
3. 比赛失误 | 返回IPG目录 | 3.2. 比赛失误~外来协助

3.1 Tardiness 迟到

Penalty 处罚

Game Loss 一盘负


A player is not in their seat at the beginning of a round, or has not completed tasks assigned within the time allocated. If a round begins before the previous round would have ended (due to all players finishing early), tardiness does not apply until the scheduled end of the previous round.
牌手并未在一局比赛开始时坐在自己的座位上,或未能在规定的时间内完成指定的任务。 如果某局的开始时间早于前一局比赛原本预计结束的时间(由于所有牌手都提前完成对局),则要等到前一局比赛预计结束的时间之后,才会开始适用“迟到”违规。

If, before or during a match, a player requests and receives permission from a judge for a delay for a legitimate task, such as a bathroom break or finding replacements for missing cards, that player has up to 10 minutes to perform that task before they are considered tardy. If the player takes more than 10 minutes, a Match Loss will be applied. Otherwise, no penalty will be applied and a time extension given for the time taken.


A. A player arrives to their seat 5 minutes after the round begins.
A. 牌手在一局开始5分钟后才到他的座位。
B. A player hands in their decklist after the time designated by the judge or organizer.
B. 牌手在裁判或主办人规定的时间之后才交出套牌登记表。
C. A player loses their deck and cannot find replacement cards within the first 10 minutes of the round.
C. 牌手遗失了他的套牌,且无法在本局比赛开始10分钟之内找到替换的牌。
D. A player sits at an incorrect table and plays the wrong opponent.
D. 一位牌手坐错桌,并且跟错误的对手进行对局。


Players are responsible for being on time and in the correct seat for their matches, and for completing registrations in a timely manner. The Tournament Organizer may announce that they are giving the players some additional time before a penalty is issued. Otherwise, the penalty is issued as soon as the round begins.
牌手有责任准时抵达正确的对局桌,以及在规定的时间内完成登记。 比赛主办人可以自行决定判处“迟到”此违规的额外等待时限,并向参赛牌手宣布。否则,在此局开始的同时就要给予一盘负的处罚。


The players are given a time extension corresponding to the length of the tardiness.

Upgrade: A player not in their seat 10 minutes into the round will receive a Match Loss and will be dropped from the tournament unless they reports to the Head Judge or Scorekeeper before the end of the round.

Downgrade: A player who arrives at their seat before 1 minute has elapsed in the round receives a Warning.