[[:IPG:4|4. 举止违背运动道德]] | [[:IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:IPG:4.2|4.2. 举止违背运动道德~严重]] ====== 4.1 Minor 轻微 ====== Penalty 处罚 ===== DEFINITION 定义 ===== **A player takes action that is disruptive to the tournament or its participants. It may affect the comfort level of those around the individual, but determining whether this is the case is not required.**\\ ++牌手的个人行为对比赛或是参与者产生干扰。|\\ Actions can be “disruptive” in multiple ways. We can’t write an exhaustive list of everything disruptive because every place in the world where Magic is played has its own rules for civil life. Note that we said “disruptive”, not “offensive”, although offensive statements are almost always disruptive. The IPG makes no effort to determine if a player is “offended” as that leads to inconsistent rulings and opens up the potential for players to “game the system” by pretending to be more offended than they really are. \\ 干扰行为可能是多种多样的。我们无法列出一个涵盖所有干扰行为的清单,因为全世界每一个打万智牌的地方都会有自己的文化氛围。注意,干扰并非冒犯,尽管冒犯的言论一般都是干扰性的。IPG无意去判定一个牌手是否被冒犯,因为这会导致判决的不一致,也会给予牌手利用规则的空间,假装被冒犯的程度比实际严重来使别人获得判罚。\\ The IPG is applied in the same way for all problems of this type, but each judge must determine what is acceptable or not from their own experience and judgment. \\ IPG对于所有此类问题以相同的方式适用。但是每个裁判必须根据他们的经验与判断来决定什么是可以接受的,而什么不能。\\ Participants have the responsibility to not ruin the enjoyable atmosphere of the tournament, so as judges we must take care to educate players. If Magic is to be a game where people have fun with each other, we must prevent behaviors that damage this. Our goal is to educate the players to be respectful in the tournament and to signal that certain behaviors are not acceptable. While “minor” may be in the title of the infraction, it is still a formal infraction and has an upgrade path. Do not confuse “minor” with how seriously we are to treat the issue. However, you also need to be cautious to not over-apply what is disruptive by taking the most extreme definition.\\ 参与比赛者有责任不去破坏比赛的愉快氛围,所以作为裁判必须留心教育牌手。如果我们想让万智牌成为一个人们可以与他人一起娱乐的游戏,我们必须防止做出伤害它的行为。我们的目标是教育牌手在比赛中尊重他人,并且表示某些行为是不被接受的。尽管违规的标题中包含“轻微”,这仍然是一个正式的违规,并且有可能升级。不要因“轻微”忘记我们要非常严肃地对待此类违规。然而,也要注意不要过度解读牌手的行动,而采取最极端的定义。\\ A player failing to follow a judge's direct instruction is also disruptive; perhaps to the tournament or to the Judges themselves. When a judge tells a player to do something, it is for the good of the event or to enforce a specific policy concern or tournament rule. We don't tell players to change their behavior for the fun of it, or to exercise our authority. Keep in mind there is a reasonable limit to what you can instruct a player to do. We don't tell them "Go stand in the rain for 20 min", but we will tell them "Quit shuffling in your lap." \\ 牌手没有听从裁判的直接指示也是干扰行为。这可能是对比赛的干扰,也可能是对裁判的。当一位裁判告诉牌手去做某事时,这是为了比赛的利益或者是执行某个方针或比赛规则。我们不会只为了找乐子或者耍威风而告诉牌手去改变他们的行为。注意,对于什么是裁判能够指示牌手做的,这里有一个合理的限制。例如,我们不能告诉牌手“去雨里站20分钟”,但我们会告诉他们不要在腿上洗牌。\\ Finally, if the disruptive behavior is neither Unsporting Conduct — Major nor Unsporting Conduct — Aggressive Behavior, then it is Unsporting Conduct—Minor.\\ 最后,如果干扰行为既不能归类为举止违背运动道德~严重,也不能归类为举止违背运动道德~攻击性行为,那么它就是举止违背运动道德~轻微。\\ ++ ++这可能会妨碍到该人周遭的舒适气氛,不过是否造成妨碍并非判定的必要条件。|\\ This sentence is included in the IPG because judges can’t have personal knowledge of all participants in the venue; it is not important to find out if there actually is a person that is actually being disturbed by the disruptive action for the penalty to apply, and we don’t have to look for such a person. However, the converse is actually true as well. Some people can be offended or upset by items below a reasonable threshold for this infraction. For example, in a sealed event, a player may be upset by the unaltered artwork on Triumph of Ferocity; this does not mean the player using the card should get a warning, or even have to change the card.\\ IPG包含这句话是因为裁判不可能认识比赛中的每一位参与者。找出是否确实有人受到了干扰性行为的不良影响并不重要,并且我们也没有必要去找到这个人。对于上面这句话而言,反过来的情形也是如此。一些人可能会被不足以判定为此违规的事物所冒犯、或感到不爽。举例来说,在一场现开赛中,牌手可能会因为对手使用的狂野得胜这张牌的原画而感到不爽,但这并不表示使用这张牌的牌手应该得到一个警告,或者必须更换这张牌。\\ ++ ===== EXAMPLES 范例 ===== **A. A player uses excessively vulgar and profane language.**\\ **A. 牌手使用过度粗俗不雅的言语。**\\ **B. A player inappropriately demands to a judge that their opponent receive a penalty.**\\ **B. 牌手无理地要求裁判去处罚其对手。**\\ **C. A player appeals to the Head Judge before waiting for the floor judge to issue a ruling.**\\ **C. 牌手在巡场裁判作出判罚之前就上诉至主审。**\\ **D. A player throws their deck on the ground after losing a game.**\\ **D. 牌手在输掉游戏后将套牌摔向地面。**\\ **E. A player leaves excessive trash in the play area after leaving the table.**\\ **E. 牌手离开座位时将过多的垃圾留在游戏区域。**\\ **F. A player fails to follow the request of a tournament official to leave the play area.**\\ ++F. 牌手未遵从比赛工作人员的要求,例如请离比赛区域。|\\ These examples give a view of what types of behavior are unacceptable. However, remember that the line between Unsporting Conduct – Minor and normal competitive behavior is understandably gray, as regional customs and standards of behavior vary widely. Additionally, as discussed in section 4.0, a lack of sporting behavior is not the same thing as unsporting behavior. There are a wide range of behaviors that, while not sporting, do not fall under this infraction. For example, refusing to shake an opponent’s hand after a match does not fall under this infraction. When evaluating a situation for Unsporting Conduct – Minor, go back to the definition: did the player take an action that is disruptive?\\ 这些例子给我们树立了一个概念,告诉我们哪些行为是不可接受的。但是,要记住举止违背运动道德~轻微和正常的竞争性行为之间的界限是模糊的,因为区域性习俗与行为标准相差很大。此外,如同我们在4.0节中讨论过的,缺乏运动家精神与举止违背运动道德并不能混为一谈。有很多行为虽然没什么运动家精神可言,也不属于这个违规的范畴。例如,在赛后拒绝与对手握手并不属于这项违规。当我们评估某个情况是否属于举止违背运动道德~轻微,我们应该遵从定义:牌手的行为是否产生了干扰?\\ ++ ===== PHILOSOPHY 原则 ===== **All participants should expect a safe and enjoyable environment at a tournament, and a player needs to be made aware if their behavior is unacceptable so that this environment may be maintained.**\\ ++所有参赛者都该享有一个安全且舒适的赛场环境,牌手在做出不被接受的行为时就要给于处罚,如此才能维护赛场环境。|\\ Unfortunately, not everyone you meet at a tournament is going to have an understanding of basic respect and courtesy. Judges, by stepping in and giving a penalty, are showing the players that certain behaviors are not acceptable. When issuing this penalty, be sure to explain the correct behavior. Education is the most important factor here. The warning is to reinforce the lesson, and to provide documentation if the infraction needs to be upgraded.\\ 不幸的是,并非每一个你在比赛中遇到的人都能够理解基本的尊重和礼貌。裁判通过介入并给予判罚,能够向牌手表明其行为是不被接受的。给予此判罚时,请务必解释什么是恰当的行为。教育是最重要的。警告是用于加强教育的,并在违规行为需要被升级时提供判罚记录。\\ Wearing offensive clothing does not generally fall under this infraction. Wearing clothing is a passive activity, and as such only the most extreme lapses in judgement should be considered for this infraction. Unsporting Conduct – Minor applies either for specific actions or for the failure to perform specific actions. When an article of clothing is deemed reasonably offensive, simply ask the player to remove the shirt/cover it up/turn it inside out, and issue no penalty. Apply the infraction only if the player fails to comply with your directions.\\ 穿着冒犯性的服装通常不属于此违规的范畴。服装一般是被动行为,并且只有最极端的过失才会被考虑适用此判罚。举止违背运动道德~轻微适用于某些行为或者不执行某些行为。如果你认为牌手穿的某件衣物足以构成冒犯,请简单地要求牌手脱去外衣/覆盖/翻过来穿它,且无须给出判罚。只有牌手不遵从裁判的指导时才考虑给出警告判罚。\\ With regard to the directed instructions, judges have a lot of authority in an event. When a judge directly instructs a player to perform an action, this infraction gives the judge the authority to enforce compliance. This doesn’t mean judges can abuse this authority; when judges give direct instructions, it must be for the benefit of the tournament.\\ 说到直接指示,裁判在比赛拥有很多权力。当裁判直接指示一位牌手进行某个动作时,此违规给予裁判让牌手服从的权力。这并不表示裁判可以滥用权力。当裁判进行直接指示时,这必须是为了比赛的利益。\\ ++ ===== ADDITIONAL REMEDY 进一步的修正 ===== **The player must correct the problem immediately. Subsequent Unsporting Conduct — Minor infractions, even for different offenses, will result in a Game Loss. If a Game Loss is issued for repeated infractions, and it occurs at the end of a game, it is acceptable for the judge to apply the penalty to the next game instead.**\\ ++该牌手必须立即更正问题。|\\ A player who commits Unsporting Conduct must be educated that their behavior is not acceptable. Regardless of whether or not the player understands how the behavior is unacceptable, they are expected to stop.\\ 举止违背运动道德牌手必须接受教育——他的行为是不被接受的。不管他们是否能理解为什么他们的行为不被接受,我们期望他们不要继续这样做。\\ ++ ++再次犯下举止违背运动道德~轻微,会导致一盘负;即使是不同类型的违犯也一样。|\\ Subsequent USC-Minor infractions are penalized with a game loss. This is to reinforce the importance of maintaining an open and welcoming environment. Note that this infraction is upgraded even if the second infraction is unrelated to the previous infraction. Keep in mind this is also relevant for direct instructions. If a judge gives a player a direct instruction to not perform an action, and the player still does, the player will get a warning for USC-Minor. Continuing to do so after the first infraction will result in a game loss.\\ 后续的举止违背运动道德~轻微将得到一盘负处罚。这是为了强调保持一个开放而友好的环境之重要性。注意,即使第二次违规是因为一件和之前的违规无关的事情,这一违规也是会升级的。注意这与你的直接指示也是有关联的。如果你给一个牌手直接指示,要求他们不要做出某些行为,但他还是做了,他便会因为举止违背运动道德~轻微得到一个警告。如果他继续这么做,我们就升级判罚。\\ ++ ++如果因为累犯而给予一盘负,且是在发生在一盘游戏结束时,裁判可以改为在下一盘才让处罚生效。|\\ The reason for this difference in philosophy is simple. Unlike most other infractions, it’s possible for a player to commit Unsporting Conduct- Minor after a match has already ended, but before the players have left the table. If a player has already recorded a match loss through the normal course of play, but still manages to commit this error during that same round, applying the Game Loss immediately may fail to have the intended impact on the player, and probably won’t help illustrate that their actions were unacceptable.\\ 这样做的原则其实非常简单。与大多数其他违规不同,牌手可能会在一局游戏结束之后,但双方牌手还未离开对局桌前时犯下举止违背运动道德~轻微。如果牌手这一局因为正常比赛已经输掉了,却仍在这一轮犯下了这个违规,立即给予牌手一盘负可能无法让判罚起到我们想要的效果,对于教育该牌手其行为之不可接受性也无所助益。\\ If you want a deeper knowledge about Unsporting Conduct you can read this Unsporting Conduct Article: http://www.wizards.com/magic/magazine/article.aspx?x=judge/article/20090810a\\ 如果你需要更深入地了解举止违背运动道德,你可以阅读下面这篇文章:http://www.wizards.com/magic/magazine/article.aspx?x=judge/article/20090810a\\ ++ [[:IPG:4|4. 举止违背运动道德]] | [[:IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:IPG:4.2|4.2. 举止违背运动道德~严重]] {{page>:规则和文档索引&nofooter}}