[[:MTR:9|第九章 - 双头巨人赛规则]] | [[:MTR|返回MTR目录]] ====== MTR 10. 认证规则 ====== ===== MTR 10.1 Participation Minimums 参赛人数下限 ===== **Participation minimums for a tournament to be sanctioned as a rated tournament are as follows:**\\ **可获认证为积分赛的比赛之参赛人数下限如下所述:** * For individual tournaments, a minimum of four (4) players must participate. * 在个人赛中,至少须有四(4)位牌手参赛。 * For team and Two-Headed Giant tournaments, a minimum of four (4) teams must participate. * 在团队赛和双头巨人赛中,至少须有四(4)支队伍参赛。 **Certain Premier tournaments (e.g, Regional Championship Qualifiers) require a higher minimum number of players.**\\ **某些重要比赛(例如,区域冠军赛预选赛)需要达到更高的参赛人数下限。**\\ **If the participation minimum is not met, the tournament is no longer DCI-sanctioned. If participation minimums are not met for any DCI-sanctioned tournament, the Tournament Organizer should report the tournament as “Did Not Occur.”**\\ **若参赛人数未达下限,该比赛便不再属于DCI认证的比赛。若某个DCI认证的比赛未达参赛人数下限,其主办人必须向DCI回报该比赛「未举办(Did Not Occur)」。** ===== MTR 10.2 Number of Rounds 对局轮数 ===== **The minimum number of rounds required for a tournament to be sanctioned as a rated tournament is as follows:**\\ **若要将比赛认证为积分赛,则所要求的局数下限如下所述:** * For individual tournaments, a minimum of three (3) rounds * 在个人赛中,至少进行三(3)轮对局。 * For team and Two-Headed Giant tournaments, a minimum of two (2) rounds * 在团队赛和双头巨人赛中,至少进行两(2)轮对局。 **If the minimum number of rounds is not met, the tournament is no longer DCI-sanctioned. If the minimum number of rounds is not met for any DCI-sanctioned, rated tournament, the Tournament Organizer should report the tournament as “Did Not Occur.”**\\ **若对局轮数未达下限,该比赛便不再属于DCI认证的比赛。若某个DCI认证的积分赛未达对局轮数下限,其主办人必须将该比赛回报为「未举办(Did Not Occur)」。** **The number of rounds should be announced at or before the beginning of the first round; once announced, it cannot be changed. A variable number of rounds can be announced instead, with specific criteria for ending the tournament. For example, a tournament with 20 players can be announced as five rounds unless only one player has four match wins after four rounds.**\\ **本次比赛所需要进行的对局轮数应在第一局开始之时或之前宣布;一旦宣布了相关事宜,便不得再更改。主办人可改为宣布一个非特定数目的局数,并附上结束比赛的特定条件。举例来说,在一场有20位牌手参加的比赛中,可宣布除非四轮对局后仅有一位牌手获得四胜,否则就需进行五局对局。** **The recommended number of rounds for Swiss tournaments can be found in Appendix E.**\\ **在使用瑞士氏交叉赛程的比赛中所推荐的对局轮数可在附录E中找到。** ===== MTR 10.3 Invitation-Only Tournaments 只对受邀牌手开放的比赛 ===== **Invitation-only tournaments have additional qualification criteria for player participation. The invitation list for Premier tournaments is defined in the Magic: The Gathering Premier Tournament Invitation Policy. Tournament Organizers may hold and sanction invitation-only non-Premier tournaments, as long as they are sanctioned as a Magic Premium Series.**\\ **只对受邀牌手开放的比赛对于牌手的参赛有额外的资格要求。重要比赛的邀请名单之确定于《万智牌重要比赛邀请方针》中详述。比赛主办人可以举办并认证非重要的邀请赛,但需认证为万智牌重要赛事。** ===== MTR 10.4 Pairing Algorithm 配对算法 ===== **Unless otherwise announced, tournaments are assumed to follow the Swiss pairing algorithm. Some tournaments may proceed to single-elimination playoff rounds between the top 2, 4, or 8 (or other number) players after the Swiss rounds are over. The Swiss pairing algorithm is modified in Booster Draft tournaments as explained in section 7.6.**\\ **除非宣布了其他配对方案,否则都认为所举办的比赛遵从瑞士式交叉赛程的配对算法。某些比赛可在瑞士式轮结束之后接着进行在头2、4、8(或其他数字)位牌手之间进行单淘汰决胜轮的对局。在补充包轮抽赛制中,瑞士式交叉赛程配对算法依第7.6节中所述进行了修正。** **At Pro Tour and World Championship tournaments, competitors are advanced to the playoff rounds before the end of the Swiss rounds (and receive byes for the remaining Swiss rounds) if they have achieved the announced number of match points required to advance to the playoff rounds. In this case, competitors in the Top 8 playoff are seeded in order from 1st through 8th. Seeding is determined by:**\\ **在专业赛和世界冠军赛上,会事先宣布进入决胜轮所需的对局积分,选手在瑞士式轮阶段结束前获得相应的对局积分即可晋级决胜轮(并在后续的瑞士式轮次中获得轮空)。在这种情况下,进入前8名决胜轮的选手会按照第1名至第8名进行排名。排名顺序根据以下原则确定:**\\ * The round in which a competitor received the required number of match points to advance to the playoff rounds.\\ * 选手在获得了能够晋级决胜轮所需的对局积分的轮次。\\ * Their opponents’ match-win percentage, the competitor’s game-win percentage, and their opponents’ game-win percentage as of the round in which they receive the required number of match points to advance to the playoff rounds.\\ * 选手在获得了能够晋级决胜轮所需的对局积分的轮次中达到的对手局胜率,选手的盘胜率,以及选手的对手盘胜率。\\ * Seeding for the Top 8 playoff is locked after each round in which a competitor receives the required number of match points to advance to the playoff rounds.\\ * 在每个有选手获得足够对局积分以晋级决胜轮的轮次结束后,这些晋级选手的前8名决胜轮排名即会被锁定。 **For constructed tournaments that have a single-elimination playoff (or Sealed Deck tournaments that do not use a Booster Draft for the playoff), the recommended pairing method is to pair the playoff players by the final Swiss standings.**\\ **对于需进行单淘汰决胜轮的构筑赛制比赛(或未在决胜轮中进行补充包轮抽的现开赛制比赛)而言,在此建议根据瑞士轮末的最终排名来为参加决胜轮的牌手进行配对。** **For an 8-player playoff, the 1st place player plays the 8th place player, the 2nd place player plays the 7th place player, the 3rd place player plays the 6th place player, and the 4th place player plays the 5th place player. The winners of the 1st/8th place and 4th/5th place matches play each other in the next round of the playoff. The winners of the 2nd/7th place and 3rd/6th place matches play each other in the next round of the playoff. The remaining players play in the last round of the playoff.**\\ **如决胜轮有8位牌手参加,则第1名牌手对上第8名,第2名对上第7名,第3名对上第6名,第4名对上第5名。第1名与第8名比赛的胜者将在次局与第4名和第5名比赛的胜者交手。第2名与第7名比赛的胜者将在次局与第3名和第6名比赛的胜者交手。这两场对局的胜者将在决胜轮的最后一局对阵。** {{ :mtr:10.1.png |}} **For a 4-player playoff, the 1st place player plays the 4th place player, and the 2nd place player plays the 3rd place player. The remaining players play in the last round of the playoff.**\\ **对于有4位牌手参加的决胜轮而言,第1名牌手与第4名牌手对阵,第2名牌手与第3名牌手对阵。这两场对局的胜者将在决胜轮的最后一局对阵。** {{ :mtr:10.2.png |}} **For Limited tournaments that have a single-elimination Booster Draft playoffs, it is recommend that only an 8-player playoff is run using the following method described below.**\\ **对于决胜轮采用单淘汰补充包轮抽的限制赛制比赛而言,在此建议决胜轮一律由8位牌手参加,且依照下文叙述的方式进行。** **Use a random method to seat players around the draft table and conduct the draft.**\\ **使用随机方式将牌手安排在轮抽桌边依次就坐,进行轮抽。** {{ :mtr:10.3.png |}} **After the draft has concluded, the player in seat 1 plays the player in seat 5, the player in seat 2 plays the player in seat 6, the player in seat 3 plays the player in seat 7, and the player in seat 4 plays the player in seat 8. The winners of the seat 1/5 and the 3/7 matches play each other in the next round of the playoff. The winners of the seat 2/6 and the seat 4/8 matches play each other in the next round of the playoff. The remaining players play in the last round of the playoff.**\\ **在轮抽结束后,座号为1的牌手与座号为5的牌手进行对局,座号为2的牌手与座号为6的牌手进行对局,座号为3的牌手与座号为7的牌手进行对局,座号为4的牌手与座号为8的牌手进行对局。座号1/5对局的胜者与座号3/7对局的胜者在决胜轮次轮进行对局。座号2/6对局的胜者与座号4/8对局的胜者在决胜轮次轮进行对局。这两场对局的胜者将在决胜轮的最后一局对阵。** {{ :mtr:10.4.png |}} **For most Premier Events, the playoff options above are required, not optional.**\\ **在大多数重要比赛中,必须执行上述决胜轮程序,比赛不得选择不进行决胜轮。** **Premier Events include the following tournaments: Magic: The Gathering World Championship, Pro Tour, Pro Tour Qualifier, Spotlight Series, Regional Championship, and Regional Championship Qualifier.**\\ **下列比赛属于重要比赛:万智牌世界冠军赛、大师赛、大师赛预选赛、Spotlight系列赛、区域冠军赛、区域冠军赛预选赛。** [[:MTR:9|第九章 - 双头巨人赛规则]] | [[:MTR|返回MTR目录]] {{page>:规则和文档索引&nofooter}}