
2023.12 更新
万智牌完整规则 23.11.17
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两侧同时换到之前的修订记录 前一修订版
ipg:3.4 [2024/05/11 12:55]
Siyang Li [ADDITIONAL REMEDY 进一步的修正]
ipg:3.4 [2024/05/11 13:15] (当前版本)
Siyang Li [ADDITIONAL REMEDY 进一步的修正]
行 65: 行 65:
 Toby Elliot就“哪种算明显,哪种算不明显”写了一篇非常好的博文:http://​magicjudges.cn/​of-course-they-do-it-must-be-obvious/​\\ ++ Toby Elliot就“哪种算明显,哪种算不明显”写了一篇非常好的博文:http://​magicjudges.cn/​of-course-they-do-it-must-be-obvious/​\\ ++
-**Companions affect what the player intended to play, and may produce a situation in which thedeck ​and decklist match, but violate the restriction on the intended companion. In thesesituations, it is acceptable to alter the deck and sideboard configuration to meet the restriction.**\\+**Companions affect what the player intended to play, and may produce a situation in which the deck and decklist match, but violate the restriction on the intended companion. In these situations, it is acceptable to alter the deck and sideboard configuration to meet the restriction.**\\
 ++行侣牌会影响牌手的游戏计划,并且会出现一种情况,即套牌与套牌登记表相匹配,但违反了所使用行侣牌对套牌的限制。这种情况下,可以让牌手更改套牌构成以满足行侣牌的使用限制。|\\ ++ ++行侣牌会影响牌手的游戏计划,并且会出现一种情况,即套牌与套牌登记表相匹配,但违反了所使用行侣牌对套牌的限制。这种情况下,可以让牌手更改套牌构成以满足行侣牌的使用限制。|\\ ++
-**In tournaments with open decklists, if the wrong decklist is provided to an opponent and it isdiscovered ​during the game, the opponent may have made strategic decisions throughout ​thegame ​based on the error, and that cannot be fully assessed or offset.**\\+**In tournaments with open decklists, if the wrong decklist is provided to an opponent and it is discovered ​during the game, the opponent may have made strategic decisions throughout ​the game based on the error, and that cannot be fully assessed or offset.**\\
 ++在使用公开牌表的比赛中,如果牌手为对手提供了错误的套牌登记表,并在比赛过程中发现,对手可能会在整个比赛中都基于该错误做出决策,而这一错误是无法完全估量和弥补的。|\\ ++ ++在使用公开牌表的比赛中,如果牌手为对手提供了错误的套牌登记表,并在比赛过程中发现,对手可能会在整个比赛中都基于该错误做出决策,而这一错误是无法完全估量和弥补的。|\\ ++
 ===== ADDITIONAL REMEDY 进一步的修正 ===== ===== ADDITIONAL REMEDY 进一步的修正 =====
-**If the decklist contains illegal cards, remove them. If the decklist is being adjusted to allow foran intended companion, the player exchanges cards between the deck and sideboard until therestriction ​is met.**\\ ​+**If the decklist contains illegal cards, remove them. If the decklist is being adjusted to allow for an intended companion, the player exchanges cards between the deck and sideboard until the restriction ​is met.**\\ ​
 ++如果套牌登记表包含不合法的牌,则移除这些牌。|\\ ​ ++如果套牌登记表包含不合法的牌,则移除这些牌。|\\ ​
 The steps for the remedy are performed in order. The first thing you want to do is remove any illegal cards from the list. If the illegal cards are also in the deck, remove them too.\\ ​ The steps for the remedy are performed in order. The first thing you want to do is remove any illegal cards from the list. If the illegal cards are also in the deck, remove them too.\\ ​