rule 704.5g).
702.12b 一个具有不灭的永久物不能被消灭。这些永久物不会被致命伤害消灭,且它们忽略检查致命伤害的状态动作(参见规则704.5g)。

702.12c Multiple instances of indestructible on the same permanent are redundant.
702.12c 同一个永久物上的多个不灭异能并无意义。

702.13. Intimidate
702.13. 威吓

702.13a Intimidate is an evasion ability.
702.13a 威吓属于躲避式异能。

702.13b A creature with intimidate can’t be blocked except by artifact creatures and/or creatures that share a color with it. (See rule 509, “Declare Blockers Step.”)
702.13b 具有威吓的生物只能被神器生物和/或与之有共通颜色的生物阻挡。(参见规则509,“宣告阻挡者步骤”。)

702.13c Multiple instances of intimidate on the same creature are redundant.
702.13c 同一个生物上的多个威吓异能并无意义。

702.14. Landwalk
702.14. 地行者

702.14a Landwalk is a generic term that appears within an object’s rules text as “[type]walk,” where [type] is usually a land type, but it can also be the card type land plus any combination of land types, card types, and/or supertypes.
702.14a 地行者为通用词,在物件的规则叙述中都会以“[类别]行者”的格式出现,其中[类别]通常是一种地类别,但也可以是地此牌张类别、任意的地类别、牌张类别、或超类别,或是前述各类别的任意组合。

702.14b Landwalk is an evasion ability.
702.14b 地行者属于躲避式异能。

702.14c A creature with landwalk can’t be blocked as long as the defending player controls at least one land with the specified land type (as in “islandwalk”), with the specified type or supertype (as in “artifact landwalk”), without the specified type or supertype (as in “nonbasic landwalk”), or with both the specified type or supertype and the specified subtype (as in “snow swampwalk”). (See rule 509, “Declare Blockers Step.”)
702.14c 只要防御牌手至少操控一个符合地行者异能所述特性的地,具有该地行者异能的生物便不能被阻挡。该特性可以是具有所指定的地类别(如“海岛行者”)、具有所指定的牌张类别或超类别(如“神器地行者”)、不具有所指定的牌张类别或超类别(如“非基本地行者”),或同时具有所指定的超类别及副类别(如“雪境沼泽行者”)。(参见规则509,“宣告阻挡者步骤”。)

702.14d Landwalk abilities don’t “cancel” one another.
702.14d 地行者异能并不会互相“抵消”。

Example: If a player controls a snow Forest, that player can’t block an attacking creature with snow forestwalk even if they also control a creature with snow forestwalk.

702.14e Multiple instances of the same kind of landwalk on the same creature are redundant.
702.14e 同一个生物上的多个同类别地行者异能并无意义。

702.15. Lifelink
702.15. 系命

702.15a Lifelink is a static ability.
702.15a 系命属于静止式异能。

702.15b Damage dealt by a source with lifelink causes that source’s controller, or its owner if it has no controller, to gain that much life (in addition to any other results that damage causes). See rule 120.3.
702.15b 具有系命之来源所造成的伤害,将使此来源的操控者,或如果没有操控者,则为其拥有者获得等量的生命(该伤害造成的其他结果仍照常处理)。参见规则120.3

702.15c If an object changes zones before an effect causes it to deal damage, its last known information is used to determine whether it had lifelink.
702.15c 如果一个物件在使其造成伤害的效应生效前便改变区域,则会使用其最后已知信息来判断该物件是否具有系命异能。

702.15d The lifelink rules function no matter what zone an object with lifelink deals damage from.
702.15d 无论具有系命之物件是从哪个区域造成的伤害,系命规则都会生效。

702.15e If multiple sources with lifelink deal damage at the same time, they cause separate life gain events (see rules 119.9–10).
702.15e 如果多个具有系命的来源同时造成伤害,它们会分别导致一次获得生命的事件(参见规则119.9-10)。

Example: A player controls Ajani’s Pridemate, which reads “Whenever you gain life, put a +1/+1 counter on Ajani’s Pridemate,” and two creatures with lifelink. The creatures with lifelink deal combat damage simultaneously. Ajani’s Pridemate’s ability triggers twice.

702.15f Multiple instances of lifelink on the same object are redundant.
702.15f 同一个物件上的多个系命异能并无意义。

702.16. Protection
702.16. 保护

702.16a Protection is a static ability, written “Protection from [quality].” This quality is usually a color (as in “protection from black”) but can be any characteristic value or information. If the quality happens to be a card name, it is treated as such only if the protection ability specifies that the quality is a name. If the quality is a card type, subtype, or supertype, the ability applies to sources that are permanents with that card type, subtype, or supertype and to any sources not on the battlefield that are of that card type, subtype, or supertype. This is an exception to rule 109.2.
702.16a 保护属于静止式异能,写作“反[特性]保护”。此特性通常为颜色(如“反黑保护”),但也可以是其他的特征或信息。如果此特性是一张牌的名称,则仅有在此保护异能指名此特性为名称时,才将其视作牌名来处理。如果此特性为一种类别、副类别或超类别,则保护所使用的来源包括该类永久物,与不在战场上的该类来源。这是规则109.2的例外状况。

702.16b A permanent or player with protection can’t be targeted by spells with the stated quality and can’t be targeted by abilities from a source with the stated quality.
702.16b 具有保护的永久物或牌手不能成为具所述特性的咒语,或来源为该特性的异能之目标。

702.16c A permanent or player with protection can’t be enchanted by Auras that have the stated quality. Such Auras attached to the permanent or player with protection will be put into their owners’ graveyards as a state-based action. (See rule 704, “State-Based Actions.”)
702.16c 具有保护的永久物或牌手不能被具有所述特性的灵气结附。已贴附于该永久物或牌手的此类灵气会作为状态动作置入其拥有者的坟墓场。(参见规则704,“状态动作”。)

702.16d A permanent with protection can’t be equipped by Equipment that have the stated quality or fortified by Fortifications that have the stated quality. Such Equipment or Fortifications become unattached from that permanent as a state-based action, but remain on the battlefield. (See rule 704, “State-Based Actions.”)
702.16d 具有保护的永久物不能佩带具所述特性的武具或构工具有该特性的工事。此类武具或工事会作为状态动作从该永久物上卸装,但仍留在战场上。(参见规则704,“状态动作”。)

702.16e Any damage that would be dealt by sources that have the stated quality to a permanent or player with protection is prevented.
702.16e 如果将对具有保护的永久物或牌手造成的伤害来源具有所述特性,则此伤害会被防止。

702.16f Attacking creatures with protection can’t be blocked by creatures that have the stated quality.
702.16f 具有保护的攻击生物不能被具该特性的生物阻挡。

702.16g “Protection from [quality A] and from [quality B]” is shorthand for “protection from [quality A]” and “protection from [quality B]”; it behaves as two separate protection abilities.
702.16g “反[特性A]及反[特性B]保护”是“反[特性A]保护”及“反[特性B]保护”的简写形式;此类叙述与分别列出两个保护异能相同。(译注:中文牌上已经将“反[特性A]及[特性B]保护”按两个保护异能分别译成“反[特性A]保护,反[特性B]保护”。)

702.16h “Protection from each [characteristic]” is shorthand for “protection from [quality A],” “protection from [quality B],” and so on for each possible quality the listed characteristic could have; it behaves as multiple separate protection abilities.
702.16h “反每个[特征]保护”是为该特征所有可能出现的每个特性单独列出“反[特性A]保护”,“反[特性B]保护”等等的缩略形式;此类叙述与分别列出数个保护异能相同。(译注:中文牌上的Protection from all [characteristic]不一定会译作“反每个[特征]保护”,而是可能根据特征中含有的特性数值进行相应的调整,如“反五色保护”。)

702.16i “Protection from each [set of characteristics, qualities, or players]” is shorthand for “protection from [A],” “protection from [B],” and so on for each characteristic, quality, or player in the set. It behaves as multiple separate protection abilities.
702.16i “所有[特征、特性或牌手的集合]之反[特征、特性或牌手]保护”是为该集合中的每个特征、特性或牌手单独列出“反[A]保护”,“反[B]保护”等等的缩略形式;此类叙述与分别列出数个保护异能相同。

702.16j “Protection from everything” is a variant of the protection ability. A permanent or player with protection from everything has protection from each object regardless of that object’s characteristic values. Such a permanent or player can’t be targeted by spells or abilities and can’t be enchanted by Auras. Such a permanent can’t be equipped by Equipment, fortified by Fortifications, or blocked by creatures. All damage that would be dealt to such a permanent or player is prevented.
702.16j “反一切保护”是保护的变化形式。具有反一切保护的永久物或牌手具有反每个物件的保护,无论该物件的特征为何。此类永久物或牌手不能成为咒语或异能的目标,且不能被灵气结附。此类永久物不能佩带武具、不能构工工事,且不能被生物阻挡。防止将对此类永久物或牌手造成的所有伤害。

702.16k “Protection from [a player]” is a variant of the protection ability. A permanent or player with protection from a specific player has protection from each object that player controls and protection from each object that player owns not controlled by another player, regardless of that object’s characteristic values. Such a permanent or player can’t be targeted by spells or abilities the specified player controls and can’t be enchanted by Auras that player controls. Such a permanent can’t be equipped by Equipment that player controls, fortified by Fortifications that player controls, or blocked by creatures that player controls. All damage that would be dealt to such a permanent or player by sources controlled by the specified player or owned by that player but not controlled by another player is prevented.
702.16k “反[一位牌手]保护”是保护的变化形式。具有反一位特定牌手保护的永久物或牌手,具有反该牌手操控之每个物件的保护异能,反该牌手拥有但未被另一位牌手操控之每个物件的保护异能,无论该物件的特征为何。此类永久物或牌手不能成为该牌手操控的咒语或异能的目标,且不能被该牌手操控的灵气结附。此类永久物也不能佩带该牌手操控的武具、不能构工该牌手操控的工事、不能被该牌手操控的生物阻挡。防止所有由该牌手操控、或由该牌手拥有但未被另一位牌手操控之来源将对此类永久物或牌手造成的所有伤害。

702.16m Multiple instances of protection from the same quality on the same permanent or player are redundant.
702.16m 同一永久物或牌手上的多个同特性保护异能并无意义。

702.16n Some Auras both give the enchanted creature protection from a quality and say “this effect doesn’t remove” either that specific Aura or all Auras. This means that the specified Auras aren’t put into their owners’ graveyards as a state-based action. If the creature has other instances of protection from the same quality, those instances affect Auras as normal.
702.16n 一些灵气既赋予所结附的生物反特性保护,又叙述“此效应不会移除”该灵气或所有灵气。此叙述的意义为这些灵气不会因状态动作置入其拥有者的坟墓场。如果该生物额外具有其他同特性保护异能,这些异能会如常影响灵气。

702.16p One Aura (Benevolent Blessing) gives the enchanted creature protection from a quality and says the effect doesn’t remove certain permanents that are “already attached to” that creature. This means that, when the protection effect starts to apply, any objects with the stated quality that are already attached to that creature (including the Aura giving that creature protection) will not be put into their owners’ graveyards as a state-based action. Other permanents with the stated quality can’t become attached to the creature. If the creature has other instances of protection from the same quality, those instances affect attached permanents as normal.
702.16p 一个灵气(善心祝福)赋予所结附的生物反特性保护,并叙述此效应不会移除已贴附于其上的一些永久物。这是意指,当保护效应开始生效时,任何具有所述特性的、已贴附于该生物的物件(包括赋予该生物保护异能的灵气在内)不会因状态动作置入其拥有者的坟墓场。其他具有所述特性的永久物不能再贴附于该生物。如果该生物额外具有其他同特性保护异能,这些异能会如常影响贴附于其上的永久物。

702.17. Reach
702.17. 延势

702.17a Reach is a static ability.
702.17a 延势属于静止式异能。

702.17b A creature with flying can’t be blocked except by creatures with flying and/or reach. (See rule 509, “Declare Blockers Step,” and rule 702.9, “Flying.”)
702.17b 具有飞行的生物只能被具有飞行和/或延势的生物阻挡。(参见规则509,“宣告阻挡者步骤”和规则702.9,“飞行”。)

702.17c Multiple instances of reach on the same creature are redundant.
702.17c 同一个生物上的多个延势异能并无意义。

702.18. Shroud
702.18. 帷幕

702.18a Shroud is a static ability. “Shroud” means “This permanent or player can’t be the target of spells or abilities.”
702.18a 帷幕属于静止式异能。“帷幕”意指,“此永久物或牌手不能成为咒语或异能的目标。”

702.18b Multiple instances of shroud on the same permanent or player are redundant.
702.18b 同一永久物或牌手上的多个帷幕异能并无意义。

702.19. Trample
702.19. 践踏

702.19a Trample is a static ability that modifies the rules for assigning an attacking creature’s combat damage. The ability has no effect when a creature with trample is blocking or is dealing noncombat damage. (See rule 510, “Combat Damage Step.”)
702.19a 践踏属于静止式异能,会影响分配攻击生物之战斗伤害的规则。在生物进行阻挡或造成非战斗伤害时,此异能没有效应。(参见规则510,“战斗伤害步骤”。)

702.19b The controller of an attacking creature with trample first assigns damage to the creature(s) blocking it. Once all those blocking creatures are assigned lethal damage, any excess damage is assigned as its controller chooses among those blocking creatures and the player, planeswalker, or battle the creature is attacking. When checking for assigned lethal damage, take into account damage already marked on the creature and damage from other creatures that’s being assigned during the same combat damage step, but not any abilities or effects that might change the amount of damage that’s actually dealt. The attacking creature’s controller need not assign lethal damage to all those blocking creatures but in that case can’t assign any damage to the player or planeswalker it’s attacking.
702.19b 具有践踏的攻击生物之操控者,首先将伤害分配给所有阻挡它的生物。一旦这些阻挡生物都分配了致命伤害,则其操控者可以将过量伤害可以在阻挡生物和该生物所攻击的牌手、鹏洛客或战役之间分配。当检查是否已经分配了致命伤害时,需考虑生物上已标记的伤害,以及其他生物在同一战斗伤害步骤正在分配的伤害,但不考虑可能会改变实际造成的伤害数量的异能或效应。攻击生物的操控者不需要对每个阻挡生物分配致命伤害,但此情况下不能将伤害分配给其正在攻击的牌手或鹏洛客。

Example: A 2/2 creature that can block an additional creature blocks two attackers: a 1/1 with no abilities and a 3/3 with trample. The active player could assign 1 damage from the first attacker and 1 damage from the second to the blocking creature, and 2 damage to the defending player from the creature with trample.

Example: A 6/6 green creature with trample is blocked by a 2/2 creature with protection from green. The attacking creature’s controller must assign at least 2 damage to the blocker, even though that damage will be prevented by the blocker’s protection ability. The attacking creature’s controller can divide the rest of the damage as they choose between the blocking creature and the defending player.

702.19c Trample over planeswalkers is a variant of trample that modifies the rules for assigning combat damage to planeswalkers. The controller of a creature with trample over planeswalkers assigns that creature’s combat damage as described in rule 702.19b, with one exception. If that creature is attacking a planeswalker, after lethal damage is assigned to all blocking creatures and damage at least equal to the loyalty of the planeswalker the creature is attacking is assigned to that planeswalker, further excess damage may be assigned as the attacking creature’s controller chooses among those blocking creatures, that planeswalker, and that planeswalker’s controller. When checking for assigned damage equal to a planeswalker’s loyalty, take into account damage from other creatures that’s being assigned during the same combat damage step, but not any abilities or effects that might change the amount of damage that’s actually dealt.
702.19c 践踏鹏洛客是践踏异能的变化,会影响对鹏洛客分配战斗伤害的规则。具践踏鹏洛客异能的生物之操控者依照规则702.19b所述分配该生物的战斗伤害,但有一点例外。如果该生物正在攻击鹏洛客,在为所有阻挡生物分配战斗伤害、且至少为该生物所攻击的鹏洛客分配等同于该鹏洛客忠诚的伤害之后,仍有过量的伤害可以由该攻击生物之操控者来选择,任意分配给这些阻挡生物、该鹏洛客、或该鹏洛客的操控者。当检查是否分配了等同于鹏洛客忠诚的伤害时,需考虑其他生物在同一战斗伤害步骤正在分配的伤害,但不考虑可能会改变实际造成的伤害数量的异能或效应。

Example: A player controls a planeswalker with three loyalty counters that is being attacked by a 1/1 with no abilities and a 7/7 with trample over planeswalkers. The active player could assign 1 damage from the first attacker and 2 damage from the second to the planeswalker and 5 damage to the defending player from the creature with trample over planeswalkers.

702.19d If an attacking creature with trample or trample over planeswalkers is blocked, but there are no creatures blocking it when damage is assigned, its damage is assigned to the defending player and/or planeswalker as though all blocking creatures have been assigned lethal damage.
702.19d 如果一个具有践踏或践踏鹏洛客的生物被阻挡,但在分配伤害时没有阻挡生物,则它造成的所有伤害视同所有阻挡生物都已分配了致命伤害一般地分配给该防御牌手和/或鹏洛客。

702.19e If a creature with trample over planeswalkers is attacking a planeswalker and that planeswalker is removed from combat, the creature’s damage may be assigned to the defending player once all blocking creatures have been dealt lethal damage or, if there are no blocking creatures when damage is assigned, all its damage is assigned to the defending player. This is an exception to rule 506.4c, and it does not cause the creature to be attacking that player.
702.19e 如果一个具有践踏鹏洛客的生物正在攻击鹏洛客,且该鹏洛客被移出战斗,该生物的伤害可以在所有阻挡生物都已分配了致命伤害之后分配给防御牌手。或者,如果在伤害分配时没有阻挡生物,其伤害全部分配给防御牌手。这是规则506.4c的例外情况,且不会使得该生物成为攻击该牌手。

702.19f If a creature without trample over planeswalkers is attacking a planeswalker, none of its combat damage can be assigned to the defending player, even if that planeswalker has been removed from combat or the damage the attacking creature could assign is greater than the planeswalker’s loyalty.
702.19f 如果一个不具有践踏鹏洛客的生物攻击的是鹏洛客,不能将它所造成的任何战斗伤害分配给防御牌手,即使该鹏洛客已被移出战斗或攻击生物可分配的伤害超过了它的忠诚。

702.19g Multiple instances of trample on the same creature are redundant. Multiple instances of trample over planeswalkers on the same creature are redundant.
702.19g 同一个生物上的多个践踏异能并无意义。同一个生物上的多个践踏鹏洛客异能并无意义。

702.20. Vigilance
702.20. 警戒

702.20a Vigilance is a static ability that modifies the rules for the declare attackers step.
702.20a 警戒属于静止式异能,会影响宣告攻击者步骤的规则。

702.20b Attacking doesn’t cause creatures with vigilance to tap. (See rule 508, “Declare Attackers Step.”)
702.20b 具有警戒的生物攻击时不需横置。(参见规则508,“宣告攻击者步骤”。)

702.20c Multiple instances of vigilance on the same creature are redundant.
702.20c 同一个生物上的多个警戒异能并无意义。

702.21. Ward
702.21. 守护

702.21a Ward is a triggered ability. Ward [cost] means “Whenever this permanent becomes the target of a spell or ability an opponent controls, counter that spell or ability unless that player pays [cost].”
702.21a 守护属于触发式异能。“守护[费用]”意指“每当此永久物成为由对手操控之咒语或异能的目标时,除非该牌手支付[费用],否则反击之。”

702.21b Some ward abilities include an X in their cost and state what X is equal to. This value is determined at the time the ability resolves, not locked in as the ability triggers.
702.21b 一些守护异能的费用包含X,且叙述X等于何值。该值在该异能结算的时候确定,而非在其触发的时候确定。

702.22. Banding
702.22. 结合

702.22a Banding is a static ability that modifies the rules for combat.
702.22a 结合属于静止式异能,会影响战斗的规则。

702.22b “Bands with other” is a special form of banding. If an effect causes a permanent to lose banding, the permanent loses all “bands with other” abilities as well.
702.22b “与…结合”是结合异能的特殊形式。如果一个效应将使一个永久物失去结合异能,则该永久物同样会失去所有“与…结合”异能。

702.22c As a player declares attackers, they may declare that one or more attacking creatures with banding and up to one attacking creature without banding (even if it has “bands with other”) are all in a “band.” They may also declare that one or more attacking [quality] creatures with “bands with other [quality]” and any number of other attacking [quality] creatures are all in a band. A player may declare as many attacking bands as they want, but each creature may be a member of only one of them. (Defending players can’t declare bands but may use banding in a different way; see rule 702.22j.)
702.22c 于牌手宣告攻击者时,其可以宣告一个或数个具有结合异能的攻击生物,以及至多一个不具结合异能的攻击生物(即使该生物具有“与…结合”异能)结合为一个“团队”。其可以将任意数量具有“与其他[特性]结合”的攻击生物与任意数量的其他[特性]攻击生物组成一个团队。牌手可以宣告任意数量的攻击团队,但每个生物只能是其中一个团队的成员。(防御牌手不能宣告团队,但可以用另一种方式使用结合异能;参见规则702.22j。)

702.22d All creatures in an attacking band must attack the same player, planeswalker, or battle.
702.22d 在同一个攻击团队中的所有生物都必须攻击相同的牌手、鹏洛客或战役。

702.22e Once an attacking band has been announced, it lasts for the rest of combat, even if something later removes banding or “bands with other” from one or more of the creatures in the band.
702.22e 一旦宣告了攻击团队,即使之后其中一个或数个生物因故失去了结合或“与…结合”异能,该团队也将持续到战斗结束。

702.22f An attacking creature that’s removed from combat is also removed from the band it was in.
702.22f 如果一个攻击生物被移出战斗,它也会将从所在团队中移出。

702.22g Banding doesn’t cause attacking creatures to share abilities, nor does it remove any abilities. The attacking creatures in a band are separate permanents.
702.22g 结合并不会使攻击生物共用异能,也不会移除任何异能。在团队中的攻击生物都是独立的永久物。

702.22h If an attacking creature becomes blocked by a creature, each other creature in the same band as the attacking creature becomes blocked by that same blocking creature.
702.22h 如果一个攻击生物被一个生物所阻挡,则该阻挡生物也同时阻挡了该攻击生物所在团队中的所有其他生物。

Example: A player attacks with a band consisting of a creature with flying and a creature with swampwalk. The defending player, who controls a Swamp, can block the flying creature if able. If they do, then the creature with swampwalk will also become blocked by the blocking creature(s).

702.22i If one member of a band would become blocked due to an effect, the entire band becomes blocked.
702.22i 如果一个团队中的一个成员因受到某个效应而被阻挡,则整个团队被阻挡。

702.22j During the combat damage step, if an attacking creature is being blocked by a creature with banding, or by both a [quality] creature with “bands with other [quality]” and another [quality] creature, the defending player (rather than the active player) chooses how the attacking creature’s damage is assigned. That player can divide that creature’s combat damage as they choose among any creatures blocking it. This is an exception to the procedure described in rule 510.1c.
702.22j 在战斗伤害步骤中,如果一个攻击生物的阻挡者符合下述情形之一,则由防御牌手(而不是主动牌手)来分配攻击生物所造成的伤害:该阻挡生物具结合异能、或两个阻挡生物同为[特性]生物,且其中之一具有“与其他[特性]结合”异能。该攻击生物的战斗伤害可以由防御牌手在阻挡它的生物之间任意分配。这是规则510.1c中所描述之顺序的例外状况。

702.22k During the combat damage step, if a blocking creature is blocking a creature with banding, or both a [quality] creature with “bands with other [quality]” and another [quality] creature, the active player (rather than the defending player) chooses how the blocking creature’s damage is assigned. That player can divide that creature’s combat damage as they choose among any creatures it’s blocking. This is an exception to the procedure described in rule 510.1d.
702.22k 在战斗伤害步骤中,如果一个阻挡生物阻挡的攻击者符合下述情形之一,则由主动牌手(而不是防御牌手)来分配阻挡生物所造成的伤害:该攻击生物具结合异能、或有两个攻击生物同为[特性]生物,且其中之一具有“与其他[特性]结合”异能。该阻挡生物的战斗伤害可以由主动牌手在它所阻挡的生物之间任意分配。这是规则510.1d中所描述之顺序的例外状况。

702.22m Multiple instances of banding on the same creature are redundant. Multiple instances of “bands with other” of the same kind on the same creature are redundant.
702.22m 同一个生物上的多个结合异能并无意义。同一个生物上的多个同类别的与…结合异能并无意义。

702.23. Rampage
702.23. 狂暴

702.23a Rampage is a triggered ability. “Rampage N” means “Whenever this creature becomes blocked, it gets +N/+N until end of turn for each creature blocking it beyond the first.” (See rule 509, “Declare Blockers Step.”)
702.23a 狂暴属于触发式异能。“狂暴N”意指,“每当此生物被阻挡时,从第二个生物起,每个阻挡它生物都使它得+N/+N直到回合结束。”(参见规则509,“宣告阻挡者步骤”。)

702.23b The rampage bonus is calculated only once per combat, when the triggered ability resolves. Adding or removing blockers later in combat won’t change the bonus.
702.23b 狂暴的加成在每个战斗中,只于此触发式异能结算时计算一次。此后增加或移除阻挡生物都不会改变此数值。

702.23c If a creature has multiple instances of rampage, each triggers separately.
702.23c 如果一个生物具有多个狂暴异能,则每一个都会分别触发。

702.24. Cumulative Upkeep
702.24. 累积维持

702.24a Cumulative upkeep is a triggered ability that imposes an increasing cost on a permanent. “Cumulative upkeep [cost]” means “At the beginning of your upkeep, if this permanent is on the battlefield, put an age counter on this permanent. Then you may pay [cost] for each age counter on it. If you don’t, sacrifice it.” If [cost] has choices associated with it, each choice is made separately for each age counter, then either the entire set of costs is paid, or none of them is paid. Partial payments aren’t allowed.
702.24a 累积维持属于触发式异能,其递增永久物的费用。“累积维持[费用]”意指,“在你的维持开始时,在此永久物上放置一个岁月指示物。然后你可以为其上每个岁月指示物各支付[费用]。若你未如此作,牺牲之。”如果[费用]的部分包含了任何选择,则每个岁月指示物的选择都会分别处理,之后要么支付全部的费用,要么便是完全不支付任何的费用。不能只支付其中一部分。

Example: A creature has “Cumulative upkeep {W} or {U}” and two age counters on it. When its ability next triggers and resolves, the creature’s controller puts an age counter on it and then may pay {W}{W}{W}, {W}{W}{U}, {W}{U}{U}, or {U}{U}{U} to keep the creature on the battlefield.

Example: A creature has “Cumulative upkeep—Sacrifice a creature” and one age counter on it. When its ability next triggers and resolves, its controller can’t choose the same creature to sacrifice twice. Either two different creatures must be sacrificed, or the creature with cumulative upkeep must be sacrificed.

702.24b If a permanent has multiple instances of cumulative upkeep, each triggers separately. However, the age counters are not connected to any particular ability; each cumulative upkeep ability will count the total number of age counters on the permanent at the time that ability resolves.
702.24b 如果一个永久物有多个累积维持异能,则每一个都会分别触发。不过,岁月指示物并不只与对应的异能有关;每个累积维持异能都会在其结算时,计算永久物上面岁月指示物的总数。

Example: A creature has two instances of “Cumulative upkeep—Pay 1 life.” The creature has no age counters, and both cumulative upkeep abilities trigger. When the first ability resolves, the controller adds a counter and then chooses to pay 1 life. When the second ability resolves, the controller adds another counter and then chooses to pay an additional 2 life.

702.25. Flanking
702.25. 侧面攻击

702.25a Flanking is a triggered ability that triggers during the declare blockers step. (See rule 509, “Declare Blockers Step.”) “Flanking” means “Whenever this creature becomes blocked by a creature without flanking, the blocking creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn.”
702.25a 侧面攻击属于触发式异能,在宣告阻挡者步骤中触发。(参见规则509,“宣告阻挡者步骤”。)“侧面攻击”意指,“每当此生物被不具侧面攻击异能的生物阻挡时,该阻挡生物得-1/-1直到回合结束。

702.25b If a creature has multiple instances of flanking, each triggers separately.
702.25b 如果一个生物具有多个侧面攻击异能,则每一个都会分别触发。

702.26. Phasing
702.26. 时间跳跃

702.26a Phasing is a static ability that modifies the rules of the untap step. During each player’s untap step, before the active player untaps permanents, all phased-in permanents with phasing that player controls “phase out.” Simultaneously, all phased-out permanents that had phased out under that player’s control “phase in.”
702.26a 时间跳跃属于静止式异能,会影响重置步骤的规则。在每位牌手的重置步骤中,主动牌手重置其永久物之前,由该牌手操控、且具时间跳跃异能的所有已跃回永久物“跃离”。与此同时,所有于跃离时由该牌手操控的所有已跃离永久物“跃回”。

702.26b If a permanent phases out, its status changes to “phased out.” Except for rules and effects that specifically mention phased-out permanents, a phased-out permanent is treated as though it does not exist. It can’t affect or be affected by anything else in the game. A permanent that phases out is removed from combat. (See rule 506.4.)
702.26b 如果一个永久物跃离,其状态改为“已跃离”。除了特别提到已跃离永久物的规则或效应外,游戏会把已跃离的永久物视同不存在一般进行处理。它既不会对游戏中的其他东西产生影响,也不会受其影响。跃离的永久物会移出战斗。(参见规则506.4

Example: You control three creatures, one of which is phased out. You cast a spell that says “Draw a card for each creature you control.” You draw two cards.

Example: You control a phased-out creature. You cast a spell that says “Destroy all creatures.” The phased-out creature is not destroyed.

702.26c If a permanent phases in, its status changes to “phased in.” The game once again treats it as though it exists.
702.26c 如果一个永久物跃回,则其状态改为“已跃回”。游戏再一次将之视同存在于游戏之中。

702.26d The phasing event doesn’t actually cause a permanent to change zones or control, even though it’s treated as though it’s not on the battlefield and not under its controller’s control while it’s phased out. Zone-change triggers don’t trigger when a permanent phases in or out. Tokens continue to exist on the battlefield while phased out. Counters and stickers remain on a permanent while it’s phased out. Effects that check a phased-in permanent’s history won’t treat the phasing event as having caused the permanent to leave or enter the battlefield or its controller’s control.
702.26d 即使一个永久物跃离,会被视同不在战场上及不在其操控者的操控下一般进行处理,但时间跳跃事件实际上并不会使得永久物所在的区域或操控权的归属发生改变。当永久物跃回或跃离时,并不会触发区域变换触发异能。衍生物跃离期间依然存在于战场上。一个永久物跃离期间,其上的指示物和贴纸依然存在。检查已跃回的永久物历史的效应不会把此时间跳跃事件当作导致该永久物离开或进入战场,或是使其操控权发生改变的事件来处理。

702.26e If a continuous effect generated by the resolution of a spell or ability modifies the characteristics or changes the controller of any objects, a phased-out permanent won’t be included in the set of affected objects. This includes continuous effects that reference the permanent specifically, unless they also specifically refer to the permanent as phased out.
702.26e 如果一个由咒语或异能结算产生的持续性效应改变任何物件的特征或操控者,已跃离的永久物不会包含在受影响的物件集合中。这包含特指该永久物的持续性效应,除非该效应同时也特指该已跃离的永久物。

702.26f Continuous effects that affect a phased-out permanent may expire while that permanent is phased out. If so, they will no longer affect that permanent once it’s phased in. In particular, effects with “for as long as” durations that track that permanent (see rule 611.2b) end when that permanent phases out because they can no longer see it.
702.26f 影响已跃离永久物的持续性效应的时限,可能在该永久物跃离的期间过期。对于这种情况,该永久物跃回时已不再受该些持续性效应影响。需特别指出的是,时限中包括着“只要”,且以该永久物为追踪对象的效应(参见规则611.2b)会在该永久物跃离时结束,因为该些效应无法查看到该永久物了。

702.26g When a permanent phases out, any Auras, Equipment, or Fortifications attached to that permanent phase out at the same time. This alternate way of phasing out is known as phasing out “indirectly.” An Aura, Equipment, or Fortification that phased out indirectly won’t phase in by itself, but instead phases in along with the permanent it’s attached to.
702.26g 当永久物跃离时,贴附于其上的所有灵气、武具及工事也同时跃离。这种跃离方式称为“间接”跃离。间接跃离的灵气、武具或是工事不会自己跃回,而是与其所贴附的永久物一同跃回。

702.26h If an object would simultaneously phase out directly and indirectly, it just phases out indirectly.
702.26h 如果一个物件将要同时以直接和间接两种方式同时跃离,则它只会间接跃离。

702.26i An Aura, Equipment, or Fortification that phased out directly will phase in attached to the object or player it was attached to when it phased out, if that object is still in the same zone or that player is still in the game. If not, that Aura, Equipment, or Fortification phases in unattached. State-based actions apply as appropriate. (See rules 704.5m and 704.5n.)
702.26i 直接跃离的灵气、武具或工事跃回时仍然贴附于它跃离时所贴附的物件或牌手之上,只要该物件仍在相同的区域中或该牌手仍在游戏中。否则,该灵气、武具或工事以未贴附的状态跃回。并进行相应的状态动作。(参见规则704.5m704.5n。)

702.26j Abilities that trigger when a permanent becomes attached or unattached from an object or player don’t trigger when that permanent phases in or out.
702.26j 因一个永久物成为贴附或未贴附于某物件或牌手上而触发的异能,不会因该永久物跃离或跃回而触发。

702.26k Phased-out permanents owned by a player who leaves the game also leave the game. This doesn’t trigger zone-change triggers. See rule 800.4.
702.26k 由离开游戏的牌手拥有的已跃离永久物同样会离开游戏。这不会触发因区域改变而触发的异能。参见规则800.4

702.26m If an effect causes a player to skip their untap step, the phasing event simply doesn’t occur that turn.
702.26m 如果一个效应使牌手略过其重置步骤,则该回合中不会发生时间跳跃事件。

702.26n In a multiplayer game, game rules may cause a phased-out permanent to leave the game or to be exiled once a player leaves the game. (See rules 800.4a and 800.4c.) If a phased-out permanent phased out under the control of a player who has left the game, that permanent phases in during the next untap step after that player’s next turn would have begun.
702.26n 在多人游戏中,牌手一旦离开游戏,游戏规则可能导致已跃离永久物离开游戏或被放逐。(参见规则800.4a800.4c。)如果一个已跃离永久物是在某已离开游戏的牌手之操控下跃离的,该永久物于本应是该牌手的下一个回合开始后的下一个重置步骤中跃回。

702.26p Multiple instances of phasing on the same permanent are redundant.
702.26p 同一永久物或牌手上的多个时间跳跃异能并无意义。

702.27. Buyback
702.27. 购回

702.27a Buyback appears on some instants and sorceries. It represents two static abilities that function while the spell is on the stack. “Buyback [cost]” means “You may pay an additional [cost] as you cast this spell” and “If the buyback cost was paid, put this spell into its owner’s hand instead of into that player’s graveyard as it resolves.” Paying a spell’s buyback cost follows the rules for paying additional costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.27a 购回出现于一些瞬间或法术上。它代表两个静止式异能,均于该咒语在堆叠中时生效。“购回[费用]”意指,“你施放此咒语时可以额外支付[费用]”以及“如果曾支付其购回费用,则结算此咒语时改为将它置于其拥有者的手上,而非该牌手的坟墓场。”支付咒语的购回费用时,需依照规则601.2b与规则601.2f-h的规定来支付额外费用。

702.28. Shadow
702.28. 次元幽影

702.28a Shadow is an evasion ability.
702.28a 次元幽影属于躲避式异能。

702.28b A creature with shadow can’t be blocked by creatures without shadow, and a creature without shadow can’t be blocked by creatures with shadow. (See rule 509, “Declare Blockers Step.”)
702.28b 具有次元幽影的生物不能被不具有次元幽影的生物所阻挡,且具有次元幽影的生物不能阻挡不具有次元幽影的生物。(参见规则509,“宣告阻挡者步骤”。)

702.28c Multiple instances of shadow on the same creature are redundant.
702.28c 同一个生物上的多个次元幽影异能并无意义。

702.29. Cycling
702.29. 循环

702.29a Cycling is an activated ability that functions only while the card with cycling is in a player’s hand. “Cycling [cost]” means “[Cost], Discard this card: Draw a card.”
702.29a 循环属于起动式异能,只在具有循环异能之牌在牌手的手牌中时它才会生效。“循环[费用]”意指,“[费用],弃掉此牌:抓一张牌。”

702.29b Although the cycling ability can be activated only if the card is in a player’s hand, it continues to exist while the object is on the battlefield and in all other zones. Therefore objects with cycling will be affected by effects that depend on objects having one or more activated abilities.
702.29b 虽然循环此异能只有于该牌在手上时才能起动,但不论此物件在战场上或是在其他区域中,此异能都会存在于其上。因此,如果一个效应会对具有一个或数个起动式异能之物件产生影响,则具有循环的物件也可能因此受到影响。

702.29c Some cards with cycling have abilities that trigger when they’re cycled. “When you cycle [this card]” means “When you discard [this card] to pay an activation cost of a cycling ability.” These abilities trigger from whatever zone the card winds up in after it’s cycled.
702.29c 一些具有循环的牌也同时具有当其被循环时触发的异能。“当你循环[此牌]”意指,“当你弃掉[此牌]以支付循环异能的起动费用”。这些异能会在此牌循环后去到的区域中触发。

702.29d Some cards have abilities that trigger whenever a player “cycles or discards” a card. These abilities trigger only once when a card is cycled.
702.29d 一些牌具有异能,每当牌手“循环或弃”一张牌时触发。当一张牌被循环时,此类异能只会触发一次。

702.29e Typecycling is a variant of the cycling ability. “[Type]cycling [cost]” means “[Cost], Discard this card: Search your library for a [type] card, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your library.” This type is usually a subtype (as in “mountaincycling”) but can be any card type, subtype, supertype, or combination thereof (as in “basic landcycling”).
702.29e 类别循环是循环异能的变化。“[类别]循环[费用]”意指,“[费用],弃掉此牌:从你的牌库中搜寻一张[类别]牌,展示该牌,并置于你手上。然后将你的牌库洗牌。”此处的类别通常是一种副类别(如“山脉循环”),但也可以是任意的牌张类别、副类别、超类别,或是前述各类别的组合(如“基本地循环”)。

702.29f Typecycling abilities are cycling abilities, and typecycling costs are cycling costs. Any cards that trigger when a player cycles a card will trigger when a card is discarded to pay an activation cost of a typecycling ability. Any effect that stops players from cycling cards will stop players from activating cards’ typecycling abilities. Any effect that increases or reduces a cycling cost will increase or reduce a typecycling cost. Any effect that looks for a card with cycling will find a card with typecycling.
702.29f 类别循环异能是循环异能,且类别循环费用是循环费用。于牌手循环牌时触发其异能的牌,也会在牌手弃掉一张牌以支付类别循环异能之起动费用时触发。阻止牌手循环牌的效应也会阻止牌手起动牌上的类别循环异能。增加或减少循环费用的效应也会增加会减少类别循环费用。寻找具循环异能之牌的效应也可以找到具类别循环异能的牌。

702.30. Echo
702.30. 返响

702.30a Echo is a triggered ability. “Echo [cost]” means “At the beginning of your upkeep, if this permanent came under your control since the beginning of your last upkeep, sacrifice it unless you pay [cost].”
702.30a 返响属于触发式异能。“返响[费用]”意指,“在你的维持开始时,若你在你最近的维持开始后才开始操控该永久物,则除非你支付[费用],否则牺牲之。”

702.30b Urza block cards with the echo ability were printed without an echo cost. These cards have been given errata in the Oracle card reference; each one now has an echo cost equal to its mana cost.
702.30b 克撒环境中具有返响的牌上面并未印有返响费用。以这些用词印刷的卡牌均已经在Oracle牌张参考文献中得到了勘误;每张牌上现在都标明了返响费用,其返响费用各等同于各自的法术力费用。

702.31. Horsemanship
702.31. 马术

702.31a Horsemanship is an evasion ability.
702.31a 马术属于躲避式异能。

702.31b A creature with horsemanship can’t be blocked by creatures without horsemanship. A creature with horsemanship can block a creature with or without horsemanship. (See rule 509, “Declare Blockers Step.”)
702.31b 具有马术的生物不能被不具有马术的生物阻挡。无论一个生物是否具有马术,具有马术的生物都可以阻挡它。(参见规则509,“宣告阻挡者步骤”。)

702.31c Multiple instances of horsemanship on the same creature are redundant.
702.31c 同一个生物上的多个马术异能并无意义。

702.32. Fading
702.32. 消退

702.32a Fading is a keyword that represents two abilities. “Fading N” means “This permanent enters with N fade counters on it” and “At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a fade counter from this permanent. If you can’t, sacrifice the permanent.”
702.32a 消退是一个代表了两个异能的关键字。“消退N”意指,“此永久物进场时上面有N个消退指示物”以及“在你的维持开始时,从该永久物上移去一个消退指示物。若你无法如此作,则牺牲该永久物。”

702.33. Kicker
702.33. 增幅

702.33a Kicker is a static ability that functions while the spell with kicker is on the stack. “Kicker [cost]” means “You may pay an additional [cost] as you cast this spell.” Paying a spell’s kicker cost(s) follows the rules for paying additional costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.33a 增幅属于静止式异能,当咒语在堆叠中时生效。“增幅[费用]”意指,“你施放此咒语时可以额外支付[费用]。”支付咒语之增幅费用时,需依照规则601.2b与规则601.2f-h的规定来支付额外费用。

702.33b The phrase “Kicker [cost 1] and/or [cost 2]” means the same thing as “Kicker [cost 1], kicker [cost 2].”
702.33b “增幅[费用1]和/或[费用2]”与分别列出“增幅[费用1],增幅[费用2]”之意义相同。

702.33c Multikicker is a variant of the kicker ability. “Multikicker [cost]” means “You may pay an additional [cost] any number of times as you cast this spell.” A multikicker cost is a kicker cost.
702.33c 多重增幅是增幅异能的变化。“多重增幅[费用]”意指,“你施放此咒语时,可以任意次数地额外支付[费用]。”多重增幅费用也是增幅费用。

702.33d If a spell’s controller declares the intention to pay any of that spell’s kicker costs, that spell has been “kicked.” If a spell has two kicker costs or has multikicker, it may be kicked multiple times. See rule 601.2b.
702.33d 如果一个咒语的操控者宣告将要支付该咒语的任何增幅费用,则该咒语为“已增幅”。参见规则601.2b

702.33e Objects with kicker or multikicker have additional abilities that specify what happens if they were kicked. These abilities are linked to the kicker or multikicker abilities printed on that object: they can refer only to those specific kicker or multikicker abilities. See rule 607, “Linked Abilities.”
702.33e 具有增幅的物件具有额外的异能,说明了它增幅过后会发生什么。这些异能会关联到此物件上印的增幅异能:它们只指这些特定的增幅异能。参见规则607,“关联异能”。

702.33f Objects with more than one kicker cost may also have abilities that each correspond to a specific kicker cost. Those abilities contain the phrases “if it was kicked with its [A] kicker” and “if it was kicked with its [B] kicker,” where A and B are the first and second kicker costs listed on the card, respectively. Each of those abilities is linked to the appropriate kicker ability.
702.33f 具有多于一种增幅费用的物件,可能也具有对应支付特定增幅费用的异能。这些异能上面的用词会包含“若曾支付其[A]的增幅费用”以及“若曾支付其[B]的增幅费用”,并且A与B分别是牌上所列举的第一个与第二个增幅费用,依此类推。这些异能分别关联到所对应的增幅异能。

702.33g If part of a spell’s ability has its effect only if that spell was kicked, and that part of the ability includes any targets, the spell’s controller chooses those targets only if that spell was kicked. Otherwise, the spell is cast as if it did not have those targets. See rule 601.2c.
702.33g 如果一个异能的一部分只会在该咒语增幅过后才会生效,且该部分的异能包含了目标,则该咒语的操控者只在该咒语已增幅时,才要选择这些目标。否则,便视同该咒语施放时并无此类目标。参见规则601.2c

702.33h Sticker kicker is a keyword ability that represents a kicker ability and an ability that imposes an additional cost if the spell is kicked. “Sticker kicker [cost]” means “Kicker [cost]” and “As an additional cost to cast this spell, if it’s kicked, you get a ticket counter and you may put a sticker on this spell.”
702.33h 贴纸增幅是一个关键字异能,代表一个增幅异能和一个在此咒语已增幅时产生额外费用的异能。“贴纸增幅[费用]”意指,“增幅[费用]”及“若此咒语已增幅,则你得到一个门票指示物,然后可以在此咒语上贴一张贴纸,以作为施放此咒语的额外费用。”

702.34. Flashback
702.34. 返照

702.34a Flashback appears on some instants and sorceries. It represents two static abilities: one that functions while the card is in a player’s graveyard and another that functions while the card is on the stack. “Flashback [cost]” means “You may cast this card from your graveyard if the resulting spell is an instant or sorcery spell by paying [cost] rather than paying its mana cost” and “If the flashback cost was paid, exile this card instead of putting it anywhere else any time it would leave the stack.” Casting a spell using its flashback ability follows the rules for paying alternative costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.34a 返照出现在一些瞬间或法术上。它代表两个静止式异能:一个于该牌在牌手的坟墓场中时生效,另一个在该牌在堆叠之上时生效。“返照[费用]”意指,“如果由此牌施放的咒语是瞬间或法术咒语,你可以从你的坟墓场中施放此牌,并支付其返照费用,而非支付其法术力费用”以及“若曾支付返照费用,则在它将于任何时机下离开堆叠时,改为将其放逐,而非置入任何其他地方。”以返照异能施放咒语时,需依照规则601.2b与规则601.2f-h的规定来支付替代性费用。

702.35. Madness
702.35. 疯魔

702.35a Madness is a keyword that represents two abilities. The first is a static ability that functions while the card with madness is in a player’s hand. The second is a triggered ability that functions when the first ability is applied. “Madness [cost]” means “If a player would discard this card, that player discards it, but exiles it instead of putting it into their graveyard” and “When this card is exiled this way, its owner may cast it by paying [cost] rather than paying its mana cost. If that player doesn’t, they put this card into their graveyard.”
702.35a 疯魔为代表了两个异能的关键字。第一个属于静止式异能,当该牌在牌手的手上时生效。第二个属于触发式异能,于第一部分生效后才生效。“疯魔[费用]”意指,“若牌手将弃掉此牌,则该牌手将其弃掉,但改为将其放逐,而非置于其坟墓场”以及“当此牌以此法被放逐时,其拥有者可通过支付[费用]来施放之,而不是支付其法术力费用。若该牌手未如此作,则将此牌置入其坟墓场。”

702.35b Casting a spell using its madness ability follows the rules for paying alternative costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.35b 以疯魔异能施放咒语时,需依照规则601.2b与规则601.2f-h的规定来支付替代性费用。

702.35c After resolving a madness triggered ability, if the exiled card wasn’t cast and was moved to a public zone, effects referencing the discarded card can find that card. See rule 400.7k.
702.35c 在结算疯魔触发式异能后,如果所放逐之牌未被施放、且被移动到公开区域,提及被弃掉之牌的效应可以找到该物件。参见规则400.7k

702.36. Fear
702.36. 恐惧

702.36a Fear is an evasion ability.
702.36a 恐惧属于躲避式异能。

702.36b A creature with fear can’t be blocked except by artifact creatures and/or black creatures. (See rule 509, “Declare Blockers Step.”)
702.36b 具有恐惧的生物只能被神器生物和/或黑色生物阻挡。(参见规则509,“宣告阻挡者步骤”。)

702.36c Multiple instances of fear on the same creature are redundant.
702.36c 同一个生物上的多个恐惧异能并无意义。

702.37. Morph
702.37. 变身

702.37a Morph is a static ability that functions in any zone from which you could play the card it’s on, and the morph effect works any time the card is face down. “Morph [cost]” means “You may cast this card as a 2/2 face-down creature with no text, no name, no subtypes, and no mana cost by paying {3} rather than paying its mana cost.” (See rule 708, “Face-Down Spells and Permanents.”)
702.37a 变身属于静止式异能,会在具有此异能的牌位于你可以使用它的区域时生效,并且只要该牌的牌面朝下,便会持续变身的效应。“变身[费用]”意指,“你可牌面朝下地施放此牌,将其当成2/2生物,并且没有内文叙述、没有名称、没有副类别、没有法术力费用;此时改为支付{3},而不是支付其法术力费用。”(参见规则708,“牌面朝下的咒语和永久物”。)

702.37b Megamorph is a variant of the morph ability. “Megamorph [cost]” means “You may cast this card as a 2/2 face-down creature with no text, no name, no subtypes, and no mana cost by paying {3} rather than paying its mana cost” and “As this permanent is turned face up, put a +1/+1 counter on it if its megamorph cost was paid to turn it face up.” A megamorph cost is a morph cost.
702.37b 威力变身是变身异能的变化。“威力变身[费用]”意指,“你可牌面朝下地施放此牌,将其当成2/2生物,并且没有内文叙述、没有名称、没有副类别、没有法术力费用;此时改为支付{3},而不是支付其法术力费用。”和“于此永久物翻回正面时,如果曾支付其威力变身费用来将它翻回正面,则在其上放置一个+1/+1指示物。”威力变身费用也属于变身费用。

702.37c To cast a card using its morph ability, turn it face down and announce that you’re using a morph ability. It becomes a 2/2 face-down creature card with no text, no name, no subtypes, and no mana cost. Any effects or prohibitions that would apply to casting a card with these characteristics (and not the face-up card’s characteristics) are applied to casting this card. These values are the copiable values of that object’s characteristics. (See rule 613, “Interaction of Continuous Effects,” and rule 707, “Copying Objects.”) Put it onto the stack (as a face-down spell with the same characteristics), and pay {3} rather than pay its mana cost. This follows the rules for paying alternative costs. You can use a morph ability to cast a card from any zone from which you could normally cast it. When the spell resolves, it enters the battlefield with the same characteristics the spell had. The morph effect applies to the face-down object wherever it is, and it ends when the permanent is turned face up.
702.37c 使用变身异能施放咒语时,将其牌面朝下,并声明你使用变身异能来施放。它成为2/2牌面朝下的生物咒语,并且没有内文叙述、没有名称、没有副类别、没有法术力费用。适用于施放具有这些特征(并非牌面朝上时牌张的特征)的效应或限制会在施放此牌时生效。这些数值为该物件的可复制特征值。(参见规则613,“持续性效应的互动”和规则707,“复制物件”。)将它放入堆叠(作为具有前述特征之牌面朝下的咒语),改为支付{3},而不是支付其法术力费用。这需要依照支付替代性费用之规则行事。你可以使用一张牌的变身异能来从任何你可以正常施放此牌的区域施放它。当此咒语结算时,它具有该咒语前述之特征进入战场。变身的效应持续影响此牌面朝下之物件,直到此永久物被翻回正面为止。

702.37d You can’t normally cast a card face down. A morph ability allows you to do so.
702.37d 通常你不能以牌面朝下的方式施放牌。变身异能允许你如此作。

702.37e Any time you have priority, you may turn a face-down permanent you control with a morph ability face up. This is a special action; it doesn’t use the stack (see rule 116). To do this, show all players what the permanent’s morph cost would be if it were face up, pay that cost, then turn the permanent face up. (If the permanent wouldn’t have a morph cost if it were face up, it can’t be turned face up this way.) The morph effect on it ends, and it regains its normal characteristics. Any abilities relating to the permanent entering the battlefield don’t trigger when it’s turned face up and don’t have any effect, because the permanent has already entered the battlefield.
702.37e 于任何你拥有优先权的时机,你可以把由你操控的具有变身异能的牌面朝下之永久物翻回正面。这属于特殊动作;它不使用堆叠(参见规则116)。方法如下:将该永久物视同牌面朝上一般将该永久物的变身费用展示给所有牌手,支付此费用,然后将其翻回正面。(如果此永久物牌面朝上的时候没有变身费用,则其无法以此法翻回正面。)此牌的变身效应随之结束,并重新获得其正常特征。当它翻回正面时,由于它早已进过战场,所以并不会触发任何与永久物进入战场相关的异能,亦不会产生与此相关的效应。

702.37f If a permanent’s morph cost includes X, other abilities of that permanent may also refer to X. The value of X in those abilities is equal to the value of X chosen as the morph special action was taken.
702.37f 如果一个永久物的变身费用包含X,该永久物的其他异能可能也提及X。这些异能中X的值等同于变身特殊动作执行时所选择的X的值。

702.37g See rule 708, “Face-Down Spells and Permanents,” for more information about how to cast cards with a morph ability.
702.37g 关于如何施放具有变身异能的牌之更多信息,参见规则708,“牌面朝下的咒语和永久物”。

702.38. Amplify
702.38. 增强

702.38a Amplify is a static ability. “Amplify N” means “As this object enters, reveal any number of cards from your hand that share a creature type with it. This permanent enters with N +1/+1 counters on it for each card revealed this way. You can’t reveal this card or any other cards that are entering the battlefield at the same time as this card.”
702.38a 增强属于静止式异能。“增强N”意指,“于此物件进场时,从你手上展示若干张与其有共同生物类别的牌。你每以此法展示一张牌,此永久物进场时上面便有N个+1/+1指示物。能展示的牌不包括此牌本身,也不包括其他与此牌同时进战场的牌。”

702.38b If a creature has multiple instances of amplify, each one works separately.
702.38b 如果一个生物具有多个增强异能,则每一个都会分别触发。

702.39. Provoke
702.39. 挑拨

702.39a Provoke is a triggered ability. “Provoke” means “Whenever this creature attacks, you may choose to have target creature defending player controls block this creature this combat if able. If you do, untap that creature.”
702.39a 挑拨属于触发式异能。“挑拨”意指,“每当此生物攻击时,你可以选择令目标由防御牌手操控的生物于本次战斗中若能则须阻挡此生物。如果你如此作,则重置该目标生物。”

702.39b If a creature has multiple instances of provoke, each triggers separately.
702.39b 如果一个生物具有多个挑拨异能,则每一个都会分别触发。

702.40. Storm
702.40. 风暴

702.40a Storm is a triggered ability that functions on the stack. “Storm” means “When you cast this spell, copy it for each other spell that was cast before it this turn. If the spell has any targets, you may choose new targets for any of the copies.”
702.40a 风暴属于触发式异能,于堆叠中生效。“风暴”意指,“当你施放此咒语时,本回合于此咒语之前每施放过一个咒语,便复制该咒语一次。若此咒语需要目标,你可以为任意复制品选择新的目标。”

702.40b If a spell has multiple instances of storm, each triggers separately.
702.40b 如果一个咒语具有多个风暴异能,则每一个都会分别触发。

702.41. Affinity
702.41. 共鸣

702.41a Affinity is a static ability that functions while the spell with affinity is on the stack. “Affinity for [text]” means “This spell costs you {1} less to cast for each [text] you control.”
702.41a 共鸣属于静止式异能,当具共鸣异能的咒语在堆叠中时生效。“[文字]共鸣”意指“你每操控一个[文字],施放此咒语的费用便减少{1}来施放。”

702.41b If a spell has multiple instances of affinity, each of them applies.
702.41b 如果一个咒语有多个共鸣异能,则每一个都会分别生效。

702.42. Entwine
702.42. 打包

702.42a Entwine is a static ability of modal spells (see rule 700.2) that functions while the spell is on the stack. “Entwine [cost]” means “You may choose all modes of this spell instead of just the number specified. If you do, you pay an additional [cost].” Using the entwine ability follows the rules for choosing modes and paying additional costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.42a 打包属于具有模式之咒语专有的静止式异能,于该咒语在堆叠中时生效。“打包[费用]”意指,“你可以改为选择此咒语的所有模式,而非只选择指定数量的模式。若你如此作,则你额外支付[费用]。”使用打包异能时,需依照规则601.2b601.2f-h之规定来选择模式与支付额外费用。

702.42b If the entwine cost was paid, follow the text of each of the modes in the order written on the card when the spell resolves.
702.42b 如果支付了打包费用,则在此咒语结算时,按照牌上各模式叙述顺序来依序执行各模式。

702.43. Modular
702.43. 套件

702.43a Modular represents both a static ability and a triggered ability. “Modular N” means “This permanent enters with N +1/+1 counters on it” and “When this permanent is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, you may put a +1/+1 counter on target artifact creature for each +1/+1 counter on this permanent.”
702.43a 套件代表了两部分的异能,一个是静止式异能,另一个则是触发式异能。“套件N”意指,“此永久物进场时上面有N个+1/+1指示物”以及“当此永久物从战场进入坟墓场时,其上每有一个+1/+1指示物,你便可以在目标神器生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。”

702.43b If a creature has multiple instances of modular, each one works separately.
702.43b 如果一个生物具有多个套件异能,则每一个都会分别产生作用。

702.44. Sunburst
702.44. 辉映

702.44a Sunburst is a static ability that functions as an object is entering the battlefield. “Sunburst” means “If this object is entering as a creature, ignoring any type-changing effects that would affect it, it enters with a +1/+1 counter on it for each color of mana spent to cast it. Otherwise, it enters with a charge counter on it for each color of mana spent to cast it.”
702.44a 辉映属于静止式异能,于一个物件进入战场的时候生效。“辉映”意指,“忽略任何将会影响此物件的改变类别的效应,若它作为生物进场,则用过几种颜色的法术力来施放它,它进场时上面便有几个+1/+1指示物。否则,用过几种颜色的法术力来施放它,它进场时上面便有几个充电指示物。”

702.44b Sunburst adds counters only if the object with sunburst is entering the battlefield from the stack as a resolving spell and only if one or more colored mana was spent on its costs, including additional or alternative costs.
702.44b 辉映只在具有辉映的物件从堆叠作为结算中的咒语进入战场时才会放置指示物,并且必须是为其费用支付过一种或多种有色法术力时才会放置指示物。额外费用或替代性费用也算作费用。

702.44c Sunburst can also be used to set a variable number for another ability. If the keyword is used in this way, it doesn’t matter whether the ability is on a creature spell or on a noncreature spell.
702.44c 辉映也可用来设定其他异能的可变数值。如果该关键字用于此用途,则不会在乎这是个生物咒语或非生物咒语。

Example: The ability “Modular—Sunburst” means “This permanent enters with a +1/+1 counter on it for each color of mana spent to cast it” and “When this permanent is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, you may put a +1/+1 counter on target artifact creature for each +1/+1 counter on this permanent.”

702.44d If an object has multiple instances of sunburst, each one works separately.
702.44d 如果一个生物具有多个辉映异能,则每一个都会分别产生作用。

702.45. Bushido
702.45. 武士道

702.45a Bushido is a triggered ability. “Bushido N” means “Whenever this creature blocks or becomes blocked, it gets +N/+N until end of turn.” (See rule 509, “Declare Blockers Step.”)
702.45a 武士道属于触发式异能。“武士道N”意指,“每当此生物进行阻挡或被阻挡时,它得+N/+N直到回合结束。”(参见规则509,“宣告阻挡者步骤”。)

702.45b If a creature has multiple instances of bushido, each triggers separately.
702.45b 如果一个生物具有多个武士道异能,则每一个都会分别触发。

702.46. Soulshift
702.46. 转生

702.46a Soulshift is a triggered ability. “Soulshift N” means “When this permanent is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, you may return target Spirit card with mana value N or less from your graveyard to your hand.”
702.46a 转生属于触发式异能。“转生N”意指,“当此永久物从战场上置入坟墓场时,你可以将目标法术力值等于或小于N的精怪牌从你的坟墓场移回你手上。”

702.46b If a permanent has multiple instances of soulshift, each triggers separately.
702.46b 如果一个永久物有多个转生异能,则每一个都会分别触发。

702.47. Splice
702.47. 通联

702.47a Splice is a static ability that functions while a card is in your hand. “Splice onto [quality] [cost]” means “You may reveal this card from your hand as you cast a [quality] spell. If you do, that spell gains the text of this card’s rules text and you pay [cost] as an additional cost to cast that spell.” Paying a card’s splice cost follows the rules for paying additional costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.47a 通联属于静止式异能,当牌在你手上时生效。“通联[特性] [费用]”意指,“于你施放[特性]咒语时,你可以从手上展示此牌。若你如此作,该咒语获得此牌的规则叙述,且你支付[费用]作为施放该咒语的额外费用。”支付一张牌的通联费用时,需依照规则601.2b与规则601.2f-h的规定来支付额外费用。

Example: Since the card with splice remains in the player’s hand, it can later be cast normally or spliced onto another spell. It can even be discarded to pay a “discard a card” cost of the spell it’s spliced onto.

702.47b You can’t choose to use a splice ability if you can’t make the required choices (targets, etc.) for that card’s rules text. You can’t splice any one card onto the same spell more than once. If you’re splicing more than one card onto a spell, reveal them all at once and choose the order in which their effects will happen. The effects of the main spell must happen first.
702.47b 如果你无法作出该牌规则叙述中所要求的选择(例如目标),便不能使用该牌的通联异能。你不能将一张牌多次通联上同一个咒语。如果你要将多张牌通联到同一个咒语上,则将这些牌同时展示,并决定这些效应发生的顺序。在这些效应中,本体咒语的效应一定会首先发生。

702.47c The spell has the characteristics of the main spell, plus the rules text of each of the spliced cards. This is a text-changing effect (see rule 612, “Text-Changing Effects”). The spell doesn’t gain any other characteristics (name, mana cost, color, supertypes, card types, subtypes, etc.) of the spliced cards. Text gained by the spell that refers to a card by name refers to the spell on the stack, not the card from which the text was copied.
702.47c 此咒语将具有本体咒语的各项特征,并且额外具有每张通联牌的规则叙述。这属于改变叙述的效应(参见规则612,“改变叙述的效应”。)此咒语不会获得通联牌的其他特征(如名称、法术力费用、超类别、牌张类别、副类别等)。该咒语获得的叙述中,用牌的名称来指代某张牌的部分指代的是在堆叠中的该咒语,而不是指代提供该部分叙述的那张牌。

Example: Glacial Ray is a red card with splice onto Arcane that reads, “Glacial Ray deals 2 damage to any target.” Suppose Glacial Ray is spliced onto Reach Through Mists, a blue spell. The spell is still blue, and Reach Through Mists deals the damage. This means that the ability can target a creature with protection from red and deal 2 damage to that creature.

702.47d Choose targets for the added text normally (see rule 601.2c). Note that a spell with one or more targets won’t resolve if all of its targets are illegal on resolution.
702.47d 为此类添加的叙述选择目标与一般情况相同。(参见规则601.2c。)注意如果一个咒语具有一个或数个目标,且所有目标在结算时均不合法,此咒语便不会结算。

702.47e The spell loses any splice changes once it leaves the stack for any reason.
702.47e 一旦该咒语因任何原因离开堆叠,便不再具有由通联导致的任何改变。

702.48. Offering
702.48. 献祭

702.48a Offering is a static ability that functions while the spell with offering is on the stack. “[Quality] offering” means “As an additional cost to cast this spell, you may sacrifice a [quality] permanent. If you chose to pay the additional cost, this spell’s total cost is reduced by the sacrificed permanent’s mana cost, and you may cast this spell any time you could cast an instant.”
702.48a 献祭属于静止式异能,在具有献祭异能的咒语在堆叠上时生效。“[特性]献祭”意指,“你可以牺牲一个[特性]永久物,以作为施放此咒语的额外费用。若你选择支付此额外费用,此咒语的总费用减少等同于所牺牲的永久物之法术力费用的费用,且你可以于你能够施放瞬间的时机下施放此牌。”

702.48b You choose which permanent to sacrifice as you make choices for the spell (see rule 601.2b), and you sacrifice that permanent as you pay the total cost (see rule 601.2h).
702.48b 于你为咒语作出选择时,一并选择牺牲哪个永久物。(参见规则601.2b。)于你支付总费用时,牺牲该永久物。(参见规则601.2h。)

702.48c Generic mana in the sacrificed permanent’s mana cost reduces generic mana in the spell’s total cost. Colored and colorless mana in the sacrificed permanent’s mana cost reduces mana of the same type in spell’s total cost, and any excess reduces that much generic mana in spell’s total cost. (See rule 118.7.)
702.48c 所牺牲之永久物的法术力中之一般法术力,将减少该咒语总费用中的一般法术力。所牺牲之永久物的法术力中之有色法术力和无色法术力,将减少该咒语总费用中同样类型的法术力,如有剩余的部分,则将减少该咒语总费用中等量的一般法术力。(参见规则118.7。)

702.49. Ninjutsu
702.49. 忍术

702.49a Ninjutsu is an activated ability that functions only while the card with ninjutsu is in a player’s hand. “Ninjutsu [cost]” means “[Cost], Reveal this card from your hand, Return an unblocked attacking creature you control to its owner’s hand: Put this card onto the battlefield from your hand tapped and attacking.”
702.49a 忍术属于起动式异能,只当具有忍术异能之牌在牌手的手上时才会生效。“忍术[费用]”意指,“[费用],从你手上展示此牌,将一个由你操控且未受阻挡的生物移回其拥有者手上:将此牌从你手上横置放进战场,且正进行攻击。”

702.49b The card with ninjutsu remains revealed from the time the ability is announced until the ability leaves the stack.
702.49b 宣告了一张牌的忍术异能后,直到该异能离开堆叠为止,该牌会一直展示着。

702.49c A ninjutsu ability may be activated only while a creature on the battlefield is unblocked (see rule 509.1h). The creature with ninjutsu is put onto the battlefield unblocked. It will be attacking the same player, planeswalker, or battle as the creature that was returned to its owner’s hand.
702.49c 只有战场上的一个生物未受阻挡,才可以起动忍术异能(参见规则509.1h)。具有忍术的生物是以未受阻挡的状态放进战场。它所攻击的牌手、鹏洛客或战役与被移回其拥有者手上的生物之攻击对象相同。

702.49d Commander ninjutsu is a variant of the ninjutsu ability that also functions while the card with commander ninjutsu is in the command zone. “Commander ninjutsu [cost]” means “[Cost], Reveal this card from your hand or from the command zone, Return an unblocked attacking creature you control to its owner’s hand: Put this card onto the battlefield tapped and attacking.”
702.49d 指挥官忍术是忍术异能的变化,当具指挥官忍术的牌位于统帅区中时亦会生效。“指挥官忍术[费用]”意指“[费用],从你手上或统帅区展示此牌,将一个由你操控且未受阻挡的生物移回其拥有者手上:将此牌从你手上横置放进战场,且正进行攻击。”

702.50. Epic
702.50. 历传

702.50a Epic represents two spell abilities, one of which creates a delayed triggered ability. “Epic” means “For the rest of the game, you can’t cast spells,” and “At the beginning of each of your upkeeps for the rest of the game, copy this spell except for its epic ability. If the spell has any targets, you may choose new targets for the copy.” See rule 707.10.
702.50a 历传代表了两部分的异能,一个是静止式异能,另一个则是延迟触发式异能。“历传”意指,“这盘游戏结束之前,你不能施放咒语”以及“直到这盘游戏结束,在你每回合的维持开始时,复制此咒语,但不包含其历传异能。若该咒语需要目标,则你可以为该复制品选择新的目标。”参见规则707.10

702.50b A player can’t cast spells once a spell with epic they control resolves, but effects (such as the epic ability itself) can still put copies of spells onto the stack.
702.50b 一旦牌手所操控之具有历传的咒语结算,该牌手便不再能施放咒语,但效应(比如历传异能本身)依旧能把咒语的复制品放进堆叠。

702.51. Convoke
702.51. 召集

702.51a Convoke is a static ability that functions while the spell with convoke is on the stack. “Convoke” means “For each colored mana in this spell’s total cost, you may tap an untapped creature of that color you control rather than pay that mana. For each generic mana in this spell’s total cost, you may tap an untapped creature you control rather than pay that mana.”
702.51a 召集属于静止式异能,当具有召集的咒语在堆叠中时生效。“召集”意指,“你可以为此咒语总费用中的每一点有色法术力横置一个由你操控的未横置的该色生物,而不支付该法术力。你可以为此咒语总费用中的每一点一般法术力横置一个由你操控的未横置的生物,而不支付该法术力。”

702.51b The convoke ability isn’t an additional or alternative cost and applies only after the total cost of the spell with convoke is determined.
702.51b 召集异能不是额外或替代性费用,且只在该具有召集异能的咒语的总费用被确定之后生效。

Example: Heartless Summoning says, in part, “Creature spells you cast cost {2} less to cast.” You control Heartless Summoning and cast Siege Wurm, a spell with convoke that costs {5}{G}{G}. The total cost to cast Siege Wurm is {3}{G}{G}. After activating mana abilities, you pay that total cost. You may tap up to two green creatures and up to three other creatures to pay that cost, and the remainder is paid with mana.

702.51c A creature tapped to pay for mana in a spell’s total cost this way is said to have “convoked” that spell.
702.51c 若以此法横置了某生物来支付咒语的总费用,便称为用此生物“召集”该咒语。

702.51d Multiple instances of convoke on the same spell are redundant.
702.51d 同一个咒语上的多个召集异能并无意义。

702.52. Dredge
702.52. 发掘

702.52a Dredge is a static ability that functions only while the card with dredge is in a player’s graveyard. “Dredge N” means “As long as you have at least N cards in your library, if you would draw a card, you may instead mill N cards and return this card from your graveyard to your hand.”
702.52a 发掘属于静止式异能,只当具有发掘异能的牌在牌手的坟墓场中时生效。“发掘N”意指,“只要你的牌库至少有N张牌,若你将要抓一张牌,你可以改为磨N张牌,且将此牌从你的坟墓场移回你手上。”

702.52b A player with fewer cards in their library than the number required by a dredge ability can’t mill any of them this way.
702.52b 如果牌手的牌库张数少于某个发掘异能所要求的数量,则该牌手便不能以此法磨任何牌。

702.53. Transmute
702.53. 易质

702.53a Transmute is an activated ability that functions only while the card with transmute is in a player’s hand. “Transmute [cost]” means “[Cost], Discard this card: Search your library for a card with the same mana value as the discarded card, reveal that card, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your library. Activate only as a sorcery.”
702.53a 易质属于起动式异能,只当具有易质异能之牌在牌手的手上时才会生效。“易质[费用]”意指,“[费用],弃掉此牌:从你的牌库中搜寻一张法术力值与它相同的牌,展示该牌,并置于你手上。然后将你的牌库洗牌。只能于法术时机起动。”

702.53b Although the transmute ability can be activated only if the card is in a player’s hand, it continues to exist while the object is on the battlefield and in all other zones. Therefore objects with transmute will be affected by effects that depend on objects having one or more activated abilities.
702.53b 对于具易质的牌来说,虽然此异能只能于该牌在手上时起动,但不论此物件在战场上或是在其他区域之中,此异能都存在于其上。因此,如果一个效应会对具有一个或数个起动式异能之物件产生影响,则具有易质异能的物件也会因此受到影响。

702.54. Bloodthirst
702.54. 嗜血

702.54a Bloodthirst is a static ability. “Bloodthirst N” means “If an opponent was dealt damage this turn, this permanent enters with N +1/+1 counters on it.”
702.54a 嗜血属于静止式异能。“嗜血N”意指,“如果对手本回合中受过伤害,则此永久物进场时上面有N个+1/+1指示物。”

702.54b “Bloodthirst X” is a special form of bloodthirst. “Bloodthirst X” means “This permanent enters with X +1/+1 counters on it, where X is the total damage your opponents have been dealt this turn.”
702.54b “嗜血X”是嗜血的特殊格式之一。“嗜血X”意指,“此永久物进场时上面有X个+1/+1指示物,X为对手本回合受过的伤害数量。”

702.54c If an object has multiple instances of bloodthirst, each applies separately.
702.54c 如果一个物件具有多个嗜血异能,则每一个都会分别生效。

702.55. Haunt
702.55. 缠身

702.55a Haunt is a triggered ability. “Haunt” on a permanent means “When this permanent is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, exile it haunting target creature.” “Haunt” on an instant or sorcery spell means “When this spell is put into a graveyard during its resolution, exile it haunting target creature.”
702.55a 缠身属于触发式异能。永久物上的“缠身”意指,“当此永久物从战场置入坟墓场时,将它放逐,并缠身在目标生物上。”在瞬间或法术咒语上的“缠身”意指,“当此咒语结算后置入坟墓场时,将它放逐,并缠身在目标生物上。”

702.55b Cards that are in the exile zone as the result of a haunt ability “haunt” the creature targeted by that ability. The phrase “creature it haunts” refers to the object targeted by the haunt ability, regardless of whether or not that object is still a creature.
702.55b 由于其缠身异能而处于放逐区域的牌,将“缠身”在该异能所指定的目标生物上。无论该物件是否依然为生物,“它所缠身的生物”皆指代被缠身异能所指定为目标的物件。

702.55c Triggered abilities of cards with haunt that refer to the haunted creature can trigger in the exile zone.
702.55c 具有缠身的牌上之提及“所缠身的生物”的触发式异能,能够在放逐区中触发。

702.56. Replicate
702.56. 覆诵

702.56a Replicate is a keyword that represents two abilities. The first is a static ability that functions while the spell with replicate is on the stack. The second is a triggered ability that functions while the spell with replicate is on the stack. “Replicate [cost]” means “As an additional cost to cast this spell, you may pay [cost] any number of times” and “When you cast this spell, if a replicate cost was paid for it, copy it for each time its replicate cost was paid. If the spell has any targets, you may choose new targets for any of the copies.” Paying a spell’s replicate cost follows the rules for paying additional costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.56a 覆诵为代表了两个异能的关键字。第一个属于静止式异能,当该咒语在堆叠中时生效。第二个属于触发式异能,当该咒语在堆叠中时生效。“覆诵[费用]”意指,“你可以支付[费用]任意次数,以作为施放此咒语的额外费用”以及“当你施放此咒语时,若支付过其覆诵费用,则每支付过一次覆诵费用,就可以将它复制一次。若此咒语需要目标,你可以为任意数量之复制品选择新的目标。”支付某咒语的覆诵费用时,需依照规则601.2b与规则601.2f-h的规定来支付额外费用。

702.56b If a spell has multiple instances of replicate, each is paid separately and triggers based on the payments made for it, not any other instance of replicate.
702.56b 如果一个咒语具有多个覆诵异能,则每一个均需分别支付,而支付费用后的触发也将各自独立,每个覆诵异能都基于为其支付的费用触发。

702.57. Forecast
702.57. 预报

702.57a A forecast ability is a special kind of activated ability that can be activated only from a player’s hand. It’s written “Forecast — [Activated ability].”
702.57a 预报是一种特殊的起动式异能,只能从牌手的手上起动。其格式为“预报~[起动式异能]”。

702.57b A forecast ability may be activated only during the upkeep step of the card’s owner and only once each turn. The controller of the forecast ability reveals the card with that ability from their hand as the ability is activated. That player plays with that card revealed in their hand until it leaves the player’s hand or until a step or phase that isn’t an upkeep step begins, whichever comes first.
702.57b 预报异能只可以在其操控者的维持步骤中起动,且每回合只能起动一次。于起动预报异能时,其操控者须从手上展示具该异能的牌。该牌手必须以展示此牌的方式进行游戏,直到此牌离开该牌手的手牌或开始了一个不属于维持步骤的步骤或阶段之一发生。

702.58. Graft
702.58. 接殖

702.58a Graft represents both a static ability and a triggered ability. “Graft N” means “This permanent enters with N +1/+1 counters on it” and “Whenever another creature enters, if this permanent has a +1/+1 counter on it, you may move a +1/+1 counter from this permanent onto that creature.”
702.58a 接殖代表了两部分的异能,一个是静止式异能,另一个则是触发式异能。“接殖N”意指,“此永久物进场时上面有N个+1/+1指示物”以及“每当另一个生物进场时,若此永久物上有+1/+1指示物,你可以将此永久物上的一个+1/+1指示物移到该生物上。”

702.58b If a permanent has multiple instances of graft, each one works separately.
702.58b 如果一个永久物具有多个接殖异能,则每一个都会分别产生作用。

702.59. Recover
702.59. 复还

702.59a Recover is a triggered ability that functions only while the card with recover is in a player’s graveyard. “Recover [cost]” means “When a creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, you may pay [cost]. If you do, return this card from your graveyard to your hand. Otherwise, exile this card.”
702.59a 复还属于触发式异能,只当具有复还异能的牌在某牌手中的坟墓场中时生效。“复还[费用]”意指,“当一个生物从战场置入你的坟墓场时,你可以支付[费用]。若你如此作,则将此牌从你的坟墓场移回你手上。否则,则放逐此牌。”

702.60. Ripple
702.60. 涟动

702.60a Ripple is a triggered ability that functions only while the card with ripple is on the stack. “Ripple N” means “When you cast this spell, you may reveal the top N cards of your library, or, if there are fewer than N cards in your library, you may reveal all the cards in your library. If you reveal cards from your library this way, you may cast any of those cards with the same name as this spell without paying their mana costs, then put all revealed cards not cast this way on the bottom of your library in any order.”
702.60a 涟动属于触发式异能,只当具有涟动异能的牌在堆叠中时生效。“涟动N”意指,“当你施放此咒语时,你可以展示你牌库顶的N张牌;或是当你的牌库少于N张牌时,你可以展示你牌库的所有牌。若你以此法从你的牌库展示牌,你可以施放所展示之牌中与此咒语同名者,并且不需支付其法术力费用,然后将所展示之牌中未以此法施放者以任意顺序置于你的牌库底。”

702.60b If a spell has multiple instances of ripple, each triggers separately.
702.60b 如果一个咒语具有多个涟动异能,则每一个都会分别触发。

702.61. Split Second
702.61. 转瞬

702.61a Split second is a static ability that functions only while the spell with split second is on the stack. “Split second” means “As long as this spell is on the stack, players can’t cast other spells or activate abilities that aren’t mana abilities.”
702.61a 转瞬属于静止式异能,只当具转瞬异能的牌在堆叠中时生效。“转瞬”意指,“只要此咒语在堆叠中,牌手便不能施放其他咒语或起动不是法术力异能的起动式异能。”

702.61b Players may activate mana abilities and take special actions while a spell with split second is on the stack. Triggered abilities trigger and are put on the stack as normal while a spell with split second is on the stack.
702.61b 当具有转瞬的咒语在堆叠中时,牌手仍可以起动法术力异能,及进行特殊动作。当具有转瞬的咒语在堆叠中时,触发式异能仍会如常触发及进入堆叠。

702.61c Multiple instances of split second on the same spell are redundant.
702.61c 同一个咒语上的多个转瞬异能并无意义。

702.62. Suspend
702.62. 延缓

702.62a Suspend is a keyword that represents three abilities. The first is a static ability that functions while the card with suspend is in a player’s hand. The second and third are triggered abilities that function in the exile zone. “Suspend N—[cost]” means “If you could begin to cast this card by putting it onto the stack from your hand, you may pay [cost] and exile it with N time counters on it. This action doesn’t use the stack,” and “At the beginning of your upkeep, if this card is suspended, remove a time counter from it,” and “When the last time counter is removed from this card, if it’s exiled, you may play it without paying its mana cost if able. If you don’t, it remains exiled. If you cast a creature spell this way, it gains haste until you lose control of the spell or the permanent it becomes.”
702.62a 延缓为代表了三个异能的关键字。第一个属于静止式异能,当具有延缓异能的牌在牌手手牌中时生效。第二个与第三个异能属于触发式异能,于放逐区中生效。“延缓N~[费用]”意指,“如果你可以通过将此牌从手上放入堆叠的方式开始施放它,你可以支付[费用]并将其放逐,且上面有N个计时指示物。此动作不使用堆叠”、“在你的维持开始时,若此牌被延缓,则从其上移去一个计时指示物”,以及“当移去此牌上最后一个计时指示物时,若它目前被放逐,且如果你能使用它,则你可以使用它且不需支付其法术力费用。如果你不使用它,则它持续被放逐。若你以此法施放了一个生物咒语,则它获得敏捷异能,直到你失去该咒语或其成为的永久物之操控权为止。”

702.62b A card is “suspended” if it’s in the exile zone, has suspend, and has a time counter on it.
702.62b 如果一张具有延缓的牌位于放逐区,且其上有计时指示物,则此牌为“已延缓”。

702.62c While determining if you could begin to cast a card with suspend, take into consideration any effects that would prohibit that card from being cast.
702.62c 当确定你是否可以开始施放一张具有延缓异能的牌时,将任何将会阻止该牌施放的效应纳入考虑。

702.62d Casting a spell as an effect of its suspend ability follows the rules for paying alternative costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.62d 以延缓异能的效应施放咒语,需依照规则601.2b与规则601.2f-h的规定来支付替代性费用。

702.63. Vanishing
702.63. 消逝

702.63a Vanishing is a keyword that represents three abilities. “Vanishing N” means “This permanent enters with N time counters on it,” “At the beginning of your upkeep, if this permanent has a time counter on it, remove a time counter from it,” and “When the last time counter is removed from this permanent, sacrifice it.”
702.63a 消逝为代表了三个异能的关键字。“消逝N”意指,“此永久物进场时上面有N个计时指示物”、“在你的维持开始时,若此永久物上有计时指示物,则从其上移去一个计时指示物”,以及“当移去此永久物上最后一个计时指示物时,将它牺牲。”

702.63b Vanishing without a number means “At the beginning of your upkeep, if this permanent has a time counter on it, remove a time counter from it” and “When the last time counter is removed from this permanent, sacrifice it.”
702.63b 如果“消逝”后面没接着数字指,“在你的维持开始时,若此永久物上有计时指示物,则从其上移去一个计时指示物”以及“当移去此永久物上最后一个计时指示物时,将它牺牲。”

702.63c If a permanent has multiple instances of vanishing, each works separately.
702.63c 如果一个永久物具有多个消逝异能,则每一个都会分别运作。

702.64. Absorb
702.64. 抵受

702.64a Absorb is a static ability. “Absorb N” means “If a source would deal damage to this creature, prevent N of that damage.”
702.64a 抵受属于静止式异能。“抵受N”意指,“如果任一来源将对此生物造成伤害,则防止此伤害中的N点。”

702.64b Each absorb ability can prevent only N damage from any one source at any one time. It will apply separately to damage from other sources, or to damage dealt by the same source at a different time.
702.64b 每个抵受异能都只能防止任一来源一次所造成的N点伤害。它会对其他来源所造成的伤害另外生效,或者对此来源其他时候所造成的伤害另外生效。

702.64c If an object has multiple instances of absorb, each applies separately.
702.64c 如果一个物件具有多个抵受异能,则每一个都会分别生效。

702.65. Aura Swap
702.65. 灵气转换

702.65a Aura swap is an activated ability of some Aura cards. “Aura swap [cost]” means “[Cost]: You may exchange this permanent with an Aura card in your hand.”
702.65a 灵气交换是一些灵气牌所具有的起动式异能。“灵气转换[费用]”意指,“[费用]:你可以将此永久物与你手上的一张灵气牌交换。”

702.65b If either half of the exchange can’t be completed, the ability has no effect.
702.65b 如果此交换过程中的任意部分无法完成,此异能无效。

Example: You activate the aura swap ability of an Aura. The only Aura card in your hand can’t enchant the permanent that’s enchanted by the Aura with aura swap. The ability has no effect.

Example: You activate the aura swap ability of an Aura that you control but you don’t own. The ability has no effect.

702.66. Delve
702.66. 掘穴

702.66a Delve is a static ability that functions while the spell with delve is on the stack. “Delve” means “For each generic mana in this spell’s total cost, you may exile a card from your graveyard rather than pay that mana.”
702.66a 掘穴属于静止式异能,当具有掘穴的咒语在堆叠中时生效。“掘穴”意指,“你可以为此咒语总费用中的每一点一般法术力从你的坟墓场中放逐一张牌,而不支付该法术力。”

702.66b The delve ability isn’t an additional or alternative cost and applies only after the total cost of the spell with delve is determined.
702.66b 掘穴异能不是额外或替代性费用,且只在该具有掘穴异能的咒语的总费用被确定之后生效。

702.66c Multiple instances of delve on the same spell are redundant.
702.66c 同一个咒语上的多个掘穴异能并无意义。

702.67. Fortify
702.67. 构工

702.67a Fortify is an activated ability of Fortification cards. “Fortify [cost]” means “[Cost]: Attach this Fortification to target land you control. Activate only as a sorcery.”
702.67a 构工属于工事牌专有的起动式异能。“构工[费用]”意指,“[费用]:将此工事贴附于目标由你操控的地上。只能于法术时机起动。”

702.67b For more information about Fortifications, see rule 301, “Artifacts.”
702.67b 关于工事的更多信息,参见规则301,“神器”。

702.67c If a Fortification has multiple instances of fortify, any of its fortify abilities may be used.
702.67c 如果一个工事上有多个构工异能,则均可任意使用。

702.68. Frenzy
702.68. 狂热

702.68a Frenzy is a triggered ability. “Frenzy N” means “Whenever this creature attacks and isn’t blocked, it gets +N/+0 until end of turn.”
702.68a 狂热属于触发式异能。“狂热N”意指,“每当此生物攻击且未受阻挡时,它得+N/+0直到回合结束。”

702.68b If a creature has multiple instances of frenzy, each triggers separately.
702.68b 如果一个生物具有多个狂热异能,则每一个都会分别触发。

702.69. Gravestorm
702.69. 坟场风暴

702.69a Gravestorm is a triggered ability that functions on the stack. “Gravestorm” means “When you cast this spell, copy it for each permanent that was put into a graveyard from the battlefield this turn. If the spell has any targets, you may choose new targets for any of the copies.”
702.69a 坟场风暴属于触发式异能,于堆叠中生效。“坟场风暴”意指,“当你施放此咒语时,本回合在这之前每有一个永久物从战场置入坟墓场,便复制该咒语一次。若此咒语需要目标,你可以为任意复制品选择新的目标。”

702.69b If a spell has multiple instances of gravestorm, each triggers separately.
702.69b 如果一个咒语具有多个坟场风暴异能,则每一个都会分别触发。

702.70. Poisonous
702.70. 剧毒

702.70a Poisonous is a triggered ability. “Poisonous N” means “Whenever this creature deals combat damage to a player, that player gets N poison counters.” (For information about poison counters, see rule 104.3d.)
702.70a 剧毒属于触发式异能。“剧毒N”意指,“每当此生物对牌手造成战斗伤害时,该牌手得到N个中毒指示物。”(关于中毒指示物的更多信息,参见规则104.3d。)

702.70b If a creature has multiple instances of poisonous, each triggers separately.
702.70b 如果一个生物具有多个剧毒异能,则每一个都会分别触发。

702.71. Transfigure
702.71. 易形

702.71a Transfigure is an activated ability. “Transfigure [cost]” means “[Cost], Sacrifice this permanent: Search your library for a creature card with the same mana value as this permanent and put it onto the battlefield. Then shuffle your library. Activate only as a sorcery.”
702.71a 易形属于起动式异能。“易形[费用]”意指,“[费用],牺牲此永久物:从你的牌库中搜寻一张法术力值与此永久物相同的生物牌,并将之放进战场。然后将你的牌库洗牌。只能于法术时机起动。”

702.72. Champion
702.72. 夺冠

702.72a Champion represents two triggered abilities. “Champion an [object]” means “When this permanent enters, sacrifice it unless you exile another [object] you control” and “When this permanent leaves the battlefield, return the exiled card to the battlefield under its owner’s control.”
702.72a 夺冠代表了两个触发式异能。“夺冠[物件]”意指,“当此永久物进场时,除非你将另一个由你操控的[物件]放逐,否则牺牲之”以及“当此永久物离开战场时,将所放逐的牌在其拥有者的操控下移回战场。”

702.72b The two abilities represented by champion are linked. See rule 607, “Linked Abilities.”
702.72b 夺冠所代表的两个异能之间有所关联。参见规则607,“关联异能”。

702.72c A permanent is “championed” by another permanent if the latter exiles the former as the direct result of a champion ability.
702.72c 如果一个永久物因夺冠异能造成的直接原因而被另一个永久物放逐,该永久物“被夺冠”。

702.73. Changeling
702.73. 化形

702.73a Changeling is a characteristic-defining ability. “Changeling” means “This object is every creature type.” This ability works everywhere, even outside the game. See rule 604.3.
702.73a 化形属于特征定义异能。“化形”意指,“此物件具有所有生物类别。”此异能会在所有区域生效,即使在游戏外此异能亦会生效。参见规则604.3

702.74. Evoke
702.74. 呼魂

702.74a Evoke represents two abilities: a static ability that functions in any zone from which the card with evoke can be cast and a triggered ability that functions on the battlefield. “Evoke [cost]” means “You may cast this card by paying [cost] rather than paying its mana cost” and “When this permanent enters, if its evoke cost was paid, its controller sacrifices it.” Casting a spell for its evoke cost follows the rules for paying alternative costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.74a 呼魂代表了两个异能:一个是在任何该牌能够施放之区域中都生效的静止式异能,另一个则是在战场上生效的触发式异能。“呼魂[费用]”意指,“你可以支付[费用]来施放此牌,而非支付其法术力费用”以及“当此永久物进场时,若曾支付其呼魂费用,则其操控者将之牺牲。”支付呼魂费用施放咒语时,需依照规则601.2b与规则601.2f-h的规定来支付额外费用。

702.75. Hideaway
702.75. 掩蔽

702.75a Hideaway is a triggered ability. “Hideaway N” means “When this permanent enters, look at the top N cards of your library. Exile one of them face down and put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order. The exiled card gains ‘The player who controls the permanent that exiled this card may look at this card in the exile zone.’”
702.75a 掩蔽属于触发式异能。“掩蔽N”意指“当此永久物进场时,检视你牌库顶的N张牌。牌面朝下地放逐其中一张,并将其余的牌以随机顺序置于你的牌库底。所放逐的牌获得‘任何操控过放逐此牌之永久物的牌手均可以检视放逐区中的此牌。’”

702.75b Previously, the rules for the hideaway ability caused the permanent to enter the battlefield tapped, and the number of cards the player looked at was fixed at four. Cards printed before this rules change had the printed text “Hideaway” with no numeral after the word. Those older cards have received errata in the Oracle card reference to have “Hideaway 4” and the additional ability “[This permanent] enters tapped.”
702.75b 之前,掩蔽异能的规则使得该永久物须横置进战场,且牌手检视的牌数量固定为四。在此规则变化前印制的牌印有“掩蔽”且其后没有跟随数字。这些旧版牌均已在Oracle™牌张参考文献中获得勘误,其具有掩蔽4,并具有额外异能“[此永久物]须横置进场”。

702.76. Prowl
702.76. 伺机

702.76a Prowl is a static ability that functions on the stack. “Prowl [cost]” means “You may pay [cost] rather than pay this spell’s mana cost if a player was dealt combat damage this turn by a source that, at the time it dealt that damage, was under your control and had any of this spell’s creature types.” Casting a spell for its prowl cost follows the rules for paying alternative costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.76a 伺机属于静止式异能,在堆叠中生效。“伺机[费用]”意指,“如果本回合中一个来源对任一对手造成过战斗伤害,且其造成该伤害时在你的操控下并具有此咒语的任意生物类别,则你可以支付[费用],而不支付此咒语的法术力费用。”支付伺机费用施放咒语时,需依照规则601.2b与规则601.2f-h的规定来支付替代性费用。

702.77. Reinforce
702.77. 补强

702.77a Reinforce is an activated ability that functions only while the card with reinforce is in a player’s hand. “Reinforce N—[cost]” means “[Cost], Discard this card: Put N +1/+1 counters on target creature.”
702.77a 补强属于起动式异能,只当具有补强异能之牌在牌手的手上时才会生效。“补强N~[费用]”意指,“[费用],弃掉此牌:在目标生物上放置N个+1/+1指示物。”

702.77b Although the reinforce ability can be activated only if the card is in a player’s hand, it continues to exist while the object is on the battlefield and in all other zones. Therefore objects with reinforce will be affected by effects that depend on objects having one or more activated abilities.
702.77b 对于具补强异能的牌来说,虽然此异能只能于该牌在手上时起动,但不论此物件在战场上或是在其他区域之中,此异能都存在于其上。因此,如果一个效应会对具有一个或数个起动式异能之物件产生影响,则具有补强异能的物件也会因此受影响。

702.78. Conspire
702.78. 协力

702.78a Conspire is a keyword that represents two abilities. The first is a static ability that functions while the spell with conspire is on the stack. The second is a triggered ability that functions while the spell with conspire is on the stack. “Conspire” means “As an additional cost to cast this spell, you may tap two untapped creatures you control that each share a color with it” and “When you cast this spell, if its conspire cost was paid, copy it. If the spell has any targets, you may choose new targets for the copy.” Paying a spell’s conspire cost follows the rules for paying additional costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.78a 协力为代表了两个异能的关键字。第一个属于静止式异能,当该咒语在堆叠中时生效。第二个属于触发式异能,当该咒语在堆叠中时生效。“协力”意指,“于你施放此咒语时,你可以横置两个由你操控、且与此咒语有共通颜色的未横置生物,以作为施放此咒语的额外费用。”以及“当你施放此咒语时,若曾支付其协力费用,则复制它。如果此咒语需要目标,则你可以为该复制品选择新的目标。”支付某咒语的协力费用,需依照规则601.2b与规则601.2f-h的规定来支付额外费用。

702.78b If a spell has multiple instances of conspire, each is paid separately and triggers based on its own payment, not any other instance of conspire.
702.78b 如果一个咒语具有多个协力异能,则每一个均需分别支付,而支付费用后的触发也将基于支付的费用而各自独立,且不会因为支付了其他的协力异能而触发。

702.79. Persist
702.79. 留存

702.79a Persist is a triggered ability. “Persist” means “When this permanent is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, if it had no -1/-1 counters on it, return it to the battlefield under its owner’s control with a -1/-1 counter on it.”
702.79a 留存属于触发式异能。“留存”意指,“当此永久物从战场置入坟墓场时,如果其上没有-1/-1指示物,则将它在其拥有者的操控下返回战场,且其上具有一个-1/-1指示物。”

702.80. Wither
702.80. 干枯

702.80a Wither is a static ability. Damage dealt to a creature by a source with wither isn’t marked on that creature. Rather, it causes that source’s controller to put that many -1/-1 counters on that creature. See rule 120.3.
702.80a 干枯属于静止式异能。由具有干枯异能的来源对生物所造成的伤害,并不会标记在该生物上。而是使该来源的操控者将该数量的-1/-1指示物放置在该生物上。参见规则120.3

702.80b If an object changes zones before an effect causes it to deal damage, its last known information is used to determine whether it had wither.
702.80b 如果一个物件在使其造成伤害的效应生效前便改变区域,则会使用其最后已知信息来判断该物件是否具有干枯异能。

702.80c The wither rules function no matter what zone an object with wither deals damage from.
702.80c 无论具有干枯之物件是从哪个区域造成的伤害,干枯异能规则都会生效。

702.80d Multiple instances of wither on the same object are redundant.
702.80d 同一个物件上的多个干枯异能并无意义。

702.81. Retrace
702.81. 追溯

702.81a Retrace is a static ability that functions while the card with retrace is in a player’s graveyard. “Retrace” means “You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a land card as an additional cost to cast it.” Casting a spell using its retrace ability follows the rules for paying additional costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.81a 追溯属于静止式异能,当具有此异能的牌在牌手的坟墓场中时生效。“追溯”意指,“你可以从你的坟墓场中施放此牌,但必须弃掉一张地牌作为施放它的额外费用。”以追溯异能施放咒语时,需依照规则601.2b与规则601.2f-h的规定来支付额外费用。

702.82. Devour
702.82. 吞噬

702.82a Devour is a static ability. “Devour N” means “As this object enters, you may sacrifice any number of creatures. This permanent enters with N +1/+1 counters on it for each creature sacrificed this way.”
702.82a 吞噬属于静止式异能。“吞噬N”意指,“于此物件进场时,你可以牺牲任意数量的生物。此生物进场时,每以此法牺牲一个生物,它上面便有N个+1/+1指示物。”

702.82b Some objects have abilities that refer to the number of creatures the permanent devoured. “It devoured” means “sacrificed as a result of its devour ability as it entered the battlefield.”
702.82b 有些物件所具有的异能,会提到此永久物所吞噬之生物的数量。“它吞噬过”意指,“于它进战场时因其吞噬异能而牺牲掉。”

702.82c Devour [quality] is a variant of devour. “Devour [quality] N” means “As this object enters, you may sacrifice any number of [quality] permanents. This permanent enters with N +1/+1 counters on it for each permanent sacrificed this way.”
702.82c 吞噬[特性]是吞噬异能的变化形式。“吞噬[特性]N”意指,“于此物件进场时,你可以牺牲任意数量的[特性]永久物。此生物进场时,每以此法牺牲一个永久物,它上面便有N个+1/+1指示物。”

702.83. Exalted
702.83. 颂威

702.83a Exalted is a triggered ability. “Exalted” means “Whenever a creature you control attacks alone, that creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.”
702.83a 颂威属于触发式异能。“颂威”意指,“每当一个由你操控的生物单独攻击时,该生物得+1/+1直到回合结束。”

702.83b A creature “attacks alone” if it’s the only creature declared as an attacker in a given combat phase. See rule 506.5.
702.83b 在战斗阶段中,如果只有一个生物被宣告为攻击者,该生物为“单独攻击”。参见规则506.5

702.84. Unearth
702.84. 破坟

702.84a Unearth is an activated ability that functions while the card with unearth is in a graveyard. “Unearth [cost]” means “[Cost]: Return this card from your graveyard to the battlefield. It gains haste. Exile it at the beginning of the next end step. If it would leave the battlefield, exile it instead of putting it anywhere else. Activate only as a sorcery.”
702.84a 破坟属于起动式异能,当该牌在坟墓场时生效。“破坟[费用]”意指,“[费用]:将此牌从你的坟墓场移回战场。它获得敏捷异能。在下一个结束步骤开始时将它放逐。若它将离开战场,则改为将其放逐,而非置入任何地方。只能于法术时机起动。”

702.85. Cascade
702.85. 倾曳

702.85a Cascade is a triggered ability that functions only while the spell with cascade is on the stack. “Cascade” means “When you cast this spell, exile cards from the top of your library until you exile a nonland card whose mana value is less than this spell’s mana value. You may cast that card without paying its mana cost if the resulting spell’s mana value is less than this spell’s mana value. Then put all cards exiled this way that weren’t cast on the bottom of your library in a random order.”
702.85a 倾曳属于触发式异能,只当具有倾曳异能的牌在堆叠中时生效。“倾曳”意指,“当你施放此咒语时,从你的牌库顶牌开始放逐牌,直到放逐一张法术力值比此咒语低、且不是地的牌为止。你可以施放该牌,且不需支付其法术力费用,只要该牌所成为的咒语之法术力值比此咒语低。然后将所有以此法放逐、且并未被施放的牌以随机顺序置于你的牌库底。”

702.85b If an effect allows a player to take an action with one or more of the exiled cards “as you cascade,” the player may take that action after they have finished exiling cards due to the cascade ability. This action is taken before choosing whether to cast the last exiled card or, if no appropriate card was exiled, before putting the exiled cards on the bottom of their library in a random order.
702.85b 如果一个效应允许牌手“于你倾曳时”对所放逐之牌中的一张或数张牌执行动作,该牌手在因倾曳异能完成放逐牌张之后,方可执行该动作。该动作在选择是否施放上一张被放逐的牌之前执行。如果没有牌因此被放逐,则在将被放逐的牌以随机顺序置于其牌库底之前执行。

702.85c If a spell has multiple instances of cascade, each triggers separately.
702.85c 如果一个咒语具有多个倾曳异能,则每一个都会分别触发。

702.86. Annihilator
702.86. 歼灭

702.86a Annihilator is a triggered ability. “Annihilator N” means “Whenever this creature attacks, defending player sacrifices N permanents.”
702.86a 歼灭是触发式异能。“歼灭N”意指“每当此生物攻击时,防御牌手牺牲N个永久物。”

702.86b If a creature has multiple instances of annihilator, each triggers separately.
702.86b 如果一个生物具有多个歼灭异能,每一个都会分别触发。

702.87. Level Up
702.87. 升级

702.87a Level up is an activated ability. “Level up [cost]” means “[Cost]: Put a level counter on this permanent. Activate only as a sorcery.”
702.87a 升级是起动式异能。“升级[费用]”意指“[费用]:在此永久物上放置一个等级指示物。只能于法术时机起动。”

702.87b Each card printed with a level up ability is known as a leveler card. It has a nonstandard layout and includes two level symbols that are themselves keyword abilities. See rule 711, “Leveler Cards.”
702.87b 每张印有升级异能的牌为升级牌。它有特殊排版方式,并且包含了两个等级符号,并且本身也是关键字异能。参见规则711,“升级牌”。

702.87c Some enchantments have the subtype Class and associated abilities that give them a class level. These are not the same as level up abilities and class levels do not interact with level counters. See rule 716, “Class Cards.”
702.87c 一些结界具有副类别职业,与其相关的异能给予其职业等级。这与升级异能并不相同,职业等级也与等级指示物并无互动。参见规则716,“职业牌”。

702.88. Rebound
702.88. 弹回

702.88a Rebound appears on some instants and sorceries. It represents a static ability that functions while the spell is on the stack and may create a delayed triggered ability. “Rebound” means “If this spell was cast from your hand, instead of putting it into your graveyard as it resolves, exile it and, at the beginning of your next upkeep, you may cast this card from exile without paying its mana cost.”
702.88a 弹回会在一些瞬间与法术上出现。它代表了一个静止式异能,当该咒语在堆叠中时生效,且可以创造延迟触发式异能。“弹回”意指“如果此咒语是从你手上施放,则此咒语结算时不进入你的坟墓场,改为将它放逐,并且在你的下一个维持开始时,你可以从放逐区施放此牌,且不须支付其法术力费用。”

702.88b Casting a spell as an effect of its rebound ability follows the rules for paying alternative costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.88b 因咒语的弹回异能之效应施放咒语时,依然需要按照规则601.2b和规则601.2f-h来支付替代性费用。

702.88c Multiple instances of rebound on the same spell are redundant.
702.88c 同一个咒语上的多个弹回异能没有意义。

702.89. Umbra Armor
702.89. 本影甲

702.89a Umbra armor is a static ability that appears on some Auras. “Umbra armor” means “If enchanted permanent would be destroyed, instead remove all damage marked on it and destroy this Aura.”
702.89a 本影甲是会出现在一些灵气上的静止式异能。“本影甲”意指“如果所结附的永久物将被消灭,则改为移除它上面标记的所有伤害,并消灭此灵气。”

702.89b Some older cards were printed with the ability “totem armor” or referenced that ability. The text of these cards has been updated in the Oracle card reference to refer to umbra armor instead.
702.89b 一些早先版本的卡牌印有异能“替身甲”或提及该异能。这些卡牌的文本均已在Oracle牌张参考文献中更新为本影甲。

702.90. Infect
702.90. 侵染

702.90a Infect is a static ability.
702.90a 侵染是静止式异能。

702.90b Damage dealt to a player by a source with infect doesn’t cause that player to lose life. Rather, it causes that source’s controller to give the player that many poison counters. See rule 120.3.
702.90b 具有侵染的来源对牌手所造成的伤害,并不会让该牌手失去生命。而是使该来源之操控者将该数量的中毒指示物给予该牌手。参见规则120.3

702.90c Damage dealt to a creature by a source with infect isn’t marked on that creature. Rather, it causes that source’s controller to put that many -1/-1 counters on that creature. See rule 120.3.
702.90c 具有侵染的来源对生物所造成的伤害,并不会标记在该生物上。而是是该来源之操控着将该数量的-1/-1指示物放置在该生物上。参见规则120.3

702.90d If an object changes zones before an effect causes it to deal damage, its last known information is used to determine whether it had infect.
702.90d 如果一个物件在使其造成伤害的效应生效前便改变区域,则会使用其最后已知信息来判断该物件是否具有侵染异能。

702.90e The infect rules function no matter what zone an object with infect deals damage from.
702.90e 不论具侵染的物件是从哪个区域造成伤害,侵染规则都会生效。

702.90f Multiple instances of infect on the same object are redundant.
702.90f 同一个物件上的多个侵染异能没有意义。

702.91. Battle Cry
702.91. 战嚎

702.91a Battle cry is a triggered ability. “Battle cry” means “Whenever this creature attacks, each other attacking creature gets +1/+0 until end of turn.”
702.91a 战嚎是触发式异能。“战嚎”意指“每当此生物攻击时,每个进行攻击的其他生物各得+1/+0直到回合结束。”

702.91b If a creature has multiple instances of battle cry, each triggers separately.
702.91b 如果一个生物具有多个战嚎异能,则每一个都会分别触发。

702.92. Living Weapon
702.92. 活化武器

702.92a Living weapon is a triggered ability. “Living weapon” means “When this Equipment enters, create a 0/0 black Phyrexian Germ creature token, then attach this Equipment to it.”
702.92a 活化武器是触发式异能。“活化武器”意指“当此武具进场时,派出一个0/0黑色非瑞人/病菌衍生生物,然后将它贴附于其上。”

702.93. Undying
702.93. 不息

702.93a Undying is a triggered ability. “Undying” means “When this permanent is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, if it had no +1/+1 counters on it, return it to the battlefield under its owner’s control with a +1/+1 counter on it.”
702.93a 不息是触发式异能。“不息”意指“当此永久物从战场进入坟墓场时,如果其上没有+1/+1指示物,则将它在其拥有者的操控下返回战场上,且其上有一个+1/+1指示物。”

702.94. Miracle
702.94. 奇迹

702.94a Miracle is a static ability linked to a triggered ability. (See rule 603.11.) “Miracle [cost]” means “You may reveal this card from your hand as you draw it if it’s the first card you’ve drawn this turn. When you reveal this card this way, you may cast it by paying [cost] rather than its mana cost.”
702.94a 奇迹是与触发式异能有关联的静止式异能。(参见规则603.11。)“奇迹[费用]”意指“于你抓到此牌时,若其为你本回合抓到的第一张牌,你可以从手上展示它。当你以此法展示此牌时,你可以支付[费用]并施放之,而不需支付其法术力费用。”

702.94b If a player chooses to reveal a card using its miracle ability, they play with that card revealed until that card leaves their hand, that ability resolves, or that ability otherwise leaves the stack. (See rule 701.16a.)
702.94b 如果牌手选择通过某张牌的奇迹异能来展示,则直到该牌离开其手牌、该异能结算,或该异能因故离开堆叠为止,该牌手须以展示此牌的方式进行游戏。(参见规则701.16a。)

702.95. Soulbond
702.95. 魂系

702.95a Soulbond is a keyword that represents two triggered abilities. “Soulbond” means “When this creature enters, if you control both this creature and another creature and both are unpaired, you may pair this creature with another unpaired creature you control for as long as both remain creatures on the battlefield under your control” and “Whenever another creature you control enters, if you control both that creature and this one and both are unpaired, you may pair that creature with this creature for as long as both remain creatures on the battlefield under your control.”
702.95a 魂系是代表两个触发式异能的关键字。“魂系”意指“当此生物进场时,若你同时操控此生物及另一生物,且两者皆未搭档,则只要此生物与另一由你操控且未搭档的生物在战场上仍是生物且都由你操控,你便可以将这两者组成搭档。”以及“每当另一个由你操控的生物进场时,若你同时操控该生物及此生物,且两者皆未搭档,则只要该进场的生物与此生物在战场上仍是生物且都由你操控,你便可以将这两者组成搭档。”

702.95b A creature becomes “paired” with another as the result of a soulbond ability. Abilities may refer to a paired creature, the creature another creature is paired with, or whether a creature is paired. An “unpaired” creature is one that is not paired.
702.95b 魂系异能使一个生物与另一个生物组成“搭档”。异能可能会提及已搭档的生物、与另一生物搭档的生物,或某生物是否已搭档。“未搭档”的生物指未与其他生物搭档的生物。

702.95c When the soulbond ability resolves, if either object that would be paired is no longer a creature, no longer on the battlefield, or no longer under the control of the player who controls the soulbond ability, neither object becomes paired.
702.95c 当魂系异能结算时,若即将组成搭档的两物件之一因故不再是生物、已不在战场上,或已不在该操控魂系异能的牌手之操控下,则两者都不会成为已搭档。

702.95d A creature can be paired with only one other creature.
702.95d 一个生物仅能与一个其他生物搭档。

702.95e A paired creature becomes unpaired if any of the following occur: another player gains control of it or the creature it’s paired with; it or the creature it’s paired with stops being a creature; or it or the creature it’s paired with leaves the battlefield.
702.95e 当下列任一情况发生时,已搭档生物会变成未搭档状态:另一位牌手获得该生物或与其搭档的生物之操控权;该生物或与其搭档的生物不再是生物;或者该生物或与其搭档的生物离开战场。

702.96. Overload
702.96. 超载

702.96a Overload is a keyword that represents two static abilities that function while the spell with overload is on the stack. Overload [cost] means “You may choose to pay [cost] rather than pay this spell’s mana cost” and “If you chose to pay this spell’s overload cost, change its text by replacing all instances of the word ‘target’ with the word ‘each.’” Casting a spell using its overload ability follows the rules for paying alternative costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.96a 超载此关键字代表两个具有该异能的咒语在堆叠上时生效的静止式异能。超载[费用]指:“你可以选择支付[费用],而非支付此咒语的法术力费用”以及“如果你选择支付此咒语的超载费用,则将其规则叙述中的‘目标’字样全部更改为‘每个’”。利用咒语的超载异能施放该咒语时,需依照规则601.2b与规则601.2f-h之规范来支付替代性费用。

702.96b If a player chooses to pay the overload cost of a spell, that spell won’t require any targets. It may affect objects that couldn’t be chosen as legal targets if the spell were cast without its overload cost being paid.
702.96b 如果牌手选择支付某咒语的超载费用,则该咒语不需要任何目标。如果在没有支付其超载费用的情况下施放此咒语时,某物件无法成为其合法目标,则此咒语的超载版本有可能会影响它。

702.96c Overload’s second ability creates a text-changing effect. See rule 612, “Text-Changing Effects.”
702.96c 超载的第二个异能会产生改变内文叙述的效应。参见规则612,“改变叙述的效应”。

702.97. Scavenge
702.97. 食腐

702.97a Scavenge is an activated ability that functions only while the card with scavenge is in a graveyard. “Scavenge [cost]” means “[Cost], Exile this card from your graveyard: Put a number of +1/+1 counters equal to the power of the card you exiled on target creature. Activate only as a sorcery.”
702.97a 食腐属于起动式异能,只当具食腐异能的牌在坟墓场中时产生作用。“食腐[费用]”意指:“[费用],从你的坟墓场放逐此牌:在目标生物上放置等同于该牌力量的+1/+1指示物。只能于法术时机起动。”

702.98. Unleash
702.98. 脱缰

702.98a Unleash is a keyword that represents two static abilities. “Unleash” means “You may have this permanent enter with an additional +1/+1 counter on it” and “This permanent can’t block as long as it has a +1/+1 counter on it.”
702.98a 脱缰此关键字代表两个静止式异能。“脱缰”意指“你可以让此永久物进场时上面额外有一个+1/+1指示物”,以及“只要其上有+1/+1指示物,此永久物便不能进行阻挡。”

702.99. Cipher
702.99. 暗码

702.99a Cipher appears on some instants and sorceries. It represents two abilities. The first is a spell ability that functions while the spell with cipher is on the stack. The second is a static ability that functions while the card with cipher is in the exile zone. “Cipher” means “If this spell is represented by a card, you may exile this card encoded on a creature you control” and “For as long as this card is encoded on that creature, that creature has ‘Whenever this creature deals combat damage to a player, you may copy the encoded card and you may cast the copy without paying its mana cost.’”
702.99a 暗码会在某些瞬间与法术上出现。它代表两个异能。第一个为咒语异能于此咒语在堆叠中时生效。第二个为静止式异能于具暗码异能的牌处于放逐区时生效。“暗码”意指“如果此咒语由牌表示,则你可以放逐此牌,并赋码于一个由你操控的生物上”和“只要此牌赋码于该生物上,该生物便具有‘每当此生物对任一牌手造成战斗伤害时,你可以复制此牌,同时可以施放此复制品,且不需支付其法术力费用’。”

702.99b The term “encoded” describes the relationship between the card with cipher while in the exile zone and the creature chosen when the spell represented by that card resolves.
702.99b “赋码”一词用于描述位于放逐区中该张具暗码异能的牌,与在由此牌表示之咒语结算时所选的生物这两者之间的联系。

702.99c The card with cipher remains encoded on the chosen creature as long as the card with cipher remains exiled and the creature remains on the battlefield. The card remains encoded on that object even if it changes controller or stops being a creature, as long as it remains on the battlefield.
702.99c 只要具暗码异能的牌持续被放逐,且所选的生物持续在战场,此牌就会一直赋码于所选的生物上。只要此物件还在战场,该牌就会持续赋码于其上,即便该物件的操控权发生改变或不再是生物也是一样。

702.100. Evolve
702.100. 进化

702.100a Evolve is a triggered ability. “Evolve” means “Whenever a creature you control enters, if that creature’s power is greater than this creature’s power and/or that creature’s toughness is greater than this creature’s toughness, put a +1/+1 counter on this creature.”
702.100a 进化是触发式异能。“进化”意指“每当一个由你操控的生物进场时,若该生物的力量大于此生物的力量和/或该生物的防御力大于此生物的防御力,则在后者上放置一个+1/+1指示物。”

702.100b A creature “evolves” when one or more +1/+1 counters are put on it as a result of its evolve ability resolving.
702.100b 当一个或数个+1/+1指示物在进化异能结算时被放到一个生物上,该生物“进化”。

702.100c A creature can’t have a greater power or toughness than a noncreature permanent.
702.100c 一个生物不具有比非生物永久物更高的力量或防御力。

702.100d If a creature has multiple instances of evolve, each triggers separately.
702.100d 如果某生物具有数个进化异能,则每一个都会分别触发。

702.101. Extort
702.101. 敲诈

702.101a Extort is a triggered ability. “Extort” means “Whenever you cast a spell, you may pay {W/B}. If you do, each opponent loses 1 life and you gain life equal to the total life lost this way.”
702.101a 敲诈属于触发式异能。“敲诈”意指“每当你施放一个咒语时,你可以支付{W/B}。如果你如此作,则每位对手各失去1点生命,且你获得等同于以此法失去的生命总和的生命。”

702.101b If a permanent has multiple instances of extort, each triggers separately.
702.101b 如果某永久物具有数个敲诈异能,则每一个都会分别触发。

702.102. Fuse
702.102. 融咒

702.102a Fuse is a static ability found on some split cards (see rule 709, “Split Cards”) that applies while the card with fuse is in a player’s hand. If a player casts a split card with fuse from their hand, the player may choose to cast both halves of that split card rather than choose one half. This choice is made before putting the split card with fuse onto the stack. The resulting spell is a fused split spell.
702.102a 融咒是见于某些连体牌的静止式异能(参见规则709,“连体牌”),会于具融咒异能的牌在牌手的手牌中时生效。如果牌手从其手牌中施放具融咒异能的连体牌,该牌手可以选择一同施放该连体牌的两边,而非选择其中一边。此决定是在将具融咒异能的连体牌放进堆叠前作出。由此施放的咒语称为已融咒的连体咒语。

702.102b A fused split spell has the combined characteristics of its two halves. (See rule 709.4.)
702.102b 已融咒的连体咒语具有其两边的组合特征。(参见规则709.4。)

702.102c The total cost of a fused split spell includes the mana cost of each half.
702.102c 已融咒的连体咒语每边的法术力费用都会计入该咒语的总费用当中。

702.102d As a fused split spell resolves, the controller of the spell follows the instructions of the left half and then follows the instructions of the right half.
702.102d 于已融咒的连体咒语结算时,该咒语的操控者依照从左到右的顺序,依次执行连体牌两边的叙述。

702.103. Bestow
702.103. 神授

702.103a Bestow represents a static ability that functions in any zone from which you could play the card it’s on. “Bestow [cost]” means “As you cast this spell, you may choose to cast it bestowed. If you do, you pay [cost] rather than its mana cost.” Casting a spell using its bestow ability follows the rules for paying alternative costs (see 601.2b and 601.2f–h).
702.103a 神授代表一个静止式异能,在任何你能施放具神授的牌所在的区域生效。“神授[费用]”意指“于你施放此咒语时,你可以选择神授式施放之。若你如此作,支付[费用],而非支付其法术力费用。”支付牌的神授费用时,需依照规则601.2b与规则601.2f-h来支付替代性费用。

702.103b As a spell cast bestowed is put onto the stack, it becomes an Aura enchantment and gains enchant creature. It is a bestowed Aura spell, and the permanent it becomes as it resolves will be a bestowed Aura. These effects last until the spell or the permanent it becomes ceases to be bestowed (see rules 702.103e–g). Because the spell is an Aura spell, its controller must choose a legal target for that spell as defined by its enchant creature ability and rule 601.2c. See also rule 303.4.
702.103b 于神授式施放的咒语被放进堆叠时,其成为灵气结界并获得结附于生物异能。它是神授式灵气咒语,其结算时成为的永久物是神授式灵气。这些效应持续直到该咒语或其成为的永久物不再是神授式的(参见规则702.103e-g)。因为该咒语是灵气咒语,其操控者须依照其上结附于生物异能及规则601.2c,为该灵气咒语选择一个合法目标。亦见规则303.4

702.103c If a bestowed Aura spell is copied, the copy is also a bestowed Aura spell. Any rule that refers to a spell cast bestowed applies to the copy as well.
702.103c 如果一个神授式灵气咒语被复制,则复制品也是神授式灵气咒语。任何适用于以神授式施放的咒语之规则,亦适用于该复制品。

702.103d When casting a spell bestowed, only its characteristics as modified by the bestow ability are evaluated to determine if it can be cast.
702.103d 当神授式施放咒语时,仅使用其被神授异能修正过的特征值来检查其能否被施放。

Example: Aether Storm is an enchantment with the ability “Creature spells can’t be cast.” This effect doesn’t stop a creature card with bestow from being cast bestowed.

Example: Garruk’s Horde says, in part, “You may cast creature spells from the top of your library.” If you control Garruk’s Horde and the top card of your library is a creature card with bestow, you can cast it as a creature spell, but you can’t cast it bestowed.

702.103e As a bestowed Aura spell begins resolving, if its target is illegal, it ceases to be bestowed and the effect making it an Aura spell ends. It continues resolving as a creature spell. See rule 608.3b.
702.103e 于神授式灵气咒语开始结算时,若其目标不合法,则其不再是神授式的,且令其成为灵气咒语的效应结束。它会继续当作生物咒语结算。参见规则608.3b

702.103f If a bestowed Aura becomes unattached, it ceases to be bestowed. If a bestowed Aura is attached to an illegal object or player, it becomes unattached and ceases to be bestowed. This is an exception to rule 704.5m.
702.103f 如果一个神授式灵气成为未贴附,则它不再是神授式的。如果一个神授式灵气贴附于非法的物件或牌手上,则它将成为未贴附,且不再是神授式的。这是规则704.5m的例外情况。

702.103g If a bestowed Aura phases in unattached, it ceases to be bestowed. See rule 702.26, “Phasing.”
702.103g 如果一个神授式灵气以未贴附的状态跃回,则它不再是神授式的。参见规则702.26,“时间跳跃”。

702.104. Tribute
702.104. 致敬

702.104a Tribute is a static ability that functions as the creature with tribute is entering the battlefield. “Tribute N” means “As this creature enters, choose an opponent. That player may put an additional N +1/+1 counters on it as it enters.”
702.104a 致敬属于静止式异能,于具有致敬异能的生物进战场时产生作用。“致敬N”意指“于该生物进场时,选择一位对手。该牌手可以于此生物进场时在其上放置N个+1/+1指示物。”

702.104b Objects with tribute have triggered abilities that check “if tribute wasn’t paid.” This condition is true if the opponent chosen as a result of the tribute ability didn’t have the creature enter the battlefield with +1/+1 counters as specified by the creature’s tribute ability.
702.104b 具致敬异能的物件具有会检查“若未支付其致敬”的触发式异能。如果因致敬异能所选的牌手未让该生物进战场时上面额外具有如其致敬异能所规定数量的+1/+1指示物,则便会满足该异能的触发条件。

702.105. Dethrone
702.105. 义勇

702.105a Dethrone is a triggered ability. “Dethrone” means “Whenever this creature attacks the player with the most life or tied for most life, put a +1/+1 counter on this creature.”
702.105a 义勇是一个触发式异能。“义勇”意指“每当此生物攻击生命最多或与他者同为最多的牌手时,在其上放置一个+1/+1指示物”。

702.105b If a creature has multiple instances of dethrone, each triggers separately.
702.105b 如果某生物具有数个义勇异能,则每一个都会分别触发。

702.106. Hidden Agenda
702.106. 秘案

702.106a Hidden agenda is a static ability that functions as a conspiracy card with hidden agenda is put into the command zone. “Hidden agenda” means “As you put this conspiracy card into the command zone, turn it face down and secretly choose a card name.”
702.106a 秘案是静止式异能,于具有秘案异能的诡局牌置入统帅区时生效。“秘案”意指“于你将此诡局牌置入统帅区时,将其翻为牌面朝下并私下决定一个牌名。”

702.106b To secretly choose a card name, note that name on a piece of paper kept with the face-down conspiracy card.
702.106b 要私下决定牌名,将该名称写在一张纸上,并与牌面朝下的诡局牌放在一起。

702.106c Any time you have priority, you may turn a face-down conspiracy card you control in the command zone face up. This is a special action. Doing so will reveal the chosen name. See rule 116.2j.
702.106c 于任何你拥有优先权的时机,你可以把由你操控的牌面朝下之诡局牌翻回正面。这属于特殊动作。如此作会展示你所决定的牌名。参见规则116.2j

702.106d Hidden agenda and another ability of the object with hidden agenda that refers to “the chosen name” are linked. The second ability refers only to the card name chosen as a result of that object’s hidden agenda ability. See rule 607.2d.
702.106d 秘案与具有秘案异能的物件上另一个提及“具有该名称”的异能是关联异能。第二个异能仅指秘案异能作为结论所决定的牌名。

702.106e If a player leaves the game, all face-down conspiracy cards controlled by that player must be revealed to all players. At the end of each game, all face-down conspiracy cards must be revealed to all players.
702.106e 如果一位牌手将离开游戏,所有由该牌手操控的牌面朝下的诡局牌必须向所有牌手展示。在每盘游戏结束时,所有牌面朝下的诡局牌必须向所有牌手展示。

702.106f Double agenda is a variant of the hidden agenda ability. As you put a conspiracy card with double agenda into the command zone, you secretly name two different cards rather than one. You don’t reveal that more than one name was secretly chosen until you reveal the chosen names.
702.106f 双重秘案是秘案异能的一种变化。于你将一张具双重秘案异能的诡局牌置入统帅区时,私下决定两个牌名(而不是一个)。你不用展示你所决定的牌名之数量,直到你展示所决定的牌名。

702.107. Outlast
702.107. 延生

702.107a Outlast is an activated ability. “Outlast [cost]” means “[Cost], {T}: Put a +1/+1 counter on this creature. Activate only as a sorcery.”
702.107a 延生属于起动式异能。“延生[费用]”意指“[费用],{横置}:在此生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。只能于法术时机起动。”

702.108. Prowess
702.108. 灵技

702.108a Prowess is a triggered ability. “Prowess” means “Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, this creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.”
702.108a 灵技属于触发式异能。“灵技”意指“每当你施放非生物咒语时,此生物得+1/+1直到回合结束。”

702.108b If a creature has multiple instances of prowess, each triggers separately.
702.108b 如果某生物具有数个灵技异能,则每一个都会分别触发。

702.109. Dash
702.109. 掩袭

702.109a Dash represents three abilities: two static abilities that function while the card with dash is on the stack, one of which may create a delayed triggered ability, and a static ability that functions while the object with dash is on the battlefield. “Dash [cost]” means “You may cast this card by paying [cost] rather than its mana cost,” “If this spell’s dash cost was paid, return the permanent this spell becomes to its owner’s hand at the beginning of the next end step,” and “As long as this permanent’s dash cost was paid, it has haste.” Casting a spell for its dash cost follows the rules for paying alternative costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.109a 掩袭代表三个异能:两个会在具掩袭异能的牌位于堆叠上时生效的静止式异能,其中一个会产生延迟触发式异能;以及在具掩袭异能之物件位于战场上时生效的静止式异能。“掩袭[费用]”意指“你可以支付[费用]来施放此牌,而非支付其法术力费用”,“如果你选择支付此咒语的掩袭费用,则在结束步骤开始时,将此咒语成为的永久物移回其拥有者手上”,以及“只要支付了此永久物的掩袭费用,它便具有敏捷”。支付掩袭费用施放咒语时,需依照规则601.2b与规则601.2f-h的规定来支付替代性费用。

702.110. Exploit
702.110. 榨取

702.110a Exploit is a triggered ability. “Exploit” means “When this creature enters, you may sacrifice a creature.”
702.110a 榨取属于触发式异能。“榨取”意指“当此生物进场时,你可以牺牲一个生物。”

702.110b A creature with exploit “exploits a creature” when the controller of the exploit ability sacrifices a creature as that ability resolves.
702.110b 对具榨取异能的生物而言,当该榨取异能的操控者在榨取异能结算时牺牲了生物时,此生物即“榨取生物”。

702.111. Menace
702.111. 威慑

702.111a Menace is an evasion ability.
702.111a 威慑属于躲避式异能。

702.111b A creature with menace can’t be blocked except by two or more creatures. (See rule 509, “Declare Blockers Step.”)
702.111b 具威慑异能的生物只能被两个或更多生物阻挡。(参见规则509,“宣告阻挡者步骤”。)

702.111c Multiple instances of menace on the same creature are redundant.
702.111c 同一个生物上的数个威慑异能并无意义。

702.112. Renown
702.112. 铭勇

702.112a Renown is a triggered ability. “Renown N” means “When this creature deals combat damage to a player, if it isn’t renowned, put N +1/+1 counters on it and it becomes renowned.”
702.112a 铭勇属于触发式异能。“铭勇N”意指“当此生物对任一牌手造成战斗伤害时,若它未铭勇,则在其上放置N个+1/+1指示物且它已铭勇。”

702.112b Renowned is a designation that has no rules meaning other than to act as a marker that the renown ability and other spells and abilities can identify. Only permanents can be or become renowned. Once a permanent becomes renowned, it stays renowned until it leaves the battlefield. Renowned is neither an ability nor part of the permanent’s copiable values.
702.112b “已铭勇”此称号并无规则含义。它仅用作标记,供铭勇异能及其他咒语和异能辨识之用。只有永久物能够铭勇。一旦某永久物已铭勇后,它便会一直保持已铭勇,直到它离开战场为止。“已铭勇”既不是异能,也不是该永久物可复制特征值的一部分。

702.112c If a creature has multiple instances of renown, each triggers separately. The first such ability to resolve will cause the creature to become renowned, and subsequent abilities will have no effect. (See rule 603.4)
702.112c 如果某生物具有数个铭勇异能,则每一个都会分别触发。第一个结算的此类异能会让该生物铭勇,后续的异能不会生效(参见规则603.4)。

702.113. Awaken
702.113. 醒转

702.113a Awaken appears on some instants and sorceries. It represents two abilities: a static ability that functions while the spell with awaken is on the stack and a spell ability. “Awaken N—[cost]” means “You may pay [cost] rather than pay this spell’s mana cost as you cast this spell” and “If this spell’s awaken cost was paid, put N +1/+1 counters on target land you control. That land becomes a 0/0 Elemental creature with haste. It’s still a land.” Casting a spell using its awaken ability follows the rules for paying alternative costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.113a 醒转会在某些瞬间与法术上出现。它代表了两个异能:一个于具醒转异能的咒语在堆叠中时生效的静止式异能,以及一个咒语异能。“醒转N~[费用]”意指“你可以支付[费用]来施放此咒语而不支付其法术力费用”以及“若曾支付该咒语的醒转费用,则在目标由你操控的地上放置N个+1/+1指示物。该地成为0/0,具敏捷异能的元素生物。它仍然是地。”以醒转异能施放咒语时,需依照规则601.2b601.2f-h之规范来支付替代性费用。

702.113b The controller of a spell with awaken chooses the target of the awaken spell ability only if that player chose to pay the spell’s awaken cost. Otherwise the spell is cast as if it didn’t have that target.
702.113b 具醒转异能之咒语的操控者仅当在该牌手选择支付咒语的醒转费用时,才需选择醒转这一咒语异能的目标。否则,便视为该咒语施放时并无此类目标。

702.114. Devoid
702.114. 虚色

702.114a Devoid is a characteristic-defining ability. “Devoid” means “This object is colorless.” This ability functions everywhere, even outside the game. See rule 604.3.
702.114a 虚色属于特征定义异能。“虚色”意指“此物件是无色”。此异能在所有区域都生效,甚至包括游戏外。参见规则604.3

702.115. Ingest
702.115. 摄食

702.115a Ingest is a triggered ability. “Ingest” means “Whenever this creature deals combat damage to a player, that player exiles the top card of their library.”
702.115a 摄食属于触发式异能。“摄食”意指“每当此生物对任一牌手造成战斗伤害时,该牌手放逐其牌库顶牌。”

702.115b If a creature has multiple instances of ingest, each triggers separately.
702.115b 若某生物具有数个摄食异能,则每一个都会分别触发。

702.116. Myriad
702.116. 繁影

702.116a Myriad is a triggered ability that may also create a delayed triggered ability. “Myriad” means “Whenever this creature attacks, for each opponent other than defending player, you may create a token that’s a copy of this creature that’s tapped and attacking that player or a planeswalker they control. If one or more tokens are created this way, exile the tokens at end of combat.”
702.116a 繁影属于触发式异能,且此异能可能会产生另一个延迟触发式异能。“繁影”意指“每当此生物攻击时,对防御牌手之外的每位对手而言,你可以派出一个横置的衍生物且正对该牌手或由他操控的某个鹏洛客进行攻击,该衍生物为此生物的复制品。如果你以此法派出一个或数个衍生物,则在战斗结束时,放逐这些衍生物。”

702.116b If a creature has multiple instances of myriad, each triggers separately.
702.116b 如果某生物具有数个繁影异能,则每一个都会分别触发。

702.117. Surge
702.117. 潮涌

702.117a Surge is a static ability that functions while the spell with surge is on the stack. “Surge [cost]” means “You may pay [cost] rather than pay this spell’s mana cost as you cast this spell if you or one of your teammates has cast another spell this turn.” Casting a spell for its surge cost follows the rules for paying alternative costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.117a 潮涌属于静止式异能,当具潮涌异能的咒语在堆叠中时生效。“潮涌[费用]”意指,“如果你或你的队友本回合中施放过其他咒语,则你于施放此咒语时可以支付[费用],而不支付此咒语的法术力费用。”支付潮涌费用施放咒语时,需依照规则601.2b601.2f-h之规范来支付替代性费用。

702.118. Skulk
702.118. 潜匿

702.118a Skulk is an evasion ability.
702.118a 潜匿属于躲避式异能。

702.118b A creature with skulk can’t be blocked by creatures with greater power. (See rule 509, “Declare Blockers Step.”)
702.118b 具潜匿异能的生物不能被力量比它大的生物阻挡。(参见规则509,“宣告阻挡者步骤”。)

702.118c Multiple instances of skulk on the same creature are redundant.
702.118c 同一个生物上的数个潜匿异能并无意义。

702.119. Emerge
702.119. 化生

702.119a Emerge represents two static abilities that function while the spell with emerge is on the stack. “Emerge [cost]” means “You may cast this spell by paying [cost] and sacrificing a creature rather than paying its mana cost” and “If you chose to pay this spell’s emerge cost, its total cost is reduced by an amount of generic mana equal to the sacrificed creature’s mana value.” Casting a spell using its emerge ability follows the rules for paying alternative costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.119a 化生代表了两个静止式异能,两者都是当具化生异能的咒语在堆叠上时产生作用。“化生[费用]”意指“你可以支付[费用]并牺牲一个生物来施放此咒语,而不支付其法术力费用”以及“如果你选择支付此咒语的化生费用,则其总费用会减少一定数量的一般法术力,其数量等同于所牺牲生物之法术力值。”以化生异能施放咒语时,需依照规则601.2b601.2f-h之规范来支付替代性费用。

702.119b Emerge from [quality] is a variant of emerge. “Emerge from [quality] [cost]” means “You may cast this spell by paying [cost] and sacrificing a [quality] permanent rather than paying its mana cost” and “If you pay this spell’s emerge cost, its total cost is reduced by an amount of generic mana equal to the sacrificed permanent’s mana value.”
702.119b [特性]化生是化生异能的变化形式。“[特性]化生[费用]”意指“你可以支付[费用]并牺牲一个[特性]永久物来施放此咒语,而不支付其法术力费用”以及“如果你选择支付此咒语的化生费用,则其总费用会减少一定数量的一般法术力,其数量等同于所牺牲永久物之法术力值。”

702.119c You choose which permanent to sacrifice as you choose to pay a spell’s emerge cost (see rule 601.2b), and you sacrifice that permanent as you pay the total cost (see rule 601.2h).
702.119c 于你选择支付咒语的化生费用时,一并选择牺牲哪个永久物。(参见规则601.2b。)于你支付总费用时,牺牲该永久物。(参见规则601.2h。)

702.120. Escalate
702.120. 增效

702.120a Escalate is a static ability of modal spells (see rule 700.2) that functions while the spell with escalate is on the stack. “Escalate [cost]” means “For each mode you choose beyond the first as you cast this spell, you pay an additional [cost].” Paying a spell’s escalate cost follows the rules for paying additional costs in rules 601.2f–h.
702.120a 增效属于具有模式之咒语的静止式异能(参见规则700.2),当具增效异能的咒语位于堆叠上时产生作用。“增效[费用]”意指“除你为此咒语选择的第一个模式之外,你每为其多选择一个模式,便须额外支付一次[费用]。”支付某咒语的增效费用时,需依照规则601.2b与规则601.2f-h之规范来选择模式以及支付额外费用。

702.121. Melee
702.121. 乱斗

702.121a Melee is a triggered ability. “Melee” means “Whenever this creature attacks, it gets +1/+1 until end of turn for each opponent you attacked with a creature this combat.”
702.121a 乱斗属于触发式异能。“乱斗”意指“每当此生物攻击时,本次战斗中每有一位受你以生物攻击的对手,此生物便得+1/+1直到回合结束。”

702.121b If a creature has multiple instances of melee, each triggers separately.
702.121b 若某生物具有数个乱斗异能,则每一个都会分别触发。

702.122. Crew
702.122. 搭载

702.122a Crew is an activated ability of Vehicle cards. “Crew N” means “Tap any number of other untapped creatures you control with total power N or greater: This permanent becomes an artifact creature until end of turn.”
702.122a 搭载是载具牌上的起动式异能。“搭载N”意指“横置任意数量由你操控且力量总和等于或大于N的其他未横置生物:此永久物成为神器生物直到回合结束。”

702.122b A creature “crews a Vehicle” when it’s tapped to pay the cost to activate a Vehicle’s crew ability.
702.122b 当某个生物被横置来支付起动某载具之搭载异能的费用时,该生物便“搭载载具”。

702.122c If an effect states that a creature “can’t crew Vehicles,” that creature can’t be tapped to pay the crew cost of a Vehicle.
702.122c 如果某个效应注明某个生物“不能搭载载具”,则该生物不能横置来支付载具搭载异能的费用。

702.122d Some Vehicles have abilities that trigger when they become crewed. “Whenever [this Vehicle] becomes crewed” means “Whenever a crew ability of [this Vehicle] resolves.” If that ability has an intervening “if” clause that refers to information about the creatures that crewed it, it means only creatures that were tapped to pay the cost of the crew ability that caused it to trigger.
702.122d 一些载具具有当其成为已搭载时触发的异能。“每当[此载具]成为已搭载”意指“每当[此载具]的一个搭载异能结算时。”如果该异能具有以“若”开头的子句,且该子句提及关于搭载该载具之生物的信息,则其仅提及使该触发式异能触发的该次搭载异能起动时,横置以支付费用的生物。

702.123. Fabricate
702.123. 装配

702.123a Fabricate is a triggered ability. “Fabricate N” means “When this permanent enters, you may put N +1/+1 counters on it. If you don’t, create N 1/1 colorless Servo artifact creature tokens.”
702.123a 装配属于触发式异能。“装配N”意指“当此永久物进场时,你可以在其上放置N个+1/+1指示物。若你未如此作,则派出N个1/1无色自动机衍生神器生物。”

702.123b If a permanent has multiple instances of fabricate, each triggers separately.
702.123b 如果某永久物具有数个装配异能,则每一个都会分别触发。

702.124. Partner
702.124. 拍档

702.124a Partner abilities are keyword abilities that modify the rules for deck construction in the Commander variant (see rule 903), and they function before the game begins. Each partner ability allows you to designate two legendary cards as your commander rather than one. Each partner ability has its own requirements for those two commanders. The partner abilities are: partner, partner with [name], friends forever, choose a Background, and Doctor’s companion.
702.124a 拍档异能属于改变指挥官玩法(参见规则903)之套牌构组规则的异能,在游戏开始前生效。每种拍档异能都允许你将两张传奇牌共同作为你的指挥官,而不是一张。每种拍档异能都对两个指挥官有所要求。拍档异能包括:拍档、与[名称]拍档、友谊永恒、选择身世,以及博士伙伴。

702.124b Your deck must contain exactly 100 cards, including its two commanders. Both commanders begin the game in the command zone.
702.124b 你的套牌必须刚好由一百张牌构成,包括两个指挥官在内。这两个指挥官在游戏开始时都位于统帅区。

702.124c A rule or effect that refers to your commander’s color identity refers to the combined color identities of your two commanders. See rule 903.4.
702.124c 如果有规则或效应提及你指挥官的标识色,则其指的是你两个指挥官的联合标识色。参见规则903.4

702.124d Except for determining the color identity of your commander, the two commanders function independently. When casting a commander with partner, ignore how many times your other commander has been cast (see rule 903.8). When determining whether a player has been dealt 21 or more combat damage by the same commander, consider damage from each of your two commanders separately (see rule 903.10a).
702.124d 除了套牌标识色会联合确定外,其他情况下这两个指挥官均是各自独立运作。在施放某个具拍档异能的指挥官时,不需考虑你另一个指挥官此前已被施放的次数(参见规则903.8)。在确定某位牌手是否已受到来自同一个指挥官总共21点或更多战斗伤害时,会分别计算两个指挥官各自所造成的伤害(参见规则903.10a)。

702.124e If an effect refers to your commander while you have two commanders, it refers to either one. If an effect causes you to perform an action on your commander and it could affect both, you choose which it refers to at the time the effect is applied.
702.124e 如果有效应提及“你的指挥官”而你有两个指挥官,则其指的是其中任意一个。如果有效应令你对“你的指挥官”执行某行动,且两个指挥官都能受其影响,则由你在该效应生效时决定要对哪个指挥官执行该动作。

702.124f Different partner abilities are distinct from one another and cannot be combined. For example, you cannot designate two cards as your commander if one of them has “partner” and the other has “partner with [name].”
702.124f 不同的拍档异能各不相同,不能组合。例如,如果一张牌具有“拍档”,另一张牌具有“与[名称]拍档”,则你不能将这两张牌共同作为你的指挥官。

702.124g If a legendary card has more than one partner ability, you may choose which one to use when designating your commander, but you can’t use both. Notably, no partner ability or combination of partner abilities can ever let a player have more than two commanders.
702.124g 如果一张传奇牌具有一种以上的拍档异能,你可以在指定你的指挥官时选择其中一种来使用,但不能同时使用。任何拍档异能或拍档异能组合都不会使得牌手拥有多于两个指挥官。

702.124h “Partner” means “You may designate two legendary creature cards as your commander rather than one if each of them has partner.”
702.124h “拍档”意指“你可以将两张具有拍档的传奇生物牌共同用作你的指挥官。”

702.124i “Partner with [name]” represents two abilities. It means “You may designate two legendary creature cards as your commander rather than one if each has a ‘partner with [name]’ ability with the other’s name” and “When this permanent enters, target player may search their library for a card named [name], reveal it, put it into their hand, then shuffle.”
702.124i “与[名称]拍档”代表两个异能。它意指“你可以将一张具有‘与[名称]拍档’异能的传奇生物牌与一张具有该名称的牌共同用作你的指挥官。”以及“当此永久物进场时,目标牌手可以其牌库中搜寻一张名为[名称]的牌,展示该牌,然后将它置于其手上,然后洗牌。”

702.124j “Friends forever” means “You may designate two legendary creature cards as your commander rather than one if each of them has friends forever.”
702.124j “友谊永恒”意指“你可以将两张具有友谊永恒异能的传奇生物牌共同用作你的指挥官。”

702.124k “Choose a Background” means “You may designate two cards as your commander rather than one if one of them is this card and the other is a legendary Background enchantment card.” You can’t designate two cards as your commander if one has a “choose a Background” ability and the other is not a legendary Background enchantment card, and legendary Background enchantment cards can’t be your commander unless you have also designated a commander with “choose a Background.”
702.124k “选择身世”意指“你可以将两张牌共同用作你的指挥官,而不是一张,只要其中一张是此牌,另一张是传奇身世结界牌。”如果一张牌具有“选择身世”异能且另一张牌不是传奇身世结界牌,你便不能将它们共同用作指挥官。传奇身世结界牌不能成为你的指挥官,除非你同时将另一张具有“选择身世”的牌用作指挥官。

702.124m “Doctor’s companion” means “You may designate two legendary creature cards as your commander rather than one if one of them is this card and the other is a legendary Time Lord Doctor creature card that has no other creature types.”
702.124m “博士伙伴”意指“你可以将两张牌共同用作你的指挥官,而不是一张,只要其中一张是此牌,另一张是传奇时间领主/医生生物牌且不具其他生物类别。”(译注:Doctor此生物类别之官方翻译为“医生”而非“博士”。)

702.124n If an effect refers to a partner ability by name, it means only that partner ability and not any others. If an effect refers to the partner ability or cards with partner and doesn’t mention a specific variant of the partner ability by name, it is referring only to partner, partner with [name], or cards with either of those abilities, and does not refer to any other partner variant.
702.124n 如果一个效应提及某拍档异能的名称,则其仅指该拍档异能而非其他任何种类。如果一个效应提及拍档异能或者具有拍档的牌,且未提及某个具体变化形式的名称,则其仅指拍档,与[名称]拍档或者具有这两种异能之一的牌,而不代表任何其他的拍档异能之变化形式。

702.125. Undaunted
702.125. 不屈

702.125a Undaunted is a static ability that functions while the spell with undaunted is on the stack. Undaunted means “This spell costs {1} less to cast for each opponent you have.”
702.125a 不屈属于静止式异能,当具有不屈异能的咒语在堆叠中时生效。不屈意指“每有一位对手,此咒语便减少{1}来施放。”

702.125b Players who have left the game are not counted when determining how many opponents you have.
702.125b 确定对手数量时,不会将已离开游戏的牌手计算在内。

702.125c If a spell has multiple instances of undaunted, each of them applies.
702.125c 如果某个咒语具有数个不屈异能,则每个都会分别生效。

702.126. Improvise
702.126. 拼造

702.126a Improvise is a static ability that functions while the spell with improvise is on the stack. “Improvise” means “For each generic mana in this spell’s total cost, you may tap an untapped artifact you control rather than pay that mana.”
702.126a 拼造属于静止式异能,当具拼造异能的咒语在堆叠中时生效。“拼造”意指“对此咒语总费用中每一点一般法术力而言,你可以横置一个由你操控且未横置的神器,而不支付该法术力。”

702.126b The improvise ability isn’t an additional or alternative cost and applies only after the total cost of the spell with improvise is determined.
702.126b 拼造异能不属于额外费用,也不属于替代性费用,且仅在具拼造异能之咒语的总费用确定之后生效。

702.126c Multiple instances of improvise on the same spell are redundant.
702.126c 同一个咒语上的数个拼造异能并无意义。

702.127. Aftermath
702.127. 余响

702.127a Aftermath is an ability found on some split cards (see rule 709, “Split Cards”). It represents three static abilities. “Aftermath” means “You may cast this half of this split card from your graveyard,” “This half of this split card can’t be cast from any zone other than a graveyard,” and “If this spell was cast from a graveyard, exile it instead of putting it anywhere else any time it would leave the stack.”
702.127a 余响是见于某些连体牌的异能(参见规则709,“连体牌”)。它代表三个静止式异能。“余响”意指“你可以从你的坟墓场施放此连体牌的这半边”、“除了从坟墓场之外,不能从任何区域施放此连体牌的这半边”,以及“如果此咒语是从坟墓场施放,则当其将于任何时机下离开堆叠时,改为将其放逐,而非置入其他区域”。

702.128. Embalm
702.128. 遗存

702.128a Embalm is an activated ability that functions while the card with embalm is in a graveyard. “Embalm [cost]” means “[Cost], Exile this card from your graveyard: Create a token that’s a copy of this card, except it’s white, it has no mana cost, and it’s a Zombie in addition to its other types. Activate only as a sorcery.”
702.128a 遗存属于起动式异能,于具遗存异能的牌位于坟墓场中时生效。“遗存[费用]”意指“[费用],从你的坟墓场放逐此牌:派出一个衍生物,此衍生物为此牌的复制品,但它是白色,没有法术力费用,且额外具有灵俑此类别。只能于法术时机起动。”

702.128b A token is “embalmed” if it’s created by a resolving embalm ability.
702.128b 如果某衍生物系由结算遗存异能而派出,则称该衍生物“已遗存”。

702.129. Eternalize
702.129. 永生

702.129a Eternalize is an activated ability that functions while the card with eternalize is in a graveyard. “Eternalize [cost]” means “[Cost], Exile this card from your graveyard: Create a token that’s a copy of this card, except it’s black, it’s 4/4, it has no mana cost, and it’s a Zombie in addition to its other types. Activate only as a sorcery.”
702.129a 永生属于起动式异能,于具永生异能的牌位于坟墓场中时生效。“永生[费用]”意指“[费用],从你的坟墓场放逐此牌:派出一个衍生物,此衍生物为该牌的复制品,但它为黑色,是4/4,没有法术力费用,且额外具有灵俑此类别。只能于法术时机起动。”

702.130. Afflict
702.130. 折磨

702.130a Afflict is a triggered ability. “Afflict N” means “Whenever this creature becomes blocked, defending player loses N life.”
702.130a 折磨属于触发式异能。“折磨N”意指“每当此生物被阻挡时,防御牌手失去N点生命”。

702.130b If a creature has multiple instances of afflict, each triggers separately.
702.130b 如果某生物具有数个折磨异能,则每一个都会分别触发。

702.131. Ascend
702.131. 登殿

702.131a Ascend on an instant or sorcery spell represents a spell ability. It means “If you control ten or more permanents and you don’t have the city’s blessing, you get the city’s blessing for the rest of the game.”
702.131a 瞬间或法术咒语上的登殿代表咒语异能。意指“如果你操控十个或更多永久物,且你没有黄金城祝福,则于这盘游戏接下来的时段中,你得到黄金城祝福。”

702.131b Ascend on a permanent represents a static ability. It means “Any time you control ten or more permanents and you don’t have the city’s blessing, you get the city’s blessing for the rest of the game.”
702.131b 永久物上的登殿代表静止式异能。意指“但凡你操控十个或更多永久物,且你没有黄金城祝福,你便于这盘游戏接下来的时段中得到黄金城祝福。”

702.131c The city’s blessing is a designation that has no rules meaning other than to act as a marker that other rules and effects can identify. Any number of players may have the city’s blessing at the same time.
702.131c “得到黄金城祝福”此称号并无规则含义。它仅用作标记,供其他规则和效应辨识之用。在同一时刻可有任意数量的牌手得到黄金城祝福。

702.131d After a player gets the city’s blessing, continuous effects are reapplied before the game checks to see if the game state or preceding events have matched any trigger conditions.
702.131d 在牌手得到黄金城祝福之后,所有持续性效应会重新生效,然后游戏才会检查游戏状态或之前的事件是否满足触发条件。

702.132. Assist
702.132. 助力

702.132a Assist is a static ability that modifies the rules of paying for the spell with assist (see rules 601.2g-h). If the total cost to cast a spell with assist includes a generic mana component, before you activate mana abilities while casting it, you may choose another player. That player has a chance to activate mana abilities. Once that player chooses not to activate any more mana abilities, you have a chance to activate mana abilities. Before you begin to pay the total cost of the spell, the player you chose may pay for any amount of the generic mana in the spell’s total cost.
702.132a 助力属于静止式异能,会改变为具助力异能之咒语支付费用时需遵循之规范(参见规则601.2g-h)。如果施放具助力异能之咒语的总费用当中包括一般法术力的部分,则于你在施放该咒语的过程中起动法术力异能之前,你可以选择另一位牌手。该牌手此时有机会来起动法术力异能。一旦该牌手决定不再起动法术力异能,便轮到你有机会来起动法术力异能。在你开始支付该咒语的总费用之前,先前所选之牌手可以支付该咒语总费用中一般法术力部分里之任意数量的费用。

702.133. Jump-Start
702.133. 再起

702.133a Jump-start appears on some instants and sorceries. It represents two static abilities: one that functions while the card is in a player’s graveyard and another that functions while the card is on the stack. “Jump-start” means “You may cast this card from your graveyard if the resulting spell is an instant or sorcery spell by discarding a card as an additional cost to cast it” and “If this spell was cast using its jump-start ability, exile this card instead of putting it anywhere else any time it would leave the stack.” Casting a spell using its jump-start ability follows the rules for paying additional costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.133a 再起会在某些瞬间与法术上出现。它代表两个静止式异能:一个会于此牌在某牌手的坟墓场中时生效,另一个则于此牌在堆叠中时生效。“再起”意指“如果所成为的咒语是瞬间或法术咒语,你可以从你的坟墓场施放此牌,但必须弃一张牌,以作为施放它的额外费用”以及“若是以再起方式施放此咒语,则于此牌将于任何时机下离开堆叠时,改为将它放逐,而非置入其他任何区域。”以再起异能施放咒语时,需依照规则601.2b与规则601.2f-h之规范来支付额外费用。

702.134. Mentor
702.134. 训导

702.134a Mentor is a triggered ability. “Mentor” means “Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with power less than this creature’s power.”
702.134a 训导属于触发式异能。“训导”意指“每当此生物攻击时,在目标进行攻击且力量小于此生物的生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。”

702.134b If a creature has multiple instances of mentor, each triggers separately.
702.134b 如果某生物具有数个训导异能,则每一个都会分别触发。

702.134c An ability that triggers whenever a creature mentors another creature triggers whenever a mentor ability whose source is the first creature and whose target is the second creature resolves.
702.134c 每当一个生物训导另一个生物时触发的异能,会在来源为第一个生物且目标为第二个生物的训导异能结算时触发。

702.135. Afterlife
702.135. 往生

702.135a Afterlife is a triggered ability. “Afterlife N” means “When this permanent is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, create N 1/1 white and black Spirit creature tokens with flying.”
702.135a 往生属于触发式异能。“往生N”意指“当此永久物从战场进入坟墓场时,派出N个1/1,白黑双色,具飞行异能的精怪衍生生物。”

702.135b If a permanent has multiple instances of afterlife, each triggers separately.
702.135b 如果某永久物具有数个往生异能,则每一个都会分别触发。

702.136. Riot
702.136. 起事

702.136a Riot is a static ability. “Riot” means “You may have this permanent enter with an additional +1/+1 counter on it. If you don’t, it gains haste.”
702.136a 起事属于静止式异能。“起事”意指“你可以让此永久物进场时上面额外有一个+1/+1指示物。如果你未如此作,则它获得敏捷异能。”

702.136b If a permanent has multiple instances of riot, each works separately.
702.136b 若某永久物具有数个起事异能,则每一个都会分别生效。

702.137. Spectacle
702.137. 揭幕

702.137a Spectacle is a static ability that functions on the stack. “Spectacle [cost]” means “You may pay [cost] rather than pay this spell’s mana cost if an opponent lost life this turn.” Casting a spell for its spectacle cost follows the rules for paying alternative costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.137a 揭幕属于静止式异能,于堆叠中时生效。“揭幕[费用]”意指“如果本回合有对手曾失去生命,则你可以支付[费用],而不支付此咒语的法术力费用。”支付咒语的揭幕费用时,需依照规则601.2b与规则601.2f-h之规范来支付替代性费用。

702.138. Escape
702.138. 逸脱

702.138a Escape represents a static ability that functions while the card with escape is in a player’s graveyard. “Escape [cost]” means “You may cast this card from your graveyard by paying [cost] rather than paying its mana cost.” Casting a spell using its escape ability follows the rules for paying alternative costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.138a 逸脱代表一个静止式异能,会于具逸脱异能之牌张在某牌手的坟墓场中时生效。“逸脱[费用]”意指“你可以从你的坟墓场施放此牌,并支付[费用],而非支付其法术力费用。”以逸脱异能施放咒语时,需依照规则601.2b与规则601.2f-h之规范来支付替代性费用。

702.138b A spell or permanent “escaped” if that spell or the spell that became that permanent as it resolved was cast from a graveyard with an escape ability.
702.138b 若某咒语系以逸脱异能从坟墓场施放,则称该咒语本身或其所成的永久物(若其为永久物咒语)“已逸脱”。

702.138c An ability that reads “[This permanent] escapes with [one or more of a kind of counter]” means “If this permanent escaped, it enters with [those counters]” That ability may have a triggered ability linked to it that triggers “When it enters this way.” (See rule 603.11.) Such a triggered ability triggers when that permanent enters the battlefield after its replacement effect was applied, even if that replacement effect had no effect.
702.138c 叙述为“[此永久物]逸脱时上面有[一个或数个某种指示物]”的异能意指“如果此永久物已逸脱,则其进场时上面有[这些指示物]”。这类异能后文可能会连带一个与之关联的触发式异能,且会于“当它以此法进场”时触发。(参见规则603.11。)这类触发式异能会在该永久物进战场,且其替代性效应均已全部生效之后才会触发,就算前述替代性效应没有效果也是如此。

702.138d An ability that reads “[This permanent] escapes with [ability]” means “If this permanent escaped, it has [ability].”
702.138d 叙述为“[此永久物]逸脱时具有[异能]”的异能意指“如果此永久物已逸脱,则它具有[异能]。”

702.139. Companion
702.139. 行侣

702.139a Companion is a keyword ability that functions outside the game. It’s written as “Companion—[Condition].” Before the game begins, you may reveal one card you own from outside the game with a companion ability whose condition is fulfilled by your starting deck. (See rule 103.2b.) Once during the game, any time you have priority and the stack is empty, but only during a main phase of your turn, you may pay {3} and put that card into your hand. This is a special action that doesn’t use the stack (see rule 116.2g). This is a change from previous rules.
702.139a 行侣是一个关键字异能,在游戏外生效。其叙述写作“行侣~[条件]。”在一盘游戏开始前,你可以一张由你拥有、且在游戏外的具行侣异能的牌,其条件须由你的起始套牌来满足。(参见规则103.2b。)每盘游戏中限一次,在你拥有优先权且堆叠为空、但仅限在你回合的行动阶段中,你可以随时支付{3}将该牌置于你手上。这是个特殊动作,不使用堆叠(参见规则116.2g。)这是对先前规则的改动。

702.139b If a companion ability refers to your starting deck, it refers to your deck after you’ve set aside any sideboard cards. In a Commander game, this is also before you’ve set aside your commander.
702.139b 如果一条行侣异能提及你的起始套牌,它意指你将备牌放在一边之后你的套牌。在指挥官游戏中,该套牌亦指你在将你的指挥官放在一边之前你的套牌。

702.139c Once you take the special action and put the card with companion into your hand, it remains in the game until the game ends.
702.139c 一旦你执行了该特殊动作并将这张具行侣异能的牌置于手上,直到该盘游戏结束,它都会留在该盘游戏中。

702.140. Mutate
702.140. 合变

702.140a Mutate appears on some creature cards. It represents a static ability that functions while the spell with mutate is on the stack. “Mutate [cost]” means “You may pay [cost] rather than pay this spell’s mana cost. If you do, it becomes a mutating creature spell and targets a non-Human creature with the same owner as this spell.” Casting a spell using its mutate ability follows the rules for paying alternative costs (see 601.2b and 601.2f–h).
702.140a 合变异能出现在一些生物牌上。它代表一个静止式异能,在具合变异能的咒语在堆叠上时生效。“合变[费用]”意指“你可以支付[费用]而不支付此咒语的法术力费用。若你如此作,它成为一个合变式生物咒语,且指定一个与此咒语拥有者相同的非人类生物为目标。”以合变异能施放咒语时,需依照支付替代性费用的规则(参见规则601.2b与规则601.2f-h)。

702.140b As a mutating creature spell begins resolving, if its target is illegal, it ceases to be a mutating creature spell and continues resolving as a creature spell and will be put onto the battlefield under the control of the spell’s controller.
702.140b 于合变式生物咒语开始结算时,若其目标不合法,则其不再是合变式生物咒语,并以生物咒语继续结算,在该咒语操控者的操控下被放进战场。

702.140c As a mutating creature spell resolves, if its target is legal, it doesn’t enter the battlefield. Rather, it merges with the target creature and becomes one object represented by more than one card or token (see rule 727, “Merging with Permanents”). The spell’s controller chooses whether the spell is put on top of the creature or on the bottom. The resulting permanent is a mutated permanent.
702.140c 于合变式生物咒语结算时,若其目标合法,其不会进入战场。它就只是与该目标生物结聚,并成为一个由多于一张牌或衍生物所代表的物件(参见规则727,“与永久物结聚”)。该咒语的操控者选择是要将该咒语放置在该生物的顶上还是底下。所成的永久物是结聚永久物。

702.140d An ability that triggers whenever a creature mutates triggers when a spell merges with a creature as a result of a resolving mutating creature spell.
702.140d 于每当一个生物合变时触发的异能,会在一个咒语与一个生物因一个正在结算的合变式生物咒语而结聚时触发。

702.140e A mutated permanent has all abilities of each card and token that represents it. Its other characteristics are derived from the topmost card or token.
702.140e 一个结聚永久物具有代表它的每张牌和永久物的所有异能。它的其他特征由其最顶上的牌张或衍生物得知。

702.140f Any effect that refers to or modifies the mutating creature spell refers to or modifies the mutated permanent it merges with as it resolves.
702.140f 任何提及或影响合变式生物咒语的效应,也会提及或影响该咒语结算后结聚而成的结聚永久物。

702.141. Encore
702.141. 返场

702.141a Encore is an activated ability that functions while the card with encore is in a graveyard. “Encore [cost]” means “[Cost], Exile this card from your graveyard: For each opponent, create a token that’s a copy of this card that attacks that opponent this turn if able. The tokens gain haste. Sacrifice them at the beginning of the next end step. Activate only as a sorcery.”
702.141a 返场属于起动式异能,于具返场异能的牌在坟墓场时生效。“返场[费用]”意指,“[费用],从你的坟墓场放逐此牌:为每位对手各进行以下流程~派出一个此牌的衍生复制品,且其本回合若能攻击该对手,便须如此作。这些衍生物获得敏捷异能。在下一个结束步骤开始时,将它们牺牲。只能于法术时机起动。”

702.142. Boast
702.142. 炫威

702.142a A boast ability is a special kind of activated ability. “Boast — [Cost]: [Effect]” means “[Cost]: [Effect]. Activate only if this creature attacked this turn and only once each turn.”
702.142a 炫威异能属于一类特殊的起动式异能。“炫威~[费用]:[效应]”意指,“[费用]:[效应]。只能于此生物攻击过的回合中起动,且每回合只能起动一次。”

702.142b Effects may refer to boast abilities. If an effect refers to a creature boasting, it means its boast ability being activated.
702.142b 效应可能会提及炫威异能。如果一个效应提及某生物炫威,其意指起动该生物的炫威异能。

702.143. Foretell
702.143. 预示

702.143a Foretell is a keyword that functions while the card with foretell is in a player’s hand. Any time a player has priority during their turn, that player may pay {2} and exile a card with foretell from their hand face down. That player may look at that card as long as it remains in exile. They may cast that card after the current turn has ended by paying any foretell cost it has rather than paying that spell’s mana cost. Casting a spell this way follows the rules for paying alternative costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.143a 预示此关键字会于具预示异能的牌在牌手手上时生效。于自己的回合中拥有优先权的时机下,牌手可以支付{2}并将一张具预示异能的牌从其手上牌面朝下地放逐。如果该牌手如此作,则他可以检视该牌,且可以在当前回合结束后施放之,但如此施放时须支付该牌所具有之任一预示费用,而不是支付该咒语的法术力费用。以此法施放咒语时,需依照规则601.2b与规则601.2f-h之规范来支付替代性费用。

702.143b Exiling a card using its foretell ability is a special action, which doesn’t use the stack. See rule 116, “Special Actions.”
702.143b 利用某牌的预示异能将之放逐属于特殊动作,不会用到堆叠。参见规则116,“特殊动作”。

702.143c If an effect refers to foretelling a card, it means performing the special action associated with a foretell ability. If an effect refers to a card or spell that was foretold, it means a card put in the exile zone as a result of the special action associated with a foretell ability, or a spell that was a foretold card before it was cast, even if it was cast for a cost other than a foretell cost.
702.143c 如果有效应提及“预示一张牌”,则其意指执行与预示异能相关联之特殊动作。如果有效应提及“已预示的牌”或“已预示的咒语”,则其意指因执行与预示异能相关联之特殊动作而被置入放逐区的牌,或施放前曾为已预示的牌之咒语,包括符合此状况,但是以支付预示费用之外的其他费用而施放的咒语。

702.143d If an effect states that a card in exile becomes foretold, that card becomes a foretold card. That effect may give the card a foretell cost. That card’s owner may look at that card as long as it remains in exile and it may be cast for any foretell cost it has after the turn it became a foretold card has ended, even if the resulting spell doesn’t have foretell.
702.143d 如果有效应注明放逐区中的某牌成为“已预示”,则该牌即成为已预示的牌。该效应可能会同时赋予该牌一个预示费用。于该牌持续被放逐期间,其拥有者可以随时检视之,且在当前回合结束后,便可通过支付该牌所具有的任一预示费用来施放之,就算所成之咒语不具预示异能也是一样。

702.143e If a player owns multiple foretold cards in exile, they must ensure that those cards can be easily differentiated from each other and from any other face-down cards in exile which that player owns. This includes knowing both the order in which those cards were put into exile and any foretell costs other than their printed foretell costs those cards may have.
702.143e 如果某牌手在放逐区中拥有多张已预示的牌,则他必须确保这些牌张彼此之间,以及已预示的牌与放逐区中由其拥有且牌面朝下的牌之间均有显著的分别。这包括列明各已预示之牌进入放逐区的顺序,以及该牌在其上印制的预示费用之外所具有的其他任何预示费用。

702.143f If a player leaves the game, all face-down foretold cards that player owns must be revealed to all players. At the end of each game, all face-down foretold cards must be revealed to all players.
702.143f 如果有牌手离开游戏,则该牌手须将所有由其拥有且牌面朝下的已预示牌展示给所有牌手。在每盘游戏结束后,牌手也须将各自拥有且牌面朝下的已预示牌展示给所有牌手。

702.144. Demonstrate
702.144. 示范

702.144a Demonstrate is a triggered ability. “Demonstrate” means “When you cast this spell, you may copy it and you may choose new targets for the copy. If you copy the spell, choose an opponent. That player copies the spell and may choose new targets for that copy.”
702.144a 示范属于触发式异能。“示范”意指“当你施放此咒语时,你可以将它复制,且你可以为该复制品选择新的目标。若你复制了该咒语,则选择一位对手。该牌手复制此咒语,且可以为该复制品选择新的目标。”

702.145. Daybound and Nightbound
702.145. 昼形与夜形

702.145a Daybound and nightbound are found on opposite faces of some transforming double-faced cards (see rule 712, “Double-Faced Cards”).
702.145a 昼形与夜形分别见于一些转化式双面牌(参见规则712,“双面牌”)的两面。

702.145b Daybound is found on the front faces of some transforming double-faced cards and represents three static abilities. “Daybound” means “If it is night and this permanent is represented by a transforming double-faced card, it enters transformed,” “As it becomes night, if this permanent is front face up, transform it,” and “This permanent can’t transform except due to its daybound ability.” See rule 728, “Day and Night.”
702.145b 昼形见于一些转化式双面牌的正面,代表三个静止式异能。“昼形”意指“如果当前是黑夜,且此永久物以转化式双面牌代表,则此永久物进场时已转化”,“于成为黑夜时,若此永久物正面朝上,转化之”,以及“此永久物不能因其昼形异能之外的方式转化。”参见规则728,“白昼与黑夜”。

702.145c Any time a player controls a permanent that is front face up with daybound and it’s night, that player transforms that permanent. This happens immediately and isn’t a state-based action.
702.145c 如果当前是黑夜,且一位牌手在任何时候操控正面朝上、且具昼形异能的永久物,则该牌手转化该永久物。这会立即发生,且不是状态动作。

702.145d Any time a player controls a permanent with daybound, if it’s neither day nor night, it becomes day.
702.145d 如果当前既非白昼也非黑夜,且一位牌手在任何时候操控具昼形异能的永久物,则成为白昼。

702.145e Nightbound is found on the back faces of some transforming double-faced cards and represents two static abilities. “Nightbound” means “As it becomes day, if this permanent is back face up, transform it” and “This permanent can’t transform except due to its nightbound ability.”
702.145e 夜形见于一些转化式双面牌的背面,代表两个静止式异能。“夜形”意指“于成为白昼时,若此永久物背面朝上,转化之”以及“此永久物不能因其夜形异能之外的方式转化。”

702.145f Any time a player controls a permanent that is back face up with nightbound and it’s day, that player transforms that permanent. This happens immediately and isn’t a state-based action.
702.145f 如果当前是白昼,且一位牌手在任何时候操控背面朝上、且具夜形异能的永久物,则该牌手转化该永久物。这会立即发生,且不是状态动作。

702.145g Any time a player controls a permanent with nightbound, if it’s neither day nor night and there are no permanents with daybound on the battlefield, it becomes night.
702.145g 如果当前既非白昼也非黑夜、战场上没有具昼形异能的永久物,且一位牌手在任何时候操控具夜形异能的永久物,则成为黑夜。

702.146. Disturb
702.146. 惊扰

702.146a Disturb is an ability found on the front face of some transforming double-faced cards (see rule 712, “Double-Faced Cards”). “Disturb [cost]” means “You may cast this card transformed from your graveyard by paying [cost] rather than its mana cost.” See rule 712.8c.
702.146a 惊扰异能见于一些转化式双面牌(参见规则712,“双面牌”)的正面。“惊扰[费用]”意指,“你可以从你坟墓场中施放已转化的此牌,但须支付[费用],而非支付其法术力费用。”参见规则712.8c

702.146b A resolving transforming double-faced spell that was cast using its disturb ability enters the battlefield with its back face up.
702.146b 正在结算的、利用其惊扰异能施放的转化式双面咒语背面朝上地进战场。

702.147. Decayed
702.147. 败朽

702.147a Decayed represents a static ability and a triggered ability. “Decayed” means “This creature can’t block” and “When this creature attacks, sacrifice it at end of combat.”
702.147a 败朽代表一个静止式异能和一个触发式异能。“败朽”意指“此生物不能进行阻挡”和“当此生物攻击时,在战斗结束时将它牺牲。”

702.148. Cleave
702.148. 贯通

702.148a Cleave is a keyword that represents two static abilities that function while a spell with cleave is on the stack. “Cleave [cost]” means “You may cast this spell by paying [cost] rather than paying its mana cost” and “If this spell’s cleave cost was paid, change its text by removing all text found within square brackets in the spell’s rules text.” Casting a spell for its cleave cost follows the rules for paying alternative costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.148a 贯通此关键字代表两个静止式异能,于具贯通异能的咒语在堆叠上时生效。“贯通[费用]“意指”你可以支付[费用]来施放此咒语,而非支付其法术力费用“和“如果曾支付过贯通费用,则改变其叙述,方式为删去此咒语的规则叙述中被方括号包围的所有叙述。“支付贯通费用以施放咒语时,需依照规则601.2b与规则601.2f-h之规范来支付替代性费用。

702.148b Cleave’s second ability is a text-changing effect. See rule 612, “Text-Changing Effects.”
702.148b 贯通所代表的第二个异能是改变叙述的效应。参见规则612,“改变叙述的效应”。

702.149. Training
702.149. 见习

702.149a Training is a triggered ability. “Training” means “Whenever this creature and at least one other creature with power greater than this creature’s power attack, put a +1/+1 counter on this creature.”
702.149a 见习属于触发式异能。“见习”意指“每当此生物与至少一个力量较之为大的其他生物一起攻击时,在此生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。”

702.149b If a creature has multiple instances of training, each triggers separately.
702.149b 如果一个生物具有多个见习异能,则每一个都会分别触发。

702.149c Some creatures with training have abilities that trigger when they train. “When this creature trains” means “When a resolving training ability puts one or more +1/+1 counters on this creature.”
702.149c 一些具有见习异能的生物具有当其见习时触发的触发式异能。“当此生物见习时”意指“当一个正在结算的见习异能放置一个或数个+1/+1指示物在此生物上时”。

702.150. Compleated
702.150. 完化

702.150a Compleated is a static ability found on some planeswalker cards. Compleated means “If this permanent would enter with one or more loyalty counters on it and the player who cast it chose to pay life for any part of its cost represented by Phyrexian mana symbols, it instead enters the battlefield with that many loyalty counters minus two for each of those mana symbols.”
702.150a 完化是见于一些鹏洛客牌上的静止式异能。“完化”意指“如果此永久物进场时上面有一个或数个忠诚指示物,且施放之的牌手曾选择为其费用中以非瑞克西亚法术力符号表示的任一部分支付生命,则改为该永久物进战场时上面有若干数量的忠诚指示物,其数量为原本的数量减去以支付生命方式支付的非瑞克西亚法术力符号之数量乘以二。”

702.151. Reconfigure
702.151. 重配

702.151a Reconfigure represents two activated abilities. Reconfigure [cost] means “[Cost]: Attach this permanent to another target creature you control. Activate only as a sorcery” and “[Cost]: Unattach this permanent. Activate only if this permanent is attached to a creature and only as a sorcery.”
702.151a 重配代表两个起动式异能。“重配[费用]”意指“[费用]:将此永久物贴附在另一个目标由你操控的生物上。只能于法术时机起动。”和“[费用]:将此永久物卸装。只能于此永久物贴附在某生物上时起动,且仅限法术时机。”

702.151b Attaching an Equipment with reconfigure to another creature causes the Equipment to stop being a creature until it becomes unattached from that creature.
702.151b “将具重配异能的武具贴附在另一个生物上”此动作会令该武具不再是生物,直到它卸装为止。

702.152. Blitz
702.152. 急袭

702.152a Blitz represents three abilities: two static abilities that function while the card with blitz is on the stack, one of which may create a delayed triggered ability, and a static ability that functions while the object with blitz is on the battlefield. “Blitz [cost]” means “You may cast this card by paying [cost] rather than its mana cost,” “If this spell’s blitz cost was paid, sacrifice the permanent this spell becomes at the beginning of the next end step,” and “As long as this permanent’s blitz cost was paid, it has haste and ‘When this permanent is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, draw a card.’” Casting a spell for its blitz cost follows the rules for paying alternative costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.152a 急袭代表三个异能:两个于具急袭异能的牌在堆叠上生效的静止式异能,其中一个可以创造一个延迟触发式异能,以及另一个于具急袭异能的物件在战场上时生效的静止式异能。“急袭[费用]”意指“你可以支付[费用]来施放此牌,而非支付其法术力费用。”、“如果曾支付过此咒语的急袭费用,在下个结束步骤开始时,牺牲此咒语所成的永久物”以及“只要曾支付过该永久物的急袭费用,它便具有敏捷与‘当此永久物从战场上置入坟墓场时,抓一张牌。’”支付急袭费用以施放咒语时,需依照规则601.2b601.2f-h之规范来支付替代性费用。

702.152b If a spell has multiple instances of blitz, only one may be used to cast that spell. If a permanent has multiple instances of blitz, each one refers only to payments made for that blitz ability as the spell was cast, not to any payments made for other instances of blitz.
702.152b 如果一个咒语具有多个急袭异能,只能用其中的一个来施放该咒语。如果一个永久物具有多个急袭异能,每个异能仅涉及施放该咒语时支付的急袭费用,而非其他任何急袭费用。

702.153. Casualty
702.153. 催命

702.153a Casualty is a keyword that represents two abilities. The first is a static ability that functions while the spell with casualty is on the stack. The second is a triggered ability that functions while the spell with casualty is on the stack. Casualty N means “As an additional cost to cast this spell, you may sacrifice a creature with power N or greater,” and “When you cast this spell, if a casualty cost was paid for it, copy it. If the spell has any targets, you may choose new targets for the copy.” Paying a spell’s casualty cost follows the rules for paying additional costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.153a 催命此关键字代表两个异能。第一个异能是当具催命异能的咒语在堆叠上时生效的静止式异能。第二个异能是当具催命异能的咒语在堆叠上时生效的触发式异能。“催命N”意指“你可以牺牲一个力量等于或大于N的生物,以作为施放此咒语的额外费用。”以及“当你施放此咒语时,若支付过其催命费用,则将其复制。如果该咒语具有目标,则你可以为该复制品选择新的目标。”支付咒语的催命费用时,需依照规则601.2b601.2f-h之规范来支付额外费用。

702.153b If a spell has multiple instances of casualty, each is paid separately and triggers based on the payments made for it, not any other instance of casualty.
702.153b 如果一个咒语具有多个催命异能,则每一个催命异能的额外费用须分别支付,且仅根据该异能的费用是否被支付而触发,而非根据该咒语上其他催命异能的费用是否被支付。

702.154. Enlist
702.154. 征列

702.154a Enlist represents a static ability and a triggered ability. Enlist means “As this creature attacks, you may tap up to one untapped creature you control that you didn’t choose to attack with and that either has haste or has been under your control continuously since this turn began. When you do, this creature gets +X/+0 until end of turn, where X is the tapped creature’s power.”
702.154a 征列代表一个静止式异能和一个触发式异能。“征列”意指“于此生物攻击时,你可以横置至多一个由你操控、未进行攻击且具有敏捷异能或从本回合开始时一直操控的未横置生物。当你如此作时,此生物得+X/+0直到回合结束,X为所横置生物的力量。”

702.154b Enlist’s static ability represents an optional cost to attack (see rule 508.1g). Its triggered ability is linked to that static ability (see rule 607.2h).
702.154b 征列的静止式异能代表一个攻击的可选费用(参见规则508.1g)。其触发式异能与该静止式异能互相关联(参见规则607.2h)。

702.154c A creature “enlists” another creature when you pay the cost of the creature’s enlist ability by tapping the other creature. Note that it isn’t possible for a creature to enlist itself.
702.154c 当你横置一个生物支付另一个生物之征列异能的费用时,后者生物便“征列”前者生物。注意生物不可能征列自己。

702.154d Multiple instances of enlist on a single creature function independently. The triggered ability represented by each instance of enlist triggers only once and only for the cost associated with that enlist ability.
702.154d 同一个生物上的多个征列异能独立运作。每个征列异能代表的触发式异能只会触发一次,且只因与该征列异能相关联的费用而触发。

702.155. Read Ahead
702.155. 跳读

702.155a Read ahead is a keyword found on some Saga cards. “Read ahead” means “Chapter abilities of this Saga can’t trigger the turn it entered the battlefield unless it has exactly the number of lore counters on it specified in the chapter symbol of that ability.” See rule 714, “Saga Cards.”
702.155a 跳读是见于一些传纪牌上的关键字。“跳读”意指“在此传纪进战场的当回合中,其章节异能不会触发,除非该异能的章节编号正好等同于其上学问指示物的数量。”参见规则714,“传纪牌”。

702.155b As a Saga with the read ahead ability enters the battlefield, its controller chooses a number from one to that Saga’s final chapter number. That Saga enters the battlefield with the chosen number of lore counters on it. See rule 714, “Saga Cards.”
702.155b 于具跳读异能的传纪进战场时,其操控者选择一个数字,范围须在一到该传纪最大章节数字之内。该传纪进战场时上面有所选数量的学问指示物。参见规则714,“传纪牌”。

702.155c Multiple instances of read ahead on the same object are redundant.
702.155c 同一个咒语上的多个跳读异能并无意义。

702.156. Ravenous
702.156. 贪食

702.156a Ravenous is a keyword found on some creature cards with {X} in their mana cost. Ravenous represents both a replacement effect and a triggered ability. “Ravenous” means “This permanent enters with X +1/+1 counters on it” and “When this permanent enters, if X is 5 or more, draw a card.” See rule 107.3m.
702.156a 贪食是见于一些法术力费用中含有{X}之生物牌上的关键字。贪食同时代表一个替代性效应和一个触发式异能。“贪食”意指“此永久物进场时上面有X个+1/+1指示物”以及“当此永久物进场时,若X等于或大于5,则抓一张牌。”参见规则107.3m

702.157. Squad
702.157. 小队

702.157a Squad is a keyword that represents two linked abilities. The first is a static ability that functions while the creature spell with squad is on the stack. The second is a triggered ability that functions when the creature with squad enters the battlefield. “Squad [cost]” means “As an additional cost to cast this spell, you may pay [cost] any number of times” and “When this creature enters, if its squad cost was paid, create a token that’s a copy of it for each time its squad cost was paid.” Paying a spell’s squad cost follows the rules for paying additional costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.157a 小队此关键字代表两个关联异能。第一个异能是当具小队异能的生物咒语在堆叠上时生效的静止式异能。第二个异能是当具小队异能的生物进战场时生效的触发式异能。“小队[费用]”意指“你可以支付[费用]任意次数,以作为施放此咒语的额外费用。”以及“当此生物进场时,若支付过其小队费用,则每支付一次小队费用,就派出一个为其复制品的衍生物。”支付某咒语的小队费用时,需依照规则601.2b与规则601.2f-h的规定来支付额外费用。

702.157b If a spell has multiple instances of squad, each is paid separately. If a permanent has multiple instances of squad, each triggers based on the payments made for that squad ability as it was cast, not based on payments for any other instance of squad.
702.157b 如果一个咒语具有多个小队异能,则每一个均需分别支付。如果一个永久物具有多个小队异能,则每个小队异能都基于为其支付的费用触发,而非其他任何小队费用。

702.158. Space Sculptor
702.158. 太空塑师

702.158a One card (Space Beleren) has the space sculptor ability. This keyword ability causes creatures to gain sector designations.
702.158a 一张牌(Space Beleren)具有太空塑师异能。此关键字异能令生物得到星区称号。

702.158b A sector designation is a designation a permanent can have. The sector designations are alpha sector, beta sector, and gamma sector. Only permanents can have a sector designation. Once a permanent gets a sector designation, it keeps it until no player controls a permanent with space sculptor or an ability whose source has space sculptor. A sector designation is not part of the permanent’s copiable values.
702.158b 星区称号是永久物能够具有的称号。星区称号有三种:阿尔法星区、贝塔星区、伽马星区。只有永久物能够具有星区称号。一旦永久物得到星区称号,其就会一直具有此称号,直到没有牌手操控具有太空塑师异能的永久物或来源具有太空塑师异能的异能为止。

702.158c Any time a permanent with space sculptor and any creatures without a sector designation are on the battlefield at the same time, each player who controls one or more of those creatures and doesn’t control a permanent with space sculptor chooses a sector designation for each of those creatures they control. Then, each other player who controls one or more of those creatures chooses a sector designation for each of those creatures they control. This is a state-based action (see rule 704.5u).
702.158c 具有太空塑师异能的永久物与不具星区称号的生物同时在战场上时,每位未操控具有太空塑师异能之永久物,且操控不具星区称号之生物的牌手为其操控的每个此类生物各选择一个星区称号。然后,每位操控此类生物的其他牌手为其操控的每个此类生物各选择一个星区称号。此为状态动作(参见规则704.5u)。

702.158d Some abilities include an instruction to choose a sector along with an instruction to perform an action on each creature in that sector. To do this, choose one of the three sector designations, then perform that action on each creature with that sector designation.
702.158d 一些异能包含选择一个星区的指示,以及对该星区中的每个生物执行动作的指示。方法如下:从三个星区称号中选择一个,然后对每个具有该星区称号的生物执行该动作。

702.158e Two permanents are in the same sector if each has the same sector designation.
702.158e 两个具有相同星区称号的永久物,即为在同一星区中。

702.159. Visit
702.159. 造访

702.159a Visit is a keyword ability found on Attraction cards (see rule 717). “Visit — [Effect]” means “Whenever you roll to visit your Attractions, if the result is equal to a number that is lit up on this Attraction, [effect].” See rule 701.49, “Roll to Visit Your Attractions.”
702.159a 造访是见于景点牌上的关键字异能(参见规则717)。“造访~[效应]”意指“每当你掷骰造访景点时,若掷骰结果等同于由此景点上的一个亮起的数字,[效应]。”参见规则701.49,“掷骰造访景点”。

702.159b Some Attractions instruct a player to “claim the prize,” followed by a second paragraph that starts with the word “Prize” and a long dash. This text is part of its visit ability. To claim the prize of an Attraction, perform the actions listed after the long dash.
702.159b 一些景点指示牌手“赢得奖励”,随后的第二个段落以单词“Prize”和一条长横线开头。这些叙述是其造访异能的一部分。赢得一个景点的奖励的流程是,执行在该长横线后列出的动作。

702.160. Prototype
702.160. 试作

702.160a Prototype is a static ability that appears on prototype cards that have a secondary set of power, toughness, and mana cost characteristics. A player who casts a spell with prototype can choose to cast that card “prototyped.” If they do, the alternative set of its power, toughness, and mana cost characteristics are used. See 718, “Prototype Cards.”
702.160a 试作是见于具有第二组力量、防御力和法术力费用特征之试作牌上的静止式异能。牌手施放具有试作异能的咒语时,可以选择将此牌作为试作咒语来施放。若如此作,则使用其第二组力量、防御力和法术力费用特征。参见规则718,“试作牌”。

702.161. Living Metal
702.161. 金属生命体

702.161a Living metal is a keyword ability found on some Vehicles. “Living metal” means “During your turn, this permanent is an artifact creature in addition to its other types.”
702.161a 金属生命体是见于某些载具上的关键字异能。“金属生命体”意指“只要是在你的回合中,此载具便也是神器生物。”

702.162. More Than Meets the Eye
702.162. 远超所见

702.162a More Than Meets the Eye represents a static ability that functions in any zone from which the spell may be cast. “More Than Meets the Eye [cost]” means “You may cast this card converted by paying [cost] rather than its mana cost.” Casting a spell using its More Than Meets the Eye ability follows the rules for paying alternative costs (see 601.2b and 601.2f–h). See rule 701.50, “Convert.”
702.162a 远超所见代表一个静止式异能,在任何能施放该咒语的区域中都会生效。“远超所见[费用]”意指“你可以支付[费用]来施放已转换的此牌,而不支付其法术力费用。”支付某咒语的远超所见费用时,需依照规定来支付额外费用(参见规则601.2b与规则601.2f-h)。参见规则701.50,“转换”。

702.163. For Mirrodin!
702.163. 秘罗万岁!

702.163a For Mirrodin! is a triggered ability. “For Mirrodin!” means “When this Equipment enters, create a 2/2 red Rebel creature token, then attach this Equipment to it.”
702.163a 秘罗万岁!属于触发式异能。“秘罗万岁!”意指“当此武具进场时,派出一个2/2红色反抗军衍生生物,然后将它贴附于其上。”

702.164. Toxic
702.164. 下毒

702.164a Toxic is a static ability. It is written “toxic N,” where N is a number.
702.164a 下毒属于静止式异能,其叙述写作“下毒N”,N为一个数字。

702.164b Some rules and effects refer to a creature’s “total toxic value.” A creature’s total toxic value is the sum of all N values of toxic abilities that creature has.
702.164b 一些规则和效应提及一个生物的“总下毒值”。一个生物的总下毒值,等于其具有之所有下毒异能的N值之和。

Example: If a creature with toxic 2 gains toxic 1 due to another effect, its total toxic value is 3.

702.164c Combat damage dealt to a player by a creature with toxic causes that creature’s controller to give the player a number of poison counters equal to that creature’s total toxic value, in addition to the damage’s other results. See rule 120.3.
702.164c 具下毒异能的生物对牌手造成的战斗伤害,除了该伤害的其他效果以外,还会导致该生物的操控者给予受到伤害的牌手若干中毒指示物,其数量等同于该生物的总下毒值。参见规则120.3

702.165. Backup
702.165. 后援

702.165a Backup is a triggered ability. “Backup N” means “When this creature enters, put N +1/+1 counters on target creature. If that’s another creature, it also gains the non-backup abilities of this creature printed below this one until end of turn.” Cards with backup have one or more abilities printed after the backup ability. (Some cards with backup also have abilities printed before the backup ability.)
702.165a 后援属于触发式异能。“后援N”意指“当此生物进场时,在目标生物上放置N个+1/+1指示物。若后者是另一个生物,则它获得下文之非后援的异能直到回合结束。”具有后援异能的牌,都会在后援异能之后印有一个或数个异能。(一些具有后援异能的牌还可能在后援异能之前印有异能。)

702.165b If a permanent enters the battlefield as a copy of a permanent with a backup ability or a token is created that is a copy of that permanent, the order of abilities printed on it is maintained.
702.165b 如果一个永久物作为一个具有后援异能之永久物的复制品进战场,或一个衍生物作为一个具有后援异能之永久物的复制品被派出,其上印有的异能顺序保持不变。

702.165c Only abilities printed on the object with backup are granted by its backup ability. Any abilities gained by a permanent, whether due to a copy effect, an effect that grants an ability to a permanent, or an effect that creates a token with certain abilities, are not granted by a backup ability.
702.165c 只有印在具有后援异能之物件上的异能才能被其后援异能赋予。永久物获得的任何异能,无论是因复制效应而获得,因赋予永久物异能的效应而获得,或是因派出具有特定异能的衍生物的效应而获得,都不会被后援异能赋予。

702.165d The abilities that a backup ability grants are determined as the ability is put on the stack. They won’t change if the permanent with backup loses any abilities after the ability is put on the stack but before it resolves.
702.165d 后援异能赋予的异能在其进入堆叠时确定。如果具有后援异能的永久物在后援异能进入堆叠之后但在结算之前失去了异能,赋予的异能也不会改变。

702.166. Bargain
702.166. 加码

702.166a Bargain is a static ability that functions while the spell with bargain is on the stack. “Bargain” means “As an additional cost to cast this spell, you may sacrifice an artifact, enchantment, or token.” Paying a spell’s bargain cost follows the rules for paying additional costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.166a 加码属于静止式异能,当具加码异能的咒语在堆叠中时生效。“加码”意指“你可以牺牲一个神器,结界或衍生物,以作为施放此咒语的额外费用。”以加码异能施放咒语时,需依照规则601.2b与规则601.2f-h之规范来支付额外费用。

702.166b If a spell’s controller declares the intention to pay that spell’s bargain cost, that spell has been “bargained.” See rule 601.2b.
702.166b 如果一个咒语的操控者宣告将要支付该咒语的加码费用,则该咒语为“已加码”。参见规则601.2b

702.166c Objects with bargain have additional abilities that specify what happens if they were bargained. These abilities are linked to the bargain ability printed on that object: they can refer only to that specific bargain ability. See rule 607, “Linked Abilities.”
702.166c 具有加码的物件具有额外的异能,说明了它已加码时会发生什么。这些异能会关联到此物件上印的加码异能:它们只指这些特定的加码异能。参见规则607,“关联异能”。

702.166d If part of a spell’s ability has its effect only if that spell was bargained and that part of the ability includes any targets, the spell’s controller chooses those targets only if that spell was bargained. Otherwise, the spell is cast as if it did not have those targets. See rule 601.2c.
702.166d 如果一个异能的一部分只会在该咒语已加码时才会生效,且该部分的异能包含了目标,则该咒语的操控者只在该咒语已加码时,才要选择这些目标。否则,便视同该咒语施放时并无此类目标。参见规则601.2c

702.167. Craft
702.167. 化炼

702.167a Craft represents an activated ability. It is written as “Craft with [materials] [cost],” where [materials] is a description of one or more objects. It means “[Cost], Exile this permanent, Exile [materials] from among permanents you control and/or cards in your graveyard: Return this card to the battlefield transformed under its owner’s control. Activate only as a sorcery.”
702.167a 化炼代表一个起动式异能,写作“以[材料]化炼 [费用]”,[材料]为一个或数个物件的描述。它意指“[费用],放逐此永久物,从由你操控的其他永久物和/或你坟墓场的牌中放逐[材料]:将此牌在其拥有者的操控下移回战场且已转化。只能于法术时机起动。”

702.167b If an object in the [materials] of a craft ability is described using only a card type or subtype without the word “card,” it refers to either a permanent on the battlefield that is that type or subtype or a card in a graveyard that is that type or subtype. This is an exception to rule 109.2.
702.167b 如果化炼异能的[材料]中包含之物件仅用牌张类别或副类别描述而未使用“牌”字,它表示在战场上且为该类别或副类别的永久物,或在坟墓场中且为该类别或副类别的牌。这是规则109.2的例外情况。

702.167c An ability of a permanent may refer to the exiled cards used to craft it. This refers to cards in exile that were exiled to pay the activation cost of the craft ability that put this permanent onto the battlefield.
702.167c 一些永久物的异能提及用以化炼放逐之牌。它代表放逐区中曾因支付化炼异能的起动费用而放逐,以将此永久物放进战场的牌。

702.168. Disguise
702.168. 伪装

702.168a Disguise is a static ability that functions in any zone from which you could play the card it’s on, and the disguise effect works any time the card is face down. “Disguise [cost]” means “You may cast this card as a 2/2 face-down creature with ward {2}, no name, no subtypes, and no mana cost by paying {3} rather than paying its mana cost.” (See rule 708, “Face-Down Spells and Permanents.”)
702.168a 伪装属于静止式异能,会在具有此异能的牌位于你可以使用它的区域时生效,并且只要该牌的牌面朝下,便会持续伪装的效应。“伪装[费用]”意指,“你可牌面朝下地施放此牌,将其当成2/2、具守护{2}的生物,并且没有名称、没有副类别、没有法术力费用;此时改为支付{3},而不是支付其法术力费用。”(参见规则708,“牌面朝下的咒语和永久物”。)

702.168b To cast a card using its disguise ability, turn the card face down and announce that you are using a disguise ability. It becomes a 2/2 face-down creature card with ward {2}, no name, no subtypes, and no mana cost. Any effects or prohibitions that would apply to casting a card with these characteristics (and not the face-up card’s characteristics) are applied to casting this card. These values are the copiable values of that object’s characteristics. (See rule 613, “Interaction of Continuous Effects,” and rule 707, “Copying Objects.”) Put it onto the stack (as a face-down spell with the same characteristics), and pay {3} rather than pay its mana cost. This follows the rules for paying alternative costs. You can use a disguise ability to cast a card from any zone from which you could normally cast it. When the spell resolves, it enters the battlefield with the same characteristics the spell had. The disguise effect applies to the face-down object wherever it is, and it ends when the permanent is turned face up.
702.168b 使用伪装异能施放咒语时,将其牌面朝下,并声明你使用伪装异能来施放。它成为2/2、具守护{2}的牌面朝下生物咒语,并且没有名称、没有副类别、没有法术力费用。适用于施放具有这些特征(并非牌面朝上时牌张的特征)的效应或限制会在施放此牌时生效。这些数值为该物件的可复制特征值。(参见规则613,“持续性效应的互动”和规则707,“复制物件”。)将它放入堆叠(作为具有前述特征之牌面朝下的咒语),改为支付{3},而不是支付其法术力费用。这需要依照支付替代性费用之规则行事。你可以使用一张牌的伪装异能来从任何你可以正常施放此牌的区域施放它。当此咒语结算时,它具有该咒语前述之特征进入战场。伪装的效应持续影响此牌面朝下之物件,直到此永久物被翻回正面为止。

702.168c You can’t normally cast a card face down. A disguise ability allows you to do so.
702.168c 通常你不能以牌面朝下的方式施放牌。伪装异能允许你如此作。

702.168d Any time you have priority, you may turn a face-down permanent you control with a disguise ability face up. This is a special action; it doesn’t use the stack (see rule 116). To do this, show all players what the permanent’s disguise cost would be if it were face up, pay that cost, then turn the permanent face up. (If the permanent wouldn’t have a disguise cost if it were face up, it can’t be turned face up this way.) The disguise effect on it ends, and it regains its normal characteristics. Any abilities relating to the permanent entering the battlefield don’t trigger when it’s turned face up and don’t have any effect, because the permanent has already entered the battlefield.
702.168d 于任何你拥有优先权的时机,你可以把由你操控的具有伪装异能的牌面朝下之永久物翻回正面。这属于特殊动作;它不使用堆叠(参见规则116)。方法如下:将该永久物视同牌面朝上一般将该永久物的伪装费用展示给所有牌手,支付此费用,然后将其翻回正面。(如果此永久物牌面朝上的时候没有伪装费用,则其无法以此法翻回正面。)此牌的伪装效应随之结束,并重新获得其正常特征。当它翻回正面时,由于它早已进过战场,所以并不会触发任何与永久物进入战场相关的异能,亦不会产生与此相关的效应。

702.168e If a permanent’s disguise cost includes X, other abilities of that permanent may also refer to X. The value of X in those abilities is equal to the value of X chosen as the disguise special action was taken.
702.168e 如果一个永久物的伪装费用包含X,该永久物的其他异能可能也提及X。这些异能中X的值等同于伪装特殊动作执行时所选择的X的值。

702.168f See rule 708, “Face-Down Spells and Permanents,” for more information about how to cast cards with a disguise ability.
702.168f 关于如何施放具有伪装异能的牌之更多信息,参见规则708,“牌面朝下的咒语和永久物”。

702.169. Solved
702.169. 侦结

702.169a Solved is a keyword ability found on Case cards. See rule 719, “Case Cards.” “Solved” is followed by ability text. Together, they represent a static ability, a triggered ability, or an activated ability.
702.169a 侦结是见于案件牌上的关键字异能。参见规则719,“案件牌”。“侦结”字样后面带有异能文本,它们共同代表一个静止式异能、触发式异能或起动式异能。

702.169b For a static ability, “Solved — [Ability text]” means “As long as this Case is solved, [ability text].”
702.169b 对于静止式异能,“侦结~[异能文本]”意指“只要此案件已侦结,[异能文本]。”

702.169c For a triggered ability, “Solved — [Ability text]” means “[Ability text]. This ability triggers only if this Case is solved.”
702.169c 对于触发式异能,“侦结~[异能文本]”意指“[异能文本]。此异能只有于此案件已侦结时才会触发。”

702.169d For an activated ability, “Solved — [Ability text]” means “[Ability text]. Activate only if this Case is solved.”
702.169d 对于起动式异能,“侦结~[异能文本]”意指“[异能文本]。只能于此案件已侦结时起动。”

702.170. Plot
702.170. 设谋

702.170a Plot is a keyword ability that functions while the card with plot is in a player’s hand. “Plot [cost]” means “Any time you have priority during your main phase while the stack is empty, you may exile this card from your hand and pay [cost]. It becomes a plotted card.”
702.170a 设谋此关键字异能会于具设谋异能的牌在牌手手上时生效。“设谋[费用]”意指,“你于你的行动阶段中具有优先权且堆叠为空的时机下,你可以支付[费用]并从你手上放逐此牌。它成为已设谋。”

702.170b Exiling a card using its plot ability is a special action, which doesn’t use the stack. See rule 116, “Special Actions.”
702.170b 利用某牌的设谋异能将之放逐属于特殊动作,不会用到堆叠。参见规则116,“特殊动作”。

702.170c In addition to the plot special action, some spells and abilities cause a card in exile to become plotted.
702.170c 除了设谋特殊动作外,某些咒语和异能亦可能令放逐区中的牌成为已设谋。

702.170d A plotted card’s owner may cast it from exile without paying its mana cost during their main phase while the stack is empty during any turn after the turn in which it became plotted. Casting a spell this way follows the rules for paying alternative costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h. A plotted card may be cast this way even if it doesn’t have the plot ability while in exile.
702.170d 在已设谋的牌成为已设谋的回合之后的任一回合中,其拥有者于其行动阶段中且堆叠为空时,可以从放逐区中施放该牌,且不需支付其法术力费用。以此法施放咒语时,需依照规则601.2b与规则601.2f-h之规范来支付替代性费用。已设谋的牌均能以此法施放之,即使其在放逐区中并不具有设谋异能亦是如此。

702.170e If an effect refers to plotting a card, it means performing the special action associated with a plot ability.
702.170e 如果一个效应提及设谋一张牌,其意指执行与设谋异能相关联之特殊动作。

702.170f An effect may allow the plot ability of a card to function in a zone other than a player’s hand. In that case, the card is exiled from the zone it is in as the action is taken rather than from its owner’s hand.
702.170f 一个效应可能允许一张牌的设谋异能在手牌之外的区域生效。在此情况下,执行特殊动作时从该牌所在的区域将其放逐,而非从其拥有者手上。

702.171. Saddle
702.171. 乘驾

702.171a Saddle is an activated ability. “Saddle N” means “Tap any number of other untapped creatures you control with power N or greater: This permanent becomes saddled until end of turn. Activate only as a sorcery.”
702.171a 乘驾属于起动式异能。“乘驾N”意指“横置任意数量由你操控且力量总和等于或大于N的其他未横置生物:此永久物成为已乘驾直到回合结束。只能于法术时机起动。”

702.171b Saddled is a designation that has no rules meaning other than to act as a marker that spells and abilities can identify. Only permanents can be or become saddled. Once a permanent has become saddled, it stays saddled until the end of the turn or it leaves the battlefield. Being saddled is not a part of the permanent’s copiable values.
702.171b “已乘驾”此称号并无规则含义。它仅用作标记,供其他规则和效应辨识之用。只有永久物可以成为已乘驾。一旦某永久物已乘驾后,它便会一直保持已乘驾,直到回合结束或它离开战场为止。成为已乘驾并非该永久物可复制特征值的一部分。

702.171c A creature “saddles” a permanent as it’s tapped to pay the cost to activate a permanent’s saddle ability.
702.171c 当某个生物被横置来支付起动某永久物之乘驾异能的费用时,该生物便“乘驾”该永久物。

702.172. Spree
702.172. 追欢

702.172a Spree is a static ability found on some modal spells (see rule 700.2) that applies while the spell on the stack. Spree means “Choose one or more modes. As an additional cost to cast this spell, pay the costs associated with those modes.”
702.172a 追欢是见于某些具有模式之咒语上的静止式异能(参见规则700.2),会于咒语在堆叠上时生效。“追欢”意指“选择一个或数个模式。支付与这些模式关联的费用,以作为施放此咒语的额外费用。”

702.172b Cards with the spree ability have a plus sign icon in the upper right corner of the card. This symbol is a visual reminder that this card requires an additional cost to be cast. This icon has no rules meaning.
702.172b 具有追欢异能之牌的右上角印有一个加号符号。此符号仅为视觉提示,说明此牌要求额外费用才能施放。此符号并无规则含义。

702.173. Freerunning
702.173. 自由奔跑

702.173a Freerunning is a static ability that functions on the stack. “Freerunning [cost]” means “You may pay [cost] rather than pay this spell’s mana cost if a player was dealt combat damage this turn by a creature that, at the time it dealt that damage, was an Assassin creature or a commander under your control.” Casting a spell for its freerunning cost follows the rules for paying alternative costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.173a 自由奔跑属于静止式异能,于堆叠中生效。“自由奔跑[费用]”意指“如果本回合中一个生物对任一对手造成过战斗伤害,且其造成该伤害时在你的操控下并是杀手生物或是指挥官,则你可以支付[费用],而不支付此咒语的法术力费用。”支付自由奔跑费用时,需依照规则601.2b与规则601.2f-h的规定来支付替代性费用。

702.174. Gift
702.174. 礼赠

702.174a Gift is a keyword that represents two abilities. It is written “Gift a [something].” The first ability is a static ability that functions while the card with gift is on the stack, and the second is either a static ability that functions while the card with gift is on the stack or a triggered ability that functions while the card with gift is on the battlefield. The first ability is always “As an additional cost to cast this spell, you may choose an opponent.” Paying a spell’s gift cost follows the rules for paying additional costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h. The second ability depends on the [something] listed as well as whether the object with the ability is a permanent or an instant or sorcery spell.
702.174a 礼赠此关键字代表两个异能,写作“礼赠[某物]”。第一个异能属于静止式异能,于具礼赠异能的牌在堆叠中时生效。第二个异能可以属于静止式异能,于具礼赠异能的牌在堆叠中时生效;或触发式异能,于具礼赠异能的牌在战场上时生效。第一个异能总是“你可以选择一位对手,以作为施放此咒语的额外费用。”支付咒语的礼赠费用时,需依照规则601.2b与规则601.2f-h的规定来支付额外费用。第二个异能取决于列出的[某物],以及具有该异能的物件是永久物还是瞬间或法术咒语。

702.174b On a permanent, the second ability represented by gift is “When this permanent enters, if its gift cost was paid, [effect].” On an instant or sorcery spell, the second ability represented by gift is “If this spell’s gift cost was paid, [effect].” The specific effect is defined by the [something] listed.
702.174b 永久物上由礼赠代表的第二个异能为“当此永久物进场时,若曾支付其礼赠费用,[效应]。”瞬间或法术咒语上由礼赠代表的第二个异能为“如果曾支付其礼赠费用,[效应]。”具体效应取决于所列出的[某物]。

702.174c Some effects trigger whenever a player gives a gift. Such an ability triggers whenever an instant or sorcery spell that player controls whose gift cost was paid resolves. It also triggers whenever the gift triggered ability of a permanent that player controls resolves.
702.174c 一些效应在牌手送出礼赠时触发。此类效应会在由该牌手操控,且曾支付其礼赠费用的瞬间或法术咒语结算时触发。它也会在由该牌手操控的永久物之礼赠触发式异能结算时触发。

702.174d “Gift a Food” means the effect is “The chosen player creates a Food token.”
702.174d “礼赠食品”意指效应为“该牌手派出一个食品衍生物。”

702.174e “Gift a card” means the effect is “The chosen player draws a card.”
702.174e “礼赠一张牌”意指效应为“该牌手抓一张牌。”

702.174f “Gift a tapped Fish” means the effect is “The chosen player creates a tapped 1/1 blue Fish creature token.”
702.174f “礼赠已横置的鱼”意指效应为“该牌手派出一个已横置的1/1蓝色鱼衍生生物。”

702.174g “Gift an extra turn” means the effect is “The chosen player takes an extra turn after this one.”
702.174g “礼赠额外一个回合”意指效应为“该牌手在本回合后进行额外的一个回合。”

702.174h “Gift a Treasure” means the effect is “The chosen player creates a Treasure token.”
702.174h “礼赠珍宝”意指效应为“该牌手派出一个珍宝衍生物。”

702.174i “Gift an Octopus” means the effect is “The chosen player creates an 8/8 blue Octopus creature token.”
702.174i “礼赠章鱼”意指效应为“该牌手派出一个8/8蓝色章鱼衍生生物。”

702.174j For instant and sorcery spells, the effect of a gift ability always happens before any other spell abilities of the card. If the spell is countered or otherwise leaves the stack before resolving, the gift effect doesn’t happen.
702.174j 对瞬间和法术咒语而言,礼赠异能的效应总是在该牌的其他咒语效应之前发生。如果该咒语被反击或因故离开堆叠,其礼赠效应不会发生。

702.174k If a spell’s controller declares the intention to pay a spell’s gift cost, that spell’s gift was promised.
702.174k 如果某咒语的操控者宣告将要支付该咒语的礼赠费用,则该咒语已应诺礼赠。

702.174m If part of a spell’s ability has its effect only if its gift was promised, and that part of the ability includes any targets, the spell’s controller chooses those targets only if the gift was promised.
702.174m 如果某异能的一部分只会在该咒语已应诺礼赠时才会生效,且该部分的异能包含了目标,则该咒语的操控者只在该咒语已应诺礼赠时,才要选择这些目标。

702.175. Offspring
702.175. 繁生

702.175a Offspring represents two abilities. “Offspring [cost]” means “You may pay an additional [cost] as you cast this spell” and “When this permanent enters, if its offspring cost was paid, create a token that’s a copy of it, except it’s 1/1.”
702.175a 繁生代表两个异能。“繁生[费用]”意指“你施放此咒语时可以额外支付[费用]”以及“当此永久物进场时,若曾支付其繁生费用,则派出一个为其复制品的衍生物,但它是1/1。”

702.175b If a spell has multiple instances of offspring, each is paid separately and triggers based on the payments made for it, not any other instances of offspring.
702.175b 如果一个咒语具有多个繁生异能,则每一个均需分别支付,而支付费用后的触发也将各自独立,每个繁生异能都基于为其支付的费用触发。

702.176. Impending
702.176. 隐现

702.176a Impending is a keyword that represents four abilities. The first and second are static abilities that function while the spell with impending is on the stack. The third is a static ability that functions on the battlefield. The fourth is a triggered ability that functions on the battlefield. “Impending N—[cost]” means “You may choose to pay [cost] rather than pay this spell’s mana cost,” “If you chose to pay this spell’s impending cost, it enters with N time counters on it,” “As long as this permanent has a time counter on it, if it was cast for its impending cost, it’s not a creature,” and “At the beginning of your end step, if this permanent was cast for its impending cost and there is at least one time counter on it, remove a time counter from it.” Casting a spell for its impending cost follows the rules for paying alternative costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2f–h.
702.176a 隐现此关键字代表四个异能。第一个和第二个是静止式异能,会于具有隐现异能的咒语在堆叠上时生效。第三个是静止式异能,在战场上生效。第四个是触发式异能,在战场上生效。“隐现N~[费用]”意指“你可以选择支付[费用],而非支付此咒语的法术力费用”、“如果你选择支付此咒语的隐现费用,则其进场时上面有N个计时指示物”、“只要该永久物上有计时指示物,如果曾支付其隐现费用来施放之,它便不是生物”以及“在你的结束步骤开始时,若曾支付此永久物的隐现费用来施放之,且其上有至少一个计时指示物,则从其上移去一个计时指示物。”支付隐现费用以施放咒语时,需依照规则601.2b601.2f-h之规范来支付替代性费用。

703. 回合动作 Turn-Based Actions

703. Turn-Based Actions
703. 回合动作

703.1. Turn-based actions are game actions that happen automatically when certain steps or phases begin, or when each step and phase ends. Turn-based actions don’t use the stack.
703.1. 回合动作属于游戏动作,会在当某些步骤或阶段开始时,或每个步骤及阶段结束时自动执行。回合动作不使用堆叠。

703.1a Abilities that watch for a specified step or phase to begin are triggered abilities, not turn-based actions. (See rule 603, “Handling Triggered Abilities.”)
703.1a 在乎特定步骤或阶段开始的异能属于触发式异能,并不属于回合动作。(参见规则603,“处理触发式异能”。)

703.2. Turn-based actions are not controlled by any player.
703.2. 回合动作不由任何牌手操控。

703.3. Whenever a step or phase begins, if it’s a step or phase that has any turn-based action associated with it, those turn-based actions are automatically dealt with first. This happens before state-based actions are checked, before triggered abilities are put on the stack, and before players receive priority.
703.3. 每当一个步骤或阶段开始时,如果此步骤或阶段有任何与之相关的回合动作,则会先自动处理这些回合动作。这会在检查状态动作、将触发式异能放进堆叠、牌手得到优先权等事件之前发生。

703.4. The turn-based actions are as follows:
703.4. 回合动作如下列所示:

703.4a Immediately after the untap step begins, all phased-in permanents with phasing that the active player controls phase out, and all phased-out permanents that the active player controlled when they phased out phase in. This all happens simultaneously. See rule 502.1.
703.4a 在重置步骤开始后,所有由主动牌手操控、具时间跳跃异能的已跃回永久物立刻跃离,以及所有在跃离时由主动牌手操控的已跃离永久物立刻跃回。这些动作全部同时发生。参见规则502.1

703.4b Immediately after the phasing action has been completed during the untap step, if the game has either the day or night designation, it checks to see whether that designation should change. If it’s neither day nor night, this check doesn’t happen. See rule 502.2.
703.4b 在重置步骤之中、时间跳跃动作完成之后,如果游戏当前是白昼或黑夜,则立刻检查该称号是否需要改变。如果当前既非白昼也非黑夜,则该检查不会发生。参见规则502.2

703.4c Immediately after the game checks to see if its day or night designation should change during the untap step or, if the game doesn’t have a day or night designation, immediately after the phasing action has been completed during the untap step, the active player determines which permanents they control will untap. Then they untap them all simultaneously. See rule 502.3.
703.4c 在重置步骤之中、游戏检查白昼或黑夜称号是否需要改变之后,或者如果游戏当前既非白昼也非黑夜,在时间跳跃动作完成之后,主动牌手立刻判断由其操控的哪些永久物将重置,之后该牌手将它们同时重置。参见规则502.3

703.4d Immediately after the draw step begins, the active player draws a card. See rule 504.1.
703.4d 在抓牌步骤开始之后,主动牌手立刻抓一张牌。参见规则504.1

703.4e In an Archenemy game (see rule 904), immediately after the archenemy’s precombat main phase begins, that player sets the top card of their scheme deck in motion. See rule 701.25.
703.4e 在魔王游戏中(参见规则904),在魔王的战斗前行动阶段开始之后,该牌手立刻发动其邪计套牌的牌库顶牌。参见规则701.25

703.4f Immediately after a player’s precombat main phase begins, that player puts a lore counter on each Saga enchantment they control. In an Archenemy game, this happens after the archenemy’s scheme action. See rule 714, “Saga Cards.”
703.4f 在牌手的战斗前行动阶段开始之后,该牌手立刻在其操控的每个传纪结界上放置一个学问指示物。在魔王游戏中,这会在魔王的邪计动作之后发生。参见规则714,“传纪牌”。

703.4g Immediately after the action of placing lore counters has been completed, if the active player controls any Attractions, that player rolls to visit their Attractions. See rule 701.49, “Roll to Visit Your Attractions.”
703.4g 在放置学问指示物动作完成之后,如果主动牌手操控任何景点,该牌手立刻掷骰造访景点。参见规则701.49,“掷骰造访景点”。

703.4h Immediately after the beginning of combat step begins, if the game being played is a multiplayer game in which the active player’s opponents don’t all automatically become defending players, the active player chooses one of their opponents. That player becomes the defending player. See rule 507.1.
703.4h 在战斗开始步骤开始之后,如果正在进行一局多人游戏,且主动牌手之对手并不会全部自动成为防御牌手,则主动牌手立刻选择一位对手。该牌手成为防御牌手。参见规则507.1

703.4i Immediately after the declare attackers step begins, the active player declares attackers. See rule 508.1.
703.4i 在宣告攻击者步骤开始之后,主动牌手立刻宣告攻击者。参见规则508.1

703.4j Immediately after the declare blockers step begins, the defending player declares blockers. See rule 509.1.
703.4j 在宣告阻挡者步骤开始之后,防御牌手立刻宣告阻挡者。参见规则509.1

703.4k Immediately after the combat damage step begins, each player in APNAP order announces how each attacking or blocking creature they control assigns its combat damage. See rule 510.1.
703.4k 在战斗伤害步骤开始之后,每位牌手立刻以“主动牌手先决定”的顺序,宣告将如何分配每个由其所操控的攻击或阻挡生物的战斗伤害。参见规则510.1

703.4m Immediately after combat damage has been assigned during the combat damage step, all combat damage is dealt simultaneously. See rule 510.2.
703.4m 在战斗伤害步骤当中、分配了战斗伤害之后,所有战斗伤害立刻同时造成。参见规则510.2

703.4n Immediately after the cleanup step begins, if the active player’s hand contains more cards than their maximum hand size (normally seven), they discard enough cards to reduce their hand size to that number. See rule 514.1.
703.4n 在清除步骤开始之后,如果主动牌手的手牌数量超过了其手牌上限(通常为七张),其立刻弃掉足够的牌,直到数量减少到手牌上限。参见规则514.1

703.4p Immediately after the active player has discarded cards (if necessary) during the cleanup step, all damage is removed from permanents and all “until end of turn” and “this turn” effects end. These actions happen simultaneously. See rule 514.2.
703.4p 在清除步骤当中、主动牌手弃牌之后(若有需要),立刻移除永久物上的所有伤害、结束所有“直到回合结束”和“本回合”的效应。这些动作同时发生。参见规则514.2

703.4q When each step or phase ends, any unused mana left in a player’s mana pool empties. See rule 500.4.
703.4q 当每个步骤或阶段结束时,留在牌手法术力池中尚未使用的法术力被清空。参见规则500.4

704. 状态动作 State-Based Actions

704. State-Based Actions
704. 状态动作

704.1. State-based actions are game actions that happen automatically whenever certain conditions (listed below) are met. State-based actions don’t use the stack.
704.1. 状态动作属于游戏动作,每当满足某些条件时(如下所述)便会自动发生。状态动作不使用堆叠。

704.1a Abilities that watch for a specified game state are triggered abilities, not state-based actions. (See rule 603, “Handling Triggered Abilities.”)
704.1a 在乎特定游戏状态的异能属于触发式异能,并不属于状态动作。(参见规则603,“处理触发式异能”。)

704.2. State-based actions are checked throughout the game and are not controlled by any player.
704.2. 对状态动作的检查会贯彻游戏始终,且状态动作不由任何牌手操控。

704.3. Whenever a player would get priority (see rule 117, “Timing and Priority”), the game checks for any of the listed conditions for state-based actions, then performs all applicable state-based actions simultaneously as a single event. If any state-based actions are performed as a result of a check, the check is repeated; otherwise all triggered abilities that are waiting to be put on the stack are put on the stack, then the check is repeated. Once no more state-based actions have been performed as the result of a check and no triggered abilities are waiting to be put on the stack, the appropriate player gets priority. This process also occurs during the cleanup step (see rule 514), except that if no state-based actions are performed as the result of the step’s first check and no triggered abilities are waiting to be put on the stack, then no player gets priority and the step ends.
704.3. 每当有牌手将得到优先权时(参见规则117,“时机和优先权”),游戏将依下文列举之条件检查状态动作,然后会将所有适用的状态动作当作单一事件执行。如果检查过后导致了新的状态动作执行,则会重复此检查;否则,将所有等待进入堆叠的触发式异能放入堆叠,然后重复此检查。一旦没有新的状态动作执行且没有等待进入堆叠的触发式异能,相应的牌手得到优先权。此过程同样会在清除步骤中执行(参见规则514),不同之处在于,如果清除步骤的第一次检查并没有导致状态动作的执行、且没有等待进入堆叠的触发式异能,则没有牌手会得到优先权且该步骤结束。

704.4. Unlike triggered abilities, state-based actions pay no attention to what happens during the resolution of a spell or ability.
704.4. 与触发式异能不同,状态动作不会注意在咒语或异能结算过程中发生的事。

Example: A player controls a creature with the ability “This creature’s power and toughness are each equal to the number of cards in your hand” and casts a spell whose effect is “Discard your hand, then draw seven cards.” The creature will temporarily have toughness 0 in the middle of the spell’s resolution but will be back up to toughness 7 when the spell finishes resolving. Thus the creature will survive when state-based actions are checked. In contrast, an ability that triggers when the player has no cards in hand goes on the stack after the spell resolves, because its trigger event happened during resolution.

704.5. The state-based actions are as follows:
704.5. 状态动作如下列所示:

704.5a If a player has 0 or less life, that player loses the game.
704.5a 如果一位牌手的生命值为0或更少,该牌手输掉此盘游戏。

704.5b If a player attempted to draw a card from a library with no cards in it since the last time state-based actions were checked, that player loses the game.
704.5b 如果自从上一次检查状态动作之后,有牌手曾试图从空的牌库中抓牌,该牌手便输掉此盘游戏。

704.5c If a player has ten or more poison counters, that player loses the game. Ignore this rule in Two-Headed Giant games; see rule 704.6b instead.
704.5c 如果一位牌手具有十个或更多的中毒指示物,该牌手输掉此盘游戏。在双头巨人游戏中忽略此规则,改为参见规则704.6b

704.5d If a token is in a zone other than the battlefield, it ceases to exist.
704.5d 如果一个衍生物处于任何非战场的区域中,该衍生物消失。

704.5e If a copy of a spell is in a zone other than the stack, it ceases to exist. If a copy of a card is in any zone other than the stack or the battlefield, it ceases to exist.
704.5e 如果咒语的复制品处于任何非堆叠的区域中,该复制品消失。如果一张牌的复制品处于任何不属于堆叠或战场的区域中,该复制品消失。

704.5f If a creature has toughness 0 or less, it’s put into its owner’s graveyard. Regeneration can’t replace this event.
704.5f 如果一个生物的防御力为0或更低,该生物置入其拥有者的坟墓场。重生不能替代此事件。

704.5g If a creature has toughness greater than 0, it has damage marked on it, and the total damage marked on it is greater than or equal to its toughness, that creature has been dealt lethal damage and is destroyed. Regeneration can replace this event.
704.5g 如果一个生物的防御力大于0,其上标记有伤害,且其上标记的伤害大于或等于其防御力,则该生物受到了致命伤害且被消灭。重生可以替代此事件。

704.5h If a creature has toughness greater than 0, and it’s been dealt damage by a source with deathtouch since the last time state-based actions were checked, that creature is destroyed. Regeneration can replace this event.
704.5h 如果自从上一次检查状态动作之后,一个生物受到具死触之来源的伤害,且它的防御力大于0,该生物被消灭。重生可以替代此事件。

704.5i If a planeswalker has loyalty 0, it’s put into its owner’s graveyard.
704.5i 如果一个鹏洛客的忠诚为0,该鹏洛客被置入其拥有者的坟墓场。

704.5j If two or more legendary permanents with the same name are controlled by the same player, that player chooses one of them, and the rest are put into their owners’ graveyards. This is called the “legend rule.”
704.5j 如果两个或更多具有相同名称的传奇永久物由同一位牌手操控,该牌手选择它们中的一个,其余的将被置入进其拥有者的坟墓场。这称为“传奇规则”。

704.5k If two or more permanents have the supertype world, all except the one that has had the world supertype for the shortest amount of time are put into their owners’ graveyards. In the event of a tie for the shortest amount of time, all are put into their owners’ graveyards. This is called the “world rule.”
704.5k 如果战场上两个或更多的永久物具有普世此超类别,则除了战场上最近一个拥有普世此超类别以外,皆置入其拥有者的坟墓场。如果不分先后,则它们均被置入其拥有者的坟墓场。这称为“普世规则”。

704.5m If an Aura is attached to an illegal object or player, or is not attached to an object or player, that Aura is put into its owner’s graveyard.
704.5m 如果一个灵气贴附于不合法之物件或牌手上,或未贴附于任何物件或牌手上,该灵气被置入其拥有者的坟墓场。

704.5n If an Equipment or Fortification is attached to an illegal permanent or to a player, it becomes unattached from that permanent or player. It remains on the battlefield.
704.5n 如果一个武具或工事贴附于不合法之永久物或贴附在牌手上,它会从该永久物或牌手上卸装。但它依然会留在战场上。

704.5p If a battle or creature is attached to an object or player, it becomes unattached and remains on the battlefield. Similarly, if any nonbattle, noncreature permanent that’s neither an Aura, an Equipment, nor a Fortification is attached to an object or player, it becomes unattached and remains on the battlefield.
704.5p 如果一个战役或生物贴附于物件或牌手上,则它不再贴附,并留在战场上。类似地,如果一个非战役且非生物的永久物不是灵气、武具或工事,却贴附于其他永久物上,则它不再贴附,并留在战场上。

704.5q If a permanent has both a +1/+1 counter and a -1/-1 counter on it, N +1/+1 and N -1/-1 counters are removed from it, where N is the smaller of the number of +1/+1 and -1/-1 counters on it.
704.5q 如果一个永久物上同时具有+1/+1指示物和-1/-1指示物,则会移去其上的N个+1/+1指示物和N个-1/-1指示物,N为两种指示物当中较少者的数量。

704.5r If a permanent with an ability that says it can’t have more than N counters of a certain kind on it has more than N counters of that kind on it, all but N of those counters are removed from it.
704.5r 如果一个永久物上具有多于N个的某种指示物,且该永久物具有不得有多于N个的该种指示物之异能,则N个以外的指示物将被移去。

704.5s If the number of lore counters on a Saga permanent is greater than or equal to its final chapter number and it isn’t the source of a chapter ability that has triggered but not yet left the stack, that Saga’s controller sacrifices it. See rule 714, “Saga Cards.”
704.5s 如果一个传纪永久物上的学问指示物数量大于或等于其上章节异能的最终章节编号,且其并非一个已触发且尚未离开堆叠的章节异能之来源,该传纪的操控者将其牺牲。参见规则714,“传纪牌”。

704.5t If a player’s venture marker is on the bottommost room of a dungeon card, and that dungeon card isn’t the source of a room ability that has triggered but not yet left the stack, the dungeon card’s owner removes it from the game. See rule 309, “Dungeons.”
704.5t 如果牌手的进度标记在一张地城牌最底下的房间上,且该地城牌不是已触发且未离开堆叠的某个房间异能之来源,该地城牌的拥有者将其移出游戏。参见规则309,“地城”。

704.5u If a permanent with space sculptor and any creatures without a sector designation are on the battlefield, each player who controls one or more of those creatures and doesn’t control a permanent with space sculptor chooses a sector designation for each of those creatures they control. Then, each other player who controls one or more of those creatures chooses a sector designation for each of those creatures they control. See rule 702.158, “Space Sculptor.”
704.5u 如果一个具有太空塑师异能的永久物与不具星区称号的生物同时在战场上,则每位未操控具有太空塑师异能之永久物且操控不具星区称号之生物的牌手为其操控的每个此类生物各选择一个星区称号。然后,每位操控此类生物的其他牌手为其操控的每个此类生物各选择一个星区称号。参见规则702.158,“太空塑师”。

704.5v If a battle has defense 0 and it isn’t the source of an ability that has triggered but not yet left the stack, it’s put into its owner’s graveyard.
704.5v 如果一个战役的布防为0,且其并非一个已触发且尚未离开堆叠的异能之来源,它被置入其拥有者的坟墓场。参见规则310,“战役”。

704.5w If a battle has no player in the game designated as its protector and no attacking creatures are currently attacking that battle, that battle’s controller chooses an appropriate player to be its protector based on its battle type. If no player can be chosen this way, the battle is put into its owner’s graveyard. See rule 310, “Battles.”
704.5w 如果一个战役未被任何攻击生物攻击且游戏内没有牌手被指定为防卫者,则其操控者基于战役类别选择一位适当的牌手作为防卫者。如果无法以此法选择任何牌手,此战役置入其拥有者的坟墓场。参见规则310,“战役”。

704.5x If a Siege’s controller is also its designated protector, that player chooses an opponent to become its protector. If no player can be chosen this way, the battle is put into its owner’s graveyard. See rule 310, “Battles.”
704.5x 如果一个围攻的操控者同时也是其防卫者,则该牌手选择一位对手作为防卫者。如果无法以此法选择任何牌手,此战役置入其拥有者的坟墓场。参见规则310,“战役”。

704.5y If a permanent has more than one Role controlled by the same player attached to it, each of those Roles except the one with the most recent timestamp is put into its owner’s graveyard.
704.5y 如果某个永久物其上结附有由同一位牌手操控的数个角色,则除了具最近之时间印记者外,所有其他这类角色都会被置入其拥有者的坟墓场。

704.6. Some variant games include additional state-based actions that aren’t normally applicable:
704.6. 一些游戏玩法包含通常而言不适用的额外状态动作:

704.6a In a Two-Headed Giant game, if a team has 0 or less life, that team loses the game. See rule 810, “Two-Headed Giant Variant.”
704.6a 在一盘双头巨人的游戏中,如果一个队伍的生命为0或更少,该队伍输掉此盘游戏。参见规则810,“双头巨人玩法。”

704.6b In a Two-Headed Giant game, if a team has fifteen or more poison counters, that team loses the game. See rule 810, “Two-Headed Giant Variant.”
704.6b 在一盘双头巨人的游戏中,如果一个队伍有十五个或更多的中毒指示物,该队伍输掉此盘游戏。参见规则810,“双头巨人玩法。”

704.6c In a Commander game, a player who’s been dealt 21 or more combat damage by the same commander over the course of the game loses the game. See rule 903, “Commander.”
704.6c 在一盘指挥官的游戏中,如果一位牌手在该盘游戏中受到过21点或以上来自同一指挥官的战斗伤害,则该牌手输掉此盘游戏。参见规则903,“指挥官。”

704.6d In a Commander game, if a commander is in a graveyard or in exile and that object was put into that zone since the last time state-based actions were checked, its owner may put it into the command zone. See rule 903, “Commander.”
704.6d 在一盘指挥官的游戏中,如果指挥官在坟墓场或放逐区,且该物件在上一次状态动作检查之后被置入该区域,其拥有者可以将其置于统帅区。参见规则903,“指挥官。”

704.6e In an Archenemy game, if a non-ongoing scheme card is face up in the command zone, and no triggered abilities of any scheme are on the stack or waiting to be put on the stack, that scheme card is turned face down and put on the bottom of its owner’s scheme deck. See rule 904, “Archenemy.”
704.6e 在魔王游戏中,如果一张非长效的邪计牌在统帅区中牌面朝上,且没有任何邪计的触发式异能在堆叠上或等待被放进堆叠,该邪计牌翻为牌面朝下并置于其拥有者的邪计套牌牌库底。参见规则904,“魔王”。

704.6f In a Planechase game, if a phenomenon card is face up in the command zone, and it isn’t the source of a triggered ability that has triggered but not yet left the stack, the planar controller planeswalks. See rule 901, “Planechase.”
704.6f 在竞逐时空游戏中,如果一张异象牌在统帅区中牌面朝上,且它不是已触发且未离开堆叠的触发式异能之来源,时空操控者时空换境。参见规则901,“竞逐时空”。

704.7. If multiple state-based actions would have the same result at the same time, a single replacement effect will replace all of them.
704.7. 如果在同一时间执行的多个状态动作会产生同样的结果,则一个单独的替代性效应将替代全部。

Example: You control Lich’s Mirror, which says “If you would lose the game, instead shuffle your hand, your graveyard, and all permanents you own into your library, then draw seven cards and your life total becomes 20.” There’s one card in your library and your life total is 1. A spell causes you to draw two cards and lose 2 life. The next time state-based actions are checked, you’d lose the game due to rule 704.5a and rule 704.5b. Instead, Lich’s Mirror replaces that game loss and you keep playing.

704.8. If a state-based action results in a permanent leaving the battlefield at the same time other state-based actions were performed, that permanent’s last known information is derived from the game state before any of those state-based actions were performed.
704.8. 如果一个状态动作导致永久物离开战场的同时有其他的状态动作执行,该永久物的最后已知信息将以状态动作执行之前的游戏状态来决定。

Example: You control Young Wolf, a 1/1 creature with undying, and it has a +1/+1 counter on it. A spell puts three -1/-1 counters on Young Wolf. Before state-based actions are performed, Young Wolf has one +1/+1 counter and three -1/-1 counters on it. After state-based actions are performed, Young Wolf is in the graveyard. When it was last on the battlefield, it had a +1/+1 counter on it, so undying will not trigger.

705. 掷硬币 Flipping a Coin

705. Flipping a Coin
705. 掷硬币

705.1. Some cards refer to flipping a coin. A coin used in a flip must be a two-sided object with easily distinguished sides and equal likelihood that either side lands face up. If the coin that’s being flipped doesn’t have an obvious “heads” or “tails,” designate one side to be “heads,” and the other side to be “tails.” Other methods of randomization may be substituted for flipping a coin as long as there are two possible outcomes of equal likelihood and all players agree to the substitution. For example, the player may roll an even-sided die and call “odds” or “evens,” or roll an even-sided die and designate that “odds” means “heads” and “evens” means “tails.”
705.1. 一些牌提及掷一枚硬币。用于抛掷的硬币必须是一个具有两面的物体,两面之间有显著的区别,且无论哪一面最终朝上的概率都相同。如果用于抛掷的硬币之“正面”与“反面”的区别不甚明显,牌手可指定其中某一面为“正面”,另一面为“反面”。也可以使用其他能产生随机结果的方式来代替掷硬币,只要用于替代的方式能产生两种概率相等的互斥结果,且所有牌手都同意用此方法来替换。例如,牌手可以掷一个偶数面的骰子并说出是“奇数”或是“偶数”,或是掷一个偶数面的骰子并指定“奇数”意指“正面”、“偶数”意指“反面”。

705.2. Some effects that instruct a player to flip a coin care only about whether the coin comes up heads or tails. No player wins or loses a coin flip for this kind of effect. For all other effects that instruct a player to flip a coin, the player that flips the coin calls “heads” or “tails.” If the call matches the result, the player wins the flip. Otherwise, the player loses the flip. Only the player who flips the coin wins or loses the flip; no other players are involved.
705.2. 某些令牌手掷一枚硬币的效应只关心掷硬币的结果是正面还是反面。对于此类效应而言,没有牌手会猜对或猜错此掷。对于所有其他令牌手掷硬币的效应而言,掷硬币的牌手说出“正面”或“反面”。如果牌手所说与掷硬币的结果相符,则该牌手猜对这一掷。否则,该牌手猜错这一掷。只有掷硬币的牌手才能猜对或猜错此次掷硬币;并不会涉及其他牌手。

706. 掷骰 Rolling a Die

706. Rolling a Die
706. 掷骰

706.1. An effect that instructs a player to roll a die will specify what kind of die to roll and how many of those dice to roll.
706.1. 指示牌手掷骰的效应会指定所掷的骰子的类型以及数量。

706.1a Such an effect may refer to an “N-sided die,” “N-sided dice,” or one or more “dN,” where N is a positive integer. In those cases, the die must have N equally likely outcomes, numbered from 1 to N. For example, a d20 is a twenty-sided die with possible outcomes from 1 to 20.
706.1a 此类效应可能会提及“N面骰子”,或者一个或数个“dN”,其中N是正整数。在这些情况下,骰子必须产生N个几率相等的结果,编号从1到N。例如,一颗d20是一颗20面骰,其可能的结果为1至20。

706.1b Players may agree to use an alternate method for rolling a die, including a digital substitute, as long as the method used has the same number of equally likely outcomes as the die specified in the instruction.
706.1b 牌手可以协商采用替代方式掷骰,包括电子替代方式,只要采用的方式与所指定的骰子能够产生相同数量几率相等的结果。

706.2. After the roll, the number indicated on the top face of the die before any modifiers is the natural result. The instruction may include modifiers to the roll which add to or subtract from the natural result. Modifiers may also come from other sources. After considering all applicable modifiers, the final number is the result of the die roll.
706.2. 在掷骰后,骰子的顶面所指示的数字(在修正前)是原值。掷骰的指示可能会包含修正,对原值进行增加或减少。修正也可能来自其他来源。在考虑所有适用的修正后,最终的数字是该次掷骰的结果。

706.2a Modifiers may be optional and/or have associated costs. If a modifier has an associated mana cost, the player who rolled has the chance to activate mana abilities before applying it.
706.2a 修正可能是可选的和/或具有相关的费用。如果一个修正具有相关的法术力费用,掷骰牌手在其生效之前有机会来起动法术力异能。

706.2b If two or more effects are attempting to modify the natural result, the player who rolled chooses one to apply, following these steps: First, consider any effects that modify the result of a die roll by rerolling that die. Second, consider any effects that modify the result of a die roll by increasing or decreasing that result by a specified amount.
706.2b 如果两个或更多效应尝试修正原值,掷骰牌手按照以下规则选择一个生效:首先,考虑任何以重新掷骰之方式修正结果的效应;其次,考虑任何以增加或减少原值之方式修正结果的效应。

706.3. Some abilities that instruct a player to roll one or more dice include a results table.
706.3. 一些指示牌手掷一颗或数颗骰子的异能包含一个结果表。

706.3a The results table appears as a list or as a chart with multiple striations. Each list item or striation includes possible results and an effect associated with those results. The possible results indicated could be a single number, a range of numbers with two endpoints in the form “N1–N2,” or a range with a single endpoint in the form “N+.” Each one means “If the result was in this range, [effect].” After a die roll, use the result to determine which effect listed on the results table happens, if any.
706.3a 结果表以列表或包含数个横条的表格形式呈现。每个列表项或横条包括可能的结果以及与该结果相对应的效应。可能的结果形式可以是一个数字,一个形如“N1-N2”的包含两个端点的数字范围,或一个形如“N+”的包含一个端点的范围。结果表的每个横条意指,“如果结果处于此范围中,[效应]。”在一次掷骰后,使用其结果来决定结果表中列出的哪一个效应会发生(如果有的话)。

706.3b An instruction to roll one or more dice, any instructions to modify that roll printed in the same paragraph, any additional instructions based on the result of the roll, and the associated results table are all part of one ability.
706.3b 掷一颗或数颗骰子的指示、任何在同一段落中印刷之修正该次掷骰的指示、任何根据该次掷骰的结果的附加指示、以及相对应的结果表均是同一个异能的部分。

706.3c Some effects in results charts include the text “Roll again.” This additional roll uses the same kind of and number of dice originally called for, including any applicable modifiers.
706.3c 结果表中的一些效应包含叙述“再掷一次。”这次额外的掷骰与原本所指示的掷骰使用同样类型和数量的骰子,包含任何适用的修正。

706.4. Some abilities that instruct a player to roll one or more dice do not include a results table. The text of those abilities will indicate how to use the results of the die rolls, if at all.
706.4. 一些指示牌手掷一颗或数颗骰子的异能不包含结果表。这些异能的叙述会指示如何使用该次掷骰的结果(如果有的话)。

706.5. One card (Celebr-8000) has an ability that instructs a player to roll two dice and has an additional effect if that player “rolled doubles.” A player has rolled doubles if the result of each of those rolls is equal to the other.
706.5. 一张牌(Celebr-8000)具有指示牌手掷两颗骰子,如果牌手“掷出同点”则有额外效应的异能。牌手掷出同点意指两颗骰子掷出的结果相同。

706.6. If a player is instructed to ignore a roll, that roll is considered to have never happened. No abilities trigger because of the ignored roll, and no effects apply to that roll. If that player was instructed to ignore the lowest roll and multiple results are tied for the lowest, the player chooses one of those rolls to be ignored.
706.6. 如果一位牌手被指示忽略一次掷骰,该次掷骰被视作从未发生。异能不会因被忽略的掷骰而触发,且没有效应对该次掷骰生效。如果一位牌手被指示忽略最小点数且有多次掷骰结果同为最小,该牌手选择其中一次掷骰来忽略。

706.7. In a Planechase game, rolling the planar die will cause any ability that triggers whenever a player rolls one or more dice to trigger. However, any effect that refers to a numerical result of a die roll, including ones that exchange the results of that roll with another value or compare the results of that roll to other rolls or to a given number, ignores the rolling of the planar die. See rule 901, “Planechase.”
706.7. 在竞逐时空游戏中,掷时空骰会使得每当牌手掷一颗或数颗骰子时触发的异能触发。但是,任何提及掷骰的数字结果的效应,包括将该次掷骰结果与其他值交换,或将该次掷骰结果与其他掷骰或一个给定数字的结果相比较的效应,会忽略该次掷时空骰。参见规则901,“竞逐时空”。

706.8. One card (Centaur of Attention) has an ability that instructs a player to roll dice and “store” those results on it and another ability that allows a player to reroll any number of those results.
706.8. 一张牌(Centaur of Attention)具有一个指示牌手掷骰并“存储”掷骰结果的异能,以及一个对其中任意数量的结果重新掷骰的异能。

706.8a To store the result of a die roll on a permanent means to note both the kind of die rolled and the result of that roll. That noted information is considered a “stored result” of that permanent, and the result is the “value” of that stored result.
706.8a 将掷骰结果存储在永久物上,意指同时记下该次掷骰的骰子类型和结果。所记下的信息被视为该永久物的“存储结果”,掷骰结果作为存储结果的“值”。

706.8b To reroll one or more stored results of a permanent, roll one of the kind of die noted for each of them. If one kind of die is noted for more than one of those results, roll that many of that kind of die. The results you rerolled stop being stored results, and you store the results of each of the new die rolls on that permanent.
706.8b 要对永久物的一个或数个存储结果重新掷骰,为每个存储结果掷一个该类型的骰子。如果一个骰子类型被一个以上的存储结果记下,则掷等同于其数量的此类骰子。被你重新掷骰的结果不再作为存储结果,然后你将新掷骰的结果存储在该永久物上。

706.8c If a permanent has an ability that stores results on it and another ability that refers to the stored results, those abilities are linked. (See rule 607.2e.)
706.8c 如果一个永久物具有一个存储结果的异能和另一个提及该存储结果的异能,这两个异能互相关联。(参见规则607.2e。)

707. 复制物件 Copying Objects

707. Copying Objects
707. 复制物件

707.1. Some objects become or turn another object into a “copy” of a spell, permanent, or card. Some effects create a token that’s a copy of another object. (Certain older cards were printed with the phrase “search for a copy.” This section doesn’t cover those cards, which have received new text in the Oracle card reference.)
707.1. 一些物件能产生或让本身成为咒语、永久物、牌的“复制品”。一些效应会派出作为另一物件之复制品的衍生物。(一些旧版本牌上面印了“search for a copy”。它们在Oracle牌张参考文献中得到勘误;此部分的规则不讨论此类牌。)(译注:此类牌的中文版本使用了“与其同名的牌”,所以不会产生混淆。)

707.2. When copying an object, the copy acquires the copiable values of the original object’s characteristics and, for an object on the stack, choices made when casting or activating it (mode, targets, the value of X, whether it was kicked, how it will affect multiple targets, and so on). The copiable values are the values derived from the text printed on the object (that text being name, mana cost, color indicator, card type, subtype, supertype, rules text, power, toughness, and/or loyalty), as modified by other copy effects, by its face-down status, and by “as . . . enters” and “as . . . is turned face up” abilities that set power and toughness (and may also set additional characteristics). Other effects (including type-changing and text-changing effects), status, counters, and stickers are not copied.
707.2. 当复制某物件时,该复制品获得被复制物件之所有可复制特征值,若被复制的物件在堆叠中,还包括其在施放或起动时作出之选择(模式、目标、X的数值、是否支付增幅费用、如何影响数个目标,等等)。“可复制特征值”意指,从物件上所印制之叙述文字中得知的数值(该类文字包括名称、法术力费用、颜色标志、类别、超类别、副类别、规则叙述、力量、防御力和/或忠诚),且受到其他复制效应、其牌面朝下的状态、设定力量和防御力(以及其他更多特征)的“于…进场”和“于…翻回正面时”异能之影响。其他效应(包括改变类别和改变文字叙述的效应)、状态、指示物,以及贴纸均不会被复制。

Example: Chimeric Staff is an artifact that reads, “{X}: Chimeric Staff becomes an X/X artifact creature until end of turn.” Clone is a creature that reads, “You may have Clone enter as a copy of any creature on the battlefield.” After a Staff has become a 5/5 artifact creature, a Clone enters the battlefield as a copy of it. The Clone is an artifact, not a 5/5 artifact creature. (The copy has the Staff’s ability, however, and will become a creature if that ability is activated.)

Example: Clone enters the battlefield as a copy of a face-down Grinning Demon (a creature with morph {2}{B}{B}). The Clone is a colorless 2/2 creature with no name, no types, no abilities, and no mana cost. It will still be face up. Its controller can’t pay {2}{B}{B} to turn it face up.

707.2a A copy acquires the color of the object it’s copying because that value is derived from its mana cost or color indicator. A copy acquires the abilities of the object it’s copying because those values are derived from its rules text. A copy doesn’t wind up with two values of each ability (that is, it doesn’t copy the object’s abilities and its rules text, then have that rules text define a new set of abilities).
707.2a 复制品会得到作为其复制对象之物件的颜色,因为该值能从后者的法术力费用中得知。复制品会得到作为其复制对象之物件的所有异能,因为该值能从后者的规则叙述中得知。复制品不会从同样的一个异能中获得两组数值(它不会复制该物件的异能及其规则叙述文字,然后再从该规则叙述文字中定义一组新的同样异能)。

707.2b Once an object has been copied, changing the copiable values of the original object won’t cause the copy to change.
707.2b 一旦物件已被复制,改变原物件的可复制特征值不会导致复制它的物件也产生改变。

707.2c If a static ability generates a continuous effect that’s a copy effect, the copiable values that effect grants are determined only at the time that effect first starts to apply.
707.2c 如果一个静止式异能产生了一个是复制效应的持续性效应,该效应赋予的可复制特征值仅在该效应第一次开始生效时决定。

707.3. The copy’s copiable values become the copied information, as modified by the copy’s status (see rule 110.5). Objects that copy the object will use the new copiable values.
707.3. 复制品的可复制特征值被其所复制的信息所取代,且被该复制品的状态所影响(参见规则110.5)。其他物件要复制此物件时,会使用新的可复制特征值。

Example: Vesuvan Doppelganger reads, “You may have Vesuvan Doppelganger enter as a copy of any creature on the battlefield, except it doesn’t copy that creature’s color and it has ‘At the beginning of your upkeep, you may have this creature become a copy of target creature, except it doesn’t copy that creature’s color and it has this ability.’” A Vesuvan Doppelganger enters the battlefield as a copy of Runeclaw Bear (a 2/2 green Bear creature with no abilities). Then a Clone enters the battlefield as a copy of the Doppelganger. The Clone is a 2/2 blue Bear named Runeclaw Bear that has the Doppelganger’s upkeep-triggered ability.
例如:维苏瓦化妖[Vesuvan Doppelganger]具有“你可以使维苏瓦化妖当成战场上任一生物的复制品来进场,但它不复制该生物的颜色且具有‘在你的维持开始时,你可以使此生物成为目标生物的复制品,但它不复制该生物的颜色且具有此异能。’”此时维苏瓦化妖作为符爪熊(2/2绿色生物,无异能)的复制品进入战场。之后仿生妖作为维苏瓦化妖的复制品进入战场。则这个仿生妖会成为一个名称为符爪熊的2/2蓝色熊,且具有维苏瓦化妖的维持触发异能。

Example: Tomoya the Revealer (a flipped flip card) becomes a copy of Nezumi Shortfang (an unflipped flip card). Tomoya’s characteristics become the characteristics of Stabwhisker the Odious, which is the flipped version of Nezumi Shortfang.

Example: A face-down Grinning Demon (a creature with morph) becomes a copy of a face-up Branchsnap Lorian (a 4/1 green creature with trample and morph {G}). The Demon’s characteristics become the characteristics of Branchsnap Lorian. However, since the creature is face down, it remains a 2/2 colorless creature with no name, types, or abilities, and no mana cost. It can be turned face up for {G}. If it’s turned face up, it will have the characteristics of Branchsnap Lorian.

Example: A face-down Grinning Demon (a creature with morph) becomes a copy of Wandering Ones (a 1/1 blue Spirit creature that doesn’t have morph). It will be a face-down Wandering Ones. It remains a 2/2 colorless creature with no name, types, or abilities, and no mana cost. Its controller can’t turn it face up as a special action. If an effect turns it face up, it will have the characteristics of Wandering Ones.

707.4. Some effects cause a permanent that’s copying a permanent to copy a different object while remaining on the battlefield. The change doesn’t trigger enters-the-battlefield or leaves-the-battlefield abilities. This also doesn’t change any noncopy effects presently affecting the permanent.
707.4. 一些效应令战场上已经为另一永久物之复制品的永久物,复制一个不同的永久物,且留在战场上。此改变不会触发进入战场或离开战场异能。如果当前有非复制效应影响该永久物,该效应不会被改变。

Example: Unstable Shapeshifter reads, “Whenever a creature enters, Unstable Shapeshifter becomes a copy of that creature and gains this ability.” It’s affected by Giant Growth, which reads “Target creature gets +3/+3 until end of turn.” If a creature enters the battlefield later this turn, Unstable Shapeshifter will become a copy of that creature, but it will still get +3/+3 from the Giant Growth.

707.5. An object that enters the battlefield “as a copy” or “that’s a copy” of another object becomes a copy as it enters the battlefield. It doesn’t enter the battlefield, and then become a copy of that permanent. If the text that’s being copied includes any abilities that replace the enters-the-battlefield event (such as “enters with” or “as [this] enters” abilities), those abilities will take effect. Also, any enters-the-battlefield triggered abilities of the copy will have a chance to trigger.
707.5. 一个“作为复制品”或“是…复制品”进入战场的物件,于进入战场时便已经是该物件的复制品。它并不是首先进入战场,然后才成为该永久物的复制品。如果被复制的规则叙述中包含任何会替代进入战场事件的异能(例如“进场时上面有…”或“于[此永久物]进场时”的异能),则这些异能都会生效。并且,该复制品具有的任何进入战场触发式异能也有机会触发。

Example: Skyshroud Behemoth reads, “Fading 2 (This creature enters with two fade counters on it. At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a fade counter from it. If you can’t, sacrifice it.)” and “Skyshroud Behemoth enters tapped.” A Clone that enters the battlefield as a copy of a Skyshroud Behemoth will also enter the battlefield tapped with two fade counters on it.

Example: Wall of Omens reads, “When Wall of Omens enters, draw a card.” A Clone enters the battlefield as a copy of Wall of Omens. The Clone has the Wall’s enters-the-battlefield triggered ability, so the Clone’s controller draws a card.

707.6. When copying a permanent, any choices that have been made for that permanent aren’t copied. Instead, if an object enters the battlefield as a copy of another permanent, the object’s controller will get to make any “as [this] enters the battlefield” choices for it.
707.6. 当复制永久物时,为该永久物作出的选择不会被复制。但是,如果一个物件是作为另一个永久物之复制品进入战场的,则该物件的操控者可以为其作出“于[此物件]进入战场时”的选择。

Example: A Clone enters the battlefield as a copy of Adaptive Automaton. Adaptive Automaton reads, in part, “As Adaptive Automaton enters, choose a creature type.” The Clone won’t copy the creature type choice of the Automaton; rather, the controller of the Clone will get to make a new choice.

707.7. If a pair of linked abilities are copied, those abilities will be similarly linked to one another on the object that copied them. One ability refers only to actions that were taken or objects that were affected by the other. They can’t be linked to any other ability, regardless of what other abilities the copy may currently have or may have had in the past. See rule 607, “Linked Abilities.”
707.7. 如果一对关联异能被复制,则在复制了该些异能的物件上,这两个异能也会以类似的方式互相关联。其中一个异能只提及另一个异能所进行的动作或影响的物件。它们并不会连结到其他的异能上,无论该复制品当前或曾经具有哪些异能。参见规则607,“关联异能”。

707.8. When copying a melded permanent or other double-faced permanent, use the copiable values of the face that’s currently up to determine the characteristics of the copy. See rule 712, “Double-Faced Cards.”
707.8. 复制已融合的永久物或其他双面牌时,使用该永久物当前面朝上的可复制特征值来决定复制品的特征。(参见规则712,“双面牌”。)

707.8a If an effect creates a token that is a copy of a transforming permanent or a transforming double-faced card not on the battlefield, the resulting token is a transforming token that has both a front face and a back face. The characteristics of each face are determined by the copiable values of the same face of the permanent it is a copy of, as modified by any other copy effects that apply to that permanent. If the token is a copy of a transforming permanent with its back face up, the token enters the battlefield with its back face up. This rule does not apply to tokens that are created with their own set of characteristics and enter the battlefield as a copy of a transforming permanent due to a replacement effect.
707.8a 如果一个效应派出一个衍生物,且其为某转化式永久物或某不在战场上的转化式双面牌之复制品,则派出的衍生物为同时具有正面和背面的转化式衍生物。每个面的特征由其复制的永久物对应面之可复制特征值决定,并受对该永久物生效的其他复制效应影响。如果该衍生物为某背面朝上的转化式永久物之复制品,则其进战场时背面朝上。此规则不适用于根据自身特征派出,但由于某替代性效应作为一个转化式永久物的复制品进战场之衍生物。

Example: Afflicted Deserter is the front face of a transforming double-faced card, and the name of its back face is Werewolf Ransacker. If an effect creates a token that is a copy of that transforming permanent, the token also has the same two faces and can transform. It enters the battlefield with the same face up as the permanent that it is a copy of.

Example: Clone is not a transforming double-faced card, so a token that is created as a copy of a Clone is not a transforming token, even if it enters the battlefield as a copy of a transforming permanent due to Clone’s replacement effect.

707.9. Copy effects may include modifications or exceptions to the copying process.
707.9. 复制效应可能会对复制过程添加修改或例外。

707.9a Some copy effects cause the copy to gain an ability as part of the copying process. This ability becomes part of the copiable values for the copy, along with any other abilities that were copied.
707.9a 一些复制效应会在复制过程中将异能赋予该复制品。此异能就如其他被复制的异能一样,成为此复制品之可复制特征值的一部分。

Example: Quirion Elves enters the battlefield and an Unstable Shapeshifter copies it. The copiable values of the Shapeshifter now match those of the Elves, except that the Shapeshifter also has the ability “Whenever a creature enters, Unstable Shapeshifter becomes a copy of that creature, except it has this ability.” Then a Clone enters the battlefield as a copy of the Unstable Shapeshifter. The Clone copies the new copiable values of the Shapeshifter, including the ability that the Shapeshifter gave itself when it copied the Elves.

707.9b Some copy effects modify a characteristic as part of the copying process. The final set of values for that characteristic becomes part of the copiable values of the copy.
707.9b 一些复制效应在复制过程中修改特征。该特征的一组最终值成为该复制品的可复制特征值的一部分。

Example: Copy Artifact is an enchantment that reads, “You may have Copy Artifact enter as a copy of any artifact on the battlefield, except it’s an enchantment in addition to its other types.” It enters the battlefield as a copy of Juggernaut. The copiable values of the Copy Artifact now match those of Juggernaut with one modification: its types are now artifact, creature, and enchantment.
例如:复制神器[Copy Artifact]是一个结界,其叙述为“你可以使复制神器当成战场上任一神器的复制品来进场,但它额外具有结界此类别。”它作为攻城巨车的复制品进入战场。复制神器的可复制特征值成为攻城巨车的值,但有一处变动:它的类别是神器、生物和结界。

707.9c Some copy effects specifically state that they don’t copy certain characteristics and the affected objects instead retain their original values. Copy effects may also simply state that certain characteristics are not copied.
707.9c 一些复制效应特别指明它不复制某些特征;它们改为保留其原始值。复制效应也可能直接叙述其不复制某些特征。

707.9d When applying a copy effect that doesn’t copy a certain characteristic, retains one or more original values for a certain characteristic, or provides a specific set of values for a certain characteristic, any characteristic-defining ability (see rule 604.3) of the object being copied that defines that characteristic is not copied. If that characteristic is color, any color indicator (see rule 204) of that object is also not copied. This rule does not apply to copy effects with exceptions that state the object is a certain card type, supertype, and/or subtype “in addition to its other types.” In those cases, any characteristic-defining ability that defines card type, supertype, and/or subtype is copied.
707.9d 当一个(1)不复制指定特征、(2)为某指定特征保持一个或数个原值、或(3)为某指定特征提供一组特定值的复制效应生效时,被复制之物件上的任何定义该指定特征的特征定义异能(参见规则604.3)不会被复制。如果该特征是颜色,该物件上的颜色标志(参见规则204)也不会被复制。此规则不对具有例外的复制效应生效,这些效应叙述“但该物件额外是”特定的牌张类别、超类别和/或副类别。在这种情形下,任何定义牌张类别、超类别和/或副类别的特征定义异能会被复制。

Example: Quicksilver Gargantuan is a creature that reads, “You may have Quicksilver Gargantuan enter as a copy of any creature on the battlefield, except it’s 7/7.” Quicksilver Gargantuan enters the battlefield as a copy of Tarmogoyf, which has a characteristic-defining ability that defines its power and toughness. Quicksilver Gargantuan does not have that ability. It will be 7/7.

Example: Glasspool Mimic is a creature that reads “You may have Glasspool Mimic enter as a copy of a creature you control, except it’s a Shapeshifter Rogue in addition to its other types.” Glasspool Mimic enters as a copy of a creature with changeling. Glasspool Mimic will have changeling and will have all creature types.

707.9e Some replacement effects that generate copy effects include an exception that’s an additional effect rather than a modification of the affected object’s characteristics. If another copy effect is applied to that object after applying the copy effect with that exception, the exception’s effect doesn’t happen.
707.9e 一些产生复制效应的替代性效应包含一个本身为额外效应的例外(而不是对受影响物件之特征的修改)。如果另一个复制效应在具此类例外的复制效应生效后对该物件生效,该例外的效应不会发生。

Example: Altered Ego reads, “You may have Altered Ego enter as a copy of any creature on the battlefield, except it enters with X additional +1/+1 counters on it.” You choose for it to enter the battlefield as a copy of Clone, which reads “You may have Clone enter as a copy of any creature on the battlefield,” for which no creature was chosen as it entered the battlefield. If you then choose a creature to copy as you apply the replacement effect Altered Ego gains by copying Clone, Altered Ego’s replacement effect won’t cause it to enter the battlefield with any +1/+1 counters on it.

707.9f Some exceptions to the copying process apply only if the copy is or has certain characteristics. To determine whether such an exception applies, consider what the resulting permanent’s characteristics would be if the copy effect were applied without that exception, taking into account any other exceptions that effect includes.
707.9f 一些复制过程中的例外仅在该复制品是某特征或具有某特征时才会生效。要决定此类例外是否生效,考虑假如没有该例外复制效应生效后所成的永久物的特征会是什么,也将该效应包含的任何其他例外考虑在内。

Example: Moritte of the Frost says, in part, “You may have Moritte of the Frost enter as a copy of a permanent you control, except it’s legendary and snow in addition to its other types and, if it’s a creature, it enters with two additional +1/+1 counters on it and it has changeling.” Moritte of the Frost copies a land that has become a creature until end of turn. It would enter as a noncreature permanent, so it won’t enter with two additional +1+1 counters on it and it won’t have changeling, even if it becomes a creature later in the turn.

707.9g Some replacement effects that generate copy effects are linked to triggered abilities written in the same paragraph. (See rule 603.11.) If another copy effect is applied to that object after applying the copy effect with the linked triggered ability, the ability doesn’t trigger.
707.9g 一些产生复制效应的替代性效应与同一段落中叙述的触发式异能互相关联。(参见规则603.11。)如果在关联于该触发式异能的复制效应生效之后,另一个复制效应对该物件生效,该触发式异能不会触发。

707.10. To copy a spell, activated ability, or triggered ability means to put a copy of it onto the stack; a copy of a spell isn’t cast and a copy of an activated ability isn’t activated. A copy of a spell or ability copies both the characteristics of the spell or ability and all decisions made for it, including modes, targets, the value of X, and additional or alternative costs. (See rule 601, “Casting Spells.”) Choices that are normally made on resolution are not copied. If an effect of the copy refers to objects used to pay its costs, it uses the objects used to pay the costs of the original spell or ability. A copy of a spell is owned by the player under whose control it was put on the stack. A copy of a spell or ability is controlled by the player under whose control it was put on the stack. A copy of a spell is itself a spell, even though it has no spell card associated with it. A copy of an ability is itself an ability.
707.10. 复制一个咒语、起动式异能或触发式异能指,将该咒语或异能的复制品放入堆叠;复制的咒语并没有被施放,且复制的异能也没有被起动。复制咒语或异能时,不但会复制该咒语或异能的特征,也会复制为其作出的所有决定,这包括模式、目标、X的数值,以及是否为其支付了额外费用或替代性费用。(参见规则601,“施放咒语”。)通常在结算时才作出的选择不被复制。如果该复制品的一个效应提及用以支付其费用的物件,则它会使用支付原咒语或异能之费用时用到的物件。咒语之复制品的所有者为在其操控下将该复制品放进堆叠的牌手。咒语或异能之复制品的操控者为在其操控下将该复制品放进堆叠的牌手。咒语的复制品也是咒语,即使没有表示它的咒语牌。异能的复制品也是异能。

Example: A player casts Fork, targeting an Emerald Charm. Fork reads, “Copy target instant or sorcery spell, except that the copy is red. You may choose new targets for the copy.” Emerald Charm is a modal green instant. When the Fork resolves, it puts a copy of the Emerald Charm on the stack except the copy is red, not green. The copy has the same mode that was chosen for the original Emerald Charm. It does not necessarily have the same target, but only because Fork allows choosing of new targets.

Example: Fling is an instant that reads, “As an additional cost to cast this spell, sacrifice a creature” and “Fling deals damage equal to the sacrificed creature’s power to any target.” When determining how much damage a copy of Fling deals, it checks the power of the creature sacrificed to pay for the original Fling.

Example: Dawnglow Infusion is a sorcery that reads, “You gain X life if {G} was spent to cast this spell and X life if {W} was spent to cast it.” Because mana isn’t an object, a copy of Dawnglow Infusion won’t cause you to gain any life, no matter what mana was spent to cast the original spell.

707.10a If a copy of a spell is in a zone other than the stack, it ceases to exist. If a copy of a card is in any zone other than the stack or the battlefield, it ceases to exist. These are state-based actions. See rule 704.
707.10a 如果咒语的复制品处于任何非堆叠的区域中,它便会消失。如果牌的复制品处于任何不属于堆叠或战场的区域中,它便会消失。两者均为状态动作。参见规则704

707.10b A copy of an ability has the same source as the original ability. If the ability refers to its source by name, the copy refers to that same object and not to any other object with the same name. The copy is considered to be the same ability by effects that count how many times that ability has resolved during the turn.
707.10b 异能的复制品与原异能来源相同。如果该异能用名称指称了自己的来源,则复制品指的是与之相同的物件,而非具有相同名称的其他物件。对于计算在该回合中此异能结算次数之效应而言,复制品也将被视作该异能。

707.10c Some effects copy a spell or ability and state that its controller may choose new targets for the copy. The player may leave any number of the targets unchanged, even if those targets would be illegal. If the player chooses to change some or all of the targets, the new targets must be legal. Once the player has decided what the copy’s targets will be, the copy is put onto the stack with those targets.
707.10c 一些复制咒语或异能的效应会同时说明其操控者可以为复制品选择新的目标。该牌手可以保留其中任意数量的目标不作改动,即使这些目标可能不再合法。如果该牌手选择改变其中一些或全部的目标,则新的目标必须全部合法。只要牌手决定了复制品的新目标,该复制品进入堆叠并指定这些目标。

707.10d Some effects copy a spell or ability for each player or object it “could target.” The copies are put onto the stack with those targets in the order of their controller’s choice. If the spell or ability has more than one target, each of its targets must be the same player or object. If that player or object isn’t a legal target for each instance of the word “target,” a copy isn’t created for that player or object.
707.10d 一些效应为某咒语或异能每“能”以一个牌手或物件为目标,便将其复制一次。这些复制品选择这些目标进入堆叠,并由这些复制品的操控者选择其放进堆叠的顺序。如果该咒语或异能具有多于一个目标,每个目标必须都是同一个牌手或物件。如果该牌手或物件不是该咒语或异能上每个“目标”一词的合法目标,则对于该牌手或物件而言,不会为其创造一个复制品。

707.10e Some effects copy a spell or ability and specify a new target for the copy. If the spell or ability has more than one target, each of the copy’s targets must be that player or object. If that player or object isn’t a legal target for each instance of the word “target,” the copy isn’t created.
707.10e 一些效应复制咒语或异能并为该复制品指定一个新的目标。如果该咒语或异能具有多于一个目标,该复制品的每个目标必须是该牌手或物件。如果该牌手或物件不是每个“目标”一词的合法目标,则该复制品不会被产生。

707.10f Some effects copy a permanent spell. As that copy resolves, it ceases being a copy of a spell and becomes a token permanent. (See rule 608.3f.)
707.10f 一些效应复制永久物咒语。于该复制品结算时,其不再是咒语的复制品,并成为一个衍生永久物。(参见规则608.3f。)

707.10g If an effect creates a copy of a transforming permanent spell, the copy is also a transforming permanent spell that has both a front face and a back face. The characteristics of its front and back face are determined by the copiable values of the same face of the spell it is a copy of, as modified by any other copy effects. If the spell it is a copy of has its back face up, the copy is created with its back face up. The token that’s put onto the battlefield as that spell resolves is a transforming token.
707.10g 如果一个效应创造一个转化式永久物咒语的复制品,该复制品也是具有两个面的转化式永久物咒语。其每个面的特征由其复制的咒语对应面之可复制特征值决定,并受其他复制效应影响。如果其复制的咒语背面朝上,则其被创造时背面朝上。该咒语结算时放进战场的衍生物是转化式衍生物。

707.11. If an effect refers to a permanent by name, the effect still tracks that permanent even if it changes names or becomes a copy of something else.
707.11. 如果一个效应提及某永久物的名称,则即使该永久物改变名称,或变成其他东西的复制品,此效应也会一直追踪该永久物。

Example: An Unstable Shapeshifter copies a Crazed Armodon. Crazed Armodon reads, “{G}: Crazed Armodon gets +3/+0 and gains trample until end of turn. Destroy Crazed Armodon at the beginning of the next end step. Activate only once each turn.” If this ability of the Shapeshifter is activated, the Shapeshifter will be destroyed at the beginning of the next end step, even if it’s no longer a copy of Crazed Armodon at that time.

707.12. An effect that instructs a player to cast a copy of an object (and not just copy a spell) follows the rules for casting spells, except that the copy is created in the same zone the object is in and then cast while another spell or ability is resolving. Casting a copy of an object follows steps 601.2a–h of rule 601, “Casting Spells,” and then the copy becomes cast. Once cast, the copy is a spell on the stack, and just like any other spell it can resolve or be countered.
707.12. 一个要求牌手施放[物件]的复制品之效应(而不只是复制一个咒语),会遵照施放咒语的规则,不同之处在于会在该物件相同的区域中被创造,然后于另一个咒语或异能正在结算中施放此复制品。施放物件的复制品需要遵照规则601“施放咒语”中601.2a-h的步骤依序行事,然后此复制品被施放。一旦被施放,所施放的复制品也属于堆叠上的咒语,与其他咒语一样可以结算或被反击。

707.13. One card (Garth One-Eye) instructs a player to create a copy of a card defined by name rather than by indicating an object to be copied. To do so, the player uses the Oracle card reference to determine the characteristics of the copy and creates the copy outside of the game.
707.13. 一张牌(独眼嘉斯)指示牌手派出以名称定义的牌之复制品。牌手如此作时应使用Oracle牌张参考文献来决定该复制品的特征,并在游戏之外派出该复制品。

707.14. One card (Magar of the Magic Strings) instructs a player to note the name of a particular card in a graveyard and create a copy of the card with the noted name. To do so, use the characteristics of that card as it last existed in the graveyard to determine the copiable values of the copy. (See rule 608.2h.)
707.14. 一张牌(Magar of the Magic Strings)指示牌手记下坟墓场中特定牌的名称,并派出具有所记下名称的牌之复制品。要如此作,使用该牌在坟墓场中的最后特征确定复制品的可复制特征值。(参见规则608.2h。)

708. 牌面朝下的咒语和永久物 Face-Down Spells and Permanents

708. Face-Down Spells and Permanents
708. 牌面朝下的咒语和永久物

708.1. Some cards allow spells and permanents to be face down.
708.1. 一些牌允许咒语和永久物成为牌面朝下。

708.2. Face-down spells and face-down permanents have no characteristics other than those listed by the ability or rules that allowed the spell or permanent to be face down. Any listed characteristics are the copiable values of that object’s characteristics. (See rule 613, “Interaction of Continuous Effects,” and rule 707, “Copying Objects.”)
708.2. 牌面朝下的咒语,以及牌面朝下的永久物,除了使得它们能够牌面朝下之异能或规则中指明的特征之外,并没有其他特征。这些特征为该物件的可复制特征值。(参见规则613,“持续性效应的互动”和规则707,“复制物件”。)

708.2a If a face-up permanent is turned face down by a spell or ability that doesn’t list any characteristics for that object, it becomes a 2/2 face-down creature with no text, no name, no subtypes, and no mana cost. A permanent that enters the battlefield face down also has these characteristics unless otherwise specified by the effect that put it onto the battlefield face down or allowed it to be cast face down. These values are the copiable values of that object’s characteristics.
708.2a 如果一个牌面朝上的永久物因咒语或异能翻成牌面朝下,且其并未叙述该物件的任何特征,它会成为2/2的牌面朝下生物,且没有内文叙述、名称、副类别及法术力费用。以牌面朝下方式进入战场的永久物也具有这样的特征,除非将其牌面朝下放进战场或允许其牌面朝下地被施放的效应另有指定。这些数值即为该物件的可复制特征值。

708.2b A face-down permanent can’t be turned face-down. If a spell or ability attempts to turn a face-down permanent face down, nothing happens and that effect doesn’t change any of its characteristics or their copiable values.
708.2b 一个牌面朝下的永久物不能被翻为牌面朝下。如果一个咒语或异能尝试将一个牌面朝下的永久物翻为牌面朝下,则什么都不会发生,该效应也不会改变其任何特征或可复制特征值。

708.3. Objects that are put onto the battlefield face down are turned face down before they enter the battlefield, so the permanent’s enters-the-battlefield abilities won’t trigger (if triggered) or have any effect (if static).
708.3. 以牌面朝下状态进入战场的物件,在其进入战场前便已是牌面朝下的状态,因此该永久物的进入战场触发式异能并不会触发(对触发式异能而言)或生效(对静止式异能而言)。

708.4. Objects that are cast face down are turned face down before they are put onto the stack, so effects that care about the characteristics of a spell will see only the face-down spell’s characteristics. Any effects or prohibitions that would apply to casting an object with these characteristics (and not the face-up object’s characteristics) are applied to casting this object. The permanent the spell becomes will be a face-down permanent.
708.4. 以牌面朝下状态施放的物件,在其进入堆叠前便已是牌面朝下的状态,因此针对咒语特征而生效的效应将只能见到牌面朝下咒语之特征。任何将对施放具有这些特征(而并非牌面朝上时物件的特征)之效应或限制会对施放此物件生效。

708.5. At any time, you may look at a face-down spell you control on the stack or a face-down permanent you control (even if it’s phased out). You can’t look at face-down cards in any other zone or face-down spells or permanents controlled by another player.
708.5. 在任何时候,你都可以检视堆叠中由你操控之牌面朝下的咒语,或你操控之牌面朝下的永久物(即使该永久物已跃离)。你不能检视任何在其他区域中之牌面朝下的牌,或由其他牌手操控之牌面朝下的咒语或永久物。

708.6. If you control multiple face-down spells or face-down permanents, you must ensure at all times that your face-down spells and permanents can be easily differentiated from each other. This includes, but is not limited to, knowing what ability or rules caused the permanents to be face down, the order spells were cast, the order that face-down permanents entered the battlefield, which creature(s) attacked last turn, and any other differences between face-down spells or permanents. Common methods for distinguishing between face-down objects include using counters or dice to mark the different objects, or clearly placing those objects in order on the table.
708.6. 如果你操控多个牌面朝下的咒语或牌面朝下的永久物,你必须随时确保这些牌面朝下的咒语和永久物之间有显著的分别。这包括但并不限于,何种异能或规则使该永久物成为牌面向下、咒语施放的先后顺序、牌面朝下之永久物进入战场的先后顺序、哪些生物上回合曾经攻击,以及与其他牌面朝下的咒语或永久物之间的区别。替牌面朝下的牌作记号的方式,通常包括使用指示物或骰子来标记不同的永久物,或依照顺序清楚地在桌上排列这些物件。

708.7. The ability or rules that allow a permanent to be face down may also allow the permanent’s controller to turn it face up. Spells normally can’t be turned face up.
708.7. 允许永久物翻成牌面朝下的异能或规则,也可能允许该永久物之操控者将其翻回正面。通常情况下,咒语不能被翻回正面。

708.8. As a face-down permanent is turned face up, its copiable values revert to its normal copiable values. Any effects that have been applied to the face-down permanent still apply to the face-up permanent. Any abilities relating to the permanent entering the battlefield don’t trigger and don’t have any effect, because the permanent has already entered the battlefield.
708.8. 于牌面朝下的永久物翻回正面时,其可复制特征值回到其正常状态。任何已对该永久物造成影响的效应,依旧对翻回正面的永久物造成影响。任何与永久物进入战场相关的触发式异能不会触发,因为该永久物已经进入战场。

708.9. If a face-down permanent or a face-down component of a merged permanent moves from the battlefield to any other zone, its owner must reveal it to all players as they move it. If a face-down spell moves from the stack to any zone other than the battlefield, its owner must reveal it to all players as they move it. If a player leaves the game, all face-down permanents, face-down components of merged permanents, and face-down spells owned by that player must be revealed to all players. At the end of each game, all face-down permanents, face-down components of merged permanents, and face-down spells must be revealed to all players.
708.9. 如果一个牌面朝下的永久物或结聚永久物的一个牌面朝下组件从战场移到其他区域,其拥有者必须于移动时将之展示给所有牌手。如果牌面朝下的咒语从堆叠移到战场以外的其他区域,其拥有者必须于移动时将之展示给所有牌手。如果一位牌手将离开游戏,所有由该牌手拥有的牌面朝下的永久物、结聚永久物的牌面朝下组件和牌面朝下的咒语必须向所有牌手展示。在每盘游戏结束时,所有牌面朝下的永久物、结聚永久物的牌面朝下组件和牌面朝下的咒语必须展示给所有牌手。

708.10. If a face-down permanent becomes a copy of another permanent, its copiable values become the copiable values of that permanent, as modified by its face-down status. Its characteristics therefore remain the same: the characteristics listed by the ability or rules that allowed it to be turned face down. However, if it is turned face up, its copiable values become the values it copied from the other permanent. See rule 707.3.
708.10. 如果一个牌面朝下的永久物成为另一个永久物的复制品,其可复制特征值就会变成该永久物的可复制特征值,并受到其牌面朝下状态的影响。因此它的特征依然相同:使它成为牌面朝下的规则或异能上所列的特征。然而,如果它翻回正面,它的可复制特征值会成为其所复制之永久物的可复制特征值。参见规则707.3

708.11. If a face-down permanent would have an “As [this permanent] is turned face up . . .” ability after it’s turned face up, that ability is applied while that permanent is being turned face up, not afterward.
708.11. 如果一个牌面朝下的永久物在其翻回正面后具有“于[此永久物]翻回正面时…”的异能,则该异能会在此永久物翻回正面的过程中生效,而不是之后才生效。

708.12. If a spell or ability that instructs a player to reveal a face-down permanent needs information about the revealed object, it uses the characteristics of that object ignoring any continuous effects that may be applying to it.
708.12. 如果某咒语或异能指示牌手展示一个牌面朝下的永久物,且需要用到该展示物件的信息,则使用该物件的特征,而忽略任何可能对其生效的持续性效应。

709. 连体牌 Split Cards

709. Split Cards
709. 连体牌

709.1. Split cards have two card faces on a single card. The back of a split card is the normal Magic card back.
709.1. 连体牌在一张牌上具有两张牌面。连体牌的背面与普通万智牌相同。

709.2. Although split cards have two castable halves, each split card is only one card. For example, a player who has drawn or discarded a split card has drawn or discarded one card, not two.
709.2. 尽管连体牌的两边都可以施放,但每张连体牌都只算是一张牌。例如,不论牌手抓到还是弃掉一张连体牌,该牌手都只是抓或弃掉了一张牌,而不是两张。

709.3. A player chooses which half of a split card they are casting before putting it onto the stack.
709.3. 在将连体牌放进堆叠之前,牌手选择其施放的是连体牌的哪一边。

709.3a Only the chosen half is evaluated to see if it can be cast. Only that half is considered to be put onto the stack.
709.3a 只有被选择的一边会被检查其能否被施放。只有这一边被视为放进堆叠。

709.3b While on the stack, only the characteristics of the half being cast exist. The other half’s characteristics are treated as though they didn’t exist.
709.3b 在堆叠上时,只有被施放的一边的特征存在。另一边的特征则视同不存在。

709.3c An effect may create a copy of a split card and allow a player to cast the copy. That copy retains the characteristics of the two halves separated into the same two halves as the original card. (See rule 707.12.)
709.3c 某些效应可能会创造连体牌的复制品,并允许牌手施放该复制品。该复制品如同原牌一般地具有两边的特征,并如同原牌一般地分成两边。(参见规则707.12)。

709.4. In every zone except the stack, the characteristics of a split card are those of its two halves combined.
709.4. 在除堆叠外的所有区域,连体牌的特征是其两边的特征之综合。

709.4a Each split card has two names. If an effect instructs a player to choose a card name and the player wants to choose a split card’s name, the player must choose one of those names and not both. An object has the chosen name if one of its names is the chosen name.
709.4a 每张连体牌具有两个名称。如果一个效应要牌手选择一个牌名,而牌手想要选择某张连体牌的名称,该牌手必须选择其中一边的名称,但不能同时选择两者。如果一个物件的名称之一为所选择的名称,则它具有所选择的名称。

709.4b The mana cost of a split card is the combined mana costs of its two halves. A split card’s colors and mana value are determined from its combined mana cost. An effect that refers specifically to the symbols in a split card’s mana cost sees the separate symbols rather than the whole mana cost.
709.4b 连体牌的法术力费用是其两边的法术力费用的加总。连体牌的颜色和法术力值由其法术力费用决定。一个具体地提及连体牌法术力费用中符号的效应会看到两边各自的符号,而非法术力费用的加总。

Example: AssaultBattery’s mana cost is {3}{R}{G}. It’s a red and green card with a mana value of 5. If you cast Assault, the resulting spell is a red spell with a mana value of 1.

Example: FireIce’s mana cost is {2}{U}{R}. It has the same mana cost as Steam Augury, but an effect such as that of Jegantha, the Wellspring sees that it contains the mana symbol {1} twice.

709.4c A split card has each card type specified on either of its halves and each ability in the text box of each half.
709.4c 连体牌具有其两边的每种牌张类别,且具有其两边的文字栏中的每个异能。

709.4d The characteristics of a fused split spell on the stack are also those of its two halves combined (see rule 702.102, “Fuse”).
709.4d 堆叠上的已融咒的连体咒语之特征亦是其两边特征的综合(参见规则702.102,“融咒”)。

709.5. Some split cards are permanent cards with a single shared type line. A shared type line on such an object represents two static abilities that function on the battlefield. These are “As long as this permanent doesn’t have the ‘left half unlocked’ designation, it doesn’t have the name, mana cost, or rules text of this object’s left half” and “As long as this permanent doesn’t have the ‘right half unlocked’ designation, it doesn’t have the name, mana cost, or rules text of this object’s right half.” These abilities, as well as which half of that permanent a characteristic is in, are part of that object’s copiable values.
709.5. 一些连体牌是永久物牌,其两边共享一个类别栏。此类物件上的共享类别栏代表两个在战场上生效的静止式异能:“只要此永久物不具有‘左边已解锁’此称号,它就没有此物件左边的名称、法术力费用或文字栏”以及“只要此永久物不具有‘右边已解锁’此称号,它就没有此物件右边的名称、法术力费用或文字栏”。这些异能,以及某特征属于该永久物的哪一边,都是该物件可复制特征值的一部分。

709.5a Each half of a split card with a shared type line shares the types and subtypes listed on that card’s shared type line.
709.5a 具有共享类别栏的连体牌的每一边都会共享该牌类别栏上列出的类别和副类别。

709.5b The existence of each half of an object with a shared type line is part of that object’s copiable values, even if that object is a spell on the stack. This is an exception to rule 709.3b.
709.5b 具有共享类别栏的物件之每一边的存在性都是该物件可复制特征值的一部分,即便该物件是堆叠上的咒语。这是规则709.3b的例外情况。

709.5c “Left half unlocked” and “right half unlocked” are designations that a permanent on the battlefield can have. Together, they are called the unlocked designations. A particular half of a permanent is said to be “unlocked” if it has the appropriate unlocked designation. Otherwise, that half is said to be “locked.”
709.5c “左边已解锁”和“右边已解锁”是战场上的永久物可以具有的称号,它们合称为解锁称号。若某永久物的特定一边具有相应的解锁称号,则称该边为“已解锁”。若否,则称该边为“已上锁”。

709.5d A permanent with a shared type line is given the “left half unlocked” designation as it enters the battlefield if its left half was cast as a spell. It is given the “right half unlocked” designation as it enters the battlefield if its right half was a cast as a spell. If it’s entering the battlefield and neither half was cast as a spell, it enters with neither unlocked designation.
709.5d 于一个具有共享类别栏的永久物进战场时,如果其左半边曾作为咒语来施放,则该永久物获得“左边已解锁”此称号。如果其右半边曾作为咒语来施放,则该永久物获得“右边已解锁”此称号。如果其进战场时两边都未曾作为咒语来施放,则其进场时没有任何解锁称号。

709.5e A player who controls a permanent that has one or more locked halves may pay the mana cost of a locked half of that permanent to give that permanent the appropriate unlocked designation. This cost is referred to as an “unlock cost.” This is a special action (see rule 116). A player can take this action any time they have priority and the stack is empty during a main phase of their turn.
709.5e 如果牌手操控一边或数边已上锁的永久物,该牌手可以支付该永久物已上锁之某边的法术力费用,以使该永久物得到相应的解锁称号。此费用称为“解锁费用”。此为特殊动作(参见规则116)。牌手随时可以在自己回合的行动阶段,拥有优先权并且堆叠为空时执行此动作。

709.5f Some spells and abilities instruct a player to “unlock” half of a permanent. To unlock half of a permanent, a player chooses a locked half of that permanent, and that permanent is given the appropriate unlocked designation.
709.5f 一些咒语和异能指示牌手“解锁”一个永久物的一边。要解锁永久物的一边,牌手选择该永久物之已上锁的一边,该永久物得到相应的解锁称号。

709.5g Some spells and abilities instruct a player to “lock” half of a permanent. To lock half of a permanent, a player chooses an unlocked half of that permanent, and that permanent loses the appropriate unlocked designation.
709.5g 一些咒语和异能指示牌手“上锁”一个永久物的一边。要上锁永久物的一边,牌手选择该永久物之已解锁的一边,该永久物失去相应的解锁称号。

709.5h Some abilities trigger when a player unlocks a particular half of a permanent. These abilities trigger when that permanent is given the appropriate unlocked designation, regardless of whether it was given that designation while entering the battlefield or after entering the battlefield.
709.5h 一些异能当牌手解锁永久物的特定一边时触发。这些异能会在该永久物得到相应的解锁称号时触发,无论该永久物是在进战场时还是在进战场后得到解锁称号。

709.5i Some abilities trigger when a player “fully unlocks” a permanent with a shared type line. Such an ability triggers when that permanent has one of the two unlocked designations and gets the other, or when it has neither designation and gains both.
709.5i 一些异能当牌手“完全解锁”一个具有共享类别栏的永久物时触发。当该永久物已经具有两个解锁称号中的一个且得到另一个解锁称号,或当其没有任何解锁称号且得到所有两个解锁称号时,这些异能触发。

709.5j Some cards refer to a “door” of a Room permanent. A door is a half of that permanent.
709.5j 一些牌提及隔间永久物的“偏门”。一扇偏门指的是该永久物的一边。

710. 倒转牌 Flip Cards

710. Flip Cards
710. 倒转牌

710.1. Flip cards have a two-part card frame on a single card. The text that appears right side up on the card defines the card’s normal characteristics. Additional alternative characteristics appear upside down on the card. The back of a flip card is the normal Magic card back.
710.1. 倒转牌在一张牌上具有分成两个部分的牌面。上半部正确方向的内容为此牌一般情况下的特征。下半部颠倒的是此牌额外的替代用特征。倒转牌的背面与普通万智牌相同。

710.1a The top half of a flip card contains the card’s normal name, text box, type line, power, and toughness. The text box usually contains an ability that causes the permanent to “flip” if certain conditions are met.
710.1a 倒转牌的上半部包括了此牌一般情况下的名称、文字栏、类别栏、力量与防御力。其文字栏中通常会包括某个异能,让此永久物在达到特定的条件后“倒转”。

710.1b The bottom half of a flip card contains an alternative name, text box, type line, power, and toughness. These characteristics are used only if the permanent is on the battlefield and only if the permanent is flipped.
710.1b 倒转牌的下半部包括了此牌的副名称、文字栏、类别栏、力量与防御力。只有此永久物在战场上并且已倒转的情况下,才会用到这些特征。

710.1c A flip card’s color and mana cost don’t change if the permanent is flipped. Also, any changes to it by external effects will still apply.
710.1c 倒转牌的颜色和法术力费用不会因该永久物倒转而改变。并且,所有已经外界对其的效应依旧对已倒转的牌生效。

710.2. In every zone other than the battlefield, and also on the battlefield before the permanent flips, a flip card has only the normal characteristics of the card. Once a permanent is flipped, its normal name, text box, type line, power, and toughness don’t apply and the alternative versions of those characteristics apply instead.
710.2. 在战场以外的区域中以及在战场上倒转之前,倒转牌都只具有该永久物一般情况下的特征。一旦该永久物倒转,其一般情况下的名称、文字栏、类别栏、力量与防御力便不再对此倒转的永久物生效,而改为替代用特征生效。

Example: Akki Lavarunner is a nonlegendary creature that flips into a legendary creature named Tok-Tok, Volcano Born. An effect that says “Search your library for a legendary card” can’t find this flip card. An effect that says “Legendary creatures get +2/+2” doesn’t affect Akki Lavarunner, but it does affect Tok-Tok.

710.3. You must ensure that it’s clear at all times whether a permanent you control is flipped or not, both when it’s untapped and when it’s tapped. Common methods for distinguishing between flipped and unflipped permanents include using coins or dice to mark flipped objects.
710.3. 无论一个永久物是在横置或未横置的状态下,你都必须随时确保能清楚的区别此永久物是否已经倒转。通常的作法是在永久物上放置硬币或骰子,来表示该永久物是否已经倒转。

710.4. Flipping a permanent is a one-way process. Once a permanent is flipped, it’s impossible for it to become unflipped. However, if a flipped permanent leaves the battlefield, it retains no memory of its status. See rule 110.5.
710.4. 将永久物倒转是单向过程。一旦永久物倒转,便不能再回到未倒转。不过,如果已倒转的永久物离开战场,它不会记得之前其所处的状态。参见规则110.5

710.5. If an effect instructs a player to choose a card name and the player wants to choose a flip card’s alternative name, the player may do so.
710.5. 如果一个效应要牌手选择一个牌名,而该牌手想要选择某张倒转牌的副名称,则该牌手可以如此作。

711. 升级牌 Leveler Cards

711. Leveler Cards
711. 升级牌

711.1. Each leveler card has a striated text box and three power/toughness boxes. The text box of a leveler card contains two level symbols.
711.1. 每张升级牌都有条状的文字栏,以及三个力量/防御力方格。升级牌的文字栏包含了两个等级符号。

711.2. A level symbol is a keyword ability that represents a static ability. The level symbol includes either a range of numbers, indicated here as “N1-N2,” or a single number followed by a plus sign, indicated here as “N3+.” Any abilities printed within the same text box striation as a level symbol are part of its static ability. The same is true of the power/toughness box printed within that striation, indicated here as “[P/T].”
711.2. 等级符号是代表静止式异能的关键字异能。等级符号可能包括了某范围的数字,此处表示为“N1-N2”;或是单一数字后面带着加号,此处表示为“N3+”。任何与等级符号印在同一区块文字栏的异能,都是其静止式异能的一部分。而印在同一区块文字栏的力量/防御力方格,此处表示为“P/T”,也是同法看待。

711.2a “{LEVEL N1-N2} [Abilities] [P/T]” means “As long as this creature has at least N1 level counters on it, but no more than N2 level counters on it, it has base power and toughness [P/T] and has [abilities].”
711.2a “{等级N1-N2}[异能][P/T]”意指“只要此生物上面至少有N1个等级指示物,且等级指示物数量又不多于N2,则它的基础攻击力和防御力成为[P/T]并具有[异能]。”

711.2b “{LEVEL N3+} [Abilities] [P/T]” means “As long as this creature has N3 or more level counters on it, it has base power and toughness [P/T] and has [abilities].”
711.2b “{等级N3+}[异能][P/T]”意指“只要此生物上面有N3或更多个等级指示物,则它的基础攻击力和防御力成为[P/T]并具有[异能]。”

711.3. The text box striations have no game significance other than clearly demarcating which abilities and which power/toughness box are associated with which level symbol. Leveler cards each contain only one text box.
711.3. 文字栏区块并没有游戏上的意义,只是用来清楚区分哪个异能与哪个力量/防御力对应于哪个等级符号。每张升级牌都只有一个文字栏。

711.4. Any ability a leveler card has that isn’t preceded by a level symbol is treated normally. In particular, each leveler permanent has its level up ability (see rule 702.87) at all times; it may be activated regardless of how many level counters are on that permanent.
711.4. 升级牌上面任何不以等级符号开头的异能,都会如常运作。特别来说,每个升级永久物随时都具有其升级异能(参见规则702.87);不论该永久物上有多少个等级指示物,都可以起动。

711.5. If the number of level counters on a leveler creature is less than N1 (the first number printed in its {LEVEL N1-N2} symbol), it has the power and toughness denoted by its uppermost power/toughness box.
711.5. 如果升级生物上的等级指示物数量少于N1个(其{等级N1-N2}符号上印制的第一个数字),则它的力量与防御力为最上面的力量/防御力方格所注记的数值。

711.6. In every zone other than the battlefield, a leveler card has the power and toughness denoted by its uppermost power/toughness box.
711.6. 在战场之外的每个区域中,升级牌的力量与防御力均为最上面的力量/防御力方格所注记的数值。

711.7. Some enchantments have the subtype Class and associated abilities that give them a class level. These are not level up abilities and class levels do not interact with level counters. See rule 716, “Class Cards.”
711.7. 一些结界具有副类别职业,与其相关的异能给予其职业等级。这与升级异能并不相同,职业等级也与等级指示物并无互动。参见规则716,“职业牌”。

712. 双面牌 Double-Faced Cards

712. Double-Faced Cards
712. 双面牌

712.1. A double-faced card has a Magic card face on one side and either a Magic card face or half of an oversized card face on the other. (It does not have a Magic card back.) There are three kinds of double-faced cards: transforming double-faced cards, modal double-faced cards, and meld cards.
712.1. 一张双面牌的一面是万智牌的牌面,另一面是万智牌的牌面或一张大号万智牌卡牌牌面的一半。(它没有万智牌的牌背。)有三种双面牌:转化式双面牌、模式双面牌,以及融合牌。

712.2. Transforming double-faced cards have a Magic card face on each side and include abilities on one or both of their faces that allow the card to either “transform” or “convert” (turn over to its other face) and/or allow the card to be cast or enter the battlefield “transformed” or “converted” (with its back face up).
712.2. 转化式双面牌的两面都是万智牌的牌面,在其一面或两面上具有让此牌“转化”或“转换”(让它能翻到另一面)和/或允许该牌以“已转化”或“已转换”(将其背面朝上)的方式被施放或进战场的异能。

712.2a A transforming double-faced card’s front face is marked by a front-face symbol in its upper left corner. On cards printed starting with The Brothers’ War™ release, that symbol is a single white triangle pointed upward inside a black circle. Transforming double-faced cards printed in older sets have different front-face symbols. On Magic Origins™ and Core Set 2019 double-faced cards, the front-face symbol is a modified Planeswalker icon. On cards in the Innistrad® block, Shadows over Innistrad set, and Innistrad: Midnight Hunt set, as well as on Ulrich of the Krallenhorde in the Eldritch Moon™ set, the front-face symbol is a sun. On other Eldritch Moon double-faced cards, the front-face symbol is a full moon. On Ixalan® and Rivals of Ixalan™ cards, the front-face symbol is a compass rose. On Kamigawa®: Neon Dynasty double-faced cards, the front-face symbol is a closed fan.
712.2a 转化式双面牌的正面在左上角以正面符号标记。从兄弟之战™版本发行开始,正面符号是一个黑色圆圈之中指向上方的一个白色三角形。在旧系列中印刷的转化式双面牌正面符号有所不同。在万智牌:起源™和2019核心系列双面牌上,正面符号是修改过的鹏洛客图标。在依尼翠®环境、依尼翠暗影系列和依尼翠:黯夜猎踪系列中的双面牌、以及异月传奇™系列中的展爪的乌力奇上,正面符号是太阳。在异月传奇其余的双面牌上,正面符号是满月。在依夏兰™和决胜依夏兰™牌张上,正面符号是罗盘。在神河®霓朝纪系列中的双面牌上,正面符号是合起的折扇。

712.2b A transforming double-faced card’s back face is marked by a back-face symbol in its upper left or upper right corner. On cards printed starting with The Brothers’ War release, that symbol is a single white triangle pointed downward inside a black circle. Transforming double-faced cards printed in older sets have different front-face symbols. On Magic Origins and Core Set 2019 double-faced cards, the back-face symbol is a full Planeswalker icon. On cards in the Innistrad block, Shadows over Innistrad set, and Innistrad: Midnight Hunt set, as well as on Ulrich, Uncontested Alpha in the Eldritch Moon set, the back-face symbol is a crescent moon. On other Eldritch Moon double-faced cards, the back-face symbol is a stylized image of Emrakul. On Ixalan and Rivals of Ixalan cards, the back-face symbol is a land icon. On Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty double-faced cards, the back-face symbol is an open fan.
712.2b 转化式双面牌的背面在左上角或右上角以背面符号标记。从兄弟之战™版本发行开始,正面符号是一个黑色圆圈之中指向下方的一个白色三角形。在旧系列中印刷的转化式双面牌背面符号有所不同。在万智牌:起源和2019核心系列双面牌上,背面符号是完整的鹏洛客图标。在依尼翠环境、依尼翠暗影系列和依尼翠:黯夜猎踪系列中的双面牌、以及异月传奇系列中的服众首领乌力奇上,背面符号是新月。在异月传奇其余的双面牌上,背面符号是伊莫库的形象化图案。在依夏兰和决胜依夏兰牌张上,背面符号是地符号。在神河®霓朝纪系列中的双面牌上,背面符号是打开的折扇。

712.2c The front face of a transforming double-faced card whose back face is a creature has the back face’s power and toughness printed in gray above the power and toughness box. This is reminder text and has no effect on game play.
712.2c 背面是生物的转化式双面牌,其正面会在力量与防御力框的上方以较小的灰色字印刷其背面的力量与防御力。这属于提示文字,和游戏进行并无关联。

712.3. Modal double-faced cards have a Magic card face on each side. These faces are independent from one another.
712.3. 模式双面牌的两面都是万智牌的牌面。模式双面牌的两个牌面各自独立。

712.3a A modal double-faced card’s front face is marked by a front-face symbol in its upper left corner. The front-face symbol is a single black triangle inside a sideways teardrop.
712.3a 模式双面牌的正面在左上角以正面符号标记。其正面符号是一个横向的水滴形状之中的一个黑色三角形。

712.3b A modal double-faced card’s back face is marked by a back-face symbol in its upper left corner. The back-face symbol is two white triangles inside a sideways teardrop.
712.3b 模式双面牌的背面在左上角以背面符号标记。其背面符号是一个横向的水滴形状之中的两个白色三角形。

712.3c Each face of a modal double-faced card includes a hint bar in the lower left corner with information about the opposite face. This is reminder text and has no effect on game play.
712.3c 模式双面牌的两面均在左下角包含一个提示栏,其上有关于另一面的信息。这属于提示文字,和游戏进行并无关联。

712.4. Meld cards have a Magic card face on one side and half of an oversized card face on the other.
712.4. 融合牌的一面为万智牌的牌面,另一面为一张大号万智牌卡牌牌面的一半。

712.4a One card in each meld pair has an ability that exiles both that object and its counterpart and melds them. To meld the two cards in a meld pair, put them onto the battlefield with their back faces up and combined (see rule 701.37, “Meld”). The resulting permanent is a single object represented by two cards.
712.4a 每对融合牌组中都有一张牌具有放逐此物件及同组当中之另一物件,并融合两者的异能。融合同一融合牌组中的两张牌,意指将它们以背面朝上且已组合的方式放进战场。(参见规则701.37,“融合”。)所得之永久物为由两张牌代表的单一物件。

712.4b The back faces of a meld pair are used only to determine the characteristics of the melded permanent that pair becomes on the battlefield. If a rule or effect references the back face of a meld card when not part of a melded permanent on the battlefield, it fails to determine its characteristics, regardless of which parts of the melded permanent is represented on that card’s back face.
712.4b 融合牌组的背面仅用于确定战场上该融合牌组所成为之已融合的永久物之特征。如果某规则或效应提及融合牌的背面,但它并非战场上已融合的永久物之一部分,则此规则或效应无法确定其特征,无论它代表该已融合的永久物之哪一部分。

712.5. There are six specific meld pairs.
712.5. 目前有六对融合牌组。

712.5a Midnight Scavengers and Graf Rats meld to form Chittering Host.
712.5a 午夜拾荒客和墓地鼠群融合,组成吱响寄主。

712.5b Hanweir Garrison and Hanweir Battlements meld to form Hanweir, the Writhing Township.
712.5b 翰威驻防兵和翰威城垛融合,组成纠拧镇区翰威。

712.5c Bruna, the Fading Light and Gisela, the Broken Blade meld to form Brisela, Voice of Nightmares.
712.5c 渐逝之光布鲁娜和破碎之刃姬瑟拉融合,组成梦魇异音布瑟拉。

712.5d Phyrexian Dragon Engine and Mishra, Claimed by Gix meld to form Mishra, Lost to Phyrexia.
712.5d 非瑞克西亚龙形引擎和基克斯掌偶米斯拉融合,组成非瑞克西亚臣民米斯拉。

712.5e The Mightstone and Weakstone and Urza, Lord Protector meld to form Urza, Planeswalker.
712.5e 强能石与弱能石和护国勋爵克撒融合,组成鹏洛客克撒。

712.5f Argoth, Sanctum of Nature and Titania, Voice of Gaea meld to form Titania, Gaea Incarnate.
712.5f 自然圣所亚格斯和盖亚之声泰坦尼亚融合,组成盖亚化身泰坦尼亚。

712.6. Players who are allowed to look at a double-faced card may look at both sides of that card.
712.6. 如果某牌手被允许检视一张双面牌,他可以检视这张牌的两面。

712.7. Players must ensure that double-faced cards in hidden zones are indistinguishable from other cards in the same zone. To do this, the owner of a double-faced card may use completely opaque card sleeves and/or a substitute card (see rule 713). Sanctioned tournaments have additional rules for playing with double-faced cards. See rule 100.6.
712.7. 双面牌位于不公开区域的时候,牌手必须确保不让它能从该区域的其他牌中辨认出。为了达成此目标,双面牌的拥有者可以利用完全不透明的牌套和/或辅助牌(参见规则713)。认证比赛对于利用双面牌额外订立了规则。参见规则100.6

712.8. Each face of a transforming or modal double-faced card has its own set of characteristics. The front face of each meld card and the combined face formed by a meld pair each has its own set of characteristics.
712.8. 转化式双面牌或模式双面牌的两个牌面都各自具有一组特征值。融合牌的正面与同对两张融合牌组合形成之组合面各有属于自己的特征值。

712.8a While a double-faced card is outside the game or in a zone other than the battlefield or stack, it has only the characteristics of its front face.
712.8a 当双面牌在游戏外、或在战场或堆叠以外的其他区域时,它只具有其正面所述的特征值。

712.8b A meld card on the stack has only the characteristics of its front face.
712.8b 当融合牌在堆叠上时,它只具有其正面所述的特征值。

712.8c Normally, a transforming double-faced spell has its front face up while on the stack and has only the characteristics of its front face. However, if an effect allows a player to cast a transforming double-faced card “transformed” or “converted,” the resulting spell will have its back face up and have only the characteristics of its back face. Its mana value is calculated using the mana cost of its front face.
712.8c 通常,转化式双面咒语在堆叠上时正面朝上,且只具有其正面所述的特征值。但是,如果一个效应允许牌手施放“已转化”或“已转换”的转化式双面牌,所成的咒语的背面朝上,且只具有其背面所述的特征值。使用其正面的法术力费用来计算其法术力值。

712.8d While a double-faced permanent has its front face up, it has only the characteristics of its front face.
712.8d 当双面永久物的正面朝上时,它只具有其正面所述的特征值。

712.8e While a transforming double-faced permanent has its back face up, it has only the characteristics of its back face. However, its mana value is calculated using the mana cost of its front face. If a permanent is copying the back face of a transforming double-faced permanent (even if the object representing that copy is itself a double-faced permanent), the mana value of that permanent is 0. See rule 202.3b.
712.8e 当转化式双面永久物的背面朝上时,它只具有其背面所述的特征值。但是,在计算其法术力值时,使用其正面的法术力费用。如果一个永久物复制一张转化式双面永久物的背面,该永久物的法术力值为0(即使代表该复制品的物件本身也是双面永久物)。参见规则202.3b

712.8f While a modal double-faced spell is on the stack or a modal double-faced permanent is on the battlefield, it has only the characteristics of the face that’s up.
712.8f 当模式双面咒语在堆叠上、或模式双面永久物在战场上时,它只具有其当前牌面朝上的面所述的特征值。

712.8g While the two cards of a meld pair are on the battlefield as a melded permanent, the object represented by those cards has only the characteristics of the combined back face, and its mana value is the sum of the mana values of its front faces. If a permanent is copying a melded permanent, the mana value of the copy is 0. See rule 202.3c.
712.8g 当同属一对融合牌组的两张牌作为已融合的永久物在战场上时,由这两张牌表示的物件只有组合背面所述的特征值,其法术力值为其正面两张牌之法术力值的总和。如果某永久物复制了已融合的永久物,则复制品的法术力值为0。参见规则202.3c

712.9. Only transforming tokens and permanents represented by transforming double-faced cards can transform or convert. (See rule 701.28, “Transform,” and rule 701.50, “Convert.”) If a spell or ability instructs a player to transform or convert any permanent that isn’t a transforming token or isn’t represented by a transforming double-faced card, nothing happens.
712.9. 只有转化式衍生物和由转化式双面牌代表的永久物才能转化或转换。(参见规则701.28,“转化”及规则701.50,“转换”。)如果一个咒语或异能指示牌手转化或转换一个不是转化式衍生物或不由转化式双面牌代表的永久物,没有事情会发生。

Example: A Clone enters the battlefield as a copy of Wildblood Pack (the back face of a transforming double-faced card). The Clone will be a copy of the Wildblood Pack. Because the Clone is itself not a transforming double-faced card, it can’t transform.

Example: A player casts Cytoshape, causing a Kruin Outlaw (the front face of a transforming double-faced card) to become a copy of Elite Vanguard (a 2/1 Human Soldier creature) until end of turn. The player then casts Moonmist, which reads, in part, “Transform all Humans.” Because the copy of Elite Vanguard is a transforming double-faced card, it will transform. The resulting permanent will have its back face up, but it will still be a copy of Elite Vanguard that turn.

Example: A player controls Blackbloom Rogue, a Human Rogue that’s the front face of a modal double-faced card. They cast Moonmist. Blackbloom Rogue doesn’t transform.

712.10. If a spell or ability instructs a player to transform or convert a permanent, and the face that permanent would transform or convert into is represented by an instant or sorcery card face, or is a transforming token that was created with an instant or sorcery face, nothing happens.
712.10. 如果某咒语或异能要求牌手转化或转换某个永久物,且该永久物将要转化或转换成的牌面是以瞬间或法术牌面代表的,或是以瞬间或法术牌面派出的转化式衍生物,则什么都不会发生。

712.11. A double-faced spell is cast with its front face up by default. See rule 601, “Casting Spells.”
712.11. 在默认情况下,一个双面咒语在施放时正面朝上。参见规则601,“施放咒语”。

712.11a If a transforming double-faced card or a copy of a transforming double-faced card is cast as a spell “transformed” or “converted,” it’s put on the stack with its back face up.
712.11a 如果一张转化式双面牌或其复制品以“已转化”或“已转换”的方式作为咒语来施放,则它放入堆叠时其背面朝上。

712.11b A player casting a modal double-faced card or a copy of a modal double-faced card as a spell chooses which face they are casting before putting it onto the stack.
712.11b 牌手在作为咒语施放一张模式双面牌或其复制品时,在将其放进堆叠之前选择要施放哪一面。

712.11c Only the face that will be face up on the stack is evaluated to determine if it can be cast. Only that face is considered to be put onto the stack.
712.11c 在确定该咒语能否被施放时,只考虑其在堆叠上即将面朝上的牌面。只有该牌面被视为放进堆叠。

712.11d If an ability of a transforming double-faced card’s front face allows it to be cast “transformed” or “converted,” that ability is also considered when evaluating that spell to determine if it can be cast. This is an exception to 712.11c.
712.11d 如果一张转化式双面牌正面上的一个异能允许牌手以“已转化”或“已转换”的方式施放之,在确定该咒语能否被施放时,该异能也被考虑在内。这是规则712.11c的例外。

712.12. A player playing a modal double-faced card or a copy of a modal double-faced card as a land chooses one of its faces that’s a land before putting it onto the battlefield. It enters the battlefield with that face up. See rule 305, “Lands.”
712.12. 牌手在作为地来使用一张模式双面牌或其复制品时,在将其放进战场之前选择其为地的某一面。该牌以该面朝上的方式进入战场。参见规则305,“地”。

712.13. By default, a resolving double-faced spell that becomes a permanent is put onto the battlefield with the same face up that was face up on the stack.
712.13. 在默认情况下,正在结算、并成为永久物的双面咒语以与其在堆叠中朝上的面相同的方式被放进战场。

712.13a Some abilities may cause a transforming double-faced spell with its front face up on the stack to enter the battlefield transformed or converted. If the back face of the card that represents that spell is an instant or sorcery card, or that spell is a copy of a double-faced card created with an instant or sorcery back face, it doesn’t enter the battlefield, and is instead put into its owner’s graveyard.
712.13a 一些异能可能使得在堆叠中正面朝上的转化式双面咒语以已转化或已转换的方式进入战场。如果该牌的背面由瞬间或法术牌代表,或该咒语是背面为瞬间或法术的双面牌之复制品,则它不会进战场,而是改为置入其拥有者的坟墓场。

Example: A player controls both Mycosynth Lattice and March of the Machines, the combined effects of which make all permanents artifact creatures in addition to their other types. They also control a Clone on the battlefield that is a copy of Bird Admirer, a creature with daybound. It is currently night, but that permanent can’t transform because it isn’t represented by a double-faced card. Its controller casts Mystic Reflection targeting it, then casts Invasion of Kylem, a Siege battle whose back face is a sorcery. Because Invasion of Kylem is entering the battlefield as a creature, Mystic Reflection’s replacement effect applies to it and it tries to enter the battlefield as a copy of Bird Admirer. Since it is night, the daybound ability would normally cause it to enter with its back face up. However, since its back face is a sorcery, it is instead put into its owner’s graveyard.

712.14. A double-faced card put onto the battlefield from a zone other than the stack enters the battlefield with its front face up by default.
712.14. 双面牌从堆叠以外的区域被放进战场时默认以正面朝上的方式进入战场。

712.14a If a spell or ability puts a transforming double-faced card onto the battlefield “transformed” or “converted,” it enters the battlefield with its back face up. If a player is instructed to put a card that isn’t a transforming double-faced card onto the battlefield transformed or converted, that card stays in its current zone.
712.14a 如果一个咒语或异能将一张转化式双面牌“已转化”或“已转换”地放进战场,它会以背面朝上的方式进入战场。如果牌手被指示将一张不是转化式双面牌的牌已转化或已转换地放进战场,该牌留在其原有的区域。

712.14b If a player is instructed to put a modal double-faced card onto the battlefield and its front face isn’t a permanent card, the card stays in its current zone.
712.14b 如果牌手被指示将一张模式双面牌放进战场,且该牌的正面不是永久物牌,该牌留在其原有的区域。

712.14c If a meld card is being melded with its counterpart, those cards enter the battlefield as a single permanent with their back faces up.
712.14c 如果融合牌正在与同融合牌组当中之另一张牌融合,则它们作为单一永久物以背面朝上的方式进战场。

712.15. If an effect allows a player to cast a double-faced card as a face-down creature spell, or if a double-faced card enters the battlefield face down, it will have the characteristics given to it by the rule or effect that caused it to be face down. That card remains hidden, using a face-down substitute card (see rule 713) and/or opaque sleeves. See rule 708, “Face-Down Spells and Permanents.”
712.15. 如果某效应允许牌手以牌面朝下的方式施放一张双面牌,或一张双面牌牌面朝下地进入战场,它会具有使其翻为牌面朝下的规则或效应所赋予它的特征。使用牌面朝下的辅助牌(参见规则713)和/或不透明的牌套使该牌的牌面保持隐藏状态。参见规则708,“牌面朝下的咒语和永久物”。

712.15a While face down, a transforming double-faced permanent can’t transform or convert. If it’s turned face up, it will have its front face up.
712.15a 转化式双面永久物在牌面朝下的状态下不能转化或转换。如果它被翻回正面,它的正面朝上。

712.16. Melded permanents and other double-faced permanents can’t be turned face down. If a spell or ability tries to turn a double-faced permanent face down, nothing happens.
712.16. 已融合的永久物和其他双面永久物不会被翻为牌面朝下。如果一个咒语或异能要让双面永久物翻为牌面朝下,则什么都不会发生。

712.17. A double-faced card that is exiled face down remains hidden, using a face-down substitute card and/or opaque sleeves. See rule 713, “Substitute Cards.”
712.17. 牌面朝下地放逐的双面牌使用牌面朝下的辅助牌和/或不透明的牌套使该牌的牌面保持隐藏状态。参见规则713,“辅助牌”。

712.18. When a transforming double-faced permanent transforms or converts, it doesn’t become a new object. Any effects that applied to that permanent will continue to apply to it.
712.18. 当一个转化式双面永久物转化或转换时,它不会成为新的物件。任何已对该永久物生效的效应,在它转化后将继续对它生效。

Example: An effect gives Village Ironsmith (the front face of a transforming double-faced card) +2/+2 until end of turn and then Village Ironsmith transforms into Ironfang. Ironfang will continue to get +2/+2 until end of turn.

712.19. If an effect instructs a player to choose a card name, the player may choose the name of either face of a transforming or modal double-faced card but not both. Similarly, they may choose either the name of a front face of a meld card or the combined back face of a meld pair.
712.19. 如果一个效应要某牌手选择一个牌名,则该牌手可以选择转化式双面牌或模式双面牌任一个牌面上的名称,但不可以同时选择两面的名称。类似地,该牌手也可以选择融合牌正面的名称,或是融合牌组之组合背面的名称。

712.20. If a transforming double-faced card would have an “As [this permanent] transforms . . .” ability after it transforms or converts, that ability is applied while that permanent is transforming or converting, not afterward.
712.20. 如果一个转化式双面牌将会在转化或转换后具有一个“于[此永久物]转化…”的异能,该异能在该永久物转化或转换时生效,而非在这之后。

712.21. If a melded permanent leaves the battlefield, one permanent leaves the battlefield and two cards are put into the appropriate zone.
712.21. 如果已融合的永久物离开战场,则只有一个永久物离开战场,但会有两张牌进入相应的区域。

Example: Chittering Host, a melded permanent, dies. An ability that triggers “whenever a creature dies” triggers once. An ability that triggers “whenever a card is put into a graveyard from anywhere” triggers twice.

712.21a If a melded permanent is put into its owner’s graveyard or library, that player may arrange the two cards in any order. If it’s put into its owner’s library, that player doesn’t reveal the order.
712.21a 如果已融合的永久物将被置入其拥有者的坟墓场或牌库,则该牌手可以任意排列表示该永久物之两张牌的顺序。如果该永久物被置入其拥有者的牌库,则该牌手无需展示排列的顺序。

712.21b If a player exiles a melded permanent, that player determines the relative timestamp order of the two cards at that time. This is an exception to the procedure described in rule 613.7m.
712.21b 如果某牌手要放逐一个已融合的永久物,则由该牌手来确定这两张牌放逐时的相对时间印记顺序。这是规则613.7m所述规范的例外情况。

Example: Duplicant is a card with the abilities “When Duplicant enters, you may exile target nontoken creature” and “As long as a card exiled with Duplicant is a creature card, Duplicant has the power, toughness, and creature types of the last creature card exiled with Duplicant. It’s still a Shapeshifter.” As Duplicant’s first ability exiles Chittering Host, a melded permanent, Duplicant’s controller chooses whether the last creature card exiled is Midnight Scavengers or Graf Rats.

712.21c If an effect can find the new object that a melded permanent becomes as it leaves the battlefield, it finds both cards. (See rule 400.7.) If that effect causes actions to be taken upon those cards, the same actions are taken upon each of them.
712.21c 如果某效应能找到已融合之永久物离开战场时所成为的新物件,则该效应能找到两张牌。(参见规则400.7。)如果该效应会对该些牌张执行动作,则该动作会分别对每张牌执行。

Example: Otherworldly Journey is an instant that reads “Exile target creature. At the beginning of the next end step, return that card to the battlefield under its owner’s control with a +1/+1 counter on it.” A player casts Otherworldly Journey targeting Chittering Host, a melded permanent. Chittering Host is exiled. At the beginning of the next end step, Midnight Scavengers and Graf Rats are both returned to the battlefield, each with a +1/+1 counter on it.

Example: False Demise is an Aura with the ability “When enchanted creature dies, return that card to the battlefield under your control.” A Chittering Host enchanted by False Demise dies. The triggered ability returns both Midnight Scavengers and Graf Rats to the battlefield.

Example: Mimic Vat is an artifact that reads, in part, “Whenever a nontoken creature dies, you may exile that card.” A Chittering Host dies. As Mimic Vat’s triggered ability resolves, its controller makes a single choice and both cards that represented Chittering Host are either exiled or not.

712.21d If multiple replacement effects could be applied to the event of a melded permanent leaving the battlefield or being put into the new zone, applying one of those replacement effects to one of the two cards affects both cards. If the melded permanent is a commander, it may be exempt from this rule; see rules 903.9b–c.
712.21d 如果有数个替代性效应将要对一个已融合的永久物离开战场或转换区域之事件生效,则对其中任何一张牌生效之此类效应都会同时对两张牌产生影响。如果已融合的永久物是指挥官,则可不受此规则约束;参见规则903.9b-c

Example: Leyline of the Void is an enchantment that reads, in part, “If a card would be put into an opponent’s graveyard from anywhere, exile it instead.” Wheel of Sun and Moon is an Aura with enchant player and the ability “If a card would be put into enchanted player’s graveyard from anywhere, instead that card is revealed and put on the bottom of its owner’s library.” If the controller of Chittering Host is affected by both cards’ effects, that player chooses one effect to apply to the event and Midnight Scavengers and Graf Rats are both moved to the appropriate zone.

712.21e If an effect needs to know the number of objects that changed zones, a melded permanent among those objects counts as one object that moved. If the effect needs to know the number of cards that changed zones, that melded permanent counts as two cards that moved.
712.21e 如果一个效应需要得知改变区域之物件的数量,这些物件中已融合的永久物算作移动了一个物件。如果该效应需要得知改变区域之牌的数量,该已融合的永久物算作移动了两张牌。

713. 辅助牌 Substitute Cards

713. Substitute Cards
713. 辅助牌

713.1. A substitute card is a game supplement that can be used to represent a double-faced card or meld card. A substitute card has a normal Magic card back.
713.1. 辅助牌是一种游戏辅助用品,用来代表一张双面牌或融合牌。辅助牌具有万智牌的牌背。

713.2. Each substitute card must clearly indicate the name of at least the front face of the card that it represents. Other information from the printed card (e.g. card type, mana cost, and power and toughness) may also be written on the substitute card.
713.2. 每张辅助牌必须至少清晰地表示其代表的牌之正面名称。该牌的其他信息(例如牌张类别、法术力费用、力量和防御力)亦可书写在辅助牌上。

713.2a Some substitute cards list the names and mana costs of the cards they can represent. Exactly one of the fill-in circles must be marked to denote which card the substitute card represents. This style of substitute card was found in Magic products that released 2011–2018.
713.2a 一些辅助牌会列出其所能代表的牌之名称和法术力费用。必须在辅助牌上的填入圈上作唯一记号以标明该辅助牌代表的是哪张牌。此类辅助牌可在2011至2018年间发行的万智牌产品中找到。

713.2b Some substitute cards represent one specific listed card. This style of substitute card was found in the Core Set 2019 release, and it represents the card Nicol Bolas, the Ravager.
713.2b 一些辅助牌代表一张特定的牌。此类辅助牌可在核心系列2019此发行版本中找到,它代表的是烈龙尼可波拉斯这张牌。

713.2c Some substitute cards can represent any modal double-faced card. These substitute cards include the front-face and back-face symbols on the front face of the card. To use one of them, write in the name of each face of the card it represents. This style of substitute card is found in the Zendikar Rising release.
713.2c 一些辅助牌可代表任意一张模式双面牌。此类辅助牌在其正面上包含有正面符号和背面符号。要使用此类辅助牌,在其上写入其所代表的牌每一面的名称。此类辅助牌可在赞迪卡再起此发行版本中找到。

713.3. If a substitute card is used in a deck, the card it represents is set aside prior to the beginning of the game (see rule 103.2a) and must remain available throughout the game. A substitute card can’t be included in a deck unless it is representing a double-faced card or a meld card.
713.3. 如果在套牌中使用了辅助牌,在游戏开始之前(参见规则103.2a)将该辅助牌所代表的牌放到一旁,且在游戏进行过程中必须保持可用。除非一张辅助牌代表了一张双面牌或融合牌,否则该辅助牌不能包含在套牌中。

713.4. For all game purposes, the substitute card is considered to be the card it’s representing.
713.4. 在游戏的所有意义上,辅助牌均视为其所代表的那张牌。

713.5. If the substitute card is face up in a public zone, it should be set aside and the double-faced card or meld card that it represents should be used instead.
713.5. 如果某张辅助牌进入了公开区域,就应改为利用其代表的双面牌或融合牌,并将这张辅助牌放到一旁。

714. 传纪牌 Saga Cards

714. Saga Cards
714. 传纪牌

714.1. Each Saga card has a striated text box containing a number of chapter symbols. Its illustration is vertically oriented on the right side of the card, and its type line is along the bottom of the card.
714.1. 传纪牌具有分段的文字栏,其中包含章节符号。其图片竖向位于牌的右半边,其类别栏靠近牌的底部。

714.2. A chapter symbol is a keyword ability that represents a triggered ability referred to as a chapter ability.
714.2. 章节符号是关键字异能,代表一个称为章节异能的触发式异能。

714.2a A chapter symbol includes a Roman numeral, indicated here as “{rN}.” The numeral I represents 1, II represents 2, III represents 3, and so on.
714.2a 章节符号包含一个罗马数字,此处以“{rN}”表示。数字I代表1,数字II代表2,数字III代表3,依此类推。

714.2b “{rN}—[Effect]” means “When one or more lore counters are put onto this Saga, if the number of lore counters on it was less than N and became at least N, [effect].”
714.2b “{rN}~[效应]”意指“每当一个或数个学问指示物放置在此传纪上时,若其上的学问指示物的数量先前小于N且成为至少N,[效应]。”

714.2c “{rN1}, {rN2}—[Effect]” means the same as “{rN1}—[Effect]” and “{rN2}—[Effect].”
714.2c “{rN1},{rN2}~[效应]”的意义与“{rN1}~[效应]”和“{rN2}~[效应]”相同。

714.2d A Saga’s final chapter number is the greatest value among chapter abilities it has. If a Saga somehow has no chapter abilities, its final chapter number is 0.
714.2d 传纪的最终章节编号是其章节异能中的数字最大者。如果一个传纪因故没有章节异能,其最终章节编号是0。

714.2e A Saga’s final chapter ability is the chapter ability which has its final chapter number in its chapter symbol.
714.2e 传纪的最终章节异能是其章节符号包含最终章节编号的章节异能。

714.3. Sagas use lore counters to track their progress.
714.3. 使用学问指示物来追踪传纪的进度。

714.3a As a Saga without the read ahead ability enters the battlefield, its controller puts a lore counter on it. As a Saga with the read ahead ability enters the battlefield, its controller chooses a number from one to that Saga’s final chapter number. That Saga enters the battlefield with the chosen number of lore counters on it. (See rule 702.155, “Read Ahead.”)
714.3a 于不具跳读异能的传纪进战场时,其操控者在其上放置一个学问指示物。于具跳读异能的传纪进战场时,其操控者选择一个数字,范围须在一到该传纪最大章节数字之内。该传纪进战场时上面有所选数量的学问指示物。(参见规则702.155,“跳读”。)

714.3b As a player’s precombat main phase begins, that player puts a lore counter on each Saga they control. This turn-based action doesn’t use the stack.
714.3b 于牌手的战斗前行动阶段开始时,该牌手在其操控的每个传纪结界上放置一个学问指示物。此回合动作不使用堆叠。

714.4. If the number of lore counters on a Saga permanent is greater than or equal to its final chapter number, and it isn’t the source of a chapter ability that has triggered but not yet left the stack, that Saga’s controller sacrifices it. This state-based action doesn’t use the stack.
714.4. 如果一个传纪永久物上的学问指示物数量大于或等于其上章节异能的最终章节编号,且其并非一个已触发且尚未离开堆叠的章节异能之来源,该传纪的操控者将其牺牲。此状态动作不使用堆叠。

715. 历险者牌 Adventurer Cards

715. Adventurer Cards
715. 历险者牌

715.1. Adventurer cards have a two-part card frame, with a smaller frame inset within their text box.
715.1. 历险者牌具有分为两部分的牌框,其中较小的牌框嵌印在文字栏中。

715.2. The text that appears in the inset frame on the left defines alternative characteristics that the object may have while it’s a spell. The card’s normal characteristics appear as usual, although with a smaller text box on the right.
715.2. 出现在左面的嵌印牌框中的叙述注记有本牌的一组副特征,在其成为咒语期间可能会具有该副特征。该牌的正常特征如常展示在牌上,尽管它出现在右侧的较小的文字栏中。

715.2a If an effect refers to a card, spell, or permanent that “has an Adventure,” it refers to an object for which these alternative characteristics exist, even if the object currently doesn’t use them.
715.2a 如果一个效应提及“具有历险”的牌、咒语或永久物,它提及的是具有此类副特征的物件,即使该物件当前并没有用到其副特征。

715.2b The existence and values of these alternative characteristics is part of the object’s copiable values.
715.2b 这些副特征的存在性及其各值是该物件的可复制特征值的一部分。

715.2c Although adventurer cards are printed with multiple sets of characteristics, each adventurer card is only one card. For example, a player who has drawn or discarded an adventurer card has drawn or discarded one card, not two.
715.2c 即使历险者牌印有多组特征,每张历险者牌仍只是一张牌,例如,抓到或弃掉一张历险者牌的牌手仍只是抓或弃了一张牌,而不是两张。

715.3. As a player casts an adventurer card, the player chooses whether they cast the card normally or as an Adventure.
715.3. 于牌手施放历险者牌时,该牌手选择是要正常施放该牌,或是将其作为历险来施放。

715.3a When casting an adventurer card as an Adventure, only the alternative characteristics are evaluated to see if it can be cast.
715.3a 在将历险者牌作为历险来施放时,仅会利用其副特征来决定此时能否施放该咒语。

715.3b While on the stack as an Adventure, the spell has only its alternative characteristics.
715.3b 历险在堆叠上时,该咒语只有其副特征。

715.3c If an Adventure spell is copied, the copy is also an Adventure. It has the alternative characteristics of the spell and not the normal characteristics of the card that represents the Adventure spell. Any rule or effect that refers to a spell cast as an Adventure refers to the copy as well.
715.3c 如果一个历险咒语被复制,该复制品也是历险。它具有该咒语的副特征,而非代表该历险咒语的牌之正常特征。任何提及作为历险施放的咒语之规则或效应也会提及该复制品。

715.3d Instead of putting a spell that was cast as an Adventure into its owner’s graveyard as it resolves, its controller exiles it. For as long as that card remains exiled, that player may cast it. It can’t be cast as an Adventure this way, although other effects that allow a player to cast it may allow a player to cast it as an Adventure.
715.3d 作为历险施放的咒语于其结算时,该咒语的操控者改为将其放逐,而非置入其拥有者的坟墓场。于该咒语持续被放逐期间,该牌手可以施放之。它不能以此法作为历险施放,尽管其他允许某牌手施放该牌的效应可能会允许某牌手将其作为历险施放。

715.4. In every zone except the stack, and while on the stack not as an Adventure, an adventurer card has only its normal characteristics.
715.4. 在堆叠以外的其他区域、以及在堆叠上不作为历险施放时,历险者牌只具有其正常特征。

715.5. If an effect instructs a player to choose a card name and the player wants to choose an adventurer card’s alternative name, the player may do so.
715.5. 如果一个效应指示牌手选择一个牌名,而该牌手想要选择一张历险者牌的副名称,则该牌手可以如此作。

716. 职业牌 Class Cards

716. Class Cards
716. 职业牌

716.1. Each Class card has a striated text box containing two class level bars. Its illustration is vertically oriented on the left side of the card, and its type line is along the bottom of the card.
716.1. 职业牌具有分段的文字栏,包含两个职业等级条。其图片竖向位于牌的右半边,其类别栏靠近牌的底部。

716.2. A class level bar is a keyword ability that represents both an activated ability and a static ability. A class level bar includes the activation cost of its activated ability and a level number. Any abilities printed within the same text box section as the class level bar are part of its static ability.
716.2. 职业等级条都是一个关键字异能,代表一个起动式异能和一个静止异能。职业等级条包含其起动式异能的起动费用和等级数字。任何与该职业等级条印刷在同一文字栏分段中的异能均是其静止式异能的一部分。

716.2a “[Cost]: Level N — [Abilities]” means “[Cost]: This Class’s level becomes N. Activate only if this Class is level N-1 and only as a sorcery” and “As long as this Class is level N or greater, it has [abilities].”
716.2a “[费用]:等级N~[异能]”意指“[费用]:此职业的等级成为N。只能于此职业的等级是N-1时、且只能于法术时机起动。”及“只要此职业是等级N或更高,它便具有[异能]”。

716.2b A level is a designation that any permanent can have. A Class retains its level even if it stops being a Class. Levels are not a copiable characteristic.
716.2b 等级是任何永久物均能够具有的称号。职业即使不再是职业,仍然会保留其等级。等级不是可复制特征。

716.2c The phrase “to gain a Class level” means “to activate an ability indicated by a class level bar”
716.2c “获得职业等级”此用语意指“起动一个由职业等级条指示的异能”。

716.2d If a rule or effect refers to a permanent’s level and that permanent doesn’t have a level, it is treated as though its level is 1.
716.2d 如果一个规则或效应提及永久物的等级,且该永久物没有等级,该永久物被视作等级是1。

716.3. Any ability printed on a Class card that isn’t preceded by a class level bar is treated normally. In particular, the Class has the ability printed in its top text box section at all times. That ability may affect the game if it’s a static ability, it may trigger if it’s a triggered ability, and it can be activated if it’s an activated ability.
716.3. 等级牌上印刷的任何不以职业等级条开头的异能会被如常看待。特别地,职业在任何时候都具有在其最上方文字栏分段中的异能。如果该异能是静止式异能,它可以影响游戏;如果该异能是触发式异能,它可以触发;如果该异能是起动式异能,它可以被起动。

716.4. Some older creature cards, called leveler cards, have level up abilities that add level counters to them. These are not the same as class level abilities. Level counters do not interact with Class cards, and class levels do not interact with leveler cards. See rule 702.87, “Level Up,” and rule 711, “Leveler Cards.”
716.4. 一些较早的、称作“升级牌”的生物牌具有升级异能,该异能会在其上放置等级指示物。这与职业等级异能并不相同。等级指示物与职业牌没有互动,职业等级也与升级牌没有互动。参见规则702.87,“升级”,以及规则711,“升级牌”。

717. 景点牌 Attraction Cards

717. Attraction Cards
717. 景点牌

717.1. Attraction is an artifact subtype seen only on nontraditional Magic cards. Each Attraction has an “Astrotorium” card back rather than a traditional Magic card back and has a column of circled numbers on the right side of its text box. Numbers in white text on a brightly colored background are said to be “lit up” on those cards. Note that multiple Attraction cards with the same English name may have different numbers lit up. You can see each Attraction card’s possible combinations of lights at Gatherer.Wizards.com.
717.1. 景点是仅见于非传统万智牌牌张上的神器类别。景点牌没有传统的万智牌牌背,而是有“游乐场”牌背,并在其文字栏右侧有一列圆圈中的数字。景点牌上背景为亮彩色的白色数字被称为“亮起”的。请注意,具有相同英文名称的不同景点牌亮起的数字可能不同。您可以参见http://Gatherer.Wizards.com查看每张景点牌可能亮起的数字灯号组合。

717.2. Attraction cards do not begin the game in a player’s deck and do not count toward maximum or minimum deck sizes. Rather, a player who chooses to play with Attraction cards begins the game with a supplementary Attraction deck that exists in the command zone. Each Attraction deck is shuffled before the game begins (see rule 103.3a).
717.2. 景点牌于游戏开始时不在牌手的套牌中,也不计入套牌数量上限或下限。选择使用景点牌的牌手使用一副位于统帅区中的附加景点套牌来开始游戏。景点套牌在游戏开始前洗牌(参见规则103.3a)。

717.2a In constructed play, an Attraction deck must contain at least ten Attraction cards and each card in an Attraction deck must have a different English name.
717.2a 在构组赛中,一副景点套牌必须包含至少十张景点牌,且景点套牌中牌张的英文名称须各不相同。

717.2b In limited play, an Attraction deck must contain at least three Attraction cards from that player’s card pool, and may contain multiple Attractions cards with the same English name.
717.2b 在限制赛中,一副景点套牌必须包含至少三张景点牌且须在该牌手的牌池中,可以包含多张英文名称相同的牌景点牌。

717.3. Effects can cause an Attraction card to enter the battlefield from the command zone. See rule 701.48, “Open an Attraction.”
717.3. 一些效应会将景点牌从统帅区放进战场。参见规则701.48,“打开景点”。

717.4. As a player’s precombat main phase begins, a player who controls one or more Attractions rolls to visit their Attractions. See rules 703.4g and 701.49, “Roll to Visit Your Attractions.” This turn-based action doesn’t use the stack.
717.4. 于牌手的战斗前行动阶段开始时,如果该牌手操控一个或数个景点,则该牌手掷骰造访景点。参见规则703.4g,及规则701.49,“掷骰造访景点”。此回合动作不使用堆叠。

717.5. Each Attraction card has an ability that begins with the word “Visit” followed by a long dash in its rules text. This is a visit ability. A visit ability triggers whenever you roll to visit your Attractions and the result matches one of the lit-up numbers. See rule 702.159, “Visit.”
717.5. 景点牌具有规则叙述以“Visit”和一条长横线开头的异能。此异能是造访异能。造访异能会在每当你掷骰造访景点且结果等同于亮起的数字时触发。参见规则702.159,“造访”。

717.6. If a card with an Astrotorium card back would be put into a zone other than the battlefield, exile, or the command zone from anywhere, instead its owner puts it into the command zone. This replacement effect may apply more than once to the same event. This is an exception to rule 614.5.
717.6. 如果一张具有游乐场牌背的牌将从任何地方置入战场、放逐区或统帅区之外的区域,改为将它置入统帅区。此替代性效应可以对同一事件生效多次。这是规则614.5的例外。

717.6a Each card owned by the same player that has been put in the command zone this way is kept in a single face-up pile separate from any player’s Attraction deck. This pile is informally referred to as that player’s “junkyard.” The pile is not its own zone.
717.6a 由同一牌手拥有,且以此法被置入统帅区的每张牌以牌面朝上的方式单独放在一堆,与牌手的景点套牌分开。这堆牌的非正式名称为“垃圾场”,但并不是一个自己的区域。

718. 试作牌 Prototype Cards

718. Prototype Cards
718. 试作牌

718.1. Prototype cards have a two-part frame, with a smaller frame inset below the type line of the card. The inset frame contains the prototype keyword ability as well as a second set of power, toughness, and mana cost characteristics.
718.1. 试作牌具有分为两部分的牌框,其中较小的牌框嵌印在类别栏下方。嵌印牌框内包括试作此关键字异能,以及第二组力量、防御力及法术力费用的特征。

718.2. The mana cost, power, and toughness in the inset frame represent alternative characteristics that the object may have while it is a spell or while it is a permanent on the battlefield. The card’s normal characteristics appear as usual.
718.2. 嵌印牌框内的法术力费用、力量及防御力代表该物件作为咒语或战场上的永久物时可能具有的一组副特征。该牌的正常特征如常展示在牌上。

718.2a The existence and values of these alternative characteristics are part of the object’s copiable values.
718.2a 这些副特征的存在及其各值是该物件的可复制特征值的一部分。

718.3. As a player casts a prototype card, the player chooses whether they cast the card normally or cast it as a prototyped spell using the prototype keyword ability (see rule 702.160, “Prototype”).
718.3. 于牌手施放试作牌时,该牌手选择是要正常施放该牌,或是利用试作异能将其作为试作咒语来施放(参见规则702.160,“试作”)。

718.3a While casting a prototyped spell, use only its alternative power, toughness, and mana cost when evaluating those characteristics to see if it can be cast.
718.3a 在施放试作咒语时,仅利用其副力量、防御力及法术力费用特征来决定此时能否施放该咒语。

718.3b Both a prototyped spell and the permanent it becomes have only its alternative set of power, toughness, and mana cost characteristics. If that mana cost includes one or more colored mana symbols, the spell and the permanent it becomes are also that color or colors (see rule 105.2).
718.3b 试作咒语及它成为的永久物仅具有其副力量、防御力及法术力费用特征。如果该法术力费用包含一种或多种有色法术力符号,该咒语及它成为的永久物也是这些颜色(参见规则105.2)。

718.3c If a prototyped spell is copied, the copy is also a prototyped spell. It has the alternative power, toughness, and mana cost characteristics of the spell and not the normal power, toughness, and mana cost characteristics of the card that represents the prototyped spell. Any rule or effect that refers to a prototyped spell refers to the copy as well.
718.3c 如果某个试作咒语被复制,则复制品也是试作咒语。该复制品具有该咒语的副力量、防御力及法术力费用特征,而非该试作咒语的正常力量、防御力及法术力费用特征。任何提及试作咒语的规则或效应也会提及该复制品。

718.3d If a permanent that was a prototyped spell is copied, the copy has the alternative power, toughness, and mana cost characteristics of the permanent and not the normal power and toughness characteristics of the card that represents that permanent. Any rule or effect that refers to a permanent that was a prototyped spell refers to the copy as well.
718.3d 如果某个曾为试作咒语的永久物被复制,该复制品亦具有其副力量、防御力及法术力费用特征,而非代表该试作咒语的牌之正常力量及防御力特征。任何提及曾为试作咒语的永久物之规则或效应也会提及该复制品。

718.4. In every zone except the stack or the battlefield, and while on the stack or the battlefield when not cast as a prototyped spell, a prototype card has only its normal characteristics.
718.4. 在堆叠或战场以外的其他区域、以及在堆叠或战场上不作为试作咒语施放时,试作牌只具有其正常特征。

718.5. A prototype card’s characteristics other than its power, toughness, and mana cost (and other than color) remain the same whether it was cast as a prototyped spell or cast normally.
718.5. 试作牌除力量、防御力及法术力费用(以及颜色)之外的其他特征不会改变,无论它作为试作咒语来施放还是正常施放。

719. 案件牌 Case Cards

719. Case Cards
719. 案件牌

719.1. Each Case card’s illustration is vertically oriented on the left side of the card, and its type line is along the bottom of the card.
719.1. 案件牌的图片竖向位于牌的左半边,其类别栏靠近牌的底部。

719.2. The Case frame has no additional rules meaning.
719.2. 案件牌的牌框没有额外的规则含义。

719.3. Case cards have two special keyword abilities that appear before a long dash and represent a triggered ability and an ability that may be static, triggered, or activated.
719.3. 案件牌具有两个特殊的关键字异能,出现在一条长横线前面(译注:中文版使用“~”),代表一个触发式异能和一个可能为静止式、触发式或起动式的异能。

719.3a “To solve — [Condition]” means “At the beginning of your end step, if [condition] and this Case is not solved, this Case becomes solved.”
719.3a “侦办~[条件]”意指“在你的结束步骤开始时,若[条件],且本案未侦结,则它成为已侦结。”

719.3b Solved is a designation a permanent can have. It has no rules meaning other than to act as a marker that spells and abilities can identify. Once a permanent becomes solved, it stays solved until it leaves the battlefield. The solved designation is neither an ability nor part of the permanent’s copiable values.
719.3b “已侦结”是永久物能够具有的称号。它仅用作标记,供其他咒语和异能辨识之用。一旦某永久物已侦结,它便会一直保持已侦结,直到它离开战场为止。已侦结既不是异能,也不是该永久物之可复制特征值之一。

719.3c If a Case has the solved designation, “Solved — [Ability text]” is an ability that may affect the game if it’s a static ability, it may trigger if it’s a triggered ability, and it can be activated if it’s an activated ability. See rule 702.169, “Solved.”
719.3c 如果案件具有已侦结此称号,则其具有的“侦结~[异能文本]”异能如果是静止式异能,可以影响游戏;如果是触发式异能,可以触发;如果是起动式异能,可以被起动。参见规则702.169,“侦结”。

720. 操控其他牌手 Controlling Another Player

720. Controlling Another Player
720. 操控其他牌手

720.1. Some cards allow a player to control another player during that player’s next turn. This effect applies to the next turn that the affected player actually takes. The affected player is controlled during the entire turn; the effect doesn’t end until the beginning of the next turn.
720.1. 一些牌允许牌手在下一个回合被另一位牌手所操控。此效应会在由受影响之牌手实际进行的下个回合生效。整个回合都会被操控;此效应会持续直到下个回合开始。

720.1a Multiple player-controlling effects that affect the same player overwrite each other. The last one to be created is the one that works.
720.1a 多个对同一牌手生效的牌手操控效应会互相覆盖。只有最后一个被创造出来的效应生效。

720.1b If a turn is skipped, any pending player-controlling effects wait until the player who would be affected actually takes a turn.
720.1b 如果一个回合被略过,则尚未执行的牌手操控效应会等到受影响的牌手实际进行回合时才生效。

720.2. Two cards (Word of Command and Opposition Agent) allow a player to control another player for a limited duration.
720.2. 两张牌(命令咒[Word of Command]和反对派密探)允许牌手在有限的时间内操控另一位牌手。

720.3. Only control of the player changes. All objects are controlled by their normal controllers. A player who’s being controlled during their turn is still the active player.
720.3. 只有该牌手的操控权被改变。所有物件依旧由正常状况下的操控者来操控。在被操控之牌手的回合中,该牌手仍是该回合的主动牌手。

720.4. If information about an object in the game would be visible to the player being controlled, it’s visible to both that player and the controller of the player. If information about cards outside the game would be visible to the player being controlled, it’s visible only to that player, not the controller of the player.
720.4. 如果被操控的牌手将可以看到关于一个游戏中物件的信息,则该牌手以及该牌手的操控者都可以看到此信息。如果被操控的牌手将可以看到关于游戏外的牌张之信息,只有该牌手可以看到此信息,该牌手的操控者不能看到此信息。

Example: The controller of a player can see that player’s hand and the face of any face-down creatures they control.

720.5. While controlling another player, a player makes all choices and decisions the controlled player is allowed to make or is told to make by the rules or by any objects. This includes choices and decisions about what to play, and choices and decisions called for by spells and abilities.
720.5. 牌手的操控者替该牌手作出所有规则或任何物件要求作出选择与决定。这包括决定要使用什么,以及咒语与异能所要求的选择与决定。

Example: The controller of another player decides which spells that player casts and what those spells target, and makes any required decisions when those spells resolve.

Example: The controller of another player decides which of that player’s creatures attack, which player or planeswalker each one attacks, and how those attacking creatures assign their combat damage.

720.5a The controller of another player can use only that player’s resources (cards, mana, and so on) to pay costs for that player.
720.5a 牌手的操控者只能利用该牌手的资源(牌、法术力等)来替该牌手支付费用。

Example: If the controller of a player decides that the controlled player will cast a spell with an additional cost of discarding cards, the cards are discarded from the controlled player’s hand.

720.5b The controller of another player can’t make choices or decisions for that player that aren’t called for by the rules or by any objects. The controller also can’t make any choices or decisions for the player that would be called for by the tournament rules.
720.5b 牌手的操控者不得替该牌手作出规则或任何物件未要求作出的选择或决定。比赛规则方面要求该牌手作出的选择与决定亦不得由该牌手的操控者代替作出。

Example: The player who’s being controlled still decides if they will leave to visit the restroom, trade a card to someone else, agree to an intentional draw, or call a judge about an error or infraction.

720.6. The controller of another player can’t make that player concede. A player may concede the game at any time, even if they are controlled by another player. See rule 104.3a.
720.6. 牌手的操控者不能让该牌手认输。牌手可以在任何时间认输,即使他已被其他牌手操控。参见规则104.3a

720.7. The effect that gives control of a player to another player may restrict the actions the controlled player is allowed to take or specify actions that the controlled player must take.
720.7. 使某牌手操控另一位牌手的效应可能会限制被操控的牌手所允许作出的动作,或指明被操控的牌手必须作出的动作。

720.8. A player who controls another player also continues to make their own choices and decisions.
720.8. 操控其他牌手的牌手如常为自己作出选择与决定。

720.9. A player may gain control of themselves. That player will make their own decisions and choices as normal.
720.9. 牌手可以获得对自己的操控权。该牌手将如常为自己作出选择与决定。

721. 结束回合和阶段 Ending Turns and Phases

721. Ending Turns and Phases
721. 结束回合和阶段

721.1. Some cards end the turn. When an effect ends the turn, follow these steps in order, as they differ from the normal process for resolving spells and abilities (see rule 608, “Resolving Spells and Abilities”).
721.1. 一些牌会让当前回合结束。当一个效应结束本回合时,由于这与一般状况下结算咒语和起动式异能的过程不同(参见规则608,“结算咒语及起动式异能”),须依序进行下列步骤。

721.1a If there are any triggered abilities that triggered before this process began but haven’t been put onto the stack yet, those abilities cease to exist. They won’t be put onto the stack. This rule does not apply to abilities that trigger during this process (see rule 721.1f).
721.1a 如果于此过程开始之前有任何触发式异能触发但尚未放进堆叠,这些异能消失。它们不会放进堆叠。此规则不会对在此过程中触发的异能生效(参见规则721.1f)。

721.1b Exile every object on the stack, including the object that’s resolving. All objects not on the battlefield or in the command zone that aren’t represented by cards will cease to exist the next time state-based actions are checked (see rule 704, “State-Based Actions”).
721.1b 放逐堆叠中的所有物件,包括正在结算的物件。所有不在战场上或统帅区且并未以牌来代表的物件,都会在下次检查状态动作时消失(参见规则704,“状态动作”)。

721.1c Check state-based actions. No player gets priority, and no triggered abilities are put onto the stack.
721.1c 检查状态动作。没有牌手将得到优先权,且没有触发式异能会进入堆叠。

721.1d The current phase and/or step ends. If this happens during combat, remove all creatures and planeswalkers from combat. The game skips straight to the cleanup step; skip any phases or steps between this phase or step and the cleanup step. If an effect ends the turn during the cleanup step, a new cleanup step begins.
721.1d 当前的阶段和/或步骤结束。如果这发生在战斗阶段中,则将所有生物和鹏洛客移出战斗。游戏过程直接跳到清除步骤。从目前的阶段或步骤到清除步骤之间,所有的阶段或步骤均被略过。如果一个效应在清除步骤中结束回合,一个新的清除步骤开始。

721.1e Even though the turn ends, “at the beginning of the end step” triggered abilities don’t trigger because the end step is skipped.
721.1e 即使回合结束,“在结束步骤开始时”触发的触发式异能不会触发,因为结束步骤已被略过。

721.1f No player gets priority during this process, so triggered abilities are not put onto the stack. If any triggered abilities have triggered since this process began, those abilities are put onto the stack during the cleanup step, then the active player gets priority and players can cast spells and activate abilities. Then there will be another cleanup step before the turn finally ends. If no triggered abilities have triggered during this process, no player gets priority during the cleanup step. See rule 514, “Cleanup Step.”
721.1f 在上述过程中,没有牌手会得到优先权,所以触发式异能不会进入堆叠。如果在此过程开始之后触发了任何触发式异能,则这些异能会在清除步骤中被放入堆叠,此后主动牌手会得到优先权,牌手有机会施放咒语或起动异能。然后在本回合真正结束之前,会进行另一个清除步骤。如果此过程中没有触发式异能被触发,牌手在清除步骤不会得到优先权。参见规则514,“清除步骤”。

721.2. One card (Mandate of Peace) ends the combat phase. When an effect ends the combat phase, follow these steps in order, as they differ from the normal process for resolving spells and abilities (see rule 608, “Resolving Spells and Abilities”).
721.2. 一张牌(和平授令[Mandate of Peace])结束战斗阶段。当一个效应结束战斗阶段时,由于这与一般状况下结算咒语和起动式异能的过程不同(参见规则608,“结算咒语及起动式异能”),须依序进行下列步骤。

721.2a If there are any triggered abilities that triggered before this process began but haven’t been put onto the stack yet, those abilities cease to exist. They won’t be put onto the stack. This rule does not apply to abilities that trigger during this process (see rule 721.2f).
721.2a 如果于此过程开始之前有任何触发式异能触发但尚未放进堆叠,这些异能消失。它们不会放进堆叠。此规则不会对在此过程中触发的异能生效(参见规则721.2f)。

721.2b Exile every object on the stack, including the object that’s resolving. All objects not on the battlefield or in the command zone that aren’t represented by cards will cease to exist the next time state-based actions are checked (see rule 704, “State-Based Actions”).
721.2b 放逐堆叠中的所有物件,包括正在结算的物件。所有不在战场上或统帅区且并未以牌来代表的物件,都会在下次检查状态动作时消失(参见规则704,“状态动作”)。

721.2c Check state-based actions. No player gets priority, and no triggered abilities are put onto the stack.
721.2c 检查状态动作。没有牌手将得到优先权,且没有触发式异能会进入堆叠。

721.2d The current combat phase ends. Remove all creatures and planeswalkers from combat. Effects that last “until end of combat” expire. The game skips straight to the next phase, usually the postcombat main phase; skip any steps between this step and that phase.
721.2d 当前的战斗阶段结束。将所有生物和鹏洛客移出战斗。持续到“直到战斗结束”的效应结束。游戏过程直接跳到下一个阶段,通常是战斗后行动阶段;从目前的步骤到该阶段之间,所有的步骤均被略过。

721.2e Even though the combat phase ends, “at end of combat” triggered abilities don’t trigger because the end of combat step is skipped.
721.2e 即使战斗阶段结束,“在战斗结束时”触发的触发式异能不会触发,因为战斗结束步骤已被略过。

721.2f No player gets priority during this process, so triggered abilities are not put onto the stack. If any triggered abilities have triggered since this process began, those abilities are put onto the stack during the following phase, then the active player gets priority and players can cast spells and activate abilities.
721.2f 在上述过程中,没有牌手会得到优先权,所以触发式异能不会进入堆叠。如果在此过程开始之后触发了任何触发式异能,则这些异能会在下一个阶段中被放入堆叠,此后主动牌手会得到优先权,牌手可施放咒语或起动异能。

721.2g If an effect attempts to end the combat phase at any time that’s not a combat phase, nothing happens.
721.2g 如果一个效应试图在任何不是战斗阶段的时间点结束战斗阶段,什么都不会发生。

722. 君主 The Monarch

722. The Monarch
722. 君主

722.1. The monarch is a designation a player can have. There is no monarch in a game until an effect instructs a player to become the monarch.
722.1. “君主”是牌手可获得的称号。有些牌上会注记着“某牌手成为君主”。

722.2. There are two inherent triggered abilities associated with being the monarch. These triggered abilities have no source and are controlled by the player who was the monarch at the time the abilities triggered. This is an exception to rule 113.8. The full texts of these abilities are “At the beginning of the monarch’s end step, that player draws a card” and “Whenever a creature deals combat damage to the monarch, its controller becomes the monarch.”
722.2. “身为君主”会产生与之关联的两个固有触发式异能。这些触发式异能没有来源,其操控者为异能触发时为君主的牌手。这是规则113.8的例外情况。这两个异能的完整叙述为“在君主的结束步骤开始时,该牌手抓一张牌”及“每当任一生物对君主造成战斗伤害时,其操控者成为君主”。

722.3. Only one player can be the monarch at a time. As a player becomes the monarch, the current monarch ceases to be the monarch.
722.3. 同一时间只有一位牌手能成为君主。于某位牌手成为君主时,当前的君主便不再是君主。

722.4. If the monarch leaves the game, the active player becomes the monarch at the same time as that player leaves the game. If the active player is leaving the game or if there is no active player, the next player in turn order becomes the monarch. If no player still in the game can become the monarch, the game continues with no monarch.
722.4. 如果君主离开游戏,则主动牌手在其离开游戏的同时成为君主。如果该主动牌手也离开游戏、或没有主动牌手,则依回合顺序的下一位牌手成为君主。如果仍在游戏中的牌手均不能成为君主,游戏以没有君主的状态继续。

722.5. If the result of a continuous effect generated by a static ability is determined based on who is currently the monarch, but there is no monarch in the game as that effect begins to apply, that effect does nothing until a player becomes the monarch. See rule 613, “Continuous Effects.”
722.5. 如果一个静止式异能产生的持续性效应的结果是根据哪位牌手是君主来确定的,但此效应生效时游戏中没有君主,则该效应没有效果,直到某位牌手成为君主。参见规则613,“持续性效应”。

723. 先制 The Initiative

723. The Initiative
723. 先制

723.1. The initiative is a designation a player can have. There is no initiative in a game until an effect instructs a player to take the initiative. A player who currently has the initiative designation is said to have the initiative.
723.1. “先制”是牌手可获得的称号。游戏开始时没有先制,直到某效应令牌手掌握先制为止。当前拥有先制称号的牌手便“握有先制”。

723.2. There are three inherent triggered abilities associated with having the initiative. These triggered abilities have no source and are controlled by the player who had the initiative at the time the abilities triggered. This is an exception to rule 113.8. The full text of these abilities are “At the beginning of the upkeep of the player who has the initiative, that player ventures into Undercity,” “Whenever one or more creatures a player controls deal combat damage to the player who has the initiative, the controller of those creatures takes the initiative,” and “Whenever a player takes the initiative, that player ventures into Undercity.” See rule 701.46, “Venture into the Dungeon.”
723.2. 握有先制会产生与之关联的三个固有触发式异能。这些触发式异能没有来源,且其操控者是当这些异能触发时握有先制的牌手。这是规则113.8的例外情况。这三个异能的完整叙述为“在握有先制的牌手的维持开始时,该牌手深入地底城。”、“每当一个或数个生物对握有先制的牌手造成战斗伤害时,这些生物的操控者掌握先制。”,和“每当一位牌手掌握先制时,该牌手深入地底城。”参见规则701.46,“深入地城”。

723.3. Only one player can have the initiative at a time. As a player takes the initiative, the player who currently has the initiative ceases to have it.
723.3. 同一时间只有一位牌手能握有先制。于某位牌手掌握先制时,当前握有先制的牌手便不再握有先制。

723.4. If the player who has the initiative leaves the game, the active player takes the initiative at the same time that player leaves the game. If the active player is leaving the game or if there is no active player, the next player in turn order takes the initiative.
723.4. 如果握有先制的牌手离开游戏,则主动牌手在其离开游戏的同时掌握先制。如果该主动牌手也离开游戏、或没有主动牌手,则依回合顺序的下一位牌手掌握先制。

723.5. If the player who currently has the initiative is instructed to take the initiative, this causes the last triggered ability in 723.2 to trigger but does not create a second initiative designation.
723.5. 如果当前握有先制的牌手被指示掌握先制,这会使规则723.2所述的最后一条触发式异能触发,但不会产生第二个先制称号。

724. 重新开始游戏 Restarting the Game

724. Restarting the Game
724. 重新开始游戏

724.1. One card (Karn Liberated) restarts the game. A game that is restarted immediately ends. No players in that game win, lose, or draw that game. All players in that game when it ended then start a new game following the procedures set forth in rule 103, “Starting the Game,” with the following exception:
724.1. 一张牌(重获自由的卡恩)可以重新开始游戏。被重新开始的游戏立即结束。在该游戏中,没有牌手赢,输,或者平手。在该游戏中的所有牌手此后开始新的游戏,并遵循由规则103,“开始游戏”,所规定的流程,但包括以下例外:

724.1a The starting player in the new game is the player who controlled the spell or ability that restarted the game.
724.1a 新的游戏之先行牌手为操控使游戏重新开始之咒语或异能的牌手。

724.2. All Magic cards involved in the game that was restarted when it ended, including phased-out permanents and nontraditional Magic cards, are involved in the new game, even if those cards were not originally involved in the restarted game. Ownership of cards in the new game doesn’t change, regardless of their location when the new game begins.
724.2. 所有包含在被重新开始的游戏中的万智牌卡牌,包括已跃离的永久物和非传统万智牌卡牌,在该游戏结束后均包含在新的游戏中,即使这些牌原本未包含在原来的游戏中。在新的游戏中,牌的拥有者不会因其在游戏开始时所在的位置而改变。

Example: A player casts Living Wish, bringing a creature card into the game from outside the game. Then that game is restarted. The creature card will be part of that player’s library when the new game begins.

724.3. Because each player draws seven cards when the new game begins, any player with fewer than seven cards in their library will lose the game when state-based actions are checked during the upkeep step of the first turn, regardless of any mulligans that player takes. (See rule 704, “State-Based Actions.”)
724.3. 由于在新的游戏开始时每位牌手需要抓七张牌,任何在此时牌库中不足七张牌的牌手将在第一个回合的维持步骤开始,检查状态动作时输去此盘游戏,而不考虑该牌手进行的任何再调度。(参见规则704,“状态动作”。)

724.4. The effect that restarts the game finishes resolving just before the first turn’s untap step. If the spell or ability that generated that effect has additional instructions, those instructions are followed at this time. No player has priority, and any triggered abilities that trigger as a result will go on the stack the next time a player receives priority, usually during the first turn’s upkeep step.
724.4. 重新开始游戏的效应在第一个回合的重置步骤开始之前完成结算。如果产生该效应的咒语或异能具有额外的指示,在此时遵循这些指示。没有牌手会得到优先权,且由此而触发的触发式异能将在下一次牌手将得到优先权时进入堆叠,这通常是在第一个回合的维持步骤中。

724.5. Effects may exempt certain cards from the procedure that restarts the game. These cards are not in their owner’s deck as the new game begins.
724.5. 一些效应可能使某些牌不遵循重新开始游戏的流程。这些牌在新的游戏开始时不在其拥有者的牌库中。

724.5a In a Commander game, a commander that has been exempted from the procedure that restarts the game won’t begin the new game in the command zone. However, it remains that deck’s commander for the new game. See rule 903, “Commander.”
724.5a 在指挥官游戏中,因此而未遵循重新开始游戏的流程之指挥官不会在新的游戏开始时位于统帅区。但是,它仍然是新的游戏中该套牌的指挥官。参见规则903,“指挥官”。

724.6. If a Magic subgame (see rule 724) is restarted, the main game is unaffected. Main-game effects that refer to the winner or loser of the subgame now refer to the winner or loser of the restarted subgame.
724.6. 如果一个万智牌子游戏(参见规则726)被重新开始,主游戏不会受到影响。主游戏中提及子游戏的赢家或输家的效应,将提及重新开始的子游戏之赢家或输家。

724.7. If a multiplayer game using the limited range of influence option (see rule 801) is restarted, all players in the game are involved, regardless of the range of influence of the player who controls the ability that restarted the game.
724.7. 如果在限制影响范围模式(参见规则801)的多人游戏中,该游戏被重新开始,则该游戏中的所有牌手都将重新开始游戏,而不考虑操控重新开始游戏之咒语或异能的牌手之影响范围。

725. 拉德指示物 Rad Counters

725. Rad Counters
725. 拉德指示物

725.1. Rad counters are a kind of counter a player can have (see rule 122, “Counters”). There is an inherent triggered ability associated with rad counters. This ability has no source and is controlled by the active player. This is an exception to rule 113.8. The full text of this ability is “At the beginning of each player’s precombat main phase, if that player has one or more rad counters, that player mills a number of cards equal to the number of rad counters they have. For each nonland card milled this way, that player loses 1 life and removes one rad counter from themselves.”
725.1. 拉德指示物是牌手可具有的一种指示物(参见规则122,“指示物”)。具有拉德指示物会产生与之关联的一个固有触发式异能。这些触发式异能没有来源,且其操控者是主动牌手。这是规则113.8的例外情况。此异能的完整叙述为“在每位牌手战斗前的行动阶段开始时,若该牌手具有一个或数个拉德指示物,该牌手磨等同于其具有之拉德指示物数量的牌。每以此法磨掉一张非地牌,该牌手便失去1点生命并从自己上移去一个拉德指示物。”

725.1a A card that refers to life loss “from radiation” refers to life lost as a result of the triggered ability associated with rad counters.
725.1a 提及“因辐射量”而失去生命的牌,其意指因与拉德指示物关联的触发式异能失去生命。

726. 子游戏 Subgames

726. Subgames
726. 子游戏

726.1. One card (Shahrazad) allows players to play a Magic subgame.
726.1. 只有一张牌(Shahrazad)允许牌手进行万智牌的子游戏。

726.1a A “subgame” is a completely separate Magic game created by an effect. Essentially, it’s a game within a game. The “main game” is the game in which the spell or ability that created the subgame was cast or activated. The main game is temporarily discontinued while the subgame is in progress. It resumes when the subgame ends.
726.1a “子游戏”意指由效应所创造出来、与当前游戏完全无关的万智牌游戏。本质上来说,它就是游戏当中的另一个游戏。“主游戏”是施放或起动了创造该子游戏之咒语或异能所在的游戏。主游戏在子游戏进行过程中暂停。它会在子游戏结束后继续进行。

726.1b No effects or definitions created in either the main game or the subgame have any meaning in the other, except as defined by the effect that created the subgame. For example, the effect may say that something happens in the main game to the winner or loser of the subgame.
726.1b 在主游戏或子游戏当中,各自产生的效应及定义对另一个而言均无意义,但由创造出子游戏的效应所作出的定义不在此限。例如,该效应当中会注明,在主游戏中会对子游戏的赢家或输家有何奖惩。

726.2. As the subgame starts, an entirely new set of game zones is created. Each player takes all the cards in their main-game library, moves them to their subgame library, and shuffles them. No other cards in a main-game zone are moved to their corresponding subgame zone, except as specified in rules 726.2a–c. Randomly determine which player goes first. The subgame proceeds like a normal game, following all other rules in rule 103, “Starting the Game.”
726.2. 于子游戏开始时,会创造出一整套全新的游戏区域。每位牌手将各自主游戏的整个牌库当作其子游戏的牌库,并对其进行洗牌。除此之外,在主游戏各个区域里的牌都不会移到子游戏的对应区域当中,除了规则726.2a-c中特别指出的之外。随机决定哪位牌手先手。子游戏的进程如正常的游戏一般,须遵循如规则103部分“开始游戏”中规定的其他规则。

726.2a As a subgame begins, if one or more supplementary decks of nontraditional cards are being used, each player moves each of their supplementary decks from the main-game command zone to the subgame command zone and shuffles it. (Face-up nontraditional cards remain in the main-game command zone.)
726.2a 于子游戏开始时,如果用到了一套或多套由非传统卡牌组成的附加套牌,每位牌手将这些附加套牌从主游戏统帅区移到子游戏统帅区,并将其洗牌。(牌面朝上的非传统卡牌留在主游戏的统帅区。)

726.2b As a subgame of a Vanguard game starts, each player moves their vanguard card from the main-game command zone to the subgame command zone.
726.2b 于先锋游戏中的子游戏开始时,每位牌手将其先锋牌从主游戏统帅区移到子游戏统帅区。

726.2c As a subgame of a Commander game starts, each player moves their commander from the main-game command zone (if it’s there) to the subgame command zone.
726.2c 于指挥官游戏中的子游戏开始时,每位牌手将其指挥官从主游戏统帅区(如果该牌在统帅区的话)移到子游戏统帅区。

726.3. Because each player draws seven cards when a game begins, any player with fewer than seven cards in their deck will lose the subgame when state-based actions are checked during the upkeep step of the first turn, regardless of any mulligans that player takes. (See rule 704, “State-Based Actions.”)
726.3. 对子游戏而言,忽略一切与牌手套牌张数相关的规则。不过,由于每位牌手在游戏开始时需要抓七张牌,因此套牌张数少于七张的牌手,会在子游戏第一回合的维持步骤中检查状态动作的时候输去子游戏,不论该牌手是否进行再调度。(参见规则704,“状态动作”。)

726.4. All objects in the main game and all cards outside the main game are considered outside the subgame (except those specifically brought into the subgame). All players not currently in the subgame are considered outside the subgame.
726.4. 所有主游戏中的物件,以及主游戏之外的所有牌,均视同在子游戏之外(除非有特殊效应会将其带到子游戏之中)。所有当前不在子游戏当中的牌手均视同在子游戏之外。

726.4a Some effects can bring cards into a game from outside of it. If a card is brought into a subgame from a main game, abilities in the main game that trigger on objects leaving a main-game zone will trigger, but they won’t be put onto the stack until the main game resumes.
726.4a 一些效应可以从游戏之外带进牌。如果从主游戏中将一张牌带入子游戏中,则在主游戏中,物件离开主游戏的区域时触发的异能会触发,但这些异能直到主游戏继续之后才会进入堆叠。

726.4b A player’s main-game counters aren’t considered part of the subgame, although the player will still have them when the main game resumes. Similarly, any counters a player gets during a subgame will cease to exist when the subgame ends.
726.4b 一位牌手在主游戏中的指示物不被认为是子游戏的一部分,但是牌手在主游戏再次开始时依然具有它们。同理,牌手在子游戏中得到的指示物在子游戏结束时消失。

726.5. At the end of a subgame, each player takes all traditional cards they own that are in the subgame other than those in the subgame command zone, puts them into their main-game library, then shuffles them. This includes cards in the subgame’s exile zone and cards that represent phased-out permanents as the subgame ends. Except as specified in rules 726.5a–c, all other objects in the subgame cease to exist, as do the zones created for the subgame. The main game continues from the point at which it was discontinued: First, the spell or ability that created the subgame finishes resolving, even if it was created by a spell card that’s no longer on the stack. Then, if any main-game abilities triggered while the subgame was in progress due to cards being removed from the main game, those abilities are put onto the stack.
726.5. 在子游戏结束时,每位牌手将其拥有,且参与过子游戏的传统卡牌放入其主游戏之牌库中,然后将牌库洗牌。这包括在子游戏的放逐区之中的牌,以及在子游戏结束时代表已跃离的永久物的牌。除了规则726.5a-c中特别指出的之外,所有子游戏中的其他物件,以及为其创造的游戏区域都会消失。主游戏从它暂停的那一刻起继续:首先,创造子游戏的咒语或异能完成结算,即使创造该咒语或异能的咒语牌已不在堆叠之上。然后,如果有在子游戏进行过程中,由于主游戏当中的牌被移出主游戏,而于主游戏里触发的异能,则将该些异能放进堆叠。

Example: If a card was brought into the subgame either from the main game or from outside the main game, that card will be put into its owner’s main-game library when the subgame ends.

726.5a At the end of a subgame, each nontraditional card not in a supplementary deck that began the subgame in a supplementary deck is turned face down and put on the bottom of that deck. Then each player moves each of their supplementary decks from the subgame command zone to the main-game command zone and shuffles it.
726.5a 于子游戏结束时,将每张在附加套牌中开始子游戏,且当前不在附加套牌中的非传统卡牌翻为牌面朝下并置于该附加套牌牌库底。然后每位牌手将其附加套牌从子游戏统帅区移到主游戏统帅区并将其洗牌。

726.5b At the end of a subgame of a Vanguard game, each player moves their vanguard card from the subgame command zone to the main-game command zone. This is an exception to rule 313.2.
726.5b 于先锋游戏中的子游戏结束时,每位牌手将其先锋牌从子游戏统帅区移到主游戏统帅区。这是规则313.2的例外情况。

726.5c At the end of a subgame of a Commander game, each player moves their commander from the subgame command zone (if it’s there) to the main-game command zone.
726.5c 于指挥官游戏中的子游戏结束时,每位牌手将其指挥官从子游戏统帅区(如果该牌在统帅区的话)移到主游戏统帅区。

726.6. A subgame can be created within a subgame. The existing subgame becomes the main game in relation to the new subgame.
726.6. 子游戏中可以创造另一个子游戏。当前已经存在的子游戏相对而言会成为新的子游戏之主游戏。

727. 与永久物结聚 Merging with Permanents

727. Merging with Permanents
727. 与永久物结聚

727.1. One keyword causes an object to merge with a permanent. See rule 702.140, “Mutate.”
727.1. 一个关键字异能会导致物件与永久物结聚。参见规则702.140,“合变”。

727.2. To merge an object with a permanent, place that object on top of or under that permanent. That permanent becomes a merged permanent represented by the card or copy that represented that object in addition to any other components that were representing it.
727.2. 要将物件与永久物结聚,将该物件放置在该永久物的顶上或底下。该永久物成为结聚永久物,其除由已经代表该永久物的任一其他组件所代表外,还额外由代表该物件的牌或复制品所代表。

727.2a A merged permanent has only the characteristics of its topmost component, unless otherwise specified by the effect that caused them to merge. This is a copiable effect whose timestamp is the time the objects merged. (See rule 613.2.)
727.2a 结聚永久物仅具有其最顶上组件的特征,除非令其结聚的效应另有说明。这是一个可复制效应,其时间印记为这些物件结聚之时。(参见规则613.2。)

727.2b As an object merges with a permanent, that object leaves its previous zone and becomes part of an object on the battlefield, but the resulting permanent isn’t considered to have just entered the battlefield.
727.2b 于一个物件与永久物结聚时,该物件离开其原本区域,并成为战场上一个物件的一部分,但所成的永久物并非被认为是刚刚进入战场。

727.2c Because a merged permanent is the same object that it was before, it hasn’t just come under a player’s control, any continuous effects that affected it continue to do so, and so on.
727.2c 因为结聚永久物与其结聚前是同一个物件,其并未刚刚处于某牌手的操控下,任何先前对其生效的持续性效应仍继续生效,依此类推。

727.2d If a merged permanent contains a token, the resulting permanent is a token only if the topmost component is a token.
727.2d 如果一个结聚永久物包含一个衍生物,所成的永久物仅当其最顶上的组件是衍生物时才是衍生物。

727.2e If a merged permanent contains face-up and face-down components, the permanent’s status is determined by its topmost component. If a face-down permanent becomes a face-up permanent as a result of an object merging with it, other effects don’t count it as being turned face up.
727.2e 如果一个结聚永久物包含牌面朝上和牌面朝下的组件,该永久物的状态由其最顶上的组件决定。如果一个牌面朝下的永久物因某物件与其结聚之故而成为牌面朝上,其他效应不会视同其翻回了正面。

727.2f If a merged permanent is turned face down, each face-up component that represents it is turned face down. If a face-down merged permanent is turned face up, each face-down component that represents it is turned face up.
727.2f 如果一个结聚永久物被翻为牌面朝下,每个代表该永久物的牌面朝上组件都被翻为牌面朝下。如果一个牌面朝下的结聚永久物被翻回正面,每个代表该永久物的牌面朝下组件都被翻回正面。

727.2g A face-down merged permanent that contains an instant or sorcery card can’t be turned face up. If such a permanent would turn face up, its controller reveals it and leaves it face down. Abilities that trigger when a permanent is turned face up won’t trigger.
727.2g 一个包含瞬间或法术牌的牌面朝下的结聚永久物不能被翻回正面。如果一个此类永久物将翻回正面,其操控者展示之并保持其牌面朝下。当永久物翻回正面时触发的异能不会触发。

727.2h If a merged permanent contains a flip card (see rule 710), that component’s alternative characteristics are used instead of its normal characteristics if the merged permanent is flipped.
727.2h 如果一个结聚永久物包含一张倒转牌(参见规则710),且如果该结聚永久物已倒转,则该组件的替代用特征会被使用,而非其一般情况下的特征。

727.2i A merged permanent is not a double-faced permanent even if it contains one or more double-faced components. If a merged permanent contains one or more transforming double-faced components (see rule 712), transforming that permanent causes each of those double-faced components to turn so that its other face is up.
727.2i 结聚永久物不是双面永久物,即使它包含一个或数个双面组件。如果一个结聚永久物包含一张或数张转化式双面组件(参见规则712),转化该永久物会使得其中每张双面组件都翻为另一面朝上。

727.2j A face-up merged permanent that contains a double-faced component can’t be turned face down.
727.2j 一个牌面朝上的、包含双面组件的结聚永久物不能翻为牌面朝下。

727.3. If a merged permanent leaves the battlefield, one permanent leaves the battlefield and each of the individual components are put into the appropriate zone.
727.3. 如果一个结聚永久物离开战场,只有一个永久物会离开战场,且其中每个单独组件都会置入相应的区域。

727.3a If a merged permanent is put into its owner’s graveyard or library, that player may arrange the new objects in any order. If it’s put into its owner’s library, that player doesn’t reveal the order.
727.3a 如果一个结聚永久物被置入其拥有者的坟墓场或牌库,该牌手可以任意顺序排列这些新物件。如果它被置于其拥有者的牌库,该牌手不展示其顺序。

727.3b If a player exiles a merged permanent, that player determines the relative timestamp order of the cards at that time. This is an exception to the procedure described in rule 613.7m.
727.3b 如果一位牌手放逐了一个结聚永久物,该牌手在此时决定这些牌的相对时间印记顺序。这是规则613.7m中描述之流程的例外。

727.3c If an effect can find the new object that a merged permanent becomes as it leaves the battlefield, it finds all of those objects. (See rule 400.7.) If that effect causes actions to be taken upon those objects, the same actions are taken upon each of them.
727.3c 如果一个效应可以找到于某结聚永久物离开战场时所成为的新物件,则该效应找到所有这些物件。(参见规则400.7。)如果该效应使得动作会对这些物件执行,则该动作会对其中的每个物件同样执行。

727.3d If multiple replacement effects could be applied to the event of a merged permanent leaving the battlefield or being put into the new zone, applying one of those replacement effects to the object applies it to all components of the object. If the merged permanent is a commander, it may be exempt from this rule; see rules 903.9b–c.
727.3d 如果多个替代性效应可以对一个结聚永久物离开战场或置入新的区域的事件生效,这些替代性效应中的一个效应对该物件生效会影响该物件的所有组件。如果该结聚永久物是指挥官,它可能会不受此规则影响;参见规则903.9b-c

727.3e If a replacement effect applies to a “card” being put into a zone without also including tokens, that effect applies to all components of the merged permanent if it’s not a token, including components that are tokens. If the merged permanent is a token but some of its components are cards, the merged permanent and its token components are put into the appropriate zone, and the components that are cards are moved by the replacement effect.
727.3e 如果一个替代性效应对一张“牌”(但不影响衍生物)被置入一个区域生效,且如果该结聚永久物不是衍生物,该替代性效应对该结聚永久物的所有组件生效,其中也包含为衍生物的组件。如果该结聚永久物是衍生物但其部分组件是牌,结聚永久物及其衍生物组件被置于适当的区域,而为牌的组件被该替代性效应移动。

728. 白昼与黑夜 Day and Night

728. Day and Night
728. 白昼与黑夜

728.1. Day and night are designations that the game itself can have. The game starts with neither designation. “It becomes day” and “it becomes night” refer to the game gaining the day or night designation. It can become day or night through the daybound and nightbound keyword abilities (see rule 702.145). Other effects can also make it day or night. Once it has become day or night, the game will have exactly one of those designations from that point forward.
728.1. 白昼与黑夜是游戏本身可获得的称号。(中文版译注:中文版牌张在规则提示中,会利用“天色”来指称。)游戏在一开始时没有任何称号。“成为白昼”与“成为黑夜”意指游戏获得白昼或黑夜的称号。通过昼形与夜形关键字异能(参见规则702.145),游戏可以成为白昼或黑夜。其他效应也可以使游戏成为白昼或黑夜。一旦游戏成为白昼或黑夜,则接下来的时段中,游戏便会是这两种称号之一,且同一时间只会是两者之一。

728.1a The phrases “day becomes night” and “night becomes day” refer to the game losing the first designation and gaining the second one.
728.1a 短语“白昼成为黑夜”与“黑夜成为白昼”意指游戏失去前者称号并获得后者称号。

728.2. As the second part of the untap step, the game checks the previous turn to see if the game’s day/night designation should change. See rule 502, “Untap Step.”
728.2. 作为重置步骤的第二个部分,游戏会检查上一个回合,来决定游戏的白昼/黑夜称号是否应当变化。参见规则502,“重置步骤”。

728.2a If it’s day and the previous turn’s active player didn’t cast any spells during that turn, it becomes night. Multiplayer games using the shared team turns option (see rule 805) use a modified rule: if it’s day and no player from the previous turn’s active team cast a spell during that turn, it becomes night.
728.2a 如果当前是白昼,且上一个回合的主动牌手在该回合没有施放咒语,则成为黑夜。使用队伍共享回合模式(参见规则805)的多人游戏使用不同的规则:如果当前是白昼,且上一个回合的主动队伍中没有任何牌手在该回合中施放咒语,则成为黑夜。

728.2b If it’s night, and previous turn’s active player cast two or more spells during the previous turn, it becomes day. Multiplayer games using the shared team turns option (see rule 805) use a modified rule: if it’s night and any player from the previous turn’s active team cast two or more spells during that turn, it becomes day.
728.2b 如果当前是黑夜,且上一个回合的主动牌手在该回合中施放了两个或更多咒语,则成为白昼。使用队伍共享回合模式(参见规则805)的多人游戏使用不同的规则:如果当前是黑夜,且上一个回合的主动队伍中有任一牌手在该回合中施放了两个或更多咒语,则成为白昼。

728.2c If it’s neither day nor night, this check doesn’t happen and it remains neither.
728.2c 如果当前既非白昼也非黑夜,则此检查不会发生,且当前仍然既非白昼也非黑夜。

729. 进行简化 Taking Shortcuts

729. Taking Shortcuts
729. 进行简化

729.1. When playing a game, players typically make use of mutually understood shortcuts rather than explicitly identifying each game choice (either taking an action or passing priority) a player makes.
729.1. 在进行游戏时,牌手一般会使用双方都了解的简化方式,而不会对自己所需要作出的每一个游戏选择(例如是要采取行动还是要让过优先权)都有明确表示。

729.1a The rules for taking shortcuts are largely informal. As long as each player in the game understands the intent of each other player, any shortcut system they use is acceptable.
729.1a 关于进行简化的规则很大程度上是非正式的。只要能够使在游戏中的每一位牌手理解彼此的意图,使用任何形式的简化系统都是可以接受的。

729.1b Occasionally the game gets into a state in which a set of actions could be repeated indefinitely (thus creating a “loop”). In that case, the shortcut rules can be used to determine how many times those actions are repeated without having to actually perform them, and how the loop is broken.
729.1b 有时候游戏会进行到一组动作不断反复的状态(即导致了“循环”;此节中提及之“循环/Loop”指一种重复的游戏动作,并非关键字异能“循环/Cycling”〜译注)。这种情况下,可以使用进行简化的规则来确定该些动作的具体重复次数,而不需实际执行它们,同时该规则也可以用于确定打破循环的方法。

729.1c Tournaments use a modified version of the rules governing shortcuts and loops. These rules are covered in the Magic: The Gathering Tournament Rules (found at WPN.Wizards.com/en/resources/rules-documents). Whenever the Tournament Rules contradict these rules during a tournament, the Tournament Rules take precedence.
729.1c 对于规范简化和循环的规则,比赛中使用的规则版本有所不同。这些规则在《万智牌比赛规则》中详述(可在http://WPN.Wizards.com/en/resources/rules-documents此处找到)。每当比赛规则与本规则中所述有所抵触时,以比赛规则为优先。

729.2. Taking a shortcut follows the following procedure.
729.2. 进行简化时,须遵循下列顺序:

729.2a At any point in the game, the player with priority may suggest a shortcut by describing a sequence of game choices, for all players, that may be legally taken based on the current game state and the predictable results of the sequence of choices. This sequence may be a non-repetitive series of choices, a loop that repeats a specified number of times, multiple loops, or nested loops, and may even cross multiple turns. It can’t include conditional actions, where the outcome of a game event determines the next action a player takes. The ending point of this sequence must be a place where a player has priority, though it need not be the player proposing the shortcut.
729.2a 在游戏之中的任意时点,具有优先权的牌手可以提议进行简化,方法为牌手根据当前的游戏状态,以及由作出选择之次序导致的可预见性结果,描述所有牌手作出合法的游戏选择之次序。该次序可以属于一系列的非重复选择、指定了重复次数的循环、多个循环、嵌套循环,甚至可以跨越数个回合。次序中不能包含带有条件的动作,即牌手的动作是由游戏事件之结果来决定的情况。该次序必须以某位牌手得到优先权为终止点,但这位得到优先权的牌手不需与提议简化的牌手相同。

Example: A player controls a creature enchanted by Presence of Gond, which grants the creature the ability “{T}: Create a 1/1 green Elf Warrior creature token,” and another player controls Intruder Alarm, which reads, in part, “Whenever a creature enters, untap all creatures.” When the player has priority, they may suggest “I’ll create a million tokens,” indicating the sequence of activating the creature’s ability, all players passing priority, letting the creature’s ability resolve and create a token (which causes Intruder Alarm’s ability to trigger), Intruder Alarm’s controller putting that triggered ability on the stack, all players passing priority, Intruder Alarm’s triggered ability resolving, all players passing priority until the player proposing the shortcut has priority, and repeating that sequence 999,999 more times, ending just after the last token-creating ability resolves.

729.2b Each other player, in turn order starting after the player who suggested the shortcut, may either accept the proposed sequence, or shorten it by naming a place where they will make a game choice that’s different than what’s been proposed. (The player doesn’t need to specify at this time what the new choice will be.) This place becomes the new ending point of the proposed sequence.
729.2b 在某位牌手提出简化之后,每一位其他牌手按照顺序来作出决定,是要接受所提议的次序,还是要说出自己要作出与提议不符的游戏选择之处,以缩短该次序。(此时,该牌手并不需要指出其新选择为何。)此处便成为所提议之次序的新终止点。

Example: The active player draws a card during her draw step, then says, “Go.” The nonactive player is holding Into the Fray (an instant that says “Target creature attacks this turn if able”) and says, “I’d like to cast a spell during your beginning of combat step.” The current proposed shortcut is that all players pass priority at all opportunities during the turn until the nonactive player has priority during the beginning of combat step.

729.2c Once the last player has either accepted or shortened the shortcut proposal, the shortcut is taken. The game advances to the last proposed ending point, with all game choices contained in the shortcut proposal having been taken. If the shortcut was shortened from the original proposal, the player who now has priority must make a different game choice than what was originally proposed for that player.
729.2c 一旦最后一位牌手作出了是要接受或是缩短所提出之简化的决定,便开始执行该简化。游戏进行至最后提出的终止点,包含在该简化提议当中所有游戏选择均已得到执行。如果该简化比原本的提议要短,则目前具有优先权的牌手必须作出新的游戏选择,且得与原本在该简化提议中为该牌手假定的选择有所不同。

729.3. Sometimes a loop can be fragmented, meaning that each player involved in the loop performs an independent action that results in the same game state being reached multiple times. If that happens, the active player (or, if the active player is not involved in the loop, the first player in turn order who is involved) must then make a different game choice so the loop does not continue.
729.3. 有时循环也可以是不连续的,指每位牌手均执行了一个独立动作,结果导致重复到达了某一游戏状态数次。如果出现这种情况,则主动牌手(或,如果主动牌手与该循环无关,则是依顺序的下一位与之有关的牌手)必须作出不同的游戏选择,使得循环不再延续。

Example: In a two-player game, the active player controls a creature with the ability “{0}: [This creature] gains flying,” the nonactive player controls a permanent with the ability “{0}: Target creature loses flying,” and nothing in the game cares how many times an ability has been activated. Say the active player activates his creature’s ability, it resolves, then the nonactive player activates her permanent’s ability targeting that creature, and it resolves. This returns the game to a game state it was at before. The active player must make a different game choice (in other words, anything other than activating that creature’s ability again). The creature doesn’t have flying. Note that the nonactive player could have prevented the fragmented loop simply by not activating her permanent’s ability, in which case the creature would have had flying. The nonactive player always has the final choice and is therefore able to determine whether the creature has flying.

729.4. If a loop contains only mandatory actions, the game is a draw. (See rules 104.4b and 104.4f.)
729.4. 如果一个循环只包含强制性的动作,这盘游戏为平手。(参见规则104.4b104.4f。)

729.5. No player can be forced to perform an action that would end a loop other than actions called for by objects involved in the loop.
729.5. 即使有牌手可以采取行动来终止一个循环,但除了与该循环相关的物件所要求的行动之外,不会强制该牌手来执行该行动。

Example: A player controls Seal of Cleansing, an enchantment that reads, “Sacrifice Seal of Cleansing: Destroy target artifact or enchantment.” A mandatory loop that involves an artifact begins. The player is not forced to sacrifice Seal of Cleansing to destroy the artifact and end the loop.

729.6. If a loop contains an effect that says “[A] unless [B],” where [A] and [B] are each actions, no player can be forced to perform [B] to break the loop. If no player chooses to perform [B], the loop will continue as though [A] were mandatory.
729.6. 如果一个循环中包含有“除非[B],否则[A]”的效应,其中[A]和[B]均为一系列行动,则不会强制任何牌手执行行动[B]来打破循环。如果没有牌手选择执行行动[B],此循环便会将行动[A]视同强制行动一般继续下去。

730. 处理非法动作 Handling Illegal Actions

730. Handling Illegal Actions
730. 处理非法动作

730.1. If a player takes an illegal action or starts to take an action but can’t legally complete it, the entire action is reversed and any payments already made are canceled. No abilities trigger and no effects apply as a result of an undone action. If the action was casting a spell, the spell returns to the zone it came from. Each player may also reverse any legal mana abilities that player activated while making the illegal play, unless mana from those abilities or from any triggered mana abilities they caused to trigger was spent on another mana ability that wasn’t reversed. Players may not reverse actions that moved cards to a library, moved cards from a library to any zone other than the stack, caused a library to be shuffled, or caused cards from a library to be revealed.
730.1. 如果一位牌手进行了一个非法动作,或在开始进行一个动作之后不能合法的完成该动作,则整个动作被倒退且任何已经支付的费用被取消。一个未能完成的动作不会导致异能触发或效应生效。如果该动作为施放咒语,则该咒语回到其来自的区域。每位牌手可以倒退在进行非法动作过程之中该牌手起动的任何合法的法术力异能,除非这些异能产生的法术力或其所导致的法术力触发式异能触发所提供的法术力,被用来支付了另一个不能倒退的法术力异能。牌手不可以倒退使牌转移到牌库中,或使牌库中的牌转移到非堆叠的其他区域,或使牌库洗牌,或使牌库中的牌被展示的动作。

730.2. When reversing illegal spells and abilities, the player who had priority retains it and may take another action or pass. The player may redo the reversed action in a legal way or take any other action allowed by the rules.
730.2. 当倒退一个非法的咒语或异能时,之前具有优先权的牌手保有优先权,且可以进行另一个动作或让过。牌手可以用合法的方式重新进行被倒退的动作,或进行规则允许的其他动作。

返回完整规则目录 | 第六章 - 咒语、异能和效应 Spells, Abilities, and Effects | 第八章 - 多人游戏规则 Multiplayer Rules