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MTR 5. 比赛违规
MTR 5.1 Cheating 作弊
Cheating will not be tolerated. The Head Judge reviews all cheating allegations, and if they believes that a player has cheated, they will issue the appropriate penalty based on the Infraction Procedure Guide or Judging at Regular Rules Enforcement Level document. All disqualifications are subject to DCI review and further penalties may be assessed.
作弊将绝不宽贷。主审审核所有作弊的陈述,如果他认为某位牌手作弊,主审将根据《违规处理方针》或《一般级别执法严格度执法指南》做出适当处置。所有取消比赛资格的处罚都将会经由 DCI 审核,并可能在审核后给予该牌手进一步的处罚。
In short, cheating occurs when a person breaks a rule, is aware that he is doing so, and is attempting to gain advantage from his action. For a more detailed discussion about cheating and how to handle this infraction, see IPG 4.8. The penalty for this infraction is Disqualification, and the Head Judge must follow the Disqualification Process.
MTR 5.2 Bribery 贿赂
The decision to drop, concede, or agree to an intentional draw cannot be made in exchange for or influenced by the offer of any reward or incentive, nor may any in-game decision be influenced in this manner. Making such an offer or enticing someone into making an offer is prohibited and is considered bribery. Players may not make any offers to tournament officials in an attempt to influence the outcome of a ruling.
Players can drop from an event, concede a match to their opponents, or agree to intentionally draw with their opponents. But they cannot ask for any kind of incentive or make any offer to the opponent in order to get a desired result. Similarly, a player cannot try to influence a player to take any other in-game action. Phrases like “If you concede to me, I’ll give you all my prizes” or “I will concede to you in exchange of half your prizes” are unacceptable, and Bribery results in a Disqualification at all Rules Enforcement Levels.
Players are also prohibited from attempting to bribe tournament officials, including judges.
It is not bribery when players share prizes they have not yet received in the current tournament and they may agree to such before or during their match, as long as any such sharing does not occur in exchange for any game or match result or the dropping of a player from the tournament.
Players in the Swiss rounds, for example, are allowed to split the prizes they will receive evenly. They may also agree to distributions like “the loser receives their entry back,” assuming that the prizes received will at least cover that amount.
It is not bribery when players in the announced last round of the single-elimination portion of a tournament agree to a winner and how to divide the subsequent tournament prizes. In that case, one of the players at each table must agree to drop from the tournament. Players receive the prizes according to their final ranking.
The rules for discussing a split change during the announced final round of a single elimination playoff. If players wish to split the prizes, players must agree who is dropping from the event in order to divide prizes the way they want. It’s not a player actually conceding the match, but rather dropping, because a “win by drop” (the option that shows on WER) does not award any Planeswalker Points.
The result of a match or game may not be randomly or arbitrarily determined through any means other than the normal progress of the game in play. Examples include (but are not limited to) rolling a die, flipping a coin, arm wrestling, or playing any other game.
The result of a Magic game or match should be determined only by playing Magic. No other method is allowed. This often happens near the end of a round when drawing would knock both players out of playoff contention but a concession by one would allow the other to advance. Many inexperienced players do not even realize that randomly determining a winner is illegal; being proactive with Head Judge announcements and late-round vigilance can help judges avoid disqualifying players who otherwise might not know about this rule. See IPG 4.3.
For example, if a judge sees two players who are about to draw without any obvious win conditions on the board, they might simply remind the players that they cannot flip a coin or make any offers to their opponents to induce a concession. The judge might also remind them that they must report the game as a draw unless one of them wins or concedes. This proactive approach provides better customer service than waiting for a player to say something unfortunate and avoids an unpleasant experience for everyone.
Players may not reach an agreement in conjunction with other matches. Players can make use of information regarding match or game scores of other tables. However, players are not allowed to leave their seats during their match or go to great lengths to obtain this information.
While opponents may agree to intentionally concede or draw their matches, a group of players may not deliberate whether they should all draw in order to make Top 8, for example. Players may use information about the other matches to make up their minds, but they may not leave their seats during their match or go to other great lengths to obtain additional information.
For instance, players may play their match until the match next to them finishes and agree to draw because that result favors their chances at making Top 8. But they cannot make any extraordinary effort to get the information they want, like pausing the match to recheck the standings or pairings or to find out the results of the match three tables over. Players may not play slowly to wait on relevant matches to finish.
Some Head Judges and Tournament Organizers like to seat the final round’s matches randomly so that the top matches are not clumped together at the first few tables. Random seating makes it harder for players to observe the results of matches near them in standing.
Players in the single-elimination rounds of a tournament offering only cash, store credit, prize tickets, and/or unopened product as prizes may, with the permission of the Tournament Organizer, agree to split the prizes evenly. The players may end the tournament at that point or continue to play. All players still in the tournament must agree to the arrangement.
Note that, for the event to end at this point, players need to agree which of them is dropping, and the results must be reported as a “Win By Drop,” since no match took place. A prize split before the finals is only allowed when are no prizes other than cash and/or unopened product. If an invite or some other non-cash, non-product prize is on the line, then the prize cannot be split before the finals.
Example: Before the semifinals of a tournament (in which first place gets 12 packs, second place gets 8 packs and 3rd and 4th get 4 packs each) begins, the players may get permission from the Tournament Organizer to end the tournament, with each player receiving 7 packs.
示例:在一场比赛的半决赛开始前(该场比赛的奖品分配如下:第一名得 12 包,第二名得 8 包,第三及第四名各得 4 包),在征得比赛主办人的许可之后,剩下的四位牌手可就此结束比赛,每人分得 7 包奖品。
Example: In the finals of a 1-slot Players Tour Qualifier that offers a travel award and an invitation to the winner, the two finalists may agree to split the tournament prizes, but this agreement cannot alter the results of the match. One player must drop from the tournament, leaving the travel award and the invitation to the player who did not drop from the tournament. That player is then free to split the remainder of the prizes as agreed upon. The travel award and invitation are a single item and may not be split.
MTR 5.3 Wagering 赌博
Tournament participants, tournament officials, and spectators may not wager, ante, or bet on any portion (including the outcome) of a tournament, match, or game.
Wagering damages the integrity of a tournament and gives both players and spectators a terrible image of the game and the community. It is considered a serious problem. For more details, read the Serious Problems section of the JAR document and IPG 4.4. If you are to disqualify a player, follow the Disqualification Process.
MTR 5.4 Unsporting Conduct 举止违背运动道德
Unsporting conduct will not be tolerated at any time. Tournament participants must behave in a polite and respectful manner. Unsporting conduct includes, but is not limited to:
Broadly, this section exists to spell out one very important responsibility that all players share: to not ruin the enjoyable atmosphere of the tournament. While the behaviors cited below all have the potential to do so, they are not an exhaustive list, nor could such a list be written. If a player’s behavior is disruptive to the event or is making you or another person uncomfortable, this is a problem that needs to be addressed.
• Using profanity.
• 说脏话。
The above prohibition should not be taken to mean that any use of profanity at a Magic event is automatically considered Unsporting Conduct. Indeed, many Magic players routinely use profanity as part of their everyday speech without a second thought, and it would be senseless to try to eradicate it completely. Profanity becomes problematic when it is disruptive to other people’s enjoyment of the event. This can happen, for example, when it is used excessively, or directed maliciously toward another person. Such cases are more serious and merit the intervention of a judge. See IPG 4.1 for details.
• Engaging in behavior that could reasonably be expected to create a feeling of being harassed, bullied, or stalked.
• 易使他人产生受骚扰、欺侮、尾随感受的不端行为。
• Arguing with, acting belligerently toward, or insulting tournament officials, players or spectators.
• 与比赛工作人员、牌手或旁观者争执、挑衅或侮辱对方。
• Violating the personal privacy or safety of any participant, including spectators and staff.
• 侵犯其他参赛者(包括旁观者和工作人员)的个人隐私或安全。
• Using social media to bully, shame, or intimidate other participants.
• 使用社交媒体对其他参赛者进行欺侮、羞辱或恐吓。
A safe environment is a basic expectation of any tournament attendee. Behaviors that compromise this expectation should not be tolerated. See IPG 4.2 for details.
• Failing to follow the instructions of a tournament official.
• 不服从比赛工作人员的指示。
Judges and other Tournament Officials are responsible for the smooth running of the event. If we need a player to do something and they don’t do it, that disrupts the tournament. That said, if you’re going to use this authority, it needs to be for something that benefits the tournament, not for something arbitrary or trivial.
Officials are expected to investigate potential matters brought their attention as soon as possible and take actions to discourage repeat behavior. All incidents of unsporting conduct are subject to further DCI review.
当有人就此行为唤起工作人员注意时,工作人员应尽快对潜在事端进行调查,并采取措施制止累犯。所有违背运动道德的事件,都可能受到 DCI 进一步的调查。
Judges and other Tournament Officials are the people players turn to in case of a problem. This includes interpersonal problems like Unsporting Conduct. It’s very rare for someone to ask for an intervention when one isn’t warranted; quite the opposite, people often ignore or deal with such problems longer than they reasonably should. For this reason, we need to treat all such allegations seriously and deal with them before they can escalate.
Consequences to discourage repeat behavior can include anything from a simple “Don’t do that,” to issuing an Unsporting Conduct penalty. Where a player has broken a venue or organizer’s rule — by smoking in the venue, for example — it may be necessary to involve representatives from these groups to resolve the issue.
MTR 5.5 Slow Play 游戏进行过慢
Players must take their turns in a timely fashion regardless of the complexity of the play situation and adhere to time limits specified for the tournament. Players must maintain a pace to allow the match to be finished in the announced time limit. Stalling is not acceptable. Players may ask a judge to watch their game for slow play; such a request will be granted if feasible.
The round time limit is not equally split between players. This means that a player thinking too long to make plays is “stealing” time from his opponent. This can give them an unfair advantage or degrade an opponent’s play experience. Even when there are no time limits, one player taking too much time for his actions is wasting everyone’s time. For examples of Slow Play, see IPG 3.3.
Intentionally playing slowly to take advantage of time limit is considered Stalling. For more information about how to handle these infractions at Competitive Rules Enforcement Level, see IPG 4.7.
MTR 5.6 Outside Assistance 场外援助
During matches, players may not seek play advice from spectators and spectators may not give play advice to players.
During deck construction, players and spectators may not provide any advice or commentary to a player until that player’s decklist has been handed in.
Players and spectators will refrain from providing any information about draft selections or strategies between pod announcement and the end of the draft. At Competitive and Professional Rules Enforcement Level, players and spectators are expected to remain silent during the draft.
Some of these restrictions may be waived due to official press or coverage; in these situations, the player will be informed of the revised expectations. Teammates in certain team tournaments are also excepted from these restrictions (see section 4.5).