[[:MTR:6|第六章 - 构筑赛制规则]] | [[:MTR|返回MTR目录]] | [[:MTR:8|第八章 - 团队赛规则]] ====== MTR 7. 限制赛制规则 ====== ===== MTR 7.1 Deck Construction Restrictions 套牌构组限制 ===== **Limited decks must contain a minimum of forty cards. There is no maximum deck size. Any drafted or opened cards not used in a player’s Limited deck function as their sideboard.**\\ **限制赛制的套牌必须至少包含四十张牌。没有套牌张数上限。牌手轮抽到或者开得的,但未在该牌手的限制赛套牌中使用的牌,都视作该牌手的备牌。**\\ **Players are not restricted to four of any one card in Limited tournament play.**\\ ++在限制赛制的比赛中,牌手不受同一张牌只能放四张的限制。|\\ One of the most frequent questions by newer players is if they are allowed to play more than four copies of a card in limited. The answer is yes! Note that they can of course play the cards in their main, or are allowed to have excess copies in their sideboard. A good idea is to have players who have more than four of particularly good cards mention it to you ahead of time. This can help offset any potential accusations of cheating.\\ 新手最多的疑问就是是否允许在限制赛中使用4张以上的同名牌。答案是可以!他们可以使用在主牌和备牌中使用超过4张的同名牌。可以建议牌手提前告诉你他们开到了超过四张同名的强力牌。这也能尽量避免怀疑作弊的可能性。\\ ++ ===== MTR 7.2 Card Use in Limited Tournaments 限制赛中可用的牌 ===== **Cards must be received directly from tournament officials. This product must be new and previously unopened. Pro Tour, Regional Championships, and World Championship tournaments may have had boosters opened in order to stamp them. Each player (or team) must be given exactly the same quantity and type of product as all other players participating in the tournament. For example, if one player receives three Murders at Karlov Manor boosters for a booster draft, all other players must also receive three Murders at Karlov Manor boosters.**\\ **牌手收到的牌都必须直接发放自比赛工作人员。此产品必须是全新的、且包装未被打开过。在大师赛、区域冠军赛及世界冠军赛中,所使用的补充包可能已事先拆封,以在其上盖好戳记。发给每位牌手(或团队)的产品之数量和种类,都必须与其他参加此场比赛的牌手所得到的相同。举例来说,如果在补充包轮抽时,发给了某位牌手三包卡洛夫庄园谋杀案的常规补充包,则必须发给所有牌手三包卡洛夫庄园谋杀案的常规补充包。** **Only cards from the expansions of the boosters opened (and only cards opened or drafted in that player’s pool) may be used in a player’s deck. The following are exceptions to this rule:**\\ **只有属于比赛过程中打开之所有补充包系列中的牌(且只有在该牌手开到或轮抽得到的牌池中的牌)才能在牌手的套牌当中使用。 此规则的例外情形如下:**\\ * Players may add an unlimited number of cards named Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain, or Forest to their deck and sideboard. They may not add additional snow basic land cards (e.g. Snow-Covered Forest, etc) or Wastes basic land cards, even in formats in which they are legal. * 牌手可以将不限数量具有下列名称之牌张加入套牌及备牌中:平原/Plains、海岛/Island、沼泽/Swamp、山脉/Mountain、树林/Forest。牌手不得添加额外的雪境基本地牌(例如覆雪树林/Snow-Covered Forest这类)或荒野基本地牌,就算是在当前的赛制中这两类基本地牌属于可用牌也是一样。 * Non-basic lands from the Return to Ravnica and Gatecrash expansions are allowed when opened in Dragon’s Maze boosters. * 从巨龙迷城补充包打开得到之来自再返拉尼卡与兵临古城这两个扩展系列的非基本地牌可以使用。 * Non-basic lands from the Khans of Tarkir expansion are allowed when opened in Fate Reforged boosters. * 从龙命殊途补充包打开得到之来自鞑契可汗此扩展系列的非基本地牌可以使用。 * Non-basic lands from the Zendikar Expeditions set are allowed when opened in Battle for Zendikar or Oath of the Gatewatch boosters. * 从再战赞迪卡或守护者誓约补充包打开得到之来自赞迪卡远探系列的非基本地牌可以使用。 * Cards from a Masterpiece Series are allowed when opened in boosters associated with that series. * 从含有逸品重现牌张之相关系列打开的该类牌张可以使用。 * Prerelease tournaments may feature additional exceptions. These will be announced as part of the Prerelease information. * 售前赛可能会有其他例外规定,此类规定会随着售前赛信息一同公布。 **Players may ask a judge for permission to replace a card with another version of the same card.**\\ **牌手在征得裁判许可后,可用不同版本的同名牌替换牌池中的牌。**\\ **Because it was designed specifically for multiplayer play, the use of Conspiracy boosters in sanctioned, rated Limited-format tournaments (Sealed Deck and Booster Draft) is not permitted.**\\ **由于诡局此系列系专为多人游戏设计,因此不得在认证的竞技类限制赛制比赛(现开赛和补充包轮抽)中使用该产品之补充包。**\\ **Six boosters per player are recommended for individual format Sealed Deck tournaments and 3 boosters per player for individual Booster or Team Rochester Draft tournaments. For the recommended product mix for the current block, refer to Appendix D.**\\ **在此建议,进行个人现开赛时,发给每位牌手6包补充包;进行个人轮抽或团队罗彻斯特轮抽赛时,发给每位牌手3包补充包。关于当前环境下所推荐的产品构成,请参见附录 D。**\\ **If the Tournament Organizer allows players to provide their own product, that product must be pooled with the rest of the product for the tournament and randomly distributed. **\\ **如果比赛主办人允许由牌手自己提供产品来参赛,则该些产品必须与用于该次比赛的其余产品放在同一产品池内并随机分配给参赛牌手。**\\ **If the Tournament Organizer is not providing extra land cards for use in a Limited tournament, they must announce this before tournament registration. Tournament Organizers may require players to return these land cards when they leave the tournament. Players may use their own basic lands during tournaments.**\\ ++如果比赛主办人不提供用于限制赛的基本地,则他必须在比赛报名前公告相关事宜。比赛主办人可以要求牌手在离开比赛的时候归还所用的基本地牌。牌手可以在比赛中使用自己拥有的基本地。|\\ Though they are not sanctioned (apart from perhaps casual unrated), Chaos drafts exist. Players in a Chaos draft are of course assigned product at random and do not need to receive the same product. Remember that if the event is sanctioned, then players do need to receive the same product as noted above.\\ 在一些不能认证的比赛,比如混沌轮抽中,牌手可以不必使用相同的产品。但是,一旦比赛被认证,那么牌手就需按照规则,使用相同的产品。\\ As a reminder, players in Prerelease tournaments may use the foil promotional card they open, as that card is from the current set. As a small additional reminder, checklist cards that are opened may be used if the player has opened the appropriate dual sided card as well.\\ 牌手在售前赛中可以使用产品中的纪念闪,这是因为纪念闪也是来自当前系列中的牌。另外,如果牌手开到了双面牌,那他也可以用开到的列表牌来代替。\\ Players may ask to replace a card with another version of the same card. Often players will ask for a proxy for foil cards. While this proxy should not be issued unless the card is opened damaged, the player may use an equivalent non-foil version if available.\\ 牌手可以要求用相同的其他版本的牌来替代牌池中的牌,有时候牌手会在想要使用闪卡时这么做。尽管这种情况下不得制作代牌,牌手如果自己有的话,可以使用相同的非闪牌来替代。\\ Players often prefer to use their own basic lands for a variety of reasons. While this is typically not an issue, be aware of foil basic lands that are marked (warped), or Alpha lands that cause particular markings on sleeves through the course of the day. While the lands themselves may be fine, the markings can become an issue.\\ 牌手可能会想要使用自己的基本地。虽然这是允许的,但是仍请注意:闪牌是会弯曲的,ALPHA版本的牌也会在牌套上留下特殊的印记。这些牌本身可能没有问题,但有时某些牌会成为“有记号的牌”。\\ ++ ===== MTR 7.3 Continuous Construction 连续构组 ===== **Players participating in Limited tournaments that do not use decklists may freely change the composition of their decks between matches by exchanging cards from their deck for cards in their sideboard without being required to return their deck to its original composition before their next match. The Head Judge or Tournament Organizer must inform players if this option is not being used prior to the start of deck construction. This option is not available at Competitive or Professional Rules Enforcement Level tournaments.**\\ ++参加无需提交套牌登记表的限制比赛之牌手可以在局与局之间,通过以套牌中的牌交换备牌中的牌之方式,自由地变更其套牌的组成,而不需要在其下一局比赛开始之前将其套牌组成恢复原样。如果主审或比赛主办人不想在比赛中使用此可选规则,则须在构组套牌之前将此决定告知所有牌手。此可选规则在执法严格度为竞争或专业级别的比赛中不可用。|\\ The default for events that do not have a decklist is continuous construction. Remember that Competitive and Professional Rules Enforcement Level events should have decklists, and thus the original composition needs to be restored prior to the start of each match.\\ 对于不使用牌表的比赛而言,默认选项是连续构组。在竞争级别以及专业级别的比赛中必须使用牌表,因此牌手必须在每局比赛开始前还原主牌。\\ ++ ===== MTR 7.4 Abnormal Product 异常产品 ===== **Neither Wizards of the Coast nor the Tournament Organizer guarantee any specific distribution of card rarities or frequency in a particular booster pack or tournament pack. If a player receives an unconventional distribution of rarities or frequencies in a particular booster pack or tournament pack, they must call a judge. The final decision to replace or allow the atypical product is at the discretion of the Head Judge and the Tournament Organizer.**\\ ++威世智公司和比赛主办人皆无法保证在所有的补充包或比赛用牌产品中具有某种特定的稀有度或频率的分布。如果在牌手拿到的某个补充包或比赛用牌中具有不合常规的稀有度或频率的分布,该牌手必须立刻告知裁判。是否要更换或是允许此异常产品继续使用的最终决定,由主审和比赛主办人协商后做出。|\\ Make sure to consult with the Tournament Organizer. Giving out replacement product costs them money.\\ 请务必咨询比赛主办人。为牌手替换产品会增加他们的成本。\\ Players should open and verify a pack one at a time. It gets messy if someone is missing an uncommon/has an extra uncommon and they find out after all 6 packs are opened.\\ 牌手有义务在打开每一包产品时都检查产品的情况。如果在开完6包牌之后才发现多了或少了一张非普通牌会非常麻烦。\\ If a player is missing a card, the Head Judge can open a booster and pick a random card of that rarity to replace the missing one. If a player has an extra card, your options are to leave it, replace the whole pack, or have the player add a random card from the rarity of the extra one to their trade binder. It is generally best to minimize disruption to the pool by removing a card.\\ 如果牌手少开出一张牌,主审可以打开一包补充包随机挑选一张相同稀有度的牌加入该牌手的牌池。如果牌手多开出了一张牌,你可以考虑维持现状,或者替换整包产品,或者让牌手随机从牌池中移除一张多出的稀有度的牌。移除牌张时要尽可能减少对牌池的影响。\\ It is also worth noting that in the past Wizards of the Coast has rarely and (unintentionally?) put product from a future or previous set into a pack. If that occurs then this would also fall under the abnormal product policy listed here.\\ 值得注意的是,威世智偶尔会(不小心)将未来或者从前系列中的某张牌放进当前系列的补充包里。这种情况也会算作异常产品。\\ ++ ===== MTR 7.5 Sealed Deck Pool Registration 登记现开套牌牌池 ===== **In Sealed Deck tournaments, the Head Judge may require players to perform a Sealed Deck pool registration procedure prior to deck construction:**\\ **在现开赛中,主审可要求牌手在进行套牌构组前进行现开牌池登记的流程:**\\ **• Each player is distributed the appropriate number of boosters. The booster packs should be marked in a way that distinguishes they came from the Tournament Organizer for that tournament.**\\ ++• 每位牌手获得对应数量的补充包。补充包上应有明确记号,证明其属于比赛主办人为本次比赛所发之补充包。|\\ A quick and easy way to mark the boosters can be to run a marker down one of the sides. This is easy and scales well to large events like Grand Prix. For smaller events Judges and TOs can use more personal touches like stickers to better uniquely identify the packs as belonging to the event.\\ 简单的做记号的方法是用记号笔在产品周边画上一圈。这能够增加大型比赛(例如大奖赛)上的工作效率。对于小型比赛而言,裁判和主办方可以考虑用贴纸等方法来完成此项工作。\\ ++\\ **• Players on one side of each table open their booster packs (Player A). The player directly across (Player B) observes this. Both players will observe and verify the contents of those booster packs. After this process, the opened cards are stacked face down in a single pile and placed near Player B.**\\ ++• 同位于所有桌子某一侧的牌手打开手中的所有补充包(牌手 A)。坐于其正对面的牌手(牌手 B)查看此流程。双方牌手共同查看并核对补充包的内容。在此流程后,将开得的牌面朝下地放成一堆,并放在靠近牌手 B 的地方。|\\ When making announcements, it is important to let players know who is going first and who is going second. An easy way to denote this would be to tell players on a side of the table relative to a certain point, like the main stage or the Head Judge. For example “all players sitting on the sides of tables further away from the main stage will open packs first, followed by those closer.”\\ 在赛前公告时,让牌手知道谁先开谁后开十分重要。一个简单的分辨方法是相对于某一点(例如主席台或主审本人)的位置。例如“远离主席台的牌手先打开补充包,然后对面的牌手再打开补充包”。\\ ++\\ **• Player B will now open their booster packs. Player A observes. Both players will observe and verify the contents. After this process, the opened cards are stacked face down in a single pile and placed near Player A.**\\ **• 轮到由牌手B来打开补充包。牌手A查看。双方牌手共同查看并核对补充包的内容。在此流程后,将开得的牌面朝下地放成一堆,并放在靠近牌手A的地方。**\\ **• Player A then sorts and registers the contents of Player B's pool, and vice versa.**\\ **• 然后牌手A和牌手B各自整理并登记对方牌池的内容。**\\ **• After registration, each player returns the registered card pool to the player who originally opened the pool.**\\ **• 登记完成后,牌手将所登记的牌池还给原本开得此牌池的牌手。**\\ **• Players construct and record decks as normal.**\\ ++• 牌手如常构组并登记套牌。|\\ Sealed Deck Swap procedures are typical in Competitive Rules Enforcement Level events requiring decklists and help ensure that no one is trying to slip extra cards into their pool. By having other players register and observe the opening of the pool, we help minimize the ability of a player to slip additional cards in discretely. By seating players randomly for this, as is the norm, we help prevent collusion from friends who may get regularly seated together due to similar last names.\\ 为了防止加牌,在需要登记牌表的竞争级别比赛中交换填写牌表是很普遍的。有了其他牌手的监督,可以更好地避免牌手往牌池里加牌。通过随机安排座位,可以尽量避免由于姓名相似而经常坐在一起的牌手勾结作弊。\\ Previous methods went to even greater lengths to randomize the pool that a player would obtain to build, but lead to other problems. Details on the reasons for this change can be read about here.\\ 过去的方法更加费力,随机化了牌手获得的牌池,虽然有效,但会带来一些其他问题。可以在[[http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/news/sealed-pool-procedure-update-starting-gp-sydney-and-gp-madison-2015-10-08|这里]]了解详细信息。\\ We have realistically asked players to sort the pools for easy verification for some time now. Now we are making it more formal by requiring it via this document! It may be worth noting that some players may have trouble sorting the pools in a timely manner. If so please allot any resources available to help those players and keep the flow of the tournament moving.\\ 在实际操作中,我们有时会要求牌手整理牌池,以便牌手能够容易地确认牌池内容。现在通过这份文件,我们将这一操作变成了正式的要求!值得注意的是,有些牌手可能会对于在合理的时间内完成牌池整理有一定困难。如果发生这种情况,请安排任何可用的资源来帮助这些牌手,确保比赛流程正常运转。\\ ++ ===== MTR 7.6 Draft Pod Assembly 轮抽组的分配 ===== **For Booster Draft and Team Rochester Draft tournaments, players assemble into random drafting circles (called pods) of roughly equal size at the direction of the Head Judge. Tournament officials then distribute identical sets of booster packs to each player.**\\ ++在补充包轮抽及团队罗彻斯特轮抽赛中,牌手会随机分配到各个轮抽圈中(称为轮抽组),每个轮抽组的人数由主审斟酌确定,应大略相同。之后,比赛工作人员将同样组合的补充包发放给各轮抽组的每位牌手。|\\ Pods should be as close to 8 as you can get. In general, try to get pods of 6 or 8 over odd numbers to avoid byes. Typically, the software will sort players automatically into pods of these size. The pods created should be used unless an error has occurred.\\ 轮抽组的人数应尽可能接近8人。一般而言,尽量组织6人或8人的轮抽组来避免产生轮空。比赛软件会自动按照上述情况为牌手分配轮抽组。除非软件出现错误,应尽量按照此分配。\\ ++ **Players within a pod may play only against other players within that pod. In Regular Rules Enforcement Level tournaments, the Tournament Organizer may elect to lift this restriction. This must be announced before the tournament starts.**\\ ++属于某个轮抽组的牌手只会在比赛中对上同属于该轮抽组的其他牌手。在「一般」级别的比赛中,比赛主办人可以选择取消此限制,不过必须在比赛开始前公告相关事宜。|\\ In general, players prefer playing against people in the same pod. Remember that a player losing to a player in a different pod may feel as though they have lost to measures outside of their control.\\ 一般而言,牌手应和同一轮抽组的其他牌手进行对局。如果某牌手输给了其他轮抽组的牌手,他会认为自己是输在可控范围外的其他因素。\\ ++ ===== MTR 7.7 Booster Draft Procedures 补充包轮抽程序 ===== **All players must open and draft the same type of booster at the same time. Players open their first booster pack and count the cards face down, removing token cards, rules cards, and any other non-game cards. Players who receive an erroneous number of cards at any time must immediately notify a judge. Players choose one card from their current booster pack and then pass the remaining cards face down to the player on their left until all cards are drafted (Exception: When the Booster Draft consists of Double Masters boosters, players choose two cards for their first pick from each booster. All other Booster Draft rules remain the same). Once a player has removed a card from the pack and put it on top of their single, front face-down drafted pile, it is considered selected and may not be returned to the pack.**\\ ++所有牌手必须在同一时间打开相同种类的补充包进行轮抽。牌手打开各自的第一包补充包,以牌面向下的方式数补充包内的牌,并将补充包内有的衍生物牌、规则叙述牌,以及其他与游戏无关的牌拿出。如果牌手在任意时刻发现自己手中的补充包内牌的数量有误,必须立刻告知裁判。牌手从当前的补充包中选择一张牌,之后将剩余的牌以面向下的方式传给左边的牌手,直到所有牌都已被抽走(例外:当轮抽中包含双星大师补充包时,牌手在每包的第一抓选择两张牌。其他的轮抽规则保持不变)。一旦牌手从补充包中把牌拿出,放到自己单独的、牌面朝下的已选牌堆之中,便视为该牌手已选择该牌,不得再放回到补充包中。|\\ Players changing their minds can cause problems or provide cover for sleight of hand shenanigans. It’s a good idea to have players put the tip/token/basic land card face up to avoid non-lands accidentally being removed from the pack.\\ 牌手改变主意可能会导致一些情况,一些牌手也会借此对抓到的牌做出一些手段。建议让牌手事先移除广告牌、基本地、衍生物等内容,避免发生混乱。\\ ++ **Players may not reveal the front face of their card selections or the contents of their current packs to other participants in the draft and must make a reasonable effort to keep that information from the sight of other players. Players are not permitted to reveal hidden information of any kind to other participants in the draft regarding their own picks or what they want others to pick. (Exception: This does not apply to double-faced cards, both faces of which may be revealed at any time during a draft.)**\\ ++在轮抽过程中,牌手不得向其他参赛者展示自己所选牌的正面,或是自己当前补充包的内容,同时牌手也应当尽力使自己的该些信息不被其他牌手看到。牌手不得向轮抽中的其他参赛者展示非公开信息,以表示自己选了哪些牌,或是要别人选什么牌。(例外:双面牌不适用于此规定,在轮抽过程中牌手可以随时展示双面牌的任一面。)|\\ Drafters should hold their cards so only they can view them. They may need to be reminded to keep their cards up.\\ 牌手必须以适当的方式拿起牌,确保只有他们自己才能查看。可能需要提醒牌手把牌拿高一点。\\ If a player develops a case of wandering eyes, that’s bad. If you think they are doing so to get info on what’s in the next pack, please remove them from the event.\\ 如果某牌手经常斜眼去看旁边,这是不恰当的。如果你确信他在看旁边的人有什么牌,将他移出比赛。\\ ++ **Players and teams may not look at their drafted cards between or during picks at Competitive and Professional Rules Enforcement Levels. At Regular Rules Enforcement Level, players are allowed to review their drafted cards between or during picks as long as they are holding no other cards at the same time. The Head Judge may choose to disallow this provided they announce it before the first draft. Between boosters there is a review period in which players may review their picks.**\\ **在「竞争」和「专业」级别的比赛中,牌手和团队不得在两次抽牌之间或是进行选择的过程中检视自己已抽到的牌。在「一般」级别的比赛中,只要牌手没有手持其他未抽取的牌张,便可以在两次抽牌之间或是进行选择的过程中检视自己所抓到的牌。主审可以选择禁止此行为,但须在牌手进行第一次抽牌前公告相关事宜。在两包补充包之间有检视时间,牌手可以在这段时间内检视自己所抽到的牌。**\\ **If the draft is not being timed, and two players do not wish to make a pick before the other player, the player closer to providing the other player with the pack picks first. If the players are equidistant, then the player in the lower seat number picks first.**\\ ++若轮抽并未计时,且有两位牌手均不愿在对方之前作出抽牌的决定,则由在传递方向上较为靠近对方的牌手先作出抽牌决定。若两位牌手之间距离相等,则由座号较小的牌手先作出抽牌决定。|\\ Even though players can look at their picks in Regular Rules Enforcement Level, they must still draft at a reasonable pace. Please reinforce to players that they need to keep their picks and pack separate. Players are given a specific amount of time to examine their picks between each pack. For specific timing please see MTR Appendix B.\\ 即使在一般级别的比赛中,牌手可以看自己抓到的牌,但是他们也需以恰当的速度进行轮抽。向牌手申明,他们需将待抓的牌和已抓的牌分开。在抽每包牌之间,牌手会有更多的时间来检视已经抓到的牌。关于时间的说明,详见附录B。\\ The last part about pick order is to deal with double-faced cards. Let’s say player 5 is waiting to pick based on player X’s pick. If X is from 2 to 4, 5 picks first. If X is from 6 to 8, X picks first. If X = 1, then X picks first.\\ 关于抽牌顺序的说明,是为了避免双面牌带来的问题。假设牌手5在基于牌手X的选择来抽牌。如果X在2到4之间,那么牌手5先决定要抽的牌。如果X在6到8之间,X先决定要抽的牌。如果X是1,那么X先决定要抽的牌。\\ ++ **After the first pack is drafted and the review period completed, players open the next pack and draft in the same fashion, except that the direction of drafting is reversed—it now proceeds to the right. This process is repeated, reversing the direction of drafting for each booster pack until all cards in all booster packs are drafted.**\\ **在第一包补充包轮抽完毕,检视时间结束之后,所有牌手打开下一包补充包,并以相同的方式进行轮抽,不过轮抽的方向要逆转——现在将补充包向右边传。重复此过程,每开一包新的补充包就逆转一次轮抽方向,直到所有补充包中的所有牌都轮抽完毕为止。**\\ **If a player is unable or unwilling to continue drafting, but wishes to remain in the tournament, they are suspended from drafting and must construct a deck from whatever cards they have drafted thus far. For the remainder of the draft, their picks are skipped and the draft continues with one fewer player.**\\ ++如果有牌手无法或不愿继续进行轮抽,但仍希望能继续参加比赛的,则他会自本次轮抽过程中停权,且必须从自己已抽到的牌当中构组出一副套牌。在当前补充包轮抽剩下的过程,会略过该牌手的抽选,且轮抽以少一位牌手的状况继续。|\\ It is very rare to see “unable or unwilling” being applied. If they are disqualified during a draft, the draft continues and skips over that seat.\\ 很少遇到“无法或不愿意”的情况。如果他们在轮抽过程中被取消资格,轮抽将继续并在经过该位置时略过。\\ ++ [[:MTR:6|第六章 - 构筑赛制规则]] | [[:MTR|返回MTR目录]] | [[:MTR:8|第八章 - 团队赛规则]] {{page>:规则和文档索引&nofooter}}