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MTR 9. 双头巨人赛规则
MTR 9.1 Match Structure 对局结构
Two-Headed Giant matches consist of one game. All players from the two teams play in the same game.
Drawn games (games without a winner) do not count toward the one game. As long as match time allows, the match continues until a team has won a game.
Two-Headed Giant games are slower than regular ones, so there is only time for a single game in each match for tournaments to finish in a reasonable amount of time. Most of the following rules attempt to mitigate the extra randomness of single game matches.
This is a reference to different nature of Two-Headed Giant. The MTR isn’t the right place to explain the rules of Two-Headed Giant, they are contained in Magic Comprehensive Rules section 810.
Just like in regular matches where “best of three” really means “first to two wins”, “best of one” really means “first to one win”.
MTR 9.2 Communication Rules 交流规则
Teammates may communicate with each other at any time.
“Any” really does mean “any”. Players can’t abuse this to waste time, but otherwise there is no limit to how this works. Players can communicate at any time.
A quick and definitely not complete list of such times:
– When deciding what to draft.
- 考虑轮抽时抽什么牌
– When deciding to mulligan.
- 考虑是否再调度时
– At each step of playing a spell.
- 在施放咒语的每个步骤中
– Between turns.
- 两个回合之间
– After untapping creatures but before untapping lands.
- 在重置了生物,还未重置地之前
MTR 9.3 Play-Draw Rule 先手规则
A team determined at random chooses either to play first or to play second. The choice must be made before either player on that team looks at their hand. If either player on that team looks at their hand before their choice is made, that team plays first. The team who plays first skips the draw step of their first turn.
This should just be a rewording of the regular matches’ Play-Draw Rule with the word “player” replaced with “team”. All that is missing is the two paragraphs dealing with game two and three. If a game two is happening because game one ended in a draw do feel free to refer to the regular rules in section 2.2 for how that works.
MTR 9.4 Pregame Procedure 游戏前程序
1. Players decide which teammate will be the primary player and which teammate will be the secondary player. Players should be seated with the primary player to the right of their teammate. Players can choose a different primary and secondary player before each match.
1. 一支队伍中的两位牌手决定何者为主要牌手,何者为次要牌手。就座时,每支队伍的主要牌手应坐在其队友的右手边。在每一局开始之前,每支队伍都能重新选择主要和次要牌手。
Technically this rule is very important. In practice it never matters. The major practical effect is that, if the players can’t agree on something, the primary player gets to decide (see CR 805.2). Additionally, opponents’ attacking creatures are presumed to deal combat damage to the team’s primary player unless otherwise specified. See MTR 4.2 for more details.
2. Players shuffle their decks.
2. 牌手洗自己的套牌。
This means that each player is responsible for shuffling their own deck. This is consistent with each player being responsible for manipulating their own cards in every other way.
3. Players present their decks to their opponents for additional shuffling.
3. 双方牌手将套牌交给对手来再次洗牌。
Just like in individual games, opponents are encouraged to shuffle their opponents’ cards to discourage cheating and promote randomness in shuffling.
4. The appropriate team must decide whether to play first or second at this point, if they have not done so already (see section 9.3)
4. 如果还未决定,相关团队应于此时决定先手还是后手(参见第9.3节)。
5. Each player draws seven cards. Optionally, these cards may be dealt face down on the table.
5. 每位牌手抓七张牌。牌手可选择先将该些牌以面朝下的方式发到桌面上。
Another rule repeated so the reader doesn’t have to look anywhere else for the rule. We hope this rule isn’t a surprise to anyone. The instruction to draw the cards face down on the table helps a player avoid drawing an extra card.
6. Each player, in turn order, decides whether to mulligan. (Rules on Two-Headed Giant mulligans can be found in the Magic Comprehensive Rules, rule 103.4c)
6. 每位牌手依照回合顺序来决定是否要再调度。(双头巨人赛中再调度的规则可于《万智牌完整规则》规则103.4c中找到。)
The Magic Comprehensive Rules do cover this, but it is pretty dry reading. Rule rule 103.4d is also relevant to how mulligans in Two-Headed Giant works. A worked example is very helpful. Lets walk through how the two teams take their mulligans:
-Alice and Alister have won the die roll and chosen to be on the draw. They look at their first seven cards, Alice doesn’t like her’s but Alister’s is fine and he declares that he will keep his. Alice starts shuffling.
-Nancy and Nigel look at their initial sevens and decide that they are both going to mulligan. They shuffle and Alice, Nancy and Nigel draw 7 new cards.
-Alice is happy with her second seven and declares that she is keeping, but Nancy and Nigel both choose to mulligan again. At this point Alister realises that he should have mulliganed, but it is too late and he must keep his original seven.
-Nancy and Nigel look at their six card hands and declare that they are happy with them. Mulligans are completed.
Note that the ‘seven’ above is not a typo. Remember that multiplayer formats have a free mulligan!
Once players have completed their mulligans, the game can begin.
MTR 9.5 Two-Headed Giant Constructed Rules 双头巨人构组赛规则
Two-Headed Giant Constructed tournaments use Unified Deck Construction rules (see section 8.4).
双头巨人构组赛使用「套牌联合构组规则」(请参见第 8.4 节)。
In addition to cards banned in particular formats, the following card is banned in ALL Two-Headed Giant Constructed tournaments (Vintage, Legacy, Modern, and Block Constructed):
Sideboards are not allowed in constructed Two-Headed Giant tournaments.
Sideboards are disallowed because Two-Headed Giant matches are still best of 1 game. While this does impact the ability of players to functionally use cards like Living Wish that is an acceptable trade off. Aside from this, please remember that Two-Headed Giant constructed will be a particular format (Modern, Standard, Vintage!, etc) and as such is subject to those deck building restrictions. Additionally, Erayo is banned, no matter the format.
MTR 9.6 Two-Headed Giant Limited Rules 双头巨人限制赛规则
All the rules for Limited Tournaments (Section 7) apply, except as described below.
为限制赛制订的所有规则(第 7 节),均适用于双头巨人限制赛,但下列事项除外。
Eight boosters per team are recommended for Two-Headed Giant Sealed Deck tournaments and six boosters per team for Two-Headed Giant Booster Draft tournaments. For the recommended product mix for the current block, refer to Appendix D.
在此建议,双头巨人现开赛中,发给每支队伍八包补充包;双头巨人轮抽赛中,发给每支队伍六包补充包。关于当前环境下所推荐的产品构成,请参见附录 D。
Cards not used in a team’s starting decks are considered a shared sideboard by the two players that both players can access.
Remember that while both players share the sideboard, matches are best of one game in Two-Headed Giant. Any tournament where the players may swap main deck and sideboard cards (e.g. where no decklists are used) make this rule important.
MTR 9.7 Two-Headed Giant Booster Draft Tournaments 双头巨人补充包轮抽赛
Teams (not players) assemble into random drafting circles (called pods) of roughly equal size at the direction of the Head Judge. Teammates sit next to each other. Tournament officials then distribute identical booster packs to each team in the pod.
After opening and counting the cards in their first pack, the team chooses two cards from the booster pack then passes the remaining cards face down to the team on its left. Selected cards may be placed into one or two piles. The cards chosen are not assigned to a particular player; they become part of a pool out of which both players will build their decks. The open packs are passed around the drafting pod—with each team taking two cards from each before passing—until all cards are drafted.
For the second pack, the direction of drafting is reversed as usual. Thus, the overall draft direction is left–right–left–right–left–right.
The ideal situation here are pod sizes comparable to a typical draft. We would normally like to have six to eight players per pod and we want that here as well. This means three to four teams instead. You should not use six to eight teams per pod!
Also remember that while drafting is typically a time without discussion, Two-Headed Giant is absolutely an exception. Players are allowed to communicate with their teammates and assist each other (as they are making picks together, as a team).