[[:IPG:4.5|4.5. 举止违背运动道德~攻击性举止]] | [[:IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:IPG:4.7|4.7. 举止违背运动道德~拖延]] ====== 4.6 Theft of Tournament Materials 窃取比赛用品 ====== Penalty 处罚 ===== DEFINITION 定义 ===== **A player steals materials from the tournament, including but not limited to cards or tournament equipment.**\\ ++牌手偷拿比赛物品,例如牌或是比赛的配备。|\\ Whether you derive your moral system from the laws of your local jurisdiction, the Ten Commandments, or the Code of Hammurabi, you probably already know that stealing is unacceptable behavior. This type of conduct is just as intolerable at Magic tournaments as it is among society at large. There is a clear line here; in order to receive this penalty, the theft must be of materials from the tournament. Theft of an enrolled player’s EDH deck from his backpack is not Theft of Tournament Material. It is still unacceptable though. Stealing is wrong. Didn’t your mom ever teach you that?\\ 不管你来自哪里,信仰为何,当地法律如何,偷窃都是不可接受的行为。这一类行为在万智牌比赛中是不能被容忍的,正如在整个社会之中一样。给出此判罚的依据是偷窃的物品必须是比赛用品。从参赛牌手的背包里偷他的指挥官套牌并不是偷窃比赛用品(即使这一行为也是不可接受的)。偷窃是错误的行为,难道你老妈没教过你这个吗?\\ ++ ===== EXAMPLES 范例 ===== **A. A player steals cards from the sideboard of their opponent.**\\ **A. 牌手偷拿对手备牌里的牌。**\\ **B. A player steals the table number from a table.**\\ ++B. 牌手偷拿桌号牌。|\\ If a table number is missing, odds are it’s number 69 or 420.\\ 如果有桌号丢了,说不定丢的是69号(你懂的)或者420号(隐晦地指代大麻)。\\ ++\\ **C. A player realizes they have a previous opponent’s card, but they hide it instead of telling a tournament official.**\\ ++C. 牌手发现他误拿了前一位对手的牌,却没有告诉比赛工作人员而藏起来。|\\ Example C makes it clear that players who did not intentionally set out to steal something may still end up committing this infraction through later inaction. A phenomenon that’s as old as Magic is players forgetting to give their opponents back a creature they took with Control Magic, and instead accidentally scooping and shuffling it in. Doing this is not a problem in and of itself, provided that the player gives the card back or otherwise calls a judge as soon as he or she notices the issue. However, a player noticing that she still accidentally has her last round opponent’s Thragtusk in her deck and choosing to stay quiet about it is a big problem, and still meets the definition of this infraction. Think of it as a form of “passive theft.”\\ 例子C说明牌手即使不是故意要偷窃他人物品也可能因为不作为而触犯违规。自从万智牌问世以来,就经常出现牌手忘记将他们使用魔法操控术操控的生物还给对手,而是不小心洗入自己的套牌这样的问题。只要牌手发现后立刻把牌还回去或者呼叫裁判解决,它并不是个问题。然而牌手注意到她意外的获得了上一轮对手的犄牙兽但选择保持沉默,就会是一个大问题,也符合此违规的定义。这可以被认为是一种“被动偷窃”。\\ ++ ===== PHILOSOPHY 原则 ===== **Players enter a tournament expecting that their materials will be protected. This does not absolve the players from their responsibility to keep an eye on their possessions, but they should expect to be able to retain the product they began with or were given for the tournament. Other instances of theft not involving tournament materials are the responsibility of the Tournament Organizer, though judges are encouraged to help in any way possible.**\\ ++牌手加入比赛之后,他们的物品就应该受到保护。|\\ As the saying goes, your rights end where others’ begin. Players have a right to their own stuff, and thus you have no right to take it. We shouldn’t actually need the IPG to tell us this much.\\ 亚伯拉罕林肯有句名言:“你有挥舞拳头的自由,但一旦碰到了我的鼻子,此自由将被终止。”牌手对他们的物品享有所有权,而他人无权拿走。我们不需要IPG来告诉我们这一点。\\ ++ ++这并不是免除牌手留意自我财物的责任;但他们必须能够保有开赛时的产品,或是给他们比赛用的物品。|\\ Thievery is an ever-present concern, and keeping an eye on one’s own stuff is important. Despite constant reminders from judges, Tournament Organizers, and here even the IPG itself, it’s rare to get through a large tournament without at least a few players’ weekends getting ruined by stolen bags. While judges should remain vigilant for thieves, players are ultimately responsible for their own possessions.\\ 盗窃问题始终应当注意,看管好自己的物品是很重要的。尽管裁判和比赛组织者常常提醒,甚至IPG也载明,大赛中仍然总是会有一些牌手不幸被偷走东西。尽管裁判应当保持对小偷的警惕,保管自己物品责任终究还是在牌手自己。\\ ++ ++其他未牵涉比赛物品的偷窃,便是比赛承办人的责任,裁判也要尽量提供帮助。|\\ This sentence is a little tricky. What happens if a player steals a bag of trade binders, but not a player’s deck? Technically, this is not actually Theft of Tournament Materials, although the outcome (the removal of the player from your tournament) has more-or-less the same consequences. If theft is brought to a judge’s attention, the judge should involve the Tournament Organizer. They will deal with removing the individual from the store, or handling police involvement. In such a case, this information still really ought to be reported to the Investigation Committee through that handy-dandy “Investigations” tab in the Judge Center. For all intents and purposes, a player stealing a bag should be handled in the same way as one who has committed this infraction.\\ 这句话有些微妙。如果一个牌手偷了牌册而不是套牌,理论上讲这确实不是窃取比赛用品,尽管结果(将该牌手驱离赛场)几乎是相同的。如果裁判注意到偷窃行为,应当告知比赛组织者。他们会负责将偷窃者驱离赛场,或者协助警方介入。在这种情况中,仍然应当将信息通过裁判中心的“调查”标签页报告给调查委员会。不论牌手的意图和目的是什么,偷东西的行为都应当按照触犯此违规来处理。\\ Furthermore, judges are not law enforcement - the term “any way possible” should not include detaining the offender, tarring-and-feathering him, or leaving him tied up in the parking lot of the Gotham City Policy Department. Let’s leave the vigilante justice to the superheroes.\\ 此外,裁判不是司法部门,“任何方式”不应当包括拘留偷窃者,折磨拷问他,或者像蝙蝠侠那样把他锁在高谭市警察局的停车场。让我们把社会义务治安官的任务交给超级英雄们吧。\\ ++ ===== ADDITIONAL REMEDY 进一步的修正 ===== **The offender should be asked to leave the venue by the organizer.**\\ ++比赛主办人必须要求该牌手离开赛场。|\\ Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Buh-bye. You get nothing. Make like a tree and split. I may be mixing my metaphors.\\ 游戏结束了,请他们离开吧。就酱!\\ ++ [[:IPG:4.5|4.5. 举止违背运动道德~攻击性举止]] | [[:IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:IPG:4.7|4.7. 举止违背运动道德~拖延]] {{page>:规则和文档索引&nofooter}}