
4. 举止违背运动道德 | 返回IPG目录 | 4.2. 举止违背运动道德~严重

4.1 Minor 轻微

Penalty 处罚

Warning 警告


A player takes action that is disruptive to the tournament or its participants. It may affect the comfort level of those around the individual, but determining whether this is the case is not required.
牌手的个人行为对比赛或是参与者产生干扰。 这可能会妨碍到该人周遭的舒适气氛,不过是否造成妨碍并非判定的必要条件。


A. A player uses excessively vulgar and profane language.
A. 牌手使用过度粗俗不雅的言语。
B. A player inappropriately demands to a judge that their opponent receive a penalty.
B. 牌手无理地要求裁判去处罚其对手。
C. A player appeals to the Head Judge before waiting for the floor judge to issue a ruling.
C. 牌手在巡场裁判作出判罚之前就上诉至主审。
D. A player throws their deck on the ground after losing a game.
D. 牌手在输掉游戏后将套牌摔向地面。
E. A player leaves excessive trash in the play area after leaving the table.
E. 牌手离开座位时将过多的垃圾留在游戏区域。
F. A player fails to follow the request of a tournament official to leave the play area.
F. 牌手未遵从比赛工作人员的要求,例如请离比赛区域。


All participants should expect a safe and enjoyable environment at a tournament, and a player needs to be made aware if their behavior is unacceptable so that this environment may be maintained.


The player must correct the problem immediately. Subsequent Unsporting Conduct — Minor infractions, even for different offenses, will result in a Game Loss. If a Game Loss is issued for repeated infractions, and it occurs at the end of a game, it is acceptable for the judge to apply the penalty to the next game instead.
该牌手必须立即更正问题。 再次犯下举止违背运动道德~轻微,会导致一盘负;即使是不同类型的违犯也一样。 如果因为累犯而给予一盘负,且是在发生在一盘游戏结束时,裁判可以改为在下一盘才让处罚生效。