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万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
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两侧同时换到之前的修订记录 前一修订版
cr:5 [2024/08/22 04:04]
Siyang Li
cr:5 [2024/09/25 04:02] (当前版本)
Siyang Li
行 64: 行 64:
 502.1. 首先,主动牌手操控的所有已跃回且具有时间跳跃异能的永久物跃离,且跃离时由主动牌手操控的所有已跃离永久物跃回。这些均同时发生。此回合动作不使用堆叠。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr702-26|702.26]],“时间跳跃”。 502.1. 首先,主动牌手操控的所有已跃回且具有时间跳跃异能的永久物跃离,且跃离时由主动牌手操控的所有已跃离永久物跃回。这些均同时发生。此回合动作不使用堆叠。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr702-26|702.26]],“时间跳跃”。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr502-2>​502.2. Second, if it’s day and the previous turn’s active player didn’t cast any spells during that turn, it becomes night. If it’s night and the previous turn’s active player cast two or more spells during that turn, it becomes day. If it’s neither day nor night, this check doesn’t happen and it remains neither. This turn-based action doesn’t use the stack. See rule 727, “Day and Night.”\\ ​+<​BOOKMARK:​cr502-2>​502.2. Second, if it’s day and the previous turn’s active player didn’t cast any spells during that turn, it becomes night. If it’s night and the previous turn’s active player cast two or more spells during that turn, it becomes day. If it’s neither day nor night, this check doesn’t happen and it remains neither. This turn-based action doesn’t use the stack. See rule 728, “Day and Night.”\\ ​
 502.2. 其次,如果当前是白昼,且上一个回合的主动牌手没有在该回合中施放任何咒语,则成为黑夜。如果当前是黑夜,且上一个回合的主动牌手在该回合中施放了两个或更多咒语,则成为白昼。如果当前既非白昼也非黑夜,则此检查不会发生,且当前仍然既非白昼也非黑夜。此回合动作不使用堆叠。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr728|728]],“白昼与黑夜”。 502.2. 其次,如果当前是白昼,且上一个回合的主动牌手没有在该回合中施放任何咒语,则成为黑夜。如果当前是黑夜,且上一个回合的主动牌手在该回合中施放了两个或更多咒语,则成为白昼。如果当前既非白昼也非黑夜,则此检查不会发生,且当前仍然既非白昼也非黑夜。此回合动作不使用堆叠。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr728|728]],“白昼与黑夜”。
行 116: 行 116:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr505-3>​505.3. First, but only if the players are playing an Archenemy game (see rule 904), the active player is the archenemy, and it’s the active player’s precombat main phase, the active player sets the top card of their scheme deck in motion (see rule 701.25). This turn-based action doesn’t use the stack.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr505-3>​505.3. First, but only if the players are playing an Archenemy game (see rule 904), the active player is the archenemy, and it’s the active player’s precombat main phase, the active player sets the top card of their scheme deck in motion (see rule 701.25). This turn-based action doesn’t use the stack.\\ ​
-505.3. 首先,如果牌手进行的是魔王游戏(参见规则[[cr:​9#​cr904|904]]),魔王是主动牌手,且目前是主动牌手的战斗前行动阶段,主动牌手实施阴谋套牌的牌库顶牌。(参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr701-25|701.25]])此回合动作不使用堆叠。+505.3. 首先,如果牌手进行的是魔王游戏(参见规则[[cr:​9#​cr904|904]]),魔王是主动牌手,且目前是主动牌手的战斗前行动阶段,主动牌手发动邪计套牌的牌库顶牌。(参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr701-25|701.25]])此回合动作不使用堆叠。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr505-4>​505.4. Second, if the active player controls one or more Saga enchantments and it’s the active player’s precombat main phase, the active player puts a lore counter on each Saga they control. (See rule 714, “Saga Cards.”) This turn-based action doesn’t use the stack.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr505-4>​505.4. Second, if the active player controls one or more Saga enchantments and it’s the active player’s precombat main phase, the active player puts a lore counter on each Saga they control. (See rule 714, “Saga Cards.”) This turn-based action doesn’t use the stack.\\ ​