[[:IPG:4.3|4.3. 举止违背运动道德~不当决定胜方]] | [[:IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:IPG:4.5|4.5. 举止违背运动道德~攻击性举止]] ====== 4.4 Bribery and Wagering 贿赂与赌博 ====== Penalty 处罚 ===== DEFINITION 定义 ===== **A player offers an incentive to entice an opponent into conceding, drawing, or changing the results of a match, encourages such an offer, or accepts such an offer. Refer to section 5.2 of the Magic Tournament Rules for a more detailed description of what constitutes bribery.**\\ ++牌手提供奖励来诱使对手认输、约和,或改变对局结果,牌手鼓动此类行为,或是接受对方提出的此类条件。若想知道贿赂的详细定义与构成要素,请参照《万智牌比赛规则》第 5.2 节的详细叙述。|\\ Where the IPG says “refer to the Magic Tournament Rules,” it means “everything on the subject of Bribery besides the penalty is in the MTR.” So let's summarize the key points here (please refer to the MTR for full details on the subject). Full articles have been written on what is/is not legal. We are only summarizing here.\\ IPG提到“请参照《万智牌比赛规则》中的叙述”,表示“除判罚外,任何关于贿赂的内容都在MTR中”。我们来总结一下这些叙述中的关键部分(全文请参照MTR中的相关条款)。关于什么是合法的、什么是不合法的,也有专门的文章进行叙述。这里只是进行简单地总结。\\ Dropping, conceding, or agreeing to an intentional draw must not be done in exchange for any sort of reward or incentive. Statements like “I’ll scoop to you if I get your FNM promo,” or, “Hey, If I make it into the Top 8, I’ll be in the money, and I can be pretty generous” are unacceptable. “Hey, I'm hungry, let's intentionally draw so we can go get some food before the next round” is not an offer or an incentive, and as such is acceptable.\\ 弃权、投降或者约和都不能以任何形式的奖励或诱因来交换。类似“把你的FNM闪卡给我,我就投给你”或者“嘿,如果我打入八强,我进钱圈了,我可以很慷慨哦!”的言论都是不可接受的。“嘿,我饿了,我们约和吧,这样我们可以在下一轮开始前吃点东西”不是奖励或者诱因,所以是可接受的。\\ Players can agree to split prizes before or during a match, so long as doing so isn't conditional on a match result.\\ 只要不是用以交换游戏或对局的结果,牌手可以在对局开始前或对局进行中同意分配奖品。\\ In the Finals, there is an exception to the Bribery rules that allow players to divide prizes as they wish, so long as it does not include incentives outside of the prize pool. If the final has a prize that is not divisible, like a Pro Tour Invite, then the player who does not receive the “award” prize must drop from the tournament - not concede, but drop.\\ 在决赛中,规则有一个例外条款,允许牌手按他们的意愿分配奖品,只要这不涉及到奖品池之外的奖励。如果决赛有不能被分割的奖励,例如PT邀请资格,则没有得到此奖励的牌手必须退赛——不是投降,而是退赛。\\ Players can use information regarding the results of another match to determine if they want to offer to intentionally draw. However, they cannot consult those other matches, or reach an agreement with them.\\ 牌手可以利用其它对局的信息来决定他们是否约和。但是他们不能对其他对局提出建议,或者与其他对局的牌手达成协议。\\ In some events, during the single elimination, the players may decide to split all the prizes evenly. This requires the Tournament Organizer’s agreement, and must be unanimous amongst the players. \\ 在某些比赛中,单淘赛阶段牌手可以决定将所有奖品平分。这必须得到比赛主办人的同意,并且必须得到所有牌手的同意。\\ ++ **Wagering occurs when a player or spectator at a tournament places or offers to place a bet on the outcome of a tournament, match or any portion of a tournament or match. The wager does not need to be monetary, nor is it relevant if a player is not betting on their own match.**\\ ++赌博指的是比赛的牌手或是观众对比赛的结果、对局或是比赛和对局的任何部分来下注或提议下注。赌博不一定只指现金形式,也不论牌手下注的是否是自己的对局。|\\ Wagering is easier to understand. If you wager on anything in the event, you are gambling, and that is not allowed in sanctioned events. Once people wager anything on the outcome of the games within the event, if judges don’t act upon that by removing the players from the event then they run the risk of damaging the image of Magic as a whole, beyond that single event. There have been cases where events like Friday Night Magic were shut down by local law enforcement because they felt it was breaking gambling laws. This is the kind of thing Wizards of the Coast doesn’t want people to think of when they think of their game.\\ 赌博理解起来就容易一些了。如果你对赛事的任何事下赌注,你就是在赌博,而这是认证比赛所不允许的。一旦人们用任何东西做赌注,来赌比赛中对局的结果,若裁判不将牌手移出比赛,便有可能伤害万智牌游戏的形象,而不仅仅是一场比赛。曾经有FNM被地方执法部门停办的案例,因为他们触犯了有关赌博的法律。威世智不愿意人们将万智牌视作赌博。\\ Wagering requires two or more people to be risking something. Offering a bounty on a player is not wagering. “I’ll give you a booster if you beat my friend” is only one person risking something, and even then they’re hoping they do have to give the booster away.\\ 赌博需要两位或更多牌手在某事上冒险。为牌手提供赏金不属于赌博。"如果你打败我的朋友,我就给你一包"只有一位牌手在冒险,而且即使如此他们也希望他们能够真的把这一包给出去。\\ ++ **If the player was aware that what they were doing was against the rules, the infraction is Unsporting Conduct — Cheating.**\\ ++若牌手知悉其所作所为乃违规行为,则属于举止违背运动道德~作弊。|\\ This infraction assumes that the player or players have no knowledge that bribery or wagering are not against the rules. Knowing it is against the rules changes the infraction to Unsporting Conduct - Cheating.\\ 这项违规假定涉事的牌手不知道赌博或贿赂是规则所不允许的。如果牌手知道,违规就变成举止违背运动道德~作弊。\\ ++ ===== EXAMPLES 范例 ===== **A. A player in a Swiss round offers their opponent $100 to concede the match.**\\ ++A. 牌手在瑞士轮的对局之中,提供100美金来让对手认输。|\\ This is an example of buying a win, and is not allowed. It’s an unfair advantage that basically would allow the person with the biggest wallet the ability to buy victories.\\ 这是一个买赢对手的例子,而这是不允许的。允许有钱人买到胜利是不公平的。\\ ++ **B. A player offers their opponent a card in exchange for a draw.**\\ ++B. 牌手愿意给对手一张牌,用以交换平手。|\\ This is an example of an incentive determining the outcome of the results. It’s not exactly as enticing as that one hundred dollar bill above, but it’s still not fair to everyone else that someone can use something else to influence the outcome of their matches.\\ 这是一个用奖励决定比赛结果的例子。这没有上个例子的100美金那么有诱惑力,但用某些东西影响比赛结果仍然是不公平的。\\ ++ **C. A player asks for a concession in exchange for a prize split.**\\ ++C. 牌手要求平分奖品来交换认输。|\\ Remember that players can agree to divide prizes — perhaps because they’re friends, or they feel bad about what happened to someone else in the event — but not if the split or exchange is contingent upon any kind of match result. Saying you will concede for a prize split is illegal. However, a legal scenario is: you offer a prize split, then, once it's accepted, you ask your opponent to concede or you concede. In this scenario, the prize split was not dependent on a concession, despite the fact that once the prize split was agreed, one player no longer wanted to play.\\ 记住牌手可以同意分配奖品。这或许是因为他们是朋友,或者他们对于他人的遭遇感到难过。但平分或交换奖品是根据任何比赛结果来决定的话则不行。牌手说他/她会为了平分奖品而认输是非法的。然而,一个合法的情况是,你提出奖品平分,然后,对手同意之后,你请你的对手投降或者你投降。在这个情形中,奖品平分不是根据认输来决定的,尽管事实上双方同意奖品平分以后,一位牌手不想继续玩了。\\ ++ **D. Two players agree that the winner of the match will be able to choose a rare card out of the other person’s deck after the match.**\\ ++D. 两位牌手同意赢得对局的人可以对手的牌库中拿走一张稀有牌。|\\ Even something like “a soda for the draw” or “a foot rub at home later” is something that’s now affecting the decisions of the players, regardless of the intent of that offer. It could be a “joke” between two players, but we’ll never know if that’s true or not.\\ 即使类似“一瓶苏打水就约和”或者“晚点回家脚底按摩”的一些提议都会影响牌手的决定,不管提议的意图如何。这可能是牌手之间在开玩笑,但我们不知道这是真的还是假的。\\ ++ **E. Two spectators place a bet on the number of games that will be needed to decide a match.**\\ ++E. 两位观众下注,赌某对局要打几盘才会结束。|\\ This is a great example of wagering that you might not have immediately thought of.\\ 这是一个很好的关于下赌注的例子。你或许不会立刻想到它。\\ ++ ===== PHILOSOPHY 原则 ===== **Bribery and wagering disrupt the integrity of the tournament and are strictly forbidden.**\\ ++贿赂和赌博会干扰比赛的公平性,必须严格禁止。|\\ By offering any incentive for the results of a match, or placing incentive on the outcome of the match, players have tainted the integrity of the event, and created an unfair play environment where results are decided by nothings other than games of Magic. Because this can be so damaging and difficult to catch, it’s penalized.\\ 为了比赛结果而提供任何奖励(贿赂),或者根据比赛结果提供奖励(赌博),牌手便玷污了比赛的公正性,并且制造了一个不公平竞赛的环境——比赛结果是根据万智牌对局之外的东西来决定的。因为这种行为伤害极大并且难以被发现,必须对其进行判罚。\\ Earlier versions of the IPG had this penalty as Disqualification because of the severity of the disruption to the integrity of the tournament, that is still the case, using Unsporting Conduct - Cheating, if the player knew bribery or wagering were against the rules. It’s a lot harder to provide education to a player unaware that a small bet or what they thought was a valid prize split is against the rules when filling out disqualification paperwork than explaining why they are receiving a match loss.\\ 这项违规的判罚在先前版本的IPG中是取消资格,其原因是这种违规对比赛公正性的影响十分严重。现在如果牌手知道贿赂或赌博是违反规则的,判罚仍然是取消资格,但使用的是举止违背运动道德~作弊。对于没有意识到赌点小钱或是自认为合法的分奖品是规则所不允许的牌手而言,向其解释为什么他们会吃到一个一局负比起直接让他们写DQ陈述更容易起到教育效果。\\ ++ [[:IPG:4.3|4.3. 举止违背运动道德~不当决定胜方]] | [[:IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:IPG:4.5|4.5. 举止违背运动道德~攻击性举止]] {{page>:规则和文档索引&nofooter}}