[[:IPG:3.9|3.9. 比赛失误~未充分洗牌]] | [[:IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:IPG:4.1|4.1. 举止违背运动道德~轻微]] ====== 4.0 Unsporting Conduct 举止违背运动道德 ====== **Unsporting conduct is disruptive behavior that may affect the safety, competitiveness, enjoyment, or integrity of a tournament in a significantly negative fashion.**\\ ++举止违背运动道德是具干扰性的行为,可能会对比赛的安全、竞争性、乐趣或公平性有严重的负面影响。|\\ This is a general definition of what constitutes “Unsporting Conduct”, and it’s pretty broad. Some of you might think it covers a lot more stuff than you would have expected - but bear in mind that all these things are vital in to the provision of a good tournament experience. As judges we need to be watchful for things that can create negative experiences for players, and deal with them as appropriate.\\ 这是“举止违背运动道德”的一般定义。这个定义相当广泛。有些人可能会认为它覆盖了很多你可能不会预期会遇到的情况,但是请牢记这些方针的存在对于保持良好的比赛体验是至关重要的。作为裁判,我们需要警惕这些可能对牌手产生负面体验的情况,并恰当的处理它们。\\ ++ **Unsporting behavior is not the same as a lack of sporting behavior. There is a wide middle ground of “competitive” behavior that is certainly neither “nice” nor “sporting” but still doesn’t qualify as “unsporting.” The Head Judge is the final arbiter on what constitutes unsporting conduct.**\\ ++举止违背运动道德和缺乏运动家精神并不一样。“竞争性”的行为有很多的灰色地带,它们确实不“友好”,也非“具有运动家精神”,但也不能算是“举止违背运动道德”。|\\ It’s important to make this clarification. If a player is not being nice to you, that doesn’t necessarily mean he or she is being unsporting. For example, you are not required to say “Good game” after getting crushed, you don’t have to shake hands, your opponent doesn’t have to tell you exactly what a card does, etc. None of these things constitute Unsporting Conduct. A player is allowed to have his or her "game face” on.\\ 澄清这一点是重要的。如果一个牌手并没有表现的很友好,这并不一定表示他违背运动道德。举例来说,我们不能指望牌手在被对手完虐之后说“精彩的比赛”,握手也不是必须的,对手没必要准确地告诉你一张牌能做什么,等等。这些情况都不是举止违背运动道德。我们应当允许牌手在比赛中换上他的竞赛面孔。\\ ++ ++主审是判定举止是否举止违背运动道德的最终仲裁者。|\\ A Floor Judge can decide to issue an Unsporting Conduct penalty, but players may appeal this ruling. Just as with many other sections of this document, the Head Judge is the final authority when it comes to determining whether something is Unsporting Conduct. It is also necessary to get the Head Judge’s agreement/approval prior to giving any infraction with a penalty of Game Loss or higher, and if it’s a Disqualification, the Head Judge should be the one giving it.\\ 巡场裁判可以决定给出一个举止违背运动道德的判罚,但是牌手可以上诉。与这份文件的许多其他部分相同,主审拥有判定是否举止违背运动道德的最终权限。巡场裁判在给予任何违规为一盘负或更严厉的处罚时,获得主审的授权或同意也是必要的。而取消资格的判罚则必须由主审给出。\\ ++ **Judges should inform the player how their conduct is disruptive. The player is expected to correct the situation and behavior immediately. However, while making sure that the player understands the severity of their actions is important, judges should focus first on calming a situation, and deal with infractions and penalties afterwards.**\\ ++裁判必须告知该牌手,其举止会如何对他人造成干扰。该牌手必须立刻改正状况和行为。但是,在确定该牌手已了解其行为的严重性之同时,裁判应该先设法冷静当前局势,之后才去判定违规与处罚。|\\ Sometimes players do not notice that their behavior is being disruptive to the event. They are wrapped up in their own concerns, so the judges have to let them know that what they are doing is causing a problem. After being told, the player should immediately correct his or her actions. However, in order to prevent situations from escalating, the primary focus of judges should be to get the situation under control. Basically, if you have a player who is angry, giving him or her a penalty at that moment will probably make things worse. Get control of the situation, and then worry about infractions.\\ 有时牌手并没有注意到他们的行为对比赛会产生干扰。他们的注意力完全集中于自己的事情,所以裁判应当让牌手知道他/她做了什么事情导致了问题。在被告知后,牌手应当立刻纠正他/她的行为。然后,为了防止事态升级,裁判首先要注意控制当前场面。基本上来说,如果立刻给予一个愤怒的牌手判罚将有可能会让情况变得更糟。先控制事态,然后考虑违规行为。\\ ++ [[:IPG:3.9|3.9. 比赛失误~未充分洗牌]] | [[:IPG|返回IPG目录]] | [[:IPG:4.1|4.1. 举止违背运动道德~轻微]] {{page>:规则和文档索引&nofooter}}