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4.0 Unsporting Conduct 举止违背运动道德

Unsporting conduct is disruptive behavior that may affect the safety, competitiveness, enjoyment, or integrity of a tournament in a significantly negative fashion.

Unsporting behavior is not the same as a lack of sporting behavior. There is a wide middle ground of “competitive” behavior that is certainly neither “nice” nor “sporting” but still doesn’t qualify as “unsporting.” The Head Judge is the final arbiter on what constitutes unsporting conduct.
举止违背运动道德和缺乏运动家精神并不一样。“竞争性”的行为有很多的灰色地带,它们确实不“友好”,也非“具有运动家精神”,但也不能算是“举止违背运动道德”。 主审是判定举止是否举止违背运动道德的最终仲裁者。

Judges should inform the player how their conduct is disruptive. The player is expected to correct the situation and behavior immediately. However, while making sure that the player understands the severity of their actions is important, judges should focus first on calming a situation, and deal with infractions and penalties afterwards.