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万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
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成为裁判 [2014/03/11 06:51]
mtgjudge 创建
成为裁判 [2014/07/16 04:54]
mtgjudge [在线资源]
行 1: 行 1:
-Become a judge+====== 成为裁判 ======
-So you'd like to become a judge... 
-What's a Judge?+====== 什么是裁判? ======
-A judge is another crucial piece in the puzzle that is the magic community. Much like players, tournament organizers and scorekeepers,​ judges play a vital role in shaping and helping the community. A judge’s function depends on the event and role they have in said event, but we all have some responsibilities that overlap regardless of role. 
-Judges are the neutral arbiters of the game. We ensure that the game is fair, friendly and fun for all of the players involved in an event. We are there to settle rules disputes, award infractions for mistakes and award disqualifications for intentional mistakes or to keep the tournament integrity intact. Judges are also empowered to provide pinnacle customer service to an event. An active judge at the store level brings lots of things to the table for that store. They ensure that the events in that store are run correctly and fairly to all players. They help players learning the rules, give advice and build communities.+裁判是组成万智牌社群的一块重要拼图。裁判与牌手、比赛主办人以及记分员一样,承担着维持万智牌良好社群环境的职责。裁判的具体职责取决于不同的万智牌活动,但是作为一名裁判,不管出于哪种情况下,有一些原则我们是要谨记在心的。
-Judges also provide a myriad of benefits and customer service to larger, competitive events. Judges at large events ensure the tournament is running smoothly, efficiently and fairly. Judges are there to answer calls, help fix mistakes and ensure integrity of the event. Judges help set up the event, make sure it maintains a professional appearance and help tear down the event at the end.+裁判是保持游戏公平的仲裁者。我们要确保游戏能够公平、友好的进行,使得参与万智牌活动的牌手都能够乐在其中。我们解决牌手关于规则上的问题、给比赛中犯错的牌手予以相应的判罚、甚至因牌手恶意犯错而取消他们的资格,以此来确保比赛能够良好的进行。裁判们会给万智牌活动带来许多优质的服务,一名认证的店级裁判会确保店家的活动能够顺利地进行,同时他们会帮助牌手们学习规则,并为万智牌社群的健康发展提供一些建议。
-Outside of events, judges are ambassadors of the community. We are in stores helping players, helping educate store owners, and helping educate judge candidates. Judges help make this game a great experience for players!+裁判们也会为大型的,竞技性更强的万智赛事提供服务。大型赛事中的裁判确保赛事能够顺利、有效、公平地进行。裁判们为参与比赛的牌手提供问题的解答以及修正一些游戏的错误,同时为了赛事的顺利召开和收尾提供一些帮助,保证这些大型赛事的专业性。
-Getting ready to test+除了提供赛事方面的服务,裁判也是万智牌社群的维护者。我们在牌店帮助并指导牌手和店家,以及有志于成为认证裁判的牌手,为牌手们提供最佳的游戏体验。
-Getting the first judge level might look an overwhelming task and takes some time – the test is only the final step on the road. The following provides some guideline on the way to become a judge.+====== 准备考试 ======
-Step 1 - Work at Tournaments 
-Start working as a judge! You don't need to have a level to judge at your local tournaments - just ask some organizers in your area if you can help at their tournaments. With this you gain hands on experience in judging and you learn how tournaments are run. Focus on learning about the basic functions of the Wizards Event Reporter software and become as comfortable as possible in running smaller events first (8-16 players).+成为一名一级裁判是一个相对艰巨的任务,也会花费你的不少时间,而测试仅仅是成为一级裁判路上的最后一步。以下是成为一名认证裁判的学习建议。 
 +{{ :​judge_spectrum_l0_cn.jpg?​direct&​500|}} 
 +===== 第一步——提供赛事的帮助 =====
-Step 2 - Contact other Judges+开始试着做一些裁判的工作吧!在当地的店级赛中你并不需要成为认证裁判就能进行执法,你可以联系你所在区域的店家他们是否需要一些赛事帮助。在这样的工作中,你能掌握一些执法的经验,以及得知详细的比赛流程以及运作方式。注意要学习如何使用威世智比赛回报软件,这会使你在执法小型赛事(8至16人)中更加得心应手。
-Get in contact with other judges or candidates - be it in "real life" or via ICQ, the #mtgjudge channel in IRC or via email. You should try to know at least three other judges (or candidates) and be in closer contact with one of them, preferably a Level 2 or higher judge to help guide your preparation. If you don't know any other persons ask your tournament organizer, find judges in your region at Wizards'​ Judge Center, or contact your Regional Coordinator for some in your area. With them you can discuss rulings, situations, procedures, the judging life in general and probably make some friends.+===== 第二步——联系其他的认证裁判 =====
-Also try to get in contact with your local online community. There'​s a list of countries and regions with their communities here in the Wiki.+接着你需要和其他的认证裁判或者和你一样有志成为裁判的牌手取得联系(记得要和他们见见面),你可以通过电子邮件,QQ群333151364等方式来和他们取得联系。你应当和至少三位其他的裁判(或者裁判候选人)取得联系,并且和某一个裁判有更多的沟通,你最好能在一位[[大中华区2级以上裁判一览|二级或以上的裁判]]的指导下进行学习,这会使你的学习效率更高。如果你无法联系到他们,你可以尝试找店家寻求帮忙,或者在威世智的裁判中心获得信息,你也可以联系你所在区域的[[区域协调员]](大中华地区为Edwin Zhang)。在与他们的交流中,你能对万智牌的规则,裁判的职责,以及如何成为认证裁判有更深入的了解,同时相信你也能结识到一些志同道合的朋友。
-Step 3 - Learn the Rules+===== 第三步——学习规则 =====
-Learn the rules. Start with the Basic Rulebook and after this the most important documents are the Comprehensive Rules, the "​Judging at Regular REL" and the Tournament Rules (all of which can be found here: http://www.wizards.com/​default.asp?​x=dci/​doccenter/​home). Learning the game rules is harder than it looks, as you have to transform your knowledge from knowing how the cards work to knowing how the underlying rules work so that you can apply this knowledge to any game situation, not just with the cards and experiences you are most comfortable withSome useful techniques for learning the rules:+可以先从基本的规则书看起,之后过渡到万智牌完整规则(以下简称CR)。除了游戏规则之外,学习万智万智牌比赛规则(MTR)和一般级别执法严格度执法指南(JAR)也是有必要的,这些文件都可以在www.dcirules.org中找到。学习游戏规则是一件比较困难的事情,因为你要把对牌面叙述的理解转化成对这些叙述中所蕴含的游戏规则的理解,这样你才能把这些规则更好地应用到实际的游戏过程当中去,而不仅仅是在解答牌手规则问题的过程中运用你先前的游戏经验。以下我们列出学习规则(CR)过程中的重点: 
 +  * 基本的游戏概念(例如总法术力费用) 
 +  * 回合结构(阶段和步骤) 
 +  * 战斗阶段 
 +  * 施放咒语和启动异能 
 +  * 处理触发式异能 
 +  * 状态动作 
 +  * 决定生物的力量与防御力 
 +  * 标准赛制中的关键词异能和关键词动作
-The most important parts of the rules are:+在比赛中收集和记录牌手们问你的规则问题,在CR中找到相应的条款来解释这些问题。
-General Game Concepts (such as converted mana cost)+阅读颅内植入(http://​www.cranialinsertion.com),在不看解答的情况下结合CR回答问题。需要注意的是,因为CR是会每过一段时间变动的,所以在阅读颅内植入的过程中请注意文章的发布时间,自主对一些不符合当前规则的解答的理解做出调整(例如已修改过的传奇规则等)。
-Turn Structure (phases and steps)+查看你当地的万智牌论坛的规则问题并结合CR来解答。
-The Combat Phase+除了学习万智牌完整规则,你还要学习万智牌比赛规则(MTR)和一般级别执法严格度执法指南(JAR)。一些裁判候选人可能认为这两份文件并不如CR重要,但它们确实是一级裁判测试的重要部分。万智牌违规处理方针(IPG)并不在一级裁判的测试范围内,所以你可以集中精力在学习CR,​MTR以及JAR。学习这三份文件对你来说是一项巨大的考验,你可以按照自己的学习习惯来安排学习计划。例如将CR的内容分类,把一些部分结合在一起学习。
-Casting Spells and Activating Abilities+裁判中心(http://​judge.wizards.com)中的练习测试提供了很好的练习资源。不过注意在早期的学习过程中我们不建议在裁判中心做太多的试题。由于题库有限,在你对上述文件的理解不充分的情况下频繁联系反而会降低这些练习的使用价值。
-Handling Triggered Abilities +努力通过裁判中心的规则建议人考试,这样你就能获得L1测试的机会了。
- +
-State-based actions +
- +
-Determining a creature'​s power and toughness +
- +
-Keyword abilities and actions in Standard +
- +
-Work through the 10 lessons of the Judge Classes. +
- +
-Collect questions you're asked at your tournament rules and from time to time explain your answer with the rulebook, i.e. find the corresponding rules. +
- +
-Read current articles "​Cranial Insertion"​ at http://​www.cranialinsertion.com (or Rules Q&A on other websites), try to answer the questions asked there and also try to explain them with the rulebook. Be careful about editions of Cranial Insertion that are older - the rules documents are dynamic, and as a result are subject to change. Make sure that the article you are reading is either current, or do the additional homework to verify that older articles and their respective rulings are accurate. +
- +
-Read rules questions in your local forum and also try to explain them with the rulebook. +
- +
-Study not only the Comprehensive Rules, but also make sure you have a clear understanding of policy questions (Magic Tournament Rules) and the infraction procedure document for Regular REL (Judging at Regular REL Guide). Many judge candidates fail to consider the latter two documents, which are a significant portion of the Level 1 test. The infraction procedure document for Competitive REL (Magic Infraction Procedure Guide) isn't necessary to study for the Level 1 test, so you can concentrate your efforts on reviewing the Comprehensive Rules, Magic Tournament Rules, and Judging at Regular REL Guide. Study these three documents like you would study for a large-scale test. This may include making note-cards for terminology or key rules, study guides for areas like layering or the steps and phases in a turn, or even make a recording of yourself reading from these areas in the rules. Use a study strategy that best meets your personal learning style. +
- +
-Practice exams at the Judge Center (http://​judge.wizards.com) are a good training resource. Be careful not to take too many of these too early in your preparation. Burning out the test pool before you have done the actual document reading, note-taking,​ and judging practice can decrease the effectiveness of this practice. +
- +
-Try to pass the Rules Advisor test in the Judge Center - this will raise your chances to pass the Level 1 test considerably. +
- +
-Carlos Ho's article about studying for your exam might also help you: +
 +这里我们提供一篇由Carlo Ho’s所著,关于学习建议的文章供大家参考:
 http://​www.wizards.com/​magic/​magazine/​article.aspx?​x=judge/​article/​20090817a http://​www.wizards.com/​magic/​magazine/​article.aspx?​x=judge/​article/​20090817a
-You can find translated versions of the rules on DCIRules.org +===== 第四步——和你的指导裁判一起工作 =====
- +
-Step 4 - Work with a Mentor +
- +
-Work some tournaments with a more experienced judge, preferably a Level 2 or higher judge. Ask questions and ask to be challenged with rules and policy questions - these judges will be able to give you the preparation you need to grow into what we hope is your new roles as a Level 1 judge. Try to understand what infraction happened in a given situation - applying the appropriate penalty comes automatically once you have delineated the infraction that took place. Again, ask many questions and listen to what these judges have to tell you - they want to see you succeed!+
-Step 5 - Find a Test Administrator & Take the test+和经验丰富的裁判在赛事中工作,他们最好是二级或者更高级别的裁判。你可以向他们请教一些关于规则上的或者比赛政策上的问题,他们也会告诉你一级裁判的标准是什么,以及为你提供一些建议。试着去理解比赛中的违规情况,根据你所学习的文件来思考应当给予什么样的判罚。记得多多请教这些裁判并虚心接受他们的建议。
-Find someone who will test you for Level 1 (any Level 2 and up) - the test normally includes working with the tester at two events, a preliminary interview, a written test and another interview after the written test. Damian Hiller compiled a list of tips and tricks when taking the test. Apart from this, many potential judges will come to a destination tournament, like a Grand Prix event, to test for Level 1 certification.+===== 第五步——找到能给你测验的裁判并参加测验 =====
-Step 6 - Enjoy+联系能给你进行一级裁判测验的裁判(任何二级或者以上的裁判),一级裁判的测验通常包括参与两次实习,面试,笔试以及笔试之后的面试。也可以在大型赛事(例如大奖赛(GP))中来进行一级裁判的认证测验。
-Enjoy your new status as a judge and judge as many tournaments as possible. As they are phasing out, you no longer need to make sure that you receive the DCIJudge and MTGRules listserv emails to help stay current on policies and rules as well as ask questions you may have about various aspects of your judging experiences. You should instead create an account on apps.magicjudges.org/​ and check out the forums. Help your local scene grow as a Magic community and if possible, come join a staff at a local PTQ or GP event in your area. +===== 第六步——享受你的裁判工作 =====
-Congratulations on your accomplishment,​ and welcome to the DCI Judge community!+现在你已经是认证裁判了,尽可能多的参与各项赛事的执法。记得时常关注相关文件的更新。同时,在你的执法过程中遇到问题时,也多多提问。接下来你需要在apps.magicjudges.org上注册一个帐号加入我们的论坛。如果可以的话,为你所在区域的万智社群的发展提供帮助,并且参与你所在地区的PTQ和GP的工作。
-Online Resources+最后恭喜你成为DCI认证裁判的一员!
-There exist lots of online resources for future judges. A good starting point is the Judge webpage on the Wizards website: http://​www.wizards.com/​judge+====== 在线资源 ======
-There'​s general information about the judge program, how to become a judge, the roles and responsibilities of the different levels and a huge archive of judging related articles.+我们为未来的裁判们提供了许多在线资源。从威世智的官网开始学习是个不错的选择:http://​www.wizards.com/​judge。这里有许多裁判项目的信息:如何成为裁判,不同级别裁判的职责以及和大量与执法有关的文章。
-The next stopping point should be the DCI Judge Center (DCIX) (herehttp://judge.wizards.com). Login with your DCI number and your DCI password - you don't have to be a judge to access this webpage. There you can take tests, search for judges and send them messages.+下面两篇文章可供准备成为裁判的人参考:{{::1级裁判认证流程.doc|1级裁判认证流程}}{{:​给1级准考生的备考建议_2013年4月版_.docx|给1级准考生的备考建议}}
-And there are tons of other webpages and local forums and mailinglistsA list can be found here in the Wiki. +之后的学习可以移步DCI裁判中心(简称DCIX):http://​judge.wizards.com该网站可以通过DCI号以及密码登录,在那里你能参与测试并且联系到认证裁判。
-And there is of course the most valuable resource: other judges! Get to know some of them, stay in contact via phone, email, SMS, in person or the DCIX+