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万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
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cr:4 [2025/01/05 11:20] 外部编辑
cr:4 [2025/02/08 22:13] (当前版本)
Siyang Li
行 33: 行 33:
 400.6. 如果一个物件将从一个区域转移到另一个区域,首先确定移动此物件的事件。如果物件将移动到公开区域,且其拥有者将会可以在该区域检视之,其拥有者检视之并查看其是否具有影响该移动的异能。如果该物件将移动到战场,每位将会可以在该区域检视之的其他牌手亦如此作。然后相应的替代性效应对该事件生效,无论它来自物件本身或其他地方。如果任何效应或规则试图用数个对立或抵触的方式影响同一个物件,物件的操控者(如果没有操控者则由拥有者)选择哪个效应生效,以及该效应产生什么影响。(注意,对同一物件的多个影响可能相互抵触;例如,两个同时“消灭”的效应。)然后该事件移动物件。 400.6. 如果一个物件将从一个区域转移到另一个区域,首先确定移动此物件的事件。如果物件将移动到公开区域,且其拥有者将会可以在该区域检视之,其拥有者检视之并查看其是否具有影响该移动的异能。如果该物件将移动到战场,每位将会可以在该区域检视之的其他牌手亦如此作。然后相应的替代性效应对该事件生效,无论它来自物件本身或其他地方。如果任何效应或规则试图用数个对立或抵触的方式影响同一个物件,物件的操控者(如果没有操控者则由拥有者)选择哪个效应生效,以及该效应产生什么影响。(注意,对同一物件的多个影响可能相互抵触;例如,两个同时“消灭”的效应。)然后该事件移动物件。
-Example: Exquisite Archangel has an ability which reads “If you would lose the game, instead exile Exquisite Archangel ​and your life total becomes equal to your starting life total.” A spell deals 5 damage to a player with 5 life and 5 damage to an Exquisite Archangel under that player’s control. As state-based actions are performed, that player’s life total becomes equal to their starting life total, and that player chooses whether Exquisite Archangel moves to its owner’s graveyard or to exile.\\  +Example: Exquisite Archangel has an ability which reads “If you would lose the game, instead exile this creature ​and your life total becomes equal to your starting life total.” A spell deals 5 damage to a player with 5 life and 5 damage to an Exquisite Archangel under that player’s control. As state-based actions are performed, that player’s life total becomes equal to their starting life total, and that player chooses whether Exquisite Archangel moves to its owner’s graveyard or to exile.\\  
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr400-7>​400.7. An object that moves from one zone to another becomes a new object with no memory of, or relation to, its previous existence. This rule has the following exceptions.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr400-7>​400.7. An object that moves from one zone to another becomes a new object with no memory of, or relation to, its previous existence. This rule has the following exceptions.\\ ​
行 51: 行 51:
 400.7d 永久物上的异能可以得知成为该永久物之咒语结算时的信息,包括施放该咒语时支付了哪些费用、或是支付此费用时使用了何种法术力。 400.7d 永久物上的异能可以得知成为该永久物之咒语结算时的信息,包括施放该咒语时支付了哪些费用、或是支付此费用时使用了何种法术力。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr400-7e>​400.7e Abilities that trigger when an object moves from one zone to another (for example, “When ​Rancor ​is put into a graveyard from the battlefield”) can find the new object that it became in the zone it moved to when the ability triggered, if that zone is a public zone.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr400-7e>​400.7e Abilities that trigger when an object moves from one zone to another (for example, “When ​this Aura is put into a graveyard from the battlefield”) can find the new object that it became in the zone it moved to when the ability triggered, if that zone is a public zone.\\  
-400.7e 当一个物件从一个区域转移到另一个区域时,如果移动后的区域是公开区域,所触发的触发式异能(例如,“当仇视从战场进入坟墓场时”)能够在移动后区域中找到该异能触发时的物件成为的新物件。+400.7e 当一个物件从一个区域转移到另一个区域时,如果移动后的区域是公开区域,所触发的触发式异能(例如,“当此灵气从战场进入坟墓场时”)能够在移动后区域中找到该异能触发时的物件成为的新物件。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr400-7f>​400.7f Abilities that trigger when an enchanted permanent leaves the battlefield can find the new object that each Aura enchanting that permanent became in its owner’s graveyard if it was put into that graveyard at the same time the enchanted permanent left the battlefield. It can also find the new object that each Aura enchanting it became in its owner’s graveyard as a result of being put there as a state-based action for not being attached to a permanent. (See rule 704.5m.)\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr400-7f>​400.7f Abilities that trigger when an enchanted permanent leaves the battlefield can find the new object that each Aura enchanting that permanent became in its owner’s graveyard if it was put into that graveyard at the same time the enchanted permanent left the battlefield. It can also find the new object that each Aura enchanting it became in its owner’s graveyard as a result of being put there as a state-based action for not being attached to a permanent. (See rule 704.5m.)\\ ​
行 259: 行 259:
 407.2. 当使用赌注时,在决定牌手先后次序之后,但在开始抓任何牌之前,每位牌手从其牌库中随机将一张牌放进赌注。双方可以随时检视赌注的牌。在游戏结束时,胜利者成为赌注所有牌的拥有者。 407.2. 当使用赌注时,在决定牌手先后次序之后,但在开始抓任何牌之前,每位牌手从其牌库中随机将一张牌放进赌注。双方可以随时检视赌注的牌。在游戏结束时,胜利者成为赌注所有牌的拥有者。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr407-3>​407.3. A few cards have the text “Remove ​[this cardfrom your deck before playing if you’re not playing for ante.” These are the only cards that can add or remove cards from the ante zone or change a card’s owner. When not playing for ante, players can’t include these cards in their decks or sideboards, and these cards can’t be brought into the game from outside the game.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr407-3>​407.3. A few cards have the text “Remove this card from your deck before playing if you’re not playing for ante.” These are the only cards that can add or remove cards from the ante zone or change a card’s owner. When not playing for ante, players can’t include these cards in their decks or sideboards, and these cards can’t be brought into the game from outside the game.\\  
-407.3. 一些牌的叙述包括“如果你未使用赌注,则在游戏开始之前将[此牌]从你的套牌中移出”。只有这些牌才能将牌加入或移出赌注,或改变牌的拥有者。当未使用赌注时,牌手不能将这些牌放进套牌或备牌中,也不能将其从游戏外带进游戏中。+407.3. 一些牌的叙述包括“如果你未用赌注,则在游戏开始之前将此牌从你的套牌中移出”。只有这些牌才能将牌加入或移出赌注,或改变牌的拥有者。当未使用赌注时,牌手不能将这些牌放进套牌或备牌中,也不能将其从游戏外带进游戏中。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr407-4>​407.4. To ante an object is to put that object into the ante zone from whichever zone it’s currently in. The owner of an object is the only person who can ante that object.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr407-4>​407.4. To ante an object is to put that object into the ante zone from whichever zone it’s currently in. The owner of an object is the only person who can ante that object.\\ ​