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万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
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cr:1 [2018/04/28 04:24]
mtgjudge [107. 数字和符号 Numbers and Symbols]
cr:1 [2024/09/25 03:59] (当前版本)
Siyang Li
行 1: 行 1:
-[[:​完整规则|返回完整规则目录]] | [[cr:​2|第二章 - 牌的各部分 Parts of a Card ]]+[[:​完整规则|返回完整规则目录]] | [[cr:​2|第二章 - 牌的各部分 Parts of a Card]]
 ====== 1. 游戏概念 Game Concepts ====== ====== 1. 游戏概念 Game Concepts ======
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr1>​1. Game Concepts\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr1>​1. Game Concepts\\ ​
行 20: 行 20:
 100.2. 每位牌手需要准备自己的万智牌套牌,能够当作衍生物和指示物的小件物品,以及能够用某种方法清楚记录总生命以进行游戏。 100.2. 每位牌手需要准备自己的万智牌套牌,能够当作衍生物和指示物的小件物品,以及能够用某种方法清楚记录总生命以进行游戏。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr100-2a>​100.2a In constructed play (a way of playing in which each player creates their own deck ahead of time), each deck must contain at least sixty cards. A constructed deck may contain any number of basic land cards and no more than four of any card with a particular English name other than basic land cards.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr100-2a>​100.2a In constructed play (a way of playing in which each player creates their own deck ahead of time), each deck has a minimum deck size of 60 cards. A constructed deck may contain any number of basic land cards and no more than four of any card with a particular English name other than basic land cards. For the purposes of deck construction,​ cards with interchangeable names have the same English name (see rule 201.3).\\  
-100.2a 在构赛中(一种牌手游戏前各自组建自己套牌的游戏方式),一副套牌必须由60张以上组成。一副构赛的套牌可以有任意数量的基本地,但英文名称相同的其他牌则不能超过四张。+100.2a 在构赛中(一种牌手比赛前各自组建自己套牌的游戏方式),一副套牌的数量下限为60张。一副构赛的套牌可以有任意数量的基本地,但英文名称相同的其他牌则不能超过四张。具有可互换名称的牌在套牌构组中视为具有相同的英文名称(参见规则[[cr:​2#​cr201-3|201.3]])
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr100-2b>​100.2b In limited play (a way of playing in which each player gets the same quantity of unopened Magic product such as booster packs and creates their own deck using only this product and basic land cards), each deck must contain at least forty cards. A limited deck may contain as many duplicates of a card as are included with the product.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr100-2b>​100.2b In limited play (a way of playing in which each player gets the same quantity of unopened Magic product such as booster packs and creates their own deck using only this product and basic land cards), each deck has a minimum deck size of 40 cards. A limited deck may contain as many duplicates of a card as are included with the product.\\  
-100.2b 在限制赛中(一种牌手获得特定数量未开封万智牌产品,如补充包,并只使用这些产品和基本地牌组建套牌的游戏方式),一副套牌必须由40张以上组成。限制赛套牌可以包含牌手从这些产品中所获得的任意数量的同名牌。+100.2b 在限制赛中(一种牌手获得特定数量未开封万智牌产品,如补充包,并只使用这些产品和基本地牌组建套牌的游戏方式),一副套牌的数量下限为40张。限制赛套牌可以包含牌手从这些产品中所获得的任意数量的同名牌。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr100-3>​100.3. Some casual variants require additional items, such as specially designated cards, nontraditional Magic cards, and dice. See section 9, “Casual Variants.”\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr100-2c>​100.2c Commander decks are subject to additional deckbuilding restrictions and requirements. See rule 903, “Commander,​” for details.\\  
-100.3. 一些休闲式玩法(构筑赛或限制赛)需要一些其他的物品,例如特别设计的卡牌、非传统万智牌卡牌以及骰子。参见[[cr:​9|第9章]],“休闲式玩法”+100.2c 指挥官套牌受额外的套牌构组限制和要求。更多细节参见规则[[cr:​9#​cr903|903]],“指挥官”。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr100-2d>​100.2d Some formats and casual play variants allow players to use a supplementary deck of nontraditional Magic cards (see rule 108.2a). These supplementary decks have their own deck construction rules. See rule 717, “Attraction Cards;” rule 901, “Planechase;​” and rule 904, “Archenemy.”\\  
 +100.2d 一些赛制和休闲游戏玩法允许牌手使用一副包含非传统万智牌卡牌的附加套牌(参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr108-2a|108.2a]])。这些附加套牌拥有自己的套牌构组规则。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr717|717]],“景点牌”;规则[[cr:​9#​cr901|901]],“竞逐时空”;以及规则[[cr:​9#​cr904|904]],“魔王”。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr100-3>​100.3. Some cards require coins or traditional dice. Some casual variants require additional items, such as specially designated cards, nontraditional Magic cards, and specialized ​dice.\\  
 +100.3. ​一些牌需要硬币或传统骰子。一些休闲式玩法需要一些其他的物品,例如特别设计的卡牌、非传统万智牌卡牌以及特制骰子。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr100-4>​100.4. Each player may also have a sideboard, which is a group of additional cards the player may use to modify their deck between games of a match.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr100-4>​100.4. Each player may also have a sideboard, which is a group of additional cards the player may use to modify their deck between games of a match.\\ ​
行 33: 行 39:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr100-4a>​100.4a In constructed play, a sideboard may contain no more than fifteen cards. The four-card limit (see rule 100.2a) applies to the combined deck and sideboard.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr100-4a>​100.4a In constructed play, a sideboard may contain no more than fifteen cards. The four-card limit (see rule 100.2a) applies to the combined deck and sideboard.\\ ​
-100.4a 在构赛中,备牌可以包含不超过十五张牌。套牌及备牌的整体受四张同名牌的限制(参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr100-2a|100.2a]])。+100.4a 在构赛中,备牌可以包含不超过十五张牌。套牌及备牌的整体受四张同名牌的限制(参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr100-2a|100.2a]])。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr100-4b>​100.4b In limited play involving individual players, all cards in a player’s card pool not included in their deck are in that player’s sideboard. \\ +<​BOOKMARK:​cr100-4b>​100.4b In limited play involving individual players, all cards in a player’s card pool not included in their deck are in that player’s sideboard.\\ ​
 100.4b 在个人限制赛中,在牌手的牌池内但未使用的牌均作为其备牌。 100.4b 在个人限制赛中,在牌手的牌池内但未使用的牌均作为其备牌。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr100-4c>​100.4c In limited play involving the Two-Headed Giant multiplayer variant, all cards in a team’s card pool but not in either player’s deck are in that team’s sideboard. \\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr100-4c>​100.4c In limited play involving the Two-Headed Giant multiplayer variant, all cards in a team’s card pool but not in either player’s deck are in that team’s sideboard.\\  
-100.4c 在使用双头巨人多人玩法的限制赛中,在队的牌池内但未被使用的牌均作为该队的备牌。+100.4c 在使用双头巨人多人玩法的限制赛中,在队的牌池内但未被使用的牌均作为该队的备牌。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr100-4d>​100.4d In limited play involving other multiplayer team variants, each card in a team’s card pool but not in any player’s deck is assigned to the sideboard of one of those players. Each player has their own sideboard; cards may not be transferred between players. \\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr100-4d>​100.4d In limited play involving other multiplayer team variants, each card in a team’s card pool but not in any player’s deck is assigned to the sideboard of one of those players. Each player has their own sideboard; cards may not be transferred between players.\\  
-100.4d 在使用其他多人队玩法的限制赛中,每张在队的牌池内但未包含在任何牌手套牌中的牌被分配给其中一位牌手作为备牌。每位牌手将拥有自己的备牌;这些卡牌不能在牌手之间传递。+100.4d 在使用其他多人队玩法的限制赛中,每张在队的牌池内但未包含在任何牌手套牌中的牌被分配给其中一位牌手作为备牌。每位牌手将拥有自己的备牌;这些卡牌不能在牌手之间传递。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr100-5>​100.5. There is no maximum deck size.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr100-5>​100.5. If a deck must contain at least a certain number of cards, that number is referred to as a minimum deck size. There is no maximum deck size for non-Commander decks.\\  
-100.5. 套牌没有最大张数的限制。+100.5. ​如果一副套牌必须包含至少一定数量的牌,该数量称为套牌数量下限。非指挥官套牌没有最大张数的限制。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr100-6>​100.6. Most Magic tournaments (organized play activities where players compete against other players to win prizes) have additional rules covered in the Magic: The Gathering Tournament Rules (found at [url]http://​WPN.Wizards.com/​en/​resources/​rules-document[/​url]). These rules may limit the use of some cards, including barring all cards from some older sets.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr100-6>​100.6. Most Magic tournaments (organized play activities where players compete against other players to win prizes) have additional rules covered in the Magic: The Gathering Tournament Rules (found at WPN.Wizards.com/​en/​resources/​rules-documents). These rules may limit the use of some cards, including barring all cards from some older sets.\\  
-100.6. 大部分的万智牌比赛(比赛规划部门决定牌手在哪些地方与其他牌手进行比赛以获得奖品)都有一些由万智牌比赛规则规定的附加规则(可以在[url]http://​WPN.Wizards.com/​en/​resources/​rules-document[/​url]找到)。这些规则可能限制使用某些牌包括限制使用从某个旧系列开始的所有牌。+100.6. 大部分的万智牌比赛(比赛规划部门决定牌手在哪些地方与其他牌手进行比赛以获得奖品)都有一些由万智牌比赛规则规定的附加规则(可以在[url]http://​WPN.Wizards.com/​en/​resources/​rules-documents[/​url]找到)。这些规则可能限制使用某些牌包括限制使用从某个旧系列开始的所有牌。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr100-6a>​100.6a Tournaments usually consist of a series of matches. A two-player match usually involves playing until one player has won two games. A multiplayer match usually consists of only one game.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr100-6a>​100.6a Tournaments usually consist of a series of matches. A two-player match usually involves playing until one player has won two games. A multiplayer match usually consists of only one game.\\ ​
 100.6a 比赛通常包含一系列的对局。双人对局通常进行直到其中一位牌手赢得两盘。多人对局通常都只进行一盘游戏。 100.6a 比赛通常包含一系列的对局。双人对局通常进行直到其中一位牌手赢得两盘。多人对局通常都只进行一盘游戏。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr100-6b>​100.6b Players can use the Magic Store & Event Locator at [url]http://​www.wizards.com/locator[/​url] ​to find tournaments in their area.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr100-6b>​100.6b Players can use the Magic Store & Event Locator at Wizards.com/Locator ​to find tournaments in their area.\\  
-100.6b 牌手可以使用在[url]http://​www.wizards.com/locator[/​url]的万智牌店家和赛事定位器来寻找其所在地区的比赛。+100.6b 牌手可以使用在[url]http://​Wizards.com/Locator[/​url]的万智牌店家和赛事定位器来寻找其所在地区的比赛。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr100-7>​100.7 Certain ​promotional cards and cards in the Unglued, Unhinged, and Unstable sets are printed with a silver border. These cards are intended for casual play and may have features and text that aren’t covered by these rules.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr100-7>​100.7Certain cards are intended for casual play and may have features and text that aren’t covered by these rules. These include Mystery Booster playtest cards, promotional cards and cards in “Un-sets” that were printed with a silver border, and cards in the Unfinity™ expansion that have an acorn symbol at the bottom of the card.\\  
-100.7 一些和Unglued、Unhinged、Unstable这些系列中的以银色边框印刷。这些牌张用于休闲游戏,可能具有本文件中之规则未涵盖的特性及叙述。+100.7一些卡牌用于休闲游戏,可能具有本文件中之规则未涵盖的特性及叙述。它们包括Mystery Booster测试牌、一些赠卡、“Un-系列”中以银色边框印刷的牌,以及Unfinity™系列中底部具有橡实标记的卡牌
 ===== 101. 万智牌的最高原则 The Magic Golden Rules ===== ===== 101. 万智牌的最高原则 The Magic Golden Rules =====
行 69: 行 75:
 101.2. 当某个规则或效应说你能作某事,而另一个效应说你不能作某事,则以“不能”的效应为优先。 101.2. 当某个规则或效应说你能作某事,而另一个效应说你不能作某事,则以“不能”的效应为优先。
-Example: If one effect reads “You may play an additional land this turn” and another reads “You can’t play land this turn,” the effect that precludes you from playing lands wins.\\ ​+Example: If one effect reads “You may play an additional land this turn” and another reads “You can’t play lands this turn,” the effect that precludes you from playing lands wins.\\ ​
 例如:如果某效应为“你本回合可以额外使用一个地”,而另一个效应为“你本回合不能使用地”,则以使你不能使用地的效应为优先。 例如:如果某效应为“你本回合可以额外使用一个地”,而另一个效应为“你本回合不能使用地”,则以使你不能使用地的效应为优先。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr101-2a>​101.2a Adding abilities to objects and removing abilities from objects don’t fall under this rule. (See rule 112.10.)\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr101-2a>​101.2a Adding abilities to objects and removing abilities from objects don’t fall under this rule. (See rule 113.10.)\\  
-101.2a 让某物件获得异能以及从物件上移除异能不适用此规则。(参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr112-10|112.10]]。)+101.2a 让某物件获得异能以及从物件上移除异能不适用此规则。(参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr113-10|113.10]]。)
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr101-3>​101.3. Any part of an instruction that’s impossible to perform is ignored. (In many cases the card will specify consequences for this; if it doesn’t, there’s no effect.)\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr101-3>​101.3. Any part of an instruction that’s impossible to perform is ignored. (In many cases the card will specify consequences for this; if it doesn’t, there’s no effect.)\\ ​
行 79: 行 85:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr101-4>​101.4. If multiple players would make choices and/or take actions at the same time, the active player (the player whose turn it is) makes any choices required, then the next player in turn order (usually the player seated to the active player’s left) makes any choices required, followed by the remaining nonactive players in turn order. Then the actions happen simultaneously. This rule is often referred to as the “Active Player, Nonactive Player (APNAP) order” rule.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr101-4>​101.4. If multiple players would make choices and/or take actions at the same time, the active player (the player whose turn it is) makes any choices required, then the next player in turn order (usually the player seated to the active player’s left) makes any choices required, followed by the remaining nonactive players in turn order. Then the actions happen simultaneously. This rule is often referred to as the “Active Player, Nonactive Player (APNAP) order” rule.\\ ​
-101.4. 若多位牌手需要同时作决定和/​或采取动作,则先由主动牌手(本回合的牌手)作出选择,然后再由回合顺序中下一牌手作出选择(通常是坐在主动牌手的左侧的牌手),以此类推,所有非主动牌手按照顺序作出选择。然后这些动作同时生效。这个规则经常被称为“主动牌手先决定(APNAP)”规则。+101.4. 若多位牌手需要同时作决定和/​或采取动作,则先由主动牌手(本回合的牌手)作出选择,然后再由下一牌手作出选择(通常是坐在主动牌手的左侧的牌手),以此类推,所有非主动牌手按照顺序作出选择。然后这些动作同时生效。这个规则经常被称为“主动牌手先决定(APNAP)”规则。
-Example: A card reads “Each player sacrifices a creature.” First, the active player chooses a creature they controls. Then each of the nonactive players, in turn order, chooses a creature they controls. Then all creatures chosen this way are sacrificed simultaneously.\\ ​+Example: A card reads “Each player sacrifices a creature.” First, the active player chooses a creature they control. Then each of the nonactive players, in turn order, chooses a creature they control. Then all creatures chosen this way are sacrificed simultaneously.\\ ​
 例如:某张牌为“每位牌手各牺牲一个生物。”首先,主动牌手先选择一个由其操控的生物,然后每一位非主动牌手选择一个由其操控的生物。然后,这些生物同时被牺牲。 例如:某张牌为“每位牌手各牺牲一个生物。”首先,主动牌手先选择一个由其操控的生物,然后每一位非主动牌手选择一个由其操控的生物。然后,这些生物同时被牺牲。
行 87: 行 93:
 101.4a 若某效应让每位牌手选择在隐藏区域的一张牌,例如其手牌或牌库,那些牌被选择后会保持牌面朝下。然而,每位牌手必须清楚地表明哪张牌面朝下的牌是其所选择的。 101.4a 若某效应让每位牌手选择在隐藏区域的一张牌,例如其手牌或牌库,那些牌被选择后会保持牌面朝下。然而,每位牌手必须清楚地表明哪张牌面朝下的牌是其所选择的。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr101-4b>​101.4b A player knows the choices made by the previous players when they make their choice, except as specified in 101.4a.\\ ​+<​BOOKMARK:​cr101-4b>​101.4b A player knows the choices made by the previous players when making ​their choice, except as specified in 101.4a.\\ ​
 101.4b 牌手在作选择之时,会先得知前一位牌手的选择,除了101.4a中的情况。 101.4b 牌手在作选择之时,会先得知前一位牌手的选择,除了101.4a中的情况。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr101-4c>​101.4c If a player would make more than one choice at the same time, the player makes the choices in the order specified. If no order is specified, ​that player chooses the order.\\ ​+<​BOOKMARK:​cr101-4c>​101.4c If a player would make more than one choice at the same time, the player makes the choices in the order specified. If no order is specified, ​the player chooses the order.\\ ​
 101.4c 若牌手要同时作多个选择,则其依照指定的顺序来作这些决定。若没有指定顺序,则该牌手可以依任意顺序来作选择。 101.4c 若牌手要同时作多个选择,则其依照指定的顺序来作这些决定。若没有指定顺序,则该牌手可以依任意顺序来作选择。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr101-4d>​101.4d If a choice made by a nonactive player causes the active player, or a different nonactive player earlier in the turn order, to have to make a choice, APNAP order is restarted for all outstanding choices.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr101-4d>​101.4d If a choice made by a nonactive player causes the active player, or a different nonactive player earlier in the turn order, to have to make a choice, APNAP order is restarted for all outstanding choices.\\ ​
-101.4d 如果某位非主动牌手的选择导致主动牌手,或者另一位已经作出选择的非主动牌手,​需要作出新的选择则所有未完成的选择以“主动牌手先决定”规则重新开始。+101.4d 如果某位非主动牌手的选择导致主动牌手,或者另一位已经作出选择的非主动牌手,​需要作出新的选择则所有未完成的选择以“主动牌手先决定”规则重新开始。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr101-4e>​101.4e If multiple players would make choices or take actions while starting the game, the starting player is considered the active player and each other player is considered a nonactive player.\\  
 +101.4e 如果数位牌手将要于游戏开始时作出选择或执行动作,将先手牌手视为主动牌手,每位其他牌手均视为非主动牌手
 ===== 102. 牌手 Players ===== ===== 102. 牌手 Players =====
行 104: 行 113:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr102-2>​102.2. In a two-player game, a player’s opponent is the other player.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr102-2>​102.2. In a two-player game, a player’s opponent is the other player.\\ ​
-102.2. 在双人游戏中,牌手的对手即是另外一牌手。+102.2. 在双人游戏中,牌手的对手即是另外一牌手。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr102-3>​102.3. In a multiplayer game between teams, a player’s teammates are the other players on their team, and the player’s opponents are all players not on their team.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr102-3>​102.3. In a multiplayer game between teams, a player’s teammates are the other players on their team, and the player’s opponents are all players not on their team.\\ ​
-102.3. 在队间的多人游戏中,牌手的队友指的是同一个团队中的其他牌手,而牌手的对手指所有不在其队的牌手。+102.3. 在队间的多人游戏中,牌手的队友指的是同一队中的其他牌手,而牌手的对手指所有不在其队的牌手。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr102-4>​102.4. A spell or ability may use the term “your team” as shorthand for “you and/or your teammates.” In a game that isn’t a multiplayer game between teams, “your team” means the same thing as “you.”\\  
 +102.4. 一些咒语或异能可能会使用“你队伍”此用语,作为“你和/​或你的队友”的简略说法。在一局游戏中,若该游戏并非队伍间的多人游戏,“你队伍”与“你”意义相同
 ===== 103. 开始游戏 Starting the Game ===== ===== 103. 开始游戏 Starting the Game =====
行 113: 行 125:
 103. 开始游戏 103. 开始游戏
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-1>​103.1. At the start of a game, each player shuffles their deck so that the cards are in a random orderEach player ​may then shuffle or cut their opponents’ decks. The players’ decks become their libraries.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-1>​103.1. At the start of a game, the players determine which one of them will choose who takes the first turn. In the first game of a match (including a single-game match), the players may use any mutually agreeable method (flipping a coin, rolling dice, etc.) to do so. In a match of several games, the loser of the previous game chooses who takes the first turn. If the previous game was a draw, the player who made the choice in that game makes the choice ​in this gameThe player chosen to take the first turn is the starting ​player. The games default turn order begins with the starting player and proceeds clockwise.\\  
-103.1. 在游戏开始时,每位牌手将自己套牌洗牌以令其套充分随机化之后每位牌手可以将对手的套牌洗牌或者切牌。便分别成为该牌手的牌+103.1. 在游戏开始时,牌手需决定谁先开始。在一局第一盘游戏中(包括只有一盘游戏的对局),牌手可以使用任何双方都同意的方式来决定(如掷硬币、掷骰子等)在一局包含多盘游戏时,输掉上一盘的牌手可以决定这盘的先后。若上一盘游戏为平,由上一盘游戏决定先后的牌手来决定本盘游戏的先后开始第一个回合的手是先手牌手。游戏默认回合顺序从先手手开始,按照顺时针方向进行
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-1a>​103.1a ​If player ​is using sideboard (see rule 100.4) or cards being represented by checklist cards (see rule 713), those cards are set aside before shuffling.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-1a>​103.1a ​In game using the shared team turns option, there is a starting team rather than a starting player.\\  
-103.1a ​如果牌手有使用备牌(参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr100-4|100.4]])或有使用列表牌表示牌(参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr713|713]])这些在洗牌前将被放在一边+103.1a ​使用队伍共享回合模式游戏中以先手队伍替代先手
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-1b>​103.1b In a Commander ​game, each player puts their commander from their deck face up into the command zone before shufflingSee rule 903.6.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-1b>​103.1b In an Archenemy ​game, these methods aren’t used to determine who takes the first turnRather, the archenemy takes the first turn.\\  
-103.1b 在指挥官游戏中,每位牌手在洗牌前将其套牌中的指挥官面朝上置于统帅区参见规则[[cr:​9#​cr903-6|903.6]]+103.1b 在魔王游戏中,不使用这些方式决定先手牌手。魔王总是开始第一个回合
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-1c>​103.1c ​In a Conspiracy Draft game, each player puts any number of conspiracy cards from their sideboard into the command zone before shufflingSee rule 905.4. \\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-1c>​103.1c ​One card (Power Play) states that its controller is the starting playerThis effect applies after this determination has happened and supersedes these methods.\\  
-103.1c ​在诡局轮抽游戏中,每位牌手在洗牌将他备牌中任意数量的诡局牌置于统帅区。参见规则[[cr:​9#​cr905-4|905.4]]+103.1c ​一张(权力争斗)叙述其操控者为先牌手。此效应以上决定后生效并替代上述方法
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-2>​103.2. ​After the decks have been shuffled, the players determine which one of them will choose who takes the first turn. In the first game of a match (including a single-game match), the players may use any mutually agreeable method (flipping a coin, rolling dice, etc.) to do so. In a match of several ​games, the loser of the previous game chooses who takes the first turn. If the previous game was a draw, the player who made the choice in that game makes the choice in this game. The player chosen to take the first turn is the starting player. ​The game’s default turn order begins with the starting player and proceeds clockwise.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-2>​103.2. ​Some games require additional steps that are taken after the starting player ​has been determinedPerform ​the actions listed in 103.2a–e in order, as applicable.\\  
-103.2. ​在洗牌之后,牌手需决定谁先开始。在一局的第游戏中(包括只有一盘游戏的对局),牌手可以使用任何双方都同意的方式来决定(如掷硬币、掷骰子等)。一局包含多盘游戏时,输掉上一盘的牌手可以决定这盘的后。若上一盘游戏为平,由上一盘游戏决定先后的牌手来决定本盘游戏的先。开始第一个回合牌手是先手牌手游戏的默认回合顺从先手牌手开始,按照顺时针方向进行。+103.2. 一游戏需要在决定先手牌手进行额外步骤103.2a-e中列出的所有适用的动作
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-2a>​103.2a ​In a game using the shared team turns optionthere is starting ​team rather than a starting player.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-2a>​103.2a ​If any players are using sideboards (see rule 100.4) or cards being represented by substitute cards (see rule 713)those cards are set aside. After this happens, each player’s deck is considered their starting ​deck.\\  
-103.2a ​使用团队共享回合模式游戏中以先手团队替代先手牌手。+103.2a ​如果任一牌手使用备牌(参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr100-4|100.4]])或有使用辅助牌表示牌(参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr713|713]])这些牌将被放在一边。在此之后,每位牌的套牌被认为是该牌手的起始套牌
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-2b>​103.2b ​In an Archenemy game, these methods aren’t used to determine who takes the first turnRather, the archenemy takes the first turn.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-2b>​103.2b ​If any players wish to reveal a card with a companion ability that they own from outside ​the game, they may do soA player may reveal no more than one card this wayand they may do so only if their deck fulfills ​the condition of that card’s companion ability. The revealed card remains outside ​the game(See rule 702.139, “Companion.”)\\  
-103.2b 在魔王游戏不使用这些方式决定谁是先手牌手。魔王总是开始第个回合+103.2b ​如果任一牌手想要展示一张由他所拥有、且在游戏外的具行侣异能的牌牌手可以如此作牌手以此法展示的牌不能超过张,且只能于其套牌满足该牌的行侣异能条件时如此作。所展示的牌仍然留在游戏外。(参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr702-139|702.139]],“行侣”
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-2c>​103.2c ​One card (Power Play) states that its controller is the starting ​player. ​This effect supersedes these methods. \\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-2c>​103.2c ​In a Commander game, each player ​puts their commander from their deck face up into the command zoneSee rule 903.6.\\  
-103.2c ​一张(权力争斗)叙述其操控者为先手牌手。此效应替代述方法+103.2c ​在指挥官游戏中,每位牌手将其套中的指挥官面朝置于统帅区。参见规则[[cr:​9#​cr903-6|903.6]]
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-3>103.3Each player ​begins ​the game with a starting life total of 20Some variant games have different starting life totals.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-2d>103.2d In a constructed game, each player playing with sticker sheets reveals all of their sticker sheets and chooses three of them at randomIn a limited game, each player ​chooses up to three sticker sheets from among those in the sealed product they opened and reveals them. In either case, that player has access to only the stickers on the chosen sheets during ​the game, and those sticker sheets remain revealed(See rule 123, “Stickers.”)\\  
-103.3. 每位牌手的起始总生命为20有些玩法会有不同起始总生命+103.2d 在构组赛中,每位使用贴纸卡的牌手展示其所有贴纸卡,并随机选择其中三张。在限制赛中,每位牌手从其打开未开封产品中选择至多三张贴纸卡,并展示它们在这两种情况下,牌手在游戏中都只能使用所选贴纸卡上贴纸,且这些贴纸卡保持展示。(参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr123|123]],“贴纸”
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-3a>103.3a In a Two-Headed Giant game, each team’s starting life total is 30.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-2e>103.2e In a Conspiracy Draft game, each player puts any number of conspiracy cards from their sideboard into the command zone. See rule 905.4.\\  
-103.3a 双头巨人游戏中,每个团队起始总生命为30\\ +103.2e 诡局轮抽游戏中,每位牌手将他备牌中任意数量诡局牌置于统帅区。参见规则[[cr:​9#​cr905-4|905.4]]
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-3b>103.3b In a Vanguard game, each player’s starting life total is 20 plus or minus the life modifier of their vanguard card.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-3>103.3. After the starting player has been determined and any additional steps performed, each player ​shuffles their deck so that the cards are in a random order. Each player may then shuffle or cut their opponents’ decks. The players’ decks become their libraries.\\  
-103.3b 在先锋游戏中,每位牌手的起始总生命为20并受到该先锋牌的生命修正增加减少+103.3. 决定出手牌手且所有额外步骤被执行后,每位牌手将自己套牌洗牌以令其套充分随机化。后每位手可以将对手套牌洗牌者切牌。套牌便分别成为该牌手的牌库
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-3c>103.3c In a Commander ​game, each player’s starting life total is 40.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-3a>103.3a In a game using one or more supplementary decks of nontraditional cards (see rule 100.2d), each supplementary deck’s owner shuffles it so the cards are in a random order. Each player may then shuffle or cut their opponents’ supplementary decks.\\  
-103.3c 指挥官游戏中,每位牌手的起始总生命为40+103.3a 使用一副或多副包含非传统万智牌卡牌的附加套牌的游戏中(参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr100-2d|100.2d]]),每位牌手将自己附加套牌洗牌,以令其充分随机化。之后每位牌手可以将对手的附加套牌洗牌或者切牌
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-3d>103.3d In an Archenemy game, the archenemy’s ​starting life total is 40.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-4>103.4. Each player begins ​the game with a starting life total of 20. Some variant games have different starting life totals.\\  
-103.3d 在魔王游戏中,魔王的起始总生命为40+103.4. 每位牌手的起始总生命为20。有些玩法会有不同的起始总生命
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-4>103.4. Each player draws number of cards equal to their starting hand sizewhich is normally seven. (Some effects can modify a player’s starting ​hand size.) A player who is dissatisfied with their initial hand may take a mulligan. First, the starting player declares whether they will take a mulligan. Then each other player in turn order does the same. Once each player has made a declaration,​ all players who decided to take mulligans do so at the same time. To take a mulligan, a player shuffles their hand back into their library, then draws a new hand of one fewer cards than they had before. If a player kept their hand of cards, those cards become the player’s opening hand, and that player may not take any further mulligans. This process is then repeated until no player takes a mulligan. (Note that if a player’s hand size reaches zero cards, that player must keep that hand.) After all players have kept an opening hand, each player in turn order whose hand contains fewer cards than that player’s starting hand size may look at the top card of their library. If a player does, that player may put that card on the bottom of their library.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-4a>103.4a In Two-Headed Giant gameeach team’s starting ​life total is 30.\\  
-103.4. 每位牌手抓等同于其起手牌数量的牌,一般情况下为七张。(一些效应可能会影响牌手的起手牌数量。)如果牌手对其起手牌不满意,可以进行再调度。首先,先手牌手宣告其是否执行再调度。然后其他牌手按照回合顺序依次宣告。一旦全部牌手都宣告了各自的决定,所有宣告执行再调度的牌手同时执行再调度。执行一次再调度是指,一位牌手将其手牌洗回牌库,然后再抓手牌,数量比其上次手牌的数量少一。一旦牌手决定保留其的手牌,那些牌便会成为其起手牌,之后该牌手便不能再执行再调度。重复此步骤直到没有牌手执行再调度为止。(一旦一位牌手的手牌数为零,该名牌手必须保留其手牌。)所有牌手均决定保留其起手牌后,每位手牌张数较其手牌数量少的牌手,依照回合顺序,可以检视其牌库顶牌。若某位牌手如此作,该牌手可以将该牌置于其牌库底+103.4a 双头巨人游戏中,每个队伍的始总生命30
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-4a>103.4a In a Vanguard game, each player’s starting ​hand size is seven plus or minus the hand modifier of their vanguard card.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-4b>103.4b In a Vanguard game, each player’s starting ​life total is 20 plus or minus the life modifier of their vanguard card.\\  
-103.4a 在先锋游戏中,每位牌手的起手牌数量七张,并受到该牌手之先锋牌的手牌修正增加或减少。+103.4b 在先锋游戏中,每位牌手的起始总生命20,并受到该牌手之先锋牌的生命修正增加或减少。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-4b>103.4b If an effect allows ​player to perform an action “any time [that player] could mulligan,” the player ​may perform that action at a time they would declare whether they will take a mulligan. This need not be in the first round of mulligans. Other players may have already made their mulligan declarations by the time the player has the option to perform this action. If the player performs the action, they then declare whether they will take a mulligan.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-4c>103.4c In Commander gameeach player’s starting life total is 40.\\  
-103.4b 如果一个效应允许牌手“[该牌手]能够再调度时”作某个动作牌手可以在其宣告是否进行再调度时作该动作。这不需要在第一轮再调度时。其他牌手在该牌手选择是否作该动作时可能已经宣告过是否进行再调度。如果该牌手作该动作,其在此之后宣告是否进行再调度+103.4c 指挥官游戏中每位牌手的起始总生命为40
-[color=purple]例如:浆液粉末叙述为“若你处于能够再调度的时机,且浆液粉末你手上你可以放逐你的牌,然后抓等量的牌。”如果你的起始七张手包含浆液粉末,你可以选择再调度到六张,也可以选择把牌放逐,再抓七张牌,然后继续选择是否再调度。如果再调度到六张手牌包含浆液粉末,你可以选择把手牌放逐,再抓六张牌[/color]+<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-4d>​103.4d In a two-player Brawl game, each player’s starting life total is 25. In a multiplayer Brawl game, each player’s starting life total is 30.\\  
 +103.4d ​双人争锋游戏中每位牌手的起始总生命为25。在多人争锋游戏中,每位牌手的起始总生命为30
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-4c>103.4c In a multiplayer ​game, the first time a player takes a mulligan, they draw a new hand of as many cards as they had before. Subsequent hands decrease by one card as normal.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-4e>103.4e In an Archenemy ​game, the archenemy’s starting life total is 40.\\  
-103.4c 多人游戏中,一位牌手第一次执行再调度时重抓等量牌。以后手牌才如常地减少一张+103.4e 魔王游戏中,魔王起始总生命为40
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-4d>103.4d In multiplayer game using the shared team turns optionfirst each player ​on the starting ​team declares whether ​that player ​will take a mulligan, then the players on each other team in turn order do the same. Teammates may consult while making their decisions. Then all mulligans ​are taken at the same time. A player may take a mulligan ​even after their teammate ​has decided ​to keep their opening hand.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-5>103.5. Each player draws number of cards equal to their starting hand sizewhich is normally seven. (Some effects can modify a player’s starting hand size.) A player who is dissatisfied with their initial hand may take a mulligan. First, ​the starting ​player ​declares whether ​they will take a mulligan. Then each other player ​in turn order does the same. Once each player has made a declaration, ​all players who decided to take mulligans ​do so at the same time. To take a mulligan, a player shuffles the cards in their hand back into their library, draws a new hand of cards equal to their starting hand size, then puts a number of those cards equal to the number of times that player ​has taken a mulligan on the bottom of their library in any order. Once a player chooses not to take a mulligan, the remaining cards become that player’s opening hand, and that player may not take any further mulligans. This process is then repeated until no player takes a mulligan. A player can take mulligans until their opening hand would be zero cards, after which they may not take further mulligans.\\  
-103.4d 在使用团队共享回合模式多人游戏中,首先由先手团队中的每位牌手以任意顺序宣告是否行再调度然后其他团队中的每位牌手按照回合顺序依次宣告。作出决定时队友可以相互询问。然后所有再调度同时执行。一牌手以执行再调度,即使其队友已决定保留起手牌。+103.5. 每位牌手各抓若干牌,其数量等同于各自起手牌张数通常为七。(某些效应会调整牌手的起手牌张数。)如果牌手对其起手牌不满意,便可以再调度。首先由先手牌手宣告是否要执行再调度然后其他每位牌手按照回合顺序依次作此宣告。所有牌手均作出宣告之后,每位决定再调度的牌手同时执行再调度牌手再调度的流程如下:该牌手将其手牌洗入其牌库,抓副等同于起手张数的新牌,然后再将其中若干牌任意顺序置于其牌库底,其数量等同于该牌手已执行再调度的次数。一旦牌手决定不继续再调度之后,此时仍在该牌手手上的牌便成为该牌手的起手牌,且该牌手不得再选择再调度。然后重复此流程,直到没有牌手选择再调度为止。牌手可以不断再调度,直到最终起手牌数量为零张为止
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-5>103.5. Some cards allow a player ​to take actions with them from their opening ​hand. Once the mulligan process (see rule 103.4) ​is complete, ​the starting player may take any such actions in any order. Then each other player in turn order may do the same.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-5a>103.5a In Vanguard game, each player’s starting ​hand size is seven plus or minus the hand modifier of their vanguard card.\\  
-103.5. 某些牌允许牌手从他的起手牌中作某些动作。一旦再调度流程(参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr103-4|103.4]])完成先手牌手可以以任意顺序进行此类动作。后其他牌手按照回合顺序可以同样依序如此作+103.5a 在先锋游戏中,每位牌手的起手牌数量为七张并受到该牌手之先锋牌修正增加或减少
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-5a>103.5a If a card allows a player to begin the game with that card on the battlefield, ​the player ​taking ​this action ​puts that card onto the battlefield.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-5b>103.5b If an effect ​allows a player to perform an action “any time [that player] could mulligan,​” ​the player may perform ​that action at a time they would declare whether they will take a mulligan. This need not be in the first round of mulligans. Other players may have already made their mulligan declarations by the time the player ​has the option to perform ​this action. If the player performs the action, they then declare whether they will take a mulligan.\\  
-103.5a 如果一张牌允许一位牌手牌在战场上的形式开始游戏,该牌手进行动作牌放入战场+103.5b 如果一个效应允许牌手在“[该牌手]能够再调度时”作个动作,该手可以其宣告是否进行再调度时作动作。这不需要在第一轮再调度时。其他牌手在该牌手选择是否作该动作时可能已经宣告过是否进行再调度。如果该牌手作该动作,其在之后宣告是否进行再调度
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-5b>103.5b If card allows ​a player ​to reveal it from their opening hand, the player ​taking this action does so. The card remains revealed until the first turn begins. Each card may be revealed this way only once.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-5c>103.5c In multiplayer game and in any Brawl game, the first mulligan ​a player ​takes doesn’t count toward ​the number of cards that player ​will put on the bottom of their library or the number of mulligans that player ​may take. Subsequent mulligans are counted toward these numbers as normal.\\  
-103.5b 如果张牌允许牌手从起手手中展示该牌,进行此动作牌手如此作。在第一个回合开始前牌保持展示每张牌只能以此方式展示一次。+103.5c 在多人游戏及任何种争锋游戏中,在依照其已执行再调度的次数计算牌手应置于库底的张数量时牌手第一次执行的再调度不会计入数量一次再调度之后的再调度会正常计入该数量
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-5c>103.5c In a multiplayer game using the shared team turns option, first each player on the starting team, in whatever ​order that team likes, may take such actions. Teammates may consult while making their decisions. Then each player on each other team in turn order does the same.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-5d>103.5d In a multiplayer game using the shared team turns option, first each player on the starting team declares whether that player will take a mulliganthen the players on each other team in turn order do the same. Teammates may consult while making their decisions. Then all mulligans are taken at the same time. A player may take a mulligan even after a teammate has decided to keep their opening hand.\\  
-103.5c 在使用队共享回合模式的多人游戏中,首先由先手队中的每位牌手以任意顺序执行这些动作。在作出决定时队友可以相互询问。然后按照回合顺序,其他团队中的每位牌手依次执行动作+103.5d 在使用队共享回合模式的多人游戏中,首先由先手队中的每位牌手宣告其是否进行再调度,然后按照回合顺序,其他队伍中的每位牌手依次宣告。在作出决定时队友可以相互询问。然后所有再调度同时执行。一位牌手可以执行再调度,即使其队友已决定保留起手牌
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-6>​103.6. ​In Planechase game, the starting ​player ​moves the top card of their planar deck off that planar deck and turns it face upIf it’s a phenomenon card, the player puts that card on the bottom of their planar deck and repeats this process ​until a plane card is turned face up. The face-up plane card becomes ​the starting ​plane(See rule 901, “Planechase.”)\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-6>​103.6. ​Some cards allow a player ​to take actions with them from their opening handOnce the mulligan ​process ​(see rule 103.5) ​is complete, ​the starting ​player may take any such actions in any orderThen each other player in turn order may do the same.\\  
-103.6. ​在竞逐时空游戏中,先手牌手将其时空套牌的牌库顶牌移离套牌,并翻为牌面朝上如果该牌是异象牌,该牌手将该牌置于其时空套牌的牌库底,然后重复此过,直到一张时空牌翻为牌面朝上为止。该牌面朝上的时空牌便是起始时空。(参见规则[[cr:​9#cr901|901]],“竞逐时空”)+103.6. ​某些牌允许牌手从他起手中作某些动作一旦再调度流程(参见规则[[cr:​1#cr103-5|103.5]])完成先手牌手可以以任意顺序进行此类动作。之后其他牌手按照回合顺序可以同样依序如此作。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-7>103.7. The starting ​player ​takes their first turn.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-6a>103.6a If a card allows a player ​to begin the game with that card on the battlefield,​ the player taking this action puts that card onto the battlefield.\\  
-103.7. 先手牌手开始其第一个回合+103.6a 如果一张牌允许一位牌手以某张牌在战场上的形式开始游戏,该牌手进行此动作将此牌放入战场
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-7a>103.7a In two-player ​game, the player ​who plays first skips the draw step (see rule 504, “Draw Step”) of their first turn.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-6b>103.6b If a card allows ​a player ​to reveal it from their opening hand, the player ​taking this action does so. The card remains revealed until the first turn begins. Each card may be revealed this way only once.\\  
-103.7a 在双人游戏中,先手牌手略过其第一个回合的抓步骤(参见规则[[cr:​5#​cr504|504]],“抓步骤”)+103.6b 如果一张牌允许牌手从起手手牌展示该牌进行此动作牌手如此作。在第一个回合开始前该保持展示。每张只能以此方式展示一次
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-7b>103.7b In a Two-Headed Giant game, the team who plays first skips the draw step of their first turn.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-6c>103.6c In a multiplayer game using the shared team turns option, first each player on the starting team, in whatever order that team likes, may take such actions. Teammates may consult while making their decisions. Then each player on each other team in turn order does the same.\\  
-103.7b 在双头巨人游戏中,先手的队略过他们第一个回合的抓牌步骤。+103.6c 在使用队伍共享回合模式的多人游戏中,首先由先手队伍中的每位牌手以任意顺序执行这些动作。在作出决定时队友可以相互询问。然后按照回合顺序,其他队伍中的每位牌手依次执行动作。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-7>​103.7. In a Planechase game, the starting player moves the top card of their planar deck off that planar deck and turns it face up. If it’s a phenomenon card, the player puts that card on the bottom of their planar deck and repeats this process until a plane card is turned face up. The face-up plane card becomes the starting plane. (See rule 901, “Planechase.”)\\  
 +103.7. 在竞逐时空游戏中,先手牌手将其时空套牌的牌库顶牌移离套牌,并翻回正面。如果该牌是异象牌,该牌手将该牌置于其时空套牌的牌库底,然后重复此过程,直到一张时空牌翻回正面为止。该牌面朝上的时空牌便是起始时空。(参见规则[[cr:​9#​cr901|901]],“竞逐时空”) 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-8>​103.8. The starting player takes their first turn.\\  
 +103.8. 先手牌手开始其第一个回合。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-8a>​103.8a In a two-player game, the player who plays first skips the draw step (see rule 504, “Draw Step”) of their first turn.\\  
 +103.8a 在双人游戏中,先手牌手略过其第一个回合的抓牌步骤(参见规则[[cr:​5#​cr504|504]],“抓牌步骤”)。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-8b>​103.8b ​In a Two-Headed Giant game, the team who plays first skips the draw step of their first turn.\\  
 +103.8b 在双头巨人游戏中,先手的队略过他们第一个回合的抓牌步骤。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-8c>​103.8c In all other multiplayer games, no player skips the draw step of their first turn.\\  
 +103.8c 在其他多人游戏中,没有牌手在其第一个回合略过抓牌步骤。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr103-7c>​103.7c In all other multiplayer games, no player skips the draw step of their first turn.\\ ​ 
-103.7c 在其他多人游戏中,没有牌手在其第一个回合略过抓牌步骤。 
 ===== 104. 结束游戏 Ending the Game ===== ===== 104. 结束游戏 Ending the Game =====
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr104>​104. Ending the Game\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr104>​104. Ending the Game\\ ​
行 209: 行 235:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-2b>​104.2b An effect may state that a player wins the game.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-2b>​104.2b An effect may state that a player wins the game.\\ ​
-104.2b 某个效应可能叙述为一位牌手赢得此盘游戏。+104.2b 某个效应一位牌手赢得此盘游戏。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-2c>​104.2c In a multiplayer game between teams, a team with at least one player still in the game wins the game if all other teams have left the game. Each player on the winning team wins the game, even if one or more of those players had previously lost that game.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-2c>​104.2c In a multiplayer game between teams, a team with at least one player still in the game wins the game if all other teams have left the game. Each player on the winning team wins the game, even if one or more of those players had previously lost that game.\\ ​
-104.2c 在队间的多人游戏中,若某队有至少一位牌手还在此盘游戏中,而其他队都已离开此盘游戏,则该队赢得这盘游戏。赢得游戏的队中每位成员均赢得此盘游戏,即使其中的某些牌手之前已经输掉此盘游戏。+104.2c 在队间的多人游戏中,若某队有至少一位牌手还在此盘游戏中,而其他队都已离开此盘游戏,则该队赢得这盘游戏。赢得游戏的队中每位成员均赢得此盘游戏,即使其中的某些牌手之前已经输掉此盘游戏。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-2d>​104.2d In an Emperor game, a team wins the game if its emperor wins the game. (See rule 809.5.)\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-2d>​104.2d In an Emperor game, a team wins the game if its emperor wins the game. (See rule 809.5.)\\ ​
-104.2d 在皇帝游戏中,如果一位皇帝赢得游戏,其队便赢得游戏。(参见规则[[cr:​8#​cr809-5|809.5]])+104.2d 在皇帝游戏中,如果一位皇帝赢得游戏,其队便赢得游戏。(参见规则[[cr:​8#​cr809-5|809.5]])
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-3>​104.3. There are several ways to lose the game.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-3>​104.3. There are several ways to lose the game.\\ ​
行 224: 行 250:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-3b>​104.3b If a player’s life total is 0 or less, that player loses the game the next time a player would receive priority. (This is a state-based action. See rule 704.)\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-3b>​104.3b If a player’s life total is 0 or less, that player loses the game the next time a player would receive priority. (This is a state-based action. See rule 704.)\\ ​
-104.3b 如果一牌手的生命为0或是更少,在下一次有牌手将得到优先权时,该牌手输掉此盘游戏。(此为状态动作。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]]。)+104.3b 如果一牌手的生命为0或是更少,在下一次有牌手将得到优先权时,该牌手输掉此盘游戏。(此为状态动作。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]]。)
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr104-3c>​104.3c If a player is required to draw more cards than are left in their library, they draw the remaining cardsand then lose the game the next time a player would receive priority. (This is a state-based action. See rule 704.)\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr104-3c>​104.3c If a player is required to draw more cards than are left in their library, they draw the remaining cards and then lose the game the next time a player would receive priority. (This is a state-based action. See rule 704.)\\  
-104.3c 如果一牌手要抓的牌张数目比其牌库中的牌多,其抓所有剩余的牌,然后在下一次有牌手将得到优先权时,该牌手输掉此盘游戏。(此为状态动作。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]]。)+104.3c 如果一牌手要抓的牌张数目比其牌库中的牌多,其抓所有剩余的牌,然后在下一次有牌手将得到优先权时,该牌手输掉此盘游戏。(此为状态动作。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]]。)
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-3d>​104.3d If a player has ten or more poison counters, that player loses the game the next time a player would receive priority. (This is a state-based action. See rule 704.)\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-3d>​104.3d If a player has ten or more poison counters, that player loses the game the next time a player would receive priority. (This is a state-based action. See rule 704.)\\ ​
-104.3d 如果一牌手有十个或更多中毒指示物,在下一次有牌手将得到优先权时,该牌手输掉此盘游戏。(此为状态动作。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]]。)+104.3d 如果一牌手有十个或更多中毒指示物,在下一次有牌手将得到优先权时,该牌手输掉此盘游戏。(此为状态动作。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]]。)
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-3e>​104.3e An effect may state that a player loses the game.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-3e>​104.3e An effect may state that a player loses the game.\\ ​
行 236: 行 262:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-3f>​104.3f If a player would both win and lose the game simultaneously,​ that player loses the game.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-3f>​104.3f If a player would both win and lose the game simultaneously,​ that player loses the game.\\ ​
-104.3f 如果一牌手同时赢及输,则该牌手输掉游戏。+104.3f 如果一牌手同时赢及输,则该牌手输掉游戏。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-3g>​104.3g In a multiplayer game between teams, a team loses the game if all players on that team have lost the game.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-3g>​104.3g In a multiplayer game between teams, a team loses the game if all players on that team have lost the game.\\ ​
-104.3g 在队间的多人游戏中,若所有成员都输掉游戏,则该队输掉游戏。+104.3g 在队间的多人游戏中,若所有成员都输掉游戏,则该队输掉游戏。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-3h>​104.3h In a multiplayer game using the limited range of influence option (see rule 801), an effect that states that a player wins the game instead causes all of that player’s opponents within the player’s range of influence to lose the game. This may not cause the game to end.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-3h>​104.3h In a multiplayer game using the limited range of influence option (see rule 801), an effect that states that a player wins the game instead causes all of that player’s opponents within the player’s range of influence to lose the game. This may not cause the game to end.\\ ​
行 245: 行 271:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-3i>​104.3i In an Emperor game, a team loses the game if its emperor loses the game. (See rule 809.5.)\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-3i>​104.3i In an Emperor game, a team loses the game if its emperor loses the game. (See rule 809.5.)\\ ​
-104.3i 在皇帝游戏中,如果一位皇帝输掉游戏,其队便输掉游戏。(参见规则[[cr:​8#​cr809-5|809.5]]。)+104.3i 在皇帝游戏中,如果一位皇帝输掉游戏,其队便输掉游戏。(参见规则[[cr:​8#​cr809-5|809.5]]。)
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr104-3j>​104.3j In a Commander game, a player ​that’s been dealt 21 or more combat damage by the same commander over the course of the game loses the game. (This is a state-based action. See rule 704. See also rule 903.10.)\\ ​+<​BOOKMARK:​cr104-3j>​104.3j In a Commander game, a player ​who’s been dealt 21 or more combat damage by the same commander over the course of the game loses the game. (This is a state-based action. See rule 704. See also rule 903.10.)\\ ​
 104.3j 在指挥官游戏中,在游戏中被同一个指挥官造成21点或更多战斗伤害的牌手输掉游戏。(此为状态动作。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]]。亦见规则[[cr:​9#​cr903-10|903.10]]。) 104.3j 在指挥官游戏中,在游戏中被同一个指挥官造成21点或更多战斗伤害的牌手输掉游戏。(此为状态动作。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]]。亦见规则[[cr:​9#​cr903-10|903.10]]。)
行 266: 行 292:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-4d>​104.4d In a multiplayer game between teams, the game is a draw if all remaining teams lose simultaneously.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-4d>​104.4d In a multiplayer game between teams, the game is a draw if all remaining teams lose simultaneously.\\ ​
-104.4d 在队间的多人游戏中,如果所有依然在游戏中的队同时输掉游戏,该游戏为平手。+104.4d 在队间的多人游戏中,如果所有依然在游戏中的队同时输掉游戏,该游戏为平手。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-4e>​104.4e In a multiplayer game using the limited range of influence option, the effect of a spell or ability that states that the game is a draw causes the game to be a draw for that spell or ability’s controller and all players within their range of influence. Only those players leave the game; the game continues for all other players.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-4e>​104.4e In a multiplayer game using the limited range of influence option, the effect of a spell or ability that states that the game is a draw causes the game to be a draw for that spell or ability’s controller and all players within their range of influence. Only those players leave the game; the game continues for all other players.\\ ​
行 272: 行 298:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-4f>​104.4f In a multiplayer game using the limited range of influence option, if the game somehow enters a “loop” of mandatory actions, repeating a sequence of events with no way to stop, the game is a draw for each player who controls an object that’s involved in that loop, as well as for each player within the range of influence of any of those players. Only those players leave the game; the game continues for all other players.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-4f>​104.4f In a multiplayer game using the limited range of influence option, if the game somehow enters a “loop” of mandatory actions, repeating a sequence of events with no way to stop, the game is a draw for each player who controls an object that’s involved in that loop, as well as for each player within the range of influence of any of those players. Only those players leave the game; the game continues for all other players.\\ ​
-104.4f 在使用限制影响范围模式的多人游戏中,如果游戏中出现了强制动作组成的“循环”, 重复一系列事件且无法停止,对于循环中包含的每个物件之操控者,以及在这些牌手影响范围内的每位牌手,游戏为平手。只有这些牌手离开游戏;其他牌手继续游戏。+104.4f 在使用限制影响范围模式的多人游戏中,如果游戏中出现了强制动作组成的“循环”,重复一系列事件且无法停止,对于循环中包含的每个物件之操控者,以及在这些牌手影响范围内的每位牌手,游戏为平手。只有这些牌手离开游戏;其他牌手继续游戏。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-4g>​104.4g In a multiplayer game between teams, the game is a draw for a team if the game is a draw for all remaining players on that team.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-4g>​104.4g In a multiplayer game between teams, the game is a draw for a team if the game is a draw for all remaining players on that team.\\ ​
-104.4g 在队间的多人游戏中,如果游戏对于某队中所有仍在游戏中的牌手为平手,则对于该队为平手。+104.4g 在队间的多人游戏中,如果游戏对于某队中所有仍在游戏中的牌手为平手,则对于该队为平手。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-4h>​104.4h In the Emperor variant, the game is a draw for a team if the game is a draw for its emperor. (See rule 809.5.)\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-4h>​104.4h In the Emperor variant, the game is a draw for a team if the game is a draw for its emperor. (See rule 809.5.)\\ ​
-104.4h 在皇帝游戏中,如果游戏对皇帝为平手,游戏对其队便为平手。(参见规则[[cr:​8#​cr809-5|809.5]]。)+104.4h 在皇帝游戏中,如果游戏对皇帝为平手,游戏对其队便为平手。(参见规则[[cr:​8#​cr809-5|809.5]]。)
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-4i>​104.4i In a tournament, all players in the game may agree to an intentional draw. See rule 100.6.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr104-4i>​104.4i In a tournament, all players in the game may agree to an intentional draw. See rule 100.6.\\ ​
行 286: 行 312:
 104.5. 如果牌手输掉游戏,该牌手离开该游戏。如果游戏对于某牌手为平手,该牌手离开该游戏。多人游戏规则规定当有牌手离开游戏时如何作;参见规则[[cr:​8#​cr800-4|800.4]]。 104.5. 如果牌手输掉游戏,该牌手离开该游戏。如果游戏对于某牌手为平手,该牌手离开该游戏。多人游戏规则规定当有牌手离开游戏时如何作;参见规则[[cr:​8#​cr800-4|800.4]]。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr104-6>​104.6. One card (Karn Liberated) restarts the game. All players still in the game when it restarts then immediately begin a new game. See rule 718, “Restarting the Game.”\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr104-6>​104.6. One card (Karn Liberated) restarts the game. All players still in the game when it restarts then immediately begin a new game. See rule 724, “Restarting the Game.”\\  
-104.6. 有一张牌(重获自由的卡恩)重新开始游戏。当游戏重新开始时依然在游戏中的所有牌手马上开始新的游戏。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr718|718]],“重新开始游戏。”\\ +104.6. 有一张牌(重获自由的卡恩)重新开始游戏。当游戏重新开始时依然在游戏中的所有牌手马上开始新的游戏。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr724|724]],“重新开始游戏。” 
 ===== 105. 颜色 Colors ===== ===== 105. 颜色 Colors =====
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr105>​105. Colors\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr105>​105. Colors\\ ​
行 311: 行 338:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr105-4>​105.4. If a player is asked to choose a color, they must choose one of the five colors. “Multicolored” is not a color. Neither is “colorless.”\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr105-4>​105.4. If a player is asked to choose a color, they must choose one of the five colors. “Multicolored” is not a color. Neither is “colorless.”\\ ​
-105.4. 如果一牌手被要求选择一个颜色,其必须选择五种颜色中的一种。“多色”和“无色”均不是一种颜色。+105.4. 如果一牌手被要求选择一个颜色,其必须选择五种颜色中的一种。“多色”和“无色”均不是一种颜色。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr105-5>​105.5. If an effect refers to a color pair, it means exactly two of the five colors. There are ten color pairs: white and blue, white and black, blue and black, blue and red, black and red, black and green, red and green, red and white, green and white, and green and blue.\\  
 +105.5. 如果一个效应提及“双色色组”,是指由五个颜色中的正好两个颜色的组合。共有十组双色色组:白蓝、白黑、蓝黑、蓝红、黑红、黑绿、红绿、红白、绿白、绿蓝
 ===== 106. 法术力 Mana ===== ===== 106. 法术力 Mana =====
行 329: 行 359:
 106.2. 法术力由法术力符号表示(参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr107-4|107.4]])。法术力符号也用来表示法术力费用(参见规则[[cr:​2#​cr202|202]])。 106.2. 法术力由法术力符号表示(参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr107-4|107.4]])。法术力符号也用来表示法术力费用(参见规则[[cr:​2#​cr202|202]])。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr106-3>​106.3. Mana is produced by the effects of mana abilities (see rule 605). It may also be produced by the effects of spells, as well as by the effects of abilities that aren’t mana abilities. A spell or ability that produces mana instructs a player to add that mana.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr106-3>​106.3. Mana is produced by the effects of mana abilities (see rule 605). It may also be produced by the effects of spells, as well as by the effects of abilities that aren’t mana abilities. A spell or ability that produces mana instructs a player to add that mana. If mana is produced by a spell, the source of that mana is that spell. If mana is produced by an ability, the source of that mana is the source of that ability (see rule 113.7).\\  
-106.3. 法术力异能的效应产生法术力(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr605|605]])。咒语所产生的效应也可能产生法术力,非法术力异能的异能所产生的效应同样可能产生法术力。产生法术力的咒语或异能指示牌手加该法术力。+106.3. 法术力异能的效应产生法术力(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr605|605]])。咒语所产生的效应也可能产生法术力,非法术力异能的异能所产生的效应同样可能产生法术力。产生法术力的咒语或异能指示牌手加该法术力。如果法术力是由咒语产生,则该法术力的来源是该咒语。如果法术力是由异能产生,则该法术力的来源是该异能的来源(参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr113-7|113.7]])
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr106-4>​106.4. When an effect instructs a player to add mana, that mana goes into a player’s mana pool. From there, it can be used to pay costs immediately,​ or it can stay in the player’s mana pool as unspent mana. Each player’s mana pool empties at the end of each step and phase, and the player is said to lose this mana. Cards with abilities that produce mana or refer to unspent mana have received errata in the Oracle card reference to no longer explicitly refer to the mana pool.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr106-4>​106.4. When an effect instructs a player to add mana, that mana goes into a player’s mana pool. From there, it can be used to pay costs immediately,​ or it can stay in the player’s mana pool as unspent mana. Each player’s mana pool empties at the end of each step and phase, and the player is said to lose this mana. Cards with abilities that produce mana or refer to unspent mana have received errata in the Oracle™ card reference to no longer explicitly refer to the mana pool.\\  
-106.4. 当一个效应指示牌手加法术力时,该法术力进入牌手的法术力池中。它可以立即用于支付费用,或者作为未使用的法术力保留在该牌手的法术力池中。每位牌手的法术力池在每个步骤和阶段结束时清空,该牌手因此而失去此法术力。具有产生法术力之异能、或提及未使用的法术力之异能的牌张已在Oracle牌张参考文献中获得勘误,不再明确提及法术力池。+106.4. 当一个效应指示牌手加法术力时,该法术力进入牌手的法术力池中。它可以立即用于支付费用,或者作为未使用的法术力保留在该牌手的法术力池中。每位牌手的法术力池在每个步骤和阶段结束时清空,该牌手因此而失去此法术力。具有产生法术力之异能、或提及未使用的法术力之异能的牌张已在Oracle牌张参考文献中获得勘误,不再明确提及法术力池。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr106-4a>​106.4a If any mana remains in a player’s mana pool after mana is spent to pay a cost, that player announces what mana is still there.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr106-4a>​106.4a If any mana remains in a player’s mana pool after mana is spent to pay a cost, that player announces what mana is still there.\\ ​
 106.4a 如果牌手在使用法术力支付一个费用之后,其法术力池中仍有法术力剩余,该牌手需要宣告有哪些法术力留在其中。 106.4a 如果牌手在使用法术力支付一个费用之后,其法术力池中仍有法术力剩余,该牌手需要宣告有哪些法术力留在其中。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr106-4b>​106.4b If a player passes priority (see rule 116) while there is mana in their mana pool, that player announces what mana is there.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr106-4b>​106.4b If a player passes priority (see rule 117) while there is mana in their mana pool, that player announces what mana is there.\\  
-106.4b 如果牌手在其法术力池中仍有法术力剩余时让过优先权(参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr116|116]]),该牌手需要宣告有哪些法术力留在其中。+106.4b 如果牌手在其法术力池中仍有法术力剩余时让过优先权(参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr117|117]]),该牌手需要宣告有哪些法术力留在其中。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr106-5>​106.5. If an ability would produce one or more mana of an undefined type, it produces no mana instead.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr106-5>​106.5. If an ability would produce one or more mana of an undefined type, it produces no mana instead.\\ ​
-106.5. 如果一个异能将产生一点或更多未定义类的法术力,它将改为不会产生任何法术力。+106.5. 如果一个异能将产生一点或数点未定义类的法术力,它将改为不会产生任何法术力。
 Example: Meteor Crater has the ability “{T}: Choose a color of a permanent you control. Add one mana of that color.” If you control no colored permanents, activating Meteor Crater’s mana ability produces no mana.\\ ​ Example: Meteor Crater has the ability “{T}: Choose a color of a permanent you control. Add one mana of that color.” If you control no colored permanents, activating Meteor Crater’s mana ability produces no mana.\\ ​
行 353: 行 383:
 例如:某牌手的法术力池中有{R}{G},该法术力只能用于支付施放生物咒语的费用。该牌手起动加倍方体的异能,其叙述为“{3},{T}:将你的每种类别之未使用的法术力加倍。”该牌手的法术力池将有{R}{R}{G}{G},其中{R}{G}可以用于支付任何费用。 例如:某牌手的法术力池中有{R}{G},该法术力只能用于支付施放生物咒语的费用。该牌手起动加倍方体的异能,其叙述为“{3},{T}:将你的每种类别之未使用的法术力加倍。”该牌手的法术力池将有{R}{R}{G}{G},其中{R}{G}可以用于支付任何费用。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr106-6a>​106.6a Some replacement effects increase the amount of mana produced by a spell or ability. In these cases, any restrictions or additional effects created by the spell or ability will apply to all mana produced. If the spell or ability creates a delayed triggered ability that triggers when the mana is spent, a separate delayed triggered ability is created for each mana produced.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr106-6a>​106.6a Some replacement effects increase the amount of mana produced by a spell or ability. In these cases, any restrictions or additional effects created by the spell or ability will apply to all mana produced. If the spell or ability creates a delayed triggered ability that triggers when the mana is spent, a separate delayed triggered ability is created ​for each mana produced. If the spell or ability creates a continuous effect or replacement effect if the mana is spent, a separate effect is created once for each mana produced.\\  
-106.6a 一些替代性效应会增加咒语或异能产生的法术力。在这些情形下,这些咒语或异能创造的任何限制或额外效应会对产生的所有法术力生效。如果该咒语或异能创造了一个因该法术力被使用而触发的延迟触发式异能,每一点以此法产生的法术力都会创造一个独立的延迟触发式异能。+106.6a 一些替代性效应会增加咒语或异能产生的法术力。在这些情形下,这些咒语或异能创造的任何限制或额外效应会对产生的所有法术力生效。如果该咒语或异能创造了一个因该法术力被使用而触发的延迟触发式异能,每一点以此法产生的法术力都会创造一个独立的延迟触发式异能。如果该咒语或异能因该法术力被使用而创造了一个持续性效应或替代性效应,每一点以此法产生的法术力都会创造一个独立的效应
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr106-7>​106.7. Some abilities produce mana based on the type of mana another permanent or permanents “could produce.” The type of mana a permanent could produce at any time includes any type of mana that an ability of that permanent would produce if the ability were to resolve at that time, taking into account any applicable replacement effects in any possible order. Ignore whether any costs of the ability could or could not be paid. If that permanent wouldn’t produce any mana under these conditions, or no type of mana can be defined this way, there’s no type of mana it could produce.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr106-7>​106.7. Some abilities produce mana based on the type of mana another permanent or permanents “could produce.” The type of mana a permanent could produce at any time includes any type of mana that an ability of that permanent would produce if the ability were to resolve at that time, taking into account any applicable replacement effects in any possible order. Ignore whether any costs of the ability could or could not be paid. If that permanent wouldn’t produce any mana under these conditions, or no type of mana can be defined this way, there’s no type of mana it could produce.\\ ​
-106.7. 一些异能所产生法术力将基于另一个或个永久物所能够产生的法术力。一个永久物能产生的法术力类别,为该永久物所具有的任意异能在此时结算所能产生的法术力类别,这将考虑任何对此生效的替代性效应以任何可能的顺序生效。忽略该异能可能或无法支付的费用。如果在这些情况下该永久物无法产生任何法术力,或以此法定义任何法术力类别,它将不会产生任何类别的法术力。+106.7. 一些异能所产生法术力将基于另一个或个永久物所能够产生的法术力。一个永久物能产生的法术力类别,为该永久物所具有的任意异能在此时结算所能产生的法术力类别,这将考虑任何对此生效的替代性效应以任何可能的顺序生效。忽略该异能可能或无法支付的费用。如果在这些情况下该永久物无法产生任何法术力,或以此法定义任何法术力类别,它将不会产生任何类别的法术力。
 Example: Exotic Orchard has the ability “{T}: Add one mana of any color that a land an opponent controls could produce.” If your opponent controls no lands, activating Exotic Orchard’s mana ability will produce no mana. The same is true if you and your opponent each control no lands other than Exotic Orchards. However, if you control a Forest and an Exotic Orchard, and your opponent controls an Exotic Orchard, then each Exotic Orchard could produce {G}.\\ ​ Example: Exotic Orchard has the ability “{T}: Add one mana of any color that a land an opponent controls could produce.” If your opponent controls no lands, activating Exotic Orchard’s mana ability will produce no mana. The same is true if you and your opponent each control no lands other than Exotic Orchards. However, if you control a Forest and an Exotic Orchard, and your opponent controls an Exotic Orchard, then each Exotic Orchard could produce {G}.\\ ​
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr106-8>​106.8. If an effect would add mana represented by a hybrid mana symbol to a player’s mana pool, that player chooses one half of that symbol. If a colored half is chosen, one mana of that color is added to that player’s mana pool. If a colorless ​half is chosen, an amount of colorless mana represented by that half’s number is added to that player’s mana pool.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr106-8>​106.8. If an effect would add mana represented by a hybrid mana symbol to a player’s mana pool, that player chooses one half of that symbol. If a colored half is chosen, one mana of that color is added to that player’s mana pool. If a generic ​half is chosen, an amount of colorless mana represented by that half’s number is added to that player’s mana pool.\\  
-106.8. 如果一个效应将添加由混血符号所表示的法术力到一位牌手的法术力池中,该牌手选择该混血符号中的一半符号。如果所选择的半边具有颜色,则一点该颜色的法术力将添加到该牌手的法术力池中。如果所选择的半边为无色,则添加等同于该数量的无色法术力到该牌手的法术力池中。+106.8. 如果一个效应将添加由混血符号所表示的法术力到一位牌手的法术力池中,该牌手选择该混血符号中的一半符号。如果所选择的半边具有颜色,则一点该颜色的法术力将添加到该牌手的法术力池中。如果所选择的半边为一般法术力,则添加等同于该数量的无色法术力到该牌手的法术力池中。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr106-9>​106.9. If an effect would add mana represented by a Phyrexian mana symbol to a player’s mana pool, one mana of the color of that symbol is added to that player’s mana pool.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr106-9>​106.9. If an effect would add mana represented by a Phyrexian mana symbol to a player’s mana pool, one mana of the color of that symbol is added to that player’s mana pool.\\ ​
-106.9. 如果一个效应将添加由非瑞克西亚法术力符号所表示的法术力到一牌手的法术力池中,则一点此符号所代表之颜色的法术力会加入到该牌手法术力池中。+106.9. 如果一个效应将添加由非瑞克西亚法术力符号所表示的法术力到一牌手的法术力池中,则一点此符号所代表之颜色的法术力会加入到该牌手法术力池中。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr106-10>​106.10. If an effect would add mana represented by a generic mana symbol to a player’s mana pool, that much colorless mana is added to that player’s mana pool.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr106-10>​106.10. If an effect would add mana represented by a generic mana symbol to a player’s mana pool, that much colorless mana is added to that player’s mana pool.\\ ​
-106.10. 如果一个效应将添加由一般法术力符号所表示的法术力到一牌手的法术力池中,则等量的无色法术力会加入到该牌手法术力池中。+106.10. 如果一个效应将添加由一般法术力符号所表示的法术力到一牌手的法术力池中,则等量的无色法术力会加入到该牌手法术力池中。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr106-11>​106.11. ​To “tap [a permanent] for mana” is to activate ​a mana ability of that permanent ​that includes the {T} symbol in its activation costSee rule 605, “Mana Abilities.”\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr106-11>​106.11. ​If an effect would add mana represented by one or more snow mana symbols ​to a player’s ​mana pool, that much colorless mana is added to that player’s mana pool.\\  
-106.11. ​“横置[一个永久物]以产生法术力”意指起动该永久物的异能中,起动费用包含{T}符号的法术力异能。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr605|605]]法术力异能”+106.11. ​如果一个效应将添加由一个或数个雪境法术力符号所表示的法术力到一位牌手的法术力池中则等量的无色法术力会加入到该牌手法术力池中
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr106-11a>106.11a An ability that triggers whenever ​a permanent ​“is tapped ​for mana” ​or is tapped for mana of a specified type triggers whenever such a mana ability ​resolves and produces mana or the specified type of mana.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr106-12>106.12. To “tap [a permanentfor mana” is to activate ​a mana ability ​of that permanent that includes ​the {T} symbol in its activation costSee rule 605, “Mana Abilities.”\\  
-106.11a 当永久物“横置以产生法术力”、或横置以产生特定类别之法术力而触发的异能,在此类法术力异能结算并产生法术力、或该类别的法术力时触发+106.12. “横置[一个永久物]以产生法术力”意指起动该永久物的异能起动费用包含{T}符号的法术力异能。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr605|605]],“法术力异能”
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr106-11b>106.11b A replacement effect that applies if a permanent “is tapped for mana” or tapped for mana of a specific type and/or amount modifies the mana production event while such an ability is resolving and producing mana or the specified type and/or amount of mana.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr106-12a>106.12a An ability that triggers whenever a permanent “is tapped for mana” or is tapped for mana of a specified type triggers whenever such a mana ability resolves and produces mana or the specified type of mana.\\  
-106.11b 当永久物“横置以产生法术力”、或横置以产生特定类别和/​或数量之法术力时生效之替代性效应,在该异能结算并产生法术力、或该类别和/​或数量的法术力时影响该产生法术力之事件。+106.12a 当永久物“横置以产生法术力”、或横置以产生特定类别之法术力而触发的异能,在此类法术力异能结算并产生法术力、或该类别的法术力时触发。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr106-12b>​106.12b ​A replacement effect that applies if a permanent “is tapped for mana” or tapped for mana of a specific type and/or amount modifies the mana production event while such an ability is resolving and producing mana or the specified type and/or amount of mana.\\  
 +106.12b 当永久物“横置以产生法术力”、或横置以产生特定类别和/​或数量之法术力时生效之替代性效应,在该异能结算并产生法术力、或该类别和/​或数量的法术力时影响该产生法术力之事件。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr106-13>​106.13. One card (Drain Power) causes one player to lose unspent mana and another to add “the mana lost this way.” (Note that these may be the same player.) This empties the former player’s mana pool and causes the mana emptied this way to be put into the latter player’s mana pool. Which permanents, spells, and/or abilities produced that mana are unchanged, as are any restrictions or additional effects associated with any of that mana.\\  
 +106.13. 一张牌(吸收力量)会令某位牌手失去其未使用的法术力,并令另一位牌手加“以此法失去之法术力”。(注意两者可能是同一位牌手。)这个动作会首先清空第一位牌手的法术力池并将所有以此法被清空的法术力放入第二位牌手的法术力池中。产生这些法术力的永久物、咒语和/​或者异能并未改变,并且如果有与这些法术力相关的任何限制或额外效应的话也不会改变
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr106-12>​106.12. One card (Drain Power) causes one player to lose unspent mana and another to add “the mana lost this way.” (Note that these may be the same player.) This empties the former player’s mana pool and causes the mana emptied this way to be put into the latter player’s mana pool. Which permanents, spells, and/or abilities produced that mana are unchanged, as are any restrictions or additional effects associated with any of that mana.\\ ​ 
-106.11. 一张牌(吸收力量)会令某位牌手失去其未使用的法术力,并令另一位牌手加“以此法失去之法术力”。(注意两者可能是同一位牌手。)这个动作会首先清空第一位牌手的法术力池并将所有以此法被清空的法术力放入第二位牌手的法术力池中。产生这些法术力的永久物、咒语和/​或者异能并未改变,并且如果有与这些法术力相关的任何限制或额外效应的话也不会改变。 
 ===== 107. 数字和符号 Numbers and Symbols ===== ===== 107. 数字和符号 Numbers and Symbols =====
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr107>​107. Numbers and Symbols\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr107>​107. Numbers and Symbols\\ ​
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 107.1a 你不能选择分数,或造成分数的伤害,获得分数的生命等。如果一个咒语或异能会产生出分数,该咒语或异能会告诉你小数点后该进位或舍去。 107.1a 你不能选择分数,或造成分数的伤害,获得分数的生命等。如果一个咒语或异能会产生出分数,该咒语或异能会告诉你小数点后该进位或舍去。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-1b>​107.1b Most of the time, the Magic game uses only positive numbers and zero. You can’t choose a negative number, deal negative damage, gain negative life, and so on. However, it’s possible for a game value, such as a creature’s power, to be less than zero. If a calculation or comparison needs to use a negative value, it does so. If a calculation that would determine the result of an effect yields a negative number, zero is used instead, unless that effect doubles or sets to a specific value a player’s life total or a creature’s ​power and/or toughness.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-1b>​107.1b Most of the time, the Magic game uses only positive numbers and zero. You can’t choose a negative number, deal negative damage, gain negative life, and so on. However, it’s possible for a game value, such as a creature’s power, to be less than zero. If a calculation or comparison needs to use a negative value, it does so. If a calculation that would determine the result of an effect yields a negative number, zero is used instead, unless that effect doubles or sets to a specific value a player’s life total or the power and/or toughness ​of a creature or creature card.\\  
-107.1b 万智牌游戏中大多数时候只使用正数和零。你不能选择负数,造成负数的伤害,获得负数生命等。然而在游戏中某些数值可以比零小,比如生物的力量。如果需要在计算或比较大小中使用负数,它将使用负数。在决定一个效应的效果时,如果计算得出的效果为负数,除非该效应将牌手的生命值、或生物的力量和/​或防御力加倍或设定为特定值,否则该效果改为用零代替。+107.1b 万智牌游戏中大多数时候只使用正数和零。你不能选择负数,造成负数的伤害,获得负数生命等。然而在游戏中某些数值可以比零小,比如生物的力量。如果需要在计算或比较大小中使用负数,它将使用负数。在决定一个效应的效果时,如果计算得出的效果为负数,除非该效应将牌手的生命值、生物或生物的力量和/​或防御力加倍或设定为特定值,否则该效果改为用零代替。
 Example: If a 3/4 creature gets -5/-0, it’s a -2/4 creature. It doesn’t assign damage in combat. Its total power and toughness is 2. Giving it +3/+0 would raise its power to 1.\\  Example: If a 3/4 creature gets -5/-0, it’s a -2/4 creature. It doesn’t assign damage in combat. Its total power and toughness is 2. Giving it +3/+0 would raise its power to 1.\\ 
 例如:如果一个3/​4生物得-5/​-0,它将成为-2/​4的生物。它在战斗中不分配伤害。它的力量和防御力的总和为2。给它+3/​+0才能将其力量加到1。 例如:如果一个3/​4生物得-5/​-0,它将成为-2/​4的生物。它在战斗中不分配伤害。它的力量和防御力的总和为2。给它+3/​+0才能将其力量加到1。
-Example: Viridian Joiner is a 1/2 creature with the ability “{T}: Add to your mana pool an amount of {G} equal to Viridian Joiner’s power.” An effect gives it -2/-0, then its ability is activated. The ability adds no mana to your mana pool.\\  +Example: Viridian Joiner is a 1/2 creature with the ability “{T}: Add an amount of {G} equal to Viridian Joiner’s power.” An effect gives it -2/-0, then its ability is activated. The ability adds no mana to your mana pool.\\  
-Example: Chameleon Colossus is a 4/4 creature with the ability “{2}{G}{G}:​ Chameleon Colossus gets +X/+X until end of turn, where X is its power.” An effect gives it -6/-0, then its ability is activated. It remains a -2/4 creature. It doesn’t become -4/2.+Example: Chameleon Colossus is a 4/4 creature with the ability “{2}{G}{G}:​ Chameleon Colossus gets +X/+X until end of turn, where X is its power.” An effect gives it -6/-0, then its ability is activated. It remains a -2/4 creature. It doesn’t become -4/2.\\ 
 例如:善变巨像为4/​4生物,它具有异能:“{2}{G}{G}:善变巨像得+X/​+X直到回合结束,X为其力量。”一个效应令它-6/​-0,然后起动其异能。它仍是一个-2/​4生物。它不会成为-4/​2。 例如:善变巨像为4/​4生物,它具有异能:“{2}{G}{G}:善变巨像得+X/​+X直到回合结束,X为其力量。”一个效应令它-6/​-0,然后起动其异能。它仍是一个-2/​4生物。它不会成为-4/​2。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-1c>​107.1c If a rule or ability instructs a player to choose “any number,” that player may choose any positive number or zero, unless something (such as damage or counters) is being divided or distributed among “any number” of players and/or objects. In that case, a nonzero number of players and/or objects must be chosen if possible.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-1c>​107.1c If a rule or ability instructs a player to choose “any number,” that player may choose any positive number or zero.\\  
-107.1c 如果一个规则或者异能让一位牌手选择“任意数字”,该牌手可以选择任意正数或零,除非是在“任意数量”牌手和/​或物件上进行分配的东西(比如伤害又或者指示物)。在此情况下,如果可能的话牌手必须选择数量不为零的牌手和/​或物件+107.1c 如果一个规则或者异能让一位牌手选择“任意数字”,该牌手可以选择任意正数或零。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr107-2>​107.2. If anything needs to use a number that can’t be determined, either as a result or in a calculation,​ it uses 0 instead.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr107-2>​107.2. If anything needs to use a number that can’t be determined, either as a result or in a calculation,​ it uses 0 instead.\\ ​
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 <​BOOKMARK:​cr107-3b>​107.3b If a player is casting a spell that has an {X} in its mana cost, the value of X isn’t defined by the text of that spell, and an effect lets that player cast that spell while paying neither its mana cost nor an alternative cost that includes X, then the only legal choice for X is 0. This doesn’t apply to effects that only reduce a cost, even if they reduce it to zero. See rule 601, “Casting Spells.”\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr107-3b>​107.3b If a player is casting a spell that has an {X} in its mana cost, the value of X isn’t defined by the text of that spell, and an effect lets that player cast that spell while paying neither its mana cost nor an alternative cost that includes X, then the only legal choice for X is 0. This doesn’t apply to effects that only reduce a cost, even if they reduce it to zero. See rule 601, “Casting Spells.”\\ ​
-107.3b 如果一位牌手施放法术力费用中带有{X}的咒语,该咒语的叙述未定义X值,且一个效应要求该牌手以不支付法术力费用的方式,或使用替代性费用中不包含X的方式使用该咒语,则X的唯一合法选择为0。此规则不适用于减少施放费用的效应,即使减少至零。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr601|601]],“施放咒语”。+107.3b 如果一位牌手施放法术力费用中带有{X}的咒语,该咒语的叙述未定义X值,且一个效应要求该牌手以不支付法术力费用的方式,或使用替代性费用中不包含X的方式施放该咒语,则X的唯一合法选择为0。此规则不适用于减少施放费用的效应,即使减少至零。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr601|601]],“施放咒语”。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr107-3c>​107.3c If a spell or activated ability has an {X}, [-X], or X in its cost and/or its text, and the value of X is defined by the text of that spell or ability, then that’s the value of X while that spell or ability is on the stack. The controller of that spell or ability doesn’t get to choose the value. Note that the value of X may change while that spell or ability is on the stack.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr107-3c>​107.3c If a spell or activated ability has an {X}, [-X], or X in its cost and/or its text, and the value of X is defined by the text of that spell or ability, then that’s the value of X while that spell or ability is on the stack. The controller of that spell or ability doesn’t get to choose the value. Note that the value of X may change while that spell or ability is on the stack.\\ ​
 107.3c 如果一个咒语或起动式异能的费用和/​或叙述中带有{X}、[-X]或X,且该咒语或异能的叙述定义X的数值,则该咒语或异能在堆叠上时X为此数值。该咒语或异能的操控者不能为该数值作出选择。该咒语或异能在堆叠上期间X的数值可能会有所改变。 107.3c 如果一个咒语或起动式异能的费用和/​或叙述中带有{X}、[-X]或X,且该咒语或异能的叙述定义X的数值,则该咒语或异能在堆叠上时X为此数值。该咒语或异能的操控者不能为该数值作出选择。该咒语或异能在堆叠上期间X的数值可能会有所改变。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-3d>​107.3d If a cost associated with a special action, such as a suspend cost or a morph cost, has an {X} or an X in it, the value of X is chosen by the player taking the special action ​as they pay that cost.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-3d>​107.3d If a cost associated with a special action, such as a suspend cost or a morph cost, has an {X} or an X in it, the value of X is chosen by the player taking the special action ​immediately before ​they pay that cost.\\  
-107.3d 如果一个特殊动作附带费用中带有{X}或X,例如延缓费用或变身费用,则执行此特殊动作的牌手支付费用时选择X的数值。+107.3d 如果一个特殊动作附带费用中带有{X}或X,例如延缓费用或变身费用,则执行此特殊动作的牌手在紧接着支付费用之前,先选择X的数值。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-3e>​107.3e If a spell or ability refers to the {X} or X in the mana cost, alternative cost, additional cost, or activation cost of another object, any X in that spell or ability’s text uses the value of X chosen or defined for the other object.\\  
 +107.3e 如果一个咒语或异能提及另一个物件的法术力费用、替代性费用、额外费用、起动费用中的{X}或X,该咒语或异能叙述中的任何X的值使用该另一物件所选择或定义的X的值。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-3f>​107.3f Sometimes X appears in the text of a spell or ability but not in a mana cost, alternative cost, additional cost, or activation cost. If the value of X isn’t defined, the controller of the spell or ability chooses the value of X at the appropriate time (either as it’s put on the stack or as it resolves).\\  
 +107.3f 某些候咒语或异能的施放费用、替代性费用、额外费用或起动费中不带有X,而叙述中带有X。如果X的值没有被定义,该咒语或异能的操控者在适当的时候为其作出选择(在进入堆叠的时候或结算的时候)。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-3g>​107.3g If a card in any zone other than the stack has an {X} in its mana cost, the value of {X} is treated as 0, even if the value of X is defined somewhere within its text.\\  
 +107.3g 如果一张法术力费用中带有{X}的牌在堆叠以外的任何区域,即使X的值在其叙述中被定义,其{X}的值将被视同0。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-3h>​107.3h If an effect instructs a player to pay an object’s mana cost that includes {X}, the value of X is treated as 0 unless the object is a spell on the stack. In that case, the value of X is the value chosen or determined for it as the spell was cast.\\  
 +107.3h 如果某效应指示牌手支付物件之包含{X}的法术力,X将被视同0,除非该物件是堆叠中的咒语。如果是后者的情况,X的值是于该咒语被施放时所选择或决定的值。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-3i>​107.3i Normally, all instances of X on an object have the same value at any given time.\\  
 +107.3i 通常而言,物件上所有X的数值在任何时间均相等
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-3e>107.3e Sometimes X appears in the text of a spell or ability ​but not in a mana cost, alternative cost, additional costor activation cost. If the value of X isn’t ​defined, ​the controller of the spell or ability ​chooses the value of X at the appropriate time (either as it’s put on the stack or as it resolves).\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-3j>107.3j If an object gains an ability, the value of X within that ability is the value defined ​by that ability, or 0 if that ability ​doesn’t define a value of X. This is an exception to rule 107.3i. This may occur with ability-adding effects, text-changing effects, ​or copy effects.\\  
-107.3e 某些时候咒语或异能的施放费用、替代性费用、额外费用或起动费中不带有X而叙述带有X。如果X的值没有定义,该咒语或异能的操控者在适当时候为其作出选择(在进入堆叠的时候结算的时候)+107.3j 如果一个物件获得一个异能,在该异能X的是由该异能定义的数值。若该异能没有定义X的数值其数值为0。这是对规则[[cr:​1#​cr107-3i|107.3i]]的例外情形。这可能会适用于添加异能的效应、改变叙述效应复制效应
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-3f>107.3f If a card in any zone other than the stack has an {X} in its mana cost, the value of {Xis treated as 0, even if the value of X is defined somewhere within its text.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-3k>107.3k If an object’s activated ability ​has an {X}, [-X], or X in its activation ​cost, the value of X for that ability ​is independent of any other values ​of X chosen for that object or for other instances of abilities of that object. This is an exception to rule 107.3i.\\  
-107.3f 如果一张法术力费用中带有{X}的牌在堆叠以外的任何区域即使X的值叙述中被定义,{X}的值将被视同0+107.3k 如果一个物件之起动式异能的起动费用中带有{X}、[-X]或X该异能的中X的与为该物件或为该物件上的他异能实例已选择的任何X的并无关联。这是对规则[[cr:​1#​cr107-3i|107.3i]]的例外情形
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-3g>107.3g If an effect instructs a player to pay an object’s ​mana cost that includes {X}, the value of X is treated ​as 0 unless ​the object is a spell on the stack. In that case, the value of X is the value chosen or determined ​for it as the spell was cast.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-3m>107.3m If an object’s ​enters-the-battlefield triggered ability or replacement effect refers to X, and the spell that became that object as it resolved had a value of chosen for any of its costs, the value of X for that ability ​is the same as the value of X for that spellalthough ​the value of X for that permanent is 0. This is an exception to rule 107.3i.\\  
-107.3g 如果某效应指示牌手支付物件之包含{X}法术力,X将被视同0除非该物件是堆叠中的咒语。如果是后者情况,X的值是于该咒语被施放时所选择或决定的值。+107.3m 如果一个物件的进战场触发式异能或替代性效应提及X,且成为该物件的咒语于结算时为其任一费用选择了X则该异能上X的值该咒语上X的值相同,尽管对于该永久物而言X的值为0。这是对规则[[cr:​1#​cr107-3i|107.3i]]的例外情形
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-3h>107.3h Normallyall instances of on an object have the same value at any given time. If an object gains an ability, the value of X within that ability is the value defined by that ability, or 0 if that ability doesn’t define a value of X.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-3n>107.3n If a delayed triggered ability created by a resolving spell or ability refers to X, X is not defined in the text of that triggered ability, and the spell or ability that created it had a value of X chosen for any of its costs, the value of X for the triggered ​ability is the same as the value of X for the spell of ability that created it.\\  
-107.3h 通常而言,物件上所有X的数值在任何时间均相等。如果一个物件获得一个异能,在该异能中的X的是由该异能定义。若该异能没有定义X的,其数值为0+107.3n 如果一个正在结算的咒语或异能创造的延迟触发式异能提及X且X并未在该触发式异能的叙述定义,但曾为创造该延迟触发式异能之咒语或异能任一费用选择了X的值,则触发式异能上X的值与创造该异能的咒语或异能上X的值相同
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-3i>107.3i Some objects use the letter Y in addition to the letter X. Y follows the same rules as X.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-3p>107.3p Some objects use the letter Y in addition to the letter X. Y follows the same rules as X.\\  
-107.3i 一些物件上除了会使用字母X以外还会额外使用字母Y。Y遵循于X相同的规则。+107.3p 一些物件上除了会使用字母X以外还会额外使用字母Y。Y遵循于X相同的规则。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-4>​107.4. The mana symbols are {W}, {U}, {B}, {R}, {G}, and {C}; the numerical symbols {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, and so on; the variable symbol {X}; the hybrid symbols {W/U}, {W/B}, {U/B}, {U/R}, {B/R}, {B/G}, {R/G}, {R/W}, {G/W}, and {G/U}; the monocolored hybrid symbols {2/W}, {2/U}, {2/B}, {2/​R}, ​and {2/G}; the Phyrexian mana symbols {W/P}, {U/P}, {B/P}, {R/P}, and {G/P}; and the snow symbol {S}.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-4>​107.4. The mana symbols are {W}, {U}, {B}, {R}, {G}, and {C}; the numerical symbols {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, and so on; the variable symbol {X}; the hybrid symbols {W/U}, {W/B}, {U/B}, {U/R}, {B/R}, {B/G}, {R/G}, {R/W}, {G/W}, and {G/U}; the monocolored hybrid symbols {2/W}, {2/U}, {2/B}, {2/R}, {2/G}, {C/W}, {C/U}, {C/B}, {C/R}, and {C/G}; the Phyrexian mana symbols {W/P}, {U/P}, {B/P}, {R/P}, and {G/P}; the hybrid Phyrexian symbols {W/U/P}, {W/B/P}, {U/B/P}, {U/R/P}, {B/R/P}, {B/G/P}, {R/G/P}, {R/W/P}, {G/W/P}, and {G/U/P}; and the snow mana symbol {S}.\\  
-107.4. 法术力符号包括{W}、{U}、{B}、{R}、{G}和{C};数字符号{0}、{1}、{2}、{3}、{4},依此类推;可变数值符号{X};混血符号{W/​U}、{W/​B}、{U/​B}、{U/​R}、{B/​R}、{B/​G}、{R/​G}、{R/​W}、{G/​W}和{G/​U};单色混血符号{2/​W}、{2/​U}、{2/​B}、{2/​R}{2/​G};非瑞克西亚法术力符号{W/​P}{U/P}{B/P}{R/P}和{G/​P};以及雪境符号{S}。+107.4. 法术力符号包括{W}、{U}、{B}、{R}、{G}和{C};数字符号{0}、{1}、{2}、{3}、{4},依此类推;可变数值符号{X};混血符号{W/​U}、{W/​B}、{U/​B}、{U/​R}、{B/​R}、{B/​G}、{R/​G}、{R/​W}、{G/​W}和{G/​U};单色混血符号{2/​W}、{2/​U}、{2/​B}、{2/​R}{2/​G}、{C/​W}、{C/​U}、{C/​B}、{C/​R}和{C/​G};非瑞克西亚法术力符号{W/​P}{U/P}{B/P}{R/P}和{G/​P};混血非瑞克西亚法术力{W/​U/​P}、{W/​B/​P}、{U/​B/​P}、{U/​R/​P}、{B/​R/​P}、{B/​G/​P}、{R/​G/​P}、{R/​W/​P}、{G/​W/​P}和{G/​U/​P};以及雪境法术力符号{S}。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr107-4a>​107.4a There are five primary colored mana symbols: {W} is white, {U} blue, {B} black, {R} red, and {G} green. These symbols are used to represent colored mana, and also to represent colored mana in costs. Colored mana in costs can be paid only with the appropriate color of mana. See rule 202, “Mana Cost and Color.”\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr107-4a>​107.4a There are five primary colored mana symbols: {W} is white, {U} blue, {B} black, {R} red, and {G} green. These symbols are used to represent colored mana, and also to represent colored mana in costs. Colored mana in costs can be paid only with the appropriate color of mana. See rule 202, “Mana Cost and Color.”\\ ​
行 452: 行 501:
 107.4c 无色法术力符号{C}用来表示一点无色法术力,也用来表示只能使用一点无色法术力支付的费用。 107.4c 无色法术力符号{C}用来表示一点无色法术力,也用来表示只能使用一点无色法术力支付的费用。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-4d>​107.4d The symbol {0} represents zero mana and is used as a placeholder for a cost that can be paid with no resources. (See rule 117.5.)\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-4d>​107.4d The symbol {0} represents zero mana and is used as a placeholder for a cost that can be paid with no resources. (See rule 118.5.)\\  
-107.4d 符号{0}表示零点法术力,也表示无须任何资源便可支付的费用。(参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr117-5|117.5]]。)+107.4d 符号{0}表示零点法术力,也表示无须任何资源便可支付的费用。(参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr118-5|118.5]]。)
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-4e>​107.4e ​Hybrid ​mana symbols are also colored mana symbols. Each one represents a cost that can be paid in one of two ways, as represented by the two halves of the symbol. A hybrid symbol such as {W/U} can be paid with either white or blue mana, and a monocolored hybrid symbol such as {2/B} can be paid with either one black mana or two mana of any type. A hybrid mana symbol is all of its component colors.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-4e>​107.4e ​A hybrid ​mana symbol is also colored mana symbol, even if one of its components is colorless. Each one represents a cost that can be paid in one of two ways, as represented by the two halves of the symbol. A hybrid symbol such as {W/U} can be paid with either white or blue mana, and a monocolored hybrid symbol such as {2/B} can be paid with either one black mana or two mana of any type. A hybrid mana symbol is all of its component colors.\\  
-107.4e 混血法术力符号同样也是有色法术力符号。每个混血符号由两边组成,代表可以用两者之一来支付的费用。如一个{W/​U}的混血符号可用白色法术力或是蓝色法术力来支付,而单色混血符号如{2/​B}可以用一点黑色法术力或者两点任意法术力来支付。混血符号的颜色为其各部分包含的所有颜色。+107.4e 混血法术力符号同样也是有色法术力符号,即使其中一边是无色。每个混血符号由两边组成,代表可以用两者之一来支付的费用。如一个{W/​U}的混血符号可用白色法术力或是蓝色法术力来支付,而单色混血符号如{2/​B}可以用一点黑色法术力或者两点任意法术力来支付。混血符号的颜色为其各部分包含的所有颜色。
 Example: {G/W}{G/W} can be paid by spending {G}{G}, {G}{W}, or {W}{W}.\\ ​ Example: {G/W}{G/W} can be paid by spending {G}{G}, {G}{W}, or {W}{W}.\\ ​
-例如: {G/​W}{G/​W}可以使用 {G}{G}、{G}{W}或{W}{W}来支付。+例如:{G/​W}{G/​W}可以使用{G}{G}、{G}{W}或{W}{W}来支付。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-4f>​107.4f Phyrexian mana symbols are colored mana symbols: {W/P} is white, {U/P} is blue, {B/P} is black, {R/P} is red, and {G/P} is green. A Phyrexian mana symbol represents a cost that can be paid either with one mana of its color or by paying 2 life.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-4f>​107.4f Phyrexian mana symbols are colored mana symbols: {W/P} is white, {U/P} is blue, {B/P} is black, {R/P} is red, and {G/P} is green. A Phyrexian mana symbol represents a cost that can be paid either with one mana of its color or by paying 2 life. There are also ten hybrid Phyrexian mana symbols. A hybrid Phyrexian mana symbol represents a cost that can be paid with one mana of either of its component colors or by paying 2 life. A hybrid Phyrexian mana symbol is both of its component colors.\\  
-107.4f 非瑞克西亚法术力符号是有色法术力符号:{W/​P}是白色,{U/​P}是蓝色,{B/​P}是黑色,{R/​P}是红色,{G/​P}是绿色。一个非瑞克西亚法术力符号可以用一点该色法术力或者2点生命来支付。+107.4f 非瑞克西亚法术力符号是有色法术力符号:{W/​P}是白色,{U/​P}是蓝色,{B/​P}是黑色,{R/​P}是红色,{G/​P}是绿色。一个非瑞克西亚法术力符号代表一个费用,可以用一点该色法术力或者2点生命来支付。还有十个混血非瑞克西亚法术力符号;一个混血非瑞克西亚法术力符号代表一个费用,可以用一点组成该符号颜色的法术力或者2点生命来支付。混血非瑞克西亚法术力符号的颜色为其各部分包含的所有颜色
 Example: {W/P}{W/P} can be paid by spending {W}{W}, by spending {W} and paying 2 life, or by paying 4 life.\\ ​ Example: {W/P}{W/P} can be paid by spending {W}{W}, by spending {W} and paying 2 life, or by paying 4 life.\\ ​
 例如:{W/​P}{W/​P}可以使用{W}{W}、{W}和2点生命、或者4点生命来支付。 例如:{W/​P}{W/​P}可以使用{W}{W}、{W}和2点生命、或者4点生命来支付。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-4g>​107.4g In rules text, the Phyrexian symbol {P} with no colored background means any of the five Phyrexian mana symbols.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-4g>​107.4g In rules text, the Phyrexian symbol {H} with no colored background means any of the fifteen ​Phyrexian mana symbols.\\  
-107.4g 在规则叙述中,无色背景的非瑞克西亚符号{P}指五种非瑞克西亚法术力符号中任意一种。+107.4g 在规则叙述中,无色背景的非瑞克西亚符号{H}指五种非瑞克西亚法术力符号中任意一种。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-4h>​107.4h ​The snow mana symbol {S} represents ​one generic mana in a cost. This generic mana can be paid with one mana of any type produced by a snow permanent ​(see rule 205.4g). Effects that reduce the amount of generic mana you pay don’t affect {S} costs. ​(There is no such thing as “snow ​mana”; “snow” is not a type of mana.)\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-4h>​107.4h ​When used in a cost, the snow mana symbol {S} represents a cost that can be paid with one mana of any type produced by a snow source ​(see rule 106.3). Effects that reduce the amount of generic mana you pay don’t affect {S} costs. ​The {S} symbol can also be used to refer to mana of any type produced by a snow source spent to pay a cost. Snow is neither a color nor a type of mana.\\  
-107.4h 雪境法术力符号{S}代表费用中的一般法术力。此一般法术力可以由一点雪境永久物所产生的类别法术力支付(参见规则[[cr:​2#cr204-4g|204.4g]])。减少一般法术力费用的效应不会影响{S}的费用。(不存在“雪境法术力”;“雪境不是法术力类别。+107.4h ​雪境法术力符号{S}费用中被使用时,其代表可以由雪境来(参见规则[[cr:​1#cr106-3|106.3]])所产生的一点任意类别的法术力来支付的费用。减少一般法术力费用的效应不会影响{S}的费用。{S}符号也可以用于提及由雪境来源产生并用于支付费用的任意类别的法术力雪境不是一种颜色,也不是一种法术力类别。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr107-5>​107.5. The tap symbol is {T}. The tap symbol in an activation cost means “Tap this permanent.” A permanent that’s already tapped can’t be tapped again to pay the cost. A creature’s activated ability with the tap symbol in its activation cost can’t be activated unless the creature has been under its controller’s control continuously since their most recent turn began. See rule 302.6.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr107-5>​107.5. The tap symbol is {T}. The tap symbol in an activation cost means “Tap this permanent.” A permanent that’s already tapped can’t be tapped again to pay the cost. A creature’s activated ability with the tap symbol in its activation cost can’t be activated unless the creature has been under its controller’s control continuously since their most recent turn began. See rule 302.6.\\ ​
行 479: 行 528:
 107.6. {Q}为重置符号。在起动费用中出现的重置符号表示“重置此永久物”。已重置的永久物无法用来重置以支付费用。如果生物的起动式异能的起动费用中包含重置符号,则除非其操控者在其最近的一个回合开始时便一直操控它,否则不能起动此异能。参见规则[[cr:​3#​cr302-6|302.6]]。 107.6. {Q}为重置符号。在起动费用中出现的重置符号表示“重置此永久物”。已重置的永久物无法用来重置以支付费用。如果生物的起动式异能的起动费用中包含重置符号,则除非其操控者在其最近的一个回合开始时便一直操控它,否则不能起动此异能。参见规则[[cr:​3#​cr302-6|302.6]]。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-7>​107.7. Each activated ability of a planeswalker has a loyalty symbol in its cost. Positive loyalty symbols point upward and feature a plus sign followed by a number. Negative loyalty symbols point downward and feature a minus sign followed by a number or an X. Neutral loyalty symbols don’t point in either direction and feature a 0. [+N] means “Put N loyalty counters on this permanent,​” [-N] means “Remove N loyalty counters from this permanent,​” and [0] means “Put zero loyalty counters on this permanent.”\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-7>​107.7. Each activated ability of a planeswalker has a loyalty symbol in its cost. Positive loyalty symbols point upward and feature a plus sign followed by a number. Negative loyalty symbols point downward and feature a minus sign followed by a number or an X. Neutral loyalty symbols don’t point in either direction and feature a 0. [+N] means “Put N loyalty counters on this permanent,​” [-N] means “Remove N loyalty counters from this permanent,​” and [0] means “Put zero loyalty counters on this permanent.” ​Loyalty symbols may also appear in abilities that modify loyalty costs.\\  
-107.7. 鹏洛客的每个起动式异能的费用中有用箭头表示的忠诚符号。正忠诚符号由向上的箭头以及加号和其后面的数字或X表示。负向忠诚符号由向下的箭头以及减号和其后面的数字或X表示。[+N]表示“在此永久物上放置N个忠诚指示物”,[-N]表示“在此永久物上移去N个忠诚指示物”,而[0]表示“在此永久物上放置零个忠诚指示物”。+107.7. 鹏洛客的每个起动式异能的费用中有用箭头表示的忠诚符号。正忠诚符号由向上的箭头以及加号和其后面的数字或X表示。负向忠诚符号由向下的箭头以及减号和其后面的数字或X表示。[+N]表示“在此永久物上放置N个忠诚指示物”,[-N]表示“在此永久物上移去N个忠诚指示物”,而[0]表示“在此永久物上放置零个忠诚指示物”。忠诚符号也可能会出现在影响忠诚费用的异能上
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-8>​107.8. The text box of a leveler card contains two level symbols, each of which is a keyword ability that represents a static ability. The level symbol includes either a range of numbers, indicated here as “N1-N2,​” or a single number followed by a plus sign, indicated here as “N3+.” Any abilities printed within the same text box striation as a level symbol are part of its static ability. The same is true of the power/​toughness box printed within that striation, indicated here as “[P/​T].” See rule 710, “Leveler Cards.”\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-8>​107.8. The text box of a leveler card contains two level symbols, each of which is a keyword ability that represents a static ability. The level symbol includes either a range of numbers, indicated here as “N1-N2,​” or a single number followed by a plus sign, indicated here as “N3+.” Any abilities printed within the same text box striation as a level symbol are part of its static ability. The same is true of the power/​toughness box printed within that striation, indicated here as “[P/​T].” See rule 711, “Leveler Cards.”\\  
-107.8. 升级牌的文字栏中包含2个等级符号,均是表示静止式异能的关键字异能。等级符号可能包括了某范围的数字,此处表示为“N1-N2”;或是单一数字后面带着加号,此处表示为“N3+”。任何与等级符号印在同一区块文字栏的异能,都是其静止式异能的一部分。而印在同一区块文字栏的力量/防御力方格,此处表示为“P/​T”,也是同法看待。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr710|710]],“升级牌”。+107.8. 升级牌的文字栏中包含2个等级符号,均是表示静止式异能的关键字异能。等级符号可能包括了某范围的数字,此处表示为“N1-N2”;或是单一数字后面带着加号,此处表示为“N3+”。任何与等级符号印在同一区块文字栏的异能,都是其静止式异能的一部分。而印在同一区块文字栏的力量/防御力方格,此处表示为“P/​T”,也是同法看待。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr711|711]],“升级牌”。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr107-8a>​107.8a “{LEVEL N1-N2} [Abilities] [P/T]” means “As long as this creature has at least N1 level counters on it, but no more than N2 level counters on it, it has base power and toughness [P/T] and has [abilities].”\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr107-8a>​107.8a “{LEVEL N1-N2} [Abilities] [P/T]” means “As long as this creature has at least N1 level counters on it, but no more than N2 level counters on it, it has base power and toughness [P/T] and has [abilities].”\\ ​
-107.8a “{等级N1-N2}[异能][P/​T]”意指“只要此生物上面至少有N1个等级指示物,且等级指示物数量又不多于N2,则它的基础攻击力和防御力成为[P/​T]并具有[异能]。”\\ +107.8a “{等级N1-N2}[异能][P/​T]”意指“只要此生物上面至少有N1个等级指示物,且等级指示物数量又不多于N2,则它的基础攻击力和防御力成为[P/​T]并具有[异能]。”
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr107-8b>​107.8b “{LEVEL N3+} [Abilities] [P/T]” means “As long as this creature has N3 or more level counters on it, it has base power and toughness [P/T] and has [abilities].”\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr107-8b>​107.8b “{LEVEL N3+} [Abilities] [P/T]” means “As long as this creature has N3 or more level counters on it, it has base power and toughness [P/T] and has [abilities].”\\ ​
-107.8b “{等级N3+}[异能][P/​T]”意指“只要此生物上面有N3或更多个等级指示物,则它的基础攻击力和防御力成为[P/​T]并具有[异能]。”\\ +107.8b “{等级N3+}[异能][P/​T]”意指“只要此生物上面有N3或更多个等级指示物,则它的基础攻击力和防御力成为[P/​T]并具有[异能]。”
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr107-9>​107.9. A tombstone icon appears to the left of the name of many Odyssey™ block cards with abilities that are relevant in a player’s graveyard. The purpose of the icon is to make those cards stand out when they’re in a graveyard. This icon has no effect on game play.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr107-9>​107.9. A tombstone icon appears to the left of the name of many Odyssey™ block cards with abilities that are relevant in a player’s graveyard. The purpose of the icon is to make those cards stand out when they’re in a graveyard. This icon has no effect on game play.\\ ​
 107.9. 在一些关系到坟墓场的奥德赛™环境牌上面,其名称左方会有墓碑符号。此符号的目的仅是让这些牌在坟墓场中更加醒目,与游戏进行并无关联。 107.9. 在一些关系到坟墓场的奥德赛™环境牌上面,其名称左方会有墓碑符号。此符号的目的仅是让这些牌在坟墓场中更加醒目,与游戏进行并无关联。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-10>​107.10. A type icon appears in the upper left corner of each card from the Future ​Sight® ​set printed with an alternate “timeshifted” frame. If the card has a single card type, this icon indicates what it is: claw marks for creature, a flame for sorcery, a lightning bolt for instant, a sunrise for enchantment,​ a chalice for artifact, and a pair of mountain peaks for land. If the card has multiple card types, that’s indicated by a black and white cross. This icon has no effect on game play.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-10>​107.10. A type icon appears in the upper left corner of each card from the Future ​Sight™ ​set printed with an alternate “timeshifted” frame. If the card has a single card type, this icon indicates what it is: claw marks for creature, a flame for sorcery, a lightning bolt for instant, a sunrise for enchantment,​ a chalice for artifact, and a pair of mountain peaks for land. If the card has multiple card types, that’s indicated by a black and white cross. This icon has no effect on game play.\\  
-107.10. 在每张预知将来®版本的有特别“时间转移”牌框的牌上面,其牌左上角会有类别符号。如果此牌具有单一的牌类别,则符号为:爪痕表示生物、火焰表示法术、闪电表示瞬间、升日表示结界、圣杯表示神器、群山表示地。如果它有多种类别,则用黑白十字表示。此符号与游戏进行并无关联。+107.10. 在每张预知将来版本的有特别“时间转移”牌框的牌上面,其牌左上角会有类别符号。如果此牌具有单一的牌类别,则符号为:爪痕表示生物、火焰表示法术、闪电表示瞬间、升日表示结界、圣杯表示神器、群山表示地。如果它有多种类别,则用黑白十字表示。此符号与游戏进行并无关联。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-11>​107.11. The Planeswalker symbol is {PW}. It appears on one face of the planar die used in the Planechase casual variant. See rule 901, “Planechase.”\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-11>​107.11. The Planeswalker symbol is {PW}. It appears on one face of the planar die used in the Planechase casual variant. It has five tines at the top and tapers to a point at the bottom. See rule 901, “Planechase.”\\  
-107.11. 鹏洛客符号是{PW}。它出现在时空骰的一面上,用于竞逐时空休闲玩法。参见规则[[cr:​9#​cr901|901]],“竞逐时空”。+107.11. 鹏洛客符号是{PW}。它出现在时空骰的一面上,用于竞逐时空休闲玩法。它的顶部有五个尖齿,底部逐渐变细。参见规则[[cr:​9#​cr901|901]],“竞逐时空”。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-12>​107.12. The chaos symbol is {CHAOS}. It appears on one face of the planar die used in the Planechase casual variant, as well as in abilities that refer to the results of rolling the planar die. See rule 901, “Planechase.”\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-12>​107.12. The chaos symbol is {CHAOS}. It appears on one face of the planar die used in the Planechase casual variant, as well as in abilities that refer to the results of rolling the planar die. It looks like a swirling vortex. See rule 901, “Planechase.”\\  
-107.12. 混沌符号是{CHAOS}。它出现在时空骰的一面上,以及与掷时空骰相关的异能中,用于竞逐时空休闲玩法。参见规则[[cr:​9#​cr901|901]],“竞逐时空”。+107.12. 混沌符号是{CHAOS}。它出现在时空骰的一面上,以及与掷时空骰相关的异能中,用于竞逐时空休闲玩法。它看起来像是旋转的漩涡。参见规则[[cr:​9#​cr901|901]],“竞逐时空”。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr107-13>​107.13. A color indicator is a circular symbol that appears to the left of the type line on some cards. The color of the symbol defines the card’s color or colors. See rule 202, “Mana Cost and Color.”\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr107-13>​107.13. A color indicator is a circular symbol that appears to the left of the type line on some cards. The color of the symbol defines the card’s color or colors. See rule 202, “Mana Cost and Color.”\\ ​
行 513: 行 562:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr107-15a>​107.15a “{rN}—[Effect]” means “When one or more lore counters are put onto this Saga, if the number of lore counters on it was less than N and became at least N, [effect].”\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr107-15a>​107.15a “{rN}—[Effect]” means “When one or more lore counters are put onto this Saga, if the number of lore counters on it was less than N and became at least N, [effect].”\\ ​
-107.15a “{rN}~[效应]”意指“每当一个或更多学问指示物放置在此传纪上时,若其上的学问指示物的数量先前小于N且成为至少N,[效应]。”+107.15a “{rN}~[效应]”意指“每当一个或数个学问指示物放置在此传纪上时,若其上的学问指示物的数量先前小于N且成为至少N,[效应]。”
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr107-15b>​107.15b “{rN1}, {rN2}—[Effect]” is the same as “{rN1}—[Effect]” and “{rN2}—[Effect].”\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr107-15b>​107.15b “{rN1}, {rN2}—[Effect]” is the same as “{rN1}—[Effect]” and “{rN2}—[Effect].”\\ ​
-107.15b “{rN1}{rN2}~[效应]”等同于“{rN1}~[效应]”和“{rN2}~[效应]”。+107.15b “{rN1}{rN2}~[效应]”等同于“{rN1}~[效应]”和“{rN2}~[效应]”。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-16>​107.16. The text box of a Class card contains class level bars, each of which is a keyword ability that represents both an activated ability and a static ability. A class level bar includes the activation cost of its activated ability and a level number. Any abilities printed within the same text box section as the class level bar are part of its static ability. See rule 716, “Class Cards.”\\  
 +107.16. 职业牌的文字栏包含职业等级条,每个职业等级条都是一个关键字异能,代表一个起动式异能和一个静止异能。职业等级条包含其起动式异能的起动费用和等级数字。任何与该职业等级条印刷在同一文字栏分段中的异能均是其静止式异能的一部分。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr716|716]],“职业牌”。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-16a>​107.16a “[Cost]: Level N — [Abilities]” means “[Cost]: This Class’s level becomes N. Activate only if this Class is level N-1 and only as a sorcery” and “As long as this Class is level N or greater, it has [abilities].”\\  
 +107.16a “[费用]:等级N~[异能]”意指“[费用]:此职业的等级成为N。只能于此职业的等级是N-1时、且只能于法术时机起动。”及“只要此职业是等级N或更高,它便具有[异能]”。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-17>​107.17. The ticket symbol is {TK}. It represents one ticket counter.\\  
 +107.17. 门票符号是{TK}。它代表一个门票指示物。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-17a>​107.17a A ticket symbol with a number inside it represents a ticket cost. To pay that cost, a player removes that many ticket counters from themselves.\\  
 +107.17a 内部有数字的门票符号代表门票费用。要支付门票费用,牌手从其自身移除该数量的门票指示物。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr107-18>​107.18. The pawprint symbol is {P}. This symbol is used to indicate the modes on some modal spells, and does not represent a cost, mana, counters, or any type of persistent resource. See rule 700.2i.\\  
 +107.18. 爪印符号是{P}。此符号用于表示某些具有模式的咒语之模式,并不代表费用、法术力、指示物或是任何持续性资源。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr700-2i|700.2i]]
 ===== 108. 牌 Cards ===== ===== 108. 牌 Cards =====
行 522: 行 586:
 108. 牌 108. 牌
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr108-1>​108.1. Use the Oracle™ card reference when determining a card’s wording. A card’s Oracle text can be found using the Gatherer card database at [url]http://​gatherer.wizards.com.[/url] +<​BOOKMARK:​cr108-1>​108.1. Use the Oracle card reference when determining a card’s wording. A card’s Oracle text can be found using the Gatherer card database at Gatherer.Wizards.com.\\  
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr108-1>​108.1. 牌的叙述皆以Oracle™牌张参考文献的牌张叙述为准。牌的Oracle牌张参考文献叙述可以在Gatherer数据库中找到:[url]http://​gatherer.wizards.com[/url]+108.1. 牌的叙述皆以Oracle™牌张参考文献的牌张叙述为准。牌的Oracle牌张参考文献叙述可以在Gatherer数据库中找到:[url]http://​Gatherer.Wizards.com[/url]
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr108-2>​108.2. When a rule or text on a card refers to a “card,” it means only a Magic card or an object represented by a Magic card.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr108-2>​108.2. When a rule or text on a card refers to a “card,” it means only a Magic card or an object represented by a Magic card.\\ ​
 108.2. 当规则或牌的叙述中提到“牌”,它只表示万智牌或由万智牌代表的物件。 108.2. 当规则或牌的叙述中提到“牌”,它只表示万智牌或由万智牌代表的物件。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr108-2a>​108.2a Most Magic games use only traditional Magic cards, which measure approximately 2.5 inches (6.3 cm) by 3.5 inches (8.8 cm). Certain formats also use nontraditional Magic cards, oversized ​cards that may have different backs.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr108-2a>​108.2a Most Magic games use only traditional Magic cards, which measure approximately 2.5 inches (6.3 cm) by 3.5 inches (8.8 cm). Traditional Magic cards are included in players’ decks. Certain formats also use nontraditional Magic cards. Nontraditional Magic cards are not included in players’ decks. They may be used in supplementary decks. Additionally,​ they may be oversized, ​have different ​card backs, or both.\\  
-108.2a 大多数万智牌游戏只使用传统的万智牌,大约2.5英寸(6.3厘米)宽3.5英寸(8.8厘米)长。一些玩法还使用非传统万智牌,尺寸较大牌背同。+108.2a 大多数万智牌游戏只使用传统的万智牌,大约2.5英寸(6.3厘米)宽3.5英寸(8.8厘米)长。传统万智牌可以包含在牌手的套牌中。一些玩法还使用非传统万智牌。非传统万智牌不能包含在牌手的套牌中;它们可以在附加套牌中使用。此外它们可能尺寸较大、或牌背不同,或两者皆有之
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr108-2b>​108.2b Tokens aren’t considered cards—even a card-sized game supplement that represents a token isn’t considered a card for rules purposes.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr108-2b>​108.2b Tokens aren’t considered cards—even a card-sized game supplement that represents a token isn’t considered a card for rules purposes.\\ ​
行 535: 行 599:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr108-3>​108.3. The owner of a card in the game is the player who started the game with it in their deck. If a card is brought into the game from outside the game rather than starting in a player’s deck, its owner is the player who brought it into the game. If a card starts the game in the command zone, its owner is the player who put it into the command zone to start the game. Legal ownership of a card in the game is irrelevant to the game rules except for the rules for ante. (See rule 407.)\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr108-3>​108.3. The owner of a card in the game is the player who started the game with it in their deck. If a card is brought into the game from outside the game rather than starting in a player’s deck, its owner is the player who brought it into the game. If a card starts the game in the command zone, its owner is the player who put it into the command zone to start the game. Legal ownership of a card in the game is irrelevant to the game rules except for the rules for ante. (See rule 407.)\\ ​
-108.3. 牌的拥有者是指于游戏开始时,套牌中包含该牌的牌手。如果一张牌于游戏开始时并未在牌手的套牌中,而是从游戏外被带进游戏,其拥有者为将该牌带进游戏的牌手。如果一张牌于游戏开始时在统帅区,其拥有者为于游戏开始时将其放进统帅区的牌手。除了用于赌注的规则,牌的合法拥有关系和游戏规则无关。(参见规则[[cr:​4#​cr407|407]]。)\\ +108.3. 牌的拥有者是指于游戏开始时,套牌中包含该牌的牌手。如果一张牌于游戏开始时并未在牌手的套牌中,而是从游戏外被带进游戏,其拥有者为将该牌带进游戏的牌手。如果一张牌于游戏开始时在统帅区,其拥有者为于游戏开始时将其放进统帅区的牌手。除了用于赌注的规则,牌的合法拥有关系和游戏规则无关。(参见规则[[cr:​4#​cr407|407]]。)
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr108-3a>​108.3a In a Planechase game using the single planar deck option, the planar controller is considered to be the owner of all cards in the planar deck. See rule 901.6.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr108-3a>​108.3a In a Planechase game using the single planar deck option, the planar controller is considered to be the owner of all cards in the planar deck. See rule 901.6.\\ ​
 108.3a 在使用单一时空套牌模式的竞逐时空游戏中,时空操控者视为时空套牌中所有牌的拥有者。参见规则[[cr:​9#​cr901-6|901.6]]。 108.3a 在使用单一时空套牌模式的竞逐时空游戏中,时空操控者视为时空套牌中所有牌的拥有者。参见规则[[cr:​9#​cr901-6|901.6]]。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr108-3b>​108.3b Some spells and abilities allow a player to take cards they own from outside the game and bring them into the game. (See rule 400.10b.) If a card outside that game is involved in a Magic game, its owner is determined as described in rule 108.3. If a card outside that game is in the sideboard of a Magic game (see rule 100.4), its owner is considered to be the player who started the game with it in their sideboard. In all other cases, the owner of a card outside the game is its legal owner.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr108-3b>​108.3b Some spells and abilities allow a player to take cards they own from outside the game and bring them into the game. (See rule 400.11b.) If a card outside that game is involved in a Magic game, its owner is determined as described in rule 108.3. If a card outside that game is in the sideboard of a Magic game (see rule 100.4), its owner is considered to be the player who started the game with it in their sideboard. In all other cases, the owner of a card outside the game is its legal owner.\\  
-108.3b 一些咒语和异能会允许牌手将其拥有的牌从游戏外放入游戏中。(参见规则[[cr:​4#​cr400-10b|400.10b]]。)如果一张游戏外的牌加入到万智牌游戏中,其拥有者由规则[[cr:​1#​cr108-3|108.3]]中的叙述决定。如果一张游戏外的牌是在一盘万智牌游戏的备牌中(参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr100-4|100.4]]),其拥有者为游戏开始时在备牌中包含该牌的牌手。所有其他情况下,该游戏外的牌之拥有者既为其合法拥有者。+108.3b 一些咒语和异能会允许牌手将其拥有的牌从游戏外放入游戏中。(参见规则[[cr:​4#​cr400-11b|400.11b]]。)如果一张游戏外的牌加入到万智牌游戏中,其拥有者由规则[[cr:​1#​cr108-3|108.3]]中的叙述决定。如果一张游戏外的牌是在一盘万智牌游戏的备牌中(参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr100-4|100.4]]),其拥有者为游戏开始时在备牌中包含该牌的牌手。所有其他情况下,该游戏外的牌之拥有者既为其合法拥有者。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr108-4>​108.4. A card doesn’t have a controller unless that card represents a permanent or spell; in those cases, its controller is determined by the rules for permanents or spells. See rules 110.2 and 111.2.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr108-4>​108.4. A card doesn’t have a controller unless that card represents a permanent or spell; in those cases, its controller is determined by the rules for permanents or spells. See rules 110.2 and 112.2.\\  
-108.4. 只有代表永久物或咒语的牌才有操控者;这些情况下,该牌的操控者由永久物或咒语的规则决定。参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr110-2|110.2]]和[[cr:​1#​cr111-2|111.2]]。+108.4. 只有代表永久物或咒语的牌才有操控者;这些情况下,该牌的操控者由永久物或咒语的规则决定。参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr110-2|110.2]]和[[cr:​1#​cr112-2|112.2]]。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr108-4a>​108.4a If anything asks for the controller of a card that doesn’t have one (because it’s not a permanent or spell), use its owner instead.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr108-4a>​108.4a If anything asks for the controller of a card that doesn’t have one (because it’s not a permanent or spell), use its owner instead.\\ ​
 108.4a 如果任何时候需要知道一张没有操控者的牌的操控者(因为它不是永久物或咒语),则改为使用其拥有者。 108.4a 如果任何时候需要知道一张没有操控者的牌的操控者(因为它不是永久物或咒语),则改为使用其拥有者。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr108-5>​108.5. Nontraditional Magic cards can’t start the game in any zone other than the command zone (see rule 408). If an effect would bring a nontraditional Magic card into the game from outside the game, it doesn’t; that card remains outside the game.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr108-5>​108.5. Nontraditional Magic cards can’t start the game in any zone other than the command zone (see rule 408). If an effect would bring a nontraditional Magic card other than a dungeon card (see rule 309, “Dungeons”) ​into the game from outside the game, it doesn’t; that card remains outside the game.\\  
-108.5. 非传统万智牌纸牌不会在统帅区以外的区域开始游戏(参见规则[[cr:​4#​cr408|408]])。如果一个效应将游戏外的非传统万智牌牌带进游戏,它将不会如此作;该牌保留在游戏外。+108.5. 非传统万智牌纸牌不会在统帅区以外的区域开始游戏(参见规则[[cr:​4#​cr408|408]])。如果一个效应将游戏外的非传统万智牌(地城除外;参见规则[[cr:​3#​cr309|309]])带进游戏,它将不会如此作;该牌保留在游戏外。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr108-6>​108.6. For more information about cards, see section 2, “Parts of a Card.”\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr108-6>​108.6. For more information about cards, see section 2, “Parts of a Card.”\\ ​
 108.6. 更多和牌有关的信息,参见[[cr:​2|第2章]],“牌的各部分”。 108.6. 更多和牌有关的信息,参见[[cr:​2|第2章]],“牌的各部分”。
 ===== 109. 物件 Objects ===== ===== 109. 物件 Objects =====
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr109>​109. Objects\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr109>​109. Objects\\ ​
行 559: 行 624:
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr109-1>​109.1. An object is an ability on the stack, a card, a copy of a card, a token, a spell, a permanent, or an emblem.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr109-1>​109.1. An object is an ability on the stack, a card, a copy of a card, a token, a spell, a permanent, or an emblem.\\ ​
-109.1. 物件包括堆叠中的异能、牌、牌的复制、衍生物、咒语、永久物或徽记。+109.1. 物件包括堆叠中的异能、牌、牌的复制、衍生物、咒语、永久物或徽记。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr109-2>​109.2. If a spell or ability uses a description of an object that includes a card type or subtype, but doesn’t include the word “card,” “spell,​” “source,​” or “scheme,​” it means a permanent of that card type or subtype on the battlefield.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr109-2>​109.2. If a spell or ability uses a description of an object that includes a card type or subtype, but doesn’t ​refer to a specific zone or include the word “card,” “spell,​” “source,​” or “scheme,​” it means a permanent of that card type or subtype on the battlefield.\\  
-109.2. 如果咒语或异能使用类别或副类别描述物件,且并未使用“牌”、“咒语”、 “来源”或“阴谋”,它表示战场上该类别或副类别的永久物。+109.2. 如果咒语或异能使用类别或副类别描述物件,且并未提及某特定区域或未使用“牌”、“咒语”、“来源”或“邪计”,它表示战场上该类别或副类别的永久物。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr109-2a>​109.2a If a spell or ability uses a description of an object that includes the word “card” and the name of a zone, it means a card matching that description in the stated zone.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr109-2a>​109.2a If a spell or ability uses a description of an object that includes the word “card” and the name of a zone, it means a card matching that description in the stated zone.\\ ​
行 570: 行 635:
 109.2b 如果咒语或异能使用“咒语”一词描述物件,它表示在堆叠上符合该描述的咒语。 109.2b 如果咒语或异能使用“咒语”一词描述物件,它表示在堆叠上符合该描述的咒语。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr109-2c>​109.2c If a spell or ability uses a description of an object that includes the word “source,​” it means a source matching that description—either ​a source of an ability or a source ​of damage—in any zone. See rule 609.7.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr109-2c>​109.2c If a spell or ability uses a description of an object that includes the word “source,​” it means a source matching that description—a source of an ability, of damage, ​or of mana—in any zone. See rules 113.7 and 609.7.\\  
-109.2c 如果咒语或异能使用“来源”一词描述物件,它表示任何区域中符合该描述的来源—包括异能的来源和伤害的来源。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr609-7|609.7]]。+109.2c 如果咒语或异能使用“来源”一词描述物件,它表示任何区域中符合该描述的来源—包括异能伤害、或法术力的来源。参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr113-7|113.7]]和[[cr:​6#​cr609-7|609.7]]。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr109-2d>​109.2d If an ability of a scheme card includes the text “this scheme,” it means the scheme card in the command zone on which that ability is printed.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr109-2d>​109.2d If an ability of a scheme card includes the text “this scheme,” it means the scheme card in the command zone on which that ability is printed.\\ ​
-109.2d 如果阴谋牌的异能包含叙述“此阴谋”,它表示统帅区中印有该异能的阴谋牌。+109.2d 如果邪计牌的异能包含叙述“此邪计”,它表示统帅区中印有该异能的邪计牌。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr109-3>​109.3. An object’s characteristics are name, mana cost, color, color indicator, card type, subtype, supertype, rules text, abilities, power, toughness, loyalty, hand modifier, and life modifier. Objects can have some or all of these characteristics. Any other information about an object isn’t a characteristic. For example, characteristics don’t include whether a permanent is tapped, a spell’s target, an object’s owner or controller, what an Aura enchants, and so on.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr109-3>​109.3. An object’s characteristics are name, mana cost, color, color indicator, card type, subtype, supertype, rules text, abilities, power, toughness, loyalty, defense, hand modifier, and life modifier. Objects can have some or all of these characteristics. Any other information about an object isn’t a characteristic. For example, characteristics don’t include whether a permanent is tapped, a spell’s target, an object’s owner or controller, what an Aura enchants, and so on.\\  
-109.3. 物件的特征包括名称、法术力费用、颜色、颜色标志、牌类别、副类别、超类别、规则叙述、异能、力量、防御力、忠诚、手牌修正和生命修正。物件可以拥有一些甚至全部这些特征。所有关于物件的其他信息均不是特征。例如,特征不包括永久物是否横置、咒语的目标、物件的拥有者或操控者、灵气所结附的对象等。+109.3. 物件的特征包括名称、法术力费用、颜色、颜色标志、牌类别、副类别、超类别、规则叙述、异能、力量、防御力、忠诚、布防、手牌修正和生命修正。物件可以拥有一些甚至全部这些特征。所有关于物件的其他信息均不是特征。例如,特征不包括永久物是否横置、咒语的目标、物件的拥有者或操控者、灵气所结附的对象等。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr109-4>​109.4. Only objects on the stack or on the battlefield have a controller. Objects that are neither on the stack nor on the battlefield aren’t controlled by any player. See rule 108.4. There are five exceptions to this rule: \\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr109-4>​109.4. Only objects on the stack or on the battlefield have a controller. Objects that are neither on the stack nor on the battlefield aren’t controlled by any player. See rule 108.4. There are six exceptions to this rule:\\  
-109.4. 只有在堆叠中或战场上的物件才有操控者。不在堆叠或战场上的物件不受任何牌手操控。参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr108-4|108.4]]。此规则有条特例:+109.4. 只有在堆叠中或战场上的物件才有操控者。不在堆叠或战场上的物件不受任何牌手操控。参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr108-4|108.4]]。此规则有条特例:
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr109-4a>​109.4a ​An emblem ​is controlled by the player that puts it into the command zone. See rule 113, “Emblems.”\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr109-4a>​109.4a ​The controller of a mana ability ​is determined as though ​it were on the stack. See rule 605, “Mana Abilities.”\\  
-109.4a ​徽记的操控者为将它放进统帅区牌手。参见规则[[cr:​1#cr113|113]],“徽记”。+109.4a ​法术力异能的操控者以视同其在堆叠上方法来决定。参见规则[[cr:​6#cr605|605]],“法术力异能”。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr109-4b>​109.4b ​In a Planechase game, a face-up plane or phenomenon card is controlled by the player ​designated as the planar controllerThis is usually ​the active player. See rule 901.6.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr109-4b>​109.4b ​A triggered ability that has triggered but is waiting to be placed on the stack is controlled by the player ​who controlled its source at the time it triggered, unless it’s a delayed triggered abilityTo determine ​the controller of a delayed triggered ability, see rules 603.7d–f. See also rule 603, “Handling Triggered Abilities.\\  
-109.4b 在竞逐时空游戏中,面朝上时空牌或象牌由指定为时空操控者的牌手操控。通常这位牌手主动牌手。参见规则[[cr:​9#cr901-6|901.6]]。+109.4b ​一个已触发、但尚等待被放进堆叠触发式能的操控者为其触发时来源之操控者,除非该异能延迟触发式异能要确定延迟触发式异能的操控者,参见规则[[cr:​6#cr603-7d|603.7d-f]]。亦见规则[[cr:​6#cr603|603]],“处理触发式异能”
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr109-4c>​109.4c ​In a Vanguard game, each vanguard card is controlled by its owner. See rule 902.6.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr109-4c>​109.4c ​An emblem ​is controlled by the player who puts it into the command zone. See rule 114, “Emblems.\\  
-109.4c ​在先锋游戏中,每张先锋牌由其拥有者操控。参见规则[[cr:​9#cr902-6|902.6]]。+109.4c ​徽记的操控者为将它放进统帅区的牌手。参见规则[[cr:​1#cr114|114]],“徽记”
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr109-4d>​109.4d In an Archenemy ​game, each scheme ​card is controlled by its owner. See rule 904.7.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr109-4d>​109.4d In a Planechase ​game, a face-up plane or phenomenon ​card is controlled by the player designated as the planar controller. This is usually the active player. See rule 901.6.\\  
-109.4d 在魔王游戏中,每张阴谋牌由其拥有者操控。参见规则[[cr:​9#​cr904-7|904.7]]。+109.4d 在竞逐时空游戏中,面朝上的时空牌或异象牌由指定为时空操控的牌手操控。通常这位牌手是主动牌手。参见规则[[cr:​9#​cr901-6|901.6]]。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr109-4e>​109.4e In a Conspiracy Draft game, each conspiracy card is controlled by its owner. See rule 905.5. \\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr109-4e>​109.4e ​In a Vanguard game, each vanguard card is controlled by its owner. See rule 902.6.\\  
-109.4e 在诡局轮抽游戏中,每张诡局牌由其拥有者来操控。参见规则[[cr:​9#​cr905-5|905.5]]。+109.4e 在先锋游戏中,每张先锋牌由其拥有者操控。参见规则[[cr:​9#​cr902-6|902.6]]。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr109-4f>​109.4f In an Archenemy game, each scheme card is controlled by its owner. See rule 904.7.\\  
 +109.4f 在魔王游戏中,每张邪计牌由其拥有者操控。参见规则[[cr:​9#​cr904-7|904.7]]。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr109-4g>​109.4g ​In a Conspiracy Draft game, each conspiracy card is controlled by its owner. See rule 905.5.\\  
 +109.4g 在诡局轮抽游戏中,每张诡局牌由其拥有者来操控。参见规则[[cr:​9#​cr905-5|905.5]]。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr109-5>​109.5. The words “you” and “your” on an object refer to the object’s controller, its would-be controller (if a player is attempting to play, cast, or activate it), or its owner (if it has no controller). For a static ability, this is the current controller of the object it’s on. For an activated ability, this is the player who activated the ability. For a triggered ability, this is the controller of the object when the ability triggered, unless it’s a delayed triggered ability. To determine the controller of a delayed triggered ability, see rules 603.7d–f.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr109-5>​109.5. The words “you” and “your” on an object refer to the object’s controller, its would-be controller (if a player is attempting to play, cast, or activate it), or its owner (if it has no controller). For a static ability, this is the current controller of the object it’s on. For an activated ability, this is the player who activated the ability. For a triggered ability, this is the controller of the object when the ability triggered, unless it’s a delayed triggered ability. To determine the controller of a delayed triggered ability, see rules 603.7d–f.\\ ​
-109.5. 物件上的“你”和“你的”意指该物件的操控者、它即将的操控者(如果牌手正试图施放或起动它)或其拥有者(如果它没有操控者)。静止式异能的操控者为其所在物件的当前操控者。起动式异能的操控者为起动该异能的牌手。触发式异能的操控者为触发该异能时该物件的操控者,除非该异能为延迟触发异能。延迟触发异能的操控者,请参见[[cr:​6#​cr603-7d|603.7d-f]]+109.5. 物件上的“你”和“你的”意指该物件的操控者、它即将的操控者(如果牌手正试图施放或起动它)或其拥有者(如果它没有操控者)。静止式异能的操控者为其所在物件的当前操控者。起动式异能的操控者为起动该异能的牌手。触发式异能的操控者为触发该异能时该物件的操控者,除非该异能为延迟触发异能。延迟触发异能的操控者,请参见603.7d-f。
 ===== 110. 永久物 Permanents ===== ===== 110. 永久物 Permanents =====
行 607: 行 678:
 110.1. 永久物指战场上的牌或衍生物。永久物会无期限的留在战场。牌或衍生物于进战场时成为永久物,且于某些效应或规则将其移到其他区域时不再是永久物。 110.1. 永久物指战场上的牌或衍生物。永久物会无期限的留在战场。牌或衍生物于进战场时成为永久物,且于某些效应或规则将其移到其他区域时不再是永久物。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr110-2>​110.2. A permanent’s owner is the same as the owner of the card that represents it (unless it’s a token; see rule 110.5a). A permanent’s controller is, by default, the player under whose control it entered the battlefield. Every permanent has a controller.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr110-2>​110.2. A permanent’s owner is the same as the owner of the card that represents it (unless it’s a token; see rule 111.2). A permanent’s controller is, by default, the player under whose control it entered the battlefield. Every permanent has a controller.\\  
-110.2. 永久物的拥有者为代表该永久物的牌的拥有者(除非它是衍生物;参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr110-5a|110.5a]])。永久物的操控者在默认情况下,该永久物进入进战场操控者。每个永久物都有操控者。+110.2. 永久物的拥有者为代表该永久物的牌的拥有者(除非它是衍生物;参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr111-2|111.2]])。永久物的默认操控者是操控该永久物进战场的牌手。每个永久物都有操控者。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr110-2a>​110.2a If an effect instructs a player to put an object onto the battlefield,​ that object enters the battlefield under that player’s control unless the effect states otherwise.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr110-2a>​110.2a If an effect instructs a player to put an object onto the battlefield,​ that object enters the battlefield under that player’s control unless the effect states otherwise.\\ ​
 110.2a 如果一个效应指示牌手将一个物件放进战场,除非该效应另有指示,否则此物件在该牌手的操控下进战场。 110.2a 如果一个效应指示牌手将一个物件放进战场,除非该效应另有指示,否则此物件在该牌手的操控下进战场。
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr110-2b>​110.2b If an effect causes a player to gain control of another player’s permanent spell, the first player controls the permanent that spell becomes, but the permanent’s controller by default is the player who put that spell onto the stack. (This distinction is relevant in multiplayer games; see rule 800.4c.)\\ ​
 +110.2b 如果一个效应使牌手获得另一位牌手之永久物咒语的操控权,前者牌手操控该咒语所成为的永久物,但该永久物的默认操控者是将该咒语放进堆叠的牌手。(这个区别在多人游戏中会起作用;参见规则[[cr:​8#​cr800-4c|800.4c]]。)
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr110-3>​110.3. A nontoken permanent’s characteristics are the same as those printed on its card, as modified by any continuous effects. See rule 613, “Interaction of Continuous Effects.”\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr110-3>​110.3. A nontoken permanent’s characteristics are the same as those printed on its card, as modified by any continuous effects. See rule 613, “Interaction of Continuous Effects.”\\ ​
 110.3. 非衍生物永久物的特征为印在其牌面上的特征,并由任何持续性效应所修改。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr613|613]],“持续性效应的互动”。 110.3. 非衍生物永久物的特征为印在其牌面上的特征,并由任何持续性效应所修改。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr613|613]],“持续性效应的互动”。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr110-4>​110.4. There are five permanent types: artifact, creature, enchantment,​ land, and planeswalker. Instant and sorcery cards can’t enter the battlefield and thus can’t be permanents. Some tribal ​cards can enter the battlefield and some can’t, depending on their other card types. See section 3, “Card Types.”\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr110-4>​110.4. There are six permanent types: artifact, battle, creature, enchantment,​ land, and planeswalker. Instant and sorcery cards can’t enter the battlefield and thus can’t be permanents. Some kindred ​cards can enter the battlefield and some can’t, depending on their other card types. See section 3, “Card Types.”\\  
-110.4. 永久物的类别有种:神器、生物、结界、地和鹏洛客。瞬间和法术牌不能进入战场,所以它们不能成为永久物。一些部族牌可以进入战场,另一些则不能,取决于它们的其他牌类别。参见[[cr:​3|第3章]],“牌类别”。+110.4. 永久物的类别有种:神器、战役、生物、结界、地和鹏洛客。瞬间和法术牌不能进入战场,所以它们不能成为永久物。一些亲缘牌可以进入战场,另一些则不能,取决于它们的其他牌类别。参见[[cr:​3|第3章]],“牌类别”。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr110-4a>​110.4a The term “permanent card” is used to refer to a card that could be put onto the battlefield. Specifically,​ it means an artifact, creature, enchantment,​ land, or planeswalker card.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr110-4a>​110.4a The term “permanent card” is used to refer to a card that could be put onto the battlefield. Specifically,​ it means an artifact, battle, creature, enchantment,​ land, or planeswalker card.\\  
-110.4a “永久物牌”意指能被放进战场的牌。具体指神器、生物、结界、地或鹏洛客牌。+110.4a “永久物牌”意指能被放进战场的牌。具体指神器、战役、生物、结界、地或鹏洛客牌。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr110-4b>​110.4b The term “permanent spell” is used to refer to a spell that will enter the battlefield as a permanent as part of its resolution. Specifically,​ it means an artifact, creature, enchantment,​ or planeswalker spell.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr110-4b>​110.4b The term “permanent spell” is used to refer to a spell that will enter the battlefield as a permanent as part of its resolution. Specifically,​ it means an artifact, battle, creature, enchantment,​ or planeswalker spell.\\  
-110.4b “永久物咒语”意指作为结算的一部分将以永久物进入战场的咒语。具体指神器、生物、结界或鹏洛客咒语。+110.4b “永久物咒语”意指作为结算的一部分将以永久物进入战场的咒语。具体指神器、战役、生物、结界或鹏洛客咒语。
 <​BOOKMARK:​cr110-4c>​110.4c If a permanent somehow loses all its permanent types, it remains on the battlefield. It’s still a permanent.\\ ​ <​BOOKMARK:​cr110-4c>​110.4c If a permanent somehow loses all its permanent types, it remains on the battlefield. It’s still a permanent.\\ ​
 110.4c 如果一个永久物因为某些原因失去其所有永久物类别,它将依然留在战场上。它依然是永久物。 110.4c 如果一个永久物因为某些原因失去其所有永久物类别,它将依然留在战场上。它依然是永久物。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr110-5>​110.5. Some effects put tokens onto the battlefield. A token is a marker used to represent any permanent ​that isnt represented by a card.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr110-5>​110.5. A permanent’s status is its physical state. There are four status categories, each of which has two possible values: tapped/​untapped,​ flipped/​unflipped,​ face up/face down, and phased in/phased out. Each permanent always has one of these values for each of these categories.\\  
-110.5. ​一些效应会将衍生放进战场。衍生为表示不被牌所表示的永久物的标示物+110.5. ​永久的状态是它的理状况。状态包括四类,每一类都有两种可能情况:横置/​未横置、倒转/​未倒转、牌面朝下/​牌面朝上以及跃回/​跃离。每个永久物的每类状态总会属于这些情况之一
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr110-5a>​110.5a ​A token is both owned and controlled by the player under whose control ​it entered the battlefield.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr110-5a>​110.5a ​Status ​is not a characteristic,​ though ​it may affect a permanent’s characteristics.\\  
-110.5a ​衍生由操控其进入战场牌手拥有和操控+110.5a ​状态不是特征,但它有可能影响一个永久物的特征
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr110-5b>​110.5b The spell or ability that creates a token may define the values of any number of characteristics for the token. This becomes the token’s “text.” The characteristic values defined this way are functionally equivalent to the characteristic values that are printed on a card; for example, they define the token’s copiable values. A token doesn’t have any characteristics not defined by the spell or ability that created it.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr110-5b>​110.5b ​Permanents enter the battlefield untapped, unflipped, face up, and phased in unless a spell or ability says otherwise.\\  
-110.5b 派出衍生物的咒语或异能可能会定义该衍生物的一些特征值。这将成为该衍生物的“文字叙述”。以此法所定义的特征值与印在牌上的特征值在作用上相同;例如,它们定义该衍生物的可复制值。衍生物不具备派出它的咒语或异能所没有定义的特征。+110.5b 除非有咒语或异能特别说明,否则永久物进战场时皆为未横置、未倒转、牌面朝上且跃回。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr110-5c>​110.5c A permanent retains its status until a spell, ability, or turn-based action changes it, even if that status is not relevant to it.\\  
 +110.5c 永久物会一直维持其状态,直到一个咒语、异能或回合动作将之改变,即使该状态与其无关。 
 +Example: Dimir Doppelganger says “{1}{U}{B}:​ Exile target creature card from a graveyard. Dimir Doppelganger becomes a copy of that card and gains this ability.” It becomes a copy of Jushi Apprentice, a flip card. Through use of Jushi Apprentice’s ability, this creature flips, making it a copy of Tomoya the Revealer with the Dimir Doppelganger ability. If this permanent then becomes a copy of Runeclaw Bear, it will retain its flipped status even though that has no relevance to Runeclaw Bear. If its copy ability is activated again, this time targeting a Nezumi Shortfang card (another flip card), this permanent’s flipped status means it will have the characteristics of Stabwhisker the Odious (the flipped version of Nezumi Shortfang) with the Dimir Doppelganger ability.\\  
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr110-5d>​110.5d Only permanents have status. Cards not on the battlefield do not. Although an exiled card may be face down, this has no correlation to the face-down status of a permanent. Similarly, cards not on the battlefield are neither tapped nor untapped, regardless of their physical state.\\  
 +110.5d 只有永久物有状态。不在战场上的牌没有状态。虽然被放逐的牌可能会是牌面朝下,但这和永久物的牌面朝下状态没有关联。同样的,不在战场上的牌不论其物理状况均不是横置或未横置的。 
 +===== 111. 衍生物 Tokens ===== 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111>​111. Tokens\\  
 +111. 衍生物 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-1>​111.1. Some effects put tokens onto the battlefield. A token is a marker used to represent any permanent that isn’t represented by a card.\\  
 +111.1. 一些效应会将衍生物放进战场。衍生物为表示不被牌所表示的永久物的标示物。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-2>​111.2. The player who creates a token is its owner. The token enters the battlefield under that player’s control.\\  
 +111.2. 派出衍生物的牌手是其拥有者。该衍生物在该牌手的操控下进入战场。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-3>​111.3. ​The spell or ability that creates a token may define the values of any number of characteristics for the token. This becomes the token’s “text.” The characteristic values defined this way are functionally equivalent to the characteristic values that are printed on a card; for example, they define the token’s copiable values. A token doesn’t have any characteristics not defined by the spell or ability that created it.\\  
 +111.3. 派出衍生物的咒语或异能可能会定义该衍生物的一些特征值。这将成为该衍生物的“文字叙述”。以此法所定义的特征值与印在牌上的特征值在作用上相同;例如,它们定义该衍生物的可复制特征值。衍生物不具备派出它的咒语或异能所没有定义的特征。
 Example: Jade Mage has the ability “{2}{G}: Create a 1/1 green Saproling creature token.” The resulting token has no mana cost, supertypes, rules text, or abilities.\\ ​ Example: Jade Mage has the ability “{2}{G}: Create a 1/1 green Saproling creature token.” The resulting token has no mana cost, supertypes, rules text, or abilities.\\ ​
 例如:翠玉法师具有异能“{2}{G}:派出一个1/​1绿色腐生物衍生生物。”其产生的衍生物没有法术力费用、超类别、规则叙述或者异能。 例如:翠玉法师具有异能“{2}{G}:派出一个1/​1绿色腐生物衍生生物。”其产生的衍生物没有法术力费用、超类别、规则叙述或者异能。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr110-5c>110.5c A spell or ability that creates a token sets both its name and its subtype. If the spell or ability doesn’t specify the name of the token, its name is the same as its subtype(s). ​A “Goblin Scout creature token,” for example, is named “Goblin Scout” and has the creature subtypes Goblin and Scout. ​Once a token is on the battlefield,​ changing its name doesn’t change its subtype, and vice versa.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-4>111.4. A spell or ability that creates a token sets both its name and its subtype(s). If the spell or ability doesn’t specify the name of the token, its name is the same as its subtype(s) ​plus the word “Token.” Once a token is on the battlefield,​ changing its name doesn’t change its subtype(s), and vice versa.\\  
-110.5c 派出衍生物的咒语或异能设定其名称和副类别。如果该咒语或异能并未指明该衍生物的名称,则其名称其副类别相同。例如,一个鬼怪/​斥候生物”的名称为“鬼怪斥候”,且它的生物副类别为鬼怪和斥候。一旦衍生物在战场,改变其名称不会改变其副类别,反之亦然。+111.4. 派出衍生物的咒语或异能设定其名称和副类别。如果该咒语或异能并未指明该衍生物的名称,则其名称其副类别加上“衍生物”一词。一旦衍生物在战场,改变其名称不会改变其副类别,反之亦然。
-<​BOOKMARK:cr110-5d>​110.5d If spell or ability would create a tokenbut an effect states that a permanent with one or more of that token’s characteristics can’t enter the battlefieldthe token is not created.\\  +ExampleDwarven Reinforcements is sorcery that saysin part“Create two 2/1 red Dwarf Berserker creature tokens.” The tokens ​created ​as it resolves are each named Dwarf Berserker Token and each have the creature types Dwarf and Berserker.\\  
-110.5d ​果一个咒语或异能将派出衍生物,但某效应指明该具有衍生物的一个或多个特征之永久物不能进入场,则该衍生物被派出+:矮人增援是法术,其部分叙述为“派出两个2/​1红色矮人/狂战士生物。”其派出的每个衍生物名称均为“矮人狂衍生物”,且具鬼怪和斥候两种生物类别
-<​BOOKMARK:cr110-5e>​110.5e A token is subject to anything that affects permanents in general or that affects ​the token’s ​card type or subtype. A token isn’t a card (even if represented by a card that has a Magic back or that came from a Magic booster pack).\\  +ExampleMinsc, Beloved Ranger says, in part, “When Minsc, Beloved Ranger enters, create Boo, a legendary 1/1 red Hamster creature token with trample and haste.” That token’s subtype ​is Hamster, but because Minsc specifies ​that the token’s ​name is Boo, neither “Hamster” nor “Token” are part of its name.\\  
-110.5e ​衍生物会受到影响永久物的事物所影响同样会受到影响衍生物之类别或副类别的事所影响。衍生物不是牌(即使它由具有万智牌牌背的牌所代表,或从万智牌补充包中获得)+例如:厚爱游侠明斯克的部分叙述为“当厚爱游侠明斯克进场时,派出传奇生物布布其为1/​1红色,具践踏与敏捷异能的仓鼠。”该衍生物副类别为仓鼠,但由于明斯克指明了该衍生的名称为“布布”,“仓鼠”和“衍生物”均不是该衍生物名称一部分
-<​BOOKMARK:cr110-5f>​110.5f A token that’s ​in zone other than the battlefield,​ ceases to exist. This is a state-based action; see rule 704(Note that if a token changes zones, applicable triggered abilities ​will trigger before ​the token ceases to exist.)\\  +ExampleSpitting Image is a sorcery that says, in part, “Create a token that’s a copy of target creature.” All of that token’s characteristics ​will match the copiable characteristics of the creature targeted by that spell. If Spitting Image targets Doomed Dissenter, a Human creature, the name of the token the spell creates will be Doomed Dissenter, not Human Token or Doomed Dissenter Token.\\  
-110.5f 在战场以外的他区域的衍生物会消失。此为状态动作;参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]](注意如果一个生物改变区域相对应触发式异能会在其消失前触发+例如:射影是法术,部分叙述为“派出一个衍生物衍生物目标生物之复制品。”该衍生物的所有特征将与成为该咒语的目标之生物的可复制特征相同。如果射影指定注亡逆徒(一个人类生物)为目标则该咒语派出衍生物之名称为“注亡逆徒”,而非“人类衍生物”或“注亡逆徒衍生物”
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr110-5g>110.5g A token that has left the battlefield ​can’t ​move to another zone or come back onto the battlefield. ​If such a token would change zonesit remains in its current zone instead. It ceases to exist the next time state-based actions are checked; see rule 704.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-5>111.5. If a spell or ability would create a token, but a rule or effect states ​that a permanent with one or more of that token’s characteristics ​can’t ​enter the battlefield, the token is not createdSimilarly, if an effect would create ​a token that is a copy of an instant or sorcery cardno token is created.\\  
-110.5g 衍生物离开战场后将不能以任何方式回到战场。如果一个衍生物将回到战场它将改为留在当前的区域。它将在下一次检查状态动作时消失;参见规[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]]+111.5. 如果一个咒语或异能将派出衍生物,但某个规则或效应指明该具有衍生物的一个或数个特征之永久物不能进入战场,则该衍生物没有被派出相似地,如果一个效应将派出一个为一张瞬间或法术牌复制品的衍生物,则没有衍生物会被派出
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr110-6>110.6. A permanent’s status is its physical stateThere are four status categories, each of which has two possible values: tapped/​untapped,​ flipped/​unflipped,​ face up/face down, and phased in/phased out. Each permanent always has one of these values for each of these categories.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-6>111.6. A token is subject to anything that affects permanents in general or that affects the token’s card type or subtypeA token isn’t a card (even if represented by a card that has a Magic back or that came from a Magic booster pack).\\  
-110.6. 永久物的状态是它的理状况。状态包括四类每一两种可能情况:横置/​未横置、倒转/​未倒转、面朝下/面朝上以及跃回/​跃离。每个永久物每类状态总会属于这些情况之一+111.6. 衍生物会受到影响永久物的所影响同样会受到影响衍生物之别或副类别的事物所影响。衍生物不是牌(即使它由具万智牌牌背的牌所代表,或从万智牌的补充包中获得)
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr110-6a>110.6a Status ​is not characteristic,​ though it may affect ​permanent’s characteristics.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-7>111.7. A token that’s in a zone other than the battlefield ceases to exist. This is a state-based action; see rule 704. (Note that if token changes zones, applicable triggered abilities will trigger before the token ceases to exist.)\\  
-110.6a 状态不是特征,但它有可能影响一个永久物的特征+111.7. 在战场以外的其他区域的衍生物会消失。此为状态动作;参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]]。(注意如果一个衍生改变区域,相对应触发式异能将会在其消失前触发
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr110-6b>110.6b Permanents enter the battlefield ​untappedunflipped, face up, and phased ​in unless a spell or ability says otherwise.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-8>111.8. A token that has left the battlefield ​can’t move to another zone or come back onto the battlefield. If such a token would change zonesit remains ​in its current zone instead. It ceases to exist the next time state-based actions are checked; see rule 704.\\  
-110.6b 除非有咒语或异能特别说明,否则永久战场时皆为未横置、未倒转、牌面朝且跃回。+111.8. 衍生离开战场后将不能以任何方式回到战场上。如果一个衍生物将到战场,它将改为留在当前的区域。它将在下一次检查状态动作时消失;参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]]
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr110-6c>110.6c A permanent retains its status until spellability, or turn-based action changes it, even if that status ​is not relevant ​to it.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-9>111.9. Some effects instruct ​player to create a legendary token. These may be written “create [name]a . . .” and list characteristics for the token. This is the same as an instruction ​to create a token with the listed characteristics that has the given name.\\  
-110.6c 永久物会直维持其状态,直到一个咒语、异或回合动改变即使状态+111.9. 一些效应指示牌手派出一个传奇衍生物。这些效应可“派出[名称],其为. . .”,(译注:中文版叙述可能会写作“派出传奇衍生[牌张类别][名称]其为. . .”)随后列出衍生物的特征。这派出一个具有该特征且名称为该名称之衍生物的指示并区别
-ExampleDimir Doppelganger says “{1}{U}{B}:​ Exile target creature card from a graveyardDimir Doppelganger becomes a copy of that card and gains this ability.” It becomes ​copy of Jushi Apprentice, ​flip cardThrough ​use of Jushi Apprentice’s ability, this creature flips, making it a copy of Tomoya ​the Revealer ​with the Dimir Doppelganger abilityIf this permanent then becomes ​copy of Runeclaw Bear, it will retain its flipped status even though that has no relevance ​to Runeclaw Bear. If its copy ability is activated again, this time targeting a Nezumi Shortfang card (another flip card), this permanent’s flipped status means it will have the characteristics ​of Stabwhisker the Odious (the flipped version of Nezumi Shortfang) with the Dimir Doppelganger ability.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:cr111-10>​111.10Some effects instruct ​player to create ​predefined tokenThese effects ​use the definition below to determine the characteristics the token is created ​with. The effect that creates ​predefined token may also modify or add to the predefined ​characteristics.\\  
-例如:底密尔化妖的异能为“{1}{U}{B}:将目标生物牌从任一坟墓场放逐底密尔化妖成为该牌的复制,并获得此异能。”它成为学徒术士 (一张倒转牌)的复制。藉由使用学徒术士异能,让此生物倒转,使它成为具有底密尔化妖异能示现师智也的复制如果此永久物之后成为符爪熊的复制,它还维持倒转状态虽然此状态和符爪熊无关。如果再次起动它的复制异能,这次目标短牙鼠人 (另一张倒转牌),则此永久物的倒转状态表示具有可憎的刺须(倒转后的短牙鼠人)的特征并具有底密尔化妖的异能+111.10. 一些效应指示牌手派出预定义衍生物。这些效应使用以下定义来决定其派出时特征派出预定义衍生物之效应亦可能修改预先定义特征或对附加其他特征。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr110-6d>110.6d Only permanents have status. Cards not on the battlefield do not. Although an exiled card may be face down, this has no correlation to the face-down status ​of a permanent. Similarly, cards not on the battlefield are neither tapped nor untapped, regardless of their physical state.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-10a>111.10a A Treasure token is a colorless Treasure artifact token with “{T}Sacrifice ​this artifact: Add one mana of any color.\\  
-110.6d 只有永久物有状态。不在战场上的牌没有状态。虽然被放逐的牌可能会是牌面朝下但这和永久物牌面朝下状态没有关联同样的,不在战场上的牌不论其物理状况均不是横置或未横置的。+111.10a 珍宝衍生是具“{T}牺牲此神器:加一点任意颜色法术力无色珍宝衍生神器
-===== 111. 咒语 Spells ===== +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-10b>111.10b A Food token is a colorless Food artifact token with “{2}, {T}, Sacrifice this artifact: You gain 3 life.”\\  
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr111>​111. ​Spells\\  +111.10b 食品衍生物是具有“{T},牺牲此神器:你获得3点生命。”的无色食品衍生神器。
-111. 咒语+
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-1>111.1. spell is a card on the stack. As the first step of being cast (see rule 601, Casting Spells”), the card becomes a spell and is moved to the top of the stack from the zone it was in, which is usually its owner’s hand. (See rule 405, “Stack.”) A spell remains on the stack as a spell until it resolves (see rule 608, “Resolving Spells and Abilities”),​ is countered (see rule 701.5), or otherwise leaves the stack. For more information,​ see section 6, “Spells, Abilities, and Effects.”\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-10c>111.10c Gold token is a colorless Gold artifact token with Sacrifice this artifact: Add one mana of any color.”\\  
-111.1. 咒语指在堆叠中作为施放的第一步(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr601|601]],“施放咒语),牌成为咒语并从所在区域(通常是牌手手牌)移到堆叠的顶部。(参见规则[[cr:​4#​cr405|405]],“堆叠”。)咒语作为一个咒语存在于堆叠上,直到结算(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr608|608]],“结算咒语和异能”)、被反击(参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr701-5|701.5]])或其他情况下离开堆叠。更多信息参见[[cr:​6|第6章]],“咒语、异能和效应”+111.10c 黄金衍生物具有“牺牲此神器:加一点任意颜色法术力。”的无色黄金衍生神器
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-1a>111.1a copy of a spell is also spell, even if it has no card associated with it. See rule 706.10.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-10d>111.10d Walker token is a 2/2 black Zombie creature token named Walker.\\  
-111.1a 咒语的复制同样咒语,即使没有与它相关联牌。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr706-10|706.10]]+111.10d 尸行者衍生物名为尸行者2/​2黑色灵俑衍生生物
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-1b>111.1b Some effects allow player to cast a copy of a card; if the player does, that copy is a spell as well. See rule 706.12.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-10e>111.10e A Shard token is colorless Shard enchantment token with “{2}, Sacrifice this enchantment:​ Scry 1, then draw a card.\\  
-111.1b 一些效应允许牌手施放一张牌的复制;如果该牌手如此作,此复制也是咒语。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr706-12|706.12]]+111.10e 碎片衍生物是具有“{2},牺牲此结界:占卜1,然后抓一张牌。”无色碎片衍生结界
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-2>111.2. spell’s owner is the same as the owner of the card that represents it, unless it’s ​copy. In that casethe owner of the spell is the player under whose control it was put on the stack. A spell’s controller is, by default, the player who put it on the stack. Every spell has controller.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-10f>111.10f Clue token is a colorless Clue artifact token with “{2}Sacrifice this artifact: Draw card.\\  
-111.2个咒语的拥有者为代表该咒语之的拥有者,除非它为复制这种情况下,操控该咒语进入堆叠牌手为其拥有者。咒语的操控者在默认情况下是将它放进堆叠的牌手。每个咒语都有操控者+111.10f 线索衍生物是具有“{2},牺牲此神器:抓牌。无色线索衍生神器
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-3>111.3. noncopy spell’s characteristics are the same as those printed on its card, as modified by any continuous effects. See rule 613, “Interaction of Continuous Effects.”\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-10g>111.10g Blood token is a colorless Blood artifact token with “{1}, {T}, Discard a card, Sacrifice this artifact: Draw a card.”\\  
-111.3. 非复制的咒语的特征等同于印在其面上的特征由持续性效应修改参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr613|613]],“持续性效应互动”+111.10g 血滴衍生物是具有“{1},{T},弃一张牌,牺牲此神器:抓一张牌无色血滴衍生神器
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-4>111.4. If an effect changes any characteristics of a permanent spell, the effect continues to apply to the permanent when the spell resolves. See rule 400.7.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-10h>111.10h A Powerstone token is a colorless Powerstone artifact token with “{T}: Add {C}. This mana can’t be spent to cast a nonartifact spell.”\\  
-111.4. 如果一个效应改变永久物咒语的任何特征,该效应在该咒语结算时依然生效。参见规则[[cr:​4#​cr400-7|400.7]]。+111.10h 魔力石衍生物是具有“{T}:加{C}。此法术力不能用来施放非神器咒语。”的无色魔力石衍生神器。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-10i>​111.10i An Incubator token is a transforming double-faced token. Its front face is a colorless Incubator artifact with “{2}: Transform this artifact.” Its back face is a 0/0 colorless Phyrexian artifact creature named Phyrexian Token.\\  
 +111.10i 抚育器衍生物是转化式双面衍生物。其正面是无色抚育器神器,且具有“{2}:转化此神器。”其背面是名为非瑞人衍生物的0/​0无色非瑞人神器生物。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-10j>​111.10j A Cursed Role token is a colorless Aura Role enchantment token named Cursed with enchant creature and “Enchanted creature has base power and toughness 1/1.”\\  
 +111.10j 倒楣鬼角色衍生物是名为倒楣鬼,具有“结附于生物”与“所结附的生物的基础力量与防御力为1/​1。”的无色灵气/角色衍生结界。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-10k>​111.10k A Monster Role token is a colorless Aura Role enchantment token named Monster with enchant creature and “Enchanted creature gets +1/+1 and has trample.”\\  
 +111.10k 怪物角色衍生物是名为怪物,具有“结附于生物”与“所结附的生物得+1/​+1且具有践踏异能。”的无色灵气/角色衍生结界。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-10m>​111.10m A Royal Role token is a colorless Aura Role enchantment token named Royal with enchant creature and “Enchanted creature gets +1/+1 and has ward {1}.”\\  
 +111.10m 皇族角色衍生物是名为皇族,具有“结附于生物”与“所结附的生物得+1/​+1且具有守护{1}。”的无色灵气/角色衍生结界。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-10n>​111.10n A Sorcerer Role token is a colorless Aura Role enchantment token named Sorcerer with enchant creature and “Enchanted creature gets +1/+1 and has ‘Whenever this creature attacks, scry 1.’”\\  
 +111.10n 术士角色衍生物是名为术士,具有“结附于生物”与“所结附的生物得+1/​+1且具有‘每当此生物攻击时,占卜1。’”的无色灵气/角色衍生结界。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-10p>​111.10p A Virtuous Role token is a colorless Aura Role enchantment token named Virtuous with enchant creature and “Enchanted creature gets +1/+1 for each enchantment you control.”\\  
 +111.10p 善人角色衍生物是名为善人,具有“结附于生物”与“你每操控一个结界,所结附的生物便得+1/​+1。”的无色灵气/角色衍生结界。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-10q>​111.10q A Wicked Role token is a colorless Aura Role enchantment token named Wicked with enchant creature, “Enchanted creature gets +1/+1,” and “When this Aura is put into a graveyard from the battlefield,​ each opponent loses 1 life.”\\  
 +111.10q 恶人角色衍生物是名为恶人,具有“结附于生物”、“所结附的生物得+1/​+1。”与“当此灵气从战场进入坟墓场时,每位对手各失去1点生命。”的无色灵气/角色衍生结界。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-10r>​111.10r A Young Hero Role token is a colorless Aura Role enchantment token named Young Hero with enchant creature and “Enchanted creature has ‘Whenever this creature attacks, if its toughness is 3 or less, put a +1/+1 counter on it.’”\\  
 +111.10r 青年英雄角色衍生物是名为青年英雄,具有“结附于生物”与“所结附的生物具有‘每当此生物攻击时,若它的防御力等于或小于3,则在其上放置一个+1/​+1指示物。’”的无色灵气/角色衍生结界。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-10s>​111.10s A Map token is a colorless Map artifact token with “{1}, {T}, Sacrifice this artifact: Target creature you control explores. Activate only as a sorcery.” See rule 701.40, “Explore.”\\  
 +111.10s 地图衍生物是具有“{1},{T},牺牲此神器:令目标由你操控的生物勘察。只能于法术时机起动。”的无色地图衍生神器。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr701-40|701.40]],“勘察”。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-10t>​111.10t A Junk token is a colorless Junk artifact token with “{T}, Sacrifice this artifact: Exile the top card of your library. You may play that card this turn. Activate only as a sorcery.”\\  
 +111.10t 废料衍生物是具有“{T},牺牲此神器:放逐你的牌库顶牌。本回合中,你可以使用该牌。只能于法术时机起动。”的无色废料衍生神器。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-11>​111.11. If an effect instructs a player to create a token by name, doesn’t define any other characteristics for that token, and the name is not one of the types in the list of predefined tokens above, that player uses the card with that name in the Oracle card reference to determine the characteristics of that token.\\  
 +111.11. 如果一个效应令牌手派出一个具名称的衍生物,但未定义该衍生物的其他特征,且该名称也不是上述预定义衍生物的名称之一,则该牌手利用Oracle牌张参考文献中具该名称之牌确定该衍生物的特征。 
 +Example: Disa the Restless has the ability “Whenever one or more creatures you control deal combat damage to a player, create a Tarmogoyf token.” As that ability resolves, its controller creates a token with the same characteristics as the card named Tarmogoyf, as determined by the Oracle card reference.\\  
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-12>​111.12. If an effect instructs a player to create a token that is a copy of a nonexistent object, no token is created (see rule 707, “Copying Objects”). This does not apply to an effect that would use the last known information of an object.\\  
 +111.12. 如果一个效应令牌手派出一个衍生物且其为某不存在之物件的复制品,则不会有任何衍生物被派出(参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr707|707]],“复制物件”)。此规则不适用于使用某物件最后已知信息的效应。 
 +Example: Mimic Vat has a triggered ability whose effect gives you the option to exile a card and an activated ability that says “Create a token that’s a copy of a card exiled with Mimic Vat. It gains haste. Exile it at the beginning of the next end step.” If no card has been exiled with Mimic Vat’s triggered ability, no token is created.\\  
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr111-13>​111.13. A copy of a permanent spell becomes a token as it resolves. The token has the characteristics of the spell that became that token. The token is not “created” for the purposes of any replacement effects or triggered abilities that refer to creating a token.\\  
 +111.13. 永久物咒语的复制品于其结算时成为一个衍生物。该衍生物具有成为该衍生物之咒语的特征。对于提及派出衍生物的替代性效应或触发式异能而言,该衍生物并非被“派出”。 
 +===== 112. 咒语 Spells ===== 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr112>​112. Spells\\  
 +112. 咒语 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-1>​112.1. A spell is a card on the stack. As the first step of being cast (see rule 601, “Casting Spells”), the card becomes a spell and is moved to the top of the stack from the zone it was in, which is usually its owner’s hand. (See rule 405, “Stack.”) A spell remains on the stack as a spell until it resolves (see rule 608, “Resolving Spells and Abilities”),​ is countered (see rule 701.5), or otherwise leaves the stack. For more information,​ see section 6, “Spells, Abilities, and Effects.”\\  
 +112.1. 咒语是指在堆叠中的牌。作为施放的第一步(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr601|601]],“施放咒语”),牌成为咒语并从所在区域(通常是牌手的手牌)移到堆叠的顶部。(参见规则[[cr:​4#​cr405|405]],“堆叠”。)咒语作为一个咒语存在于堆叠上,直到结算(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr608|608]],“结算咒语和异能”)、被反击(参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr701-5|701.5]])或其他情况下离开堆叠。更多信息参见[[cr:​6|第6章]],“咒语、异能和效应”。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-1a>​112.1a A copy of a spell is also a spell, even if it has no card associated with it. See rule 707.10.\\  
 +112.1a 咒语的复制品同样是咒语,即使没有与它相关联的牌。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr707-10|707.10]]。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-1b>​112.1b Some effects allow a player to cast a copy of a card; if the player does, that copy is a spell as well. See rule 707.12.\\  
 +112.1b 一些效应允许牌手施放一张牌的复制品;如果该牌手如此作,此复制品也是咒语。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr707-12|707.12]]。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-2>​112.2. A spell’s owner is the same as the owner of the card that represents it, unless it’s a copy. In that case, the owner of the spell is the player under whose control it was put on the stack. A spell’s controller is, by default, the player who put it on the stack. Every spell has a controller.\\  
 +112.2. 一个咒语的拥有者为代表该咒语之牌的拥有者,除非它为复制品。这种情况下,操控该咒语进入堆叠的牌手为其拥有者。咒语的操控者在默认情况下是将它放进堆叠的牌手。每个咒语都有操控者。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-2a>​112.2a Some effects instruct a player to create a copy of a card and say they may cast it. In that case, the owner of that copy is the player who is instructed to create it and given permission to cast it.\\  
 +112.2a 一些效应指示牌手创造牌的复制品,且叙述该牌手可以施放之。这种情况下,该复制品的拥有者是被指示创造该复制品、并被给予许可以施放之的牌手。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-3>​112.3. A noncopy spell’s characteristics are the same as those printed on its card, as modified by any continuous effects. See rule 613, “Interaction of Continuous Effects.”\\  
 +112.3. 非复制品的咒语的特征等同于印在其牌面上的特征,由持续性效应修改。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr613|613]],“持续性效应的互动”。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-4>​112.4. If an effect ​of a resolving spell or ability ​changes any characteristics of a permanent spell, the effect continues to apply to the permanent when the spell resolves. See rule 400.7.\\  
 +112.4. 如果一个正在结算的咒语或异能的效应改变永久物咒语的任何特征,该效应在该咒语结算时依然生效。参见规则[[cr:​4#​cr400-7|400.7]]。
 Example: If an effect changes a black creature spell to white, the creature is white when it enters the battlefield and remains white for the duration of the effect changing its color.\\ ​ Example: If an effect changes a black creature spell to white, the creature is white when it enters the battlefield and remains white for the duration of the effect changing its color.\\ ​
 例如:如果某效应将一个黑色生物咒语改为白色,该生物在进入战场时为白色,且在该改变其颜色的效应生效期间均为白色。 例如:如果某效应将一个黑色生物咒语改为白色,该生物在进入战场时为白色,且在该改变其颜色的效应生效期间均为白色。
-===== 112. 异能 Abilities ===== +===== 113. 异能 Abilities ===== 
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112>112. Abilities\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113>113. Abilities\\  
-112. 异能+113. 异能
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-1>112.1. An ability can be one of two things:\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-1>113.1. An ability can be one of three things:\\  
-112.1. 异能为以下者之一:+113.1. 异能为以下者之一:
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-1a>112.1a An ability ​is a characteristic an object has that lets it affect the game. An object’s abilities are defined by its rules text or by the effect that created it. Abilities can also be granted to objects by rules or effects. (Effects that do so use the words “has,” “have,” “gains,​” or “gain.”) Abilities generate effects. (See rule 609, “Effects.”)\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-1a>113.1a An ability ​can be a characteristic an object has that lets it affect the game. An object’s abilities are defined by its rules text or by the effect that created it. Abilities can also be granted to objects by rules or effects. (Effects that grant abilities usually ​use the words “has,” “have,” “gains,​” or “gain.”) Abilities generate effects. (See rule 609, “Effects.”)\\  
-112.1a 异能物件上令其影响游戏的特征。一个物件的异能由其规则叙述或创造它的效应所定义。规则或效应也可以赋予物件异能。(这样的效应使用词语:“具有”或“获得”。)异能产生效应。(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr609|609]],“效应”。)+113.1a 异能可以是物件上令其影响游戏的特征。一个物件的异能由其规则叙述或创造它的效应所定义。规则或效应也可以赋予物件异能。(赋予异能的效应通常使用词语:“具有”或“获得”。)异能产生效应。(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr609|609]],“效应”。)
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-1b>112.1b An ability can be an activated or triggered ability on the stackThis kind of ability is an object(See section 6, “Spells, Abilities, and Effects.”)\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-1b>113.1b An ability can be something that a player has that changes how the game affects the playerA player normally has no abilities unless granted to that player by effects.\\  
-112.1b 异能可以是堆叠中起动式或触发式异能。此类异能为物件。(参见[[cr:​6|第6章]]“咒语、异能和效应”+113.1b 异能可以是牌手所具有某种事物,改变游戏如何影响该牌手除非有效应赋予牌手异能,否则通常牌手没有异能。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-2>112.2. Abilities ​can affect ​the objects they’re onThey can also affect other objects ​and/or players.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-1c>113.1c An ability ​can be an activated or triggered ability on the stackThis kind of ability is an object. (See section 6, “Spells, Abilities, ​and Effects.”)\\  
-112.2. 异能可以影响拥有该异能物件。它们也可以影响其他的物件/或牌手+113.1c 异能可以是堆叠中的起动式或触发式异能。此类异能为物件。(参见[[cr:​6|第6章]],“咒语、异能效应”
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-2a>112.2a Abilities can be beneficial or detrimental.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-2>​113.2. Abilities can affect the objects they’re on. They can also affect other objects and/or players.\\  
-112.2a 异能可以是有益或有害。+113.2. 异能可以影响拥有该异能的物件。它们也可以影响其他的物件和/​或牌手。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-2a>113.2a Abilities can be beneficial or detrimental.\\  
 +113.2a 异能可以是有益或有害。
 Example: “[This creature] can’t block” is an ability.\\ ​ Example: “[This creature] can’t block” is an ability.\\ ​
 例如:“[此生物]不能进行阻挡”是一个异能。 例如:“[此生物]不能进行阻挡”是一个异能。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-2b>112.2b An additional cost or alternative cost to cast a card is an ability of the card.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-2b>113.2b An additional cost or alternative cost to cast a card is an ability of the card.\\  
-112.2b 施放一张牌的额外费用或替代性费用是该牌的异能。+113.2b 施放一张牌的额外费用或替代性费用是该牌的异能。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-2c>​113.2c An object may have multiple abilities. If the object is represented by a card, then aside from certain defined abilities that may be strung together on a single line (see rule 702, “Keyword Abilities”),​ each paragraph break in a card’s text marks a separate ability. If the object is not represented by a card, the effect that created it may have given it multiple abilities. An object may also be granted additional abilities by a spell or ability. If an object has multiple instances of the same ability, each instance functions independently. This may or may not produce more effects than a single instance; refer to the specific ability for more information.\\  
 +113.2c 一个物件可以拥有多个异能。如果该物件由一张牌表示,则除了有特殊定义的异能可以在同一行之外(参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr702|702]],“关键字异能”),规则叙述的每个段落都是单独的异能。如果该物件并非由牌表示,创造它的效应可能会赋予其多个异能。一个物件可以被咒语或异能赋予额外的异能。如果同一个物件有多个相同的异能,每个异能分别各自运作。此情况有时会产生多个效应,有时则与只有一个异能时完全相同;详细情况参考该异能。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-2c>112.2c An object may have multiple abilities. If the object is represented by a card, then aside from certain defined abilities that may be strung together on a single line (see rule 702, “Keyword ​Abilities”), each paragraph break in a card’s text marks a separate abilityIf the object is not represented by a card, the effect that created it may have given it multiple abilities. An object may also be granted additional abilities by a spell or abilityIf an object has multiple instances of the same abilityeach instance functions independently. This may or may not produce more effects than a single instance; refer to the specific ability for more information.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-2d>113.2d Abilities ​can generate one-shot effects or continuous effectsSome continuous effects are replacement effects ​or prevention effectsSee rule 609“Effects.\\  
-112.2c 一个物件可以拥有多个异能。如果该物件由一张牌表示,则除了有特殊定义的异能可以在同行之外(参见规则[[cr:​7#cr702|702]],“关键字异能”),规则叙述的每个段落都是单独的异能。如果该物件并非由牌表示,创造它的效应可能会赋予其多个异能。一个物件可以被咒语或异能赋予额外的异能。如果同一个物件有多个相同的异能,每个异能分别各自运作。此情况有时会产生多个效应,有时则与只有一个异能时完全相同;详细情况参考该异能+113.2d 异能可以产生次性效应或持续性效应。一些持续性效应是替代性效应或防止性效应。参见规则[[cr:​6#cr609|609]],“效应
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-2d>112.2d Abilities can generate one-shot effects or continuous effectsSome continuous effects ​are replacement effects or prevention effects. See rule 609, “Effects.”\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-3>113.3There are four general categories of abilities:\\  
-112.2d 异能可以产生次性效应或持续性效应。一些持续性效应是替代性效应或防止性效应。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr609|609]],“效应”。+113.3. 异能一般分为四类:
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-3>112.3. There are four general categories of abilities:\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-3a>113.3a Spell abilities ​are abilities ​that are followed as instructions while an instant or sorcery spell is resolving. Any text on an instant or sorcery spell is a spell ability unless it’s an activated ability, a triggered ability, or a static ability that fits the criteria described in rule 113.6.\\  
-112.3. 异能一般分四类:+113.3a 咒语异能为瞬间或法术结算中遵照其叙述的异能。在张瞬间牌或法术咒语上的叙述均咒语异能,除非该异能遵循规则[[cr:​1#​cr113-6|113.6]]的描述而符合起动式异能、触发式异能或静止式异能。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-3a>112.3a Spell abilities are abilities that are followed ​as instructions ​while an instant or sorcery spell is resolvingAny text on an instant or sorcery spell is a spell ability ​unless ​it’s ​an activated abilitya triggered ability, or a static ability that fits the criteria described in rule 112.6.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-3b>113.3b Activated ​abilities ​have a cost and an effect. They are written ​as “[Cost]: [Effect.] [Activation ​instructions ​(if any).]” A player may activate such an ability ​whenever they have priority. Doing so puts it on the stack, where it remains until it’s ​counteredit resolves, or it otherwise leaves ​the stack. See rule 602, “Activating Activated Abilities.\\  
-112.3a 咒语异能为瞬间或法术结算中遵照叙述异能在一张瞬间或法术咒语上的叙述均为咒语异能,除非该异能遵循规则[[cr:1#cr112-6|112.6]]的描述而符合起动式异能、触发式异能或静止式异能+113.3b 起动式异能具有费用和效应。格式为“[费用]:[效应]。[起动限制(如果有话)]”。牌手在具有优先权时可以起动此类异能。此后异能进入堆叠,直到被反击、结算或离开堆叠。参见规则[[cr:6#cr602|602]],“起动起动式异能
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-3b>112.3b Activated ​abilities have a cost and an effect. They are written as “[Cost][Effect.[Activation instructions ​(if any).]” A player may activate such an ability ​whenever ​they have priorityDoing so puts it on the stack, where it remains ​until it’s countered, it resolves, or it otherwise leaves the stack. See rule 602, “Activating Activated ​Abilities.”\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-3c>113.3c Triggered ​abilities have a trigger condition ​and an effect. They are written as “[Trigger condition][effect],” and include ​(and usually begin withthe word “when,” whenever,” or “at.” Whenever the trigger event occurs, the ability is put on the stack the next time a player would receive priority and stays there until it’s countered, it resolves, or it otherwise leaves the stack. See rule 603, “Handling Triggered ​Abilities.”\\  
-112.3b 起动式异能具有费用和效应。其格式为“[费用][效应]。[起动限制如果有的话]”。牌手有优先权时可以起动此类异能。此后异能进入堆叠,直到被反击、结算或离开堆叠。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr602|602]],“起动起动式异能”。+113.3c 触发式异能具有触发条件和效应。其格式为“[触发条件][效应]”,且由包括并一般开头为“当、“每当”或“在”等词每当其触发事件发生时,该异能下一次牌手将得到优先权时进入堆叠,直到被反击、结算或离开堆叠。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr603|603]],“处理触发式异能”。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-3c>112.3c Triggered ​abilities ​have a trigger condition and an effect. They are written as “[Trigger condition], [effect],​” and  include (and usually begin with) the word “when,” “whenever,​” or “at.” Whenever ​the trigger event occurs, ​the ability is put on the stack the next time a player would receive priority ​and stays there until it’s countered, it resolves, or it otherwise leaves ​the stack. See rule 603, “Handling ​Triggered ​Abilities.”\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-3d>113.3d Static ​abilities are written as statementsThey’re simply true. Static abilities create continuous effects which are active while the permanent with the ability is on the battlefield ​and has the ability, or while the object with the ability is in the appropriate zone. See rule 604, “Handling ​Static ​Abilities.”\\  
-112.3c 触发式异能具有触条件和效应其格为“[触发条件],[效应]”,且由包括(一般开头为)“当”、“每当””等词。每当其触发事件发生时,该异能在下一次牌手将得到优先权时进入堆叠,直到被反击、结算或离开堆叠。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr603|603]],“处理触发式异能”。+113.3d 静止式异能为叙述。它们只是简单的静止异能创造持续性效应,且只要具有该异能的永久物在战场保有该异能,具有该异能的物件所对应的区域,该异能便。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr604|604]],“处理静止式异能”。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-3d>112.3d Static ​abilities are written as statements. They’re simply true. Static abilities create continuous effects which are active while the permanent with the ability is on the battlefield ​and has the abilityor while the object with the ability is in the appropriate zone. See rule 604, “Handling Static ​Abilities.”\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-4>113.4. Some activated abilities and some triggered ​abilities are mana abilitiesMana abilities follow special rules: ​They dont use the stack, ​and, under certain circumstances,​ a player can activate mana abilities even if they don’t have priority. See rule 605, “Mana Abilities.”\\  
-112.3d 静止式异能为叙述。它们只是简单的生。静止式异能创造持续性效应,且只要具有该异能的永久物在战场并保有该异能,或具异能的物件在所对应的区域,该异能便有效。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr604|604]],“处理静止式异能”。+113.4. 一些起动式异能和一些触发式异能为法术力异能。法术力异能遵循以下规则:它们不使用堆叠且在一些特殊情况下牌手可以在没优先权时起动法术力异能。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr605|605]],“法术力异能”。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-4>112.4. Some activated ​abilities and some triggered ​abilities are mana abilities. ​Mana abilities follow special rules: ​They don’t use the stack, and, under certain circumstances,​ a player ​can activate ​mana abilities even if they don'​t ​have priority. See rule 605, “Mana Abilities.”\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-5>113.5. Some activated abilities are loyalty ​abilities. ​Loyalty ​abilities follow special rules: ​player ​may activate ​a loyalty ability of a permanent they control any time they have priority ​and the stack is empty during a main phase of their turn, but only if no player has previously activated a loyalty ability of that permanent that turn. See rule 606, “Loyalty ​Abilities.”\\  
-112.4. 一些起动式异能和一些触发式异能为法术力异能。法术力异能遵循以下规则:它们不使用堆叠,且在一些特殊情况下牌手可以在有优先权时起动法术力异能。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr605|605]],“法术力异能”。+113.5. 一些起动式异能为忠诚异能。忠诚异能遵循以下规则:在牌手回合的行动阶段且堆叠为空时牌手可以随时他具有优先权时起动其所操控的某个永久物的一个忠诚异能,但只有在该永久物本回合没有起动过任何忠诚异能的前提下。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr606|606]],“忠诚异能”。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-5>112.5Some activated abilities are loyalty abilities. Loyalty abilities follow special rules: A player may activate a loyalty ability ​of a permanent they control any time they have priority and the stack is empty during a main phase of their turn, but only if no player has previously activated a loyalty ability of that permanent that turnSee rule 606, “Loyalty Abilities.”\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-6>113.6Abilities ​of an instant or sorcery spell usually function only while that object is on the stack. Abilities ​of all other objects usually function ​only while that object is on the battlefieldThe exceptions are as follows:\\  
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-6>112.6. Abilities of an instant or sorcery spell usually ​function ​only while that object is on the stack. Abilities of all other objects usually function only while that object is on the battlefieldThe exceptions are as follows:\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-6a>113.6a Characteristic-defining abilities ​function ​everywhere, even outside ​the game and before ​the game begins(See rule 604.3.)\\  
-112.6. 瞬间或法术咒语的异能通常只有该物件堆叠中的时候运作。其他物件的异能通常只有该物件战场的时候运作。下情况除+113.6a 特征定义异能在任何地方都运作,即使游戏以外或游戏开始前。(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr604-3|604.3]]。)
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-6a>112.6a Characteristic-defining abilities function everywhere, even outside the game. (See rule 604.3.)\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-6b>113.6b An ability that states which zones it functions in functions only from those zones.\\  
-112.6a 异能在任何地方都运作,即使在游戏以外。(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr604-3|604.3]]+113.6b 注明了在特定区域运作的异能,只这些区域才运作。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-6b>112.6b An ability that states which zones it functions ​in functions ​only from those zones.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-6c>113.6c An ability that states which zones it doesn’t function ​in functions ​everywhere except for the specified ​zones, even outside the game and before the game begins.\\  
-112.6b 注明了在特定区域运作的异能,这些区域运作。+113.6c 注明了在特定区域运作的异能,在该特定区域以外的任何区域运作,即使在游戏以外或游戏开始前
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-6c>112.6c An object’s ability that allows a player to pay an alternative cost rather than its mana cost or otherwise modifies what that particular object costs to cast functions on the stack.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-6d>113.6d An object’s ability that allows a player to pay an alternative cost rather than its mana cost or otherwise modifies what that particular object costs to cast functions on the stack.\\  
-112.6c 一个物件上允许牌手支付替代性费用来替代其法术力费用、或以其他方式影响施放这个特定物件之费用的异能,在堆叠上运作。+113.6d 一个物件上允许牌手支付替代性费用来替代其法术力费用、或以其他方式影响施放这个特定物件之费用的异能,在堆叠上运作。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-6d>112.6d An object’s ability that restricts or modifies how that particular object can be played or cast functions in any zone from which it could be played or cast and also on the stack. An object’s ability that grants it another ability that restricts or modifies how that particular object can be played or cast functions only on the stack.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-6e>113.6e An object’s ability that restricts or modifies how that particular object can be played or cast functions in any zone from which it could be played or cast and also on the stack. An object’s ability that grants it another ability that restricts or modifies how that particular object can be played or cast functions only on the stack.\\  
-112.6d 一个物件上限制或修改该物件如何被使用或施放的异能,只在该物件能够被使用或施放的区域中或堆叠上运作。一个物件上赋予其另一个限制或修改该物件如何被使用或施放之异能的异能只在堆叠上运作。+113.6e 一个物件上限制或修改该物件如何被使用或施放的异能,只在该物件能够被使用或施放的区域中或堆叠上运作。一个物件上赋予其另一个限制或修改该物件如何被使用或施放之异能的异能只在堆叠上运作。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-6e>112.6e An object’s ability that restricts or modifies what zones that particular object can be played or cast from functions everywhere, even outside the game.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-6f>113.6f An object’s ability that restricts or modifies what zones that particular object can be played or cast from functions everywhere, even outside the game.\\  
-112.6e 一个物件上限制或修改该物件在哪些区域可以被使用或施放的异能,在所有区域,即使游戏以外均运作。+113.6f 一个物件上限制或修改该物件在哪些区域可以被使用或施放的异能,在所有区域,即使游戏以外均运作。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-6f>112.6f An object’s ability that states it can’t be countered functions on the stack.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-6g>113.6g An object’s ability that states it can’t be countered ​or can’t be copied ​functions on the stack.\\  
-112.6f 一个物件叙述其不能被反击在堆叠上运作。+113.6g 一个物件叙述其不能被反击或不能被复制的异能在堆叠上运作。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-6g>112.6g An object’s ability that modifies how that particular object enters the battlefield functions as that object is entering the battlefield. See rule 614.12.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-6h>113.6h An object’s ability that modifies how that particular object enters the battlefield functions as that object is entering the battlefield. See rule 614.12.\\  
-112.6g 一个物件上修改该物件如何进入战场的异能,于该物件进入战场时运作。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr614-12|614.12]]。+113.6h 一个物件上修改该物件如何进入战场的异能,于该物件进入战场时运作。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr614-12|614.12]]。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-6h>112.6h An object’s ability that states counters can’t be put on that object functions as that object is entering the battlefield in addition to functioning while that object is on the battlefield.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-6i>113.6i An object’s ability that states counters can’t be put on that object functions as that object is entering the battlefield in addition to functioning while that object is on the battlefield.\\  
-112.6h 一个物件指明该物件不可放置指示物的异能,除了该物件在战场上时运作之外,于该物件进入战场时也额外运作。+113.6i 一个物件指明该物件不可放置指示物的异能,除了该物件在战场上时运作之外,于该物件进入战场时也额外运作。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-6i>112.6i An object’s activated ability that has a cost that can’t be paid while the object is on the battlefield functions from any zone in which its cost can be paid.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-6j>113.6j An object’s activated ability that has a cost that can’t be paid while the object is on the battlefield functions from any zone in which its cost can be paid.\\  
-112.6i 一个物件的起动式异能具有其在战场上时无法支付的费用,该异能在任何其起动费用可以被支付的区域生效。+113.6j 一个物件的起动式异能具有其在战场上时无法支付的费用,该异能在任何其起动费用可以被支付的区域生效。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-6j>112.6j A trigger condition that can’t trigger from the battlefield functions in all zones it can trigger from. Other trigger conditions of the same triggered ability may function in different zones.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-6k>113.6k A trigger condition that can’t trigger from the battlefield functions in all zones it can trigger from. Other trigger conditions of the same triggered ability may function in different zones.\\  
-112.6j 一个在战场上无法触发的触发条件,在该触发条件可以被触发的区域运作。同一个触发式异能的其他触发条件可能在不同区域运作。+113.6k 一个在战场上无法触发的触发条件,在该触发条件可以被触发的区域运作。同一个触发式异能的其他触发条件可能在不同区域运作。
-Example: Absolver Thrull has the ability “When Absolver Thrull enters ​the battlefield ​or the creature it haunts dies, destroy target enchantment.” The first trigger condition functions from the battlefield and the second trigger condition functions from the exile zone. (See rule 702.54, “Haunt.”)\\  +Example: Absolver Thrull has the ability “When Absolver Thrull enters or the creature it haunts dies, destroy target enchantment.” The first trigger condition functions from the battlefield and the second trigger condition functions from the exile zone. (See rule 702.55, “Haunt.”)\\  
-例如:赦罪索尔兽具有异能“ 当赦罪索尔兽进入战场或它所缠身的生物死去时,消灭目标结界。”第一个触发条件会在战场上触发,而第二个触发条件则在放逐区运作。(参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr702-54|702.54]],“缠身”。)+例如:赦罪索尔兽具有异能“当赦罪索尔兽进场或它所缠身的生物死去时,消灭目标结界。”第一个触发条件会在战场上触发,而第二个触发条件则在放逐区运作。(参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr702-55|702.55]],“缠身”。)
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-6k>112.6k An ability whose cost or effect specifies that it moves the object it’s on out of a particular zone functions only in that zone, unless ​that ability’s ​trigger conditionor a previous part of that ability’s ​cost or effectspecifies that the object is put into that zone. The same is true if the effect of that ability creates a delayed triggered ability whose effect moves the object out of a particular zone.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-6m>113.6m An ability whose cost or effect specifies that it moves the object it’s on out of a particular zone functions only in that zone, unless ​its trigger condition or a previous part of its cost or effect specifies that the object is put into that zone or, if the object is an Aura, that the object it enchants leaves the battlefield. The same is true if the effect of that ability creates a delayed triggered ability whose effect moves the object out of a particular zone.\\  
-112.6k 一个异能的费用或效应指定将它所在的物件从特定区域移开,则该异能只在这些区域运作,除非该异能的触发条件或该异能之前部分的费用或效应,指定将该物件放进该区域。若该异能的效应创造一个将该物件移出一个特定区域的延迟触发式异能,亦是如此。+113.6m 一个异能的费用或效应指定将它所在的物件从特定区域移开,则该异能只在这些区域运作,除非该异能的触发条件或该异能之前部分的费用或效应,指定将该物件放进该区域;或除非该物件是灵气,其结附的物件离开战场。若该异能的效应创造一个将该物件移出一个特定区域的延迟触发式异能,亦是如此。
 Example: Reassembling Skeleton says “{1}{B}: Return Reassembling Skeleton from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped.” A player may activate this ability only if Reassembling Skeleton is in their graveyard.\\ ​ Example: Reassembling Skeleton says “{1}{B}: Return Reassembling Skeleton from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped.” A player may activate this ability only if Reassembling Skeleton is in their graveyard.\\ ​
 例如:重组骷髅妖的异能描述为“{1}{B}:将重组骷髅妖从你的坟墓场横置进战场。”牌手只有重组骷髅妖在其坟墓场的情况下才能起动此异能。 例如:重组骷髅妖的异能描述为“{1}{B}:将重组骷髅妖从你的坟墓场横置进战场。”牌手只有重组骷髅妖在其坟墓场的情况下才能起动此异能。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-6m>112.6m An ability that modifies the rules for deck construction functions before the game begins. Such an ability modifies not just the Comprehensive Rules, but also the Magic: The Gathering Tournament Rules and any other documents that set the deck construction rules for a specific ​Constructed ​format. However, such an ability can’t affect the format legality of a card, including whether it’s banned or restricted. The current Magic: The Gathering Tournament Rules can be found at [url]http://​WPN.Wizards.com/​en/​resources/​rules-document[/​url].\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-6n>113.6n An ability that modifies the rules for deck construction functions before the game begins. Such an ability modifies not just the Comprehensive Rules, but also the Magic: The Gathering Tournament Rules and any other documents that set the deck construction rules for a specific format. However, such an ability can’t affect the format legality of a card, including whether it’s banned or restricted. The current Magic: The Gathering Tournament Rules can be found at WPN.Wizards.com/​en/​resources/​rules-documents.\\  
-112.6m 一个修改套牌构规则的异能在游戏开始前便已运作。此类异能不仅修改此完整规则,并且影响万智牌比赛规则以及规定构赛制中套牌构的其他文件。但此类异能不会影响一张牌在玩法中是否可以用,包括它是否被禁用或限用。当前的万智牌比赛规则可以在 [url]http://​WPN.Wizards.com/​en/​resources/​rules-document[/​url]找到。+113.6n 一个修改套牌构规则的异能在游戏开始前便已运作。此类异能不仅修改此完整规则,并且影响万智牌比赛规则以及规定构赛制中套牌构的其他文件。但此类异能不会影响一张牌在玩法中是否可以用,包括它是否被禁用或限用。当前的万智牌比赛规则可以在[url]http://​WPN.Wizards.com/​en/​resources/​rules-documents[/​url]找到。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-6n>112.6n Abilities of emblems, plane cards, vanguard cards, scheme cards, and conspiracy cards function in the command zone. See rule 113, “Emblems”;​ rule 901, “Planechase”;​ rule 902, “Vanguard”;​ rule 904, “Archenemy”;​ and rule 905, “Conspiracy Draft.”\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-6p>113.6p Abilities of emblems, plane cards, vanguard cards, scheme cards, and conspiracy cards function in the command zone. See rule 114, “Emblems”;​ rule 901, “Planechase”;​ rule 902, “Vanguard”;​ rule 904, “Archenemy”;​ and rule 905, “Conspiracy Draft.”\\  
-112.6n 徽记、时空牌、先锋牌、阴谋牌、和诡局牌的异能在统帅区生效。参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr113|113]],“徽记”;规则[[cr:​9#​cr901|901]],“竞逐时空”;规则[[cr:​9#​cr902|902]],“先锋”;规则[[cr:​9#​cr904|904]],“魔王”;以及规则[[cr:​9#​cr905|905]],“诡局轮抽”。+113.6p 徽记、时空牌、先锋牌、邪计牌、和诡局牌的异能在统帅区生效。参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr114|114]],“徽记”;规则[[cr:​9#​cr901|901]],“竞逐时空”;规则[[cr:​9#​cr902|902]],“先锋”;规则[[cr:​9#​cr904|904]],“魔王”;以及规则[[cr:​9#​cr905|905]],“诡局轮抽”。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-7>112.7. The source of an ability is the object that generated it. The source of an activated ability on the stack is the object whose ability was activated. The source of a triggered ability (other than a delayed triggered ability) on the stack, or one that has triggered and is waiting to be put on the stack, is the object whose ability triggered. To determine the source of a delayed triggered ability, see rules 603.7d–f.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-7>113.7. The source of an ability is the object that generated it. The source of an activated ability on the stack is the object whose ability was activated. The source of a triggered ability (other than a delayed triggered ability) on the stack, or one that has triggered and is waiting to be put on the stack, is the object whose ability triggered. To determine the source of a delayed triggered ability, see rules 603.7d–f.\\  
-112.7. 一个的异能的来源为创造该异能的物件。对于堆叠上的起动式异能,其来源为被起动该异能的物件。对于堆叠上的触发式异能(除延迟触发式异能外)或者已经触发而正在等待进入堆叠的异能,其来源为被触发异能的物件。决定延迟触发异能的来源,参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr603-7d|603.7d-f]]。+113.7. 一个的异能的来源为创造该异能的物件。对于堆叠上的起动式异能,其来源为被起动该异能的物件。对于堆叠上的触发式异能(除延迟触发式异能外)或者已经触发而正在等待进入堆叠的异能,其来源为被触发异能的物件。决定延迟触发异能的来源,参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr603-7d|603.7d-f]]。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-7a>112.7a Once activated or triggered, an ability exists on the stack independently of its source. Destruction or removal of the source after that time won’t affect the ability. Note that some abilities cause a source to do something (for example, “Prodigal Pyromancer deals 1 damage to target ​creature or player”) rather than the ability doing anything directly. In these cases, any activated or triggered ability that references information about the source ​because ​the effect needs to be divided ​checks that information when the ability is put onto the stack. Otherwise, it will check that information when it resolves. In both instances, if the source is no longer in the zone it’s expected to be in at that time, its last known information is used. The source can still perform the action even though it no longer exists.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-7a>113.7a Once activated or triggered, an ability exists on the stack independently of its source. Destruction or removal of the source after that time won’t affect the ability. Note that some abilities cause a source to do something (for example, “Prodigal Pyromancer deals 1 damage to any target”) rather than the ability doing anything directly. In these cases, any activated or triggered ability that references information about the source ​for use while announcing an activated ability or putting a triggered ability on the stack checks that information when the ability is put onto the stack. Otherwise, it will check that information when it resolves. In both instances, if the source is no longer in the zone it’s expected to be in at that time, its last known information is used. The source can still perform the action even though it no longer exists.\\  
-112.7a 异能一旦被起动或触发,则离开其来源单独存在于堆叠上。此后消灭或移除其来源不会影响到该异能。注意有些异能令其来源作某些事,(例如,“放荡烈焰术士对目标生物或牌手造成1点伤害”)而不是该异能直接作这些事。在这些情况下,任何因为需要分配效应从而引用其来源信息的起动式或触发式异能,在异能进入堆叠时检查该信息。否则它在结算时检查此信息。在这两种情况下,如果来源不再存在于它应在的区域中,最后已知信息将被使用。即使来源不再存在,它将依然可以完成这些动作。+113.7a 异能一旦被起动或触发,则离开其来源单独存在于堆叠上。此后消灭或移除其来源不会影响到该异能。注意有些异能令其来源作某些事,(例如,“放荡烈焰术士对任意一个目标造成1点伤害”)而不是该异能直接作这些事。在这些情况下,任何在宣告起动式异能或将触发式异能放进堆叠时引用其来源信息的起动式或触发式异能,在异能进入堆叠时检查该信息。否则它在结算时检查此信息。在这两种情况下,如果来源不再存在于它应在的区域中,最后已知信息将被使用。即使来源不再存在,它将依然可以完成这些动作。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-8>112.8. The controller of an activated ability on the stack is the player who activated it. The controller of a triggered ability on the stack (other than a delayed triggered ability) is the player who controlled the ability’s source when it triggered, or, if it had no controller, the player who owned the ability’s source when it triggered. To determine the controller of a delayed triggered ability, see rules 603.7d–f.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-8>113.8. The controller of an activated ability on the stack is the player who activated it. The controller of a triggered ability on the stack (other than a delayed triggered ability) is the player who controlled the ability’s source when it triggered, or, if it had no controller, the player who owned the ability’s source when it triggered. To determine the controller of a delayed triggered ability, see rules 603.7d–f.\\  
-112.8. 堆叠中起动式异能的操控者为起动该异能的牌手。堆叠中触发式异能的操控者(除延迟触发异能外)为当该异能触发时操控其来源的牌手,或者如果它没有操控者,则为当该异能触发时拥有其来源的牌手。确定延迟触发异能的操控者,参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr603-7d|603.7df]]。+113.8. 堆叠中起动式异能的操控者为起动该异能的牌手。堆叠中触发式异能的操控者(除延迟触发异能外)为当该异能触发时操控其来源的牌手,或者如果它没有操控者,则为当该异能触发时拥有其来源的牌手。确定延迟触发异能的操控者,参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr603-7d|603.7d-f]]。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-9>112.9. Activated and triggered abilities on the stack aren’t spells, and therefore can’t be countered by anything that counters only spells. Activated and triggered abilities on the stack can be countered by effects that specifically counter abilities. Static abilities don’t use the stack and thus can’t be countered at all.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-9>113.9. Activated and triggered abilities on the stack aren’t spells, and therefore can’t be countered by anything that counters only spells. Activated and triggered abilities on the stack can be countered by effects that specifically counter abilities. Static abilities don’t use the stack and thus can’t be countered at all.\\  
-112.9. 堆叠中的起动式和触发式异能不是咒语,所以不能被任何只反击咒语的事物所反击。堆叠中的起动式和触发式异能可以被特指反击异能的效应所反击。静止式异能不使用堆叠所以不能被反击。+113.9. 堆叠中的起动式和触发式异能不是咒语,所以不能被任何只反击咒语的事物所反击。堆叠中的起动式和触发式异能可以被特指反击异能的效应所反击。静止式异能不使用堆叠所以不能被反击。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-10>112.10. Effects can add or remove abilities of objects. An effect that adds an ability will state that the object “gains” or “has” that ability. An effect that removes an ability will state that the object “loses” that ability.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-10>113.10. Effects can add or remove abilities of objects. An effect that adds an ability will state that the object “gains” or “has” that ability, or similar. An effect that removes an ability will state that the object “loses” that ability.\\  
-112.10. 效应可以为物件添加或移除异能。一个添加异能的效应将令物件“得到”或“具有”该异能。一个移除异能的效应将令物件“失去”该异能。+113.10. 效应可以为物件添加或移除异能。一个添加异能的效应将令物件“得到”或“具有”该异能(或类似叙述)。一个移除异能的效应将令物件“失去”该异能。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-10a>112.10a An effect that adds an activated ability may include activation instructions for that ability. These instructions become part of the ability that’s added to the object.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-10a>113.10a An effect that adds an activated ability may include activation instructions for that ability. These instructions become part of the ability that’s added to the object.\\  
-112.10a 一个添加起动式异能的效应可能会包括该异能的起动限制。这些起动限制成为添加在该物件上的异能之一部分。+113.10a 一个添加起动式异能的效应可能会包括该异能的起动限制。这些起动限制成为添加在该物件上的异能之一部分。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-10b>112.10b Effects that remove an ability remove all instances of it.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-10b>113.10b Effects that remove an ability remove all instances of it.\\  
-112.10b 移除异能的效应将移除所有该对应的异能。+113.10b 移除异能的效应将移除所有该对应的异能。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-10c>112.10c If two or more effects add and remove the same ability, in general the most recent one prevails. See rule 613 for more information about the interaction of continuous effects.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-10c>113.10c If two or more effects add and remove the same ability, in general the most recent one prevails. See rule 613 for more information about the interaction of continuous effects.\\  
-112.10c 如果两个或以上效应添加和移除同一个异能,一般情况下以最近生效的一次为准。关于持续性效应的互动细节,参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr613|613]]。+113.10c 如果两个或以上效应添加和移除同一个异能,一般情况下以最近生效的一次为准。关于持续性效应的互动细节,参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr613|613]]。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-11>112.11 Effects can stop an object from having a specified ability. These effects say that the object “can’t have” that ability. If the object has that ability, it loses it. It’s also impossible for an effect to add that ability to the object. If a resolving spell or ability creates a continuous effect that would add the specified ability to such an object, that part of that continuous effect does not apply; however, other parts of that continuous effect will still apply, and that resolving spell or ability can still create other continuous effects. Continuous effects created by static abilities that would add the specified ability won’t apply to that object.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-11>113.11Effects can stop an object from having a specified ability. These effects say that the object “can’t have” that ability. If the object has that ability, it loses it. It’s also impossible for an effect ​or keyword counter ​to add that ability to the object. If a resolving spell or ability creates a continuous effect that would add the specified ability to such an object, that part of that continuous effect does not apply; however, other parts of that continuous effect will still apply, and that resolving spell or ability can still create other continuous effects. Continuous effects created by static abilities that would add the specified ability won’t apply to that object.\\  
-112.11 效应可以阻止物件具有某特定的异能。这些效应的叙述为该物件“不能具有”该异能。如果物件具有该异能,它失去之。也不可能有效应给该物件赋予该异能。如果一个结算中的咒语或异能创造一个将赋予该物件该特定异能的持续性效应,该持续性效应赋予此异能的部分不会生效,但是该持续性效应的其他部分仍然会生效,且这个结算中的咒语或异能依然可以创造其他持续性效应。由静止式异能创造将赋予该物件该特定异能的持续性效应不对这个物件生效。+113.11效应可以阻止物件具有某特定的异能。这些效应的叙述为该物件“不能具有”该异能。如果物件具有该异能,它失去之。也不可能有效应或关键字指示物给该物件赋予该异能。如果一个结算中的咒语或异能创造一个将赋予该物件该特定异能的持续性效应,该持续性效应赋予此异能的部分不会生效,但是该持续性效应的其他部分仍然会生效,且这个结算中的咒语或异能依然可以创造其他持续性效应。由静止式异能创造将赋予该物件该特定异能的持续性效应不对这个物件生效。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr112-12>112.12. An effect that sets an object’s characteristic,​ or simply states a quality of that object, is different from an ability granted by an effect. When an object “gains” or “has” an ability, that ability can be removed by another effect. If an effect defines a characteristic of the object (“[permanent] is [characteristic value]”), it’s not granting an ability. (See rule 604.3.) Similarly, if an effect states a quality of that object (“[creature] can’t be blocked,” for example), it’s neither granting an ability nor setting a characteristic. \\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-12>113.12. An effect that sets an object’s characteristic,​ or simply states a quality of that object, is different from an ability granted by an effect. When an object “gains” or “has” an ability, that ability can be removed by another effect. If an effect defines a characteristic of the object (“[permanent] is [characteristic value]”), it’s not granting an ability. (See rule 604.3.) Similarly, if an effect states a quality of that object (“[creature] can’t be blocked,” for example), it’s neither granting an ability nor setting a characteristic.\\  
-112.12. 一个设定物件特征或简单的列出该物件性质的效应,与赋予异能的效应不同。当一个物件“得到”或“具有”一个异能时,该异能可以被另一个效应移除。如果一个效应定义该物件的特征(“[永久物]是[特征]”),它将不是赋予异能。(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr604-3|604.3]]。)类似的,如果一个效应注明了一个物件的性质(比如,“[生物]不可被阻挡”),这并非赋予异能或者设定一个特征。+113.12. 一个设定物件特征或简单的列出该物件性质的效应,与赋予异能的效应不同。当一个物件“得到”或“具有”一个异能时,该异能可以被另一个效应移除。如果一个效应定义该物件的特征(“[永久物]是[特征]”),它将不是赋予异能。(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr604-3|604.3]]。)类似的,如果一个效应注明了一个物件的性质(比如,“[生物]不可被阻挡”),这并非赋予异能或者设定一个特征。
 Example: Muraganda Petroglyphs reads, “Creatures with no abilities get +2/+2.” A Runeclaw Bear (a creature with no abilities) enchanted by an Aura that says “Enchanted creature has flying” would not get +2/+2. A Runeclaw Bear enchanted by an Aura that says “Enchanted creature is red” or “Enchanted creature can’t be blocked” would get +2/​+2.\\ ​ Example: Muraganda Petroglyphs reads, “Creatures with no abilities get +2/+2.” A Runeclaw Bear (a creature with no abilities) enchanted by an Aura that says “Enchanted creature has flying” would not get +2/+2. A Runeclaw Bear enchanted by an Aura that says “Enchanted creature is red” or “Enchanted creature can’t be blocked” would get +2/​+2.\\ ​
 例如:莫甘达石雕的叙述为“没有异能的生物得+2/​+2”。符爪熊(一个没有异能的生物)上结附了一个“被结附的生物拥有飞行异能”的灵气,则它将不会得到+2/​+2。结附有叙述为“被结附的生物是红色”灵气或叙述为“被结附的生物不可被阻挡”灵气的符爪熊则会得到+2/​+2。 例如:莫甘达石雕的叙述为“没有异能的生物得+2/​+2”。符爪熊(一个没有异能的生物)上结附了一个“被结附的生物拥有飞行异能”的灵气,则它将不会得到+2/​+2。结附有叙述为“被结附的生物是红色”灵气或叙述为“被结附的生物不可被阻挡”灵气的符爪熊则会得到+2/​+2。
-===== 113. 徽记 Emblems ===== +===== 114. 徽记 Emblems ===== 
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr113>113. Emblems\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr114>114. Emblems\\  
-113. 徽记+114. 徽记
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-1>113.1. Some effects put emblems into the command zone. An emblem is a marker used to represent an object that has one or more abilities, but no other characteristics.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-1>114.1. Some effects put emblems into the command zone. An emblem is a marker used to represent an object that has one or more abilities, but usually ​no other characteristics.\\  
-113.1. 一些效应会将徽记放入统帅区。徽记是个标记,代表具有一个或数个异能的物件,没有其他特征。+114.1. 一些效应会将徽记放入统帅区。徽记是个标记,代表具有一个或数个异能的物件,通常没有其他特征。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-2>113.2. An effect that creates an emblem is written “[Player] gets an emblem with [ability].” This means that [player] puts an emblem with [ability] into the command zone. The emblem is both owned and controlled by that player.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-2>114.2. An effect that creates an emblem is written “[Player] gets an emblem with [ability].” This means that [player] puts an emblem with [ability] into the command zone. The emblem is both owned and controlled by that player.\\  
-113.2. 产生徽记的效应格式为“[牌手]获得具有[异能]的徽记。”这代表该[牌手]将一个具有[异能]的徽记放进统帅区。此徽记由该牌手拥有和操控。+114.2. 产生徽记的效应格式为“[牌手]获得具有[异能]的徽记。”这代表该[牌手]将一个具有[异能]的徽记放进统帅区。此徽记由该牌手拥有和操控。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-3>113.3. An emblem has no characteristics other than the abilities defined by the effect that created it. In particular, an emblem has no name, no types, no mana cost, and no color.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-3>114.3. An emblem has no characteristics other than the abilities defined by the effect that created it. In particular, an emblem has no types, no mana cost, and no color. Most emblems also have no name.\\  
-113.3. 除了创造该徽记之效应所定义的特征之外,它不具有其他特征。特别来说,徽记没有名称,没有类别,没有法术力费用,也没有颜色。+114.3. 除了创造该徽记之效应所定义的特征之外,它不具有其他特征。特别来说,徽记没有类别,没有法术力费用,也没有颜色。大部分徽记也没有名称
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-4>113.4. Abilities of emblems function in the command zone.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-4>114.4. Abilities of emblems function in the command zone.\\  
-113.4. 徽记的异能会在统帅区生效。+114.4. 徽记的异能会在统帅区生效。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr113-5>113.5. An emblem is neither a card nor a permanent. Emblem isn’t a card type.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-5>114.5. An emblem is neither a card nor a permanent. Emblem isn’t a card type.\\  
-113.5. 徽记并非牌,也不是永久物。徽记不是牌类别。+114.5. 徽记并非牌,也不是永久物。徽记不是牌类别。
-===== 114. 目标 Targets ===== +===== 115. 目标 Targets ===== 
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr114>114. Targets\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr115>115. Targets\\  
-114. 目标+115. 目标
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-1>114.1. Some spells and abilities require their controller to choose one or more targets for them. The targets are object(s), player(s), ​and/​or ​zone(s) the spell or ability will affect. These targets are declared as part of the process of putting the spell or ability on the stack. The targets can’t be changed except by another spell or ability that explicitly says it can do so.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-1>115.1. Some spells and abilities require their controller to choose one or more targets for them. The targets are object(s) and/​or ​player(s) the spell or ability will affect. These targets are declared as part of the process of putting the spell or ability on the stack. The targets can’t be changed except by another spell or ability that explicitly says it can do so.\\  
-114.1. 一些咒语和异能会要求其操控者选择一个或个目标。目标为咒语或异能将影响的物件、牌手和/或区域。宣告目标是将咒语或异能放入堆叠过程的一部分。除非被另一个明确说明的咒语或异能,否则目标不能被更改。+115.1. 一些咒语和异能会要求其操控者选择一个或个目标。目标为咒语或异能将影响的物件和/​或牌手。宣告目标是将咒语或异能放入堆叠过程的一部分。除非被另一个明确说明的咒语或异能,否则目标不能被更改。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-1a>114.1a An instant or sorcery spell is targeted if its spell ability identifies something it will affect by using the phrase “target [something],​” where the “something” is a phrase that describes an objectplayer, or zone. The target(s) are chosen as the spell is cast; see rule 601.2c. (If an activated or triggered ability of an instant or sorcery uses the word target, that ability is targeted, but the spell is not.)\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-1a>115.1a An instant or sorcery spell is targeted if its spell ability identifies something it will affect by using the phrase “target [something],​” where the “something” is a phrase that describes an object ​and/​or ​player. The target(s) are chosen as the spell is cast; see rule 601.2c. (If an activated or triggered ability of an instant or sorcery uses the word target, that ability is targeted, but the spell is not.)\\  
-114.1a 如果一个瞬间或法术咒语的咒语异能使用“目标[对象]”来描述其将影响的对象,其中“对象”描述一个物件牌手或区域,则该咒语具有目标。目标于施放咒语时选择;参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr601-2c|601.2c]]。(如果一个瞬间或法术所具有的起动式或触发式异能使用了目标一词,则该异能具有目标,但咒语本身并不因此而具有目标。)+115.1a 如果一个瞬间或法术咒语的咒语异能使用“目标[对象]”来描述其将影响的对象,其中“对象”描述一个物件和/或牌手,则该咒语具有目标。目标于施放咒语时选择;参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr601-2c|601.2c]]。(如果一个瞬间或法术所具有的起动式或触发式异能使用了目标一词,则该异能具有目标,但咒语本身并不因此而具有目标。)
 Example: A sorcery card has the ability “When you cycle this card, target creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn.” This triggered ability is targeted, but that doesn’t make the card it’s on targeted.\\ ​ Example: A sorcery card has the ability “When you cycle this card, target creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn.” This triggered ability is targeted, but that doesn’t make the card it’s on targeted.\\ ​
 例如:某法术牌具有异能“当你循环此牌时,目标生物得到-1/​-1直到回合结束。”该触发式异能具有目标,但具有该异能的牌并不因此而具有目标。 例如:某法术牌具有异能“当你循环此牌时,目标生物得到-1/​-1直到回合结束。”该触发式异能具有目标,但具有该异能的牌并不因此而具有目标。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-1b>114.1b Aura spells are always targeted. These are the only permanent spells with targets. An Aura’s target is specified by its enchant keyword ability (see rule 702.5, “Enchant”). The target(s) are chosen as the spell is cast; see rule 601.2c. An Aura permanent doesn’t target anything; only the spell is targeted. (An activated or triggered ability of an Aura permanent can also be targeted.)\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-1b>115.1b Aura spells are always targeted. An Aura’s target is specified by its enchant keyword ability (see rule 702.5, “Enchant”). The target ​is chosen as the spell is cast; see rule 601.2c. An Aura permanent doesn’t target anything; only the spell is targeted. (An activated or triggered ability of an Aura permanent can also be targeted.)\\  
-114.1b 灵气咒语一定具有目标。它们是唯一具有目标的永久物咒语。灵气的目标由它的结附关键字异能决定(参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr702-5|702.5]],“结附”)。目标于施放咒语时选择;参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr601-2c|601.2c]]。灵气永久物不具有目标;只有咒语才具有目标。(灵气永久物的起动式或触发式异能可能会具有目标。)+115.1b 灵气咒语一定具有目标。灵气的目标由它的结附关键字异能决定(参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr702-5|702.5]],“结附”)。目标于施放咒语时选择;参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr601-2c|601.2c]]。灵气永久物不具有目标;只有咒语才具有目标。(灵气永久物的起动式或触发式异能可能会具有目标。)
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-1c>114.1c An activated ability is targeted if it identifies something it will affect by using the phrase “target [something],​” where the “something” is a phrase that describes an objectplayer, or zone. The target(s) are chosen as the ability is activated; see rule 602.2b.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-1c>115.1c An activated ability is targeted if it identifies something it will affect by using the phrase “target [something],​” where the “something” is a phrase that describes an object ​and/​or ​player. The target(s) are chosen as the ability is activated; see rule 602.2b.\\  
-114.1c 如果一个起动式异能使用“目标[对象]”来描述其将影响的对象,其中“对象”描述一个物件牌手或区域,则该异能具有目标。目标于起动异能时选择;参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr602-2b|602.2b]]。+115.1c 如果一个起动式异能使用“目标[对象]”来描述其将影响的对象,其中“对象”描述一个物件和/或牌手,则该异能具有目标。目标于起动异能时选择;参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr602-2b|602.2b]]。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-1d>114.1d A triggered ability is targeted if it identifies something it will affect by using the phrase “target [something],​” where the “something” is a phrase that describes an objectplayer, or zone. The target(s) are chosen as the ability is put on the stack; see rule 603.3d.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-1d>115.1d A triggered ability is targeted if it identifies something it will affect by using the phrase “target [something],​” where the “something” is a phrase that describes an object ​and/​or ​player. The target(s) are chosen as the ability is put on the stack; see rule 603.3d.\\  
-114.1d 如果一个触发式异能使用“目标[对象]”来描述其将影响的对象,其中“对象”描述一个物件牌手或区域,则该异能具有目标。目标于异能进入堆叠时选择;参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr603-3d|603.3d]]。+115.1d 如果一个触发式异能使用“目标[对象]”来描述其将影响的对象,其中“对象”描述一个物件和/或牌手,则该异能具有目标。目标于异能进入堆叠时选择;参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr603-3d|603.3d]]。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-1e>114.1e Some keyword abilities, such as equip and provoke, represent targeted activated or triggered abilities. In those cases, the phrase “target [something]” appears in the rule for that keyword ability rather than in the ability itself. (The keyword’s reminder text will often contain the word “target.”) See rule 702, “Keyword Abilities.”\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-1e>115.1e Some keyword abilities, such as equip and modular, represent targeted activated or triggered abilities, and some keyword abilities, such as mutate, cause spells to have targets. In those cases, the phrase “target [something]” appears in the rule for that keyword ability rather than in the ability itself. (The keyword’s reminder text will often contain the word “target.”) See rule 702, “Keyword Abilities.”\\  
-114.1e 一些关键字异能,例如佩带和挑拨,代表了具有目标的起动式或触发式异能。在这些情况下,该关键字异能的规则叙述中出现描述“目标[对象]”,而不是异能本身。(该关键字异能的规则提示经常会包含“目标”一词。)参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr702|702]],“关键字异能”。+115.1e 一些关键字异能,例如佩带和套件,代表了具有目标的起动式或触发式异能;还有一些关键字异能,例如合变,会使咒语具有目标。在这些情况下,该关键字异能的规则叙述中出现描述“目标[对象]”,而不是异能本身。(该关键字异能的规则提示经常会包含“目标”一词。)参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr702|702]],“关键字异能”。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-2>114.2. Only permanents are legal targets for spells and abilities, unless a spell or ability (a) specifies that it can target an object in another zone or a player, (b) targets an object that can’t exist on the battlefield,​ such as a spell or ability, or (c) targets a zone.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-2>115.2. Only permanents are legal targets for spells and abilities, unless a spell or ability (a) specifies that it can target an object in another zone or a player, ​or (b) targets an object that can’t exist on the battlefield,​ such as a spell or ability. See also rule 115.4.\\  
-114.2. 只有永久物是咒语或异能的合法目标,除非该咒语或异能(a)特别指出它可以目标其他区域的物件或牌手,(b)目标不能出现在战场上的物件,例如咒语或异能,或者(c)目标一个区域+115.2. 只有永久物是咒语或异能的合法目标,除非该咒语或异能(a)特别指出它可以目标其他区域的物件或牌手,或者(b)目标不能出现在战场上的物件,例如咒语或异能。亦参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr115-4|115.4]]
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-3>114.3. The same target can’t be chosen multiple times for any one instance of the word “target” on a spell or ability. If the spell or ability uses the word “target” in multiple places, the same objectplayer, or zone can be chosen once for each instance of the word “target” (as long as it fits the targeting criteria). This rule applies both when choosing targets for a spell or ability and when changing targets or choosing new targets for a spell or ability (see rule 114.7).\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-3>115.3. The same target can’t be chosen multiple times for any one instance of the word “target” on a spell or ability. If the spell or ability uses the word “target” in multiple places, the same object ​or player can be chosen once for each instance of the word “target” (as long as it fits the targeting criteria). This rule applies both when choosing targets for a spell or ability and when changing targets or choosing new targets for a spell or ability (see rule 115.7).\\  
-114.3. 咒语或异能上的每个“目标”一词不能重复多次选择同一个目标。如果咒语或异能上有多处“目标”一词,则同一个物件牌手或区域可以被每个“目标”一词选择一次(只要该目标符合标准)。此规则在为咒语或异能选择目标,以及在为咒语或异能改变或选择新的目标时都生效(参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr114-7|114.7]])。+115.3. 咒语或异能上的每个“目标”一词不能重复多次选择同一个目标。如果咒语或异能上有多处“目标”一词,则同一个物件牌手可以被每个“目标”一词选择一次(只要该目标符合标准)。此规则在为咒语或异能选择目标,以及在为咒语或异能改变或选择新的目标时都生效(参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr115-6|115.6]])。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-4>114.4. Some spells and abilities that refer to damage require “any target,” “another target,” “two targets,” or similar rather than “target [something].” These targets may be creatures, players, ​or planeswalkers. Other game objects, such as noncreature artifacts or spells, can’t be chosen.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-4>115.4. Some spells and abilities that refer to damage require “any target,” “another target,” “two targets,” or similar rather than “target [something].” These targets may be creatures, players, planeswalkers, or battles. Other game objects, such as noncreature artifacts or spells, can’t be chosen.\\  
-114.4. 一些提及伤害的咒语或异能需要“任意一个目标”、“另一个目标”、“两个目标”等类似叙述,而非“目标[某事物]”。这些目标可以是生物、牌手鹏洛客。其他游戏物件,例如非生物的神器或咒语等,不能被选为目标。+115.4. 一些提及伤害的咒语或异能需要“任意一个目标”、“另一个目标”、“两个目标”等类似叙述,而非“目标[某事物]”。这些目标可以是生物、牌手鹏洛客或战役。其他游戏物件,例如非生物的神器或咒语等,不能被选为目标。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-5>114.5. A spell or ability on the stack is an illegal target for itself.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-5>115.5. A spell or ability on the stack is an illegal target for itself.\\  
-114.5. 堆叠上的咒语或异能不是其本身的合法目标。+115.5. 堆叠上的咒语或异能不是其本身的合法目标。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-6>114.6. Spells and abilities ​that can have zero or more targets ​are targeted only if one or more targets have been chosen for them.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-6>115.6. A spell or ability ​that requires targets may allow zero targets to be chosen. Such a spell or ability is still said to require ​targets, but that spell or ability is targeted only if one or more targets have been chosen for it.\\  
-114.6. 可以有个或多个目标咒语异能只有在选择一个或以上目标的情况下才具有目标。+115.6. 需要目标的咒语或异能能会允许选择零个目标。此咒语异能仍视为需要目标,但仅当为其选择一个或数个目标时,该咒语或异能才具有目标。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-7>114.7. Some effects allow a player to change the target(s) of a spell or ability, and other effects allow a player to choose new targets for a spell or ability.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-7>115.7. Some effects allow a player to change the target(s) of a spell or ability, and other effects allow a player to choose new targets for a spell or ability.\\  
-114.7. 一些效应允许牌手更改咒语或异能的目标。另一些效应允许牌手为咒语或异能选择新的目标。+115.7. 一些效应允许牌手更改咒语或异能的目标。另一些效应允许牌手为咒语或异能选择新的目标。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-7a>114.7a If an effect allows a player to “change the target(s)” of a spell or ability, each target can be changed only to another legal target. If a target can’t be changed to another legal target, the original target is unchanged, even if the original target is itself illegal by then. If all the targets aren’t changed to other legal targets, none of them are changed.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-7a>115.7a If an effect allows a player to “change the target(s)” of a spell or ability, each target can be changed only to another legal target. If a target can’t be changed to another legal target, the original target is unchanged, even if the original target is itself illegal by then. If all the targets aren’t changed to other legal targets, none of them are changed.\\  
-114.7a 如果一个效应允许牌手为咒语或异能“更改目标”,每个目标只能被更改为另一个合法目标。如果某个目标不能被更改为另一个合法目标,原目标便不会被改变,即使原目标在此时已经不合法。如果所有目标都未更改为其他的合法目标,则没有目标被改变。+115.7a 如果一个效应允许牌手为咒语或异能“更改目标”,每个目标只能被更改为另一个合法目标。如果某个目标不能被更改为另一个合法目标,原目标便不会被改变,即使原目标在此时已经不合法。如果所有目标都未更改为其他的合法目标,则没有目标被改变。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-7b>114.7b If an effect allows a player to “change a target” of a spell or ability, the process described in rule 114.7a is followed, except that only one of those targets may be changed (rather than all of them or none of them).\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-7b>115.7b If an effect allows a player to “change a target” of a spell or ability, the process described in rule 115.7a is followed, except that only one of those targets may be changed (rather than all of them or none of them).\\  
-114.7b 如果一个效应允许牌手为咒语或异能“更改一个目标”,除了只能更改所有目标中的一个(而非更改全部目标或不更改目标)以外,如规则[[cr:​1#​cr114-7a|114.7a]]中所述的过程仍然适用。+115.7b 如果一个效应允许牌手为咒语或异能“更改一个目标”,除了只能更改所有目标中的一个(而非更改全部目标或不更改目标)以外,如规则[[cr:​1#​cr115-7a|115.7a]]中所述的过程仍然适用。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-7c>114.7c If an effect allows a player to “change any targets” of a spell or ability, the process described in rule 114.7a is followed, except that any number of those targets may be changed (rather than all of them or none of them).\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-7c>115.7c If an effect allows a player to “change any targets” of a spell or ability, the process described in rule 115.7a is followed, except that any number of those targets may be changed (rather than all of them or none of them).\\  
-114.7c 如果一个效应允许牌手为咒语或异能“更改任意数量的目标”,除了只能更改所有目标中的任意个(而非必须更改全部目标或不更改目标)以外,如规则[[cr:​1#​cr114-7a|114.7a]]中所述的过程仍然适用。+115.7c 如果一个效应允许牌手为咒语或异能“更改任意数量的目标”,除了只能更改所有目标中的任意个(而非必须更改全部目标或不更改目标)以外,如规则[[cr:​1#​cr115-7a|115.7a]]中所述的过程仍然适用。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-7d>114.7d If an effect allows a player to “choose new targets” for a spell or ability, the player may leave any number of the targets unchanged, even if those targets would be illegal. If the player chooses to change some or all of the targets, the new targets must be legal and must not cause any unchanged targets to become illegal.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-7d>115.7d If an effect allows a player to “choose new targets” for a spell or ability, the player may leave any number of the targets unchanged, even if those targets would be illegal. If the player chooses to change some or all of the targets, the new targets must be legal and must not cause any unchanged targets to become illegal.\\  
-114.7d 如果一个效应允许牌手为咒语或异能“选择新的目标”,该牌手可以不改变任意数量的目标,即使这些目标可能是不合法的。如果该牌手选择更改某些或全部目标,则新的目标必须合法且不能使任何未改变的目标成为不合法。+115.7d 如果一个效应允许牌手为咒语或异能“选择新的目标”,该牌手可以不改变任意数量的目标,即使这些目标可能是不合法的。如果该牌手选择更改某些或全部目标,则新的目标必须合法且不能使任何未改变的目标成为不合法。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-7e>114.7e When changing targets or choosing new targets for a spell or ability, only the final set of targets is evaluated to determine whether the change is legal.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-7e>115.7e When changing targets or choosing new targets for a spell or ability, only the final set of targets is evaluated to determine whether the change is legal.\\  
-114.7e 当为咒语或异能更改目标或选择新的目标时,只使用最终决定的目标集合作为判定该更改是否合法的依据。+115.7e 当为咒语或异能更改目标或选择新的目标时,只使用最终决定的目标集合作为判定该更改是否合法的依据。
 Example: Arc Trail is a sorcery that reads “Arc Trail deals 2 damage to any target and 1 damage to another target.” The current targets of Arc Trail are Runeclaw Bear and Llanowar Elves, in that order. You cast Redirect, an instant that reads “You may choose new targets for target spell,” targeting Arc Trail. You can change the first target to Llanowar Elves and change the second target to Runeclaw Bear.\\ ​ Example: Arc Trail is a sorcery that reads “Arc Trail deals 2 damage to any target and 1 damage to another target.” The current targets of Arc Trail are Runeclaw Bear and Llanowar Elves, in that order. You cast Redirect, an instant that reads “You may choose new targets for target spell,” targeting Arc Trail. You can change the first target to Llanowar Elves and change the second target to Runeclaw Bear.\\ ​
 例如:弧光曳迹这个法术叙述为“弧光曳迹对任意一个目标造成2点伤害,并对另一个目标造成1点伤害。”弧光曳迹的当前目标按顺序分别是符爪熊和罗堰地精。你使用移转,这个瞬间叙述为“你可以为目标咒语选择新的目标”,并以弧光曳迹为目标。你可以将第一个目标更改为罗堰地精,第二个目标更改为符爪熊。 例如:弧光曳迹这个法术叙述为“弧光曳迹对任意一个目标造成2点伤害,并对另一个目标造成1点伤害。”弧光曳迹的当前目标按顺序分别是符爪熊和罗堰地精。你使用移转,这个瞬间叙述为“你可以为目标咒语选择新的目标”,并以弧光曳迹为目标。你可以将第一个目标更改为罗堰地精,第二个目标更改为符爪熊。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-8>114.8. Modal spells and abilities ​may have different targeting requirements for each mode. An effect ​that allows a player to change the target(sof a modal spell or ability, ​or to choose ​new targets for a modal spell or ability, ​doesn’t allow that player to change its mode(See rule 700.2.)\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-7f>115.7f A spell or ability ​may “divide” or “distribute” an effect (such as damage or countersamong one or more targets. When changing targets ​or choosing ​new targets for that spell or ability, ​the original division can’t be changed.\\  
-114.8. 具有模式的咒语或异能,其不同模式的目标要求可能各自不同。一个允许牌手改变具有模式的咒语异能目标,或具有模式的咒语或异能选择新目标的效应,并允许牌手改变其模式(参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr700-2|700.2]]。)+115.7f 一个咒语或异能可能会将某效应(如伤害或指示物)“分配”给一个或数个目标。当咒语或异能更改目标或选择新目标时,原本分配方式改变。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-9>114.9Some objects check what another spell or ability is targeting. ​Depending on the wording, these may check the current state of the targetsthe state of the targets ​at the time they were selected, ​or both.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-8>115.8Modal spells and abilities may have different ​targeting ​requirements for each modeAn effect that allows a player to change ​the target(s) ​of a modal spell or abilityor to choose new targets ​for a modal spell or ability, doesn’t allow that player to change its mode(See rule 700.2.)\\  
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-9a>114.9a An object that looks for a “[spell or ability] with a single target” checks ​the number of times any objectsplayers, or zones became ​the target ​of that spell or ability when it was put on the stacknot the number ​of its targets ​that are currently legal. If the same object, player, or zone became a target more than once, each of those instances is counted separately.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-9>115.9. Some objects check what another ​spell or ability ​is targeting. Depending on the wordingthese may check the current state of the targets, the state of the targets ​at the time they were selected, or both.\\  
-114.9a 个需要“单一目标的[咒语或异能]”的物件检查咒语或异能进入堆叠时候,任一物件、牌手或区域成为其目标的次数而不是其当前依然合法目标的数量。如果同一个物件牌手或区域不止一次成为目标,每次单独计算+115.9. 一物件检查另一个咒语或异能的目标。依据其用词它们可能会检查当前目标的情况被选择时的目标情况或者两者都有
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-9b>114.9b An object that looks for a “[spell or ability] ​that targets ​[something]” checks the current state of that spell or ability’s targets. If an object ​it targets is still in the zone it’s expected to be in or a player it targets ​is still in the game, that target’s current information is used, even if it’s not currently legal for that spell or ability. If an object ​it targets is no longer in the zone it’s expected to be in or a player it targets is no longer in the gamethat target ​is ignored; its last known information is not used.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-9a>115.9a An object that looks for a “[spell or ability] ​with [a number oftargets” checks the number of times any object or player was chosen as the target ​of that spell or ability ​when it was put on the stack, not the number of its targets that are currently legal. If the same object or player became ​target more than onceeach of those instances ​is counted separately.\\  
-114.9b 一个需要“[对象]目标的[咒语或异能]”的物件检查该咒语或目标当前的情况。如果其目标的物件依然在它所预期的区域其目标的牌手依然在游戏中,使用该目标当前信息即使对于该咒语或异能不合法。如果其目标的物件不再在它所预期的区域其目标的牌手已经离开游戏,忽略该目标;其最后已知信息将不被使用+115.9a 一个需要“[指定个数]目标的[咒语或异能]”的物件检查该咒语或异能进入堆叠时候,任一物件或牌手被选为其目标的次数而不是依然合法目标的数量。如果同一个物件或牌手不止一次成为目标,每次单独计算
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-9c>114.9c An object that looks for a “[spell or ability] that targets ​only [something]” checks the number of different objects or players that became the target ​of that spell or ability ​when it was put on the stack (as modified by effects that changed those targets), not the number of those objects ​or players that are currently legal targets. If that number ​is one (even if the spell or ability ​targets that object or player ​multiple times), ​the current state of that spell or ability’s ​target is checked as described in rule 114.9b.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-9b>115.9b An object that looks for a “[spell or ability] that targets [something]” checks the current state of that spell or ability’s targets. If an object ​it targets ​is still in the zone it’s expected to be in or a player it targets ​is still in the game, that target’s current information ​is used, even if it’s not currently legal for that spell or ability. If an object ​it targets is no longer in the zone it’s expected to be in or player ​it targets is no longer in the game, that target is ignored; its last known information is not used.\\  
-114.9c 一个需要“以[对象]为目标的[咒语或异能]”的物件检查该咒语或异能进入堆叠时候,不同物件或牌手为其目标的数量(经过效应修改之后的目标状态),而不是其当前依然合法目标的数量。如果该数量为1(即使该咒语或异能多次指定该物件或牌手为目标,该咒语或异能目标的状态按照规则[[cr:​1#​cr114-9b|114.9b]]检查+115.9b 一个需要“以[对象]为目标的[咒语或异能]”的物件检查该咒语或目标当前的情况。如果其目标的物件依然在它所预期的区域或其目标的牌手依然在游戏中,使用该目标当前信息,即使其目前对于该咒语或异能不合法。如果其目标的物件不再在它所预期的区域目标的牌手已经离开游戏忽略该目标;其最后已知信息将不被使用
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-9>114.10. Spells and abilities can affect ​objects ​and players ​they don’t target. In general, those objects ​and players ​aren’t chosen until the spell or ability ​resolves. See rule 608“Resolving Spells and Abilities.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-9c>115.9c An object that looks for a “[spell or ability] that targets only [something]” checks the number of different ​objects ​or players ​that were chosen as targets of that spell or ability when it was put on the stack (as modified by effects that changed those targets)not the number of those objects ​or players ​that are currently legal targets. If that number is one (even if the spell or ability ​targets that object or player multiple times)the current state of that spell or ability’s target is checked as described in rule 115.9b.\\  
-114.10. 咒语异能可以影响不是其目标的物件和牌手一般情况下,这些物件牌手直到咒语或异能结算时才选择。参见规则[[cr:6#cr608|608]],“结算咒语和异能”+115.9c 一个需要“以[对象]为目标的[咒语异能]”的物件检查该咒语或异能进入堆叠的时候,不同物件或牌手被选为其目标的数量(经过效应修改之后的目标状态),而不是其当前依然合法目标的数量如果该数量为1(即使该咒语或异能多次指定该物件牌手为目标),该咒语或异能目标的状态按照规则[[cr:1#cr115-9b|115.9b]]检查
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-10a>114.10a Just because an object or player is being affected by a spell or ability doesn’t make that object or player a target ​of that spell or abilityUnless that object or player is identified by the word “target” in the text of that spell or ability, or the rule for that keyword abilityit’s not a target.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-10>115.10. Spells and abilities can affect objects and players they don’t target. ​In general, those objects and players aren’t chosen until the spell or ability ​resolves. See rule 608“Resolving Spells and Abilities.\\  
-114.10a 受咒语异能影响的物件牌手并不定为该咒语或异能的目标除非该咒语异能的规则叙述中或该关键字异能的规则中,使用“目标一词来表示该物件或牌手,否则它不是目标+115.10. 咒语异能可以影响不是其目标的物件牌手般情况下,这些物件和牌手直到咒语或异能结算时才选择参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr608|608]],“结算咒语异能”。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr114-10b>114.10b In particular, ​the word “you” in an object’s ​text doesnt indicate ​a target.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-10a>115.10a Just because an object or player is being affected by a spell or ability doesn’t make that object or player a target of that spell or ability. Unless that object or player is identified by the word “target” in the text of that spell or ability, or the rule for that keyword ability, its not a target.\\  
-114.10b 一个物件的叙述中出现的“不是目标。 +115.10a 受咒语或异能影响的物件或牌手并不一定为该咒语或异能目标。除非该咒语或异能的规则叙述中或该关键字异能规则中,使用目标一词来表示该物件或牌手,否则它不是目标。
-===== 115. 特殊动作 Special Actions ===== +
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr115>​115. Special Actions\\  +
-115. 特殊动作+
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-1>115.1. Special actions are actions a player may take when they have priority that don’t use the stack. These are not to be confused with turn-based actions and state-based actionswhich the game generates automatically. (See rule 703, Turn-Based Actions,” and rule 704, “State-Based Actions.”)\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-10b>115.10b In particular, the word you” in an object’s text doesn’t indicate a target.\\  
-115.1. 特殊动作为当牌手具有优先权时可以执行不使用堆叠动作。它们与游戏自动执行的回合动作与状态动作不同。(参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr703|703]],回合动作”和[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]],“状态动作”。+115.10b 一个物件叙述中出现的“并不是目标
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-2>115.2. There are eight special actions:\\  +===== 116. 特殊动作 Special Actions ===== 
-115.2. 特殊动作有八种:+<​BOOKMARK:​cr116>116Special Actions\\  
 +116. 特殊动作
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-2a>115.2a Playing a land is a special actionTo play a land, a player puts that land onto the battlefield from the zone it was in (usually that player’s hand). By default, ​a player ​can take this action only once during each of their turns. A player can take this action any time they have priority ​and the stack is empty during a main phase of their turn. See rule 305, “Lands.”\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-1>116.1Special actions are actions ​a player ​may take when they have priority ​that don’t use the stack. These are not to be confused with turn-based actions and state-based actions, which the game generates automatically(See rule 703, “Turn-Based Actions,” and rule 704, “State-Based Actions.”)\\  
-115.2a 使用地为特殊动作牌手将地牌从其原区域(通常为该牌手手牌)放置到战场上来使用一个地。默认情况下,牌手在自己每个回合只可以作该动作一次牌手可以随时在回合的行阶段,拥有优先权并且堆叠为空时,动作。参见规则[[cr:​3#cr305|305]],“”。+116.1. 特殊动作为当牌手优先权时可以执行使用堆叠的动作。它们与游戏动执行的回合动作与状态动作不同参见规则[[cr:​7#cr703|703]],“回合动作”和[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]],“状态动作”。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-2b>115.2b Turning a face-down creature face up is a special ​action. A player can take this action any time they have priority. See rule 707, “Face-Down Spells and Permanents.”\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-2>116.2. There are twelve ​special ​actions:\\  
-115.2b 将牌面朝下的生物翻到正面是一个特殊动作。牌手可以随时在其拥优先权时执行此动作。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr707|707]],“牌面朝下的咒语和永久物”。+116.2. 特殊动作有十二种:
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-2c>115.2c Some effects allow player to take an action ​at later timeusually to end continuous effect or to stop a delayed triggered ability ​from triggeringDoing so is special ​action. A player can take such an action any time they have priority, unless that effect specifies another timing restriction,​ for as long as the effect allows it.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-2a>116.2a Playing ​land is a special ​action. To play land, a player puts that land onto the battlefield ​from the zone it was in (usually that player’s hand)By default, ​player can take this action ​only once during each of their turns. A player can take this action any time they have priority ​and the stack is empty during a main phase of their turn. See rule 305, “Lands.\\  
-115.2c 一些效应允许牌手在之后执行动作,一般结束一个持续性效应或阻止一个延迟触发式异能的触发。执行这些动作为特殊动作。牌手可以随时在拥有优先权时执行此动作,除非该效应在其允许执行该动作的时间段内指定了其他时机限制+116.2a 使用地为特殊动作。牌手将地牌从其原有区域(通常该牌手的手牌)放置到战场上来使用一个默认情况下,牌手在自己每个回合只可以执行动作一次。牌手可以随时在自己回合的行动阶段,拥有优先权并且堆叠为空执行此动作。参见规则[[cr:​3#​cr305|305]]“地”
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-2d>115.2d Some effects from static abilities allow player to take an action to ignore the effect from that ability for a duration. Doing so is a special action. A player can take such an action any time they have priority.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-2b>116.2b Turning ​face-down creature face up is a special action. A player can take this action any time they have priority. ​See rule 708, “Face-Down Spells and Permanents.”\\  
-115.2d 一些静止式异能所产的效应允许牌手执行动作,从而在段时间内忽略其效应。执行这些动作为特殊动作。牌手可以随时在其拥有优先权时执行此动作。+116.2b 将牌面朝下的物翻到正面是特殊动作。牌手可以随时在其拥有优先权时执行此动作。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr708|708]],“牌面朝下的咒语和永久物”
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-2e>115.2e One card (Circling Vultures) has the ability “You may discard Circling Vultures any time you could cast an instant.” Doing so is a special action. A player can take such an action any time they have priority.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-2c>116.2c Some effects allow a player to take an action at a later time, usually to end a continuous effect or to stop a delayed triggered ability from triggering. Doing so is a special action. A player can take such an action any time they have priority, unless that effect specifies another timing restriction,​ for as long as the effect allows it.\\  
-115.2e (盘旋的秃鹰)具有异能“你可以于你能够施放瞬间时机下弃掉盘旋的秃鹰执行动作为特殊动作。牌手可以随时在其拥有优先权时执行此动作。+116.2c 些效应允许手在之后执行动作,一般为结束一个持续性效应或阻止一个延迟触发式异能的触发。执行这些动作为特殊动作。牌手可以随时在其拥有优先权时执行此动作,除非该效应在其允许执行该动作的时段内指定了其他时机限制
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-2f>115.2f A player who has card with suspend in their hand may exile that cardThis is a special action. A player can take this action any time they have priority, but only if they could begin to cast that card by putting it onto the stack. See rule 702.61, “Suspend.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-2d>116.2d Some effects from static abilities allow player to take an action to ignore the effect from that ability for a durationDoing so is a special action. A player can take such an action any time they have priority.\\  
-115.2f 牌手可以放逐手上具有延缓异能的牌。这是个特殊动作。牌手随时可以在其拥有优先权,但只有在其可以开始施放该牌将其放进堆叠的情况下,执行此动作。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr702-61|702.61]],“延缓”+116.2d 一些静止式异能所产生效应允许手执行动作,从而在一段时间内忽略其效应执行些动作为特殊动作。牌手可以随时在其拥有优先权执行此动作。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-2g>115.2g In a Planechase game, rolling ​the planar die is a special action. A player can take this action any time they have priority ​and the stack is empty during a main phase of their turnTaking this action costs a player an amount of mana equal to the number of times they have previously taken this action on that turn. Note that this number won’t be equal to the number of times the player has rolled the planar die that turn if an effect has caused the player to roll the planar die that turn. See rule 901, “Planechase.”\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-2e>116.2e One card (Circling Vultures) has the ability “You may discard Circling Vultures any time you could cast an instant.” Doing so is a special action. A player can take such an action any time they have priority.\\  
-115.2g 在竞逐空游戏中,掷时空骰是特殊动作。牌手可以随时在自己回合的行动阶段,拥有优先权并且堆叠为空,作此动作。作此动作需要牌手支付法术力,其数量等于该牌手本回合已作过此动作的数量。注意,如果本回合中有效应指示牌手掷时空骰,该数量不会等于牌手本回合已掷时空骰的次数。参见规则[[cr:​9#​cr901|901]],“竞逐时空”+116.2e 一张牌(盘旋的秃鹰)具有异能“你可以于你能够施放瞬间的机下弃掉盘旋的秃鹰。”执行此动作为特殊动作。牌手可以随时在拥有优先权时执行此动作。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-2h>115.2h In Conspiracy Draft game, turning a face-down conspiracy ​card in the command zone face up is a special action. A player can take this action any time they have priority. See rule 905.4a.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-2f>116.2f A player who has a card with suspend ​in their hand may exile that card. This is a special action. A player can take this action any time they have priority, but only if they could begin to cast that card by putting it onto the stack. See rule 702.62, “Suspend.\\  
-115.2h 在诡局轮抽游戏中,将统帅区中面朝下诡局牌翻为面朝上为特殊动作。牌手可以随时在其拥有优先权执行此动作。参见规则[[cr:​9#cr905-4a|905.4a]]。+116.2f 手可以放逐手上具有延缓异能的牌。这是个特殊动作。牌手随时可以在其拥有优先权,但只有在其可以开始施放该牌将其放进堆叠的情况下,执行此动作。参见规则[[cr:​7#cr702-62|702.62]],“延缓”
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr115-3>115.3. If a player takes a special action, that player ​receives ​priority ​afterward.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-2g>116.2g A player who has chosen a companion may pay {3} to put that card from outside the game into their handThis is a special action. A player ​can take this action any time they have priority ​and the stack is empty during a main phase of their turn, but only if they haven’t done so yet this game. (See rule 702.139, “Companion.”)\\  
-115.3. 如果牌手执行特殊动作,该牌手在此之后重新得到优先权。 +116.2g 已选择行侣的牌手可以支付{3},将该从游戏外置于其上。这是个特殊动作牌手随时可以自己回合的行动阶段拥有优先权并且堆叠为空,但只有在其本盘游戏中尚未如此作过时执行此动作。(参见规则[[cr:7#​cr702-139|702.139]],“行侣”。)
-===== 116. 机和优先权 Timing and Priority ===== +
-<​BOOKMARK:cr116>​116Timing and Priority\\  +
-116. 时机和优先权+
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-1>116.1. Unless ​spell or ability ​is instructing ​player to take an action, which player ​can take actions at any given time is determined by a system of priority. ​The player with priority may cast spellsactivate abilities, and take special actions.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-2h>116.2h A player who has card with foretell in their hand may pay {2} and exile that card face down. This is a special ​action. A player ​may take this action ​any time they have priority ​during their turnSee rule 702.143“Foretell.\\  
-116.1. 除非一个咒语或异能要求手执行某个动作,否则牌手执行动作的机由优先权系统决定。具有优先权的牌手可以施放咒语、起动异能或执行特殊动作。+116.2h 如果牌手手上有具预示异能,他可以支付{2}并将该牌牌面朝下地放逐。这是特殊动作牌手可以在自己回合拥有优先权执行动作。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr702-143|702.143]],“预示”
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-1a>116.1a A player may cast an instant spell any time they have priority. A player ​may cast a noninstant spell during their main phase any time they have priority and the stack is empty.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-2i>116.2i In a Planechase game, rolling the planar die is a special action. A player ​can take this action ​any time they have priority and the stack is empty during a main phase of their turn. Taking this action costs a player an amount of mana equal to the number of times they have previously taken this action on that turn. Note that this number won’t be equal to the number of times the player has rolled the planar die that turn if an effect has caused the player to roll the planar die that turn. See rule 901, “Planechase.\\  
-116.1a 牌手可以随时他具有优先权施放瞬间咒语。牌手可以随时在自己回合的行动阶段,拥有优先权且堆叠为空时,施放非瞬间咒语+116.2i 竞逐空游戏中,掷时空骰是特殊动作。牌手可以随时在自己回合的行动阶段,拥有优先权且堆叠为空时执行此动作。执行此动作需要牌手支付法术力其数量等同于该牌手该回合已作过此动作的数量。注意,如果本回合中有效应指示牌手掷时空骰,该数量不会等于牌手本回合已掷时空骰的次数。参见规则[[cr:​9#​cr901|901]],“竞逐时空”
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-1b>116.1b A player ​may activate an activated ability ​any time they have priority.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-2j>116.2j In a Conspiracy Draft game, turning a face-down conspiracy card in the command zone face up is a special action. ​A player ​can take this action ​any time they have priority. See rule 905.4a.\\  
-116.1b 牌手可以随时在他具有优先权时起动式异能+116.2j 在诡局轮抽游戏中,将统帅区中牌面朝下的诡局牌翻回正面为特殊动作。牌手可以随时在其拥有优先权时执行此作。参见规则[[cr:​9#​cr905-4a|905.4a]]
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-1c>116.1c A player may take some special ​actions any time they have priority. A player ​may take other special actions during their main phase any time they have priority ​and the stack is empty. See rule 115, “Special Actions.”\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-2k>116.2k A player ​who has a card with plot in their hand may exile that card. This is a special ​action. A player ​can take this action ​any time they have priority ​during their own turn while the stack is empty. See rule 702.170, “Plot.”\\  
-116.1c 牌手可以随时在他具有优先权时执行其中一些特殊动作。牌手可以随时在自己回合的行动阶段,拥有优先权且堆叠为空时执行其他的特殊动作。参见规则[[cr:​1#cr115|115]],“特殊动作”。+116.2k 牌手可以放逐手上具有设谋异能的牌。这是个特殊动作。牌手随时可以在自己回合的行动阶段,拥有优先权且堆叠为空时执行动作。参见规则[[cr:​7#cr702-170|702.170]],“设谋”。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-1d>116.1d A player ​may activate ​mana ability whenever they have priority, whenever they are casting a spell or activating an ability ​that requires a mana payment, ​or whenever a rule or effect asks for a mana payment (even in the middle ​of casting or resolving ​spell or activating or resolving ​an ability).\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-2m>116.2m A player ​who controls ​permanent ​that has one or more locked halves (see rule 709.5) may pay the mana cost of a locked half of that permanent to give that permanent the appropriate unlocked designation. This cost is referred to as an “unlock cost.” A player can take this action any time they have priority and the stack is empty during a main phase of their turn.\\  
-116.1d 牌手可以随时在他具有优先权时、每当其施放需要支付法术力费用的咒语或起动需要支付法术力费用的异能时或每当一个规则或效应要求支付法术力(即使在施放与结算咒语或起与结算异能的过程之中)起动法术力异能+116.2m 如果牌手操控一边或数边已上锁的永久物(参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr709-5|709.5]]),该牌手可以支付该永久物已上锁之某边的法术力费用,以使该永久物得到相应解锁称号。此费用称为“解锁费用”。牌手随时可以在自己回合行动阶段拥有优先权并且堆叠为空执行此
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-2>116.2Other kinds of abilities and actions are automatically generated or performed by the game rulesor are performed by players without receiving ​priority.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-3>116.3If a player takes a special actionthat player receives ​priority ​afterward.\\  
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-2a>116.2a Triggered abilities can trigger at any time, including while a spell is being cast, an ability is being activated, or a spell or ability is resolving. (See rule 603, “Handling Triggered Abilities.”) However, nothing actually happens at the time an ability triggers. Each time a player would receive priority, each ability that has triggered but hasn’t yet been put on the stack is put on the stack. See rule 116.5.\\  +===== 117. 时机和优先权 Timing and Priority ===== 
-116.2a 触发式异能随都可以被触发,包括在施放咒语的过程中、起动异能的过程中,或咒语或异能结算的过程中。(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr603|603]],“处理触发式异能”。)然而,异能在触发时不会有任何事情发生。而每当有牌手将得到优先权时,已经触发但是尚未进入堆叠的异能进入堆叠。参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr116-5|116.5]]。+<​BOOKMARK:​cr117>117Timing and Priority\\  
 +117. 时机和优先权
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-2b>116.2b Static abilities continuously affect the gamePriority doesn’t apply to them(See rule 604“Handling Static Abilities,” and rule 611, “Continuous Effects.”)\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-1>117.1Unless a spell or ability is instructing a player ​to take an action, which player can take actions at any given time is determined by a system of priorityThe player with priority may cast spellsactivate abilities, and take special actions.\\  
-116.2b 静止式异能在游戏中持续生效。优先权与其无关(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr604|604]],“处理静止式异能”和规则[[cr:​6#​cr611|611]],“持续性效应”+117.1. 除非一个咒语或异能要求牌手执行某个动作,否则牌手执行动作的时机由优先权系统决定具有优先权的牌手可以施放咒语、起动异能或执行特殊动作
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-2c>116.2c Turn-based actions happen automatically when certain steps or phases begin. They’re dealt with before a player ​would receive ​priority. ​See rule 116.3a. Turn-based actions also happen automatically when each step and phase ends; no player receives ​priority ​afterward. See rule 703, “Turn-Based Actions.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-1a>117.1a A player ​may cast an instant spell any time they have priority. ​A player may cast a noninstant spell during their main phase any time they have priority ​and the stack is empty.\\  
-116.2c 回合动作在特定的步骤或阶段开始自动发生。它们牌手得到优先权之前被处理。参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr116-3a|116.3a]]。回合动作同样在特定的步骤或阶段结束时自动发生;没牌手在此之后会得到优先权。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr703|703]]“回合动作”+117.1a 牌手可以随时在他具有优先权时施放瞬间咒语牌手可以随时在自己回合的行动阶段,拥有优先权且堆叠为空时施放非瞬间咒语
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-2d>116.2d State-based actions happen automatically when certain conditions are met. See rule 704. They’re dealt with before a player ​would receive ​priority. See rule 116.5.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-1b>117.1b A player ​may activate an activated ability any time they have priority.\\  
-116.2d 状态动作在达到特定的条件自动发生。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]]。它们牌手得到优先权之前被处理。参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr116-5|116.5]]+117.1b 牌手可以随时在他具有优先权时起动起动式异能
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-2e>116.2e Resolving spells and abilities ​may instruct players to make choices or take actions, or may allow players to activate mana abilitiesEven if a player ​is doing so, no player has priority ​while a spell or ability ​is resolving. See rule 608, “Resolving Spells and Abilities.”\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-1c>117.1c A player ​may take some special ​actions ​any time they have priorityplayer ​may take other special actions during their main phase any time they have priority ​and the stack is empty. See rule 116, “Special Actions.”\\  
-116.2e 结算咒语和异能时可能要求牌手作出选择或执行动作,或者允许牌手起动法术力异能即使有牌手如此作,依然没有任何牌手在咒语或异能结算中会得到优先权。参见规则[[cr:​6#cr608|608]],“结算咒语和异能”。+117.1c 牌手可以随时在他具有优先权时执行其中一些特殊动作。牌手可以随时自己回合行动阶段,拥有优先权且堆叠为空时,执行其他的特殊动作。参见规则[[cr:​1#cr116|116]],“特殊动作”。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-3>116.3. Which player ​has priority ​is determined by the following rules:\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-1d>117.1d A player ​may activate a mana ability whenever they have priority, whenever they are casting a spell or activating an ability that requires a mana payment, or whenever a rule or effect asks for a mana payment (even in the middle of casting or resolving a spell or activating or resolving an ability).\\  
-116.3. 以下规则决定哪位牌手有优先权+117.1d 牌手可以随时在他具有优先权时、每当其施放需要支付法术力费用的咒语或起动需要支付法术力费用的异能时,或每当一个规则或效应要求支付法术力时(即使在施放与结算咒语或起动与结算异能的过程之中)起动法术力异能。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-3a>116.3a The active player receives priority at the beginning ​of most steps and phases, after any turn-based ​actions ​(such as drawing a card during ​the draw step; see rule 703) have been dealt with and abilities that trigger at the beginning of that phase or step have been put on the stack. No player receives ​priority ​during the untap step. Players usually don’t get priority during the cleanup step (see rule 514.3).\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-2>117.2. Other kinds of abilities ​and actions ​are automatically generated or performed by the game rules, ​or are performed by players without receiving ​priority.\\  
-116.3a 在大多数步骤阶段开始时,在回合动作被解决之后(例如在抓牌步骤中抓牌;参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr703|703]])且在该步骤阶段开始时触发的异能进入堆叠后,主动牌手得到优先权。没有牌手会在重置步骤中得到优先权。牌手在清理步骤中一般得到优先权(参见规则[[cr:​5#​cr514-3|514.3]])+117.2. 其他种类的异能和动作由游戏规则自动产生与执行,牌手在不得到优先权的情况下执行
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-3b>116.3b The active player receives priority after a spell or ability (other than mana ability) resolves.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-2a>117.2a Triggered abilities can trigger at any time, including while a spell is being cast, an ability is being activated, or a spell or ability ​is resolving. ​(See rule 603, “Handling Triggered Abilities.”) However, nothing actually happens at the time an ability triggers. Each time player would receive priority, each ability ​that has triggered but hasn’t yet been put on the stack is put on the stack. See rule 117.5.\\  
-116.3b 主动牌手在咒语或异能(法术力异能除外结算之后得到优先权。+117.2a 触发式异能随时都可以被触发,包括施放咒语的过程中、起动异能的过程中,或咒语或异能结算的过程中。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr603|603]],“处理触发式异能”。然而,异能在触发时不会有任何事情发生。而每当有牌手将得到优先权时,已经触发但是尚未进入堆叠的异能进入堆叠。参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr117-5|117.5]]
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-3c>116.3c If a player has priority when they cast a spellactivate an abilityor take a special actionthat player receives priority afterward.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-2b>117.2b Static abilities continuously affect the game. Priority doesn’t apply to them. (See rule 604“Handling Static Abilities,” and rule 611“Continuous Effects.”)\\  
-116.3c 如果一位牌手在施放咒语、起动起动式异能,或是执行特殊动作时拥有优先权,则该牌手在此之后得到优先权+117.2b 静止式异能在游戏中持续生效。优先权与其无关。(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr604|604]]“处理静止式异能”和规[[cr:​6#​cr611|611]],“持续性效应”
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-3d>116.3d If a player ​has priority ​and chooses not to take any actions, that player passesIf any mana is in that player’s mana pool, they announce what mana is thereThen the next player ​in turn order receives priority.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-2c>117.2c Turn-based actions happen automatically when certain steps or phases begin. They’re dealt with before ​a player ​would receive ​priority. ​See rule 117.3a. Turn-based actions also happen automatically when each step and phase ends; no player receives priority ​afterward. See rule 703, “Turn-Based Actions.\\  
-116.3d 如果牌手拥有优先权但选择不执行任何动作,该牌手让过。如果该牌手法术力池中法术力,其需宣告留有何种法术力。然后下一位牌手得到优先权。+117.2c 回合动作在特定的步骤或阶段开始时自动发生。它们在牌手得到优先权之前被处理。参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr117-3a|117.3a]]。回合动作同样在特定步骤或阶段结束时自动发生;没有牌手在此之后会得到优先权。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr703|703]],“回合动作”
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-4>116.4. If all players pass in succession (that is, if all players pass without taking any actions ​in between passing), the spell or ability on top of the stack resolves or, if the stack is empty, the phase or step ends.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-2d>117.2d State-based ​actions ​happen automatically when certain conditions are met. See rule 704. They’re dealt with before a player would receive priority. See rule 117.5.\\  
-116.4. 如果所有牌手依次让过(所有牌手在让过之间没有执行任何动作),则堆叠顶端咒语或异能结算,或如果堆叠为空,该阶段或步骤结束+117.2d 状态动作在达到特定条件时自动发生。参见规[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]]。它们在牌手得到优先权之前被处理。参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr117-5|117.5]]
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-5>116.5Each time a player ​would get priority, the game first performs all applicable state-based actions as single event (see rule 704, “State-Based Actions”),​ then repeats this process until no state-based actions are performedThen triggered abilities are put on the stack (see rule 603, “Handling Triggered ​Abilities”). These steps repeat in order until no further state-based actions are performed and no abilities trigger. Then the player who would have received priority does so.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-2e>117.2e Resolving spells and abilities may instruct players to make choices or take actions, or may allow players to activate mana abilitiesEven if a player ​is doing so, no player has priority ​while spell or ability is resolvingSee rule 608, “Resolving Spells and Abilities.”\\  
-116.5. 当每次将有牌手得到优先权时,游戏首先为单一事件处理所有生效的状态动作(参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]]“状态动作”),然后重复此过程直到所状态动作都被处理。之后触发式异能进入堆叠(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr603|603]],“处理触发式异能”)。这些步骤重复交替直到没有更多需要处理的状态动作以及没有更多异能触发。然后将得到优先权的牌手得到优先权+117.2e 结算咒语和异能时可能要求牌手作出选择或执行动作,或者允许牌手起法术力异能。即使有牌手如此作,任何牌手在咒语或异能的结算中会得到优先权。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr608|608]],“结算咒语和异能”。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-6>116.6In a multiplayer game using the shared team turns option, teams rather than individual players have priority. See rule 805, “Shared Team Turns Option.”\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-3>117.3Which player has priority is determined by the following rules:\\  
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr116-7>116.7. If a player ​with priority ​casts a spell or activates an activated ability while another spell or ability is already on the stack, the new spell or ability has been cast or activated “in response to” the earlier spell or abilityThe new spell or ability will resolve firstSee rule 608, “Resolving Spells and Abilities.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-3a>117.3a The active ​player ​receives ​priority ​at the beginning of most steps and phasesafter any turn-based actions (such as drawing a card during ​the draw step; see rule 703) have been dealt with and abilities that trigger at the beginning of that phase or step have been put on the stackNo player receives priority during the untap stepPlayers usually don’t get priority during the cleanup step (see rule 514.3).\\  
-116.7如果拥有优先权的牌手堆叠中有咒语或异能的情况下施放咒语或起起动式异能,新的咒语异能“响应”先前咒语或异能被施放或起动。新的咒语和异能将结算。参见规则[[cr:​6#cr608|608]],“结算咒语和异能”+117.3a 大多数步骤和阶段开始时在回合作被解决之后(例如在抓牌步骤中抓牌;参见规[[cr:​7#​cr703|703]])且在该步骤阶段开始时触发的异能进入堆叠后,主牌手得到优先权没有牌手会在重置步骤中得到优牌手在清理步骤中一般不会得到优先权(参见规则[[cr:​5#cr514-3|514.3]]
-===== 117. 费用 Costs ===== +<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-3b>117.3b The active player receives priority after a spell or ability (other than a mana ability) resolves.\\  
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117>​117. ​Costs\\  +117.3b 主动牌手在咒语或异能(法术力异能除外)结算之后得到优先权。
-117. 费用+
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-1>117.1. A cost is an action or payment necessary to take another action or to stop another action from taking place. To pay cost, player carries out the instructions specified by the spell, ability, or effect ​that contains that cost.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-3c>117.3c If player has priority when they cast a spell, ​activate an ability, or take a special action, ​that player receives priority afterward.\\  
-117.1. 费用为个动作或花费,用来执行另一个动作或阻止另一个动作。牌手遵循咒语、异能或包含该费用的效应所指示来支付其费用+117.3c 如果牌手在施放咒语、起动起动式异能是执行特殊动作时拥有优先权则该牌手在此之后得到优先权
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-2>117.2. If a cost includes a mana payment, the player ​paying the cost has a chance ​to activate ​mana abilitiesPaying the cost to cast a spell or activate an activated ability follows ​the steps in rules 601.2f–h.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-3d>117.3d If a player has priority and chooses not to take any actions, that player passes. If any mana is in that player’s mana pool, they announce what mana is thereThen the next player ​in turn order receives priority.\\  
-117.2. 如果费用包含法术力花费支付费用的牌手将机会起动法术力异能支付施放咒语或起动起动式异能的费用遵循规则[[cr:​6#​cr601-2f-h|601.2f-h]]中的步骤+117.3d 如果牌手拥有优先权但选择不执行任何动作,该牌手让过。如果该牌手的法术力池中有法术力,其需宣告留何种法术力。然后下一位牌手得到优先权
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-3>117.3A player can’t pay a cost without ​having ​the necessary resources to pay it fully. For example, a player with only 1 life can’t pay a cost of 2 lifeand a permanent that’s already tapped can’t be tapped to pay a cost. See rule 202“Mana Cost and Color,” and rule 602, “Activating Activated Abilities.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-4>117.4If all players pass in succession (that is, if all players pass without ​taking any actions in between passing), ​the spell or ability on top of the stack resolves orif the stack is emptythe phase or step ends.\\  
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-3a>117.3a Paying mana is done by removing the indicated mana from a player’s mana pool. (Players can always pay 0 mana.) If excess mana remains ​in that player’s mana pool after making that payment, ​the player ​announces what mana is still there.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-5>117.5. Each time a player ​would get priority, the game first performs all applicable state-based actions as a single event (see rule 704, “State-Based Actions”),​ then repeats this process until no state-based actions are performedThen triggered abilities are put on the stack (see rule 603, “Handling Triggered Abilities”). These steps repeat ​in order until no further state-based actions are performed and no abilities trigger. Then the player ​who would have received priority does so.\\  
-117.3a 支付法术力通过指定的法术力从牌手的法术力池中移去完成。牌手总可以支付0点法术力。在该牌手支付费用,若还法术力剩余在法术力池中该牌手必须宣告留什么样法术力在法术力池中+117.5. 当每次牌手得到优先权时,游戏首先作为单一事件处理所有生效状态动作参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]],“状态动作”,然重复此过程直到所状态动作都被处理。之后触发式异能进入堆叠(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr603|603]]“处理触发式异能”)。这些步骤重复交替直到没更多需要处理状态动作以及没有更多异能触发。然后将得到优先权的牌手得到优先权
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-3b>117.3b Paying life is done by subtracting the indicated amount of life from player’s life total(Players can always pay 0 life.)\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-6>117.6. In multiplayer game using the shared team turns option, teams rather than individual players have prioritySee rule 805, “Shared Team Turns Option.\\  
-117.3b 支付生命通过将指定数量生命从牌手的总生命减去完成。(牌手总可以支付0点生命+117.6. 在使用队伍共享回合玩法多人游戏,由队伍得到优先权,而不是单独的牌手得到优先权。参见规则[[cr:​8#​cr805|805]],“队伍共享回合玩法”
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-3c>117.3c Activating mana abilities is not mandatory, even if paying ​cost is. \\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-7>117.7. If player with priority casts a spell or activates an activated ability while another spell or ability ​is already on the stack, the new spell or ability has been cast or activated “in response to” the earlier spell or abilityThe new spell or ability will resolve first. See rule 608, “Resolving Spells and Abilities.”\\  
-117.3c 起动法术力异能并不是必须的即使支付费用是必须的。+117.7. 如果拥有优先权的牌手在堆叠中有咒语或异能的情况下,施放咒语或起动起动式异能,则新咒语或异能“响应”先前的咒语或异能被施放或起动。新的咒语和异能将先结算。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr608|608]],“结算咒语和异能”
-Example: A player controls Lodestone Golem, which says “Nonartifact spells cost {1} more to cast.” Another player removes the last time counter from a suspended sorcery card. That player must cast that spell if able, but doing so costs {1}. The player is forced to pay that cost if enough mana is in their mana pool, but the player isn’t forced to activate a mana ability to produce that mana. If they don't, the card simply remains exiled.\\ ​+===== 118. 费用 Costs ===== 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118>​118. Costs\\  
 +118. 费用 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-1>​118.1. A cost is an action or payment necessary to take another action or to stop another action from taking place. To pay a cost, a player carries out the instructions specified by the spell, ability, or effect that contains that cost.\\  
 +118.1. 费用为一个动作或花费,用来执行另一个动作或阻止另一个动作。牌手遵循咒语、异能或包含该费用的效应所指示,来支付其费用。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-2>​118.2. If a cost includes a mana payment, the player paying the cost has a chance to activate mana abilities. Paying the cost to cast a spell or activate an activated ability follows the steps in rules 601.2f–h.\\  
 +118.2. 如果费用包含法术力花费,支付费用的牌手将有机会起动法术力异能。支付施放咒语或起动起动式异能的费用遵循规则[[cr:​6#​cr601-2f|601.2f-h]]中的步骤。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-3>​118.3. A player can’t pay a cost without having the necessary resources to pay it fully. For example, a player with only 1 life can’t pay a cost of 2 life, and a permanent that’s already tapped can’t be tapped to pay a cost. See rule 202, “Mana Cost and Color,” and rule 602, “Activating Activated Abilities.”\\  
 +118.3. 除非牌手具有足以完全支付某费用的资源,否则其不能支付该费用。例如,生命为1的牌手不能支付2点生命的费用,以及已经横置的永久物不能被横置来支付一个费用。参见规则[[cr:​2#​cr202|202]],“法术力费用和颜色”和规则[[cr:​6#​cr602|602]],“起动起动式异能”。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-3a>​118.3a Paying mana is done by removing the indicated mana from a player’s mana pool. (Players can always pay 0 mana.) If excess mana remains in that player’s mana pool after making that payment, the player announces what mana is still there.\\  
 +118.3a 支付法术力通过将指定的法术力从牌手的法术力池中移去完成。(牌手总可以支付0点法术力。)在该牌手支付费用后,若还有法术力剩余在法术力池中,该牌手必须宣告留有什么样的法术力在法术力池中。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-3b>​118.3b Paying life is done by subtracting the indicated amount of life from a player’s life total. (Players can always pay 0 life.)\\  
 +118.3b 支付生命通过将指定数量的生命从牌手的总生命中减去完成。(牌手总可以支付0点生命。) 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-3c>​118.3c Activating mana abilities is not mandatory, even if paying a cost is.\\  
 +118.3c 起动法术力异能并不是必须的,即使支付费用是必须的。 
 +Example: A player controls Lodestone Golem, which says “Nonartifact spells cost {1} more to cast.” Another player removes the last time counter from a suspended sorcery card. That player must cast that spell if able, but doing so costs {1}. The player is forced to pay that cost if enough mana is in their mana pool, but the player isn’t forced to activate a mana ability to produce that mana. If they dont, the card simply remains exiled.\\ ​
 例如:一位牌手操控磁石魔像,它具有异能“非神器咒语增加{1}来施放。”另一位牌手从其延缓的法术牌上移去最后一个计时指示物。该牌手若能施放该咒语,则必须施放,但如此作需要支付{1}。如果该牌手的法术力池中有足够的法术力,他将被强制支付该费用,但该牌手不会因此被强制起动法术力异能来产生此法术力。如果他不如此作,该法术牌将留在放逐区。 例如:一位牌手操控磁石魔像,它具有异能“非神器咒语增加{1}来施放。”另一位牌手从其延缓的法术牌上移去最后一个计时指示物。该牌手若能施放该咒语,则必须施放,但如此作需要支付{1}。如果该牌手的法术力池中有足够的法术力,他将被强制支付该费用,但该牌手不会因此被强制起动法术力异能来产生此法术力。如果他不如此作,该法术牌将留在放逐区。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-4>117.4. Some costs include an {X} or an X. See rule 107.3.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-4>118.4. Some costs include an {X} or an X. See rule 107.3.\\  
-117.4. 一些费用中包含{X}或X。参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr107-3|107.3]]。+118.4. 一些费用中包含{X}或X。参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr107-3|107.3]]。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-5>117.5. Some costs are represented by {0}, or are reduced to {0}. The action necessary for a player to pay such a cost is the player’s acknowledgment that they are paying it. Even though such a cost requires no resources, it’s not automatically paid.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-5>118.5. Some costs are represented by {0}, or are reduced to {0}. The action necessary for a player to pay such a cost is the player’s acknowledgment that they are paying it. Even though such a cost requires no resources, it’s not automatically paid.\\  
-117.5. 一些费用以{0}表示,或者减少至{0}。牌手必须表示其有一个支付的动作。即使该费用不需要任何资源,它不会自动被支付。+118.5. 一些费用以{0}表示,或者减少至{0}。牌手必须表示其有一个支付的动作。即使该费用不需要任何资源,它不会自动被支付。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-5a>117.5a A spell whose mana cost is {0} must still be cast the same way as one with a cost greater than zero; it won’t cast itself automatically. The same is true for an activated ability whose cost is {0}.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-5a>118.5a A spell whose mana cost is {0} must still be cast the same way as one with a cost greater than zero; it won’t cast itself automatically. The same is true for an activated ability whose cost is {0}.\\  
-117.5a 法术力费用为{0}的咒语,必须遵守与费用大于0的咒语同样的方式被施放;它不会自己自动施放。费用为{0}的起动式异能同理。+118.5a 法术力费用为{0}的咒语,必须遵守与费用大于0的咒语同样的方式被施放;它不会自己自动施放。费用为{0}的起动式异能同理。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-6>117.6. Some mana costs contain ​no mana symbols. This represents an unpayable cost. An ability can also have an unpayable cost if its cost is based on the mana cost of an object with no mana cost. Attempting to cast a spell or activate an ability that has an unpayable cost is a legal action. However, attempting to pay an unpayable cost is an illegal action.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-6>118.6. Some objects have no mana cost. This represents an unpayable cost. An ability can also have an unpayable cost if its cost is based on the mana cost of an object with no mana cost. Attempting to cast a spell or activate an ability that has an unpayable cost is a legal action. However, attempting to pay an unpayable cost is an illegal action.\\  
-117.6. 一些法术力费用不包含任何法术力符号。这代表了一个无法被支付的费用。如果异能的费用基于一个没有法术力费用的咒语的法术力费用,它也同样可以有无法被支付的费用。试图施放有无法被支付的费用的咒语,以及试图起动有无法被支付的费用的异能为合法动作。但是试图支付一个无法被支付的费用是非法动作。+118.6. 一些物件没有法术力费用。这代表了一个无法被支付的费用。如果异能的费用基于一个没有法术力费用的咒语的法术力费用,它也同样可以有无法被支付的费用。试图施放有无法被支付的费用的咒语,以及试图起动有无法被支付的费用的异能为合法动作。但是试图支付一个无法被支付的费用是非法动作。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-6a>117.6a If an unpayable cost is increased by an effect or an additional cost is imposed, the cost is still unpayable. If an alternative cost is applied to an unpayable cost, including an effect that allows a player to cast a spell without paying its mana cost, the alternative cost may be paid.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-6a>118.6a If an unpayable cost is increased by an effect or an additional cost is imposed, the cost is still unpayable. If an alternative cost is applied to an unpayable cost, including an effect that allows a player to cast a spell without paying its mana cost, the alternative cost may be paid.\\  
-117.6a 如果一个无法被支付的费用被一个效应或额外费用增加,该费用依然无法被支付。如果一个无法被支付的费用有替代性费用,包括允许牌手无需支付法术力费用施放咒语,则该替代性费用可以被支付。+118.6a 如果一个无法被支付的费用被一个效应或额外费用增加,该费用依然无法被支付。如果一个无法被支付的费用有替代性费用,包括允许牌手无需支付法术力费用施放咒语,则该替代性费用可以被支付。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-7>117.7. What a player actually needs to do to pay a cost may be changed or reduced by effects. If the mana component of a cost is reduced to nothing by cost reduction effects, it’s considered to be {0}. Paying a cost changed or reduced by an effect counts as paying the original cost.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-7>118.7. What a player actually needs to do to pay a cost may be changed or reduced by effects. If the mana component of a cost is reduced to nothing by cost reduction effects, it’s considered to be {0}. Paying a cost changed or reduced by an effect counts as paying the original cost.\\  
-117.7. 当牌手实际支付费用时,它可能会被效应改变或减少。当费用的法术力部分被减少费用的效应减至无,它将被视同{0}。支付被效应改变或减少的费用按支付过原费用计算。+118.7. 当牌手实际支付费用时,它可能会被效应改变或减少。当费用的法术力部分被减少费用的效应减至无,它将被视同{0}。支付被效应改变或减少的费用按支付过原费用计算。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-7a>117.7a Effects that reduce a cost by an amount of generic mana affect only the generic mana component of that cost. They can’t affect the colored or colorless mana components of that cost.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-7a>118.7a Effects that reduce a cost by an amount of generic mana affect only the generic mana component of that cost. They can’t affect the colored or colorless mana components of that cost.\\  
-117.7a 减少费用中数个一般法术力的效应,只会影响费用中一般法术力的部分。这些效应不能影响费用中有色或无色法术力的部分。+118.7a 减少费用中数个一般法术力的效应,只会影响费用中一般法术力的部分。这些效应不能影响费用中有色或无色法术力的部分。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-7b>117.7b If a cost is reduced by an amount of colored or colorless mana, but the cost doesn’t require mana of that type, the cost is reduced by that amount of generic mana.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-7b>118.7b If a cost is reduced by an amount of colored or colorless mana, but the cost doesn’t require mana of that type, the cost is reduced by that amount of generic mana.\\  
-117.7b 如果一个费用减少了数个有色或无色法术力,但该费用不需要该类型的法术力,则该费用减少等量的一般法术力。+118.7b 如果一个费用减少了数个有色或无色法术力,但该费用不需要该类型的法术力,则该费用减少等量的一般法术力。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-7c>117.7c If a cost is reduced by an amount of colored mana that exceeds its mana component of that color, the cost’s mana component of that color is reduced to nothing and the cost’s generic mana component is reduced by the difference.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-7c>118.7c If a cost is reduced by an amount of colored mana that exceeds its mana component of that color, the cost’s mana component of that color is reduced to nothing and the cost’s generic mana component is reduced by the difference.\\  
-117.7c 如果一个费用减少了数个有色法术力,且减少的数量超过了该费用中该颜色法术力的数量,该费用中此颜色的部分被减至无,并减少等同于超出部分数量的一般法术力。+118.7c 如果一个费用减少了数个有色法术力,且减少的数量超过了该费用中该颜色法术力的数量,该费用中此颜色的部分被减至无,并减少等同于超出部分数量的一般法术力。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-7d>117.7d If a cost is reduced by an amount of colorless mana that exceeds its colorless mana component, the cost’s colorless mana component is reduced to nothing and the cost’s generic mana component is reduced by the difference.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-7d>118.7d If a cost is reduced by an amount of colorless mana that exceeds its colorless mana component, the cost’s colorless mana component is reduced to nothing and the cost’s generic mana component is reduced by the difference.\\  
-117.7d 如果一个费用减少了数个无色法术力,且减少的数量超过了该费用中无色法术力的数量,该费用中无色法术力的部分被减至无,并减少等同于超出部分数量的一般法术力。+118.7d 如果一个费用减少了数个无色法术力,且减少的数量超过了该费用中无色法术力的数量,该费用中无色法术力的部分被减至无,并减少等同于超出部分数量的一般法术力。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-7e>117.7e If a cost is reduced by an amount of mana represented by a hybrid mana symbol, the player paying that cost chooses one half of that symbol at the time the cost reduction is applied (see rule 601.2f). If a colored half is chosen, the cost is reduced by one mana of that color. If a colorless ​half is chosen, the cost is reduced by an amount of generic mana equal to that half’s number.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-7e>118.7e If a cost is reduced by an amount of mana represented by a hybrid mana symbol, the player paying that cost chooses one half of that symbol at the time the cost reduction is applied (see rule 601.2f). If a colored half is chosen, the cost is reduced by one mana of that color. If a generic ​half is chosen, the cost is reduced by an amount of generic mana equal to that half’s number.\\  
-117.7e 如果一个费用减少的法术力由混血法术力符号表示,该牌手在减少费用的效应生效时选择该混血法术力符号的其中一半(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr601-2f|601.2f]])。如果选择的一半为有色法术力,该费用减少一点该色法术力。如果选择的一半为无色法术力,该费用减少等同于那半边数量的一般法术力。+118.7e 如果一个费用减少的法术力由混血法术力符号表示,该牌手在减少费用的效应生效时选择该混血法术力符号的其中一半(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr601-2f|601.2f]])。如果选择的一半为有色法术力,该费用减少一点该色法术力。如果选择的一半为一般法术力,该费用减少等同于那半边数量的一般法术力。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-7f>117.7f If a cost is reduced by an amount of mana represented by a Phyrexian mana symbol, the cost is reduced by one mana of that symbol’s color.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-7f>118.7f If a cost is reduced by an amount of mana represented by a Phyrexian mana symbol, the cost is reduced by one mana of that symbol’s color.\\  
-117.7f 如果一个费用减少的法术力由非瑞克西亚法术力符号表示,该费用减少一点该符号的颜色之法术力。+118.7f 如果一个费用减少的法术力由非瑞克西亚法术力符号表示,该费用减少一点该符号的颜色之法术力。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-8>117.8. Some spells and abilities have additional costs. An additional ​cost is a cost listed in a spell’s rules text, or applied to a spell or ability from another effectthat its controller must pay at the same time that player pays the spell’s mana cost or the ability’s activation cost. A cost is an additional cost only if it’s phrased using the word “additional.” Note that some additional costs are listed in keywords; see rule 702.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-7g>118.7g If a cost is reduced by an amount of mana represented by one or more snow mana symbols, the cost is reduced by that much generic mana.\\  
-117.8. 一些咒语和异能有额外费用。额外费用指咒语或异能的操控者在支付咒语的法术力费用或异能的起动费用时,必须同时支付的在该咒语规则叙述中或者一个效应对咒语或异能生效产生的费用。只有使用“额外”词的费用才是额外费用。有些额外费用在关键字中列出;参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr702|702]]+118.7g 如果费用减少的法术力由一个或数个雪境法术力符号表示,该费用减少等量的般法术力
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-8a>117.8a Any number of additional costs may be applied to a spell as it’s being cast or to an ability ​as it’s being activated. The controller ​of the spell or ability ​announces their intentions to pay any or all of those costs as described ​in rule 601.2b.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-8>118.8. Some spells and abilities have additional costs. An additional cost is a cost listed in a spell’s ​rules text, or applied ​to a spell or ability ​from another effect, that its controller ​must pay at the same time they pay the spell’s mana cost or the ability’s activation cost. Note that some additional ​costs are listed ​in keywords; see rule 702.\\  
-117.8a 咒语或起动式异能于施放和起动的时可以多个额外费用。咒语或异能的操控者按照规则[[cr:6#cr601-2b|601.2b]]的叙述宣告其准备如何支付其中哪些费用+118.8. 一些咒语异能有额外费用。额外费用指咒语或异能的操控者在支付咒语的法术力费用或异能的起动费用时,必须同时支付的在该咒语规则叙述中或者由另一个效应对该咒语或异能生效产生的费用。有些额外费用在关键字中列出;参见规则[[cr:7#cr702|702]]。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-8b>117.8b Some additional costs are optional.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-8a>118.8a Any number of additional costs may be applied to a spell as it’s being cast or to an ability as it’s being activated. The controller of the spell or ability announces their intentions to pay any or all of those costs as described in rule 601.2b.\\  
-117.8b 一些额外费用是有选择性的。+118.8a 咒语或起动式异能于施放和起动的时可以有多个额外费用。该咒语或异能操控者按照规则[[cr:​6#​cr601-2b|601.2b]]的叙述宣告其准备如何支付其中哪些费用
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-8c>117.8c If an effect instructs a player to cast a spell “if able,” and that spell has a mandatory ​additional ​cost that includes actions involving cards with a stated quality in a hidden zone, the player isn’t required to cast that spell, even if those cards are present in that zone.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-8b>118.8b Some additional ​costs are optional.\\  
-117.8c 如果个效应让牌手“如果可以则必须”施放某咒语,并且该咒语具有必须的额外费用,该费用包括对隐藏区域中具特殊要求的牌进行动作,则该牌手不必施放该咒语,即使这些牌在所在区域中已经展示+118.8b 额外费用选择性的。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-8d>117.8d Additional costs don’t change ​spell’s mana cost, only what its controller has to pay to cast it. Spells ​and abilities that ask for that spell’s mana cost still see the original value.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-8c>118.8c If an effect instructs ​player ​to cast a spell “if able,​” ​and that spell has a mandatory additional ​cost that includes actions involving cards with a stated quality in a hidden zone, the player isn’t required to cast that spell, even if those cards are present in that zone.\\  
-117.8d 额外费用不改变咒语的法术力费用,只改变其操控者为施放它而需支付的费用。需得知咒语法术力费用的咒语或异能依然使用其原有数值+118.8c 如果一个效应让牌手“如果可以则必须”施放某咒语,并且该咒语具有必须额外费用,费用包括对隐藏区域中具有特殊牌进行动作,则该牌手不必施放该咒语,即使这些牌在所在区域中已经展示
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-8e>117.8e Some effects increase the cost to cast a spell or activate an ability without using the word “additional.” Those are not additional costs, ​and are not considered until determining ​the total cost of a spell or ability as described in rule 601.2f.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-8d>118.8d Additional costs don’t change a spell’s mana cost, only what its controller has to pay to cast itSpells ​and abilities that ask for that spell’s mana cost still see the original value.\\  
-117.8e 一些增加施放咒语费用或起动异能费用的效应没有使用“额外”一词这些不是额外费用,并且直到规则[[cr:​6#​cr601-2f|601.2f]]中所叙述确定咒语或异能的总费之前不被考虑+118.8d 额外费用不改变咒语的法术力费用,只改变其操控者为施放它而需支付的费用。需要得知咒语法术力费用的咒语或异能依然使其原有的数值
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-9>117.9. Some spells have alternative costs. An alternative cost is a cost listed in a spell’s text, or applied to it from another effect, that its controller may pay rather than paying the spell’s mana cost. Alternative costs are usually phrased, “You may [action] rather than pay [this object’s] mana cost,” or “You may cast [this object] without paying its mana cost.” Note that some alternative costs are listed in keywords; see rule 702.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-9>118.9. Some spells have alternative costs. An alternative cost is a cost listed in a spell’s text, or applied to it from another effect, that its controller may pay rather than paying the spell’s mana cost. Alternative costs are usually phrased, “You may [action] rather than pay [this object’s] mana cost,” or “You may cast [this object] without paying its mana cost.” Note that some alternative costs are listed in keywords; see rule 702.\\  
-117.9. 一些咒语有替代性费用。替代性费用指咒语规则叙述中或或者由另一个效应对该咒语或异能生效产生的费用,其操控者可以不支付咒语的法术力力费用而改为支付此费用。替代性费用一般使用“你可以[动作]而不支付[此物件]的法术力费用”或“你可以施放[此物件]而不支付其法术力费用”。有些替代性费用在关键字中列出;参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr702|702]]。+118.9. 一些咒语有替代性费用。替代性费用指咒语规则叙述中或或者由另一个效应对该咒语或异能生效产生的费用,其操控者可以不支付咒语的法术力力费用而改为支付此费用。替代性费用一般使用“你可以[动作]而不支付[此物件]的法术力费用”或“你可以施放[此物件]而不支付其法术力费用”。有些替代性费用在关键字中列出;参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr702|702]]。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-9a>117.9a Only one alternative cost can be applied to any one spell as it’s being cast. The controller of the spell announces their intentions to pay that cost as described in rule 601.2b.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-9a>118.9a Only one alternative cost can be applied to any one spell as it’s being cast. The controller of the spell announces their intentions to pay that cost as described in rule 601.2b.\\  
-117.9a 任何咒语都只可以使用一个替代性费用来使用。该咒语的操控者按照规则[[cr:​6#​cr601-2b|601.2b]]的叙述宣告其准备支付如何费用。+118.9a 任何咒语都只可以使用一个替代性费用来使用。该咒语的操控者按照规则[[cr:​6#​cr601-2b|601.2b]]的叙述宣告其准备支付如何费用。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-9b>117.9b Alternative costs are always ​optional.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-9b>118.9b Alternative costs are generally ​optional. An effect that allows you to cast a spell may require a certain alternative cost to be paid.\\  
-117.9b 替代性费用择性的。+118.9b 替代性费用通常选的。一些允许你施放咒语的效应可能需要支付某个特定的替代性费用
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-9c>117.9c An alternative cost doesn’t change a spell’s mana cost, only what its controller has to pay to cast it. Spells and abilities that ask for that spell’s mana cost still see the original value.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-9c>118.9c An alternative cost doesn’t change a spell’s mana cost, only what its controller has to pay to cast it. Spells and abilities that ask for that spell’s mana cost still see the original value.\\  
-117.9c 替代性费用不改变咒语的法术力费用,只改变其操控者为施放它而需支付的费用。需要得知咒语法术力费用的咒语或异能依然使用其原有的数值。+118.9c 替代性费用不改变咒语的法术力费用,只改变其操控者为施放它而需支付的费用。需要得知咒语法术力费用的咒语或异能依然使用其原有的数值。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-9d>117.9d If an alternative cost is being paid to cast a spell, any additional costs, cost increases, and cost reductions that affect that spell are applied to that alternative cost. (See rule 601.2f.)\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-9d>118.9d If an alternative cost is being paid to cast a spell, any additional costs, cost increases, and cost reductions that affect that spell are applied to that alternative cost. (See rule 601.2f.)\\  
-117.9d 如果一个替代性费用被用来支付施放咒语,任何影响该咒语的额外费用、增加费用以及减少费用依然对该替代性费用生效。(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr601-2f|601.2f]]。)+118.9d 如果一个替代性费用被用来支付施放咒语,任何影响该咒语的额外费用、增加费用以及减少费用依然对该替代性费用生效。(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr601-2f|601.2f]]。)
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-10>117.10. Each payment of a cost applies to only one spell, ability, or effect. For example, a player can’t sacrifice just one creature to activate the activated abilities of two permanents that each require sacrificing a creature as a cost. Also, the resolution of a spell or ability doesn’t pay another spell or ability’s cost, even if part of its effect is doing the same thing the other cost asks for.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-10>118.10. Each payment of a cost applies to only one spell, ability, or effect. For example, a player can’t sacrifice just one creature to activate the activated abilities of two permanents that each require sacrificing a creature as a cost. Also, the resolution of a spell or ability doesn’t pay another spell or ability’s cost, even if part of its effect is doing the same thing the other cost asks for.\\  
-117.10. 费用的每个花费只能应用于一个咒语、异能或效应。例如,牌手不能牺牲同一个生物来起动两个永久物上各需要牺牲生物作为费用的起动式异能。另外,咒语和异能的结算并不能用来支付另一个咒语或异能的费用,即使它的部分效应与另一个费用的要求吻合。+118.10. 费用的每个花费只能应用于一个咒语、异能或效应。例如,牌手不能牺牲同一个生物来起动两个永久物上各需要牺牲生物作为费用的起动式异能。另外,咒语和异能的结算并不能用来支付另一个咒语或异能的费用,即使它的部分效应与另一个费用的要求吻合。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-11>117.11. The actions performed when paying a cost may be modified by effects. Even if they are, meaning the actions that are performed don’t match the actions that are called for, the cost has still been paid.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-11>118.11. The actions performed when paying a cost may be modified by effects. Even if they are, meaning the actions that are performed don’t match the actions that are called for, the cost has still been paid.\\  
-117.11. 当支付费用时执行的动作可能被效应所修改,这表示执行的动作将与要求的动作不符,但费用依然被支付了。+118.11. 当支付费用时执行的动作可能被效应所修改,这表示执行的动作将与要求的动作不符,但费用依然被支付了。
 Example: A player controls Psychic Vortex, an enchantment with a cumulative upkeep cost of “Draw a card,” and Obstinate Familiar, a creature that says “If you would draw a card, you may skip that draw instead.” The player may decide to pay Psychic Vortex’s cumulative upkeep cost and then draw no cards instead of drawing the appropriate amount. The cumulative upkeep cost has still been paid.\\ ​ Example: A player controls Psychic Vortex, an enchantment with a cumulative upkeep cost of “Draw a card,” and Obstinate Familiar, a creature that says “If you would draw a card, you may skip that draw instead.” The player may decide to pay Psychic Vortex’s cumulative upkeep cost and then draw no cards instead of drawing the appropriate amount. The cumulative upkeep cost has still been paid.\\ ​
-例如:某牌手操控Psychic Vortex,一个累积维持为“抓一张牌”的结界,以及顽强佣兽,一个具有“如果你将抓一张牌,你可以改为略过该抓牌”的生物。该牌手可以选择支付Psychic Vortex的累积维持费用,然后将抓该数量的牌改为不抓牌。该累积费用依然被支付了。+例如:某牌手操控精神漩涡,一个累积维持为“抓一张牌”的结界,以及顽强佣兽,一个具有“如果你将抓一张牌,你可以改为略过该抓牌”的生物。该牌手可以选择支付精神漩涡的累积维持费用,然后将抓该数量的牌改为不抓牌。该累积费用依然被支付了。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-12>117.12. Some spells, activated abilities, and triggered abilities read, “[Do something]. If [a player] [does, doesn’t, or can’t], [effect].” ​or “[A player] may [do something]. If [that player] [does, doesn’t, or can’t], [effect].” The action [do something] is a cost, paid when the spell or ability resolves. The “If [a player] [does, doesn’t, or can’t]” clause checks whether the player chose to pay an optional cost or started to pay a mandatory cost, regardless of what events actually occurred.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-12>118.12. Some spells, activated abilities, and triggered abilities read, “[Do something]. If [a player] [does, doesn’t, or can’t], [effect].” ​Or “[A player] may [do something]. If [that player] [does, doesn’t, or can’t], [effect].” The action [do something] is a cost, paid when the spell or ability resolves. The “If [a player] [does, doesn’t, or can’t]” clause checks whether the player chose to pay an optional cost or started to pay a mandatory cost, regardless of what events actually occurred.\\  
-117.12. 一些咒语、起动式异能以及触发式异能为,“[作某件事]。如果[有牌手][作、不作、或无法如此作],[效应]。”或“[有牌手]可以[作某件事]。如果[该牌手][作、不作或无法如此作],[效应]。”[作某件事]的动作为费用,在咒语或异能结算时支付。“如果[某牌手][作、不作或无法如此作]”部分检查牌手是否选择支付一个可选费用,或开始支付一个强制费用,无论哪个事件实际发生。+118.12. 一些咒语、起动式异能以及触发式异能为,“[作某件事]。如果[有牌手][作、不作、或无法如此作],[效应]。”或“[有牌手]可以[作某件事]。如果[该牌手][作、不作或无法如此作],[效应]。”[作某件事]的动作为费用,在咒语或异能结算时支付。“如果[某牌手][作、不作或无法如此作]”部分检查牌手是否选择支付一个可选费用,或开始支付一个强制费用,无论哪个事件实际发生。
 Example: You control Standstill, an enchantment that says “When a player casts a spell, sacrifice Standstill. If you do, each of that player’s opponents draws three cards.” A spell is cast, causing Standstill’s ability to trigger. Then an ability is activated that exiles Standstill. When Standstill’s ability resolves, you’re unable to pay the “sacrifice Standstill” cost. No player will draw cards.\\ ​ Example: You control Standstill, an enchantment that says “When a player casts a spell, sacrifice Standstill. If you do, each of that player’s opponents draws three cards.” A spell is cast, causing Standstill’s ability to trigger. Then an ability is activated that exiles Standstill. When Standstill’s ability resolves, you’re unable to pay the “sacrifice Standstill” cost. No player will draw cards.\\ ​
-Example: Your opponent has cast Gather Specimens, a spell that says “If a creature would enter the battlefield under an opponent’s control this turn, it enters ​the battlefield ​under your control instead.” You control a face-down Dermoplasm, a creature with morph that says “When Dermoplasm is turned face up, you may put a creature card with morph from your hand onto the battlefield face up. If you do, return Dermoplasm to its owner’s hand.” You turn Dermoplasm face up, and you choose to put a creature card with morph from your hand onto the battlefield. Due to Gather Specimens, it enters the battlefield under your opponent’s control instead of yours. However, since you chose to pay the cost, Dermoplasm is still returned to its owner’s hand.\\  +Example: Your opponent has cast Gather Specimens, a spell that says “If a creature would enter the battlefield under an opponent’s control this turn, it enters under your control instead.” You control a face-down Dermoplasm, a creature with morph that says “When Dermoplasm is turned face up, you may put a creature card with morph from your hand onto the battlefield face up. If you do, return Dermoplasm to its owner’s hand.” You turn Dermoplasm face up, and you choose to put a creature card with morph from your hand onto the battlefield. Due to Gather Specimens, it enters the battlefield under your opponent’s control instead of yours. However, since you chose to pay the cost, Dermoplasm is still returned to its owner’s hand.\\  
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-12a>117.12a Some spells, activated abilities, and triggered abilities read, “[Do something] unless [a player does something else].” This means the same thing as “[A player may do something else]. If [that player doesn’t], [do something].” \\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-12a>118.12a Some spells, activated abilities, and triggered abilities read, “[Do something] unless [a player does something else].” This means the same thing as “[A player may do something else]. If [that player doesn’t], [do something].”\\  
-117.12a 一些咒语、起动式异能以及触发式异能为,“[作某件事]除非[一位牌手作另一件事]”。这与“[一位牌手可以作一件事]。如果[该牌手不如此作],则[作件事]。”的意义相同。+118.12a 一些咒语、起动式异能以及触发式异能为,“除非[一位牌手作一件事],否则[作另一件事]”。这与“[一位牌手可以作一件事]。如果[该牌手不如此作],则[作另一件事]。”的意义相同。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr117-12b>117.12b Some effects offer a player a choice to search a zone and take additional actions with the cards found in that zone, followed by an “If [a player] does” clause. This clause checks whether the player chose to search, not whether the player took any of the additional actions.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-12b>118.12b Some effects offer a player a choice to search a zone and take additional actions with the cards found in that zone, followed by an “If [a player] does” clause. This clause checks whether the player chose to search, not whether the player took any of the additional actions.\\  
-117.12b 一些效应允许牌手选择搜寻一个区域并对该区域中找到的牌作出额外的动作,其后带有一个“如果[某牌手]如此作”子句。此子句检查该牌手是否选择搜寻,而非该牌手是否执行任何额外的动作。 +118.12b 一些效应允许牌手选择搜寻一个区域并对该区域中找到的牌作出额外的动作,其后带有一个“如果[某牌手]如此作”子句。此子句检查该牌手是否选择搜寻,而非该牌手是否执行任何额外的动作。
-===== 118. 生命 Life ===== +
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr118>​118. Life\\  +
-118. 生命+
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-1>118.1. Each player begins the game with a starting life total of 20. Some variant games have different starting life totals.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-13>118.13. Some costs contain mana symbols that can be paid in multiple ways. These include hybrid mana symbols and Phyrexian mana symbols.\\  
-118.1每位牌手在游戏开始时的起始总生命为20。一些玩法能会有不同起始总生命+118.13. 一些费用包含以用多种方式支付法术力符号。这包括混血法术力符号和非瑞克西亚法术力符号
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-1a>118.1a In Two-Headed Giant gameeach team’s starting life total is 30. See rule 810, “Two-Headed Giant Variant.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-13a>118.13a If the mana cost of spell or the activation cost of an activated ability contains a mana symbol that can be paid in multiple waysthe choice of how to pay for that symbol ​is made as its controller proposes that spell or ability (see rule 601.2b).\\  
-118.1a 在双头巨人游戏中,每团队的起始总生命为30;参见规则[[cr:​8#cr810|810]],“双头巨人玩法”+118.13a 如果一咒语法术力费用、或一个动式异能的起动费用包含可以用多种方式支付的法术力符号,则其操控者于声明该咒语或异能(参见规则[[cr:​6#cr601-2b|601.2b]])时选择如何支付该符号
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-1b>118.1b In Vanguard game, each player’s starting life total is 20 plus or minus the life modifier ​of their vanguard card. See rule 902“Vanguard.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-13b>118.13b If cost paid during ​the resolution ​of a spell or ability contains a mana symbol that can be paid in multiple waysthe player paying that cost chooses how to pay for that symbol immediately before they pay that cost.\\  
-118.1b 先锋游戏,每位牌手起始总生命为20并受到该牌手之先锋牌的生命修正增加或减少。参见规则[[cr:​9#​cr902|902]]锋”+118.13b 如果一个咒语或异能结算过程支付的费用包含可以用多种方式支付法术力符号则支付费用的牌手在紧接着支付该费用,先选择如何支付该符号
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-1c>118.1c In Commander gameeach player’s starting life total is 40See rule 903, “Commander.”\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-13c>118.13c If the cost associated with special action contains a mana symbol that can be paid in multiple waysthe player ​taking the special action chooses how to pay for that symbol immediately before they pay that cost.\\  
-118.1c 在指挥官游戏中每位牌手的起始总生命为40。参见规则[[cr:​9#​cr903|903]]“指挥官”+118.13c 如果一个与特殊动作相关联的费用包含可以用多种方式支付的法术力符号则执行该特殊动作的牌手在紧接着支付该费用之前先选择如何支付该符号
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-1d>118.1d In an Archenemy gamethe archenemy’s ​ starting life total is 40. See rule 904, “Archenemy.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-14>118.14. Some effects say that “mana of any type can be spent” to pay a cost. This means that players may spend mana as though it were colorless mana or mana of any color to pay that cost. If that effect also gives a player permission to cast spellsthis applies only to mana that player spends to cast spells that way. See rule 609.4b.\\  
-118.1d 在魔王游戏中魔王起始总命为40。参见规则[[cr:​9#cr904|904]],“魔王”+118.14. 一些效应叙述“能用任意种类的法术力”来支付费用。这意味着牌手可以将法术力视同无色法术力或任意颜色的法术力来支付此费用。如果该效应还允许牌手施放咒语则其只对以此法施放咒语时支付法术力。参见规则[[cr:​6#cr609-4b|609.4b]]。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-2>118.2. Damage dealt to a player normally causes that player to lose that much life. See rule 119.3.\\  +===== 119. 生命 Life ===== 
-118.2. 对牌手造成的伤害通常会导致该牌手失去等量的生命。参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr119-3|119.3]]。+<​BOOKMARK:​cr119>​119. ​Life\\  
 +119. 生命
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-3>118.3If an effect causes a player ​to gain life or lose life, that player’s ​life total is adjusted accordingly.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-1>119.1Each player ​begins the game with a starting ​life total of 20. Some variant games have different starting life totals.\\  
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-4>118.4. If cost or effect allows a player to pay an amount of life greater than 0the player may do so only if their life total is greater than or equal to the amount of the paymentIf a player pays lifethe payment is subtracted from their life total; in other words, the player loses that much life. (Players can always pay 0 life.)\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-1a>119.1a In Two-Headed Giant gameeach team’s starting ​life total is 30See rule 810“Two-Headed Giant Variant.\\  
-118.4. 如果一个费用或效应允许牌手支付大于0点生命,该牌手只有其总生命大于等于其将支付的生命时才可以如此作。如果牌手支付生命其所支付生命从总生命值中减去。(牌手永远可以支付0点生命+119.1a 双头巨人游戏中每个队伍起始总生命为30;参见规则[[cr:​8#​cr810|810]],“双头巨人玩法”
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-4a>118.4a If cost or effect allows a player to pay an amount of life greater than 0 in a Two-Headed Giant game, the player ​may do so only if their team’s life total is greater than or equal to the total amount ​of life both team members are paying for that cost or effectIf a player pays lifethe payment is subtracted from their team’s life total. (Players can always pay 0 life.)\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-1b>119.1b In Vanguard ​game, each player’s ​starting ​life total is 20 plus or minus the life modifier ​of their vanguard cardSee rule 902“Vanguard.\\  
-118.4a 一场双头巨人的游戏中,如果一个费用或效应允许牌手支付大于0点生命,该牌手只有在其团队的总生命大于等于其团队所有成员将为该费用或效应支付的生命时才可以如此作。如果牌手支付生命,其所支付的生命从团队的总生命值中(牌手永远可以支付0点生命+119.1b 先锋游戏中,每位牌手的起始总生命为20,并受到该牌手之先锋牌的生命修正增加或参见规则[[cr:​9#​cr902|902]],“先锋”
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-5>118.5. If an effect sets a player’s life total to a specific numberthe player gains or loses the necessary amount of life to end up with the new total.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-1c>119.1c In Commander game, each player’s ​starting ​life total is 40. See rule 903“Commander.\\  
-118.5. 如果一个效应将牌手的总生命一个特定的值该牌手会得到或失去相应的生命使其总生命成为该新的数值+119.1c 在指挥官游戏中,每位牌手的起始总生命为40。参见规则[[cr:​9#​cr903|903]]“指挥官”
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-6>118.6. If a player ​has 0 or less lifethat player ​loses the game as state-based action. See rule 704.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-1d>119.1d In two-player ​Brawl gameeach player’s starting life total is 25. In multiplayer Brawl game, each player’s starting life total is 30. See rule 903.12, “Brawl Option.”\\  
-118.6. 如果一位牌手的生命为0或更少牌手状态动作输掉游戏。参见规则[[cr:​7#cr704|704]]。+119.1d 在双人争锋游戏中,每位牌手的起始总生命为25。在多人争锋游戏中每位牌手的起始总生命30。参见规则[[cr:​9#cr903-12|903.12]],“争锋模式”
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-7>118.7. If an effect says that a player can’t gain lifethat player can’t make an exchange such that the player’s life total would become higher; in that case, the exchange won’t happenSimilarlyif an effect redistributes life totals, a player can’t receive a new life total such that the player’s life total would become higher. In addition, a cost that involves having that player gain life can’t be paid, and a replacement effect that would replace a life gain event affecting that player won’t do anything.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-1e>119.1e In an Archenemy game, the archenemy’s starting ​life total is 40See rule 904“Archenemy.\\  
-118.7. 如果一个效应为某牌手不能获得生命则该牌手不能作出会让他的生命变的更高的交换;这此情况下,交换不会发生。类似地,如果一个效应重新调换总生命,牌手不能得到与其原来的总生命相比更高的总生命。除此之外包括该牌手获得生命的费用不能被支付,且一个影响该牌手,将替代其得到生命事件的替代性效应不会有任何效果+119.1e 在魔王游戏中魔王起始总生命为40参见规则[[cr:​9#​cr904|904]]“魔王”
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-8>118.8If an effect says that a player ​can’t lose life, that player ​can’t make an exchange such that the player’s ​life total would become lower; in that case, the exchange won’t happenSimilarly, if an effect redistributes life totals, a player can’t receive a new life total such that the player’s life total would become lowerIn addition, a cost that involves having that player pay life can’t be paid.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-2>119.2Damage dealt to a player ​normally causes ​that player ​to lose that much life. See rule 120.3.\\  
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr118-9>118.9Some triggered abilities are written, “Whenever [a player] gains life, . . . .” Such abilities are treated as though they are written, “Whenever a source ​causes ​[a playerto gain life, . . . .” If a player ​gains 0 life, no life gain event has occurred, and these abilities won’t trigger.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-3>119.3If an effect ​causes a player to gain life or lose life, that player’s life total is adjusted accordingly.\\  
-===== 119. 伤害 Damage ===== +<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-4>119.4. If a cost or effect allows a player to pay an amount of life greater than 0, the player may do so only if their life total is greater than or equal to the amount of the payment. If a player pays life, the payment is subtracted from their life total; in other words, the player loses that much life.\\  
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr119>​119. ​Damage\\  +119.4. 如果一个费用或效应允许牌手支付大于0点生命,该牌手只有在其总生命大于等于其将支付的生命时才可以如此作。如果牌手支付生命,其所支付的生命从总生命值中减去。
-119. 伤害+
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-1>119.1. Objects can deal damage ​to creaturesplaneswalkers,​ and players. This is generally detrimental to the object or player ​that receives that damage. An object that deals damage ​is the source ​of that damage.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-4a>119.4a If a cost or effect allows a player ​to pay an amount of life greater than 0 in a Two-Headed Giant game, the player ​may do so only if their team’s life total is greater than or equal to the total amount ​of life both team members are paying for that cost or effect. If a player pays life, the payment is subtracted from their team’s life total.\\  
-119.1. 物件可以对物、鹏洛客以及牌手造成伤害。这通常是对受到伤害物件或牌手不利。造成伤害物件是该伤害的来源+119.4a 在一场双头巨人的游戏中,如果一个费用或效应允许牌手支付大于0点命,该牌手只有在其队伍总生命大于等于其队伍所有成员将为该费用效应支付的生命时才可以如此作。如果牌手支付生命,其所支付生命从队伍总生命值中减去
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-1a>119.1a Damage ​can’t be dealt to an object thats neither a creature nor a planeswalker.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-4b>119.4b Players ​can always pay 0 life, no matter what their (or their teams) life total is, and even if an effect says players cant pay life.\\  
-119.1a 伤害不能物和鹏洛客以外的物件造成+119.4b 牌手永远可以支付0点生命,无论他(或他的队伍)的总生命是多少,即使一个效应使牌手不能支付命亦是如此
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-2>119.2Any object can deal damage.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-5>119.5If an effect sets a player’s life total to a specific number, the player gains or loses the necessary amount of life to end up with the new total.\\  
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-2a>119.2a Damage may be dealt as a result of combatEach attacking and blocking creature deals combat damage equal to its power during the combat damage step.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-6>119.6. If a player has 0 or less life, that player loses the game as a state-based actionSee rule 704.\\  
-119.2a 造成伤害可能为战斗的效。每个攻击生物和阻挡生物在战斗伤害步骤中造成等同其力量战斗伤害+119.6. 如一位牌手生命为0或更少,该牌手作为状态动作输掉游戏。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]]
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-2b>119.2b Damage may be dealt as an effect ​of spell or abilityThe spell or ability will specify which object deals that damage.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-7>119.7. If an effect ​says that player can’t gain life, that player can’t make an exchange such that the player’s life total would become higher; in that case, the exchange won’t happenSimilarly, if an effect redistributes life totals, a player can’t receive a new life total such that the player’s life total would become higher. In addition, a cost that involves having that player gain life can’t be paid, and a replacement effect that would replace a life gain event affecting that player won’t do anything.\\  
-119.2b 造成伤害可能咒语或异能的效应。该咒语或异将指定造成伤害的物件。+119.7. 如果一个效应某牌手不能获得生命,则该牌手不作出会让他生命变的更高的交换;这此情况下,交换不会发生。类似地,如果一个效应重新调换总生命,牌手不能得到与其原来的总生命相比更高的总生命除此之外,包括牌手获得生命的费用不被支付,且一个影响牌手,将替代其得到生命事的替代性效应不会有任何效果
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-3>119.3Damage may have one or more of the following results, depending on whether the recipient of the damage is a player ​or permanent, the characteristics of the damage’s sourceand the characteristics of the damages recipient (if it’s a permanent).\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-8>119.8If an effect says that a player ​can’t lose lifethat player can’t make an exchange such that the player’s life total would become lower; in that case, the exchange wont happen. Similarly, ​if an effect redistributes life totals, a player can’t receive a new life total such that the player’s life total would become lower. In addition, ​cost that involves having that player pay life can’t be paid.\\  
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-3a>119.3a Damage dealt to a player ​by a source ​without infect ​causes ​that player to lose that much life.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-9>119.9. Some triggered abilities are written, “Whenever [a player] gains life, . . . .” Such abilities are treated as though they are written, “Whenever ​a source causes ​[a playerto gain life, . . . .” If a player gains 0 life, no life gain event has occurred, and these abilities won’t trigger.\\  
-119.3a 对牌手造成的伤害会导致该牌手失去等量的生命。+119.9. 一些触发式异能写作“每当[牌手]获得生命时,……”。这些异能视为“每当一个来源使[牌手]获得生命时……”。如果一位牌手获得0点生命,没有获得生命的事件发生,这些异能也不会触发
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-3b>119.3b Damage dealt to a player ​by a source ​with infect causes that source’s controller ​to give the player ​that many poison counters.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-10>119.10. Some replacement effects are written, “If [a player] would gain life, . . . .” Such abilities are treated as though they are written, “If a source ​would cause [a player] ​to gain life, . . . .” If a player ​gains 0 life, no life gain event would occur, and these effects won’t apply.\\  
-119.3b 具侵染异能来源牌手造成的伤害会导致该来源的操控者给予该牌手等量中毒指示物+119.10. 一些替代性效应写作“如果[某牌手]将获得生命,. . .”。这些异能视为“如果一个来源使得[某牌手]获得生命,. . .”。如果一位牌手获得0点生命,没有获得生命事件会发生,这些效应也不会生效
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-3c>119.3c Damage ​dealt to a planeswalker causes that many loyalty counters to be removed from that planeswalker.\\  +===== 120. 伤害 Damage ===== 
-119.3c 对鹏洛客造成的伤害会导致该鹏洛客移去等量的忠诚指示物。+<​BOOKMARK:​cr120>120. Damage\\  
 +120. 伤害
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-3d>119.3d Damage dealt to a creature by a source with wither ​and/or infect causes ​that source’s controller to put that many -1/-1 counters on that creature.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-1>120.1. Objects can deal damage ​to battles, creatures, planeswalkers, ​and players. This is generally detrimental to the object ​or player ​that receives ​that damage. An object that deals damage is the source of that damage.\\  
-119.3d 具有干枯和/​或侵染的来源对生物造成伤害会导致该来源操控者在该生上放置等量-1/-1指示物。+120.1. 物件可以战役、生物、鹏洛客以及牌手造成伤害。这通常是对受到伤害的物件或牌手不利的。造成伤害的物件是该伤害的来源
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-3e>119.3e Damage dealt to a creature ​by source with neither wither nor infect causes that much damage to be marked on that creature.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-1a>120.1a Damage ​can’t be dealt to an object that’s not a battle, ​a creature, or planeswalker.\\  
-119.3e 具有干枯或侵染的来源对生物造成伤害,会导致在生物上标记受到等量的伤害+120.1a 伤害战役、生物或鹏洛客以外的物件造成。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-3f>119.3f Damage dealt by a source with lifelink causes that source’s controller to gain that much life, in addition to the damage’s other results.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-2>120.2. Any object can deal damage.\\  
-119.3f 具有系命的来源对物件或牌手造成伤害,除了该伤害的其他效果以外,该来源的操控者得到等量的生命+120.2. 任何物件都可以造成伤害。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-4>119.4. Damage ​is processed in three-part sequence.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-2a>120.2a Damage ​may be dealt as result of combat. Each attacking and blocking creature deals combat damage equal to its power during the combat damage step.\\  
-119.4. 处理伤害需要依次经历三部分+120.2a 造成伤害可能为战斗的效果。每个攻击生物和阻挡生物在战斗伤害步骤中造成等同其力量的战斗伤害。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-4a>119.4a First, damage is dealtas modified by replacement and prevention effects that interact with damage(See rule 614, “Replacement Effects,” and rule 615, “Prevention Effects.”) Abilities ​that trigger when damage ​is dealt trigger now and wait to be put on the stack.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-2b>120.2b Damage may be dealt as an effect of a spell or abilityThe spell or ability will specify which object deals that damage.\\  
-119.4a 首先,伤害造成,并且与伤害有关替代性效应和防止性效应会影响该伤害。(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr614|614]],“替代性效应”和规则[[cr:​6#​cr615|615]],“防止性效应”。)当伤害造成时触发异能此时触发,等待进入堆叠+120.2b 造成伤害可能为咒语或异能的效应。该咒语或异能将指定造成该伤害的物件
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-4b>119.4b Next, damage ​that’s been dealt is processed into its resultsas modified by replacement effects that interact with those results ​(such as life loss or counters).\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-3>120.3. Damage may have one or more of the following resultsdepending on whether the recipient of the damage is a player or permanent, the characteristics of the damage’s ​sourceand the characteristics of the damage’s recipient ​(if it’s a permanent).\\  
-119.4b 然后,造成伤害变换为其结果并且与结果有关替代性效应和防止性效应会影响该结果。失去生命或获得指示+120.3. 伤害可能造成一个或数个以下效果,取决于牌手或永久物受到伤害、伤害来源的特征以及受到伤害一方特征(如果是永久物)
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-4c>119.4c Finally, the damage event occurs.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-3a>​120.3a Damage dealt to a player by a source without infect causes that player to lose that much life.\\  
-119.4c 最后,伤害事件发生。+120.3a 对牌手造成的伤害会导致该牌手失去等量的生命。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-3b>​120.3b Damage dealt to a player by a source with infect causes that source’s controller to give the player that many poison counters.\\  
 +120.3b 具侵染异能的来源对牌手造成的伤害会导致该来源的操控者给予该牌手等量的中毒指示物。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-3c>​120.3c Damage dealt to a planeswalker causes that many loyalty counters to be removed from that planeswalker.\\  
 +120.3c 对鹏洛客造成的伤害会导致该鹏洛客移去等量的忠诚指示物。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-3d>​120.3d Damage dealt to a creature by a source with wither and/or infect causes that source’s controller to put that many -1/-1 counters on that creature.\\  
 +120.3d 具有干枯和/​或侵染的来源对生物造成伤害会导致该来源的操控者在该生物上放置等量的-1/​-1指示物。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-3e>​120.3e Damage dealt to a creature by a source with neither wither nor infect causes that much damage to be marked on that creature.\\  
 +120.3e 不具有干枯或侵染的来源对生物造成伤害,会导致在生物上标记受到等量的伤害。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-3f>​120.3f Damage dealt by a source with lifelink causes that source’s controller to gain that much life, in addition to the damage’s other results.\\  
 +120.3f 具有系命的来源对物件或牌手造成伤害,除了该伤害的其他效果以外,还会导致该来源的操控者得到等量的生命。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-3g>​120.3g Combat damage dealt to a player by a creature with toxic causes that creature’s controller to give the player a number of poison counters equal to that creature’s total toxic value, in addition to the damage’s other results. See rule 702.164, “Toxic.”\\  
 +120.3g 具下毒异能的生物对牌手造成的战斗伤害,除了该伤害的其他效果以外,还会导致该生物的操控者给予受到伤害的牌手若干中毒指示物,其数量等同于该生物的总下毒值。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr702-164|702.164]],“下毒”。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-3h>​120.3h Damage dealt to a battle causes that many defense counters to be removed from that battle.\\  
 +120.3h 对战役造成的伤害会导致该战役移去等量的布防指示物。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-4>​120.4. Damage is processed in a four-part sequence.\\  
 +120.4. 处理伤害需要依次经历四部分。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-4a>​120.4a First, if an effect that’s causing damage to be dealt states that excess damage that would be dealt to a permanent is dealt to another permanent or player instead, the damage event is modified accordingly. If the first permanent is a creature, the excess damage is the amount of damage in excess of what would be lethal damage, taking into account damage already marked on the creature and damage from other sources that would be dealt at the same time. (See rule 120.6.) Any amount of damage greater than 1 is excess damage if the source dealing that damage to a creature has deathtouch. (See rule 702.2.) If the first permanent is a planeswalker,​ the excess damage is the amount of damage in excess of that planeswalker’s loyalty, taking into account damage from other sources that would be dealt at the same time. If the first permanent is a battle, the excess damage is the amount of damage in excess of that battle’s defense, taking into account damage from other sources that would be dealt at the same time. If the first permanent has multiple card types from among the list of creature, planeswalker,​ and battle, the excess damage is the greatest of the calculated amounts for each of the card types it has.\\  
 +120.4a 首先,如果一个导致伤害将会造成的效应叙述对一个永久物造成的过量伤害改为对另一个物件或牌手造成,该伤害事件将会被按此方式修正。如果前者永久物是生物,过量伤害指该伤害中超过致命伤害的部分,并同时计算该生物上已标记的伤害,以及与此同时将造成之来自其他来源的伤害。(参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr120-6|120.6]]。)如果对生物造成伤害的来源具有死触,则该伤害中超过1点的部分均为过量伤害。(参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr702-2|702.2]]。)如果前者永久物是鹏洛客,过量伤害指该伤害中超过该鹏洛客忠诚的部分,并同时计算与此同时将造成之来自其他来源的伤害。如果前者永久物是战役,过量伤害指该伤害中超过该战役布防的部分,并同时计算与此同时将造成之来自其他来源的伤害。如果前者永久物同时为生物、鹏洛客及战役中的多种类别,过量伤害是其每种牌张类别各计算所得的数值间之最大者。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-4b>​120.4b Second, damage is dealt, as modified by replacement and prevention effects that interact with damage. (See rule 614, “Replacement Effects,” and rule 615, “Prevention Effects.”) Abilities that trigger when damage is dealt trigger now and wait to be put on the stack.\\  
 +120.4b 其次,伤害造成,并且与伤害有关的替代性效应和防止性效应会影响该伤害。(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr614|614]],“替代性效应”和规则[[cr:​6#​cr615|615]],“防止性效应”。)当伤害造成时触发的异能此时触发,等待进入堆叠。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-4c>120.4c Third, damage that’s been dealt is processed into its results, as modified by replacement effects that interact with those results (such as life loss or counters).\\  
 +120.4c 再次,造成的伤害变换为其结果,并且与结果有关的替代性效应会影响该结果。(例如失去生命或获得指示物。) 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-4d>​120.4d ​Finally, the damage event occurs.\\  
 +120.4d 最后,伤害事件发生。
 Example: A player who controls Boon Reflection, an enchantment that says “If you would gain life, you gain twice that much life instead,” attacks with a 3/3 creature with wither and lifelink. It’s blocked by a 2/2 creature, and the defending player casts a spell that prevents the next 2 damage that would be dealt to the blocking creature. The damage event starts out as [3 damage is dealt to the 2/2 creature, 2 damage is dealt to the 3/3 creature]. The prevention effect is applied, so the damage event becomes [1 damage is dealt to the 2/2 creature, 2 damage is dealt to the 3/3 creature]. That’s processed into its results, so the damage event is now [one -1/-1 counter is put on the 2/2 creature, the active player gains 1 life, 2 damage is marked on the 3/3 creature]. Boon Reflection’s effect is applied, so the damage event becomes [one -1/-1 counter is put on the 2/2 creature, the active player gains 2 life, 2 damage is marked on the 3/3 creature]. Then the damage event occurs.\\ ​ Example: A player who controls Boon Reflection, an enchantment that says “If you would gain life, you gain twice that much life instead,” attacks with a 3/3 creature with wither and lifelink. It’s blocked by a 2/2 creature, and the defending player casts a spell that prevents the next 2 damage that would be dealt to the blocking creature. The damage event starts out as [3 damage is dealt to the 2/2 creature, 2 damage is dealt to the 3/3 creature]. The prevention effect is applied, so the damage event becomes [1 damage is dealt to the 2/2 creature, 2 damage is dealt to the 3/3 creature]. That’s processed into its results, so the damage event is now [one -1/-1 counter is put on the 2/2 creature, the active player gains 1 life, 2 damage is marked on the 3/3 creature]. Boon Reflection’s effect is applied, so the damage event becomes [one -1/-1 counter is put on the 2/2 creature, the active player gains 2 life, 2 damage is marked on the 3/3 creature]. Then the damage event occurs.\\ ​
行 1255: 行 1477:
 例如:防御牌手操控一个生物和崇拜,一个具有“若你操控任何生物,则将使你的总生命减至1以下的伤害,改为减少至1。”的结界。该牌手的总生命为2,且被两个不可被阻挡的5/​5生物攻击。该牌手施放一击之威,其叙述“防止目标生物在本回合中下一次将造成的伤害。你获得与以此法所防止的伤害等量的生命”,目标其中一个攻击生物。伤害事件以[对防御牌手造成10点伤害]开始。一击之威的效应生效,伤害事件变成[对防御牌手造成5点伤害,防御牌手获得5点生命]。然后变换成结果,伤害事件变成[防御牌手失去5点生命,防御牌手获得5点生命]。崇拜的效应检查伤害事件未将牌手的总生命减少到1以下,所以它将不会生效。然后伤害事件发生。 例如:防御牌手操控一个生物和崇拜,一个具有“若你操控任何生物,则将使你的总生命减至1以下的伤害,改为减少至1。”的结界。该牌手的总生命为2,且被两个不可被阻挡的5/​5生物攻击。该牌手施放一击之威,其叙述“防止目标生物在本回合中下一次将造成的伤害。你获得与以此法所防止的伤害等量的生命”,目标其中一个攻击生物。伤害事件以[对防御牌手造成10点伤害]开始。一击之威的效应生效,伤害事件变成[对防御牌手造成5点伤害,防御牌手获得5点生命]。然后变换成结果,伤害事件变成[防御牌手失去5点生命,防御牌手获得5点生命]。崇拜的效应检查伤害事件未将牌手的总生命减少到1以下,所以它将不会生效。然后伤害事件发生。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-5>119.5. Damage dealt to a creature ​or planeswalker doesn’t destroy it. Likewise, the source of that damage doesn’t destroy it. Rather, state-based actions may destroy a creature ​or planeswalker, ​or otherwise put it into its owner’s graveyard, due to the results of the damage dealt to that permanent. See rule 704.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-5>120.5. Damage dealt to a creatureplaneswalker, or battle ​doesn’t destroy it. Likewise, the source of that damage doesn’t destroy it. Rather, state-based actions may destroy a creature or otherwise put a permanent ​into its owner’s graveyard, due to the results of the damage dealt to that permanent. See rule 704.\\  
-119.5. 对生物鹏洛客造成的伤害不会将其消灭。同样的,伤害的来源不会将其消灭。由于永久物受到伤害的结果,状态动作可能将消灭或者放进其拥有者的坟墓场。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]]。+120.5. 对生物鹏洛客或战役造成的伤害不会将其消灭。同样的,伤害的来源不会将其消灭。由于永久物受到伤害的结果,状态动作可能将消灭生物或者将永久物置入其拥有者的坟墓场。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]]。
 Example: A player casts Lightning Bolt, an instant that says “Lightning Bolt deals 3 damage to any target,” targeting a 2/2 creature. After Lightning Bolt deals 3 damage to that creature, the creature is destroyed as a state-based action. Neither Lightning Bolt nor the damage dealt by Lightning Bolt destroyed that creature.\\ ​ Example: A player casts Lightning Bolt, an instant that says “Lightning Bolt deals 3 damage to any target,” targeting a 2/2 creature. After Lightning Bolt deals 3 damage to that creature, the creature is destroyed as a state-based action. Neither Lightning Bolt nor the damage dealt by Lightning Bolt destroyed that creature.\\ ​
 例如:某牌手施放闪电击,一个叙述为“闪电击对任意一个目标造成3点伤害”的瞬间,目标一个2/​2生物。在闪电击对该生物造成3点伤害后,该生物由于状态动作被消灭。闪电击和它所造成的伤害均没有消灭该生物。 例如:某牌手施放闪电击,一个叙述为“闪电击对任意一个目标造成3点伤害”的瞬间,目标一个2/​2生物。在闪电击对该生物造成3点伤害后,该生物由于状态动作被消灭。闪电击和它所造成的伤害均没有消灭该生物。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-6>119.6. Damage marked on a creature remains until the cleanup step, even if that permanent stops being a creature. If the total damage marked on a creature is greater than or equal to its toughness, that creature has been dealt lethal damage and is destroyed as a state-based action (see rule 704). All damage marked on a permanent is removed when it regenerates (see rule 701.14, “Regenerate”) and during the cleanup step (see rule 514.2).\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-6>120.6. Damage marked on a creature remains until the cleanup step, even if that permanent stops being a creature. If the total damage marked on a creature is greater than or equal to its toughness, that creature has been dealt lethal damage and is destroyed as a state-based action (see rule 704). All damage marked on a permanent is removed when it regenerates (see rule 701.15, “Regenerate”) and during the cleanup step (see rule 514.2).\\  
-119.6. 在生物上标记的伤害,则直到清除步骤之前都会留在此永久物上,即使它不再是生物。如果标记在生物总伤害大于其防御力,该生物便受到了致命伤害,且作为状态动作而被消灭(参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]])。一个永久物上标记的所有伤害在其重生时(参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr701-14|701.14]],“重生”)以及在清除步骤中(参见规则[[cr:​5#​cr514-2|514.2]])都会被移除。+120.6. 在生物上标记的伤害,则直到清除步骤之前都会留在此永久物上,即使它不再是生物。如果标记在生物总伤害大于其防御力,该生物便受到了致命伤害,且作为状态动作而被消灭(参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]])。一个永久物上标记的所有伤害在其重生时(参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr701-15|701.15]],“重生”)以及在清除步骤中(参见规则[[cr:​5#​cr514-2|514.2]])都会被移除。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-7>​120.7. The source of damage is the object that dealt it. If an effect requires a player to choose a source of damage, they may choose a permanent; a spell on the stack (including a permanent spell); any object referred to by an object on the stack, by a prevention or replacement effect that’s waiting to apply, or by a delayed triggered ability that’s waiting to trigger (even if that object is no longer in the zone it used to be in); or a face-up object in the command zone. A source doesn’t need to be capable of dealing damage to be a legal choice. See rule 609.7, “Sources of Damage.”\\  
 +120.7. 伤害的来源为造成该伤害的物件。如果一个效应要求牌手选择伤害来源,其可以选择一个永久物;一个堆叠中的咒语(包括永久物咒语);由堆叠上的一个物件、一个等待生效的防止或替代性效应,或一个等待触发的延迟触发异能所代表的任何物件(即使该物件已经不再在它之前所在区域);或者一个统帅区中面朝上的物件。即使一个来源无法造成伤害,也可以合法地选择该来源。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr609-7|609.7]],“伤害的来源”。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-8>​120.8. If a source would deal 0 damage, it does not deal damage at all. That means abilities that trigger on damage being dealt won’t trigger. It also means that replacement effects that would increase the damage dealt by that source, or would have that source deal that damage to a different object or player, have no event to replace, so they have no effect.\\  
 +120.8. 如果一个来源将造成0点伤害,则它将不造成任何伤害。这表示因造成伤害而触发的异能不会被触发。这也表示将增加该来源伤害或将该来源所造成的伤害改为对另一个不同的物件或牌手造成的替代性效应,将没有事件替代,所以它们不会有任何效果。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-9>​120.9. If an ability triggers on damage being dealt by a specific source or sources, and the effect refers to the “damage dealt,” it refers only to the damage dealt by the specified sources and not to any damage dealt at the same time by other sources.\\  
 +120.9. 如果一个触发式异能因一个或一组特定的来源造成伤害而触发,且该效应提及“造成伤害”,该异能仅提及该特定来源所造成的伤害,而非其他来源与其同一时间造成的任何伤害。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-10>​120.10. Some triggered abilities check whether a permanent has been dealt excess damage. These abilities check after the permanent has been dealt damage by one or more sources. If those sources together dealt an amount of damage to a creature greater than lethal damage, excess damage equal to the difference was dealt to that creature. If those sources together dealt an amount of damage to a planeswalker greater than that planeswalker’s loyalty before the damage was dealt, excess damage equal to the difference was dealt to that planeswalker. If those sources together dealt an amount of damage to a battle greater than that battle’s defense before the damage was dealt, excess damage equal to the difference was dealt to that battle. If a permanent has multiple card types from among the list of creature, planeswalker,​ and battle, the excess damage dealt to that permanent is the greatest of the calculated amounts for each of the card types it has.\\  
 +120.10. 一些触发式异能检查永久物是否被造成了过量伤害。这些异能在该永久物被一个或数个来源造成伤害之后检查。如果这些来源共同对一个生物造成超过致命伤害数量的伤害,对该生物造成的过量伤害等同于该伤害与致命伤害的差值。如果这些来源共同对一个鹏洛客造成超过该伤害造成之前该鹏洛客忠诚的伤害,对该鹏洛客造成的过量伤害等同于该伤害与该忠诚的差值。如果这些来源共同对一个战役造成超过该伤害造成之前该战役布防的伤害,对该战役造成的过量伤害等同于该伤害与该布防的差值。如果该永久物同时为生物、鹏洛客及战役中的多种类别,对该永久物造成的过量伤害是其每种牌张类别各计算所得的数值间之最大者。 
 +===== 121. 抓牌 Drawing a Card ===== 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr121>​121. Drawing a Card\\  
 +121. 抓牌 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr121-1>​121.1. A player draws a card by putting the top card of their library into their hand. This is done as a turn-based action during each player’s draw step. It may also be done as part of a cost or effect of a spell or ability.\\  
 +121.1. 牌手以将其牌库顶的牌放到手上的方式抓牌。在每位牌手的抓牌步骤中,这将作为一个回合动作完成。一个咒语或异能的费用或效应也可能令牌手抓牌。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr121-2>​121.2. Cards may only be drawn one at a time. If a player is instructed to draw multiple cards, that player performs that many individual card draws.\\  
 +121.2. 牌每次只能抓一张。如果要求牌手抓数张牌,该牌手执行该数量的单独抓牌动作。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr121-2a>​121.2a An instruction to draw multiple cards can be modified by replacement effects that refer to the number of cards drawn. This modification occurs before considering any of the individual card draws. See rule 616.1g.\\  
 +121.2a 抓多张牌的指示可以被提及所抓之牌数量的替代性效应改变。此类改变先于任何单独抓牌之前发生。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr616-1g|616.1g]]。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr121-2b>​121.2b Some effects say that a player can’t draw more than one card each turn. Such an effect applies to individual card draws. Instructions to draw multiple cards may still be partially carried out. However, if an effect offers the player a choice to draw multiple cards, the affected player can’t choose to do so. Similarly, the player can’t pay a cost that includes drawing multiple cards.\\  
 +121.2b 一些效应叙述牌手每回合不能抓多于一张牌。此类效应对单独抓牌生效。指示牌手抓多张牌的效应仍可能部分执行。但是,如果一个效应给予牌手抓多张牌的选择,受影响的牌手不能选择如此作。类似地,该牌手不能支付包含抓多张牌的费用。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr121-2c>​121.2c If more than one player is instructed to draw cards, the active player performs all of their draws first, then each other player in turn order does the same.\\  
 +121.2c 如果多位牌手被指示抓牌,主动牌手首先进行其所有抓牌,然后其他所有牌手按顺序以同样的方式完成抓牌。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr121-2d>​121.2d If more than one player is instructed to draw cards in a game that’s using the shared team turns option (such as a Two-Headed Giant game), first each player on the active team, in whatever order that team likes, performs their draws, then each player on each nonactive team in turn order does the same.\\  
 +121.2d 在使用队伍共享回合模式的多人游戏中(例如双头巨人游戏),如果多位牌手被指示抓牌,主动队伍的牌手以任意顺序进行其所有抓牌,然后每个非主动队伍按回合顺序以同样的方式完成抓牌。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr121-3>​121.3. If there are no cards in a player’s library and an effect offers that player the choice to draw a card, that player can choose to do so. However, if an effect says that a player can’t draw cards and another effect offers that player the choice to draw a card, that player can’t choose to do so.\\  
 +121.3. 如果一位牌手的牌库没有牌,且一个效应赋予该牌手可以抓一张牌的选择,该牌手可以选择抓牌。但如果一个效应令一位牌手不能抓牌,且另一个效应赋予该牌手可以抓一张牌的选择,该牌手不能选择抓牌。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr121-3a>​121.3a The same principles apply if the player who’s making the choice is not the player who would draw the card. If the latter player has no cards in their library, the choice can be taken. If an effect says that the latter player can’t draw a card, the choice can’t be taken.\\  
 +121.3a 如果作选择的牌手不是将要抓牌的牌手,此原则依然生效。如果将要抓牌的牌手牌库中没有牌,作选择的牌手可以选择使其抓牌。如果一个效应令将要抓牌的牌手不能抓牌,作选择的牌手不能选择使其抓牌。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr121-4>​121.4. A player who attempts to draw a card from a library with no cards in it loses the game the next time a player would receive priority. (This is a state-based action. See rule 704.)\\  
 +121.4. 一位尝试从空牌库抓牌的牌手,在下一次有牌手将得到优先权时,输掉此盘游戏。(此为状态动作。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]]。) 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr121-5>​121.5. If an effect moves cards from a player’s library to that player’s hand without using the word “draw,” the player has not drawn those cards. This makes a difference for abilities that trigger on drawing cards and effects that replace card draws, as well as if the player’s library is empty.\\  
 +121.5. 如果一个效应不使用“抓牌”这个词,且把牌从牌手的牌库移到该牌手手上,该牌手没有抓牌。这对因抓牌而触发的触发式异能和替代抓牌的效应,以及当牌库为空时来说与抓牌是不同的。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr121-6>​121.6. Some effects replace card draws.\\  
 +121.6. 一些效应替代抓牌。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr121-6a>​121.6a An effect that replaces a card draw is applied even if no cards could be drawn because there are no cards in the affected player’s library.\\  
 +121.6a 一个替代抓牌的效应在因牌库中没有牌而导致没有牌可抓时依然生效。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr121-6b>​121.6b If an effect replaces a draw within a sequence of card draws, the replacement effect is completed before resuming the sequence.\\  
 +121.6b 如果一个效应替代一序列抓牌中的一次抓牌,该替代性效应在继续该序列抓牌之前完成。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr121-6c>​121.6c Some effects perform additional actions on a card after it’s drawn. If the draw is replaced, the additional action is not performed on any cards that are drawn as a result of that replacement effect or any subsequent replacement effects.\\  
 +121.6c 一些效应在抓牌之后对该牌执行额外动作。如果该抓牌动作被替代,该额外动作不会对该替代性效应或任何连锁的替代性效应导致的抓牌生效。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr121-7>​121.7. Some replacement effects and prevention effects result in one or more card draws. In such a case, if there are any parts of the original event that haven’t been replaced, those parts occur first, then the card draws happen one at a time.\\  
 +121.7. 一些替代性效应和防止性效应会导致抓一张或数张牌。在这种情况下,如果原有事件中有未被替代的部分,这些部分首先发生,然后抓牌逐步发生。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr121-8>​121.8. If a spell or ability causes a card to be drawn while another spell is being cast, the drawn card is kept face down until that spell becomes cast (see rule 601.2i) or until the casting process is reversed (see rule 730, “Handling Illegal Actions”). The same is true with relation to another ability being activated. If an effect allows or instructs a player to reveal the card as it’s being drawn, it’s revealed after the spell becomes cast or the ability becomes activated. While face down, the drawn card is considered to have no characteristics and can’t be used to pay any part of the cost of the spell or ability that would require the card to have specific characteristics.\\  
 +121.8. 如果一个咒语或异能让牌手在其他咒语被施放的过程中抓牌,则被抓起的牌直到该咒语完成施放(参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr601-2i|601.2i]]),或施放流程被倒退(参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr730|730]],“处理非法动作”)之前都要保持牌面朝下放置。在起动异能的过程中用同样的方式处理。如果一个效应允许或要求牌手于抓牌时展示抓到的牌,该牌在咒语成为施放或异能成为起动之后展示。在牌面朝下的过程中,这张抓到的牌被视为不具有任何特征,且如果某个咒语或异能费用的任一部分需要一张具有特定特征的牌,该牌亦不能用于支付该部分的费用。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr121-9>​121.9. If an effect gives a player the option to reveal a card as they draw it, that player may look at that card as they draw it before choosing whether to reveal it.\\  
 +121.9. 如果一个效应赋予牌手于抓牌时展示该牌的选项,该牌手可以于抓起该牌时先检视之,然后再选择是否展示之。 
 +===== 122. 指示物 Counters ===== 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr122>​122. Counters\\  
 +122. 指示物 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr122-1>​122.1. A counter is a marker placed on an object or player that modifies its characteristics and/or interacts with a rule, ability, or effect. Counters are not objects and have no characteristics. Notably, a counter is not a token, and a token is not a counter. Counters with the same name or description are interchangeable.\\  
 +122.1. 指示物为置于物件或牌手上修改其特征和/​或与规则、异能或效应互动情况的标示物。指示物不是物件,它们没有特征。指示物不是衍生物,且衍生物不是指示物。具有相同名称或描述的指示物可以互换。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr122-1a>​122.1a A +X/+Y counter on a creature or on a creature card in a zone other than the battlefield,​ where X and Y are numbers, adds X to that object’s power and Y to that object’s toughness. Similarly, -X/-Y counters subtract from power and toughness. See rule 613.4c.\\  
 +122.1a 一个在生物上、或战场以外的区域中的生物牌上的+X/​+Y指示物(X和Y为数字),为该物件的力量增加X以及为该物件的防御力增加Y。同样的,-X/​-Y指示物从力量与防御力中减去。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr613-3|613.3]]。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr122-1b>​122.1b A keyword counter on a permanent or on a card in a zone other than the battlefield causes that object to gain that keyword. The keywords that a keyword counter can be are flying, first strike, double strike, deathtouch, exalted, haste, hexproof, indestructible,​ lifelink, menace, reach, shadow, trample, and vigilance, as well as any variants of those keywords. See rule 613.1f.\\  
 +122.1b 在永久物上、或在一张不在战场上的牌上的关键字指示物,会使该物件获得该关键字的异能。可成为关键字指示物的关键字包括飞行、先攻、连击、死触、颂威、敏捷、辟邪、不灭、系命、威慑、延势、次元幽影、践踏和警戒,以及这些异能的任何变化形式。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr613-1f|613.1f]]。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr122-1c>​122.1c One or more shield counters on a permanent create a single replacement effect and a single prevention effect that protect the permanent. These effects are “If this permanent would be destroyed as the result of an effect, instead remove a shield counter from it” and “If damage would be dealt to this permanent, prevent that damage and remove a shield counter from it.” See rule 614, “Replacement Effects,” and rule 615, “Prevention Effects.”\\  
 +122.1c 永久物上的一个或数个后盾指示物创造一个替代性效应和一个防止性效应,可以保护该永久物。这些效应为“如果此永久物将因一个效应的结果被消灭,改为从其上移去一个后盾指示物”和“如果此永久物将受到伤害,则防止该伤害并从其上移去一个后盾指示物”。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr614|614]],“替代性效应”和规则[[cr:​6#​cr615|615]],“防止性效应”。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr122-1d>​122.1d One or more stun counters on a permanent create a single replacement effect that stops the permanent from untapping. That effect is “If a permanent with a stun counter on it would become untapped, instead remove a stun counter from it.”\\  
 +122.1d 永久物上的一个或数个晕眩指示物创造一个替代式效应,可以阻止该永久物重置。该效应为“如果某个其上有眩晕指示物的已横置永久物将成为未横置,则改为从其上移去一个晕眩指示物。” 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr122-1e>​122.1e The number of loyalty counters on a planeswalker on the battlefield indicates how much loyalty it has. A planeswalker with 0 loyalty is put into its owner’s graveyard as a state-based action. See rule 704.\\  
 +122.1e 在战场上的鹏洛客的忠诚指示物数量,表明它有多少忠诚。忠诚为0的鹏洛客作为状态动作被置入其拥有者的坟墓场。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]]。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr122-1f>​122.1f If a player has ten or more poison counters, that player loses the game as a state-based action. See rule 704. A player is “poisoned” if they have one or more poison counters. (See rule 810 for additional rules for Two-Headed Giant games.)\\  
 +122.1f 如果一位牌手具有十个或更多的中毒指示物,其将作为状态动作输掉游戏。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]]。如果牌手具有一个或数个中毒指示物,该牌手为“已中毒”。(双头巨人游戏的额外规则请参见规则[[cr:​8#​cr810|810]]。) 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr122-1g>​122.1g The number of defense counters on a battle on the battlefield indicates how much defense it has. A battle with 0 defense is put into its owner’s graveyard if it isn’t the source of an ability that has triggered but not yet left the stack. This state-based action doesn’t use the stack. See rule 704.\\  
 +122.1g 在战场上的战役的布防指示物数量,表明它有多少布防。如果一个战役的布防为0,且其并非一个已触发且尚未离开堆叠的异能之来源,它被置入其拥有者的坟墓场。此状态动作不使用堆叠。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]]。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr122-1h>​122.1h One or more finality counters on a permanent create a single replacement effect that stops the permanent from going to the graveyard. That effect is “If this permanent would be put into a graveyard from the battlefield,​ exile it instead.”\\  
 +122.1h 永久物上的一个或数个终命指示物创造一个替代性效应,可以阻止该永久物进入坟墓场。该效应为“如果此永久物将从战场进入坟墓场,则改为放逐之。” 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr122-1i>​122.1i One or more rad counters on a player cause a triggered ability to trigger at the beginning of that player’s precombat main phase. See rule 725, “Rad Counters.”\\  
 +122.1i 牌手具有的一个或数个拉德指示物会导致在该牌手战斗前的行动阶段开始时触发一个触发式异能。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr725|725]],“拉德指示物”。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr122-2>​122.2. Counters on an object are not retained if that object moves from one zone to another. The counters are not “removed”;​ they simply cease to exist. See rule 400.7.\\  
 +122.2. 若物件从一个区域移动到另一个区域,物件上的指示物不会保留。这些指示物并非“被移除”;它们只是不再存在。参见规则[[cr:​4#​cr400-7|400.7]]。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr122-3>​122.3. If a permanent has both a +1/+1 counter and a -1/-1 counter on it, N +1/+1 and N -1/-1 counters are removed from it as a state-based action, where N is the smaller of the number of +1/+1 and -1/-1 counters on it. See rule 704.\\  
 +122.3. 如果一个永久物上有+1/​+1指示物和-1/​-1指示物,作为状态动作将移去N个+1/​+1和-1/​-1指示物,N为+1/​+1和-1/​-1指示物中较少一方的数值。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]]。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr122-4>​122.4. If a permanent with an ability that says it can’t have more than N counters of a certain kind on it has more than N counters of that kind on it, all but N of those counters are removed from it as a state-based action. See rule 704.\\  
 +122.4. 如果一个永久物具有令其不能拥有多于N的某种指示物的异能,且它拥有多于N个该种指示物,作为状态动作将移去N个以外的该种指示物。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]]。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr122-5>​122.5. If an effect says to “move” a counter, it means to remove that counter from the object it’s currently on and put it onto a second object. If either of these actions isn’t possible, it’s not possible to move a counter, and no counter is removed from or put onto anything. This may occur if the first and second objects are the same object; if the first object doesn’t have the appropriate kind of counter on it; if the second object can’t have counters put onto it; or if either object is no longer in the correct zone.\\  
 +122.5. 如果一个效应为“移动”一个指示物,它表示将该指示物从当前的物件上移除,并放置于第二个物件上。如果这两个动作中的任一个无法作到,则不能移动指示物,且指示物不会从任何物件上被移除、或放置在任何物件上。这可能会在以下情形发生:两个物件为同一物件;第一个物件上没有合适类型的指示物;第二个物件上不能放置指示物;或两个物件中的任一个已不在正确的区域。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr122-6>​122.6. Some spells and abilities refer to counters being put on an object. This refers to putting counters on that object while it’s on the battlefield and also to an object that’s given counters as it enters the battlefield.\\  
 +122.6. 一些咒语或异能提及将指示物放置在一个物件上。这是指它在战场时在其上放置指示物,或于一个物件进战场时被给予指示物。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr122-6a>​122.6a If an object enters the battlefield with counters on it, the effect causing the object to be given counters may specify which player puts those counters on it. If the effect doesn’t specify a player, the object’s controller puts those counters on it.\\  
 +122.6a 如果一个物件进战场时上面有指示物,使该物件被给予指示物的效应可能会指定一位牌手在该物件上放置这些指示物。如果该效应没有指定牌手,该物件的操控者在其上放置这些指示物。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr122-7>​122.7. An ability that triggers “When/​Whenever the Nth [kind] counter” is put on an object triggers when one or more counters of the appropriate kind are put on the object such that the object had fewer than N counters on it before the counters were put on it and N or more counters on it after.\\  
 +122.7. 一个“当/​每当”在物件上“放置第N个[种类]指示物时”触发的异能,在一个或数个对应类型的指示物放置在该物件上时、并使得该物件上在放置指示物前有少于N个指示物、且放置指示物后有N个或更多指示物时触发。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr122-8>​122.8. If a triggered ability instructs a player to put one object’s counters on another object and that ability’s trigger condition or effect checks that the object with those counters left the battlefield,​ the player doesn’t move counters from one object to the other. Rather, the player puts the same number of each kind of counter the first object had onto the second object.\\  
 +122.8. 如果一个触发式异能指示牌手将一个物件上的指示物放置在另一个物件上,且该异能的触发条件或效应检查具有这些指示物的前者物件已离开战场,则该牌手并未将指示物从一个物件移动到另一个物件上。相反地,该牌手在后者物件上放置数个指示物,其每种指示物的数量等同于前者物件上每种指示物的数量。 
 +===== 123. 贴纸 Stickers ===== 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr123>​123. Stickers\\  
 +123. 贴纸 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr123-1>​123.1. A sticker is a marker placed on an object that modifies its characteristics and/or interacts with a rule, ability, or effect. Stickers are not objects. Notably, a sticker is not a counter or a token. Changes to an object from stickers are not part of its copiable values. There are four kinds of stickers: name stickers; ability stickers; power and toughness stickers; and art stickers.\\  
 +123.1. 贴纸为置于物件上修改其特征和/​或与规则、异能或效应互动情况的标示物。贴纸不是物件。贴纸不是指示物或衍生物。贴纸对物件的修改并非物件的可复制特征值。贴纸有四种:名称贴纸;异能贴纸;力量/​防御力贴纸;以及插画贴纸。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr123-2>​123.2. Stickers are found in boosters of the Unfinity expansion on numbered inserts. Each insert has a predetermined combination of stickers. Any rule that refers to a sticker sheet refers to the specific combination of stickers found on one of those inserts. Sticker sheets are not cards and have no characteristics. Each sticker sheet can be found at Gatherer.Wizards.com.\\  
 +123.2. 贴纸可以在Unfinity系列的补充包中的编号贴纸页上找到。每张贴纸页上都有一系列预先确定的贴纸组合。任何提及贴纸卡的规则即指这些能够在贴纸页上找到的特定贴纸组合。贴纸卡不是牌,它们没有特征。每张贴纸卡都能在[url]http://​Gatherer.Wizards.com[/​url]上找到。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr123-2a>​123.2a In constructed play, a player who chooses to play with stickers must start the game with at least ten sticker sheets selected before play begins, and each of their sticker sheets must be unique. There is no maximum number of sticker sheets a player may start the game with. Each player playing with sticker sheets reveals all of their sticker sheets and chooses three of them at random. See rule 103, “Starting the Game.”\\  
 +123.2a 在构组赛中,使用贴纸进行游戏的牌手必须在游戏开始前选择至少十张贴纸卡,且每张贴纸卡均须唯一。牌手于游戏开始前选择的贴纸卡最大张数并无限制。每位使用贴纸进行游戏的牌手展示其所有贴纸卡,并从中随机选择三张。参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr103|103]],“开始游戏”。 
 +<​BOOKMARK:​cr123-2b>​123.2b In limited play, each player chooses up to three sticker sheets from among those in the sealed products they opened and reveals them. See rule 103, “Starting the Game.”\\  
 +123.2b 在限制赛中,每位牌手从其打开的未开封补充包中选择至多三张贴纸卡,并展示它们。参见规则[[cr:​1#​cr103|103]],“开始游戏”
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-7>119.7. The source of damage is the object that dealt it. If an effect requires a player to choose a source of damage, they may choose a permanent; a spell on the stack (including a permanent spell); any object referred to by an object ​on the stack, by a prevention or replacement effect that’s waiting to apply, or by a delayed triggered ability that’s waiting to trigger (even if that object is no longer in the zone it used to be in); or a face-up object in the command zone. A source doesn’t need to be capable of dealing damage to be a legal choice. See rule 609.7“Sources of Damage.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr123-2c>123.2c Each player ​has access ​to only the stickers ​on the chosen sheets during ​the gameand those sticker sheets remain revealed.\\  
-119.7. 伤害的来源为造成该伤害的物件。如果一个效应要求牌手选择伤害来源,可以选择一个永久物;一个堆叠中咒语(包括永久物咒语);由堆叠上的一个物件、一个等待生效的防止或替代性效应或一个等待触发的延迟触发异能所代表的任何物件(即使该物件已经不再在它之前所在区域);或者一个统帅区中面朝上的物件。即使一个来源无法造成伤害,也可以合法地选择该来源。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr609-7|609.7]],“伤害的来源”+123.2c 每位牌手在游戏中只能使用其选择的贴纸卡上的贴纸且这些贴纸卡保持展示
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr119-8>119.8. If a source would deal 0 damageit does not deal damage at all. That means abilities ​that trigger ​on damage being dealt won’t trigger. It also means that replacement effects that would increase ​the damage dealt by that source, or would have that source deal that damage to a different ​object ​or player, have no event to replace, so they have no effect.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr123-3>123.3. If an effect instructs ​player to put a sticker on an object, that player chooses a sticker that is not currently ​on any objects they own from among the stickers they have access to and puts it on that object.\\  
-119.8. 如果一个来源将造成0点伤害,则它将不造成任何伤害。这表示因造成伤害而触发的异能不会被触发。这也表示将增加该来源伤害或将该来源所造成的伤害改为对另一个不同的物件牌手造成替代性效应,将没有事替代,所以它们不会有任何效果 +123.3. 如果一个效应指牌手一个物件上贴上贴纸,该牌手从其使用贴纸中选择一张未贴在任何物件上的贴纸其贴在该物
-===== 120. 抓牌 Drawing a Card ===== +
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr120>​120. Drawing a Card\\  +
-120. 抓牌+
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-1>120.1. A player ​draws a card by putting the top card of their library into their hand. This is done as a turn-based action during ​each player’s draw stepIt may also be done as part of a cost or effect of a spell or ability.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr123-3a>123.3a Each sticker a player ​has access to is discrete and is distinct from each other sticker they have access toTwo stickers are never considered to be the same sticker, even if they have the same text or information on them.\\  
-120.1. 牌手以将其牌库顶牌放到手上方式抓牌在每个牌手的抓牌步骤中,这将作为一个回合动作完成。一个咒语或异能费用效应可能令牌手抓牌+123.3a 牌手使用每张贴纸都是不同且彼此无关的。两张贴纸不会被认是同张贴纸,即使它们具有相同文本信息是如此
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-2>120.2. Cards may only be drawn one at time. If a player is instructed ​to draw multiple cards, that player performs that many individual card draws.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr123-3b>123.3b A player can’t put sticker on an object that they don’t own. If an effect would cause them to do so, that part of the effect does nothing.\\  
-120.2. 牌每次只抓一张。如果要求牌手抓数张牌,该牌手执行该数量单独抓牌动作+123.3b 手不将在不由其拥有的物件上贴上贴纸。如果某效应将如此做,该效应此部分没有任何效果
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-2a>120.2a An instruction to draw multiple cards can be modified ​by replacement effects that refer to the number ​of cards drawnThis modification occurs before considering any of the individual card drawsSee rule 616.1f.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr123-3c>123.3c A sticker may have a ticket cost represented ​by number ​inside a ticket symbol (see rule 107.17a). In order to put a sticker with a ticket cost on an object, ​the player who owns that object must pay that much {TK}If they don’t have that much {TK}, they can’t put that sticker on an object.\\  
-120.2a 抓多张牌的指示以被提及所抓之牌数量替代性效应改变。此类改变先于任何单独抓牌之前发生。参见规则[[cr:​6#cr616-1f|616.1f]]。+123.3c 贴纸能具有门票费用,由门票符号内数字表示(参见规则[[cr:​1#cr107-17a|107.17a]])。要将一张具有门票费用的贴纸贴在物件上,拥有该物件的牌手须支付相应数量的{TK}。如果该牌手没有该数量的{TK},则其不能将贴纸贴在物件上
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-2b>120.2b Some effects say that a player can’t draw more than one card each turn. Such an effect applies ​to individual card draws. Instructions to draw multiple cards may still be partially carried out. Howeverif an effect offers the player a choice to draw multiple cards, the affected player cant choose ​to do so. Similarly, the player can’t pay a cost that includes drawing multiple cards.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr123-3d>123.3d If a sticker ​that is already on an object is moved to another objectthat stickers ticket cost does not need to be paid again.\\  
-120.2b 一些效应叙述牌手每回合不能抓多于一张牌。此类效应对单独抓牌生效。指示牌手抓多张牌的效应仍可能部分执行。但是,如果一个效应给予牌手抓多张牌选择,受影响的牌手不能选择如此作。类似地,该牌手不能支付包含抓多张牌的费用。+123.3d 如果一个物件上贴纸被移动到另一个物件上,该贴纸门票费用无须再度支付
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-2c>120.2c If an effect instructs more than one player ​to draw cards, the active player performs all of their draws firstthen each other player in turn order does the same.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr123-4>123.4. Some rules and effects refer to a “stickered” object. An object is “stickered” if it currently has any kind of sticker on it. An object without any stickers on it is not a stickered objecteven if it previously had stickers on it.\\  
-120.2c 如果一个效应令多位牌手抓牌,主动牌手首先进行其所抓牌然后他所牌手按顺序以同样方式完成抓牌+123.4. 一些规则或效应提及一个“贴有贴纸”的物件。如果一个物件上贴任意种类的贴纸则该物件贴有贴纸。一个上没任何贴纸物件并非贴有贴纸,即使它在之前可能贴有贴纸
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-2d>120.2d If an effect instructs more than one player ​to draw cards in game that’s using the shared team turns option (such as a Two-Headed Giant game), first each player on the active team, in whatever order that team likes, performs their draws, then each player on each nonactive team in turn order does the same.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr123-5>123.5. Stickers on an object are not retained as that object moves to a hidden zone. Stickers are retained ​as that object moves to public zone and continue to apply to the new object it becomes ​in that zone; this is an exception to rule 400.7.\\  
-120.2d 在使用团队共享回合模式的多人游戏中(例如双头巨人游戏),如果一个效应令多位牌手抓牌,主团队的牌手以任意顺序进行其所有抓牌然后每非主团队按回合顺序以同样方式完抓牌+123.5. 当一个物件移到一个隐藏区域时物件上的贴纸不会保留。一物件移到一个公开区域时,物件上贴纸仍然保留,并继续影响该区域中它所之新物件。这是规则[[cr:​4#​cr400-7|400.7]]的例外情况
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-3>120.3. If there are no cards in a player’s library and an effect offers that player ​the choice to draw card, that player can choose to do soHowever, if an effect says that a player can’t draw cards and another effect offers that player the choice to draw a card, that player can’t choose to do so.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr123-5a>123.5a If one or more cards with stickers on them enter the battlefield as part of melded permanentall of those stickers are on the permanent ​that object becomes on the battlefieldThey maintain their relative timestamp order.\\  
-120.3. 如果一位牌手的牌库没有牌,且一个效应赋予该牌手可以抓一张牌选择,该牌手可以选择抓牌。但如果个效应令一位牌手不能抓牌且另一个效应赋予该牌手可以抓一张牌的选择,该牌手不能选择抓牌+123.5a 如果一张或数张其上有贴纸的牌作为已融合的永久物的一部分进战场,牌贴纸会在进战场的永久物上。贴纸保持相对时间印记顺序
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-3a>120.3a The same principles apply if the player who’s making the choice is not the player who would draw the card. If the latter player has no cards in their librarythe choice can be taken. If an effect says that the latter player can’t draw a card, the choice can’t be taken.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr123-5b>123.5b If an object with a sticker on it becomes a component of a merged permanent on the battlefield, that sticker is on that merged permanent.\\  
-120.3a 如果作选择牌手不是将要抓牌牌手,此原则依然生效。如果将要抓牌牌手牌库中没有牌,作选择的牌手可以选择使其抓牌。如果一个效应令将要抓牌的牌手不能抓牌作选择牌手不能选择使其抓牌+123.5b 如果一个其上有贴纸物件成为战场上结聚永久物的一个组件物件上贴纸会在结聚永久物上
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-4>120.4. A player who attempts to draw a card from library ​with no cards in it loses the game the next time a player would receive priority(This is a state-based actionSee rule 704.)\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr123-5c>123.5c If melded or merged permanent ​with one or more stickers on it moves from the battlefield to another public zone, only one of the objects it becomes will retain those stickersIts owner chooses which of the objects it becomes in its new zone retains any stickers that are on itEffects from those stickers will continue to apply to only that object.\\  
-120.4. 一位尝试从空牌库抓牌牌手,在牌手得到优先权时,输掉此盘游戏。(此状态动作参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]]+123.5c 如果个其上有贴纸已融合的永久物或结聚永久物从战场移动到另一个公开区域则贴纸只会保留它们成为的物件中的个上。它的拥者选择贴纸保留在哪个它们在新区域中成的物件上贴纸产生的效应将仅对该物件生效
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-5>120.5If an effect moves cards from player’s library ​to that player’s hand without using the word “draw,” the player has not drawn those cards. This makes difference for abilities that trigger on drawing cards and effects that replace card drawsas well as if the player’s library is empty.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr123-6>123.6A name sticker consists only of one or more words. A name sticker on permanent or on a card in a zone other than the battlefield causes the word on that sticker ​to be added to the text of that object’s name. This is text-changing effect. See rule 613.1c ​and rule 612“Text-Changing Effects.\\  
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-6>120.6. Some effects ​replace ​card draws.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr123-6a>123.6a For the purposes of rules and effects ​related to name stickers, a “word” in an object’s name is any series of non-space characters that are separated from other non-space characters by one or more spaces. Hyphenated words and words with punctuation are considered to be one word. Blank lines, such as the one in “Wolf in ________ Clothing,​” are not considered words in a card’s name.\\  
-120.6. 一些效应替代抓牌。+123.6a 在与名称贴纸相关的规则和效应的意义上,物件名称中的“单词”是与其他非空格的字符之间由一个或数个空格隔开的一系列任何非空格字符。带连字符和标点的单词都被视为一个单词。空白行,例如“Wolf in ________ Clothing”中的空白行,不被视为的名称中的单词
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-6a>120.6a An effect that replaces ​card draw is applied even if no cards could be drawn because there are no cards in the affected player’s library.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr123-6b>123.6b As name sticker ​is placed on an object, that object’s controller chooses a position ​in that object’s name for the word in the name sticker to be added, then announces that object’s new name. That word can be added at the beginning of the object’s name or after any number of the other words that are currently in its name. The new name can be further modified by other name stickers. If that object has no name, its name becomes the word added by the name sticker. Name stickers never modify or remove any of the other words in that name.\\  
-120.6a 一个替代抓牌效应因牌库中没有牌而导致没有牌可抓时依然生效+123.6b 于名称贴纸被贴在一个物件上时,该物件操控者该物件的名称选择一个位置来添加名称贴纸中的单词,并宣告该物件的新名称。该单词可以被添加在物件名称的开头,或是任一其他单词之后。新名称还可以被其他名称贴纸继续修改。如果该物件没有名称,则其名称成为名称贴纸添加的单词。名称贴纸不会修改或移除名称中的其他单词
-<​BOOKMARK:cr120-6b>​120.6b If an effect replaces ​draw within ​sequence of card draws, ​the replacement effect ​is completed before resuming ​the sequence.\\  +ExampleAs player puts name sticker with the word “Dark” printed on it onto a creature named Bear Cub, that creature’s controller chooses whether its new name is “Dark Bear Cub,” “Bear Dark Cub,” or “Bear Cub Dark.” They then announce ​the new name to all players.\\  
-120.6b ​个效应替代一序列抓的一次抓牌,该替代性效应在继续该序列抓牌之前完成。+:于手将印有单词“Dark”名称贴纸贴在个名称为“幼熊[Bear Cub]”的生物上时,该生物的操控者选择它的新名称为“Dark Bear Cub”、“Bear Dark Cub”或是“Bear Cub Dark”。然后其向所有牌手宣告新名称
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr120-6c>120.6c Some effects ​perform additional actions on card after it’s ​drawn. If the draw is replaced, the additional action is not performed ​on any cards that are drawn as a result ​of that replacement effect or any subsequent replacement effects.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr123-6c>123.6c The text that a name sticker is modifying may change due to other effects ​and/​or ​permanent’s face-down status (see rule 708, “Face-Down Spells and Permanents”). To determine the name of an object with one or more name stickers, start with the object’s copiable values, then apply each name sticker’s effect and each other text-changing effect in timestamp order. The position of each name sticker will continue to be after the number of words that were before ​it in the object’s name when it was placed. If there are fewer words in the object’s current name, the word on that sticker is added at the end of its name instead. The position and timestamp order of each name sticker on an object is remembered as the object ​that sticker is on moves from one public zone to another, and it continues to apply to the new object it becomes in that zone (see rule 123.5). This is an exception to rule 400.7.\\  
-120.6c 一些效应在抓牌之后对该牌执行额外动作。如果该抓牌动作被替代该额外作不对该替代性效应或任何连锁替代性效应导致的抓牌生效+123.6c 名称贴纸修改的叙述可能因为其他效应和/​或永久物的面朝下状态发生改变(参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr708|708]],“牌面朝下的咒语和永久物”)。要确定一个其上有贴纸物件的名称,首先为其可复制特征值,然每个名称贴纸和其他改变叙述的效应按时间印记顺序生效。每张名称贴纸仍然保持在贴贴纸时与其前面所数单词数量一致的位置上。如果此物件当前的名称过短则贴纸上的名称将被添加在名称末尾。一个物件从公开区域移到另一个公开区域时,物件上每张名称贴纸的位置和时间印记顺序都被记忆,并继续影响新物件。这是规则[[cr:​4#​cr400-7|400.7]]例外情况
-<​BOOKMARK:cr120-7>​120.7. Some replacement effects and prevention effects result in one or more card draws. In such caseif there are any parts of the original event that havent been replacedthose parts occur first, then the card draws happen one at a time.\\  +ExampleFae of Wishes, an adventurer ​card, is in exile with name sticker on it adding the word “Mana” after its second wordso its name is “Fae ​of Mana Wishes.” An effect allows that player to cast Granted, its Adventure, from exile. The name of that spell on the stack is “Granted Mana.” After that card is exiled as the Adventure resolves, the stickers position (after the second word) is rememberedso the name of the exiled ​card is once again “Fae of Mana Wishes.\\  
-120.7. ​些替代性效应会导致抓一张或数张。在这种情况下如果原有事件中有未被替代的部分,这些部分首先发生抓牌步发生+例如:趁愿仙儿(Fae of Wishes)是历险者牌,它被放逐且其上有张名称贴纸在第二个单词后添加了单词“Mana”,因此其名称为“Fae of Mana Wishes”。某效应允许手将其作为历险来施放而其历险部分原本的名称为心愿得遂(Granted)。当它在堆叠上时其名称会是“Granted Mana”。而历险结算它再次被放逐,贴纸的位置(第二个单词之后)会被记忆,因此被放之牌的名称又会变为“Fae of Mana Wishes”
-<​BOOKMARK:cr120-8>​120.8. If spell or ability causes a card to be drawn while another spell is being castthe drawn card is kept face down until that spell becomes ​cast (see rule 601.2i). While face down, it’s considered to have no characteristics. The same is true with relation ​to another ability being activated. If an effect allows or instructs a player to reveal ​the card as it’s being drawnit’s revealed after the spell becomes cast or the ability becomes activated.\\  +ExampleA player owns creature named It That Betrays on the battlefield. Using name stickers, they add the word “Eldrazi” ​to its name after the third word, such that its new name is “It That Betrays Eldrazi.” Later, that creature ​becomes ​a copy of a creature named Seeker of the Way. The name sticker continues ​to apply after the third wordso its new name is “Seeker of the Eldrazi Way.\\  
-120.8. ​一个咒语或异能让牌手在其他咒语被施放过程中抓牌则被抓起的牌直到咒语完施放之前都要保持牌面朝下放置参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr601-2i|601.2i]]。在牌面朝下过程中,它被视为不具有任何特征。在起动异能的过程中用同样的方式处理。如果一个效应允许或要求牌手于抓牌时展示抓到的牌该牌在咒语成施放或异能成为起动之后展示 +:某牌手拥有一个名称为背叛恶物(It that Betrays)的生物。该牌手使用名称贴纸在其名称第三个单词后添加了单词“Eldrazi”,因此其新名称为“It that Betrays Eldrazi”。之后,该生物为一个名称为灵道探求者Seeker of the Way之生物复制品名称贴纸继续第三单词后生效,其新名称“Seeker of the Eldrazi Way”
-===== 121. 指示物 Counters ===== +
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr121>​121. Counters\\  +
-121. 指示物+
-<​BOOKMARK:cr121-1>​121.1. ​counter is marker placed ​on an object or player ​that modifies its characteristics and/or interacts with a rule, ability, or effectCounters are not objects and have no characteristics. Notably, a counter ​is not token, and a token is not a counter. Counters with the same name or description are interchangeable.\\  +Example: A creature with name sticker ​on it becomes enchanted by Witness Protection, ​an Aura that changes the creature’s name to “Legitimate Businessperson.” Since Witness Protection ​is also text-changing effect, and it has later timestamp than the name sticker, the word on that name sticker ​is not part of the creature’s ​name. Its name is “Legitimate Businessperson.”\\  
-121.1. 指示物为置于物件或牌手上修改特征和/​或与规则、异能或效应互动情况标示。指示物不是物件,它们没有特征。指示物不生物,且衍生物不是指示。具有相同字或描述指示物可以互换+例如:某上有名称贴纸被证人保护结附,它是能够将所结附之生物的名称改变为合法市民(Legitimate Businessperson)的灵气)。由于证人保护同样是改变叙述的效应,且其时间印记晚于名称贴纸,名称贴纸上的单词该生物名一部分。其名称是“Legitimate Businessperson”
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr121-1a>121.1a A +X/+Y counter on a creature ​or on a creature card in a zone other than the battlefield,​ where X and are numbers, adds X to that object’s power and Y to that object’s toughness. Similarly, -X/-Y counters subtract from power and toughness. See rule 613.3.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr123-6d>123.6d Some effects refer to the number of one or more specific letters ​on a name sticker. A lowercase letter ​and its uppercase equivalent ​are the same letter.\\  
-121.1a 一个在生物上、战场以外的区域中的生物牌上的+X/​+Y指示物(X和Y为数字),为该物件增加X以及为该物件防御力增加Y。样的,-X/​-Y指示物从力量与防御力中减去。参见规则[[cr:​6#​cr613-3|613.3]]+123.6d 一些效应提及一张名称贴纸上一个或数个特定。小写字母和它对应大写字母是一个字母
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr121-1b>121.1b The number of loyalty counters ​on a planeswalker on the battlefield indicates how much loyalty it has. A planeswalker with 0 loyalty is put into its owner’s graveyard as a state-based action. See rule 704.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr123-6e>123.6e Some effects refer to the number of “unique vowels” ​on a name sticker. These count the number of different vowels that appear on that sticker, even if one or more of them appear more than onceThe vowels are A, E, I, O, U, and Y. A lowercase letter and its uppercase equivalent are the same letter.\\  
-121.1b 战场上的鹏洛客的忠诚指示物数量,表明它有多少忠诚度。忠诚度为0鹏洛客作为状态动作被置入其拥有者的坟墓场参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]]+123.6e 一些效应提及一张名称贴纸上“不同元音字母”的数量。这会计算出现在贴纸上的不同元音字母数量,即使某些字母出现次数不止一次元音字母包括A、E、I、O、U、以及Y。小写字母和它对应的大写字母是同一个字母
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr121-1c>121.1cIf player has ten or more poison counters, they lose the game as a state-based action. See rule 704A player is “poisoned” if they have one or more poison counters(See rule 810 for additional rules for Two-Headed Giant games.)\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr123-7>123.7An ability sticker is sticker with one or more abilities printed on it. An ability sticker on a permanent or on a card in a zone other than the battlefield causes that object to gain the ability that is printed on that sticker. See rule 613.1f.\\  
-121.1c 如果一位牌手个或更多的中毒指示,其将作为状态动作输掉游戏。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]]。如果牌手具有个或更多中毒指示物,该牌手为“已中毒”(双头巨人游戏的额外规则请参见规则[[cr:​8#cr810|810]]。+123.7异能贴纸上印个或数个异能。在永久上、或在张不在战场上牌上的异能贴纸会使物件获得印在贴纸上的异能。参见规则[[cr:​6#cr613-1f|613.1f]]。
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr121-2>121.2. Counters on an object ​are not retained ​if that object ​moves from one zone to another. The counters are not “removed”;​ they simply cease to exist. See rule 400.7.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr123-7a>123.7a If an effect refers to an ability of an ability sticker, it refers to the ability that sticker grants to the object ​it is on, even if the object ​it is on doesn’t currently have that ability due to another ​effect.\\  
-121.2. 若物件从一个区域移动到另个区域,物件指示不会保留。这些指示物并非“被移除”;它们只是不再存在。参见规则[[cr:​4#​cr400-7|400.7]]+123.7a 如果一个效应提及张异能贴纸上的异能则其指的是该贴纸赋予物件的异能,即使该件当前因其他效应不再具有此异能
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr121-3>121.3If permanent ​has both a +1/+1 counter ​and a -1/-1 counter ​on it, N +1/+1 and N -1/-1 counters are removed from it as state-based action, where N is the smaller of the number of +1/+1 and -1/-1 counters ​on itSee rule 704.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr123-8>123.8A power and toughness sticker is sticker that has two numbers ​and a slash printed ​on it, resembling the power and toughness of creature card. A power and toughness sticker on a creature or on a creature or Vehicle card in a zone other than the battlefield sets that object’s power and toughness to the values printed ​on that sticker (see rule 613.4b). If more than one power and toughness sticker is on a creature, use timestamp order to determine which one takes precedence (see rule 613.7).\\  
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr121-4>121.4. If a permanent with an ability ​that says it can’t have more than N counters ​of a certain kind on it has more than N counters of that kind on it, all but N of those counters are removed from it as state-based actionSee rule 704.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr123-8a>123.8a An effect ​that refers to the power and/or toughness ​of a sticker refers only to the printed power and/or toughness values ​on a power and toughness stickerIt does not refer to any printed value on any other stickers.\\  
-121.4. 如果一个永久物具有令其不能拥有多于N某种示物异能,且多于N个该种指示物,作为状态动作将移去N个以外该种指示物。参见规则[[cr:​7#​cr704|704]]+123.8a 提及贴纸之力量和/​或防御力效应,仅印在力量/​防御力贴纸上力量和/​或防御力数值。不指任何其他贴纸上印有的数值
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr121-5>121.5If an effect says to “move” a counter, it means to take that counter from the object it’s currently ​on and put it onto second object. If the first and second objects are the same object, nothing happens. If the first object ​has no counters, nothing happens; the second object doesn’t get a counter put on it. If the second object (or any possible second objects) is no longer in the correct zone when the effect would move the counter, nothing happens; ​counter isn’t removed from the first object.\\  +<​BOOKMARK:​cr123-9>123.9An art sticker ​on a permanent ​has no effect ​on game play other than to act as marker that other spells and abilities can identify.\\  
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr121-6>​121.6. Some spells and abilities refer to counters being put on an object. This refers to putting counters on that object while it’s on the battlefield and also to an object that’s given counters as it enters the battlefield.\\ ​ 
-121.6. 一些咒语或异能提及将指示物放置在一个物件上。这是指它在战场时在其上放置指示物,或于一个物件进战场时被给予指示物。 
-<​BOOKMARK:​cr121-6a>​121.6a If an object enters the battlefield with counters on it, the effect causing the object to be given counters may specify which player puts those counters on it. If the effect doesn’t specify a player, the object’s controller puts those counters on it.\\  
-121.6a 如果一个物件进战场时上面有指示物,使该物件被给予指示物的效应可能会指定一位牌手在该物件上放置这些指示物。如果该效应没有指定牌手,该物件的操控者在其上放置这些指示物。 
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