
3.7. 比赛失误~违反交流原则 | 返回IPG目录 | 3.9. 比赛失误~未充分洗牌

3.8 Marked Cards 有记号的牌

Penalty 处罚

Warning 警告


Cards or sleeves in a player’s deck have inconsistencies on them that might allow them to be differentiated from each other while in the library. This includes scuff marks, nail marks, discoloration, bent corners and curving from foils.


A. A player has small marks on a few of their sleeves. The markings are on a Mountain, a Loxodon Hierarch, and a Lightning Helix.
A. 牌手的几张牌套上有小记号。有记号的牌是一张山脉、一张象族大主教/Loxodon Hierarch和一张闪电螺旋/Lightning Helix。 B. A player has several foil cards that stand out significantly from the rest of their deck.
B. 在一副套牌中,可以明显地辨别出部分闪卡。 C. The basic lands in a player’s unsleeved deck are from a set with notably lighter backs.
C. 在一副没有用牌套的套牌中,使用了牌背颜色略淡的基本地。


Sleeves and cards often become worn over the course of a tournament, and, as long as the player is not attempting to take advantage of this, addressing the situation is sufficient in most cases. Note that almost all sleeves can be considered marked in some way; judges should keep this in mind when determining penalties. In cases of marked cards, educating players to shuffle their cards and sleeves before sleeving the cards is very important.
牌套与牌在比赛过程中经常会持续磨损,并且,只要牌手并不准备藉此获得优势,通常来说只要提醒有此现象便已足够。请注意,几乎所有的牌套都可能在某种标准下被判定为有记号;裁判决定作出处罚时务须谨慎行事。 遇到此类状况时,要教导牌手在上牌套之前务必要先将牌洗过。

This infraction applies only to cards in a player’s deck. Differently-marked sleeves in the sideboard are not illegal unless they are put into the deck without being changed. Unless investigating, judges are encouraged to alert players about concerns with marked sideboard cards.
此违规只适用于牌手套牌中的牌。牌手备牌中的牌,就算牌套上有相异的记号也不会算作不合法,但倘若牌手在此种情况下不更换牌套即将之换入套牌则不然。 除了需进行调查的情况外,在此鼓励裁判提醒牌手注意自己备牌是否上存在记号。


The player needs to replace the card(s) or sleeve(s) with an unmarked version or, if no sleeves are being used, use sleeves that conceal the markings. If the cards themselves have become marked through play in the tournament, the Head Judge may decide to issue a proxy.
牌手必须将有记号的牌或是牌套换掉;若是并未利用牌套,则上牌套来盖掉记号。 如果牌是在比赛中因游戏过程地磨损而有了记号,则主审可以决定给予代牌来使用。

Upgrade: If the player is unable to find replacement cards, they may replace those cards with any combination of cards named Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain or Forest. As the decklist is being changed to match the new contents of the deck, the penalty is a Game Loss. This change may be reverted at a later point without further penalty if replacements for marked cards are found. 升级:假如牌手无法得到符合规定的牌,他可用任意组合且名称为平原、海岛、沼泽、山脉、或树林的牌来取代这些牌。由于套牌登记表将根据套牌新的内容进行修改,处罚为一盘负。如果牌手在稍后时段找到了符合规定的牌,可将此更改恢复原状且不会再有更多的处罚。

Upgrade: If the Head Judge believes that a deck’s owner noticing the pattern of markings would be able to gain substantial advantage from this knowledge, the penalty is a Game Loss.