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万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
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两侧同时换到之前的修订记录 前一修订版
mtr:1 [2018/06/20 10:33]
Hao Du [MTR 1.12 Rules Enforcement Levels 执法严格度]
mtr:1 [2019/05/23 06:17] (当前版本)
行 4: 行 4:
 ===== MTR 1.1 Tournament Types 比赛种类 ===== ===== MTR 1.1 Tournament Types 比赛种类 =====
 **Sanctioned,​ rated tournaments are divided into two types: Premier and non-Premier. Premier tournaments are run by Wizards of the Coast or select Tournament Organizers. They have unique names and features. Non-Premier tournaments are tournaments that are not explicitly Premier.**\\ ​ **Sanctioned,​ rated tournaments are divided into two types: Premier and non-Premier. Premier tournaments are run by Wizards of the Coast or select Tournament Organizers. They have unique names and features. Non-Premier tournaments are tournaments that are not explicitly Premier.**\\ ​
-++受认证的积分赛可分为两种类型:重要比赛及非重要比赛。重要比赛系指由威世智公司或指定的比赛主办人承办的比赛,具有独特的名称和制度。非重要比赛系指未明确标识为重要比赛的其他比赛。|\\ ​+++受认证的积分赛可分为两种类型:重要比赛及非重要比赛。重要比赛系指由威世智公司或指定的比赛主办人承办的比赛,具有独特的名称和制度。非重要比赛系指未明确标识为重要比赛的其他比赛。|\\ ​
 Premier tournaments currently include Magic: The Gathering World Championship,​ World Magic Cup, World Magic Cup Qualifiers, World Magic Cup Qualifier Trials, Pro Tour, Regional Pro Tour Qualifier, Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifier, Grand Prix, Grand Prix Trial, WPN Premium Tournament, and WPN Premium Qualifier. Non-Premier tournaments include any other sanctioned tournaments. Premier tournaments are listed on the [[http://​magic.wizards.com/​en/​events/​premier-calendar#/​overview|Wizards of the Coast website]]. The MTR is a policy document for both Premier and non-Premier sanctioned tournaments.\\ ​ Premier tournaments currently include Magic: The Gathering World Championship,​ World Magic Cup, World Magic Cup Qualifiers, World Magic Cup Qualifier Trials, Pro Tour, Regional Pro Tour Qualifier, Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifier, Grand Prix, Grand Prix Trial, WPN Premium Tournament, and WPN Premium Qualifier. Non-Premier tournaments include any other sanctioned tournaments. Premier tournaments are listed on the [[http://​magic.wizards.com/​en/​events/​premier-calendar#/​overview|Wizards of the Coast website]]. The MTR is a policy document for both Premier and non-Premier sanctioned tournaments.\\ ​
 目前,重要比赛包括:万智牌世界冠军赛,万智牌世界杯,万智牌世界杯资格赛,万智牌世界杯资格赛预选赛,专业赛,区域专业资格赛,初选专业资格赛,大奖赛,大奖赛预选赛,WPN顶级比赛以及WPN顶级比赛资格赛。非重要比赛包括任何其他的认证比赛。重要比赛在[[http://​magic.wizards.com/​en/​events/​premier-calendar#/​overview|威世智网站上有详细列出]]。MTR是一份同时针对重要认证比赛以及非重要认证比赛的政策文件。\\ ++ 目前,重要比赛包括:万智牌世界冠军赛,万智牌世界杯,万智牌世界杯资格赛,万智牌世界杯资格赛预选赛,专业赛,区域专业资格赛,初选专业资格赛,大奖赛,大奖赛预选赛,WPN顶级比赛以及WPN顶级比赛资格赛。非重要比赛包括任何其他的认证比赛。重要比赛在[[http://​magic.wizards.com/​en/​events/​premier-calendar#/​overview|威世智网站上有详细列出]]。MTR是一份同时针对重要认证比赛以及非重要认证比赛的政策文件。\\ ++
行 15: 行 15:
 ===== MTR 1.2 Publishing Tournament Information 比赛信息的发布 ===== ===== MTR 1.2 Publishing Tournament Information 比赛信息的发布 =====
 **Wizards of the Coast reserves the right to publish DCI-sanctioned tournament information at any time (including during the tournament). Tournament information includes, but is not limited to, the contents of one or more players'​ decks, descriptions of strategies or play, transcripts,​ and video reproductions. Tournament Organizers are also allowed to publish this information once their tournament is complete.**\\ ​ **Wizards of the Coast reserves the right to publish DCI-sanctioned tournament information at any time (including during the tournament). Tournament information includes, but is not limited to, the contents of one or more players'​ decks, descriptions of strategies or play, transcripts,​ and video reproductions. Tournament Organizers are also allowed to publish this information once their tournament is complete.**\\ ​
-++威世智公司保留随时发布DCI认证的比赛信息之权利(随时包含比赛进行当中的时段)。比赛信息包括,但不限于:一位或更多牌手的套牌之内容;战术或打法的描述;对局记录;以及视频记录。比赛主办人在其比赛结束后,亦能发布此类信息。|\\ ​+++威世智公司保留随时发布DCI认证的比赛信息之权利(随时包含比赛进行当中的时段)。比赛信息包括,但不限于:一位或更多牌手的套牌之内容;战术或打法的描述;对局记录;以及视频记录。比赛主办人在其比赛结束后,亦能发布此类信息。|\\ ​
 Decklists should not be made public until an event has completed except in certain Premier events where player decklists are often shared with opponents at the beginning of the round. This is to minimize advantage created by certain lists being made public by coverage. Wizards of the Coast’s right to publish this information does not necessarily mean judge or Tournament Organizers have to record it.\\  Decklists should not be made public until an event has completed except in certain Premier events where player decklists are often shared with opponents at the beginning of the round. This is to minimize advantage created by certain lists being made public by coverage. Wizards of the Coast’s right to publish this information does not necessarily mean judge or Tournament Organizers have to record it.\\ 
 除了在一些会将牌手的套牌登记表在赛前向对手共享的重要比赛外,在比赛结束之前,套牌登记表都不应该对外公开。这是为了尽量减少因为报导团队透露套牌登记表而对一些牌手带来的获利。威世智有权发布该信息并不意味着裁判或比赛主办人必须记录这些信息。\\ ​ 除了在一些会将牌手的套牌登记表在赛前向对手共享的重要比赛外,在比赛结束之前,套牌登记表都不应该对外公开。这是为了尽量减少因为报导团队透露套牌登记表而对一些牌手带来的获利。威世智有权发布该信息并不意味着裁判或比赛主办人必须记录这些信息。\\ ​
行 41: 行 41:
 **The first four roles above are considered tournament officials. The Head Judge and floor judges are collectively considered judges. A single individual may act in any combination of tournament official roles. Individuals who are not judges at a tournament are spectators in any match in which they are not playing. Members of the press are also considered spectators.**\\ ​ **The first four roles above are considered tournament officials. The Head Judge and floor judges are collectively considered judges. A single individual may act in any combination of tournament official roles. Individuals who are not judges at a tournament are spectators in any match in which they are not playing. Members of the press are also considered spectators.**\\ ​
-++上述职责中,前四者视为比赛工作人员。主审和巡场裁判统称裁判。数种不同的职责可以由同一位人士来兼任。在比赛中,不担任裁判的个人于其不参与的对局中视作旁观者。媒体记者亦视作旁观者。|\\ ​+++上述职责中,前四者视为比赛工作人员。主审和巡场裁判统称裁判。数种不同的职责可以由同一位人士来兼任。在比赛中,不担任裁判的个人于其不参与的对局中视作旁观者。媒体记者亦视作旁观者。|\\ ​
 One individual may perform all six roles during a tournament. At larger events these roles are usually divvied up. Any player is a spectator of the matches taking place in nearby seats. All individuals that are not judges at an event, including those with or without a DCI number, are considered spectators.\\ ​ One individual may perform all six roles during a tournament. At larger events these roles are usually divvied up. Any player is a spectator of the matches taking place in nearby seats. All individuals that are not judges at an event, including those with or without a DCI number, are considered spectators.\\ ​
 一个人可能在一场比赛中同时担任上述六个角色。在规模较大的比赛中,这些角色往往会被分开。处于比赛桌附近的位置的牌手便属于旁观者。比赛中所有非裁判的个人,无论他们是否有DCI号,都被当作旁观者。\\ ​ 一个人可能在一场比赛中同时担任上述六个角色。在规模较大的比赛中,这些角色往往会被分开。处于比赛桌附近的位置的牌手便属于旁观者。比赛中所有非裁判的个人,无论他们是否有DCI号,都被当作旁观者。\\ ​
行 63: 行 63:
 ++• 被联邦、州或当地法律、比赛主办人制订的规则或比赛场馆之管理规定禁止参赛者。|\\ ​ ++• 被联邦、州或当地法律、比赛主办人制订的规则或比赛场馆之管理规定禁止参赛者。|\\ ​
 Federal, state, and local laws supercede any rules set forth by Wizards of the Coast. For example, if a player isn’t allowed within 500 ft of a particular store, employee, or other players because of a restraining order or some other legal limitations,​ he or she can’t play. Being able to play is a privilege, not a right, and extenuating legal circumstance may prevent people from playing. The store owner has the right to bar anyone from their store or venue for any reason they see fit. Typically store owners only use this as a last resort for recurring problems players, or in the case of theft. They are explicitly allowed to do so by Wizards of the Coast, so they don’t have to worry about a player complaining to Wizards of the Coast to get retribution.\\ ​ Federal, state, and local laws supercede any rules set forth by Wizards of the Coast. For example, if a player isn’t allowed within 500 ft of a particular store, employee, or other players because of a restraining order or some other legal limitations,​ he or she can’t play. Being able to play is a privilege, not a right, and extenuating legal circumstance may prevent people from playing. The store owner has the right to bar anyone from their store or venue for any reason they see fit. Typically store owners only use this as a last resort for recurring problems players, or in the case of theft. They are explicitly allowed to do so by Wizards of the Coast, so they don’t have to worry about a player complaining to Wizards of the Coast to get retribution.\\ ​
-联邦、州或当地法律优先于一切威世智制定的规则。例如,如果由于禁制令或其他法令限制,某牌手不允许与店家、员工或其他牌手距离低于500英尺,那么该牌手不能参与游戏。能够参加比赛是一项特权而非基本权利,对于合法条件的漠视会将参赛者拒而远之。店家有权利以任何理由拒绝他们认为不合适的牌手进店。一般来说,店家将其作为驱离有问题的牌手或者防止偷盗的最后手段。这是威世智明确认可的行为,因此店家不必担心会受到牌手投诉并受到惩罚。\\ +++联邦、州或当地法律优先于一切威世智制定的规则。例如,如果由于禁制令或其他法令限制,某牌手不允许与店家、员工或其他牌手距离低于500英尺,那么该牌手不能参与游戏。能够参加比赛是一项特权而非基本权利,对于合法条件的漠视会将参赛者拒而远之。店家有权利以任何理由拒绝他们认为不合适的牌手进店。一般来说,店家将其作为驱离有问题的牌手或者防止偷盗的最后手段。这是威世智明确认可的行为,因此店家不必担心会受到牌手投诉并受到惩罚。\\ ++\\  
 +**• Tournament Organizers may choose to age restrict any Regular REL events that they organize. They must clearly indicate this in their marketing for the event on the Store and Event Locator description as well as any other place they display the event information. (i.e. Tournament Organizers may advertise an age 16 and under Friday Night Magic).**\\  
 +**• 比赛主办人可针对其主办的一般级别执法严格度赛事设置年龄限制。它们必须在店内为此活动进行的营销宣传、「Event Locator」上的说明以及其他显示赛事信息的场合清楚标明此限制。(即,比赛主办人可以宣传仅限16岁以下人士参加的周五认证赛。)**
 **Anyone is eligible to participate as a tournament official (Tournament Organizer, Head Judge, floor judge or Scorekeeper) for a tournament except for:​**\\ ​ **Anyone is eligible to participate as a tournament official (Tournament Organizer, Head Judge, floor judge or Scorekeeper) for a tournament except for:​**\\ ​
行 79: 行 81:
 **• Prerelease 售前赛**\\ ​ **• Prerelease 售前赛**\\ ​
 **• Standard Showdown/标准赛对决**\\ ​ **• Standard Showdown/标准赛对决**\\ ​
-**• Store Championship店家冠军赛**\\ +**• Draft Weekend轮抽周末**\\ 
 **• Other non-Premier Magic Tournaments 其他的万智牌非重要比赛**\\ ​ **• Other non-Premier Magic Tournaments 其他的万智牌非重要比赛**\\ ​
 **• Tournaments in which the official Wizards of the Coast tournament fact sheet specifically permits officials of that tournament to play 在正式的威世智比赛说明文档上特别注明该场比赛之工作人员亦可参赛的比赛**\\ ​ **• Tournaments in which the official Wizards of the Coast tournament fact sheet specifically permits officials of that tournament to play 在正式的威世智比赛说明文档上特别注明该场比赛之工作人员亦可参赛的比赛**\\ ​
 **If one or more tournament officials play in the tournament, it must be run at Regular Rules Enforcement Level. If tournament officials play in the tournament and the tournament is not one of the allowed types listed above, the tournament will be invalidated. Tournament officials are required to officiate tournaments fairly and without regard to their own self-interest.**\\ ​ **If one or more tournament officials play in the tournament, it must be run at Regular Rules Enforcement Level. If tournament officials play in the tournament and the tournament is not one of the allowed types listed above, the tournament will be invalidated. Tournament officials are required to officiate tournaments fairly and without regard to their own self-interest.**\\ ​
 **The owners of organizations that run Premier Events are not permitted to play in those tournaments,​ even if the owner is not listed as a tournament official (organizer, judge, and/or scorekeeper) for that tournament.**\\ ​ **The owners of organizations that run Premier Events are not permitted to play in those tournaments,​ even if the owner is not listed as a tournament official (organizer, judge, and/or scorekeeper) for that tournament.**\\ ​
 **举办重要比赛之组织的负责人不得参加此类比赛,即使此负责人不属于当场比赛的工作人员(主办人、裁判,和/或记分员),也需遵循此限制。**\\ ​ **举办重要比赛之组织的负责人不得参加此类比赛,即使此负责人不属于当场比赛的工作人员(主办人、裁判,和/或记分员),也需遵循此限制。**\\ ​
-**Premier Events include the following tournaments:​ Magic: The Gathering World Championship, ​World Magic CupNationals, Nationals Last Chance Qualifiers, Pro Tour, Regional Pro Tour Qualifiers, Regional Last Chance Qualifiers, Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifiers, Pro Tour Qualifiers, Grand Prix, Grand Prix Trials, WPN Premium Tournaments,​ and WPN Premium Qualifiers.**\\  +**Premier Events include the following tournaments:​ Magic: The Gathering World Championship,​ Magic Tabletop Mythic ChampionshipMagic Tabletop Mythic ​Qualifiers, Grand Prix, Grand Prix Trials, WPN Premium Tournaments,​ and WPN Premium Qualifiers.**\\  
-**下列比赛属于重要比赛:万智牌世界冠军赛、万智牌世界杯、国家冠军赛、国冠最后机会资格赛、专业赛、区域专业资格赛、区域最后机会资格赛、预选专业资格赛、大奖赛、专业资格赛、大奖预选赛、WPN顶级比赛、WPN顶级资格赛。**\\ ​+**下列比赛属于重要比赛:万智牌世界冠军赛、万智牌桌上版传奇锦标赛、万智牌桌上版传奇资格赛、大奖赛、大奖预选赛、WPN顶级比赛、WPN顶级资格赛。**\\ ​
-**Some tournaments have additional criteria regarding player and tournament official eligibility (e.g. invitation-only tournaments,​ such as Pro Tour tournaments).**\\  +**Some tournaments have additional criteria regarding player and tournament official eligibility (e.g. invitation-only tournaments,​ such as Magic Tabletop Mythic Championship ​tournaments).**\\  
-**某些比赛在参赛者资格或是担任比赛工作人员方面具有额外的限制条件(如专业赛等只对受邀牌手开放的比赛)。**\\ ​+**某些比赛在参赛者资格或是担任比赛工作人员方面具有额外的限制条件(如实体万智牌传奇锦标赛等只对受邀牌手开放的比赛)。**\\ ​
-**The Premier Event Invitation Policy defines specific eligibility rules with regards to certain types of invitation-only Premier Tournaments (e.g. Pro Tours).**\\  +**The Premier Event Invitation Policy defines specific eligibility rules with regards to certain types of invitation-only Premier Tournaments (e.g. Magic Tabletop Mythic Championship).**\\  
-**针对某些只对受邀牌手开放的比赛(如专业赛),《重要比赛邀请方针》中规定了如何获取资格的规则。**\\ ​+**针对某些只对受邀牌手开放的比赛(如实体万智牌传奇锦标赛),《重要比赛邀请方针》中规定了如何获取资格的规则。**\\ ​
-**Individuals with questions regarding their tournament eligibility should contact the DCI policy manager (Scott.Larabee@wizards.com).**\\  +**Individuals with questions regarding their tournament eligibility should contact the DCI policy manager (esports@wizards.com).**\\  
-++对自己的参赛资格有疑义者,请与DCI政策经理联系(Scott.Larabee@wizards.com)。|\\ ​+++对自己的参赛资格有疑义者,请与DCI政策经理联系(esports@wizards.com)。|\\ ​
 All Competitive and Professional Rules Enforcement Level events require players and judges to be separate people, because of the potential problems it could cause. If someone were playing against the person judging the event at a large cash prize event, it might make them less confident in the judge’s ability to remain impartial, especially if they need to ask a question about a card in their hand.\\ ​ All Competitive and Professional Rules Enforcement Level events require players and judges to be separate people, because of the potential problems it could cause. If someone were playing against the person judging the event at a large cash prize event, it might make them less confident in the judge’s ability to remain impartial, especially if they need to ask a question about a card in their hand.\\ ​
 所有的竞争级别以及专业级别的比赛要求区分牌手和裁判,这是为了避免造成一些潜在问题。如果某牌手正在和执法该比赛的裁判对局,且比赛的奖池又很大,那么这位牌手很可能会质疑裁判的公正性,尤其是在他想询问关于手中的牌的相关信息时。\\ ​ 所有的竞争级别以及专业级别的比赛要求区分牌手和裁判,这是为了避免造成一些潜在问题。如果某牌手正在和执法该比赛的裁判对局,且比赛的奖池又很大,那么这位牌手很可能会质疑裁判的公正性,尤其是在他想询问关于手中的牌的相关信息时。\\ ​
行 198: 行 200:
 Judges are able to answer questions about the rules and interactions between cards as long as they do not provide strategic advice regarding plays to make in a situation. Oracle text is the authoritative rules text for a card. Oracle text can be found on [[http://​gatherer.wizards.com/​|gatherer.wizards.com]],​ but many other sources such as phone apps will have up to date Oracle text as well. More reading on what type of information judges can assist with is available in section 4.1.\\ ​ Judges are able to answer questions about the rules and interactions between cards as long as they do not provide strategic advice regarding plays to make in a situation. Oracle text is the authoritative rules text for a card. Oracle text can be found on [[http://​gatherer.wizards.com/​|gatherer.wizards.com]],​ but many other sources such as phone apps will have up to date Oracle text as well. More reading on what type of information judges can assist with is available in section 4.1.\\ ​
 裁判们可以回答关于规则以及牌张互动的问题,只要他们不对牌手做出策略建议。Oracle叙述是牌张的权威规则解释。Oracle叙述能在[[http://​gatherer.wizards.com/​|gatherer.wizards.com]]上找到,但是许多其他资源(例如手机app)中也可以查询到最新的Oracle叙述。关于裁判可以协助取得何种类型的信息可以参考章节4.1。\\ ++ 裁判们可以回答关于规则以及牌张互动的问题,只要他们不对牌手做出策略建议。Oracle叙述是牌张的权威规则解释。Oracle叙述能在[[http://​gatherer.wizards.com/​|gatherer.wizards.com]]上找到,但是许多其他资源(例如手机app)中也可以查询到最新的Oracle叙述。关于裁判可以协助取得何种类型的信息可以参考章节4.1。\\ ++
-++在“一般”级别的执法严格度下,为了进行教学推广,裁判也可协助牌手对当前的游戏局面做出判断。|\\ ​+++在执法严格度为一般级别的情况下,为了进行教学推广,裁判也可协助牌手对当前的游戏局面做出判断。|\\ ​
 Regular Rules Enforcement Level events provides an entry into the game for players. As a result floor, players may ask judges what the game state is and why something is the way it is. The emphasis is on education and helping new players, and there are likely smaller prizes on the line. This doesn’t mean the judge can tell the player what he or she should do, but the judge may assist a player in understanding a more complex interaction or game state in a less formal way than at Competitive Rules Enforcement Level.\\ ​ Regular Rules Enforcement Level events provides an entry into the game for players. As a result floor, players may ask judges what the game state is and why something is the way it is. The emphasis is on education and helping new players, and there are likely smaller prizes on the line. This doesn’t mean the judge can tell the player what he or she should do, but the judge may assist a player in understanding a more complex interaction or game state in a less formal way than at Competitive Rules Enforcement Level.\\ ​
 一般级别的比赛是让牌手入门万智牌的好机会。在巡场时,牌手可能会询问裁判有关当前游戏状态和为什么会导致这种情况的问题。这里的重点侧重于教导并帮助新牌手,这些比赛的奖池也相对较小。这不意味着裁判可以告诉牌手后者应当怎么做,但是裁判可以帮助牌手理解复杂的牌张互动和游戏状态,且不需要使用像在竞争级别中那么严肃的方式。\\ ++ 一般级别的比赛是让牌手入门万智牌的好机会。在巡场时,牌手可能会询问裁判有关当前游戏状态和为什么会导致这种情况的问题。这里的重点侧重于教导并帮助新牌手,这些比赛的奖池也相对较小。这不意味着裁判可以告诉牌手后者应当怎么做,但是裁判可以帮助牌手理解复杂的牌张互动和游戏状态,且不需要使用像在竞争级别中那么严肃的方式。\\ ++
行 258: 行 260:
 Judges can’t be everywhere all the time, so players are encouraged to cooperate in maintaining a legal and clear game. Any rules and/or policy infraction should be pointed out to any judge as soon as noticed. This way we can all enjoy of a healthy and correct game! Failing to notice mistakes quickly may lead to Warnings (see IPG 2.6), and intentionally ignoring them can be much worse (see IPG 4.8).\\ ​ Judges can’t be everywhere all the time, so players are encouraged to cooperate in maintaining a legal and clear game. Any rules and/or policy infraction should be pointed out to any judge as soon as noticed. This way we can all enjoy of a healthy and correct game! Failing to notice mistakes quickly may lead to Warnings (see IPG 2.6), and intentionally ignoring them can be much worse (see IPG 4.8).\\ ​
 裁判不可能照顾到方方面面,所以我们鼓励牌手能够共同维护比赛的清晰合法。一旦发现规则或者方针上的问题,需及时向裁判提出。这样我们才能共同享受健康以及正确的游戏环境!未能及时注意到错误会导致警告的判罚(IPG2.6),故意忽略这些错误可能会得到更糟糕的判罚(IPG4.8)。\\ ++\\  裁判不可能照顾到方方面面,所以我们鼓励牌手能够共同维护比赛的清晰合法。一旦发现规则或者方针上的问题,需及时向裁判提出。这样我们才能共同享受健康以及正确的游戏环境!未能及时注意到错误会导致警告的判罚(IPG2.6),故意忽略这些错误可能会得到更糟糕的判罚(IPG4.8)。\\ ++\\ 
-**• Bringing to a judge’s attention ​any offers of bribery, wagering, improper game result determination,​ and any discrepancies in their tournament match record.**\\  +**• Bringing to a judge’s attention any discrepancies in their tournament match record.**\\  
-++• 发现有人提议贿赂、赌博、用不当方法决定结果,或是发现自己比赛对局记录有出入时告知裁判。|\\  +++• 发现自己比赛对局记录有出入时告知裁判。|\\  
-This is a very important responsibility. Players are required to inform a judge immediately if they are offered a bribe, or asked to record an improper game result. Failing to do so may result in a severe penalty for both the player offering and the player who did not call attention to the illegal action. Additionally,​ any errors that have been made in results entry should be brought to a Tournament Official’s attention as soon as they are noticed.\\  +This is a very important responsibility. Players are required to inform a judge immediately if they are asked to record an improper game result. Failing to do so may result in a severe penalty for both the player offering and the player who did not call attention to the illegal action. Additionally,​ any errors that have been made in results entry should be brought to a Tournament Official’s attention as soon as they are noticed.\\  
-这是一项十分重要的职责。当牌手受到贿赂,或者被要求记录非法游戏结果时,他应当及时通知裁判。如果不这样做,可能会为双方都带来十分严厉的判罚。此外,任何关于上报成绩的错误应当立即引起比赛工作人员的注意。\\ ++\\ +这是一项十分重要的职责。当牌手被要求记录非法游戏结果时,他应当及时通知裁判。如果不这样做,可能会为双方都带来十分严厉的判罚。此外,任何关于上报成绩的错误应当立即引起比赛工作人员的注意。\\ ++\\ 
 **• Informing the DCI of any discrepancies in their overall match history, rankings, or Planeswalker Points as soon as they become aware of it. If players believe there is an anomaly in their match history, ranking, or Planeswalker Points they should refer to the Magic: The Gathering Event Appeals Policy, located at http://​wpn.wizards.com/​document/​magic-event-appeals-policy.**\\ ​ **• Informing the DCI of any discrepancies in their overall match history, rankings, or Planeswalker Points as soon as they become aware of it. If players believe there is an anomaly in their match history, ranking, or Planeswalker Points they should refer to the Magic: The Gathering Event Appeals Policy, located at http://​wpn.wizards.com/​document/​magic-event-appeals-policy.**\\ ​
 ++• 在察觉自己的总对局历史记录、排名,或鹏洛客积分等方面有出入后,尽快告知DCI。如果牌手认为自己的对局历史记录、排名,或鹏洛客积分等方面出现异常,他们应参照《万智牌比赛申述方针》采取相应的对策,该文档可于此处找到:http://​wpn.wizards.com/​document/​magic-event-appeals-policy。|\\ ​ ++• 在察觉自己的总对局历史记录、排名,或鹏洛客积分等方面有出入后,尽快告知DCI。如果牌手认为自己的对局历史记录、排名,或鹏洛客积分等方面出现异常,他们应参照《万智牌比赛申述方针》采取相应的对策,该文档可于此处找到:http://​wpn.wizards.com/​document/​magic-event-appeals-policy。|\\ ​
行 270: 行 272:
 The DCI membership number is a player’s identity for tournaments and organized Magic: The Gathering events. Without one, a player can’t get registered in any DCI-sanctioned event. Also, every result and every point earned will go the account linked to that membership number. That is why it’s important to have only one DCI number.\\ ​ The DCI membership number is a player’s identity for tournaments and organized Magic: The Gathering events. Without one, a player can’t get registered in any DCI-sanctioned event. Also, every result and every point earned will go the account linked to that membership number. That is why it’s important to have only one DCI number.\\ ​
 DCI会员编号是牌手在万智牌比赛中的身份信息。如果没有DCI编号,牌手便不能报名参加任何DCI认证的比赛。同样,每个比赛结果和获得的积分会加入与该编号相关的账号中。这就是为什么让牌手仅保有一个DCI会员编号的原因。\\ ++\\  DCI会员编号是牌手在万智牌比赛中的身份信息。如果没有DCI编号,牌手便不能报名参加任何DCI认证的比赛。同样,每个比赛结果和获得的积分会加入与该编号相关的账号中。这就是为什么让牌手仅保有一个DCI会员编号的原因。\\ ++\\ 
-**• Refraining from enrolling in tournaments they are not allowed by policy to participate ​in (e.g. the winner of a Magic: The Gathering Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifier is barred from playing in further Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifiers that season).**\\  +**• Refraining from enrolling in tournaments ​in which they are not allowed by policy to participate.**\\  
-++• 不报名参加相应方针禁止其参加的比赛(例如,已获得某场万智牌专业资格赛优胜的牌手不得参加同一专业赛季中的其他专业资格赛)。|\\ ​+++• 不报名参加相应方针限制而无法参加的比赛。|\\ ​
 Some tournaments award invitations to other events or have participation restrictions based on level, players’ invitation history, or other factors. Players are required to be aware of their eligibility and should not intentionally enter events they are ineligible for.\\ ​ Some tournaments award invitations to other events or have participation restrictions based on level, players’ invitation history, or other factors. Players are required to be aware of their eligibility and should not intentionally enter events they are ineligible for.\\ ​
 一些比赛会提供参加另一些比赛的邀请,或者具有基于牌手级别、邀请历史或其他因素的参赛限制。牌手需要明晰自己是否符合参赛标准,不应去参加他们不能参加的比赛。\\ ++\\  一些比赛会提供参加另一些比赛的邀请,或者具有基于牌手级别、邀请历史或其他因素的参赛限制。牌手需要明晰自己是否符合参赛标准,不应去参加他们不能参加的比赛。\\ ++\\ 
行 315: 行 317:
 <​BOOKMARK:​mtr1-11>​ <​BOOKMARK:​mtr1-11>​
 ===== MTR 1.11 Spectators 旁观者 ===== ===== MTR 1.11 Spectators 旁观者 =====
-**Any person physically present at a tournament and not in any other category above is a spectator. Spectators are responsible for remaining silent and passive during matches and other official tournament sections in which players are also required to be silent. If spectators believe they have observed a rules or policy violation, they are encouraged to alert a judge as soon as possible. At Regular or Competitive Rules Enforcement Level, spectators are permitted to ask the players to pause the match while they alert a judge. At Professional Rules Enforcement Level, spectators must not interfere with the match directly.**\\ ​+**Any person physically present at a tournament and not in any other category above is a spectator. Spectators are responsible for remaining silent and passive during matches and other official tournament sections in which players are also required to be silent. If spectators believe they have observed a rules or policy violation, they are encouraged to alert a judge as soon as possible. At Regular or Competitive Rules Enforcement Level, spectators are permitted to ask the players to pause the match while they alert a judge. At Professional Rules Enforcement Level, spectators ​who are not members of the official coverage team must not interfere with the match directly.**\\ ​
 ++亲临比赛,但并不属于上述任一职能分类之人员便属于旁观者。在对局过程中及参加比赛之牌手亦须保持安静的正式比赛部分当中,旁观者得保持噤声,不主动与他人进行沟通。|\\ ​ ++亲临比赛,但并不属于上述任一职能分类之人员便属于旁观者。在对局过程中及参加比赛之牌手亦须保持安静的正式比赛部分当中,旁观者得保持噤声,不主动与他人进行沟通。|\\ ​
 This is important to maintain the venue as comfortable as possible to players during their matches, and preventing any chance of outside assistance from any comment or making players lose focus by creating excessive noise.\\ ​ This is important to maintain the venue as comfortable as possible to players during their matches, and preventing any chance of outside assistance from any comment or making players lose focus by creating excessive noise.\\ ​
 这是为了维护赛场环境,并尽可能让牌手在比赛中处于舒适的氛围。同时也防止了由旁观者的评论造成的外来援助以及避免牌手在嘈杂的环境中失去注意力。\\ ++ 这是为了维护赛场环境,并尽可能让牌手在比赛中处于舒适的氛围。同时也防止了由旁观者的评论造成的外来援助以及避免牌手在嘈杂的环境中失去注意力。\\ ++
-++若旁观者认为自己发现了违反游戏规则或比赛方针的举动,鼓励其尽快提请裁判注意。在一般竞争级别的比赛中,允许旁观者请求牌手在其寻找裁判期间暂停对局的进行。在专业级别的比赛中,旁观者不得直接干预对局。|\\  +++若旁观者认为自己发现了违反游戏规则或比赛方针的举动,鼓励其尽快提请裁判注意。在一般竞争级别的比赛中,允许旁观者请求牌手在其寻找裁判期间暂停对局的进行。在专业级别的比赛中,不属于正式报导团队之旁观者不得直接干预对局。|\\  
-Judges are people, and sometimes errors or even suspicious events are missed. Spectators may pause the match at Regular and Competitive Rules Enforcement ​LevelL. Spectators may often mistakenly identify an action or board state as illegal (often with missed triggers), so it’s important that a judge gets involved as soon as possible and that spectators give no information to the players during their match. For more information on different Rules Enforcement Levels, see MTR 1.12.\\ ​+Judges are people, and sometimes errors or even suspicious events are missed. Spectators may pause the match at Regular and Competitive Rules Enforcement ​Level. Spectators may often mistakenly identify an action or board state as illegal (often with missed triggers), so it’s important that a judge gets involved as soon as possible and that spectators give no information to the players during their match. For more information on different Rules Enforcement Levels, see MTR 1.12.\\ ​
 裁判也是人,也有可能犯错甚至忽视一些可疑情况。旁观者可以叫停一般级别和竞争级别的比赛。旁观者也有可能错误地认识当前正确的游戏状态(通常和遗漏触发有关),所以裁判应当立即介入,旁观者也不应向比赛中的牌手透露太多信息。关于不同的执法严格度,参见MTR1.12。\\ ++ 裁判也是人,也有可能犯错甚至忽视一些可疑情况。旁观者可以叫停一般级别和竞争级别的比赛。旁观者也有可能错误地认识当前正确的游戏状态(通常和遗漏触发有关),所以裁判应当立即介入,旁观者也不应向比赛中的牌手透露太多信息。关于不同的执法严格度,参见MTR1.12。\\ ++
行 343: 行 345:
 === Regular 一般级别 === === Regular 一般级别 ===
 **Regular tournaments are focused on fun and social aspects, not enforcement. Most tournaments are run at this level unless they offer sizeable prizes or invitations. Players are expected to know most of the game rules, may have heard of policy and what is “really bad,” but generally play in a fashion similar to the way they do casually. Players are still responsible for following the rules, but the focus is on education and sportsmanship over technically precise play. Infractions in these tournaments are covered by the Judging at Regular Rules Enforcement Level document, located at http://​wpn.wizards.com/​document/​magic-gathering-judging-regular-rel.**\\ ​ **Regular tournaments are focused on fun and social aspects, not enforcement. Most tournaments are run at this level unless they offer sizeable prizes or invitations. Players are expected to know most of the game rules, may have heard of policy and what is “really bad,” but generally play in a fashion similar to the way they do casually. Players are still responsible for following the rules, but the focus is on education and sportsmanship over technically precise play. Infractions in these tournaments are covered by the Judging at Regular Rules Enforcement Level document, located at http://​wpn.wizards.com/​document/​magic-gathering-judging-regular-rel.**\\ ​
-++一般的比赛主要是为了娱乐和社交,而非铁面无私。大部分的比赛都是采用这个等级,除非比赛提供了一定程度的奖品或是邀请资格。对牌手的期待是应该知道大部分的游戏规则,可能听过一些比赛政策或知道哪些事情很不好,但通常是以类似休闲娱乐的方式来比赛。牌手还是有责任去遵循规则,但所强调的主要在于教育性和运动道德,而不是技术上的精确无误。在此类比赛中处理牌手违规行为的细则,由《一般执法严格度下执法指南》此份文档详述,该文档可于此处获取:http://​wpn.wizards.com/​document/​magic-gathering-judging-regular-rel。|\\ ​+++一般的比赛主要是为了娱乐和社交,而非铁面无私。大部分的比赛都是采用这个等级,除非比赛提供了一定程度的奖品或是邀请资格。对牌手的期待是应该知道大部分的游戏规则,可能听过一些比赛政策或知道哪些事情很不好,但通常是以类似休闲娱乐的方式来比赛。牌手还是有责任去遵循规则,但所强调的主要在于教育性和运动道德,而不是技术上的精确无误。在此类比赛中处理牌手违规行为的细则,由《一般执法严格度下执法指南》此份文档详述,该文档可于此处获取:http://​wpn.wizards.com/​document/​magic-gathering-judging-regular-rel。|\\ ​
 This is one step above kitchen-table Magic. Note that the IPG does not apply at Regular Rules Enforcement Level. Instead, we use the Judging at Regular Rules Enforcement Level (JAR) document, which lays the groundwork for a fun, casual atmosphere where only repeat offenders and serious problems —like cheating, aggressive behavior, bribery, and theft— are punished. Instead of punishing players for innocent tournament and play errors, it’s our job as judges at Regular Rules Enforcement Level to help them learn the right way to play so that they can succeed at higher Rules Enforcement Level events.\\ ​ This is one step above kitchen-table Magic. Note that the IPG does not apply at Regular Rules Enforcement Level. Instead, we use the Judging at Regular Rules Enforcement Level (JAR) document, which lays the groundwork for a fun, casual atmosphere where only repeat offenders and serious problems —like cheating, aggressive behavior, bribery, and theft— are punished. Instead of punishing players for innocent tournament and play errors, it’s our job as judges at Regular Rules Enforcement Level to help them learn the right way to play so that they can succeed at higher Rules Enforcement Level events.\\ ​
 一般级比赛是从餐桌万智走向比赛的第一步。请注意,IPG不适用于一般级别的比赛。取而代之的,我们会使用JAR来替代,这份文件基于创造快乐、休闲的游戏氛围而制定,只有重复犯错和触犯严重问题(例如作弊,进攻性举止,贿赂,偷窃)的牌手才会受到惩罚。比起惩罚犯错的牌手,在一般级别的比赛中我们裁判更应该帮助牌手懂得怎么做才是正确的,这样他们才能在未来更高级别的比赛中取得成功。\\ ++ 一般级比赛是从餐桌万智走向比赛的第一步。请注意,IPG不适用于一般级别的比赛。取而代之的,我们会使用JAR来替代,这份文件基于创造快乐、休闲的游戏氛围而制定,只有重复犯错和触犯严重问题(例如作弊,进攻性举止,贿赂,偷窃)的牌手才会受到惩罚。比起惩罚犯错的牌手,在一般级别的比赛中我们裁判更应该帮助牌手懂得怎么做才是正确的,这样他们才能在未来更高级别的比赛中取得成功。\\ ++