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4.4 Bribery and Wagering 贿赂与赌博

Penalty 处罚

Match Loss 一局负


A player offers an incentive to entice an opponent into conceding, drawing, or changing the results of a match, encourages such an offer, or accepts such an offer. Refer to section 5.2 of the Magic Tournament Rules for a more detailed description of what constitutes bribery.
牌手提供奖励来诱使对手认输、约和,或改变对局结果,牌手鼓动此类行为,或是接受对方提出的此类条件。若想知道贿赂的详细定义与构成要素,请参照《万智牌比赛规则》第 5.2 节的详细叙述。

Wagering occurs when a player or spectator at a tournament places or offers to place a bet on the outcome of a tournament, match or any portion of a tournament or match. The wager does not need to be monetary, nor is it relevant if a player is not betting on their own match.

If the player was aware that what they were doing was against the rules, the infraction is Unsporting Conduct — Cheating.


A. A player in a Swiss round offers their opponent $100 to concede the match.
A. 牌手在瑞士轮的对局之中,提供100美金来让对手认输。 B. A player offers their opponent a card in exchange for a draw.
B. 牌手愿意给对手一张牌,用以交换平手。 C. A player asks for a concession in exchange for a prize split.
C. 牌手要求平分奖品来交换认输。 D. Two players agree that the winner of the match will be able to choose a rare card out of the other person’s deck after the match.
D. 两位牌手同意赢得对局的人可以对手的牌库中拿走一张稀有牌。 E. Two spectators place a bet on the number of games that will be needed to decide a match.
E. 两位观众下注,赌某对局要打几盘才会结束。


Bribery and wagering disrupt the integrity of the tournament and are strictly forbidden.