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套牌检查基础 [2014/07/10 03:51]
mtgjudge 创建
套牌检查基础 [2014/07/22 10:58] (当前版本)
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-In this article I will quickly go over the main points of interest concerning deck checks at large eventsOthers before me have given you more specific information about deck checksIf, after reading this article, you would like some more insight into deck checks, then I suggest you read these articles by Daniel Kitachewsky ​and Diego Fasciolo. Now, without further ado, the basics: +====== 套牌检查基础 ====== 
-Contents [hide]  +在这篇文章中,我将告诉大家在一场大型赛事中如何快速完成套牌检查的要点。在我之前,很多人已经介绍了许多关于套牌检查的知识。通过读完本文后,如果你希望获取更多有关套牌检查的内容,我建议你稍后阅读[[http://​archive.wizards.com/​Magic/​magazine/​article.aspx?​x=judge/​article/​20080701a|Daniel Kitachewsky]]和[[http://archive.wizards.com/​Magic/​magazine/​article.aspx?​x=judge/​article/​20041122b|Diego Fasciolo]]的文章。现在,话不多说,从最基础的开始: 
-1 1Preparation +===== 1. 准备 ===== 
-2 2Swooping + 
-3 3Checking +当你在套牌检查组中,你需要做很多统计,包括统计每张套牌登记表中的套牌总张数,套牌登记表总数量以及统计特殊、不确定的列表中卡牌的数量。总之,你需要统计。但是统计并不是你在套牌检查时唯一需要做的事情。此外,还有一些必须的团队管理工作。团队中,有一个人需要负责与比赛记分员沟通;他也要将团队成员随机分为不同的小组;同样是他,还需要随后从粘贴的对阵表中搜素需要进行套牌检查的名单,以便让他团队的其他成员在进行套牌检查前做好充足准备去攫取套牌。 
-4 4. Checking Order +===== 2. 攫取套牌 ===== 
-5 5. Second Opinion +如果你被指定去攫取套牌,这就是你的使命!\\ ​ 
-6 6. Stop! +在我看来,这是套牌检查中最有意思的事情。你将从赛场中穿过,到达需要检查套牌的桌子前,然后得之:你可以选择悄无声息的或者光明正大的”走过去。当然,一般“悄无声息的走过去会让牌手比较意外,但是我更喜欢“光明正大”的走过去,让附近10桌的牌手都清楚你们所在的桌都有可能在本轮被检查套牌。\\ ​ 
-7 7. Return +一旦你到达了需要检查桌的附近,你需要观看牌手如何洗牌,一边确认或排除他们在洗牌和/或操作过程中的问题。然后你需要等待牌手洗好他们套牌(包括备牌),这时就是你需要攫取套牌的时机。请务必询问牌手,以确定你收并且只收取了他们的包含备牌的套牌。\\ ​ 
-8 Wrap Up +最好一开始就弄明白你检查的套牌是谁的,而不要在套牌检查到一半的时候再去弄明白这个问题(试想一下如果你检查到镜像对局中有60甚至75张牌完全相同的情况)。\\ ​ 
-1. Preparation +如果你在轮中检查攫取套牌,你应当将对阵成绩单一并收走,记录下本轮剩下的时间以方便你能够顺利的查找套牌登记表。 
-When you’re on the deck check team, you’ll be doing a lot of counting. Whether it is counting the cards on the lists, counting the number of lists, or counting the cards from a specific list is uncertain. What is certain is that you will be counting. +===== 3.检查 ===== 
-But counting is not the only thing done when you’re doing deck checks. Next to that, there will be some administrative duties which have to be fulfilled as well. One person in the team will need to be responsible for all communications with the score keeper. This person will also be dividing the different random tables between the other members of the team. The same person will then proceed to search the needed lists from the binder, so that they’re ready to be checked with the decks that all the other team members will be swooping. +当你检查套牌时,你将不只检查主牌的正确性,你还需要检查牌套和/或牌上的标记、套牌的随机程度、备牌,当然还包括套牌内容和每一张牌的合法性。 
-2. Swooping +===== 4. 检查顺序 ===== 
-If you’re designated to be swooping decks, then you’re in business! +由于套牌检查工作量比较大,所以最好遵照一个特定的顺序以便使你不在检查中因为疏忽而忘记某些工作。\\ ​ 
-In my opinion this is one of the most fun things in Deck Checks. You’re moving along the floor, approaching the table that will be checked, and then it comes: while you’re on your way you can either go stealth” or loud.” Obviously the stealth person tries not to be seen by the players and swoop the decks by surprise. I myself like to be more of a loud swooper, making sure everybody on the 10 tables in the neighborhood of the table that’s about to be swooped knows that we’re doing deck checks and that it could be them this round. +在我看来,最好的工作程序是从检查牌套开始。把装有一套牌的所有牌套抓在一起,保持原有顺序并整理整齐,以便让你看到牌套是否具有相同的长度、宽度以及颜色。你随后可以检查并确认牌手是否充分洗牌(请注意,如果你不是去攫取套牌的人,请去与攫取套牌的人进行确认以验证你的怀疑)。\\ ​ 
-Once you arrive near the table you will have to look at how the players are shuffling, so that you can either confirm or rule out insufficient shuffling and/or manipulation of game materials. Then you wait until the players present their decks (and sideboards!),​ which is when you step in. Be sure to ask for their decks and sideboards, and confirm that you have only their decks and sideboards. +现在轮到检查备牌的正确性了,因为这将让你很快知道牌手是否忘记了将备牌还原(请注意如果你是在局中进行套牌检查的话,备牌可能在主牌之中,这样的检查没有什么意义)。之后继续检查主牌。我很容易将他们很快地按颜色和地区分,这样可以很方便在将他们找出从套牌登记表中对应找出。 
-It’s usually best to check which deck is whose, so that you don’t have to figure that out halfway through the deck check. (Just imagine a mirror match with 60 out of 75 cards the same.) +===== 5.  ​寻求建议 ===== 
-If you’re swooping for a mid-round deck check, then you should also take the result entry slip, note down the time left in the round and take it with you so that you’re able to look up the deck lists. +如果在套牌检查时你发现了一些可疑的问题,但你并不确定,请让你的检查组同伴和/或套牌检查组长与你再次一同检查。此外,如果你确认了套牌检查中的某些套牌存在违法行为并要给予处罚,最好与你的套牌检查组长共同再检查一次,以便同样类型的错误处罚一致。 
-3. Checking +===== 6.停! ===== 
-When you’re checking the deck, you will not be checking the contents of the main deck alone. You will also be checking the sleeves and/or cards for markings, the randomization of the cards, the sideboard and, in Constructed,​ the legality of the cards. +由于套牌检查会花费一些时间,因此事实上我们会给牌手额外时间以补偿我们在检查套牌时花费的时间,但我们不能给太多的额外时间补偿同样很重要。最好在整场比赛中,尽量不要在任何一局比赛里给予牌手超过10分钟的的额外时间。我们给予牌手的套牌检查补时时间总计为我们套牌检查的时间外加3分钟牌手洗牌的时间。因此,除非遇到了问题,一次套牌检查应该在7分钟之内完成。 
-4. Checking Order +===== 7. 归还 ===== 
-Because checking a deck can be quite an intensive job, it is best to stick to a specific order. This way it is less likely you get confused and forget something. +当套牌检查完成或者在套牌检查进行7分钟以后,你需要归还所有从牌手那里收取上来的东西(套牌、备牌、也许还有牌盒以及成绩单)。当然你也需要告知他们在比赛继续以前充分地洗牌。不要忘记写下补偿的额外时间并告知他们当需要使用这些额外时间时向一名裁判说明情况,以便我们准确地能够追踪这些补偿的额外时间的使用情况。 
-In my opinion it is best to start with the sleeves. Just holding all the cards firmly together will enable you to see if all the sleeves have the same length, width and color. You could then proceed to see if there’s any reason to believe the player didn’t shuffle sufficiently. (This is mainly for when you weren’t the one swooping the decks. Make sure you always verify your suspicion with the person who swooped the deck.) +===== 总结 ===== 
-Now it is time for checking the contents of the sideboard, because this will immediately let you know whether or not the player forgot to desideboard. (Don’t forget that if you’re doing a mid-round deck check, sideboard cards may be in the main deck, making this check impossible.) Then you continue with the main deck. I find it easy to sort the deck quickly on colors and lands. This way it will be easier to find all the cards when moving down the list. +作为总结,我会再一次为你汇总套牌检查的基础要点: 
-5. Second Opinion +  * **准备:**统计、分派攫取套牌,查询 
-If at any point during the deck check you find something that you think is fishy, but you’re unsure about it, please ask your deck check partner and/or your team leader to have a look as well. Also, if you’re about to hand out a penalty for a certain infraction, it is usually best to double check it with your team leader so that every similar case is ruled consistently. +  * **攫取套牌:**观看洗牌、适时攫取、获得额外信息 
-6. Stop! +  * **检查的顺序:** 
-While doing a deck check it is important to track the amount of time passed. Due to the fact that we give the players a time extension to compensate the time we spend on the deck check, it is important that we don’t have to give too much extra time. It is best to make sure that the whole tournament won’t be delayed for more than 10 minutes in case the players will use all the extra time given. The amount of time we give is the amount of time we spent on the deck check plus three minutes for shuffling. Therefore a deck check should be stopped after seven minutes, unless an issue has been raised. +      - 备牌 
-7. Return +      - 标记 
-When the deck check is done, or after the seven minutes have passed, you return all items you obtained from the players (decks, sideboards, and possibly deck boxes and the result entry slip). Also tell them to shuffle their decks sufficiently before they continue. Don’t forget to write down the extra time and to mention the fact that the players have to call over a judge when they wish to use the extra time, so that we can accurately keep track of the extra time. +      - 随机性 
-Wrap Up +      - 内容 
-To wrap things up I’ll sum up the basics for you one more time: +      - 合法性 
-Prepare: Count lists, Divide swoops, Look up lists +  * **寻求建议:**有疑惑?询问! 
-Swoop: Look at shuffling, Step in, Get extra information +  * **停:**7分钟 
-Check: Order: +  * **归还:**主牌、备牌、牌盒、成绩条、洗牌 
-Sideboard + 
-Markings +<WRAP rightalign>​本页翻译:梁延杰</​WRAP>​
-Randomization +
-Contents +
-Legality +
-Second Opinion: Unsure? Ask! +
-Stop: minutes +
-Return: Decks, Sideboards, Deck boxes, Result Entry Slip, Shuffle +
-Thank you for reading!+