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万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
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mtr:4 [2019/09/05 11:55]
Hao Du [MTR 4.1 Player Communication 牌手之间的沟通]
mtr:4 [2019/09/05 11:56]
Hao Du [MTR 4.2 Tournament Shortcuts 比赛中的行事简化]
行 167: 行 167:
 This is relevant when dealing with cards that have an activated ability that pumps themselves (e.g. Shorecrasher Elemental); their controller can just say “I pump my Shorecrasher’s toughness six times” to speed up the game and, if their opponent wants to cast Mardu Charm on it choosing the four damage mode, he or she can still do so at any time. The opponent cannot argue that he or she played the Charm “as a response to the six abilities on the stack,” because under the first sentence, each ability is assumed to have already resolved before another one is added to the stack (because it can’t be done without priority). Therefore, if the opponent chose to play Mardu Charm after the sixth activation then the Elemental would have already been successfully pumped five times.\\ ​ This is relevant when dealing with cards that have an activated ability that pumps themselves (e.g. Shorecrasher Elemental); their controller can just say “I pump my Shorecrasher’s toughness six times” to speed up the game and, if their opponent wants to cast Mardu Charm on it choosing the four damage mode, he or she can still do so at any time. The opponent cannot argue that he or she played the Charm “as a response to the six abilities on the stack,” because under the first sentence, each ability is assumed to have already resolved before another one is added to the stack (because it can’t be done without priority). Therefore, if the opponent chose to play Mardu Charm after the sixth activation then the Elemental would have already been successfully pumped five times.\\ ​
 这一条是关于处理一些拥有可以膨胀自己异能的牌,比如破岸元素。牌手说“我要给破岸元素膨6次防”。他的对手想释放玛尔都护符,选择打4的那项,他可以在任何时候施放它。但是不能说“我响应你6次膨都在堆叠里的时候”,因为这时候行事简化默认这6次膨都是在前一次已经结算的情况下才启动的。因此,如果对手想要响应第6次膨施放护符,则意味着前5次已经结算完毕。\\ ++\\  这一条是关于处理一些拥有可以膨胀自己异能的牌,比如破岸元素。牌手说“我要给破岸元素膨6次防”。他的对手想释放玛尔都护符,选择打4的那项,他可以在任何时候施放它。但是不能说“我响应你6次膨都在堆叠里的时候”,因为这时候行事简化默认这6次膨都是在前一次已经结算的情况下才启动的。因此,如果对手想要响应第6次膨施放护符,则意味着前5次已经结算完毕。\\ ++\\ 
-**• If a player casts a spell or activates an ability with X in its mana cost without specifying the value of X, it is assumed to be for all mana currently available in his or her pool.**\\ ​ 
-++• 如果有牌手施放费用带有 X 的咒语却未指定 X 的值,​则认为该牌手将其法术力池中所有可用 的法术力均用于支付 X。|\\ = 
-Players frequently play X spells and abilities by just tapping lands and implying the actual X’s value. This shortcut formalizes that, so that their opponents can freely act on the knowledge that X is the maximum possible value, preventing miscommunications.\\ ​ 
-牌手一般释放带X的咒语的时候就只会横置一定数量的地来表示X。这个行事简化就是将这个习惯正式化,其对手可以认为他将法术力池中所有可用的法术力均用于支付X,来避免误解。\\ ​ 
-**Example**:​ Norman is playing Aline, and at the end of her turn generates 10 blue mana and then plays a Blue Sun’s Zenith targeting himself without saying anything else, Aline can act knowing that the value of X is 7 without needing to ask for confirmation.\\ ​ 
-**例如:**诺曼正在和安兰进行游戏,然后诺曼横地产了10点蓝色法力值,然后打出了蓝阳当空,并没有说任何话。那么安兰可以认定X的值等于7且不用和诺曼确认。\\ ++\\  
 **• If a player casts a spell or activates an ability and announces choices for it that are not normally made until resolution, the player must adhere to those choices unless an opponent responds to that spell or ability. If an opponent inquires about choices made during resolution, that player is assumed to be passing priority and allowing that spell or ability to resolve.**\\ ​ **• If a player casts a spell or activates an ability and announces choices for it that are not normally made until resolution, the player must adhere to those choices unless an opponent responds to that spell or ability. If an opponent inquires about choices made during resolution, that player is assumed to be passing priority and allowing that spell or ability to resolve.**\\ ​
 ++• 如果有牌手在施放咒语或起动异能时,​宣告了通常是在结算时才需作出的选择,​则除非对手对该咒语或异能有所响应,​否则该牌手便不得改变此选择。若对手就结算时才需作出的选择进行询问,​则认为该牌手让过优先权并允许咒语结算。|\\ ​ ++• 如果有牌手在施放咒语或起动异能时,​宣告了通常是在结算时才需作出的选择,​则除非对手对该咒语或异能有所响应,​否则该牌手便不得改变此选择。若对手就结算时才需作出的选择进行询问,​则认为该牌手让过优先权并允许咒语结算。|\\ ​