
3.8. 比赛失误~有记号的牌 | 返回IPG目录 | 4. 举止违背运动道德

3.9 Insufficient Shuffling 未充分洗牌

Penalty 处罚

Warning 警告


A player unintentionally fails to sufficiently shuffle their deck or a portion of their deck before presenting it to their opponent, or fails to present it to their opponent for further randomization. A deck is not shuffled if the judge believes a player could know the position or distribution of one or more cards in their deck.


A. A player forgets to shuffle their library after searching for a card.
A. 牌手在搜寻一张牌之后忘了洗他的牌库。
B. A player searches for a card, then gives the library a single riffle-shuffle before presenting the library to their opponent.
B. 牌手搜寻一张牌,然后只作一次交错洗牌(riffle-shuffle)就将牌库交给对手。
C. A player fails to shuffle the portion of their library revealed during the resolution of a cascade ability.
C. 牌手没有将因结算倾曳而展示的部分牌库洗牌。


Players are expected to shuffle their deck thoroughly when it is required and are expected to have the skill and understanding of randomization to do so. However, as the opponent has the opportunity to shuffle after the player does, the potential for advantage is lowered if tournament policy is followed.
牌手在有必要和被要求时,必须要彻底地将其套牌洗牌;且应要有随机化的技术和对何谓“随机化”的认知。 由于对手在该牌手洗牌之后也有机会洗牌,若是能够确实遵守此项比赛方针,则牌手得到利益的可能性会降低。

Any time cards in a deck could be seen, including during shuffling, it is no longer shuffled, even if the player only knows the position of one or two cards. Players are expected to take care in shuffling not to reveal cards to themselves, their teammates, or their opponents.

A player should shuffle their deck using multiple methods. Patterned pile-shuffling is only allowed at the start of a game. Any manipulation, weaving, or stacking prior to randomization is acceptable, as long as the deck is thoroughly shuffled afterwards.
牌手应使用多种方式洗牌;有规律的分堆洗牌只能在一盘游戏一开始时使用。 如果之后有充分洗过套牌,任何先行的操作、编排或是叠放都是可接受的。


Shuffle the appropriate portion of the deck thoroughly.