====== 裁判学院问与答 ====== [[https://blogs.magicjudges.org/greaterchina/2019/07/29/%e8%a3%81%e5%88%a4%e5%ad%a6%e9%99%a2%e9%97%ae%e4%b8%8e%e7%ad%94/|原文]] | [[:judgeacademy:portal|返回裁判学院信息集合]] 问:Judge Academy(下译:裁判学院)是什么? 答:裁判学院是一个为了训练及认证赛制工作人员所创立的公司。我们的初期客户将是威世智及万智牌裁判组织。我们正与其许多其他公司—包含桌上竞技及线上—进行沟通并希望能加上更多合作伙伴及机会。 问:裁判学院的员工有谁? 答:裁判学院由 Tim Shields 所创立,而现在的员工有:Nicolette Apraez —万智牌的组织经理;Megan Holden—专案经理;Kyle Knudsen—资深项目经理;Chris Pompeo—技术项目经理和 Eric Reasoner—商业发展负责人。我们同时也将会有十位社群经理,如后列。 问:这将会从什么时候开始? 答:裁判学院将会于 2019 年十月 1 日开始运作。 问:裁判学院会提供哪些区域服务。 答:最终,我们将会服务全世界的裁判。在一开始,我们将会服务日本、大部分的欧洲及全部的美国和加拿大。我们将会尽快加上其他区域。 我们会从四个主要区域开始,其中两个会再细分—加拿大和日本将会作为独立区域运作,而美国及欧洲会被再分成小区。 问:为什么不在一开始就包括全世界? 答:要开始一个国际公司会有很多问题。我们决定的优先顺序来自于平衡法律问题、有可信赖的邮务系统、区域内万智牌的人口,以及现今这些区域内裁判的密度。在开始运作之际,我们将能服务到超过 75% 的裁判。剩余尚未提供服务的区域将依然会是我们的首要目标,而我们并没有抛下这些区域,只是单纯无法再开始运作之际建议法律上的管道。我们正在努力确保这些尚未提供服务的区域在转换期间能持续进行裁判会议及其它。 问:所以其他区域何时会上线? 答:虽然我们还并没有具体的时间表,我们正努力尽快加入所有的区域。这是我们优先要做的事,而我们也正在克服法律及物流上的问题以确保我们有个单一且全球的组织。 问:谁将会是新组织的领导者? 答:组织日常的运作将会由 Nicolette Apraez 进行,有 6 个极富经验的裁判做为我们的顾问,且全世界不同区域将有 10 个社群经理。我们将会在扩张支 持加进新的成员。 问:顾问有哪些? 答:我们的顾问委员会有: * Alfonso Bueno – 三级裁判,西班牙 * Jon Goud – 三级裁判,加拿大 * Damián Hiller – 三级裁判,阿根廷 * Bryan Prillaman – 三级裁判,美国 * Rob McKenzie – 三级裁判,美国 * Johanna Virtanen – 三级裁判,芬兰 问:顾问要做什么? 答:顾问是一群有经验的高阶万智牌裁判,将提供裁判学院在作为全球组织支持万智牌及其他游戏困难问题上的意见。 问:各个区域的社群经理将会是谁? 答:各个区域的社群经理如下。他们将会从公司开始运作的十月 1 日起开始工作。如果你在那之前需要任何协助,现在的区域负责人将会是你的首要联络人。 * 加拿大 – Kaitlin McLachlan * 日本 – Ron Foster * 美国西区 – Chris Higashi (USA-Northwest/Southwest) * 美国南区 – Nicholas Zitomer (USA-South/Southeast) * 美国东区 – Eric Dustin Brown (USA-Northeast/MidAtlantic) * 美国中西区 – Eric Levine (USA-North/Central/Great Lakes) * 欧洲南区 – Cristiana Dionisio (PT, ES, IT, MT, GR) * 欧洲北区 – Jack Doyle (UK, IE, DK, EE, FI, IS, LV, LT, NO, SE) * 欧洲中区 – Stefan Ladstätter (AT, DE, CH, CZ, HU, PL, SK, SI) * 欧洲西区 – Sophie Pagès (FR, BE, LU, NL) 问:社群经理要做什么? 答:社群经理将帮助区域内的裁判成长及发长。他们会作为资讯的枢纽,包括向本地裁判宣传裁判学院,并未区域内裁判的需求及反馈发声。他们也同时会帮助确保会议如期举办并安排相关训练。 问:级别还会存在吗? 答:在开始运作之时我们将会有规则顾问和一级二级及三级裁判。这些级别创造的的目的在于组织中的每个人都应该可以以他们认为最合理的方式成为组织内的一员。 规则顾问将会作为一级裁判的垫脚石,或是一个告诉玩家及赛事主办人已经通过万智牌完整规则的证明。这个认证将会是全规则导向,因为并非所有人都有时间去熟练运作赛事的错综复杂。 一级裁判当然可以回答规则顾问所能回答的规则问题及其他。他们也具有运作赛制的知识,以及在问题及错误发生时依据一般级别守则做出判断。一级裁判跟规则顾问最大的差别在于帮助创造一场很棒比赛的软技巧。一级裁判会接受排解冲突、实际演练、服务的态度、组织机能及其他的训练。一级裁判目标是成为本地友善店家碰到问题时会找的人,并可以组织一场有趣且令人难忘的赛制。 二级裁判是基于一级裁判并延伸至本地友善店家以外及竞争级别。二级裁判被预期能成为区内的辅导者及领导者。他们会享受持续精进自己的客户服务能力及接受在较大比赛中执法的训练。他们将会帮助培育一级裁判,也代表了在万智节及其他大型赛事中大部分的巡场裁判。 三级裁判是精选组织赛事及区内裁判社群的专家。他们一般参与更大区域的赛事,并培育组长或在主要赛事中担任主审,并提供其他裁判反馈以供其成长。 问:我能保留我现在的裁判级别吗? 答:可以!现在表现良好的裁判将会在加入裁判学院后保留原本的裁判级别。由于对客户服务的要求增加,一级裁判将被要求参加一些额外的训练以保留裁判级别,而二级和三即将可以直接保留。另外裁判将需缴交年度的会员费以完成级别的转移。我们跟现在负责级别的项目讨论过,而为了转移上的方便,我们决定现在不会改变任何二级及三级的条件,除了所有级别的裁判从 2020 年开始每年都需要接受更新靠考试。我们正在设定考试前的要求并持续二级以上裁判的培训,但需要确保有时间来妥善的评估并与 PC 和级别合作。 现在及过去的三级裁判:我们了解完成三级考试所投入的时间及努力,裁判学院中主动退休或因为活动不足的裁判将会被给予“荣誉”的标签。荣誉裁判可以在五年内借由修正版的考试清单重新考试。这也同样适用于过去曾为三级裁判而选择加入裁判学院的裁判们。 问:你刚刚提到会员费? 答:裁判将会依据他们的级别缴交会员费(单位为美元) * 规则顾问 – 免费或 $50 * 一级裁判 – $100 * 二级裁判 – $200 * 三级裁判 – $400 缴交会员费的规则顾问将能收到裁判学院的游戏周边,可能包括牌套、牌垫、牌盒等。 * 一级裁判将会收到裁判闪卡及其他东西。 * 二级裁判将会收到额外的裁判闪卡及其他东西。 * 三级裁判将会收到额外的裁判闪卡及其他东西。 问:好,那我何时需要缴交会员费? 答:裁判登记将从 2019 年十月 1 日开始。在 2019 年十月 1 日到 2019 年十一月 1 日间完成会员要求的裁判将会在2019 年十一月 15 日收到在 2020 闪卡外额外一套闪卡。 问:裁判闪会变成什么样? 答:从 2020 年开始,每年将会有 10 张裁判闪卡,其中两张将会限定在会议及特殊活动中发放。其他的 8 张将会分两波各 4 张于每年的一月及七月发放。 每个表现良好的在每轮都会收到与级别相称的闪卡。 * 一级裁判—每轮每种 1 张,每轮 4 张;一年总共 8 张。 * 二级裁判—每轮每种 2 张,每轮 8 张;一年总共 16 张。 * 三级裁判—每轮每种 4 张,每轮 16 张;一年总共 32 张。 裁判会员资格维持一年,所以每个裁判在每一年的会员中都会收到两次东西。 Q – Why are there membership dues? A – Membership dues allow us to set up Judge Academy for current and future success as a program and company. They help the program in two main categories: covering structural costs, and supporting community initiatives. From a structure standpoint, they will provide us with full-time staff to manage and grow the program, contracted Community Managers, and all of the necessary support structure such as attorneys, accountants, and the like. We will also be continually hiring community members to help expanding the content and training on our site. We are also creating a budget for community initiatives. This includes everything from snacks and venue budgets for conferences, to a technology budget for CMs to spend on their region without it coming out of their own pockets. The program takes a ton of resources to run, but every set of dues means we are one step closer to being able to create new initiatives for the program, new features for JudgeAcademy.com, and additional CMs or other support roles. Q – How is the learning structured? A – The concept of a checklist or set of requirements will be handled in a very visual sense in the skill tree system we are designing. A Judge will able to very clearly visualize their learning and advancement pathway as they move through the program. As requirements for advancement are completed, Judges will see those modules colored in on their skill trees, and earn badges signifying their accomplishments. Q – What do I have to do to get access to the lessons? A – Nothing, to start! Everyone will have access to the RA and L1 lessons. L1s will have access to additional material that’s designed to bolster their customer service skills, and/or prepare them for L2 (if they desire). Similarly for L2. Then L3 will have access to more refined lessons that focus on leadership and continuing education. Q – Why does everyone have access to the Rules Advisor and L1 lessons? A – The material covered in these lessons will be Sportsmanship, Conflict Resolution, Creating Welcoming Environments, and more. We believe in the importance of these skills and want everyone to be aware of how to create awesome gaming communities. We will strongly encourage everyone to join us by viewing and sharing the material. Even if one decides Judging isn’t for them, we hope they’ll still come away with some tools to help their community. Q – Wait, so to become a Judge all I need to do is watch some videos and take a few tests? A – Not so fast. There’s a little more to it than that. The online lessons are important, but so is practical experience and community involvement. When possible, we will require prospective L1s to have spent time shadowing and then running an event with an L2 or higher. That Judge will then endorse the prospective L1 to us. Once they have the endorsement, have taken all the online lessons, and passed all applicable tests, then they will be a Judge Academy Certified Level 1 Judge! Q – As an L1, what kinds of lessons will I have to do to keep my level? A – If you are an L1, you have already been tested on Rules and the JAR. Lessons will focus on Hosting, Demoing, Conflict Resolution, Maintaining Store Relationships, Public Speaking, and more. Some skills we intend to add to the repertoire of the L1 and some skills we aim to bolster or refine. Q – I’m a current Judge; does this mean I am employee of Judge Academy now? A – Definitely not. We are a training and accreditation service, not an employer or a staffing agency. Event organizers and Judges will be able to find each other on our site, but all employment arrangements will be private and between them. Q – What about conferences? A – Conferences are here to stay. We believe that conferences are critical to Judge communities and individual Judge development. We are putting a special emphasis on the structure of and participation in conferences. Judges will be strongly encouraged to attend conferences in their area, and those conferences will be foil-supported. This will begin in 2020. Wizards Conference support as it exists now, will continue through Dec. 31. Q – What will happen to out of service areas? A – As I mentioned, we are working hard to ensure that the transition period is as short and seamless as possible. However, any gap is too long of a gap, and we want to make sure we continue to foster the judge community in those areas as best we can in the meantime. This means finding answers to questions in a few main areas: Event Staffing Technology, Certifications, and Conferences. Technology: Since we have no ownership over JudgeApps, this isn’t really our question to answer, but we know JudgeApps is important to many people. Technology is important to us as well, and we are working hard to ensure JudgeAcademy.com has all the necessary features it needs to be the hub for all Judge activity in incorporated regions starting Oct 1. As the PCs have stated, out of service areas will not lose access to JudgeApps during this transition. Certifications: When Judge Academy launches, we will certify judges in the areas where we do business. We are committed to respecting Magic Judges’ certifications that exist as we launch in each area. Currently, JudgeApps is the system that keeps Judges’ certification level and creates the opportunity to test for new levels. We’ve spoken to the PCs and the Technology Sphere Lead (Paul Baranay), who plan on maintaining judges level records in JudgeApps and are looking into ways to continue supporting new level testing in all areas not yet served by Judge Academy. So if you are mentoring someone right now, don’t stop! Once we have expanded globally, all certifications will go through JudgeAcademy.com. Conferences: We will be working with a separate non-profit in order to ensure that educational conferences continue in out-of-service areas. These conferences will be foil supported through Judge Academy until we can expand into that area. Realistically, we know there’s still more to figure out regarding out-of-service areas, and we will share additional information as soon as we can so that you can prepare for Oct 1. Q – What about Facebook, etc. A – You can find us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Discord all under JudgeAcademy. Q – What about Reviews? A – Our site will have a function where Judges will be able to give private feedback on other Judges. These reviews will only be visible by the creator, the recipient, Regional CMs, and the JudgeAcademy staff. Q – What’s happening with Exemplar? A – The Exemplar Program will be taking a hiatus after Wave 18 to do some introspection and data aggregation. You can read Bryan’s announcement here. We understand the importance of Peer-to-Peer recognitions, and want to figure out how to incorporate a way to highlight excellent behaviors in the program. More details to follow! Q – Who will shape future tournament policy (MTR, IPG) A – Tournament policy will continue to be created by Wizards of the Coast, and their contractors. Q – What about Scorekeepers and other event staff? Will they be part of the new structure? A – Yes we will be developing training materials and tests for as many of the skills that are necessary for Organized Play as possible. This includes Scorekeeping, Streaming Video and more. We are still working out the details to determine how this will fit into a learning tree or level structure. Q – What about projects? A – Most projects will continue to exist as they are now. If you want to start a project or a blog, there will be forums where you can request help, and you don’t need anyone’s permission to be awesome. What IS changing, is that responsibility for some of the high workload or sensitive topics (JCC/PIC, Official Translations, Exams) will now fall to Judge Academy or Wizards to handle. That said, we are a small workforce and we WILL need help. The details aren’t 100% fleshed out yet, but if something is integral to our success (an exam translation or Level 3 Panels, for example) AND we need to ask non-employees for help, we intend to pay people for their effort. Q – What will happen with Grand Prix Head Judge Certifications? We are still working out the details, but we will have some form of certification for head judging large premier events. Q – What kind of conduct oversight will there be? Will there be a Judge Conduct Committee? A – There will be a process for reviewing reports and ensuring misconduct is dealt with. Q – Will we get new Judge shirts? A – There will be Judge shirts available moving forward, but we do not have additional details at this time. Q – Are you supporting any other games at launch? A – Yes indeed! We are very pleased to announce our partnership with Asmodee to build a Judge program for their very popular card game KeyForge. Asmodee has big plans for KeyForge and needs excellent Judges around the world to help them create amazing events. We are building the courses and curricula similarly to what we are doing with Magic. Soon you could be a Level 1 KeyForge Judge in addition to your current Magic level! Q – Why are there other games? A – We know that Judges are highly-skilled individuals with tons to offer other games. As we onboard new brands, the opportunities for Judges will expand greatly. By bringing together excellent Judges with more games, new employment opportunities will open up to Judges, and the standards for the experience for players of those games will be enhanced. We are eager to introduce additional games to the standards that Magic Judges have brought to events around the world. We believe in the power of Judges to make any community stronger, more inviting, and more fun. Q – I understand the future, but why the change? A – The members behind Judge Academy have been part of the Magic Judge community for years. We have watched the program grow and evolve through every iteration. We have watched this community grow bigger and greater than any of us could have ever imagined. As this community continues to grow and improve, one of the biggest challenges is finding the resources to continue to make necessary improvements. We believe that it will be easier for a single entity to be able to secure the resources to allow this community to be able to continue on a path that we all can be proud of. Q – Do I have to do anything right now? A – Not really! You can click ‘back’ and sign up for our mailing list, and follow us on the various social platforms. If you have any questions that we didn’t answer here, please feel free to shoot us a message. We hope to have more details soon!