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万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
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两侧同时换到之前的修订记录 前一修订版
cr:6 [2024/06/14 16:17]
Siyang Li
cr:6 [2024/09/25 11:05] (当前版本)
Siyang Li [607. 关联异能 Linked Abilities]
行 23: 行 23:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr601-2a>​601.2a To propose the casting of a spell, a player first moves that card (or that copy of a card) from where it is to the stack. It becomes the topmost object on the stack. It has all the characteristics of the card (or the copy of a card) associated with it, and that player becomes its controller. Any continuous effects that modify the characteristics of the spell as you start casting it begin as it is put on the stack (see rule 611.2f). The spell remains on the stack until it resolves, it’s countered, or a rule or effect moves it elsewhere.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr601-2a>​601.2a To propose the casting of a spell, a player first moves that card (or that copy of a card) from where it is to the stack. It becomes the topmost object on the stack. It has all the characteristics of the card (or the copy of a card) associated with it, and that player becomes its controller. Any continuous effects that modify the characteristics of the spell as you start casting it begin as it is put on the stack (see rule 611.2f). The spell remains on the stack until it resolves, it’s countered, or a rule or effect moves it elsewhere.\\ ​
-601.2a 要声明施放咒语,该牌手首先将该牌(或该牌的复制)从其现在的区域移到堆叠上。它成为堆叠最顶端的物件。它具有该牌(或该牌复制)给予的所有特征,且该牌手成为其操控者。于你开始施放咒语时修改咒语特征的持续性效应在咒语放进堆叠时起生效(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr611-2f|611.2f]])。该咒语直到结算、被反击,或被一个规则或效应转移到其他区域之前一直保持在堆叠中。+601.2a 要声明施放咒语,该牌手首先将该牌(或该牌的复制)从其现在的区域移到堆叠上。它成为堆叠最顶端的物件。它具有该牌(或该牌复制)给予的所有特征,且该牌手成为其操控者。于你开始施放咒语时修改咒语特征的持续性效应在咒语放进堆叠时起生效(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr611-2f|611.2f]])。该咒语直到结算、被反击,或被一个规则或效应转移到其他区域之前一直保持在堆叠中。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr601-2b>​601.2b If the spell is modal, the player announces the mode choice (see rule 700.2). If the player wishes to splice any cards onto the spell (see rule 702.47), they reveal those cards in their hand. If the spell has alternative or additional costs that will be paid as it’s being cast such as buyback or kicker costs (see rules 118.8 and 118.9), the player announces their intentions to pay any or all of those costs (see rule 601.2f). A player can’t apply two alternative methods of casting or two alternative costs to a single spell. If the spell has a variable cost that will be paid as it’s being cast (such as an {X} in its mana cost; see rule 107.3), the player announces the value of that variable. If the value of that variable is defined in the text of the spell by a choice that player would make later in the announcement or resolution of the spell, that player makes that choice at this time instead of that later time. If a cost that will be paid as the spell is being cast includes hybrid mana symbols, the player announces the nonhybrid equivalent cost they intend to pay. If a cost that will be paid as the spell is being cast includes Phyrexian mana symbols, the player announces whether they intend to pay 2 life or a corresponding colored mana cost for each of those symbols. Previously made choices (such as choosing to cast a spell with flashback from a graveyard or choosing to cast a creature with morph face down) may restrict the player’s options when making these choices.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr601-2b>​601.2b If the spell is modal, the player announces the mode choice (see rule 700.2). If the player wishes to splice any cards onto the spell (see rule 702.47), they reveal those cards in their hand. If the spell has alternative or additional costs that will be paid as it’s being cast such as buyback or kicker costs (see rules 118.8 and 118.9), the player announces their intentions to pay any or all of those costs (see rule 601.2f). A player can’t apply two alternative methods of casting or two alternative costs to a single spell. If the spell has a variable cost that will be paid as it’s being cast (such as an {X} in its mana cost; see rule 107.3), the player announces the value of that variable. If the value of that variable is defined in the text of the spell by a choice that player would make later in the announcement or resolution of the spell, that player makes that choice at this time instead of that later time. If a cost that will be paid as the spell is being cast includes hybrid mana symbols, the player announces the nonhybrid equivalent cost they intend to pay. If a cost that will be paid as the spell is being cast includes Phyrexian mana symbols, the player announces whether they intend to pay 2 life or a corresponding colored mana cost for each of those symbols. Previously made choices (such as choosing to cast a spell with flashback from a graveyard or choosing to cast a creature with morph face down) may restrict the player’s options when making these choices.\\ ​
行 77: 行 77:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr601-3e>​601.3e Some rules and effects state that an alternative set of characteristics or a subset of characteristics are considered to determine if a card or copy of a card is legal to cast. These alternative characteristics replace the object’s characteristics for this determination. Continuous effects that would apply to that object once it has those characteristics are also considered.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr601-3e>​601.3e Some rules and effects state that an alternative set of characteristics or a subset of characteristics are considered to determine if a card or copy of a card is legal to cast. These alternative characteristics replace the object’s characteristics for this determination. Continuous effects that would apply to that object once it has those characteristics are also considered.\\ ​
-601.3e 一些规则或效应叙述在确定一张牌或一张牌的复制是否可以合法施放时,会考虑它的一组替代特征或其特征的子集。在此次确定中,这些替代特征替换该物件的原特征。一旦该物件具有这些特征便会生效的持续性效应也会被考虑在内。+601.3e 一些规则或效应叙述在确定一张牌或一张牌的复制是否可以合法施放时,会考虑它的一组替代特征或其特征的子集。在此次确定中,这些替代特征替换该物件的原特征。一旦该物件具有这些特征便会生效的持续性效应也会被考虑在内。
 Example: Garruk’s Horde says, in part, “You may cast creature spells from the top of your library.” If you control Garruk’s Horde and the top card of your library is a noncreature card with morph, you may cast it using its morph ability.\\ ​ Example: Garruk’s Horde says, in part, “You may cast creature spells from the top of your library.” If you control Garruk’s Horde and the top card of your library is a noncreature card with morph, you may cast it using its morph ability.\\ ​
行 133: 行 133:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr602-1d>​602.1d Previously, the action of using an activated ability was referred to on cards as “playing” that ability. Cards that were printed with that text have received errata in the Oracle card reference so they now refer to “activating” that ability.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr602-1d>​602.1d Previously, the action of using an activated ability was referred to on cards as “playing” that ability. Cards that were printed with that text have received errata in the Oracle card reference so they now refer to “activating” that ability.\\ ​
 602.1d 多年以来,在牌上被称为“使用”该异能。以这些用词印刷的卡牌均已经在Oracle牌张参考文献中勘误为“起动”该异能。 602.1d 多年以来,在牌上被称为“使用”该异能。以这些用词印刷的卡牌均已经在Oracle牌张参考文献中勘误为“起动”该异能。
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr602-1e>​602.1e If a spell or ability that refers to the “activation cost” of an ability modifies how a player may pay that cost, that modification applies to the total cost of that ability, even if that cost is increased and/or decreased by other effects. See rules 602.2b and 601.2f.\\ ​
 +602.1e 如果某咒语或异能提及某异能的“起动费用”并影响牌手如何支付该费用,则该效应对该异能的总费用生效,即使该费用被其他效应增加或减少。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr602-2b|602.2b]]及[[cr:​6#​cr601-2f|601.2f]]。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr602-2>​602.2. To activate an ability is to put it onto the stack and pay its costs, so that it will eventually resolve and have its effect. Only an object’s controller (or its owner, if it doesn’t have a controller) can activate its activated ability unless the object specifically says otherwise. Activating an ability follows the steps listed below, in order. If, at any point during the activation of an ability, a player is unable to comply with any of those steps, the activation is illegal; the game returns to the moment before that ability started to be activated (see rule 730, “Handling Illegal Actions”). Announcements and payments can’t be altered after they’ve been made.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr602-2>​602.2. To activate an ability is to put it onto the stack and pay its costs, so that it will eventually resolve and have its effect. Only an object’s controller (or its owner, if it doesn’t have a controller) can activate its activated ability unless the object specifically says otherwise. Activating an ability follows the steps listed below, in order. If, at any point during the activation of an ability, a player is unable to comply with any of those steps, the activation is illegal; the game returns to the moment before that ability started to be activated (see rule 730, “Handling Illegal Actions”). Announcements and payments can’t be altered after they’ve been made.\\ ​
行 249: 行 252:
 603.6. 与物件改变区域有关的触发事件被称为“改变区域触发”。很多具有改变区域触发的异能在该物件改变区域之后对该物件作出影响。在结算过程中,这些异能在该物件移动到的区域中寻找该物件。如果该物件在它移动去的区域中无法找到,该异能尝试对该物件作出影响的部分没有任何效果。该异能可能由于该物件从未进入过该区域、由于它在该异能结算之前离开该区域、或由于它所在的区域并不对某牌手公开(例如牌库或对手的手上)而无法找到该物件。(此规则对即使该物件离开该区域并在异能结算之前返回该区域的情况也同样生效。)最常见的改变区域触发为进入战场触发和离开战场触发。 603.6. 与物件改变区域有关的触发事件被称为“改变区域触发”。很多具有改变区域触发的异能在该物件改变区域之后对该物件作出影响。在结算过程中,这些异能在该物件移动到的区域中寻找该物件。如果该物件在它移动去的区域中无法找到,该异能尝试对该物件作出影响的部分没有任何效果。该异能可能由于该物件从未进入过该区域、由于它在该异能结算之前离开该区域、或由于它所在的区域并不对某牌手公开(例如牌库或对手的手上)而无法找到该物件。(此规则对即使该物件离开该区域并在异能结算之前返回该区域的情况也同样生效。)最常见的改变区域触发为进入战场触发和离开战场触发。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr603-6a>​603.6a Enters-the-battlefield abilities trigger when a permanent enters the battlefield. These are written, “When [this object] enters ​the battlefield, . . . “ or “Whenever a [type] enters ​the battlefield, . . .” Each time an event puts one or more permanents onto the battlefield,​ all permanents on the battlefield (including the newcomers) are checked for any enters-the-battlefield triggers that match the event.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr603-6a>​603.6a Enters-the-battlefield abilities trigger when a permanent enters the battlefield. These are written, “When [this object] enters, . . . “ or “Whenever a [type] enters, . . .” Each time an event puts one or more permanents onto the battlefield,​ all permanents on the battlefield (including the newcomers) are checked for any enters-the-battlefield triggers that match the event.\\  
-603.6a 进入战场异能在一个永久物进入战场时触发。它们具有格式“当[此物件]进入战场时,……”或“每当一个[类别]进入战场时,……”。每次一个事件将一个或数个永久物放进战场时,所有在战场上的永久物(包括刚刚进入战场的那些)检查任何符合此事件的进入战场异能。+603.6a 进入战场异能在一个永久物进入战场时触发。它们具有格式“当[此物件]进场时,……”或“每当一个[类别]进场时,……”。每次一个事件将一个或数个永久物放进战场时,所有在战场上的永久物(包括刚刚进入战场的那些)检查任何符合此事件的进入战场异能。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr603-6b>​603.6b Continuous effects that modify characteristics of a permanent do so the moment the permanent is on the battlefield (and not before then). The permanent is never on the battlefield with its unmodified characteristics. Continuous effects don’t apply before the permanent is on the battlefield,​ however (see rule 603.6d).\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr603-6b>​603.6b Continuous effects that modify characteristics of a permanent do so the moment the permanent is on the battlefield (and not before then). The permanent is never on the battlefield with its unmodified characteristics. Continuous effects don’t apply before the permanent is on the battlefield,​ however (see rule 603.6d).\\ ​
行 261: 行 264:
 603.6c 离开战场异能当一个永久物从战场转移到其他区域,或一个已跃回的永久物由于其拥有者离开游戏而离开游戏时触发。它们具有但不只限制于格式“当[此物件]离开战场时,……”或“每当[什么]从战场进入坟墓场时,……”。(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr603-10|603.10]]。)尝试对一个离开战场的永久物作任何事情的异能只在它进入的第一个区域中检查该牌。当一张牌“从任何地方”进入某个特定区域而触发的异能不被视同离开战场异能,即使该物件被从战场上被放进该区域。 603.6c 离开战场异能当一个永久物从战场转移到其他区域,或一个已跃回的永久物由于其拥有者离开游戏而离开游戏时触发。它们具有但不只限制于格式“当[此物件]离开战场时,……”或“每当[什么]从战场进入坟墓场时,……”。(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr603-10|603.10]]。)尝试对一个离开战场的永久物作任何事情的异能只在它进入的第一个区域中检查该牌。当一张牌“从任何地方”进入某个特定区域而触发的异能不被视同离开战场异能,即使该物件被从战场上被放进该区域。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr603-6d>​603.6d Some permanents have text that reads “[This permanent] enters ​the battlefield ​with . . . ,” “As [this permanent] enters ​the battlefield ​. . . ,” “[This permanent] enters ​the battlefield ​as . . . ,” or “[This permanent] enters ​the battlefield ​tapped.” Such text is a static ability—not a triggered ability—whose effect occurs as part of the event that puts the permanent onto the battlefield.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr603-6d>​603.6d Some permanents have text that reads “[This permanent] enters with . . . ,” “As [this permanent] enters . . . ,” “[This permanent] enters as . . . ,” or “[This permanent] enters tapped.” Such text is a static ability—not a triggered ability—whose effect occurs as part of the event that puts the permanent onto the battlefield.\\  
-603.6d 一些永久物具有叙述“[此永久物]进入战场时上面有……”、“于[此永久物]进入战场时,……”或“[此永久物]横置进入战场”。此类叙述为静止式异能,而不是触发式异能;这些效应作为将该永久物放进战场事件的一部分生效。+603.6d 一些永久物具有叙述“[此永久物]进场时上面有……”、“于[此永久物]进场时,……”、“[此永久物]当成……来进场”、“[此永久物]进场时是……”或“[此永久物]横置进场”。此类叙述为静止式异能,而不是触发式异能;这些效应作为将该永久物放进战场事件的一部分生效。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr603-6e>​603.6e Some Auras have triggered abilities that trigger on the enchanted permanent leaving the battlefield. These triggered abilities can find the new object that permanent card became in the zone it moved to; they can also find the new object the Aura card became in its owner’s graveyard after state-based actions have been checked. See rule 400.7.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr603-6e>​603.6e Some Auras have triggered abilities that trigger on the enchanted permanent leaving the battlefield. These triggered abilities can find the new object that permanent card became in the zone it moved to; they can also find the new object the Aura card became in its owner’s graveyard after state-based actions have been checked. See rule 400.7.\\ ​
行 304: 行 307:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr603-8>​603.8. Some triggered abilities trigger when a game state (such as a player controlling no permanents of a particular card type) is true, rather than triggering when an event occurs. These abilities trigger as soon as the game state matches the condition. They’ll go onto the stack at the next available opportunity. These are called state triggers. (Note that state triggers aren’t the same as state-based actions.) A state-triggered ability doesn’t trigger again until the ability has resolved, has been countered, or has otherwise left the stack. Then, if the object with the ability is still in the same zone and the game state still matches its trigger condition, the ability will trigger again.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr603-8>​603.8. Some triggered abilities trigger when a game state (such as a player controlling no permanents of a particular card type) is true, rather than triggering when an event occurs. These abilities trigger as soon as the game state matches the condition. They’ll go onto the stack at the next available opportunity. These are called state triggers. (Note that state triggers aren’t the same as state-based actions.) A state-triggered ability doesn’t trigger again until the ability has resolved, has been countered, or has otherwise left the stack. Then, if the object with the ability is still in the same zone and the game state still matches its trigger condition, the ability will trigger again.\\ ​
-603.8. 一些触发式异能在游戏状态(例如一位牌手不操控某牌类别的永久物)符合时触发,而不是某事件发生时触发。一旦游戏状态符合这些条件,这些触发式异能触发。它们将在下一次有机会时进入堆叠。这些被称为状态触发。(注意状态触发与状态动作不同。)一个状态触发式异能直到该异能结算、被反击、或因其他原因离开堆叠之前不会再次触发。然后,如果具有该异能的物件依然在相同区域,且游戏状态依然符合起触发条件,该异能将再次触发。+603.8. 一些触发式异能在游戏状态(例如一位牌手不操控某牌类别的永久物)符合时触发,而不是某事件发生时触发。一旦游戏状态符合这些条件,这些触发式异能触发。它们将在下一次有机会时进入堆叠。这些被称为状态触发。(注意状态触发与状态动作不同。)一个状态触发式异能直到该异能结算、被反击、或因其他原因离开堆叠之前不会再次触发。然后,如果具有该异能的物件依然在相同区域,且游戏状态依然符合起触发条件,该异能将再次触发。
 Example: A permanent’s ability reads, “Whenever you have no cards in hand, draw a card.” If its controller plays the last card from their hand, the ability will trigger once and won’t trigger again until it has left the stack. If its controller casts a spell that reads “Discard your hand, then draw that many cards,” the ability will trigger during the spell’s resolution because the player’s hand was momentarily empty.\\ ​ Example: A permanent’s ability reads, “Whenever you have no cards in hand, draw a card.” If its controller plays the last card from their hand, the ability will trigger once and won’t trigger again until it has left the stack. If its controller casts a spell that reads “Discard your hand, then draw that many cards,” the ability will trigger during the spell’s resolution because the player’s hand was momentarily empty.\\ ​
行 348: 行 351:
 603.12. 一个结算中的咒语或异能可能会允许或指示牌手作某动作并创造一个触发式异能,“当[牌手][作或不作]”该动作时,或“当以此法[发生某事]时”触发。此类自身触发式异能遵循延迟触发式异能的规则(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr603-7|603.7]]),惟下列一点除外:此类异能在被创造后就会立即检查其触发事件在创造该异能的咒语或异能先前的结算过程中是否发生。 603.12. 一个结算中的咒语或异能可能会允许或指示牌手作某动作并创造一个触发式异能,“当[牌手][作或不作]”该动作时,或“当以此法[发生某事]时”触发。此类自身触发式异能遵循延迟触发式异能的规则(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr603-7|603.7]]),惟下列一点除外:此类异能在被创造后就会立即检查其触发事件在创造该异能的咒语或异能先前的结算过程中是否发生。
-Example: Heart-Piercer Manticore has an ability that reads “When Heart-Piercer Manticore enters ​the battlefield, you may sacrifice another creature. When you do, Heart-Piercer Manticore deals damage equal to that creature’s power to any target.” The reflexive triggered ability triggers only when you sacrifice another creature due to the original triggered ability, and not if you sacrifice a creature for any other reason.\\  +Example: Heart-Piercer Manticore has an ability that reads “When Heart-Piercer Manticore enters, you may sacrifice another creature. When you do, Heart-Piercer Manticore deals damage equal to that creature’s power to any target.” The reflexive triggered ability triggers only when you sacrifice another creature due to the original triggered ability, and not if you sacrifice a creature for any other reason.\\  
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr603-12a>​603.12a Normally, if the trigger event or events occur multiple times during the resolution of the spell or ability that created it, the reflexive triggered ability will trigger once for each of those times. However, if a resolving spell or ability includes a choice to pay a cost “any number of times” and creates a triggered ability that triggers “when [a player] pays [that cost] one or more times,” paying that cost one or more times causes the reflexive triggered ability to trigger only once.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr603-12a>​603.12a Normally, if the trigger event or events occur multiple times during the resolution of the spell or ability that created it, the reflexive triggered ability will trigger once for each of those times. However, if a resolving spell or ability includes a choice to pay a cost “any number of times” and creates a triggered ability that triggers “when [a player] pays [that cost] one or more times,” paying that cost one or more times causes the reflexive triggered ability to trigger only once.\\ ​
行 429: 行 432:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr605-5b>​605.5b A spell can never be a mana ability, even if it could put mana into a player’s mana pool when it resolves. It’s cast and resolves just like any other spell. Some older cards were printed with the card type “mana source”; these cards have received errata in the Oracle card reference and are now instants.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr605-5b>​605.5b A spell can never be a mana ability, even if it could put mana into a player’s mana pool when it resolves. It’s cast and resolves just like any other spell. Some older cards were printed with the card type “mana source”; these cards have received errata in the Oracle card reference and are now instants.\\ ​
-605.5b 咒语永远不会是法术力异能,即使它在结算时将法术力放进牌手的法术力池中。它与其他咒语一样地施放和结算。一些早先版本的牌印有牌类别“法术力源”;这些牌均已经在Oracle牌张参考文献中勘误为瞬间。+605.5b 咒语永远不会是法术力异能,即使它在结算时将法术力放进牌手的法术力池中。它与其他咒语一样地施放和结算。一些早先版本的牌印有牌类别“法术力源”;这些牌均已经在Oracle牌张参考文献中勘误为瞬间。
 ===== 606. 忠诚异能 Loyalty Abilities ===== ===== 606. 忠诚异能 Loyalty Abilities =====
行 488: 行 491:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr607-2d>​607.2d If an object has an ability printed on it that causes a player to “choose a [value]” and an ability printed on it that refers to “the chosen [value],” “the last chosen [value],” or similar, those abilities are linked. The second ability refers only to a choice made as a result of the first ability.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr607-2d>​607.2d If an object has an ability printed on it that causes a player to “choose a [value]” and an ability printed on it that refers to “the chosen [value],” “the last chosen [value],” or similar, those abilities are linked. The second ability refers only to a choice made as a result of the first ability.\\ ​
-607.2d 如果一个物件印有令一位牌手“选择一个[值]”,且印有另一个异能提及“的[值]”、“最后选的[值]”或类似之叙述,这些异能互相关联。第二个异能仅指因第一个异能的结果而作出的选择。+607.2d 如果一个物件印有令一位牌手“选择一个[值]”,且印有另一个异能提及“选的[值]”、“最后选的[值]”或类似之叙述,这些异能互相关联。第二个异能仅指因第一个异能的结果而作出的选择。(译注:中文版之叙述中通常将此用词简化为“该[值]”。)
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr607-2e>​607.2e If an object has an ability printed on it that allows some information to be noted and another ability which refers to information noted for that object, those abilities are linked. The second ability refers only to information noted as a result of the first ability.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr607-2e>​607.2e If an object has an ability printed on it that allows some information to be noted and another ability which refers to information noted for that object, those abilities are linked. The second ability refers only to information noted as a result of the first ability.\\ ​
行 496: 行 499:
 607.2f 如果一个物件印有令一位牌手从两个或更多词中作选择、且这些词在其他情况下没有规则含义的异能,且印有另一个异能提及一个或数个被选择的词,这些异能互相关联。第二个异能仅指因第一个异能的结果而作出的选择。 607.2f 如果一个物件印有令一位牌手从两个或更多词中作选择、且这些词在其他情况下没有规则含义的异能,且印有另一个异能提及一个或数个被选择的词,这些异能互相关联。第二个异能仅指因第一个异能的结果而作出的选择。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr607-2g>​607.2g If an object has an ability printed on it that causes a player to pay a cost as it enters the battlefield and an ability printed on it that refers to the cost paid “as [this object] entered ​the battlefield,” these abilities are linked. The second ability refers only to a cost paid as a result of the first ability.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr607-2g>​607.2g If an object has an ability printed on it that causes a player to pay a cost as it enters the battlefield and an ability printed on it that refers to the cost paid “as [this object] entered,” these abilities are linked. The second ability refers only to a cost paid as a result of the first ability.\\  
-607.2g 如果一个物件印有令一位牌手在其进入战场时支付费用的异能,且印有另一个异能提及“于[此物件]进入战场时”支付的费用,这些异能互相关联。第二个异能仅指因第一个异能的结果而支付的费用。+607.2g 如果一个物件印有令一位牌手在其进入战场时支付费用的异能,且印有另一个异能提及“于[此物件]进场时”支付的费用,这些异能互相关联。第二个异能仅指因第一个异能的结果而支付的费用。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr607-2h>​607.2h If an object has both a static ability and one or more triggered abilities printed on it in the same paragraph, each of those triggered abilities is linked to the static ability. Each triggered ability refers only to actions taken as a result of the static ability. See rule 603.11.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr607-2h>​607.2h If an object has both a static ability and one or more triggered abilities printed on it in the same paragraph, each of those triggered abilities is linked to the static ability. Each triggered ability refers only to actions taken as a result of the static ability. See rule 603.11.\\ ​
行 527: 行 530:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr607-3>​607.3. If, within a pair of linked abilities, one ability refers to a single object as “the exiled card,” “a card exiled with [this card],” or a similar phrase, and the other ability has exiled multiple cards (usually because it was copied), the ability refers to each of the exiled cards. If that ability asks for any information about the exiled card, such as a characteristic or mana value, it gets multiple answers. If these answers are used to determine the value of a variable, the sum of the answers is used. If that ability performs any actions on “the” card, it performs that action on each exiled card. If that ability creates a token that is a copy of “the” card, then for each exiled card, it creates a token that is a copy of that card. If that ability performs any actions on “a” card, the controller of the ability chooses which card is affected.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr607-3>​607.3. If, within a pair of linked abilities, one ability refers to a single object as “the exiled card,” “a card exiled with [this card],” or a similar phrase, and the other ability has exiled multiple cards (usually because it was copied), the ability refers to each of the exiled cards. If that ability asks for any information about the exiled card, such as a characteristic or mana value, it gets multiple answers. If these answers are used to determine the value of a variable, the sum of the answers is used. If that ability performs any actions on “the” card, it performs that action on each exiled card. If that ability creates a token that is a copy of “the” card, then for each exiled card, it creates a token that is a copy of that card. If that ability performs any actions on “a” card, the controller of the ability chooses which card is affected.\\ ​
-607.3. 如果一对关联异能中,其中一个异能用“被放逐的牌”、“被[此牌]放逐的牌”或类似用词形容一个单一物件,而另一个异能放逐了多张牌(一般是因为它被复制了),则该异能指代这些被放逐的牌中的每张牌。如果该异能询问被放逐牌的任何信息,例如特征或法术力值,它将得到多个答案。如果这些答案用来确定一个可变数值的值,使用这些答案之加总。如果该异能对“该”牌执行任何动作,则它将对这些被放逐的牌中的每张牌执行该动作。如果该异能派出一个为“该”牌的复制的衍生物,则对于这些被放逐的牌中的每张牌而言,该异能派出一个为该牌的复制的衍生物。如果该异能对“一张”牌执行任何动作,该异能的操控者选择哪张牌会受其影响。+607.3. 如果一对关联异能中,其中一个异能用“被放逐的牌”、“被[此牌]放逐的牌”或类似用词形容一个单一物件,而另一个异能放逐了多张牌(一般是因为它被复制了),则该异能指代这些被放逐的牌中的每张牌。如果该异能询问被放逐牌的任何信息,例如特征或法术力值,它将得到多个答案。如果这些答案用来确定一个可变数值的值,使用这些答案之加总。如果该异能对“该”牌执行任何动作,则它将对这些被放逐的牌中的每张牌执行该动作。如果该异能派出一个为“该”牌的复制的衍生物,则对于这些被放逐的牌中的每张牌而言,该异能派出一个为该牌的复制的衍生物。如果该异能对“一张”牌执行任何动作,该异能的操控者选择哪张牌会受其影响。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr607-4>​607.4. An ability may be part of more than one pair of linked abilities.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr607-4>​607.4. An ability may be part of more than one pair of linked abilities.\\ ​
 607.4. 一个异能可能参与一对以上的关联异能。 607.4. 一个异能可能参与一对以上的关联异能。
-Example: Paradise Plume has the following three abilities: “As Paradise Plume enters ​the battlefield, choose a color,” “Whenever a player casts a spell of the chosen color, you may gain 1 life,” and “{T}: Add one mana of the chosen color.” The first and second abilities are linked. The first and third abilities are linked.\\  +Example: Paradise Plume has the following three abilities: “As Paradise Plume enters, choose a color,” “Whenever a player casts a spell of the chosen color, you may gain 1 life,” and “{T}: Add one mana of the chosen color.” The first and second abilities are linked. The first and third abilities are linked.\\  
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr607-5>​607.5. If an object acquires a pair of linked abilities as part of the same effect, the abilities will be similarly linked to one another on that object even though they weren’t printed on that object. They can’t be linked to any other ability, regardless of what other abilities the object may currently have or may have had in the past.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr607-5>​607.5. If an object acquires a pair of linked abilities as part of the same effect, the abilities will be similarly linked to one another on that object even though they weren’t printed on that object. They can’t be linked to any other ability, regardless of what other abilities the object may currently have or may have had in the past.\\ ​
-607.5. 如果一个物件同一个效应中需要一对关联异能,这些异能将在该物件上互相关联,即使它们没有被印在该物件上。它们不能与其他异能关联,无论该物件此时或之前有过什么异能。+607.5. 如果一个物件通过同一个效应获得一对互相关联异能,这些异能将在该物件上互相关联,即使它们没有被印在该物件上。它们不能与其他异能关联,无论该物件此时或之前有过什么异能。
 Example: Arc-Slogger has the ability “{R}, Exile the top ten cards of your library: Arc-Slogger deals 2 damage to any target.” Sisters of Stone Death has the ability “{B}{G}: Exile target creature blocking or blocked by Sisters of Stone Death” and the ability “{2}{B}: Put a creature card exiled with Sisters of Stone Death onto the battlefield under your control.” Quicksilver Elemental has the ability “{U}: Quicksilver Elemental gains all activated abilities of target creature until end of turn.” If a player has Quicksilver Elemental gain Arc-Slogger’s ability, activates it, then has Quicksilver Elemental gain Sisters of Stone Death’s abilities, activates the exile ability, and then activates the return-to-the-battlefield ability, only the creature card Quicksilver Elemental exiled with Sisters of Stone Death’s ability can be returned to the battlefield. Creature cards Quicksilver Elemental exiled with Arc-Slogger’s ability can’t be returned.\\ ​ Example: Arc-Slogger has the ability “{R}, Exile the top ten cards of your library: Arc-Slogger deals 2 damage to any target.” Sisters of Stone Death has the ability “{B}{G}: Exile target creature blocking or blocked by Sisters of Stone Death” and the ability “{2}{B}: Put a creature card exiled with Sisters of Stone Death onto the battlefield under your control.” Quicksilver Elemental has the ability “{U}: Quicksilver Elemental gains all activated abilities of target creature until end of turn.” If a player has Quicksilver Elemental gain Arc-Slogger’s ability, activates it, then has Quicksilver Elemental gain Sisters of Stone Death’s abilities, activates the exile ability, and then activates the return-to-the-battlefield ability, only the creature card Quicksilver Elemental exiled with Sisters of Stone Death’s ability can be returned to the battlefield. Creature cards Quicksilver Elemental exiled with Arc-Slogger’s ability can’t be returned.\\ ​
行 544: 行 547:
 607.5a 如果一个物件获得了一个提及选择的异能,但(a)并未同时复制与该异能相关联的异能,或(b)复制了与之关联的异能但并未为此关联异能作出过选择,则将此选择视同“未定义”。如果一个异能提及未定义的选择,异能的该部分将没有任何效果。 607.5a 如果一个物件获得了一个提及选择的异能,但(a)并未同时复制与该异能相关联的异能,或(b)复制了与之关联的异能但并未为此关联异能作出过选择,则将此选择视同“未定义”。如果一个异能提及未定义的选择,异能的该部分将没有任何效果。
-Example: Voice of All enters the battlefield and Unstable Shapeshifter copies it. Voice of All reads, in part, “As Voice of All enters ​the battlefield, choose a color.” and “Voice of All has protection from the chosen color.” Unstable Shapeshifter never had a chance for a color to be chosen for it, because it didn’t enter the battlefield as Voice of All so it doesn’t gain a protection ability.\\  +Example: Voice of All enters the battlefield and Unstable Shapeshifter copies it. Voice of All reads, in part, “As Voice of All enters, choose a color.” and “Voice of All has protection from the chosen color.” Unstable Shapeshifter never had a chance for a color to be chosen for it, because it didn’t enter the battlefield as Voice of All so it doesn’t gain a protection ability.\\  
 Example: A Vesuvan Doppelganger enters the battlefield as a copy of Voice of All, and the Doppelganger’s controller chooses blue. Later, the Doppelganger copies Quirion Elves, which has the ability, “{T}: Add one mana of the chosen color.” Even though a color was chosen for the Doppelganger,​ it wasn’t chosen for the ability linked to the mana ability copied from the Elves. If that mana ability of the Doppelganger is activated, it will not produce mana.\\ ​ Example: A Vesuvan Doppelganger enters the battlefield as a copy of Voice of All, and the Doppelganger’s controller chooses blue. Later, the Doppelganger copies Quirion Elves, which has the ability, “{T}: Add one mana of the chosen color.” Even though a color was chosen for the Doppelganger,​ it wasn’t chosen for the ability linked to the mana ability copied from the Elves. If that mana ability of the Doppelganger is activated, it will not produce mana.\\ ​
-例如:维苏瓦化妖[Vesuvan Doppelganger]作为万物使者的复制进入战场,且维苏瓦化妖的操控者选择了蓝色。之后,维苏瓦化妖复制了奎利恩妖精。奎利恩妖精具有异能“{T}:加一点所选颜色的法术力。”虽然曾为维苏瓦化妖选择过颜色,但为其作出此选择的异能并未与从妖精处复制而来的法术力异能相关联。起动维苏瓦化妖的法术力异能将不会产生任何法术力。+例如:维苏瓦化妖[Vesuvan Doppelganger]作为万物使者的复制进入战场,且维苏瓦化妖的操控者选择了蓝色。之后,维苏瓦化妖复制了奎利恩妖精。奎利恩妖精具有异能“{T}:加一点所选颜色的法术力。”虽然曾为维苏瓦化妖选择过颜色,但为其作出此选择的异能并未与从妖精处复制而来的法术力异能相关联。起动维苏瓦化妖的法术力异能将不会产生任何法术力。
 ===== 608. 结算咒语和异能 Resolving Spells and Abilities ===== ===== 608. 结算咒语和异能 Resolving Spells and Abilities =====
行 557: 行 560:
 608.1. 每次所有牌手连续让过,堆叠顶端的咒语或异能结算。(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr609|609]],“效应”。) 608.1. 每次所有牌手连续让过,堆叠顶端的咒语或异能结算。(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr609|609]],“效应”。)
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr608-2>​608.2. If the object that’s resolving is an instant spell, a sorcery spell, or an ability, its resolution may involve several steps. The steps described in rules 608.2a and 608.2b are followed first. The steps described in rules 608.2c–are then followed as appropriate,​ in no specific order. The steps described in rule 608.2m and 608.2n are followed last.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr608-2>​608.2. If the object that’s resolving is an instant spell, a sorcery spell, or an ability, its resolution may involve several steps. The steps described in rules 608.2a and 608.2b are followed first. The steps described in rules 608.2c–are then followed as appropriate,​ in no specific order. The steps described in rule 608.2n and 608.2p are followed last.\\  
-608.2. 如果结算的物件为瞬间咒语、法术咒语或异能,其结算过程可能包含一些步骤。首先为规则[[cr:​6#​cr608-2a|608.2a]]和[[cr:​6#​cr608-2b|608.2b]]中的步骤。然后为规则[[cr:​6#​cr608-2c|608.2c-k]]中适合的步骤,不按照任何特定的顺序。最后为规则[[cr:​6#​cr608-2m|608.2m]]和[[cr:​6#​cr608-2n|608.2n]]中的步骤。+608.2. 如果结算的物件为瞬间咒语、法术咒语或异能,其结算过程可能包含一些步骤。首先为规则[[cr:​6#​cr608-2a|608.2a]]和[[cr:​6#​cr608-2b|608.2b]]中的步骤。然后为规则[[cr:​6#​cr608-2c|608.2c-m]]中适合的步骤,不按照任何特定的顺序。最后为规则[[cr:​6#​cr608-2n|608.2n]]和[[cr:​6#​cr608-2p|608.2p]]中的步骤。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr608-2a>​608.2a If a triggered ability has an intervening “if” clause, it checks whether the clause’s condition is true. If it isn’t, the ability is removed from the stack and does nothing. Otherwise, it continues to resolve. See rule 603.4.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr608-2a>​608.2a If a triggered ability has an intervening “if” clause, it checks whether the clause’s condition is true. If it isn’t, the ability is removed from the stack and does nothing. Otherwise, it continues to resolve. See rule 603.4.\\ ​
行 599: 行 602:
 608.2h 如果一个效应需要游戏信息(例如战场上生物的数量),答案只在该效应生效时决定一次。如果该效应需要一个特定物件的信息,包括该异能自身的来源,如果该物件依然在它应在的公开区域,则该效应使用其当前信息;如果该物件已经不在该区域或该效应将该物件从公开区域移动到隐藏区域,则该效应使用其最后已知信息。参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr113-7a|113.7a]]。如果一个异能的叙述为该物件作出动作,则是该存在的或最后存在的物件进行该动作,而不是异能本身。 608.2h 如果一个效应需要游戏信息(例如战场上生物的数量),答案只在该效应生效时决定一次。如果该效应需要一个特定物件的信息,包括该异能自身的来源,如果该物件依然在它应在的公开区域,则该效应使用其当前信息;如果该物件已经不在该区域或该效应将该物件从公开区域移动到隐藏区域,则该效应使用其最后已知信息。参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr113-7a|113.7a]]。如果一个异能的叙述为该物件作出动作,则是该存在的或最后存在的物件进行该动作,而不是异能本身。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr608-2i>​608.2i If an effect refers to certain characteristics,​ it checks only for the value of the specified characteristics,​ regardless of any related ones an object may also have.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr608-2i>​608.2i ​Some effects look back in time and require information about previous game states and actions rather than considering the current game state. If such an effect requires information from the game about an object or group of objects, and that effect is not taking any actions on those objects, they don’t need to be currently in the zone they were in at the time of that previous game state or action, nor do they need to currently meet the criteria described in the action, as long as they did so at the specified time. This is an exception to 608.2h.\\  
-608.2i 如果一个效应引用一个特定的特征,它只检查该特定的特征之数值,无视该物件可能具有的有关联的特征。+608.2i 一些效应会回溯并需要关于先前游戏状态和动作的信息,而非当前的游戏状态。如果此类效应需要从游戏中获取关于一个或一组物件的信息,并且该效应不对这些物件执行任何动作,则它们不需要当前仍位于先前游戏状态或动作时所在的区域,或是当前仍符合该动作所述的条件,只要它们在所述时间内位于该区域或符合该条件即可。这是规则[[cr:​6#​cr608-2h|608.2h]]的例外情况。 
 +Example: A player attacks with Bear Cub. Later in the turn, an effect causes Bear Cub to become a noncreature permanent. The same player then casts Search Party Captain, a spell that says in part “This spell costs {1} less to cast for each creature you attacked with this turn.” That spell costs {1} less because the player attacked with a creature, even though the Bear Cub they attacked with is no longer a creature.\\  
 +例如:牌手使用幼熊[Bear Cub]攻击。在该回合稍后的时间中,一个效应使得幼熊成为非生物的永久物。然后,同一位牌手施放搜救队长,其部分叙述为“本回合中你每以一个生物攻击过,此咒语便减少{1}来施放。”因为该牌手用一个生物攻击过,该咒语减少{1}来施放,即使攻击过的幼熊已经不再是生物也是一样。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr608-2j>​608.2j ​If an effect refers to certain characteristics,​ it checks only for the value of the specified characteristics,​ regardless of any related ones an object may also have.\\  
 +608.2j 如果一个效应引用一个特定的特征,它只检查该特定的特征之数值,无视该物件可能具有的有关联的特征。
 Example: An effect that reads “Destroy all black creatures” destroys a white-and-black creature, but one that reads “Destroy all nonblack creatures” doesn’t.\\ ​ Example: An effect that reads “Destroy all black creatures” destroys a white-and-black creature, but one that reads “Destroy all nonblack creatures” doesn’t.\\ ​
 例如:一个“消灭所有黑色生物”的效应将消灭一个黑色及白色的生物,但“消灭所有非黑生物”不会。 例如:一个“消灭所有黑色生物”的效应将消灭一个黑色及白色的生物,但“消灭所有非黑生物”不会。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr608-2j>608.2j If an ability’s effect refers to a specific untargeted object that has been previously referred to by that ability’s cost or trigger condition, it still affects that object even if the object has changed characteristics.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr608-2k>608.2k If an ability’s effect refers to a specific untargeted object that has been previously referred to by that ability’s cost or trigger condition, it still affects that object even if the object has changed characteristics.\\  
-608.2j 如果一个异能的效应引用一个特定的物件,且该物件之前被该异能的费用或触发条件引用过,则它依然会影响该物件,即使它的特征已经改变。+608.2k 如果一个异能的效应引用一个特定的物件,且该物件之前被该异能的费用或触发条件引用过,则它依然会影响该物件,即使它的特征已经改变。
 Example: Wall of Tears says “Whenever Wall of Tears blocks a creature, return that creature to its owner’s hand at end of combat.” If Wall of Tears blocks a creature, then that creature ceases to be a creature before the triggered ability resolves, the permanent will still be returned to its owner’s hand.\\ ​ Example: Wall of Tears says “Whenever Wall of Tears blocks a creature, return that creature to its owner’s hand at end of combat.” If Wall of Tears blocks a creature, then that creature ceases to be a creature before the triggered ability resolves, the permanent will still be returned to its owner’s hand.\\ ​
 例如:泪之墙具有“每当泪之墙阻挡一个生物,在战斗结束时将该生物移回其拥有者的手上。”如果泪之墙阻挡一个生物,然后该生物在触发式异能结算之前不再是生物,该永久物依然会被移回其拥有者手上。 例如:泪之墙具有“每当泪之墙阻挡一个生物,在战斗结束时将该生物移回其拥有者的手上。”如果泪之墙阻挡一个生物,然后该生物在触发式异能结算之前不再是生物,该永久物依然会被移回其拥有者手上。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr608-2k>608.2k If an instant spell, sorcery spell, or ability that can legally resolve leaves the stack once it starts to resolve, it will continue to resolve fully.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr608-2m>608.2m If an instant spell, sorcery spell, or ability that can legally resolve leaves the stack once it starts to resolve, it will continue to resolve fully.\\  
-608.2k 如果一个瞬间咒语、法术咒语、或异能可以合法结算,即使它在开始结算后离开堆叠,它也会继续完整结算。+608.2m 如果一个瞬间咒语、法术咒语、或异能可以合法结算,即使它在开始结算后离开堆叠,它也会继续完整结算。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr608-2m>608.2m As the final part of an instant or sorcery spell’s resolution, the spell is put into its owner’s graveyard. As the final part of an ability’s resolution, the ability is removed from the stack and ceases to exist.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr608-2n>608.2n As the final part of an instant or sorcery spell’s resolution, the spell is put into its owner’s graveyard. As the final part of an ability’s resolution, the ability is removed from the stack and ceases to exist.\\  
-608.2m 作为瞬间或法术咒语结算的最后部分,该咒语被放进其拥有者的坟墓场。作为异能结算的最后部分,该异能被从堆叠移除并消失。+608.2n 作为瞬间或法术咒语结算的最后部分,该咒语被放进其拥有者的坟墓场。作为异能结算的最后部分,该异能被从堆叠移除并消失。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr608-2n>608.2n Once all possible steps described in 608.2c–are completed, any abilities that trigger when that spell or ability resolves trigger.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr608-2p>608.2p Once all possible steps described in 608.2c–are completed, any abilities that trigger when that spell or ability resolves trigger.\\  
-608.2n 一旦完成608.2c-m中所述之所有可能的步骤,任何在该咒语或异能结算时触发的异能触发。+608.2p 一旦完成608.2c-m中所述之所有可能的步骤,任何在该咒语或异能结算时触发的异能触发。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr608-3>​608.3. If the object that’s resolving is a permanent spell, its resolution may involve several steps. The instructions in rules 608.3a and b are always performed first. Then one of the steps in rule 608.3c–e is performed, if appropriate.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr608-3>​608.3. If the object that’s resolving is a permanent spell, its resolution may involve several steps. The instructions in rules 608.3a and b are always performed first. Then one of the steps in rule 608.3c–e is performed, if appropriate.\\ ​
行 638: 行 647:
 608.3e 如果一个永久物咒语结算,但其操控者不能将其放进战场,则该牌手将其放进其拥有者的坟墓场。 608.3e 如果一个永久物咒语结算,但其操控者不能将其放进战场,则该牌手将其放进其拥有者的坟墓场。
-Example: Worms of the Earth has the ability “Lands can’t enter the battlefield.” Clone says “You may have Clone enter the battlefield ​as a copy of any creature on the battlefield.” If a player casts Clone and chooses to copy Dryad Arbor (a land creature) while Worms of the Earth is on the battlefield,​ Clone can’t enter the battlefield from the stack. It’s put into its owner’s graveyard.\\  +Example: Worms of the Earth has the ability “Lands can’t enter the battlefield.” Clone says “You may have Clone enter as a copy of any creature on the battlefield.” If a player casts Clone and chooses to copy Dryad Arbor (a land creature) while Worms of the Earth is on the battlefield,​ Clone can’t enter the battlefield from the stack. It’s put into its owner’s graveyard.\\  
-例如:遍地蠕虫[Worms of the Earth]具有“地不能进入战场。”仿生妖具有“你可以仿生妖作为战场上生物的复制进入战场。”如果牌手在战场上有遍地蠕虫的情况下,施放仿生妖并选择复制树灵乔木(一个地生物),仿生妖不能从堆叠中进入战场。它被放进其拥有者的坟墓场。+例如:遍地蠕虫[Worms of the Earth]具有“地不能进入战场。”仿生妖具有“你可以使仿生妖当成战场上一生物的复制品来进场。”如果牌手在战场上有遍地蠕虫的情况下,施放仿生妖并选择复制树灵乔木(一个地生物),仿生妖不能从堆叠中进入战场。它被放进其拥有者的坟墓场。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr608-3f>​608.3f If the object that’s resolving is a copy of a permanent spell, it will become a token permanent as it is put onto the battlefield in any of the steps above. A token put onto the battlefield this way is no longer a copy of a spell and is not “created” for the purposes of any rules or effects that refer to creating a token.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr608-3f>​608.3f If the object that’s resolving is a copy of a permanent spell, it will become a token permanent as it is put onto the battlefield in any of the steps above. A token put onto the battlefield this way is no longer a copy of a spell and is not “created” for the purposes of any rules or effects that refer to creating a token.\\ ​
行 695: 行 704:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr609-7c>​609.7c Some effects from static abilities prevent or replace damage from sources with certain properties. For these effects, the prevention or replacement applies to sources that are permanents with that property and to any sources that aren’t on the battlefield that have that property.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr609-7c>​609.7c Some effects from static abilities prevent or replace damage from sources with certain properties. For these effects, the prevention or replacement applies to sources that are permanents with that property and to any sources that aren’t on the battlefield that have that property.\\ ​
 609.7c 一些静止式异能所产生的效应防止或替代来自某种特定属性来源的伤害。这些效应对具有该属性的永久物来源和具有该属性且不在战场的来源生效。 609.7c 一些静止式异能所产生的效应防止或替代来自某种特定属性来源的伤害。这些效应对具有该属性的永久物来源和具有该属性且不在战场的来源生效。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr609-8>​609.8. Some effects look back in time and consider previous game states and actions rather than considering the current game state. If such an effect refers to an object or group of objects, those objects don’t need to be currently in the zone they were in at the time of the action, nor do they need to currently meet the criteria described in the action, as long as they did so at the specified time.\\ ​ 
-609.8. 一些效应需要回溯,考虑先前的游戏状态,而非当前的游戏状态。如果此类效应提及一个或一组物件,只要这些物件在该时间存在于该动作执行时所在的区域、或符合该动作所述的条件,它们便无需当前仍存在于该区域、或当前仍符合该条件。 
-Example: A player attacks with Bear Cub. Later in the turn, an effect causes Bear Cub to become a noncreature permanent. The same player then casts Search Party Captain, a spell that says in part “This spell costs {1} less to cast for each creature you attacked with this turn.” That spell costs {1} less because the player attacked with a creature, even though the Bear Cub they attacked with is no longer a creature.\\ ​ 
-例如:牌手使用幼熊[Bear Cub]攻击。在该回合稍后的时间中,一个效应使得幼熊成为非生物的永久物。然后,同一位牌手施放搜救队长,其部分叙述为“本回合中你每以一个生物攻击过,此咒语便减少{1}来施放。”因为该牌手用一个生物攻击过,该咒语减少{1}来施放,即使攻击过的幼熊已经不再是生物也是一样。 
 ===== 610. 一次性效应 One-Shot Effects ===== ===== 610. 一次性效应 One-Shot Effects =====
行 756: 行 759:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr611-2a>​611.2a A continuous effect generated by the resolution of a spell or ability lasts as long as stated by the spell or ability creating it (such as “until end of turn”). If no duration is stated, it lasts until the end of the game.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr611-2a>​611.2a A continuous effect generated by the resolution of a spell or ability lasts as long as stated by the spell or ability creating it (such as “until end of turn”). If no duration is stated, it lasts until the end of the game.\\ ​
-611.2a 一个由咒语或异能的结算所产生的持续性效应,在产生它的咒语或异能所列出的时段内生效(例如“直到回合结束”)。如果没有列出时段,则它生效直到游戏结束。+611.2a 一个由咒语或异能的结算所产生的持续性效应,在产生它的咒语或异能所列出的时段内生效(例如“直到回合结束”)。如果没有列出时段,则它生效直到游戏结束。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr611-2b>​611.2b Some continuous effects generated by the resolution of a spell or ability have durations worded “for as long as . . . .” If the “for as long as” duration never starts, or it ends before the moment the effect would first be applied, the effect does nothing. It doesn’t start and immediately stop again, and it doesn’t last forever.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr611-2b>​611.2b Some continuous effects generated by the resolution of a spell or ability have durations worded “for as long as . . . .” If the “for as long as” duration never starts, or it ends before the moment the effect would first be applied, the effect does nothing. It doesn’t start and immediately stop again, and it doesn’t last forever.\\ ​
-611.2b 一些由咒语或异能的结算所产生的持续性效应具有使用“只要……的时段。如果“只要……”的段从未开始过,或在它最先生效的一刻之前便已经结束,该效应没有任何效果。它不会开始并马上结束,也不会永远生效。+611.2b 一些由咒语或异能的结算所产生的持续性效应的时段使用“……的时段内”描述。如果时段从未开始过,或在它最先生效的一刻之前便已经结束,该效应没有任何效果。它不会开始并马上结束,也不会永远生效。
-Example: Master Thief has the ability “When Master Thief enters ​the battlefield, gain control of target artifact for as long as you control Master Thief.” If you lose control of Master Thief before the ability resolves, it does nothing, because its duration—as long as you control Master Thief—was over before the effect began.\\  +Example: Master Thief has the ability “When Master Thief enters, gain control of target artifact for as long as you control Master Thief.” If you lose control of Master Thief before the ability resolves, it does nothing, because its duration—as long as you control Master Thief—was over before the effect began.\\  
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr611-2c>​611.2c If a continuous effect generated by the resolution of a spell or ability modifies the characteristics or changes the controller of any objects, the set of objects it affects is determined when that continuous effect begins. After that point, the set won’t change. (Note that this works differently than a continuous effect from a static ability.) A continuous effect generated by the resolution of a spell or ability that doesn’t modify the characteristics or change the controller of any objects modifies the rules of the game, so it can affect objects that weren’t affected when that continuous effect began. If a single continuous effect has parts that modify the characteristics or changes the controller of any objects and other parts that don’t, the set of objects each part applies to is determined independently.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr611-2c>​611.2c If a continuous effect generated by the resolution of a spell or ability modifies the characteristics or changes the controller of any objects, the set of objects it affects is determined when that continuous effect begins. After that point, the set won’t change. (Note that this works differently than a continuous effect from a static ability.) A continuous effect generated by the resolution of a spell or ability that doesn’t modify the characteristics or change the controller of any objects modifies the rules of the game, so it can affect objects that weren’t affected when that continuous effect began. If a single continuous effect has parts that modify the characteristics or changes the controller of any objects and other parts that don’t, the set of objects each part applies to is determined independently.\\ ​
行 804: 行 807:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr611-3d>​611.3d Continuous effects from static abilities may allow a player to play a land or cast a permanent spell, or may grant an ability to a permanent spell or card that allows it to be cast. If the effect also grants that object an ability that functions only on the battlefield,​ that ability lasts as long as stated by the effect granting that permission or ability. If no duration is stated, it lasts until the end of the game. This is an exception to rules 611.3a–b.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr611-3d>​611.3d Continuous effects from static abilities may allow a player to play a land or cast a permanent spell, or may grant an ability to a permanent spell or card that allows it to be cast. If the effect also grants that object an ability that functions only on the battlefield,​ that ability lasts as long as stated by the effect granting that permission or ability. If no duration is stated, it lasts until the end of the game. This is an exception to rules 611.3a–b.\\ ​
-611.3d 静止式异能的持续性效应可能允许牌手使用地,施放永久物咒语,或是赋予永久物咒语或永久物牌一个允许其被施放的异能。如果此效应同时还赋予该物件一个仅在战场上生效的异能,则此异能在赋予该许可或异能的效应列出的时段内生效。如果没有列出时段,则它生效直到游戏结束。这是规则[[cr:​6#​cr611-3a|611.3a-b]]的例外情况。+611.3d 静止式异能的持续性效应可能允许牌手使用地,施放永久物咒语,或是赋予永久物咒语或永久物牌一个允许其被施放的异能。如果此效应同时还赋予该物件一个仅在战场上生效的异能,则此异能在赋予该许可或异能的效应列出的时段内生效。如果没有列出时段,则它生效直到游戏结束。这是规则[[cr:​6#​cr611-3a|611.3a-b]]的例外情况。
 ===== 612. 改变叙述的效应 Text-Changing Effects ===== ===== 612. 改变叙述的效应 Text-Changing Effects =====
行 848: 行 851:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr613-1>​613.1. The values of an object’s characteristics are determined by starting with the actual object. For a card, that means the values of the characteristics printed on that card. For a token or a copy of a spell or card, that means the values of the characteristics defined by the effect that created it. Then all applicable continuous effects are applied in a series of layers in the following order:​\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr613-1>​613.1. The values of an object’s characteristics are determined by starting with the actual object. For a card, that means the values of the characteristics printed on that card. For a token or a copy of a spell or card, that means the values of the characteristics defined by the effect that created it. Then all applicable continuous effects are applied in a series of layers in the following order:​\\ ​
-613.1. 确定物件特征首先从该物件本身开始。对于一张牌来说,这表示牌上所印的特征。对于衍生物或咒语与牌的复制来说,这表示创造它的效应对其定义的特征。然后所有适用的持续性效应以一系列分层的形式按照以下顺序生效:+613.1. 确定物件特征首先从该物件本身开始。对于一张牌来说,这表示牌上所印的特征。对于衍生物或咒语与牌的复制来说,这表示创造它的效应对其定义的特征。然后所有适用的持续性效应以一系列分层的形式按照以下顺序生效:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr613-1a>​613.1a Layer 1: Rules and effects that modify copiable values are applied.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr613-1a>​613.1a Layer 1: Rules and effects that modify copiable values are applied.\\ ​
行 860: 行 863:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr613-1d>​613.1d Layer 4: Type-changing effects are applied. These include effects that change an object’s card type, subtype, and/or supertype.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr613-1d>​613.1d Layer 4: Type-changing effects are applied. These include effects that change an object’s card type, subtype, and/or supertype.\\ ​
-613.1d 层4:改变类别的效应生效。这包括改变物件的牌类别、副类别、和/​或超类别。+613.1d 层4:改变类别的效应生效。这包括改变物件的牌类别、副类别、和/​或超类别。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr613-1e>​613.1e Layer 5: Color-changing effects are applied.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr613-1e>​613.1e Layer 5: Color-changing effects are applied.\\ ​
行 874: 行 877:
 613.2. 在层1中,效应以一系列副分层的形式按照以下顺序生效。在每个副分层中,效应按照时间印记顺序生效。(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr613-7|613.7]]。)注意,从属关系可能会改变同一副分层中效应生效的顺序。(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr613-8|613.8]]。) 613.2. 在层1中,效应以一系列副分层的形式按照以下顺序生效。在每个副分层中,效应按照时间印记顺序生效。(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr613-7|613.7]]。)注意,从属关系可能会改变同一副分层中效应生效的顺序。(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr613-8|613.8]]。)
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr613-2a>​613.2a Layer 1a: Copiable effects are applied. This includes copy effects (see rule 707, “Copying Objects”) and changes to an object’s characteristics determined by merging an object with a permanent (see rule 727, “Merging with Permanents”). “As . . . enters ​the battlefield” and “as . . . is turned face up” abilities generate copiable effects if they set power and toughness, even if they also define other characteristics.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr613-2a>​613.2a Layer 1a: Copiable effects are applied. This includes copy effects (see rule 707, “Copying Objects”) and changes to an object’s characteristics determined by merging an object with a permanent (see rule 727, “Merging with Permanents”). “As . . . enters” and “as . . . is turned face up” abilities generate copiable effects if they set power and toughness, even if they also define other characteristics.\\  
-613.2a 层1a:可复制效应生效。这包括复制效应(参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr707|707]],“复制物件”)以及由一个物件与一个永久物结聚而确定的对物件基础特征的改变(参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr727|727]],“与永久物结聚”)。如果“于...进场时”以及“于...翻回正面时”异能设定力量和防御力,则其产生可复制效应,即使其同时设定其他特征。+613.2a 层1a:可复制效应生效。这包括复制效应(参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr707|707]],“复制物件”)以及由一个物件与一个永久物结聚而确定的对物件基础特征的改变(参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr727|727]],“与永久物结聚”)。如果“于...进场时”以及“于...翻回正面时”异能设定力量和防御力,则其产生可复制效应,即使其同时设定其他特征。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr613-2b>​613.2b Layer 1b: Face-down spells and permanents have their characteristics modified as defined in rule 708.2.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr613-2b>​613.2b Layer 1b: Face-down spells and permanents have their characteristics modified as defined in rule 708.2.\\ ​
行 962: 行 965:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr613-7h>​613.7h A face-up plane card, phenomenon card, or scheme card receives a timestamp at the time it’s turned face up.\\  <​BOOKMARK:​cr613-7h>​613.7h A face-up plane card, phenomenon card, or scheme card receives a timestamp at the time it’s turned face up.\\ 
-613.7h 牌面朝上的时空牌、异象牌或阴谋牌于其翻回正面时得到时间印记。+613.7h 牌面朝上的时空牌、异象牌或邪计牌于其翻回正面时得到时间印记。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr613-7i>​613.7i A face-up vanguard card receives a timestamp at the beginning of the game.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr613-7i>​613.7i A face-up vanguard card receives a timestamp at the beginning of the game.\\ ​
行 1016: 行 1019:
 614.1b 使用“略过”一词的效应为替代性效应。这些效应使用“略过”一词来指出哪些事件、步骤、阶段、或回合将被没有任何事件发生所替代。 614.1b 使用“略过”一词的效应为替代性效应。这些效应使用“略过”一词来指出哪些事件、步骤、阶段、或回合将被没有任何事件发生所替代。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr614-1c>​614.1c Effects that read “[This permanent] enters ​the battlefield ​with . . . ,” “As [this permanent] enters ​the battlefield ​. . . ,” or “[This permanent] enters ​the battlefield ​as . . . “ are replacement effects.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr614-1c>​614.1c Effects that read “[This permanent] enters with . . . ,” “As [this permanent] enters . . . ,” or “[This permanent] enters as . . . “ are replacement effects.\\  
-614.1c 格式为“[此永久物]进入战有……”、“于[此永久物]进入战场时……”、“[此永久物]作为……进入战场”的效应为替代性效应。+614.1c 格式为“[此永久物]进场时上面有……”、“于[此永久物]进场时……”、“[此永久物]当成……进场”,或“[此永久物]进场时是……”的效应为替代性效应。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr614-1d>​614.1d Continuous effects that read “[This permanent] enters ​the battlefield ​. . .” or “[Objects] enter the battlefield . . .” are replacement effects.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr614-1d>​614.1d Continuous effects that read “[This permanent] enters . . .” or “[Objects] enter [the battlefield. . .” are replacement effects.\\  
-614.1d 格式为“[此永久物]……进入战场”或“[物件]……进入战场”的持续性效应为替代性效应。+614.1d 格式为“[此永久物]……进场”或“[物件]……进场”的持续性效应为替代性效应。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr614-1e>​614.1e Effects that read “As [this permanent] is turned face up . . . ,” are replacement effects.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr614-1e>​614.1e Effects that read “As [this permanent] is turned face up . . . ,” are replacement effects.\\ ​
行 1079: 行 1082:
 614.12. 一些替代性效应影响一个永久物如何进入战场。(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr614-1c|614.1c-d]]。)这些效应如果只影响该永久物则可能来自该永久物本身(而不是影响包含该永久物在内的某一组永久物)。它们也可能来自其他来源。要决定这些替代性效应如何及是否生效,检查该永久物将存在于战场上的特征,并将已经影响其如何进入战场的替代性效应(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr616-1|616.1]])、该永久物在战场上之后将对其生效的其本身的静止式异能所产生的持续性效应、以及已经存在的并将影响该永久物的持续性效应计算在内。 614.12. 一些替代性效应影响一个永久物如何进入战场。(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr614-1c|614.1c-d]]。)这些效应如果只影响该永久物则可能来自该永久物本身(而不是影响包含该永久物在内的某一组永久物)。它们也可能来自其他来源。要决定这些替代性效应如何及是否生效,检查该永久物将存在于战场上的特征,并将已经影响其如何进入战场的替代性效应(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr616-1|616.1]])、该永久物在战场上之后将对其生效的其本身的静止式异能所产生的持续性效应、以及已经存在的并将影响该永久物的持续性效应计算在内。
-Example: Voice of All says “As Voice of All enters ​the battlefield, choose a color” and “Voice of All has protection from the chosen color.” An effect creates a token that’s a copy of Voice of All. As that token is created, the token’s controller chooses a color for it.\\  +Example: Voice of All says “As Voice of All enters, choose a color” and “Voice of All has protection from the chosen color.” An effect creates a token that’s a copy of Voice of All. As that token is created, the token’s controller chooses a color for it.\\  
-Example: Yixlid Jailer says “Cards in graveyards lose all abilities.” Scarwood Treefolk says “Scarwood Treefolk enters ​the battlefield ​tapped.” A Scarwood Treefolk that’s put onto the battlefield from a graveyard enters the battlefield tapped.\\  +Example: Yixlid Jailer says “Cards in graveyards lose all abilities.” Scarwood Treefolk says “Scarwood Treefolk enters tapped.” A Scarwood Treefolk that’s put onto the battlefield from a graveyard enters the battlefield tapped.\\  
-Example: Orb of Dreams is an artifact that says “Permanents enter the battlefield ​tapped.” It won’t affect itself, so Orb of Dreams enters the battlefield untapped.\\  +Example: Orb of Dreams is an artifact that says “Permanents enter tapped.” It won’t affect itself, so Orb of Dreams enters the battlefield untapped.\\  
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr614-12a>​614.12a If a replacement effect that modifies how a permanent enters the battlefield requires a choice, that choice is made before the permanent enters the battlefield.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr614-12a>​614.12a If a replacement effect that modifies how a permanent enters the battlefield requires a choice, that choice is made before the permanent enters the battlefield.\\ ​
行 1100: 行 1103:
 614.13a 当一个影响永久物如何进入战场的效应生效时,你可能需要选择数个亦要改变区域的物件。你不能选择将成为该永久物的物件、或任何与该物件同时进入战场的其他物件。 614.13a 当一个影响永久物如何进入战场的效应生效时,你可能需要选择数个亦要改变区域的物件。你不能选择将成为该永久物的物件、或任何与该物件同时进入战场的其他物件。
-Example: Sutured Ghoul says, in part, “As Sutured Ghoul enters ​the battlefield, exile any number of creature cards from your graveyard.” If Sutured Ghoul and Runeclaw Bear enter the battlefield from your graveyard at the same time, you can’t choose to exile either of them when applying Sutured Ghoul’s replacement effect.\\  +Example: Sutured Ghoul says, in part, “As Sutured Ghoul enters, exile any number of creature cards from your graveyard.” If Sutured Ghoul and Runeclaw Bear enter the battlefield from your graveyard at the same time, you can’t choose to exile either of them when applying Sutured Ghoul’s replacement effect.\\  
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr614-13b>​614.13b The same object can’t be chosen to change zones more than once when applying replacement effects that modify how a single permanent enters the battlefield.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr614-13b>​614.13b The same object can’t be chosen to change zones more than once when applying replacement effects that modify how a single permanent enters the battlefield.\\ ​
行 1112: 行 1115:
 614.13c 在一个影响永久物如何进入战场的替代性效应生效时,另一个替代性效应可能使得牌手磨牌或是从牌库顶放逐牌。这种情况下,任何从牌库进战场的牌不会被该效应包括在内,即使这些牌在该效应生效时仍在牌库中。 614.13c 在一个影响永久物如何进入战场的替代性效应生效时,另一个替代性效应可能使得牌手磨牌或是从牌库顶放逐牌。这种情况下,任何从牌库进战场的牌不会被该效应包括在内,即使这些牌在该效应生效时仍在牌库中。
-Example: Ashiok, Wicked Manipulator has an ability that reads “If you would pay life while your library has at least that many cards in it, exile that many cards from the top of your library instead.” Breeding Pool is a land that reads, in part, “As Breeding Pool enters ​the battlefield, you may pay 2 life.” If an effect allows a player to play Breeding Pool from the top of their library while they control Ashiok, and they choose to pay life as Breeding Pool enters, Ashiok’s replacement effect will ignore Breeding Pool, because it is entering the battlefield,​ and the next two cards will be exiled.\\  +Example: Ashiok, Wicked Manipulator has an ability that reads “If you would pay life while your library has at least that many cards in it, exile that many cards from the top of your library instead.” Breeding Pool is a land that reads, in part, “As Breeding Pool enters, you may pay 2 life.” If an effect allows a player to play Breeding Pool from the top of their library while they control Ashiok, and they choose to pay life as Breeding Pool enters, Ashiok’s replacement effect will ignore Breeding Pool, because it is entering the battlefield,​ and the next two cards will be exiled.\\  
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr614-14>​614.14. An object may have one ability printed on it that generates a replacement effect which causes one or more cards to be exiled, and another ability that refers either to “the exiled cards” or to cards “exiled with [this object].” These abilities are linked: the second refers only to cards in the exile zone that were put there as a direct result of the replacement event caused by the first. If another object gains a pair of linked abilities, the abilities will be similarly linked on that object. They can’t be linked to any other ability, regardless of what other abilities the object may currently have or may have had in the past. See rule 607, “Linked Abilities.”\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr614-14>​614.14. An object may have one ability printed on it that generates a replacement effect which causes one or more cards to be exiled, and another ability that refers either to “the exiled cards” or to cards “exiled with [this object].” These abilities are linked: the second refers only to cards in the exile zone that were put there as a direct result of the replacement event caused by the first. If another object gains a pair of linked abilities, the abilities will be similarly linked on that object. They can’t be linked to any other ability, regardless of what other abilities the object may currently have or may have had in the past. See rule 607, “Linked Abilities.”\\ ​
行 1211: 行 1214:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr616-1c>​616.1c If any of the replacement and/or prevention effects would cause an object to become a copy of another object as it enters the battlefield,​ one of them must be chosen. If not, proceed to rule 616.1d.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr616-1c>​616.1c If any of the replacement and/or prevention effects would cause an object to become a copy of another object as it enters the battlefield,​ one of them must be chosen. If not, proceed to rule 616.1d.\\ ​
-616.1c 如果任何替代性和/​或防止性效应将使一个物件于进入战场时成为另一个物件的复制,则必须选择它们其中之一。如果没有,则继续至规则[[cr:​6#​cr616-1d|616.1d]]。+616.1c 如果任何替代性和/​或防止性效应将使一个物件于进入战场时成为另一个物件的复制,则必须选择它们其中之一。如果没有,则继续至规则[[cr:​6#​cr616-1d|616.1d]]。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr616-1d>​616.1d If any of the replacement and/or prevention effects would cause a card to enter the battlefield with its back face up, one of them must be chosen (See rule 701.28, “Transform,​” and rule 701.50, “Convert.”). If not, proceed to 616.1e.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr616-1d>​616.1d If any of the replacement and/or prevention effects would cause a card to enter the battlefield with its back face up, one of them must be chosen (See rule 701.28, “Transform,​” and rule 701.50, “Convert.”). If not, proceed to 616.1e.\\ ​
行 1225: 行 1228:
 例如:战场上有两个永久物。其中一个是具有“如果一张牌将从任何地方进入坟墓场,改为将其放逐”的结界,而另一个是具有“如果[此生物]将死去,改为将其洗回其拥有者的牌库”的生物。该生物的操控者决定该生物将被消灭时哪个替代性效应首先生效;另一个将没有效果。 例如:战场上有两个永久物。其中一个是具有“如果一张牌将从任何地方进入坟墓场,改为将其放逐”的结界,而另一个是具有“如果[此生物]将死去,改为将其洗回其拥有者的牌库”的生物。该生物的操控者决定该生物将被消灭时哪个替代性效应首先生效;另一个将没有效果。
-Example: Essence of the Wild reads “Creatures you control enter the battlefield ​as a copy of Essence of the Wild.” A player who controls Essence of the Wild casts Rusted Sentinel, which normally enters the battlefield tapped. As it enters the battlefield,​ the copy effect from Essence of the Wild is applied first. As a result, it no longer has the ability that causes it to enter the battlefield tapped. Rusted Sentinel will enter the battlefield as an untapped copy of Essence of the Wild.\\  +Example: Essence of the Wild reads “Creatures you control enter as a copy of Essence of the Wild.” A player who controls Essence of the Wild casts Rusted Sentinel, which normally enters the battlefield tapped. As it enters the battlefield,​ the copy effect from Essence of the Wild is applied first. As a result, it no longer has the ability that causes it to enter the battlefield tapped. Rusted Sentinel will enter the battlefield as an untapped copy of Essence of the Wild.\\  
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr616-1g>​616.1g While following the steps in 616.1a–f, one replacement or prevention effect may apply to an event, and another may apply to an event contained within the first event. In this case, the second effect can’t be chosen until after the first effect has been chosen.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr616-1g>​616.1g While following the steps in 616.1a–f, one replacement or prevention effect may apply to an event, and another may apply to an event contained within the first event. In this case, the second effect can’t be chosen until after the first effect has been chosen.\\ ​
 616.1g 于遵循616.1a-f叙述之步骤时,一个替代性或防止性效应可能对某事件生效,而另一个替代性或防止性效应可能对一个包含在前者事件中的事件生效。在此情形下,后者效应不能被选择,直到前者效应被选择为止。 616.1g 于遵循616.1a-f叙述之步骤时,一个替代性或防止性效应可能对某事件生效,而另一个替代性或防止性效应可能对一个包含在前者事件中的事件生效。在此情形下,后者效应不能被选择,直到前者效应被选择为止。
-Example: A player is instructed to create a token that’s a copy of Voice of All, which has the ability “As Voice of All enters ​the battlefield, choose a color.” Doubling Season has an ability that reads “If an effect would create one or more tokens under your control, it creates twice that many of those tokens instead.” Because entering the battlefield is an event contained within the event of creating a token, the effect of Doubling Season must be applied first, and then the effects of the two Voice of All tokens may be applied in either order.\\  +Example: A player is instructed to create a token that’s a copy of Voice of All, which has the ability “As Voice of All enters, choose a color.” Doubling Season has an ability that reads “If an effect would create one or more tokens under your control, it creates twice that many of those tokens instead.” Because entering the battlefield is an event contained within the event of creating a token, the effect of Doubling Season must be applied first, and then the effects of the two Voice of All tokens may be applied in either order.\\  
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr616-2>​616.2. A replacement or prevention effect can become applicable to an event as the result of another replacement or prevention effect that modifies the event.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr616-2>​616.2. A replacement or prevention effect can become applicable to an event as the result of another replacement or prevention effect that modifies the event.\\ ​