
EventMinder User Manual

Version: V0.12.0-iberia


EventMinder is a utility tool designed for Magic Judge community.
For now, it supports: Event Pick-up and Store information.

Event Pickup

Store information


Log in/Register

Judge must register to use this utility.
Your password is stored encrypted, so there is no worry about password leakage.
If you use this utility on a public device, please log out after done using.

Event Pickup

Event Calendar

This is the homepage of this utility.
On the event calendar, you can see the number of events of each day that is recorded in this utility.
You can use the control buttons above the calendar to see the date you want to see.

Event List

Event list is separated into Future events and Past events.
Click Event List links on the navigation sidebar, or click on the “X events” link on calendar, to see the Event list page.
You can customize the search using the filter below.
To see details of event, pick-up event or manage event, please click on the name of the event.

Event Detail

Shows the detail of an event.
Judge who is logged in can pick up the event as Head Judge, or join the event as floor judge using the control button below.
When an event already has a Head Judge, the “pick-up” button will turn into “join the event”.
In this case, if the Head Judge of the event withdrew from the event, all judge joining the event will also be withdrawn. You must pick-up the event again if you wish to judge the event.

Past event has a 15-days grace period for judges who forgot to pick up the event prior to the event date. After the grace period, the event can no longer be picked up.
Past event Head Judge can enter the champion for the event for reference.

Add event

Non-administrator judges can manually add three events monthly.
User added events is distinguished by color in event lists and details.
An user-added event can be managed by its creator.

Import Excel file

Only administrators may use this feature.
This will batch import events using the Excel file provided by Hasbro/WotC staff.

Control Panel

Activate user

Only administrators may use this feature.
Users have to be activated to log into this utility. Administrators can activate user accounts by clicking the button next to the pending users list.
Administrators may also de-activate user if a user is found violating or abusing the utility.

Manage Users

Reset user password

Only administrators may use this feature.
Reset user password to his or her DCI number.

Promote/Demote user

Only administrators may use this feature.
Promote a normal user to administrator, vice versa.


Shows pick up percentages and rankings in certain date range.


Revision History


  • First version of branch “iberia” based on V0.11.3 with several functional changes.
  • Added multi-language support.
  • Made change to database and program structure to fit European styles.

About EventMinder



  • ThinkPHP framework
  • Simply Green HTML theme
  • Sublime Text 2 text editor
  • ThinkPHP video tutorial from HouDunWang
  • Magic Community testers

Copyright and Redistribution

  • We don't provide public download of this software.
  • Author reserves all rights to redistribute the software.
  • Please contact author if you are interested in this software.