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MTR 1. 比赛基本要素 Tournament Fundamentals

MTR 1.1 Tournament Types 比赛种类

There are two types of sanctioned Magic tournaments: rated and casual.

Rated tournaments are further divided into two types: Premier and non-Premier. Premier tournaments are run by Wizards of the Coast or select Tournament Organizers. They have unique names and features. Non-Premier tournaments are tournaments that are not explicitly Premier.

There are two major tournament formats: Limited and Constructed. Each has rules specific to its format. In Limited tournaments, all product for play is provided during the tournament. In Constructed tournaments, players compete using decks prepared beforehand. Some Premier tournaments may consist of multiple formats within the same tournament.

MTR 1.2 Publishing Tournament Information 比赛信息的发布

Wizards of the Coast reserves the right to publish DCI-sanctioned tournament information at any time (including during the tournament). Tournament information includes, but is not limited to, the contents of one or more players' decks, descriptions of strategies or play, transcripts, and video reproductions. Tournament Organizers are also allowed to publish this information once their tournament is complete.

Wizards of the Coast reserves the right to publish penalty and suspension information.

MTR 1.3 Tournament Roles 比赛职责

The following roles are defined for tournament purposes:
• Tournament Organizer 比赛主办人
• Head Judge 主审
• Floor Judge 巡场裁判
• Scorekeeper 记分员
• Player 牌手
• Spectator 旁观者

The first four roles above are considered tournament officials. The Head Judge and floor judges are collectively considered judges. A single individual may act in any combination of tournament official roles. Individuals who are not judges at a tournament are spectators in any match in which they are not playing. Members of the press are also considered spectators.

MTR 1.4 Participation Eligibility 参赛资格

Anyone is eligible to participate as a player in a DCI-sanctioned tournament except for:
• Individuals currently suspended by the DCI. Individuals currently suspended from the DCI may not act as tournament officials;
• 目前被DCI所停权者。目前为DCI所停权者不得担当比赛工作人员;
• Other individuals specifically prohibited from participation by DCI or Wizards of the Coast policy (such determination is at Wizards of the Coast’s sole discretion);
• 其他被DCI或威世智公司的方针明令禁止参赛者(此类决定为威世智公司的单方判断);
• Individuals thirteen (13) years of age and younger who do not have their parent/guardians’ permission;
• 年龄十三(13)岁以下(含13岁),且未获父母/监护人许可者;
• Anyone prohibited by federal, state, or local laws, the rules of the Tournament Organizer, or by a venue’s management.
• 被联邦、州或当地法律、比赛主办人制订的规则或比赛场馆之管理规定禁止参赛者。
• Tournament Organizers may choose to age restrict any Regular REL events that they organize. They must clearly indicate this in their marketing for the event on the Store and Event Locator description as well as any other place they display the event information. (i.e. Tournament Organizers may advertise an age 16 and under Friday Night Magic).
• 比赛主办人可针对其主办的一般级别执法严格度赛事设置年龄限制。它们必须在店内为此活动进行的营销宣传、「Event Locator」上的说明以及其他显示赛事信息的场合清楚标明此限制。(即,比赛主办人可以宣传仅限16岁以下人士参加的周五认证赛。)

Anyone is eligible to participate as a tournament official (Tournament Organizer, Head Judge, floor judge or Scorekeeper) for a tournament except for:
• Individuals currently suspended by the DCI;
• 目前被DCI所停权者;
• Anyone who has played in the tournament, unless it is a tournament that explicitly allows tournament officials to play while acting as a tournament official.
• 当前比赛的参赛者;明确允许比赛工作人员在行使职责的同时参与比赛之比赛不在此限。

Tournament officials may play in a DCI-sanctioned, rated tournament for which they are a tournament official if (and only if) the tournament is of the following types:
• Friday Night Magic 周五认证赛
• Prerelease 售前赛
• Launch Parties 发售赛
• Game Day 欢乐日
• Store Championship 店家冠军赛
• Other non-Premier Magic Tournaments 其他的万智牌非重要比赛
• Tournaments in which the official Wizards of the Coast tournament fact sheet specifically permits officials of that tournament to play 在正式的威世智比赛说明文档上特别注明该场比赛之工作人员亦可参赛的比赛

If one or more tournament officials play in the tournament, it must be run at Regular Rules Enforcement Level. If tournament officials play in the tournament and the tournament is not one of the allowed types listed above, the tournament will be invalidated. Tournament officials are required to officiate tournaments fairly and without regard to their own self-interest.

The owners of organizations that run Premier Events are not permitted to play in those tournaments, even if the owner is not listed as a tournament official (organizer, judge, and/or scorekeeper) for that tournament.

Premier Events include the following tournaments: Magic: The Gathering World Championship, Pro Tour, Pro Tour Qualifier, Spotlight Series, Regional Championship, Regional Championship Qualifier.

Some tournaments have additional criteria regarding player and tournament official eligibility (e.g. invitation-only tournaments, such as Pro Tour and Regional Championships).

The Premier Tournament Invitation Policy defines specific eligibility rules with regards to certain types of invitation-only Premier Tournaments (e.g. Pro Tour and Regional Championships).

Individuals with questions regarding their tournament eligibility should contact PremierPlay@wizards.com.
对自己的参赛资格有疑义者,请联系 PremierPlay@wizards.com。

MTR 1.5 Registration 登记

In order to participate in Magic: The Gathering tournaments, players must be able to provide the necessary and appropriate identifying information to participate in the tournament.
For tournaments run using the EventLink tournament management software, players must provide a Wizards Account and/or a first and last name. Players without a Wizards Account should obtain one from https://myaccounts.wizards.com.

MTR 1.6 Tournament Organizer 比赛主办人

The Tournament Organizer of a tournament is responsible for all tournament logistics including:

• Sanctioning the event.
• 规划认证赛事。
• Providing a site for the tournament that meets the tournament’s expected needs.
• 为比赛提供满足需求的场所。
• Advertising the tournament in advance of the tournament date.
• 在比赛日前宣传本次比赛。
• Staffing the tournament with appropriate tournament officials.
• 为比赛找到合适的工作人员。
• Providing all materials necessary to operate the tournament (e.g. product for Limited format tournaments).
• 提供所有用来举办该比赛的道具(如:用于限制赛的产品)。

MTR 1.7 Head Judge 主审

Sanctioned tournaments require the physical presence of a Head Judge during play to adjudicate disputes, interpret rules, and make other official decisions. The Head Judge is the final judicial authority at any DCI-sanctioned tournament and all tournament participants are expected to follow their interpretations. Although it is beneficial, the Head Judge does not have to be certified.

The Head Judge’s responsibilities include: 主审的责任包括:

• Ensuring that all necessary steps are taken to deal with game or policy rule violations that they notice or are brought to their attention.
• 确保在处理他所知或被告知的违规举动(无论是游戏规则还是方针方面的规定)时采用了所有必要的处理步骤。
• Issuing the final ruling in all appeals, potentially overturning the ruling of a floor judge.
• 做出申述的最终裁定,主审可推翻巡场裁判所做出的裁定。
• Coordinating and delegating tasks to floor judges as needed.
• 协调巡场裁判之工作,并可以在需要时委之以相应的任务。

If necessary, the Head Judge may temporarily transfer their duties to any judge if they are unable to fulfill them for a period of time. Also, in exceptional circumstances, if the tournament’s integrity would be damaged otherwise, the Tournament Organizer may replace the Head Judge.

Certain Premier tournaments have multiple Head Judges and/or different Head Judges for different portions of the tournament. All Head Judges share the same responsibilities and exercise the same authority while they are serving as a Head Judge.

MTR 1.8 Floor Judges 巡场裁判

Floor judges are available to players and spectators to answer questions, deal with illegal plays, or assist with reasonable requests. They do not have to be certified.

Judges will not generally assist players in determining the current game state but can answer questions about the rules, interactions between cards, or provide the Oracle™ wordings of relevant cards. At Regular Rules Enforcement Level, the judge may assist the player in understanding the game state in the interest of education. If a player wishes to ask their question away from the table, the request will usually be honored. Players may not request specific judges to answer their calls, but may request a tournament official to help translate. This request may be honored at the discretion of the original judge.
总体而言,裁判不会协助牌手对当前游戏的场面做出判断,但会就下列这些问题做出回答:规则、牌张之间的互动,或是相关卡牌的Oracle(万智牌的牌张参考资料库)叙述。 在执法严格度为一般级别的情况下,为了进行教学推广,裁判也可协助牌手对当前的游戏局面做出判断。 牌手可请求在远离游戏的场所对裁判进行提问,此类请求通常会予以执行。 牌手在呼叫裁判时,不得要求由某一名特定的裁判来响应此次呼叫,但可以请求比赛工作人员来协助翻译。经原裁判斟酌,此请求可予以执行。

Judges do not intervene in a game to prevent illegal actions, but do intervene as soon as a rule has been broken or to prevent a situation from escalating.

MTR 1.9 Scorekeeper 记分员

The Scorekeeper ensures the correct generation of pairings and all other tournament records throughout the tournament. The Scorekeeper’s responsibilities include:
记分员须确保在比赛整个过程当中生成的对局配对和其他比赛记录文档都正确无误。 记分员的责任包括:

• Generating correct pairings each round and accurately entering the results of those rounds.
• 为每局对局生成正确的对局配对并准确地输入该局对局的比赛结果。
• Generating standings for posting before and after the final Swiss round. Other rounds may also be posted at the Head Judge’s discretion.
• 在最后一局瑞士式对局开始之前及结束之后生成供张贴使用的排名。经主审斟酌,也可以在其他局次中张贴排名。
• Solving all scorekeeping problems that arise in consultation with the Head Judge.
• 在与主审协商后,解决所出现的一切记分问题。
• Making sure all necessary information is included in the tournament’s report.
• 确保在比赛报告中包含有所有的必要信息。

The Head Judge has the final authority in determining corrective action for scorekeeping errors.

MTR 1.10 Players 牌手

Players are responsible for:

• Behaving in a respectful manner toward tournament officials, other tournament participants, and spectators and refraining from unsporting conduct at all times.
• 尊重比赛官员、其他参赛者以及旁观者,保持克制,任何时候都不得出现违反体育道德的行为。
• Maintaining a clear and legal game state.
• 保持对局状态清晰、合法。
• Complying with announced start times and time limits.
• 遵守宣告的开始时间以及时间限制。
• Calling attention to any rules or policy infraction they notice in their matches.
• 将在其对局中发现的违规举动(不论是游戏规则还是方针方面的规定)时提请他人注意。
• Bringing to a judge’s attention any discrepancies in their tournament match record.
• 发现自己比赛对局记录有出入时告知裁判。
• Accurately reporting the results of their matches in a timely manner.
• 正确且及时地回报自己的比赛结果。
• Refraining from enrolling in tournaments in which they are not allowed by policy to participate.
• 不报名参加受相应方针限制而无法参加的比赛。
• Being familiar with the rules contained within this document.
• 熟识本文档中包含的规则。
• Being physically present for the tournament.
• 亲自到场参加比赛。

A player must bring the following items to a tournament in order to participate:

• A physical, visible, and reliable method to maintain and record game information (tokens, score counters, pen and paper, and so on).
• 具体的、可辨识的、可靠的方式,以维持和记录游戏信息(衍生物,记分器,纸笔,等等)。
• Any materials specifically required for a particular tournament format, such as assembled decks and/or decklists for constructed tournaments.
• 某些特定赛制所明定的其他必需物品,如构组赛中需要的已构组好的套牌和/或套牌登记表。

Players retain their responsibilities even if a judge provides them with extra assistance.

The individual members of a team are considered players, and are equally responsible for required tournament procedures, such as accurately reporting the results of their match. Players are only responsible for the games they play themselves and not separate games being played by their teammates, but are expected to point out rules violations they observe in their teammates’ matches.

Players who do not fulfill their responsibilities may be subject to penalties and review by the DCI. Wizards of the Coast and the DCI reserve the right to suspend or revoke a player’s membership without prior notice for any reason they deem necessary.

MTR 1.11 Spectators 旁观者

Any person physically present at a tournament and not in any other category above is a spectator. Spectators are responsible for remaining silent and passive during matches and other official tournament sections in which players are also required to be silent. If spectators believe they have observed a rules or policy violation, they are encouraged to alert a judge as soon as possible. At Regular or Competitive Rules Enforcement Level, spectators are permitted to ask the players to pause the match while they alert a judge. At Professional Rules Enforcement Level, spectators who are not members of the official coverage team must not interfere with the match directly.
亲临比赛,但并不属于上述任一职能分类之人员便属于旁观者。在对局过程中及参加比赛之牌手亦须保持安静的正式比赛部分当中,旁观者得保持噤声,不主动与他人进行沟通。 若旁观者认为自己发现了违反游戏规则或比赛方针的举动,鼓励其尽快提请裁判注意。在「一般」或「竞争」级别的比赛中,允许旁观者请求牌手在其寻找裁判期间暂停对局的进行。在「专业」级别的比赛中,不属于正式报导团队之旁观者不得直接干预对局。

Players may request that a spectator not observe their matches. Such requests must be made through a judge. Tournament officials may also instruct a spectator not observe a match or matches.

MTR 1.12 Rules Enforcement Levels 执法严格度

Rules Enforcement Levels (REL) are a means to communicate to the players and judges what expectations they can have of the tournament in terms of rigidity of rules enforcement, technically correct play, and procedures used.

The Rules Enforcement Level of a tournament generally reflects the prizes awarded and the distance a player may be expected to travel.

The appropriate Rules Enforcement Level for specific programs is listed in Appendix F.

Regular 一般级别

Regular tournaments are focused on fun and social aspects, not enforcement. Most tournaments are run at this level unless they offer sizeable prizes or invitations. Players are expected to know most of the game rules, may have heard of policy and what is “really bad,” but generally play in a fashion similar to the way they do casually. Players are still responsible for following the rules, but the focus is on education and sportsmanship over technically precise play. Infractions in these tournaments are covered by the Judging at Regular Rules Enforcement Level document, located at https://wpn.wizards.com/en/rules-documents.
一般的比赛主要是为了娱乐和社交,而非铁面无私。大部分的比赛都是采用这个等级,除非比赛提供了一定程度的奖品或是邀请资格。对牌手的期待是应该知道大部分的游戏规则,可能听过一些比赛政策或知道哪些事情「很不好」,但通常是以类似休闲娱乐的方式来比赛。牌手还是有责任去遵循规则,但所强调的主要在于教育性和运动道德,而不是技术上的精确无误。在此类比赛中处理牌手违规行为的细则,由《一般执法严格度下执法指南》此份文档详述,该文档可于此处获取: https://wpn.wizards.com/en/rules-documents

Competitive 竞争级别

Competitive tournaments are usually those with significant cash prizes or invitations awarded to Professional tournaments. Players are expected to know the game’s rules and be familiar with the policies and procedures, but unintentional errors are not punished severely. These are tournaments that protect the interests of all players by providing tournament integrity while also recognizing that not all players are intimately familiar with Professional-level tournament structure, proper procedures, and rules. Infractions in these tournaments are covered by the Magic Infraction Procedure Guide, located at https://wpn.wizards.com/en/rules-documents.
竞争等级的比赛通常指有着高额奖金,或有专业比赛邀请资格的比赛。对牌手的要求是了解游戏规则并熟悉竞赛政策和流程,但是无意的失误不会导致严厉的处罚。为了保护所有牌手的乐趣,这类比赛要尽力维持一致性,也要了解并非所有牌手都十分清楚专业级比赛的架构、适当的流程,以及规则。在此类比赛中处理牌手违规行为的细则,由《万智牌违规处理方针》此份文档详述,该文档可于此处获取: https://wpn.wizards.com/en/rules-documents

Professional 专业级别

Professional level tournaments offer large cash awards, prestige, and other benefits that draw players from great distances. These tournaments hold players to a higher standard of behavior and technically-correct play than Competitive tournaments. Infractions in these tournaments are covered by the Magic Infraction Procedure Guide, located at https://wpn.wizards.com/en/rules-documents.
专业级别的比赛会提供高额的奖金、声望和其他福利,吸引牌手不远千里而来。这些比赛和竞争等级的比赛比起来,更要求牌手具备高水准的行为和精确的游戏动作。在此类比赛中处理牌手违规行为的细则,由《万智牌违规处理方针》此份文档详述,该文档可于此处获取: https://wpn.wizards.com/en/rules-documents